deliasamed · 9 months
Negative Declarative Sentences: Structure, Usage, and Style
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    Definition of a Negative Sentence:
A negative sentence is a grammatical construction that indicates the absence or negation of an action, event, or state of being. This transformation turns an affirmative sentence into a negative one, helping to convey the opposite meaning. Negative sentences are crucial for expressing denial, contradiction, or the absence of an action or occurrence in various contexts and tenses.       Negative Sentences in Tense forms: Let's explore negative sentences in various tenses, focusing on the predicate form. In English, a negative sentence is formed by adding the word not after the auxiliary verb or, in the case of simple tenses, after the be verb. Here are examples in present, past, future, and perfect tenses:   Present Tense: Simple Present: Positive: She plays the piano. Negative: She does not play the piano. (or She doesn't play the piano.)     Present Continuous: Positive: They are studying for the exam. Negative: They are not studying for the exam. (or They aren't studying for the exam.)       Present Perfect: Positive: He has completed the project. Negative: He has not completed the project. (or He hasn't completed the project.)     Past Tense: Simple Past: Positive: I visited the museum yesterday. Negative: I did not visit the museum yesterday. (or I didn't visit the museum yesterday.)     Past Continuous: Positive: We were playing basketball. Negative: We were not playing basketball. (or We weren't playing basketball.)     Past Perfect: Positive: She had already finished her book. Negative: She had not finished her book. (or She hadn't finished her book.)     Present Perfect Tense:  Present Perfect Simple: Positive: They have seen that movie. Negative: They have not seen that movie. (or They haven't seen that movie.)       Present Perfect Continuous: Positive: He has been working on the project. Negative: He has not been working on the project. (or He hasn't been working on the project.)       Future Tense:  Simple Future: Positive: She will visit her parents next weekend. Negative: She will not visit her parents next weekend. (or She won't visit her parents next weekend.)       Future Continuous: Positive: They will be studying for the test. Negative: They will not be studying for the test. (or They won't be studying for the test.)       Future Perfect: Positive: He will have completed the assignment by then. Negative: He will not have completed the assignment by then. (or He won't have completed the assignment by then.)           Negative Sentences with Modal words: Modal verbs play a significant role in expressing various shades of meaning in English. A negative sentence with modal verbs is formed by combining the modal verb with the word not to express a lack of necessity, ability, permission, or other modal meanings. Here are examples of negative sentences using modal verbs in different tenses: Present Tense:  Can: Positive: She can swim. Negative: She can not swim. (or She can't swim.)   Must: Positive: You must finish the assignment. Negative: You must not finish the assignment. (or You mustn't finish the assignment.)   Past Tense: Could: Positive: He could solve the puzzle. Negative: He could not solve the puzzle. (or He couldn't solve the puzzle.)   Should: Positive: We should attend the meeting. Negative: We should not attend the meeting. (or We shouldn't attend the meeting.)   Future Tense: Will: Positive: They will succeed. Negative: They will not succeed. (or They won't succeed.)   Would: Positive: She would help if she could. Negative: She would not help even if she could. (or She wouldn't help even if she could.)           Usage of “not” in Sentence with multiple Auxiliary Verbs: In sentences with multiple auxiliary verbs or modal verbs, the word not is typically placed after the first auxiliary verb. This pattern continues for each subsequent auxiliary or modal verb in the sentence. This ensures that the negation is applied to the entire verb phrase, conveying the negative meaning accurately. Here are examples covering different situations:    They are not studying for the exam. (or They aren't studying for the exam.)   She can not play the guitar. (or She can't play the guitar.)   She had not completed the project. (or She hadn't completed the project.)   They should not have attended the meeting. (or They shouldn't have attended the meeting.)   They will not be studying for the test. (or They won't be studying for the test.)   She will not finish the project on time. (or She won't finish the project on time.)             Negative Sentences with Negative Words: These negative words, such as no, never, no one, nothing, nowhere, and neither...nor, contribute to the formation of negative sentences. Here are examples of their usage in various situations:   No: There is no coffee left in the pot. She has no time to attend the meeting.    Never: I have never visited that country before. He has never seen such a beautiful sunset.   No One: There is no one in the room. She knows no one who can solve this problem.   Nothing: There is nothing to worry about. He said nothing during the entire meeting.   Nowhere: We looked, but he was nowhere to be found. There is nowhere I'd rather be than at home.   Neither...Nor: He is neither a doctor nor a lawyer. She has neither the time nor the resources to undertake such a project.     Definition of Usage: No: Indicates the absence or lack of something. Never: Denotes the absence of an action or occurrence at any time. No One: Refers to the absence of any person. Nothing: Represents the absence or lack of anything. Nowhere: Points to the absence of a location or direction. Neither...Nor: Connects two negative elements and is used to indicate the absence or negation of both options.             Double Negatives for Rhetorical Effect: In standard English grammar, it's generally not advisable to use double negatives, as they can lead to confusion or ambiguity. However, there are specific cases where double negatives are used for emphasis or rhetorical effect. It's important to note that while double negatives might be used for emphasis or stylistic reasons in certain contexts, they are not always recommended in formal or standard English. Clarity and precision in communication are generally better achieved with single negatives.   No: There is no reason not to try. Here, the double negative is used for emphasis, suggesting a strong affirmation.    Never: I will never tell you no lies. In this example, the double negative is used for emphasis and poetic effect.   No One: There is no one who does not appreciate a good laugh. The double negative is used for emphasis on the universality of appreciation for laughter.   Nothing: There is nothing I would not do for my family. The double negative is used to emphasize the extent of willingness to do anything for family.    Nowhere: He could find nowhere to hide and not be discovered. The double negative emphasizes the difficulty of finding a hiding place.   Neither...Nor: She has neither the patience nor the inclination not to succeed. The double negative emphasizes the determination to succeed in both aspects.             Negative words and Their Alternative forms: These alternative forms maintain the negative sense of the original words and phrases while providing different ways to express the same ideas.   No: There is no reason to worry. /There is not a reason to worry. He has no interest in politics. /He has not any interest in politics. I have no idea where it is. /I have not any idea where it is.   Never: I have never been to that place. /I have not ever been to that place. She will never forgive him. /She will not ever forgive him. He never speaks during the meeting. /He does not ever speak during the meeting.   No One: There is no one who can solve this problem./There is not a single person who can solve this problem. I know no one in this city. /I know not a soul in this city. She spoke, but no one listened. /She spoke, but not a soul listened.   Nothing: There is nothing to worry about. /There is not anything to worry about. He said nothing during the meeting. /He said not a word during the meeting. She found nothing in the box. /She found not a thing in the box.   Nowhere: We searched, but he was nowhere to be found. /We searched, but he was not anywhere to be found. There is nowhere I'd rather be. /There is not anywhere I'd rather be. He looked nowhere else. /He looked not anywhere else.   Neither...Nor: He is neither a doctor nor a lawyer. /He is not either a doctor nor a lawyer. She eats neither meat nor fish. She eats not either meat nor fish. Neither of them knew the answer. /Not either of them knew the answer.             Negative Subjects expressed by Negative Pronouns: When dealing with negative subjects, it's important to use specific negative pronouns like no one, nobody, nothing, or no, and neither...nor with nouns. Using not and any alone may not be suitable replacements for negative subjects. Here are examples illustrating this point:   No One: Incorrect: Not knows about the plan. Correct: No one knows about the plan.   Nobody: Incorrect: Not came to the party. Correct: Nobody came to the party.   Nothing: Incorrect: Not was found in the box. Correct: Nothing was found in the box.   No: Incorrect: Not is allowed to enter without permission. Correct: No one is allowed to enter without permission.   Neither...Nor with Nouns: Incorrect: Not the cat nor the dog likes the new food. Correct: Neither the cat nor the dog likes the new food.           Negative Sentence with There is: When using the phrase there is to introduce a subject in a sentence, negative subjects can be expressed using specific negative pronouns like no one, nobody, and nothing. Additionally, you can use the structure not...anyone, not...anybody, and not...anything to convey a negative subject. Here are examples:   No One: There is no one in the room. There is not anyone in the room.   Nobody: There is nobody at the door. There is not anybody at the door.   Nothing: There is nothing to worry about. There is not anything to worry about.              
About Negative Declarative Sentences:
When it comes to negative declarative sentences, there are a few additional considerations to keep in mind:   Word Order: In negative declarative sentences, the typical word order is subject + auxiliary verb + "not" + main verb + the rest of the sentence.   She does not like coffee. They have not seen the movie.     Contractions: Contractions, such as isn't, don't, and haven't, are commonly used in negative declarative sentences for a more informal tone.   She isn't coming to the party. We don't know the answer. They haven't finished the project.     Use of But for Contrast: But is often used in negative declarative sentences to introduce a contrasting statement.   He studied for hours, but he did not pass the exam.       Negative Intensifiers: Negative declarative sentences can be intensified with words like never, absolutely not, or not at all.   She never agrees with my opinions. I will absolutely not attend the meeting.       Use of Negative Adverbs: Negative adverbs like barely, hardly, and scarcely can be used to emphasize the negative aspect of a statement.   He barely finished his assignment on time.       Avoiding Double Negatives: While double negatives can be used for emphasis or rhetorical effect, standard English generally avoids them in formal writing or speech for clarity.   Incorrect: I don't need no help. Correct: I don't need any help.       Expressing Prohibition or Restriction: Negative declarative sentences are commonly used to express prohibition or restriction.   You cannot enter without permission.                           Negative Declarative Sentences: Structure, Usage, and Style Stylistic Elegance: The Role of Subject-Verb Inversion in Language Declarative Sentence in English Grammar Parallelism in English Grammar Read the full article
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On tonight's episode of Just Another Manic Night Shift..
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eric-sadahire · 2 years
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"Just be yourself" is literally the worst piece of advice you could ever give me
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cubbihue · 1 year
since you said on the post about reporting that tiktok that you would if you had one i thought you'd like to know: you don't have to have a tiktok to report a video on there! if you can access it in a browser you cant still find the report button logged out!
:O !!!! oh hell yeah! Thankee !
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selfundiagnosed · 6 months
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Im absolutelynot showing off my silver smithing hands dusted in metal & silver shards.. haiiii
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obsessive-ego · 2 years
The idea of a y/n who can compose themselves really well
Beej wins a bet, and y/n has to spend a day with an egg vibrator inside of them, a toy where beej holds the remote
But to his annoyance, you don't seem bothered, other than the occasional shiver, even at the toy's highest setting
He was so disappointed with this outcome he calls the bet off and vanishes for awhile
Later on, once you're home, he eagerly comes to you with a new egg-shaped remote toy, saying he wants a do over
You ask why and he turns on the toy, you watch in shock as the little egg in his hand vibrates at a speed you've never seen period
Beej:"It's from the netherworld-"
Y/n:"that isn't for living people is it?"
Y/n:"absolutelynot, I'm not going to the hospital because of you again"
Beej:"but babes!"
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legofemme · 1 year
I actually love that my bug post blew up bc now its just full of ppl tagging their fav bugs and i look them all up and stare and smile at them lovingly. Even when the bugs theyre tagging are absolutelynot insects. Someone tagged it w ticks and i simply had to go look at ticks and smile at their stupid heads for 10 mins .
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rbdjsbchfbfnnd · 2 years
hello! i've see you are gonna start writing about some fandoms, ¿what about a Masky with a S/O who loves physical affect?
Words: 500
-We could describe Tim's personality with many, far too many words, and how it resulted in a change after the advent of Masky. But we're certainly not here to rehash the events of "Marble Hornets."
-Supposing therefore, that Masky and Tim have merged into a single person, thus giving life to a single individual identifiable both as Tim and as Masky, based on your own legitimate consent, different and similar to both.
-According to this assumption, Tim adapts to a new "lifestyle", always remaining himself, but getting used to acting in a certain way, eventually accepting everything.
-Tim is Masky and Masky is Tim, two names for the same person.
- Now, probably, having a stable and recognized relationship with him, and having adapted and accustomed yourself to all his companions and supposed friends, I don't see too many problems with showing physical affection.
-At first he may be baffled and confused; we calculate, that although he had friends, and still has some, to show physical affection there are different ways, and each is different based on the relationship between the two individuals.
- Not mentioning that that place is practically a group of murderers, and many of them with possible serious trauma. Adapting and getting used to it, feeling good and continuing normally on the surface, doesn't mean you don't have insecurities and fears in the depths of your soul. There some have been mistreated for their lives, there are those who have been abandoned and forgotten, who caught fire and subsequently lost control, who was sacrificed to then return in other aspects and forms, who saw family and loved ones being slaughtered by known others, who were judged and snapped at the end for revenge, who was "forced" by a faceless creature...
-Masky he is quite aloof as a person, aloof, serious and quiet (although he is the king of sarcasm), whether or not he is aloof with you depends on the degree of relationship and trust in you.
-If he's not, he'll likely return the affection slowly, with a smile on his face that's not visible. It is not childish, consequently, it will be even more intimate in a private place than in a public one, but he will shake hands back and agree to put his arm around you on your shoulder. In private it will be much more for "cuddles" or like the people who receive them call them.
-If he remains relatively detached even with you, it's only a sign that he doesn't trust you completely and absolutelyNot that he doesn't love you, he just... doesn't trust enough yet. He will remain impassive on demonstrations of affection, even the smallest ones. Don't think of the more intense demonstrations like hugs or kisses, he won't agree and would be uncomfortable. You'll understand that things improve, when shaking his hand he won't move away, he will stay still, but he won't move away. He's the type of person who is forthright and talks about what's bothering him…
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monstrouscrew · 2 years
another moment from this unwritten story. and... it's a phrase itself. i can add a dialogue though.
like this.
- Arthur, did you really... like it? you're crying.
- I did. I... thank you. thank you for inviting me, John. into the world that IS yours now. I appreciate it :')
- would you like to come practicing regularly, then?.. I mean, not just "with me", oh fuck, no!.. - when the timetable is ok to you?
- I absolutely wouldn't mind neither regular classes nor your company, John. do you really think I'd miss an opportunity to experience your softer side without "ABSOLUTELYNOTS" following immediately?
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(ID in the alt text)
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sugarcherriess · 2 years
pick ADONIS what the fuck make them squirm not me 😭😭😭 i. that’s not. thatsnot very considerate to the OTHERPEOPKE THERE i don’t think they all. wantto see that idont tbink You want to see that his hands oh my God his. hands no. absolutelynot he can’t oh my god that’s. WHYWOUKD HE. inpubkic:?£:?;):?:?: i’m. why. no. go back to making adonis cry Please 😭😭😭🐶
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Oh how the turntables turn and spin and gyrate
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nyxneon · 2 years
Question game: 3, 6, 28, 57, 63
3) have you taken someone's virginity?
6) what are you excited for?
holidays, mostly. Free time. being able to travel, go to concerts, not thinking about my job.
28) what was the last thing that made you laugh?
something silly some kid at school said.
57) do you believe in ghosts?
sort of. yeah.
63) first concert?
it was a Subsonica (italian band) concert, in Ferrara, summer 2000, I think.
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babyawacs · 3 months
.@law @law @harvard_law .@harvard_law @oxforduni  #the?#topic? #is? #criminal_security_policy # criminal_governance #turned?# s #y #st #e #m #andnow? #nowyouknow #what #ruledyou #how @all .@al l .@world @world @bbc_whys .@france24 @haaretzcom @snowden @deutschland @bild @welt @ard @zdf @p hoenix_de @bundestag @bundesrat @stuttgart @muenchen @berlin @hamburg  ‎ itis absolutelynot complicated. the intelcoma controlsystems ar e rational but conflicting: if they leechpillage insecretive bloodplasma sciences what they cannot synthesise they torture and r ape and sugarstuff those they leech it from. you. ‎and that becomes  informal c u r r e n c y currencies and now now youknow howmuch lifetime energy cellmatter cellulose bloodcor ematter fibrin the new onedollar 1500 bucks phones really costs and whyyou are a porned zombi for it‎
.@law @law @harvard_law .@harvard_law @oxforduni #the?#topic? #is? #criminal_security_policy #criminal_governance #turned?# s #y #st #e #m #andnow? #nowyouknow #what #ruledyou #how @all .@all .@world @world @bbc_whys .@france24 @haaretzcom @snowden @deutschland @bild @welt @ard @zdf @phoenix_de @bundestag @bundesrat @stuttgart @muenchen @berlin @hamburg ‎ itis absolutelynot complicated. the…
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absolutelynot-no · 2 years
Finally change my name here.
I WAS natshaslovanova, however I no cosplay and am instead a bitter old lady so now I am…
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pakrevenue · 2 years
مریم نواز کو قتل کی دھمکیاں دینے والا ملزم گرفتار . . . #StopAttackingPakistan #MeeshaShafi #Melbourne #ABSOLUTELYNOT #MaryamNawazSharif https://t.co/dh4IEqzwrn
مریم نواز کو قتل کی دھمکیاں دینے والا ملزم گرفتار . . . #StopAttackingPakistan #MeeshaShafi #Melbourne #ABSOLUTELYNOT #MaryamNawazSharif https://t.co/dh4IEqzwrn
— Pak Revenue (@PakRevenue) Oct 21, 2022
from Twitter https://twitter.com/PakRevenue October 21, 2022 at 10:12AM via PakRevenue
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(via GIPHY)
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thepaknarrative · 3 years
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Find the odd man out. #imrankhan #nawazsharif #shahmahmoodqureshi #asifghafoor #ispr #absolutelynot #deeppockets #surpriseday #mujhekyunnikala https://www.instagram.com/p/CQcvd04j57m/?utm_medium=tumblr
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