#abyss twin lumine
thereifling · 1 year
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Archon Quest Headcanon - Descendant of the Abyss
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breezy-cheezy · 2 years
Forced to Kneel | Tied to a Table | “Hold them down.”
Working Title: Liar Liar (Hello From the Other Side) 
basically I named it the first thing at first then change it but the first thing stuck so WELP NOW BOTH
for @wintersdraw! 
“Hurry up, little firebird. We don’t have all day.”
Footsteps echo down the dark hall. One set is brisk and hurried, while the other is unsteady and punctuated with the grating clinks of metal.
Diluc huffs, trying to match the pace and stumbling yet again, having to be yanked upright by the shackles around his wrists. He’s…pretty sure he’s suffered a head injury, because his skull is pounding and the halls keep twisting strangely. Or maybe that’s just how the Abyss does things?
He bares his teeth at the Herald, tugging on his restraints briefly in a show of defiance. Maybe partially to stay upright, or to slow the being and its insanely long legs. He’d struggle to keep up with it on a good day.
He glares down at the floor, making sure his feet are going in a straight line. The shackles are in view, glowing faintly with deep, indigo light. He’d never seen anything like them. As soon as they’d been clapped on his wrists, his energy reserves were….lessened. They sapped his strength somehow.
And he couldn’t use his Vision. Something in them….blocked his connection to the little red gem clipped to his hip. He knew it was there, but the flames seemed to not hear his call.
He should be tracking his path, preparing for an escape. But too many walls and doors slid around, shifting the very halls and rooms themselves. Even if his addled mind could keep track of their journey, he doubted he could escape without the assistance of the Abyss. Which was. Very bad.
Not that he’d given up. Far from it. He just had to bide his time, catch the right chance….
Read the rest on AO3!
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ragdoline · 6 months
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Our fate is a tragic one.
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cyclic-abelian · 3 months
Animation Progress!
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crows-of-buckets · 5 months
Thinking about ragbros and their direct parallel to the twins. The traveler who is widely considered a hero and spends their days protecting teyvat and their sibling who is leading the abyss who seeks to destroy that. Yeah that's a direct parallel to diluc being the protector of mondstat while kaeya is a descendant of the abyss orders founder. Like. Do you think after the traveler finds out about kaeya and Diluc's past they're just. Absolutely floored by how similar they are? And hoyo wants us to be normal about this???
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sleepyminty · 1 year
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My takes on our mc girl of hoyoverse
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xiaoaetherposts · 7 days
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Twitter(X): @xiaoaetherposts
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cebwitch · 10 months
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millym00n · 5 months
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The twins!✨
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eavenne · 9 days
I think dain does care very deeply for lumine, and i also think that he probably genuinely thought lumine wanted space when she was sad. He cared deeply but didn’t express it in a way that made her feel cared for / comforted.
People often default to comforting others the way they want to be comforted themselves. Someone as stoic / emotionally constipated (take your pick) as dain, who spends the chasm quest not reacting to / brushing off everyone’s concern for him probably wants to be left alone when upset. When Paimon vaguely reaches out to comfort him after it’s revealed that his men have been guarding the hilichurls as per his last orders for 500 years (she asks why he’s so quiet), he tells her that if she’s trying to comfort him, she doesn’t have to.
“I'm just thinking, nothing more. If you're trying to console me, I can assure you there is no need.”
When paimon later suggests he take a vacation because he’s obviously in pain and exhausted, he tells her that that the word “vacation” shouldn’t exist in his vocabulary. In addition, when Dain explains how the gods cursed the khaenrians, he looks sad for a brief moment before his expression changes to anger. All this may imply that he just doesn’t like to show sadness in front of others, or that it’s an emotion he tries to brush aside.
Dainsleif being an overworking waifu aside (which actually may be part of why he keeps prompting lumine to keep going, which may have further hurt her) it’s true that lumine might have fared better with paimon as a companion. Still, dain seems to have genuinely cared very deeply for her and still retains quite a bit of fondness for her. It’s just unfortunate that he wasn’t what she emotionally needed at the time, and / or that he didn’t realise she might need something else, like a shoulder to cry on, instead of endless space. He is extremely attentive to her in the teaser in his own way - he is often looking at her and turns to her when she stops, which was mentioned by others before me. Unfortunately, lumine may not have felt comforted by this, or it may not have been enough.
Ultimately, their ideological differences were likely what separated them. No matter how close they were, their turning into enemies might have been inevitable. But the worst dain has to say about lumine in the present day is that she’s a stubborn fool; on the other hand, she tells aether that dain failed to protect his nation while dain just says her name sadly. It does seem like there was a lot of affection on dain’s part. He remembers their travels wistfully, he remembers the tales of boreas that she told him 500 years ago (not only does dain hate the archons’ servants, he also has terrible memory problems), he’s clearly deeply lonely and misses her. He just didn’t show his affection for her in a way that she felt, at least when she was sad.
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Dain: please send in literally anybody else for interrogating me. please.
Abyss Sibling, watching as Enjou explains the 5 different ways to conjugate one extremely obscure verb in the language of Byukuyakoku to Dain:
AS: no ♥️
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cyclic-abelian · 3 months
ITS FINISHED!!! I hope you all enjoy!!
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deceitful-darlings · 11 months
Genshin idea:
Yandere Traveler…or better yet Yandere Abyss twin with reader?
Aether who found you soon after the fall on Khaenri’ah, so soon after he lost Lumine. Who’s wounds are fresh as he sees the people cursed so unjustly to suffer until their last moment, long after they even lose their sentience and sense of self. He clings to your sympathy and kindness to bandage his pain, relies on you to be able to hold when he needs stability, which he does so desperately, who stays with you while he tries to find his way. But you’re human, with a finite amount of time, far less than his own no matter how he is perceived. While he’s calculating, he isn’t cold. He feels so strongly about everything, that while determined it’s his emotions that spur him on. He needs to keep you, you need to remain with him through this journey, time is not a constant that cannot he changed, leylines, chaotic spaces, Teyvat is a world full of magic and mystery. He’ll avenge Khaenri’ah, he’ll save their people who were wronged so greatly with a heart full of passion, but to keep that burning passion grounded and stable he needs you with him. Even before he became Prince of the Abyss, he was researching pocket dimensions, to suspend you in time so he can remain with you, removing as much risk of harm as he is physically able to, especially other people, none of whom he can trust. A space for simply the two of you until he can lengthen your life to match his own, as it should be. Do not reject him, do not cause him more pain, as time passes perhaps he can take more but until then he is as volatile as the sun he could be seen as. You’ll be ok, today must just be a bad day. Does it really matter how many years have passed? Stop saying you want to leave. He can’t lose anyone else he cares for.
Lumine, who was sure her heart had long since frozen over. Her passion is cold, harsh judgments and hard calculations, there is nothing she wouldn’t sacrifice for her goal of revenge and salvation. Except for you. She’s unsure what it is about you that thawed the smallest corner of her heart, and she tries to deny it for as long as she can, until the dam breaks and she no longer can. Teyvat must fall, but perhaps a small fragment can be saved through your survival she reasons with herself, the foundations of your world are rotten, but that doesn’t mean some fruit can’t be saved from the tree. There’s a comfort she finds in you, even just by your presence, she first caught a glance of you in Mondstadt, a soft smile and gentle aura that she had been longing for for many years is just out of reach. She watches you even as she leads The Loom of Fate, simply observing, waiting for the right moment, waiting for your own fates to intertwine, and they do. She takes you, unconscious and bloody from a Stormterror attack that had nearly crushed you under a tree. Mondstadt, with such a pathetic god, were unlikely to even notice you were missing, or would perhaps simply mark you as deceased with the level of destruction in the woods you were found. The Abyss Order would be where you were nursed, her coldness evident upon every meeting. Your rejection doesn’t matter. She shall show you her kindness, but only when you break, another goal she shall pursue mercilessly until she has succeeded.
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lycheesodas · 1 year
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tell me, are you looking at the same sky as i am?
aether & lumine ☀️🌙 these will be available as prints at comifuro 16!
commissions | shop | ig | twt
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dropletpetals · 1 year
Hi!! I've never actually seen a lot of love for aether in SAGAU, so i wanna give him something for the divine presents event!
I feel like giving the boy some sunscreen because honey, even though youre some kind of otherworldly powerful angel, youre a human(?) now and you gotta take care of your skins. All that walking and travelling around under the beating sun will dry you out to a crisp man
And (if possible) when Paimons done fussing over skin safety and the sunscreen, i wanna give him a memento of his old home/his sister in private to at least give him a little moment
Hope this finds you well!! Have a happy holidays!!!
Sunscreen & Momento for Aether
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"Sunscreen?" Aether asked in surprise.
"Makes sense," Paimon nodded in satisfaction. "Especially since we're mostly in Sumeru nowadays. The desert, more specifically."
"Ugh, Paimon is suddenly craving dessert now..."
After being ushered by You and Aether to get what she wants, You then gave Aether the other half of his gift.
"Oh," Aether said softly. He cradled the gift in his hands, his heart clenching as he is reminded of his home and twin.
"Thank you, Your Grace. One day, I hope that my sister and I can stand beside you, together."
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ter-ryiaki · 3 months
It's that time of year when I start questioning when is Dainsleif gonna crawl out of his hidey-hole and leave us with even more questions and absolutely no answers
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