#acroite prince
yarnnerdally · 1 year
Just gonna put him here again so we can sigh and fawn over him.
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I might try to find some other picrews today to make him in. The brain rot is real.
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cirilla-fiona-riannon · 5 months
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The Beast Wants to Tempt the Little Rabbit (Matias vs Clavis)
Translations may not always capture the exact nuances or tone of the original text. Expect grammatical errors and inaccuracies. Not proofread.
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Clavis: "Haha, found you. So this is where you work."
Emma: "Prince Clavis!?"
After completing my duty as a belle, I returned to my peaceful life, but then Clavis appeared out of nowhere, causing me to drop the book I was reading on the counter.
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Clavis: "That reaction. You missed me that much, huh? Then feel free to leap into my arms."
Emma: "I'll pass. Anyway, who's that gentleman next to you?"
Standing right behind Clavis was a man I didn't recognize. Despite his rugged appearance and equally imposing presence as Clavis, he had an impeccable posture and charisma that naturally drew attention.
Matias: "Pardon me. I'm Matias Asbrink, a friend of Clavis. Nice to meet you."
Emma: "Nice to meet you. I'm Emma."
Matias: "Are you also a friend of Clavis?"
Emma: "Um, no, we're just acquaintances."
Clavis: "How can you say that? You and I have been through so much together."
Matias: "Is that so?"
Emma: "You're right. We experienced all sorts of things together. You convinced me to be your partner in crime for all your mischief-making and even dragged me all over the palace."
Matias: "I see."
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Emma: "So, why are you here, Prince Clavis?"
Having endured countless misadventures thanks to Clavis during my time at the palace, I couldn't help but be cautious.
Clavis: "That's because I've appointed you as our tour guide!"
Emma: “Tour guide?”
(What's that supposed to mean?)
Clavis smiled and placed his hand on his friend’s shoulder.
Clavis: “You see, Matias here is the prince of Acroite, the land of snow and law.”
Emma: “Prince!?”
Clavis: “It’s only natural to entertain the honored guest, so I thought of organizing a Rhodolite tour.”
Clavis: “Emma, you’ve been living in this city since you were born.”
Clavis: “That means you know more about this place than I do.”
(Well, I might have a bit of confidence in that.)
Clavis: “Therefore, I’d like you to assist with the tour.”
Clavis: “And having a woman around like Matias would add to the charm, don’t you think?”
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Matias: “She seems to be a bookstore clerk. Aren't we bothering her?”
(He seems surprisingly reasonable for someone who’s Clavis’s friend.)
I know firsthand that nothing good comes from being involved with Clavis, but if I refuse now, it might inconvenience Prince Matias.
(Yeah, there’s no way I can just ignore it.)
Emma: “Owner! Did you hear our conversation?”
The owner peeked out from the back of the shop.
Akatsuki: “No problem. Be careful out there.”
Emma: “Thank you very much.”
Clavis: "Haha, I knew you'd definitely help."
Matias: "I'm sorry if it feels like we're forcing you, but thank you, Miss Emma."
Emma: "No, it’s fine. I'll do my best to make you enjoy Rhodolite."
(I need to keep a close eye on Clavis to make sure he doesn't go off the rails.)
Most of the time, the words peace and safety escaped me when I was with Clavis.
Unfortunately, this time, too, it seemed to have already escaped me.
Emma: "Um, Prince Clavis."
Clavis: "What's up? Are you impressed by my thoroughness?"
Emma: "No, I was just wondering why there's a white horse here."
As we exited the bookstore, I saw a quiet and wise-looking white horse tethered nearby.
While it wouldn't be unusual for a means of transportation to be there, the fact that there was only one raised some questions.
(It doesn't look like they rode together.) 
Matias: "It's a magnificent horse. Is it a warhorse?"
(Prince Matias seems surprised as well.)
Clavis: "Yes, he's Chevalier's partner. But today, he's your companion, Matias."
Matias: "What do you mean?"
Clavis: "You'll be riding this horse to get around from now on."
Matias: "And what about you and Miss Emma?"
Clavis: "We have important tasks to attend to."
Flashing his brightest smile, he signaled to Cyril, and he reluctantly brought over two baskets.
Upon seeing what was inside, I tilted my head in confusion.
Emma: "Rose petals?"
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Clavis: "Yup, you'll be in charge of the rose petals with me."
Emma: "Prince Clavis, what the hell are you planning?"
Clavis: "I'm glad you asked."
With a lively expression, Clavis took out a red sash worn by princes during ceremonies.
Noticing the unusually placed sash before me, I couldn't help but groan.
Emma: "I understand."
Emma: "Prince Matias, let's run away."
Matias: "Are you suggesting that we elope?"
Emma: “Elope?”
(Why are his eyes so serious?)
Clavis: "Haha! Hold on a second, Emma. You seem to be misunderstanding something."
Emma: “I'm not misunderstanding anything. I've seen through all your plans.”
Emma: "You're going to put that sash that says 'today's star of the show' on Prince Matias and have him march through the streets on horseback, aren't you?"
Clavis: "My goodness."
Clavis: "I knew you were brilliant, but I never expected you to be this perceptive!"
Emma: "Let's run, Prince Matias!"
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Matias: "And then, we'll find an eternal paradise where no one else can enter."
Emma: "Prince Matias?"
Matias: "Ah, sorry. I was lost in thought."
(Did I hear him say something weird just now, or am I imagining things?)
Clavis: "Matias, here, take this."
Emma: "Ah!"
We were unable to escape in time; Clavis had already handed him the sash.
Matias: “Rhodolite has an unusual way of sightseeing.”
Clavis: “You’re a special guest, so you need to be welcomed not only by me and Emma but by the town citizens as well.”
(Yeah, it’s over.)
Clavis: "People, behold! Make way for our distinguished guest!"
In the end, there was no way a girl like me could stop Clavis, so I reluctantly scattered the petals and followed along as Matias, riding on a white horse, moved forward.
Woman: "What is Prince Clavis up to this time?"
Man: "He's a distinguished guest, apparently. I'm not quite sure what's happening, but maybe we should just go along with it?"
Being used to Clavis' antics, the people of Rhodolite quickly adapted to the situation.
Every time Matias passed by, people applauded and cheered. Before we knew it, we had become the center of attention.
Matias: "This also requires a strong spirit."
Emma: "Prince Matias, if it's uncomfortable for you, I can stop..."
Matias: "No, it's fine. If this is Rhodolite's way of welcoming guests, then so be it."
Matias: "By the 62nd precept of the Asbrink family motto, let us proceed."
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(What's with that motto? "Accept the kindness of others," or something like that?)
Making up his mind, Prince Matias waved to the cheering crowd and made the surroundings even livelier.
Woman: "He's quite charming, isn't he?"
Woman: "Yeah. But goodness, his overwhelming charisma is almost suffocating."
(It looks like Prince Matias is especially popular among women.)
(Well, I can understand why. He's so handsome and has tremendous sex appeal.)
Woman: "If only Prince Clavis would stay silent and just be a feast for the eyes."
Woman: "Yeah, he's handsome, but only on the surface."
(Clavis is getting quite the remarks.)
Clavis: "Hm."
Clavis: "This is rather unsatisfactory."
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Part 2 ╎ Matias End ╎ Epilogue
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caffedrine · 6 months
Ikemen Prince Act 4 Prologue Summary
I pretty much have no idea what I’m doing. I don’t trust me, and you shouldn’t either. This summary is not guaranteed to be accurate, it’s mostly written for myself to follow along with all the lore that was just dropped.
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Emma has had a recurring dream where she finds a book in a beautiful rose garden and reads it. Unfortunately, the book is unfinished, and leaves her feeling unsatisfied. We then get a summary of Acts 1 and 2 - Emma was chosen as Belle, the woman to choose the next king of Rhodolite from a selection of 8 princes. She also has to go undercover due to the visit of 3 foreign princes. Ultimately, she gets through her trials, chooses a good king, doesn’t get entangled with anyone, and avoids being chained up in Gilbert’s love dungeon. This should count as a happy ending to the story, but it leaves Emma feeling unfulfilled. She wants to have her own adventures, learn more things, meet new people, and maybe fall in love with someone.
Emma eventually wakes up from her flashback nap only to find that she is still in the bookstore, having fallen asleep while reading a book. Just as she starts to get up to close the shop, she realizes she’s not alone.
The shop’s owner and her adopted ‘too young to be a dad’ not-father has returned. He often travels the world, purchasing and selling rare books, and is back from his last year-long trip.
Though he is not a native to Rhodolite, and still wears the beautiful, eye-catching clothes from his native home in Ruby, he has set up a permanent shop in Rhodolite’s capital city. And, he has taken care of Emma since she was a child.
Akatsuki, the shop owner, reveals that he knows all about Emma’s time as Belle, as Sariel had been sending him regular letters. He had hurried home when he heard that pipsqueak from Obsidian had also shown up, but it looks like Emma got through that ordeal just fine without him.
Emma assures Akatsuki that nothing major had happened during her time as Belle, and she had actually enjoyed it. It had given her a new perspective and opened up new avenues of interest for her.
Akatsuki points at the book Emma had been napping on and asks if that’s why she’s changed from romance novels to studying continental history.
This segues into Emma admitting that she feels trapped in a small world since her last experiences and wants to travel the world just like Akatsuki does. Akatsuki offers to take her with him on his next trip.
Emma is excited, and Akatsuki tells her that as his valued employee, it’s time for her to learn how to purchase books as well. 
Akatsuki unfurls a map and sits with Emma. While not usually a problem, these days things are a lot more dangerous than they were. Emma asks if it’s the 3-country alliance between Tanzanite, Ruby, and Acroite. She heard about it briefly during her time as Belle.
And yes, that’s exactly the problem. Right now, the countries are not hostile, but this could be the calm before the storm. Akatsuki asks if, despite knowing of the danger, will Emma leave the relative safety of Rhodolite and travel to these countries with him.
If this had been before her time as Belle, Emma probably would have refused. But now, after meeting the princes of Rhodolite, Emma agrees without hesitation. 
So, the next step is to choose the country. Each has its own dangers, but it is how Akatsuki will get his rare books. Notably, Akatsuki is somewhat hesitant about going to Ruby. 
Since this is her training trip, Akatsuki generously lets Emma choose their destination. To help her decide, Emma asks Akatsuki to tell her about each country.
Tanzanite is the land of divination and illusion. Everything is determined by the living god.
The living god is a person born with silver hair and silver eyes. But - it’s not just his appearance that is unique - he is clairvoyant beyond anyone in recorded history, each of his prophesies/predictions has come true. He is considered a miracle bestowed upon Tanzanite by god.
Meanwhile, in Tanzanite
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In the Tanzanite throne room, filled with people bristling with excitement, a huge moon shines down as if protecting the people.
With one word, the living god Azel is able to silence the entire vast room of people. With a benevolent visage, Azel tells the crow that god has this spoken and tells them to develop the policies to follow the divine will. Or don’t, it’s their choice whether or not to follow divine will. Just don’t make a choice that they will regret. The heavens will be watching.
Finished, Azel stands up and simultaneously the crowd falls to their knees, their heads pressed against the floor. Among the crowd, the King of Tanzanite tells Azel that there is a banquet being held in his honor and asks him to attend. Azel politely declines - he can’t imagine anyone would enjoy their meal if god were to attend. He’ll just quietly return home, no need to see him off. He bids everyone a farewell, praying that god will bless them.
As he leaves the group, Azel finds himself alone in a quiet hallway lit only by the moon, the night's natural calm returning. Or almost alone.
A woman is waiting for him, dressed in provocative dancer’s garb. She is carrying a variety of dishes and asks if he’s in a good mood. Azel thanks her for her consideration, but he must decline. The woman points out that he already declined the banquet held by the king, but after that divination, he must be hungry. At this, Azel’s traitorous stomach growls. Again, Azel thanks her and declines, mentioning that he is actually in a hurry, and could she get out of his way?
The woman moves to block his path completely as Azel tries to brush past her. Azel loses it, calling her stupid and refusing to understand him no matter what he says. He trips the woman over his foot, and she falls to the ground, dropping all the food.
Azel feels so sorry . . . For the wasted food. His eyes full of compassion, he laughs and asks the woman to lick up the food. She is stunned, and Azel explains that it goes against his morals to waste food. He gesture at an upturned bowl of soup and tells her to crawl to it like a dog and lick it up so it isn’t wasted.
Of course, Azel isn’t a tyrannical monster, he’s not forcing the woman to do anything. It’s her freedom to choose to follow the living god’s will or not.
The woman hesitates, but in the end, she brings her face down to the soup and licks it up. Soon, her body grows hot and her gaze clouds with lust, and she looks up at Azel. Azel surmises the soup must have been laced with an aphrodisiac- he guesses the poor woman’s fortune isn’t good at all today.
Or rather, she is extremely fortunate. The living god, Azel, will keep this a secret between them and won’t tell anyone about her misdeeds.
Azel walks past the woman and calls over his shoulder that she can feel free to take care of herself, or any other option she might have available to her. He will take his leave now.
The woman reaches out to try to cling to his legs and tells him that she loves him. She would do anything, give up anything for their living god. She asks Azel if these feelings she has for him truly is a sin?
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(Azel does not appreciate his almost-rapist declaring love)
Azel turns around and tells her that god doesn’t love anyone, since it doesn’t give him any advantage. Well, maybe if she gave him the same amount of money Silvio does, he would consider it. But as she is, she has nothing he wants.
Azel thinks the woman still doesn’t understand, so he will say it plainer. Get out of his sight, he can’t stand her. The woman gasps as the compassion drains from Azel’s face. His eyes are as cold as a desert night, and he looks down on her as if she is an insect.
Most of the time, it’s not love that people like her feel, it’s greed drowning stupid women like her. Under the moonlight, Azel laughs coldly and without any sense of compassion. 
Everyone in this country protected by god is living a happy dream. On the day the dream crumbles away, Azel wonders when people will get over the shock and laugh with him.
The country is built on a steep mountain range where it snows year-round. Everyone follows strict laws, making it the safest country on the continent. The laws are enforced by the Keepers of the Laws, people who can set aside their humanity and rule everything fair and balanced.
Recently, the penalties for lawbreaking have become harsher and more severe, but the country is extremely stable and orderly. If someone commits a crime, the Keepers of the Laws will make you pay.
Meanwhile, in Acroite
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Snowflakes, large enough to be mistaken for flower petals, flutter down on the houses, coating everything in a white winter wonderland scene. 
The lamp-lit street is bustling and full of people, but unlike other cities, there are groups of people missing. There are no beggars, drunks, or youths itching for a fight. It is because in this country, those activities are illegal, and one can expect to be swiftly arrested.
However, there is a corner where a large group of women have gathered, all jockeying for position. One woman after another asks Matthias to join them at a party, or for dinner. Matthias politely thanks them and explains that he doesn’t want to be late for work. 
Matthias Osbrink, the First Prince of Acroite, the Keeper of the Law. He has blond hair the color of the fading rays of twilight and sad eyes the color of snow in shadow. While he has a stiff demeanor- he is still considered very appealing. The women around him gaze at him with enchanted expressions.
He combs back his hair with a sigh, to the delight of the women watching, and hurries away. A fellow judge walks next to him, patting him on the back sympathetically. He teases Matthias for being so popular with the ladies.
Matthias complains that his coworker didn’t help him at all, after all, Matthias is famous for not being good at dealing with women.
The coworker agrees that he knows that, but unfortunately, he is too busy being envious of Matthias’ luck with women to help him out. If anything, he wanted to switch places.
Matthias asks if his coworker noticed the look in those women’s eyes. They were the eyes of a warrior, determined to annihilate the enemy.
The coworker is taken aback, he was certain they were just lovely women.
Matthias complains that he doesn’t care if they are beautiful or not, the problem is that they are not his soulmate.
His ideal woman is someone who doesn’t venerate him, nor does she look at him like she’s preparing for war. In fact, she’s the type of person who would kiss him goodbye in the morning while adjusting his tie. Afterward, she would smile gently as she waved goodbye and . . .
Yes, yes, this isn’t the first time Matthias’ coworker has heard this fantasy. Honestly, he would say it is starting to get embarrassing, but they passed that mark a long time ago.
Quietly, Matthias’ coworker asks if he’s okay. Matthias points out that he’s spent the past ten minutes explaining how he’s not okay and needs to be rescued from these warrior women.
That’s not what Mathias’ coworker meant. The defendant for today’s trial is Matthias’ friend.
Matthias summarizes his relationship with the defendant. They were roommates at the Royal Academy, and when they joined the National Guard together, they were in the same unit. Matthias recalls him as being a good person, with a cheerful personality, smart, and witty. And, unlike Matthias’s coworker, was good with handling women and could help Matthias out of the situation before.
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(Conflict of interest? What is that?)
Matthias sees no problem with handling the trial. After all, he is a member of the Osbrink family.
The seat of the country’s justice, the royal court, was filled with a solemn crowd of defendants, lawyers, state officials, investigators, and a large number of citizens. The five judges, the Keepers of Law, sit high above with everyone watching them.
Matthias summons the defendant, accused of selling secret Acroite military information, forward to testify. While the defendant looks haggard, there is a gleam of hope in his eye. It is well known that the defendant was friends with the Keeper of Law, Matthias.
After the testimony, Matthias rules that there is no reason to exonerate the defendant from his crimes. The defendant disagrees, he made a mistake, yes, but death is too heavy a punishment for it. Matthias disagrees, the law is the law, and as a citizen of Acroite, the defendant must abide by the sentence. The execution will take place in five days at noon.
The defendant collapses, and Matthias watches him being taken away with snow-shadow eyes. With that, Matthias ends the trial and closes the court.
After everyone leaves, Matthias remains behind in the empty courtroom. In the same emotionless voice, he used when he proclaimed the sentence, Matthias mutters that he did the right thing just now. He’s the Crown Prince of Acroite, the land of snow and laws. It’s his duty to condemn and punish all evil.
The last country on the list of options is Ruby, the land of Cherry Blossoms and Turbulent Times. The situation is complicated, the country is in a 3-way civil war, each with foreign backing. In theory, there is a royal family, but they’re all on opposite sides.
There is, however, a safe area, in Kagari-Yaksha’s territory.
Yaksha? Emma asks Akatsuki to explain that.
It’s a title of sorts given to one of the faction leaders, a true battle fanatic who has never lost a fight. If they go under his protection, they’ll be safe. For now. As long as he doesn’t decide that they’re his enemies.
Meanwhile, in Ruby
A group of men run through the forest, hoods low over their heads and swords hanging from their belts. When they near a red-tiled castle illuminated by lanterns, they halt and gather to strategize.
A voice begins counting them, 100, 200, at least less than 400. The men all start and grab at their swords, searching the darkness for the voice.
Without a sound, a man with fiery red hair and green eyes appears before them. He asks if they were planning on launching a night attack with so many worthless people. Honestly, they’re barely even worth killing. Compared to all the other factions, these people are barely more than half-trained children. The man asks if they are still planning on going through with their attack. If they give up and turn around now, he’ll let them leave.
One of the attackers notes his hair and eyes and identifies him as Kagari, the Yaksha. Another attacker laughs, explaining that from the rumors, he was expecting a beast of a man, but instead its just some pretty guy. It’s not bad to be disappointed from time to time. Besides, even if he is the warrior of rumor, he is but one man against –
Another hooded attacker recoils as the speaker’s head falls to the ground. Kagari apologizes, he grew bored of waiting for the speaker to finish talking. He tells the men that he’s kind of busy, so rather than killing them one by one, he would prefer it if they just all came at him at once. Hey, even weaklings like them might give him some entertainment if they work together. When one of the attackers protests, Kagari tells him not to get angry, he’s just telling them the truth.
The difference in their ability was obvious.
Kagari notes that this is what it’s like to be weak. Even if they never met him, these men would have still died young. He dodges their attack like a wildcat, his movements quick and efficient. With each stab of his sword, a vital area is struck, and bright red droplets dance like cherry blossoms in the wind. The final attacker tries to run, but Kagari throws his sword, striking the man. Kagari bemoans how heartless people are these days, leaving their comrades to die alone.
The final attacker explains that they’re not comrades, he’s a mercenary who was just hired to do a job with them. He begs Kagari for mercy.
In this country the strong are good and the weak are evil. Therefore, a weak person like this mercenary has no place in Ruby. If he dies here and now, he doesn’t have to go through life being a weak coward who hates himself. Really, Kagari is doing him a favor.
He kills the man quickly, and then disappointedly notes that everyone else is dead.
The quiet night is interrupted again by the sound of approaching footsteps. Kagari’s subordinates arrive, and he orders them to send the bodies back to their employer. The subordinates complain that Kagari went off without them again. Kagari asks if they want to be killed along with the attackers. The subordinates grow pale and Kagari tells them that he was just joking. Mostly.
Kagari sheathes his sword, and the atmosphere lightens. He tells his subordinates that he’s fine on his own, and if they’re useless in a fight, they’ll just get in his way. But even he understands strategy enough to know that the more pieces one has, the better.
No one chases after the Yaksha when he walks away.
With an unsteady step, Kagari settles beneath a cherry tree, and notes that there is a full moon tonight. He watches some of the petals fall in front of him.
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(Some days you just wanna take a nap)
The bushes next to him rustle though there is no wind. Kagari asks if they’ve come again.
A cat pops out of the bush and meows at Kagari. Kagari meows in reply and tells the cat he’s especially bloody tonight, so they should stay away. The cat doesn’t heed his warning and approaches Kagari, tail held high.
Kagari muses that if the cat lives in this country, they’re probably used to the smell of blood by now. He lies down, using his sword as a makeshift pillow. The cat trots over to his side and when he strokes under their chin, they begin to fall asleep.
Kagari complains that the cat is too small, too fragile, and too forgetful to survive. They’re going to die soon. Then again, the cat is choosing to sleep next to the Yaksha, a good choice to live a long life.
A shadow flickers in Kagari’s eyes and he pulls his sword close to himself. He wonders when the next battle will be. Tomorrow, the day after?
Unfortunately fighting doesn’t put food on the table. If things continue, he may starve to death. He needs to hurry up before that happens, and then everything will be easier.
Finished talking about the four countries, Akatsuki turns to Emma and asks which country she has chosen.
Emma thinks that all the countries are interesting, and any one of them would be a good choice. After listening to Akatsuki, Emma chooses.
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sevenai · 6 months
the new princes are here, they look so good in the trailer! looks wise i am interested in matthias but plot wise, i can’t wait for kagari hehe
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Azel Radwan | 2nd Prince of Tanzanite Kingdom
Otherworldly x Always lacking money
Insignia: Unicorn
CV: Takuma Terashima
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Matthias Ausbrink | First Prince of Acroite Country
Delusional x Straight-lace
Insignia: Owl
CV: Yohei Azakami
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Kagari Amagase | 2nd Prince of Kogyoku Kingdom
Battle fanatic x Spoiled general
Insignia: Lynx
CV: Shoya Chiba
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dark-frosted-heart · 6 months
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I'm avoiding last names because I'm less certain about spelling. And as usual, can’t guarantee 100% accuracy on this
Beast Point #1 - Those mystical eyes…they’re truly god-like. Be careful not to get mesmerized by them!
Beast Point #2 - The beautiful Pegasus-like garment is said to be the symbol of a living god whose followers are found throughout the continent.
Rio: Hm…somehow those accessories adorning Prince Azel’s body remind me of this one jerk’s face.
Sariel: I’ve heard that a majority of those accessories were gifted by Prince Silvio. Is he a follower?
Beast Point #1 - They say that even this composed and stern face can relax at times. I wonder when?
Beast Point #2 - That coat looks very warm. I wonder if the embroidery on the hem is an owl feather motif?
Sariel: Our princes who studied abroad at Acroite’s royal school seem to be close to him.
Rio: I’ve heard that he’s particularly close with Prince Jin and Prince Clavis. I wonder what they talk about?
Beast Point #1 - What a fashionable hairstyle. He must be skillful with his fingers like a cat. I won’t lose to him!
Beast Pont #2 - The bell around his neck is like a pet cat’s. Or is it him that has a desire to be kept as a pet?
Rio: They sound like good friends, but every time he meets Prince Keith, he points a sword a thin without question.
Sariel: I heard that if you give him dorayaki, he’ll sheath his sword.
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ask-matthias · 1 month
To all sending me inappropriate sexual asks: Other princes may engage in such conversations and they have every right to do so.
I do not wish to and will simply ignore questions of such a nature (as long as I recognize them. Sometimes I am not informed enough and feel rather foolish when I find out I was naïve to the true nature of an inquiry.)
Prince Matthias Åsbrink of Acroite
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scorchieart · 1 year
When Leon says most of the princes attended the school in Acroite, I assume we're automatically ruling out Luke.
But what if some others didn't make the cut? From grades or attitude or... something more personal. I'm imagining Yves didn't attend because of the cold and the trip to Acroite passes through Obsidian (iirc he's never set foot there).
Maybe he studied hand-me-down notes and textbooks from the older princes. And Licht and Nokto would take turns filling Yves in on school life (separately, of course).
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violettduchess · 1 year
💋1k Follower First Kiss Celebration✨
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First and foremost: THANK YOU. I joined this fandom a little over a year ago and found myself in a place that was supportive, kind, respectful and so much fun. I've mentioned before that even though I've been writing stories since I was little, I never thought to share any of them. Who would want to read my writing? Was it "good" enough to share?
And then @aquagirl1978 convinced me to try.
And @atelier-the-atelier encouraged me to take part in her event.
And the next thing I knew, I had posted my first fic and never looked back! A huge thank you to both of them 💜
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I had a lot of different ideas on what to do to celebrate and thanks to polls, you helped me decide! So welcome to my 1k First Kisses Celebration!
I'll be opening requests until Sunday. Below you'll find a list of prompts and a list of suitors. Pick a prompt, pick a suitor and send them my way!
First Kiss Prompts 💋
an accidental kiss
kissing as a dare
finally kissing, after a long time of pining
a surprise kiss, catching one of them off guard
learning how to kiss together
desperately kissing, being in danger
kissing as part of a game
movie kiss/kissing while acting
kissing in the heat of the moment
a soft and unsure kiss
kissing to prove a point
at first a gentle kiss, getting deeper and deeper
winning and a kiss as a reward
kissing to try it out
laughing while kissing
a breathless kiss
kissing as a distraction
a kiss on the corner of the mouth
smiling while softly kissing, finally showing their love
Available Suitors 💕
Ikepri: Leon, Chevalier, Gilbert, Clavis, Silvio, Sariel, Licht, Keith, Cyran, Carlo, Tanzanite Prince, Acroite Prince, Ruby Prince
Ikevamp: Napoleon, Mozart, Leonardo, Comte, Arthur, Vincent, Theo, Isaac, Dazai, Jean
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Please note the following:
credit for the prompts goes to the amazing @creativepromptsforwriting
Obviously these will deviate from what the suitor's canon first kiss is, but hey, that's the fun in it!
If you would like to add another element to your request, such as an AU, please specify that!
You can send as many requests as you like. I will pick and chose at my discretion which ones I fulfill!
The length of the fic is up to me. Some may be shorter and others may be longer. It all depends on time/inspiration!
All fics will be suitor / reader
That's it! Thank you again and I'm looking forward to seeing what you send my way! 💜
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ikemen-toa · 1 year
my guess for the new princes in ikemen prince are : 
tanzanite - the white haired guy with the ponytail, main guy of the new chapter, will definitely do a magic trick for mc at some point, i also think the animal he’ll get will be something like a swan or something, since they look pure but they can be mean
acroite - dark(er) hair, im thinking purple but who knows, im also thinking longer hair (at least to chin if not lower) snow motif, maybe his animal will be a snow leopard and he’ll be linked with clavis in some way (like how gil and chev are different types of tigers), also i think (since his country is related to law) that he’ll be more of a serious person
ruby/kogyoku - red haired guy, im going to guess he’ll be more flirty (like arthur from ikevamp or nokto or jin), also i think he’ll be the consort out of these 3 whos most excited about the concept of war, also this is definitely where mr.akatsuki is from so I bet we’ll see akatsuki either a) helping him or b) telling us to not touch him with a 10 ft pole
I just wanted to write this down so I can look back when theyre all revealed and see if I had anything right
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askclavislelouch · 2 months
Dear Prince Clavis,
This missive is sensitive, therefore the need for "anonymous" cover.
I'm writing to ask your opinion on one "Floydsteeth", otherwise known as Arson throughout this realm. Arson is under investigation in Acroite and I seek the opinion of those I hold in high regard to speak on their behalf.
Most Sincerely,
Matthias Åsbrink, Prince of Acroite
Dearie me, you should not sign the missive if you wish to remain anonymous. Hahahaha.
Arson? Well, the little bunny can be quite chaotic and loud but means no harm.
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yarnnerdally · 1 year
HCs for the Acroite prince that have absolutely 0 bearing on anything except for the information from this post. So, minor spoilers ahead.
His fit is giving me Sirius Oswald/Roger Barel vibes.
Mature. Like, this man barely knows how to relax.
(He might be the 4th f/o I would willingly call daddy.)
A falconer bc I said so.
He believes he's right in the way justice is dispensed and everyone else is too afraid to challenge him.
Is just a little sadistic.
Eats for sustenance.
I'm going with him having like. An arctic fox or a polar bear insignia.
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yarnnerdally · 11 months
What's the plural for citizens of Acroite? Acroitans? Acroites? Asking for a friend (that friend is me)
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yarnnerdally · 1 year
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Title: Warmth is All Around
Fandom: Ikémen Prince
Pairing: Matthias/Reader
Tags: Fluff, silliness, cold temperatures, hot chocolate, light flirting, mention of alcohol, no alcohol consumption
The cold of the north was so different compared to Rhodolite. It nipped every piece of exposed skin it could until you were left feeling raw and miserable. Worse yet if there was snow. The flakes, so pretty and whimsical as they floated through the air, landed on skin and bit it. They melted on contact and god forbid there was any wind to blow over your now damp skin.
Your excursion into the main city of Acroite had been cut short due to a storm that seemed to have appeared out of the blue. Matthias had done his best to help shield you from the worst of the sleet that came first, but the harsh weather took no pity on you. By the time both of you returned, your lips had taken on the barest shade of blue and you were practically soaked. As soon as you were under the roof of the gate house, Matthias had taken off your soaked outermost coat and replaced it quickly with an extra guard coat. It smelled a little musty, akin to a damp cellar, but it hardly mattered because it was warm. You were going to question him not getting a guard coat but remembered that he was a fair bit… broader than most of the guards. You weren't sure why the thought of him like that made you blush (a lie) but you forced yourself to agree to not thinking of it anymore (another lie). The flush it brought to your cheeks at least helped you to be warmer as he secured the front buckle of the coat, his eyes coming up to meet yours. There was so much warmth in the cool, steel blue of his eyes and it only contributed to the flush on your cheeks. He placed the back of his hand against your cheek and frowned.
"We're almost back to the castle. A few more minutes and we'll have a fire to warm by." He gave you a small smile and a heart achingly soft look that was a rarity from the often too-serious prince. You nodded and he took your gloved hand in his as you made your way through the snow and the wind, focusing on the warmth that awaited you.
The next few minutes were a blur as attendants whisked you away to an empty drawing room with a fireplace going to change out of damp clothing and into new, dry, and oh so warm ones. Had they put them beside the fireplace before they arrived? Or were you just chilled to the bone? Whatever the case, you were thrilled as you sat on the small sofa and took in how lovely the warmth felt on your skin. You closed your eyes as you absorbed the warmth, barely registering the door opening behind you.
Matthias walked in with two steaming mugs of something. You didn't realize until he got closer that it was hot chocolate and your jaw dropped a little as he handed you one.
"I'm just… surprised. Hot chocolate?"
"Of course. Quickest way to warm up your body."
"I thought that was alcohol."
"No, Rosebud. This is a myth. Alcohol causes blood vessels to constrict so you feel warmer without your core temperature rising." You stare at him for a moment before a small grin widens on your face. "Now. Drink your cocoa."
You sat in quiet with the serious prince, only the crackle of the robust fire and the occasional rustle of fabric giving any indication that the world wasn't still. The hot chocolate itself was absolutely divine. It's flavor was deep and rich, the toasted notes of cocoa and the velvety feeling of milk and cream coating your tongue. You looked up and your short, stifled laugh broke the silence. Matthias was shaken from whatever reverie had been in his mind and he looked at you, brows furrowed.
A hot chocolate mustache adorned his upper lip.
As he continued to look at you in confusion, it only increased the hilarity of the entire situation until you had to put down your own mug and pick up a napkin.
"Wh-" Matthias' cheeks began to flush lightly, though it may have been a trick the fire played on your eyes. You gently wiped away the light brown on his lip, but you didn't miss the way his breath caught in his chest.
"Hot chocolate mustache. Admittedly, I think the clean-shaven look suits you more than it did," you tease. His eyebrow quirked up curiously, a dangerous smirk covering his previous surprise.
"Think about my face that often, do you, Rosebud?"
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caffedrine · 2 years
Ikemen Prince LORE!
The three new countries that aren’t on the map get the official descriptions - and are major international players.
Tanzanite - The Country of Divination and Illusions
Acroite - The Country of Snow and Law
Ruby - The Country of Turbulent Times and Night Cherry Blossoms
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ask-matthias · 2 months
Prince Matthias!!!!! Is weed legal in Acroite?
Absolutely not. Nor do we have the climate to grow it but that is a separate issue.
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dark-frosted-heart · 1 year
Team Fair-weather Friends - I'll teach you. Making unreliable friends
3rd King of the Beast team story
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Emma's reading to some children in the castle gardens about a traveler that discovered the beauties of the world with friends. It was a nice day out; a little too nice.
One kid exclaims how he wants to be friends with a Kogyouku swordsmith while another wants to build a snowman with an Acroite princess. Emma tells the kids that the people they mentioned want to be friends with them too and the kids cheer. One girl then asks Emma who she'd want to be friends with. Emma looks through the characters in the book and considers the florist who's cheerful and cute. Two men peek from behind the sofa the kids are sitting on.
Clavis: I thought big sister Emma would say something like that. Gilbert: But I'm your best friend, aren't I? If not, I'll cry.
Why are they here?!
Boy: Papa said that if I ever meet someone named 'Clavis', I need to run! Girl: I'm not supposed to make eye contact...Thank you so much for reading the picture book to us, big sister!
Aaand the kids are off. Clavis certainly has a reputation. Now then, how's Emma going to get out of this? In that moment, she hears footsteps and sees Sariel, Luke, and Jin. Sariel had just seen the kids running away and was wondering what happened. But now he understands. Luke can't believe the two are bothering Emma again. Jin tells them that they need to stop or else Emma's going to hate them. The sight of the three of them brings some relief to Emma.
Clavis says there's nothing to worry about since he's just toeing the line. He then asks if they're all together because Luke was skipping out on lessons again. Jin replies that Luke tried, but it's hard to go against Sariel. Luke says he's going to run next time.
Sariel: Put the same level of enthusiasm into your studies. Still, it's hard to catch Prince Luke every time. Gilbert: Can't help being old. Clavis: You are too... Gilbert: I heard that.. Clavis: Hey, don’t jab me with your cane. Gilbert: Hehe, does it hurt?
The way Gilbert's enjoying this kind of scares Emma. But anyway, she's glad that Sariel and the others are here. She could've been roped into something terrible.
Jin asks why the three of them are together and Gilbert answers that Emma was reading a picture book to children. He and Clavis were listening in from behind the sofa. Sariel calls them creeps. Luke asks Emma about the picture book. It's a an adventure book about a traveler that makes friends in various countries, and in the end, they band together to defeat a demon king. The guys comment on how it's a traveler that fighting and not a warrior. Meanwhile, Luke thinks this setting's too brutal. Jin agrees, but being able to make friends with people from various countries is nice. It'd make kids interested in other countries. Emma mentions that the traveler's kind and friendly so they're able to make a lot of friends. Being able to broaden your horizons is nice and she's love to be able to make many friends like the traveler does.
Clavis agrees that it takes a lot of courage to make friends, especially if it's someone that you really want to be friends with. Wearing a proud smile, he adds that he'll teach her a good technique how to make friends since she's so shy. Sariel corrects "good" to "bad". Luke agrees. Emma too, internally. But... Gilbert finishes the thought for her. But she still wants to know, doesn't she? Jin wonders if Emma's become used to Clavis' mischief. Sariel says that once you get used to Clavis' mischief, you notice that it's a daily occurence. He hates it. Clavis can't be stopped.
So what is Clavis' bright idea?
Dig a pit
Lure the other person into the pit
Pretend that you were just passing by and reach down to help
Rinse, repeat, and you'll get 10 friends in a month. He speaks from experience. As expected from Clavis. Luke says that's too much work. However, since Clavis is always digging pits, it's not something that takes him that long to do. But he does admit that it's a blind spot. Gilbert adds that Emma's not strong enough. Emma tries to see the bright side of the technique though it sounds like a rejection. According to Jin, his methods have been the same since he was a kid. He pats Clavis' shoulder.
Jin: It's not too late to make friends the adult way. Clavis: And what about you?
Jin's method's normal. Just share a meal and a drink with someone. Emma thinks it's a brilliant idea and Sariel agrees. Where'd he get the idea from? Clavis says that method of making yourself look good means digging your own grave. Luke comments on how the method's used to hit on women the friends introduce to Jin.
Jin: Emma's unimpressed look's more heartbreaking than the others' cold ones. Clavis: Unfortunately you're back to becoming the enemy of women.
Luke has a question. Are friends really that necessary? Everyone else stares at him in silence. Luke continues on saying that it's not like you're going to die if you don't have any and you shouldn't force yourself to make them. He's fine not having any and doesn't find it necessary.
Sariel: Kids these days sure are so philosophical. Luke: I'm not a kid. Clavis: Am I not your friend, Luke? I'm going to cry, you know. Luke: *sighs* You're my superior. Moreover, I don't want a friend that digs pits every day. Jin: So blunt. Gilbert: Hehe, a pity that only one thought that the other was a friend.
Gilbert then makes an offhand on how Luke's grown. Emma asks if he said something and he brushes it off as nothing. Moving on, now that we've heard from the youngest, Jin wants to hear from the oldest.
Sariel: I assume you're talking about me. Clavis: Naturally. You are the oldest here. Or are you friendless like Luke? Sariel: No, I'm actually one of those that finds friends necessary. Jin: It's surprising to hear the court devil say that. Clavis: So the devil's a son of man after all.
Sariel asks for clarification on what kind of "friends" they were talking about when discussing making friends. A friend of the public or—Jin interrupts and asks if he thought they were talking about making bad friends. Sariel's just making sure. Some of his friends are just for business purposes. Oh, Jin covered Emma's ears so she didn't hear anything Sariel said. Jin apologizes, it's just that Sariel's method's too provocative for her to hear. Sariel tells the prince not to cause misunderstandings. Clavis asks if Jin's wrong though. Everyone but Gilbert shakes his head. Emma's eyes drift to Sariel in curiosity but he just smiles at her. She gives up on finding out what he had said. If Jin had to cover her ears then it must have been provocative.
For some reason, Emma feels someone staring at her. She turns her head and sees Gilbert smiling at her with a look that says "it's my turn, isn't it?" Damn, their eyes met. Surely his method's even more thrilling to hear about than Sariel's. But she can't ignore him since they made eye contact already. His gaze continues to exude pressure and Emma gives in.
For Gilbert, he has some magic words he can teach Emma to easily make friends that will never betray her. Jin tells Emma that she's going to regret asking. She's already feeling a bit of that. Gilbert politely takes a hold of her hand and gives it a gentle squeeze. He smiles and tilts his head.
Gilbert: Be my friend of I'll ruin your country.
Luke doesn't think it's funny. Sariel thinks the dark joke's refreshing. Apparently Gilbert's said this to Clavis before and Jin says that just makes it worse. Gilbert thanks them. But he wonders if people will think that Emma's just joking if she says that line since she's so cute. For Emma, she can say that her friend Gilbert will ruin their country instead. Now she can easily make 100 friends. Emma doesn't think she'll be able to build a good relationship this way. Gilbert says that she could always threaten them again.
Clavis: What's the magic phrase, world's calamity? Luke: Making friends is such a pain. Sariel: It's a difference in values, so you don't have to think that Prince Gilbert's method is right, Prince Luke. Jin: More of trait. I don't recommend copying it. Gilbert: Huh? Indirectly slandering me? How mean, you're going to make the world's calamity mad. Luke: Sounds like you're enjoying yourself.
Well! It looks like everyone has their own way of making friends. Emma's learned a lot. Clavis asks Emma if she's trying to end the conversation there because it's becoming troublesome. Gilbert tells the cruel bunny that she was the one that started this. Clavis was the one that actually started this, Emma thinks. She can't bring herself to say it though.
Jin turns the question to Emma. He'd like to know how she makes friends. For Emma, she usually becomes friends with people who have shared interests. She gets nervous and finds it hard to initiate if she doesn't know what she and the person have in common. Luke feels bad for Emma getting nervous over something like that.
Emma: "Something like that"?!
Jin agrees with Luke. Sariel thinks Emma's way is heartwarming. Clavis bets that Emma was honest and cute as a child. Gilbert wishes he could've met Emma back then. He would've tried everything to be her friend.
Is it just Emma's imagination or are they treating her like a child? She gave an honest answer and the reactions are making her blush in embarrassment. Unable to stand it any longer, Emma gets up to leave but Clavis puts his hand on her shoulder and sits her back down. He looks at her with a suspicious smile and asks if she'd demonstrate her method. Emma refuses. Gilbert wants to see too, even though they're already friends. Luke tells the duo that they're bothering Emma too much again. Jin adds that she's really going to hate them now.
Clavis: It's fine. Gilbert: No problem at all.
Sariel wonders where all this confidence comes from. Emma wants to know as well. Regardless, things are getting too out of control. Does she really need give a demonstration? Emma can only force a smile as her surroundings get even more noisy. But it's like friends to get so lively over exchanges like this, she thinks. She wonders if she'd become friends with them if they had met under different circumstances. As she thinks about it, somehow this loveliness doesn't feel so bad anymore.
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