#ace d copular gorillaz
ace-copularrr · 2 years
more ace art, for he's my beloved.
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hes just a little stinky man who lives in the dump, honestly one of my favorite genders.
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monkeyparasite · 2 years
pathetic imagines, part one ig
Murdoc is trying to impress you, so he does the splits and his pants rip, revealing hes not wearing his old man tidy widys, he has no underwear on whatsoever. he feels a sudden raft of air in his buttcrack, he tries to get up but he fails, so he just crawls on the floor like a little roach, dragging himself on his belly, tears streaming down his face as his green face now has a tint of slight dark red. He retreats into his winnabago where he sobs for the rest of the night and orders 20 pairs of new jeans, spamming you with messages on how hes so so sorry and how he will model the new jeans for you
2D has learned a new "magic trick", so he decides to show it to you. Pointing a flashlight at his eye, he flicks it on. The bright light scars him, sending him falling back wailing in pain, hes rolling on the floor now, you better take him to the doctor. Hes still crying, why he wailing for his mother what- please help this boy oh my god
You and Russel had the wonderful idea of going to a big stew party, where everyone helps make the gianormous pot of stew, bringing spices, meats, veggies, and more yum yums. You brought whatever delicay you'd prefer or liked to, while Russel's input to the dish remained a mystery to you. At the grand ending, you realize Russel has not added anything to the dish, but before you can say anything, Russel has alreadly climbed the metal steps up the big bubbling pot of fresh warm stew. He throws his long coat he has been wearing ever since you came here behind him, revealing a two piece bikini. Mortifed, your frozen with fear, unable to stop Russel of his grand move: Jumping into the pot beautifully off the ladder like its a diving board, he dives head first into the stew, he is now one with the stew
It was never strange for Noodle to make you things, like macaroni art and such. But she had something even bigger planned, she swore up and down and would refuse to talk about anything else to you, saying how much of a big surpise it would be and how much you would love it. One day, she hands you an abnormally medium sized box, opening it, you see that its a.. sweater? Putting it on, she brings Katsu into the room, also wearing a sweater that was the exact color of your hair.. Looking at your own sweater, you notice that it matches Katsu fur color palette. Trying to not jump to conclusions, you ask Noodle what the sweater she made for you was made with, her respone only confirming your fears, it was in fact, a sweater of Kastu's shedded hair. Overwhelmed with discomfort, you don't ask what Katsu's sweater is made of, I think we all know what it is anyways
Waking up in the middle of night, wanting a mid night snack, you creep into the kitchen to seeAce at the stove, in only his nightgown, long night cap, and bunny slippers. You creep closer to him, seeing that their is a metal candle holder with a lit candle in it, sitting next to the stove, on the counter. He whispers a singular sentence, shaking you to your core, "Popeyes biscuit, no drink". You rush as quietly as you arrived, for your midnight hunger is no longer present due to that horrifying thought
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snobgoblin · 2 years
Gorillaz art and Craig McCrackens's redraws of it
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stinkymicrowavedfish · 2 months
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Istg there was a headcanon where Ace was born on April fools but I can’t seem to find it oml
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petra-dot-png · 9 months
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I did NOT miss the anniversary guys i swear-
shout out to the Gorillaz song that's always been my fave!! this was fun to draw :D
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anotherartblock · 10 days
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i finished this like a month ago and forgot to post it lol
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inkadink17 · 21 days
Them fr
(not a ship sry/Brotp)
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localenbylesbian · 8 months
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MOREEEEEE (gorillaz meme post 2)
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palanceray · 1 year
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Fuck It, they're kids because I'm absolutely block rn
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restlesscrybaby · 5 months
I might begin making an Ace x Self Insert comic.
Or just content of it.
We are so back gang.
Me, about to proudly show you guys my self shipping:
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shmelya · 3 months
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sketches cause i can
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ace-copularrr · 2 years
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ace art, for the soul.
realized i did his vest pattern wrong but its fineeee
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pipecleanergirl23 · 1 year
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Saw this in Instagram and I thought it was cute that it's their version of a Coachella poster, till I read one part that got me freaking happy. Ace+Gorillaz. 🤩💚💚💚
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snobgoblin · 11 months
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realized how much I missed Monster Falls and wanted to do that with Gorillaz, explanations for my choices below
ok I'm gonna be real with you I just kinda did whatever I wanted and what I mean by that is I actively chose not to do what would make sense and instead just did what I thought would be fun or pretty- like for example it would've made SENSE to make Murdoc a demon or vampire because of his whole thing and motifs but I just thought it would be more fun to have Merdoc....... and it would've made sense to have 2-D be a zombie and Russel be a ghost but I didn't do that. the only one that had actual thought put into it was Noodle who is a demon hunter so I was like hehe what if she was a demon. for 2-D it was omg I like cervitaurs. and that's about as much thought as was put in 💀 it was very fun to do. I definitely could've put more thought in but I simply did not want to
anyway here's what they are
2-D: cervitaur
Murdoc: mermaid
Noodle: demon
Russel: fae
Ace: gargoyle
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asktherejectsau · 1 year
Can I see Ace's tattoos?
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petra-dot-png · 6 months
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Thanks for a great 2023, and thanks to Gorillaz for defining my life lol. Here's to an awesome 2024!!!!
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