#2D imagines
2ds-pepperminttea · 1 year
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He's extremely awkward and uncertain of what to do.
He'd ask if you would like some tea and search the whole house to find the flavor you like. Hell, he'd make sure to go and buy it if he didn't have it.
If your love language is physical touch then he would also make sure to give you some soft pecks to the cheek and offer to cuddle.
If it's quality time, then he would suggest to watch your comfort movie / show. Perhaps play some video games and curse everyone's bloodlines.
If it's reassurance then he would do his best to let you know you're an amazing person, deserving of all the love and care. ( Admittedly, this would have him question whether he is the right person for you or not. )
He'd also ensure you're as comfortable as possible, with blankets, plushies and anything else you may desire.
He may not be the most attentive person but when he tries, he goes all the way.
He'd cook and clean for you. The very definition of male wife. Whether it's well done or not. . .that's another story but you can't really be mad at it can you?
there's a chance he would be very reckless and buy you some gifts.
Perhaps even get his hands on a stray cat/dog and bring it home for you. If he's desperate to cheer you up.
Massages. You're getting the ultimate relaxing experience, or so he calls it.
You'll also have to listen to a story that most likely is fake about how great he used to be at giving massages.
Expect a lot of stuttering and questions.
Am i doing this right? How are ya feelin', luv? Anythin' else i can get fer ya? This didn't come out right, i meant— ; I— I think I understand whatcha tryna to tell me.
Overall, it's the best side of him that shines. A side he doesn't like showing due to fear of vulnerability but is willing to do it for you.
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monkeyparasite · 2 years
pathetic imagines, part one ig
Murdoc is trying to impress you, so he does the splits and his pants rip, revealing hes not wearing his old man tidy widys, he has no underwear on whatsoever. he feels a sudden raft of air in his buttcrack, he tries to get up but he fails, so he just crawls on the floor like a little roach, dragging himself on his belly, tears streaming down his face as his green face now has a tint of slight dark red. He retreats into his winnabago where he sobs for the rest of the night and orders 20 pairs of new jeans, spamming you with messages on how hes so so sorry and how he will model the new jeans for you
2D has learned a new "magic trick", so he decides to show it to you. Pointing a flashlight at his eye, he flicks it on. The bright light scars him, sending him falling back wailing in pain, hes rolling on the floor now, you better take him to the doctor. Hes still crying, why he wailing for his mother what- please help this boy oh my god
You and Russel had the wonderful idea of going to a big stew party, where everyone helps make the gianormous pot of stew, bringing spices, meats, veggies, and more yum yums. You brought whatever delicay you'd prefer or liked to, while Russel's input to the dish remained a mystery to you. At the grand ending, you realize Russel has not added anything to the dish, but before you can say anything, Russel has alreadly climbed the metal steps up the big bubbling pot of fresh warm stew. He throws his long coat he has been wearing ever since you came here behind him, revealing a two piece bikini. Mortifed, your frozen with fear, unable to stop Russel of his grand move: Jumping into the pot beautifully off the ladder like its a diving board, he dives head first into the stew, he is now one with the stew
It was never strange for Noodle to make you things, like macaroni art and such. But she had something even bigger planned, she swore up and down and would refuse to talk about anything else to you, saying how much of a big surpise it would be and how much you would love it. One day, she hands you an abnormally medium sized box, opening it, you see that its a.. sweater? Putting it on, she brings Katsu into the room, also wearing a sweater that was the exact color of your hair.. Looking at your own sweater, you notice that it matches Katsu fur color palette. Trying to not jump to conclusions, you ask Noodle what the sweater she made for you was made with, her respone only confirming your fears, it was in fact, a sweater of Kastu's shedded hair. Overwhelmed with discomfort, you don't ask what Katsu's sweater is made of, I think we all know what it is anyways
Waking up in the middle of night, wanting a mid night snack, you creep into the kitchen to seeAce at the stove, in only his nightgown, long night cap, and bunny slippers. You creep closer to him, seeing that their is a metal candle holder with a lit candle in it, sitting next to the stove, on the counter. He whispers a singular sentence, shaking you to your core, "Popeyes biscuit, no drink". You rush as quietly as you arrived, for your midnight hunger is no longer present due to that horrifying thought
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underscoredinnisg · 1 year
now that my asks are working, and not many imagines blogs are up and running for gorillaz anymore, i want to start taking and writing requests for Gorillaz!! they can be anything! ill do gorillaz member X anon if you leave a general description, it can just be head canons or a full short story its up to you :D
i have a few rules
-no heavy NSFW, im not super comfy with that
-no inter gorillaz ships (the only one im ok with is Ace and 2D)
-i will do angst but nothing super triggering
-i will do any phase! (i do prefer the early phases tho lol)
-nothing that discriminates on people (racism, homophobia, transphobia, ect)
-almost anything besides that is ok! but if i feel uncomfortable doing something i will either ignore it or say "hey im not comfy with this" or i might just take the part im uncomfortable with out and write the other stuff
(bonus for reading down this far, i might draw it if im feeling ~inspired~)
(pls lemme know if my asks arent working, i think they are but idk)
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emmyrosee · 6 months
“I’m sorry we have to break up.”
Wakatoshi’s olive eyes peer over his book at you, brow cocked in confusion as you stand above him, your hands on your hips. You don’t look any sort of remorseful or upset; just mildly bored with the fact you’ve just walked up to him and said you’d have to break up.
Like telling him it was raining outside.
You sigh, “we’re just not compatible.”
“Do… you feel that way? Have I done something?” Worry crosses his features, trying to map out what he’s done to upset you, if anything.
“Oh! No, not at all,” you say, and when you provide no other context, he raises his brow and you must notice his growing annoyance because you shrug at him, “my horoscope says we’re not compatible. And I just don’t want to waste my time if we’re not going to make it.”
This, has wakatoshi chuckling. He closes his book and gently shifts to make himself comfortable in the dip of the cushions. “Make it?”
“Look; our signs just aren’t compatible right now.” You smile at him softly, “maybe one day we’ll be there.”
“Im sorry, you must tell me more.” When you flash him a look, he scoffs, “I was reading my book perfectly fine, now you’re telling me we’re not going to be together anymore. I need help understanding.”
You unlock and pass him your phone, his big hand taking it from you before looking at your astrology chart, furrowing his brows as his eyes glaze the contents.
“Non-compatible with leo’s, it says.”
“Yeah,” you confirm.
“And… I’m assuming I’m a leo?”
“Sure are.”
“You’re not seriously about to leave me because the stars said so, correct?”
You cock your brow. He rolls his eyes.
“That should not surprise you,” you say, and he sighs and flicks his eyes up to you.
“It shouldn’t, but it does.”
You scoff, “how august-leo of you.”
“I swear to all of the gods, benevolent and not, do not start using this against me.”
“It’s not me, it’s you, toshi.”
tagging 🩷 @reverie-starlight @wolffmaiden @thoreeo @aliensknowmyillusions @tutuwusworld @lavishcherie @sassycheesecake @cheolattes @rrairey @dira333 @unknownspecies @fluffytriceratops
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popponn · 1 month
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Your phone sits in your hand. Through his half-opened eyes, Yoichi could see your fingers moving occasionally. He wonders if you are playing something or reading.
His hand reaches for the blanket on your side, still covering your legs even though you are sitting already. Have you already taken a step off the bed today? If you haven’t, Yoichi maybe should remind you to. Whatever it is in your phone could wait after a drink or a proper toilet trip, no matter how demanding it is. Unfortunately, his mouth is still sticky with sleep. Unable to open it, Yoichi trusts the tug of his hand to call out for your attention.
He pulls at the blanket lightly. In a motion that seems to be out of your own awareness, you spare a hand to pet his hair gently. It is as if you are ushering him back to sleep—Yoichi notes. You could have succeeded. Yoichi doesn’t remember what day or hour it is, but with nothing rushing him from the back of his mind, he lets himself take in your touches a bit longer.
Your clothes and hair are rumpled. You probably haven’t been awake for long, considering the way lethargy still paints your face. Rationally, objectively, you don’t look really good (yet, something that sounds like an annoying boyfriend in his head insists).
But, really—with the way the soft morning light hits your face, Yoichi finds himself feeling like a violent mush that might or might not want to cry out of many, many feelings.
Perhaps, this is what it feels to be a man in love—Yoichi tries to reason. It only makes him want to bury himself on your side of the bed, warped in blankets with you until the two of you find the will to get out of the bed.
“Ah,” Yoichi whispers—hoarsely, urgently, most ardently, “I really do love you.”
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soranatus · 6 days
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LEVIATHAN First look - Coming to Netflix in 2025
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dazzelmethat · 2 months
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My Kagura style study. (on the left) And manga chapter cover for 374 on the right. It's a study rendering a stylized design in a realistic way.
I got lost in some of the colors but it was a fun challenge.
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nyaskitten · 1 month
If I had a dime for every time a Lego show with some form of heavy Asian influence (whether it be set in fantasy Asia, or futuristic China) had Some big animation shift related to Wildbrain Studios, which caused a large amount of mixed reactions and negativity initially, I'd have two dimes, which isn't a lot but it's insane that it's happened twice now.
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harmonysanreads · 11 months
giving many kisses to 🕯️anon for their neuvillette masterpiece xx If 🕯️anon has anymore thoughts on yan!neuvillette, I’m begging for more. please allow me to add my own brainrots in the conversation <3
Imagine if neuvillette put on trial someone from a foreign nation. Maybe a sumeru scholar traveling to fontaine for their thesis or a liyuean opera trope performer recently gifted a trip to fontaine. someone deeply engrained with their nation’s culture.
Only to be imprisoned under false charges all under neuvillette’s direction. Once under false charges, they’ll never be allowed to leave fontaine again, either imprisoned and under guard or in debt in neuvillette and reliant on his word to maintain their innocence.
Imagine being forced into a perpetual cycle of Fontaine’s latest fashion trends, their old thin silky robes being traded for layers and layers of billowy skirts. To engage in daily rigid suffocating etiquette every second rather than the causal and loose atmosphere of their home. Listening to fontaine’s ballet and opera rather than Nilou’s free spirited dancing or traditional Liyuean opera.
All the cultural whiplash and rigid etiquette of both neuvillette and the public watching their every move with no support, no family would break anyone.
Perhaps while they feel as if they are alone, burning the midnight oil to polish over a mistake neuvillette harshly critiqued earlier, they hum a little melody. Something reminiscent of their homeland, a lullaby passed down from parent to child. Humming turns into small sobs until their tune is a cohesion of broken choking and nostalgic memories, crumbling under the weight of neuvillette’s now very present shadow next to their desk.
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They say, home is where the heart is and you've never resonated with a sentence more in your life.
Before, the meaning of home used to be simple, mundane, something you wouldn't even consider that gravely. Home used to be the buzzing of the busy populace at the ports and streets, it used to be dishes dashed with spices of all kinds, it used to be the reassurance of familiar faces. These blurs of happenstances once made your heart flutter with solace, solace that home was at your fingertips. Now, they only torment you with regret for not cherishing them more — because as it is, humans only understand the value of something once that has been snatched away.
Your ears almost don't pick up the soothing hushes leaving Neuvillette's lips, his arms pressing you further in his embrace. Your tears stain his night-robe but he doesn't seem to mind. You allow it as well, your mind too broken to think, your body too numb to push and your being too desperate to let go of this gesture of affection. You should be furious at him for the things he's done, you should scream, kick, curse, hit —and he'd agree that you wouldn't be guilty of that. Normally, he'd take initiatives to harshly criticize this ungraceful behavior and then the lengthy programs to correct it and it'd go on and on til one of you broke (it's always you).
Even when Neuvillette initiates affection, it's never to actually comfort you. They're delivered as rewards because you followed his wishes. But at this night while the rest of Fontaine slumbers and you break, his arms feel secure for once. So you don't struggle and let him coo and hold you tight, you wonder if he adjusts his intentions precisely because you offer no resistance.
Your words sink in his clothes, only a ‘I want to go home’ escapes with enough coherence for it to catch the judge's attention. He lifts your face up to meet his gaze, fingers brushing away stray tears.
“You are at home, this is your home now.” you expected the words to be plain and stern, but they come off as whispers as well. You would've known even if he didn't bother to say, because he's inscribed them in your heart time and time again and tonight, at last, you've accepted it.
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kaasiand · 11 days
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TTYD would've been so perfect on DS
imagine using special moves like Art Attack and Power Lift on the touchscreen (keep normal moves on the buttons though)
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snailwriter · 3 months
Sometimes I think about the power a hand drawn, 2D version of How to Train Your Dragon would have
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swan2swan · 1 month
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And if I say this shot right here is one of the greatest things I've ever seen in anything, ever? One of the best and most brilliant visual moments in the Jurassic franchise? In cartoons? In moving pictures as a whole?
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whereismyhat5678 · 6 months
It’s ALL TADC so be prepared *cracks knuckles* I also made sure I drew all the cast, Pomni and Kaufmo I already drew so they don’t count BUT I did add them in some sketches- (Mostly Kaufmo-💀)
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Took me a while- BUT DID IT!!!
Pretty proud of myself since I say they all look pretty solid 💪💪 Favorite ones were Ragatha, and Caine 💗💗 (But mostly cuz I LOVE their designs 💥💥💥💥
But if anything, can you tell who’s my absolute favorite?…Pretty hard to guess not gonna lie- 🧐🤔🤨
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junotter · 1 year
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Pretty sure that between takes he was mercilessly attacked by the cast and crew
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user231978 · 6 months
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They are the same.....
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machinafulmen · 1 month
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fellas is it gay to draw ship art of you and your boyfriends fursonas
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