#about nuriel
adeadlysong · 2 days
OOC: I realize that I never specified if specific muses have their own rooms in Melodia Castle, so here's a quick explanation:
Tahirah has her own room to sleep in, and a separate office to work in.
Arlyn & Nuriel share a room despite not being married since they have their own. But they also have their own smaller, designated rooms for crashing in just in case they're in and out of the castle and coming back late.
Rafaele has his own room (and has his own hidden room elsewhere, shhh no one should know about it).
Lukas has his own room, technically, but he also made a room for himself in the actual stables. This way he has much closer access to the horses. Some of the other stablehands found it a little weird but didn't question it since they figured "he's head stablehand, he's just married to his job."
Quinn and the knights of Melodia Castle have their own quarters. Quinn, as captain of the knights, has her own room. Other knights will usually be roommates with each other, and same goes for castle guards and other troops.
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disaster-husbun · 3 months
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"You should stay away from that Nuriel, you know the things they say about him"
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kaiju-wolfdragon · 3 months
Gt July day 5: fawning
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(if you wanted to know, this is nuriel's enormous mouse companion, Camilla, she's actually pregnant with 10 babies, and she was abandoned by humans and she tried to survive for her and her babies, but before she was about to be killed by a strange human, nuriel had no choice but to enlarge her almost planet sized to keep her safe, and now she's with her new owner that's a planetary genie)
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haydenn · 1 year
“But I’m not convinced ,” Zaph interrupted, their burning golden eyes bored into Muriel like branding irons. “I was glad to avoid war because my angels would be spared. But from what Nuriel tells me, you are not seeking to avoid a war, you’re merely trying to reconfigure the sides, and I am not convinced the world is worth the blood that will be spilled in saving it.”
Muriel’s face fell.
“Excuse me,” Eric interjected politely, “have you ever been up there?”
“Once. In the fourteenth century. I wasn’t impressed.”
“Of course not,” Eric scoffed. “Nothing impressive about the fourteenth century. But you should see it now, mate. They’ve come a long way since then. They’ve got latte art now. And avocado toast. And Tiktok, just wait ‘till you get on Tiktok, you’ll never want to leave.”
“What in the blazes is an avocado toast?”
“Oh, it’s toast. But with avocado on it. Sometimes eggs too.”
Zaph looked at him, completely baffled.
“They have it for brunch,” Eric added unhelpfully.
Zaph looked to Muriel for assistance. She shrugged.
“Oh, no, Muri! They don’t know about brunch,” Eric sounded horrified.
“I don’t know about brunch!” Muriel turned to look at him. She was sure her face was as baffled as Zaph’s.
“ You don’t know about brunch? Oh, we have to go. You’d love it.”
I didn’t start writing this story with the intention of shipping Muriel and Eric. But I have since put those sweet babies on a boat and we are sailing off into the sunset!
Here’s a link to this weeks chapter - May You Be Forgiven (pt 2)
And here’s a link to part one of you haven’t started this story at all - May You Be Forgiven (pt 1)
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sparkles-oflight · 1 year
Okay, seeing people explain their name choices for each of the names is fun AND frustrating. Like, people, I chose my names based on "lmao, Bojan and Bóris both start with the same letters"
So, this is take two on this "trend" (I'm using another picture cuz I can't find the og right now).
Bojan means warrior, according to Google. So I was like: "Let me find a name that also means warrior in Portuguese" and my first suggestions were literally Martim and Igor. And I was like "we can't have those, fuck". Did some digging. Turns out Bóris also means Fighter! But it's not very "Portuguese", yk? So I also have the name "Márcio" for Bojan because it means "Warrior" or "the one dedicated to Mars(god)"
Kris is just Cris lmao. Cris is usually used for girls, but fuck it. I guess he should be happy of sharing the same name with CR7 since he's a football fan (though I don't like CR7 that much)
Jan truly is just "Jonh", so... João it is. (I'm sorry babe, be glad you are not a João Pedro. You truly don't want to be a Jean Pierre)
I KNOW I SAID SHIT ABOUT IGNÁCIO AND NOW I'M USING INÁCIO! LISTEN I HATE IT AS MUCH AS THE NEXT PERSON! That's why we have two name options for Nace! Inácio (which was the name of two of my old teachers lmao) because it means the same as Nace (fiery) and it's more Portuguese than Nuriel lol. Nuriel has more of a Brazilian flavour to it, but I wrote it down because it means "Light of God/fire of God" and I think that's cool (also, because then me and Nace would have similar name meanings hehe)
Jure is also just a George...so I wrote Jorge. But I wanted to give him a cool name as well! So Oliver! Oliver comes from Oliveira which is a last name but also means "olive tree" lmao. Why? Because Jure means farmer. But I really like the name Oliver, man. It's literally Tsubasa's first name in the og animes of Captain Tsubasa in Portugal. Oliver just sounds cool.
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nixsmis · 11 months
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September's Monthly Pinup for my Patreon, featuring my OC, Nuriel, the owlcat! my patrons got to see this about a month ago, and now i share it with you all! basically i do two polls during the month: one for a theme and one for a character. all patrons can make suggestions for the theme (i randomly choose characters for the OC poll) and Moonbeams get to cast votes, then everyone gets the finished art at high res when it's done before the rest of the world. everything will get posted eventually, so nothing's strictly paywalled, but patrons do get things earlier. September's theme for Nuri was "stargazing" https://www.patreon.com/nixsmis Nuriel & art © me brought to you by my lovely patrons
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alazyparallelworld · 1 year
fave game outside of dangan ronpa series?
emb because its another CONTROVERSIAL but i really really love horizon: zd. fw is disappointing in a few... respects... i'd say ultimately i prefer hzd to v3 actually!!! i love aloy. i love THE MACHINES....!! (the stalker is my favorite.)
and the lore. i rlly cant say much without spoiling the whole thing, and the story rlly is the main appeal for me. the gameplays fun, but this world is so interesting and cool... i got in trouble, at my sister's, as i spent the last few days w/ her playing horzion vs interacting w/ her. she asked me, incredulous, is that video game BETTER to you than ME?! ...........yes. worth it. best video game ive ever played. i platinum'd it!
this is how i approached nuriel actually lol. when nuriel liked my post of (or the reverse?) 'horizon (fw) snubbed at the awards again, huh,' i hit up dms to chatter about it... it is very near and dear to my heart but i would never ever recommend it to another human being
you people: plz play it so someone besides gf can hear me being Very Normal about this video game franchise
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lyon-amore · 7 months
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Something original that I've been correcting, connected in some way to the original story I uploaded to Wattpad. I hope you like it.
CW: Dismemberment, blood, death.
The smell of wet earth filled the garden.
The rain fell softly on the man's brown hair with dark eyes furious, watching as his two subjects dug the grave.
He took a quick look at the limp body of the young woman with reddish hair. Other white locks had appeared after her death.
Her purple eyes had lost any kind of shine they had once had. A little more. He just had to have waited a little longer and he would have gotten it.
He could hear his killer crying, being held by two other subjects. Next to them, a woman with blonde hair tied up in a bun was also watching the scene, covering herself from the rain with a black umbrella. In her expression, there was only pain. She had not only lost a friend, but also someone she had considered a daughter.
“Please, my lord!” The man pleaded, with blood stains on his shirt “I didn't want to do it! She forced me!”
"Shut up," the man of the house replied, looking at him with disgust, "you had no right to touch her." His Italian accent stood out in his tone full of rage.
The woman closed her eyes tightly. She understood from those words what she meant.
“B-but sir—” his voice was heartbreaking. He had no regrets about having killed the young woman, he was afraid of the man. Of the destiny she could choose for him.
The frightened man fell silent, but continued crying.
In the windows of the great mansion, thousands of luminous eyes watched the funeral. The blood was too tempting, but they resisted so as not to have the future fate of their lowly companion. In their minds there was only the thought that they should have been quicker to get a small drink of that blood that had intoxicated the room of the deceased young woman.
“What do we do with him?” The woman looked at the back of the owner of the house who was looking at the grave.
The stone was old, with Nuriel's name written on it. It didn't matter how many times she had been buried, it always hurt him.
"Tear him apart and burn his limbs, so that nothing remains of him," he answered without having thought too much about it. “He knew perfectly well what punishment there would be if someone hurt him.”
“My lord Morelli! I beg you! Have mercy!”
No matter how much he screamed, the men holding him didn't listen.
His arms were ripped off as fast as a human eye could have seen. He screamed in pain as blood stained the ground.
The woman stood in front of him, leaving the umbrella on the ground. She watched as he cried to her now. She didn't feel sorry for him at all.
“Rose! Please! Do not do it!”
"You shouldn't have hurt my little one." She placed both hands on his head, twisting it until she pulled it.
The blood mixed with the rain, but luckily for him, no one was going to want to drink it. The blood of a traitor was not allowed. It wasn't too delicious. On the contrary: it disgusted her.
“Take his legs off at the crematorium, please,” she handed his head to one of those holding him, avoiding looking at the second corpse they had.
"Yes, Miss Rose."
They walked away with The parts of the body and with elegance, the woman bent down to pick up the umbrella.
She turned on her heel seeing how the tomb was almost finished.
“André, we should go in.”
“No, I'll finish burying her.”
She didn't know if it was pain in his voice or anger. She never understood how important Nuriel was to him. They didn't even talk about it or he had ever shown it.
“How long do you think she will take to return" he asked in a low voice, still torn by seeing the body on the ground, as if she were a doll.
“How long did she take the last time?”
“She was poisoned, so it took her seven years to come back.”
“This time she has a stab wound in the back” André began to think, looking at the dead young woman. Her lips were already blue and her skin pale. “Let's assume that it won't take long because the organs are not contaminated, about three or four years at most.”
Rose nodded. A race like Nuriel's was somewhat unpredictable. The only acquisition of hers.
"Let's hope so." Despite not needing air, she let out a sigh. “I'll try to rest a little. Don't stay out here, remember that they still need you.”
"I won't be long." He turned his head to look her in the eyes. Rose had gotten used to the fact that whenever he got angry, his eyes were like a dark pit without a soul. Although as if he had ever had it since they met “Please clean Nuriel's room and take the crib out of the attic, we have to prepare it for when she is reborn.”
"Yes, André," the woman nodded delicately, letting the drops fall down her face.
The brunette signaled to the two vampires to leave along with Rose.
He rolled up the sleeves of his shirt and carefully picked up Nuriel's body, observing her face. She seemed to be sleeping peacefully, if it weren't for the smell of blood giving away that she was dead. He wrinkled his nose, preventing himself from feeling out of control in the face of such an exquisite aroma. It was a much better smell than any human. Next, he saw the Triqueta symbol on her neck, a reminder of the last time she died.
He didn't mind getting mud on it, he had buried it so many times that he was used to it.
Gently, he placed the body in the grave, arranging her wet hair and clothing so that it did not appear to be in a bad state. He couldn't help but caress her cheek gently, as if it were going to break into pieces.
“Why do you always end up leaving?” He asked her in a whisper “You always end up leaving me alone.”
He took out a dried flower from his pocket, a bell. He placed it on her chest, putting her hands on her side. He wanted it to help, even if it was impossible for a dead person.
He made an effort to bury the body, but why was he crying? No. It was the rain, it had to be the drops falling on his cheeks.
He slipped, managing to hold on to the tombstone, he was grateful that there was no other vampire nearby to see his clumsiness, as if he were a human, until he realized that there was only the first date from the day he had arrived home until his first death: 1872-1885. It was Rose's thing to want to have a grave for herself. It was a very human feeling for someone linked to death.
“In the end everyone ends up wanting to want you more than using you, right, Nuriel?” He murmured to the tombstone “I wonder if this was what you were looking for.”
And he was never going to know it. Those of her race had the habit of writing down all their memories, but they hid it so that no one would know what they felt or thought. It seemed like a defense mechanism against others. He had tried to find that diary as if it were a treasure, he needed to know her thoughts, why she always decided to leave. Was it that the life it gave her wasn't enough?
He had to change for her next life. Again. Use other methods to make her stay with him. So that she would not choose death. And if to that end he had to put an end to those who desired her blood, then he would do it to have her by his side.
“Good night, Nuriel, we will be waiting for you.”
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stardancerchronicles · 10 months
Journal of Xivz, fate of the Altitude pack.
---Entry_1--- Location: Silus 3-X Date: 23/5/10 Status: CRITICAL It's been fourteen years, at least by this planet's standards, since the pack wiped eachother out. No small feat, that. From what I can glean, they had been together since the beginning. But even the bonds of pack may yet be broken, through isolation and madness. Through being left with no comms, no estimate on return, and no way off this damnable planet that wasn't Nexus-locked. Take all that and lay it on heavy over the span of four months, and you can undo what was done over the course of 226 collective years. Alcoholism claimed Nuriel, the brightest among them and the first to see their plight for what it was: hopeless. She succumbed to alcohol poisoning, locked in her room and never to be discovered. Jiiv and Losk had killed everyone else, convinced that the oracle cult was somehow behind all of this, and that there were traitors in their midst. Jiiv soon succumbed to his injuries, as nobody knew just how brutal Ungail, my mother, could be. Not until she lost her mind that is. As for Losk, it's a damn good thing he never found out about his nephew. Not until it was too late for him, of course. That leaves me here. Us, here. Somehow keeping my sanity more than if any of them were still around. Or maybe I just never had any to begin with. Being raised by Nexus programs around the perfectly preserved corpses of my kin could probably do something like that. At least the simulations say I have a "high likelihood of severe psychiatric dysfunction". I couldn't tell you what that means in laymen's terms. Probably not important. Well if anyone ever reads this, they'll now know what happened to poor little Xivz, and their pack of lunatics... I'm going to take a long, cold nap until the storm blows over in 3 1/2 months. Damn this planet to oblivion.
---Entry_2--- Location: Silus 3-X Date: 17/9/10 Status: CRITICAL Storm is over, at least for this short time being. Miteru, ever the diligent one even in death. He's been sure that my hunting efforts have had plenty of traps that are more effective at catching Avali than roulon herds. In fact I'm currently taking the downtime that my nanites will need to restructure my leg to write this entry. Not a chance in hel that I'd be taking the time to otherwise. This is the kind of cold that will draw you in and make you part of it, if you let it. Miteru learned that the hard way. Sometimes I still visit them, along with the rest of them back at their "permanent" camp. What secrets did they take with them to the grave? What regrets? What passions fueled them to such a tragic end? I suppose I'll never know. At the very least, Father passed on the postmortem wisdom that's as old as time. It goes a little something like: "Don't get forced out of an airlock by your fanatical ex-friend into a polar super-cyclone". Words to live by, the poet he was. Just wish he'd stop causing me such grievous injury on hunting trips…
---Entry_3--- Location: Silus 3-X Date: 21/9/10 Status: CRITICAL Yeah yeah I know, so soon im back? Well maybe im getting fond of you, but don't let it get to your head. Oh Ungail, see me now, playing coy with a data logger? As if the voices weren't enough. But no matter. The simulations say it'd be healthy to keep a journal, and so keep a journal I shall. Intuit is telling me that it'll help keep me sane, and by extension, alive. Alive. I wonder what it'd be like sometimes, to not have to keep myself alive. To no longer fight, and hunt, and chase, and claw for just a few more days simply, surviving. It must be a good life, to be able to run simulations all day. To play games with your packmates, grow up, get into trouble with them. I've heard of the wildest things on what little bits of the Nexus that are downloaded onto the data-pads and implants of the others. Honestly, still wish I hadn't gotten as curious as to... Extract. the implants of some of them. Especially Losk. He was, fucked up to a deeper extent than I think any of them realized, even in his final moments. But what's done is done, and I'm not keen to look at his face again after what I've had to do to it. But while Emote told me not to, Grit urged me onwards. And sometimes, you just have to make a judgement call. And given all the things I've learned of… Sometimes I wonder if it was the right call, to learn about the outside world. Because I wouldn't be asking the question of "what if I didn't have to fight" if I didn't know there was any other option. Thinking too hard on this is making my heart hurt. I'm going to take a nap and stop journaling for a bit.
---Entry_4--- Location: Silus 3-X Date: 8/5/14 Status: CRITICAL Well, it's been a long time hasn't it? Looking back, I can understand why I took such a long break. That kind of deep thought is something that everybody except Emote tells me not to do. I suppose I should clarify what the hell I'm talking about, huh? Well, Let's meet the cast of my brain! Or however that show went. The simulations say that I've developed voices for many of the emotions i feel, but I say that's a lie. They developed voices whether I wanted them to or not. Like my own demented pack members, except the only thing they do is keep me alive, instead of get drunk and kill each other. In any case, We have: Intuit: Helps me with the logical stuff. He's my right hand… voice. Surv: Good at seeing better ways through things that keep me more or less alive. Quite reliable, good advice. Grit: As the name implies, they get me to make tough choices, especially ones that I don't want to make. Tough love, I think they've called it. Emote: Weakest voice. Often in conflict with the others, yet, I still need them. I can't let them make me weak too, but I cannot become numb to them. And, that's about it for now. There are no other thoughts with voices, well, not yet. I don't think I could handle many more. As it stands, I keep my own conversations quite well enough as is thank you. But it is nice to let them sort it out amongst themselves and, speak as myself, to… well, nobody. There's nobody here and, if Intuit is to be believed, nobody will be. But still, its nice and free of the usual deliberation that plagues my mind. I think this one has gone considerably better than the last. I'll be back soon. Don't you go anywhere aye?
---Entry_5--- Location: Silus 3-X Date: 10/5/14 Status: CRITICAL
---Entry_6--- Location: Silus 3-X Date: 11/5/14 Status: CRITICAL I apologize for that. My simulation says I should reframe my embarrassment into a haiku. I don't know what the significance of the syllables is, or why this will help, or why Emote is agreeing with the others on this for once, but I'll try. I got super drunk I did not have a good time Won't do that again Somehow, that feels a little bit better now.
---Entry_7--- Location: Silus 3-X Date: 2/11/14 Status: CRITICAL I have some big news to share with you. Significant enough to write down, instead of just talking to the voices about it. WE FINALLY GOT A TRANSPONDER PING!
Now, its not a rescue vessel, it's not even recognizably Avali tech, so don't get too excited now. But the signal is very much drawing closer to this forsaken planetary system, so if its coming out to ancestors-know where for ancestors-know why? Then it's probably a planetary surveyor, and it's probably going to survey mine. And you BET that I'm gonna be there when it comes down, I am NOT spending the rest of my life on this planet. I'll be there if its the last thing I do. I truthfully don't know how much longer I'll be able to survive here. Not for lack of food, the Roulon are making good on that. But if I have to listen to the voices in my head arguing amongst themselves one more time, why I think i might start losing my sanity! At least they're all in agreeance that we have to be there for that ship.
As for what to do if we encounter anybody else on it… Well, then they don't agree as much anymore…
---Entry_8--- Location: Silus 3-X Date: 7/1/15 Status: CRITICAL Sure enough, my predictions were correct. They've touched down on Silus 6-X, and are now on bearing for 5-X, after inevitably finding 6-X to be an uninhabitable helhole. Just like the rest of them. Just like this one. Oh ancestors, I hope that they don't give up before they get here. Maybe I can throw together some kind of distress beacon if I need to, but what if they will leave, or attack me if they knew I were here? or simply don't have the supplies to onboard me? No, it's safer to let them come here of their own volition. Safer for me, at the very least. Even if it is a drone. My life has been pretty much consumed by paying attention to this.
The voices theorize about it. about the outside world as well. It's, overwhelming. And I don't think about it too much, or the simulations say I could have an… Incident, on par with Entry_5. I do not want that. I do miss being able to think about the littler things though. Such as fixing up my hunting armor, or meticulously agonizing over the chimes that I'd fantasized about dressing up with, but never got around to. But, the possibilities opening up is worth it, so worth it. We can worry about the littler things once the bigger picture is open to us.
---Entry_9--- Location: Silus X System Time: 16/7/15 Status: CRITICAL Sooooo, a... a lot has happened. And I haven't fully processed it, so: The ship arrived onto this planet. And I met it there, obviously. I even wore my chimes, against the judgement of… Everybody other than Emote. But I still kept them in their muffling pouches on the approach. The ship was indeed manned. It's, strange. To meet other living, thinking beings. It's like how the simulations were, but… more real. I mean they were SIGNIFICANTLY more psychotic than the simulations were...
Aren't we all at this point though? They brought me on board, of course. But, they are also space pirates. So, I guess that I'm a bonafide space pirate now! It certainly beats being alone. But it also means that I'm stuck with a bunch of lunatics who kill and steal for a living, alone, with zero social skills, and very little trust. So I'll have to prove myself. The simulations say that I'm very unlikely to get through this without blood on my hands. But they also say that, If I play my cards right, at least it wont be my blood. Intuit agrees. Intuit also says that I should be very, veeery close with a very specific one. A tall "protogen", looks like hes been torn apart and put back together physically, almost more than I have been mentally. How fitting that I should imprint onto a robot, when I was raised by them.
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cljordan-imperium · 2 years
I was tagged by: @on-noon
I'm tagging: @autumnalwalker, @aohendo, @frostedlemonwriter
Use this site to generate your quotes
Div: We call that a traumatic experience. Div, turning to Abriella: Not a "bruh moment". Div, turning to Cruz: Not "sadge". Div, turning to Adriel: And DEFINITELY not an "oof LMAO".
Cormoran: You were stabbed. Do you remember anything? Martenique: Only the ambulance ride to the hospital. Cormoran: That wasn't an ambulance, I drove you. Martenique: But I heard a siren. Mattheus: That was Casperius. Casperius: Sorry, I got nervous.
*I'm crying*
abriella: You deserve a reward for putting up with me. deacon: You are my reward. *meanwhile* cruz: You deserve a reward for putting up with me. olly: True, you can be really difficult at times.
*they are hitting hard today*
adriel: Okay! Let’s play Kiss Marry Kill! adriel: First who would you kill? *azriel points at arioch* *raguel points at arioch* *nuriel points at arioch* arioch: *shrugs* I would kill me too.
*wheezes...arioch is a demon and all the others are angels...*
adalicia: grae kissed me! karlen: Oh my God! Oh my God! Oh my God! adalicia: It was unbelievable! karlen: Oh my God! Oh my God! Oh my God! kellen: Okay, we wanna hear everything. karlen, get the wine and unplug the phone. adalicia, does this end well or do we need tissues? adalicia: Oh, it ended very well. karlen: Do not start without me! Do not start without me! kellen: Okay, alright, let’s hear about the kiss. Was it a soft brush against your lips or was it like a, you know, “I gotta have you now” kind of thing? adalicia: Well, at first it was really intense, you know? And then, oh God, and then we just sort of sunk into it. kellen: Ohh... So, okay, were they holding you? Or were their hands on your back? adalicia: First they started out on my waist and then they slid up and then they were in my hair. karlen and kellen: Ohhh. *meanwhile* grae eating pizza in their house: And, uh, and then I kissed them. korben: Tongue? grae: Yeah. persephone: Cool.
*I...I can't...dead...wheezing...crying....*
The Imperium Chronicles Tags - @writingpotato07, @ceph-the-ghost-writer, @saltysupercomputer, @careful-pyromancer, @late-to-the-fandom, @kjscottwrites - cuz you guys will love these
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cozypups · 1 year
hello Robin my wonderful mutual Robin !! I hope you had a really lovely weekend; did you do anything fun? eat anything yummy? :] ♡
KICKS feet arounddddd I DID I DID!!! i went shopppingggg went to a pizza place and had a boMb ass calzoneee oughhhh i dream of that calzone....... it was sooooooo gooood... and then i hung out iwth some friendies and that's always funnn.... i've been kind of here and there which makes me sad :"( like really sad, but i'm glad at least i have a good counselor/therapist that is good and helps me loads... I LOVE u my wonderful mutaul NURIEL!!!! <33 WHAT ABOUT U!!!! TELL ME ALL ABOUT UU!!!!
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adeadlysong · 3 months
Dragon Age: Inquisition people Arlyn and Nuriel would get along with:
Honestly, it depends on how interactions between them go. Obviously they'd like to get along, but I think they will clash or get along with some people more than others in these ways: (thrown under a cut because, again, it's long):
Sera - Nuriel immediately is like: YEAH GO SHOOT ARROWS and will absolutely adore her beating up enemies. Arlyn has to try to rein them both in.
Vivienne - Arlyn definitely gets along wiht Vivienne more than Nuriel does, at least in matters of fashion taste.
Solas - Both of them find him weirdly quite mysterious. And a little intimidating. It's a toss-up of whether Solas will find them interesting or annoying, depending on their antics. XD
Neither of them are happy with his goal of eventually tearing down the Veil and so on, mainly because they like their world right now, thank you very much.
Cole - Both advisors appreciate Cole. Nuriel has to stop getting accidentally jumpscared by Cole popping in and out of nowhere. Arlyn admits that he finds some of Cole's methods of helping unconventional, but well-meaning at least.
Blackwall - Weirdly enough, Arlyn might get along with him better (especially after we find out Blackwall isn't actually Blackwall) purely because of the hiding secrets bit. And again, Blackwall would probably be weirded out the most by their spontaneous musical shenanigans.
Iron Bull - Nuriel gets along with him after a couple of drinks, and, much like Sera, is enthusiastic about beating the crap out of enemies with Bull. Arlyn once again must attempt to rein them in (or at least Nuriel) before things get out of hand.
Cassandra - Arlyn gets along with Cassandra more, mainly because they're both more serious types. Nuriel thinks she needs to lighten up.
Josephine - Both Nuriel and Arlyn like her around and think that she would've been brilliant to have in Melodia for admin/negotiation reasons.
Leilana - Arlyn appreciates her work in the shadows greatly. Nuriel kinda gets a little antsy when around her, mainly because he feels like he has to be prepared in case she takes out a knife or something.
Cullen - Nuriel wants him to lighten up a bit. Arlyn appreciates his seriousness.
Varric - Nuriel's willing to listen where Varric talks, and Arlyn keeps an ear out too. Both of them get a kick out of reading his books.
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disaster-husbun · 6 months
Heya o/
Figured it was about time to make a proper intro post.
-- Recently I split into a proper side-blog for all things XIV. I used to post them to @starlightstripes along with a bunch of other things. Likes and follows will come from my main @kanehon
-- OOC, I go by he or they pronouns. I RP in game, on Discord, and over the years have used various other platforms for it. English isn't my first language and there may be hiccups.
-- I don't view any of my characters as The WoL, for me going through the MSQ with them is at best, a fun AU possibility. Or in some cases, a hilarious "They would never" (Looking at you, Cain)
-- I can tag things on request.
-- I'm an Alt-holic. It's bad. Real Bad. I tag posts about specific characters with their full names. List of those posted so far below.
-- I'm shy about sharing my gposes and a bunch of alts don't have anything posted, so I'll try to update this list as I do.
Crenic Namalen - My main. Transmasculine Veena, married, possesses a version of the Echo that allows him to see the future. Wandering healer, gunbreaker, former Garlean captive.
Rune Nightfall - Troubled catboy. Keeper of the Moon. Cheeky and sarcastic, slightly alcoholic. Trying to figure out how to get a Voidsent out of himself (Spoiler alert: he can't)
Azha Eridani - Seeker of the Sun. Scout for his isolated tribe. Massive crush on his Nuhn (It's a mess)
Cain "Djt-Marouc" Starlight - Rava raised in Kugane, recently moved to Eorzea. Alchemist, totally not a drug dealer as well. Drowning in debt.
Rumare Sjadar - Known as Wraith of Skatay. Well over two centuries old, Cedrik's mentor. Plays the flute. Oversized, slightly feral arctic hare of a bunboy.
Cedrik Huorlwesfv - Crenic's old mentor. Extremely stern, constantly serious with everyone except his partner, for whom he melts away. Tiny angy eyebrows. Dyslexic.
Ruuj Foixe - Tall, strong, tattooed red-haired Veena. One of Cedrik's former wards along with Crenic. Rael's older brother. Extremely devoted husband and caring father.
Nuriel Hailstorm - Freckled Veena. Stubborn, rebellious, extremely kind and self-sacrificing.
Algol and Mira Flamekeeper - Rava twins with an affinity for fire and chaos. And tormenting Rumare. Share the brain cell between the two of them.
C'haron Nyx - Mixed Seeker/Keeper adventurer. Friendly, good naturated, wears an arm prosthetic made by his sister (Styx Umbra) and will take it off for the bit.
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impreciselanguage · 1 year
11 for Lenore & Nuriel :o
In what situation was your character the most afraid they’ve ever been? Both have lived lives where fear was a constant companion, but they both dealt with it by responding to the situation at hand. For Lenore, it was when she realized that her work as a Phylacter was finally catching up with her, and her body was going to fail, and there was nothing she could do about it. For Nuriel, it was when he was twelve, and his mother went out to find work one day, and did not return that night. Or the next, or the next, and he couldn't find her, or know what happened to her.
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lol-lol-expose · 1 month
Lets eat this person up!
So, IF you dont know. I am NOT finna play no more (I still wont tell yall who I REALLY am). Fuck it. Lets do this shit.
I dont give 2 flying fucks anymore im boutta go APESHIT. Anyways, Kaiju-wolfdragon is a...Questionable person. Though, now that I know whats (possibly) going on, I will not attack/show proof of ANYTHING bad she has done.
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Anyways pookiesss,,This is kinda...Pedo/gromer behaviour! Jazzy...You have...MINORS in your server :gasp:!!! And you have VORE RP AND VORE ARTWORK CHANNELS?? Pooks idk this seems kinda...PEDOPHILIC?? Fuck it ima @ her ass inna this shit im TIREDD man
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Lets see whose STILL LAUGHING?
the funny boys
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fuckao3sformatting · 4 months
Take me down
The night sky was clear. You could have seen the stars, hadn’t it been for the light pollution. 
I took out my phone to see what time it was. I'd been standing and waiting on the mage cabal Maxwell: the illustrious Vampire prince of Chicago; had told me to supervise while they did some spellwork on the roof of a building where someone had summoned a demon on new years eve. I sighed, I’d never babysat a group of mages before. I hadn’t had much reason to interact with them for more than a few minutes before, I have to admit that something about them wicked me out.
“So, where’s the guy? Maxwell told us he’d sent someone right?”
“Well yes, he said someone should be here to help us get up to the roof.”
I recognized the voices, one of them belonged to one of the city’s sentinels. That made sense, demon business would probably be a top priority. There were five heartbeats in total, this must’ve been a very big deal. I stepped out of the shadows and as expected, recognized most of the people there. I had collected them before for assistance with a rogue mage who had attacked some vampires at the castle complex, from what I’d heard they made short work of the problem. The big black guy was Nuriel, the sentinel, then the old man, the Japanese kid and the only girl who had done most of the talking. There was a guy I didn’t recognize as well. 
What the hell was he wearing?
“Took you long enough.”
All their eyes locked on me, most with recognition and skepticism from the one guy I didn't recognize. The girl had taken a little book out of her pocket and flipped through it, looking back and forth between it and me before speaking.
“Loki, nice to see you again.” 
She said my name so matter of factly, had she written it down? A little odd, but flattering. I nodded with a small smile, no reason to be rude.
“Yeah, so the top three floors including the roof are off limits to the general public for the next three days. I guessed that would be an acceptable time frame for whatever you need to do to be done.”
“Ah” the old man said “yes, I believe that should be adequate. How do we get to the roof?”
“The same way you got up there the first time, except you actually have the Prince's permission this time” I sneered with discontent.
“Wait” the girl broke in “we needed permission last time? Why didn’t any of you tell me that?”
“Let’s talk about that once we’re on the roof. We might be in an alleyway, but better safe than sorry. Here Loki, take my card.”
The old man held out something to me, looked like a business card. I looked towards the geezer with an arched eyebrow.
“There’s a spell on it so once you get to the roof, just place it on the ground and I’ll do the rest.”
I put the card in my pocket and shrugged.
“I’ll signal you once I’m there.”
I turned the corner I came from and disappeared before scaling the side of the building. 23 stories would’ve taken its time, but thanks to my specific skill set I reached the roof in five minutes. I sat foot on the building's roof and inspected the card and it was indeed just a business card, ‘the grey zone’ was typed onto it with a huge eye in the background. As I was about to signal them when the card started to emit smoke and started to burn up and turn into a hole surrounded with blue flames, I threw it on the ground instantaneously and recoiled back, feeling my beast’s animalistic reaction to the sudden fire. Through the fire and smoke I sensed the group step onto the roof and once the old man stepped through it started to dissipate, the girl looked around before our eyes locked. I closed my eyes reflexively, blacked out as they were I really didn’t want her to see me like this, I’d always prided myself on my self-control so I’d only seen my beast a handful of times but to someone who wasn’t used to it, it’d for sure be terrifying. Instead of the expected shriek I felt a gentle hand on my shoulder.
“Are you alright? What happened?”
I could hear that her concern was sincere, but I was too taken off guard to care. I forcefully moved away from her touch. “What the fuck was that? Are you trying to kill me?” I hissed towards the old man.
“Relax, it was merely the remnants of a portal spell. The flames could hardly harm you now.”
“That might be the case Grey, but you could’ve warned him at the very least. Are you sure you’re okay Loki?” She reached out a hand towards me again and this time it let it linger on my shoulder,and as the flames ebbed out, my thoughts became clearer, eyes returning to their normal blue, and the slight claws were retreating to normal nails. I put my hand on hers slowly to not spook her.
“I’m fine, thanks. A warning would’ve been real fucking nice though.” I scowled at the older man “But, to the point. What is it exactly you’re going to be doing up here?”
“We are going to look into the past with the aid of spell work.” The Japanese kid spoke up “It might take a while, but time is fickle like that. Gavin, can you help draw the circle and sigils like last time?”
I felt movement and the girl was hoisting a large bag off her shoulder and placing it on the ground. I hadn’t even realized that neither of us had moved our hands. “What are you doing?”
“Oh…” she looked down and moved her hand from under mine kinda awkwardly. “We found out the hard way that this whole process takes a long time the first time we did this, so I bought plenty of food, drinks and games so the rest of us don't get bored.”
“Yeah, that must’ve been so awful.” I scoffed. “Casting spells in the Prince’s domain without his permission, I’m surprised he even allowed you to do it tonight if I have to be honest.” With how he talked about this girl I actually wasn't surprised at all, she was very pretty sure but how much he talked about her was borderline obsessive..
“Yeah, I’d like that explanation now actually..” She said while unfolding a large blanket in her arms.
“Listen Vex, the reason we didn’t say anything was because we needed your help. It was a very time sensitive matter, so we simply didn’t have the time. Here let me help you with that.” The ostentatiously dressed guy said, gesturing for the blanket.
“Morgon…. you say that as if it makes it okay..” she pitched the bridge of her nose and handed the blanket off to him.
Morgon’s resulting shrug had me rolling my eyes, what an asshole. He unfolded the huge blanket and Vex sat down and placed the bag behind her pulling out a few sodas and what looked like a tray of little sandwiches. Since she seemed like the most sensible person here, I sat next to her. Maybe I could suss out why Maxwell was so infatuated after one meeting as well.
“I know vampire’s can’t eat food so I didn’t really know what to bring for you.. I hope soda is ok.”
I blinked, a little taken aback by her comment. “I ‘ate’ before coming so I’m fine.” I reached out for a coke and opened it. “And soda is fine, thank you.” I took a sip, I hadn’t had a coke in a long time, the chilled carbonation felt oddly satisfying. “So, what is it exactly you’re trying to accomplish by looking into the future?” Morgon sat down by Vex’s other side, grabbing a coke for himself and took a sip before speaking.
“I’m surprised the prince didn’t tell you, we’re looking for leads in the investigation of the murder of a former Sentinel, and Vex here” he slung an arm around her shoulder “She helped us track the last person who was seen on this roof before the murder, and now we just need to find out who the asshole worked for. With the added benefit that Nuriel here’ll clear his name, since some people think he did it.” Nuriel, busy with helping Grey and Natado set up, looked over at us and gave a small wave.
“And what about the two of you? Aren’t you helping with anything?”
Morgon shook his head.
“Both Vex and I have helped with what our capabilities could muster so we’re just here to keep up morale by looking hot. Isn’t that right sweetie?” I kinda hated to admit it because I usually wouldn't consider myself as possessive; especially not over someone I didn't even know, but I felt a slight twinge of jealousy. She had a cute face and a nice body for sure, but what I found the most striking was her eyes. I'd never seen someone with two different colored eyes before, the left was a deep yet very clear green and the right was a very dark gray. Vex took his arm and put it to his side and laughed.
“Well ‘sweetie’, I probably wouldn’t have helped you at all if I’d known what we did was practically illegal.”
Morgon put his hands up defensively. “Hey, what’s done is done. No need to worry about it now.” I moved a bit closer to Vex, both because the types of rituals I was used to required great concentration and silence, but it was hard to hear what she was saying on the top of the roof.
“How come you didn’t know about the Prince's decree against spell casting within his domain?”
“I’ve been living out of state because of college, I just got back a month ago.”
College huh, she does look younger than the rest of the group.
“That’s cool, are you here on break or back for good?”
“I’m back for good” she smiled proudly “I finished all my classes and extracurriculars that had to be done on campus, so now all I have is all the practical experience left before I get my master’s degree.”
“A masters?” Morgon inquired “in what?”
Vex took a coke and had a sip before answering.
“I’m almost done with a masters in forensic science, I finished my bachelors in toxicology and criminal psychology first.”
“That” Morgon looked shell shocked “That’s pretty fucking impresse”.
We talked about whatever came to mind after that, from observing how the two of them interacted with each other I couldn't tell if they were a thing or if Morgon was just a massive flirt. At some point Nuriel came over to join our little group, contributing to the conversation, the guys were nice but Vex brought out something in me I hadn’t felt in many years. She actually had me wanting to let my guard down, I wasn’t used to feeling so at ease. She has this pleasant aura about her that I felt like I couldn’t get enough of, much to my own displeasure. This isn't a pleasant outing, I'm just here to observe. 
As the conversation lulled down a bit I took the opportunity to look at my phone and I felt my face grimace, not long till sunrise. I didn’t want to leave just yet, of course I have direct orders to supervise the spell use, but I hadn’t anticipated that I’d actually enjoy the company. Vex seemed to notice my mood shift, she turned to me and put a hand on my knee.
“Something wrong?”
It felt like a little jolt going through me at the contact, my eyes met hers and I gave an apologetic smile.
“Daybreak approaches, how long is” I looked over to Natado who was dancing around wearing a mask and waving some leaves around. “this going to take?”
“Probably until morning I’m afraid.” Gavin was coming to join our little circle. “Do you need to get going?”
I furrowed his brows in both indecisiveness and frustration. “I have my orders to see this through..”
“But if the sun’s coming up you need to get to safety, we’ll take care of things here don’t worry.”
“Yeah man, don't worry about it. We'll be careful.”
I was mildly floored by what sounded like genuine concern, I ran a hand through my hair and sighed.
“I can always come by here tomorrow and check, I suppose… I really should get going…” I got to my feet, ready to sneak off as I usually did, when I felt a hand on my arm. I turned around to see Vex again, smiling up at me.
“Get home safe ok? See you around.”
“Thanks, see you around.”
I walked behind the entrance from the roof and obfuscated before I started to scale my way down the building. I heard Morgon talk about me, I had to hurry back quickly, the sun would start to rise any minute... But my curiosity got the better of me.
“Wasn’t he a little young? Couldn’t be more than 20 at most, and what was he wearing?”
And he was one to talk? I was used to others not taking me seriously due to my age and dress sense, nothing unusual there. I wished people would get new material.
“I donno, I think he was pretty cute.” She giggled.
I’d lie if I said that didn't make me feel good, I quite liked the thought of her finding me cute. I chuckled to myself, I guess I can see why Maxwell was bewitched so fast.
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