#about lthq and louis being artist of the month
huggieshalo · 2 years
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silverfoxlou · 2 years
September 15 2022
Louis + team
LTHQ new spotify canvas
LTHQ band photos from a month ago
Warner Music Africa - Bigger Than Me (x)
Mark Mueller (Marketing BMG US) - Z100 show
NME - Watch Louis Tomlinson perform coming-of-age anthem ‘Bigger Than Me’ on ‘Corden (x)
iHeart - Louis Tomlinson Shares 'Silly Antics' He Enjoys On Tour (annoying)
Capital FM - Louis Tomlinson Reminisces Over One Direction Pranks On Tour (trash)
Good Morning America - performance
Z100 End of Summer Bash
Planned Appearances
Elvis Duran Show - Sep 16 2022, 7:50am EST
September 16 2020
Bigger Than Me lyric video
Louis + team
LTHQ lyric video
LTHQ new spotify canvas
Elvis Duran - interview + performance
94.3 Radio One India - part 1 2 3 4
Planned Appearances
Sirius XM - Sep 20 2022, 7am
Official Charts - #9 (-2) on Physical Singles Charts
September 17
Louis + team
LTHQ new spotify canvas
BBC - Louis Tomlinson: Will radio stations play my songs again? I have no idea (bullshit*)
Hit 5 million monthly listeners again (finally)
September 18
Louis + team
Louis tweet to F1 takeover playlist (and IG stories)
LTHQ new spotify canvas
*it could have been really interesting and opened up a discussion about the balance of needing radio vs dedicated fans - and how some artists get pushed out. but because it's Louis... it was just framed as how it was his shortcomings that led to him being kept off radio. plus the "journalist" trying to sweet talk fans by being "nice" to Louis on twitter after writing that.. well. the bias was clear.
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undertheniall · 1 year
The Louis cancellation. Asian leg was to start in about a week. About 15 hours ago, the promoter posted a bare bones announcement - tour cancelled across all of Asia, refunds will be issued. (There were rumors about this bouncing around twitter yesterday, which is its own problem.) No other info. in that initial announcement. NOTHING from LTHQ or Louis himself. Went about 12 hours before we heard anything. Then it was LTHQ with a post on his official website — we’re sorry, Louis really wanted to do this, and basically nothing else. Still nothing from Louis.
1) people are understandably concerned about Louis and those close to him. Sure he drinks and smokes, but he’s a professional when it comes to touring. Just like Niall. Louis broke his arm twice this past year, kept touring. Fulfilled a performance commitment three days after his mother died Not saying this is exceptional among performers, but just saying this really is unprecedented for Louis.
2) people are pissed at LTHQ. No matter what is going on with Louis, and pls let it be nothing awful, but regardless, the delay in LTHQ’s response is inexcusable. Disrespectful to fans and just pathetic. Their statement should’ve gone out at the same time as the promoter’s announcement. Even if they were ambushed by the announcement, unlikely since twitter knew, it shouldn’t have taken 12 hours to put out a short, basic PR blurb that contained zero substantive info. A high school intern could’ve written it in ten minutes. Not that we have a right to all details, esp with personal stuff, but the content was so basic there is zero excuse for the delay.
3) again, really hoping it’s nothing personal, but pics unveiling new tattoos came out a couple days ago. If and only if nothing bad happened personally between then and the cancellation announcement, it’s not ok he hasn’t posted. He will fully deserve criticism around it.
I’m so sorry. Please feel free to ignore this and not contaminate your blog! I’m going to go listen to Heaven. 🫡
Louis ranter here. Lord knows I don’t want to subject you to other Louies coming over here to argue. Please feel free to 💯 ignore me. Maybe this summary is better: unclear if Louis is ok. haven’t heard from him directly. Terrible communication by everyone involved. People are worried and pissed. Much more concise! 🥴
Please don’t block me for coming back! But I can’t not mention that Louis just tweeted. Don’t know how to paste it here. “Absolutely gutted we couldn’t make it out to the shows this month. I’ll be back! I’m sorry to anyone affected. Love you all!!” We’ll likely never know anything about what really happened. As Louis’ chest tattoo says, “it is what is.”
Heeey hahaha def not blocking you don't worry! I just put all your 3 messages in one so it's clearer 😊
Damn that is some mess! I understand why people are upset tbh. Especially because you didn't even get an explanation. Like I remember Shawn mendes canceling part of his tour and he posted about feeling anxious and overwhelmed and not being in a good headspace to tour and everyone understood. But with this... So strange!!!
Also the lack of announcement from him first is weird... Or at least to me but maybe it's because I experienced niall canceling his tour when covid hit and he was the one to announce it and apologise and everything. Like I know they all hire people to do these stuff for them but canceling a tour is a huge deal so I like when artists take 2 min out of their lifes to inform the fans themselves you know.
Now I really want to know what happened jsisksksksks like anyone has any guesses? 👀👀
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Is this ineffectual management in the room with us? Louis and Matt Vines have been hamstrung at every turn: being blacklisted by radio, festivals and reviewers in the UK and US, being saddled with a Sony selected PR agent who seems more interested in Louis’s ability to wipe Harry Styles ass whenever he shits himself in public than providing opportunities to promote Louis. P op Despite that they have steadily built Louis career. They have had to think outside the box and outside traditional markets to do it. But they have done it, increasing his sales (not streams but then streaming is unlikely to make them money anyway) and the crowd sizes at his shows. There is also a high standard to everything they do. There will probably be an upper limit to what they can achieve that way but it’s still a creditable performance.
I’m sorry but Matt Vines and Louis have squandered so many opportunities that his fandom handed to them on a plate.
They did nothing to encourage streaming of Walls music videos, nothing to promote Walls after the album was released, nothing to promote Faith In The Future after it was released except a digital album to increase sales to existing fans.
Louis was invited to livestream Walls with Tim Burgess in April 2020. Nothing happened.
The fandom brought Walls to iTunes #1 worldwide in October 2020. Did LTHQ hold any streaming parties or promote the album in any way? They let the opportunity go. Nothing was written about it. No interviews. No media releases.
Project Defenceless— fans got iHeart to play Defenceless eight Saturdays in a row. There was absolutely no follow-up and no acknowledgement.
I’m not even going to regurgitate LTHQ’s screw-ups with 1. Telling UAs to tell followers to stop streaming Walls in the middle of release week, 2. Not knowing Billboard’s bundling rules days before Walls released, and having to change fans’ pre-orders so they wouldn’t be invalidated (a UA spotted the mistake), 3. Causing all Amazon and Googleplay Walls pre-orders to be canceled merely days before Walls was released, 4. Not having enough hard copies of AOTV DVD on hand to get FITF charting when it was released, 5. Not publicizing either Live From London or AFHF 2021 in any music publications, 6. Announcing AFHF 2023 two months before the festival, with hardly any time to plan airfare and accommodations, 7. LTWT22: Asia— no lithos, no merch, nothing acknowledging this leg even exists on Louis’ merch site, 8. Rinse and repeat the terrible treatment of Asian fans… FITFWT23: Asia— what the fuck happened? Why did Louis even go to Japan only to cancel tour, and give no explanation to thousands of fans who had booked plane tickets and hotel rooms? They deserve an explanation. 9. The potential for Written All Over Your Face to be a viral single?? To take off on Instagram and Tiktok? And they just let it die.
As for Simon Jones… I have no idea why he’s still around, but how do you know that the reason is Sony? And if not Sony, Jones is possibly the worst person for Louis’ brand— so why does Louis keep him? Louis does feel comfortable with “the devil you know,” but this is a bad reason to keep Jones’ smirking face around. The best thing Louis and Matt Vibes did in terms of marketing is to assign 28 Clothing to a different company.
I do agree that Matt Vines is the cautious naysayer who balances out Louis’ unbridled optimism, and he has applied the strategy he uses for Hurts to Louis— but Hurts and Louis are not the same type of artists, and Louis isn’t going to tour to 30-something guys who think they’re into niche music. If he aspires to music management or a music label, how will Matt Vines get him industry street credit?
One way is what we’re seeing right now— Louis playing festivals. Louis needs to earn that respect from fans on a one-to-one level. Media are already biased against Louis in most markets. He’s not headlining every festival, which (I think) is a good thing. He needs to prove himself, to prove that he put in the time, put in the work, and deserves those Rolling Stones or Brits or MTV nominations and awards. In a way, playing festivals is a bigger challenge than touring, and Louis is much more ready now compared to when he played iHeart in 2017, or Hits Live or CCME or Telehits in 2019. He is up to the challenge.
I will also agree that Matt Vines has ensured that Louis’ work is always presented with beautiful aesthetics and high production value. His albums will always sound gorgeous. His tours look meticulous. Louis himself is extremely disciplined. But I attribute this more to Louis’ eye and perfectionism than to Matt Vines.
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alltheselights · 2 years
I’m honestly starting to question if Louis is happy with the status quo of zero promo and only appealing to the same handful of stalkers, etc. Is it because it’s comfortable? Because he knows what to expect? Does he not want to expand his fanbase? Is he okay as long as he puts out the music he wants even if only a small handful hear it? I really struggle to believe that he’s happy with how things are. He’s such a perfection and so meticulous with his craft, that I just can’t wrap my head around him being okay with it. He lights up when he talks about songwriting, touring, the festival, etc.? Does he choose not to push for those things? Are his hands still tied? I’m really struggling to understand why we are constantly going in circles.
Anonymous asked: Same anon about if Louis is happy/comfortable with the ‘promo’ he’s given, it also doesn’t make sense in the fact that he’s said he wants the AFHF to go. And how do you do that without promo, without getting your name out there, without expanding your reach??? Everything is such a juxtaposition and it’s so hard to make sense out of everything. I guess I just can’t imagine that he would willingly choose to keep Simon Jones. He has to know how detrimental he is.
I don’t think it makes sense for Louis to be happy with shitty promo and abysmal charting numbers. Louis has said that he doesn’t want to only make music with the goal of topping the charts, but he wants his music to be heard and we know that he’s been very happy when he charts well in the past. I don’t think the person who posts about how amazing it is that he’s reached number one in countries can also be the same person who doesn’t care that his team half asses promo so his song vanishes from the public’s view.
That being said, I do sometimes wonder whether Louis is fully aware of how bad his promo is and how little it’s accomplishing. I wonder if he and his team understand that Louis being able to sell out a world tour and having screaming fans outside his hotel does not mean that he can top the charts from his fans’ work alone. There is so much emphasis on Louis’ amazing fanbase, and yeah, we’re great but we are not large enough or capable enough to overcome a lack of radio play and a lack of promo to outside audiences. Artists almost never stay on top of the charts because fans are buying and streaming their music 24/7 for months at a time. Artists stay on top of the charts because their music reaches the ears of the general public and the public enjoys it. It requires radio play and performances of the song to audiences who will go on Spotify and listen to the song or go buy it. Fans can only buy a song so many times, or request it so many times, or stream it so many times. When nobody out there is helping and the audience isn’t growing, it’s inevitable that there will be a massive drop off in numbers because fans are fucking exhausted.
Listening parties for existing fans aren’t doing shit. Meeting stalkers isn’t doing shit. Doing the same two TV programs in the United States that you’ve done previously with no attempt to reach new audiences isn’t doing shit. Posting magazine covers only to LTHQ’s accounts which never reach the public’s eyes and reach significantly fewer fans than Louis’ account is not doing shit. Doing interviews on TV programs that mostly appeal to a middle-aged and older audience without performances isn’t doing shit. Doing small bits for Capital and BBC so they can use you for hits while they blacklist your music isn’t doing shit. Making an F1 playlist and not even including a single song from your discography, let alone the one you’re meant to be promoting, isn’t doing shit.
I’m not sure if Louis realizes this. Maybe he’s starting to. Maybe BMG is starting to. But they’ve done absolutely nothing to correct it so far.
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louehvolution · 3 years
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berlinini · 2 years
Clem's Tour Commentary: Vancouver (y/n edition aka my show)
Sooooo!!! Last May I was lucky enough to get tickets for the Vancouver show, which wasn't sold out at the time, and Portland 2, which had just been announced. I love Vancouver so I thought I'd visit once again. Having heard of the city of Portland, and especially because of the venue (one of the smallest of the tour, with GA), I thought let's do both! I ended up buying tickets to LA and so for months I have been thinking about what I called Clem's West Coast Tour 2022. This has been a simple way to explain to friends and family the reason of my trip - and get concerned looks at the idea that I was seeing the same artist 3 times, to which I wanted to say... bestie I'll have seen the show 20 times before I even set foot in the first venue...!!! I know the show by heart at this point! Anyways.
All of this to say, you can imagine the anticipation of finally seeing Louis live myself, especially after witnessing his performances over livestreams for the last 5 weeks, and after months of waiting and incertitude!
As usual, I wrote a full length novel about my experience, so each show will have its own post. Recap under the cut! :)
The show was on Sunday night and I started feeling jittery on Saturday. I went to check out the venue, unfortunately Louis' name wasn't on the marquee. Sunday around noon I went around the artist's entrance and fans were already lining up to see Louis arrive. I spent the rest of the day being a mess. The show was an all seated venue, which I loved because I found it less stressful, and thought it would be as good as Nashville. Oh! And by the power of the Louie God, I had the chance to exchange my balcony tickets for better seats in the orchestra, in ROW 28 so!!! It was a blessed event! Even more so because Louis showed up at the venue in PURPLE???? Very truly blessed!
Me and my excellent solo louie companion @bbrox arrived around 7:30pm, and lined up in the short line (there were two lines because there are two entries to the venue). Upon entering (at 8, so we knew the show would be delayed), we saw that the lines for the merch stands were a literal maze going up and down the stairs, it was insane!!! The venue was SO beautiful, a palace fit for a King. We got drinks, which was funny because I got carded (being confused for a 19 yo is always nice) and my mind was elsewhere so after that I took my drinks and started leaving and they were like... girl you have to pay! That gives you an idea of my state of mind! We renounced getting merch and decided to join our seats. Row 28 baby!!! It was the last row, right in front of some of the sound consoles. We did a little visit of the front of the stage, where people were taking pics. You could feel how everyone was so excited! Sun Room was nice, and the girls in front of us were apparent fans and it was very cute to see. During the break @captainlouisuniverse (which I sadly didn't get to meet :\) texted me to say that if you payed cash at the merch counter you could go quicker. So we jumped on the opportunity and cut the queue (sorry not sorry). I got the white tour t-shirt (with the eye!!!). Also, I asked the venue lady if they were handing out water and she was like...well you have to pay for it?! and honestly I'm suing LTHQ for discrimination against Canadians fans...
It's Showtime!!!
I was SO nervous when Smells Like Teen Spirit started playing and we KNEW the guys would get on stage, we KNEW the drums to WMI were coming up and we knew LOUIS was coming up!!! To paraphrase Louis, one year of built up energy!!! The atmosphere in the room was crazy, Louis showed up wearing all black (so sexy of him!!!) and honestly from that it's just a blur of emotions...
Compared to Portland show (more on that later), I have a hard time describing how Vancouver felt. I hardly remember stuff... (ok this 1 000 words post is saying otherwise) Maybe because it was too intense on a emotional level, maybe it's because I wasn't as close to the stage... It's gonna sound weird but I was so focused on myself during that show and on the communal experience in the room. It really felt like we were sharing a moment, after such a long time waiting. When I think about it there was Louis singing, me singing with Louis, and the awesome atmosphere. I was just living the moment and I honestly felt like I deserved to have this moment of pure joy considering how bleak life has been for the last two years.
And the way I experienced the show was so different from watching it online - I didn't care to find out what brand Louis was wearing, I didn't care to rate the crowd, I wasn't focusing on Louis reacting to fan signs, hell I hardly looked at the guys (except Michael). I wasn't trying to take pictures (RIP my iPhone XR's shitty lense) or get Louis' attention, I just wanted to have a good time and give him a good time. The crowd was good and all the fandom drama was far away - we were there and we were happy, and so was Louis and the band. The songs just kept on coming, with the rush of OMG THIS IS XYZ!!! and before you knew it, we were losing our minds to KMM and it was over.
I had so much energy singing and jumping around and yeah one thing about me is that I scream a lot at concerts (RIP the people standing besides me), so I did that. I screamed. A lot. I had no voice at the end of the show... I was so hot, thank God I was wearing layers but my fleece-lined platform Converse were very uncomfortable. Suddenly I understood the fans fainting in the pit - at least we had room to move around.
My (almost) enemies to lovers story with Matt Vines:
Ever since being in Vancouver at the same time as Louis and his band but especially ever since knowing me and Michael had walked the same street on the same day, my mind was going overdrive with some y/n fantasies, which became a running gag among some of you here (I love you all). It wouldn't be the first time in this fandom that fans think they're in a fanfic, however I'm not dumb enough to think Louis will invite me on his tour bus so I had placed all my hopes (delusions) on Michael, because... well you know why. So that was the joke. Alas, if someone noticed me (even that...) from that night it was... Matt Vines.
Matt was standing behind us, a little bit to my left, in between the sound consoles. He was there almost the whole time, on his phone for a good part. I know because I looked at him a few times, since @silverfoxlou had given me the order to give him a stinky eye if I ever saw him. So I sent him bad energy. So what happened for me to say he noticed me? Well bestie don't believe anything you read on tumblr dot com especially dodgy fan reports because nothing concrete happened LOL. But I was so close to him and as I said I screamed so much, jumped so much, that there's no way Matt didn't at least looked at me once and thought: who is that crazy chick with her wannabe Ariana Grande ponytail and her bouncing cross-body bag and who's wearing awesome Converses (ok there's no way he saw my shoes). Dreams do come true!!!! If anything I hope he saw me going hard on the non-1D songs and I set a good example of solo fans (as if that was written on my forehead lol - though my attitude during Habit probably gave a clue). Anyways, fuck you Matt I still hate you.
Some honorary mentions of the show (the bits that I recall):
The lights during Two Of Us: this was not a fan project, it just happened organically? Not to brag (but I will) but I was one of the first to put my torch out, it just seemed like it fit with the emotion of the song? I'm glad we had that <3
There was a fan project for the rainbow lights for OTB . We didn't have a lot of flags (some will say we were homophobic for that), but it was still a very emotional moment. I haven't seen what the rainbow lights looked like - that's what happens when you're at the back of the venue... Also, it's interesting to see how the perspective is different being live vs being "front row" via a stream.
We did the lights for Beautiful War as demanded asked by Louis. That song always makes me tear up and hearing it live, I feel so lucky. Just thinking about this makes me emotional.
Louis messed up Walls (video) which I didn't realize because unfortunately I always forget Walls #dontcancelme. I'm so glad we got to scream YOU WERE MY BECAUSE to him twice!!! It was so awesome!
This was me when Habit rolled on. I boycotted the song and kept my mouth shut, yes I'm petty. I hope Matt caught that.
When the drums to 7 started playing I was going INSANE. Unfortunately the crowd wasn't that much into it but me and my bestie went 110% on it, I was out of breath at the end, it was everything I ever dreamed off. I had a slight obsession with that song last summer, so seeing it live was a real #wemadeit moment.
I had this urge to scream "Michael you're so hot" because... why not... but didn't want to be disrespectful, so finding the right time felt tricky, but luckily I saw an opening during the band pic break. Around 0:35 in this video if you squint really hard you can almost hear it? God I wish I had been closer or had a louder voice. Anyways I hope he heard me <3 If anything Matt definitely did so I count that as a win in the things he's gonna tell Louis and Michael about me because he totally noticed me and talked about and this is my y/n moment
OK but talking about Michael being hot... He's insanely talented and the way he works that guitar during 7, LBD, is sooooo hot!!! He's just out there manspreading like a king while a whole venue is screaming for him, go little rock star!!! I'm also "manspreading" thinking about it but for different reasons
Fearless: I've been saying for months that hearing Fearless live would cure me and boy did it work!!! It's so good!!! I still have the reflex of singing "enjoy this Crystal Palace" (lol) I hope Louis would give us a "enjoy this (name of city)", because it's the perfect introduction - he know... he knows.
Defenseless and Always You are so good, fuck the person at Sony who didn't make at least one of them a single, because you can tell these are bops that the crowd loves. It was awesome to sing "it's been two years since I saw your face" and "just wanna be loved by YOU" to Louis, the way he reclaimed those songs, go off my love.
The energy for KMM was insane (video), it's such a good way to end the show, but it's also so bittersweet? The high is insane and then you're left to yourself, with the inevitable realization that it's over... :(
See @seasurfacefullofclouds1's wonderful highlight post about the show here.
Post Show:
In true Groupie Fashion™️, and because we couldn't handle the show being over over, we waited outside to see Louis getting on the bus. We spotted Oli going back and forth several times, Kyrstle and Jessie (to whom I sent bad vibes) going on the other bus, Isaac, Zak and Matt getting on the bus together.
Then LOUIS!!! The King of England! God I can't believe he was there, right across the street from me (video). He got in pretty quick and then sat at the window like the annoying little shit that he is, just being there and basking in the attention (Michael's that is). I truly wondered how it must be like for him...Like there is no reason for him to have that window open (except for when he smoked)?? He's just a superstar. The crowd was shouting "Louis we love you" and because I had to balance my karma from my 'Michael you're so hot' shout out, I yelled at least two times "you're so pretty" because Louis needs to know it and also I love to objectify men.
Michael arrived late, by himself, with his huge backpack, which is one of the things I considered worthy of my camera roll. I have 3 blurry pics to prove it.
JD and Wolsey were stellar in their crowd management, especially because it was a busy street with a lot of cars (and trams - we were joking that the tram would block Louis from our view when he got out, à la Walls mural van). At some point the fans shouted some praise for JD and Wolsey and Joshua was filming and it made a little bit of a commotion, thus prompting Louis to curiously put his head out... Drama queen!
Joshua was hanging out a bit outside the bus, taking pics from under the window. Charlie was really doing the rounds, he was so close to me, I almost started chatting him up about dinners in Portland. Instead I made sure my mask was all up so I wouldn't be recognizable if I ever make it in that damn documentary he's making (another 18 months before I find out, another y/n moment wow I'm so lucky).
Post-Show: the Crowd/ Fandom stuff (anecdotal notes that you can skip if you're tired of reading this essay):
The crowd waiting outside was interesting. They started singing No Control - it was inevitable... but luckily it was the first time of the night, since we didn't get it during the show break. The problem with my brain is that I just start singing songs without realizing what they are - I'm on automatic mode. I truly thought we were singing Miss You before I realized it was NC... RIP. They also sang Home, WMYB and later Perfect Now (cute). At some point the singing got drowned by shout of 'we love you', which was nice.
In waiting we chatted a bit with the girls close to us and this hilarious (to me) interaction happened, when Louis was still inside and someone rolled out a box:
Girl: OMG maybe he's pulling a Harry and he's hiding in that box LOL
Me, turning around: excuse me? Céline was doing that first
Other girl: yeah I was going to say Taylor did it before Harry
Me: Sorry. Céline Dion.
Don't disrespect the queen like this UGH.
Also some fans were acting like the fandom police telling other what to do/ not to cross the street and I rolled my eyes to far back into my skull. Can we not? It's not your job so please stay in your lane.
Anyways, it was fun to wait out for Louis and see him, and I could already picture the gifs I would see on tumblr the day after of his adorable face out the window. It was a bit strange to think about how the show would be "perceived" and brought me back to fans who've been saying that livestreams don't do justice. I know it was a good show but at the same time I truly didn't give a damn about how people on tumblr and twitter had reacted - I had a good time, we had a good time. Louis sounded amazing, the crowd was loud and supportive, it's all that matters!
I feel like this was all over the place... thanks for keeping up with my Thoughts™️
TLDR: I fucking love Louis Tomlinson.
PS: for another recap of the night you can read @bbrox's post here
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1ddotdhq · 3 years
Sat 30 Jan ‘21 
Welllllll I had a whole lead about Walls being built and coming down and then H had to go be gay on main and that just has to come first! It was discovered today that the scottysakamoto instagram account (Harry’s finsta which recently made headlines for being a dark larrie with his Papillion references) follows an account named @/best_of_grindr, which is exactly what is says on the tin lmao. This shouldn’t come as a real shock to anyone, but it is notable that he began to follow a grindr account from the instagram account that was meant to prove that he was ~totally straight~ and ~with his girlfriend~. Although, she did unfollow him, soooooo…..Anyways! He’s gay, Petra! 
And here’s the awesome Walls newsssss: LTHQ announced a listening party for the one year anniversary of Walls, but it’s unclear whether the King himself will be joining. I’m sure they’re gonna string that reveal out until the last possible moment. Louis himself has not said anything but maybe he’ll pop up tomorrow to celebrate with us, if only with a tweet! Niall is doing some taunting and teasing of his own on twitter, promising his fans that if they get him to the 40th artist worldwide on spotify he’ll do a dance half naked on tik tok (which half, fans wondered, and would it be any different than his instagram lives?). “NIALL DON’T UNDERESTIMATE US”, one fan assured him, and he replied with a cheeky “go on then”. Uhhh….time to trend #DONTstripthatdownNiall again! Niall also sat down with Sky Golf to talk more about his youth golf program, and I *am* honestly curious - as he talks about accessibility - about how he expects the demographic breakdown of this program to look like, and what it’ll end up being. Guess we’ll see eventually. 
Ziam were on and around instagram today, Zayn with a PHENOMENAL selfie in his Louis Blue hair and dark root showing off his “cheeky” NIL hoodie (ugh he’s so gorgeous) and then put out a pre recorded spon for the Harry Potter candy crush game that he’s been sponning for months now. JKR is a TERF, Z, sorry but even your lovely eyes won’t take that away! And Liam joined Andy Samuels (old hometown friend from before 1D!) for a Birthday Trivia Quiz, which has confused me to no end. Is this...a quiz where the trivia is about yourself?? Do you?? Make up really obscure questions about your life and hope your friends can guess? And IF SO: what knee do I have a long time scar on and how did I get it? The prize is a cupcake of your favorite flavor that you have to go buy yourself...I know, I’m AMAZING!
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1ddiscourseoftheday · 4 years
Mon 19 Oct ‘20
We’ve got new LT Tour news and it miiight actually be realistic?? A Louis show has been added in Australia, just about the only place it's possible to imagine that a show might actually go forward as scheduled (June 2021) even if things don't change very much over the next months. LTHQ says he has “upgraded his Sydney show [it was moved to a different venue] and added a second show in Melbourne for the 2021 world tour.” Tickets for the added show go on sale Thursday. We'll see about the world part, but the idea that some shows might go forward is a win for us all! The whole world will be looking to you, Aussie livestreamers! And United By Pop posted a gushy compilation of fans sharing what Louis means to them, as collected on twitter by the author, who says she was inspired to move to London to become a music journalist by Louis.
Niall interviews continue to pop up-- today he publicly describes himself as being in a relationship for the first time ever (he's only confirmed relationships after the fact in the past, if that) and can we just appreciate that he does it in the weirdest possible way, maybe it's the lack of practice: “I'm gone, they took me away, the love angels,” he says, complete with an arm gesture waving up at ...heaven? He and Amelia have been public already for months now so it's not any kind of surprise, it's just a layer of public discussion he doesn't usually do. He talks about the upcoming charity show, saying “I think if the government are going to do nothing...the artists need to step up,” and he and Australian singer/songwriter Sam Fischer had a long zoom musical session and shared pics (“just a couple of stone cold studs having a cheeky laugh for 2 hours!”) The Men in Blazers spot didn't air in full yet, that'll be in a couple more hours, but we did get a clip of the announcer talking about fandom in these times: “in our world right now where everything feels like it matters too much, it's amazing to have something in life…that doesn't really matter at the end of the day, but it feels like it matters completely and you've got permission to act emotionally out of proportion to everything that's going on.” Niall doesn't really pick up the thread the way I'd love him to, to make the connection between male driven fandoms and what he sees from his fans on his twitter every day, but who knows, maybe the full interview will have more such treasures. He also posted about golf.
Liam's Tings magazine cover will be out next Friday (Liam in a blazer with no shirt, leather pants, and a smoldering look), new Hugo ads are out in the world now (more smolder), and we see him with a MOUSTACHE in pictures posted today as part of Movember—the campaign encourages people to 'grow a mo'[ustache] during November to raise visibility for the charity, which works on awareness for men's mental and physical health issues. “Doing my bit by growing a MO this year,” says Liam and “thanks for capturing my moustache in all its glory!” Does this mean we have to adjust our Liam Halloween costume predictions?
Meanwhile, reports of Harry going about his business in LA yesterday: he bought a camera strap and tried to buy the decorations off the wall of that shop, got some frozen yogurt, and he took some distanced fan pics (the video of him very politely running away is particularly funny.) His hair is cut and he's wearing a Friends shirt!! You can't really make out much about the haircut except that it's short on the sides and still basically the same color (who the hell started that blond Harry rumor??) but that was enough to get 'he cut his hair' trending on twitter, lol. The shirt is a reproduction of one Rachel wore on Friends, lips with 'save the drama for your mama' written inside, but not just any old redbubble knockoff, Gemma says she had it specially made (embroidered!) for Harry for his birthday, wow. I believe that Harry, unlike Niall, is self aware about the paralells between his own fanning and his fans' and reminders of the band's thing for Friends references always make me happy in that particular 'aww celebs they're just like us' way (even if the particulars of their fan merch are a reminder that they very much aren't). Anyway, Don't Worry Darling begins filming today, and in a Halloweeny twist the 'horror' tag has been added to its IMDB listing.
And finally, an ex of Briana's is suing her! He alleges that she borrowed $5000 from him to have her boobs done and never paid him back, and he's suing for the return of the loan. He says it's not so much about the money it's the principle and complains that because they broke up he “never even saw them” lmaoooo. What a pair, and I don't mean the breasts.
#Niall Horan#Louis Tomlinson#Harry Styles#LIam Payne#IDK why people are saying that Niall 'slipped' and admitted he was in a relationship I... did we watch the same clip??#it's pretty straightfoward and also it's not like they haven't BEEN public about it#the person who titled the clip 'niall HINTS at new relationship' also didn't watch the same one as me I'm guessing lol what#I suspect the whole world will be counting on you aussie livestreamers for a lot more than  just Louis over the next year or so#please do us right! so far so good props to the DMAs fans for example (in every way tbh they're really a treasure)#soooo United by Pop really needs to invest in like.. a single proofreader??#or honestly even just let your word program make some grammar suggestions and accept them?#I can't believe people are out there getting paid for things they don't even appear to read over#I should unlarrie so I can get scooped up and actually make some money#look for my dramatic resignation from the fandom I'll be sure to write a manifesto and loudly denounce all my old friends#and then come back like two weeks later#I almost deleted these tags cause I started thinking about all the specific people folks were going to think#I was indirecting (I'm not specifically meaning anyone)#but simply the fact that I thought of so many and you probably are too means it stays in cause LMAO#the intern wants Liam to be Harry Potter for halloween but the moustache is more Harry Styles hmm?#niall#liam#friends reference#gemma#19 oct 20#briana jungwirth#louis#harry#michael strauss#boobiegate#lajdjdjjlk stealing that tag that's GOLDDDDD
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dearly · 6 years
If only Louis’ managers were doing all of that. But no. They’re as useless as the last one.
you’re oversimplifying things. 
firstly, we have no idea the kind of situation that they stepped into. if syco doesn’t want to release louis’ music, they can’t do much about it, lest they breach the contract and get louis tied up in court for the forseeable future. 
secondly, as much as i loathe TXF and i’ll forever be bitter that it stalled louis for yet another 6 months, i absolutely understand the logic behind not releasing music and attempting to promote it while he is doing the show (assuming syco would even allow him to release something). the show has been eating up a lot of his time, his entire weekends since october, which means he couldn’t attend events and do promo for himself even if he wanted to. 
thirdly, louis is now in a very different situation from an artist that is fresh to the scene and being launched. he has a fanbase, but he also has baggage and what needs to happen is even more precarious. hopefully they’ve been negotiating and either figuring a way out of the contract or a way to get some support for him while he releases music.
frank ocean called the process of getting out of his contract “a seven-year chess game” (and he’d been with 360 two years before getting out. two years.)
if it turns out that these guys are useless, i’ll call them out. but i absolutely, categorically disagree that they’ve done anything to earn comparisons to JGG who aggravated louis’ arrest situation only to show how to do proper image rehab months later with ant mcpartlin, who seemed to promise him many things they didn’t deliver, who created and fucked up the LTHQ accounts, rusty’s heavy handed SM handling of the stunts, his mockery of fans etc, etc.
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I hope we havent jinxed his hair by talking about it. I really like it now. It's been a while since his past cut and i'm praying he his growing it out! Give us all the curls, H🙏 I knoooow!! I just want Louis to do whatever he wants, but i dont like him being so...left out. Let him release the CD already (and have a good promo for once!!). I'm going to cry so much once LT1 is out and once he starts touring😍😭 (Thank you for always listening to me! Have a nice day!😚)
I’ll be honest, I love Harry’s short short hair. Dijfbckudbciobwdc. I wanted to see him with with very short hair. But, lol, he looks good anyway he wears it, jajajaj. I feel like LT1 will be only for the strongest of us, and I’m afraid I won’t be one of them. I’ll die after I hear it for the first time, which is a pity bc I have to go to see him perform live, jajajajja. I’m like “PLEASE LOUIS!! RELEASE YOUR MUSIC!!”, but at the same time I’m like “please, be kind to me, don’t kill with your music :(“, jajajaja. And well, about his promo… we will see. Bc that LTHQ account’s activity is so embarrassing 😅. Like show me any other artist team doing stream parties for his client music. No one does that! and it’s good or cool when fans genuinely do it, bc it shows how much we love him. But he’s team should be booking him interviews and live performances instead. Or if he still isn’t going to start promo, keep silenced till everything is ready to start. Like remember Harry last year? We barely saw him during 2016, bc he was working on his album (and the movie). No SM activity, very few pap walks… and then boom! everyone started talking about him and his music, blahblahblah, and in a month or so we had a release date, a single, interviews booked on important radios, SNL… all that. Or he could be doing like Niall and Liam: work on his album, while being everywhere. But no, louis can’t have any of that. ANYWAYS!! As you can see I’m very passionate about louis situation sometimes. I have a lot of thoughts, but I’m very bad at writing them,jajjaja. I just wish him all the best, all the time.
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louehvolution · 5 years
#tour. anon#in my opinion. he shouldn't even be making an appearance#why would louis tomlinson - singer. songwriter. solo artist of international fame relaunching with a new single and album coming -#be acting as an announcer at an XF tour show?#what sense would it make that he made no appearance at any relevant events. but is only seen stunting. doing stalker service. and#at the XF tour?#supposing the music video is after all what people have been speculating#a) why should XF be involved in any capacity?#b) why do we even know anything about it. like this?#every other artist makes music videos without the concept leaking. or they tease content on their accounts?#meanwhile louis' accounts are not being used - nothing on his IG in 20 days. after going two entire months inactive#a couple of vague tweets#LTHQ promoted an XF award and then went ghost for two weeks. and then what have they done. what are they doing?#also#whatever the circumstances. to be honest. it's still difficult to see louis on stage to see others perform. when he hasn't for 446 days#and as wonderful as it is that he might be granting someone the chance to cross items off their bucket list#I want Louis to be able to live his dreams. and get things for himself too?#any XF involvement - and more so considering the uncertainty regarding his being a judge this year. and no signs of build up for his album#or his tour - is suspect. and not good. in my view#and aside from that. so far. what we are seeing is not impressive
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louehvolution · 6 years
#....#it looks like it worked. after all#despite the consistent pattern of 'believable' fan interaction and exchanges on his social media. followed by tweets or posts#later used to launch smear campaigns in the media#despite his account being used to promote the stunts. games. tv shows. other artists. brands. etc. more than him or his music#despite lthq account being born with a statement that it was because louis 'didn't let them' use his personal account to promote him#people seriously believe louis was tweeting and this new batch of negative press is the organic result of that#like. a couple of questions:#why would he suddenly be allowed to tweet whatever he wants?#and why. even if he were allowed. would louis. knowing that he is still completely in his team's power. who controls the media. do this?#was it such a pressing issue. now. on the anniversary of his arrest. while there's a gun control debate going on worldwide#when the police in the uk are focused on weather related issues#when up until now his views have been expressed through clothing and coded messages in a music video#when for months pretty much all he's had is negative or tabloid press. and no promotion of him as an artist or his music. of any kind#when he has no opportunity to defend himself. to speak for himself in a recorded interview?#and why would he choose to respond to a tweet about weed. of all things. knowing the potential for it to be turned against him?#come on#solo louis#it's reached the point where any excuse will be made to be able to uphold what the fandom wants to believe and finds entertaining
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Whats interesting about it? seasurfacefullofclouds1 tumblr com/post/679620467877920768
After February 2020, Walls had no promo in the United States. In fact, we might even consider it anti-promo, since there was no label or LTHQ acknowledgement of any fandom projects, such as the album’s reaching #1 on iTunes in 20+ countries eight months after Walls release. There were requests by Twitter personalities to do album live listening events that went completely unacknowledged. Walls songs were not available on radio, not on Spotify playlists. A month after release, it was as if Walls didn’t exist. LTHQ and Sony basically dropped off the face of the earth.
Nevertheless, Walls sold 60k albums in the USA in the nine months after release, an average of 219 per day.
Then in the next 15 months, another 100k albums were sold, an average of 219 per day.
In other words, Walls album sale did not drop off after the first year as expected. Official promo was invisible. Louis himself was invisible except for two events: the London livestream and AFHF. But sales were steady, and decent. Not amazing, but very good considering the silence around it. (There were a few merch drops, but none were connected to the promotion of music and no music was bundled.)
I bet there were periods of very low sales, and then spikes after the two live events. Of course, we can’t count the live events as album sales, but the streaming numbers set a world record and were better than decent.
The number crunching is interesting as we go forward toward LT2. As we’ve seen from Louis’ concerts, the audience base is heavy with new and old Larries and 1D fans, light on new casual fans (as there is hardly any major music media talking about Louis). This fact might be frustrating for solo fans, but it explains the current LTHQ (and possibly BMG) attitude toward fans. They (and Louis) allow wild fan theories to spin and even cater to them, and expect Louis’ fandom to carry his career.
[It’s a double-edged sword and not really sustainable in the long run. Louis benefits from all his fans, which also means that the atmosphere can get chaotic, confusing, and oppositional. Louis’ brand is being an authentic and relatable “normal person”— a hero who fights for himself and for us— but authenticity can get worn down mighty fast the second we feel played. Opposing narratives can’t last forever; some groups of fans are deeply invested and will revolt/ leave eventually.]
“How to handle 1D fans” is a real question for Louis for the near future. Unlike with Harry, who solidified his solo status from 2017 onward (“I’m not ever going back,” as he sings in Lights Up), 1D nostalgia is a huge part of Louis’ fandom. Right now, Louis simply doesn’t have enough discography or creative output as a solo artist; he can’t afford not to cater to 1D fans. Again, as a solo artist, this isn’t sustainable in the long run. Louis has to move on and take the reins of a solo career, or risk being stuck with a fanbase who will always sing louder for Through the Dark.
The tour is incredibly important for Louis for several key reasons. It is a way for him to interact directly with the fans who have kept his career relevant. Louis is a tactile person; it is important for him to experience these intimate, visceral moments with fans. The tour marks Louis’ formal transition from a 1D band member to a solo artist. In every way, on this tour Louis is the main event, the brain, the highlight. The tour gives promo of its own, in countries where Louis is not known as a radio or international artist. He is playing to arenas in some of them. [Tour is also a great reminder that the USA and UK are not the biggest consumers of Louis’ music.] Finally, Louis needs this experience to create new music, going forward. He might write music with live performance in mind, but it’s impossible to simulate what that feels like without a real, honest live audience. Tour is a reward for long, hard years of waiting, but it is also a space for experimentation, to try things on stage that might or might not work, to play with musical concepts and ideas, to let loose and have fun, to hear how 1000 or 30,000 people might respond to his songs.
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berlinini · 3 years
Like you I refuse to believe that this latest round of stalker and lads night out pics is louis' preferred marketing strategy or image choice. It never has been and has always reeked of some kind of ultimatum that's put him in between a rock and a hard place. Does anyone actually believe that the same louis that came up with The Festival and spent a ton of money on it so that the fans could have something, is the same louis who would appear to be so tuned out of his fandom that he would decide "You know what let's give 'em some old tired shit!" The same louis that works his butt off and sings his heart out and stress cleans when he's talking about wanting to achieve something great is the same louis who we're all meant to believe doesn't pay any attention to what we want and has no clue how we would react to this. I don't believe he puts on THAT t-shirt (the one we were really loud about and the one that points to things not being okay) at the same moment this all goes down. He's said before that he notices how we find meaning in the symbols. Has anyone given any meaning to him pulling out all the vintage jackets? It's impossible for me to believe that he doesn't know that he's giving us recycled shit. And I also can't believe that after years of witnessing Things That Don't Make Sense there are still people out there who haven't connected the dots.
(In relation to this)
I wrote this 30 days ago, just after the live performance of AFHF:
Again, I refuse to believe that Louis has chosen anything when it comes to the current state of his promo/PR. He loves his fans and put the festival on mainly for us, but there is no way he worked so hard not get the recognition he deserves. And he must know he deserves it, because he shatters records with anything he does. He hasn’t given up and he’s still pushing the lid of the box to get it open, and he’s such a stubborn little shit that I hope he never stops pushing, faith in the future yady yady yada, but fuck if it isn’t frustrating for us, and so it must be x 1000 for him!!!
Fans who are unable to see the patterns aren't looking very far. As a reminder, AFHF didn't get any promo and almost 2 months after the global streaming event, we still have no ideas how many tickets Veeps sold for the event. That's even worse than the dodgy way the ticket numbers for the London Livestream were shared in 2020. When Louis' signing with BMG was announced in May, we had Jamie Nelson say Louis was already working on new music. Louis was spotted several times in the studio this summer. Now we know he's been in there for a week/ 10 days. We have no information about the state of LT2 coming from Louis himself or from LTHQ.
So please, don't go around pleading Louis for better promo options when there's no way in hell he's happy with the current situation.
If we, as fans, are able to sense that things are not normal, wouldn't you assume that Louis, being the main interested party in all of this, being the person who's said "Too many times in my career have I had to pick myself up and go ‘right let’s go again’.", being the one who - 2 years ago - announced that his debut album was "finally" coming, is aware of how things are abnormal for an artist of his status?
I'm always surprised at people in this fandom praising Louis' intelligence - his easter eggs, the 369 stuff, his lyrics, etc - on one hand, and then blaming him for the lack of promo with the other hand. Make it make sense, please...
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When was the last time Louis did a professional photoshoot, the kind bts do every week? 2019?
Instead, his team have him appearing in candids, looking tired and wearing a stained t shirt while his competitors are setting the bar much higher with beautifully edited pictures that make them look flawless. Even Liam just released new pictures for his new single. Louis? Fan pics nobody sees. It's disheartening. His team sucks.
I think it was the Telegraph interview photos released in January 2020.
I think we can agree that Louis’ career hasn’t been normal since the album came out, and it hasn’t improved since his BMG announcement. No doubt there’s a lot on his mind. Fizzy’s birthday was four days ago as well.
He’s wearing an old, albeit ironed t-shirt to the studio. Louis looks sharp, though tired.
Stalkers and fans are being notified of his location.
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This is so much more than “his competitors look better.” As a mutual said:
The fact UK radio, not just print media, isn’t talking about Louis’ festival shows the extent that Sony has frozen Louis out of the industry. Liam Gallagher just had a free concert for NHS, with Charlie Lightening as director of photography, and it is ALL OVER UK media. I also keep returning to the fact there is almost nothing on Louis’ official email account about the festival and the minimal, uninspired social media coverage on his channels. I wonder if Louis wasn’t performing as an artist at the festival, if he just organized it, with other performers, whether industry publications like Billboard would have covered it. I think maybe they would have given the treatment of his “I want to be a manager” tweet. Louis-the-artist has been blacklisted (and made to look like the worst performer from 1D), while Louis-the-manager, -XF judge, -mini-Simon etc. is acceptable.
Capital FM just ran a story about LT2 without a mention of the Away From Home Festival for 8500 people, just eleven days away. Louis has been planning this for twelve months. This festival is his idea, and Louis has spent his time, money, reputation with the acts he included all for something that is being blatantly ignored in the UK.
No one will touch it other than his band and vocal coach.
Producers, songwriters, and Charlie are teasing LT2, but Louis himself and LTHQ act as if they’re not involved or not allowed to say anything.
The same cryptic posts coming from the same studio have been going on since May: three months wasted. We got stalker photos and pap photos about HAIR.
This is much worse than the lack of photo shoots. It’s really not a great situation, to put it bluntly.
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