#active brainstorming
armentas · 1 year
holy shit. delora doesn't exist within the haven universe anymore, but i absolutely need to have someone use the old dialogue i had planned for her.
delora, comforting heather: if you think about it, we exist in the first place because people care for each other. we exist because people loved each other as far back as adam and eve, and cain and abel.
heather: i think you're thinking of the wrong story. cain killed abel.
delora: i think you can love someone, and still kill them.
#the question is: who would say a line like that#there's a reason it was reserved for delora#she's more poetic. or at least that was her development back then#the implications of the dialogue fit erin but erin isn't poetic enough for it and has no connection to religion#it's actually giving beau vibes tbh and it makes sense given he has survivor's guilt#he thinks he could've prevented the car accident that injured him and killed his best friends#and in his eyes that's the same as actively killing them#WAAAAIT... HOLD ON... I THINK I'M ONTO SOMETHING NOW...#passivity is one of his fatal flaws. and i've been operating under the mindset he is not aware of this issue#but considering he judges his passivity for that action + judges himself for not being able to ''save'' heather#it's obvious he knows. and i feel like that unlocks a lot more character potential to have a character who like#knows what their problem is and they watch themselves cause problems with said problem but they don't know what to do#and he should not only witness when he's passive about others but definitely when he's like that about his own life#bc that's where it's most prevalent. he can take more action when it's someone else but he feels too hopeless to save himself#i didn't even mean to get some brainstorming in there. thought i'd be too tired today#good for me!#ramble#active brainstorming#this also means that josie is beau if he felt no remorse about not taking action and just prioritized himself instead#i already knew they had some serious parallels but hmm....#ok i'm done now. insanity over <3
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Lmao Frank would absolutely keep a list of everything they tried to do to fix this situation. He has his work cut out for him with poor wally as well. Does he know what happened to Sally?
Frank does know what happened to Sally! ofc he caught his first glimpse of her when he sorta woke up, then after he Actually woke up, Wally made sure to sit him down and be like "she will kill you if you go near her <3"
still, Frank didn't really believe Wally. so Wally showed him proof:
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and Frank quickly changed his tune.
and honestly, it's more like Wally has his work cut out for him with Frank lmao. cause by the time Frank fully wakes, Wally's pretty much given up. and rightfully so, there's... not really anything he can do except protect his sleeping friends.
so Frank's initial attempts to make a plan kinda went like:
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Wally is very earnest about saying "that's nice". it is nice. it's refreshing to have someone around that still believes something can be done, however futile that hope is. Frank will catch on eventually.
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tacosaysroar · 4 months
Well, it finally happened. I cried at work.
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angelsdean · 1 month
oh no. new fic ideas are piercing my mind
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mommyclan · 10 months
Clans always have those blocky cat head symbols and I’m wondering if mommyclan will have a symbol too
Mommyclan will get one!
Not yet, but once the discord is up, I'm going to host an activity where you guys submit different ideas for a new Mommyclan symbol and then I'll make polls until we have our winning symbol, which I will make the icon for this blog.
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bietrofastimoff23 · 2 months
Hello! all good? I hope so, I recently saw a post of yours talking about Tai Lung and I just love how you write about he! therefore, I wanted to show you a headcanon/part of my kfp au that I've been doing that involves Tai Lung, to know what you think about this headcanon of mine, hehe, anyway, let me start
For a while, I stopped to think about how Tai Lung ended up with evil in his heart, then I remembered (my favorite character) Fenghuang.
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She ran away from the jade palace for wanting to dominate the jade palace and for losing a fight against Oogway, but she still saw a sense of home emanating from the palace, so she went there from time to time (hiddenly, of course) on these visits, met Tai Lung (still young) and told her story and her powers that left her invincible
She said that if he really were the next dragon warrior, he would have all the powers she had, that he would be invincible, that he would be worthy of dominating the weak, and he believed.
Tai Lung never told anyone in the palace about Fenghuang, and Fenghuang stopped visiting the palace after he was arrested...
hehe, first, sorry for the big text, but that's it, what do you think? I can change over time
hey! I'm fine, thanks for asking) I hope you're having a great day too <3
I'm glad you like my posts. It's nice to share your thoughts and feelings with other people.
warning: bad english.
Tbh, I haven't watched the show, but your message prompted me to read her biography. what can I say, you have great taste!) I'm even thinking of watching episodes with her now.
I really like your au! and I am glad of any communication here. I'm not sure how accurately my idea of her personality is formed, as far as I understand, she is ambitious and power-hungry in her own right. I mean, there is no predisposing tragedy. her own power became the ground for a sense of exclusivity, superiority.
My first thought was that she contacted Tai Lung not only because he had no preconceptions about her (cause everyone needs an understanding listener at one time or another), but also because she mistakenly could see herself reflected in him (this erroneous distortion probably arose from the fact that Tai Lung himself is not of interest to her, he is more a instrument, and without a deep understanding of his personality, it is more convenient for her to project onto him).
She sees in him the same exceptional talent, great potential, and a thirst to achieve great heights. but if in her case it comes from the belief that she has the right to do so because of her own exclusivity, then in Tai Lung it comes from the desire to prove to everyone, and first of all to himself, that he has the right because he deserves it (I do not know if I was able to express myself clearly. in general, she sincerely believes in herself and her right, and he is struggling with impostor syndrome).
and her comments ("if he really were the next dragon warrior, he would have all the powers she had, that he would be invincible, that he would be worthy of dominating the weak") could just fuel Tai Lung's desire to become stronger, faster, master all the techniques of kung fu, become the best, and all this to prove that he deserves to be here. perhaps there is some genuine pity for this unfortunate in her words, but I think there is more sadistic pleasure here because of her own frustration. Like, "I've been here, I've been down this path. You're going to fall too, kid."
life consists of persons coming and going, and this is probably their story. Tai Lung is part of why the owl was still coming back here, because he is her only listener, because she sees herself in him. and when he disappears over the horizon, she loses the last reason to visit the palace, which has long ceased to be her home.
As you can see, I also came up with a lot of words. let me know if I made a mistake somewhere, because now I'm sharing my opinion like a person who has only seen movies. and I will be glad to know further changes to your au :)
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ghostwise · 1 year
Zevran is once again struck by the way people change when you leave them alone for a while.
Three times now, the Maker has seen fit to place them in each other's paths. This time, however, rather than feeling regret at all he has missed in his friend's life, he feels only awe at the ways she has grown and the ways she has stayed the same. Isabela listens with a patience he's seldom associated with her, and for that he is grateful.
Still, he's almost afraid to tell her all that has happened.
"It is a very long tale, my dear," he says when she asks. "And I'm afraid it does not portray me in a very positive light."
"Oh, please. Like you're the only one with a past," she teases. "Have you forgotten already how we met?"
"Never," he replies, and she's coaxed a smile out of him despite his worry. It's easy to remember why he loved her--loves her--and trusts her, too. So, having surpassed that slightest bit of resistance with her support, he lets it all pour out in a flood of words.
Everything from Rinnala's betrayal to his contract in Ferelden, to his time during the Blight and Taliesen's death. Everything from the fight against the Crows, to his year spent at Quinta de Talpa, and his travels throughout all of Antiva and beyond. He tells her everything, good and bad, without omission.
It must be some surprise to her; he’s become so honest and vulnerable. But it’s deliberate, and he barrels into it with a certain recklessness because it has been hard-won.
Most of all, he talks about the Warden, like a thread weaving through every single piece of his life. Making his story coherent. Stitching the broken bits whole.
"I must admit, I didn't think him your type then, and I certainly don't now," Isabela says when he's done.
They're lounging on the bed together, barely dressed. Her hair is fanned out across her pillow and she makes a face, features pulling into a delicate pout.
"Please tell me he's not as grim and somber as he seems. Frankly, I’m still surprised he was alright with you and I meeting. Unless..." She sits up, and peers at him, blouse falling over her shoulders. "Unless he doesn't know?"
"He knows," Zevran murmurs against her knee. “He knew who I was when he married me.”
“Good.” Content to hear it, Isabela leans back with a smile. "What a waste it’d be otherwise. I mean, for you as well. Don't change for anyone, Zevran. I mean it. There are far too many miserable marriages in the world. I should know."
For a moment both of them reflect on those words. But they speak to a life long past, and not worth revisiting. After a moment Zevran just sighs with the most lovestruck look she's ever seen him sport.
"Ah, I'd love for you to get to know him as I do..." He strokes her leg gently, hanging onto her, though it is clear his mind is drifting. "He would never ask me to change. He doesn't want to impede me in any way. He sees the depths of me, good and bad, and asks for nothing. I never imagined... Isabela, he makes it so easy, so simple and calm. So you see, because of that, I can give him everything. Because he-"
"Oh, enough!"
Yanking her legs back she tucks them beneath herself and tackles him with a hug, affectionate but very much exasperated.
"You talk about your husband too much, Zevran! No one will ever want to sleep with you!"
Zevran draws in a sharp breath, then he collapses into laughter.
As they laugh and cling to one another, he’s infinitely glad he saved her all those years ago. He’s glad she’s here now. He's glad for every note in his story, from the highest to the lowest.
"Seriously, Zev," Isabela says, as she extricates herself from his embrace and walks to her dresser--truly a vision, as beautiful as she'd been ten years ago. "I'm glad you've found someone to make you happy. You deserve no less. As for the rest, all that matters is that you've kept on living and doing your best. That's all any of us can do."
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1010lilfoot · 4 months
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A vague sci-fi story has been marinating in my brain for a while... I think I'm liking these designs for the main three characters
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gay-artificer · 1 year
Honestly the idea of slugcats existing in a sort of space where they are capable of 'moral' thought but not having a full structural concept of it in like, slugcat culture is kinda an interesting thought. Like they have sympathy as a personality value that governs a willingness to do harm, particular in terms of slugpups being unwilling to eat live food like centipedes if it has high enough values, if i recall right.
Which does seem to at least a basis for slugcats having an internal capacity (or lack of) for violence, and at least some understanding of what the 'weight' of choosing to harm something is- enough to potentially have a discomfort with it just by their personal nature. The idea of experiencing guilt for a natural, accepted and expected behavior without otherwise having a full understanding of what guilt is even is interesting.
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sparklijam · 1 year
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Next in the Pride Month’s ship is Jax and his two mates, Nikki and Hikari~💛💙💚
Nikki and Hikari belong to @nicholejonesandfamily
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rhodophoria · 5 months
hey y'all, update time.
december really kicked my ass; i had family in and out of the hospital and had these awful headaches pretty much every day that made it really hard to think, let alone write. a shitty cherry-on-top to close out 2023.
but! everything cleared up around the holidays and i think we're finally back in business ( •̀ ω •́ )✧
i've managed to make some good progress for NWD despite everything, so we're back on track there.
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i also wanted to do something for the badsansuary event, currently cooking something up for that, stay tuned for shenanigans 👀
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armentas · 8 months
I'm experimenting with splitting Haven into two separate (or only vaguely in the same universe) stories, split up like Heather Erin Beau / Skip Milo Josie, but it is also beginning to Suck. Heather running away can't be what brings Skip to Schuyler anymore, so what does it?? Mentally, I'm shaking him by the shoulders. What does it, Skip? Is it as direct as you trying to mend things with Milo?? But that directness feels like it could be too out of character?? Do you go to Schuyler for some college thing and decide you want to take pictures of Milo bc your tutors said your portfolio should be personal to you?? But you don't seem like the type of person to go to college or take your photography that seriously?? Does someone from your old friend group with Milo find your info and call for you guys to reunite? But would you even want to go??? Is that out of character??? Does someone ELSE go missing??? Maybe someone from your old friend group??? But it can't be Milo because that'd be way out of character??? CAN YOU HELP ME OUT HERE.
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syb-la-tortue · 2 years
if you see this, you might be a little lost
hello, Syb here, haven’t logged into this account in years, but I’ve noticed this account still get new followers regularly? somehow? how did you even find this place?? XD
my active account on tumblr is SybLaTortue, and yes, it is sadly permanently flagged and I can’t get my cute turtle icon over there and the blog is unsearchable and I have to censor the sexy stuff and it sucks, but I’m not gonna move blog and start posting here unless SybLaTortue gets truly deleted
so like sure, in case of disaster you might find me here, but if you wanna see my art and send me asks on tumblr, SybLaTortue (without the dashes!) is where you’ll find that!
I am also on twitter, where art is posted without censoring (when I post a cropped art on tumblr I’ll always put a link to the twitter mirror) and patreon if you want to support me and see some art months before I post it on here~
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lord-squiggletits · 1 year
Back before I became a fic writer myself, I used to understand why people insisted on only reading completed fic due to not wanting to be disappointed if it never updates, but writing fic now (and having read the WIP fics of many of my friends) I feel like that's a bit of a limited mindset to have.
Other people have talked about how reader engagement encourages writers to keep writing, so I'm not really gonna get into that because I assume you already know.
It's more, just......... I feel like maybe modern culture has led people to expect instant gratification in the form of binge reading, streaming entire seasons of TV in one day, so on and so forth. But isn't there something special about being there for a fic while it's still in progress? The suspense of having to wait until the next update to find out where the plot goes next. The ability to leave a comment for the writer and possibly have them reply with some hints at where the plot is going, encouraging you to keep theorizing.
Not to mention, longfics take a fuckload of time to make (I wrote a ~175,000 word completed fic, and even though I was working on it almost constantly it still took me about a year and a half to write). I feel like if you limit yourself to only reading completed fics, chances are the only fics you're going to read are fics that were begun/ended years ago. And it's totally awesome to read old fics! It's just that as time goes on, old authors leave and new authors come in. Fandom culture and climate shifts, new headcanons and meta enter, and the types/themes of new fics change as well. I feel like there's a lot more novelty to be found in newer fics, compared to old fics which (in certain fandoms) are more like time capsules of an earlier era of the fandom compared to more recent, actively updating authors who are still working on their ideas, headcanons, meta, and so forth.
Anyways. Sometimes delayed gratification is actually better.
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savage-rhi · 6 months
#I've been really sad lately#its logical I've had a lot happen and a lot going on#and I've been mostly bedridden the past week cause of fibro flares#my brain can see the logic of why my body feels burnt out and why i feel anxious#but i also have this profound sense of loneliness that's been weighing on my chest#I feel the need to isolate and get away from people because it feels like it doesn't matter how much i try to blend in someone#will catch onto me being an “alien” or not quite fitting their mold or having a difference of opinion and i get bullied or ostracized#out of participating with folks or doing activities#and i get so overwhelmed by people and their literal energy/vibes that it feels as though I'm caught in a sneaker wave and being pulled#from shore and this is compounded on top of that feeling of being surrounded by people like tons of them who may even enjoy your company#but still feel very much isolated and alone the whole time#it could be winter triggering trauma responses in me due to childhood abuse related to the holidays#and then there's me trying to brainstorm how i can make money with my creativity when i have little to no help with anyone#and no one will give me a chance to bounce ideas and get a third persons opinion#its felt like this since i can remember: people value that i listen and reflect all the while show compassion#and then when i really need it myself and attempt to reach out i get the door shut in my face#it feels like the only people that have truly listened to me are therapists lmao and it hurts cause its like i gotta pay someone#just to listen to me go off on this idea i have for a side hustle a creative pursuit something i love#and i can't really share that with anyone irl because I'm supposed to be everyones therapist#and its shitty i dont get paid for it if thats the case lol#i feel like tumblr is the only spot I really have where i can share a lot of myself and make things that make others and myself happy#i don't know what id do without it#magenta is my safe word for venting#thanks for coming to my tedtalk as i write into the void#getting shit off my chest at 4am#i aint gettin no sleep cause of yall yall not gon get no sleep cause of meeee
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fluorescentbrains · 7 months
i just don’t see the point of having weekly check-ins with the collaboration if every time you “check in” your presentation has to be conference-level polished and ready for peer review
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