#actually I’ve never even heard of this ship until now
fifiophobia · 11 months
Scarecrow x Twoface?
You see, this is interesting, because it makes me wonder how Harvey would even react to Scarecrows fear gas.
Like, John would just release his gas and Two face would be like: “Hold on, I gotta get my coin out. Might be a moment before I can find it considering how foggy your gas is.”
And Scarecrow would just be like: >:/
Overall, 420/10 pretty funny,
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quin-ns · 1 year
Assigned Seat (JJ Maybank x Reader)
Word count: 2.8K
Summary: JJ won’t sit in the correct seat because it’s not next to you
Tags: fluff, mutual crushes, lots of flirting, JJ being cute, slightly oblivious reader, getting together, everyone ships, just cute fun fr
A/N: binged obx and this is my first fic for it and of course I had to write for JJ- he’s my fave. also, it’s s2 when school starts but let’s say they know that john b is alive before the first day of class bc I don’t want this to be angsty lol
cross-posted to ao3 • obx masterlist • writing masterlist
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First day back in your first class of the day—Mr. Sunn’s history class—and you were greeted with a seating chart. Usually, you would just sit with your friends, but now you saw that Pope and Kiara weren’t in the same row like they usually would’ve been when you all shared a class. You didn’t even see JJ at all yet. You wondered if he’d show up. It was the one class that you actually had with him, so you hoped he would. Otherwise you wouldn’t see him until lunch break.
You found your seat with ease, but gave Kie a light frown when she turned around and saw you weren’t anywhere close to her or Pope.
About a minute before class was about to start, JJ walked through the door. He spotted you and grinned. He headed for the empty seat beside you and dropped down in it.
“Hey,” JJ greeted. “I was almost late but here I am.”
You laughed a little (mostly because of how proud he sounded). “Yeah, I see that.”
“So, what’s up?” he asked, side eyeing Kie and Pope. “Are we avoiding them for some reason or…?”
“What? No,” you replied quickly. “Appreciate that you were instantly on my side, though,” you said with an amused tone. 
JJ smiled at the comment. “I appreciate the appreciation.”
You rolled your eyes but smiled back nonetheless.
“If you two are done flirting, perhaps Mr. Maybank could move to his correct seat and we can get class started,” Mr. Sunn called out suddenly. You and JJ both were startled, realizing he was talking to you
JJ furrowed his brows. “Correct seat?” he whispered. “What is he talking about?”
“There’s a seating chart,” you muttered back, finally remembering.
“What?” JJ asked a little louder. “That’s lame,” he grumbled. 
“Well, tough,” Mr. Sunn replied, clearly having heard. “And according to my lame seating chart, you’re on the other side of the room.”
“It’s an empty seat,” JJ pointed out. 
“Actually, it’s Mr. Kane’s seat,” Mr. Sunn gestured towards a boy standing near you guys that you embarrassingly enough just now noticed. 
“Well, great, he can have my seat,” JJ suggested with that cheeky smile of his. 
Mr. Sunn looked from JJ to you. “You must be something special, Ms. Y/L/N. I’ve never had someone fight so hard to keep a seat.”
All you could do was laugh awkwardly, very aware of all the eyes on you. You gave JJ a look, asking for him to save you from being the center of attention on the first day. The only way he could was by relenting. 
With a sigh that you would deem dramatic, JJ stood and grabbed his backpack. Mr. Sunn held up the seating chart paper. Everyone watched as he went to the front of the class and glanced at the paper, and then found his actual seat on the opposite side of the room. 
“You can see your girlfriend after class,” Mr. Sunn commented in response to your friend losing the argument.
You weren’t his girlfriend, but neither you or JJ corrected him. You didn’t because frankly, you’d gotten your fill of attention. You weren’t sure why JJ didn’t, though. 
Besides, you weren’t totally against people thinking that. It was still weird having a teacher call you out like that, though.
The kid who had been waiting for JJ to vacate his seat gave you an apologetic look before turning his attention to pulling out a notebook.
You made eye contact with JJ across the classroom and he winked.
“Now that everyone is in their correct seat,” Mr. Sunn announced. “We can get started with class.”
Everyone turned to focus on Mr. Sunn going over the first day syllabus, except for Kie. You caught her looking at you and you met her eyes. She raised her brows as if to ask, “what was that?”
You shrugged, telling her that you didn’t know. It was true, you didn’t. 
After class, no one brought it up so you didn’t say anything about it either. You all went about your day and soon, the whole seat incident left your mind.
The next day you were reminded of it.
You arrived to history with Pope, chatting about the syllabus and what supplies you still needed to get. Kie was already in class. You said hi and then bye and headed to your seat. JJ was the last to show up, cutting it close again. You gave him a small wave, assuming you weren’t going to get to talk to him until after class.
Except, he walked right up to you and sat down next to you. 
You raised your brows at him. “What are you doing?”
“Well, hello to you too,” JJ acknowledged with a light chuckle. 
“He’s gonna tell you to move again,” you predicted. 
JJ shrugged it off. “Like some seating chart is gonna keep me away from my favorite girl,” he retorted in a playful tone. 
You smiled, ready to go along with his flirting. “Favorite, huh?”
He put his elbow on his desk and leaned on his hand. “What, you didn’t know that? I coulda swore I made it obvious.”
You hummed, ready to hit back with a sly comment. Until you were interrupted.
“Is this going to become a daily occurrence?” Mr. Sunn’s voice tore you and JJ away from the gaze you held. You both looked to the front of the class, where he stood watching you two. “I believe you know your correct seat, Mr. Maybank.”
“I forgot, actually,” JJ lied easily. “I’m pretty comfortable here, though.”
Mr. Sunn rolled his eyes and held back any indication that he found the situation as funny as you did. “I can’t have my students revolting,” he decided. He pointed to JJ’s assigned seat, waiting for him to move.
“It’s only 45 minutes, JJ,” you told him. “I think you can survive.”
“Fine, fine,” he told you and Mr. Sunn. He got up and moved to his seat. The boy that sat next to you came out of nowhere and took the seat. 
After class, you met up with your friends. You were about to walk with JJ to the hall where both your next classes were, but Kie decided something different.
“I gotta go to the bathroom,” she announced. “Y/N- come with me?”
Except you didn’t really feel like she was asking. 
“Um, sure,” you agreed and headed off with her in the other direction of the boys.
“Why do girls always do that?” JJ wondered, watching as the two of you turned a corner.
“Girls just do that,” Pope explained. “This time they’re going to talk about you, dude. For sure.”
“About me?” JJ furrowed his brows. “What about me?”
“About how you like Y/N and that it’s totally obvious now. To everyone.” 
JJ just shrugged. He thought everyone already knew. The only person he really wanted to know was you, but you never seemed to think he was serious. You always flirted back and that was fun, but maybe he had to up his game.
Oddly, no one brought up the seat incident yet again as a group. Kiara and Pope did observe you and JJ closer, but even if the flirting was a little more obvious, it didn’t go beyond that.
Next day in history, it was a repeat of the previous days.
“I’m starting to think you like me,” you joked to JJ when he sat down beside you.
“It took you this long?” he responded teasingly. You tried to not read into it, not wanting to get your hopes up. Not realizing that he was hoping you would read into it.
Mr. Sunn looked up from his desk when the bell for class to start rang. Immediately, as if in a force of habit, his eyes landed on you and JJ. Once again he would have to start the class period by telling JJ to move.
“You must have amnesia,” Mr. Sunn directed towards JJ. Everyone knew that, he didn’t have to say his name.
You and JJ exchanged a look and a small laugh. You’d gotten over any level of embarrassment that came from people chuckling and eyeing you and JJ. 
“Can’t you just make an exception?” JJ asked. He was bargaining but didn’t have anything to offer.
Kie threw a smirk over her shoulder at you, but you avoided eye contact. 
Yesterday she had spent the “bathroom” trip convincing you that JJ really did like you—as more than just a friend. She knew you liked him, but also knew you were avoiding telling JJ. You didn’t want to mess with your friendship by making what you had always assumed was just friendly banter into something awkward and feeling like an idiot for thinking it was some kind of signal if it wasn’t. 
If she hadn’t sworn to JJ that she wouldn’t tell you how he felt, she would have cleared it up yesterday. But of course you didn’t know that.
Mr. Sunn’s lips pulled into a tight line. You couldn’t tell if he was genuinely annoyed or amused. “If you’re next to her, how can I expect you to pay attention in class?” 
At that, the whole class chuckled. Even you. At least Mr. Sunn had a good sense of humor.
JJ blushed a little at that. You hadn’t seen him flustered like this in… well, it had been a long time. He couldn’t think of a comeback as quickly as he usually did. Too many seconds passed for him to recover, so he had no choice. 
JJ grabbed his backpack. “I’ll see you after class,” he promised. 
“You always do,” you replied just loud enough for him to hear as he stood. He shot you a smile before walking over to his assigned seat.
Class moved slowly, although at least the subject was mildly interesting compared to your other ones this semester.
When the bell rang, you waited for your friends and you all walked out of class together. 
“JJ, are you trying to get in trouble?” Pope asked, almost accusingly.
JJ scoffed out a laugh. “Don’t be dramatic, I’m not gonna get in trouble over a seat.”
“Interesting that you keep going for a seat that’s right next to Y/N,” Kiara mused in a knowing tone.
“Whatever you’re thinking, stop,” you told her, but not in a serious way. You and JJ flirted but you didn’t want him to feel uncomfortable by her comments, implying that there was more.
Turns out it was the opposite. You didn’t see the way JJ looked at you. You were focused on the eye roll Kie gave before saying bye and heading to her next class. Pope followed suit, leaving you and JJ to walk to your next classes together.
“Y’know, if Kie wants to think… that,” JJ started, referencing her very obvious implication. “Or if anyone else does… I wouldn’t mind.”
You stared up at him, a bit taken aback. You and JJ had always been close and flirted, and even though you had a crush on him and all your friends were convinced he had a crush on you, neither of you brought it up or confronted it. JJ was taking the first step.
“I wouldn’t mind either,” you admitted, smiling lightly. 
JJ looked surprised, then relieved. “Really?”
You only let out a small laugh, “I’ll see you later,” you told him. You were about to walk to your class further down the hall, but stuck around for a moment longer. “Tomorrow, just sit in your seat,” you suggested. “Mr. Sunn is a chill guy but it’s gonna be a long year if we start off annoying him.”
“We’re not annoying,” JJ faked offense. “But yeah, alright,” he relented. “I guess I’ll just have to stare longing across the class,” he teased.
Your smile grew. “Yeah, I guess so,” you replied smoothly. Then, you walked away towards your class.
“We’re still meeting up with Pope and Kie later, right?” JJ called after you.
“Yeah,” you called back, not looking over your shoulder.
You hung out with your friends later and gone about your day. You and JJ of course flirted, but nothing more than usual. Pope didn’t bring it up again and Kiara just shot you knowing smirks. 
Next day in Mr. Sunn’s class, much to your surprise, when JJ walked into class he gave you a light wave and continued on to his assigned seat. He was following your advice, which was a hard thing to get JJ to do. You looked over and realized he was standing near where his seat was. 
And that someone was already in it.
The guy who was supposed to sit by you was in JJ’s seat. Meaning there was an empty seat right beside you.
JJ looked over his shoulder at you and grinned. He waltzed over, suddenly in a much better mood.
“Is this seat taken?” he asked you cheekily.
You looked past him to see the guy in JJ’s seat. He gave you a shrug and a look that said, “you’re welcome.” You almost laughed. 
“I guess not,” you answered JJ, looking back at him with a smile of your own.
He sat down in the seat, victorious. 
Mr. Sunn walked in when class started and went to the board.
“I see my words mean nothing to you, Mr. Maybank,” Mr. Sunn said, spotting JJ.
A smirk crossed your friend's face. “Actually,” he started, perking up. “My seat was taken.” 
Mr. Sunn looked at JJ's actual seat and sighed. The kid looked a little guilty but didn’t say anything. He looked back at JJ. “Fine, you win,” he decided. Then, he began to write on the board. 
After class, you and JJ parted from Kie and Pope to walk together to your next class. 
“I can’t believe he finally gave in,” you said with a laugh.
“I can be persuasive,” JJ replied smoothly.
You let out another laugh. “That was not persuasive. That was…I don’t know what that was,” you admitted.
“Fine, but I got what I wanted,” JJ revealed. It was no surprise, but there was something underlying in his tone. 
“Hey, I’m not complaining,” you held your hands up in surrender. The two of you stopped outside of your class and faced one another.
A small smile tugged at his lips. “I would hope not.” 
“I’ll see you later,” you told him. “Don’t miss me too much,” you decided to add on. 
“Oh, baby, I always do,” he played along casually. 
Your face felt warm at the nickname, but you didn’t say anything more. When you all hung out later, the interaction played through your mind.
You were too distracted to realize JJ was staring at you all night—or at least that’s what Kie had told you later.
The next day in Mr. Sunn’s class, JJ was there before you. You couldn’t remember the last time he was ever in a class before you. You walked to your seat and he smiled up at you.
“Hi there,” you greeted, sitting down beside JJ. “For once you actually came to class early,” you pointed out. 
“Well, I had a reason to,” JJ replied with a smile. “I wanted to ask you something.”
You chuckled, thinking of a joke. “Do you need an alibi?”
“Ha ha,” he said sarcastically. “I’m serious though.” Your expression turned confused. “Not like, serious serious. Don’t look so worried.”
“Alright, what is it?” 
“After school today would you wanna hang out? Just me and you?” JJ asked with a hint of nervousness.
“We hang out all the time,” you started knowingly. “So if you’re asking…” you mused, suppressing a smile (you were having a hard time with that, though). “Is this you asking me on a date, JJ?” 
“Maybe,” JJ said with a tad of nervousness. “Would you want to?”
“Yeah,” you answered without hesitation. You could’ve held out longer and maybe messed with a little, but you decided against that.
JJ looked pleasantly surprised. “Really?”
In your head, you were beaming with excitement. Out loud you confirmed, “it’s a date.”
“Don’t let me interrupt,” Mr. Sunn called to you and JJ, interrupting. “But since it seems important, I’m sure you wouldn’t mind sharing with the class.”
“Well, I’ve got a date later, so that’s pretty great,” JJ practically bragged, not missing a beat. “As for how that goes, I don’t kiss and tell.” 
JJ shot you a wink after that, Kie and Pope looked over their shoulders so fast you thought their heads were gonna spin, and Mr. Sunn actually looked impressed.
“About time,” someone in the class spoke up. It was an unfamiliar voice. When you located the source, you found it was the boy in JJ’s old seat.
And what did you do? Well, all you could do was let out a laugh and share a smile with JJ.
You had a feeling this class was going to be much more fun now—although, maybe not as much fun as your date with JJ.
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uch3na · 4 months
i’ve just sent out this same exact request to another writer but im going mad about the amount of fics (zero) with kai from voyagers (ARCHEIIE)
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𝙨𝙖𝙢𝙚 𝙨𝙥𝙖𝙘𝙚
| pairing - kai x reader
| warnings - sub!kai, kai jerking off while thinking of reader, praise (m recieving), riding, finger sucking, mindbreak (if u squint hard enough), kai really wanting to pleasure the reader
| a/n - im ngl i was so happy i got this request bc ive been wanting to write for him so here u go🤫🤫
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you always had your eye on kai. not in an attracted way, but you were always closest to him than anyone else on the ship.
but its just like one day everything — changed. when you stopped drinking your “medication” you just saw him differently. every time you looked at him you just wanted to do these things to him. break him. you didn’t know what came over you. kai always seemed like the type (sexually or not) that could break easily; even with the way he acts around the ship. all tough on the outside but when he’s alone he’s just a puddle of mush.
and to the least of your knowledge, kai felt the same way about you. he would think about the things you could do to him. he would try to sleep but all he could think of was you controlling him. taking what was yours. he would fist his cock at the thought. imagining it was your own hand wrapped around his thick length. he would shut his eyes and just try his absolute hardest to go to bed but he would just end up with his hand down his pants like a helpless little boy. and what made it worse was that you were in the room right next to him. and you heard everything. all his tiny moans and whimpers. this was the only thing that made you happy about the terribly thin walls on the ship.
you would’ve never thought kai thought of you the same way you thought of him until one day you had woken up to get a drink when you heard the faintest cry of your name while the hallways were dead silent. the voice sounds familiar so you instantly forget about the water and tiptoe to kai’s door and put your ear against it. it was almost like a mouse and a trap. and you fell for it. you just stood there — listening to him. the way his moans were broken each time he was about to orgasm. the way he would call out your name when he was close. the vague wet noises that were because of all of the pre-cum leaking from his tip mixed with his own spit. he had no shame since he was so loud and the ship was the complete opposite; so silent you could hear a mouse walking across the floors.
you just waited. waited until you could hear whatever little noises he made when he finally came. but what really caught you off guard was when he stood up to walk out of the room once he was done. you had to be quick to make it look like you had just walked out of your room too. once his door open you had turned your head to make it look as if he scared you. “what’re you doing up…?” he yell whispered. “i’m thirsty. why are you up?”
the question caused him to freeze in place. he squinted his eyes at you out of annoyance and whispered back “me too…” you could see his breathing quickening. he thought he had gotten caught. but you just continued to act clueless. so you got your water and went back to bed.
the next day during lunch you saw kai sitting down playing with his food. you walked up to him and tapped his shoulder. when he looked up at you he almost instantly looked back down. “hey kai.” you say softly. he flickered his eyes back up at you, flashing a little smile at you. it was so cute that it almost made you crack a smile yourself. “hey…” he whispered back. you decide to tease him a bit when you see how nervous he’s acting. he doesn’t usually act this way. he seems… guilty right now. “how’d you sleep?”
kai keeps his eyes off of yours, still picking at his food. “i slept… i slept pretty good. you?” you decide to mess with him some more but this time by actually doing something.
this time you reach up to his face, tilting his chin up to look at you. he swallows. hard. he can feel his face heating up at your touch. his eyes are soft and glossy. the way he looks up at you is enough to make you go weak in the knees. he licks his lips and moves his eyes to look at something else. “no no no… look at me.” you whisper firmly. “don’t get all shy on me now kai.” he looks confused. almost like he actually doesn’t know what you’re talking about. his eyes widen slightly and his hands start fidgeting with his shirt. you lean down, putting your mouth close to his ear before whispering again, “i know how dirty you really are…” his breathing gets deeper at your words, and his heartbeat accelerates. “w-what?”
you pull away from his ear and let go of his face. you flash a quick innocent smile before turning around to walk out of the lunchroom. by the time you make it to the door kai finally snaps out of the daze he was in and stands up to follow you. when he gets close enough he reaches out to grab your arm and flip you towards him. “what the hell are you taking about, ‘i know how dirty you are’?” he says continuing to walk towards you as you bump into your bedroom door.
he’s towering over you at this point — trying his best to intimidate you but it’s just not working.
“you know exactly what i mean… i know that you touch yourself while thinking of me.” he freezes, his eyebrows go up in realization and he starts to slowly back away from you. he stops moving when you grab the hem of his shirt, pulling him in closer to you. he looks down at you with pleading eyes. almost like he was begging you to make another move. but then he does something that catches you off guard. he tangles his hand in your hair before pulling you in for a passionate kiss. you both moan into like you’ve been waiting for it your whole life.
his grip on your hair gets tighter as his moans turn into whines. little desperate ones that got you so fucking wet that you soaked through your panties. kai used his free hand to open your room door and as soon as he shut the door behind him he began to take off his shirt and pants. once you were both naked, you reached down to stroke him slowly. he choked out a whimper when he felt your warm hand wrap around his pretty dick. the tip was already so wet from the stimulation of his pants rubbing on it before you two took your clothes off. “cmon baby… lemme hear those pretty noises you make all the time.” you whisper as you guide him to the bed. he lays down on his back as you climb on top of him.
his hands instinctively go to your hips as you reach around to line his cock up with your leaking entrance. when you finally sat down on him he cried out in pleasure. he gripped onto your hips so tight you were sure he was gonna leave a mark on you. you just sat there, letting him nestle inside you. you let him take a few seconds to adjust before you started to move your hips. you slid alllll the way up on him just leaving the tip in. you wanted to see how he would react — just wanting to tease him for a bit. “nononono- please just lemme feel you baby please-“ he choked out as he felt your tight cunt leave off his dick.
once you slammed your hips back down onto him little mumbles of ‘thankyouthankyouthankyou’’s left him. he was very vocal. even more than he was the night before. his whimpers were so sweet and soothing unlike his demeanor when he’s not just with you. you could feel his hands gripping onto the flesh of your ass as his moans got higher in pitch with each slam of your hips.
the room was filled with the sounds of lewd squelching and skin on skin. kai just kept getting louder with every move of your hips onto his pelvis and he wouldn’t get any quieter each time you told him to — so… you did what had to be done. you stuck your middle and ring finger into his mouth, muffling his sounds quite well. and by the way his cock twitched inside you, you could tell he liked it a lot.
you could feel his tongue swirl around the digits and his whining still getting higher even with your fingers that were just wrapped around his cock in his mouth.
“cmon lemme make you cum… can i? pleaseee just lemme make you cum baby.” kai mumbled out onto your fingers. you could still understand him quite well in this predicament. as soon as those words escaped his mouth he started to slam his own hips into yours. he wasn’t in this only for himself — he wanted to make you feel good too. your pleasure was his. the only sound that left him were muffled mewls and moans escaping his already distracted mouth. “awh kai… you’re doing so good f’me… wanna make me cum?”
his head nodding with a quickness when you asked that question, his hips stuttering slightly. his moans got a bit louder but only for a second when you removed your fingers from his mouth and replaced them with your own lips. one of his hands once again went up to your hair, tugging at it slightly. he was so close he didn’t know what to do with himself. “ohmygod, keep going m’malmosthere-“ he cried out into your mouth as his eyes slightly rolled back from all the pleasure he was feeling at once.
you could feel this coil in your stomach about to snap with each thrust kai did. you could see his eyebrows knitting up each time he hit your cervix. “there u go kai, make me cum baby…” he could feel himself losing his mind each time your tight little pussy would clench around his length. kai couldn’t even speak if he really wanted to. he was so vulnerable right now that he didn’t know what to do. “fuck fuck fuckkk- m’gnnacum ple-“ is all you hear before you can feel kai spill his load inside you. soon enough you clenched down onto him, your orgasm coming right after his. he was panting beneath you, trying to calm down from what just happened.
his hand was still in your hair when he pulled you down to kiss him sloppily once more before wrapping you in his arms to fall asleep.
“i think you broke me…” he huffs out with a quiet laugh.
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୨୧ 𝙖𝙡𝙨𝙤 𝙛𝙤𝙧 𝙢𝙮 𝙗𝙖𝙗𝙮: @ludicdoll
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nanawritesit · 6 months
Being EXO’s fem!idol crush who gets shipped with them - Hyung Line Ver.
Maknae Line Ver.
a/n: this is based on the SM girl group idol au that i wrote a while back, please read that first so that the writing will make sense :) ALSO chen’s will be written platonically bc as i’ve stated before, i don’t feel comfortable writing romantic scenarios for someone who has a wife and two kids 💀 AND these scenarios are LONG so i’m splitting this into two parts! enjoy :)
TW: kissing, being held, crying, mentions of food
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You and Xiumin had been growing close as colleagues and friends for a few months now. You began hanging out on a semi-regular basis, and today he was guest starring on a live video for Etoile Clubhouse.
“You ready?” you asked him, finger hovering over mouse to click the “live” button. You were actually asking yourself if you would be able to get through a whole video with him without making a fool of yourself. Lately you had been developing the biggest crush on him, and it was highly embarrassing. Not even your members knew about it. You knew that Nabi and Marie would just tease you mercilessly, and that Iseul and Kaori would never stop bothering you with questions, so you decided to keep it to yourself.
“You know it.” he winked, leaning forward in his chair with a grin.
You nodded, letting out a small gulp as you clicked the button. In just a few seconds, fans and comments were pouring in.
“Hi Starlight! It’s your main vocalist Y/N!” you greeted your fans lovingly. Xiumin glanced over at you with an admiring sparkle in his eyes, which you didn’t seem to notice.
“Today I’m joined by my good friend, Xiumin of EXO!” you announced, gesturing over to him.
Xiumin waved at the camera. “Hi Starlight! It’s good to see you!”
You began scrolling through some of the comments.
ugh, my two biases together, my heart can’t take it 😭
look at the way he’s looking at her 🥺💞
You tried to control the blush smile that threatened to make its way onto your face, leaning back in your chair. “Well, they’re certainly happy to see you too!”
He smiled appreciatively, giving the camera a small bow. “Thank you, Starlight. It’s an honor to be here with the lovely Y/N.”
You hit his arm playfully. “Stop trying to butter me up! You’re not stealing any of my fans!”
He laughed at you, ruffling your hair slightly. “Awh, you know I wouldn’t do that to you. Besides, I could never betray EXO-L like that.” He flashed a finger heart at the camera with a cute wink.
You rolled your eyes, then went back to reading some of the comments.
just ask her out already xiumin 😑
the banter??? they’re so cute omg
oh they’re definitely dating 👀
“Wow, you guys really have a lot to say today.” you chuckled nervously.
Xiumin glanced over at you again with a reassuring smile, his eyes so full of compassion that you could melt. “We do make a pretty good team, Y/N. You can’t blame them for being honest.”
You laughed at his comment, easing up a bit. As the live went on, you both just answered some questions and talked about the projects you’d been working on lately. There were a lot of laughs, and overall you were very satisfied with the fan turnout. A lot of EXO-L’s had heard that Xiumin was on your live, and popped over to say hi as well.
“Well, we’re approaching our hour mark, so unfortunately it’s time to say goodbye.” you huffed disappointedly. You always hated saying goodbye to your fans.
“I suppose so…” Xiumin sighed. He pouted at the camera, making you chuckle.
“Alright, until next time, stay twinkly!” you smiled at the camera, pressing you hand to your lips to do your signature ending. You always blew a kiss to the camera at the end of a live.
However, as you did, Xiumin pressed a kiss to your cheek. You froze, hand falling away from your lips slowly.
“Did you just…?” you asked in bewilderment, looking over at him with doe eyes.
He just sat there with a content shit-eating grin on his face, looking at you innocently.
You looked over at the monitor to see what the fans were saying.
“ALRIGHT, it’s time to say goodbye Starlight!” you chuckled anxiously, quickly blowing a kiss before exiting out of the live. You swiveled around in your chair to face Xiumin. “What was that?”
“It was just a kiss on the cheek.” he chirped, resting his chin on his hand.
“Yes, but on live? That could’ve been a disaster! What if the fans-“
“What if the fans what?” he interrupted, grabbing your hand and rubbing his thumb long the back of it. “They obviously liked us together. And so do I.”
Your heart stopped, and you looked up at him in disbelief. “You… you do?”
He nodded, brushing a strand of your hair behind your ear. “I do. I really do. I want something more with you Y/N.”
You gave him a small smile, placing your hand over his. “I do too Xiumin. I’ve wanted it for a while now. I’m sorry I freaked out.”
“It’s understandable. What I did was kind of risky.” he chuckled.
“You think?” you replied sarcastically.
“Come here…” he grumbled, tugging you closer to him. He brought his hands up to the sides of your face and pulled you in for a kiss. It was sweet and delicate, and everything you had been hoping for. You placed your hands on his shoulders as you leaned into it, deepening it slightly. As you pulled away, your foreheads came to rest against each other.
“You make me so happy, Y/N.” he whispered, squinting his eyes.
“Ditto.” you replied, pecking his lips again.
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It was the long anticipated MAMA awards, and you and your group were all dressed up in matching indigo gowns. You were all sitting together in your row, watching the performances and applauding as the awards were presented. You were especially entertained by one of the hosts… Suho from EXO.
“Wow, you’re really engrossed in the ceremony Y/N.” Nabi commented, leaning over and nudging you in your side.
“Oh, shut up!” you grunted, slapping her arm away. “I’m just excited to see all our colleagues get rewarded for how hard they’ve worked this year.”
“Yeah, and it has nothing to do with how you’ve had a crush on Suho since the day he accidentally walked in on our dance practice back when we were trainees.” Marie teased you from your other side.
“I’m feeling very ganged up on right now.” you grumbled, crossing your arms. “At least the maknaes respect me enough not to make fun of me.”
“That’s only because they’re such big STAYS that they can’t take their eyes off the stage long enough to realize you’re making googly eyes at the host.” Nabi retorted.
You glanced over at Iseul and Kaori who were totally immersed in Stray Kids’ performance. They were totally in love with Felix and Changbin respectively, and were so jealous when you got to make a cameo in one of their music videos. You promised to get them autographs, but it only eased the pain a little bit.
Everyone broke out into applause as Stray Kids exited the stage and returned to their seats. Suho and Irene walked back to the center of the stage to announce the next award, and a hush fell upon the audience. You looked up at the stage with bright eyes, trying to act as if you were looking at both the hosts, and not just Suho.
“What a wonderful performance from Stray Kids!” he congratulated. “It’s no wonder they’ve already received three awards tonight.”
You laughed along with everyone else, making Nabi and Marie share a knowing glance. You hit them both lightly on the thigh, making them snap away from each other quickly. Sometimes your unni-card came in handy.
“That’s true, but now it’s time to announce the winner of best female group!” Irene beamed, waving the envelope in her hands.
The crowd erupted in cheers, and all five of you looked at each other with wide eyes. It was your first year in the running, and while you weren’t expecting to win, the anticipation was killing you all. Etoile had really taken off last year after Andromeda was released, and was already considered in the realms of Twice and Red Velvet. It was certainly going to be a tense moment, and the whole audience knew it.
You grabbed onto Nabi and Marie’s hands, immediately forgetting about how frustrated they had made you earlier. Marie reached over to hold Iseul and Kaori’s hands. It was a tradition you all started after you won your first award with Andromeda. Even if you weren’t expecting to win, you all held hands to signify your unity. Irene began to unfold the envelope, and everyone was on the edge of their seats.
You glanced up at the stage, and for a moment, you could swear that Suho was looking at you. His eyes were full of admiration and joy. Your heart stopped, and you gripped onto your members hands even harder. Suddenly, Suho glanced over at the envelope in Irene’s hands. His eyebrows raised and his mouth fell open slightly. Forgetting himself, he looked back over at you in the crowd and gave you a small wink. Did that mean that…?
“And the MAMA award for best female group goes to Etoile!” Irene cheered, clapping her hands together excitedly.
The five of you sprung up from your seats, eyes wide with shock and disbelief. There was no way! This had to be a joke. But when you looked behind you and saw nearly all your colleagues, senior and junior, looking at you with praise and pride, you knew it was real.
You looked over at Nabi, who already had tears streaming down your face. You giggled at her emotional reaction, putting a hand on her shoulder. “You okay?”
She shook her head, wiping her tears. “I’m… I’m…”
You chuckled at her, taking her hands in your own. “Come on, we have to go accept the award.”
As you led your leader out into the aisle way, you glanced back to see Marie clinging onto her, then Iseul clinging onto Marie, and Kaori clinging onto Iseul. They were all sobbing and barely making it out of their seats without passing out. You shook your head with an amused smile. This always happened. Your members would all be blubbering messes and you were always the only calm one, leading them up the stage like a mother hen.
As you reached the stairs, you looked up to see Suho rushing over to help you up. You couldn’t help the giddy smile that was plastered on your face as his eyes met yours. You took his hand and allowed him to lead you up the steps, with him taking extra care to move slowly enough so that you wouldn’t trip in your heels. As you ascended the last step, he gingerly placed a kiss over the back of your hand. Your eyes went wide, and you could hear your members giggling behind you.
“Congratulations. You deserve this.” he told you, gesturing over to Irene, who was waiting to give you your award.
You gave him an excited, blushy smile and rushed over to Irene, who already had her arms extended to give you a huge hug. As she pulled away, she handed you your award. “I knew you could do it, little sis.” she grinned admiringly.
“Thank you, big sis.” you replied with a small bow, leading your girls over to the microphone to give the speech.
Later that night, you were all at the after party, and everyone there was treating you like the guests of honor. Your friends from Stray Kids came over to congratulate you, making Iseul and Kaori’s millennium.
“Did you see the way Changbin looked at me?” your maknae squealed, clutching the award to her chest. She hadn’t let go of it all night long, treating it like it was her own child. You had to admit, it was adorable to see your “daughter” so excited about your groups’ achievement.
“Yeah, it was the same way Suho was looking at our Y/N during the ceremony.” Nabi teased you once again.
You rolled your eyes. “Yeah, well you couldn’t look at anything during the ceremony because your eyes were flooded with tears.”
The other girls laughed along with you, except Nabi, who scoffed annoyedly.
“I still can’t believe he kissed your hand though.” Iseul commented, shaking your shoulders excitedly. “I really think you should shoot your shot with him!”
“All I want to do right now is go get some air.” you shut her down, patting her shoulder lovingly. “All this interrogation is making me feel suffocated.”
The four girls chuckled at you, waving you off as you made your way to a secluded hallway. You knew they meant well, but god they were insufferable sometimes.
However as you turnt the corner, lost in thought, you came face first with a solid brick wall. At least, that’s what you thought it was until you looked up to see Suho’s eyes locked in on yours.
“Oh, forgive me, I’m so clumsy!” you apologized frantically, feeling your cheeks heat up.
“No, it’s alright!” he reassured you, placing his hands gingerly on your arms to stabilize you. “Are you okay?”
You nodded. “Yeah, I just had to get some air.”
“I get it. Being so successful is exhausting.” he replied.
You smiled at him before glancing down at the ground nervously. “We really weren’t expecting to win.”
“What?” he asked you, furrowing his brows in confusion. “Why not? I thought you guys were an absolute shoo-in.”
“Is that why you were staring at me in the crowd?” you asked, feeling a bit more bold.
Now it was his turn to blush and glance down at his shoes. “Maybe. I just knew that my favorite junior group had worked really hard this year and deserved to win the award.”
Your heart slipped a beat. “We’re your favorite junior group?”
He nodded with a playful grin. “Absolutely. And you’re my bias.”
Your mouth impulsively dropped open, making you feel like an idiot. You quickly slapped it shut, adjusting your hair anxiously. “That’s really funny, because you happen to be my bias.”
“Really?” he gaped, copying the same actions you had just taken. You giggled with a nod, making him chuckle. “I guess EXO-L and Starlight are right, we do make a good pairing.”
You squinted your eyes in confusion. “What do you mean?”
“Oh, you must have been so busy out there that you haven’t had the chance to check social media!” he realized, pulling his phone out of his back pocket. He pulled up a popular fanpage and handed it to you. “It’s all anyone can talk about. Along with how adorable you were leading your group down the aisle.”
You scrolled through the comments, eyes bulging out of your head at how many there were.
suho was so cute kissing Y/N’s hand 🥺 i’m so jealous but i think they’d make an adorable couple
suho rushing over to help Y/N up the stage was the cutest thing ever! he definitely has a lil crush on her <3
did anyone else notice how Suho winked at Y/N in the audience??? and how Y/N was looking at Suho the whole time he was hosting??? they’re literally so in love idc 😤
You fought back the tugging at the corner of your lips, handing Suho back his phone. “That’s amazing.”
“I know. I guess the only thing left for us to do is go out on a date.”
You nodded. “I’d like that very much.”
You both exchanged numbers, then said your goodbyes as he made his way back out into the party. As you got to the bathroom, you shut the door behind you and pressed your back against it, clutching your chest. You had just gotten the award of your dreams and the man of your dreams, all in the same night. How much more lucky could you get?
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You were having a great time in China with Marie, being chosen as guest mentors for an idol training program. A lot of the girls on the show were fans, and your appearances were bringing in a lot of new Chinese Starlights.
You were reaching the end of your filming, running through the last steps of your dance practice with the girls. You and Marie were standing at the front of the room with your backs’ to the door, and you were so entranced with watching your girls’ practice that you didn’t even hear the door open behind you.
Suddenly, a strong pair of arms was thrown around the two of you, making you both jump. Your head whipped around quickly, and your eyes widened as you realized who it was.
“Yixing!” you both cheered, turning around in his arms to hug him.
He flashed a smile at you before wrapping his arms around the two of you tightly.
The girls all finished their dance and cheered at the arrival of another mentor, one that they had been working with for quite a while now.
“Alright girls, I think it’s time for a break!” you announced. They all thanked you and bowed before filing out, leaving the three of you alone in the dance practice room.
“I didn’t know you guys’ were going to be on the show!” Yixing beamed, putting his hands on his hips. “I came in to do the dance practice with the girls today and they were all gone, then the producers told me you were guest mentoring today, and I just had to come say hi.”
“Yes you did!” you agreed. “We’ve missed you so much at SM! You were our favorite senior!”
He blushed slightly, running a hand through his hair. “I’ve missed you guys too. But I really like the work I’m doing over here.”
“Of course, we understand that.” Marie reassured him. “It just gets hard without your expertise sometimes.”
You all laughed, shifting slightly.
“Alright, I think that’s enough footage for now.” the camera man announced. “The main focus of the episode is going to be the vocal practice so you guys are good to go.”
You and Marie thanked him, then turned back to Yixing.
“So, if you guys aren’t doing anything tonight, do you wanna get dinner together? It’ll be my treat.” he offered with a cute smile.
You blushed slightly. “I’d love to.”
“Thank you, but I’ll pass. I think I pulled something in my shoulder today.” Marie grumbled, rolling her shoulder back a few times. “But you guys have fun.”
“Okay, no worries. Y/N and I will have a great time together without you.” Yixing teased her, ruffling her hair. She pushed him away with a scowl. He had always treated Marie like a little sister, which made you laugh because she was usually so tough and headstrong.
He turned back towards you. “Text me which hotel you’re at, and we can meet up around 7 if that’s okay?”
You nodded, smiling brightly at him. “It’s a date!” You cringed internally. Why would you say that?
He said his goodbyes and left the room, leaving you and Marie to yourselves.
“You’re welcome, by the way.” she huffed, punching you on the arm lightly.
“For what?” you asked, grabbing your purse.
“For making up that lie about my shoulder so you could have a dinner alone with Yixing.” she grinned, taking a few swigs from her water bottle before continuing. “I’m missing out on a great dinner just so you can make a move with your crush, so you better not waste it.”
“And so I’m standing there in the middle of the subway in a Sailor Moon costume, looking around for my members, and they’re just nowhere to be seen! I had to take the subway all the way back to the dorms in that ridiculous outfit!”
Yixing threw his head back in laughter at your story, bringing a hand up to cover his mouth. “Oh my gosh, they did not leave you there by yourself!”
“Yes they did! And that’s why you don’t leave the group to get coffee after shooting a music video.” you concluded, rolling your eyes.
He was rolling, small tears forming in the corners of his eyes from how hard he was laughing. “Ah, that’s too funny. I mean, not for you, but… as a listener.”
You nodded, brushing a piece of hair behind your ear. “No it’s okay. It’s unfortunate, but hilarious.”
“I’m so glad I asked you out to dinner tonight.” he commented, eyes looking into yours and sparkling with sincerity. “I meant it when I said I’ve missed you.”
“I did too. It’s not the same without you there.” you replied.
He seemed to be reaching across the table for your hand. Your heart stopped in anticipation.
Ring! Ring! Ring!
You squinted your eyes and exhaled an annoyed sigh. “I’m so sorry.”
“It’s okay, go ahead and answer it.” he chuckled awkwardly.
You practically ripped your phone out of your purse and hit the answer button, hardly even looking at who it was. “What?!” you spat.
“Y/N! For the love of god check your phone!” Nabi screeched on the other end of the line.
“Nabi? Why, what’s going on? Are the girls okay?” you asked worriedly.
“Yeah, we’re all fine! Just check your phone!” your leader demanded, then hung up the phone.
You looked over at Yixing in confusion.
“Everything okay?” he asked, concerned.
“I don’t know. Nabi just screamed at me to check my phone.” you shrugged, beginning to scroll through your text messages. First was the group chat you had with the members.
Marie 🐈‍⬛: “Relax, I just ditched dinner so she could be alone with Yixing. They’re not dating yet. No one call her, you’ll ruin their date.”
Iseul 🐶: “YES! FINALLY!”
Kaori 🐥: “Wait, Y/N and Yixing are dating???”
Iseul 🐶: “Y/N? Who asked who out?”
Kaori 🐥: “I’m so glad my parents are finally together :)”
Nabi 🦋: “CALL ME RN.”
Marie 🐈‍⬛: “You guys are literal idiots.”
You knit your brows in confusion before switching over to your other text messages. Why were they talking about you and Yixing dating? And how did they even know you were out with him?
Yeri 💜: “bestie, have you seen this?” *article attached*
Taeyong 🌹: “Y/N, have you been on twitter recently? There’s some stuff you might wanna see…”
Karina ❤️: “yessss get it girl!” *photo attached*
Manager 🫡: “Call me when you get a chance. It’s important.”
Yixing reached for your hand again, actually holding it this time. “Y/N… what’s going on?”
You looked at him helplessly, feeling your heart swell with anxiety. “There’s dating rumors about us. I’m guessing the fans saw us on that tv show and then saw us here together.”
He looked like he was about to say something, but was interrupted by his own cell phone ringing loudly in his pocket.
He sighed, grabbing his coat. “Let’s go to my place. I have a feeling we’ll be sorting this out all night.”
You had just gotten back to Yixing’s place, and were currently sitting on the sofa waiting for your manager to pick up his phone. He had gone into his bedroom to talk to his own manager, telling you to just make yourself comfortable.
You tapped your foot anxiously as your phone rang. You had no idea what your manager was going to say. Would he be angry? Understanding? Just as confused as you were?
“Hey Y/N.” he finally answered.
“Hey.” you sighed, feeling your stomach turn. You prepared yourself for the worst.
“How are you holding up kid?” he asked, seemingly genuinely concerned.
“About as good as I can. I still don’t really know what’s going on.” you replied.
“Well, I just got done talking to the company. They said the response is mostly positive. They’ve given you the okay to confirm the relationship.”
Your eyes widened in disbelief. That was pretty much the opposite of what you were expecting to hear. “Really?”
“Yeah, it’s really interesting. Apparently they saw the two of you hugging and bantering on that idol show you’re on right now and thought it was really sweet. Then someone posted that picture of the two of you at that restaurant and the comments were just flooded with approval.” he laughed, seemingly just as perplexed as you were. “I’ve gotta say, I have to agree with them. You guys do look good together.”
You chuckled, pushing your hair back in amazement. “Oh my gosh. I have no idea what to do now.”
“Are you with Yixing right now?” your manager asked.
“Mmhm. He’s in the other room talking to his manager.” you replied.
“Okay. You two can talk it over for a bit. Let me know what decision you come to.” he instructed. “Take care, kid.”
“Okay, I will. Talk to you in a bit.” you told him, hanging up the phone. You sighed in relief, tossing your phone onto the coffee table. You sunk down onto the sofa and shut your eyes, rubbing them slightly.
Suddenly, Yixing emerged from the hallway. He chuckled at your disheveled appearance, walking over to sit down next to you. “You good?”
“Honestly, I’m better off than I thought I would be.” you answered with an amused smirk. “My manager just told me the response is mostly positive.
“Mine said the same thing.” he nodded. “Now it’s just up to us.”
You sat up, folding your hands in your lap. “So, what do we want to do?”
He shrugged casually. “I’d like to confirm it.”
Your heart stopped. “You do?”
He smiled, dimples showing prominently. “Y/N, I’ve had a crush on you for years. Now thanks to the fans, I might actually have a chance with you.
Your face broke out into an enormous grin, and you began to feel butterflies in your stomach. This was really too good to be true.
“Alright, I’ll call my manager and tell him to confirm it.” you beamed, reaching for your phone.
He grabbed your wrist delicately, stopping you. “Wait, just a second…” He then leaned forward and placed a tender kiss on your cheek.
Your face heated up, and you touched your hand to your cheek lightly, looking at him perplexedly. “What was that for?”
“For giving me a night I’ll never forget.”
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It was the fans’ dream come true. A collab between SuperM and GOT the Beat. All the male and female legends of SM were going to be together in one music video.
You were all currently shooting the music video. The director’s vision was to mix up the different ages and genders in individual cuts to showcase the true unity of the super groups. Taemin, Hyoyeon, and Kai were put together since they were a fan favorite grouping. Taeyong and Taeyeon were another paring. Ten and Seulgi were partners, as well as Mark and Iseul. Then, Karina and Winter did their section together. BoA, Wendy, and Lucas were the last trio. That left you and Baekhyun, who had been your idol and celebrity crush since you were 16.
Karina and Iseul winked at you before walking off into their own groupings, making you scowl and roll your eyes. You turned back to Baekhyun with a weak smile, bowing politely.
“It’s so nice to meet you formally.” you stammered meekly. “I’m a huge fan. You’re actually one of my biggest inspirations as a main vocalist.”
Damnit, you thought, that probably made me sound like such a nerd.
Baekhyun’s face lit up in the most genuine smile, he was practically giggling in contentment at your confession. “That’s so wonderful to hear! I’m honored to have inspired the best female vocalist at this company.”
You gasped, eyes going wide. “Oh I’d hardly call myself the best, especially considering what powerhouses I get to work with in GTB!”
He chuckled, crossing his arms and leaning closer to you. “Your nickname is ‘angel voice’ for a reason.” He seemed to be getting more and more comfortable with you by the second. The two of you seemed to just click instantly.
“Would you like to hear a secret?” he practically whispered. You nodded and turnt your ear towards his lips with an intrigued grin. “You give quite a bit of inspiration to me as well Y/N. I might just be your biggest Starlight.”
You gasped again, this time out of excitement. “You’re kidding!” you exclaimed.
He shook his head, playful smile still wide on his face. “Why would I lie to my favorite junior?”
You rolled your eyes and blushed, looking away in embarrassment. He really knew how to fluster you. Luckily, the director had just walked over to you and was about to start shooting.
“Alright Y/N and Baekhyun! We’ve got a lot of good visuals and vocals between the two of you so I’m very excited to shoot these cuts!” she beamed, clapping her hands together. “We’re going to take a teaser photo first, then we’re just going to roll the cameras to get some b roll for the music video.” The both of you nodded understandingly before moving over to the shooting area.
“Let’s start by having Y/N stand in the foreground looking straight at the camera.” the director ordered. “Baekhyun, how about you put an arm around her chest and place the other hand delicately on her waist. Now, tilt your head towards her as if you’re whispering in her ear.”
Your heart stopped as you both assumed the position. You had filmed music videos with other male artists before, so the intimacy wasn’t the issue. It was the fact that Byun Baekhyun was going to be just inches away from your ear and holding you close to him.
You froze as he placed his hand on your waist.
“Is this okay?” he asked softly enough that only you could hear him.
You smiled appreciatively and nodded slightly. He then placed the other arm around your chest and gripped his fingers securely onto your shoulder as if to comfort you. He was really making it easy to lean into his touch, and soon you were comfortably standing there in his arms, giving the camera your best smize.
“You’re breathtaking, Y/N.” he murmured, a wholesome smirk evident on his face. You couldn’t help but flash a huge, toothy grin at his compliment. As soon as you did, the cameras flashed, signaling that your photo had been taken.
“Beautiful, you guys! That was a perfect photo!” the director praised. “We don’t even need to take a second one. Now just do your thing while we roll the cameras for some b roll.”
“The camera loves us together.” Baekhyun commented, resting his head on your shoulder with a sigh.
You glanced down at him with a teasing side eye, clamping your hands onto the arm he had around your chest. “Well, the camera’s apparantley not the only one.”
“Ah, so sassy for a junior.” he scoffed, leaning closer to your ear. “Someone should teach you a thing or two about respecting your elders.” he hissed out teasingly.
“And are you going to be that someone?” you chuckled, an amused grin making its way onto your expression despite how hard you tried to fight it.
“I might be.” he grinned, rocking you in his arms a bit. “But I’d have to take you out first.”
You turned around to face him, forgetting about the cameras in front of you for a second. “Are you genuinely asking me out on a date?” you inquired.
“That’s usually what someone means when they say they’d like to take you out. Unless they’re an assassin.” he chuckled, placing his hands on your hips.
You laughed nervously, gripping onto his arms with your hands. “Baekhyun, I don’t know if that’s a good idea. I mean, we’re idols. I know we don’t have a dating ban anymore, but it’s still risky.”
“I’m willing to take that chance.” he reassured you, staring into your eyes with a carefree smile. “You’d be worth it, without question.”
You grinned uncontrollably wide, glancing down at the floor bashfully. “I… I just don’t know.”
“Think about it, okay?” he practically pleaded.
You looked up into his big brown puppy dog eyes, which were glimmering with hope and sincerity. It was impossible to say no. “Okay, I will. I promise.”
“That was incredible guys!” the director suddenly interrupted your intimate moment, making you spring away from each other. “Now let’s do some lip synching to the lyrics!”
The fans’ response the collab was amazing. Many were calling it a shoo-in for song of the year, and one of the best decisions SM had ever made.
“Hey Y/N! Have you read the comments on our music video?” Karina asked you as she approached you in the SM hallway on your way back from vocal practice.
“No, I haven’t gotten the chance to yet.” you explained. “Why?”
She raised her eyebrows at you suggestively. “Well, you definitely should. Apparantley there’s a lot about you and a certain main vocalist you were paired up with.”
Your heart sunk. “Oh no, are the fans upset?”
“No, not at all!” your junior chuckled. “In fact, they’re shipping you guys together.”
You couldn’t help the idiotic smile that flashed onto your face. “Really?”
“Yes, so why don’t you just go out with him already? Taeyong and Ten told me he’s absolutely smitten with you!” Karina whined, tugging on your arm slightly.
You rolled your eyes, pushing her away. “Shouldn’t you be getting to your dance practice, Miss Leader?”
She gasped and began to take off down the hall. “Shoot, you’re right! See you later, Y/N!”
You chuckled at her silliness, then leaned up against the wall and whipped out your phone. You pulled up the music video and began scrolling through the comments.
Wow, Y/N and Baekhyun look really good together <3
Y/N-hyun is my new favorite ship 👀
Anyone else think Baekhyun and Y/N would make the best power couple in kpop history???
You let out a baffled scoff at the positive response. Maybe it was silly to be so worried about dating him. Suddenly, you took off down the hallway with renewed purpose, knowing exactly where you had to go.
As you arrived at Baekhyun’s studio, you knocked on the door and waited for him to answer. And he did, peering out with a smile and fixing his hair at the sight of you.
“Y/N? What are you-“
He was cut off by you grabbing his face and delicately pressing your lips against his. It was just a small peck, but it was ever so sweet, and let him know just how you felt about him.
“I thought about it.” you said once you pulled away. “Let’s go out.”
He put his hands on your hips, grinning from ear to ear. “Thank god. I was starting to think you didn’t like me.” He leaned down to kiss you again, longer and more passionately than the last time.
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“That was awesome, Kaori!” you complimented your maknae from the other side of the recording booth. She had just finished her rap feature for one of the songs on your solo album. “You’re good to go, kid.”
“You sure?” she asked, removing her headphones. “I can stay and help you with the rest if you want.”
“Nah it’s cool, you’re a growing girl. You need your sleep.” you told her with a reassuring smile. “Besides, you know how particular I am about things.”
“Alright mom.” she chuckled, rolling her eyes playfully. “Just don’t pass out in the studio again. Nabi ran all over like a mad woman trying to find you last time.”
“I promise I won’t. I’ll see you back at the dorms in the morning.” you replied, waving her off.
You sighed as the door shut behind her, slumping down in your chair. You moved on to organizing all your tracks and adjusting them to your liking. It was a tedious process, but you knew it would be worth it when your solo album was finally out. You wanted to do this, for yourself and for your fans.
After what felt like a few hours of working, someone came through the door. You huffed irritatedly.
“Kaori, I told you to go to sleep…” you stopped mid-sentence as you realized the person at the door was definitely not Kaori. “Oh, Chen! What are you doing here?”
He chuckled at your sudden change of attitude. “Oh, I was working in the studio at the end of the hall and heard someone tinkering around on my way out. I thought I’d check it out.” He sat down in the chair next to yours. “How long have you been at this?”
You glanced at the clock. How the hell was it 3 am? You sighed before answering him. “Five hours, I suppose”
He pressed his lips together and nodded understandingly. “Yeah, that’s about what I figured. Come on, we’re taking a break.” He patted your shoulder and stood up from his chair.
“What? No, I can’t…” you protested, gesturing to the monitor in front of you.
“You most certainly can.” he retorted, putting his hands on his hips assertively, but still keeping a smile on his face. “Let’s go get you some food and water, and we’ll come right back. It won’t take more than ten minutes.”
You sat there for a moment, just staring at him blankly, not quite knowing what else to say that might make him give up.
“Don’t make me use my dad voice.” he threatened.
“Alright, I’m going…” you sighed defeatedly, grabbing your coat as you stood up and followed him out into the hallway.
He was true to his word, the walk to the convenience store and back only took about ten minutes. You were now back in the recording room, snacks strewn about everywhere, going over your tracks with Chen.
“I think this is really solid!” he complimented you. “Obviously you’ll want to do a few tweaks here and there, but this is really good. You should be proud.”
“Awh, thanks Chen!” you replied gratefully. “One of the things I was thinking about doing was…”
The two of you went back and forth bouncing ideas between each other, adjusting parts of the songs and making them perfect.
“Okay, I’m gonna save your original, but I’ll tweak it how I would do it, and then I’ll show it to you.” he proposed, taking over the sound board. “Just hang tight for a sec, okay?”
“Roger that.” you told him, giving him a thumbs up. You rested your head against your arms, which were folded up on the desk in front of you. Suddenly it hit you how tired you were. Your eyelids felt like they weighed 100 pounds, and the soft clicks of Chen using the keyboard seemed to be lulling you off to sleep like a metronome. Before you could stop yourself, your eyes closed for the last time, and you were dozing off right there in the studio.
“Okay, I’m done…” he stated, swiveling around to face you. He chuckled as he realized you had fallen asleep right next to him. “This kid…” he laughed, shaking his head. He pulled out his phone and snapped a picture of you, posting it on instagram and tagging Etoile’s account.
Hey Starlight, just thought you’d like to know how hard your main vocal is working on her solo album! I know I can’t wait for it to come out!
He clicked the post button, then shoved his phone back in his pocket. He saved all your work, then shut off all the lights and machines. Once everything was taken care of, he grabbed one of your arms and threw you over his back, beginning to carry you back to the dorms.
Needless to say, you were highly confused when you woke up in your own bed the next day. Furrowing your brows, you threw on your slippers and walked out into the dining room to see Nabi and Kaori at the table eating breakfast.
“There’s our sleeping beauty.” Nabi teased with a loving smirk. “Got in pretty late last night, huh?”
“Dude, I don’t even know how I got home.” you yawned, trudging over to the coffee pot.
“Oh, you don’t remember? Chen brought you home!” Kaori told you. “He said you passed out in the studio again.
“Yeah, the fans are talking about the picture he posted. They think it’s super cute.” Nabi explained, pulling up the post on her phone.
You took a sip of your coffee before grabbing the phone from her hand. You smiled as you read the caption, then began scrolling through the comments.
awh, chen is such a good big brother to our y/n! 🥺
thank you for saving y/n from nabi’s wrath XD
look at chen being a proud dad, i’m sobbing 😭
i love the wholesome sibling vibes these two have!
You grinned as you gave Nabi her phone back. “He is kind of like an older brother. That was really sweet of him to bring me home. I should thank him.”
You sat down at the table with your coffee and pulled out your phone, only to see that he had already texted you.
Chen ✌🏻: “Just so you know, I’m making you feature in one of MY solo songs sometime soon. I can already tell your album is going to be huge, and I need your talents 👀”
You laughed at his demanding tone, typing up your own reply.
Y/N 🦢: “aye aye cap’n 🫡 also thanks for getting me home last night :)”
Chen ✌🏻: “No problem, just don’t pass out in the studio again or Nabi and I will BOTH come after you 👊🏻”
“So if you’re my mom, and Chen is your big brother, does that make him my uncle?” Kaori asked with a confused expression.
“I guess so.” you shrugged with a smile. Your found family at SM just seemed to keep growing and growing, but you couldn’t complain. It was nice to work with people who cared about you, and you wouldn’t have it any other way.
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n0tangeliccc · 1 year
I have an idea! NSFW Jealous possesive top creek x reader, the asian girls start drawing reader with other ppl and the ships became very famous around town, tweek n craig have no other option than fuck reader until she can't think straight bc they're jealous as hell and they need to prove that reader belongs to them 💏💏💏💏
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You’re ours
Craig x Fem!Reader x Tweek
Warning: Smut, unprotected sex, oral (m! + f! receiving), cum swallowing (it’s implied), threesome, fingering, degradation (the tiniest bit of praise), slight edging (?), semi-public sex (idk other people can hear you), uh i think that’s everything i don’t know how to tag these things😵‍💫(some parts might sound ooc im sorry!!)
A/N: I didn’t expect y’all to love the Creek stuff but here you go my loves🤭 (also this was not proofread please tell me of any misspellings!!)
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ✧˖°.
There stood your two lovers, Tweek and Craig, their hands shaking in rage as they looked at the huge mural of you and their close friend Clyde together. Ever since you started hanging out those same girls who once got them together have been shipping you and Clyde together and this made Tweek and Craig absolutely furious. “AcK- Craig can you believe this?” Tweek’s mind was racing with panicked thoughts of you leaving him and Craig “W-what if she leaves us for him aHh! This is too much!!” “Calm down honey” Craig rubs Tweek’s back trying to calm him down before sighing “I knew we should’ve just been open and told everyone we’re in a poly relationship now look at this shit!” He face palmed mentally. Craig knew you were well known around South Park it would have been only a matter of time before you started getting shipped with someone he just wished it was with him and Tweek, I mean they were your boyfriends for fucks sake! “T-That was too much pressure!!” Tweek was practically about to pull his hair out. “Don’t worry I’ve been thinking of a way to make it know” Craig smirks and Tweek gives him a confused look “Don’t worry honey I’ll tell you all about my plan on the way, now come on I’m sure Y/N’s waiting for us at the coffee shop”
As they walk to the shop they couldn’t help but notice something that only fueled their anger and jealousy even more, Clyde. Craig’s whole body tensed up and his grip on Tweek’s hand tightened causing the blonde to turn and look at what was happening.
You had been cleaning a bit while waiting for your lovers to arrive when Clyde had walked in and struck up a conversation. You’re body leaned against the counter as you and Clyde spoke when suddenly you heard the cafe door slam open. “So then I- What the hell??” Clyde jumped as Craig and Tweek walked in “Oh hey guys what’s up?” His smile fading quickly as his friends glared at him “Okay?..Anyways Y/N-“ “AH!-Actually WE need to t-talk to her right now” Tweek cut him off ‘Weird’ you thought, you’d never seen them act like this before “Well we can go into the back office, I’ll be right back Clyde!” You waved as the guys dragged you away from him.
You could feel the tension in the air as you walked in turning to look at your boyfriends. “So…What’s going on guys?” You asked awkwardly “What’s going on?? Seriously Y/N don’t you see what’s being spread around??” Craig answered back angrily “All these people are convinced you’re with Clyde!!” The jealousy pumping through his veins as he pulled you towards him and Tweek “You’re ours and I think it’s time we let people know” he growled in you ear. “I-In here?” You questioned as he grabbed you and sat you on the desk “People will hear guys” Craig smirked “I’m sure you’d like that considering how much of a whore you’ve been lately, don’t you think Tweek?” Tweek chuckled and nodded in agreement “B-better they hear and know”
He kissed down your neck as Craig untied your apron and unbuttoned your work shirt. Both men began leaving trails of hickies down your neck and breast switching sides so Tweek was now in front of you he continued to kiss down your torso, Craig removed your bra and began teasing your tits making you whimper. Tweek unzipped your pants and pulled them down to around your ankles before beginning to kiss your inner thighs running his hands painfully close to your aching core “Tweek..” you whimpered again making both men laugh. “What’s w-wrong baby? Feeling needy?” Tweek looked up at you with a sly grin, you rarely got to see this overly dominant side of him but when you did god did it make you wet. “Please Tweek” “I don’t know Tweek I think she’s been to much of a slut to deserve it” Craig smirked giving your breast a soft squeeze making you groan “So fucking slutty, bet you’re soaked just from us teasing aren’t you?” You hear Tweek chuckle as he pulled down your panties “Oh s-she is Craig” his fingers hovered over your clit teasingly making you shiver in anticipation “F-fucking whore” Tweek growled before sticking two of his fingers into your wet folds. You gasped loudly as he began sliding them in and out of you rapidly “F-Fuck Tweek!!” You moaned loudly “So loud, though you didn’t want anyone to hear this you slut” Craig grinned smugly as he undid his pants “Time to get that pretty mouth of yours to work” he said as he pulled cock out from his pants “Come on bitch you know you want it” You laid back on the desk as Tweek continued to ravish your pussy and Craig tapped his cock on your cheek “Go on, suck it whore” You wasted no time getting to work giving his tip kitten licks as you stoked the rest of his length. “Fuck…good whore” Craig groaned as you began to slowly began to sick your head down his shaft. Tweek smirked and flattered his tongue against your clit teasingly before harshly sucking on it making you moan around Craig cock “Yeah j-just like that baby” he removed his fingers from inside you switching to his tongue, he lapped your juices rapidly making moan even louder as you felt yourself getting closer to cumming. “A-Are you close?” Tweek asked as he pulled away, his thumb circling your clit as you pulled away from Craig and nodded desperately. “Switch?” He asked Craig “Switch” he grinned mischievously as they exchanged spots with Craig between your legs and Tweek in front of you face now. You quickly began to stroke Tweek’s dick before bringing it to your mouth as Craig teased your entrance with his cock making you whimper around Tweek. “G-gah!” Tweek moaned as your mouth did wonders on his cock. Craig slid into your wet folds a low groan escaping his lips as he began slowly began to thrust into you “That’s it take it like a good slut” he cooed in your ear as his thrust began to speed up. You’re moans we’re sending chills up Tweek’s spine as you sucked him off, he grabbed onto your hair pushing himself deeper into your throat “F-fuck- close!!” You continued even faster as you hear his breath quicken “Ngh! Y/N!!” He let out one last high pitched groan before he came in your mouth holding your head down on his cock. Craig chuckled and began thrusting even faster and harder that before as he felt your walls clenching around him “That’s it whore, cum for us” His animalistic thrust sent you over the edge and you came hard screaming out in pleasure “F-fuck” Craig grunted as his thrust became sloppier and he pushed himself into you on last time before he came.
By the next day everyone knew of your relationship with Tweek and Craig. Not because you guys announced it out loud but because poor Clyde heard the whole thing from outside the office and told everyone.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ✧˖°.
Longest oneshot I’ve written (why it took me so damn long😭) also the dirtiest oml😮‍💨
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Congrats on 1k! I'd love a little missing scene fic between 2x04 and 2x05 where Stede gives some much-needed TLC to Ed and all of his mutiny-sustained injuries during his first night back on the Revenge 🥺
YES this is my NICHE!! Get absolutely cared for and cherished Ed!
Send me a prompt and I'll write a 1k word fic!
Ed had a thousand half-baked plans swirling through his mind as they rowed back to the Revenge.
He didn’t think Stede understood just how badly the crew would surely want him to stay gone. Ed’s current top idea for their best strategy was to pretend that he had become stricken with malaria. He’d also once met a guy who claimed to have been able to cry blood on command, and he was hoping that maybe he could do that, if it came down to it.
Fuck, but he was tired.
He’d had a hell of a day, was the thing, and he’d kind of been relying on staying moving or otherwise letting himself just drift along, and now that he had to sit still, and it was getting dark and quiet, everything was starting to rush in.
His head was pounding, and it hurt so badly he could feel it in his teeth. His split lip stung. His arm had kept getting sorer, until now he really didn’t want to move it. If he had been lucky enough to avoid a couple broken ribs, they were sure as shit bruised.
Point was: he felt like warmed over shit, and he was beginning to suspect from Stede’s increasingly worried glances that he might’ve noticed.
Fortunately, all his planning turned out to be useless.
As they pulled alongside the ship, Olu’s face popped up over the side. “Fucking finally,” he said. “What’s taken you so long?”
“Well, we stopped by an antique shop for dinner, which burned down,” Stede filled him in, reaching out to steady the ladder Olu threw over the side, “and then Buttons turned into a bird.”
“Ed with you?”
Stede pursed his lips, looking at Ed over his shoulder. “Yes, he actually-”
“Jim says they want you to lock the cabin door tonight,” Olu said. “As a precaution.”
Olu’s head disappeared, and Ed just stared up open-mouthed. “Huh. Thought that’d be harder.”
“Well, I had a feeling.” Stede held the ladder steady, motioning for Ed to go first. “C’mon.”
Ed would never know how Stede managed to get him up the ladder, because the second he put his foot on it, the world went spinning away, and suddenly the sky was on the ground, and that certainly wasn’t good.
The next thing he knew, he was laying on the deck, and Stede was saying “give him some space, please,” in that bitchy tone Ed loved so much.
“‘M fine,” Ed mumbled.
“Yeah, and I’m the Queen of England,” Jim muttered under their breath.
Ed let his eyes slip closed again, listening vaguely as Roach promised to bring a few first-aid supplies to the captain’s cabin.
“D’you want me to take care of him?” Roach asked.
Before Ed could even lift his head to say no, Stede was saying, “I’ve got it, don’t worry.”
Ed risked a peek around as Stede helped him up, supporting him with an arm around his waist as he led him towards the cabin. Fang gave him a genuine smile, but Frenchie wouldn’t meet his eyes, and Jim still glared at him.
“It’s okay,” Stede whispered into his ear. “You don’t have to worry about anything right now.”
Ed’s headache must have been worse than he thought, because he kind of drifted, half-conscious, as Stede got him seated on the couch. He heard Roach’s voice again, saw Stede sit something on the cushion next to him.
“I can take care of it myself,” Ed muttered half-heartedly.
“You don’t have to, though,” Stede said softly.
Ed sort of nodded, and the next thing he knew, Stede was sitting next to him, warm and real and there, and there was a soft cloth dabbing at the cuts on Ed’s cheeks.
Stede helped Ed shimmy out of his jacket and his shirt, whispering apologies when Ed cried out as that jostled him, and set to work soothing bruises and patching up cuts. The wound on his arm hurt like a bitch, but it thankfully wasn’t too deep for Stede to feel like he couldn’t stitch it up himself.
He should’ve felt more cautious, he knew, shouldn’t have been leaning into Stede’s side, halfway to nodding off, letting Stede see all the vulnerable bits of him so soon.
But Ed was tired, and everything hurt.
“Shh,” Stede kept soothing, so gentle and so earnest that Ed exaggerated a bit, whining like he’d never had worse pain before just so Stede would keep comforting him. “Only a bit longer, you’re doing so well.”
Roach had left something for the pain, a syrup that went down sweet as honey, and Ed was glad that Stede had taken over, because he might’ve kissed anyone who gave that to him out of sheer relief.
As it was, Ed was so tired he wound up just kind of mouthing at the side of Stede’s face.
Stede laughed, pulling Ed into his side, wrapping his arms around him, and the whole world went soft and steady. “Tomorrow,” Stede promised. “You can rest, now.”
Ed let his head rest on Stede’s shoulder, nuzzling into the crook of his neck, humming in delight at the feeling of Stede’s hand softly circling his waist to hold him steady.
He wasn’t looking forward to how he’d feel in the morning. He knew he’d be on unsteady footing, unsure what to say or how to say it, and Stede would probably come up with a whole speech for him to memorize for the crew, and that would go over like a lead balloon, he imagined. He wouldn’t know how to respond when the crew were upset or angry with him - as would be their right, of course. And he wouldn’t know how fast Stede would want things to move, or if he’d be angry with Ed, still, too, or…
Ed sighed, tucking his nose further into Stede’s neck, breathing in, just allowing himself to enjoy the feeling of Stede around him.
That was tomorrow. For now, he was safe.
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ad0rechuu · 10 months
★ MILKY WAY. ━━ (047) if only she knew
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WARNINGS. just awkwardness ig
credits to @ari-shipping-stuff for being my beta reader / writer <33
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It sure is an effort, he thinks. It does feel like a whole task to not accidentally let his eyes wander back to his phone screen where she’s deeply focused on tuning her guitar.
“I’m sorry that took a while. I’m not exactly a pro in guitar.” Yn looked back up, adjusting her screen at the same time. “Thank you again, Hwa, I think I would’ve abandoned this project if it wasn’t for you.”
His nickname falling so effortlessly from her lips truly does things to him. It has his heart racing in a way he can get used to. Seonghwa looks away in an attempt to hide his odd-colored cheeks. He couldn't help but wonder if she actually noticed.
That’s the issue. He never knows what she does and doesn’t notice. He hopes she doesn’t notice that his eyes linger on her a beat longer than normally when she speaks and that his hands always want to reach out to help her, even through the screen.
“It’s really no problem, I’m just happy to help.” He replies back, cringing internally at his own voice.
She nods and taps something offscreen. “I’ll play the instrumental that I’ve come up with first and you can let me know what you think. Then when we’re writing, I’ll just play it acoustically, okay?”
While K-Pop companies were known for their exceptionally bad connection during lives and stuff, he could hear and see her just fine. The honeyed melody of the untitled song plays trough the speaker of his phone, and he can't help but marvel in the fact that she’d feel comfortable enough to share something as intimate as a song with him.
She soon meets his eyes, excitement for his reaction twinkling in her own.
Seonghwa feels himself melting at the sight, the agreement with his friends now far in the back of his mind. The only thing on his mind now was her.
The song ends, snapping him out of his thoughts.
“So what did you think?” Yn asks shyly. It's not a common look on her. While she definitely isn’t the loudest in her group, she was never one to be shy like this. At least, not what he knew.
The need to dote on her until he’s sure that she knows how great her work is is pushed back down. He doesn’t want to weird her out but he does want to let her know.
Instead, he furrows his thick brows, deep in thought. “It’s very pretty, it feels like— how do I explain it… it feels like a summer sunset. Like how it feels to look at those pretty colors up in the clouds with someone you care about.
“It sounds optimistic!” He stops, eyes softening up as he finally realizes the word he’s looking for. “Romantic! …It sounds romantic.”
Yn claps in excitement at his comments. “That’s exactly what I was going for, I was watching this drama really cute drama when I came up with it.”
She strings the first few notes of the chorus. “Okay, let’s start!”
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About an hour later, the pair works together like they have known nothing else for their whole lives. It just comes so easy to them.
Suddenly, Seonghwa hears a noise interrupting the peaceful atmosphere. He looks up from his notebook in surprise when he sees two of his younger friends stand at in front of his bedroom door, smiling while holding snacks.
Unsure of how to react, he gives the girl on the other side of the screen an apologetic smile. She heard the noise too and gives him back a curious look. Just as she’s about to ask, two figures have jumped on top of Seonghwa, toppling over his phone in the process.
San and Mingi scream greetings on the top of their lungs, so loud that Seonghwa worries that his neighbors are going to bring him noise complaints later. He just barely manages to utter out a few words from underneath them.
“Wait, phone— Yn!” He points in the general direction of phone.
“Yn?!” Mingi gets up quickly as he looks around for the fallen phone. When he grabs it, he’s met with the familiar face.
“Oh, hey, Mingi!” The sheer shock causes the bright-haired boy to lose his composure and drops it again.
As soon as San hears the voice he crawls off the bed to inspect himself, just barley in time to catch the device. Yn gets greeted by an open mouthed stare from him, making her laugh.
“And hello, San!”
“H-hi.” He replies quietly while Mingi freaks out, screaming without sound offscreen.
Seonghwa rolls his eyes at his friends' antics and snatches the phone out of San’s hand.
“I’m sorry about this, Yn, I had no idea they were coming over.” He explains apologetically.
After finally calming down Mingi’s sharp features come on the screen and covers his own face to also take a look at the girl.
“Hey Yn, how are you?” Mingi asks a little bit too loud for Seonghwa’s liking.
San copies Mingi’s actions, practically leaning over Seonghwa’s lap to get a glance. “Are you coming to Hanuelsan again soon?” He pouts.
“It’s okay, it’s a nice surprise.” Yn’s giggles don’t stop, warming all of the boys' hearts unintentionally. “Also, I’m good, thank you for asking Mingi. Hwa was helping me write lyrics. We just finished the chorus actually.
“And I’ll visit the cafe soon, San.” She promises. “What are you guys up to?”
Seonghwa nods furiously, trying to make sure he’s in frame too as he shoots an annoyed look at his friends. “No, really, why are you guys here? And how the hell did you even get inside?”
San smiles back, completely ignoring his hyung, his dimples showing as he does. “We were just bored so we decided to stop by.” He gives Seonghwa a quick shrug, the dreamy expression still on his face. “And we used a key, obviously.”
“How did they even get a key.” He mumbles to himself in confusion.
“Yunh—” San can’t finish his word before he gets cut off.
Suddenly Mingi stands up with an offended look on his face as a realization hits him. “You needed help with lyrics and you didn’t ask me? I’m literally a rapper.”
“I’m sorry, Princess, he offered.” Yn chuckles at his whining, while the other boys definitely don’t agree, it’s very cute to her. “I mean, you could help now if you want, since you’re there anyway. You too, San, the more the merrier!”
Both of the boys agree and after some squabbling, they are finally sat in a way that keeps all three of them pleased.
“So what’s the song called?” San asks as he reads over the neat notes Seonghwa took.
Yn thinks for a while but as she meets the eldest eyes an imaginary lightbulb goes off inside of her head. “I think I’ll call it Milky Way!”
Her hands find the guitar again as she plays the song for them, this time with part of the new lyrics.
Seonghwa doesn’t know if he’s supposed to feel proud or upset but he does know that the ugly green monster called jealousy is climbing in his chest as he watches the others. Deep in his heart, he knows he’s not the only one that carries these feelings for her.
An identical blush forms on their cheeks as they watch her lips move. Yn doesn’t know. She doesn't know that all three of them share the same thought as they look at her, the passion for music pouring out in the way she sings and the warmth she brings isn’t something that could be rivaled by the sun. They all know it.
Seonghwa, San, and Mingi also know for sure now that the situation they were in was a ticking time bomb, getting closer to explode every moment they spend with her.
If only she knew too.
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NOTES. i love them i really do LIKE REALLY do but i’m sorry for the future guys </3 and the last pic is yn posting the audio file for milky way on her priv btw also next chapter will have a slight time skip
TAGLIST. @bunnystrm @seongwin @aestheticsluut @meginthebuilding27 @gaebestie @stopeatread @pr1ncessm1ng1 @persphonesorchid @se0nghwaswife @seonghwasslytherin @leeknowsnothing @alixnsuperstxr @bluehwale-main @miriamxsworld @tocupid @rieuvie @sunoo-bby @jcngh0-hq @dudufodd @nikisbf @mrowwww @end0rchans @qtdenks @mintgki @dear-dreamie @leo-seonghwa @legohwas @evilsailorsenshi @seonghwaddict @choichaeyiul @iw4milf @yunstarz @cvberidiot @tubatu-wari-wari @not2daym8 @jaehunnyy @brrrkdslek @whippedforbeomgyu @amara-mars @crvzy-fujoshi
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wanderer-six · 1 year
Careful Care (for @pb-jellybeans)
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AN: some sweet forehead-kissing with Rex for @pb-jellybeans!!! I hope I did our wonderful captain justice, u deserve nothing less than all of the love he has to offer ♥♥
Relationships: Captain Rex x Medic!Reader (I imagined a fem!reader while writing, but re-reading I don't see anything gendered. Pls let me know if you catch something, and I'll flag accordingly!!)
Summary: You and the captain have silently pined for one another what feels like forever now. When he lingers in the medbay a few moments too long, you know just the medicine he needs.
WARNINGS: very very very light and nondescript injury mention
Word Count: ~1.1k
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The eve of battle is bitter, but sweetened only by the fact that you can see him off.
The cold, sterile walls of the medbay feel warm and homey while you care for Captain Rex within them. With deft and gentle fingers, you apply a bacta patch to the wound on his shoulder. As you smooth the bandage down along the grooves of his muscle, you sigh, shooting him a wary smirk.
“This wound will take longer to heal if you’re carrying it in battle, you know,” you remind him, voice stern but caring all the same. “You really should sit this fight out.”
Rex huffs, shrugging half heartedly with his good shoulder. When his eyes meet yours, they soften, betraying the kindness behind his hardened exterior.
“I’ll be fine,” he insists. “Believe me, I’ve fought through worse.”
You chuckle through a little smile. “Hm. So dedicated…”
One of many things you adore about him.
Your hands linger on Rex’s arm for just a moment too long, but he doesn’t seem to mind. In fact, his eyes seem to fill with unspoken words when you finally do move away. As sweet as you are on the captain, you know he cares for you just as much. With the way he acts in your presence, you think you would have caught on even if his brothers didn’t inform you of his affection at every opportunity. 
But, shy and respectful, Rex hasn’t spoken of his feelings on his own. You would never rush him to do so—a clone’s life is burdened by endless regulations and rules, so you understand his hesitation to explore a relationship outside the chain of command. So, until he’s ready, he has your patience—and your utmost care along with it.
When you finally finish patching him up, you take a step back.
“All right. I think you’re clear for combat, Captain,” you tell him. As he stands, you cross your arms. “Well… as ‘clear’ as I think you’ll tolerate.”
A soft, genuine chuckle passes Rex’s lips.
“I’m sure I’ll hold up fine,” he smiles. He hesitates, before adding, “...you’ve never let me down before, after all.”
You smile, though your cheeks are burning. “I don’t plan to start now. Good luck out there, okay?”
Rex nods. He holds his helmet awkwardly in front of him, standing idle as his lips purse into words he can’t speak. He locks eyes with you, holding your gaze for just a moment, before he looks away with a sigh.
“...thanks,” he murmurs. 
Unwilling—or unable—to say more, Rex goes to walk past you. But something compels you to reach out—latching onto his armored wrist before he can return to his brothers and prepare to ship out. Your heart races, especially with the look of surprise on his face as you draw him closer to you.
“Actually… there was just one more thing before I can let you go,” you confess.
Rex tilts his head, eyes narrowing slightly. “...what is it?”
Wordlessly, you smile. You pull on his wrist just enough to bring his face closer to you. And once you can reach him, you dot a kiss on his forehead.
If you’d had him hooked up to a monitor, you would certainly have heard Rex’s heart stop. The poor man’s eyes shoot open; he forms a sheen of sweat before he can form words. But he doesn’t need to say a thing. You offer a kind smile, relinquishing his wrist.
“Be safe, Captain,” you say, leaving him to recover as you head off to tend to your duties. “And good luck out there.”
With your few hours of downtime, you’ve returned the medbay to pristine condition. Even so, you still find yourself cleaning more—idly scrubbing tables and tools, going over spots the cleaning droids made spotless hours ago. You suppose you can’t help yourself, needing some way to stay occupied. Whenever the men are out in battle, you worry endlessly about whether they’ll return to you safely.
About whether Rex will return to you safely.
Swallowing anxiously, you coax yourself into deep breaths. As hard as it can be not knowing, you have the utmost trust in him. He’s the best, after all… and you’re certain he’ll always make his way back to see you.
A sudden bustle in the halls catches your ear. You know it can mean only one thing—the battle is over, and judging by the excitement in the men’s voices, it was a victorious one. 
Setting down your cleaning implements you walk to the door of the medbay, hoping to flag down one of the soldiers and get a report on the good news…
…but to your utmost surprise, when the door hisses open, someone already stands before you: Captain Rex.
To your embarrassment, a heavy sigh of relief escapes you. Even so, you beam, unable to do anything but in the captain’s presence.
“You’re back!” you chime, welcoming him into the medbay. “How did the battle go?”
Rex finds a half smile, tucking his helmet under his arm.
“As far as I can see, it couldn’t have gone better,” he reports. “Minimal casualties and a tremendous territory gain for the Republic. A decisive victory.”
As he speaks, your eyes light up at how proud he sounds—and you’re proud of him, all the same.
“I’m glad to hear it,” you say, cocking your head with a smirk. “Though I expect nothing less from the finest soldier in the Republic…”
Rex averts his gaze from you, rubbing the back of his neck. Again, you see his mind racing—his lips struggling against whatever inside him holds him back.
Eventually, he clears his throat awkwardly. “Actually… I have something for you.”
Curious, you tilt your head.
“Hm? What is it?”
Though his shoulders tense with anticipation, Rex manages a step toward you. He looks into your eyes, wordless but intense. And then…
…he leans in, pressing his lips ever so softly to your forehead.
Your face burns hotter than a starship engine. When Rex pulls away, his uncertainty melts into a knowing grin when he makes out just how bashful you’ve become. Gently, he pinches your cheek between his gloved fingers.
“You wanted that back, right?” he asks in a teasing tone you don’t often hear from him. But when his hand settles, cupping the side of  your head, his voice turns more sincere. “It helped me out in that battle, but I think you should hold onto it for now.”
Though your heart races and your head spins, you wear an unwavering smile. You set your hand over Rex’s, leaning into his touch with all the affection and warmth you’ve held for him all this time.
“Don’t worry… I’ll take good care of it.”
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AN: Thank you so much for reading!! I rly hope you enjoy PB, u are so wonderful to me and u deserve the most kissable captain in the galaxy 🥺🥺✨✨
"""taglist""" - @shinyshayminflower @starrylothcat@pb-jellybeans@jediknightjana
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Sexiest Podcast Character — Scripted Bracket — Finals
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Captain Isabel Lovelace (Wolf 359):
Her everything <3 But in all seriousness WHAT is more sexy than a haunted, competent, funny, cursed, vengeful, mourning, badass, doomed woman?
listen to the run and hide speech and tell me that isn't the sexiest thing you've ever heard
Hot space lady who could kill me mmm yes please!
(sort of) twice-undead space captain who wired a bomb to her heart to make sure the crew of her ship didn't kill her before her escape shuttle got working. she's funny she's a genius she knows how to use a gun and she cares very much about her crew (despite the whole bomb thing).
#LOVELACE #idk who she’s up agaunst really tbf #but she cares so SO much #she gets boiled down to ’tough scary lady hot’ a lot (which 100% agree) but #she is heartbroken about her failure to keep her crew safe #and stubbornly wants to make sure none of it is in vain #even if it kills her #HOT. ​even apart from how hot her monologues and threats to hilbert are #also her and eifel laughing and getting along when they first meet her 😭 yall #anyway. lovelace 1000%. the defense rests
Vote Lovelace cuz of the way she says "Hi honey, I'm home" to the bastard who shot her in the head, and then how she proceeds to beat him up <3 Oh. And how she twists his arm and says "good boy". Yeah.
#LOVELACE SWEEP. DO NOT FUCKING LET ME DOWN #Lovelace is so much to me #Seen some people in the notes citing the run and hide speech#Which is very good #but my personal favorite Lovelace thing is variations on a theme #The cyclical nature of trauma #The lack of trust #The fear #the sadness #‘You can never go home. You were home. And now you’re back— and you can never go back.’ #Lovelace hearing Hera say something to her and #Thinking ‘what she’s actually saying is that I’m a demon and she would be glad to kill me in a slow and horrifying manner’ #Is so #I don’t agree that Lovelace is doomed either #Like #lovelace did die. But #She got out of that pain and trauma #How do you listen to her say that she is Isabel Lovelace #That she rejects the person that pain made her to be #And say she’s doomed
captain lovelace helped 12yo me realise I like women. She’s so hot. her threatening Hilbert is the sexiest thing I’ve ever heard. isabel lovelace SWEEP
If you don't vote for lovelace you're all lying about supporting womens' wrongs.
Not to be dramatic or anything, but I will never forgive any of you if you let Lovelace lose. She's tragic, she's haunted, she's an alien clone, she's vengeful but trying to be a better person. SHE DIDNT DIE TWICE FOR Y'ALL TO LET HER LOSE THE SEXIEST PODCAST CHARACTER TOURNAMENT. And I'm sorry. The part when (see propaganda above) she is intentionally pissing off Kepler so in the event he kills one of the hostages it's her instead of Eiffel??? Shit talking Kepler AND trying to save Eiffel's life? Serving absolute cunt. Sexiest moment of all time, actually.
Are we all forgetting that her introduction involved keeping a dead man switch for her spaceship (converted into a bomb) wired into her goddamn HEART??? Vote Lovelace or else
VOTE FOR ISABEL LOVELACE, HOTTEST WOMAN ON THIS PLANET (AND OUT OF THIS WORLD 🤘). she is everything to me , always . im head over heels
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Hera (Wolf 359):
I don't care if she's an AI with no physical form, she is HOT
my digital wife <3
oh it's always "i want a hot computergirl with poor cable management to glitch on my shit" and "i want to fuck her until she bluescreens" on this website until it's time to put your money where your mouth is. i have a post about usb penetration with tens of thousands of notes. i see the things you all say. you have a hot computergirl in front of you and this is how you all repay her? you would abandon her? prove yourselves as the computer sex website; vote for hera NOW!!!
"everyone voting Hera in this round is doing it strictly because she is an AI" WRONG. INCORRECT. everyone voting for hera is doing it because she's funny and thoughtful and passionate and wears her heart on her sleeve despite all of the times people have let her down. because she's anti-authority, and that's sexy. it's sexy that she's an AI because the way she navigates being a woman in that context is inherently transgender, and THAT'S sexy, but on its own? not even like, top five most relevant things about her. self-determination? that's sexy.
VOTE FOR HERA. i'm not done. i've made the case that she would want this more, and that's true, but you should also want her. the propaganda says she doesn't have a physical form - in one sense, that's true, but she DOES have an internal self-image and the desire for physicality. most of the physical sensations she's experienced so far have been painful - think of what you could do for her. she has human desire without the means to act on it. she's the most touch starved anyone has ever been. making love to someone who can't be touched by conventional means IS inherently sexy and it IS a win for disabled trans women everywhere.
she's passionate and kind of emotionally unstable and fiercely loyal - "officer eiffel? he's your deadman's switch. if you let him die, or if you do anything that doesn't fall under the category of do no harm, i will go off. i will rain acid on your ass. i will crank the temperature in the room so high that your skin will crack, and bubble, and burn. i will vent you into space through a hole the size of a quarter. and if i am feeling very, very generous, i won't do all those things slowly." like come on!! what more do you want!!
VOTE FOR HERA. my final, last-minute appeal: her character arc is fundamentally about identity, autonomy, and being seen the way she wants to be seen. the way she navigates her identity as a woman in this context is inherently transgender, and that IS sexy. she's funny, she's passionate, she's sweet, she's been let down repeatedly by almost everyone she's ever met and she still opens her heart to people because she so badly craves connection. she's frustrated, touch starved, and pent up, and was initially rejected from service because of her impulsive, emotional, unorthodox way of thinking. i have so much more i could say on her behalf, but this IS a contest of sex appeal. thinking outside the box, breaking rules, and reaching beyond the limitations of her own form is so central to who she is. hera could come up with freak shit beyond the comprehension of the average person, and she IS enthusiastic enough to make it work.
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fuck-customers · 3 months
Holy shit, today was wild.
So after our previous general manager left, O came in as a temporary replacement. I’m not sure if he’s staying on as permanent at this point or what; idk if anyone knows. For some reason, not all of his managerial privileges (idk if that’s the right word) are working in the system. So like he can’t make schedules and whatever other stuff it is that managers do (I’m just a cashier I have no clue). S, the highest up assistant manager (idk if that’s actually a thing but there’s always been one at our store), decides to do O a favor and make the schedules until things get sorted out. O’s been here around two months, with S still doing the schedule and other duties that O should be doing all the while—with O being paid the general manager’s wages and S getting paid his regular wages—and like at this point idk if O just has decided he’s fine with having S do the heavy lifting or if our company is just having some wild issue that can’t get this system error with his account fixed.
Our last person who worked print on weekends left, leaving us scrambling on the weekends. Finally, we get a new guy who’s gonna take the weekends. Store opens, and the guy doesn’t show up (apparently he misremembered/misread his schedule and ended up coming in an hour or two late). So I’m at the register, assistant manager K is at shipping, and S is at print. All S and K know how to do with print is give people stuff they’ve already ordered, and I know jack and shit about print so I’m staying over in my corner. A woman comes in, and she got her order yesterday, but it’s the wrong size. She’s upset and is on a deadline and needs the right size ASAP. S says he can give her a refund and transfer her order to a nearby store, and we’re all apologizing coz yeah that’s definitely a rough situation. 
Idk exactly what happens next, but more customers start coming in and going towards print after a while, with that first woman still there. S is getting overwhelmed, so he calls O and asks for his advice. O tells him that this is all his fault, and that it’s his responsibility to make the schedules and make sure that there is someone at every station. So S just leaves the print station, tells us he’s done for the day, and goes into the manager’s office (which is basically his office at this point because—as we’ve established—he’s doing everything O should be doing), leaving K and I kinda freaking out as we try to figure out what to do. At one point K even goes into the office and starts arguing and yelling at S (K’s super chill and I’ve never heard him yell before).
Eventually S cools off. Between O and that first customer (who I heard another customer refer to as “the devil” on her way out when talking to her husband), he just couldn’t put up with all that shit. S is a very calm and nice guy. When I found out there’d been an error on my part that meant I’d been getting paid for my lunch breaks for a YEAR (this was between the previous GM leaving and O arriving), S told me that it was okay because I’m worth it and now I know what happened I can make sure it won’t happen again.
I’m good friends with another assistant manager, and she received a text from O that we think was meant for S saying that he’s a leader and needs to learn to take responsibility and own up and whatnot. To top it all off, my friend also shows me a text O sent in the manager group chat:
“To be an effective leader, you have to be a really good listener and not to what's being said, but to what's not being said. You have to be really observant. That was a big transition for me.” — Kobe Bryant
S is still working here, but any GM duties are now O’s problem. He’s done with doing him favors.
Posted by admin Rodney.
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imabeautifulbutterfly · 2 months
Hey, I'm back with another follower celebration request!!! Any chance you’d be willing to do 11 and 13 with again Ezra Bridger? Unsure if this is still open, but if so this would be cool to read! Thanks 😁
Hello gorgeous, @skyofnostars
Thank you for another brilliant request and a good curve ball. So I guess you could see this as a continuation of your previous request, if you want, or on its own.
Hope you love it,
Love oo
The Plan
Warnings: Trouble sleeping, flirting, kisses, forehead kisses, tenderness, discussions of thievery, I think that's it. If I miss any please let me know.
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Main Master List   |  Star Wars Fic Roulette
You sat in the Phantom looking up to the stars, letting your mind drift back to the old days of when it was Ezra, Sabine, Kanan, Hera, Seb, Chopper and you against the world. Now it was just Hera, Ezra and yourself. Ahsoka and Sabine were still stuck on Peridea. Seb was off training recruits. Hera was busy with Jacen, not to mention dealing with the New Republic nonsense. 
So really, it was just you and Ezra. 
“Can’t sleep?”
You couldn’t fight the smile that appeared on your lips as soon as you heard his voice, you turned your head slightly to look at him, “Hey.”
Ezra simply smiled as he placed a gentle kiss on your forehead, while his hand played with your hair while his arm leaned against the headrest, “Hey, you okay?” His thumb gently rubbed your forehead back and forth. 
“I didn’t mean to wake you.”
“It’s okay, I reached over for you and you were gone. I figured something was up, you love sleeping too much to let things keep you from it.”
You chuckled, leaning into his touch, “Yeah, I … I couldn’t stop thinking about Ahsoka and Sabine. I mean they’re stuck out there, just like you were.” Your smile slowly started to fall the more you thought about it, “I’m worried we won’t be able to get them back, or even how we can get them back.”
“Actually, I had a thought on that; but…” he held up his finger smiling at you, “you’ll have to follow me to the galley for some hot chocolate … sorry, hot white chocolate for you to learn about my plans.”
The smile on your lips simply brightened as you looked at him, “You haven’t forgotten.”
“You’re favourite drink? Never. Please.”
There wasn’t any further discussion, you simply stood taking his hand in yours and followed him to the galley, and ten minutes later as promised there was a very warm and very soothing hot white chocolate in your mug. You looked at Ezra with all the love and adoration you’ve been unable to shower him with for the past ten years in that one moment. How you were still able to love him after all this time, as though no time had passed at all was a miracle in itself. 
“So you have a grand plan?”
“Oh do I!” He chuckled as he took a sip of his own hot cocoa, he’d been craving it for ten years and now until he was completely sick of the taste, that would be his drink of choice. At least in the evenings, and mornings. Maybe sometimes at lunch. “It’s simple really.”
“Okay, I’m all ears, since it’s so simple.”
“We steal Thrawn’s ship.”
The statement was so matter of fact, so simple and so incredibly insane. Your eyes fluttered as you looked at Ezra, utter shock strewn across your face.
“We steal Thrawn’s ship?”
“We steal Thrawn’s ship.” He shrugged, the answer was just that simple.
You scratched your head as you repeated the sentence another five times in your head, each time with different inflections, different tonal variations, and no matter how it sounded in your head, no matter how melodious those words may have flown out of Ezra’s mouth, that was just pure insanity. 
A large sigh escaped your lips as you looked at your mug for a second before looking at Ezra, nodding. “Okay.  Okay. So … let’s say you go through with this absolutely fool hardy idea. That you steal Thrawn’s ship. Not that I’m doubting you, I’ve seen you do enough crazy things to know it’s possible for you to actually accomplish this. However, let’s go through this step by step.” You ran your hand down your face and let out a chuckle. “First, let’s start with the basics. How are you going to get onboard in the first place? I mean you can’t just knock on the front door and say hey I’m here.”
“Why not?”
“You’re not serious?”
“Why not?”
“Ezra! Stop with the questions and just answer me.”
He let out a smile as he took another sip, “Listen we have one of Thrawn’s shuttles. I have one of his stormtrooper uniforms. So … why can’t I just show up.”
“Because it’s Thrawn, that man has plans for his plans. He has backup plans for those plans. And then backups for his backups. I’m sure without a doubt that he knows you’re the one who stole the ship to begin with, and no doubt that stormtrooper had some questions when he woke up naked. So … yeah, I don’t think it would be that easy.”
“Maybe not if I just show up out of the blue, however, what if I snuck back on board during a fight.”
“During a fight?” Somehow this started to sound like a plan and that in itself was scary. 
“Yeah, we could have Hera’s fighters, and maybe some other New Republic soldiers start a battle, while they’re keeping Thrawn and his forces distracted, I sneak on the ship.”
“And then what?”
“Then while I’m onboard, I’ll get them to abandon ship.”
You nodded as you listened, “Knowing you, you’ll probably do some Jedi mind trick thingy” you waved your hand in front of him smirking, “telling the bridge officer or someone in engineering they need to make a ship wide announcement to abandon ship or something.”
Ezra nodded, smirking as he took your hand in his, “Exactly, piece of cake.”
“Yeah.” You smiled, squeezing your hand, “That is, until …” your smile dropped, “until Thrawn decides the easiest way to deal with you is to kill you.”
“Don’t sweetheart me, you know he’s on the verge of a complete and utter mental breakdown. He’s dangerous and he could easily kill you.”
“He’s dangerous but he’s not all powerful. My ally is the force, and it will never let me down.”
Tears welled up in your eyes as you looked at him, “You better not die, because the only one who gets to kill you, is me. So you tell the force, that it better have your back or else.”
Ezra pulled you closer, resting his forehead against yours as one hand pressed your hand into his chest, while the other held the back of your head, keeping you close. “Sweetheart, I’m never leaving you again. Not when I just got you back. Plus we still need to figure out what Thrawn’s planning first, but once we have our opening, I’m going to take it, to get our family back.”
You nodded against his head, “Alright, but I’ll come with you. You’re not leaving my side ever again.”
He pressed his lips against yours, kissing you with determination and promise. “You won’t ever have to leave my side. I promise.”
Main Master List   |  Star Wars Fic Roulette
Tag list:
@liadamerondjarin @badbatch-simp24@spicymcnuggies@lady-ren @firstofficerwiggles @darkangel4121 @discofern @kavecika @monako-jinn-stories @ladykatakuri @avathebestx @theroguesully @furyhellfire66 @carodealmeida @ciramaris @sprout-fics @twinkofthedink @dindjarin-mandalorian @ulchabhangorm @littlemisspascal @tortor-mcgee @vodika-vibes @clonethirstingisreal
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hannahssimblr · 4 months
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“Go play on that pirate ship thing,” I tell Ivy, “I’ll be over there on the swings.”
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She looks up at me under the brim of her horrible frog hat. She made me buy it for her in the end of season sale at one of those tourist shops by the beach, “I'll go on the monkey bars. Will I show you my tricks?”
She's talking about how she can hold onto bars and spin herself in a circle, “Yeah, sure, I’ll just watch you from over there.”
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She rushes over and throws herself up onto a bar, “And what if I want to go on the swings?”
“Well you can’t, not until I’m done talking to my friend.”
“Your girlfriend.”
“No” I plonk onto the wooden swing and wait, the cool air rustling through the bushes and lifting little bits of of twigs from the sandy surface of the playground. I swing myself idly, calling out unenthusiastic words of encouragement to Ivy as she spins and twists on the bars until I hear the playground gate squeak open. 
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Clóda looks obliviously happy, out of her work uniform now and back in those teeny tiny shorts that would have had my eyes out on stalks a month ago. It's funny how quickly feelings can change. 
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“You brought your sister along!” She says brightly as she approaches me, and I spot Ivy looking our way only to look away quickly with a stricken look on her face. I wonder if she associates Clóda with stranger danger and hot chocolate vomit. 
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“I told my mom I was coming to the park, so she made me take her.”
“Aw, she’s so cute though!” She throws a thumbs up to my sister, “Nice job on those bars, yeah? You’re so good, do you do gymnastics?” 
Ivy doesn’t respond. 
“No, she doesn’t, she just likes the monkey bars,” I explain. 
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Clóda’s smile is strained when she swivels back to me, “Well, how are you? I’ve actually been un-grounded for a few days now, I… have you been busy?”
“Not really.”
“Oh,” she digs around her hoodie pocket for a scrap of paper and hands it to me, “This is my MSN, my email and my Bebo for when you go home and you want to stay in touch. You’re leaving tomorrow, right?”
“Yeah. I am.” 
“Well, I hope that we can still talk, and stuff, and maybe at midterm break I could get the train up to Dublin and-”
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“Clóda, look,” I hand the paper back to her, still folded. “To be honest, I’m not going to be staying in touch with you anymore.”
Her face falls, “Why?”
“It’s too much effort, I’m not bothered.”
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Perplexed eyes fly all over my face, “Is it the distance? Because it’s only two and a half hours on-”
“No it’s not the distance, to be honest, it’s you.”
“Me? What did I do?” 
I sigh, “Your friends gave me a call the other night.”
“Which friends?”
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“I don’t know, they were too busy giggling and screaming to give me names, and I could hardly even make out what they were trying to say, but I heard enough.”
“Enough to know that you’ve been bragging about me all over the place, making up stories about how I’m going to buy you a heap of stuff in America and whatever, I never said that.”
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She shrugs, but she’s so tense now that it’s more like a jerk, “Well, so? You could do that, maybe, if you wanted to. You said you might get me Abercrombie stuff, I was just telling a few white lies about the other things, you know, to make them jealous.”
“Why would you even want to do that?” 
“I don’t know, I suppose they think it’s pretty cool that my boyfriend is so good looking, and like, that he’s American and stuff…” 
“Who said I was your boyfriend?” 
She hesitates, “Well, I thought-”
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“Usually,” I say, gesturing to the space between us, “two people will have a conversation about that kind of thing, you can’t just say what you want, or like, just decide on your own what this is.”
She bites her lip, “But when we had sex I thought-”
“Oh God, people have sex, Clóda, why does it have to mean so much?” I raise my voice a bit and Ivy glances around in alarm. I wave her away.
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“Maybe it doesn’t to you,” Clóda says, and her voice cracks a little, once again flooding me with guilt, “but for me, it’s-” she breaks off because instead of an inhale there is a gasp, like something related to a sob that brings me to the edge of taking it all back, but I grit my teeth, “We shouldn’t have ever done anything then, I’m sorry.”
“You regret it?”
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I don’t answer her, we’ve lost sight of the point, suddenly, and I’m not completely sure how we got here, “Look, I just asked you here so that I could tell you that I don’t want us to hang out anymore after this summer. We don’t have to hash out all of the details-”
“It’s because you don’t like how I kiss,” She insists, “I wasn’t good enough at it.”
“No, that isn’t it, I-”
“It’s my dad. He’s put you off. Did he say something to you?”
“Well then it has to be because I forgot my jumper when we-”
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“No, Clóda,” I explode, “It’s because you’re mean. Because you’re not a nice person, okay?”
She blinks.
“You went around the caravan park telling everyone that Kelly Healy is a loser and she needs her mother’s help to make friends, that’s just such a mean thing to do, and I don’t understand why you would do something like that, especially now because everyone thinks that it was me who said it.”
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She takes a break from looking pathetic to let her features twist into an unpleasant shape, “Oh, Kelly? But we don’t like her, that’s what you said.”
“We laughed about her after going to Shane’s place, you said that she was weird, I didn’t think anyone would really care if I said it to a few people. It just came up, I don't know. Why does it matter?”
“Obviously because it’s a ridiculously horrible thing to do. You just told a load of the people she hangs around with something highly personal about her that you weren’t even supposed to know.”
A pause, “Yeah but she’s weird.”
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I am incredulous, “God, Clóda, is this really how you think? Is that your reasoning? That if you don’t like someone then you can say what you like about them to whoever will listen? Why do you act like this, huh? I can’t believe how much time I wasted this summer hanging out with you. You’re ridiculous. You act like a child.”
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She bursts into tears, “Well I’m fifteen! What do you want from me?” And she sobs, standing in place while I sit opposite, uncertain of what I am supposed to do next. Is this what fifteen is supposed to be? Sometimes I feel so detached from genuine teenage reality that I cannot possibly imagine how I am supposed to experience it. In some ways I feel twelve years old, in others, twenty, so far removed from the freedom and reality of proper teendom that I can't even imagine what fifteen feels like. Was I ever like her? 
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“I think we’re too different,” I say finally, “I think that’s why we can’t hang out.”
“But I really like you,” she sniffles, while in the background Ivy hangs from the monkey bars by her knees, her ugly hat dropping onto the ground. 
“Look, Jude!” She calls, “I can do a new trick.”
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“Yeah, amazing,” I say, “Make sure you don’t slip and hit your head, huh?”
“I wouldn’t!”
“Yeah, you might, and then what will I do, huh? Take you back home with your head cracked open?”
“I wouldn’t have to go back to school then.”
“Yeah, good one,” Maybe I’ll crack my skull open too. It feels like a genuine option to consider as I sit there with Clóda crying right in front of me, blocking my exit route. 
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“I’m sorry,” I say to her, “It’s just not meant to be, I guess.”
“Good luck with it all, yeah? The job and school and all that. I’ll probably see you around next summer.”
“You’ll be back?”
“Uh huh. Probably the summer after that too,”
“It doesn't have to be awkward. We can just be normal.”
She sniffs, “Alright”
I look up at her from where I sit and take in the tears on her cheeks, the way her chest heaves with each gasp, and I tell her “You'll be alright.”
I get up and call for Ivy, “c’mon, we’re going home now.”
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“Right now?”
“I wanted a go on the swings.”
I look around to see that Clóda has taken my place on the seat and is blubbering miserably into her sleeves. 
“Swings are closed,” I say. 
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“Okay, well, you can take me tomorrow.”
“We’re going home tomorrow.”
“You want me to get up early?”
“Yes, you’re lazy, you should have to get up early like me.”
“Yeah but you have an incentive, I don’t care about the seven AM cartoons.”
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“Well you should.”
I laugh, “Why is that?”
And she tells me why, and we walk out the playground gate and through the village, side by side with the last of the August sun on our backs. 
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Beginning // Prev // Next
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ghostofskywalker · 1 year
A Worthy Opponent
Words: 1,803
Summary: In order to make a little easy money on the side, Tech starts racing on Safa Toma semi-regularly. But tensions get a little high when a newcomer shows up and poses an actual challenge, and it doesn't help that he can't seem to stop thinking about you.
Notes: spoilers for season 2, episode 4 of the bad batch!
Clone Troopers Masterlist
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After his success in the previous race, Tech began racing on Safa Toma regularly. If another one of his brothers went with him and bet on the race beforehand, it was an easy way for them to net extra credits, because Tech always won. It had taken some convincing for Hunter and Echo to go along with it (they were still fugitives of the Empire after all), but eventually the promise and certainty of monetary gain outweighed the risk, and they got used to it. At this point Tech had figured out all the tricks and secrets of the course, so he was practically unbeatable.
Until of course, the day you signed up to race.
Tech stepped out onto solid ground after the latest run, but the crowd wasn’t chanting his name like they usually did. No, it sounded like they were saying something entirely different, and he looked to the sidelines in confusion. Hunter, who had accompanied him to this race, nodded to the side, and he turned to see you, rising out of your seat, smiling and waving to the cheering spectators. Tech stopped in his tracks. He had lost?
“The race was close, but you came in second,” Tech heard his brother say the moment he was in earshot. “Have you ever raced her before?”
After another look at you to confirm his suspicions, Tech shook his head. “No, I have never seen her before today.”
“Think you could beat her next time?”
“With the right amount of information, certainly,” Tech said.
Before his brother could respond, another voice cut into the conversation. “Damn, I knew you were a good racer, but I didn’t think you’d be this attractive.”
“Excuse me?” Tech asked sharply, turning to face you.
You just raised your eyebrows at him and laughed. “It was a compliment, don’t sweat it brown eyes. I just wanted to come over here and congratulate you on a good race, it’s not every day I get to go up against someone who could actually get me worried.”
“I think you should be worried if we race again,” Tech said.
You laughed once more, raising your hand up to tap the skin of his cheek. “You’re cute, but I don’t think I have to lose sleep over it. I’ve never lost a race, and I don’t intend to start now.”
You were gone before Tech could get a word in edgewise, and he couldn’t help the small blush that rose on his cheeks as he turned back to Hunter. “I can’t believe this.”
“What?” Hunter asked. “You know, between her and Cid’s pirate friend, you’ve been pretty popular lately. It’s a shame neither of them realize that you don’t have the capacity to flirt back.”
“That is untrue,” Tech said. “I do have the capacity, I just choose not to respond.”
Hunter laughed. “Well you might want to start soon, I saw the look on your face when she touched your cheek. Come on, let’s get back to Cid’s, I’m sure the others are waiting for us.”
Tech thought that this loss was a fluke, a once in a lifetime thing that he could fix before he raced again, but he was wrong. In every single race that he went up against you, he lost by a few seconds, and he had to sit there as the crowd cheered your name. The last time, you had winked at him as the two of you exited your respective ships, and he couldn’t help the way he clenched his fists. He was supposed to be the best at this, he had specifically been engineered with superior intellect, so why was he all of the sudden being outsmarted by someone he didn’t even know? He had soon resorted to choosing his races more carefully, and only registering for ones where you hadn’t signed on to race as well.
It certainly didn’t help that he couldn’t stop thinking about you, and this one sided rivalry soon caught the attention of his brothers. “Thinking about that racer again?” Echo’s voice cut into his daydream as he was sitting in Cid’s parlor one afternoon.
“No,” he said shortly, but it was clear that Echo didn’t believe him.
“Oh really? Then what could possibly be the reason you look like you’re trying to break a glass just by staring at it?”
“I’m not supposed to lose,” Tech said. “I don’t understand why I haven’t been able to outsmart her yet.”
“Just because you’ve been enhanced it doesn’t mean that you’re always going to be best at everything,” Echo said. “So one person is better at racing than you, I’d still say that’s pretty good.”
“But still, I don’t get it.”
“I think you need to take your mind off all of that for a little while,” his brother said. “It’s driving you a little crazy.”
“That won’t work, I’ve tried.”
“Okay, then why don’t you try to stop thinking about that other racer?”
“I’ve tried that too.”
Echo was silent for a moment before he spoke again. “You know, have you considered another reason that you can’t get her out of your head?”
Tech just rolled his eyes at the question. Echo had accompanied him to the last race he went to, and you had once again come up to him after the race, the conversation going similarly as it did the time when you first met. Hunter had already approached him with this conclusion, and he knew it was only a matter of time before Echo said something as well, they were similar in that sense. “I can assure you, my feelings for her are nothing but disdain.” That was untrue, but he wasn’t going to admit it.
“Really?” Echo asked, raising his eyebrows. “Because I could have sworn I saw a hint of a blush on your face the last time I was at the track with you, when she came up to talk to you after everything was over.”
“You must have been mistaken,” Tech responded. “The flush in my complexion was simply from the excitement of the race, nothing more.”
Echo’s face told him that he didn’t actually believe his brother’s words, but to his credit, he didn’t push the topic, and Tech was able to sulk in peace once more.
The next time Tech saw you was before the next race, and he wasn’t ready for it. You always approached him after everything was finished, so what was different this time? “What do you want?” he asked, wary of what you might say in response.
“Nothing much,” was your nonchalant answer. “I just came by to wish you luck.”
“I don’t believe you.”
“And why not?”
“You have to have some kind of personal motive.”
You just laughed as you one again gently caressed his cheek, and he tried not to think about how soft your hands felt against his skin. “Maybe I do, but I’m not lying when I said I came to wish you luck. I think you’re going to need it.” You walked away after that, leaving Tech more than a little confused in your wake.
He didn’t start to really put the pieces together until the middle of the race, when he was desperately trying to figure out why he was performing worse than usual today. Third place was unheard of for him, and yet he hadn’t been able to get ahead once for this entire race.
He couldn’t stop thinking about you, comfortably coasting in first place, and he knew your little visit beforehand had to be personal. There was no other explanation for the way he was racing so poorly, and he was just glad that none of his brothers had accompanied him to this particular match.
His skin tingled slightly where your fingertips had touched it, and he could see a glimpse of your ship up ahead.
Pushing the speed, he was able to overtake the second place racer, a droid that he had seen in a few of these races before. But his second wind still wasn’t enough to beat you, and he flew past the finish line in second place, losing to you like so many races before.
After your obligatory few moments that you spent smiling and waving at the crowd, Tech followed you onto the sidelines as the next race lined up. “That loss was your fault,” he said, his tone matter-of-fact.
“If you’re going to say I was using the Force, I’d have to deny that,” you said, resting a foot against the wall at your back. You looked calm and collected, and he was annoyed.
“I wasn’t calling you a Jedi,” Tech responded. “But rather saying that your little visit to me pre-race was what cost me the prize and what had me sitting in third place for more than half of it.”
You just stared at him for a moment before a smile spread across your face. “So you’re saying I distracted you?”
“It was your gestures and words that cause me to consistently not perform at my best. You got in my head.”
You just stared at him for a few moments before bursting out in laughter (much to Tech’s confusion). "Well of course i got in your head hotshot, that was the plan,” you said. “Don't be mad at me because you can't resist all this."
“I can certainly resist you,” he said, starting to catch on to what was happening.
“Oh really?” you asked, getting closer to him. Tech suddenly found it a little harder to think, but he tried to keep his expression neutral. “I don’t believe you.”
“What if I called for a rematch?”
You leaned in even more. "Fine by me. Name a time and a place, brown eyes."
That was the final straw for Tech. His instincts took over, leaving his intellect to only watch as he placed both hands on your face and pulled you closer, his lips sealing to yours almost immediately. You kissed back with a fervor just as passionate as him, all the pent up energy from your flirtations and adrenaline from the race coming out in the kiss, and when you pulled apart for air, both of you had swollen lips.
You were the one to lean in once more, but you stopped when you were just breaths away from what you knew he wanted: another kiss. “Still want another rematch?” you asked, a glint in your eye that only made him want to kiss you again.
“Later,” he breathed before closing the gap.
“I’m going to hold you to that promise,” you said between hungry kisses.
“I don’t expect anything less, darling.”
Yeah, he was definitely glad none of his brothers were here to see this right now, because he’d never hear the end of it.
- the end -
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ur-mentallyill-wench · 2 months
Ok so this is actually 100% ripped of from this post
But I just changed it around a bit and wanted to put my spin on it :) this takes place season 5 but let’s pretend Troy never left. I know it’s cringe and bad I can’t write and sorry it’s so long
Setting- Pretty much the same, the Dean rented out a venue for a dance only this time it’s a valentine dance however on a “coincidence” they get stuck with said bisexual lighting that Abed will make his comment on
Background/ cold open- of course no dance at Greendale would be complete without alternative motives, this one being the Dean trying to get Jeff as his date to said dance (I don’t ship them but I think the Dean liking him is funny). To go along with this plot you aren’t let into the dance without a date, the Dean makes sure to make it clear it doesn’t have to be a real date (cue aggressive cueing to Jeff) In the end Jeff and Britta and up being each others fake dates seeing as they hadn’t been spending but time together, leaving Troy, Abed, and Annie (Shirley isn’t going)
A plot- Troy instinctively turns to Abed pitching to go as fake dates, seeing as they did nearly everything together and it’s not like either of them had a girlfriend. To this Abed would agree although he’d say something along the lines of “or maybe we could try and get dates, I mean spending time with you is great but we’ve been going to school here for 5 seasons with not end in sight, we may as well try to get girlfriends considering neither of us have had a real relationship” (cue offended gasp from britta). This makes Troy upset for whatever reason, he knows Abed is right but he’d rather just go with Abed then bother finding a date, with this he turns to his next best option, Annie, who is more then enthusiastic to go with him despite being over him she’s still gitty. Abed ends up going with Rachel, this once again makes Troy feel certain way but he still can’t put his thumb on it, Annie immediately notices something’s up and brings up the idea that it has something to do with Abed. Troy would say something along the lines of, “I really don’t know, I think your great and I should be estatic to have a date with someone a good as you but I can’t stop thinking about him, like how could he pull her this easy and get along with her so good, I’ve never even heard of this girl”. At this point Troy is completely detached from his “date” with Annie and is now ranting about how there’s no way Rachel is better then him or good enough for Abed while Annie just stares at him knowingly. Of course with Annie’s help Troy comes to the realization that even id he can’t put his finger ong why he wants to be with Abed, whether platonicly or romantically he wants to be with him. The night goes on like this, Troy occasionally going over to talk to Rachel about Abed before sulking back to Annie. Over the course of the night and talking to Rachel Troy gets increasingly mad that Abed doesn’t seem to care until the point on him storiming up to Rachel and airing out shit about abed (he’s controlling, trackers in his friends, uses people) and so on until Abed comes up on them and Rachel tells Abed something and storms out, leaving Abed to turn to Troy distraught. He’s says something about how he really liked her and Troy confesses that even if he doesn’t know want it is he’s drawn to Abed and wants to spend the rest of his life with him, he doesn’t want to be boyfriends or anything it he doesn’t want to see Abed leave him, Abed would say something along the lines of, “I don’t know how to take this but if there’s anyone I’d want to spend the rest of my life with it’s you, and we can make out own thing up it’s what we do anyway” more emotional dialog that I’m not smart enough to write but it ends in them kissing to bisexual lighting glaring around them and the song Somewhere Out There playing in the background
B plot- Jeff and Britta end up going to the dance together, I don’t have much to say here but it ends up it them saying how they’ve missed spending time together (I ship them in a they keep getting divorced and getting back together way) but they end up having a good time together. Also Jeff finds the Dean sulking and they end up sharing a dance together
C plot- not much here but I think it would be funny to have Chang and Duncan trying to pick if ladies to go to the dance but they end up wasting all there time with no ladies wanting them (just some funny bar scenes idk)
Ending scene- Troy and Abed telling people they’re dating of course with “Troy and Abed are dAtInG” a shocked gasp from Shirley and Annie (Annie knew) and britta giving Jeff twenty dollars for losing the bet of wether they’d get together
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lopsicle · 7 months
So I’ve only watched up to Scream 5 but I couldn’t resist writing a fic of Tara getting wrecked so sorry if this is inaccurate to Scream 6!
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Get Off The Couch
Lees: Tara, Sam (brief)
Lers: Sam, Tara (brief)
Warnings: Not Proofread, mentions of stabbing, Tickle Fic, foot tickles.
Summary: Tara’s a little shit and Sam tickles her for it
(Not a ship! DNI if you ship these two!)
After being stabbed over seven times, being reunited with your sister, learning horrifying information about your past and surviving the Ghostface killings, it was nice to just…relax. It was hard, Tara still got a lot of nightmares as did her sister, Sam’s scars were still visible and hadn’t fully healed but they were managing. It was a lot easier now that they were together.
Sam couldn’t move back in with her mom unfortunately but, against her better judgement, stayed in Woodsboro for her sister. She was staying in a small house that Tara visited so frequently it was hard to tell if she actually lived with her mom anymore. And deep down, she knew she wasn’t. The girl even had her own room in Sam’s house, upstairs which is where she currently was, fiddling around on her phone aimlessly. Eventually she sighed, too bored to stay on her own as she turned off her phone and made her way downstairs to bother see her sister.
She saw Sam in the living room, watching TV while she was splayed across the couch, like she owned the place (even though she did). The woman’s head was resting on one end of the couch, with her feet hanging over the other. She turned to face Tara as soon as she heard her coming down the stairs, still a little concerned over the girl whenever she saw her, silently relieved to see that she was okay. Tara wordlessly made her way to end of the couch, glancing at Sam expectantly until she finally asked, ‘What?’
‘Can’t you move over?’ Tara asked, though it was more like a smug demand. Sam’s head flopped down to the side, not staring at her sister anymore, finding the TV more important.
‘Nope, physically incapable of moving,’ she smirked to herself, even stretching her body out just a little more just to annoy Tara. Her sister just sighed, glancing at Sam from up to down as a small idea came into her mind. Being the youngest, she was always a victim of Sam’s tickle attacks when she was around and Sam was brutal. She was the most skilled, mean tickler that Tara had ever met, but Tara had never had the chance to get Sam back. Until now, given that her feet were conveniently stretched close to her hands. It was Sam’s own fault really, she thought, for being such an ass about this.
With another, almost frightful glance up to make sure her sister’s eyes were still glued to the TV, she raised her hands and quickly walked her fingers up Sam’s socked feet. The reaction was immediate, Sam bit down on her lip and only let a couple giggles out and yanked her legs back away from Tara’s mischievous fingers. She sat up, staring at her sister with a look that Tara recognised from when she was little.
‘You better start running.’
Was all Sam needed to say for Tara to take off in the opposite direction, speeding up as she heard her sister fly up off the coach. Her heart was already pounding out of her chest at the thought of getting t-worded (no, she’s not too flustered to say it) by her sister again. Despite her head start, Sam gained on her quickly, partly for revenge and partly because she missed tickling her little sister.
Suddenly, Sam’s hands snatched around Tara’s torso as she roughly started wiggling her fingers against Tara’s tummy.
‘Tickle, tickle, tickle!’ Sam teased in a high pitched tone, making Tara’s face go even redder. Why did she have to be a good tease as well?!
‘S-sahahahaham! W-Waihahahah-!!’ Tara tried to plead with her but it fell on deaf ears as Sam’s dexterous fingers only worked on her stomach more and more, playing the girl like a piano.
‘You really haven’t changed a bit from when you were a kid, you have all the same tickle spots, don’t you?’ Sam observed, smirking as she sinked her nail into Tara’s belly button which made the girl absolutely shriek. Tara was bouncing, wriggling and shaking about from side to side but her sister kept a tight grip on her from behind; with all her squirming, Tara’s knees began to get weaker and became too unstable to support her.
Luckily (or unluckily), Sam was still holding onto Tara and slowly, carefully lowered her down onto the ground, face down as she sat on her thighs. Tara began catching her breath, trying to hide her increasingly red face.
‘Tell a lie, I think you’ve gotten even more ticklish,’ Sam cooed, pinching the sides of Tara’s long sleeved shirt and pulling it up gently, leaving about half of her sides bare.
‘N-no, I haveheEHEHEHEN’T!!’ Tara’s desperate cry was cut off by a couple rapid squeezes to that delicate area on her sides, just above her hips. She immediately got squirmy again, smacking her hands against the floor as she tried to buck her sister off of her, to no avail.
‘What was that? Tara, honey, you’re laughing too much for me to understand you, you gotta use your words!’ Sam teased her, which only made Tara lose her voice even more, unable to form a response without stuttering.
‘P-PLEAHAHAHAHAAHASE!!’ She eventually forced out as Sam’s warm fingers began making their way up and down her sides, slipping under her shirt to scratch at the protected, sensitive areas just below her ribs.
Sam just smiled fondly at Tara screeched and thrashed like a maniac, unable to sit still. Her legs bucked and kicked out whenever Sam hit a particularly sensitive spot, which just encouraged her to target that spot even more.
‘This takes me back, you know, back when you were a kid and still afraid of the tickle monster. I think you’re still a liiittle scared of her, given how quickly you went running!’ Sam called her out but was genuinely enjoying herself, and she had a feeling Tara was as well. Sam began squeezing and clawing her fingers up and down Tara’s sides, vibrating against that oh so sensitive skin. Tara’s sides felt like a button that could make her squirm at will.
‘IHAHAAHAHT T-TIHAHAHAAHAHCKLES!!’ Tara screamed, getting a little caught up on the tword, which Sam noticed but decided to take pity on her and not being up. Tara was smiling from ear to ear at this point, her face feeling so, so warm from all of her blushing; her body shook with each bout of laughter Sam’s fingers would send her spiralling into.
‘Now, are you sorry for trying to tickle me?’ Her older sister asked while she scurried her nails up to Tara’s lowest set of ribs, wriggling around right underneath them.
‘Y-YEHEEHEHEHEHEHES!!’ Tara nodded desperately, pushing her arms and legs against the floor as she tried desperately to cope with her sister’s ravenous tickle attack.
The tickling slowed down for the most part as Sam dragged a single finger down Tara’s side, making her twitch and giggle softly. ‘Hmm…you know, I’m not sure if I believe you!’ She said, and suddenly pressed her fingertips against Tara’s hips before drilling into them, scraping her nails against the ticklish spot.
Tara exploded at that, the mostly calm girl immediately began thrashing around desperately to get away from her sister, arching her back while burying her blushing face in her arms.
‘IHAHAHAHAHAAHAH’M SAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHRRY!!!’ Tara pleaded again as tears of laughter pricked in her eyes through all the torment Sam made her endure for just a bit of tickling, looking just about at her breaking point.
Only then did Sam finally get off the girl’s thighs, pulling her shirt back down before standing up off the floor. Tara rolled onto her back and flopped back down to the floor, like a starfish. Tara took in long deep breaths, blinking away her tears as her face finally returned to a normal colour, not a bright burning red.
‘Good, now never try that again!’ Sam smiles happily, turning to leave and right as she was in the kitchen doorway, she heard Tara mumble, ‘..so mean..’
And with that, the tickle monster turned right back around.
‘Oh, I’m mean now, am I?’ Sam said, in a tone Tara also recognised from when she was a kid, meaning that she had fucked up. Sam approached her worn out sister, who tried to scramble back, not getting far before Sam grabbed her right ankle. She pulled Tara’s foot closer, sitting down cross legged on the floor, keeping a tight grip on her ankle as she faced Tara. The girl squeaked and felt her heart nearly stop, curling her toes in a futile attempt to save herself from the tickle monster.
‘Then, why don’t I show you how mean I can be?’ Sam whispered slowly, pinching the tip of Tara’s sock and pulling it off, letting it drop to the floor.
‘nononononono, youdonthavetodothAHAHAHAHAAHAHAT!!’ Tara’s fast, nervous rambling was cut off by Sam scribbling her nails on her arch, letting them scrape and wriggle against the skin.
‘You didn’t think I forgot where you were most ticklish, did I? I mean, you are just one walking tickle spot but your feet always had you screaming!’ Sam grinned widely while Tara thrashed around, a bit more freely this time. She tried to fight back one last time, kicking at Sam with her left foot but that backfired as Sam just grabbed her ankle again. Her big sister quickly got her into an ankle lock, while Tara sat up, a big smile still on her face.
‘Plehehase, you know that’s a b-bad spot!’ Tara begged her, reaching out her hand to Sam.
‘Aw, Tara, sweetie, if your gonna pretend you don’t like this, then you shouldn’t be all smiley and giggly!’ Sam reminded her, instantly making her blush get worse by tenfold. Barely giving her anytime to process, she ripped off Tara’s other sock and scribbled her free hand all over her feet, walking her nails all over then randomly just so Tara had no way of knowing where she’d be going next.
‘I-I DAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAN’T!!’ Tara tried to lie pitifully but it was hard to be taken seriously when you were a laughing mess.
‘Oh, sure you don’t, little miss giggles! Sure, you always get real squirmy but you never try to get away, you only ran because I told you to.’
Sam called her out as Tara buried her face in her arms, still kicking her legs but her feet wouldn’t budge, save for a few twitched that didn’t get her away from Sam’s fingers. Tears welled up in her eyes again as Sam scribbled at the centre of her soles, not moving to another spot at all. It felt like all the tickles were just building up in one spot, getting worse and worse and worse by the second.
‘FIHAHAHAHAHANE, I LIHHAHAHAAHAHKE IT!! JUHAAHAHAHAST STAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHPP!!’ The younger flailed her arms all about as tears spilled down her red cheeks, Sam just kept smirking, walking her fingers around Tara’s feet a bit more.
‘I already knew that, but thank you for admitting it! Now, am I mean?’
Sam said with the most shit-eating grin that almost made Tara explode right there, but she still seemed like she could take a little more.
‘Really? Am I the bestest sister ever in the whole wide world?’
San hummed in delight at that, finally removing her fingers from Tara’s death spot and letting her ankles go. Tara caught her breath faster this time, putting her socks back on before Sam changed her mind. The girl began wiping the tears off her cheeks before she felt herself being picked up by Sam. She shuddered a little, but her fears were quickly put to rest as Sam cradled her in one arm, wiping Tara’s tears and brushing her messed up hair into place.
‘Don’t worry, Tara, I’m not gonna tickle you right now, you just seemed pretty tired after that.’ Sam admitted, making Tara smile softly as she clung into Sam.
‘Thank you..’ she mumbled as Sam brought them back to the couch, setting Tara down before sitting right next to her.
‘Just remember, if you try and tickle me again, I will not be that kind.’
Tara blushed and nodded, crossing her ankles. ‘Y-yeah, I weren’t planning on it!’ She smiled a little as she said it, and Sam could see a little bit of mischief in her eyes. Still, she decided not to comment on it.
‘Good, cause we don’t need another little tickle monster running around, I’m more then enough.’ Sam leaned back, as Tara turned to her.
‘Yeah, your a lot more then enough.’
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pnf-lover98 · 6 months
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🎵 "This is the golden age of something good and right and real!"🎵
Yesterday, it was brought to my attention thanks to @serendippertyy 's instagram story that the official Tumblr wrap up posts had already come out, and that, in the one revolving around ships, Ineffable Bureaucracy had come as high as number 47 out of 100. The news itself filled my heart with joy, but part of me couldn’t quite believe it until I found the actual post, and scrolled down the list.
It’s already been 4 months since season 2 came out, now. And it’s been four months in which I’ve been constantly going “I still can’t believe this” whenever I think back to everything that happened during this season’s episodes. Because even though I've been here since the beginning, despite how hard I’ve always believed in our impossible dream, and despite having always wished for Gabriel and Beelzebub to get closer in-canon… Not even in my highest hopes I would have expected for them to actually get the chance to!
And to see the rest of the fandom waking up to our reality after this season’s finale, and to see people who would have never thought we could be something getting acquainted with our old and new posts and with all of the little worlds we built in our stories, possibly even joining us even with one single fanart, is priceless. To see the one single ship that has been meaning to me more than any other being out there shining and thriving is priceless. To see us going from a minor “crackship” that most had never heard of to taking over the world at an astonishing number 47 in a list of ships from all sorts of fandom is unbelievable, and the greatest, most glorious thing that could have happened!
So, of course, I couldn’t not take a moment to celebrate all together. With my fellow “dreamers of the impossible” fans, with who has just started to ship us, and with all the new friends we’ve been making since July 28th.
🎵 "And I never saw you coming, and I’ll never be the same" 🎵
[P.s. Even if I personally never shipped Aziraphale and Crowley - aka the Ineffable Husbands - it’s nice to see them thriving too, hanging out there at number 1 on top of the chart like the little star on top of a sparkling Christmas tree full of lights. I’ve been seeing quite some fuss and quite some comparisons being made between the two ships ever since this summer, but I’m happy to see a confirmation of the fact that our newfound sparkle took none of your light away :) ]
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