#abc online
dykeyangel · 24 days
real gay men in real life: buck and tommy both presenting as masculine, muscular men developing an intimate and vulnerable relationship that doesn't shy away from sexuality but instead embraces it proudly and without fear means a lot for representation. it's a good thing that these two have a realistic gay relationship that is both romantic and sexual, where they both feel they are able to openly make jokes and flirt with each other as this accurately depicts my experience as a gay man. as well, seeing non-queer men describe this relationship as bummy is very offensive and in my opinion homophobic and is incredibly tone deaf as it sounds eerily similar to gay slurs targeted at gay men to mock their sexuality. utilizing this homophobic speech is not productive and is way more harmful than you realize. please stop.
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fruitydiaz · 2 months
buck and eddie | if now was then
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911bts · 7 days
Ryan confirmed today that filming starts in 4 weeks
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buddiesmutslut · 2 months
Can we be real, for a second?
People aren’t pissed bc a Buddie scene was cut during the Madney wedding episode.
People are pissed that the team used an entire scene to draw people into that episode & THEN dropped, through an actor interview a day before release, that it was cut.
They’ve been treating the song they were supposed to be singing like a state secret. Oliver was talking WEEKS ago about this episode and doing “one of the scariest things he’d ever done” on the show about the karaoke. There was subtext there & stuff in the bachelor party that was hinting more with the storyline Eddie is on.
For the last 3 weeks, they’ve been using THAT SCENE in every promo & teaser & interview to keep fans interested, and THAT’S why people are pissed.
We all know that e6 is about Madney, nobody is disputing that.
The promo team hasn’t done a very thorough job of showing us that though. They’ve showed us Buck & Eddie, & now they’re cutting (at least, inferring from what we’ve heard by the people who have already seen it) a substantial amount of that out.
THAT is why people are upset. If they hadn’t been making such a big deal about this scene being in the episode, it wouldn’t be such a big deal now that it’s been cut out.
Tell me you don’t understand context without TELLING ME you don’t understand context 🙄
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perfectlysunny02 · 2 months
The fact that some Buddie fans think Buck and Eddie should cheat respectively on Tommy and Marisol and get together makes me so upset. I find it so weird.
First of all, cheating is gross. It’s gross. The ends to NOT justify the means here. I don’t care if you don’t ship Tuck or you don’t ship Eddie and Marisol, I don’t care. The ends do not justify the means. and if someone you knew had ended up cheating, you’d be upset. Don’t be weird.
Second, Buddie deserves a better start than that. Buddie deserves better after five seasons than a drunk, cheating hook up. We deserve better than having both Eddie and Buck cheat on their respective partners and be like oh well we cheated so let’s get together!
Can y’all just let this QUEER relationship breathe without coming up with ways to ruin Tuck and Buddie? Like please.
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poughkeepsies · 4 months
now that we know we're getting buck and chris scenes in ep 1 and the still with them is probably from those scenes I'm absolutely convinced the still with eddie's hand on buck's shoulder is him asking buck to babysit for his first date with marisol which makes me feel even more insane about the dejected/tense vibe of that buck and chris still
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riemmetric · 15 days
My only 911 season 8 prediction is that Captain Gerrard will end up in a situation where his life is in danger during a call and the team decides to save him even though he's hurt them so much. We'll have the "we don't get to decide who lives and who dies" speech from one of the characters and, depending on how much the writers want to lean into Gerrard's evilness, he either dies despite the team's best efforts, or lives and thanks them through gritted teeth. Tumblr will be, of course, in shambles over this, constantly discoursing about people being irredeemable. "If I were in their situation I would never forgive him" posts for weeks.
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buckxtommy · 2 months
im not joking when i tell you 911twt is worse than the 7th chamber of hell and i'd want nothing more than to deactivate however lou is on that goddamn app and i can't leave him alone among this flock of vultures that is the 911 fandom
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buckleysunday · 3 months
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how i’m feeling walking around all day
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bibellebibuck · 2 months
I think it would be really funny if we all collectively decided not to react at all when if Buddie goes canon
Like, nobody freaks out, celebrates, nothing. We just.. talk about the episode but skirt around the fact that buddie went canon. Let it pass over like a gentle breeze to freak Tim and the cast out.
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zenon-karr · 2 months
POV you’re buddie and you find out on Chim’s phone your drunk karaoke video went viral and you called it ‘Buddie- What I like About You:
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graycious-tea · 3 months
911 season 7 has awakened me from my slumber I’m back on my bullshit on this hellsite
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genderstudiessam · 1 year
remember when the director of twilight made a gay crime drama i remember eyewitness usa even if y’all have forgot
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islawonders · 2 months
“Oh but buddie shippers are -”
“Bucktommy shippers tho-”
Have you considered that this isn’t a one ship specific problem but actually a symptom of a wider issue within fandom spaces as a whole?
Or am I the crazy one?
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karenandhenwillson · 1 month
Every time I see someone complaining "Oh, everyone abandoned Eddie over Bucktommy and Tommy" I raise my brows and ask myself how the Bobs get there. But then I think to myself that this is clearly what they would have to do to be receptive to Bucktommy, or really Buck with any other man than Eddie.
For some people, both Buck and Eddie exist only together and only if they are romantically involved. And I fully believe everyone who claims Eddie has been abandoned by fandom is part of that group. They say this because they would have to abandon Eddie in their heads if they entertained another relationship for Buck. 
It's not about Eddie at all for them. They care for Eddie as much as they care for Buck, and that is none at all. They only care for their ship, and to see their two chosen man kiss. So, every single of their accusations against people enjoying the canon queer ship we recently got is them taking what they feel about their own ship and projecting it on others. Because deep down they know it's bullshit to reduce the characters to one single relationship with each other and make everything else only worth anything if it's in the end about their ship. 
So in their hate and desperation to see their fantasies destroyed, they take this problematic behavior of themselves that they are very well aware of and project it on others in an attempt to invalidate people who enjoy the canon representation we are given at the moment. And they don't notice that all they accomplish to make a fool out of themselves.
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whineandcheese24 · 22 days
it's so insane to me how mad people are getting over a daddy issues joke. like I personally don't really read explicit fanfiction often, especially for live-action tv shows (feels too close to rpf for me), and when I do, it's usually the more vanilla stuff. I don't like to think much about bucktommy's (or other couples on other shows) sex life beyond what's shown on screen because it just makes me a bit uncomfy. But just because I don't like thinking about them having sex doesn't mean they can't or shouldn't have sex, or that other people can't enjoy explicit fanfiction/headcanons. And I'm saying this as someone who is definitely on the younger side of the fandom, people have sex, people have kinky sex, a person's personal history and sexuality factors into what they enjoy during sex, and it will not be the same for every person. But it's genuinely just so easy to not think about. Yeah, sometimes I'm caught off guard by something raunchy on a tag or a user I follow, but then I just scroll away?
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