#max yells at billy for billy an idiot
dragonflylady77 · 10 months
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Should probably start posting this thing...
Actor!Billy x Screenwriter!Steve AU
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weird-an · 2 years
Someone is coming over to tutor Max in algebra. A boy. Neil gives Billy a glare that doesn't leave room for discussion and makes the bruise on his left side throb a little.
"You're staying in tonight. You'll do the responsible thing and not leave your sister alone with a guy your age."
It's funny. A year ago Neil nearly had a heart attack when Billy did hang out with a guy his age. How the tables turned…
"Yes, Sir."
With a satisfied nod and a hint of disappointment in his eye Neil is leaving for work. But Billy didn't feel like talking back today. He can still feel the belt on his back, thank you very much.
When the doorbell rings and he opens the door for Max' stupid tutor, his jaw drops.
Steve Harrington grins at him. Wearing his best polo shirt.
"You suck at math," Billy says lamely.
"I… came to suck something else," Steve laughs.
"Get a room," Max yells. "I'd suggest Billy's."
Steve walks past Billy who can't really understand what's happening.
Steve sighs. "C’mon, I wanna see your room."
"It's not much," Billy closes the door. He tries to hold back from shouting "what the fuck" repeatedly.
"It's yours," Steve points out, but Billy… doesn't really get why Steve would care about that. It's surreal.
He can't believe it. Steve is standing in the living room and Neil… encouraged it. False pretense, but still. Neil made Steve his responsibility.
"You're a little shit," Billy tells Max - and maybe Steve too. They're grinning smugly at Billy.
"But I'm awesome at algebra," Max says. "Now show him your room, idiot."
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thissortofsorcery · 1 year
The doorbell’s ringing.
Billy puts his book down and takes a deep, calming breath before he gets up. He rarely gets a moment to himself in this house, and today he finally managed to sit down to read a fucking book with no one breathing down his neck, but someone decided to hang on the doorbell like the world’s ending.
Neil and Susan are at work, and Billy just dropped Max off at the Chief’s house, so of course no one else is in the house to answer the goddamn-
It’s Harrington.
“Billy-“ He says, and his voice breaks a little bit.
Billy tightens his grip on the door until his knuckles go white.
Harrington looks terrible. His hair is everywhere, the way it flops when he’s been pulling at it, and his lips are bitten bloody. Billy will bet his nails are bitten too. The Beamer’s parked on the curb haphazardly, one wheel almost climbing on the sidewalk, driver’s door still open, like he just stopped the car and climbed out without much thought.
When Billy brings his eyes back to Harrington, he’s pinching the bridge of his nose like he has a headache. That, or he’s trying not to cry. He kinda looks like he’s been holding back the whole way over, actually.
“Look, Harrington-“
“Just—Are you busy?”
Billy doesn’t answer. 
They haven’t talked to each other in three weeks. Not since Steve drove off that night at the quarry, after they were done shotgunning beers and listening to Queen and seeing who could get more peanuts into the other’s mouth from six feet away. After they fucked. 
Steve made no effort to reach him, not at school, not through the kids’ walkies, and Billy didn’t try to send any smoke signals either. They left things pretty clear that night.
Though showing up at his house is the worst idea Harrington could’ve had.
“You can’t be here.”
“What?” Harrington blinks at him, and that lost expression gives way to offended confusion as he blinks at Billy.
“Harrington— You can’t come to my house, Neil can’t see you—“
“I fucking know that, Billy! I checked he wasn’t home, I’m not an idiot—“
“I know you’re not an idiot, Steve!”
Their eyes meet and they fall silent, breath coming just that much quicker from their raised voices. It’s the middle of the afternoon and the street is quiet, no cars driving by, no people walking past. It’s like the sunroom porch on Cherry lane is a snowglobe, suspending them in time until one of them decides to move. And Billy— Billy can’t look away. 
Last time he saw Steve, it was watching the taillights of his car get smaller in the distance through blurry eyes, tears on his cheeks making the red bleed into yellow bleed into blue. The sound of tires on gravel and his own harsh breaths, his own voice yelling Steve’s name, the slam of his fist on the trunk of the Beamer as it drove off, the engine revving, all at once and all over again in Billy’s ears, suffocating him. There were two sets of headlights illuminating the quarry that night, and then there was just one. 
Now Billy doesn’t understand why Steve is here, why he’d just show up— It’s been long enough that Billy had given up on it, given up on them.
Steve blinks first, and sniffs, but he doesn’t look away.
“I just— I had to see you.”
It barely registers at first, the words a punch to the sternum that make Billy focus more on how they stole his breath than on what they mean. Then it hits him.
Billy wants to ask why. Why now? What made Steve change his mind? Did he change his mind? But he knows they’re on borrowed time and it won’t be long until someone turns the corner and sees them together. Steve can’t come in, but Billy can’t turn him away. He looks like he’s two seconds away from losing his shit.
“Not here,” Billy says, and Steve’s face immediately crumples. “Meet me at the quarry. Fifteen minutes.”
He pulls himself back together, a little, and rubs his nose. Then he nods and runs back to his car.
The days are getting longer now, in spring.
When Billy gets out of the Camaro, Steve’s already at the quarry, but he’s still sitting in his car, engine off, just staring at the steering wheel with his brow furrowed like it’s yelling at him. Or maybe he’s yelling at himself in his head. Billy knows he does that.
“Steve,” He calls, and Harrington starts, like he didn’t hear him coming. Billy leans on the hood of the Camaro while Steve gets out of the Beamer. “So, what did you want to see me for?”
Billy crosses his arms and his ankles and aims for nonchalant, but he’s not sure he hits the mark. He can feel Steve’s gaze on him like a burn, even after all this time, making his cheeks hot and his neck start sweating. Warmer than California sunshine. He can’t help but stare back, take in Steve’s shoulders (hunched) and his legs (gorgeous) and his hands (shaking). 
“What's this about?” Billy asks again, which just goes to show how soft he is for Steve. He doesn’t ask the same question twice very often.
Steve stands in front of him, and breaks their stare-off to yank at his hair with both hands, making it stand out in an even weirder shape. He looks like a cartoon character. Billy figures they’re in for a long haul while Steve figures himself out, so he pulls himself up to sit on the hood of the Camaro.
It goes for a few minutes like this: Steve looks like he’s about to say something, then he swallows and blinks rapidly, staring at the ground, or up at the clouds. His bottom lip’s bleeding, again. He’s clearly torn about something, can’t decide wether to say it or not, and Billy might be trying his hardest to move on from them, but that doesn’t mean it worked.
“Stevie,” He calls, softly, and Steve’s head snaps in his direction. “What's wrong?”
And Steve just. Walks the six or so steps that separated them and sinks his head into Billy’s shoulder, arms going around his waist, under his jean jacket to cling to his shirt. He takes a few shuddering breaths that seem to come from the core of him, like it takes all his strength just to pull them in, but there’s no dampness on Billy’s jacket or on his neck.
And it breaks his goddamn heart. The months he’d been with Steve, he’d never seen him like this— nowhere close to this. Billy’d never even seen him tear up. 
“Hey,” Billy says, a quiet murmur into Steve’s hair, more a soothing vibration than a sound. “Hey, Stevie, it’s okay.”
Billy settles his arms around Steve’s shoulders and pulls him closer, if it’s at all possible, brackets Steve with his knees so he feels completely wrapped up, lays his head on top of Steve’s and breathes with him until he’s ready to talk. His fingers draw patterns on Steve’s shoulder, smoothing up and down his shoulder blade.
Billy feels the telltale burn of tears in his own eyes. He’d missed being this close.
“I heard back from some schools,” Steve’s muffled voice comes from his shoulder, still sounding tight.
Inwardly, Billy sighs. He did too. And he wondered about Steve, because he spent so much time helping him study, helping him apply, he couldn’t help but stay up at night wondering, even if he didn’t want to.
Steve pulls back, sniffing, but he doesn’t go far. He stays within an arm’s length, hand resting on Billy’s knee, warm and achingly familiar. Billy doesn’t find it in himself to let go of Steve’s jacket sleeve, either.
“I didn’t get in.”
Billy very carefully doesn’t react, doesn’t take in a sharp breath, jump in surprise. Instead, his keeps his voice flat,
“Didn't get in where?”
“Anywhere,” Steve says, mouth twisting into a sardonic smirk that looks just like Tommy’s, like he’s gotten used to the idea already, galvanized it into the Steve is so dumb trophy of comedic genius all his friends have awarded themselves. “Not anywhere. But today I got—" he swallows, “today I got the last letter from California, and I thought, fuck it, right? It doesn’t matter anymore, because we broke up.”
It hits Billy’s chest like a lance.
“And if— And you’re going to California, obviously, you said so, you said there’s nothing that can keep you from going—“
“Stevie, come on,”
“And I thought, whatever I’m gonna do with my life, working for my dad or some shit, it’s not gonna have you in it, right? You’re fucking off somewhere and I'm—“
Steve’s voice breaks and he clenches his jaw shut, so tight that Billy can see the muscles at his temples pop. Billy’s hand has closed into a fist where he’s clinging to Steve’s jacket, and he doesn’t know when he did that. His whole body is frozen, just staring at Steve, unblinking, desperate to understand. His cheeks are wet.
Two hands cup his face, thumbs smudging the tears on his cheeks, and two steps later Steve’s face is close to his, so close their noses are almost touching. Billy hasn’t let go of his sleeve.
“I can’t do it, Billy,” Steve says. “Can't do this without you. You’re— You’re too important.”
There’s something inside Billy that breaks open. Something old and jagged, rusted over and buried deep, that tore at him every time he moved. Steve puts his lips on Billy’s cheek and kisses the salt away, rests their foreheads together so they can share a breath. Billy does open his fist, then, and it’s stiff, but he closes it again on the back of Steve’s jacket with his other hand, drawing him in.
He can’t say anything. He’s afraid of what his voice will sound like if he tries. So he just presses his lips to Steve’s, nudges them open carefully, slowly, slips his tongue inside to feel the taste he’s been dreaming about for the last three weeks, shuddering at the sensation of Steve’s teeth nibbling at his lip.
Billy chases Steve’s lips when he pulls back, steals another kiss, then locks his knees around Steve’s hips so he can’t go too far. They stay there, faces close, voices low.
“Tell me you mean it,” Billy says, eyes searching. Once upon a time he had the fleeting thought he could see his whole life stretch out in the brown of Steve’s eyes, and he’s clinging with everything he has to the belief he wasn’t wrong.
“I'm coming with you,” Steve promises. “To California, or like, wherever. I’ll get a job somewhere. It doesn’t matter. I’m not leaving you again.”
Billy nods, and doesn’t dare blink.
“Okay, pretty boy. ’s you and me.”
There’s a voice, mean and raspy, in the back of his head, that’s saying you think you deserve this, you piece of shit? you’re gonna drive him away just like last time
But Steve snuffs it out like a candle, effortlessly and without even noticing, when he huffs a laugh against Billy’s face, laying a sweet kiss on his cheek.
“Are you going to let me drive the Camaro on the way there?”
And Billy can’t let Steve get these ideas in his head, so he just kisses him quiet.
The sun sets, eventually, and the woods close to the quarry come alive. They don’t want to go home, not yet. It feels fragile, this little circle of happiness they made, and neither of them has it in him to move it somewhere else. To get in their separate cars and watch the other drive off. But they can’t see for shit, so they turn on their cars— One set of headlights illuminating the quarry, then two.
"I had to see you" | Version |
This drabble was inspired by the "I had to see you" scene from shameless, but the idea got away from me. I think I'll revisit this in the future, though, so this is Version I.
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lorifragolina · 2 months
Stupid Steve almost missed it
I got another row for @harringrovesummerbingo! I had planned another story for this square, but I was on holiday and saw a shirless guy hiking, and he was so Billy coded... so here you are a sexy sexy Billy, Steve!
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Title: Stupid Steve almost missed it
Square & Prompt: C3 ""Backseat of the Camaro turns out to be smaller than its look like""
Rating: Mature
Word Count: 2374
Major Tags: Billy hiking barely dressed, internalized homofobia
Summary: Steve is a dumb idiot, but don't worry, Billy is patient. Well, more or less patient, but just because Harrington is pretty. And brave, at the end.
Read it in AO3
It was hot, on the Camaro backseat. They opened all the windows but they’re bothered by the street lights. At least, Steve was. Billy was snoring soundly, spreaded against and over him, drooling and fucking transpiring like an oven, that wasn’t really enjoyable in the hot night somewhere in the goddamn Oklahoma. 
Steve tried to close his eyes, squeezed in the backseat, sweating, thinking that they had two days more to drive, and asking himself how the hell he had come here.
Steve threw his classic graduation pool party; he wasn’t as popular as the last few years, of course, but he didn’t want to lose his last opportunity. The party wasn’t as bustling as before, but some of his former best friends were there and he was quite satisfied.
Robin was sucking a strawberry popsicle, switching her glance between Nancy, with her chaste bikini, and Heater, with her lot of teased hair and a red bathsuit, and heart shaped sunglasses.
The party was there too, throwing a ball between themselves in the water, and then, when they got bored, they also began to throw food and ice cubes.
Tommy and Carol were gossiping to each other, drinking beer and smoking, and Jonahan was rolling a joint at Nancy’s side, at the moment.
Billy Hargrove was lying down on a beach chair, a little far from the others, hiding behind his sunglasses, showing a pair of trunks and a smooth, ripped chest.
Hagan offered a beer to Billy and they chatted a little; then when Hagan went away, Billy briefly yelled and bullied his sister and the kids, then sat near the pool, without entering; and finally returned to his chair, sighing. 
The night got darker, they ordered pizza and drank more, the kids got a little bored and sat down at the poolside chatting in a low voice; the older teens too were a little drunk and reunited in little groups, there had been a strange coalition between Tommy, Jonathan and some of the other guys, while the girls gathered around Robin who was share some band gossip, and she appeared really delighted for having all those beautiful women hanging from her lips
Steve too was a little drunk, and a little stoned, the shit Jonathan gave him was really good; he blew the smoke and let his eyes look around.
Billy was still alone in the chair, he saw he briefly played with Max in the water before, but now he was drying there, chilling with a can of beer.
“Hey,” Steve sat in the other chair at Billy’s side, mumbling a little of his words.
“Mmm mmm,” Billy grunted, straightening just a little. 
“Wanna try?” Steve passed the joint to Billy, stretching to him and touching his knee.
Billy grinned and took the joint, keeping his eyes in Steve’s eyes. He saw how the other followed every little move of his lips around the paper, every little quiver of his fingers taking the drag. 
Billy blew the smoke on Steve’s face, squinting his eyelashes and stretching to him. Steve had difficulties to focus, and for a moment he opened his lips and closed his eyes, expectantly. 
Billy put a hand around his neck and Steve suddenly shaked. He flinched, jumping immediately on his feet, and leaving Billy surprised and dazed.
“No… no…” he murmured, running away to the other side of the pool.
Billy snarled his teeth and finished the joint.
It hadn’t been an isolated incident. They had gotten closer to each other during the last months in school. Practices for the championship, the kids doing things outside, the looks, the tries to have normal conversations, until the afternoons when they remained alone together in the locker room, blushing and trying not to look at each other, the shy talks, the compliments, the showers they shared, shivering while playing cool…. Billy notices Steve’s maneuvers and Steve notices Billy’s interest, but none of them did anything… until that moment. 
Billy would die for tucking his hands in Steve’s trunks and Steve felt his limbs melt at the thought of touching Billy’s warm, smooth chest. 
Nonetheless, Steve ran away. 
Billy tried to approach him a couple days after, leaving Max at the arcade. He waited a little, leaning on the Camaro, until Steve made visual contact.
“Hey princess,” he slammed Steve, who looked away, visibly uncomfortable.
Steve just grunted. Billy came closer.
Steve looked around, biting his lips.
“Want to go somewhere more private?” Whispered Billy with a giggle. 
Billy touched his arm softly. 
“To end what we began yesterday”, he grinned, but he had to witness how the color went away from his face. 
“Yesterday? No, you’re wrong. I didn’t…” he muttered, and backed up to put space between them. He looked around again and saw the kids near the entrance of the arcade, so he turned back and reached his car.
“Were you talking with Billy?” Billy heard Max asking.
Steve giggled nervously. “Me? Oh, no, not at all”.
Billy threw away the cig butt and slammed the Camaro door.
A mouth passed and they barely saw each other, and they didn’t exchange a word anymore. Steve knew that Billy was working in the community pool and had avoided it with special care. He felt regretful, sometimes, but most of the time he just tried to shoo the thought and tell himself that it didn’t go anywhere. 
That day, he went to collect the kids at the quarry, after work. He parked the car and started to climb down the trail to find them, when he stopped suddenly, in the middle of a step. 
Not that Billy wasn’t beautiful every day, and not that he never saw him that way, but the time passed and the circumstances made him desire to sink in the ground.
Billy was walking up on the same path, and stopped in turn, putting a hot smile on, and a hand on his hip.
He was shirtless, and the shorts he was wearing rested on his hips a little lower that decency wanted. It seemed that he had worked out every single way, because his as usual waxed chest was more ripped and Steve could see every little muscle under his skin, including those indecent little arrows on his stomach hiding in the short’s belt. The upper part of his happy trail was on display under his navel, and Steve almost fainted, feeling his blood leaving all his vital organs and painfully coming to his crotch.
He felt stupid. He was drooling for that body almost all year and he tried to deny it. And he felt bold too, now he was in front of that masterpiece all alone and he wanted to drop on his knees and beg, and praise, and maybe suck…
“Hey pretty boy,” whispered Billy. 
Steve opened his mouth to say something, but after a rustle at his right, another man came out of the bushes at the side of the road.
“Hey blondie…” the other man greeted Billy, coming nearer to him and looking at him as he couldn’t see anything else. 
Billy licked his lips and smiled at him, and then returned to Steve. 
“Hey princess, meet Aaron. He is… my friend,” he grinned saying that, and Aaron giggled too. He was pretty similar to Billy, only a little taller and bald, his shorts with an indecent low waist, shirtless, neat and muscled.
“Nice to meet you,” he said, without shaking his hand, and Steve was astonished enough to forget how to move. 
Aaron brushed his face on Billy’s neck and Steve saw his hand slipping sloppily on Billy’s hips and bottom. 
Billy smiled sensually, and grinned at Steve.
“Well, we have to go, pretty boy,” he said, passing Steve and keeping climbing the path. 
Steve didn’t dare move and stayed there for several minutes, hearing their steps on the pebbles, their chatting and the rumble in his ears. He felt a stupid. A dumb, idiot, stupid douchebag. 
It was evident from the hickeys on Billy’s neck that he moved on before himself.
Steve was setting the place for the 4th of July barbecue when he heard Max’s voice behind him and freeze. Of course, he tried to ignore the intrusive thought when Max said she wouldn’t need a lift for coming to the barbecue near the lake. She said she would go with El so he had simply hoped that Hopper drove them, or maybe Lucas’ mother. 
But when he heard Max bickering with Billy, and his sarcastic laugh, he knew he was wrong. And he had to face the thought that maybe he was there with that erotic, half naked friend of his.
But Billy was alone and avoided him, at first. He put the drinks in the pile and lit a cig, rambling with Sinclair, Max and Mike, but Steve knew that when he paused his grumbles, he was looking at him. 
Steve stepped at Billy's side, casually, checking the burgers or something similar.
“Where is your friend? Aaron, right?” He asked, trying to stay cool, but with a strange high pitch in his voice.
Billy took a drag and grinned. “There is no friend, Harrington.”
“Oh, too bad,” Steve internally cheered up, and couldn’t hide his smile completely. “What’s happened?”
Billy waited a little to answer, finishing his cig and throwing the butt away. “He was too much of a bitch. Don’t be sad for me, princess”, Billy scoffed and went away a few steps, promptly taking a new cig and sitting on a chair, leg spreaded and sunglasses on. 
Steve felt his face hot and his hands shaking a little. 
Jane came near to him, putting the salad on the table next to the grill. 
“He said that he has to get rid of us,” she said without looking at Steve. “That we are brats and an inconvenience and he didn’t want us around.”
“I’m sorry, what?” Steve was confused and he didn’t understand a word.
“That guy… Aaron”.
“Did you meet him?”
Jane nodded. “Yes. They were holding hands. And he said he or us and Billy said him to fuck off”.
Jane shrugged and went away. Steve was, once again, startled. Had Billy dumped that hot sexy guy who held his hand in public in favor of the party?
Steve swallowed his pride and reached Billy, dragging a chair at his side.
“God I just wanted five minutes of silence, thanks sweet Jesus,” muttered Billy, in a low voice, but not so low that Steve couldn't hear him.
“Wow you’re in a kind of a mood, aren’t you?”
Billy lowered the sunglasses, looking sharply at him. “I use to feel moody when I don’t fuck enough,” he snapped, enjoying the blush on Steve’s cheeks. 
“Wow, so if you fuck tonight you will be in a better mood?” said Steve, confused.
“I’ll tell you tomorrow morning if you wanna try”.
Steve jumps back as he burns. 
“N… No, I… I meant…”
Billy shrugged and stood on his feet. “I knew,” he scoffed, going away.
“Where are you going?” Steve sighed desperately.
“You’re not the only fish in the sea,” Billy answered harshly and walked to the car parking.
Steve opened his mouth wide, completely blanked out.
“Jesus Christ, Steve, if you don’t go, I’ll go,” snapped Jonathan, scaring him, with a disgusted and annoyed look.
Billy was near the Camaro, about to take off his sleeveless shirt, when Steve reached him, and he knew he couldn’t be clear headed if he did.
“So you’ll call Aaron?” He said the first thing that came to mind, and he immediately felt stupid.
Billy looked sharply at him, thinking he was an idiot. “No, Aaron wasn’t the one I’m searching for”.
“What are you searching for?”
“Why, Harrington?”
“I… I just want to know. Maybe I…”
Billy interrupted him, clicking his tongue. “No. I don't want a one night stand. I want a boyfriend. Yes, a boyfriend, Harringron,” he reacted to Steve’s surprised look. Billy lowered his eyes. “A boyfriend that loves my friends and doesn’t be afraid to hold my hand in public,” he murmured, while Steve blushed again. “I want to go now, if you…”
“I want to hold your hand in public,” said Steve suddenly. Billy scoffed.
“Yeah, and until when? Until mum and dad ask you for your girl? Until you see the disgusted look of Curly or when someone calls you faggot in the street?”
“I just need… time”.
“I’ve already been in the closet and I don’t want to return in it,” Billy turned his back to Steve. “And anyway, I haven’t time, I’ll leave for California any day,” he sat in the car and left, before Steve could even react.
“I told them!” Steve ran to Billy in the arcade parking lot, jumping off Jonathan’s van along with the kids. He faced Billy proudly and with a satisfied look.
“Are you nuts, Harrington? What are you talking about?”
“I told my parents I have a… a boyfriend,” his voice trembled a little. The kids gasped behind him.
“Oh, congrats, and I know him?” grinned Billy, without skipping a beat.
Steve looked at the ground. “I told them I want to go to California with you,” he whispered. Billy raised an eyebrow, and Steve took his hand and squeezed it. 
Billy looked with the corner of his eyes the party, including Max and Jane, and Jonathan, waiting holding their breaths. 
“There’s no second thoughts,” insisted Billy.
Steve took from his pocket a bundle of money. “I sold the Beamer ''.
Billy smiled and blinked a couple of times.
He cupped Steve’s face and leant to kiss him. 
The kids cheered and clapped behind them.
And so, now they were there, squeezed in the backseat of the Camaro. It was big enough when they were caught in the heat of the passion, having sex one on the top of the other; but it was a little hasty when they decided to sleep in the car for the first day, to save some money, a. Steve wanted to slip on the front seat, but it turned out that Billy was surprisingly clingy and heavy. 
Steve sat back, sighing, and closed his eyes again.
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metalmonki · 9 months
The Dating Odyssey: Eddie
Eddie Munson/Billy Hargrove/Steve Harrington/Jim Hopper/Jonathan Byers x fem!reader
3.5k word count
fluff, idiot reader, reader who can't say no, choose your own adventure-ish
Part 1 / Steve's Ending / Jim's Ending / Billy's Ending / Jonathan's Ending
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That night you had a fitful sleep. You couldn’t stop thinking about who you would choose and how you were supposed to let the other guys know you weren’t interested. You gave up trying to get any decent sort of sleep at 4am. You instead choose to hop up and get ready for work. You showered, dressed, had breakfast and your morning coffee and waited for the time to roll around for you to go to work. When they time finally rolled around you collected all the essays Carol left you to mark and packed them into your bag. A smile playing on your face. You couldn't wait to see her reaction when all her students got A's it was also a great distraction to the current situation. You grinned as you made the quick walk from your apartment to your car. The whole drive to Hawkins High you kept glancing over your bag. If Eddies plan worked and this landed Carol in hot water you would have to find a way to thank him. When you reached the school you quickly grabbed your bag and hurried through the doors. You had not taken 5 steps inside when you were stopped by a voice behind you.
“Ah Miss y/l/n just who I wanted to see”
“Of Principle Higgins sir how can I help you?” You turned around facing him
“I need you to cover Miss Perkins English classes today she has come down sick and can't make it”
“Oh I would be delighted to sir” You smiled a little too excited
“Okay well her classes rotate with yours so you should be fine let me know if you need any help” Principle Higgins walked off towards his office
Taking Carols classes meant you weren't going to be leaving early today like a normal Monday but at least you could pull off Eddies plan without Carol knowing until it was way, way too late to change anything. You were so going to have to track him down after school let out to tell him though, he was going to freak out. You headed off to your classroom to begin setting up for the day. You knew you were going to need to use your time this morning as well as recces and some of lunch to make sure all the classes went smoothly. The bell rang at 8:30 and most of the students filled into your room. Actually it was almost all of the students except of course the usual suspects Lucas, Dustin, Mike, Will and Max. About 5 minutes into your lesson the classroom door slammed open and all 5 of them came crashing into the class tripping over each other, yelling and screaming.
“Oh hay y/n, uh sorry we're late we all kinda slept in” Dustin spoke up
“You all slept in? I find that hard to believe” You crossed your arms trying to be serious but at the same time wanted to laugh at them
“Yeah, we were playing DnD at Eddies trailer like all day yesterday and it got super late so Eddie let us stay because his a really nice guy like that and anyway as I said he let us stay overnight and we all really slept in and it's like extremely difficult to wake Eddie up cause he sleeps almost completely naked and none of us really wanted to go wake him so we had to flip a coin and Mike lost but he was way to much of a wuss to go into Eddies room so...”
“Dustin, Dustin, ssh just take a seat and see me after class, way to much information dude geez” it took all your strength not to laugh and the image of an almost naked Eddie wasn't helping either.
The party apologised and took their seats while you resumed the lesson. Today's lesson was a practical lesson. After you re-explained the instruction everyone broke off into their lab groups to do the experiment. Many of the other students where whispering amongst each other about Dustin using your first name and the casualness between the group and you. The obvious concern was if their all friends with the teacher does that mean the teacher will give them an easy pass. But just because they were your students and you guessed your friends doesn't mean they were going to get an easy pass. Senior science passed quickly but before you could move on to Eddies plan you needed to speak with Dustin and the others. The group remained seated and waited for all the other students to file out of the classroom before saying anything.
“Hay we're really sorry for being late to class it wont' happen again” Mike spoke up when the last student left the class
“I don't care about that” You said “Just try not to make me almost burst out laughing in front of my class again”
“We can do that” Lucas smiled
“Great whose class do you have next?”
“Carols english class” Dustin rolled his eyes
“Oh sweet so I'm teaching her class today so I won't have to write you guys a note, I just have one quick guestion”
“Sweet best teacher her” Max cheered
“Whats your question?” Mike asked
“Where does Eddie live?”
“He has the trailer across from Max out at the trailer park” Will spoke up
“We're headed out to Max's after school if you want us to show you?” Dustin offered
“Yeah sure I'll drive yous but uh someone may need to sit on the floor or the back seat will be very crowded”
“Oh Eddies going to pick us up so we can split between the cars” Dustin said
“I am so going with y/n I am not getting in the back of Eddies van again” Max said
The kids slung their bags over there shoulders and you all began walking in one large group to the next class room. Once they were seated you retrieved the large pile of essays from your bag. As you called the roll you had them come up and collect their essays. Whispers broke out all over the classroom as students started to realise they all got As. You had a small giggle at their excitement before calming them down and explain the class for the day. It was simple read the next few chapters in the book they had been reading and answer a simple question for homework or they could do it during class if they had time. When the recces bell range you were super excited about the rest of the day and how the rest of the students would react to their As. Recces was spent preparing for your next science lesson and picking chapters and questions for the next 2 English classes. The science lesson went by in a blur due to your excitement to get to the next English lesson. You may have been more excited and moved faster then your students when the bell rang to signal the end of class. Normally this is the point of the day where you would be headed to the staff room to finalize your paperwork for the day so you could leave at lunch time. But instead you had 3 more English classes all of which you decided to keep simple. Read the chapters answer the question. Most of Carols students wouldn't be taking home homework tonight if they worked fast enough. You took a seat at the teachers desk called for silence and began calling names and handing out essays. Just like before the As were met with excited whispers. Rinse and repeat until the last bell of the day sounded. A smirk broke out on your face as you raced to pack your bag and get out of there for the day. When you entered the hallway you were met with a commotion.
“Excuse me! Coming through! Move people move!” Dustin's voice rang out down the hall
Soon the group of misfit teens stood before you Dustin in the lead.
“You lot ready to go” You laughed
“Been ready to leave since I walked in this morning” Dustin threw him arms around in over exaggerated movements
“Great I just need to drop some stuff in the office and we'll be good to go if someone wants to go let Eddie know the plans” You looked between the kids
“I'll go” Dustin said running off
You shook your head at the boy and started towards the office with the others trailing behind you. They all apparently wanted to go in your car because they didn't trust Eddies driving, not to mention his van didn't have any seats in the back. You made your way quickly to the office, dropped all your paperwork on your desk and left before anyone could pull you up. You quickly made your way to the school parking lot the group still chatting away behind you. They always seemed to have something to chat about. You'd even noticed them passing letters in class but you never pulled them up on it because the always done there work and it didn't really seem like much of a distraction. You opened the doors to the parking lot to find Eddie conveniently parked next to your car. Dustin had already climbed into Eddies van and was impatiently yelling at you all out the window. You and the kids basically jogged over to your car. You opened up the car from them before quickly turning to Eddie who was standing patiently beside his van.
“Hay Munson” You smiled
“Hay y/l/n did the plan work?” Eddie had an evil smirk
“Thats for me to know and you to find out, now get in that death trap and lead the way” You laughed climbing into your car.
Eddie quickled climbed into his van and roared the engine to life. He speed out of the parking lot, leaving you to curse and try to speed to keep up with him. The last thing you needed was a speeding ticket or worse to be pulled over by the sheriff. But you made it to the trailer park without incident. Eddie brought his van to a stop outside what you guessed to be his trailer. You pulled up alongside the van. The teens immediately started falling over each other to get out of the car. Once out they ran screaming at each other to a trailer almost directly across from the one you were park outside of.
“I'm guessing that's Max's place?” You said to Eddie
“It sure is, and this is my castle” Eddie stretched his arms out while looking at his trailer “So sweetheart is there a reason you wanted to know where I lived?” Eddie smirked at you
“Oh well I wanted to come tell you how your plan worked out”
Eddie motioned to the front door of the trailer. He went first holding open the front door like a gentleman. Someone had really raised this man right. You stepped into Eddie trailer and couldn't help but look around. You found yourself stood in Eddies open lounge and kitchen area. The walls where decorated with mugs and caps. His uncle Wayne's he told you when he noticed you look. He guided you down the hallway that stood just off the kitchen. The hallway was small and had only two other doors in it. One lead to a tiny bathroom and the other was Eddie's room. And it was exactly what you thought Eddies room would look like. The guitar he played the other night hung on the wall next to a mirror that was almost covered in everything heavy metal. He had heavy metal band posters on the walls and a recorder player with a large pile of records and cassettes next to it. The room was a messy, the bed unmade. It truly matched the man that lived in it.
“I thought you said your Uncle lived here too?” You said
“Oh he sleeps on the couch, his never really home anyway his always working” Eddie shrugged “Now how did our plan go?”
You gave Eddie a big grin before jumping at him. Eddie despite being taken by surprise was able to react fast enough to catch you wrapped his arms under you butt to hold you up. You wrapped your arms around his neck and your legs around his waist.
“It worked perfectly Eds!” You giggled “And guess what Carol wasn't even there today so she had no idea what's just happened”
“Yeah Henderson wouldn't shut up about his A” Eddie chuckled
You stopped giggling and moved back from Eddie. He placed you gently on the floor but kept you in his arms. One of his hands came up to move a stray hair away from your face. Before you could react his lips where on yours. The kiss was full of love and passion. You found your hands moving back around Eddies neck and coming to a rest in his wild curly hair. His arms where wrapped around you waist holding you firmly against him. You never wanted that kiss to end. There was something in that kiss, something that seemed to make your decision for you. Your heart wanted Eddie but your brain was screaming at you that you couldn't go into a relationship with Eddie built on lies. You needed to tell him about the other dates. Steve was right they all deserved to know. You broke the kiss. You pulled back and looked up at Eddie.
“I'm sorry I couldn't help myself” Eddie blushed
“No Eddie I'm sorry” You sighed looking down to the carpet not wanting to face the man in front of you. The man whose heart you were probably about to shatter.
“You've done nothing wrong” Eddie placed a finger under your chin forcing you to look up at him.
“I lied to you Eddie” Your eyes started to fill with tears.
“Lied? About what?” Eddie tried to chuckle
“I did go on a date with Jonathan” You said “And with Steve”
“Shit, shit, shit” Eddie put his hands on his head and turned away from you
“I'm sorry Eds, I also went on a date with Billy and Hop over the weekend too” Might as well give him the whole picture you thought
“4 other dates, Jesus Christ!” Eddie was trying to keep his voice down but he was now pacing his room “I...I need time to think”
Eddie took off out of his trailer leaving you alone. You heard his van roar to life. The sound tear your heart to shreds. You fought back the tears that were about to fall and left Eddies trailer. You walked across the road to Max's trailer. You could see the teens peeking out a window clearly interested in what was happening between you and Eddie. But when they seen him speed off and you come walking out on your own they quickly ducked away from the window clearly not wanting to get caught. You knocked on the door of Max's trailer and she was super quick to answer.
“Oh y/n your still here” Max tried to act like she hadn't just seen you walk across the road from Eddies
“Yeah, uh, I'm actually about to head off and just wanted to see if anyone here needed a lift home” You said trying to sound happy
“No we're good here, Steve and Nancy where going to give us all lifts home” Dustin called out
“No problems, see you at school tomorrow” You called back
You waved to Max and made your way back to your car. You made the drive back to your apartment slow. So slow in fact that you got pulled over by none other then the sheriff himself. You cursed silently to yourself and wiped at the tears that had stained your face. You pulled the car over safety, Hop pulling in close behind you. Hopped climbed out of his car and walked towards your face head down not paying attention writing something in a note book. He only looked up when he got to your car.
“You do realise you were driving way below the speed limit right?” He said looking up “y/n what are you doing all the way out here?”
“Breaking hearts apparently” You sniffled
“Oh hay honey what's the matter?” Hop opened your car door and kneeled down beside you
“I just told Eddie Munson that I went on dates with not only him but you and 3 other guys this weekend” You spilled out before you could stop your self.
“Oh well that's impressive” Hop chuckled
“Your not mad”
“Oh I'm fricken' furious” Hop stood up “But ain't much I can do about it, just try to go the speed limit” Hop slammed your door a little too hard before walking back to his patrol car.
You sat in silence for a few minutes gathering your thoughts before starting on your way back home. Just as you pulled into your parking spot out the front of your building it started to pour down. Just what you needed you thought. The weather was just as miserable as you. You sat in your car and watched the rain run down the windscreen. You left your umbrella inside and you really didn't feel like getting wet. The plan was to wait for a break in the rain then make a run for it. You sat in your car for almost an hour with no signs of the rain stopping. It was then that you spotted a familiar mop of curly hair. Except the usually wild bouncy curl's where now soaked and flat clinging to the face of their owner. Eddie Munson was running through the rain and right to your door. He didn't see you sitting in the car. Instead he ran straight past and under the small amount of cover the front awning of your building provided. He rang the buzzer for your apartment and waited. You sat in shock, your brain racing to process what your eyes were seeing. Eddie pressed your buzzer a few more times but when there came no answer he dropped his shoulders and walked back out into the rain. You couldn't let him leave, you needed to apologise for everything, you needed to try to make things right. In one swift movement you were out of the car and standing on the side walk. Eddie had his back to you, walking slowly away.
“Eddie!” You shouted
Eddie spun on his heels. He jogged back over to you while you stood frozen in the rain. It was like a scene from a sappy romantic movie.
“You didn't answer the door” Eddie said coming to a stop in front of you
“I was sitting in my car” You said pointing to your car
“Look y/n I'm so sorry for everything” Eddie grabbed your hands “I love you, you drive me crazy in all the best ways, I want to be with you, I want to be yours and only yours forever, I spoke to Steve, Jonathan and Billy, I told them what you did and I told them I wouldn't force you to pick and they shouldn't either. It should be up to you. I don't know why you choose to go on so many dates, I don't know if you even liked any of us to begin with, I don't know if you love me as much as I love you, or if you want to be with me or if you've chosen someone else. All I do know is I couldn't let you go without tell you exactly how I feel”
You didn't know how to responded to Eddies speech. You didn't think there was any words good enough to say to something like that, so you did the one thing you knew would get across what you were feeling. You wrapped your arms around Eddie neck and pulled him into a kiss. Something Eddie accepted without delay. He wrapped his arms around your waist pulling you flush against him. Your lips moved perfectly together like two pieces of a puzzle. You were both completely soaked by this point but neither of your cared. Anyone walking past would think you were trying to completely every romantic cliché ever invented. You eventually pulled apart trying to fill your lungs with much needed air. Eddie smiled down at you still holding you in his arms. This all felt so right. You knew you found the one for you.
“Do you want to come inside and have a hot shower?” You asked
“That would be wonderful it's freezing out here” Eddie laughed as you ran to the front door of youe apartment.
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the-lark-ascending69 · 4 months
People i want my babygirl Robin to be bullied by:
Billy: obvious option but not less delicious. He's the worst person you've ever met. He probably has no qualms hitting women. Gross disgusting bastard who probably finds Robin both pathetic and arousing. Wouldn't go out of his way to stalk her but he'd have fun cornering her and whispering some really sick comments into her ear while she's paralized by fear if he finds her. His violence is more psychological than physical most times, but if she ever tries to run or fight or do anything else than stay really still and hope he gets bored and leave, he'd grab her by the back of her neck and shake her like a dog. Possibly smelled her homosexuality from a mile away and decided he wanted to "fix her" in the way that's most personally entertaining for him, but he never gets that far. Doesn't make Robin less scared, tho.
Jason: Slightly less obvious option but arguably more compelling than Billy even. Satanic panic idiot, popular boy, respected by the community, dead girlfriend. WOULD get physically violent with Robin much faster than Billy if she and Chrissy were friends. Terrorizing Robin has less to do with his own pleasure and more with incontrollable rage and hatred. Possibly thinks Robin preyed on Chrissy. Has no interest in "fixing" her. He wants to cleanse Hawkins of all traces of her. He wants her in the bottom of the lake.
Nancy: now, don't get me wrong, Nancy loves Robin. She adores her. The way Robin makes Nancy feel is absolutely maddening. Nancy doesn't know what to do with all this feeling - it's dangerous and devastating and terrifying, and it means the final death of the girl she used to think she was. The end of her last tether to normalcy. And Robin is at fault. Because Robin is not normal. And becoming so close with such a freak had been risky. Oh, god, she liked women. How could a woman like women? What was there to like, other than their soft hair and delicate hands and sweet voice? It made no sense. It was inverse, it was - it didn't work like that. Of course, she never goes as far as Billy or Jason. She never yells or threatens or goes out of her way to hurt Robin. But she hurts her nonetheless. She avoids her, for one, and when she can't avoid her, she tells her to keep quiet. To let her do the talking. She ignores Robin when she tries to speak to her and replies to Steve instead - as if Robin were a kid and Steve was the responsible adult looking after her. Robin doesn't understand why her friend is suddenly treating her like this. It started when she told Nancy the truth about her, and she'd reacted awkwardly, sure, and the whole pulling away was something she half expected - no one wants to be friends with a lesbian - but the way she treated her otherwise... it didn't just seem like she was uncomfortable with her. It sounded like she was sick of her. Like she'd realized what a pathetic joke of a person Robin was and couldn't help but feel disgust and frustration whenever she saw her. Like she couldn't help but take it out on her. Suddenly Nancy was telling her to shut up while Robin tried to tell her about an important good idea, or about her feelings, or about anything, really. Suddenly Nancy was pulling her away from the group to secretly tell her she couldn't stay in her house, despite everyone else being there. She offers her an uncomfortable fake smile and lies to her and says something along the lines of her mother suspecting Robin is a queer, and Nancy not wanting her to find out. And Robin knows Nancy is a bad liar, but she feels a shiver run down her spine, scared of the hidden half-truth. She asks Nancy if she's serious. Nancy shrugs, and maybe she tells her she doesn't feel comfortable letting her sleep in the basement with the rest when Max and El are there. She knows Robin will understand. She knows Steve can drop her off at her house or something. But then Robin panics and her eyes water and she tries to talk to Nancy so hard and she just... grabs Nancy's hand, begging her to please, please look at her and listen to her, she doesn't want this. And then a hot pain hits her cheek, and it dawns on her that Nancy just slapped her. Let me go, she says, because Robin is still holding her hand, and Robin mumbles a soft Nance, before she slaps her again. She lets go. No one had ever hit her before. Steve drives her to her house and she stays quiet during the whole ride, eyes still watery, despite Steve's questioning. She absently looks out the window. She doesn't want to speak ever again.
Steve: bet you didn't expect this one. Well, neither did Robin, but a lot of things change after he gets back together with Nancy. Things were normal at first - best of friends, closer than siblings. Nancy wasn't even mad that he spent so much time with Robin. But everything fell apart when Robin confessed her second great secret to Steve, and she was an idiot, of course she was - you didn't say these things to your friend. What kind of person does that? She deserved everything that happened after. She deserved it when Steve looked at her with disgust. She deserved it when he got angry at her, when they fought, and she would later regret defending herself - it didn't matter if she felt like this long before he got back together with Nancy. It didn't matter that he'd told her he didn't love her anymore. None of that mattered because the rules were different for Robin, and for this, she couldn't be forgiven. Suddenly Steve was cold towards her. Suddenly he stopped insisting that they all hang out together, and when sharing a space became inevitable, he acted distant. Protective of Nancy. He observed Robin through the corner of his eye while holding Nancy close to his chest, and it made Robin feel like an animal. Like she should somehow be in jail. But if losing Nancy hurt, losing Steve destroyed her, and she tried to talk to him - always her and her stupid mouth - she talked and talked and he and Nancy just looked at her with so much contempt, that she couldn't help but start crying. And she tries to approach Nancy, tries to talk to her, and it happens so quickly - Nancy tenses up, Steve presses his hand against Robin's chest and roughly pushes her back, making her almost lose her balance. Robin desperately tries to step forward, but he pushes her back again, now he's coming forward, getting into her space in a way that makes Robin feel disgustingly mannish - who treats a woman like this? - when he shoves her back once more and tells her to quit being a creep around his girl. And Robin can't believe her ears, she can't believe this is Steve, her brother, talking to her like this, but his eyes are hard and cold, and Robin feels so inhuman under his gaze.
Now she has no one to help her if Billy or Jason get their hands on her.
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freshfromhell · 2 months
y'all here's some deep lore: when i was young my abusive father was VIOLENTLY racist and my best friends growing up weren't white so obviously i found out about this VERY early in life. he would taunt and yell slurs at me as early as six over mentioning specific music and having a black friend. (guess what he called me guys lmao)
so OBVIOUSLY when the st fandom went nuclear over billy hargrove being racist i was pretty confused, because I had just assumed his father was the racist one and he was just trying to keep lucas away from max to spare her and prevent a racist explosion in the household. it didn't really occur to me that billy could be the racist one 😭 I just figured HE PLAYED BASKETBALL FFS. HOW can he be racist and enjoy basketball in multi-racial california (even if san diego (or wherever he's from) is predominantly white) in the year 1984???? like.............
anyway, yes, I am a naive idiot, and my headcanon is billy hargrove isn't even radically racist or w/e, he's just a regular scumbag lmao
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bigdumbbambieyes · 2 years
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after their first big argument as a couple, Steve’s first instinct is to drive to the flower shop on Main Street and pick up some roses.
as always, he practices his apology to himself during the entire drive to Cherry Lane, unsure as to why he’s always the one apologizing when he tries to be a good boyfriend (but somehow always fucks it up).
Billy isn’t home, though. the Camaro is gone from its usual spot and Steve even checks around the back to make sure, and yup, no one is home.
so, he heads to the arcade, where he can see Max, Lucas, and Dustin all chatting-arguing outside as they count their quarters, but Billy isn’t there, either. he’s long gone, probably.
he drives out to the quarry, thinking he’d find his boyfriend there alone, smoking and listening to music, but it’s quiet with no one around.
after driving around Hawkins and not spotting the familiar blue car anywhere, he figures Billy doesn’t want to be found, so he gives up and heads back home.
where he sees the Camaro, backed up in the driveway, with a pissed off Billy leaning against the hood.
“Finally decided to grace me with your presence, King Steve?” Billy sneers around the cigarette he brings to his mouth, taking a drag of it as Steve shuts his car door and looks at him with a twisting mouth.
he wants to tell Billy to shut up about the King Steve shit, but he has an apology to make first, so he takes a deep breath and goes to stand in front of the blond.
he wants to tell Billy to shut up about the King Steve shit, but he has an apology to make first, so he takes a deep breath and goes to stand in front of the blond.
Billy blows smoke out of his nostrils, looking like a dragon ready to go in for the kill, so Steve holds the flowers up between them and watches those blue eyes settle on red petals.
the flowers are smacked out of his hand within half a second, dropping to the ground and Steve stands there like an idiot for another second, his empty hand hovering between them.
until he curls his lip and furrows his brows, yells, “What the hell is your—”
“—the fuck are you giving me flowers for?!” Billy yells back, flicking his cigarette away as he pushes himself off the car and then they’re in each other’s spaces, neither unwilling to back down, staring angrily at each other.
it’s tense. Steve doesn’t feel scared, not when he’s angry like this, because he was ready to fucking apologize so they could move on from this, but then Billy had to be Billy about it and—
there’s a small shift in Billy’s expression, like when spring melts the ice on Lover’s Lake and it cracks. Steve can see the softness underneath Billy’s icy gaze and he feels his jaw unclench.
his hovering hand moves, brushing the back of his fingers down Billy’s forearm, slowly and carefully, like he doesn’t want to spook him.
Billy glances down, takes a moment or two before he mumbles something under his breath that sounds like ‘I’m sorry’ and Steve blinks in surprise.
“What?” he mumbles back clumsily, thinking he hadn’t heard right.
“I said I’m fucking sorry, okay? Jesus.” Billy huffs with a scrunched nose, that anger back like a fire stoked, those stormy eyes once again looking to Steve’s. they’re like a crashing ocean of waves, of raw emotion, and Steve feels unprepared in his little dinghy.
yet, he weathers the storm. he wants to see the clear skies that lay behind it.
“Billy,” he murmurs and grabs his boyfriend’s hand, letting his gaze soften and angry expression melt away, “Why are you apologizing?”
he feels Billy squeeze his hand gently and watches him shift his weight between his feet, always planting them, always bracing for impact. Steve never wants to give him a reason to, but he knows Billy has issues.
just like he does. which is why he bought the stupid flowers in the first place.
but now Billy’s looking at him with confusion and maybe disbelief, like he can’t believe what he’s just heard, and shakes his head. Steve can’t help the way his eye catches on that little blond curl on Billy’s forehead, bouncing lightly with the movement.
“I’m apologizing,” Billy says slowly, not to be patronizing, but like he’s trying to keep himself calm (and that’s new and welcome and something they’ve talked about), “Because I hurt you, Stevie. I…I was being an asshole last night, I overreacted, said shit I knew would hurt you because I was hurting, and…that’s just not fair, right?” he squints his eyes a little, face pinching in thought.
and Steve nods, slowly, because he’s not used to this. everything is always his fault, he’s the bad boyfriend, he’s the one that can’t express his emotions right and would rather just sweep every conflict with his partner under the rug to keep that false sense of stability. if he doesn’t rock the boat, they’ll keep loving him. that’s how it works.
but, not with Billy, no.
Billy wants conflict. craves it, because all he knows is chaos and Steve’s come to recognize that. it’s what happened last night, when he made a dumb joke that landed wrong and he’d immediately apologized but Billy had bit back even harder - harder than he should’ve. it had left Steve alone in his bedroom, hurt and confused as Billy stormed out.
and Steve had been ready to apologize for Billy’s actions to Billy. like an idiot.
“So,” Billy sniffs, wiping at his nose and looking around, down at the ground until he spots the flowers. he bends down, hand still in Steve’s, and grabs the bouquet and hands them back, right against Steve’s chest where a multitude of emotions are swirling and Billy looks him straight in the eye and says, “I’ll do better.”
it’s a promise. a lifelong one, if Steve plays his cards right.
“…thanks,” he whispers, his free hand going up to grab the stems of the cellophane-wrapped roses, because he doesn’t know what to say other than that. he’s never not been to blame before.
but here’s Billy, trying to weather the same storm as him, unaware of his power over the rain and thunder and wind. but he’s trying.
“So,” Billy clears his throat gently, “We okay?”
it makes Steve melt, how soft Billy’s voice is when he asks that, and he gives a nod with a small smile. in an equally soft voice, he requests, “Kiss?”
Billy doesn’t even hesitate; their lips meet quickly yet gently, an ounce of warmth found within the chilly late autumn air. Steve presses into the kiss, closes his eyes to savour it, gripping Billy’s hand in his and feeling a rose’s thorn against his palm in the other. if he was a poet he’d say that was maybe symbolic.
he pulls away and smiles as Billy chases his lips, chuckles almost into his boyfriend’s mouth as he pushes the roses against Billy’s chest, “C’mon, let’s go inside.”
everything is light again, easy. this is resolution, not blissful ignorance. and it’s as sweet as cinnamon. it fills him with sunshine, just like Billy’s smile does.
it makes the conflict worth it. to know that they will fight and make up and promise to be better for each other, every time.
“There he is,” Billy hums playfully, tugging at Steve’s belt while his smile morphs into something a little less innocent, “Let me make it up to you, hm?”
as if Steve would ever say ‘no’ to that.
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schrijverr · 11 months
I Found Myself a Cheerleader 26
Chapter 26 out of 28
Bumped to the lowest step on the social ladder after his fight with Billy, Steve gets roped in with the cheer team. What starts as a favor to help them out when one member breaks her leg in turn for protection from the brunt of the bullying, sets the universe on a different path.
In this chapter, Steve wakes up in the hospital and is caught up on everything that has happened since he passed out by Robin. It sets him on a warpath to get the government to clean this up, unafraid to threaten people that he really shouldn’t be threatening. In the hospital, emotions are still running high and there are more wounds than just the physical to heal.
On AO3.
Ships: steddie & buckingham
Warnings: injury, hospital, eating disorder mention, period typical homophobia mention
Chapter 26: The Setting Things Right
Steve isn’t sure he’s grateful about passing out or not when he wakes up and finds it is the afternoon.
Not that he knows that at first, he just groans and blinks blearily. A white room slowly comes into focus as he tries to remember what the fuck happened for him to get here. Luckily, before he can go into a spiral about Russians, Robin is leaning over him exclaiming: “Thank god, you fucking dingus.”
“Wha’ happened?” Steve croaks, taking the straw Robin offers him gratefully as he takes a sip of water.
“You collapsed at the hospital, because you’re an idiot who doesn’t know how to clean a wound, I mean, really, Steve, toilet paper? You’re lucky you didn’t get an infection,” Robin tells him. “And the blood loss, but it was only a little bit. I know. They had to assure me a thousand times. I’m pretty sure the nurse already hates me.”
Blood loss.
The bats.
“Fuck, Eddie,” Steve says the last part out loud, already trying to get up, because he has to get to Eddie right now. See if he’s okay.
“Steve, Steve, calm down,” Robin yells, pushing him back. “You need to chill for three seconds, please.”
“Is he okay?” Steve pleads, needing to know right now or he’ll loose his mind.
Robin hesitates for a moment, which makes a pit sink into Steve’s stomach. Robin must see his heartbroken expression, because she quickly waves her hands in the air as she assures him: “He’s probably fine. At least the doctors said he has a good chance of waking up, but that’s all we really know, because he’s like still super mega wanted and we’re not family.”
The relief that courses through him is something he can’t describe. Sure, he’s still very worried about Eddie, but he’s alive and he has a good chance. That is much better than anything he could have hoped for when he first saw Eddie in the middle of the swarm.
They still have a chance to do all the things they want to do. The thought makes him feel warm inside, Eddie loves him back.
However, Robin looks a little anxious still. Steve can get that since he fucking collapsed on everyone, so he takes her hand and says: “Hey, we’re okay.”
Robin flinches at the words and doesn’t meet his eyes, which causes all the warmth to disappear and his veins to be flooded by ice. Something else has happened. They’re not okay. With shaky voice he asks: “We’re- We’re okay, right? Robbie?”
“Uhm, Chrissy- Chrissy and Max, they’re- they’re in the hospital too,” Robin tells him, choking on the words. “The basketball team got there and- and they broke Chrissy’s walkman. Max gave her hers while Lucas fought them off, but Chrissy broke an arm and a leg and Max broke both her legs and Lucas has this big black eye.”
Steve is speechless for a second, trying to imagine how scary that must have been. They knew the basketball team was out there, but none of them had really seen them as that big of a threat, but now two of his favorite girls got hurt, not to mention Lucas. God, he must be terrified.
Another thought pops into his head and he asks: “Why aren’t you with Chrissy right now? Not- not I don’t appreciate it, god knows I do, but-”
“Shut the fuck up, Steve,” Robin cuts him off, looking tense and emotional. “Of course I’m going to be here with you, you fucking dingus. You collapsed. It could have been horrible and your wounds could have been infected or something could have gone wrong with your fluids and- Fuck, you’re my best friend, Steve. I’m not going to leave you by yourself. Not when Dustin is sitting outside Eddie’s room like a kicked puppy and Lucas is guarding over Max and Chrissy is being smothered by her mother who want to kill me with their glare-y little eyes.”
If he’s honest, Steve feels like he’s kicked in the solar plexus by her rant. He knows they’re inseparable and he means a lot to her, like she does to him, but it’s nice to hear it anyway.
He squeezes her hand and softly says: “Thank you, Robs. I’m glad your here with me. I’m okay, though, I promise.”
“You better be, I’m not losing you,” Robin tells him, squeezing his hand, before fucking it and just climbing into the bed with him and glomping to him like a suction cup.
“You’re not,” Steve promises her, planning to keep it if he can help it. He never wants to make Robin upset ever again.
They sit in the quiet for a second, before Robin quietly catches him up on everything that has happened since he got to the hospital. She and Nancy destroyed Vecna and had to make a run for it to get through the gate before it closed again. Then Dustin told them where Eddie and Steve had gone, so they walked to the lake where Steve’s car was still parked and took that to the hospital where they ran into Erica and Lucas.
After that it was rushing to get information on everyone, before doctors banned them and waiting until people had woken up. Robin stayed with Chrissy for a little bit, but fled when her parents got there, because they were convinced Robin had lead Chrissy into a life of teen rebellion which had ended in her getting hurt.
A silver lining is that Jason had gotten arrested for assault and illegal possession of a gun, the thundercloud that offset this is that Eddie, while unconscious, is chained to his bed and has a police officer posted outside that isn’t allowing anyone in to see him.
“They think they finally caught him. He’s as good as guilty in their eyes,” Robin says.
Steve seethes. Eddie nearly died to protect his town, was ready to die for these people, who have never cared about him. It’s just wrong.
“I’m gonna fucking clear his name,” Steve says as he sits up. “Get me a nurse so I can get out of here and pennies. I have calls to make.”
“What. Steve, wait. How are you going to do that?” Robin asks, tripping as she follows Steve out of the bed.
His wounds are now stitched instead of taped shut and properly bandaged. After running for his life and fighting with them, walking around is no problem for Steve, especially now that he is on a warpath. He only just got Eddie back into his life, he’s not loosing him to prison over a crime he didn’t commit.
A nurse in the hall recognizes him and gasps: “Mr. Harrington, you should really get back in bed and let us check you over.”
“I feel fine, Miss,” he smiles at her, teeth sharp.
Robin, who is still trailing behind him, worriedly says: “Maybe you should listen to her.”
Steve sighs and asks: “If I get checked out, will you let me go? I’m sure I don’t need further observation, right?”
“Probably not,” the nurse assures him, likely relieved that he’s not walking around with an IV still in his hand.
Indeed doctors and nurses poke at him for a little bit, throughout which Steve white knuckles Robin’s hand, before releasing him. Neither of them are a big fan of doctors or being poked after their stint with the Russians.
Once officially free, Steve powers onto his car. He knows that if he takes a moment to stop, he’ll crash and they’re not done yet. He can’t crash. Robin, while concerned about him, does nothing to stop him, instead tagging along with him as he drives to his cabin.
She is still a little quiet, but she keeps up a steady enough stream off chatter that Steve doesn’t feel like he is going to vibrate out of his mind. Without Robin, he doesn’t know where he’d be.
When they arrive to his cabin, it’s still in disarray just like they left it what feels like ages ago, but is only a three days ago. It’s like a punch in the gut, to see his safe space like this. Another thing the Upside Down has taken from him. God, these fuckers are going to pay.
He ignores the overturned chair and open drawers, as well as all the stuff that is spread around on the floor as he makes his way to the room he frequents the least.
Hopper’s old room had been spared most of the damage, which Steve is grateful for. It is the one thing he is able to do for El, he’s not going to fail her by letting some stupid hooligans ruin it. But there is still some chaos and he hopes that what he is looking for, is still there.
Carefully he closes a few opened drawers, until he comes to the bottom of the nightstand. He takes out the bible lying there, one of the few things that has remained unharmed, and opens it up. In it a piece of paper with a phone number on it still resides.
“What’s that?” Robin asks curiously.
“A phone number of an important person at the ministry of defense,” Steve informs her with a sharp grin.
Robin’s eyes grow wide and she tries to stop him as he attempts to leave Hopper’s room. “Whoa, whoa, whoa, wait a second, Steve. Isn’t that dangerous? Maybe you shouldn’t be picking fights with people like that?”
“Don’t worry, I know what I’m doing,” Steve tells her. “But you can walk away and not know anything, that’s fine. Totally fine. Robs, I don’t want you to put yourself in danger over me. Just go sit o the porch and I’ll be there.”
“No,” Robin says, squaring her shoulders in a way that is similar to Starcourt, when she refused to leave him to hold the door alone. She gives him a shaky smile and goes on: “I’m not leaving you, dingus. You can’t pick a fight with the government without me.”
Steve grins back to her at that and goes to get the phone. He sits through a few rounds of bureaucracy before the person he needs to speak to picks up. Pleasantly, he greets: “Hello, you’re speaking with Steve Harrington.”
“Why should I care?” the gruff voice of the military commander returns. Good, military men often aren’t familiar with the shark businessmen Steve grew up with
“You don’t know who I am?” he exclaims, making his voice sound surprised, but still light. “I am a Hawkins residence. I don’t know if you are aware of what has been going on in this town, but it isn’t great and I know no one in your position would be happy if anyone, let’s say the press, happened to find out about. Remember how awkward it was when the rumors about Barbra Holland went around?”
“I don’t think you want to be playing this game, boy,” the man on the other end says. “You have no idea who you’re messing with.”
“Oh, but I know exactly who I’m messing with,” Steve informs him, cheerily, before letting his voice go cold. “And you don’t scare me. I got a witness listening, they know you’ve threatened me and if anything happens to me, they’ll come for you.”
Steve doesn’t actually know if Robin would, but she nods at him when he sends her a look. He has told her to be quiet and she is luckily listening.
“It’s not hard to find out who this witness is,” the military commander says.
“Maybe, maybe not,” Steve says. “But that doesn’t take away that six other people also know what I’m doing right now and this is a small town. People will talk if all eight of us were to disappear. And there are also the letters of course.”
“The letters?” the man asks, sounding less sure now.
“Yes, the letters,” Steve repeats. “I wrote them, detailing all that has really gone down since the lab set up shop here. I was in the base itself under Starcourt, I give details not released to the press. I know everything. They’re copied and multiple people have them ready to send to the press should anything – and I mean anything – happen to us. If I die in a car accident, you better make sure it’s airtight as an accident if you don’t want shit to happen.”
“Okay, I get your point, you think you can touch us,” the man huffs. “There must be a reason for you calling. Get to the point.”
Good, Steve thinks, he has hyped himself up enough to make the man nervous about what his demands might be. They’re going to be so low ball that he’s going to be relieved and just give in like it’s nothing.
“Eddie Munson is currently held in the hospital, he’s innocent of the murders. Clear his name,” Steve says. “Me, Max Mayfield and Chrissy Cunningham got injured along with Eddie. Pay our hospital bills. Compensate anyone involved. And I want Sam Wilson on this.”
“That’s it?” the man asks, surprised.
“Yes, that’s it,” Steve says. “I don’t ask for much and I’m not unreasonable. You have power, I know that, but me and my friends just went through hell for your mistakes, we’re not just going to let it cost us more.”
“I’ll see what I can do,” the man promises.
“Not good enough,” Steve says. “I’m gonna go back to the hospital and make sure my friends are okay. If Eddie is not out of those handcuffs by tomorrow midnight, I’m going through with my threats. Don’t test me.”
Then he hangs up, not giving the man a chance to reply. He’s not willing to negotiate on this and he’s not letting them try.
It’s quiet for a second, the Robin softly says: “Holy shit, dingus. You were almost like cool right now.”
“Oh shut up,” he grins. “Let’s just get back to the hospital, I wanna make sure everyone is okay.”
“Can we go by the store on the way there?” Robin asks. “The hospital has terrible food and I promised Chrissy a picnic, even if we can’t go out, I’m not breaking that promise to her.”
Steve melts a little at that. Robin might be nervous about it all, but she has all the right building blocks to be a great girlfriend, with time and more confidence, she can be a real heart breaker. But Steve would prefer it if she and Chrissy are happy together. “Of course,” he says.
She brightens and skips to his car, getting in the front seat. Steve smiles at her back, things are looking up again and seeing her happy settles something in his chest. Like he can finally let all this shit go to focus on his friends and their well being.
As he slides into the car, Robin suddenly says: “I didn’t know you had those letters. Why didn’t you give me one.”
“Oh, I don’t have them,” Steve replies. “We probably should pick up some pens and paper so I can do that, eh?”
“Oh my god, Steve, are you insane?” Robin shrieks, spending the first part of the drive lecturing him about how dangerous that was, before panicking over what to get Chrissy for their hospital picnic date.
Steve tells her all he knows about Chrissy’s food preferences, wanting this to be a success. Hospital food is bad enough on its own, combining that with Chrissy’s food issues means that she’s even less likely to eat. Having Robin there will be good for her.
At the store, Steve also stocks up on snacks the kids like as well as optimistically picking up some things Eddie loves. He’s sure the other must wake up soon. The doctors said so.
Back in the hospital, he and Robin stand in the elevator as it slowly goes up. Both are anxious about elevators, but stairs aren’t in the cards for Steve right now. So they hold each other’s hand tightly and heave a big breath of relief when they step out of the elevator safely.
Immediately, Steve is almost bowled over by Dustin, who is screaming: “What the hell, Steve. Do you have any idea how fucking worried I was? I went to check up on you and your bed was empty and the doctors said you had gone. Gone! You didn’t even come tell me that you were okay.”
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” Steve tells him, slinging an arm around Dustin. “I had a few things I had to do.”
“You still suck,” Dustin spats, stepping back and wiping his tears. “I hate you right now,” he tells Steve, before turning around and muttering: “I’m going back to Eddie.”
Steve stands in the hospital hallway in stunned silence. A lump lies heavy in his throat. He hadn’t even thought that Dustin would be coming to check up on him with Eddie in a worse state. He thought he would be back. Hell, he didn’t even think much about it, too caught up in his own anger at the situation.
Robin’s tentative hand on his shoulder snaps him out of it and he looks around. There are tears in his eyes and he must look quite pitiful, because Robin gathers him in his arms and softly whispers: “He just needs a moment. Emotions are high.”
“Yeah,” Steve agrees a little dazed. “I’ll- I’ll give him a second to cool down. Let’s go and see the- the others.”
“Course,” Robin says, as she takes his hand and leads him to where Max is first.
Max is sleeping when he gets there. Her legs are in casts, but beyond that she looks like she’s just resting. Still, Steve has to repeat to himself that she’s fine as he slowly walks towards her.
Lucas spots him and flies out of his chair, exclaiming: “Steve! You’re okay.”
“I am,” Steve assures him, hugging Lucas, before pulling back so he can check him over. As Robin says, he has a nasty black eye, but he looks okay physically. However, physically doesn’t mean mentally, so he asks: “Are you okay?”
“Shouldn’t I be asking you that?” Lucas tries to laugh, but it falls flat. He glances back at Max and sighs: “She got hurt. They both did. I was supposed to protect them and I didn’t. I’m sorry.”
“Hey, don’t be sorry,” Steve scolds gently. “From what I heard, you held your own against someone stronger than you, who was literally gunning for you guys. All of you are alive, Sinclair, that’s something to be proud of. Don’t beat yourself up.”
It seems like Lucas needed to hear that, because he collapses against Steve’s chest and lets out a few shuddering breaths. Steve just holds him tight and rocks him back and forth until Lucas starts to pull back.
“You good?” he asks.
“Yeah,” Lucas chuckles wiping his eyes. “Thank you. I- I needed that.”
“There you are,” a voice says from behind them and when he turns Erica is standing in the doorway, arms crossed. “Dustin was in a tizzy about it. He had me running around this hospital looking for you. What the hell were you thinking? You know he’s sensitive.”
Steve knows her well enough to hear that she has been worried too, but he doesn’t point it out. He instead chooses to hug her and say: “I’m glad you’re okay, Erica.”
Erica hugs back: “I’m glad you’re okay too. What happened out there?”
“Eddie did something stupid and bats still suck,” Steve informs her with a crooked grin, hoping she’ll take it in the lighthearted way he means it.
“Of course Eddie did something stupid,” she rolls her eyes.
“You okay?” he asks, because she’s just a kid and has been caught up in this.
“Y- Yeah, I am,” Erica answers, not looking in his eyes as she shrugs: “Had to beat up some dumb jock that thought he could come for me, but nothing big.”
It sounds big, but she clearly doesn’t want to talk about it. Steve isn’t going to push just yet either, so he just offers: “Okay, if you ever need something, come to me, yeah? Or Lucas. We got your back.”
“Thanks,” she smiles, before skipping over to Max’s bedside and checking up on her. Then she settles down in one of the chairs with a thick book and starts reading.
“Where’s Nance?” he asks, realizing he hasn’t seen her since he accidentally came out to her at the Creel house and suddenly worried about what that might mean.
“Mike managed to get through, he and the others have been through a lot. They’re flying in and Nancy has gone to get them,” Lucas answers, brow pinched. “She didn’t say more than that, except that they were all alive.”
That’s a silver lining at least and Steve is glad that he doesn’t have to fare her yet. So, he smiles at Lucas and hands him all the snacks he got for the three of them, before he says: “They’ll be okay. I am going to check up on Chrissy and Eddie. Tell Max I came by when she wakes up?”
“Sure, yeah, of course, Steve,” Lucas says. “Thank you.”
He makes his way over to Chrissy’s room, which is only a few doors down and marked by Robin, who is waving at him.
Chrissy is also in casts, looking small and frail. Steve hates it. However, she’s wake and tiredly smiling at Steve as she eats a strawberry from the pile of food Robin brought her. She smiles when he enters and greets: “Hi, Stevie.”
“Hi, Chris,” he greets back, smile also creeping onto his face. “How are you feeling?”
“Kind of terrible,” she admits. “Breaking bones hurts and I’m pretty sure my parents hate me, but you know, I’m alive. And Robin here is making it better.”
“That sucks,” Steve says, sitting down next to her for a second. “You can always come stay with me if it all sucks. I got your back… After I replace the locks at least.”
Chrissy snorts, even though it’s not really funny. However, if they don’t laugh about it, they’re going to break down. So, laughing it is. “I might take you up on that,” she smiles.
“Door’s always open,” Steve says. Then he glances at Robin on the other side and says: “But I’ll leave you two, don’t wanna crash.”
“You’re more than welcome,” Chrissy assures him. “I’m sure Robs won’t mind. You shouldn’t be alone right now. None of us should.”
Steve thinks of Dustin alone with an unconscious Eddie and his heart constricts. So, he gets up and assures them: “I won’t be alone. I’m gonna keep Dustin and Eddie company. I- I don’t want him to wake up alone.”
Both Chrissy and Robin send him knowing looks and he promises to tell them about the confession among the bats soon, but he’s still worried now, still needs to process. A part of him doesn’t even want to go see Eddie, doesn’t want to see him like that, doesn’t want to make it real, but he knows he has to go, to process and for Dustin.
He gets the room number from Robin and says his goodbyes, promising them that he’ll be back before telling them to have fun, but not too much fun. The latter gets him screamed at (playfully but still) and he flees the room with a grin.
Then he goes over to Eddie’s room- well, the hallway in front of Eddie’s room. There is a cop in the room by the door, guarding the entrance, while Dustin is sitting on the ground across from him, looking smaller than he has the right to.
Steve’s heart constricts and he slowly makes his way over to Dustin, sliding down on the ground next to him and sitting there in silence for a moment. Dustin doesn’t acknowledge him and Steve didn’t expect him too.
“I’m sorry,” he says after a while, breaking the silence. “I should have come by and told you I was okay before leaving. It wasn’t cool of me.”
“No, it wasn’t,” Dustin says, still looking down, but at least not giving him the cold shoulder. “I don’t know if you remember this, but both of you were hurt and you left me there to wait for Robin and Nancy. I got here and you were knocked out. It was fucking scary, you asshole.”
“Fuck, man, I’m so sorry,” Steve apologizes again, the guilt eating him up inside. He’d been so caught up in the moment that he never considered how Dustin must have felt.
“You better be,” Dustin says. “Robin told me she would watch you, so I could check up on Eddie and then you’re both gone. Where did you even go?”
It’s a little fucked up how touched Steve is that Dustin didn’t abandon him completely to worry over Eddie. Though, he does recognize that Eddie needs someone to be there too. He is glad that he can be here now, with Dustin.
“I picked up snacks,” he tells Dustin, offering him a nougat bar. “And we went to try and clear Eddie’s name.”
Dustin drops that snack he just got and exclaims: “What! How?”
“Hopper still had a number to call in his drawer,” Steve explains softly, so no one can eavesdrop on their conversation. “I called the ministry of defense and threatened them into clearing Eddie’s name and cleaning up after themselves.”
“What the fuck,” Dustin whispers, staring at Steve with wide eyes. “That is so cool. Why didn’t I get to come?”
Steve blushes. He can feel it. He confesses: “I kind of stormed out of the hospital in anger and drove home so I could make the call.” He holds up the notepad. “I kind of still have to write the blackmail letters I told them I have, but I won’t need them if they keep their word and let Eddie out of those cuffs by the end of tomorrow.”
“We’re gonna be able to see him?” Dustin asks, voice fragile and filled with awe.
At the reaction, Steve can feel his own heart break. Dustin fucking loves Eddie. He’s heard so much about the other from Dustin as well as Eddie. He must be just as – if not more – upset at being unable to see Eddie. Steve at least got to tell him all he meant to him, do something about not being able to see him, while Dustin has sat here, helpless.
“Yeah, man, we’re gonna be able to see him,” he smiles at Dustin in a manner he hopes is assuring, before throwing an arm over his shoulder and pulled him close. “And he’s gonna wake up too and we can tell him how much of an idiot he is and how glad we are he’s still alive.”
Dustin leans back against Steve gratefully as he thanks him, before they fall into a short silence that is broken when Dustin comments: “You and Eddie seem to have gotten close. I totally thought you’d be with Chrissy right now.”
Now, Steve has come to a point where he needs to make a choice. He could tell Dustin he’s just here to support him, because he knows what Eddie means to him. But Eddie is still on the other side of that door, still knocked out and Steve is not planning to leave his side, except to go see Chrissy and Max. That will raise some eyebrows from the kids, probably.
So, he takes a deep breath and says: “That’s because I do. Care a lot, I mean. Uhm, it’s a bit of a long story, but I’ve been friends with Eddie since the summer.”
“You what!” Dustin shrieks, making a passing nurse glare at them as she shushes them. They balefully do, but the second she’s moving away, Dustin moves to sit on his knees so he can glare at Steve as he demands: “What the hell!”
“I told you it was a long story,” Steve says.
“We have time,” Dustin glares back. “I tried to convince you for months to give Eddie a chance and you were hanging out behind my back. How is that fair? Why would you lie to me?”
“Calm down, Henderson, I’ll tell you,” Steve replies, managing to get him out of his face as he starts to explain: “We already knew each other in school, talked here and there, but nothing substantial. We got talking when I got the cabin, he helped me fix my roof and then it kind of spiraled from there.”
“And then you decided not to tell me you were friends when I told you about him?” Dustin pouts, obviously still upset about it.
“Well, yes, but no,” Steve says, wondering how he could explains this. “He came by at Family Video to tell me that he met you all and I had heard from you, but I didn’t really know if we were friends back then, so I didn’t want to say it and then have Eddie say we weren’t, but then we had this idea to prank you guys by pretending not to know each other and then I’d invite him to new years and we’d act like normal and confuse the shit out of you all.”
“But Eddie didn’t come to new years,” Dustin points out, brow furrowed as he tries to put the puzzle pieces together.
“No, he didn’t,” Steve sighs and leans his head against the wall behind him, looking up at the ceiling above him. “We had a fight before Christmas. I ran into my father, it sucked and then I lashed out against Eddie, said some things I shouldn’t. We didn’t speak to each other until the boathouse.”
Dustin is silent and Steve waits as he lets him process it all. He never meant for it to get this far, to lie to Dustin about it. But at the time it seemed like his chance with Eddie had passed and he would never get to be close to him again, so why bother filling Dustin in about something he still felt guilty about.
“Did you make up again?” Dustin asks softly after a second.
“Yeah, we did,” Steve answers, lolling his head to look at Dustin as he gives him a smile. They did more than make up and he’s sure he looks a little bit like an idiot, but he doesn’t care.
“That’s good, I’m glad,” Dustin says and he looks so genuine about him. God, Dustin can be an arrogant little shit, but he has a heart of gold and always has the best intentions.
Steve loves this kid so much. He was his first genuine friend he made after ditching Carol and Tommy in junior year and he’s been by Steve’s side for so long. He doesn’t want to keep lying to him. He’s so tired of it. He hadn’t realized how much it was all weighing on him, until he told Dustin the truth.
“Hey, Dustin,” he speaks up again, breaking the silence that had fallen over them.
Dustin makes a surprised noise when Steve uses his first name instead of his last name, before he replies: “Yes, Steve?”
“Can I tell you something else?” Steve asks.
“Of course,” Dustin says, with a tone that asks why that isn’t obvious to Steve.
Fuck, this guy is annoying and Steve loves the shit out of him. However, this isn’t light stuff, but something that can put Steve in danger. Actual danger. So, he looks intently at him as he says: “You have to promise not to tell anyone, even if friends don’t lie. It’s important. Do you get that? Do you still want to know?”
“You’re scaring me, Steve,” Dustin replies. “Are you in danger? What’s going on?”
“I’m not in danger, no one is,” Steve promises. “It just can’t reach the wrong people, but if you don’t tell, it’s going to fine. It might even be fine if you do tell, but I don’t know. Hell, I don’t even know if you’re safe to tell, I’m just risking it.”
Dustin frowns at that and says: “You can tell me anything.”
“Thank you, man,” Steve smiles, before checking again: “Want to know?”
“Yes, please,” Dustin quickly replies.
Steve looks at the closed door opposite to them. Eddie is behind that, with no other company except a fucking cop. Steve wants to be in there, wants to be holding his hand, wants to whisper it’s okay, even if Eddie might not hear him, just in case he does. It’s that thought that gives him strength to actually do it, nerves running rampant despite it all.
“I- I’m gay,” he confesses, not having said those words in a long time, not even to himself. “I have a crush on Eddie, I’m in love with him. I’m gay. It’s why I won’t date Chrissy or Robin and why I wasn’t making a move on Nance. They know too, by the way.”
Next to him, Dustin is quiet. Steve doesn’t dare to look at him, barely dares to breathe. He doesn’t want to turn his head and know how Dustin looks when he stares at him in disgust, because that’s what this silence must mean.
He feels a touch to his arm and instinctively flinches away, waiting to get hit, but instead Dustin’s arms come around him.
It takes Steve a second to realize he’s being hugged.
Then it takes him a second longer to respond, but when he does it is to hug Dustin tightly. The two of them clinging to one another in the hallway of a hospital. Dustin softly, but fiercely says: “Thank you so much for telling me, oh my god, Steve. That’s- I’m here for you. I’m always going to be here for you.”
Steve is man enough to admit he starts crying a little at that. Silent tears streaming down his face, because this is his kid, this is Dustin and Dustin is going to have his back. They’re going to make it through this together. Steve is not loosing more people. Not today.
“Thank you,” he whispers back, voice more shaky than he cares to admit, but Dustin luckily doesn’t comment on it.
After a few minutes the two of them let go and go back to sitting back against the wall, sitting shoulder to shoulder to get comfort from the other. They share a comfortable silence, neither of them wanting or needing to say more. Steve feels as if he’s gotten rid of a weight that has been haunting him.
He knows that he didn’t have to come out in order to feel like he was done lying, but it is nice, he must admit. Because he did it for himself. He did it, because he wants to sit with Eddie, because he wants to give them a try, because he wants to stop trying to be what he parents want him to be. They have never cared, he knows that and still he let them get to him. He vows he will never let them do that again.
It’s not like he can live freely and out, but he can at least stop pretending, stop dragging girls he’ll never be into on dates, instead he can sneak around with Eddie, go on picnics or star gazing, finally watch him perform. That sounds much better.
The two of them remain seated in front of Eddie’s room as they wait for him to be free. Their dinner exists of the snacks Steve picked up and some bread a kind nurse donated to them when she saw them sitting there.
Steve doesn’t think he can sleep, but manages to get a few minutes here and there, while Dustin softly snores against his arm.
The next morning Dustin’s mother takes him home, only getting him to agree when she promises he can come right back after a shower and proper lunch, while Steve flees to Chrissy’s room to sleep in the chair next to her bed.
He feels kind of bad for fleeing when he saw Wayne coming to try and see Eddie through the window. Doesn’t know what he would say to the man, if Eddie told him about their friendship, their fight. If he will hate Steve or think he’s a stranger, if he will assume he’s here to hate Eddie some more.
After a refreshing nap, which had been too deep for nightmares, he returns to sit across from Eddie’s room. Dustin is already there, waiting for him. Together they write his blackmail letters, planning to print them by dinner, should nothing have happened.
Then, at 5:36 PM, a lady in a stern suit comes walking through the hall, followed by a few burly men. Her heels click menacingly, before she comes to a stop in front of Dustin and Steve. She looks down at them and greets: “Mr. Harrington, Mr. Henderson, I’m agent Johnson, I’m send here by Dr. Owens to help.”
Steve scrambles to his feet and reaches out to shake her hand: “Thank you so much. We’re here to help if you need anything.”
Agent Johnson cocks her head and says: “You’re more agreeable than I’d been warned. Why the change of tune?”
“Oh, ah,” Steve blushes. “I never wanted to pick a fight. I’ve just had a horrible week and just woke up from collapsing to find out that my friend, who nearly died to save everyone, has been taken in for a crime he did not commit. I just need to see if he’s okay.”
His answer seems to have pleased the agent and she turns to enter the room. Anxiously Dustin and Steve wait, before she comes back out with the police officer and says: “You can go in now. If you give me a list of names, I can ensure your friends are also able to see him. Agent Ross here will be making sure he’s okay.”
They thank her again, then quickly enter the room. There Eddie is. He looks pale, small, fragile, lacking the life and animation that usually infuses him. But he is alive. He’s breathing. He might have a tube going under his nose and machinery everywhere, but there is no more blood, no more pain.
Steve stumbles forward as in a trance. He stares at Eddie for a second, then slowly reaches out to tuck a strand of hair behind his ear, the action finally feels like it’s allowed. He chuckles to himself, then cries as he takes Eddie hand and collapses into a chair next to him.
Eddie’s here. He’s safe.
I think it’s so funny that Steve decides to just pick a fight with the government. This man has no sense of self preservation and will lie <3
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imeanwhynotbruv · 7 months
Billy’s old friend, El’s new brother.
(Crossover, but it’s just Jack so you don’t need to have seen four brothers)
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Summary: Billy picks Max up from school and notices someone he hasn’t seen in years, Jack’s taking hid new sister to invite her friend over when he sees a familiar face.
“Shut up” Billy groaned in annoyance as he slammed the car door shut behind him.
“It’s Friday, I want to hang out with my friends!” Max leaned towards him as she snapped.
“I. Don’t. Care!” Billy practically yelled in response as he threw his head back against his chair. God why did he have to have such an annoying little sister. Did she think this was how he wanted to spend his Friday? Babysitting?
“Why do you always have to be such an asshole!?” Max shouted, the party were going to hang out after school, probably go to the arcade and she really wanted to join them. Anything would be better than sitting at home with Billy.
“Fuck shitbird, why do you always have to be-…….” Billy’s angry rant trailed off as he caught a glimpse of someone through the car window and stopped dead in his tracks.
“No way” Billy’s voice was quiet as he practically mumbled. He quickly rolled down the car window and stuck his head out to get a better view.
“What the hell are you doing?” Max asked in exasperated confusion. Her eyes searched through the crowds of moving people, trying to figure out what had caught her brother’s attention.
“No fucking way!” Billy exclaimed as he quickly pulled his head back through the window and shoved open the door.
“Billy!? What the hell are you doing!? Where are you going!?” Max called after him in annoyance before shoving her own door open.
“Does this mean I can go to the arcade?! I’m going to the arcade!” Max called out after him, he didn’t acknowledge her at all. Typical.
“Hey! Simmons!” Billy called out as he made his way through the crowd, Max’s eyebrows furrowed in confusion as she followed after him. No one had responded to his words.
“Fuck. What was it? Smith? Steiner? Stevens? What the fuck was it?” Billy muttered to himself as he shoved peopled out the way.
“What are you talking about!?” Max yelled after him, only to be ignored again of course.
“Fuck it.” Billy declared as he finally came to a stop after breaking through the throng of people. Max still couldn’t figure out who her brother was talking to, hell maybe he’d just lost his mind and finally gone in sane. That seemed reasonable.
“Cracker Jack!” Billy yelled out, not caring about the people who turned to look at him in confusion. Yep. Max was pretty sure her brother was insane.
Just as Max was about to try and argue with the brain dead idiot, a tall unfamiliar blonde whipped around to stare at them.
“Billy fucking Hargrove!?” The blonde, Cracker Jack?, exclaimed in delighted surprise as he moved towards them, a smaller figure trailing behind him.
Come to think of it, that was a very familiar figure indeed.
“El!?” Max yelled out in confusion as the pair walked closer.
“Hi Max” El responded happily once they were close enough to not need to shout. Max stared at the other girl in shock as she stood comfortably next to the complete stranger, but before Max could question it she was interrupted by her stupid brother.
“What the hell are you doing here?” Billy exclaimed, though strangely enough it was full of joy and surprise instead of his usual ire.
“Oh you know, same shit different town” the guy shrugged slightly, though Billy seemed to frown in distaste at his answer.
“Well fuck. What’s your name now?” Billy asked, Max couldn’t help but frown, what the hell kind of question is that?
“Mercer. Its official and everything” The weirdo smiled, Billy smiled as he fist bumped the other guy.
“Nice. Better than that other shit. The Mercers good?” Billy asked, his shoulders tensed slightly at the question.
“Yeah, was a sweet old lady” the guy’s smile was sad, Billy only nodded his head in condolence.
“What the hell is going on?” Max asked frustrated, she didn’t particularly care who answered her question as long as she got an answer.
“My brother. Jack” El replied happily as she looked up at Jack who smiled back at her, Billy only raised and eyebrow as Max’s mouth hung open slightly in confusion.
“Your brother? You don’t have a brother?” Max said slowly.
“New brother” El smiled brightly as she looked at Max, much in the same way a child would show you a new drawing they were proud of.
“What?” Max furrowed her brows in confusion, El frowned slightly at her response and moved closer to Jack.
“My new brother. Jack Hopper” El said possessively.
“Mercer Jane, I’m a Mercer” Jack said softly as he placed his hand on her hair and gently tussled it. El crinkled her nose a little in response.
“And Hopper now?” She asked, well more like insisted.
“Uhh…sure” Jack just shrugged uncomfortably, he turned to Billy and shrugged again as if to say ‘it is what it is’. El seemed happy with his response and squeezed his hand with a smile.
“That doesn’t make any sense!” Max exclaimed as she crossed her arms. El frowned slightly.
“Left the bad men. Like me. My new brother” El seemed just as confused as Max, but by the girl’s reaction instead of her own words.
“So he’s like you?” Max lowered her voice slightly, careful that no one else would hear them.
“Yes? My brother?” El copied her, though she was confused by the whispering.
“So he can do….you know” Max prompted, not so subtly glancing at an unamused Billy.
“What? No? Not that. My new brother. You know. My brother?” El started to become frustrated with her friends lack of understanding, and her inability to explain it in a way Max would understand.
El looked up at Jack distressed, tugging at his arm in hopes that he would be able to explain it for her. However, it was Billy that beat him to it.
“Jack’s a foster kid” Billy looked down at Max slightly.
“Oh” Max said slowly as undsranding finally dawned on her.
“Yes! My new brother” El exclaimed happily as she smiled up at Billy, grateful for the teen’s assistance. Billy only shrugged at her.
“So you’re the chief of police’s new problem, how’s that figure? What did you do?” Billy smirked at Jack who couldn’t help but laugh softly.
“Oh you know, no where else to put me for a few days so went home with the cheif” Jack laughed to himself.
“Really?” Max asked almost skeptically
“Yep. That or a holding cell and I’ve spent plenty of time in those” Jack and Billy both laughed at that.
“No shit?” Billy chuckled at the mental image.
“Yeah then I met Jane, like two peas in a pod right?” Jack grinned drown at the girl, who was still wrapped around his arm.
“Yes! We keep you” El responded happily as she hugged his side.
“How’d you convince Hopper to do that?” Max asked, confused on how El had managed to get too many rules Hopper to agree to keeping a whole other person.
“Asked Joyce” El grinned cheekily, okay that made sense to Max.
“Okay but how do you two know each other” Max looked suspiciously between Billy and Jack.
“We were in the same home a while back” Jack shrugged at the girl.
“You are in foster care!?” Max shouted in surprise at Billy, who only raised an unimpressed eyebrow in response.
“Yeah. For a little while a few years ago. Before your mum and Neil got hitched” Billy said as if it were nothing.
“Why?” Max asked with a frown. Billy ignored her completely.
“So you’re back witn your old man?” Jack asked softly.
“Yeah, same old same old” Billy shrugged as he locked eyes with Jack, seemingly having a silent conversation.
“The chief treating you good?” Billy asked, his eyes subtly glancing over Jack and checking for any obvious discomfort.
“Yes. No bad men” El nodded sternly at Billy who gazed at her for a moment, before his eyes flickered to Jack for confirmation.
“Yeah all good so far. So your dad got married?” Jack shrugged before changing to topic.
“Yeah, married shitbird’s mum” Billy groaned, just to annoy max while she huffed beside him.
“Got yourself a little sister then” Jack laughed happily.
“Step sister” Max and Billy replied in unison, glaring at each other.
“Besides, you’re not much better off” Billy smirked as he gestured to where El was still suctioned to Jacks arm.
“Nah, Janes great” Jack laughed again as he ruffled her hair; El happily leaned in to the touch.
“What are you doing out here anyway?” Max asked, fed up with the weird encounter.
“Jane wanted some fresh air” Jack shrugged.
“So you came to the school?” Max raised an unimpressed eyebrow, Billy whacked the back of her head in reprimanding, though his heart wasn’t in it. Max scowled at him.
“Yes, to invite you for sleepover” El supplied happily as she looked at Max.
“Awesome” Max ginned, already planning the things they could do.
“You come too?” El looked to Billy, surprising everyone.
“What?” Billy furrowed his brows in confusion.
“You come, for Jack?. Double sleepover?” El grinned brightly as Jack snorted in humour behind her.
“You hear that Hargrove? Double sleepover. I’ll braid your hair and everyhing”Jack couldn’t help but smirk. Billy laughed honestly.
“Yes! Do hair and movies and snacks! Double sleepover!!” El quickly became more excited with the idea as she began listing all the possible things they could all do.
“Really?” Max asked, unsure about the whole idea.
“Yes! Just girls and brothers! No others allowed!” El laughed happily, bouncing on her feet at the idea.
“Well…okay” Max looked hesitantly at Billy, unsure of his reaction.
“Sure. Why not, but you’re not touching my hair Mercer. I see the mess you walk around with” Billy laughed easily his tone lighthearted and breezy. Max stared at him in shock.
“You wish you had my hair Hargrove” Jack smirked as he lightly shoved Billy.
“Come at six one five” El replied joyously as she started dragging Jack away, excited to prepare for her first double sleepover. Jack only laughed brightly as he let himself be dragged along by the smaller girl.
After watching the pair disappear Max and Billy silently made their way to the car and began the drive home.
“You said yes” Max looked up at Billy, her eyes wide a bewildered.
“What?” Billy didn’t take his eyes of the road.
“You said yes to the sleepover. You never say yes to things” Max furrowed her brows at him. Billy quickly glanced at her from the corner of his eye.
“Duh. It’s a double sleepover” Billy smirked as he continued to watch the road. Max was officially sure her brother had lost his mind, or maybe she was the one who was going insane.
I liked the idea too much that I did another one 😅 I can’t help it I love Jack and Jane so much 😭😭😭
Hope you enjoyed
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simpofficial · 5 months
I See You
Chapter 4
Chapter 3 Chapter 5
I woke up to the smell of salt.
It's coming from Steve, who sleeps on my chest. I raise my hand and place it in his hair.
I begin to hum as I run my fingers through his hair. Once the smell of salt reduces and hangs in the air I use my other hand to wipe away his tears.
"Sevyn?" I roll the other way and hear him laugh. "Sevyn come on. I know you're hungry."
"Blueberry eggos?" The only delicacy Jim Hopper provided.
"We don't have any."
"I'll ask my dad to pick some up on his way home from work. But you gotta eat something for now. Come with me and you can pick whatever you want."
"Whatever I want?" I turn towards his presence and he laughs.
"Yes whatever you want. Now come on." He grabs my hand and helps me out of the bed. "I don't know much about the bad men but I do know you probably won't want to be in the house all day." He leads me downstairs as he speaks. "So I laid out some clothes to hide you."
"You're nice." I tell him as he sits me down.
"Thank you. Now we have other breakfast foods but we don't have blueberry eggos." He opens something and I heard a crinkle. "We have these breakfast blueberry pancake sausage corn dogs."
"I have."
"Say I will have that."
"I will have that."
"Good." He closes the thing that produces cold air and opens something else. It was barely opened for a second before it closes and produces a hum.
"You cry."
"I'm not crying."
"Night. You cry."
"Last night you were crying." I wasn't.
"No you cry."
"Sevyn say, last night you were crying." Oh.
"Last night you were crying. Why?"
"I don't know that's just English."
"No. Why you were crying?"
"I think I had a dream about Nancy."
"Nancy bad. No dream her." I hear him laugh a little but I wasn't joking.
"I'll try not to."
Before he left he helped me put on a hoodie and hat. He even gave me a pair of glasses before he told me to be safe.
When he left I didn't stay in the house much longer. It was nice and quiet but it's empty. Like my room back at the lab.
When I went outside I felt everything and it felt nice. I inhale and smell gas. It's a weird smell and I only know it because of the lab.
I walked on the road before I heard a loud vehicle. It was too loud to pinpoint where it came from. I covered my ears when a loud noise was heard from behind me.
"Get out of the road weirdo!" I turn around and place my hand on the vehicle. It's warm. "Hey don't touch my car!" Car. Car must be another word for vehicle. I place my other hand on the hood before I heard the door of the car open.
"Billy! Don't do anything!"
"Mind your business, the freak is touching my car!" Freak? Me? "Hey what's your problem?!" I'm grabbed by the hoodie. "Who do you think you are touching my car?" I inhale and he smells sweet.
"Smell good." I lean closer and inhale again. He pushes me back some but doesn't let go of the hoodie.
"Billy!" I turn my head back towards the car and sniff. She's young. Smell so different yet a hint of the same over lay so not related but live together.
"Don't look at her. Who are you?"
"I, Seven."
"Like the fucking number?"
"What are you stupid?" He let's go before I feel the hat and glasses removed.
"Not stupid."
"Why the fuck are you in the middle of the road and touching peoples cars."
"Billy just let her go and come on!"
"You Billy?"
"No shit. What the fuck is wrong with your eyes?" I reach up and feel them.
"Not know."
"Why do you talk like you're retarded?" Retarded?
"Steve said speech im-imp..." I growl to myself when I couldn't pronounce the word.
"Speech impairment?" I nod. "So in other words you're an idiot."
"Not idiot."
"Billy we're gonna be late!"
"Shut the hell up Max!" I reach up and cover my ears. "What can't take a little yelling?"
"That's the point. Get the fuck out of the road." Another vehicle approaches and I smell Steve causing me to smile.
"Sevyn?" His door opens. "Sevyn!"
"Steve." I turn towards his car and hear his door close.
"Damn Harrington. You're friends with this retard?"
"Don't call her that."
"Steve what's retard?" I felt his hands on my face and he tilts my head from side to side.
"Nothing you have to worry about. What have a told you about the road?"
"I get hit?"
"Yes you could that's why you stay on the sidewalk."
"When you're not by the woods, when the grass ends there's a sidewalk. You stick to that or the grass. You understand?"
"Move your car Harrington."
"Bye Billy."
"Whatever freak." I sense him go back to his car.
"Steve what is freak?"
"Something that you're not, okay?" I nod. "What were you doing in the road Sevyn?"
"Feeling." Billy's car produces a loud noise again causing me to cover my ears.
"Okay, let's go. Let's get in the car." He leads me to his car and closes the door behind me before I feel him walk away and to Billy's car. I listen to them as I relax in the seat.
"What do you want Harrington?"
"You don't call her a freak."
"And why not? She's the one standing in the middle of the road like one." What's a freak though? "Hey here's an idea Harrington move your fucking car." His car makes a loud noise again making me cover my ears. When it stops I let go. "Go back to your freak."
"I'm warning you, Hargrove."
"Billy let's just go."
"Shut up. I want to know what'll happen if I do it again."
"Try it." They both are angry. Angry isn't good. I reach over and press the thing that makes noise. I don't do it for long because it hurts.
"Go on bitch boy. Your freaks calling." I get out of the car when I hear a grunt from Billy. "That's how you want to do this Harrington?"
"Steve get in."
"No he wants to call you a fre-"
"I said in!" I feel him walk to the car.
"That's right Harrington listen to your freak." When Steve stops I turn my head to him.
"In car."
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chickensoupleg · 8 months
lmao honestly not naming your wips is so understandable. i am v intrigued by Harringrove Dusted
They're like OCs to me: Not named until many moons later. Or never at all.
Anyways! Untitled Document (7)! Eddie is just existing when a child version of Steve and Billy just invade his trailer and refuse to leave.
Eddie recognises Steve immediately since he's known him for forever, but can't instantly clock the blond kid that is also in his living space. Obvious reasons. He finds out though once Billy tells him, and Robin comes over and clocks her best friend immediately because of course she does and Joyce is there too.
The Dusted part is because Robin's pretty sure Steve got blasted in the face with Upside Down dust like an idiot.
A snippet just for you~
The sound of a car approaching outside takes Eddie to the front door, swinging it open to see Robin practically falling out of the car. Will’s mom, Joyce, comes out of the driver’s seat.
“Hi Ms. Byers!” Eddie greets, Joyce smiling and waving at him. Robin was already up to him, Eddie gesturing for the women to come inside with a grin. Robin bulldozes past him yelling Steve’s name, Joyce coming in like a more normal person.
The two boys haven’t left the living room area at all, both turning their heads up at the two new women coming in. Steve was first to smile and wave, Robin bounding over and picking him up.
“Oh my goodness you’re alright oh you’re so small! Eddie, what is this? Why is my best friend so small?!”
“You- You recognise him?”
Robin glares at Eddie, squeezing Steve harder. The boy was happy as ever, just hugging Robin back and snuggling into her without a care in the world.
Eddie’s slightly impressed how fast Steve just imprints into people.
“Of course I do! I’ve seen his elementary yearbooks, and you said there was a problem and well I couldn’t reach Steve to pick me up so I went the next best route which was Joyce here, and thanks again for driving me Joyce really, and when I come here to see what happened there’s just a tiny little Steve in your trailer! Oh, and this other kid? Eddie, please tell me you didn’t kidnap a random boy.”
Eddie holds his hands up in surrender. “Woah, woah. Okay. One, did not kidnap a boy. That’s the- Well, the problems. I don’t know how but Steve’s…. as you can see.”
“Hi there sweetheart, I’m Joyce. Who are you?” Joyce kneels down to Billy’s level, who was just staring back at her.
“That’s…. Billy. As in… Hargrove.” Eddie decides to answer for him. Both Joyce and Robin stare at him, Joyce opening her mouth first.
“As in… Max’s brother? The one that passed away?”
“Yeah… That one.”
“But- But Billy’s dead- That- You sure that’s him?” Robin says.
“He told me himself. That’s Billy Hargrove.” Eddie gestures to the boy, who had shuffled to stand closer to Joyce. Joyce turns her gaze back to him, offering him a gentle, motherly smile.
“Is that true?”
Billy nods. Eddie can see the slight furrow of confusion on his brow. “Mmhmm. I’m Billy Hargrove. I’m not dead. Or napping.”
Joyce smiles and nods. “I believe you. Do you know where you are?”
Billy looks around, then shakes his head. “No?”
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some-little-infamy · 2 years
Dear Reader
(Flufftober Day 30 - Dear Diary) (Read on AO3)
When Steve pulls Eddie around the side of the building, pressing him up against the side of it for a kiss before pulling away with a smile, he’s positive that no one else sees them.
He couldn’t be more wrong.
Will doesn't even wait until he's home to pull his bike off to the side of the road, sitting on a bench and digging out a well-worn notebook.
Dear Diary,
THEY'RE GAY. STEVE AND EDDIE ARE GAY. I thought I was the only one. I thought… God, this changes everything. I could tell them and they wouldn't judge me. I wouldn't have to feel so alone all the time.
I don't know if I should say that I saw them… they obviously don't want anyone to know or they wouldn't be hiding, I get that. But I do know, so… I don't know.
I'm going to not do anything until I have a better idea. It's fine. It's more than fine, actually.
I'm. Not. Alone.
Max rolls her eyes at the sight of Steve and Eddie, and if they didn't all need a little bit of joy right now she might have yelled out something inappropriate to embarrass them.
Instead, she keeps her thoughts to herself until she's home.
Dear Billy,
I don't know why they won't just tell us. They aren't being subtle about it - I saw Steve leaving Eddie's trailer after midnight at least 3 times in the past week.
They're idiots, but I guess I'll let them wait and tell us when they're ready to.
Lucas nearly forgets what he saw until he was nearly ready for bed and about to start his nightly journaling.
Dear journal,
I hope those two aren't this obvious around school. If the guys on the basketball team - or any popular kids, really - find out about Eddie they'll make his life a living hell. It might help a little that it's Steve, but Steve was cool before. He doesn't really have any sway now that he graduated.
Anyway, D&D was terrible and I rolled like crap all night. I may need to get new dice, I think mine are bad luck.
Mike sees them first and practically has to drag Dustin away before he can make a whole scene about it.
He isn't sure how to feel about it. Dustin is excited enough, but it never really crossed his mind that anyone he knows might be gay. Not even Eddie. Eddie is just weird. He never read anything more into it.
It definitely makes him think, though that's as far as it goes since he's never had any desire to journal in his entire life. He knows the others do sometimes but he simply can’t be bothered.
Dustin nearly screams out loud with joy when he accidentally sees Steve and Eddie kiss. If it wasn't for Mike pulling him away with a hand over his mouth, he probably would've.
He manages to contain his excitement as he rides away, but the second he's alone in his room Dustin punches the air and shouts "Yes! I knew it!" before immediately reaching for the notebook under his pillow.
Dear Diary,
Well… Okay. I don't know if they're dating but they kissed and I definitely thought they were flirting lately so if they aren't already dating they definitely will soon.
This is the best day ever. I can't wait to tell Suzie!
The next day Steve and Eddie are already at Steve’s house when the kids show up. Each of them just stare, smiling and sharing secret giggles, looking between the two of them expectantly.
Eleven doesn’t have a diary, but she also doesn’t have a filter.
“We all saw you kissing,” she says simply.
“I told you they all saw,” Eddie mutters under his breath.
Steve can’t find it in himself to care and turns to kiss Eddie to a chorus of cheers, hoots, and clapping from the others.
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pendinganchor · 2 years
i’m always skeptical of sharing ideas online but then again i never end up writing them so fuck it! maybe read the tags first for this one cause there’s some trigger warnings and a very important disclaimer.
- this is an everyone lives/nobody dies because I SAID SO (not sure of the canon timeline but that’s something i can figure out if i ever actually write this)
- eddie and steve are dating and eddie makes a joke about being steve’s first
- “eddie, you are not the first boy i’ve dated” (unrelated but my phone autocorrected boy to big FOR WHAT)
- then eddie becomes obsessed with learning who else steve has dated. steve refuses to tell him. so he looks for clues in steve’s room, which leads to a whole lot of nothing
- some time later, they get into an unrelated fight that causes steve to react in a way that freaks him out a little (as in eddie gets a little too loud and close and steve recoils like he’s about to get hit)
- steve had told him about his parents and how “they aren’t abusive, eddie. they never hit me.”
- so eddie’s mind reels because why would he react like that. sure he’d gotten into physical fights a lot but never like that. and he never coward from a fight either
- he stops pestering steve about his past relationships and for a while forgets he was even curious about it
- when the kids learn about their relationship, dustin says “better than the last guy” under his breath. which steve shuts down immediately. eddie is hurt because “henderson knows but you refuse to tell me?” he completely misses max glaring at dustin then leaving the room
- they get into a fight again, this time related. the kids overhear it. steve storms out, max follows.
- it’s calm for a while, everyone trying to forget about the fight. their relationship is strained, they can both feel it, but steve still won’t open up about it
- a familiar smell smacks eddie in the face one day when he’s picking up max from her house. a cologne he had found in steve’s bathroom that he’d never seen steve wear
- “shitbird! can you at least acknowledge that i spoke to you?” billy yells from behind her, he then gives eddie a look that reads as hurt. but they had never really spoken. “yeah, yeah,” max yells back with a wave of her hand “i’ll be back before neil and mom get home.”
- the car ride is silent. “eddie, what the hell is wrong with you?” max asks while throwing her hands up. eddie plays it off but max isn’t stupid, he’s been tense the whole time. “just ask me the fucking question.” eddie is silent for a moment longer then asks her what cologne her brother wears. she blinks at him for a second before answering because that definitely wasn’t the question she was expecting
- so now eddie knew two things: steve has an abusive ex and steve used to date billy
- with how dustin talks about billy, eddie is instantly convinced they are the same person, but if he asks steve about it he knows it’ll lead to yet another fight
- he goes to the kids (like an idiot)
- dustin instantly starts shitting on billy, max then starts screaming at dustin while lucas tries to calm her down. mike is on dustin’s side and lucas is on max’s. “just because you’re dating his sister-” “shut up mike he’s fucking trying.”
- will stays quiet not sure he should butt into the conversation in fear of getting yelled at too but he’s definitely with max and billy on this, he knows the signs of abuse
- el quickly runs upstairs to get nancy
- “eddie you need to come with me right now” nancy says in her ‘i’m in charge and not listening to me means trouble for you’ voice. she drives them over to steve’s house. “i’m going to talk to him then you will go in after i’m done.” she gets out without elaborating further
- she comes back twenty minutes later and eddie totally didn’t spend the time trying to figure out if he should run away or not
- nancy sends him in and steve is pacing the floor of his living room when he walks in “i can’t believe this,” steve is saying. “i cant fucking believe this.”
- “steve?”
- he instantly stops at the sound of eddie’s voice. “you think that just because we’re dating now, you deserve my entire life story?” he doesn’t give eddie a chance to respond. “how could you possibly think billy was abusive when you don’t even know him?”
- “we’ll you were clearly abused by someone and if the shoe fits.”
- “billy wasn’t the abusive one in our relationship. i was.” eddie just stares at him. “god, i didn’t know it at the time and he held onto me for dear life even when i was being a jackass. why do you think he’s the only sibling that doesn’t hang around us? max still doesn’t fully trust me around him.”
- “dustin said-“
- “dustin is a child who doesn’t know any better and refuses to admit that i’m not always in the right.”
- “you still refuse to admit your parents are abusive because they didn’t hit you.”
- “because maybe i think i deserved it cause i’m no better than them.”
- steve tells eddie about what he did (which was verbal and emotional stuff that he honestly didn’t know any better about at the time but he also knows in hindsight he was in the wrong) and that his abusive ex was from when he dated a junior his freshman year and he didn’t like talking about it because it was a girl and he thought it embarrassing
and that’s really all i have atm
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luxshine · 1 year
Chapter Nine begins and Mike is an idiot immediately.
I REALLY dislike Mike. He's not my most hated character, but of the main group? He's the one I wouldn't mind feeding to a demo-dog.
And Eleven is a jerk to Max for no reason except writers really can't write a group with two girls in it without making them fight for a boy. UGH.
Billy flirting with Mrs. Wheeler was very uncomfortable. I am back on wanting him to die.
Steve just plain out said that he'd rather be babysitting Mike than having Nancy around. Good boy. Please keep remembering that for future seasons, as Nancy is a terrible girlfriend.
Why is El interested in Mike? I mean, yes, he's like the first boy she met and the first one to be kind to her but really? That's a disgusting trope. Let the girl meet other people before shoving her into a romance.
Hooper needs a parenting manual. Well, we all do, but Hooper right now? Is in urgent need of it.
Gotta give it to Billy's actor: You can hear the slurs he's not saying when he's yelling at Lucas. Seriously, he can't die soon enough. Why did he have to survive to chapter 9 and not Bob?
I LOVE that Steve is only a capable fighter when he is defending the children and only started losing when Billy cheated. As I said, the pokemon evolved! (I am going to end up drawing that, ain't I?)
Max RULES. I've said that Dustin is the owner of the only braincell of the group and that is true. But Max? She has her own brain and her own set of braincells and more courage than all the gang combined. I love her. I really hate that El dislikes her just because of the idiot girls must fight for a guy trope. And she drives like crazy! I really, really love her as a character. She deserves a better group of friends.
The fact that the kids disobeyed Steve but STILL took him with them, so nice. Even if he was going to yell at them.
I can see that Joyce does not fuck around when it comes to revenge. I like that in her too. People should listen to her more often and not just ignore her instincts.
I was joking about Steve being Dustin's pokemon but.... he kinda is. Dustin just... tells him to do things and Steve goes with it. I love that. Such an interesting arc, especially when Nancy is not around.
That last scene with Dart? Adorable. Pity Dustin couldn't keep a demodog as a pet to go with his Babysitter paladin.
WHY is Bill still alive?! I wanted him DEAD not Bob.
But Steve as Dustin's ride? Melt my heart damn it. To think a year ago he was his main bully, and now he'd die for him.
And Ok, Nancy won me a bit by dancing with Dustin. See, if she could get her threesome polycule in order, they'd be amazing parents for Dustin.
... Did they really used the Psycho Stalker song for Eleven and Mike's first dance? Like, REALLY?! Do they know what they did or were just... that dumb? (Although given her nickname for him, it was fitting it was the song to Max and Lucas's first kiss)
Ok. The series won me over this season in a way season 1 didn't do. Mostly by not cribbing every note from Stephen King's books as they did in season 1 and by giving Steve an amazing arc and character development. So... let's see if season 3 holds.
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the-firebird69 · 3 months
Van Halen - The Seventh Seal (RESTORED VIDEO)
And he seems to understand what he's doing but he doesn't really he thinks he'll blow everybody up because he'll distract everyone by activating our army of demons anything's will be stretched to the limit what we're doing it to watch people like him and he is a prime target it's not really sure what he's trying to drive it so after that he does all sorts of weird s*** it goes inside a lizard man and he just several of the city is trying to detonate large devices and uranium deposits. He tried several hundred times in Earnest and fails and you can't get really near the uranium and then your reading was being mined out a lot of it is out of the big asteroids and the uranium that's left is not really explosive because it's not kind of purity so he's looking for thorium to blow that up in the near future because he's lost his robot planet says I'm really just has this ass playing that so many poor people have it's true. And he's he thinks like crazy hey you can't figure out what the problem is and he's looking around and he says I don't get it and he finds out something's wrong this planet is missing some things he says and things like that about it getting beat up finally he says we don't know what's really happening we never did and try to blow up people and kill people around here that's coming up pretty soon and he is very hostile and towards our son and he is hit quite a bit here and it is after he's ruined and after his stashes and Cassius pillford empty. And it happens when he's trying to blow things up and he can't do anything he hears her son saying he needed your army to do it and you gave it up to sit here and bother me cuz you're a f****** idiot and a coward and he's yelling and screaming I'll show you coward and you probably will try to do that won't you and he's yelling it he looks down he says I screwed everything up myself well they do that the answer is you wouldn't do it and someone messed you up and you didn't pay attention to start bothering me as Billy z and ultimately he kills you yuck has it put it in a painting. And it's just a Wonder has this been turned into a painting and then he figures out something I'm doomed it's cuz it's Tommy guy it is made to do it by these Max and they were fighting them and losing and I became a loser so he's running around town he tries to kidnap hlour son fails and leaves. He tries a few more times and they kick him out and he's small enough and it's because he's doing things like this cracking the seven seal in the Vatican and he opens it up. all over the world and they open up other enclaves in India and Pakistan in China at the famous famous mosques temples and churches all over the world this process begins and shortly
Thor Freya
Zues Hera
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