#about fern
randomestfandoms-ocs · 2 months
Fandom: Descendants + FC: Paulina Chavez
Fern the Fairy in TBD (😭)
head empty 0 details, daughter of Rosetta from Pixie Hollow
Heart of gold but not great at talking to people, much more comfortable in her garden, absolute angel
(maybe part of Viatrix & Griffin's story, roommates with Viatrix and they adore each other, possible Evie or Harry or OC ship)
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desert-fern · 1 year
Music Game!
Rules: Shuffle your “On Repeat” playlist from Spotify/Music service of your choice and post the first 10 tracks.
The very lovely @startrekfangirl2233 tagged me (and if you haven’t yet, read her newest fic Getaway Car, it’s amazing!)
My 10 songs:
Sun by Two Door Cinema Club - This song just makes me smile! I heard it in a phenomenal edit on Pinterest and I have been obsessed ever since!
LA FINE by Måneskin - this one is from their newest album, I also recommend Gasoline by them as well :)
Separate Ways (Worlds Apart) Cover by Daughtry, Lzzy Hale - probably my favourite version of this song that I have heard, plus Halestorm is dope and so is Lzzy
Head Up by The Score - Top song in my workout playlist for sure
Glowing in the Dark by The Girl and the Dreamcatcher - I am using this song for my Hangman X Reader WIP that I hope to finish and post as soon as school is done, the song inspired a chapter, which also has the same name
Only Love Can Hurt Like This by Paloma Faith - Same WIP; different chapter (all I am saying about that ;)
Cloak and Dagger by Eternal Eclipse - Star of my study playlist which gets A LOT of playtime
Battleships by Daughtry - Rediscovered this one and it makes me very happy, also lends its name to a chapter of mine
Whiskey Fever by Dorothy - Her voice gives me the shivers and I love the sound she has
Dandelions (Violin Cover) by Joel Sunny - I used this one for my Phoenix X Reader one shot, and it just makes me happy!
Hope some of you guys enjoyed! I definitely recommend any and all of these to anyone scrolling by, and
Tagging: @fandomxpreferences @lilpunkrock @subwaysurf45 @sweetlittlegingy @amhrosina @tamurilofrivendell (no pressure!) also whoever wants to join, feel free!
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fern-stone · 1 year
Rules: pick any ten of your fics, scroll to the midpoint, pick a line (or three) and share it. Then tag ten people. 
I got tagged by @nooowestayandgetcaught tyyyy! This looks v fun... I will also be cheating and doing more lines than 3 but less than 7 haha
How The Days Fly By  [Lord Asriel & Lyra Belacqua, Lyra Belacqua & Pantalaimon, Lord Asriel & Stelmaria | His Dark Materials | G rated | 4.2k words]
Lyra had rolled away from her scribbling, watching curiously as Pan sniffed out the toys laid out around her. She was waiting for him to choose. Asriel smiled slightly before returning to his book.
He felt a gentle tug on the end of his trousers and looked over to the little hand that had done it.
Lyra looked up at him, eyes brimming with curiosity and pride. In her mouth was the toy that he'd brought back for her. Beside her Pan was chewing cautiously on another toy, and had clearly done the same to the one now in her mouth.
What A Beautiful Wife I Have [Fu Shen / Yan Xiaohan |               黄金台 - 苍梧宾白 / Golden Stage | E rated | 3.3k words]
Yan Xiaohan's leg hooked around Fu Shen, his hands rising to his shoulders. Fu Shen found the world spinning around him as he was flipped onto his face, breath knocked out of him when his back hit the bed. This fucker!
"Yan Meng'gui, you let me up," Fu Shen hissed, face flushed as Yan Xiaohan pressed down on him. Did his husband have to go against the flow everytime? Was he not content with just sitting there and taking it? "Get off right now."
A Worthy Opponent [Mobei Jun / Shang Qinghua | Scum Villain Self Saving System | M Rated | 8.2k words]
And he was... Crying?
Shang Qinghua felt fear strike into his heart at such a pitiful sight. He never thought he'd see Mobei Jun shed a single tear, not when even the worst pain didn't seem to phase him. Yet here he was, tears streaming down his pale face and eyes staring up at the ceiling as if he were dead.
Surrounded by dildos.
Shang Qinghua took one look at the horrifying scene before him, and took pity on his strange demonic husband.
Dripping Sin [Song Qiutong / Ye Wangxi | 二哈和他的白猫师尊 - 肉包不吃肉 / 2ha | M Rated | 643 words]
For Ye Wangxi has eyes for only Song Qiutong, and she doesn’t plan to ever look elsewhere. It doesn’t matter if Song Qiutong is getting married to someone else tomorrow. Song Qiutong may not be hers, but she is irrevocable Song Qiutong’s.
It’s enough.
Even if she knows it's slowly killing her. Song Qiutong could kill her, and Ye Wangxi would gladly allow her. She would give her life in exchange for just a moment more in her arms.
I Learned From You [Eleven / Max Mayfield | Stranger Things | T Rated | 930 words]
Did Max not know how good she looked? How El's heart fluttered against her chest everytime she gave one of those bright smiles, so full of life and joy. It was as if the whole world came to a standstill when she smiled. "Very pretty."
A light blush crossed Max's cheeks and El realised she'd rolled over so that their faces were only inches away from each other. El felt her own face turning red as she stared into the depths of those light blue eyes.
She didn't remember who crossed the distance between them, but their lips met and it felt as if she could fly.
It Was You [An Zhe/Lu Feng |  小蘑菇 - 一十四洲 / Little Mushroom | T Rated | 1.2k words]
“Or was it because of this?” Lu Feng carefully took An Zhe’s hand in his own, entangling their fingers together so that the red strings wrapped around them both touched. “You don’t like it?”
“It’s not that,” An Zhe blinked, trying to figure out how to put his feelings into words. “Just… What if we’re only together because of this.”
Lu Feng’s gaze softened, fingers tightening around An Zhe’s hand.
"We were connected because we wanted to be together, we don't want to be together because we're soulmates."
Dream Where I Belong [Nangong Jingnu/Qi Yan | 泾渭情殇 - 请君莫笑 / Clear and Muddy Loss of Love | T rated | 4.5k words]
“No, I refuse,” Qi Yan leaned back and away from Ding You, fixing him with a sharp glare. Her wings were a horrible reminder of what had happened, a remnant of a past she could never return to. Why would she want to see something that was once so beautiful in its current damaged and twisted state?
They were just like her, in a way.
Help, My Partner Won't Stop Spending Money On Me [Jiang Xi / Xue Meng | 二哈和他的白猫师尊 - 肉包不吃肉 / 2ha | T Rated | 2.6k words]
Xue Meng looked up from the floury mess he'd made on the floor, smeared all over his face, and gave a disgustingly sweet smile he hoped would warm the grumpiest of men's hearts. "I was cooking."
"I highly doubt that was what you were doing, considering the mess and lack of anything vaguely edible. Didn't I tell you not to cook?"
“I just wanted to make something nice for when you got back,” Xue Meng pouted, looking like a petulant child that had thrown flour around the kitchen.
“You were trying to poison me,” Jiang Xi snapped, cold gaze flickering to the pan of mushy noodles and burnt vegetables.
Shadow Of My Grief [He Xuan / Shi Qingxuan | Heaven Officials Blessing | M rated | 2.1k words]
The cold voice rang through the manor, grating on Shi Qingxuan’s ears and sending shivers down their spine. A part of them had craved to hear that voice so much. But not like this. How they remembered it, soft and calm with a hint of irritation. Now it was as if it had iced over, devoid of all emotion.
So sinister.
(Maybe if they pleased him, they could get the old voice back).
Kiss It Away [Liu Mingyan / Ning Yingying / Sha Hualing | Scum Villain Self Saving System | T Rated | 711 words]
Against all her protests Ning Yingying found herself sandwiched between the two of them, lying on her back with them on either side. Liu Mingyang had an arm wrapped around her waist and was lightly kissing her cheek. Sha Hualing had nuzzled in at her neck, kissing marks that had Ning Yingying blushing further, and had thrown her uninjured leg over hers.
“You two-”
“Sh,” Liu Mingyan cut her off with a finger to her lips, gracefully leaning up onto one elbow. “Just let it go, A-Ying.”
Tagging @monroeknoxwrites and anyone else who wants to do it!
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spooksier · 1 month
the place adventure time has in just culture in general is so so funny to be because it's so prevalent whether through just merch with characters on it or designs directly referencing the style/aesthetics and yet most people have not actually seen the show past season 1-5 (including me until like a year ago!) so if you try to explain any post s5 adventure time plot where it basically became a complete different show you sound fucking insane. they don't even know about princess bubblegum's gay cousin chicle. they don't even know about my dear friend fern.
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running2reanimation · 5 months
🤱 Minecraft Crew?
[ 🤱 ] does your muse want to have children? why or why not?
"No, they're cute, but a lot of work full time. I'm content being the cool aunt to my girlfriend's niblings."
"I think my time is kinda up for having kids, maybe I'll adopt someday, but I'm not really in a position to right now."
"Maybe someday? They do seem like a lot of work, though."
"HELL NO! First, way too much work and removes all my freedom. Second, I am way too messed up not to mess up my kids in turn, so it is better for all involved if I avoid the smalls at all costs."
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fernsnailz · 1 year
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team dark in: the mac and cheese incident
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cierv-o-robot-o · 8 months
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Couldn’t decide which version I liked more
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sunsestart · 8 months
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I'm normal, I'm normal, I'm normal
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athyriaceae · 6 months
Alfred Pennyworth is Agent A.
GIW uses letter aliases.
Imagine the absolute and total misunderstanding of Danny just beginning to trust the bats only for one of them to let that codename slip. Imagine they offered for Agent A to patch him up. Or mentioned him over comms.
Either way Danny isn’t trusting that for a second.
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anthurak · 8 months
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Something I’ve often found really compelling in Adventure Time is how The Grass Sword/Grass Demon/Fern found up becoming one of the most prominent and disturbing antagonists of the series pretty much by complete accident.
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Like it’s easy to forget after Fern has become such a prominent character both in the show and fandom, but the ‘curse’ of the Grass Longsword started out and spent much of the show entirely benign. All it really did was cause the sword to stick to Finn. If anything, the sword/curse was quite beneficial to Finn, providing him with a prosthetic arm and activating on several instances to protect him. Really, the entire point of the original Blade of Grass episode was that the sword was actually pretty useful.
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It was only AFTER stabbing and later merging with the Finn Sword to create Fern that the ‘curse’ started becoming actively malicious.
In hindsight, I think it’s pretty clear that while the Grass Spider/Octopus/Demon ‘curse’ entity within the Grass Sword may have been malicious, for the longest time it had no way of actually controlling or otherwise influencing Finn. The sword may have bonded to Finn’s body, but NOT to his mind, or more importantly his soul. This left Finn free to use the sword, and later even the grass-prosthetic freely without any danger or corruption from the curse.
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But then Finn accidentally used it to stab the Finn Sword. As we see in Two Swords, this for the first time gave the Grass Demon/Curse direct access to a soul, the soul of the alternate Finn within the Finn Sword. A soul that it was able to corrupt and influence and ultimately merge with to create Fern.
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This is one of those things that I think a lot of the fandom seems to miss: Fern isn’t some quirky doppelganger or a ‘brother’ to Finn. He is straight up a distorted, corrupted version OF Finn (the alternate iteration of him within the Finn Sword) manifested by the CURSE of the Grass Sword.
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As in, basically EVERYTHING Fern does that deviates from the ‘norm’ that is Finn can be considered the work OF the curse. From more overt stuff like his tendency to ‘stab first, ask questions later’ or the times he ‘flips out’, to more subtle things like his brooding or just the fact that he has a noticeably different voice (the voice of the Grass Demon mind you), ALL of these are the product of the Curse.
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And it’s this fact which makes Fern a truly tragic character. Because he was effectively doomed from the very start. Despite Fern’s attempts to do good and Finn’s and Jake’s attempts to accept him as his own person, Fern simply could not escape the curse’s influence. Because that curse was the very thing that created and maintained his physical body. It WAS his body. And this curse wanted nothing but to subvert, influence and ultimately CONTROL him for its own ends.
I think we can very easily assume that all of Fern’s failures, all his insecurities, everything that drove him to turning on Finn and trying to kill him and becoming the Green Knight in the final season, ALL of that was the result of the curse’s influence. Trying to whittle and break down Fern’s will so that it could mold him into whatever it wanted. And there was NOTHING Fern could do to stop this. Because the curse made itself a core part of what he was.
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When Finn and Fern finally enter his mental world and destroy the Grass Demon in Come Along With Me, we see Fern as he truly is: simply another version of Finn who has been corrupted by the curse.
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And with the Grass Demon dead, there is nothing to maintain Fern’s physical body, causing him to soon fade away. In order for this alternate Finn to be saved, he couldn’t exist as ‘Fern’.
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Of course this also means that ‘Fern’ didn’t actually DIE at the end of the series. He simply reverted back to his true form: The Finn Sword.
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And what I find so compelling and tragic about all this is that NONE of it had to actually happen. The Finn within the Finn Sword didn’t need to be put through all this suffering. Like it seems pretty clear that the Finn that become the Finn Sword was perfectly content being a sword. He didn’t need to be corrupted and spend the last two and half seasons being manipulated by a grass octopus demon.
Because when you think about it, ALL of this happened by accident. If Finn hadn’t lost the Finn Sword to Bandit Princess, or if he’d been able to simply avoid stabbing it with the Grass Sword during his fight with her, NONE of this would have happened. Finn would still have the Finn Sword and the Grass Sword would have likely remained benign and helpful to him. Heck, given how Finn seems to fully regain the use of the Grass Sword in his fight with Bandit Princess, he probably would have been able to duel-wield the Grass Sword and Finn Sword together.
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This is really what I find to be the tragedy of Fern: That two of Finn’s greatest tools wound up becoming one of his most dangerous adversaries, and even worse that the Finn who became the Finn Sword was tortured and corrupted for no real reason, all essentially by accident.
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reigobun · 6 months
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why am i always terrified to post him
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botanyshitposts · 1 year
theres a part in my fern textbook where it talks about fern 'spore banks' in the soil where fern spores land on the ground and instead of germinating get buried and can stay viable for several years and sometimes i think about it bc although they didnt elaborate on why this might be useful, if i was a fern-- a little guy who's survival strategy is notoriously to be the first to colonize any disturbed new places so i dont have to bother with any competition-- this would be a pretty sick deal.
like this is unconfirmed fern lore but like, if im a spore sittin several inches to feet underground and something happens thats bad enough to rip up the soil and expose me to sunlight and water again, its probably also bad enough to rip up all my competition and let me do whatever i want on a clean slate with all the nutrients i could wish for in the ruins of the ecosystem i was buried under. like, via a terrible natural disaster or landslide or something. and im already adapted to the environment because i came from a fern that was there the last time the land was ripped up and recolonized with ferns. rip to the other plants but im different lmaooo
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flippyplush · 6 months
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merry almost christmas heres your gift
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disabled-dinos · 11 months
my addition for disability pride month
Parents: please teach your children about disability. Teach them that all bodies are different. Teach them that not everyone is like them and that’s okay, diversity makes life exciting!
Almost every time I take my wheelchair out, these kids are just staring at me like I’m glowing fluorescent green. It’s like they’ve never seen someone in a wheelchair before. When I tic, kids look at me shocked and a little freaked out.
And yes, I know they’re kids! I understand that they don’t know everything yet. But guess what? That’s your job as their parent. Not mine. Not any disabled person’s.
show your children pictures of people in wheelchairs, videos by and of autistic adults stimming, videos by people with facial differences, of people with limb differences, people with Down syndrome, people with dwarfism, people that use nasal cannulas, and so on.
Kids are not inherently going to be afraid of or rude to disabled people, not if you as the parent educate them from a young age. Teach them to be kind, not to stare, not to pet service animals.
We aren’t rare; your kid will come across us. We’re not “inspiring” OR “scary.” We’re people. That’s it. Educate them first so these are positive experiences! 💜
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chameleocoonj · 4 months
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my alio fern- a simple fluffy thing
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running2reanimation · 9 months
Teal, Indigo and Fern with Electric, Steel and Ghost. In that order please!
The Minecraft Crew wants to battle!
Project Lead Teal sent out Kilowattrel!
Engineer Indigo sent out Alolan Sandslash!
Intern Fern sent out Houndstone!
Project Lead Teal sent out Pawmot!
Engineer Indigo sent out Magnezone!
Intern Fern sent out Polteageist!
Project Lead Teal sent out Toxtricity (Low Key)!
Engineer Indigo sent out Scizor!
Intern Fern sent out Golurk!
Project Lead Teal sent out Dedenne!
Engineer Indigo sent out Togedemaru!
Intern Fern sent out Mimikyu!
Project Lead Teal sent out Galvantula!
Engineer Indigo sent out Ferrothorn!
Intern Fern sent out Rotom!
Project Lead Teal sent out Ampharos (Mega)!
Engineer Indigo sent out Hisuian Goodra!
Intern Fern sent out Decidueye!
You defeated the Minecraft Crew! You received 10500 Pokédollars!
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