#abuse romanticisation
bearwuvimagines · 6 months
for ppl with # the trauma . this one’s for you 🔥🔥
imagine your f/o seeing you sleeping or relaxing next to them, maybe after a talk about what happened or a flashback or maybe just randomly, and thinking to themself ‘if i ever meet the person who hurt (s/i), I’m going to jail’
even if ur f/o isn’t violent. they are now/hj/lh
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tozettastone · 3 months
I am begging fanfic writers to stop worrying about romanticising abuse or whatever and start worrying about picking a consistent tense.
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aloeverawrites · 29 days
Writing for Rafah
I'm doing sensitivity readings, beta readings, fanfic commissions, lyric/poem writing, character playlists, and image description writing in exchange for donations to Maryam’s family and newborn (Urgent) , Fatima’s family and their newborn or to Ibrahim and his family.
(Update: Ibrahim and his family have made it out of Rafah and now need financial security in Egypt. Fatima’s family has yet to make it out of Rafah. Update 2: Fatima’s family has reached their goal but we’ve yet to hear another update from them. )
If you find another gofundme for someone in Palestine that you'd like to donate to I'll accept donations for that as well. I recommend looking at the operation olive branch document to find gofundmes to donate to.
The details for these commissions are below.
Sensitivity readings:
I can read for people looking to portray trans men, autistics, bi aces and biracial black people. Contact me to ask if you have something else you'd like me to read for as not everything is mentioned here.
€ 1 for 2,000 words.
Beta reading:
I can offer basic editing like spelling and grammar, as
€ 1 for 2,000 words.
Fanfic writing:
I can write for bbc merlin, pacific rim, marvel
€ 1 for 1,000 words.
Song or poem writing:
You can give me a few words as a prompt and I'll write lyrics for a song that can be dedicated to whoever you'd like. If you want to record the song or use it for a story or game feel free to.
€ 0.50 per song which can be about 100-400 words. Same price for poems.
Character playlists:
€ 1.00 per playlist. It can be about anything I just thought people might be more interested in playlists for characters- but if you want one on like, the concept of springtime or something I've got you.
Image description:
€ 1.00 for 10 image descriptions. If you only need like 3 then any donation amount above €0.10 is great. This can be helpful if you're a blog that posts a lot of photos.
I don't read/write nsfw. I don't have much experience with this, but I had to do something to help. I have been writing for a long time but I've only published original work. Thank you for reading this, and hope to hear from you. If you're interested dm me or send me an ask.
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“The woman dies.
She dies to provide a plot twist. She dies to develop the narrative. She dies for cathartic effect. She dies because no one could think of what else to do with her. Dies because there weren’t any better story ideas around. Dies because her death was the very best idea that anyone could come up with.
‘I’ve got it! Let’s kill her off!’
‘Yes! Her death will solve everything!’
‘Okay! Let’s hit the pub!’
And so, the woman dies. The woman dies so the man can be sad about it. The woman dies so the man can suffer. She dies to give him a destiny. Dies so he can fall to the dark side. Dies so he can lament her death. As he stands there, brimming with grief, brimming with life, the woman lies there in silence. The woman dies for him. We watch it happen. We read about it happening. We come to know it well.”
- The Woman Dies by Aoko Matsuda (translated by Polly Barton)
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zoeywades-spouse · 3 months
What’s an ick you got in a Choices book that you can’t get out of your mind?
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sallyastral · 7 months
Can we talk about how Sylvie treats Loki? Or about how miserable he becomes around her? About how all of his personal progress drops to zero whenever she's around? About how 90% of their screentime together is them verbally or physically fighting, often because of Sylvie? How she doesn't even care if she hurts him (psychologically and physically) and instead doesn't hesitate to do so while Loki never attacked her?
This isn't enemies to lovers, this is simply toxic and abusive. But since it's a woman doing it to a man everyone just overlooks it because "omg she's so badass, girlboss!!"
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smolpout · 1 month
ummm will u guys get mad at me if i romanticise my ed on here 👉🏻👈🏻
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bisexualfagdyke · 5 days
So many pr0shippers in the aftg fandom for a book that basically has the message of "abusers and rapists should be murdered"
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wizardsix · 9 months
i can't believe people genuinely believe ascended astarion is actually good. "oh but he's so sweet and nice" you're being manipulated. "he hasn't said anything mean" yet. that's how it starts. im sure that's exactly what astarion thought of cazador at first, and look what happened.
ascended astarion is just continuing that cycle of abuse; he became just like cazador, just like cazador became his master. absolutely nothing is good or healthy about ascended astarion, you people are just deluding yourselves into thinking it's fine to romanticize abuse just because the abuser is attractive. get a grip.
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poomphuripan · 22 days
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no but i really like that even the director herself doesn't defend ming's actions. so you know it's that bad this week... so yea ep.4 will be real ride... (ToT)/~~~
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n1ghtwarden · 7 months
when the fandom stops doing 'imagine minth and your chara with their kids' writings i will know peace.
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dreamspring · 1 year
kimi no todoke my beloved!!! friendships being treated with equal respect and importance to romance my beloved!! fleshing out female love rival characters as humans worthy of empathy and love instead of reducing them to one dimensional misogynistic caricatures my beloved!!! showing and romanticising emotional vulnerability from teen boys my beloved!!!!!
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adhdwerewolfgf · 10 months
oh my god if i see being against romaticising pedophilia, rape, and incest referred to as "purity" one more fucking time im going to have a conniption
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I really want to write about how actually disturbing pockets death is/ also a bit about Estella and possibly pip because most (normal) people don’t look to much into things like that but I’m autistic so
I might post it on here but I really don’t want a certain group of people to see it
I’ll still write it ofc but I might not publicly post about it if I’m still paranoid
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(Off topic but joe looks like a giant compared to pocket even when sitting but it’s just that the sp kids are so short)
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wonderwithin-us · 11 months
hmmm you know what? one day I'll move out of my parents house. one day I won't have to ask for others for permission to exist. I would go where I want to go — perhaps to the café in the lane in front of my house, perhaps to the garden with my friends. I could make art without my dad getting angry, and I could cook whatever I wish to eat that morning and not all that's in the plate in front of me, and I could put on the pink bedsheets because I love them, and
And perhaps I won't have to hear my parents yell at me about not existing as they want me to be — I won't have to hear them disapprove my life choices from behind the door, what I'm doing, because in that house, I will be writing my own destiny.
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youmaycallmebrian · 1 year
If you sexualize Atreus, please get psychological help. Like this isn't even funny or quirky or weird at this point, it's straight up disturbing. Idc if he's fictional, the character design in this game is so realistic he might as well be real, and his voice actor is a minor.
It's not fucking normal for someone to witness casual p*dophilic and r*pe art and fanfiction in the normal main tags of a fandom. And it being romanticised and fetishized? Seriously? What is happening?
This is not me being a hater or harassing you, this is me genuinely being worried about your well-being. This is me telling you to take a step back and realize what the fuck you're actually doing. This isn't normal. You need help. Heck, I'm even open to talking about it with you and letting you vent to me by dms if you need to and I'll try to help you find resources to help or whatever.
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