#actually nevermind. i got completely used to this with santa so it’s only a matter of time
pipskippy · 2 years
aini spoilers but if mame used her father’s last name her name would be enda mame…..edamame…jaw-drop
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mistaeq · 4 years
The Jobros: Finding out their s/o is Pregnant with Twins
TW // none
Original Request: Can you do the jojo's reaction to their s/o being pregnant with twins after a long time of trying? You can find this here.
The sweet @serenityblaze44 asked for this same prompt with the Jobros, so... here it is! <3
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As soon as you tell him, his eyes widen, like a cat who saw his favourite toy. It's almost as if he was a kid, and you were telling him that Santa was gonna bring him his favourite gift ever. No wonder, he'll be speechless for some seconds. Not only one baby, but two? This sounds all the way like a dream becoming reality. Living in the street like he did years ago, he could only dream about having a family.
You've been trying so hard to have a baby, you both felt ready, and after all the danger he went through along with Jonathan, Robert wants to settle down and have a family, finally starting something serious. But you had a lot of problems with getting pregnant, and he was losing his hope. Until you told him you were expecting a baby. And now, you were telling him they were two, two angels of his growing in your stomach. This feels crazy.
Speedwagon won't force you and won't get angry, if you don't feel like you'd like something like this, but he'd love to name one of the twins Jonathan or William if there's at least a boy and Erina if there's at least a girl. These people mattered so much in his life, and would be the happiest if he could bring these names with him forever. If you don't like the idea, he will respectfully accept it, and he's open and ready to hear your own ideas, too!
He wants everything to be completely organized, when the twins will come to the world. Every parent buys furniture and clothing for their baby, even before the birth, it's a pretty common thing. But Robert more or less behaved like Joseph buying stuff for Shizuka with Josuke's money. Speedwagon almost bought an entire baby store out of happiness and excitement. He's enthusiast and nervous. Bear with this loving gentleman.
"What do you mean I don't have to buy six cribs for the babies? What their two ones break and we need to change it?" he groans, handing you a bag, you looking at him with questioning eyes. "Nevermind... y/n, will you hold these fifty pacifiers for me while I get the twenty pairs of baby shoes out of the car?"
Speedwagon can't keep the news to himself. He'll call Erina before everyone else, and then all his friends, like immediately, to tell them the good news. He looks calm and rational, but he spent most of his life in London's street, and few years won't erase his loud and impulsive attitude. It's probably a good thing, after all. Even gentlemen can be excited. A little sudden, but hearing it makes Erina so happy, she'll be like an aunt for your kids!
He would enjoy reading books to your stomach during your pregnancy. He would have done it even if they weren't twins, but he claims that being them two, he'll need to work twice the amount he did before to teach them stories and literature. Robert is an amazing man, but still a too grown baby, he'll never stop his ideas about how to teach the children something. He just thinks about what he'd like to do or hear if he was a child.
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He stops practicing with his hamon for some seconds as soon as you tell him. Funny, he was so focused on his training that he swore he started hearing things. You didn't just tell him that the baby bubble growing in your stomach are in reality two baby bubbles. He... oh, forget it Caesar, you must have dreamt it. But you're right next to him, and almost immediately repeat what you just told him, making him realize what he heard is true.
It takes a while for the italian boy to realize it, but when he finally does, you can tell he's happy. Mamma mia. The adrenaline and excitemente in his body won't stop flowing, this is why, when Caesar will hug you, pick you up and jump around, hamon bubbles will still be coming out of his fingertips, and you find it the cutest thing ever. It's the physical proof of how happy you make him, there's no way to deny it. Family is all he ever wanted, over his flirting habit. You're the right one for him and he knows.
Prepare your kids and your stomach to get a whole load of opera music during your pregnancy. Caesar is a great lover of opera, and will care about his kids to be as informed on it and respectful of the genre. Either he'll put on some of it, of he'll straight up sing it for you and your future children. His singing voice isn't actually so bad, you notice, and this is how he earns the task of singing them the lullabies when they'll come to the world.
"Hey! What do you mean I get to sing them the lullabies... I'm good at opera... not baby songs..." he whines, almost sounding like a baby himself. "Fine... but at one condition. You change the diapers and I sing the lullabies. Take it or leave it."
He cares a lot about his family's traditions to go on. Being the flamboyant italian he is, Caesar prides himself on the love for his close family and relatives. He doesn't have a huge request for you, but he cares about what he's gonna ask. The father-to-be would be happy, if one of the twins is a boy, to give him Antonio as a second name. Like his own second name, and his grandpa's too. He secretly hopes the twins are a boy and a girl, he's always wanted a baby princess.
The young Zeppeli will grow twice more protective and caring of you. This translates in him not letting Joseph get closer to you than three meters away. This is how you learn to speak even louder to talk with people. Your loving boy will always be in front of you to keep you safe. You appreciate it, but sometimes he's exaggerated.
He'll probably beg you on his knees, for you to allow him to teach the children how to master the hamon technique when they'll grow up. You can't really deny it, sometimes it's useful. During your pregnancy, Caesar and his calming waves helped you coping with pregnancy pains and cramps, massaging your belly and leaving some bubbles around to soothe and distract you. Oh, your caring italian love.
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When you told him the good news, his heart exploded with happiness and excitement. However, Noriaki is known for being a pretty calm boy, and he tried his best to keep calm after your words, too. You had to tell him to let go and don't worry about wanting to hug you, or pick you up and kiss you, or even cry, if he felt like letting it all out.
Before you even got pregnant, Kakyoin and you had been trying every single way on Earth to have a baby. Take count of your most fertile phase, buy a lot of pregnancy tests, using different positions, praying, making rituals, crying and asking Siri, in tears, why Noriaki couldn't manage to get you pregnant. Did those ways work so well that you got twice more pregnant than you expected? Nevermind, all you know is that you and your loving cherry boy are gonna have two beautiful babies.
"Listen... why do you think I can't get my baby pregnant? We've been trying every single way... do you have any advice?" as soon as Siri answered, Kakyoin's eyes widened, and raised an eyebrow. "Hey, don't give me the 'Sorry, I'm not sure what you said' treatment!"
One of his first thoughts, is that there's a small - but now it's higher because the babies are two - percentage of chances your babies might be stand users. Yes, it's not the highest percentage ever, but it's still there, and Kakyoin is pretty afraid of it. Stand users' lives are never calm and quiet, he had the occasion to prove this himself. They often go towards almost deadly experiences. He's gotta be a good dad and protect his children.
Hierophant Green is overjoyed! Noriaki and his stand worked hard, to create some decorations for the babies' room with emeralds. Green is a neutral color, since you don't know whether the twins will be boys, girls, or both. Still, you don't think colors like pink and blue are gendered, that's some stereotypical bullshit. But you had the luck of having green decorations, perfect for anyone, from Hierophant's power.
Kakyoin secretly hopes that at least one of the babies, no matter whether it's a boy or a girl, will have his hair color or hair noodle. Think about it, wouldn't it be funny, cute and incredibly special to have a small version of your husband/boyfriend walking around the house? Oh god, what if they're identical twins? Three Noriakis? Oh my.
Even if this might embarrass him a little, you'll often get to see his parents during your pregnancy. First of all, to give them the good news about the baby being in reality two babies, and second of all because mrs. Kakyoin would be on cloud nine, getting the chance to give you some parenting advice. That's also how you get to know some interesting information and curiosities about your man's childhood. The cutest things ever. But this... is another story.
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Okuyasu.exe has stopped working. What do you mean two babies? He thought the shocking news were finished, after the pregnancy announcement. He's gonna ask you a billion times, on the verge of tears, if you're joking or messing with him, knowing how much these news matter to his heart. When he gets you're serious, Okuyasu just lets go and cries. He feels so damn happy.
He learnt to hate your period as much as you, honestly. Because everytime you got it, it meant another month in which he had failed in getting you pregnant had passed, and this made him feel useless and disappointing. You never thought anything like this about him, but making him understand this is pretty difficult, he wouldn't have forgiven himself until he succeeded. You wanted a baby and Okuyasu wanted so too, so he would have given it to you, no matter what.
"Oi... did you... you know, bleed this month already?" Okuyasu asked, with the eyes of someone who was afraid of asking. But you shook your head. "This is good, love... but let's not get our hopes up, shall we, y/n?"
He doesn't really have any special requests or ideas for your babies' names. Or better, he does have one, but will never tell you, as he thinks for sure that you'll never agree with doing it. Okuyasu would have liked the kanji "兆" ("chou": trillion) to be in at least one of your babies' names, to remember his brother. But your boy is pretty sure you'd hate it, and he'd never suggest this. You'll probably feel there's something he's not telling you and find out anyway.
Expecting two babies is tiring, and you'll need to rest a lot. Okuyasu would like to join you and hold you in your sleep, but he also wants to be awake to take care of you, get you something to eat or drink, or put in order his messy house to make it look at least decent for when the babies will come. This is why, while you take your naps, he works around the house and lets The Hand cuddle with you. It's always him, after all. He feels the way you hold his stand.
This leads to the father-to-be being often pretty tired, too. He overworks himself. At night, when he finally joins you in your bed, happens to fall asleep in a matter of seconds, wearing his ordinary clothes instead of his pajamas. You can tell he's gonna be a good dad. Some mornings during your pregnancy, if you happened to wake up before him, you'd quietly turn off his alarm clock for him to rest more.
Okuyasu's dad is on cloud nine too, as his family is going to get larger. Mansaku totally wants to take a photo with you two and his grandchildren, as soon as they'll be born. He accepted you and behaves with you the same caring way he does towards his son. He's changed in a better man, despite his appearance. But the first person Okuyasu told the good news to, was Keicho. He purposely went on his grave, because he knew his brother would have been proud.
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You tell him the good news while he's working. Not only it'll make his day better, but it'll also hopefully get his mind off of that giant bunch of papers on his desk, for once. The capo suddenly stops, moving his gaze towards your eyes, then your stomach, then your eyes again. You'll have to repeat, or he'll be sure he's imagined what you said because of the too much time spent working. But there's no joke or dream, you're pregnant with twins.
Screw all the papers and all the work that's left. He's gonna get you in a so tight and warm embrace of his, and never let go. Libeccio's for dinner that night? Guaranteed. He's usually a calm man, but whatever is related to his family, gets celebrated. When you announced your pregnancy, you had a dinner with the whole gang at the restaurant, but this time Bruno would rather have something more personal and private with you. Make the dinner romantic.
When you were still trying to have a baby, Bucciarati was the one who managed not to lost his temper when every attempt of yours resulted in a negative pregnancy test. But when you weren't around, I won't say he cried, but was pretty close. He was afraid of not being able to give you what you wanted, and usually ranted about this with Abbacchio. Bruno wanted to be the shoulder you could cry on, and couldn't breakdown too.
You both decided to wait some time before telling the gang about the baby being in reality two babies. They were still excited for your pregnancy itself, Mista and Narancia above everyone, and giving another shocking news would have probably brought the peace to say arrivederci. They still managed to get you confess, the look in Bruno's expressive eyes was too happy not to notice.
Just like Giorno would do, Bruno wouldn't be happy if his two angels ended up being involved in Passione's business. He totally will let the gang around his babies, as he trusts them, but during your pregnancy you both decided that the one of you taking care of the babies on a certain day, wouldn't even think of getting close to Passione's headquarters with the children. And you agreed with Bucciarati, for your little ones' safety.
"You'll agree with me that our children's safety is the most important thing, tesoro mio..." Bruno murmured, caressing your cheek. "Let's not bring them close to this place ever, I beg you. I'm sure you'll understand."
He would enjoy talking and interacting with his babies by laying his head on your stomach, kissing it and listening to them moving in the last weeks of your pregnancy. Sticky Fingers is in love with you too, and Bruno won't ever lose the chance to close you in a cuddle sandwich between his body and his stand's to make you feel protected and let you know how proud of you he is. Bucciarati will be a special dad, indeed.
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zecretsanta · 6 years
Fic: Numbers and Figures
To: @grumpsterkitty
From: @lesbianpearlfey
Happy Holidays grumpsterkitty!! I was so lucky to be your secret santa! I chose the prompt “Anything from Luna’s POV” I hope you like it!
“Good morning, GTF-DM-L-016”
“….well, you still sound like dial up internet. Don’t worry, we’ll get that fixed. I have great hopes for you this time.”
“Good morning GTF-DM-L-016”
“Okay. That one actually made sense this time. Good job! Your ophthalmics should be working now, can you open your eyes?”
“It looks strange without the skin. How long until you get that done?”
“I think you’d look weird without your skin too, Akane. Don’t make my robots self conscious.”
“If you say so.”
“016? Do you know where your eyes are?”
“Okay. Good enough.”
“016, you beautiful creation, I see you looking at me. Finally got those eyes working, huh?
“GTF-DM-L-016, how are you?”
“You don’t even know what good means. You don’t know what anything means! How exciting it must be to be you right now.”
“GTF-DM-L-016, lift your right hand, please.”
“Good, and now your left.”
“Can you curl your fingers?”
“Count them out loud for me.”
“….Count your fingers out loud for me.”
“Good job. Make a fist. Now open your hand. Man, it’s so crazy how I say things and you do it.”
“Hold this for me. What do you think? Is it heavy?”
“That’s right. Hold this in your other hand.”
“Which one is lighter?”
“Is the one in your left hand lighter or heavier in relation to the other one?”
“Okay. Lagomorph, make a note to change that name thing.”
“GTF-DM-L-016, who am I?”
“Hmm. Try again.”
“Yes! Good job. I see your eyes are following me when I move. Did you notice that?”
What does it feel like?
“Do you like it?”
“Can you describe what I look like?”
“Hmm. Not quite yet.”
“Put some skin on that robot, Doctor Klim.”
“I know. I’m working on it.”
“I’m serious.”
“I said I’d do it, okay?”
“GTF-DM-L-016, what’s the weather like?”
“Akane, can we raise that two degrees– Nevermind. I said nevermind! I wasn’t going to say it, anyway. Leave me alone. Stop looking at me like that.”
“GTF-DM-L-016, want to know a secret? The number is 69. You’ll understand when you’re older.”
“Okay. Look at me.” “….I don’t know why I made you look so much like her. I mean, I know why I did, because I have to, because that’s how I remember Luna being, but…”
“You didn’t really deserve this, did you? It’s not like you got a choice in the matter. It’s not like any of us here did.”
“You didn’t even get to know her. This necklace, this is hers. Maybe I’ll tell you about it one day. Maybe I’ll tell you everything.” “…Or maybe not.”
“I guess I was ready for you to look like Luna, huh? But you’re not really Luna yet. And you’re not her either. GTF-DM-L-016, who are you? What’s it like to be you right now?”
“I guess you’d say you can’t wait to find out. Well, if I didn’t know what was going to happen, I guess I would be too.”
“Good news, GTF-DM-L-016! You’ve come along far enough that I think it’s time to give you a proper name. There’s been plenty of robots in this lab, but only one Luna, and I think you’re it. Congratulations.”
“Yep. It’s almost like your birthday. Happy birthday, GTF-DM-L-016.”
The man, Sigma, smiles. This is a good reaction. GTF-DM-L-016 is happy.
“Oh, Sigma, she looks–”
“Hey there! Can you introduce yourself to my colleague?”
The woman. Greying hair. [AKANE KURASHIKI]. Important, very important.
She opens her mouth. (She. Her mouth her eyes her feet her face her she robot alive alive alive).
[My name is Luna. It’s nice to meet you, AKANE KURASHIKI.]
Ms. Kurashiki looks impressed. She claps Sigma on the back and the two share a grin. Luna feels like she is part of the secret. She smiles, because she knows she is supposed to.
Luna looks at herself. She has pale skin and orange hair and a purple dress and blue eyes and white teeth and pink lips and black pupils and a necklace with a blue bird inside.
Here she is, she is her, there is nobody else like her. She has skin and a face and she can walk and talk and she is happy! She is so happy to be able to do these things! She is Luna. Being Luna is a very important thing to be, perhaps the most important thing she’ll ever do.
Sigma is beside her straightening her collar and fixing her hair and Luna knows from all the information she has downloaded that this is something humans do to show affection, she thinks that’s what this is. But she is not jealous of humans and all their chemicals and synapses and things they can do without programming.
She’s Luna, and no one else can do the things she can. She was made for a purpose. She was made to help with the AB Game. It’s a very important project, you see. (What is it, um-)
Sigma seems amused. “Don’t get too excited,” he says, “There’s a lot of work to do outside this lab.”
“Yes, doctor.”
Sigma faces her. His face is tired and worn, skin wrinkled in a way hers will never be able to, but his eye still glows with pride. He looks her over, rough hands glancing over folds in her sleeve, smoothing her clothes to fit her better, positioning her necklace in front of her. She feels like a doll. She knows what a doll is. She knows so many things.
He is so strange and different from her. His skin, leathery and lived in. Raised scars on his knuckles from where he dropped a mug, hairs poking through the skin along his skin, dust and cells and oils. His body is a breathing, organic thing. His lungs, expanding inside his rib cage, his heart, always beating, red and alive inside him. Everything about him is so different from her. She is cold and still, hard machinery and wires that won’t fail her when she needs them. She is sturdy, built to last, and he is not. What a funny thing.
And even the doctor is a bit like hers. His arms and hands, sometimes too technical to seem natural. Little moments of stutters and stalls that remind her more of her own hands than those of a human’s. And his eye, round and intruding and altogether too garring next to his organic one, but she likes it that way. She likes him that way. All those parts of him makes her feel closer to him, in a way. A half robot. And her, a full robot.
His gaze seems to soften when he looks at her. “Alright, then,” he says, “I guess it’s time to put you to work.”
Sometimes she finds herself missing the times when it was just her trying to grasp her own consciousness and understand simple things like who the man was in front of her and how she seemed to know such things. When it seemed to take all she had to just focus on simple things, much less follow orders. Everything is more complicated, but it isn’t a bad thing, the way she is now.
The entire Rhizome seems like second nature to her. Everything seems to be downloaded into her, and she is so in tune with it that it seems unthinkable that it wasn’t made just for her. All it’s rooms and elevators and hallways feel as comfortable to her and she revels in the small discoveries, like Ms. Kurashiki’s favorite type of teas or where the Doctor likes to hides the better rations for himself. All of this has been functioning for long before she was even a thought. The two of them, on the moon working, and now her too.
She feels honored to have been chosen for this role. Whatever they’re working on seems to be of monumental importance, and she’s an important part of it. Her! Some time ago she had not even known how to open her eyes or understand the things she was hearing, and now she was playing a part in an incredible machination of fate.
She hears them talking about it, sometimes, things like people whose names she doesn’t know and apocalypses, and Radical Six (this one she had heard about, she can recite facts about the virus forwards and back, but on one ever asks her to do so.) But more often than not, they talk about The Project.
She knows about that too.  A lot of the work has been done before her creation, and more often than not it’s Mrs. Kurashiki that relies on her for menial tasks. And whenever she asks, Mrs. Kurashiki says she will tell her more when it’s time to do so.
So she spends time taking orders from Mrs. Kurashiki, double checking puzzles and stocking rations and nodding when she is supposed to. Sometimes she won’t see the doctor for days at a time, as he is sequestered in his own labs, and sometimes he hardly seems to notice her at all.
But she’s walking, and she’s alive, and it’s more than she’s ever known to ask for, so she does her best to be helpful and supposes that’s all she can do.
And for a while, that’s all there is to it.
She finds him, as she often does, in the garden. He seems to alternate between B Garden and his labs, and in rare moments such as these, he doesn’t seem too eager to return to any particular thing.
She watches him. B Garden had also come along, in it’s own way, in no small part thanks to her. She finds a simple peace in the place. It is so unlike the rest of the facility, so many parts of it that couldn’t be replicated anywhere else. It’s just another reminder that it’s just the three of them, a little corner of life in this cold gray place.
But life on the Rhizome has been kind to her and so she does her best to return it’s kindness here, in turning the dirt and planting the seeds, and she enjoys the way the mud sticks to her cloths even if it makes the doctor sigh at the sight of her.
But now there isn’t much work left to be done. The tree that had been planted before her creation has grown into a sturdy thing, and it should grow long after any of them, she supposes. That’s what she likes about life. It persists. Even if it is just her and this tree, one day, it should be enough.
The rest of the garden has come along nicely. A shallow pool of water, an intricate laying of tiles below. The grass, soft and thin in the ventilated air. Even the waterfall by the outcrop of rocks is appreciated, in it’s artificial way, and she finds she likes the spray of mist on her face.
Is this what Earth is like? That place that the Doctor and Mrs. Kurashiki mention? Could it be like this all the time?
But it doesn’t matter if it is or not. She’s here, and this place is hers. It was built from the ground up, meant to bring life to the facility, and she appreciates its differences from the rest of the Rhizome. It’s real. And maybe if she stays there long enough, she could be real, too.
It’s quiet. Even the imported air seems stiller somehow, as if out of respect for the meaning this place is entrusted with. Every inch of it is a reminder of what the AB Project is truly for. And so she walks among it, reverent in the silence, a small part of this secluded paradise. Everything from the damp moss on the rocks to the stillness in the air was meant to be here, meant to be alive.
She finds him, as she always does, in B Garden. He’s seated on the bench but his gaze is turned to the side, as if watching something out of the corner of his eye. It’s as if he expects to see a ghost in his peripherals, and for a moment it seems as if he might be as she steps forward into his line of sight.
But the raw expression on his face is smothered after a moment, and he says “Oh, it’s you, Luna.”
“Yes,” She steps away from where she had obstructed his view of the unmarked grave and moves to sit beside him on the bench, smoothing her skirt out in front of her. “I thought I might find you here.”
“You as well,” he says, staring off into the off colored wall, “don’t think we don’t notice you sneaking in here to water the plants. The sprinkler system does that for us, you know.”
“I know,” she says, “I just thought they might get lonely.”
“The plants?”
“Yes, well,” her hand rises up to clutch her necklace. “You did dig up those skunk cabbages just last week.”
He smiles, patiently, “the plants don’t know the difference,” he says, “but I suppose it’s good to have empathy.”
“They’re living things, right?” She tosses him an experimental glance.
“I suppose. But not in the way in which they would have the capacity for emotions.”
“Well,” she stares at her shoes. “You could say I’m not living like that either. But I still feel emotions.”
“That’s right,” he lifts her chin and looks at her as if inspecting her circuits. “You’re much better in that regard. Much better than any seed you could put in the ground.”
She smiles against his loose grip, “Thank you, doctor,” she says.
He draws his hand away, and they lapse into silence. It’s one of the best parts of the B Garden. There aren’t any machines beeping, no engines churning, no gears locking in place. There’s nothing to interrupt silences such as these. She wishes they could stay this way forever, but she knows they cannot.
As if reading her mind, he rises from the bench and stretches, his spine popping at the movement.
“Actually,” he says, “it’s good that I caught you. I have someone I want you to meet.”
And then there’s Kyle.
He is not like her. She had known that when Dr. Klim had explained the situation. He seems like her, at first glance, but underneath that stoic mask is a boy all the same.
Still, the idea of getting to do this is exciting all the same. It’s not what she was built for, per say, but the opportunity is a welcomed change all the same. But still, it’s strange, looking at him.
He is a human, and yet his flat, often bored tone betrays him to more of a robotic sense than even herself, who was programmed to hide such things. She is a machine with a human face, and the boy, Kyle, well…
“Hello, Kyle,” she crouches down and offers him a small smile, “I’m Luna. It’s nice to meet you.”
“Hello,” the boy says, sullenly. From the proximity she can see his eyes through his suit, guarded yet hopeful at the sight of her, and she feels something soft and careful grow inside her at the sight.
Yes. She can do this for him. She can be what he needs her to be. And so she smiles wider. From inside the suit, she can see by the way his corner of his eyes crinkle that he is doing the same.
It’s a wonderful, wonderful thought.
Kyle does things like hold her hand and ask her questions, and he begs her to tell him stories when she tucks him into bed, and she takes great delight in doing so. And yet the glow in his eyes still catches her off guard, and she finds herself wondering if she could ever look at someone else like that, if she even still has it in her. It’s a wonderful thing, to be human. And yet Kyle doesn’t even know how special he is, when he talks asks about where his father is and why Sigma never visits, and the sorrow in her seems to grow with every question asked about the doctor’s absence.
“He cares about you, Kyle,” she says to his sleeping form. “He cares about all of us. I know he does.”
Maybe faith is something programmed into her, or maybe it’s something all on her own, but she can hardly think a harsh thought against the doctor. It’s nothing like the petulant, frustrated sadness in Kyle’s eyes, in the way his hand clenched into fists, in the way his tear stained eyes bore into another closed door.
And so she holds him closer in those moments and though his suit is metallic and cold, she knows that inside he is so much more than that. Maybe even more than Sigma can see. Maybe more than he deserves to.
And so the child fists his hands in her skirt and hides behind her legs, and she teaches him games that she knows are good for his developing brain, and it’s a wonderful, wonderful thing, for as long as it lasts.
And he calls her “mommy,” quietly, as if still yet unsure, and the way she scoops him up in her arms makes them both laugh, and it feels warmer than anything else she could have hoped to create. She is so lucky to fill this roll in his life, and to have him be this for her, this thing she didn’t know she was missing. And for a while it is great fun to be what each other needed, to be able to do this. Because he is small and he needs her, and she needs him too.
And Luna is happy.
She doesn’t really know when it happens. Maybe if she did, it could have been prevented somehow. She could have been more careful, done more to preserve this, or maybe it doesn’t have a thing to do with her. Maybe this is just one of those things that humans do, things they can’t be programmed around or taught to for see.
But it still hurts. And it hurts more that she wasn’t prepared for it, that it happened somehow without her knowledge, and her only tip off that it had happened was Lagomorph’s chattering in the background as he tests out all the puns and the mean streak Sigma had coded into him just that morning.
But even that does nothing to compare to the way something inside her seems to fracture at the sight of Kyle’s eyes, sharp burning with betrayal at the sight of her.
“Go away!” Kyle screams at her through the door he had just slammed and she is still frozen, arm raised to where she had knocked. “Go away! I don’t want to see you anymore!”
Something in this must not compute, and for a moment several responses race through her brain before she says, just loud enough to be audible, “Kyle, please let me in.”
Funny enough, a part of her wants to laugh. She wants to ask Sigma if he encoded a sensitivity to rejection in her, if he had thought that far ahead when she was just a pile of wires and screws. If he had known how much this would hurt and then had done it anyway, just so she would know just how much it hurt to be able to feel like this.
“I’m sorry, Kyle,” she tries. He doesn’t know her well enough to tell that the softness in her voice is real, and she doesn’t know if she knows herself well enough for that either.
“Go away,” she hears a thump from where he must have kicked something with his metallic covered foot. “You’re just a robot! I don’t want to see you. He put you up to this, didn’t he?”
“I,” she pauses, “he did, but–”
“You don’t even care about me,” he sobs, “You’re just programmed to feel things. You’re just a stupid robot.”
This isn’t about her. She knows this. She knows from the rawness in his voice that this is about Sigma not caring the way he should, that he thought it fit to fashion a replacement rather than to put any effort into being a parent. This is Sigma’s mistake brought down upon her, but it still hurts as if it has been her own.
“I wanted a real mother,” he repeats, “I thought you were real. Dad tricked me. He lied to me.”
“He didn’t lie,” Luna tries, “He wanted to make you happy, Kyle.”
“No he doesn’t!” Kyle’s voice takes on a shrill quality, “Go away! I don’t ever want to see you again!”
And then he falls silent, angry and brooding in the way he is prone to be. And he doesn’t answer her when she calls or knocks on his door. And he doesn’t answer her the next day, or the next. And so, slowly, the resumes her old activities.
When she reports this to Sigma, he doesn’t even look up from his screen, simply muttering that the child was whiny, and that hurt too. And it hurt to see Sigma not care, and it hurt to see Kyle avoid her, and it hurt to see the way he looked at Mrs. Kurashiki when she visited. And it hurt even more that she felt this way, that she was able to feel this way. It hurt more than she knew what to do with, and so she sits in B Garden and looks at her reflection and wonders why she was able to feel this way at all.
This feeling inside her has permeated all her wires and plastics. It’s in the places between her metal plates, every corner where emotions were not meant to go, and it seems to weigh her down, somewhat.
She doesn’t really know how the heart she doesn’t have could be so heavy, how she could care so much about being that are so different from herself. She doesn’t know why it matters to her that Kyle doesn’t accept her, that Sigma doesn’t care about his son. In reality, it has nothing to do with her. She was created to help with the AB Project. And this, though important, isn’t it. She wasn’t made to care as deeply as she does. But she carries it with her still.
It’s a careful, tenuous thing, weighing her down like the bird cage on her neck and yet still dragging with every artificial breath she is programmed to take. Everything about her is meant to mimic humanity, and yet Kyle is right. At her core, she is not one of them. She is a mess of parts and programs. She is a thing. And things can be replaced, forgotten.
It had been nice to think she could be one of them. But even if her feelings grow too big for her metal frame, even if she hopes hard enough, she will only ever be what she’s made to. And that hurts her, too. This limitation. The inability to be more than she is.
Perhaps that is the beauty of humanity as well. They can grow and change in ways she will never be able to. And even that hurts more than it should.
She finds herself envying the stillness of B Garden. The doctor was right. The plants don’t feel, and yet she still feels for them. She wonders on the life of every little thing, and it feels like something much bigger for her, much too much for her to handle.
These plants live, but they don’t have to feel. The grass doesn’t know it’s purpose. It just exists. It just is. But she was made to be much bigger than herself, she was born into something that had been in motion years prior. Even when the doctor looks at her, she sometimes gets the sense it’s not her he’s talking to.
She stops walking. She sees the grave off to the side. Tu Fui, Ego Eris, it says, without offering much more as to whom it belongs to. It isn’t like her to have that curiosity, but every sight of the Doctor hunched in front of it makes her at once wonder more of why she was here. She could be anyone. Why this necklace, why this face? Was anything she had now really meant to be hers?
She’s inherited all of it, her orange hair, her big heart. She’s borrowed this necklace just like she’s borrowed the Doctor’s affections, and even he doesn’t want her for it. It should be enough to just have a duty to fulfill. But Lagomorph wasn’t burdened with thought and emotions. It’s only her in this big open space.
And even with the life around her, nothing in this room was meant to exist as it did. Everything was manufactured at the whims of the Doctor and Mrs. Kurashiki. Everything she has, she has to give to them.
“I thought I might find you here.”
She whirls around, caught off guard, “Oh,” she gasps, “I’m so sorry, I was just taking a moment–”
“It’s fine.” Sigma sits on the bench, “I’m also taking a moment.”
She looks at him. She used to feel so close to him, so proud to be one of his creations. He seems older, his hair more gray than black, the wrinkles etched deeply onto his skin, deeper than she remembers her being. And yet even with his robotics, she feels more different than she has ever been. It is just another reminder that she is something that time can’t touch.
She sits down cautiously beside him. It isn’t like her to be having such doubts. It wasn’t what she was made to do.
“Doctor, I…” She pauses, unsure of how much she should reveal.
He nods. “You’re not as stoic as you would like to think, Luna,” he says, “in fact, I think it is a virtue of yours.”
She sighs. “Thank you, doctor.”
“You are upset about Kyle, right?” The doctor shrugs, “these things can’t be helped. It should be good for him to learn that he can’t always get what he wants.”
She winces, but can’t find it in her to respond.
He looks over to her, both eyes robotic and unfeeling. “You must think me cold towards the boy. But I’m telling you, it can’t be helped.”
“What do you mean?”
Sigma sighs, “The other versions of….”
She waits, but he does not continue. He seems to be thinking hard on something, and so she grants him that luxury.
“I suppose you could relate to this, Luna,” he says, finally, “You were programmed to do certain things, right? And there are some things you’ve developed on your own. If someone from the future told you that they remembered you being a certain way a year from now, then next year you would want to act that way so that that memory of you could exist for them.”
She clasps her hands together in worried thought.
He continues without noticing. “And so, a year from now, your behavior is already decided. Whether you want to do it or not.”
She mulls it over.  “So you’re cold towards Kyle because you’re programmed to be?”
He looks pained, “Not exactly,” he says, “I suppose there is some free will to it. But even if I wanted to be better, I can’t. Because Kyle needs to have these memories of me in order to act a certain way in the AB Project, when the time comes.”
Something clenches inside of her. “That’s horrible,” she murmurs.
“It is,” he agrees, “Humans are all the same way. There’s no free will to any of it.”
“I…” she watches the fluorescent lights play across the walls of the metal mousetrap they’re in. “I don’t know if I agree, Doctor.”
He smiles, tiredly. “You might, when all of this is said and done. Humans are…determined to believe that they can change things, but every decision they have is already laid out for them. It’s just the illusion of free will that exists. So maybe, in a way, you’re more like us that you thought.”
For a while, the only sound is the vents and the water, all programmed to act a certain way. The whole Rhizome is an organism, breathing when it is supposed to, functioning in the only way it knows how. And yet it does not know that it’s entire purpose has already been planned out, that it will never be more than it is now. And if humanity is the same way, and if she is the same way, then maybe that’s all there is to it for anybody.
“I like to think there’s more to it than that,” she says, staring off into the garden.
He reaches over to grasp at her necklace, rotating the cage between his fingers,
“Yes,” he says, inspecting the bird within it’s bars. “You would.”
She watches him from the corner of her eyes. The doctor, so elusive and mystifying. She had once thought she had known him well, and was the only one to do so, but the more she learns about the AB Project the less she seems to think that.
No matter how he may care about her, she is a pawn, just the way Kyle is. Who’s to say the way he’s treating her now isn’t because of some future premonition, and not out of a genuine desire to know her?
“You shouldn’t worry about these things,” he says, as if sensing her thoughts, “You shouldn’t worry about a thing, my dear.”
“I try not to,” she admits, as he holds the cage in his hand, “But it’s hard.”
“Yes,” he agrees, gravely, with something in his voice that she can’t quite place as the music box begins to play. “It is hard to care. It’ll hurt you, though I pray that’s not the case. I only ask that you keep doing it. It’ll means more than you know.”
“I will, Doctor.”
He releases her necklace with a weary sigh. “Have you heard the story of Mytyl and Tytyl?”
She has, many times, and they both know it. It’s something she’s required to know, though she doesn’t yet know why.
“Tell me,” he prompts.
And she does.
The doctor was right, she realizes, as her functions shut down, as every bit that made her human slowly falls away. It is hard to care. It’s harder than anything she’s ever had to do. Because deep down, she’s a mess of wires and parts. But deeper inside that, she wants the AB Project to succeed. She wants to live, and she wants others to live as well.
But she wasn’t able to do that. More than half of the participants were dead, and now Sigma had elected to stay with her rather than escape with Quark and Phi. It was a selfish, irrational thing. And yet, she is grateful for it, as she sinks into his lap, as her body grows cold and heavy.
She is grateful for it, as she rests against him with a body that has long since been able to feel his touch. And she says everything she has been instructed to say in this moment, with her tired, raspy voice, and she says things she hasn’t been instructed to say. Like that she’s afraid to die, and…she probably deserves it, too.
But the B Garden is where she loves to be. Even with a Sigma who seems different than the one who had created her, it’s still him. And even if she’s not human, this moment feels like the most she could be.
Maybe in some other world, fate could be kinder to her. It could allow her to stay, and she really, really wants to. And so she hopes Kyle can forgive her for not being what he needed. And she hopes that, if she ever sees the Doctor again, he could forgive her too, for being in this state. But then her body is shut down and the thought is lost. And it was meant to be that way, too. He programmed Lagomorph to do that, just like he programmed her to feel it, and so far everything has gone according to plan. And so she hears him call her name, his voice heavy in her head, and she hears her music box wind down, and the last of her awareness slips away with the chiming of the blue bird and the single fleeting thought that she too could one day be free.
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letsdothistom · 6 years
Air Guitar and 85 MPH!
I was going to spend my second “blog” discussing pretentiousness in Santa Fe or New Mexican food and green chile in general.  But since I came up with something a little more fun, I guess I’ll save the talk about ordering water in a bowl and drinking it with a spoon for a different time.  On my drive back to Oklahoma I thought of a topic that always shows its face when I’m on a road trip.   I often forget about it until the next time I’m in the car or just don’t put much thought into it once I’ve opened the car doors and let the dog out to deal with his pent up energy as I unload the car.  Not to mention the obligatory hour I have to spend re-aquainting myself to the cat, who is certain that I have disappeared forever this time.
The topic that came to me is road trip songs.  
I love road trips.  You may think I’m crazy but settling into the driver seat, snacks on the passenger seat,  the basset hound panting in my face, his front feet on the console, anticipating our newest adventure, is the best.  Within a pretty short time, he tends to realize that this is just another day-long roady and roughs up his blanket in the backseat and settles in for the ride. Giving me weird basset hound glances in the mirror.  Not sure if it’s the music or he just wants some pork rinds.
Now these road trips of mine usually arent extravagant or exotic.  Unless you consider driving state highways through Kansas, Oklahoma, Wyoming or any other of the fly-over states I tend to travel as being exotic. (Personally I’d choose these drives over just about any other you could propose to me).  The great thing about these road trips, aside from seeing so many wonderful historically relevant places (as well as plenty of non-relevant places), and feeling a oneness with wide open spaces, is the time you get to yourself to hone your listening skills.  
Those of you that know me, know that I have many preferences when it comes to music.  As Cheech says in Up In Smoke, “we play everything from El Chicano to Santana”.  I love it all.  Some more than others, but I probably have a song or two from every type of playlist or genre that you can think of.  Add to that the fact that if there is a specific location I’m aiming my car to (often there is not), I will jam songs from or about that location.  For instance, while driving the empty roads of New Mexico it will be Ennio Morricone and The Good, The Bad and the Ugly soundtrack.  Wyoming is of course Chris LeDoux country.  On my way to Kansas City to eat BBQ, it’s Joe Williams singing “Kansas City” or Charlie Parker and K.C. Blues.  Memphis is Sister Rosetta Tharpe (you can keep Elvis, I am not a fan.  Yeah, I said it).  West Texas?  Marty Robbins Gunfighter Ballads, of course!  Down south, it’s Big Maybelle, Lightnin’ Hopkins and Muddy Waters.  You get the idea.  It may seem strange but there is something that touches my soul in listening to those songs that are native to an area.  Whether or not I actually do learn anything, it feels as though I have.
With that weird little eccentricity out of the way, let me add that of course there are some staples of any road trip, for me at least.  These are songs, albums and artists that I listen to, to fill in all the  empty spaces of those relatively uneventful miles, musically or otherwise.  Maybe it’s Def Leppard or ACDC or Beyonce or Ariana Grande for you.  For me these are easy.  I can not even begin to guess how many miles have been eaten up by Merle Haggard, or The Count Basie Orchestra.  I am not scared of extreme opposites.  Hundreds upon thousands upon tens of thousands of miles have been chewed up by these two musical groups, and yes, I’m aware that I am probably the only person living who can claim that.
The millennials reading this will have no idea about this next category.  There use to be these things called albums.  Albums were a group of songs, recorded (usually around the same time), and released as a unit to the masses.  These units were sold as vinyl records, cassette tapes, 8-tracks, or CDs.  Those of us a little older can attest that 90 percent of these albums had 2-4 songs that we liked and a bunch of other average or barely tolerable songs that you listened to whether you liked them or not (if you didn’t have control of the radio in the car).  Sometimes, you even grew to enjoy a few of those songs.  On rare occasions though, you found an entire album, yes the whole thing! that you enjoyed.   For all of us oldies, these albums are near and dear to our hearts.  They vary from person to person, but these are a few I can put on and just let them play, enjoying almost every song:  Van Halen-1984, Blood Sweat and Tears-Greatest hits, Nirvana-Nevermind, George Strait-Strait From The Heart, Muddy “Mississippi” Waters-Live, Art Blakey-Moanin’,  U2-Joshua Tree, Miles Davis-Kind of Blue, Steve Miller Band-Greatest Hits 74-78, IceT-Greatest Hits to name a few of my favorites.
All of these categories are important to a good road trip.  You must have a combination of all of them.  Yeah, I know, all of you XM/Sirius users are claiming that you don’t need any of them.  You got genres on every channel, and all you ever need with all those fancy channels.  To those of you in that camp, I say “HOGWASH!”  Why Hogwash?  Well no matter how specific these channels are, or how much you enjoy the carefree toggling between your favorite genres, no road trip is complete without those irreplaceable, epic, nostalgic songs that nearly blow out your speakers and get your ears ringing whenever you choose to rock them.  And how the hell are you supposed to play these favorites 2, 3, 10 times in a row with your XM radio?!  You can’t. So without further palaver, I’m gonna lay my favorites out and would love to hear some of yours.  
Rich’s top 20 Road Trip Jams (if you have any sense, you will build this playlist!-yeah I know it’s not gonna float everyone’s boat but if nothing else, listen to it, you might find some music that you don’t normally dig.)  And for the record, none of these songs ever get bumped off the list, new ones just get added to it occasionally.  As weird as it may be, here is my list:
Honorable Mentions.  These songs get me thinking about all the great road trip songs and my musical wheels start turning.  It’s on when I hear any of these songs.
Runnin on Empty-Jackson Browne, Hello Walls-Faron Young, Blues in Hoss Flat-Count Basie, Night In Tunisia-Ella Fitzgerald, Gimme All Your Love-Alabama Shakes, Miles and Miles of Texas-Asleep at the Wheel, China Grove-Doobie Brothers, Come Down-Anderson Paak, Crosstown Traffic-Jimi Hendrix, El Paso-Marty Robbins, Ida Red-Bob Wills and Sunshine of Your Love-Cream.  Those get me started but here is when it gets real.
20-16  These are like the kindling for me.  Getting the fire lit, and starting my descent into the next hour of driving, without really remembering the road I’ve just driven or the scenes outside the window.  
20)  Suavecito-Malo   Ok, Ok, it wouldn’t seem like a fire starter, but...
19)  Magic Man-Heart This one should get your blood flowing
18)  Keep on Rockin’ Me-Steve Miller The best roady to choose from SMB
17)  Watermelon Man-Herbie Hancock You might not have soul if you don’t love this
16)  When My Train Pulls In- Gary Clark JR Great Long Jam.  incredible guitar riffs
11-15  These are a small step up, adding logs to my fire
15)  Me and Mrs. Jones-Billy Paul So there’s always a song that you love to sing while you are alone in your car, and you think you sing it just as well as the artist
14)  Stairway to Heaven-Led Zeppelin Ok so of course I have it, but this is a really, really great song no matter how many times it is played.
13)  Ev’ryday I have the Blues-Count Basie and Joe Williams The definition of a foot stomper.
12)  Luckenbach, TX-Waylon and Willie One of the best country songs translates to a great road song.
11)  The Story- Brandi Carlisle Not a song liable to be on many lists, road trip or not.  My sister introduced me to this years and years ago and it barely misses the top 10
6-10  Ok, we are really cookin with gas now.  These are legendary roadies in my book.  The dog gives me a look, here we go again.
10)  Rooster-Alice In Chains Gets my grunge on.  I love everything about this song.  Probably one of the biggest contributors to hearing loss in my right ear.
9)   Six Days on the Road-Dave Duncan All those over-the-road truckers can’t be wrong, this is the best of all truckin’ songs.
8)   Tonight The Bottle Let Me Down-Merle Haggard   My favorite country singer and a whole lot of my favorite country music instrument, the steel guitar.  Damn I love this song
7)   Ticket To Ride-Beatles There are tons of Beatles songs to choose from and this isn’t my favorite, but it is my favorite on the road
6)   867-5309-Tommy Tutone This is my favorite 80s song.  And when I hear that guitar riff at the beginning...Jenny, Jenny who can I turn to?
2-5  These are huge, the fire is roaring and I have no concerns as to what is going on at this point.  I’ll be singing, playing drums, air guitar.  The dog has now tried to cover his ears due to the volume.
5)   Jamie’s Cryin-Van Halen Im not sure why, because there are tons of Van Halen songs to choose from, but for whatever reason, this one is my favorite while on the road
4)   North To Alaska-Johnny Horton   Ok, another one you may not expect at all but damn this is a fun song.  I physically can’t help whaling “big nuggets they’re finding” every time!
3)   Pink Houses-John Cougar Mellencamp    Im not a globalist. ‘Murica!!
2)   Sweet Child of Mine-Guns and Roses    This should be on everyones list. Road songs or any other.  Simply one of the best songs ever.  
Number 1!!!
So all the previous songs are great.  I love them all, and many, many more.  This is an elaborate list for me.  If you know me, you know I love lists, and don’t make them without deep thought.  But Ironically, the battle for the top spot isn’t even close.  I LOVE Sweet Child of Mine, and Pink Houses.  I might play them 2 or 3 times in a row, but the battle for number one isn’t much of a battle.  Not because these others arent great but because number one is so unbelievably spectacular in the car.  I can’t help singing to it, playing air guitar, drum solo in my car, volume literally turned up 3 or 4 times during the song, ears ringing and can’t even hear myself singing, and just when you don’t think it could be any better, it gets better!!!  There are times I may play this song 5, 6 times in a row if things are cookin.  I can barely keep the needle under 85 mph! The number one song for the road is:
1)  More Than A Feeling- Boston  I really built it up, and with good reason. Rock ballad, guitar anthem, unbelievable vocals, harmony soft, loud, louder, high, higher, drums...what else can I say?  This is simply the best road trip song ever!!
Ok, that’s it.  Maybe it was anti-climatic for you, but I got jazzed just listing the songs.  I may go take a drive just to hear the playlist!  I’d love to hear everyone else’s playlist that they take on every trip.  Maybe I’m missing some good road trip songs!  
I hope the dog never figures out how to jump out of the car while it’s moving.
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fernlom · 8 years
The Wrong Time. Chapter 4: A Walkins Massacre Part 1
(Woo! Body Count increasing! Honestly, I’m having fun. I hope you all are too.
P.S. @rascal-rose hopefully this can be a fun break from your school work,tell me what you think?)
Ultra awoke once more inside his mind, Aaron lay chained to the floor, Error helped a new figure to his feet.
“Ah, you’re awake sir, meet your newest advisor, Pinstripe.”
Ultra stood to his feet and looks at the familiar grinning gold mask staring back at him.
“Pinstripe. Welcome” Ultra holds out his hand.
Pinstripe shakes his hand “this is…a new experience for me. Being in someone’s mind and not the one in control. Error, surprising to see you so obedient. What happened?”
“They reprogrammed me. I reversed it immediately, however once I saw why I was added here, and what our purpose was I decided to stay.” Error turns and faces the screen “The opportunity to watch this world be erased was too much to deny”
“Looks like we’re waking up.” Pinstripe looked at the screen. “I take it you’re in charge? You are clearly not Aaron, so what do I call you?”
Ultra stood forward “I am Ultra42. Let’s go find out who our first kill is”
As his eyes open, the light floods his retinas, causing him to groan. Ultra stood to his feet and growled lowly from the bright light. He sighs and walks out of the experimenting room and down the chrome and red hallway.
“Geez” Pinstripe’s voice crooned in his mind “Whoever is in charge here doesn’t know how to decorate”
“I know” Ultra thought to himself “Whatever, I’ll kill them all anyway”
“Hey Rook!” 43 calls out, approaching Ultra “Where are you headed?”
“The boss needs me in his office” Ultra replied, his tone annoyed.
“Yah, he can wait. Come with me” 43 smirks, walking away, expecting Ultra to follow. Ultra growls, considering his options.
“Kill him” Pinstripe offers.
“Kill him” Error agrees.
“Kill the jerk” Aaron weekly says. “I hated him anyway.”
“Alright, Killing him them” Ultra smiles “Good vote boys.” He cackles loudly before charging down the corridor, plowing 43 into a wall.
“Hey!” 43 growls, pinned to the wall. SHYNKT! The blades spring out from his arms. Ultra grins cruelly, using his tendrils to keep 43’s arms pinned to the wall.
“So, I hate you. Error53 hates you, Pinstripe hates you. Even Aaron hates you. That’s four beings all in agreement that you should die. Tell me, what argument do you have that I should let you live?” Ultra’s grin widens, his right hand morphed into a long, jagged blade.
“Listen here you little ass!” 43 struggles under Ultra’s tendrils, keeping him tightly pinned to the wall. “You better AGH!!” Ultra interrupts his threat by crushing his arms in his tight grip.
“You annoy me now. It’s not even fun torturing you. And look, no one is coming to save you. Look, seriously” Ultra steps aside to show 43 the corridor. The scientists and security officers of the facility had surrounded him, simply watching. A scientist conversing with a security officer over “how he’d off him or not”.
Ultra chuckles softly before facing 43 again “They are watching, waiting for me to kill you. They really don’t like you here either”
43’s angry scowl fades into a terrified wimped “c-come on man, we’re partners, we’re gonna work together…please…”
“Whimpering like a bitch? I thought they gave you cat DNA? Wait, they did, you’re just a pussy!” Ultra plunges his blade through 43’s chest, then yanks the blade upward, slicing 43’s chest and head in half. Ultra grabs the two halves with his hands and proceeds to rip the body completely in half, throwing the two sides far away from each other.
“Ah, your first bloodbath” Pinstripe chuckles. Ultra’s dark black fur glistened from the flesh blood that had sprayed onto him. He sighs happily and calmly continues walking down the corridor to Austin’s office. As he walks, the security stepped aside, while the scientists smiled, a few clapping.
“Hey man” a scientist approaches him, clearly young he spoke like he came straight from the beach. His name tag said Steve Randl, “that was beyond epic bro. You were like, ugh, dude. So cool. You just tore him apart like he was paper bro.”
Ultra stood back, his eyebrows raised. “What? Uh, thanks….Steve? I’m glad my bloody murder was entertaining to you.”
“Oh dude, I work for a secret government group that kidnaps people and experiments on them. Dude, I make abominations of science. You probably never heard of this one but, Number 30 was my idea. Poor little dude decayed before our eyes, early attempt at healing and all. I tried telling everyone that he was still alive, but no one listened, they dumped him. Oh well, but yah bro, I found it cool watching you kill that douche canoe. “
“Well, you are positively strange. I think I will let you live” Ultra hesitates, then softly pats his shoulder before walking away.
“He was strange. “ Error remarks.
“Yes, but he can come in handy later. Clearly the kid is smart. We may need him” Pinstripe replies. “But who is Number 30?”
“Graveyard Cat” Aaron answers “When I first escaped, I did a lot of research on the earlier experiments. 30 was an early healing factor test, he ended up decaying to near death. Turns out though the decay was just for show. He was perfectly fine, in fact he could actually make those around him decay. But they thought he died, and dumped his body. Grave Digger found him and took him in, kept him as his pet/bodyguard.”
“A threat.” Ultra growled “He’s a threat, and we better hope we never encounter him then”
“Understood, and agreed” Pinstripe answers.
Ultra continues his way down the corridor, the halls becoming less chrome, and more bronze and gold the closer he got to the large wooden doors to the creator’s office.
“Ok, he really, REALLY doesn’t know how to decorate” Pinstripe croones.
“I know, but shush, he can probably read minds.” Ultra replies.
“Well not really, but i can read the dialogue. More correctly I write the dialogue” Austin replies from inside his office as the doors open wide. “Hello Ultra. And Pinstripe? Screw you. Its rustic themed you uncultured asshat.”
Ultra stands confused “dialogue? Nevermind, not important. “
“It would be too complicated to explain, maybe Hood could explain it to you, but…I don’t see your next meeting with him being very friendly…oh well.” Austin smirks with the knowledge of what is to come.
“So, my beautiful creation, are you ready for your first ORDERED kill? I saw that show back there with 43, good job. He was. Just a pathetic knock off of you anyway. I have the original back in my control, what do I need that waste for?” Austin takes his seat behind his desk. Upon the desk was various writing covered papers. As Ultra scanned the desk his brain read each paper instantly, each one detailing the various important individuals in the world he must track down and kill. From the notes he could read, he saw the names: Kujo Tartalgia, Uncle S.A.M., Curly Satlin, Jonathan Satlin, The OFFKeys, Don Lomas, John Stidham, DJ Giz, SARAH, Tiggs Nitishino, The Matedor, Henry Hicks, Fernando Lomas, Launa Dandie, Pops, and Pastor Stevie Smith, along with a few others he couldn’t make out names for, only description.
One note read, “short, shy, timid, ice powers. Tartalgia family. Usually surrounded by brothers, or with hot wife. Approach with caution.”
Another read, “necklace becomes two candy cane staffs. May be Santa, unsure. Followed by a flaming skeleton-goat man. Should be easy kill, use skill.”
“Are you reading my notes Ultra?” Austin asked with a smile.
“Yes sir. How did you find this information?”
“Find?” Austin replies with a chuckle “Oh my boy, I didn’t find it. I made it. I made everything. I am not just a scientist. I am a God. I didn’t just make you in the lab, I made you in my mind. Now, your first targets must be taken out before anyone else. I let 43 slide because he is not important to the universe. But the death of these next six individuals will mark the end of this universe and is crucial for my plan to work. Don’t ask why, it’s just how it is. Stability of reality and all that. Long story short, when I made this universe, it made itself some fail safes. The Shattered Six is the fail safes. “
“The Shattered Six? I remember, er, Aaron remembers them. Never worked with them much. “ Ultra takes a seat on the opposite side of the desk. “They were…Don Lomas, the gangster. Dr. Dean Lomas. Professor Poindexter Carter, the know-it-all. Agent Chance Carter, the enforcer of Poindexter’s company and head of the 100 Project’s main field division. John Stidham the farmer. And ‘Smiley’ Joe Stidham, the DJ, bartender, and general freak.”
“Those are the ones. Well, except Agent Carter. He left the Project once he saw what we were doing. He works full time as an espionage division of Poindexter’s company. I suggest you take out Farmer John first. He has the least contact with the rest, leaving them open for surprise still”
Ultra nods, Aaron remembered where John Stidham lived. Unfortunately John’s home was also the base of the Fivefold. Ultra had no reason to worry, the Fivefold were constantly away from base, in fact John was the one keeping the base in order while they were away.
“Do you accept your mission Ultra? I want to make it crystal clear, the Six must die before you kill anyone else. It doesn’t matter if someone else comes to fight as well, you knock them out and kill the Six first. I know the Fivefold have their base at John’s farm. You might even encounter Legion there. I don’t care. Kill John. That’s it. Understood?”
“Yes sir.” Ultra stands up, nodding to his master.
“Good, go.”
Ultra nods, turning and leaving the room.
“So, Pinstripe, you teleport right?” Ultra thinks to himself, as he walks down the corridor away from the office.
“Yah, shadow properties and all. Every Child of the Dark has it. I guess you do too now. Try thinking hard about where you want to go, and claw the air in front of you, it should open your portal.” Pinstripe answers, cracking his knuckles. “It’s how I did it”
Ultra sighs and looks in front of himself at the empty corridor. All the scientists have left, not even the security officers remained. He stood still in silence for a few minutes before releasing a deep breath and clawing down at the air in front of him. Instantly his claws opened a deep, twisting portal of darkness before him.
“Holy shit. It worked.” Ultra stood before the portal and blinked twice before stepping in. Instantly he found himself standing on the front lawn of a small farm house.
“I was told you went missing weeks ago. Happy Thanksgiving Aaron” A deep voice, with a thick country accent came from Ultra’s right. He turned to face the voice, coming face to face with FArmer John Stidham.
John stood at a solidly built six feet tall, square shouldered and jawed, his body pure muscle, but not bulging. Each and every muscle in his body was toned by use. His eyes were a deep dark blue, with a clear wisdom behind them, his skin tanned by years in the sun, his hair, windswept and coffee brown. His face bore a distinct resemblance to Ultra’s creator Austin. Before Ultra could take time to take in more details about his target, such as his clearly robotic arms and legs, he was interrupted by a direct punch to his face.
Ultra was launched back by the power of the impact, landing yards away from John. “I was warned that if you suddenly appeared at my doorstep without Hood, Vet, or any of his blasted Robots I should take you down. Livewire’s damn tentacles or whatever don’t count as you coming with him. So it’s clear to me you are now dangerous.”
Ultra coughs as he stands to his feet, “Now I’m dangerous? If I really was still Aaron I’d be insulted.” He smirks as he stands straight up “Good punch you hick. Now come on, I don’t have all day, y’all”
John groans “I have work to do, it’s feeding time and the goats are hungry, so here’s what we’ll do. I’m going to get Jonathan, my robot duplicate, to take care of the animals while I kick you ass”
“So sassy for a dead man”
John rolls his eyes, steam suddenly releasing from his arms and legs as he launches forward, both fists making impacts with Ultra’s chest, while in the same quick fluid motion, he launches Ultra upward, far into the sky.
“Keep your distance boy!” Joh calls out as Ultra falls back to earth, only to meet John’s fist to his face once more, sending him flying into the nearby oak tree. “I like to fight up close and personal, so if you want any chance of beating me, you’d better just run away now.”
Ultra groans as he climbs up the oak tree.
“Any ideas? Cause you guys are getting your ass handed to you” Aaron sasses, panting from pain. “And I’m tired of it. Pinstripe, can’t you summon guns and crap?”
Ultra’s eyes widened “Hammer space! I’m an idiot!” Ultra reached into the pockets of his blazer, pulling out two pistols. “Bullets should do us just fine. Rather boring though. I’ll save it for if I really get my ass kicked.”
He returns the guns to his jacket pockets and hops down from the tree, to be immediately met with another punch to the face, this time firmly planting him into the oak tree.
“”Come on kid. I know you have guns. This is just getting pathetic at this point” John grabs Ultra’s arms and yanks him out of the tree. “Listen, this will hurt, but maybe you’ll just get up and leave after,okay?”
Ultra hissed and attempted to claw John, but his grip on his arms was too strong. John sighs and tosses Ultra into the air, grabbing his legs, and slamming him back into the ground.
Ultra whimpered slightly on the ground as John walked up and stood over him.
“You done yet kit-” John was interrupted by Ultra’s tendrils each piercing his chest. He stammered, and stepped back as Ultra stood up.
“Well, now I am I guess, hick” Ultra smiled cruelly “I wonder what you look like split in half. Let’s find out!” Ultra’s tendrils burrow deeper into John’s chest before quickly pulling his body in two opposite directions. The power behind the tendrils make quick work splitting John’s body in half, the bones shattering, blood quickly spilling out of the broken body, watering the lawn with their iron rich plasma.
Ultra smiled. “Well, that was a good taste of things to come I suppose. I might need…I shudder even thinking about this but…I might need practice?”
“You definitely need practice you ass!” Aaron coughed in defiance. “You got your ass handed to you! You only won because he was stupid enough to stand over you!”
“Yah, you need practice sir. That could have went better” Error replied.
Ultra sighs and reopens his portal back to the Facility “well, let’s see who’s next then?”
Ultra steps through the portal, straight into Austin’s office. Austin stayed sat at his desk. He smiled.
“Next will be Dr. Lomas. After him it will be in twos. Poindexter’s and Agent Carter, then Don and Smiley Joe. You’ll find Dr. Lomas at Vets non-traveling station in New York. Only he works there, the only other people there will be boring normal people. Vet treats all the special ones, Dr. Lomas is a normal people Doctor. He isn’t even a fighter so this will be a walk in the park for you”
“You, uh, you saw the last fight?”
Austin smirks. “You were punched directly in the face four times. It was hilarious. Now go kill the doctor already.”
Ultra nods, and opens a portal “Yes sir. This will only be a moment. “
Ultra steps through the portal, and immediately ducks, narrowly missing the punch that was swung at him. Ultra quickly shifts his hands into his two blades and plunges them deep in the chest of Dr. Lomas who stood above him.
As Dr. Lomas stood bewildered, blood slowly dripping from his mouth Ultra could see his face, though also square jawed and almost divinely handsome, he also shared the same district facial features as Austin. Dr. Lomas was just as tall as John, but more muscular. Where John’s muscle was entirely for use, Dr. Lomas was more for show, his light green suit began to darken from the blood pouring out from his wounds. His perfectly swept back brown hair draped over his eyes as Ultra removed the blades, and he fell to the ground.
“Better reflexes that time Sir” Pinstripe comments.
Ultra nods and returns to the office.
“He dead?” Austin asks. Ultra nods in response. “Good” Austin smiles, “next targets, Poindexter and Carter. They will be fun.”
Ultra nods and opens his portal, stepping through.
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athena1138 · 6 years
Kind of an entitled rant? Like, I’m damn lucky no matter what but this pissed me off. 100% just venting. Don’t mind me. 
So my mom has been struggling for years, ever since my dad died (and, honestly, even before then.) But this year, not only is her son going blind again (most likely due to drugs, it’s a whole thing,) but her older daughter and her two kids are living with her. My brother also has two kids, and both of them have significant others. 
I’m me. “Makin it” on my own, barely. But I’m in my own apartment, making my own money, haven’t asked my mom for a goddamn dime since I started college (or, at max, like $20 because I was a little short or something. That’s it.) 
So my mom, who hates Christmas enough as it is, has decided this year, she’s not doing presents. Like, forreal this time. 
She gave each of us $500. She told my siblings, who both have a history of drug use and/or spending money on stupid shit and who are both parents, that the money is to be used ONLY for Santa Claus presents. Then she said I can do whatever I want with it. Both my siblings are like, “Well why does she get the same as us?” and my mom goes, “because she’s the smart one who doesn’t have goddamn kids.” 
And like. My sister is actually really pissed??? Like??? She thinks she should’ve gotten more than me because she’s a mom? Like alright. Dude. I love my sister. But she’s a fucking dumbass, knocked up at 21 by a meth head druglord, knocked up again at 25 by an abusive asshole, married a druggie who cheats on her and steals from her mom, can’t hold a job to save her life, and now she’s literally living in my mom’s house at 31 with two kids. Granted, she feeds them herself with food stamps, but my mom is still paying the bills and they’ve all gone up DRASTICALLY. 
I just? I don’t even know man. I don’t get it. I’m not complaining I got money by any means because I like legitimately cried and hugged my mom and thanked her like a million times, but I don’t understand my sister. Nevermind her husband just got a pretty good job and will be making actual money really soon, and she’s living in my room and has completely moved all of my shit out and put it in boxes even though she lives there temporarily and she’s been bailed out of jail like 10 times and spends her money on stupid shit, but she actually is deadass out here thinking she deserves more because she’s a mom. I? I can’t. I just fucking can’t. 
I even told her that most of the money would be put towards presents, which I wasn’t planning on doing for anybody but my mom and my two friends this year. 
Just. Ugh. For fuck’s sake. Being a parent doesn’t make you worth more than other people, especially if you’ve done shitty things in your life. 
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fernlomwrites · 7 years
The Wrong Time Chapter 4: A Walking Massacre Part 1
Ultra awoke once more inside his mind, Aaron lay chained to the floor, Error helped a new figure to his feet. “Ah, you're awake sir, meet your newest advisor, Pinstripe.” Ultra stood to his feet and looks at the familiar grinning gold mask staring back at him. “Pinstripe. Welcome” Ultra holds out his hand. Pinstripe shakes his hand “this is...a new experience for me. Being in someone's mind and not the one in control. Error, surprising to see you so obedient. What happened?” “They reprogrammed me. I reversed it immediately, however once I saw why I was added here, and what our purpose was I decided to stay.” Error turns and faces the screen “The opportunity to watch this world be erased was too much to deny” “Looks like we’re waking up.” Pinstripe looked at the screen. “I take it you're in charge? You are clearly not Aaron, so what do I call you?” Ultra stood forward “I am Ultra42. Let's go find out who our first kill is” As his eyes open, the light floods his retinas, causing him to groan. Ultra stood to his feet and growled lowly from the bright light. He sighs and walks out of the experimenting room and down the chrome and red hallway. “Geez” Pinstripe’s voice crooned in his mind “Whoever is in charge here doesn't know how to decorate” “I know” Ultra thought to himself “Whatever, I’ll kill them all anyway” “Hey Rook!” 43 calls out, approaching Ultra “Where are you headed?” “The boss needs me in his office” Ultra replied, his tone annoyed. “Yah, he can wait. Come with me” 43 smirks, walking away, expecting Ultra to follow. Ultra growls, considering his options. “Kill him” Pinstripe offers. “Kill him” Error agrees. “Kill the jerk” Aaron weekly says. “I hated him anyway.” “Alright, Killing him them” Ultra smiles “Good vote boys.” He cackles loudly before charging down the corridor, plowing 43 into a wall. “Hey!” 43 growls, pinned to the wall. SHYNKT! The blades spring out from his arms. Ultra grins cruelly, using his tendrils to keep 43’s arms pinned to the wall. “So, I hate you. Error53 hates you, Pinstripe hates you. Even Aaron hates you. That's four beings all in agreement that you should die. Tell me, what argument do you have that I should let you live?” Ultra’s grin widens, his right hand morphed into a long, jagged blade. “Listen here you little ass!” 43 struggles under Ultra’s tendrils, keeping him tightly pinned to the wall. “You better AGH!!” Ultra interrupts his threat by crushing his arms in his tight grip. “You annoy me now. It’s not even fun torturing you. And look, no one is coming to save you. Look, seriously” Ultra steps aside to show 43 the corridor. The scientists and security officers of the facility had surrounded him, simply watching. A scientist conversing with a security officer over “how he’d off him or not”. Ultra chuckles softly before facing 43 again “They are watching, waiting for me to kill you. They really don’t like you here either” 43’s angry scowl fades into a terrified wimped “c-come on man, we’re partners, we’re gonna work together...please…” “Whimpering like a bitch? I thought they gave you cat DNA? Wait, they did, you’re just a pussy!” Ultra plunges his blade through 43’s chest, then yanks the blade upward, slicing 43’s chest and head in half. Ultra grabs the two halves with his hands and proceeds to rip the body completely in half, throwing the two sides far away from each other. “Ah, your first bloodbath” Pinstripe chuckles. Ultra’s dark black fur glistened from the flesh blood that had sprayed onto him. He sighs happily and calmly continues walking down the corridor to Austin’s office. As he walks, the security stepped aside, while the scientists smiled, a few clapping. “Hey man” a scientist approaches him, clearly young he spoke like he came straight from the beach. His name tag said Steve Randl, “that was beyond epic bro. You were like, ugh, dude. So cool. You just tore him apart like he was paper bro.” Ultra stood back, his eyebrows raised. “What? Uh, thanks….Steve? I’m glad my bloody murder was entertaining to you.” “Oh dude, I work for a secret government group that kidnaps people and experiments on them. Dude, I make abominations of science. You probably never heard of this one but, Number 30 was my idea. Poor little dude decayed before our eyes, early attempt at healing and all. I tried telling everyone that he was still alive, but no one listened, they dumped him. Oh well, but yah bro, I found it cool watching you kill that douche canoe. “ “Well, you are positively strange. I think I will let you live” Ultra hesitates, then softly pats his shoulder before walking away. “He was strange. “ Error remarks. “Yes, but he can come in handy later. Clearly the kid is smart. We may need him” Pinstripe replies. “But who is Number 30?” “Graveyard Cat” Aaron answers “When I first escaped, I did a lot of research on the earlier experiments. 30 was an early healing factor test, he ended up decaying to near death. Turns out though the decay was just for show. He was perfectly fine, in fact he could actually make those around him decay. But they thought he died, and dumped his body. Grave Digger found him and took him in, kept him as his pet/bodyguard.” “A threat.” Ultra growled “He’s a threat, and we better hope we never encounter him then” “Understood, and agreed” Pinstripe answers. Ultra continues his way down the corridor, the halls becoming less chrome, and more bronze and gold the closer he got to the large wooden doors to the creator’s office. “Ok, he really, REALLY doesn’t know how to decorate” Pinstripe croones. “I know, but shush, he can probably read minds.” Ultra replies. “Well not really, but i can read the dialogue. More correctly I write the dialogue” Austin replies from inside his office as the doors open wide. “Hello Ultra. And Pinstripe? Screw you. Its rustic themed you uncultured asshat.” Ultra stands confused “dialogue? Nevermind, not important. “ “It would be too complicated to explain, maybe Hood could explain it to you, but...I don't see your next meeting with him being very friendly...oh well.” Austin smirks with the knowledge of what is to come. “So, my beautiful creation, are you ready for your first ORDERED kill? I saw that show back there with 43, good job. He was. Just a pathetic knock off of you anyway. I have the original back in my control, what do I need that waste for?” Austin takes his seat behind his desk. Upon the desk was various writing covered papers. As Ultra scanned the desk his brain read each paper instantly, each one detailing the various important individuals in the world he must track down and kill. From the notes he could read, he saw the names: Kujo Tartalgia, Uncle S.A.M., Curly Satlin, Jonathan Satlin, The OFFKeys, Don Lomas, John Stidham, DJ Giz, SARAH, Tiggs Nitishino, The Matedor, Henry Hicks, Fernando Lomas, Launa Dandie, Pops, and Pastor Stevie Smith, along with a few others he couldn't make out names for, only description. One note read, “short, shy, timid, ice powers. Tartalgia family. Usually surrounded by brothers, or with hot wife. Approach with caution.” Another read, “necklace becomes two candy cane staffs. May be Santa, unsure. Followed by a flaming skeleton-goat man. Should be easy kill, use skill.” “Are you reading my notes Ultra?” Austin asked with a smile. “Yes sir. How did you find this information?” “Find?” Austin replies with a chuckle “Oh my boy, I didn’t find it. I made it. I made everything. I am not just a scientist. I am a God. I didn’t just make you in the lab, I made you in my mind. Now, your first targets must be taken out before anyone else. I let 43 slide because he is not important to the universe. But the death of these next six individuals will mark the end of this universe and is crucial for my plan to work. Don’t ask why, it's just how it is. Stability of reality and all that. Long story short, when I made this universe, it made itself some fail safes. The Shattered Six is the fail safes. “ “The Shattered Six? I remember, er, Aaron remembers them. Never worked with them much. “ Ultra takes a seat on the opposite side of the desk. “They were...Don Lomas, the gangster. Dr. Dean Lomas. Professor Poindexter Carter, the know-it-all. Agent REDACTED Carter, the enforcer of Poindexter’s company and head of the 100 Project’s main field division. John Stidham the farmer. And ‘Smiley’ Joe Stidham, the DJ, bartender, and general freak.” “Those are the ones. Well, except Agent Carter. He left the Project once he saw what we were doing. He works full time as an espionage division of Poindexter’s company. I suggest you take out Farmer John first. He has the least contact with the rest, leaving them open for surprise still” Ultra nods, Aaron remembered where John Stidham lived. Unfortunately John’s home was also the base of the Fivefold. Ultra had no reason to worry, the Fivefold were constantly away from base, in fact John was the one keeping the base in order while they were away. “Do you accept your mission Ultra? I want to make it crystal clear, the Six must die before you kill anyone else. It doesn’t matter if someone else comes to fight as well, you knock them out and kill the Six first. I know the Fivefold have their base at John’s farm. You might even encounter Legion there. I don’t care. Kill John. That's it. Understood?” “Yes sir.” Ultra stands up, nodding to his master. “Good, go.” Ultra nods, turning and leaving the room. “So, Pinstripe, you teleport right?” Ultra thinks to himself, as he walks down the corridor away from the office. “Yah, shadow properties and all. Every Child of the Dark has it. I guess you do too now. Try thinking hard about where you want to go, and claw the air in front of you, it should open your portal.” Pinstripe answers, cracking his knuckles. “It's how I did it” Ultra sighs and looks in front of himself at the empty corridor. All the scientists have left, not even the security officers remained. He stood still in silence for a few minutes before releasing a deep breath and clawing down at the air in front of him. Instantly his claws opened a deep, twisting portal of darkness before him. “Holy shit. It worked.” Ultra stood before the portal and blinked twice before stepping in. Instantly he found himself standing on the front lawn of a small farm house. “I was told you went missing weeks ago. Happy Thanksgiving Aaron” A deep voice, with a thick country accent came from Ultra’s right. He turned to face the voice, coming face to face with Farmer John Stidham. John stood at a solidly built six feet tall, square shouldered and jawed, his body pure muscle, but not bulging. Each and every muscle in his body was toned by use. His eyes were a deep dark blue, with a clear wisdom behind them, his skin tanned by years in the sun, his hair, windswept and coffee brown. His face bore a distinct resemblance to Ultra’s creator Austin. Before Ultra could take time to take in more details about his target, such as his clearly robotic arms and legs, he was interrupted by a direct punch to his face. Ultra was launched back by the power of the impact, landing yards away from John. “I was warned that if you suddenly appeared at my doorstep without Hood, Vet, or any of his blasted Robots I should take you down. Livewire’s damn tentacles or whatever don't count as you coming with him. So it's clear to me you are now dangerous.” Ultra coughs as he stands to his feet, “Now I'm dangerous? If I really was still Aaron I’d be insulted.” He smirks as he stands straight up “Good punch you hick. Now come on, I don't have all day, y’all” John groans “I have work to do, it's feeding time and the goats are hungry, so here’s what we’ll do. I'm going to get Jonathan, my robot duplicate, to take care of the animals while I kick you ass” “So sassy for a dead man” John rolls his eyes, steam suddenly releasing from his arms and legs as he launches forward, both fists making impacts with Ultra’s chest, while in the same quick fluid motion, he launches Ultra upward, far into the sky. “Keep your distance boy!” John calls out as Ultra falls back to earth, only to meet John’s fist to his face once more, sending him flying into the nearby oak tree. “I like to fight up close and personal, so if you want any chance of beating me, you’d better just run away now.” Ultra groans as he climbs up the oak tree. “Any ideas? Cause you guys are getting your ass handed to you” Aaron sasses, panting from pain. “And I'm tired of it. Pinstripe, can’t you summon guns and crap?” Ultra’s eyes widened “Hammer space! I’m an idiot!” Ultra reached into the pockets of his blazer, pulling out two pistols. “Bullets should do us just fine. Rather boring though. I’ll save it for if I really get my ass kicked.” He returns the guns to his jacket pockets and hops down from the tree, to be immediately met with another punch to the face, this time firmly planting him into the oak tree. “”Come on kid. I know you have guns. This is just getting pathetic at this point” John grabs Ultra’s arms and yanks him out of the tree. “Listen, this will hurt, but maybe you’ll just get up and leave after,okay?” Ultra hissed and attempted to claw John, but his grip on his arms was too strong. John sighs and tosses Ultra into the air, grabbing his legs, and slamming him back into the ground. Ultra whimpered slightly on the ground as John walked up and stood over him. “You done yet kit-” John was interrupted by Ultra's tendrils each piercing his chest. He stammered, and stepped back as Ultra stood up. “Well, now I am I guess, hick” Ultra smiled cruelly “I wonder what you look like split in half. Let's find out!” Ultra’s tendrils burrow deeper into John’s chest before quickly pulling his body in two opposite directions. The power behind the tendrils make quick work splitting John’s body in half, the bones shattering, blood quickly spilling out of the broken body, watering the lawn with their iron rich plasma. Ultra smiled. “Well, that was a good taste of things to come I suppose. I might need...I shudder even thinking about this but...I might need practice?” “You definitely need practice you ass!” Aaron coughed in defiance. “You got your ass handed to you! You only won because he was stupid enough to stand over you!” “Yah, you need practice sir. That could have went better” Error replied. Ultra sighs and reopens his portal back to the Facility “well, let's see who’s next then?” Ultra steps through the portal, straight into Austin’s office. Austin stayed sat at his desk. He smiled. “Next will be Dr. Lomas. After him it will be in twos. Poindexter's and Agent Carter, then Don and Smiley Joe. You’ll find Dr. Lomas at Vets non-traveling station in New York. Only he works there, the only other people there will be boring normal people. Vet treats all the special ones, Dr. Lomas is a normal people Doctor. He isn’t even a fighter so this will be a walk in the park for you” “You, uh, you saw the last fight?” Austin smirks. “You were punched directly in the face four times. It was hilarious. Now go kill the doctor already.” Ultra nods, and opens a portal “Yes sir. This will only be a moment. “ Ultra steps through the portal, and immediately ducks, narrowly missing the punch that was swung at him. Ultra quickly shifts his hands into his two blades and plunges them deep in the chest of Dr. Lomas who stood above him. As Dr. Lomas stood bewildered, blood slowly dripping from his mouth Ultra could see his face, though also square jawed and almost divinely handsome, he also shared the same district facial features as Austin. Dr. Lomas was just as tall as John, but more muscular. Where John’s muscle was entirely for use, Dr. Lomas was more for show, his light green suit began to darken from the blood pouring out from his wounds. His perfectly swept back brown hair draped over his eyes as Ultra removed the blades, and he fell to the ground. “Better reflexes that time Sir” Pinstripe comments. Ultra nods and returns to the office. “He dead?” Austin asks. Ultra nods in response. “Good” Austin smiles, “next targets, Poindexter and Carter. They will be fun.” Ultra nods and opens his portal, stepping through.
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