#about arlyn
adeadlysong · 2 days
OOC: I realize that I never specified if specific muses have their own rooms in Melodia Castle, so here's a quick explanation:
Tahirah has her own room to sleep in, and a separate office to work in.
Arlyn & Nuriel share a room despite not being married since they have their own. But they also have their own smaller, designated rooms for crashing in just in case they're in and out of the castle and coming back late.
Rafaele has his own room (and has his own hidden room elsewhere, shhh no one should know about it).
Lukas has his own room, technically, but he also made a room for himself in the actual stables. This way he has much closer access to the horses. Some of the other stablehands found it a little weird but didn't question it since they figured "he's head stablehand, he's just married to his job."
Quinn and the knights of Melodia Castle have their own quarters. Quinn, as captain of the knights, has her own room. Other knights will usually be roommates with each other, and same goes for castle guards and other troops.
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listen sexy flirty charisma based characters are certainly fun to play, but there’s something so satisfying about playing a high cha character as “so earnest and genuine other people can’t help but listen”
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asharinhun · 1 year
💰 What is the most expensive thing they own?
"Probably my flat in Boralus." Arlyn huffed a short reply, clearly not in the mood for big conversations. "Why do you care anyway?"
Thanks @damien-ward
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winchesterwild78 · 2 months
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A Short Story
Characters: Jensen x Reader, Steve Carlson, Abby-Org Char
Warnings: None, just fluff
A/N: This is just a short story I came up with while listening to Radio Company today. The timeline for this story is before Jensen and Steve released their first Radio Company album. Inner dialogue in italics. This is a work of fiction, not a reflection of real life. Jensen is single in this story. No disrespect to anyone. 
This is my own work, please do not take it or copy it without my permission. I wrote it fast and edited it fast. Please overlook any errors. 
Minors DNI 16+
Here you were, your first day at Arlyn Studios in Austin Texas. You hadn’t been in Texas long, but you were excited to have found a job so quickly. Your cousin knows the owner and told you they were looking for someone to help out around the studio doing odd jobs like answering the phone, helping the talent, cleaning the studio, etc. 
You interviewed and a few hours later you got the call with the job offer. The hours varied, the pay was amazing, plus you got to be around music and musicians all day. So, here you were ready to start the day. You were shown around the studio, given your badge and key, introduced to the other staff and given your agenda for the day. 
Your day started with making sure the studio was ready for the next band coming in. This included making coffee, cleaning the equipment and being available for whatever was needed. You started the coffee and went about cleaning the equipment. Standing in the vocal booth you started cleaning the microphones and stands. You had your headphones in and were singing and dancing while you cleaned. 
You didn’t notice the two men standing in the control room watching you. Continuing cleaning, you belted out song after song, swaying your hips to the beat. You looked at the time, figuring the band would be there soon and you decided to leave the room. You looked up and saw the two men standing there and you jumped, pulling your headphones from your ears.
“Oh my God! I didn’t know anyone was standing there. I’m so sorry.” You blushed with embarrassment. The two men chuckled. The one closest to you, you could see clearly. He extended his hand, “Hello I’m Steve Carlson, and you are?” You cleared your throat, extended your hand, “Oh, I’m Y/N. I just started today. I am so sorry Mr. Carlson, I thought you wouldn’t be here for at least another 10 minutes. I’ll grab your coffee.” “Please, call me Steve, and you’re fine. You have a very beautiful voice, and some pretty sick dance moves.” He smiled at you and you hung your head blushing. 
“Well, Steve, thank you, but I should get out of your way.” You noticed the other man standing off to the side, but his back was to you. He didn’t speak to you, but there was something familiar about him. You walked out of the room and went to grab two coffees. Abby came up to you and had a huge smile on her face.
“Abby, what’s wrong with you? You look like the cat that just ate the canary.” She giggled “I saw you just leave the studio with Steve Carlson, do you know who’s in there with him?” “No, I didn’t get a good look at him. Who is it?” “Oh my god, Y/N, it’s Jensen Ackles! You know the actor.”
“What? No way, why is he here?” “Apparently he and Steve are good friends and they started a band. They are here to record some of their songs.” “Oh wow, that’s awesome. Well I better get this coffee in there. Bye, Abby, see you later.”
Is Abby right? Is that really THE Jensen Ackles in there? You walked back in the studio to give Steve and the mystery man their coffee. You handed Steve his and he thanked you. “Hey, Jens man, coffee is here.” The mystery man turned around and you came face to face with the gorgeous green eyed man. It was Jensen Ackles. You thought you would faint. He reached for the coffee and his fingers brushed against yours. Sending a jolt of electricity through your skin. “Thank you, darlin’. Y/N, was it?” “Um, yes. Um, hi, and you’re Jensen Ackles.”
He smiled and nodded, “Last time I checked I was. It’s nice to meet you, and Steve was right, you do have a beautiful voice. I hope I can hear it again soon.” Your cheeks filled with heat and you blushed. 
You nodded sheepishly. “Um, do y’all need anything else right now?” “Nope, we’re good. Why don’t you have a seat here in the control room in case we need anything else.” Jensen said. You smiled “Sure, I need to let Abby know I’ll be in here, but I’ll be back.” Jensen nodded and you left the room.
“Dude, what’s wrong with you? You’re acting like a teenager.” Steve laughed at Jensen. Jensen ran his hands through his hair and smiled. “Nothing man, what are you talking about?” “Oh I don’t know, maybe the way you’re fawning over Y/N.” “I’m just being nice, man. She seems sweet and she’s new. I wanted her to feel welcomed.” “Uh huh, sure, Jens. Whatever you say.” Steve chuckled. 
You walked back in the control room with snacks and set them down. “I brought some snacks for you guys in case you got hungry.” “That’s really sweet of you, thanks Y/N.” Steve said, smirking at Jensen. 
Jensen shook his head, laughing and walked into the vocal booth to get set up for the song he was about to sing. You sat down on the couch behind Steve and watched Jensen get ready to sing. “Okay, Jens, go ahead and sing “Drowning”. Take it from the top and we will do one run through.” Jensen nodded and a melody started playing. You weren’t prepared for his voice when he started singing. 
Your jaw fell and you gasped. Steve turned around, looking at you and smiled. “He sounds good, doesn’t he, Y/N?” You nodded yes. You watched Jensen intently as he sang each word. Chills ran through your body as each cord played and Jensen’s silky voice filled the air. You nervously shifted in your seat and bit your lip.
What was this man doing to you? His voice was like an angel and he was the most gorgeous man you’d ever seen. You’d been a fan for years, and lord knows what you’d do with and to him, given the chance. Lost in thought you didn’t realize the song had ended and Jensen was now in the control room. 
“So, Y/N, what did you think? Jensen asked as he sat beside you. Startled out of your thoughts you turned and looked at him. “Oh, um, yeah. That was incredible Jensen. I didn’t know you could sing like that.” A crimson hue rushed over your cheeks. He touched your hand “Thank you. That’s really nice of you.”
Steve cleared his throat, you and Jensen looked over at him and you smiled. “Well it’s my turn, Jensen I’m going to go sing my backup part for the song. Are you good?” Jensen nodded and sat at the control panel. Steve leaned over and whispered something in Jensen’s ear and looked over at you. 
It made you nervous but you tried to act like it didn’t. As Steve walked into the vocal booth, Jensen turned and looked at you. “Hey, Y/N, why don’t you come sit next to me and see how all this works.” He motioned to the control panel. You nodded enthusiastically. 
Taking a seat next to Jensen you looked in the vocal room and saw Steve. He smiled and waved. Jensen chuckled and you laughed. “He’s a big kid. We’ve been friends for years, and he is always so fun to be around.” “I can see that.” You smiled. You saw out of the corner of your eye Jensen was staring at you. You turned and looked at him, making eye contact and both of you turned and blushed. 
You smiled and could feel butterflies in your stomach. Suddenly you got very nervous and needed to leave the room. “Um, I’ll be right back.” You said as you stood up to leave. Jensen turned and looked at you, with concern filling his eyes. Did I freak her out by staring at her? Damnit, Jensen. She probably thinks you’re a creep. I need to focus on this album. I can’t let my mind wander, but there’s something about her. She’s got the most gorgeous smile, and her eyes are so beautiful. I bet she’s seeing someone. Ugh!
“Um, hello. Earth to Jensen. Did you hear me man?” Steve called from inside the booth. Jensen flipped the switch to talk to Steve. “Yeah, sorry man. What’s up?” “You okay Jensen? You seem distracted?” “Yeah, I’m okay.” Jensen ran his hand through his hair. Steve came back into the control room and sat in the chair beside Jensen. 
“Come on man, spill it. I’ve known you for years. I know when something is bothering you.” “I don’t know, Steve. Y/N was sitting beside me and I couldn’t help but stare at her. She got up and left. I think I creeped her out.” “Maybe you should go find her and explain to her why you were staring at her.” “The problem is, I’m not even sure why I was staring at her. I don’t blame her for being creeped out.” 
“Oh come on, Jens. You really don’t know why you were staring at her? A blind man could see why. You feel something, a spark, maybe.” “Dude, I just met her. I mean yeah she’s attractive, and has a beautiful voice, but what am I going to say to her? Hey, Y/N, I know we just met but I’d like to take you out sometime. Sorry for being creepy and staring.” “YES! Exactly that! Now go find her and talk to her.”
You were standing in the break room trying to steady your breath. You couldn’t help but feel attracted to him. I mean, who wouldn’t be attracted to him. You had followed his career and his life, and the last you heard he was dating someone. You thought they had gotten engaged, and you were not about to be the other woman. It wasn’t fair to her or you. Besides, he was just being his sweet self. He didn’t and wouldn’t want you. You took a deep breath, get yourself together girl. If you want to keep this job you have to push your starstruck thoughts to the side. You took another breath and slowly blew it out. Coming out of the breakroom, you were looking down and not paying attention and you ran into someone. “Oh my goodness I am so sorry.” You looked up and came face to face with Jensen. 
He smelled amazing and his body gave off so much heat. Your heart was pounding so fast you could hear it in your ears. “Hey, Y/N, it’s okay. It happens.” He flashed a killer smile. “Thanks Jensen, I was on my way back. Sorry I disappeared. Do you need anything?”
“Actually, yes. I was wondering if I could talk to you.” You swallowed hard, “yeah, um let’s go to this office.” You pointed to an unoccupied office. When you both walked in, Jensen closed the door. Your heart rate picked up. As you turned around to face him he was closer to you. You inhaled his cologne again and you felt dizzy. 
“So, what did you need to talk to me about?” You asked as you looked in his eyes. “I wanted to apologize to you. I hope I didn’t make you uncomfortable by staring at you. I really wasn’t trying to be creepy.” You felt a surge of courage and you took his hand. “Jensen, you have nothing to apologize for. I wasn’t creeped out and you didn’t make me feel uncomfortable.” You smiled softly and let his hand go. 
“Well can I ask why you left so abruptly?” You sat down on the sofa in the office and took a deep breath. You patted the cushion beside you and Jensen sat down. He turned towards you. “I liked you staring at me. It made me feel something I haven’t in a long time. I left because I didn’t want to cross a line I knew I would if I stayed in there. I’m sorry, Jensen. I know you’re engaged and I don’t want to make this awkward. I can keep it professional, I promise. I’m sorry.” You finally took a breath.
Jensen took your hand and your breath hitched. “Y/N, I’m not engaged. I’m not with anyone. We broke up almost a year ago.” Your eyes went wide. “Oh, Jensen, I’m so sorry. I didn’t know.” You squeezed his hand. “It’s okay. We are better friends anyway. I am glad I didn’t make you uncomfortable. So would you like to come back in the room with me? I’d love to hear what you think about the songs for our first album.”
“I’d really like to go back there. I love hearing you sing.” You and Jensen looked in each other’s eyes and you both started to lean forward. As Jensen got close to your lips you could feel his hot breath mingle with yours. “Is this okay, Y/N?” You shook your head “yes” and Jensen’s lips landed on yours in a soft kiss. 
A surge of electricity and courage ran through your body. You moved your hands to his head and his hands went in your hair, pulling you closer. His tongue licked your lips asking for permission and you opened your mouth. He deepened the kiss and you moaned in his mouth. You felt excitement surge through your body. 
Just then the office door opened, you and Jensen pulled apart. “Oh, I’m sorry I didn’t realize anyone was in here.” You were blushing and looked down as Jensen told them it was okay. When the door closed Jensen lifted your face and smiled at you. “That was amazing, Y/N.” You smiled and nodded. “Come on, let's get back in the studio. I have some work to do.” Jensen took your hand. 
You hesitated and stopped. Jensen stopped and looked at you. “What’s wrong?” “Um, that kiss was amazing. I just think we shouldn’t hold hands right now. It’s my first day on the job and I don’t want anyone thinking I took this job to hook up with singers or celebrities.” You nervously shifted and bit your lip. Jensen stepped closer to you, using his thumb to pull your lip out of your teeth. He leaned in and kissed your lips softly “I understand, and that makes sense. We’ll keep this between us for now.” You smiled and nodded.
The two of you walked out and back to the control room. Steve looked at you two and smiled, then nodded. 
The rest of the day went pretty quickly. You and Jensen exchanged numbers and agreed to keep this, whatever it was, between the two of you for now. 
Over the next few weeks you found yourself getting to the studio early to make sure everything was ready for Jensen and his band. It also helped that Jensen got there early too, so he could help you. The real reason Jensen got there early was so he could steal a kiss here and there as you got things ready. He’d help, but he was really good at distracting you. After about two months of meeting early, Steve came in earlier than expected and caught you and Jensen making out on the couch. 
“It’s about damn time, Jensen.” Steve chuckled. You blushed and pulled your shirt down. Jensen laughed and helped you up. He kissed your forehead as you got up to leave the room. 
“So, Jensen, how long has this been going on? I mean I’m really happy for you, but dude, you kept this from me?” “Yeah, sorry. We decided to keep it between us for a while. We kissed that first day here. It was amazing. I’ll go public whenever she’s ready. Right now I’m happy with just us knowing.” “That’s great, man. I really am happy for you two. She seems really sweet.”
Jensen smiled and shook his head, “yeah, she’s great. I can really see a future with her.” You walked back in the control room with the coffee and snacks. Jensen was sitting on the couch and pulled you onto his lap. You squealed and laughed. “Jensen, what are you doing?” You smiled. “Just pulling my girlfriend on my lap.” You leaned back and looked at him “your girlfriend?” “Well, I mean if you want to be. I want to make it official. I’d really like it if you'd consider being my girlfriend.” You smiled, blushed and looked in his green eyes. “Jensen, I’d love nothing more than to be your girlfriend.” You kissed his lips softly. 
Jensen deepened the kiss and Steve yelled “get a room” from the vocal booth. You hid your red face in Jensen’s chest and he laughed. “Oh, we plan on it later, don’t we sweetheart.” You turned a darker shade of red and bit your lip. 
Jensen kissed you again “You’re adorable when you blush, you know that.” “So are you, Jens.” “Now, how about I serenade my beautiful girlfriend with a song off the album.” You smiled and nodded “Yes, I’d love for my handsome boyfriend to serenade me.” He kissed you again, got up and started to sing.
Tags: @nescaveckdaily  @kr804573 @k-slla @jackles010378 @jawritter
@xx-spooky-little-vampire-xx @roseblue373 @cheynovak @jassackles  @chriszgirl92
@suckitands33 @arcannaa @n-o-p-e-never @ladysparkles78 @smoothdogsgirl
@hobby27 @manicjk @stoneyggirl2 @1-read-the-hobbit-in-1937
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vivid-but-vague · 2 months
Swallow Up Your Flames With Mine - Messmer
There’s not nearly enough Messmer fics out in the world, so here is my humble contribution.
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She had stumbled in unprepared. While she knew of Messmer based on the red-clad knights stationed around the castle, the Tarnished hadn't expected to happen across Messmer's throne so soon after relieving the accursed hippopotamus of his post. By the time she breached the throne room doors she was down to her final flask, still covered in the blood of the soldiers of the demigod sat before her, his lanky form sprawled across his throne while twisting serpents writhed behind him- from within it would seem.
No matter, she had come across much more greatly malformed demigods than he. Although one of his eyes remained closed, whether willfully or by the course of some affliction remained to be seen, she was certain she would not survive long enough to find out, his visible eye shone bright with the golden rune of Marika.
The red haired man, surrounded by tendrils of snakes and flames, was similar to the rest of the demigods in his immediate need to speak. She never had gotten a word out with the others, although, she found herself taking him Messmers form as though in some form of trance. She briefly wondered if St. Trina's magic was at play as the demigod's voice cut through the air over his crackling flames.
"Mother," he started, one visible eye sweeping over the Tarnished's form and lips curling in unveiled disgust.
"Would thou truly lordship sanction," his hand carefully wrapped around his spear as he pushed himself to his feet almost lazily, yet still with the grace one would expect of a child of a goddess, "in one so bereft of light?"
Arlyn barely had the time to contemplate drinking her final flask in an effort to quell the throbbing of her shoulder, let alone pull her sword from its sheath at her side, as Messmer shot into the air. She found herself willfully captivated as he conjured a sphere of wild flames around himself, and was neigh able to shake herself back to her senses as he came plummeting towards her.
She dodged his initial blow, but the flames still singed the ends of her hair as she stumbled backwards, hip and shoulder screaming in protest from having earlier narrowly avoided being eaten alive by the hippo. The Tarnished contemplated drinking her final flask as black dots danced across her vision in time with Messmer's flames, but the pain in her body and within her head made it far more tempting to acquiesce.
First attempts were all about learning patterns, but with her head spinning the Tarnished struggled to memorize much of anything, body sluggish and instinctively rolling away from initial blows only to be caught up in the remaining flames anyways.
She barely saw him charge forward, hand outstretched in a flurry of flame. The weapon dropped from her numbing hand as Messmer's fist encompassed her throat. Barely able to breathe through the smoke-laden air, her vision dimmed significantly as he hoisted her upon his flaming spear. The pain she would have expected to feel from the spear piercing her abdomen paled in comparison to the experience of staring closely into his singular open eye, glowing with the rune of Marika- the mother that betrayed and condemned him to such a place.
She faintly heard his words as he chastised her slowly fading body, but was too caught up in his eye to discern them. As she felt herself finally drifting away, the Tarnished reached a hand towards his angular cheek and mumbled one word with her final breath:
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sobfultoast · 6 months
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•~°* Forgotten Deals *°~•
Prompt: Headcannons on why they became a sorcerer.
Characters: Arcturus, Alpheratz, Pollux, Spica, Sirius, Vega.
To become a sorcerer/sorcereress, you must impress a constellation and have a dream that you cannot reach. With those two factors, a deal can be made. Gifted with the power to manipulate and influence mana, the chosen few can achieve their dream as long as they vow to protect the world of Bound Arlyn.
Unfortunately, they do not remember why they were chosen or the deal they made...
• ~ ° * ° ~ •
Arcturus probably impressed the constellation of Böötes with his need to help others before himself. He is constantly thinking about others. That selflessness will make a worthy protector.
Arcturus grew up in a big family of shepherds from the East. While his family aren't Sorcerers, the East belongs to the Fili Pfepers, the most caring group of sorcerers. All these facts align to make Arcky raised to be a passive and supportive person.
He gets anxious if he feels like he isn't being helpful, shown when the void possessed him. It trapped and manipulated him with his deepest fear. What was that? Not being a good person.
Arcky wanted to protect his family and those he loves. The want to be something heroic is what the constellation of Böötes agreed to. That was his deal. To have the power to be a saviour.
Alpheratz probably impressed the constellation of Andromeda with his natural skills and past. We do not know what Sirrah, the First Sorcerer of Pegasus, did to impress the constellation or what they were like, but what we do know is that power of a past has certainly affected Alpheratz' rebirth as he was naturally gifted. That natural power will make a worthy protector.
Alpheratz belongs to a family of respectable sorcerers. Those who belong in those families have a higher chance of becoming sorcerers because of how they are raised and born with more natural mana than the average citizens. Alpheratz never really wanted to be a sorcerer. He was more forced into the role.
When the constellations offered the deal, how could he say no when everyone in his life was pressuring that role upon him. Alpheratz made a deal for the power that allowed him to what others wanted from him.
Not as strong as his brother, Pollux was still able to impress the constellation of Gemini with his naive bond to his brother. Showing compassion will make a worthy protector.
Pollux wanted to be a sorcerer with his brother! Pollux supported his brother, and his brother supported him. Especially since they came from a poorer background from the center of the boundary, they only had eachother.
Pollux made a deal for the power to make his and his brother's dream come true.
Spica probably impressed the constellation of Virgo with his knowledge. Constantly trying to learn more, to be better. Wisdom will make a worthy protector.
Spica also came from a respectable family of sorcerers. I personally theorize that Spica came from a Queen Tet family as each part of the boundary seem to have a group they are linked to (East: Fili Pfepers, North: Kamargo, West: Tharval, South: Queen Tet, Center: Neutral ground for all of them). Spica seems not to like his father and has shown time and time again not liking Queen Tets, so I believe his father did something that changed Spica's view forever. He changed to become a Fili Pfeper.
He made a deal for the power to change himself, to better himself. To be nothing like his father and to be everything like his mother.
Being tossed to the side yet still finding people who will care for him had made Sirus insanely loyal. That loyalty impressed the pack mind of the Caine Major. Undying loyalty will make a worthy protector.
Sirus made a deal with the constellation to have the power to help Polaris. To be honest, Sirus can hardly remember what he was thinking weeks before making a deal with the constellation. He just wanted to help his kin who saved him.
Vega's resilience probably impressed the constellation of Lyra. From another world and lacking mana, Vega was still able to become a fearful warrior. Resilience will make a worthy protector.
We all know what Vega's deal was. He made a deal for the power to be able to see his friend again. The only person he had in Mid Earthuim.
While that power wasn't enough to let him see you when he made the deal, waiting for years, he now has the power to protect you.
•~°* Have a sweet day! *°~•
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pomegranateboba · 6 months
ArTw boys if they followed us back to Mid Earthium
Based on this undone prompt provided by @sleepytwilight
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Context: one of the gang somehow went to Mid Earthium with us (we dragged one of them there's no escape) now they are stuck with us til who knows when
Tw: Nothing too serious, Sirius being a red flag, its mostly crack I don't know how to write sad stuff
You found him in your kitchen on the ground, confused
"S-Summoner? What...where is this?"
"This is your house..??"
Poor baby was still confused even after you explained to him what happened.
Oh well, it just means he can know more about Mid Earthium culture (and the Summoner)
You both found out that your imprints with each other still work here (Arcturus was knitting at home and you summoned him to the florist to ask him which flowers looked better)
He found the crustiest animal shelter once and was absolutely horrified (You had to give therapy afterwards)
*in tears* "These poor things are sitting in their own waste-WHY IS THAT DOG BEING CRAMPED UP IN SUCH A SMALL CAGE"
You both came back home with your own personal petting zoo after that. (Let's assume our house is big enough)
He takes care of all the plants and animals in the house for you
Now your house is not only a petting zoo, but also a jungle. Yay.
He helps old ladies cross the street.
Literally the best housemate you could ever ask for.
He was amazed when you pointed out that he was an actual star in Mid Earthium.
The star Arcturus literally looks like him IT GLOWS ORANGE AJHSKHDKAKJGH
Very sweet.
*arcky appreciation*
You were in your nearby public library and saw Spica lecturing some kids about yelling in the library.
How Spica of him, you thought.
After bringing him home and explaining the situation to him, he was surprised to say the least.
At least now you would be by his side.
After 1 day your house now smells of coffee
Because he makes you coffee every morning (you drink it out of politeness and your love for Spica, despite the coffee being very bitter and like a 100 degrees Celsius)
Your house is also suddenly 10 times more organised
He has a considerable amount of free time now that he doesn't have to do work for the Guide Committee 25/7, so he can finally catch up on sleep.
And you can also bring him outside more
In which he gets major culture shock, because my dude used to like ballroom music and people articulating themselves in proper English (or whatever language I guess)
"Summoner, what does 'pogchamp' mean?"
Yeah. Time to teach this man about the internet.
I don't know about you, but I feel like Spica would fall for internet scams, because they don't have that stuff in Bound Arlyn (or maybe Spica just never used the internet.)
If you have any work to do, he will be watching very closely over your shoulder.
You try to teach this old man how to play online games and fail.
"...How do I know which team I'm on? How do I crouch?"
I think you should just let him read Mid Earthium books instead.
He is a very considerate housemate, doesn't really bother you unless you go bother him
He feels so weird not doing anything since he is overworked most of the time at Contell, please give him something to do.
Your imprints still worked, you summoned him from the living room to the bathroom because you were too short to fix a lightbulb (admit it you are short because so am I)
You found him on a bench, being questioned by the police whether he was some homeless guy or not.
You manage to bring him home and explain to him what was going on (I mean as if we know what's going on)
I feel like he would either be really surprised, or just not care.
His logic: No Spica nagging = good
He spends most of the time asleep on your couch or somewhere in the house, or maybe the backyard if you have one.
He honestly would not care less, but his mood would be better overall because no Spica, and also no Schedar.
So you may be able to convince him to do stuff (maybe)
Your imprints work pretty much fine, you were trying to figure out how to wake him up from his century long coma on the couch, so you went to your room and summoned him there
It worked yeah, but he just went back to sleep, but on your bed.
Ah well.
He would be more than happy to accompany you around though, because Spica isn't there to show up out of the blue.
He can reach the high shelves for you.
If you are shorter than him (me), he will tease you for being short, because Pollux isn't around.
"Give me back my phone."
"But can you reach it?"
"That's right. You can't. :)"
You hit his face with a pillow
You may have to do your chores on your own though, you could try asking Alpheratz and there is a 50/50 chance he would help you
He helps you get more sleep as well, it is stressful being the Summoner in Bound Arlyn after all.
You found him in a park. On a swing set. He was taped to it.
Somehow, you were not surprised.
Little boy was overjoyed to see you.
You tried to explain what was happening to the best of your ability
He was a little confused, but that was all forgotten when you offered to go out to explore with him.
You took him to 7eleven, where he got a shit ton of snacks, because who's gonna stop him, not you.
He was so excited to stay with you without anyone else.
He also ensured that you had to clean up some stuff because the bad luck be bad lucking.
Anyways, you made the mistake of introducing him to social media
Its too late now he has actual followers now
Ah well.
Get ready to do tens of hundreds of tiktok challenges
It just feels like a very Pollux thing to do
He runs around everywhere, he wants to see everything in Mid Earthium and then compare it to the boundary
"Wow, everything's so...bleak. I mean not you of course, you're really pretty-I MEAN YOU DIDN'T HEAR ANYTHING-"
Someone calm this tsundere down please he's feral
Would attempt to help out in the house, ends up giving up half way through
Your imprints work, you could not find Pollux anywhere in the house so you summoned him. Apparently he was hiding in the closet eating half the candy in the house
Loves dragging you around the place (he's adorable ahgjhgsajhg)
You both went back to Mid Earthium at the same time, together, so you both appeared back in your room
You were very enthusiastic about showing Vega around, BECUASE HE'S TECHNICALLY BACK HOME
Let's say you 2 lived in the same neighbourhood and you still live there now.
Bring on the nostalgia.
You showed him around all the places you used to go (according to Vega, since your memories of your time with Vega as a kid were non-existent)
Some changed, some didn't. Vega was really emotional after that (wait I didn't mean to put in all the feels no I'm not crying you are)
Vega would be either really teary or really happy, or both because he can finally spend some quality time with his beloved best friend <3
You both are inseparable the whole time, and if you have to leave the room, he can and will wait at the door until you are back
and don't take too long or else he will be sad (or he will break the door down and find you himself.)
All the time you both had was extremely wholesome without even trying and Vega was simply overjoyed just to be able to be with you.
Sometimes (read: every time) he would come into your room to cuddle with you because he has been overwhelmed with all The Feels ™
I literally love Vega he's adorable
Your imprint works, not because you needed to summon him (he was always by your side anyways), but because you know there's always this bond between the sorcerers? (amplifier stone type stuff or something)
You guys did build a blanket/pillow fort in your living room and cuddled :)
He is the most normal housemate because he knows how things work, except you would not leave your side for more than 10 minutes.
"Please stay by my side, Summoner."
Very sweet 100% chance of survival.
You did not need to find him. He found you.
He somehow found where you lived and climbed through the window when you woke up in the middle of the night to get a glass of water (He refused to reveal where he spawned in to)
May Ursa Minor, Polaris and heck even Lilith from obey me why not, give us all strength to survive this
This man can and will tease you about the 2 of you living together in the same house
He has definitely suggested that the 2 of you could share the bed, but stopped before you could throw him out.
He has, despite the locked windows and door, came into your room at 3am in the morning in the form of a dog, just to bother you. You know, just because.
Polaris please come pick your kid up. I don't care whether you're dead, in the void, or is an ice monster.
Barks at people as a dog for no reason.
Got used to living in Mid Earthium very quickly.
Has most definitely pretended to be your boyfriend, up to the point where even you are confused. (gaslight gaslight and gaslight even more)
Will find a way to cause chaos.
Still pretty protective of you though, we don't talk about what he said in chapter 13
Will take you out pretty frequently (interpret it however you want)
You can never find him, so you do summon him to your side when he isn't already (he knows where you are he's just being a stalker dw)
Is very happy that he can have you all to himself, without other people questioning his questionable behaviour.
Will either help out in the house, or knock down glasses like a cat and stare at you dead in the eye.
"...Sirius please. It's 2 in the morning."
*Happy barking noises.*
"What do you want?"
"Can I be the little spoon?"
"Get out."
He somehow makes it seem like he lives in Mid Earthium, and not some wanted criminal from Bound Arlyn.
He's a menace, a hot menace, but a menace nonetheless.
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sleepytwilight · 6 months
I got a prompt, I see @tophatmaker Make a bound Arlyn Konami, image the guide sorcerers but from Mid Eartheim, how they're like?
Funny how tophatmaker didn't actually tell who is she... ... Now who are you imposter! 💀 anyway-
Basic information
All the guide committee is a student council in a university called Contell University.
The sorcerers age
Arcturus = 21 (a country bumpkin)
Spica = 23 (and already workaholics 💀)
Pollux = 19 (the youngest in the club)
Alpheratz = 23 (he's chill)
Sirius = 24 (The handsome jerk)
Vega = 20 (he's cold as ice but fragile like snowdrop)
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The third top student in the University. Many look up to him even though Spica is the top student-
His personality didn't change much, always helpful and cheerful.
He have many admires and friends, literal the popular guy.
He carries guitar around as he's also part of the music club for some reason
Arcturus hair is a bit longer and he have freckles
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The strict president in student council club, oh yes he is more stricter than Bound Arlyn Spica.
Spica wear glasses and never put down his hair down.
He's the top student, the first in everything, straight hair, straight A's, Straightforward, straight man, little mister Perfect, that's him.
He didn't join any extra curricular like others.
He was mistaken for a teacher by freshmen.
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Pollux Castor got into a car accident and went into coma so Castor Pollux took his twin brother place.
He have scholarships.
Pollux still have bad luck but he doesn't really believe he's a bad omen.
He eats junk food because he can't afford to pay for more heavy food, when Arcturus found out about this, he provides Pollux some meals.
Pollux originally took defensive club until Schedar chose Pollux to be apart of the student council.
He was treated like a kid by everyone.
Pollux have a very feminine looks, especially his eyelashes so people often to mistake him for a girl.
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He used to be very energetic, he was the top student before Spica until one day he stopped showing up to classes for a year.
When he came back, he looks like shit. No his appearance didn't change, it's just his personality.
He's the one who mistaken Pollux for a girl-
There's a rumour going around he's an illegitimate son of the current principal of university (but the truth is, that's his grandpa 💀)
Spica asked wtf is wrong with him and he never say anything.
His grade dropping very bad but he's still in the University, weird isn't it?
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Handsome dork, he's the second top student. Yes he has scholarships.
Sirius have dark brown eyes like Asian, he's blasian technically.
He's very mysterious, too mysterious that his stalkers can't track him. Poor guy have stalkers-
Sirius is very chill and only want to finish his studies. He acted like a jerk sometimes they ignore him.
Sirius came from a very poor family which is why he avoid people so they don't make fun of him.
His clothes was gift from Vega. He also tailored clothes by himself, Sirius is good at making clothes.
People thought he's rich but it's just the extra fabric Spica gave to him.
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Bound Arlyn Vega, he was chilling until a rift opened and he stuck in mid eartheim.
He got adopted by a billionaire whose name is Giana. She's a good mom.
Bound Arlyn Vega have black hair and deep ocean eyes. He remembers nothing about Bound Arlyn and like the mid eartheim.
He got into the university thanks to his hardwork and joined the fencing club until Spica appointed him to be a part of the student council.
He gets along with Sirius and buys Sirius clothes because he can smell Sirius haven't showered in weeks.
He gets along with everyone expect for Alpheratz who is just being lazy, he honestly thinks Alpheratz need a serious help.
Nobody tried to do something so Vega sent Alpheratz to therapy instead-
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When You Cry
Synopsis: What they do when they see you cry. Notes: Headcanon format; gender neutral reader; refers to reader as "Summoner"; prompt inspired by @/tiredtealuvr; this has been in my drafts for a really long time, Arcana Twilight Tumblr I'm sorry I didn't get this out to you sooner. It's also been a while since I played, so I hope they weren't too out of character.
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He wants nothing more than to see you smile bright and be happy, especially when he's with you. So when he sees your face stained with tears, he can't help but feel like crying himself. Just what's gotten you so upset that you started crying?
He doesn't ask questions first, he'd rather comfort you instead. He wants you to be comfortable and would love nothing more than to see you smiling again. Your smile was always one of his favourite things in Bound Arlyn.
Whatever you need, you can count on Arcturus to get it for you! At least, he'll try to get them to the best of his ability. He can only do so much, but if it's a hug you need, or your favourite food, or even just a moment to relax, he'll do his best to grant all your wishes.
If you ever feel comfortable to talk to him about what made you so upset after you've calmed down, he'll be happy to lend an ear. He'll be your number one cheerleader and tell you that everything's going to be okay; things are just bound to get better, and Arcturus is sure of it.
"Please don't cry, Summoner! Don't worry, everything's going to be okay. You'll feel better in no time, I guarantee it!"
The moment he sees you crying is when he drops all the plans he had and rushes over to you. Any classes he was going to attend? He can skip them. An event with Queen Tet that he's helping out with? That can wait. He pushes everything aside to be with you, and he hopes that the reason you aren't crying isn't somehow his fault.
He asks you wants wrong and if you're okay. Are you hurt anywhere? Is there someone he needs to pick a fight with? Well, maybe he won't pick a fight, but he'll definitely be mad at the person who made you cry—if it, in fact, was a person that made you cry.
If you don't want to talk, that's totally fine by him. He knows just as well as anyone that sometimes you just don't feel like telling people what you're upset about. He absolutely doesn't push either, he wouldn't wanna make you cry more and make things worse.
There's a chance he'll have candy or some sweets on him—perfect for snacking on throughout the day—and share some with you if you want! Doesn't matter which one you take, honestly. Even if it's his favourite one, he'll keep quiet because he knows you probably need it more than he does. Whatever you want, he's going to make you happy again if it's the last thing he does! Or at least until you've calmed down.
"Summoner, Summoner! Are you okay?! No one hurt you or anything, right? If you need anything just say the word!"
He might actually be sleeping when he wakes up and gets a weird feeling; he can't help but feel like something is off. When he sees you and notices the tears falling from your eyes, his heart feels like it's being toyed with.
Alpheratz asks you what happened first, but quickly follows up to ask if you're okay too. He sort of stands there awkwardly and hopes that you're okay with explaining why you're in such a state, or else he isn't sure what he's supposed to do. He isn't the best at comforting people, but he'll try.
If you don't want to talk about it, he's 100% okay with that. He gets it, sometimes you're just not ready or don't feel like it. If you want a distraction, he'll probably try to think up something. Maybe going out for a walk, or maybe it's sleeping it off.
If someone else is making you sad and you tell him, chances are that person won't be making you sad in the future anymore. He might not say it gently, but seeing you down leaves his sleep schedule a little messed up; and of course he's only doing this so you don't get bothered and neither does he. Yeah, that's definitely the only reason.
"I'm no good at cheering people up, but I guess if it's bothering you so much, might as well tell someone, right? No pressure."
Spica's attention is on you as soon as he sees tears on your face. It's almost as if an alarm has set off in him; something is wrong because you are upset. He tells you to calm yourself and reminds you to breathe if you're crying too hard. He makes sure you're alright physically while he asks why you're crying.
Did someone make you cry? Did something happen? Are you homesick? Despite wanting to ask, he refrains from questioning further in case it makes you overwhelmed. He may sit you down if you're somewhere where that's possible and speak to you in a calm manner, if not a little softer.
Whatever you need, he will try his best to help you feel better. If a distraction is what you want, Spica will gladly help with that, though his approach is more on the productive side of things. He may suggest accompanying him to finish some errands or get some work done quietly together in the committee room or a library.
He lets you know that you're safe and secure, that he'll make sure nothing makes you upset while he's with you. Even if he's not with you, he takes care in paying more attention to your needs. At the end of the day, Spica will offer you his time, because that's one of the only ways he knows for sure that he can do to help you. He can be very busy, but he'll push all other priorities to the side if it means making you feel better.
"If you ever need anything, don't be afraid to tell me, Summoner. Your emotional well-being is just as important as your physical
Even if you hide away somewhere, Sirius might have an idea of where to find you. Something's wrong and he can almost feel it like uncomfortably warm air. It almost pains him to see you like that, and a part of him wonders if he might be the one to blame. Did he do something you didn't like?
Whatever the case, he strides up to you casually, if not with a brisk hint of surprise. He asks you why you're crying, his brows mildly raised. You can tell him, or not. He doesn't care too much... Or maybe he does and he's just downplaying how much he cares. He's a good listener and will lend an ear even if you think it's not a big deal.
Want a distraction? Sirius is great at that. If you want someone to console you, he can do that too... though it might be a little back-handed from Sirius. He'll try to be nice but he also can't resist a quick comment. Nothing too mean though, don't fret. He knows when to not push it too far.
If, in the end, all you want to do is do nothing, Sirius will gladly do nothing with you, too. Stars, he might even encourage it, and tease you about how your tears might be a ploy to get him to spend time with you. It's not, though, he knows. But he doesn't mind getting jabbed or lightly pushed by you if it means you stop crying.
"No need to tell me what's wrong, Summoner, though I'm all ears if you want to tell me~ Shall I accompany you for a while?"
Once Vega sees your face, it's all he needs to come rushing towards you. Similarly to Spica, he checks if you're well physically. If anyone hurt you, they won't be getting off scot-free. He almost doesn't hold back with the questions though. He wants to know who or what made you cry like this right away.
No matter how big or small it is, it still matters to Vega. It clearly matters to you if it made you cry, so he'll take whatever you have to say seriously. He'll insist that whatever you're crying about, it's not silly, it's not ridiculous, it's not stupid. Even if it is small and he can't relate, he'll still sympathize with you to the best of his ability.
He's a wonderful listener, and especially patient if it's you. He'll likely do almost anything you want, if that's what you wish. If you want, he can get you your favourite snack or perhaps there's a book in the library you like. Do you want to take a walk outside in the courtyard? See flowers in the greenhouse? Whatever you want, Vega may just do it. He does have his limits though, don't tease him too much... but chances are, he'll let it slide.
He'll remember whatever it is that made you cry if you tell him, or if he finds out by some other means. And he'll do whatever it takes to prevent it as well. Seeing you cry is like a punch in the gut; a smile suits you much better than a tear streaked face.
"Summoner, what happened? Are you hurt? If so, I... Here, use this handkerchief. No, it's okay, I don't mind. May I stay by your side for now?"
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polluxverse · 9 months
Arcana Twilight 13th floor Spoilers
You know what? I am really hoping for this pictures to be shown at 13th floor along with their lines before reading the latest stage:
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I wish they could've used this illustration to the floor 13th since they're connected to their dialogues scene (especially to Pollux, his story destroyed me emotionally)
Then again, I also think it wouldn't make sense
First the setting / background scene of the story seems like they're in a sanctuary, like there's an angel of the back. The 13th takes place like in a field, mountains.
Their lines and parts to the 13th floor doesn't compare to this trailer, where they're feel all helpless. I mean they are, but not as much worst as this. As if their regret and anguish consumes them.
I feel like the trailer itself (the illustration) does not answer all of our questions regarding to these lores, The reason why Vega is reaching his hand to who, Alpehratz feeling helpless, the frustration of Sirius like he felt emotionally crumbling apart.
A hard pill to swallow but this lore could go deeper, There are still unresolved lores and issues about Bound Arlyn, that's why I really hope there would be part two of this.
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ena341polaris · 3 months
The Atrw boys not canon (but could be) favorite foods, hobbies ect.
Warning: Can be inappropriate to some people.
Arcturus would eat lots of things but not like "weird" things in a sense. He wouldn't eat things like bugs or black licorice (like some psychopath that has destroyed multiple towers). Also he would not ever eat lamb. Never, if you put a cooked piece of lamb (even if it was cooked to perfection) he would not eat it. As for drinks, he drinks only caprisuns and danimals.
Arcturus, as we know, like to crochet and cook. He also probably likes to go to petting zoo's, not all of the time but I feel like when hes out on a scout he would stop by a petting zoo. But only petting zoos that had sheep. Arcky would also probably play sports, like baseball and soccer but he spuldnt be good or bad he would just be like "okay" persay.
Coffee grounds
Coffee grounds
Alpheratz's misery
Spica does horse riding, but he probably just does every now and again when he has time. He also probably has the longest lasting library member-ship known to man, every single library in Bound Arlyn knows him and he has a membership in all of them. He also probably likes to organize things a lot as well. But I dont understand why he doesnt sleep... to much and he also probably like bickering with alpheratz every now and again just because.
(He makes out with alpheratz all the time. That's why hes not sleeping)
Pollux is picky, obviously, and his go-to item at a restaurant is chicken nuggets with fries and ketchup, you cannot convince me otherwise. He also probably strictly drinks juice like caprisuns and other juice brands. Although, I imagine Pollux would eat all different types of sweets, hes not picky at all when it comes to sweets actually. You could put a moldy doughnut in front of him and he would eat it no question.
Hes probably a youtuber or influencer of some sort. He also probably does prank cams where he draws on Alpheratz's face when hes sleeping. He also is a minecraft kid. Don't ask why. He plays minecraft daily and he has a creeper plushie on his bed and maybe a keychain of an iron golem on his backpack. He also plays Mario games, especially Mario Kart with you and Arcturus!
Have any of you noticed that Vega only eats mushed food? Like he eats those go go squeeze apple sauce packets and ice cream which is essentially all mushed food. I imagine him eating baby food (I'm sorry) but like he probably does. He also probably eats popsicles. He also eats mainly fruit based things as if he were a fruit bat.
Baby girl-ing
Being a cutie patootie
Fencing and sparring
Anything that summoner does, says, breath, eats, looks at, smells, tastes, touches, notices, acknowledges, mentions, talks about, feels, looks at and comprehends.
Being talked to by summoner
Being looked at by summoner
Being touched by summoner
Souls of the dammed.
Misery of those around him.
Spiders, centipedes and other insects and reptiles
Other people (probably)
Your pet cat/dog or you siblings
Blowing places up
Stalking people
Blowing places up
Shooting the innocent summoner
Target practice
War crimes
Eats normally but in a more elegant rich type of way.
Really expensive foods and meals.
Zzzzzzzzzz 😴😴😴😴
Making out with spica
Running away from Schedar
Shaming pollux for being short
Sleeping but this time on top of summoner
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adeadlysong · 3 months
Dragon Age: Inquisition people Arlyn and Nuriel would get along with:
Honestly, it depends on how interactions between them go. Obviously they'd like to get along, but I think they will clash or get along with some people more than others in these ways: (thrown under a cut because, again, it's long):
Sera - Nuriel immediately is like: YEAH GO SHOOT ARROWS and will absolutely adore her beating up enemies. Arlyn has to try to rein them both in.
Vivienne - Arlyn definitely gets along wiht Vivienne more than Nuriel does, at least in matters of fashion taste.
Solas - Both of them find him weirdly quite mysterious. And a little intimidating. It's a toss-up of whether Solas will find them interesting or annoying, depending on their antics. XD
Neither of them are happy with his goal of eventually tearing down the Veil and so on, mainly because they like their world right now, thank you very much.
Cole - Both advisors appreciate Cole. Nuriel has to stop getting accidentally jumpscared by Cole popping in and out of nowhere. Arlyn admits that he finds some of Cole's methods of helping unconventional, but well-meaning at least.
Blackwall - Weirdly enough, Arlyn might get along with him better (especially after we find out Blackwall isn't actually Blackwall) purely because of the hiding secrets bit. And again, Blackwall would probably be weirded out the most by their spontaneous musical shenanigans.
Iron Bull - Nuriel gets along with him after a couple of drinks, and, much like Sera, is enthusiastic about beating the crap out of enemies with Bull. Arlyn once again must attempt to rein them in (or at least Nuriel) before things get out of hand.
Cassandra - Arlyn gets along with Cassandra more, mainly because they're both more serious types. Nuriel thinks she needs to lighten up.
Josephine - Both Nuriel and Arlyn like her around and think that she would've been brilliant to have in Melodia for admin/negotiation reasons.
Leilana - Arlyn appreciates her work in the shadows greatly. Nuriel kinda gets a little antsy when around her, mainly because he feels like he has to be prepared in case she takes out a knife or something.
Cullen - Nuriel wants him to lighten up a bit. Arlyn appreciates his seriousness.
Varric - Nuriel's willing to listen where Varric talks, and Arlyn keeps an ear out too. Both of them get a kick out of reading his books.
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grand-zodiac · 5 months
hey guys isnt it fun that the constellations have enough power to rewrite all of reality on the whims of A Guy. isnt that fun dont you like thinking about how bound arlyn is bent towards serving these unknowable entities that can (and already have at least once) just turn back time to redo everything and consume your entire life and identity if they choose you until you die and then they pick another one to take that same identity
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Name: Dahlia Rosenheim
Height: 152cm
Age: 22 years old
Likes: Literature, animals
Dislikes: People, cruelty
Dahlia Rosenheim is a human from Mid Eartheim who is known to be introverted and composed. Despite still adjusting to the new lifestyle in Bound Arlyn, Dahlia is quick to understand the essentials of living there, as well as catching up to the academics.
Here is Dahlia Rosenheim, my persona and main OC! I took me some time to think of Dahlia's design, but overall, I think taking it simple is good enough.
For some additional information about her, she is an INFP-T according to the MBTI (thus her hair color) and she is a Type 4 in the Enneagram Chart. She is Filipino in nationality, and has the talent of playing an acoustic guitar.
That is all for today about Dahlia! More info and artworks will be featuring her soon. Thank you for reading! This is Dahlia_Rosenheim, signing off.
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gloriaglorheart · 5 months
Sorcerer Card and Sona info
I didnt want to use the second card that @tophatmaker made due to I want to draw my Sona's status with all of the sorcerers!!! But for now since I realized I haven't given a proper introduction to myself and my sona~!
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So yeeeeeeeeeah (I'm using this rough draft from a while go to give info)
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Summoner Name: Gloria Moray
Age in game: In her early 20's Height: About 5'8-5'9, but in her uniform heels she's 5'11 (and in her banquet heels she's about 6'0)
Birthday: Feburary 10th (makes sense since she's my sona lol)
Likes: She loves astronomy!!! Animals!! Magic!! Music, art, and just performing arts in general!! She loves lavender, roses, and cherry blossoms!! Swords, daggers, and fans that can be used as a weapon (she took karate when she was younger, She loves feeling like she is a ninja when she isnt)!! Spiritual things and the paranormal world (despite being a whimp)!! Video games and anime/manga!!
Dislikes: Certain bugs (like Bees, wasps, mosquitos, and certain spiders)!! Forced into the spot light (despite she like's entertaining, her social anxiety makes it hard for her to do so)!!! Sirius's constant flirting!! Certain foods like avocados!! Incredibly loud noses and too strong of smells (her senses are sensitive)!! Some physical touch, she needs some bond before one can just hug her!! Some horror (she can handle very little!!! She is a slight whimp) Additional Info: Her mana necklace is instead in a heart shape due to she asked to get it cut as such when she was given it, since Spica did say she could get it adjusted to her liking. She had debated to where shorts instead of the mini skirt, so she wears shorts under the skirt. She'll sometimes remove the skirt and just walk around in the shorts when she feels like it. Despite the rough draft, she use to wear glasses but now doesn't (which makes me jealous a little since irl me still has glasses T^T). She got close to Alpheratz and Pollux first, then slowly formed a strong friendship with Arcky and then slowly with the others. She has a horrible sleep schedule that it may even compete with Spica!! She is an ambivert, but she leans more to being introverted most of the time, only able to show her extrovert side to the Guide Committee!! So most people tend to see her as quiet. Also she has a silver hair streak in her bangs when she arrived at Arlyn Bounds, and then when at a certain point, her hair ends become silver. I had learned Chinese back in highschool for a bit, so I like to think that my character tries to resume her study on it in Contell.... any maybe even occasionally speaks it with a certain sorcerer to practice~!
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vivid-but-vague · 2 months
Swallow Up Your Flames With Mine (Part 3)
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By the time she returned, the demigod had nearly forgotten having thrust his spear through the floor before his throne. Whilst its return to his hand was effortless, the delay, however minute, brought a sneer to his pointed features.
Clouded by his annoyance, he didn't notice the Tarnished's lack of weapon until he was well into the air, flames encompassing his figure until his silhouette was barely discernible.
Not that it would have spared her, but the Tarnished huffed at his lack of awareness regardless as she unsheathed her blade, shoulder and side having since healed from her encounter with the golden hippopotamus in the chamber prior.
With her resources and feeling in her extremities returned, she felt a small surge of confidence as she rolled away from the ball of flame that was her demigod opponent.
"Do none of you consider productive conversation or did mommy never teach you manners?" she spat, narrowly rolling under the flurry of spears that served as her only response.
"Guess not."
"Ingrate," he spat, eye blazing as the temperature of the room increased tenfold.
"You know," she started, pausing mid-breath to leap backwards away from his wretched spears sprouting from the ground like deadly flowers.
She never got to finish the thought, finding herself at the receiving end of a burst of flaming swings that were faster than they had any right to be. With the slow speed at which the demigod had initially poised his spear she had dodged only a half second too early.
"Ah, damn," she muttered, unable to pull her flask of crimson tears from its place at her side before collapsing to her knees.
"Those stripped of the grace of gold shall all meet death," he drawled, "in the embrace of Messmer's flame."
If not for the screaming of her abdomen Arlyn may have thought deeper about the demigod's intonation, his boredom as palpable as his disdain. The glowing rune of his eye did little to combat the pain this time, but she found herself mesmerized to the point of a quiet oblivion nonetheless.
"Thou art a thorn in mine side, Tarnished."
Messmer's last words were met with a slight upturn of her lips as she disintegrated into ash yet again. He found himself staring a moment too long at the empty space she had once occupied before settling back onto his throne.
It had been all of three seconds before the indignant Tarnished came charging back through the doors to his hall, eye twitching and weapon already imbued with frost.
"It's quite rude to interrupt-"
She paused to duck under his darting spear before following up with a slow, yet effective sweep of her own blade that staggered the wily demigod. Messmer couldn't help but feel a slight bit impressed as he fell to one knee, but found himself surprised when he watched her wipe the sweat from her brow rather than following up her initial swing with a much more dangerous riposte.
"If you could think rather than charge at me for just one second-" she gasped, feeling lightheaded despite her opponent being the one on the floor.
"Or is that pretty head of yours just for decoration?"
There she goes again, using that word, this time undeniably in reference to him and not in the throes of her own death.
His mouth became noticeably dry and he took a moment longer than he should have to return to his feet and begin yet another assault.
"My purpose standeth unchanged-"
"I got that, do you even know what Marika has done? What she's put me through? You think I wanted this?"
The questions left her lips without thought and she cursed her tactless tongue as Messmer's fire burned hotter in reply. She narrowly avoided having her head cleaved clean off her body with in what would have been a pathetic, but arguably deserved form of recompense for her latest comments.
"What I mean is-"
"We are much the same, you and I"
"We could strike an accord."
"You let Miquella through, or was he just more akin to your tastes?"
She failed to dodge the initial blow of his reply.
"What, am I not your type?"
Was she, pouting?
"Ridiculous creature," he couldn't help but sneer, yet it was obvious he had been caught off guard all the same, if only slightly.
Arlyn would have to be a fool to not take at least slight advantage of the way the tip of his spear lowered, and found herself using the second of reprieve to close the gap between them so that his chest was nearly flush with her own- making herself finally out of reach of his spear, but not his flames.
The fire lapped at her, singing the ends of her hair yet she did not recoil, nor did she take advantage of her opening to land a blow of her own. Instead, she took the moment to carefully outstretch an empty hand towards the demigod.
"You allow me through, and I will do all in my power to relieve you of your post, of your curse, of all of it. You must be tired."
He could have sworn the woman held some form of hypnotic magic in her eyes, for how many times he had burned her to ash she remained seemingly unfazed, more offended by his courtesy- or lack thereof- than his treatment of her. It wasn't personal, after all, just duty. Although, considering this Tarnished was seemingly chosen by Marika herself, perhaps it was more personal than he had initially realized.
He tore himself back into reality fell back a mere step, now wondering if her intoxicating closeness was the result of St. Trina as he glared at her outstretched hand, seeming to ponder it for a moment.
The tenseness of Arlyn's shoulders gave way briefly, only to be replaced by a shudder as Messmer's spear pierced through her once again. She let a gurgling sigh through her lips before allowing her head to fall forward against his breastplate.
He could still feel its weight along with a sense of all-consuming hollow as she faded into oblivion, leaving him to sway uncomfortably in the wake of her words.
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