#absolutely worth the 7 dollars I spent on it lol
fitzselfships · 1 year
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I ordered this book for like two pages specifically and it was worth it <3
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lady-tortilla-chip · 4 years
For the ship meme: zukaang
Oooooh my gosh this is a LOT and I have to thank you very much for giving me the excuse to write all this. Lol.
Rate the Ship -  Awful | Ew | No pics pls | I’m not comfortable | Alright | I like it! | Got Pics? | Let’s do it! | Why is this not getting more attention?! | The OTP to rule all other OTPs
—Tbh none of these fully encapsulate how I feel for this ship but I do wonder constantly why the hell few others actually appreciate it.
How long will they last? - Life.
How quickly did/will they fall in love? - Alright I spent too long thinking about this because I have several headcanons for how/when they fall in love but eventually landed on my somewhat canon compliant one — Zuko falls for Aang first. Though he only realizes his feelings towards Aang after he and Mai break off their relationship for a final time. Aang falls for Zuko later, after he and Katara mutually break away from each other when they realize they’ve grown to love each other purely as friends.
How was their first kiss? - Initiated by Zuko their first kiss is sweet but charged full of all the things he didn’t know how to say but desperately wanted to convey. Aang laughs softly when they pull apart and says, “I wondered when you’d finally do it.”
Who proposed? - Aang proposed marriage between them but Zuko had been thinking about it. However he had been hesitant to bring it up because of the potential political issues that might arise when the Avatar officially bound himself to the FireLord. This is an issue that the two ultimately decide is worth dealing with together.
Who stressed the most? - Zuko
How fancy was the ceremony? - I imagine their union happening one of two ways. One, they have two separate ceremonies. One for the Fire Nation following all their customs and one for themselves following all the Air Nomad customs (tho I do wonder how likely it was that the Air Nomads had formal weddings of any kind considering they were so huge on freedom). Anyway, the second version is that they have a ceremony which merges the two cultural traditions.
Who was specifically not invited to the wedding? - Idk Ozai probably.
Who is on top? - Ima just open these questions with it DEPENDS. So like if you wanna skip all the answers here go ahead because ultimately in my mind, it really just depends upon what’s happening between them in the given moment for like, every single one of these questions.
Who is the one to instigate things? - Depends. Both are likely to instigate. Zuko usually when they firebend together and Aang when Zuko lets go of his dignified FireLord image and is just himself.
How healthy is their sex life? - Very.
How kinky are they? - they’d probs be like at a 7?? Idk honestly this isn’t something I’ve thought about much. Lol
How long do they normally last? - suppose it depends on when and where they got busy.
Do they make sure each person gets an equal amount of orgasms? - probably not, but this seems like something that’s dependent upon who initiated it.
How rough are they in bed? - I think how “rough” they get is purely dependent on the moment.
How much cuddling/snuggling do they do? - They are definitely the types to hold each other close after.
How many children will they have naturally? - Nada.
How many children will they adopt? - Four. For each nation! But like, by complete accident and Toph or Sokka are the ones to point this out. I like to imagine the first kid they adopt into their lives would maybe be an orphaned child from the people at the Northern Air Temple. (Who I think have potential to learn not only learn the Air Nomad culture but also Airbending!)
Who gets stuck with the most diapers? - Would depend mostly on who’s available. I like to imagine Aang wouldn’t like the idea of using servants to help care for their kids so probably him when he’s around.
Who is the stricter parent? - Zuko, he’d have had a much more structured upbringing so he’d definitely be the more serious/strict parent between them.
Who stops the kid(s) from doing dangerous stunts after school? - Ok I don’t think any of the kids would go to a formal school because they are royalty by virtue of being adopted by the FireLord. So they’d have many tutors. But like, in regards to dangerous stunts period? Zuko. Because Aang would absolutely join them (for fun and to keep them safe).
Who remembers to pack the lunch(es)? Who is the more loved parent? - Aang often has to force veggies on his children thus losing out half the time on the “favorite parent” vote. However Zuko suffers the same when he refuses to allow them to do something dangerous.
Who is more likely to bail the child(ren) out of trouble with the law? - They were raised by two people who know very well how to avoid getting caught, so the real question is, how often do either of them even need to?
Who does the most cooking? - Ok so I like to think they’d have places to run away to all over the world and in those places they’d handle their own cooking. Zuko is pathetically bad at it so Aang does all the cooking which also means the whole family collectively eats vegetarian when they go off on breaks. This is because while Aang is fine with meat being cooked around him he really doesn’t care to cook it himself.
Who is the most picky in their food choice? - Aang, but eventually Zuko (once he learns that people eat Turtleducks) when he turns towards being vegetarian too. Sokka and all but one of their kids hate it. 😂
Who does the grocery shopping? - When they go off to one of their get away places Aang does the shopping but Zuko goes with him everytime.
How often do they bake desserts? - Aang does as often as possible but Zuko likes trying to bake Air Nomad desserts for Aang.
Are they more of a meat lover or a salad eater? - Zuko goes through a change from being a meat guy to a veggie guy (tho he still does eat meat occasionally). So they become a couple of salad eaters.
Who is more likely to surprise the other(s) with an anniversary dinner? - Aang.
Who is more likely to suggest going out? - Both. Aang because he likes trying new things. Zuko because every now and again he’d really like to have some meat.
Who is more likely to burn the house down accidently while cooking? - Zuko.
Who cleans the room? - Aang.
Who is really against chores? - Their children.
Who cleans up after the pets? - depends, Zuko likes having the kids do it but Aang will if they don’t.
Who is more likely to sweep everything under the rug? - Zuko is most likely to want to, but ultimately he wouldn’t do it because Aang absolutely would find it.
Who stresses the most when guests are coming over? - Zuko
Who found a dollar between the couch cushions while cleaning? - did they have dollars?
Who takes the longer showers/baths? - Zuko, but they definitely take the longest baths together and shorter baths apart.
Who takes the dog out for a walk? - were dogs a thing in ATLA?
How often do they decorate the room/house for the holidays? - 😬 idk what holidays do they have that would involve decorating for?
What are their goals for the relationship? - maintaining a healthy balance between them in all ways. In how they distance their personal relationship from the formal one. In how they parent (which is hugely different because of their very very different upbringings). And in how they treat each other.
Who is most likely to sleep till noon? - Aang? Tbh I think they’d both be early risers.
Who plays the most pranks? - Aang. For sure.
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kevinwastaken · 3 years
HI I FIGURED YOU MIGHT BE INTERESTED IN THIS STORY last night at like 2 am my friend and i met a 9 year old on idv basically we were just messing around in server 1 and looking at peoples accounts and we find a lv 80 account with painted girls (yidhra) on display but the rest of the profile record and collection and stuff was closed so we were like "that has to be bought" so in chat we ask how much they spent on the account i dont think we were being very rude about it but this kid voice records themself blowing up on us about how they worked hard and traded for the account and so this sparks up a whole voice recording argument because this kid is screaming like a toddler in an xbox lobby and we find it absolutely hilarious the thing is we are talking to this kid until like 4:30 so we hear a lot of nonsense from them: - they spent a million dollars on the account they previously claimed they traded - they make more money than us and our parents - people would pay a billion dollars for their account - they have like 7 girlfriends??? (they said one of them is lil tay because we compared them to her lol) - apparently they're 12 but again they sound far younger - they have 4 different alts that are worth just as much if not more than the one theyre on - theyre not ableist (said after they mocked me for needing tone indicators and called me the r slur) - they dont know what timezones are - theyve had sex???? - they hacked/scammed the account they previously stated was traded - they're a well known idv youtuber on an alt (i think they said they were rickumie who has almost 200k subscribers lmao) - they're in coa - they know for a fact that harvard university isnt real eventually they got so embarrassed in server 1 that they went and dmed me asking for my discord where they proceed to try and prove their original point by showing me screen recordings of their alts??? even though i dont care whats on the accounts its the fact that they look bought and not traded that started the whole argument so once i called them out for changing the subject they started being ableist before claiming that their ipad is dying so my friend and i thought it would be really funny to report them on discord for being "12 years old" they got really mad about that and said they hated idv and dont even play and that they dont even use discord (they had nitro) and preferred snapchat but i digress we got 2 and a half hours of entertainment out of it so that was fun :]
how much of their parents money did they spend to get that account??☠️☠️ and to try and defend it with contradicting points??? IM LOSING MY MIND
i need to know. how did their alleged girlfriends come into the conversation. them having sex. HARVARD??? FUCK
im ngl i wish i’d been there LMFAO but i never go onto server 1 because eng whatever number i get that day is too entertaining
idv, everyone!!
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Billy’s Baby
Buckle up buttercups, because I have a lot of feelings and I can't seem to control my brain's obsessiveness with Billy and his relationship with/mentality towards his little mean machine, so here's a bit of a "Character Analysis" starring a certain Camaro and its mullet-wearing human.
(I want to include some of the other characters, besides immediate family, but I think I'll save that for a headcanon post. More specifically I want to elaborate on Billy/Neil vs Billy/Hop/Joyce in terms of how he is with the car).
Here are some somethings I've noticed:
1) Billy doesn't appear to want to put too much money into anything cosmetic. Basically he's not eager to "pimp" his ride, only maintain the upkeep.  Granted he's probably working on a budget, and that's absolutely my headcanon....but only HALF of it. Do you know what costs more money than parts? Cigarettes.  If he's buying a pack or more a day, that money adds up, he could be spending hundreds of dollars a year, maybe more depending on the brand. I get the feeling that he's not interested in making his car look like a starlet, but he does value its appearance enough to keep it clean.
2) While he's not interested in a Fast and Furious worthy look, he's not eager to do damage on any cosmetic/mechanical level.  Yes in S2 he threatens to run over the boys, but honestly that felt like a bluff to test Max's loyalty to Hawkins (and the boys by default). Repairs (on the surface or below) cost money, which Billy is struggling to get.  He'll keep the fluids check/changed, the tank as full as financially possible, and the car washed, but he's not going to bust his ass to prove a point.  The engine is running, it gets him from A to B, and that's his main goal.
3) This car is a personal thing for him, it's his safe-space, fuck how anyone else feels about it. It's a point of focus for him, or at least one of the top 5 things that gives his life meaning.  It's not THE most important thing, honestly he could live without it if necessary, but he's not eager to part with his baby.  It's something that's JUST his, and no one else's. It's something he can claim that wasn't touched by Neil and has no connection with that deadbeat WHATSOEVER. Basically it's not TAINTED, and he loves that.  While he may bear a few scars from his life with his father, the car is unscathed, and that matters to him.
4) Why yes it is a chick-magnet, why do you ask? It has a V-8 engine that'll scare anyone standing too close when he gives it a nice rev before taking off.  He's done a few burn-outs, donuts, he's street-raced a few times hoping to win so he can get some serious cash, but a wheelie? He's afraid to try, he's heard stories, but the idea of raising up off the ground and feeling the roar of the engine beneath him? Makes his heart race.  When he first got the car people started to notice him, he wasn't "just Billy" anymore, he was Bad Boy Billy with the cool car.  The girls would flock to him just before he climbed inside and gave the engine a spin, they were drawn to the power of that engine more than Billy, but he didn't mind.  It's only when Max climbs into the car that he's reminded why he got the car in the first place, less than a year before they moved.  The girls are a nice bonus, but you can't put a price on freedom.
5) He's a teenager so obviously he enjoys having the option to leave the house if he needs to.  That's always the dream right, once you get your license? The car was only ever meant to be a way to escape, but it inevitably became a moving hotel room during those dark times.  When Neil would lose his shit and put his hands on Billy, forcing him out the door because he "was getting sick of his shit", and Billy had nowhere to go......his baby was the one to give him a place to rest.  Hell if he ever made it out of this shithole he just might live in the car for a while until he got back on his feet. But leaving Max would be the hardest part, because without Billy in the house Neil had to turn to SOMEONE to vent his anger.  But those nights when he curled up in the backseat (the front seat just wasn't that comfortable to lay on), usually with only his jacket to keep him warm, Billy couldn't help but think about the open road that would lead to a place far, far away from Hawkins.
6) While Billy is capable as a self-taught (ish) mechanic, he's not AS incline as he could be. It's not that he doesn't care to learn, he truly does, enough that he's snuck books out of the local library just so he could figure out what the hell was making that racket that one time he couldn't get the car to start. His lack of a teacher is the issue, and Billy sure as HELL won't go to his dad asking for help.  The one time he did, Neil scoffed and snapped back with an "It's your fucking car, you fix it", before shoving past Billy to leave the house.  Billy didn't ask again.  What he's learned was "on the go", purely a trial-and-error situation, he doesn't stop until he figures it out. He once spent HOURS trying to fix the car (there was a blockage in the fuel-line and the car wouldn't stay cranked), by the end of it all he was very tired. But knowing he'd taken care of the problem HIMSELF only fueled his confidence, and elevated him to a kind of high no woman or drug could ascend him. He slept like a baby that night.
7) Where did he get this car anyway? If he's strapped for cash how did he afford it? Well in my personal opinion Billy "earned" the car by working for the previous owner.  When he was still living in California, he went for a walk on the beach, a little further than he usually did.  He came across a beach house, and the Camaro was parked in a shed. He only noticed it because the breeze had caused a corner of the tarp covering it to flap, kind of like it was waving, and underneath a singular headlight caught the light from the sunset and nearly blinded him.  The man that owned it said it was his son's car before, but he died in Vietnam, and he didn't have the heart to drive it.  Long story short Billy worked out a deal to pay off the car little by little.  During this time the old man told him a thing or two about how to take care of it, what oil to use, what wax worked the best, etc.  By the time Billy had the car in his possession, they had to move to Indiana.  His biggest fear was the car breaking down before he could make it there.  He'd enjoyed his time with the old man, even bonded a little, it still hurts to this day knowing he had to leave it all behind.  He had started to really like the guy.
8) Obviously Neil isn't too fond of his son's car, he's complained about it leaving oil stains in the driveway, how Billy parks it at the house, when it's blocked the other cars (it wasn't even close to being in the way, Neil just sucks at backing up).  Neil once backed into the Camaro while leaving the house, and Billy flipped his shit, but Neil wasn't having that. He threatened to have the car towed away if Billy didn't start parking where he "was supposed to". Billy didn't argue at that point, he wasn't sure if Neil would follow-through or not, but a tow was expensive so it wasn't worth the risk.  Of course Neil DOES shut up for the most part, resorting to saving his complaints for his most "unfavorable" moments, why? Because of Max. As long as Billy has a car, Max has a chauffeur, so she's out of Neil's and Susan's hair at least THAT much.  As long as Billy has a car, Max is not their problem, so he'll shut up about it enough to avoid losing that loophole.
This turned out a LOT longer than I'd originally planned, sorry for the length, but I have so many thoughts popping into my head so I'm trying to get them all out or I'll get restless lol.
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smutnepiegi · 5 years
Hey!! So I finally got some time to review the taobao lolita items I got in the mail recently, let’s go!
Firstly, my absolute favourite item - Cat Tea Party strawberry sweater:
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Price:  ¥166.00 ($24.00) This sweater is absolutely worth every single dollar I spent on it! The embroidery is beautiful and clean, the eyelet lace is really soft and pretty high quality, and the overall look is just so adorable 🍓 The sweater itself is not very soft but it’s definitely not itchy or rough either, I’m sure a good fabric softener wash will make it nice. And the most important thing: it’s very versatile weather-wise! I wore it on a really warm, sunny day and I didn’t overheat at all. The only issue I have with it is that the button holes are a bit too big for the buttons and they undo themselves pretty easily. It doesn’t really bother me that much, so other than that, 10/10! ~ 🍓 ~ Next up, a ribbon & strawberry straw boater from Rain Panda:
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Price:  ¥30.50 ($4.40) A very cute, summery hat! To be honest, the quality is not great, but at the same time, all the imperfections I found were disclosed in the close-up pictures, so I knew what I was getting. There’s some hot glue sticking out from underneath the bow and the fake cherries fell off almost immediately after getting it out of the package. Nothing a hot glue gun can’t fix! The ends of the little ribbon tails were frayed as well, but I snipped them off and sealed them with a lighter and everything is fine! I’m also going to attach some ribbons to it so I can tie it under my chin because it’s a bit big on my head. 7/10, I would get it again for that price but I don’t recommend it if you don’t wanna have to fix all the little thingies, it’s probably a better idea to just DIY one out of a basic boater but I was 2 lazy to get all the supplies lol ~ 🍓 ~ Next, some cute sweets jewelry from CakeCakie:
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Price: Bracelet: ¥36.00 ($5.20) Ring: ¥16.00 ($2.30) Earring(s): ¥16.00 ($2.30)
This is seriously the cutest jewelry I’ve seen!! The charms are all pretty detailed and painted evenly, there’s no random blobs of paint, and come on, AN EARRING WITH A TEACUP THAT HAS A STRAWBERRY ON IT!! AAA!! 10/10!
Disclaimer: PLEASE don’t be a dumbass like me and do order a PAIR of earrings, as the listing vaguely* mentions by buying a piece you’re buying A SINGLE EARRING. I obviously misread it and got just one by accident, lmao
*I don’t speak chinese and rely on google translate, and yes I read “need a pair please take 2″ and thought “HM ALRIGHT NOTHING TO SEE HERE I’M SURE THEY WOULDN’T BE SELLING A SINGLE EARRING TO ME” ~ 🍓 ~ Next up, strawberry & cherry and patterned bow OTK’s from Diamond Honey:
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Price:  ¥30.00 ($4.30) a pair I really like these socks and I really needed them to fill out the legwear section of my lolita wardrobe a bit, haha. They’re sheer but not completely see-through and not very thick either, just right for warm weather on their own and they could probably be worn in autumn/mild winter with an additional layer of tights! The colours are pretty vivid even when worn, and the print is nice and crisp. The ones with the bows are a pure white while the strawberry patterned ones are a tiny bit more off-white. 10/10! Disclaimer: I did notice that the bow OTK might be “heavily inspired” by AP’s Jewel Ribbon OTK’s but sadly, I literally only realised after I already ordered them. They’re not really replicas but they do look alike, and if I knew I probably would get a different pair (I got them in a rush as a replacement for a different pair that was unavailable and that’s why I didn’t think to research before I did. dumbass) ~ 🍓 ~ Last but not least, Diamond Honey’s gingham heart-shaped bag:
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Price:  ¥158.00 ($22.80) I was so excited for this item, not only because I really needed a red bag to go with my strawberry prints, but also because come on, GINGHAM! I love heart-shaped lolita bags but I couldn’t find one that wasn’t AP’s cursed pleather or a replica. Until now! The details are all very pretty and clean, it’s also quite sturdy and not too heavy. The long strap can be made shorter or longer and there’s a cute little bow on it as well (not detachable but it does move around). There’s no handbag strap, just a crossbody one. There’s a pocket on the back and two tiny pockets inside: one with a zipper and one without. It’s lined with a plastic-y feeling fabric which is pretty rough, but feels like it will last longer than the usual satin-y fabrics perhaps? We’ll see! Overall, I absolutely love it, 10/10! That’s all I’ve got for now! I also got an Aurora&Ariel petticoat but there’s already a bunch of reviews of that so I’ll skip it. I’ll probably make a separate post for the gothic lolita items my fiancee got but that’s a plan for another day. Thanks for reading! 🍓
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biquid · 6 years
It is honestly SO weird to not be going to anime expo this year lol. I went for 7 years straight and it was always how I spent my 4th of July weekend. It was just getting way too damn crowded. It took people like 3 hours just to get into the damn convention center last year, and it would have taken us that long too if we didn't risk getting out of line to see if another entrance had less people. We got there at the right time because hundreds of people filed in behind us.
Then after waiting hours to get in the building, you missed the panel you wanted to see even tho you got there early. Then you wait hours to get into a panel just for it to cap a few people ahead of you.
It sucks too because I loved going and I absolutely love cosplay and I have no where else to do it without having to spend tons of money flying to a convention out of state. But it just wasn't worth it anymore.
They really need to just...not sell way too many fucking tickets or get a bigger venue or something. It cannot be safe having hundreds of thousands of people all crammed into one place. But I guess they don't gaf because $$ and you shouldn't complain about not getting into a panel unless you spend hundreds of dollars to get higher tier badge to guarantee panel entry and concert tickets.
Anywho, to those at AX this year, I hope you have fun and stay safe regardless of the bullshit!
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atraceofhonesty · 6 years
All the ones you haven’t answered yet😌
I despise you for this.1- The meaning behind my url: it’s a petty callout to my ex, no further questions your honour.7-Biggest turn offs: Poor hygiene, obnoxiously long or unkempt nails(I mean you do you, it’s just not my thing, if it’s what you want, I’m not bashing), smoking(sorry, I lived with a girl whose mom chain smoked and I lived with her for 2 years and...it hurt me).  I’ll stop there I’m feeling bad for disrespecting peoples life choices lol.8- top 5 (insert subject) - Weeeeellllll moving on9- tattoos I want- uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh so many we’re not doing this on this “master” post 11- Age: I am 23, and will be 24 in October12- Ideas of a perfect date: I’ve never been on a “date” so I really don’t have any preferences because I don’t know what I don’t know.13- Life Goals: A spouse and child who love me, a job I actually want to do, a living space I want to be in and feel comfortable in.14- Piercings I want: I want my ears pierced, I want my septum done, and I think like, my cheeks would be neat.15- Relationship Status: single af17- A fact about my life: I have poor impulse control, and commonly disassociate standing up at work18-Phobia: Spiders, easily, and I guess I have a new one, because I had a dream last night where I was tied down and had bees put into my mouth.20-Height: 5′11″21-Are you a virgin: Nope22- What’s your shoe size?: 10 sometimes 11 depending on brand23- What’s your sexual orientation?: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯  ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)24-Do you smoke, drink, or take any drugs?: caffeine.  That’s it.25-Someone you miss: my grandma, and grandfather26-What’s one thing you regret?: December 13th 201727-First celeb you think of when someone says attractive: Jason Momoa28-Favourite Ice Cream: Orange sorbet 29- One insecurity: only one? my legs30-what my last text message says: “I MAY have already ordered food lolol oops”31-Have you ever taken a picture naked? yes32- Have you ever painted your room? no33- Have you ever kissed a member of the same sex? yesHave you ever slept naked? yesHave you ever danced in front of your mirror? yesHave you ever had a crush? not on your life. yes.Have you ever been dumped? yesHave you ever stole money from a friend? not unless you include like, less than a dollars worth of change from their couch cushions lolHave you ever gotten in a car with people you just met? yesHave you ever been in a fist fight? yesHave you ever snuck out of your house? basically impossible lol all of my doors were like suction cups and were so loud to open.Have you ever had feelings for someone who didn’t have them back? yesHave you ever been arrested? nopeHave you ever made out with a stranger? yesHave you ever met up with a member of the opposite sex somewhere? “met up” looooool noHave you ever left your house without telling your parents? oh hell yea lolHave you ever had a crush on your neighbor? yesssssHave you ever ditched school to do something more fun? yesHave you ever slept in a bed with a member of the same sex? yes but not in the way you’re implying.Have you ever seen someone die? I saw my cat die does that countHave you ever been on a plane? yes, once.  Twice if you count the return flight.Have you ever kissed a picture? ironically, yes.Have you ever slept in until 3? LOOOOL yeaHave you ever love someone or miss someone right now? that’s a wonky sentence, but yeaHave you ever made a snow angel? I live in Canada, it’s basically a requirementHave you ever played dress up? not sure what this is implying Have you ever cheated while playing a game? oh absolutely.  I’d be maximum sneaky and then gradually get more and more bold with it until i’m caught, or I win.Have you ever been lonely? That’s like asking if someone blinked todayHave you ever fallen asleep at work/school? The first 2 periods of the first semester of my first year of highschool I spent unconscious and just zombied to the next class LOLHave you ever been to a club? noHave you ever felt an earthquake? yes but it was a baby oneHave you ever touched a snake? I don’t believe soHave you ever ran a red light? noHave you ever been suspended from school? yesHave you ever had detention? yesHave you ever been in a car accident? noHave you ever hated the way you look? HAVE IHave you ever witnessed a crime? bish i’ve committed crimes.  Allegedly.Have you ever pole danced? noHave you ever been lost? yesHave you ever been to the opposite side of the country? nope sadlyHave you ever felt like dying? yesHave you ever cried yourself to sleep? yesHave you ever sang karaoke? oh hell no, this human is ruined, look at it, it’s got anxietyHave you ever laughed until something you were drinking came out your nose? Came out?  no, but like, it went in my nose lolHave you ever slept with someone at least 5 years older or younger? noHave you ever kissed in the rain? yes we actually did it because it was cliche and we wanted to say that we did it lolHave you ever sang in the shower? no I’m always too worried someone will hear me Have you ever made out in a park? I almost fked in a park >.>Have you ever glued your hand to something? Not since like.  2006Have you ever got your tongue stuck to a flag pole? no I was never silly enough to tryHave you ever ever gone to school partially naked? what does this even MEAN, no probably notHave you ever been a cheerleader? nah my schools never had themHave you ever sat on a roof top? yes, quite recently in factHave you ever brush your teeth? twice a day friendoHave you ever ever too scared to watch scary movies alone?  you really like the word have, don’t you?  And yes, it comes with the territory of having a paranoia disorderHave you ever played chicken? not in the physical world, no lolHave you ever been told you’re hot by a complete stranger? yesHave you ever broken a bone? a fewHave you ever been easily amused? yesHave you ever mooned/flashed someone? yeeeeeep lolHave you ever cheated on a test? I went to a public high school, hell yea I did.Have you ever forgotten someone’s name? I’ve worked with someone for 3 days now, and I still don’t remember their name.  Not only that but like, half of the people I even liked in high school I.  It’s all just a big blur :) WELL I DID THAT, ARE YA HAPPY?least it can’t get any worse
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villa-kulla · 7 years
I was hoping you might find time for the commentary! I expect this may be a common request, but would you do the scene at the end of Chisolm's 7, from '6 months later' to 'gradually remembered how to be himself'?
I had a feeling you’d choose that one haha and I’m so glad you did! It was exTREMEly satisfying to write. Thanks for the ask!
(***copy-paste disclaimer that this is NOT under a readmore because my blog’s black background makes reading long things a chore, so SCROLL FAST IF YOU’RE NOT INTERESTED!***)
Before this section even starts, for the 6 months later heading I intentionally left such ridiculously huge paragraph gaps before and after, just because I knew people would be scrolling and I wanted to convey distance for the time jump. If this had been a book I’d have wanted an almost blank page that says ‘6 months later’, so I guess wide gaps in between scrolling is the online version of that haha)
Goodnight stretched back on the lounge chair contentedly, baking underneath the hot sun. Billy would give him hell for having taken off his thin linen shirt in the middle of the day, but Billy was out swimming as it happened, and what he didn’t know wouldn’t hurt him.
Goody and I are one where the sun is concerned, in that we KNOW we burn easily but the allure of sunbathing properly is too much to resist haha, much to the despair of the ones who are trying to save us from ourselves/UV rays. This is absoLUTEly a source of much bickering for them haha
He reached for his drink, moving the colourful umbrella to the side as he took a pull from the straw. He licked his lips, the sweet juice mingling with the salty taste from when he’d gone swimming earlier.
They did that every day. Swimming, that is. Swimming, sailing, and making their way around the islands, no plans for the day other than if they should up the sails and find a new port to explore, or stay anchored, bobbing in crystal blue and green waters next to white beaches, alternating between swimming or laying back on the deck while they enjoyed each other’s company. Whether that was by playing cards, reading, tanning, keeping the large yacht in ship-shape, or having frankly ridiculous amounts of sex, the bliss of living with Billy Rocks still hadn’t worn off. And at this rate, Goodnight didn’t think it ever would.
living the high liiiiife. Back in chapter 1, Sam asks Goody what his plans with the bank money are, and Goody says ‘I see a yacht in my future’, and then BOOM, just like that I had the ending for this fic completely in place haha. Like the second I typed him saying that it was like “oh okay, so this fic ends with Goody and Billy on a yacht together, k cool”, and the whole way through I couldn’t wait to actually write it. And as we talked about before, this Dorothy L. Sayers quote was in my head the entire time writing it: “Lord Peter’s large income… cost me nothing and at the time I was particularly hard up and it gave me pleasure to spend his fortune for him. When I was dissatisfied with my single unfurnished room I took a luxurious flat for him in Piccadilly. When my cheap rug got a hole in it, I ordered him an Aubusson carpet.” Spending fictional money is extremely satisfying haha, so yeah, I was very much looking forward to spoiling these two
Goodnight nudged down his sunglasses, keeping an eye on Billy out in the water, smiling when he saw his dark head bobbing out in the water like a seal’s. They were anchored by a coral reef and Billy was out snorkeling again. Never content to just float on the water though, Goodnight often saw his head dip under to go chase a fish or pick up a shell on the sandy bottom.
I had to include the seal comparison, because as always, Billy is such a water creature to me. I blame River Grit lol, but the seal bit is my little shoutout to my own damn obsession with him as a water spirit. Also protective!Goody nudging down his glasses
Goodnight smiled and took another sip of his drink, making a mental note to ask Billy if he wanted to have dinner on shore or fix something on the boat. They were anchored off one of the many islands in the area, and this one had an appealing night market they’d explored the night before before, walking through the bright lights with cold beers in their hands, listening to the sounds of drums from the street bands, the smell of fish, pineapples, and coconuts thick on the air.
I like the domesticity in the phrasing of ‘fix something’, and how it suggests the kind of dinner routines they might have built up at this point in their little floating home. Can’t you just picture them in the kitchen, hips bumping while they both make supper, and holding things out for each other to taste? My heart
They’d seen what felt like half of the Pacific islands this way: sailing to different areas and exploring the local cities, enjoying the colour of each one. But as fun as their travels had been, Goodnight also enjoyed the time he spent with Billy just staying in on the boat: days spent lounging on the deck while they soaked up the sun, the ocean rippling clear around them; warm evenings of throwing something together in the yacht’s kitchen and eating dinner out on the deck with their feet dangling in the water as they watched the sun set; rainy evenings curled up in the lounge watching old movies on their flat screen while the rain drummed on the roof overhead and made the ocean outside as rippled and dented as a golfball. And then there were the nights spent with the windows thrown open, the hot breeze coming in while they moved together on the sheets, feeling and tasting every inch of each other, the movement of their bodies as steady and uplifting as the roll of waves.
I’ve often felt like this big chunky paragraph could have been more elegantly done, but I wasn’t sure how. But either way it was very satisfying to imagine and write these little scenarios for them. Personally I like the image of them eating on the side of the boat with their feet dangling in the water while the sun goes down best, but I also like the image of a rainy ocean being like a ‘golfball’. I was very keen to get the golfball comparison in there, but again, I feel like I could have done it more elegantly but just didn’t know how lol but ah well
Goodnight and Billy had each chipped in from their shares of the casino job so that they could buy the yacht. It was the closest thing either had had to a steady home in a long time, it had been worth every penny.
so they each made off with about 25 million if I remember correctly? I looked at a lot of yachts for sale while writing this (which was both fun and envy-inducing haha), and honestly a reeeeeally swanky mid-sized yacht could EASILY go for at least 50 million. But also I didn’t want them to spend their WHOLE cut of the take on a yacht, because they need to have millions left over to play around with! So idk, let’s say their yacht is certainly high end but not ostentatiously so, and they afforded it just fine with plenty left over for caviar. And btw, in all my yacht research, this one was probably closest to what I imagined for the exterior, although not exactly: https://www.burgessyachts.com/en/sale-purchase-category/yachts-for-sale/sailing-yachts/khaleesi-00006286.html (I couldn’t find an exACT match for what I had in my head but that one’s close-ish)
And speaking of a million dollar view…
coming up is my version of ‘Ursula Andress ascending from the sea in a white bikini in Dr. No’, only it’s Billy haha
Billy was climbing up the ladder, and god, this was just the best part of Goody’s day. He pulled himself up onto the deck, dripping wet, muscles glistening beneath the hot sun, black swimsuit clinging to his hips. He reached up to take off his snorkelling mask, the plastic strap tangling briefly in his hair which he then squeezed out. It was past his shoulders these days, either by preference or simply not being bothered enough to cut it.
would that not be a sight and a half……writing this paragraph was shameless voyeurism I tell you haha. Oh and also the ‘this was just the best part of Goody’s day’ was a reference to Matt Damon’s line in the movie when we see Julia Roberts coming down the stairs looking lovely and he says ‘This is just the best part of my day.’ Like it says in the fic notes, the plot itself is only LOOSELY based on Ocean’s 11 (in that it’s a team and they rob a casino haha), but there are a number of homages, lines, and references to the movie sprinkled throughout, because I love it so much
Billy bent down to take off his flippers, and Goodnight took the opportunity to quickly throw on his white shirt again, not bothering to button it. Billy would say he was burning up, although truthfully Goodnight had never been more brown in his life. He ran his fingers through his salty hair, mussing it up, knowing Billy found it fetching when his hair, sun-streaked with blonde these days, fell across his eyes.
while I do love canon-Goody’s gross, slicked-down hair as an endearing character trait, this was my chance to actually give him some nice, free hair, and I took it haha.
Billy straightened up and walked towards Goodnight on the lounge chair, clearly finding Goodnight as appealing a picture right now as Goodnight found him.
it’s fair to assume they don’t get a lot done, what with how much they just check each other out all the time
“Nice swim, cher?” Goodnight asked with a smile.
“Saw a lionfish,” Billy said with satisfaction as he picked up Goodnight’s drink and took a sip of it.
went back and forth for aaaages between ‘Billy said with satisfaction’ and ‘Billy said happily’. I really liked the ‘happily’ but felt it was coming off as too childish, especially for Billy’s first lines in this scene. I wasn’t trying to infantilize him with pure unfiltered pleasure at a lion fish, but that’s just how the ‘happily’ seemed to be coming off
“Bravo, darling. What’s that, only two thousand species left to go?” Goodnight asked, referring to the list Billy had taped to the fridge of all the different fish he wanted to see in the wild.
he WOULD have that though. oh I do love you, fishboy
“Something like that,” Billy agreed, handing Goodnight back his glass where he’d been batting at it. “Saw a leopard shark too.”
that ‘batting at it’ was completely meant to suggest lazy cat behaviour in Goody. ‘cause. I don’t know, man. They just make nice cats haha
Goodnight narrowed his eyes. “How big are those ones again?”
Billy warns Goody against messing with the sun, and Goody warns Billy against messing with sharks, it evens out in the end;) Protective bbs
Billy smiled. “They’re harmless, Goody.”
“Well maybe so, but you just remember what I said about chasing off after anything with bigger teeth than you,” Goodnight said warningly.
“You’ll be cross,” Billy said, smile still tugging at his lips.
“I’ll be cross,” Goodnight agreed.
“And you’ll scold me,” Billy murmured, bending down, his lips tickling Goodnight’s.
okay but writing Goody scolding people is just SO FUN FOR SOME REASON? I can see him getting all puffed up and ranting at people, and those who know him well know it’s best to just let him talk himself out. The scene earlier in this chapter of him floridly telling off Sam was extremely delightful to write lol. Goodnight definitely has a well developed sense of righteous indignation. Although any shark-related warnings Billy may have received would certainly have been given with love, they’d be given with fervour too, ‘cause I mean Goody didn’t go to all this trouble just to have Billy eaten by a SHARK
“Darn right,” Goodnight said with finality, leaning in to catch Billy’s lips, salty and cool against his own, and delicious every time.
He felt Billy’s lip turn up against his own, and suddenly Billy was pulling back and wiping a thick glob of cream against Goodnight’s nose.
“You were burning,” Billy said.
don’t know if anyone would have remembered the scene from chapter 6 at this point, but Billy was also warning Goody that he was getting a sunburn, and this is my little echo to that. Trapped or free, Billy is head of the ‘make Goody wear sunblock’ squad
Goodnight made a sound of protest but laughed and rubbed the sunscreen in. Billy kissed the tip of his nose when he was finished, and then hopped back onto the deck to go towel off.
I feel like Goody makes a lot of ‘sounds of protest’ in my fics lol, but sometimes it’s hard not to overuse the same mannerisms for characters. But on an unrelated note, BILLY. KISSING. GOODY’S. NOSE. I still can’t decide if that’s a very unBilly-like thing to do, or a VERY Billy-like thing to do, but either way, the image pleased me so in it stayed
Goodnight felt his heart swell to watch Billy move about the deck, limbs loose, posture relaxed, a world removed from the Billy Rocks he’d met in Vegas. That Billy had watched everything with wary eyes, posture tense, too skinny and his skin pale from so much time inside, suspicious of everyone and everything around him.
Goodnight had still found him the most beautiful man alive back then. But the Billy that had emerged these past six months was nothing short of a wonder. He was tanned and golden, muscles strong and healthy from hours spent swimming and doing work on the boat every day. His quietness from before had made him seem pent-up, almost like it was a defense. But any stretches of silence these days seemed borne of confidence instead, telling Goodnight what he thought of something with an eloquent lift of his eyebrows or a mere quirk to his lips. He was relaxed, cocky, so dry-as-dust funny he made Goodnight’s sides hurt, and so vibrantly self-possessed Goodnight felt he was seeing the real Billy Rocks come out more and more every day, leaving behind the buttoned-up Billy he’d met in Vegas as Billy gradually remembered how to be himself.
Hardest DVD commentary paragraph for last, but Billy was often a challenge to write in this one. I kept trying to write him as the Billy Rocks I’m used to - the one described in this paragraph - but he kept coming out as so wary, wound tight, and extremely vulnerable. But then again, why wouldn’t he be?? If you think about it, his situation is HORRIBLE. I think it’s realistic that he would feel extremely vulnerable and defensive, so that’s the Billy I ended up writing for much of the fic. And I told myself that the Billy we see on the yacht is when we finally see the REAL Billy Rocks….long hair and all:) Although if I can briefly mention the next paragraph, (‘Sometimes Billy would withdraw, and Goodnight knew he was retreating to years of repression and tension and wondering what he could have done differently to have changed his situation, or wondering if there was nothing he could have done at all. Sometimes it was hard to know which was worse.’) I felt it was really important to include that to show he’s not going to get over it just like that, or just because he has a nice house now. Billy would realistically have some ptsd for a long time after spending 10 years trapped and under extreme mental pressure. So it’ll definitely take Billy a while to cope with, but he has a much better footing to do it now, and I imagine given time, he’ll be even more like the Billy Rocks we’re all used to. And I like the last words of “Billy gradually remembered how to be himself”, because I’ve found in my own experience when it comes to getting over a traumatic period, those little flashes where you feel completely normal and like yourself again do feel like ‘remembering’ in a strange way. Like your whole body is remembering or something. So while it will still be a struggle sometimes, the more he remembers, the more like himself he’ll stay.
(P.S. Still not entirely sure if I’d do a sequel or if it’s just an idea to amuse myself with sometimes haha, but I’m sure the Billy Rocks in any ‘Chisolm’s 8′ would be more what we’re used to haha.  And my image of the team meeting up again for the first time would contain a lot of whistles and ‘damn Billy’ and Billy’s just like ‘what??!’ and all alarmed by the attention, much like how he met them for the first time, and Sam’s just amused like “Nothing. You look good, Billy,” and Goody trails in after with him a dreamy smile all like “Doesn’t he though?”. Smitten, styling, criminals ‘till the last haha. And yes, Billy absolutely keeps the hair haha)
Thanks for the ask!:)
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losersissy91 · 7 years
Money saving tips
Sometimes as hard as i work i can't seem to make more money. It doesn't stop me from working 14-16 hours a day since i know sometimes you plant seeds and they grow later..
But that also doesn't mean i'm going to stop sending all my money to Goddess Jade. She deserves better so if that happens to you, here are some money saving tips that will help you still find enough cash at the end of the week to send Her a triple digit tribute. 
1. First start with Her money first. Any time i go to the ATM to get my money for the week, i pull out 20% and put it aside. That's the least She will get. i plan to increase this over time. NOTE: If i'm taking out money specifically for Her it all goes to Her...
2. Learn how to hypermile. Yes you may need to leave for work earlier to avoid traffic, or have to drive in the slow lane behind a truck to get better fuel mileage. I once had to follow a septic truck  for 25 minutes. It stunk like shit, but i think i saved around twenty cents. Not much and for anyone else, not worth the smell, but it was a turn on knowing how gross it was and that it really stunk LOL, but was for Goddess. When you suffer it's super hot.
3. Skip meals, or eat leftovers. I literally haven't paid for a meal since i started serving Her. Occasionally i will take a potential customer out for lunch, but that's work so i think that's OK. i'm thinking about next time trying to get them to go to Texas Road House or Panera and buying a $50 gift card too. I mean i get to expense it at the end of the year and Goddess loves them both.
4. . Coupons. Any time you have to buy something, you need to look for a coupon. It might be in the local paper, or maybe online. There are lots of places and apps not that can help you save a dollar here and there
5. take toilet paper from work or the local mensroom. There's really no reason to buy this. Many times at work, they will take out a half of a roll and put in a full one. It's a pain in the ass otherwise, but you can grab that and bring it home. Or you can always wear a bra to the local gas station and stuff yourself with it while you're in there. Humiliation and savings. What a deal. If you do that though, you should take a pic to send Goddess. It will make her laugh.
6. And condiments. There is no need for you to ever buy ketchup, mustard or anything like that. Stores give it out for free, take a handful every time you can. Don't steal, that's wrong, but if they ask take it. If you run out suffer without. Adding flavor isn't really a requirement for slaves. Good food is for Goddesses, not slaves..
7. Toll roads are usually a lot faster. I know if i take the highway to work it can save me 20 minutes. It also uses more gas and costs $1.50 in tolls. Unless you are going to be late for work, take the back road. It will save money, and is a more relaxing ride. It will give you time to rest so you can work harder and earn more, plus it gives you more time to think of Goddess Jade.
8. Not everyone can do this, but a smaller apartment or house is a great way to save more money. If you live alone a studio apartment is more than enough room. Don't be stupid though with a house. Real estate increases in value. A better idea, if you own your own home, sign it over to Goddess Jade and rent it from Her. That way She makes any money when the property increases, you get to pay Her every month, and She can decide if you get to stay in your own home. How sexy is that... Don't worry you'll still get to deal with all the maintenance and other bills...
9. Cancel cable. You really shouldn't have time to watch TV anyway. Time sitting on your ass, would be better spent doing something for Goddess. If you need suggestions i'm sure She will have a list of chores you can work on. It might be re-tweeting or sharing, maybe creating captioned photos, or maybe if you are really lucky, she'll send you her Heels to lick clean and send back.
10. Turn off the lights. A candlelit or moonlit room with your laptop, Goddess Jades onlyfans.com/dominantjade a box of tissues, whoops and your locked cock, Well it was almost a romantic date for you. Don't worry though like a regular date you can still pay for it. Send Goddess Jade what you would have paid for a regular date and you can stay in the dark with your blue balls and empty wallet while Her and Her real man go out on your dime. The point to this though is leave the lights off (heat or AC too for that matter) That shit can get expensive..
There are a lot of ways to save money, and if you read my tips on earning money, there is no reason you can't send Goddess Jade regular 3 digit tributes. Sure you might have to do without some luxuries, and your friends may wonder why you are going without, but you have the best thing ever, the ability to Serve Goddess Jade. Do the absolute best you can.
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purplesurveys · 3 years
survey by nadine07
General Stuff To Start With
What name do you go by most often? Just Robyn. It’s short enough that it’s never really needed a nickname.
Is that your real name or a nickname? It’s my real name. I do have nickname, but it’s used just by family.
Has your birthday come yet this year? Yes, it has. And what a great one it was :)
Where is your mom right now? She’s in the kitchen cleaning up since she just finished cooking a couple of afternoon snacks.
What were you doing at 4pm? Yesterday? I think I was just watching BTS music videos. Can’t really answer this now as it won’t be 4 PM here til after 25ish minutes.
Are you a good speller? Yeah, I’m confident in my spelling skills.
Who was the last person to give you a 'high-five'? I think my sister; the only person I give high-fives to at home, anyway.
Would you consider yourself a shy person? I’m definitely shy at first, but over the years I’ve gotten considerably better at warming up more quickly to new people and situations.
Can you play the guitar? No, I can’t play any instruments.
Three things you ate today? Omelette, a pancake with peanut butter, and fish tacos.
What did you do last Sunday? Well, it’s Sunday today... but to stick with the question, last Sunday was pretty unremarkable. I remember watching a few episodes of Bon Voyage, then in the evening I watched 1 1/2 episodes of Hwarang.
How many orange shirts do you own? Continued from Sunday. I believe I don’t own any. Orange isn’t really my color.
Are you currently taking any prescription medications? Nope.
Do you like skim milk? I don’t think I’ve even tried it yet. I’m not sure I know what it is, either.
How did you bring in the New Year? I remember watching Mr. Bean and Kitchen Nightmares with my cousins while waiting for January 1. I also drank a little bit of soju and ate some fried chicken.
Are you missing anyone right now? I miss my friends. I talk to Angela everyday, but I wish I can see her.
If you could relive one moment in the past week what would it be? Last week was a little boring.
If you could spend 30 minutes with someone who is gone, who would you pick? Idk if I’d want to take up that offer; 30 minutes is too short a time to be with someone I’ve lost.
Biggest mistake to date? Giving too many chances to the wrong people.
Where did you go to grade school at? A local school you wouldn’t know about.
Have you ever lived in Tennessee? I’ve never lived in the US.
Does anyone in your family smoke? Yeah, I can think of a couple of relatives.
How many of the people you live with are over 21? Just two, my parents. Nina is turning 21 this September.
Who do you wish you could talk to right this moment? No one. It’s my alone time right now, and I’ve put away my phone for the meantime since I’ve already done a fair amount of socializing today.
How many clocks are in the room you are in? Just the digital ones on my phone and laptop.
Do you use MSN messenger? Nope.
What time will it be in 6 hours? 3:45 AM.
Have you kissed anyone in the last week? No.
Do you enjoy classic rock? Not really.
Have you ever been told you looked like someone famous? Every now and then. It’s not a common comment.
Are you anemic? I’m not.
At Christmas, do you have a fake or a real tree? We use fake ones where I’m from.
Do you usually go watch fireworks on the 4th of July? I don’t celebrate that.
Do you remember when the game Oregon Trail was really popular? I can remember the time, yeah, but I never played the game and I don’t even know what it’s about.
Does anyone have your heart? In my real life, no. In my head, absolutely lmao.
What did you do last Valentine's Day? I don’t even remember. I think I went out to eat that weekend? but I think I just stayed at home for the actual Valentine’s Day. I would guess that I spent the time watching 2 Days 1 Night.
Can you count to 20 in any other language? Filipino and Spanish.
How old were you in 2001? I was 3.
In 1973, how many years was it until you were born - or were you born? That’s 25 years before I was born.
Have you ever had a crush on someone, and found out they liked your friend? That’s never happened. I’ve had a small crush on someone before but they weren’t interested in me, which was fine since I knew nothing was possibly going to happen between us anyway.
Have you ever been liked by someone you didn't expect would like you? Yup.
Who ended your last relationship? She did.
How do you feel about that? I’m over it.
Do Mondays get you down? It’s really only hard and anxiety-inducing in the morning when I have to accept that there’s another week’s worth of work to do, but once I get into the groove of my shift it’s easy to deal with again.
How long have you been at your current job? 7 months this June.
Have you ever been fired? Nope.
How many times have you been pulled over by the cops? I’ve never been pulled over by an actual policeman, but I’ve been stopped by traffic enforcers...I’d say maybe around 4-5 times? usually for violations I didn’t know were violations in the area I had been driving in.
What is your mood like right now? I feel quite peaceful and happy, actually. It's been raining all day and the weather is nice and chilly, so I got in the mood to take a survey and put on lo-fi music to wind down :) All I need is sushi and this night would’ve been perfect, but I’m not really complaining.
Where did you go today? I just stayed at home.
Do you know anyone who is pregnant right now? Not that I know of, no. Then again most people my age - at least in my circle - usually keep it a secret until they’ve already given birth.
Do you cut the crusts off your sandwiches? Noooooooooooo I love the crust.
Do you prefer sweet or unsweetened tea? Sweet.
Who did you last embarrass yourself in front of? My sister, who was reminding me of how much I disliked BTS before :(
Would you rather meet the president or win $500 dollars from the lottery? I have absolutely no desire to meet the president.
What was the reason you last smiled? Someone on my timeline brought back an old BTS tweet from 2013 that finally revealed V as the secret member of the group shortly before they debuted.
A Little About Your Friends
List 8 Good Friends
1. Angela
2. Jo
3. Reena
4. Lui
5. Andi
6. Blanch
7. Kate
8. Macy
Are you related to this person? No, but she’s felt like a sister to me for as long as we’ve known each other.
What did you do the last time you hung out? We had some drinks at Perfy’s before it closed down.
Would you trust this person to keep a secret? I’d trust her with absolutely anything.
Who is this person dating? Hans.
Do you live in the same town? No, she lives in a different city but cities here are small lol so I can easily drive to her place whenever I want to.
Are you dating this person? I am not, and I’m not dating anyone on the list either.
Would you consider this person attractive? Yes.
What is this person's full name? It’s not my place to share that.
Is this person taller than you? Much much taller than literally everyone. I believe she’s 5′10″.
Do you go to the same school? We went to the same university. We technically went to the same high school, but in a different chapter.
Is this person engaged? None of the people on the list are.
What color is this person's hair? Black.
Where does this person work? She’s still a student; she’s actually Angela’s coursemate in architecture.
When did you last call this person? I’ve never called her. Never had a reason to.
Have you ever been drunk together? Hahahahaha yes when we go out for drinks we are notoriously the two people in the group with low tolerance.
What is this person likely doing right now? Probably asleep or cramming an article.
Does this person have any children? Nah.
How did you meet this person? I met them in college since they were in the execomm when I started applying for our mutural org.
Have you ever had a crush on this person? No, it was the other way around.
Where was the last place you went together? ...I don’t even remember the last time we were together? If they were at our org’s Christmas party in 2019, then the last time we were together was at Rita’s house.
What is this person's middle name? Daniel.
Does this person like rap music? Yes, I believe so. Then again I know they listen to all types of music anyway.
Has this person ever been arrested? I don’t think so, at least not to my knowledge. They would’ve already shared that with me if it had ever happened.
Is this person older than you? No, they’re younger by only a few months.
When did you last see this person? January.
Have you ever met this person's parents? Nope.
When is this person's birthday? OMG I don’t remember. I think it’s September 8? Sometime that month, anyway.
Is this person still in high school? No, we graduated college together.
What color are this person's eyes? Dark brown/black.
Do you work with this person? Nah, she’s sticking to the journalism field as far as I know and currently works for a media non-profit org that does fact-checking and investigative reporting.
Do you and this person share an ex? No, our dating spheres are veeeery different haha.
Where was the last place you went to eat with this person? I have no idea :( Marugame Udon, if I had to guess.
What color is this person's car? She doesn’t drive.
Can this person play the piano? I’m pretty sure she can’t.
Does this person like scary movies? I have no clue, actually. I feel like she’d be a scaredy cat though.
How long have you known this person? Since the 2nd grade.
Does this person have hair past their shoulders? Not at the moment.
Does this person have any tattoos? Nope.
Have you ever kissed? Never; she’s more like a sister to me.
Did you go to grade school with this person? Yes.
Finish the Sentence
My hair is: In need of a big-ass trim. I also need to get rid of my bangs because I can’t stand them anymore.
I wish I was: Vacationing in a different country.
The only thing I can't stand: I can’t stand a lot of things, but right now I am hating the feeling of being hungry. I’m making a peanut butter sandwich right after this.
There is no way: You can leave me in a room with a cockroach.
Someday I am going to: Complete an embroidery template. Bake a cake. Go bungee jumping. I can’t really choose; I want to do a lot of things.
I couldn't live without: My phone.
I hate when: It’s sunny.
I love it when: It’s raining.
Sometimes I can be: Moody.
I am not interested: In Bitcoin.
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crystallinegalaxy · 5 years
Do you feel comfortable wearing tube tops? No. Has something someone said today annoyed you? No Can you hear the crickets chirping at night? Sometimes. If its very quiet  Do you like listening to new music, or just sticking to your favorites? Yeah, I do like listening to new music  So far, where have you been on vacation? A lot of places. Puerto Rico, Bahamas, Florida, Pittsburgh, Australia Did you ever feel that there was something you couldn’t tell anyone? Yeah Do you tend to gossip, even if you don’t mean it to cause harm? No  When was the last time you were bitten by a bug? Couldn’t tell you Have you ever gotten your hair permed? No When was the last time you were in the wilderness? No idea  Do you have a pair of sunglasses that are worth over $200? No  Would you ever go on a trip to Europe? Maybe  Are you brave when it comes to trying new foods? Yes :) When was the last time you saw your significant other? Is there a friend that you can always go to for advice? Yes  Have you ever been to a town/place where the people were just creepy? No  What’s the fastest you’ve ever driven in a car? I don’t drive  If you see a piano, are you tempted to go over and play a little something? I wish I could  Is there someone you know who bakes amazing sweets? Yes  Are you ashamed of your singing voice? Not ashamed, but I know I’m not good  Has anyone teased you with the “K-I-S-S-I-N-G” song? I don’t think so  Have you ever had a dream where you could understand a foreign language? No What time is it where you are? 9:57 pm Do you have anything important to do tomorrow? Not really Have you ever owned a beanbag chair? I do now If you own a laptop, do you have a case for it? No, just a bag What was the last movie you purchased on DVD? The Saw series. For only $7 at Walmart.  Are you a fan of retro things? I like some  Do you do your own laundry? Yes Have you ever used pastels? Yeah Is there a song you’re listening to at the moment? Yes. Shattered Pictures by Celestivl. They used to be called Celestial Wish.  Would you be considered to be knowledgeable about World War 2? I know quite a bit of stuff about it  Have you ever been in possession of a hundred dollar bill? Yes  Is there one food you cannot give up, even though you know it’s unhealthy? Yeah, like burgers, meat in general Will you bother having a party for your next birthday? Let me see...Friday, which was my birthday, I spent time with my mom, we went to Bingo. Won $25. Went to Canada with my dad. Clifton Hill. Stayed at the Holiday Inn for the night. Stopped at a few stores. My dad bought me a Darkthrone hoodie. I bought myself a Slipknot shirt, Tommy Lee Funko Pop figure, slime lol. We went on the ferris wheel, went through the wax museum, the one with the movie stars/characters. And went out to eat. Saturday, my brother took me and my to see Detective Pikachu, and then we, along with his wife, went out to eat.  If you’re with someone right now, do you think it will last? Possibly?  Who was the last person you flipped off? No idea  Do you currently have a job? Yes  What was the last movie that was unable to capture your interest? I don’t know  Have you heard of the Irish actor Jonathan Rhys Meyers? No  Do you have something to do, that you would rather not do? No Are you, in any way, feeling hopeless right now? No  Is there someone you just need to call and talk to? Not now  Are you one of those people who can eat anything and not gain a pound? I wish Are your nails painted at the moment? No  Is there a song you’ve been listening to lately on repeat? No  Do you know who you’re planning to ask to your grad prom? When was the last time you went shopping? I don’t know  Is there anyone who did something absolutely hilarious today? No idea  Are you having one of those days where you feel unattractive? No  Do you like hot dogs? Yeah Do you ever get bored of your music collection and get new songs? No, but I like adding songs to it every now and then Have you ever bought a designer purse? No What’s the limit on how much you would pay for a shirt? $35  Would you ever like to see the Walk of Fame? No  Is it currently humid where you are? No.  Have you been in any sort of physical pain today? No  Have you ever heard of the German movie Das Boot? No  Who were the last people you hung out with? Kyle’s dad somewhat Has someone ever called you “obnoxious”? Probably in the past.  Most commonly, do you obey rules, or break them? Obey Do you like making funny faces in pictures? Sometimes  Is there something you look back on and go “I can’t believe I did that”? Yep Are you good at offering advice? Sometimes  When was the last time you had to resort to a map? No idea  Your significant other: have you told them you love them lately?
What was the last thing to confuse you? No idea  How many different colors have you dyed your hair? Quite a few  Do you know someone who always spells “bored” like “board”? No 
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msjoyful23-blog · 8 years
Mother Africa: Cape Town
Day 1. South Africa was everything I thought it would be and more. My dream vacation consisted of reflection, introspection, admiration, sadness, excitement, and love all rolled into one week. My journey started in Johannesburg and although my allergies were fighting me every minute of every day since the plane landed I couldn't be happier to be in the Motherland. Seas of blackness everywhere. Not unlike the seas of blackness you see in the inner cities but pure and culturally sound to all that is South Africa. Johannesburg was only a pit stop on my way to my true destination: Cape Town. I have been literally obsessed with Cape Town after watching Blacks Without Borders (search in YouTube). This documentary highlights African-Americans who left America and found prosperity in South Africa. Most of them highly successful in America felt it extremely important to live in South Africa for the remainder of life. It's truly eye-opening and an amazing view into life as an American in South Africa. My goal for my trip was complete relaxation, lots and lots of fun, and possibly meet a rich Prince to move me to Cape Town away from Donald Trump and all the crazy! I know it's a fairy tale so I'll at least settle for a sponsor for citizenship 🤷🏾‍♀️. Cape Town provided all of the amenities one needs to fall in love with it. From the V&A Waterfront with its breathtaking scenery, local market shopping, Wineries, Safaris, beaches, museums, driving on the "wrong" side of the road, and last but not least the people. Cape Town boasts of its beauty and it's absolutely true. The mountains surround the city on one side and 2 oceans surround the other. What more can a tourist ask for? Day 2. Our hotel sits right near the V&A Waterfront with only a 10 minute walk to the fun. We were met by the most pleasant Front Desk attendant who was so happy to see us. You can absolutely say that she was just doing her job but how many times have you gone to a hotel or any place with customer service and the worker acts like you put a gun to their head and made them come to work? No. This woman was completely genuine and I absolutely loved hearing her accent and her favorite phrase "Oh my word!". Kholiswa made our stay that much more enjoyable. We didn't know what quite to expect when we got to our hotel. In Johannesburg our hotel was not as bad as the apartment on Coming to America BUT when the shower is RIGHT NEXT to the bed the whole hotel gets the side eye (except my giant ham and grilled cheese sandwich with fries and a salad with a chocolate shake for the low low price of $7 USD). Well to our surprise, The Protea North Wharf was EVERYTHING. It was literally a one bedroom apartment fully equipped with a full kitchen, washer and dryer, living room, dining room, and separate bedroom and bathroom. Now THIS is vacationing at its best. Those of you used to staying at The Ritz Carlton don't judge the rest of us for being excited about nice accommodations. Don't judge me. Any preconceived notions I had about Africa and hotels has been completely changed. Each day is jam packed with fun and exploration of all that Cape Town has to offer. Day two was spent lazily walking the massive V&A Waterfront with its many stores and restaurants for those who like to shop and eat. If listening to local music is your appetite you will find plenty of locals playing their hearts out as onlookers sway to the rhythm. If you want a light day just to walk around, eat, and people watch then V&A Waterfront is the place for you. There are also boat cruises with tours too! Day 3. Well our jet lag or being old caught up with us so we had a late start. The plan was to do the hop on and off bus tours but when you try and start at 2:00 it's not worth the price. Instead we headed straight for Green Market Square which was full of locals and sits in the middle of downtown (I guess). Green Market Square houses all of the street vendors selling wood art, African clothes and jewelry, as well as paintings. So many to choose from it can be overwhelming but for me it was like a family reunion. I was everyone's sister and they wanted me to buy. As much as I was amused and tickled by the local vendors I just didn't want to buy everything. It's a haggle situation so never pay what they ask. I bought a few pieces and even have a lady making me a dress because I HAD to have it and they way my fat is set up... Anyway, it's also a great place to people watch but the only drawback is the number of beggars approaching you. We have them in all societies, but I'm selfish and on vacation. Don't judge me. There is also a Woolworth's downtown which was totally interesting because I remember Woolworth from downtown Chicago as a young child. Well it wasn't a throwback but the real thing and even included a grocery section. Go figure. Another lazy and relaxing day in the books. We decided to cook our own dinner tonight because we could! That chocolate moose cake...let's just say I was on my fat girl. Again. Don't judge me. I'm on vacation. Day 4. Ahhhhh what we really came for...The Safari!!!! Aquila Private Game Reserve did not disappoint!!!! We were able to book this full day excursion with our bubbly front desk clerk. Kholiswa took care of everything except the bill of course. The Safari is a 2-hour drive from the hotel and transportation was included to and from the Safari. We were told to be ready at 6:40 am. Whew! That's early but our driver was on time! The two-hour scenic route included mountain after mountain and in between that there was vineyard after vineyard. They even sell grapes on the side of the road but I think they are stolen grapes from the various vineyards. Hey the struggle is real and hustle man is everywhere. The tour included a stop for coffee, breakfast and lunch at the reserve, and a pit stop on the way back (which we declined). We arrive in time to pay and have breakfast then off to the animals!!! Our tour guide, Kensington, had a bright smile and knew all about every animal including life span and gestation periods. He was so excited and genuine about his job which made the tour that much more enjoyable. The truck was an open style truck with no windows so we didn't quite know what to expect. The first wild animals we see are hippos and then zebras and rhinos 🦏. Zebras were in abundance and there were also a good number of rhinos as well. We next moved on to the ostrich, a wilderbeast, and some type of antelope. I don't remember the name and they weren't that interesting anyway. Next was the African elephant. Two of them to be exact! They were high up on the mountain so the park ranger left some supplements to coax them down and down they came! They were EXTREMELY close to our truck that I thought they were going to charge us! They did get closer to another tour truck and one stuck his trunk inside! I would have died!!! Hell I almost died from seeing it! Kensington was unbothered because he did not move as they were coming closer and closer! I called on Jesus a few times. He is a friend indeed! I digress. Next was the lions!!!!!!! Yasssssss the big furry cats! Simba and Mufasa's cousins! The lions were housed in a separate gated area because they were rescued from people who kill for sport (aka Donald Trump Jr) and placed in the reserve. They didn't learn to hunt so they are separated from the rest of the animals. We saw two male lions and a few female lions and cubs. These lions were on chill mode because they were not moved by our presence. It was hot and we were blocking their shade! They were so glad for us to move along and so we did. Our last stop was Geoffrey the giraffe and friends! They were so cute! According to our expert Kensington, the giraffe adapts to his environment. The giraffes we saw were not very tall because the shrubbery and trees are not tall. If the giraffes were taller they wouldn't be able to bend down to eat. So they grow according to their environment. If they were moved to areas with taller trees, Kensington said they would grow taller! Interesting fact I never knew about giraffes. Kensington also had sparkling wine and grape juice during our giraffe stop which was right up my alley! Our liquor pit stop is where we started talking to other guests who were mostly American. Seated right behind us were Stacey and Ann who looked to be late 20s or early 30s. Stacey is Indian American who lives in Atlanta and Ann is also Indian American who lives in New York. We all quickly bonded over our buffet lunch and our readiness to get back to the city for a nice shower! The sun was hot and I had reached my limit of outside. Y'all know I don't do outside or bugs. While waiting for that clock to strike 4:00, I spot one of the drivers who turns out to be Stacey and Ann's van driver. Y'all I think I found my sponsor. So me never meeting a stranger strikes up a conversation with Zaid because yes he is cauuuuute. Zaid looked all Dominican with a dash of Middle Eastern but was ALL South African. I asked was he married with kids. No. Yes!!!! I asked "Do you want a wife and kids? I need a sponsor for citizenship." lol Needless to say I got his card so we can talk more later. Zaid is now Bae and I'm about to be out this piece!!!💋😘😆 Tired from a long day in the hot sun and a two hour drive each way to the Safari, my body was in need of some TLC. The neighboring hotel advertised a 60 minute massage with a 30 minute reflexology treatment for 640 Rand and my pockets were all over that. See that's $40 US dollars and we all know in the US that would easily be $80 or more. Needless to say my massage was everything and that was the perfect ending to the perfect day. Day 5. The next day brings the perfect weather full of sunshine and warm breezes. We decide to tackle this day early because there is still so much to see in Cape Town. Our adventures lead us to the hop on hop off bus tours. We figured we could cover more ground this way. We start with the breathtaking views of Table Mountain. To our surprise the bus drives right up to the top and the views are simply amazing. The real attraction is the cable car to the peak of the mountain but the way my fear is set up I chickened out. Sorry. But you still get the appreciation of the views from the bus stop. Trust me. If you are afraid of heights you will still get a great experience if the cable car ride is skipped. I'll muster up some courage for my next visit. We hop back on the bus and head to Camps Bay Beach and OH. MY. GOD. I've never seen a beach more beautiful and peaceful!!!! The condos that overlook the water made me want to run and buy hundreds of lotto tickets because I just have to live here! It was still early and I was dying for some seafood but I settled for some delicious gelato (ice cream for us regular folks). We hopped back on the bus and I really wanted to do the South African Museum because I wanted to learn some history. This was a bust. It was a science museum about animals. Not my thing. I wish I had known before I spent my money. Back on the bus we go. Our love for shopping leads us right back to Green Market Square for more gifts and cute African attire. We were also curious about their hair bundles so we found a few hair shops to ask about pricing and quality. Weave is worldwide and I wanted to see how the hair game works in Africa. Our bus also took us past the Government buildings and to District Six. The interesting thing about District Six is it was the only neighborhood during apartheid where folks lived in "relative harmony". But like all racist regimes, they moved everyone out of the area and tore down the buildings because they believed Blacks and Whites were not supposed to live amongst each other. There are a number of empty lots now because of this and the area is slowly trying to rebuild. The other interesting thing is that apartheid ended in the 80s. Like literally yesterday and in our lifetime. Anyway, I highly recommend the bus tours because you can cover a lot in one day if you are short on time. Day 6. My travel buddy left a day early, so that left me on my own for a day. It turned out to be AWESOME!!! I was semi nervous about being in a foreign country by myself but I'm well traveled so I just tackled the day and made the best of it. I bought a two-day bus tour pass because it was economical and the easiest way for me to do my own thing and still feel safe. Today was wine tour day! I knew my friend didn't drink so I saved this part of the trip for my solo day. Perfect! The bus tour connects to the wine bus tour so I set out early that morning hoping to do all 3 wineries along the route. On the way to the wine bus the scenery is just breathtaking! The houses are gorgeous and are home to most of the diplomats of South Africa. While en route I did not realize there was a botanical garden named Kirstenbosch! I hopped right on off at that stop because if it was anything like what I have already seen in Cape Town it was going to be amazing. I spent only an hour at the botanical garden because I was on a winery mission. If I had more time I would have spent a few hours there. Everything was beautiful and if beautiful flowers, mountain views, and tranquility are your thing make this one of your stops. I hopped back on the bus because yes wine! The next stop was the wine bus connection and I was excited! First stop...Groot Constantia which means large or big Constantia. The vineyards are vast and the mansion is white with two restaurants on property. I probably should have eaten before the wine tastings, but I'm glad I didn't because I would have missed out on my fantastical seafood lunch. Anyway the wine tasting gives you the option of five white and red wines out of maybe ten choices. I liked all but one of my choices from Pinot, Shiraz, and Cabernet. The give you a few crackers but it doesn't help. Come on a full stomach or you will be tipsy like me afterwards. The winery does sell their wines and gives you options to ship them back to the US. It can be pricey and the minimum to ship is six bottles. I wanted to sample the dessert wines but that was not an option so I bought two bottles to take home. The next winery was pretty much the same only it was a restaurant style set up so you are able to sit. Good thing because my tipsy was off the charts. I'm pretty sure my blood alcohol level was past .08 at this point. I tasted my five wines anyway and knew I had to eat something soon and very soon. I met a nice couple who I struck up a conversation with and they gave me a dessert wine and restaurant recommendation. Good thing for me the restaurant was next door. Harbor House was a second location to the original which is on the beach near Camps Bay. Seafood was finally happening! This was my favorite meal of the entire trip. The food was fresh and the flavors danced on my tongue. I loved everything about Harbor House even the flirtatious waiters. I had sushi (AMAZING) as an appetizer and a seafood pasta with prawns, mussels, and a sauce that was unforgettable. Yes for Harbor House! Well as I sobered up I hopped back on the bus and went back to the beach because I'm a beach fanatic. I should have spent more time there but wasn't in the mood for sand. I just admired from afar and had more gelato! I rode the bus back to the V&A Waterfront because I wanted to end the day on the Harbor cruise close to sunset. Mission accomplished. I got to see the seals that hang out by the pier and got to relax on a boat to end my day. The Waterfront is another one of Cape Town's beauties. I highly recommend South Africa as a vacation destination specifically Cape Town. It is beautiful, relaxing, and fun with loads of things to do. You can't fit everything into one week so plan on coming back again and again! Throw away everything you thought about Africa because it's wrong. Africa is AMAZING and worth every penny spent! It's a must see and must do! Mother Africa I love thee!
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