#achi rants
kariachi · 6 months
Made the mistake of watching OSP's 'Noodle Incident' video and while it's not the same thing ended up reminded that I hate hate hate how they handled Kevin's scar.
Cause like here's this little bit of additional intrigue added to his future self's character design. A self that is first seen, I would like to point out, at a point over twenty years post-OV in universe. Like, Alternate universes or no, we first see that scar on a Kevin who is in his forties. He's barely if eighteen in OV. So it's not like any of us were really expecting to get to see what happened. Especially when the show gives us shit like 'Kevin fights Vilgax' and 'Kevin is murdered' and 'Kevin gets a hand taken off' with no lasting effects, it rather sends the message that this is 1) something that did serious fucking damage to leave the first visual scar on our mains, and 2) not something we're liable to see because it couldn't live up to expectation and has twenty-odd years to happen in.
So what do we fucking get? What do they do when they decide to show us how this intriguing scar happened? Do we get Kevin fighting some great foe? Some scene that gives an impressive character moment to go with a very notable scar on a character who was a villain the first time we saw it and is now a treasured friend? A stupid moment that wouldn't have lived up to people'd imaginations but would have been funny and let the shipping people write patch-up fics where people tease him about 'oh Vilgax can't leave a mark on you but a toaster oven-'?
Do they at least, if they're so big on having this happen during the Rooters arc, make it happen in Rooters of All Evil, to showcase that this is a different sort of danger they're dealing with while symbolizing the mark Servantis already left on Kevin's life? Using the scar and the fact that the kids' Rooter uniforms are the same outfit Kevin 11k wears in Ken 10 to try bolster the idea that this is the point in the timeline where we lose Kevin?
He gets kicked in the face by his bestfriend while trying to reveal that he hadn't actually turned on him.
That's it. There's no fucking weight to it, it just happens. It doesn't have any reason to do more damage than anything else we've seen happen to him, it's not at some emotional moment, it doesn't have any symbolic significance, it's not a character moment. It just happens.
And yes, scars do just happen in life, but this is fiction. This is fiction, and a scar that'd had the fandom's imagination for years. You can have it just happen, but you can't have it just happen between big important points. Because you know what happens then? Fans go 'that's fucking it?!', as they have every right because you decided something that had their imaginations didn't deserve the fucking effort. It can be a footnote within the big important points, but after a point you have to do something with it. There's gotta be some sort of weight.
And the thing is, it falls under the same problem that happened with BenKai. The scar, the uniform, Ben and Kai, all of it is the result of somebody deciding that all that shit from Ken 10 1) had to be given an explanation, 2) had to be canon to what was very clearly a changed timeline given Kevin wasn't evil anymore, 3) had to be shown as happening during this time period however they could shove it in, 4) with the exception of giving us Devlin's mom because gods forbid we touch the Holy Gwevin.
Kevin in Ken 10 was in the Null Void, wore a distinctive outfit, and had a distinctive scar? Well clearly we have to show him having been part of a group stationed in the Null Void where that was his uniform, and he'll gain the scar fighting Ben- because Ben's always the most important- before being revealed as still a good guy because we can't actually double down and let him be evil again (he's popular and besides it might hurt the Holy Gwevin).
Ben has kids with Kai like a decade from the present? Better reintroduce her to the show.
Ben is already seeing someone and he and Kai's personalities haven't matured to the point they work yet? Better bring Kenny in from the future to push them at each other and then have his current girl just casually drop him so he and Kai can be a thing.
And all this could be done well, is the worst part. Not the way they did it, but it could have been done. But it wasn't. It was rushed in at the end without proper care given, leaving us with shit that should have been big deals or fun moments that instead are just kinda there at best and annoying at worst. Like they learned they only had so many seasons left, realized there were things from Ken 10 that had never been touched on, and panicked.
By all right Kevin's entire future should have been changed? Doesn't matter, shove it all in at once so we can say we answered the questions.
Ben ends up with Kai sometime in the next decade? Jam them together, put pressure on with their future son, just make it a thing don't worry about proper development.
Hell, even with Gwen. Gwen ends up being able to work with Charmcaster's stone beasts and such in twenty-off years? Fuck it, she's got Charmcaster in a bag on her shelf and goes from there.
It was unnecessary. They were loose ends that could have been left hanging with no ill effect. Even if you really wanted to show shit like 'hey remember Kai, Ben has kids with her someday' you could just reintroduce her in the show without having to push them at each other right then. 'Gwen's going to learn Charmcaster's tricks someday' you can have the last time they're shown together involve them parting on decent terms or some shit without having her hold the woman in isolation against her will until she decides otherwise. But no, they were so fucking desperate to clean up any loose end that didn't risk pissing off fans too bad that they just threw out what I assume was whatever first idea came to somebody's mind.
It's a waste of potential, a waste of intrigue, and it aggravates me to my fucking core.
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This is going to be the cheesiest and most cringe well wishes, but here in South America (or at least in Paraguay) spring starts on September 21. For me, the myatb fan meet was done at the start of spring. I sincerely hope the blossom boys bloom and get all their dreams come true.
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rikaspotting · 2 months
Living with chronic fatigue syndrome is like a Russian Roulette wheel. Either I feel like I've never had a good night's sleep before, but I can function or I literally can't go into work because I can't get out of bed. Fuck chronic fatigue and PTSD. I know mine is from trauma.
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raksh-writes · 11 months
Maybe this doesn’t need to be said, but Im feeling awful about it, so -- to any mutuals that might notice Im not following them anymore, I'm sorry about that. I've just seen too many posts on my dash that I have no way of blocking because they're not tagged in any way and they're distressing enough it's turning one of the only places I considered a safe space not safe for me anymore. So for my own mental health, I had to unfollow. I Will refollow in the future and I still love y'all, but I just-- I can’t. Ive been noticing some very worrying stuff about my mental and emotional state and it's just too much currently. I hope it's at least an understandable decision, and I wish y'all are having a good day out there 💗
#personal#I know its important to keep up with current events#but life overall's been a bit too much for me lately#I should prob go back to my therapist#I haven’t seen her since I went back to uni#for one because I didn’t know my schedule when we last meet and we both thought this should balance me#finally having purpose again and doing what I actually enjoy#but I also don’t have a job now so its costs and... I don’t know#but I probably should now that Im thinking maybe its time to actually get medicated for real#tho first maybe I should just visit my family doc and ask for those vit d supplements my therapists talked about#see if thats gonna be enough#autumn (and winter) has always been an awful time for me in terms of mental and emotional health#but it feels even worse these days#like Im battling against depression every day recently and rarely anything works to distract me#which is why its been hard to get back to peels in dms and such too#I was meant to meet with a friend now that Im studying in a city she lives in but I have yet to get back to her#and it feels like I have not only Zero but like Negative energy and motivation#+ Ive been dealing with an upset stomach for Weeks now#no matter what I eat it feels weird and achy and barely anything tastes good for me already so now its even worse#anyway this turned into such a rant Im sorry#I just didn’t want the lovely peeps Ive been mutuals with for a long time to think I stopped liking them or smth#its just certain untagged posts that I would otherwise block if I could#and I dont wanna impose onto anyone like a 'rule' to tag them or whatever#so yeah this is just temporary#hopefully at some point I get better enough to survive the couple distressing posts heh...
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iamsweden · 3 months
I have been SO productive this week that it kind of blows my mind. I finished two large crochet projects, finished a (VERY LONG) chapter, and accidentally-on-purpose started a dnd campaign. I’ve already recruited three players and made the discord server.
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bardicbird · 5 months
giant bottle of ibuprofen.., save me giant bottle of ibuprofen
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mollyjimbly · 1 year
especially when it comes to women and girls...
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skyward-floored · 2 years
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teethburger · 1 year
bit of casual vent art i made about my tics bc do you ever just wanna take off your arms for a bit so you can actually get some goddamn peace and quiet without snapping your bones every few seconds
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kariachi · 1 year
Part of what pisses me off about all the bullshittery in the Pern series is, it’d be so fucking easy to just- Not make it that? It is literally a bippity-bobbity-fuck-that situation. Because the vast majority of the time it doesn’t add anything to the story. The majority of the time it’s just random examples of Anne’s ableism, or sexism, hypocrisy, her fucking kink, that don’t actually bring anything to the table that’s necessary or that couldn’t have been made into a better story if done another way.
The Harper Hall doesn’t except girls except it’s actually that girls don’t want to come so we just said they weren’t allowed for some reason? Tell me that makes for a better concept than ‘Harper hopeful works with her teacher on a plot to get her free from her abusive family so she can apprentice at the Hall, only for things to go horribly awry when her flight to a secret pick-up location is interrupted by an out-of-pattern Fall and she’s presumed dead’.
‘Dragonriders are infallible except when they aren’t but even when they are they aren’t because who are we to say a rider is ever wrong?’ Not only serves no purpose from a story and worldbuilding standpoint when you refuse to have it pushed back against in any real or meaningful way, but just serves to make the characters seem even worse for the lack of acknowledgement and justice.
There is literally no reason for the sheer level and depth of ableism, misogyny, heterosexism, and racism is this series. It adds literally nothing to have it be so rampant that even our heroes are talking about how all women are horrible creatures that should shut up and do as they’re told.
How the fuck is ‘Robinton doesn’t acknowledge his son because the boy’s mother said he didn’t have to and also he’s severely disabled’ the story you settle on when ‘Robinton is uninvolved in his son’s life out of fear he’ll find himself pressuring him to reach heights that aren’t possible and hurt him in the process, especially after the emotional abuse he suffered at the hands of his own father, not realizing that this has just left him a neglectful parent rather than an abusive one’ is right the fuck there?
What does the rapey-tones of the whole Flights situation add to anything besides appeal to what I assume were Anne’s own kinks? It’s only truly plot relevant once, and again why would you go for ‘dragons fuck whoever so their riders have to fuck whoever (except when they don’t, but ignore that, it’ll never really enter into anything-) no matter what either wants’ when the potential for ‘bronzers all working to ingratiate themselves to suspicious goldpair so they’ll let them chase/choose them when they Rise’ or ‘dipshit bronzeriders try to prevent ‘all dragons are loyal to only their riders above her’-Ramoth and Lessa from learning about mating so they can be caught unawares while F’lar and his allies realize they have a singular moral between them and scuttle the attempt’ subplots are right there? Letting the risers have the power you say golds have and the power loads of female critters in nature have over who they mate with, let fuckers communicate and coordinate beyond Kylara trying to convince Prideth to fun for Mnemoth (which, forgive me if I’m wrong but I’m pretty sure that’s the closest we get to this shit in canon and it’s from a fucking antagonist), it is so fucking easy to fix that shit and it makes for more interesting stories with more emotional depth!
There is no reason and no need for so much shit (this is just an ‘off the top of my head’) and just-
It’s so fucking easy!
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mx-myth · 3 months
Okay I just finished cherry magic thai episode 8 and I NEED to vent about it. It was so high stakes and over what???
Like, if that happened to me I would never trust my boss again. I'd start looking for another job and quit once I found one. You should never be able to dictate your employees' personal lives because of their work performance. They're adults! They should be able to make their own decisions and take responsibility for them. It's a stupid rule, in my opinion.
And that contract? I can't even. The entire meeting I was furiously thinking that if I was in that situation, I'd be telling my boss that they'd better be fine with me bringing in my lawyer to read that damn thing. I understand why for Karan and Achi that likely wasn't an option - two men dating in Thailand in 2023(?) - and also, lawyers are really expensive. I cannot imagine that happening in real life but god, if it does, at least make it sound like you can get a lawyer.
And that entire situation with Khem? Dear god. Karan was obviously so uncomfortable and so was Achi. But the fact that she called Tanaka in? To witness a fucking apology? But what REALLY got me mad was how Tanaka handled it. You don't say "oopsies! My bad, don't do that" after you've told someone to shoot themselves and they've already pulled the trigger. It was utterly humiliating and dehumanizing for Karan to have to endure that. And the fact that even if Khem signed the contract he would've torn it up? YOU asked your employee to come up with 3 million baht in two weeks. You CANNOT destroy his hard work because you've realised what an ass you've been. I'm sorry, Karan, but really you should've quit anyway. You put all your effort into coming up with all this money simply because you wanted to love Achi freely. And you made it! All your hard work paid off! Except it didn't, because your boss invalidated all of it.
(I also don't how much 3 million baht is off the top of my head so I looked it up and. It's about 82,000 usd. I'm not in sales but common sense is telling me that you'd have to be a god (or Karan, i suppose) to try and make most of that in two weeks. The average us salary is about $59,000, for reference.)
I'd seen a few posts about this episode when it was airing and yeah, I get it. It really was a filler episode, and for Karan and Achi it was far-fetched and too extreme. What the hell.
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iamsweden · 3 months
All of my bones hurt :(
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dwaekkicidal · 3 months
Hey! Idk if anyone has asked this before, but can you write skz with big chested!fem reader? I absolutely love your work!!
ok so i have a request in the works including big tiddy gf with Han so you can read that for a fic blatantly including it lol (it should be out in a few days) but for now I'll write you little drabble about them :3 this is super self indulgent so thank you 😼& i'm happy you enjoy my stuff :') <3
OT8 x Big Chested fem!Reader
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˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ word count: ~700
˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ warnings: fem!reader with big boobies: no other body type is described, suggestive but also like 1 mention of nsfw
DO NOT republish or translate+post my work!
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Certified Titty Sucker(s)™
the ones you can shut up by literally flashing him. but its only gonna make him drop to his knees in front of you so he can beg you to let him touch ("Let me at 'em" -Han)
the picture i had in mind was one of them (hyunjin specifically lol) just like laying on top of you with a nipple in his mouth and his other hand grabbing as much of the other boob as he can. maybe he's just come home after a long day and needs the comfort of his titties in his mouth. or maybe he's still inside of you, cockwarming after you both came, and he's calming himself down by mindlessly sucking one of your nipples
Hyunjin & Han (honorable mentions: Chris and Lix)
Biggest Babies
probably the kind to casually lay on them like theyre pillows the most out of all the boys. i could see him coming home from having a bad day and asking you to cuddle with him, so he lays you flat on your back and rests his cheek against your boobs as he looks up at you and rants about his day.
The ones who will literally pout and get teary-eyed if you ban them from your boobs for any amount of time. Maybe they marked you up when you told them not to or they just did something to make you mad so you put them in "Boob Time Out." The one's the most hurt about it and will cry and beg and grovel for you to take it back.
Hyunjin, Seungmin, Han, Changbin
Handsy Ones
would be the type to casually grope you randomly throughout the day. i specifically picture these guys as being the type of boyfriend who will sit on the bed while you get changed nearby, and the second your shirt and/or bra is off he just drags you close to him and shoves his face between your boobs. not like sexually per se but its so warm and he finds so much comfort in squishing his face between them. makes you literally fight to get him off you could try to put the new shirt on over his head to make him get off and he probably wouldnt budge 😭 he just sits there even more comfortable because now he's covered like a blanket LMFAO
Seungmin, Felix, Jeongin (honorable mention: Minho)
"No Shame"
the type who, if he's angry or jealous enough, will grope you in broad daylight. he wont do it for everybody's eyes but will specifically make sure the person that offended him can see it but nobody else can.
also very blatantly gropes you in front of the other members. for some (cough Jeongin cough) its an ego thing, but for the others its just the confidence that they feel because they know they're allowed and they just do not care that the others are 2 feet away
Han & Jeongin, Minho
Casual Enjoyers
these guys love your boobs to death (maybe not as much as Han) but they love them rather quietly. they dont outright tell you how much they love them and, if you aren't paying close enough attention, their love for them will go unnoticed
the ones who consciously care the most about your boobs' health. im not saying the others dont, but these guys will show their love for them by caring about their health specifically. they make sure you get the highest quality bras and does research for + buys you any oils that will give him an excuse are good for massages so on particularly achy days, you don't have to worry much about it.
also very easy to notice how much they love them when they drool and stare holes into them when you wear revealing clothes
Chris, Minho, Lix
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I've been raised to not care about my pain because just because I'm experiencing something something bad. Doesn't mean someone else is experiencing something worse so don't complain.
So I learned to not care about it.
I now can't tell if I have chronic pain (idk if that's the right word if not I'm sorry!) Or if there's just anything medically wrong with me or it's just nothing.
Or! I'm just the lazy type or because I'm not moving a lot so that why your calf's and feet hurt.
And you eat to much or you don't eat for awhile then eat a lot so thats the reason you have stomach problems.
Or I'm really actually experiencing pain/discomfort over something I can't control.
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woso-dreamzzz · 6 months
Treat You Better IV
Laia Codina x Reader
Summary: The Conti Cup
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“Keep winning the- Y/n!”
Lessi flinches as you dump ice cold champagne down her back before spraying it in Vic’s face.
You laugh and so does Alex. You wiggle your way between Fara and Lessi as Alex calls for you before you leave.
“Good game, y/n,” Alex says and you grin at her.
“Great game. Love winning some silverware at the end of it.”
You’re on such a high as you hold the now empty champagne bottle in your hand.
“Obviously, Victoria and Alessia were saying about how much the match meant to the club and the fans but you had an absolute stunner of a game. You picked out Foord, who picked out Blackstenius. Tell us about it.”
You shrug. “Yeah, I don’t know what to tell you. I was running, I felt the defender at my back and passed to Foordy. She deserves all the credit for getting it to Stina and Stina, of course, for winning us the match. There’s not much to mention. The Conti Cup’s back where it belongs.”
Alex laughs. “Would winning be your favourite moment then?”
You shake your head. “Nah, it was seeing Laia running around in one of my spare boots.”
That shocks a laugh out of Fara too. “It was your boot?”
“Yeah. I always bring spares in case my sole breaks. Just lucky that we’re the same size.”
“And it looks like Codina’s waiting for you now. I’ll let you go, y/n.”
You wave goodbye and immediately crash into Laia. She laughs as her arms wrap around you, leading you back to the rest of your teammates. You lean into her easily. You know that tomorrow, you’ll be achy but you don’t care right now. You’re pumped up on adrenaline and high on life and the sweet smell of Laia’s perfume.
“Winning looks good on you,” You say to Laia,” No matter how many times you you do it.”
She grins at you, a soppy, puppylike smile that has you cradling her cheeks softly.
“I think I prefer winning with you then with anyone else.”
You grin right back at her, winking. “Obviously the Conti Cup is far superior to the World Cup.”
She laughs. “That’s right! It is!”
Laia looks the most pretty when she’s smiling, you think. You can spend hours just watching her smile. It didn’t matter where. She was stunning even when she ranted about her farm back home and her cows.
You make your way back to the others, weaselling your way closer to Caitlin and Katie. As expected, Katie’s found an Irish flag from somewhere. It’s draped over her shoulders as the cup is passed around.
She flings one right at you and you knot it around you like a cape too. Laia reaches out to adjust it and you peak down at her mismatched shoes.
“They’re comfy, right?”
She rolls her eyes. “Yes, they are. I might take them back to Spain with me.”
“Oh, yeah? If you’re taking my shoes, can I take yours?”
She pretends to think for a moment before teasing,” I suppose you can. If you score then it’s like I scored, right?”
“I’ll dedicate my next goal to you then, luv.”
The crowd is roaring and there’s still adrenaline in your veins so you lean closer and kiss her. Your relationship wasn’t a secret, not really. Not if people really looked. You had no issues with kissing Laia in public.
Everything was perfect. You would be returning to North London in red with the almighty Conti Cup in your possession and your girlfriend in your boots.
The cup was placed in your hands after you and Katie had run up to present it to the fans together, twin Ireland flags flapping in the wind.
You looked at her in confusion.
She rolls her eyes and very pointedly raises her brows towards Laia.
You know what she means now and you grab Laia’s hand. You force it around the other handle of the cup and start to run.
She’s dragged with you for the first few metres before she’s sprinting forward with you. The wind blows in her hair and your flag fans out like a cape.
The fans are chanting your name. They’re chanting Laia’s name too.
They’re chanting your names together as your thrust the cup skywards.
You’re grinning at the crowd before you’re pulled into a kiss right in front of them.
You kiss back and you don’t even care when Katie sprays you with champagne.
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girliism · 1 month
girl dad!art hasn’t had to stay home only with your daughters since she’s been born so when he sees you getting ready for a night out he’s confused.
“where on you going?” art stands behind at your vanity. “tashi invited me out and i haven’t been out since the bean was born so.” you shrugged retouching your lipstick. art follows behind you while you pack your purse. “is your mom coming over to watch bean?” you tell him he is and watch him freeze up.
art loves his daughter but watching her alone without you. what if something goes wrong. “baby, you’ll be fine. it’s almost ten and she’s been fed all you need to do is change her then put her to sleep.” you reassure him. “oh and remember to warm up the bottle under hot water. she likes to hold it herself while someone rocks her to sleep.” you kiss your daughter and art goodbye heading out to tashi’s car.
“alright looks like it’s just you and me bean.” art picked her up the two of them smiling at each other his full mouth of teeth and her five tiny ones. three at the bottom two at the top. “so what do you wanna do first.” art pokes at her cheeks. she opens her mouth as if to answer but instead throws up all over arts white t-shirt. “fuc-fudge.” art stops himself from cursing looking at his daughter in disbelief. she just giggles.
back at the club you are a worrying mess. “ok you’ve been setting here for thirty minutes staring at your phone.” tashi plobs down next to you. “this is supposed be girls night out no kids no husbands just girlfriends.” you sigh. “i know i know, but i’ve never left art alone with bean before, and it’s just been me and her her and me for so long. i think i’m having separation anxiety.” you rant. “i don’t even know why i came out it’s not like i can drink yet.” tashi shushes you. “no none of that no mopey mom feelings ok. trust i know how you feel but think about how much when we need this. we have been sitting at home with nothing but shitty diapers and achy boobs. who cares if we can’t drink yet let’s just dance and let loose. art and patrick have everything under control ok.” you nod your head standing up to go hit the dance floor with tashi. this night out is more than deserved. “wait you left lily home alone with patrick?” “course not my moms there. now let’s go.”
“ok bean, daddy’s got a new shirt you’ve got a new diaper now drink this bottle and go to sleep.” art’s seated in the rocking chair handing her the bottle. she immediately chucks it across the room laughing. art goes and picks it up trying again. only for her to throw it again laughing even harder now. art stares at her in shock. “so you think this is a game?”
after 20 minutes of trying to get her to sleep he finally succeeds laying her down in her crib whispering a good night.
art sets down on the couch with a beer flipping through the channels. “god, how does mama do this every night.” he turns on adult swim cause why not and then he hears it. the sound of banging and giggling coming from the baby monitor. picking it up he’s thinking there’s no way that could be bean cause bean is sleeping. but there she was on the monitor screen bouncing in her crib hitting her toy against the rails.
art opens the door to her nursery and is greeted by a very smiley and very awake baby. “you’re not gonna go to sleep are you.” she just laughs making grabbing hands at him.
the next hour art spends playing peak-a-boo, pretended to steal her nose and she still wasn’t a little bit tired. “come on baby cut me some slack here. what does mommy usually do to get you to sleep?” she perks up at the mention of her mother. “ma ma ma ma ma ma.” shes babbles. “yea mama what does mama do? does she read to you or sing you lullaby’s?” your daughter does her little baby dance when art mentions lullaby’s. and art can do that he can sing lullaby’s it’s just he doesn’t know any. so he improvises.
“okay lullaby time. time to sing a lullaby.” art thinks hards but none are popping into his mind. “looks like we’re gonna freestyle this bean.” art clears his throat. “bean bean one year old bean i really need you to go to sleep. sleep sleep is pretty neat especially if you’re a one year old bean.” art looks down at his daughter resting on his shoulder playing with his necklace. assuming the song is working he repeats it three more times before they’re both passed out on the couch.
“thanks for tonight tash i’ll call you in the morning.” you watch her car drive off making your way to your house.
pushing open the front door walking into the living room to be met with a mess of toys and your husband and daughter asleep on the couch. you snap a picture before running your hand through arts hair waking him up. “hey you’re back.” art whispers moving to sit up slowly as not to wake your daughter. “did you have fun?” you nod your head. “looks like you and bean had your own fun.” art stands. “love, she just would not sleep i had to made up a lullaby.” you laugh the both of you walking to her nursery to put her down. you guys watch her sleep for a while before leaving.
“thanks for doing this.” you reach up places a kiss on arts lips. he shrugs. “it’s nothing. watching after her is my responsibility to. i’ll start doing it more so you can go hang out you know start having a life again.” even though it’s truly the bare minimum you still feel happy that he would suggest such a thing. you give him one last kiss before walking off to get ready for the night.
“you look hot by the way.”
(i nicknamed the baby bean for this cause i didn’t wanna keep calling her daughter .)
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