#actor!billy hargrove
dragonflylady77 · 7 months
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Should probably start posting this thing...
Actor!Billy x Screenwriter!Steve AU
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dirtbagdefender · 2 months
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findafight · 1 year
god i love when fics have steve experiencing insane things but being nonchalant about it bc he thinks it's normal when it absolutely is not. i like to think there have been multiple instances where other guys have been like psychosexually obsessed w steve so when billy starts acting like that steve's just like "ugh again?" like imagine if when he's dating eddie he's just casually like "god isn't it so annoying when other guys get like aggressively obsessed w you and stare at you all the time?" and eddie is sitting there chanting wtf in his head wondering how steve is a real human.
Ya I think it'd be very funny if kinda very strange things happen to Steve and he figures that it's just a normal thing. He'll be sitting around with people like hey y'all ever think about when you and your friends would dig a big hole and pretend to bury someone alive and hold a funeral for them and then they'd go home and tell your parents you died in the woods? When your mom ran into the forest she found you covered in flowers and dirt staring at the sky thinking about how cool it'd be to decompose into the ground she cried and it was probably the first time you saw a grown up cry? And every one is like uhhhhh no. Our friends did not actually fake our death semi successfully and scare our parents??? And he goes oh. Huh. Weird!
my HC is Robin is Steve first similar age friend that has not wanted to fuck him since eighth grade. This is funny because she has also never been normal about him. No one has ever been normal about Steve.
I think it's also very funny that Billy teamed up with Tommy, who you know has never been normal about Steve in his life. Like maybe when Steve was in middle school there was a guy who also was weirdly obsessed with Steve except he and Tommy viciously hated each other. Like straight up brawling and crying about it and Steve is there like what the fuck are you doing??? And Carol beside him just shaking her head going uhg Steve they're being gross let's leave.
But Tommy and Billy...They sniffed each other out or something idk how but they found each other and were obsessed with Steve together in a toxic positive feedback loop. And poor Steve is sitting here like "uhg 😑 Still? Another one? Why does this keep happening?" As though it's a completely regular occurrence. Bro. Buddy. What is your life actually.
Eddie finding out about this history and he's just like. No. Steve. I do not know what it's like to have men stare at me with thinly disguised lust?? But also keeping to himself that he was ALSO obsessed with Steve. He's like oooh my god. I'm not the only one?? The one thing I have in common with Tommy Hagan and Billy Hargrove is our weird obsession with Steve? What kinda world...
Except he's also immensely smug about it because yeah other guys have been obsessed with Steve. It seems to be a Hawkins right of passage for their age group. But Eddie actually got him. He fucking won.
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heartbreak-sandwich · 8 months
I love Dacre Montgomery as a person and an actor. And I am well aware that he is a gorgeous man. BUT can we just talk for one second about how when he plays Billy, he looks wildly different than he does in his other roles? And I'm not talking about the costume, or the blast from the past 80s yassification, or the fake tan, or any of that. Dacre is a master at his craft.
He looks MENACING as Billy Hargrove. He looks tough, and angry, and edgy, and terrified, and hurt, and just.....SO DIFFERENT from himself and any other character I've seen him play. When the cameras aren't rolling, and he's chilling behind the scenes in costume, he looks like Dacre. But when the lights go up, and he channels Billy Hargrove, he CHANGES ENTIRELY, and it's fucking uncanny. Does anyone else notice this, or am I delusional??
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boffeeceans · 13 days
Eddie has a jacket in his room very similar, if not identical, to Billy's, which could mean nothing.
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toobusybeingdelulu · 1 month
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OH HE WAS CRYING EVEN BEFORE saying “and sometimes you have wished to follow me” TO MAX. This was right when he was walking towards her after she had finished reading the letter… Meaning that maybe he heard her?? But couldn’t do anything about it because Henry wouldn’t let him?? Oh we are gonna suffer so much in s5 aren’t we
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messrsbyler · 1 year
here comes a rant about billy so if that's not your cup of tea keep scrolling...
it's crazy to me that a piece of shit like billy hargrove is more liked than jonathan.
if you are one of billy's fans, i don't mean this in a sarcastic or jokingly way, you seriously disgust me. people be out there saying they love max but they also love billy. they love lucas but they also love billy. get. a. fucking. grip.
i'm all about letting people enjoy what they enjoy, but when you idolize a fictional character that's an abuser and a racist, that's just not it. and it's not about "oh i like morally gray characters", because billy's fans don't even acknowledge he is a bad person.
all it took was a five minute scene showing his tragic past and you were okay with everything he did? you know who also had a sucky past? el. and still, she remains a good person. also jonathan byers, with his abusive father and emotionally dependent mother, growing up as his little brother's father figure. both these characters decided to break the cycle of abuse.
having a traumatic past doesn't make you entitled to being an abuser. being a white dude in the 80's doesn't make it okay to being racist. i mean, billy literally threatened max with killing three of her new friends by running them over. he was about to fight and commit a hate crime on a black kid. it was hinted that he physically abused max by the way he grabbed her in the car and how scared max looked. max hated him so much she wished he would die. and yet some people in this fandom love him and have him as their favorite character? tell me you didn't understand shit about the show's theme without telling me you didn't understand shit about the show's theme.
all billy has going for himself is his basic white boy looks and y'all are quick to forgive him and pretend he had his redemption in s3 lmao. him giving his life wasn't a fucking redemption. it doesn't work like that. billy fans really turn a blind eye to everything he did but then go against characters like jonathan for taking those pictures in season one, even when he apologised for it and then showed us he regretted it through actions.
so, yeah. to any billy fans, you really disgust me. i'm sure you don't care about my opinion and that none of this will make it through your thick delusional skull, but if you are the type of people to excuse racism and abuse in fiction, you are only a step away of doing the same in real life.
anyhow. billy sucks.
needless to say, if you like billy in any amount unfollow me right now. i have no interest in having any type of interaction with you.
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nerodmcdevilslayer · 2 years
Let's see here, hm... Who is the true villain of Stranger Things? Is it... the guy who kidnapped and experimented on children? Nah.
The man who murdered his own sister, mother, sent his father to an asylum, and killed countless kids? Nah.
The man who abused his wife, forced her to leave him and their son, then turned his abuse on their child? Nah.
The guy started a witch hunt for Eddie Munson, manipulated a boy who wanted to fit in, beat up and pulled a gun and SHOT AT said boy, and also caused said boy's girlfriend to go into a coma because he destroyed the one thing that could help her in the moment? Nah.
The woman who groomed an underage boy? Nah.
OH, AH, I SEE. It's the teen boy who was subject to aforementioned grooming and abuse, horribly misunderstood, was ripped from his home and placed into a conservative town a thousand miles away, who tried to do the right thing but his step sister kept inadvertently perpetuating his abuse by disobeying, who did all he could to protect her and himself by warning her to not interact with the people his father didn't like, and who ended up sacrificing himself when a girl showed him the slightest bit of affection.
Yeah... that checks out.
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muawo · 2 years
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❝ ..when you disobey me. I break things 𑁦。.
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thequeenkida · 5 months
Had a dream about Stranger Things out of nowhere and now I'm pissed off being reminded of what shit writers the Duffles are and how much they fucked up Billy for no discernable reason, so thanks for that one subconscious! 👍🏻
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callmebrycelee · 1 year
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FULL NAME: Dare Kaye Montgomery-Harvey
DATE OF BIRTH: November 22, 1994
PLACE OF BIRTH: Perth, Western Australia, Australia
AGE: 28
SIGN: Sagittarius
BEST KNOWN FOR: Portraying Billy Hargrove in the Netflix science fiction horror drama television series Stranger Things; Jason Scott in the 2017 action film Power Rangers; Jeremy in Better Watch Out; and Steve Binder in Elvis.
HEIGHT: 5 feet and 10 inches tall
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80svhstapes · 2 years
not to sound controversial but the general st fandom NEEDS to treat dacre montgomery and grace van dien better
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lunastar92 · 1 year
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Okay modern day Billy is a tiktoker who makes thirst dance and silly acting challenges on tiktok. And has like 25 million followers.
And Steve is an indie movie actor who wants to be a director actually but nobody gives him a chance.
This two chosen as stars for a new Netflix gay movie. This is a big opportunity for Steve cause he can use that money for directing. But he fucking hates tiktokers. Especially Billy because he doesn't know how to act. He doesn't know the real straggles of being an actor without the connections, he was only there because he shakes his ass on tiktok. Also because that dumb blonde bitch is so fucking hot and it makes Steve's brain stop everytime he looked at that ass.
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emzular · 2 years
jason vs billy, some thoughts.
tldr: jason wanted to kill eddie in cold blood, vs billy who was only violent because violence and abuse are all he's ever known.
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i'll start by saying that when it comes to 80s tropey high school bullies, jason fits the bill perfectly. he's the jock, the cool rich guy. he's what steve was meant to be in season one. jason is your basic, white, rich school jock bully.
billy's different. he's a metal head and he doesn't conform to the sleepy town aesthetic of hawkins at all. he struts in, double denim, thick boots, curly long hair, rock music blaring loud as fuck. billy hargrove instantly doesn't look like the jock bully stereotype. he's the metalhead outsider, the new kid. but he tries to fit into the jock mould all the same. he plays basketball, he goes to the parties, he flirts with all the women, he fights king steve to be the top dog. because that's how he survives. his dad abuses him, we know that, but if billy has 'friends' and sports and parties and a reputation as the popular guy to uphold, maybe his dad won't end him. so billy plays the bully. and it's easy because he was raised by one. it's easy to play that role.
then again, it's likely easy for jason to play his role too. his dad was probably the popular guy at school, and he grew up rich. well off. of course jason's going to be popular, of course he's going to be a jock. but where billy's trying to fit the mould, jason is the mould. you can see that billy's trying to fit in by the way he practises his smiles, and his lines in the mirror. he's trying to be this perfect image. whereas jason already is.
anyway, jason goes on a rampage across hawkins, starts accusing literal children of satanism and accuses eddie of being a cult leader, all because his girlfriend died. and while that's heartbreaking as fuck for jason, his girlfriend died and he went crazy. jason wanted to kill eddie and the hellfire club. the worst thing in jason's life is that his girlfriend was hanging around with a potential satanist, and he decided he wanted to commit murder.
the worst thing in billy's life? pick one. he's abused by his dad, controlled by his dad, forced to live under his dad's strict rules; and then he's captured by the mind flayer, abused and used and controlled by the mind flayer until billy literally kills himself because it's the only way out. billy never wanted to kill anyone - yes in season 2 he makes comments, says he'll kill them, but he wouldn't. he's a seventeen year old angry hurt boy, and he's lashing out. he wanted to hurt, but that's because he was being hurt. he wanted the easy life he thought king steve had, he wanted the friends that max had, he wanted what everyone else had. but he never wanted to kill anyone, even if he said it. you can see his threats were just an excuse to throw fists (because fists is all he knows, from his father). he never started a witch hunt:
that was jason.
so tell me how the rich, easy life jock boy jason is better than the poor abused and tortured new kid? tell me why billy deserves to be vilified and called the worst villain in the show, when all of his actions stem to the fact that his father beats him up? jason became unhinged so fucking fast, because his perfect life and his perfect girlfriend was taken from him.
jason fought lucas in the end, literally encouraged the witch hunt of a group of kids. he was not going to stop. he did to lucas exactly what billy did in season two. but where jason is somehow "understandable" in his actions because his girlfriend died, billy isn't? billy found his thirteen year old sister in a strangers house with a bunch of boys, one of them being his own age; tell me he's not got a reason to be angry.
and hey: jason wanted eddie to die. he wanted to fight him and to kill him. jason wound up the entire town, and got a bunch of his friends together, convinced them to tag along in his murderous quest. jason was willing to commit murder.
billy never would've taken it that far. he got close, in season 2 with the fight at the end, but he's not a murderer. he didn't go there intending to kill steve, or lucas. he went there (weaponless) to get his kid sister back home. unlike jason, who went to the house in season 4 with the intention to kill.
billy was just looking for his sister, and found steve, an eighteen year old guy, with his thirteen year old sister. of course he fought. but jason? jason went after eddie with the intention to harm.
look at jason and his gang in season 4, vs billy and his in season 3.
jason rounded up a gang, got weapons, and was ready to kill eddie. billy was being mind controlled and abused the entire time. he didn't have any part to play in the villainy of season 3. but jason? in season 4? that was all him.
it reeks of classism, you know? going crazy/bloodthirsty for love vs finding your kid sister in the middle of the night with an adult male is not the same motive: one has privilege, the other does not. and also, jason does what he does by choice. billy never had a choice, he’s abused and mind controlled. jason chose and had the freedom to turn on eddie and to spread hate against him. billy was being told what to do by his father and then the mind flayer. billy was not acting of his own wishes. but jason was.
at the root of jason, is someone willing to kill.
at the root of billy, is someone willing to be killed.
and saying billy is worse than jason, saying billy is worse than someone who wanted to kill someone is saying that anyone who's trauma comes out in a way that isn't deemed "perfect" or "normal" is a villain. anyone who doesn't "fit the mould" of society like jason does, is a monster, and deserves to die.
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