#actually this is a gift for me too so ty maddi!!!
mumucow · 1 year
7. “Let me do this for you, okay?”
This took me way too long because life being life and then trailer dropped and all the lives and we are going insane because of it.
Also this is a bit of an early birthday gift to @ty-in-bedlam
Honestly I don’t feel like it’s my favorite writing but I don’t think any of these will steal the place of the first one from my heart, so here is the link.
Warning this is almost 5k
I hope you have fun.
Buck had been agitated all through their shift, making it seem longer than it actually was.
Buck was Eddie’s partner and if he wasn’t okay then Eddie wasn’t either, their partnership had always been like that. They were always in sync with each other but this shift was different. Buck was quiet, which in itself was weird, he couldn’t keep his hands still more than usual.
The rest of the team had noticed it too and they all did what they could to help their friend. They were a family.
Every time that Buck was touched by one of them, he would relax into the touch as if it was grounding him, bringing him back to earth.
Eddie was reaching out more than usual, letting their fingers linger and touch for longer than necessary when delivering a cup of coffee.
They all knew what was going on. Even Chimney was agitated.
The Buckley parents were in town.
Thankfully the B shift was arriving and everyone was finishing their things before heading for the locker room, except for Buck.
He was still sitting at the wooden table, staring at his hand. Eddie came closer, he let his fingers touch Buck’s shoulder first so he was aware of someone touching him and then Eddie set his whole hand there.
Buck didn’t flinch or tried to move away. They always seemed to be aware of each other all the time, not even being surprised when there was contact between them. 
“Why don’t you come with me?”
“I need to go home and change before…” Buck looked almost devastated at the thought of having to go. There was something Eddie hadn’t told him yet.
“And you are going to do that. I’m pretty sure I have some of your clothes at the house.”
“I don’t think that my parents would approve if I showed up with a hoodie.” Buck sighed throwing his head back to stare at the ceiling.
“Fine, but show up after it, I think a boost of Christopher will do wonders for you,” Eddie smirked as he saw a small but genuine smile trying to show up on Buck’s lips at the mention of Christopher. “Besides I need a ride.”
Like that Eddie dropped the bomb.
“What?” Buck stared at him in confusion.
“I’m going to this dinner with you. I told you years ago that I had your back. I wasn’t there last time but I will be now.” Eddie had gotten a call from Maddie suggesting it, a way to help Buck be at ease with this dinner. Eddie couldn’t even promise that he would behave around the Buckley parents.
“Eddie…” Buck’s tone was something so intimate, something just for them and it felt off that the B shift was around for this. 
“Go and you know where to find me. I even bought wine.” Before leaving his friend, Eddie squeezed Buck’s shoulder which got him a shy smile from him.
It was a win.
Eddie noticed the look he got from his best friend when he opened the front door, the glance making him blush a little, he might hate the Buckley parents but Eddie still wanted to look presentable and like he belonged next to Buck.
“Don’t.” Eddie warned but got a smirk in return.
“And you were trying to convince me to just go wearing a hoodie?” Buck stepped inside the house barely leaving any space between them. 
He was wearing one of his most formal button-ups, Eddie probably only saw him wear it once before. Even if Buck looked great, he still looked uncomfortable. The difference was stunning between Buck wearing something like this and a hoodie. Around the house when Buck was in his most comfortable clothes he seemed to feel happier, more comfortable, and young, because deep down Buck was still that young guy that Eddie met. Same hopeful and open-hearted person, that slowly was learning from his own mistakes. That slowly had fit next to Eddie so easily and into his life. A partner like he never had before.
“Just go see your best friend.” Eddie deflected. He was pretty sure that Buck wasn’t going to forget this talk and just put it away for later.
Buck moved easily around the house to find Christopher and the laughter filling the house was also filling Eddie’s heart with joy and pride. He could give this to Buck, for as long as the other wanted it.
Eddie busied himself with a few simple chores around the house. Buck wasn’t the only one that was nervous about this dinner, they were all a bit on edge with it even people who weren’t going to be there.
Their closest friend knew what the Buckley siblings had gone through with their parents.
Eddie leaned against the door frame as he watched Buck and Christopher interact, with Buck making or trying to make some dinosaur sounds while having around a t-rex toy. It’s been a while since Chris had used it but it was enough to make the both of them laugh. Eddie grinned, bottling up this moment inside his heart, how they look so happy and carefree.
Knocking on the door Eddie got their attention.
“It’s time to go boys.” They both pouted, making them look like father and son. Eddie understood why so many people confused Buck as Chris’ dad. Which deep down he was.
He could see Buck’s posture change right away, hopefully, Eddie could help him out during dinner.
They dropped off Chris at Hen, Eddie had already talked to her and Karen about Chris staying over since they didn’t know how everything was going to go. Buck even got one of Chris’ tight hugs for good luck, which led to Buck quickly pressing the heels of his hands against his eyes to push his tears away.
The ride to Chimney and Maddie’s new house was quiet, Buck parked his Jeep outside but didn’t move from his seat.
“Take as long as you want.” Eddie tried to help his best friend relax, he almost reached for Buck’s hand.
“They won’t wait forever,” Buck said with a sad chuckle. “I can’t believe I’m bringing you to this.”
“You aren’t. Your sister did.”  Eddie took a deep breath. “When they came back to LA that first time I wanted to be there for you.”
“Yeah, I remember how well that dinner went.” Buck sighed letting his head rest against the headrest and closing his eyes. “I shouldn’t bring you into this mess.”
“Let me do this for you, okay? You stepped with me into my mess before.” Eddie remembered how much it meant when Buck found him on his bedroom floor, how it felt like a rescuing rope. Blue eyes stared at him, Eddie knew that Buck would do it all over again. “I am gonna do the same for you. Just like you deserve.”
“Eddie…” There was so much vulnerability in just a simple word.
“You can’t keep hiding your parents from me. You have met mine and you know Tia Pepa and Abuela.” Eddie tried his best to lighten up the mood and he was able to get a soft smile from Buck at the mention of his closest family.
Both Abuela and Pepa loved Buck with all their heart and Eddie really couldn’t judge them because he loved his best friend more than he should.
They got out of the Jeep and headed to the door, Eddie rested his hand on Buck’s lower back to encourage him, to assure him that he was right there by his side.
Maddie was the one opening the door for them, quickly pulling Buck into a tight hug and whispering something in his ear. Eddie admired their relationship, and how close they were even with everything that was thrown at them. How they leaned on each other to survive the madness of their childhood.
They could hear Jee fussing inside the house, so they all follow the sound to find her in Margaret’s arms trying to get free. Maddie quickly rescued her daughter, looking as apologetic as she could, which in Eddie’s opinion it was more than Margaret deserved.
“I’m sorry, she doesn’t do well with strangers.” Jee was already hiding herself in Maddie’s arms.
“Evan.” It was the first word coming out of Margaret’s mouth toward them, it sounded as cold as her eyes looked. Their blue had nothing to do with Buck’s. 
Eddie loved Buck’s first name, the truth was that, but he knew how Buck felt toward the name and now he could see why. It didn’t only feel cold but also tainted, toxic like poison spreading through your bloodstream. It wasn’t even directed at Eddie but he could feel all of that.
Her eyes moved from her son to Eddie, like they would threaten him in any way.
“You are?” Phillip stood behind his wife, a small nod shared with his son.
“Eddie Diaz.” Eddie introduced himself not even bothering to offer his hand for a handshake. He looked over at Buck, he looked like a kid that had just messed up even if he hadn’t done anything wrong.
“Just come by to drop, Evan?” Margaret asked and then looked at her son. “Didn’t you have a car?”
“I do, Eddie is an important part of my life so I think he should be here.” To anyone else, it might sound confident but to people that really knew Buck, it was possible to notice that he was nervous.
“I’m Buck’s partner, I work with both him and Chim- Howard. And Maddie invited me.” Eddie clenched his jaw, trying to keep as expressionless as possible, his shoulder pressing into Buck’s. I got your back.
Before things could escalate any further, Chimney brought the food to the table with a warm and pleased smile as he called everyone for dinner. 
A really long dinner ahead of them.
It started quiet and Eddie could feel Buck relaxing a bit at his side, especially when interacting with Jee, it was adorable to see and Eddie couldn’t keep the smile off his face while watching.
“I always forget how good you are with kids.” The table went quiet with Margaret’s comment, it almost sounded nice. “When are you giving me grandchildren, Evan?”
And it was gone just like that, all the little good mood that was starting to settle.
Eddie felt his best friend tense up again, it had only been a few minutes of quietness, instantly he reached under the table and settle his hand on Buck’s leg - right above his knee. In hope that it would help in any way but also to keep Eddie himself from saying something.
“I clearly didn’t get it from you.” Buck stated, before turning back his attention to Jee. Eddie couldn’t help but smirk, Chimney had a funny face on like he had just imagined that, and Maddie looked resigned that this dinner was about to go to hell.
“Evan.” It was a warning.
“It’s not a lie, I don’t remember you or dad ever playing with me.” Buck had tried, Eddie had seen it.
He had tried to give his parents an opportunity and they didn’t take it, most of Buck’s life had been him giving them chances and they never once cared to grab it.
“You know why.” This time it was Phillip, he almost looked like a puppet in Margaret’s hands.
“I know for what? Two years? Nothing changed, so you don’t get to ask me about my life. I came because I love my sister.” Buck stopped to look at Maddie and give her a soft smile before turning his expression back to blank and turning to his parents. “I didn’t come here to fight.”
It was shivering to see Buck act this cold, it was nothing like him. Buck was always gentle and soft unless you hurt his family, he wears his heart on his sleeve and gives opportunities, but now Buck seemed done with his parents.
“We are not going to have this conversation with…strangers.” Margaret looked between Buck and Eddie.
“Eddie is not a stranger. Hell, he is an amazing father and one that I hoped I had, one that I hope that I can be.” It wasn’t the first time that Buck has even complimented Eddie about him being a good dad to Chris, but this time it felt so much more charged.
Maybe it was because Buck had slipped his own hand under the table and found Eddie’s, holding it like a lifeline. Eddie intertwined their fingers and gave it a squeeze. He would always be there for his best friend.
“Don’t.” It was incredible how Buck sounded calm, even if Eddie knew that inside his head everything was chaotic. “Whenever you come here it's to hurt us. I get it, you lost a kid, but you had two more. Maddie is an amazing mother.” Blue eyes were starting to get glassy with unshed tears, only getting worst when Buck shared a look with his sister. “I know that she will do an amazing job with Jee because she did it with me.”
Eddie saw how Maddie reached for her brother, hand wrapping around the hand he still had resting on top of the table. Even Chimney looked proud of his almost brother-in-law.
“We are your parents!” Margaret raised her voice but seemed to control herself when she noticed that Jee seemed a bit scared at that.
“You are the people that contributed to my DNA. Family doesn’t end with blood and in this case, the family I have here? In LA? Is the one I care about, it's the one who has been there when I needed it. Is the one that loves me for who I am. Last time I asked you to love me anyway, but I deserve more than that. I deserve people that love me despite my flaws, that just love me.”
Eddie had never felt so proud of Buck just like right now, standing up for himself and his chosen family.
“It’s because of him that you are doing this?” It almost felt like the words were sharp knives being thrown at Eddie, and he couldn’t help but snort as he stared challengingly at Margaret. 
“No. He is doing it for himself, because he has crappy parents.” Eddie finally spoke, no longer able to hide his hatred for them. “You really think that everyone else is the problem and not you two?”
“How dare you speak to me like that? You know nothing about this family.”
“I do, and I still get surprised every time with how the two of you were so lucky to have such amazing kids and not love them. I can’t even believe that you are their real parents, Maddie and Buck are nothing like you. They are kind and amazing people ready to help others and I know for sure that Jee-Yun couldn’t have better parents.” Eddie then turned to look at Buck that seemed a bit surprised and in awe at the same time. “I know that Evan is an amazing parent, one that you two can never be, that is why he is the legal guardian for my kid.”
They really haven’t discussed it much after the shooting, it took them a lot of time to even talk a little about the shooting but they definitely hadn’t shared it with anyone else. Buck probably didn’t even tell his sister considering how surprised Maddie looked.
“Is that the kid you keep posting pictures with?” Phillip sounded surprised but not at all at the same time.
Buck seemed torn, probably not wanting to drag Christopher into this.
“That handicapped kid?! You rather choose him than us? Then having a normal life?!” This was escalating quickly by Margaret’s words.
Before Eddie could say anything Buck was already standing up, pushing his hands against the table to make himself look bigger.
“Don’t you dare. That kid is the smartest, kindest, and bravest kid I ever met. I would even say than any person in the world.” Buck let out through grunted teeth. “He saved me when I thought I couldn’t be saved, he fought for me and saved me from myself. He loves me with all his heart and I love him like he was my own. He doesn’t have one flaw that you can point out.”
Eddie couldn’t help but just kept staring at Buck, now his tears freely falling.
“I should be spending my night with him and not with you two.” It was the last thing that Buck said before starting to walk for the door.
“I will take care of him.” Eddie quickly said to Maddie, she gave him a small nod.
Eddie felt a bit bad for leaving his friends to deal with the Buckley parents but Buck needed him more.
When Eddie left the house Buck was already near the Jeep, using it as support to catch his breath not from the walk outside but from everything he just let out of his chest.
“I’m so proud of you, Buck…” Eddie felt himself on the edge too, he hated to see Buck like this especially when he didn’t really know what to do to help more.
“I feel like a piece of shit of a son.” Buck looked up at him with red-rimmed eyes.
Eddie grimaced at that, he knew exactly how Buck felt even if he was the right one in this situation. He reached out and squeezed Buck’s shoulder gently.
“I know, it’s an ability parents have. To make us feel like shit even when they are the ones who are wrong.” Eddie sighed. “I hope to never make that mistake with Christopher.”
“We both know you won’t.” Buck cleaned his tears away even showing a little smile, standing up a bit straighter now. 
“Let me take the Jeep, I promise to not scratch it.” Eddie teased as he offered his hand, Buck still seemed unsure to give him the keys.
They shifted their usual seats. If Eddie was being honest, it felt weird to be the one driving and especially being the Jeep. Still, it was necessary, Buck looked like he was ready to pass out and sleep for the next few hours.
Eddie drove along the dark roads with Buck at his side either messing with the radio station or just resting his head against the window and stare outside.
“Where are we going?” Buck sounded just as tired as he looked.
“I know you probably just want to sleep all of this away, but I think we need one more thing that we need.” Eddie wanted to reach for Buck’s hand again, try to comfort him as much as possible but they were alone now it was far too different from before.
Eddie could feel Buck looking at him in confusion but all of that went away when he parked the Jeep outside of the Wilson’s household.
“Eddie…you told him he could have a sleepover with Denny.” Buck didn’t move from his spot on the passenger seat.
“You know how much Christopher loves you. He will rather be with us.” Eddie could already see the tears starting to pool in Buck’s eyes. “You don’t have to go inside, you can stay here.”
“No, I will go with you. It will be good to see familiar faces.”
As soon as they got inside the house Buck was taken into Hen’s arms before Karen replaced her wife. Eddie quickly greeted the two women before heading towards Denny’s bedroom, knocking on the door before poking his head inside.
“Hi, boys.”
“Hi.” They said in unison without looking away from their game.
“Wait, have we been playing all night?” Christopher paused their game to stare at his father.
“No.” Eddie tried to offer a reassuring smile but he probably failed at that, his son has always been an observant kid. “The dinner was rough on Buck, he needs a bit of cheering up. I know I said you could stay for a sleepover-”
He was cut off by Chris getting up and starting to pack his things, sometimes Eddie forgot that Buck was his best friend but also Chris’ and that his son would always be there for Buck as well.
“I promise that next time we have a weekend off I will let you boys pick whatever you want.” Eddie knew he would probably regret it later.
As soon as Christopher headed for the living room Buck started to crouch down to take the boy in his arms, lifting him up from the floor. Almost like Chris was a koala hugging a tree. Eddie could see Hen and Karen look at their friend with a soft expression and Eddie couldn’t really judge them since he knew that his face was doing a lot worst.
This time the ride home wasn’t quiet, Chris filled the silence easily by talking about the game he and Denny had been playing. Even with the rough evening that Buck had he still paid attention to every word that Chris said to him.
Finally with the three of them under the same roof, and in their home, Eddie could feel himself relax a bit more. Christopher quickly changed into his pajamas and Buck changed into some more comfortable clothes, like his favorite hoodie. And it felt like should be Eddie’s every night.
They settled on the couch with Christopher using Buck’s side as support instead of the couch, they had some movie in the background, but it was obvious that neither of them was really paying attention to it.
“You could have stayed with Denny.” Buck broke the silence, his words being aimed at Christopher that looked up at him with a frown. 
“No,” Christopher said seriously. Probably as serious as Eddie as ever seen him. “Buck, you are family and when family needs us we are there for them. You need us more.”
Eddie had to fight back at his own tears, Buck looked up at the ceiling to not let Chris see it but it was a last cause.
“Don’t ever change.” Buck said and after he kissed Chris’ curls.
Eddie knew his son was getting too big for all of this attention but he didn’t even flinch or tried to pull away from the gesture. If anything, Christopher buried himself deeper into Buck’s side.
Slowly Eddie let his eyes fall shut for a few seconds, they had a long shift and an exhausting dinner, it was bound to happen. So, when he opened his eyes again he saw that also Chris and Buck had fallen asleep.
Chris was mostly using Buck as a pillow and Buck had fallen asleep with his hand supporting his face, elbow pressed against the back of the couch. There was no way this could be comfortable and even if Eddie didn’t want to move he still did.
Carefully, he picked his son up, it had been so long since he had to do this and it was heartwarming that he could still do it. Christopher was growing so fast that soon Eddie wouldn’t be able to do this anymore.
Eddie tucked his son into his bed before returning to the living room to find Buck already awake, even though it was clear how sleepy he still was, how he was fighting back his desire to close his eyes again.
“Thank you.” Buck was hoarse from his little nap.
“For what?” Eddie sat down next to his best friend, their knees knocking on each other as they sat sideways on the couch so that they would be facing each other.
“For being there with me. For getting Chris to cheer me up. For having my back.”
Buck did look a lot better than before, calmer and less guilty for what had happened.
“You know that I am always here for you.” Eddie should be a lot more stressed out about this than he was, he had come to terms with his feeling towards his best friend and it didn’t scare him as much anymore. He knew a simple choice of words could reveal all that was trapped inside his chest, so close to his heart. “You know how much Christopher loves you, I know he would rather be here than anywhere else.”
“Do you?” Buck asked with a hint of hope and fear at the same time. “Love me?”
They have had this conversation before, but not just the two of them. They all made it clear to their chosen family that they all loved each other even if sometimes they drove each other crazy. They had much more good moments than bad ones. So yes, they had said I love you to each other before but not in this context. Not when it was just the two of them, without any shield to protect them from what really was created between them.
“I do.” Eddie saw Buck’s breathing hitch at the confirmation and after a few seconds, it came out as a breath of relief. 
“You know…after that my parents probably think that we are dating.” Buck was obviously testing the waters, they both knew that at this point Buck really didn’t take his parents' opinion into consideration.
“And they clearly didn’t like it.” Eddie snorted, pressing his knee harder against Buck’s. “Would that be so bad?” 
He didn’t know where all this bravery came from, but Eddie needed to know if this was the moment that would change their relationship from further on.
Buck seemed to be taken by surprise when Eddie dare himself from looking down from their legs to his best friend’s face. This whole conversation had been spinning around the same thing, how Eddie and Buck were always there for each other and they would be there for Chris too. Like a family. Just the three of them.
“Kiss me.”
Eddie wanted to do it so badly, he had to stop himself from reaching out to Buck and just give in to his request.
Buck’s face started to crumble into an expression of regret with how long Eddie was taking to answer him or really do anything.
“I want to. But not tonight. I don’t want this to happen due to your shitty parents.” Eddie couldn’t really hide his dislike for them. “So, I promise. We have all the time in the world”
And as if to seal his promise Eddie reaches out, gently resting his hand on Buck’s neck. With his thumb, he caressed his best friend’s jaw and he watched as Buck leaned into the touch. Then, Eddie pressed his lips against Buck’s forehead, he stood there longer than necessary before pulling away to get up.
“Get some sleep.” Eddie wanted to bring Buck with him to bed, and reassure him that everything would be fine. They just needed a little more time to get there.
It took Eddie longer than he planned. It had been a full week since the dinner with Buckley's parents and between shifts and everything else he and Buck really hadn’t had much time alone. Everyone was there for Buck, to make sure that he was okay after they heard what had happened. 
At first, Buck had a hard time facing him but it only lasted about one day before they had gone back to their usual BuckandEddie thing, their looks would be caught on each other for longer and so would their touches, they didn’t look away anymore when the other caught them staring. They were slowly getting there.
It took them a trip to the grocery store for Eddie to finally take that final step. They had just come off their shift and were getting some things so they wouldn’t need to leave the house on their day off.
Buck was looking at him with two different types of cheese and asking which one Eddie wanted. Before Eddie could think much about it he closed any distance between them, his hands on each side of Buck’s face and if it was any other time Buck’s comical face would make Eddie laugh, but instead, he just kissed his best friend in the middle of the grocery store.
For a second there Eddie really thought that it had screwed up badly until Buck dropped everything in his hands to kiss him back, like kissing Eddie was the air that Buck needed to breathe.
“What was that for?” Buck was confused and Eddie couldn’t blame him since he didn’t give the other any warning.
“For you just being you.” Eddie really had no other reason, well that and the fact that he loved Buck as he had never loved any other partner. “I think we have waited long enough, I think we are on the right time.”
“I agree.” Buck smiled widely, those fucking sunshine smiles that Eddie loved so much, he could bet that all the warmth he was feeling inside of him was because of the smile that Buck was offering him. 
Buck pecked his lips before going back to the cheese picking struggle.
“Babe, just take both.” Eddie found himself saying and the way that Buck lit up at the nickname made Eddie want to say it again.
“I don’t think I will get used to that.” Buck confessed like it was their secret.
“To what? To me calling you that?”
“To that, to kissing you and to being loved by you.”
“You were already loved by me before. The rest?” Eddie smirked taking the shopping cart in his hands so they could keep going without everyone staring at them. “We have a lifetime to get used to.”
Eddie wasn’t really a romantic person even with all the telenovelas he watched but with Buck? Buck had every side of him, the good and the bad. And he knew that he had all of Buck too.
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lostaurorax · 2 years
father to be
pairing | fezco x pregnant!reader
warnings | mentions of morning sickness,mentions of sex and obviously pregnancy!!!
a/n | hi my babies!!!! this is my first time writing for fez or anyone on euphoria!! i was super nervous but am honestly so proud of how this came out!!!!! i love fez so why not write him as a sweet first time daddy to be!!!☺️ i hope you enjoy this as much as i did writing it! i love you all hope your staying healthy and safe!!! <3
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main masterlist | euphoria masterlist
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when you told fezco you were pregnant you were scared of what his reaction would be
“you bein serious right now?”
“u-uh yeah…” you said nervously fidgeting with the test in your hands
next thing you knew he had you in a tight embrace with his head in your neck
“i fucking love you so much”
everytime you woke up with morning sickness fez was their tying your hair up and rubbing your back.
“s’alright ma let it out.”
anytime you wake up in the middle of the night with a crazy craving fez always got it for you no matter how insanely nasty it sounded.
“i don’t think i can even watch you eat that y/n..” he’d say after seeing the weird combination what you had made
you just ignored him being happy with what you were eating at 3am
one night at dinner when you were about 2 months pregnant, you had decided to tell ash.
“so ash we have something to tell you..” you said as fez held your hand under the table
“hm?” ash said lifting his head up from taking a bite of his pizza
“..im pregnant!” you said a wide smile on your face
“oh aight cool.” he said not having much of a reaction which you both had expected but nonetheless knew he was still happy for you
but later that night when you knocked on his door to check on him you found him asleep with his phone still lit up in his hands showing a recent google search on ‘how to be a good uncle’ making you immediately tear up and leave a kiss on his forehead.
when you had your 18 week appointment the doctor had asked if you wanted to know the gender of your baby and you and fezco immediately nodded not wanting to make a big deal out of it as long as you had a healthy baby.
“congratulations,it’s a boy!!” the doctor said smiling at you too
“shii really?” fez said as you slapped his shoulder gently
“my bad ma” he’d say turning to you but immediately noticing the tears of joy in your eyes he immediately brought his lips to yours pulling away and muttering a small ‘i love you baby and you too ma’ earning a soft punch to the arm from you.
your belly had stated to show when you hit the 5th month and no matter what you were doing fezco could not seem to keep his hands off of you
as you were washing dishes he would come up behind your rubbing his hands on your stomach and when he would get the baby to kick? oh he’d never shut up about it.
“shit did you feel that ma? he kicked!!”
“fez of course i felt it he’s in my stomach..” you said giggling at his excitement
rue,lexie,cassie,maddy,jules,kat and bb had visted you pretty often always spoiling you with gifts and talking about how happy they were for you
tonight you were out for dinner with maddy kat rue and jules.
“you know y/n you look so fucking good i think this might be a sign for me to get pregnant..” maddy would say noting your very appearnt pregnancy glow that even fezco couldn’t stop talking about
“maddy don’t even think about it!” you would say on the other side of the table as she shrugged with a smile on her face
“no but seriously y/n we’re so happy for you. i can’t believe your gonna be a mom!” jules said putting her arm around your shoulder and her head on top of yours
“you guys i will actually start sobbing right now,my pregnancy hormones literally hate me!!” you said doing the best you could to hold in tears and them doing the same.
“anyway…which one of us are you picking to be the godmother?” maddy said causing all eyes on you
“hm…?” you said taking a sip of your shirley temple acting like you had no idea what they were talking about.
you and fezco loveddd to have sex. it was an everyday thing for you guys. no wonder you were pregnant…
but as soon as you got pregnant he became distant for the first few months
“please fez,i need you.” you said looking up at him through your eyelashes
“fuck ma, i mean yeah i wanna fuck you like so bad right now but shit i’m scared i’m gonna hurt the baby….” he said using his left hand to rub his head anxiously
“baby i promise you, you can’t hurt him!” you’d say giggling at how protective he already was
after that fezco decided he would do all the research he could to be comfortable with it. cause your pregnancy glow was really effecting him…ifykwim
while at your next ultrasound appointment he decided to ask the doctor and as soon as he heard her say it was perfectly safe he looked directly at you with a smirk on his face.
let’s just say after that he couldn’t keep his hands off of you. literally anywhere and everywhere whenever he had the chance he took it.
as you hit 7 months your belly started getting bigger and heavier. you could still walk fine but had a bit of a waddle to your step. one morning when you got up to use the bathroom you heard fez laugh from the bed immediately turning around and scolding him.
“what’s so funny?” you said confused
“you walkin’ like a penguin now ma?” he said the smile still apparent on his face
“shut up…” you said as you turned around not wanting him to see the smile on your face.
once fez noticed how much heavier your belly was getting he immediately stopped letting you do things around the house. though he did that as soon as you told him you were pregnant but now he didn’t let you do any thing.
you were hungry? he’d make you food. you had cramps? he’d heat up a heating pad for you. had trouble walking? he’d carry you all day. he basically didn’t leave your side ever. if he ever had too he always made sure ash was with you who also became extremely protective over you. not that he wasn’t before but their were a few times where fez didn’t come home until very late and ash would stay with you just keeping you company. you always told him if he wanted he could go back to his room to sleep not wanting to make him uncomfortable but he always came up with some excuse that you couldn’t fight against. he considered you the closet thing he had to a mom so that was how your relationship was. one night when fezco came home and was looking for ash and couldn’t find him in his room he panicked for a second till he opened your shared bedroom door and saw ash sleeping with his head on your stomach and your arms wrapped around his and it immediately brought tears to his eyes. quickly snapping a few pictures to show you sometime in the near future he quickly changed and got into bed on the other side of you careful not that wake either of you.
“fez! fez! babe!” you yelled for fezco trying to wake him up
“shit yeah ma what’s up?” he said looking frantically around
“i think my water just broke..” you said with wide eyes
“fuck!” fez said immediately getting out of bed and grabbing the hospital bag in the corner of the room placing it by the door and running to quickly waking ash up
“yo ash! bro!” he said trying to shake him out of his sleep
“fuck what?” he said annoyed that he was being woken up so early
“let’s go y/n’s water broke!” he said with a hint of excitement in his voice
“shit.” ash said getting up
“FEZCO!!!” you yelled making both of their eyes go wide and run to you.
after 8 hours of labor your baby boy was safely delivered into the world!!
the amount of tears that were shed between you and fezco could probably fill up an entire ocean.
“sup lil’ man!” fez said as he was holding him against his skin
“baby he has red hair like me? you see that shi-” he said before you cut him off
“ah fez!” you said with wide eyes and a finger over your mouth
“shi-uh i mean oops sorry!” he said a nervous smile on his face causing a genuine one on yours
hearing a knock on the door you saw ashs head pop in
“hey can i come in?” he said and by the way his hands were fidgeting you could tell he was nervous which was rare for him
“yeah cmere!” you said offering him a warm smile reviving one back
“you wanna hold him?” fez said mentioning towards the baby he was holding against his bare chest.
“uh yeah let me just wash my hands real quick.” he said going to the sink in the corner of the room. while he did that fezco handed him too you so you could guide ash.
“okay so just support his head and his butt…their you go!” you said smiling up at ash.
“woah..this is weird..” ash said
“fez he looks just fucking like you…” he said looking up at his brother who scolded him for the language receiving a ‘my bad’ from ash
“ash…” you said causing him to look up at you
“you wanna be his godfather?” you said looking at him with a smile
“you serious rn? of course..” he said smiling up at you two
“love you bro.” fez said to him
“i love you guys too.” he said which instantly made tears start forming in your eyes
a few hours later after you had showered and felt comfortable enough for guests rue, lexie,cassie,maddy,bb,kat and jules came to visit you all.
“can we come in?” you heard jules say from the other side of the door
“yeah!” you said quietly but loud enough for them to hear
“oh my gosh!!! he’s so cute!” “he looks just like you fez” “no way he looks like y/n!” all came from them as they all went on each side of your bed admiring the ginger haired blue-green eyed boy in your arms.
“so…i made a decision.” you said which made all the girls look at you
“it was extremely tough and i’m sorry if i hurt anyones feelings but i decided that i want………all of you to be his godmothers!! i’m not sure if that even works but who gives a shit. you all deserve it!” you said making them all smile and some cry, all of them hugging you immediately.
after about two hours of everyone being their it was just you,the baby,fez,ash and rue left.
“…so…..you guys decide on a name?” rue said breaking the comfortable silence
“uh yeah his name is Wyatt Ash O’Neill.” you said smiling at rue who lightly smiled back looking over her shoulder at ash who’s head immediately flew up from his phone.
“you just said ash is his middle name? like my name?” he said walking over to you and looking over at fezco
“yeah bro! surprise!” fez said smiling lazily at him
before you could even speak ash had his arms around you which shocked you for a second but you immediately hugged him back
“thank you y/n,for everything.” he said as you heard him sniffle
“i love you ash.” you said to him
“i love you too.” he said slowly pulling away and walking over to fezco to dab him up and pull him in for a hug.
“damn i feel like i need a hug now.” rue said causing everyone to laugh
this was all you ever wanted. this was your family.
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lakesandquarries · 4 years
After the Storm - Chapter Six
i have a discord server now! it's mostly just a place to chill and chat, plus i'll be sharing previews of upcoming chapters and deleted scenes! thank you for all the love, i know this chapter isn't as exciting as previous ones but i hope u all enjoy it anyway!
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In a turn of events that surprises everyone, Rachel actually likes Sonic.
Maddie doesn’t call her until after Sonic is moved in, and technically doesn’t call at all. It’s Rachel that contacts her first, calling her out of the blue a month after their last interaction, two days after Sonic’s impromptu forest adventure. Maddie’s so shocked by the sight of her sister's name that she answers.
“Rachel?” she asks.
Her disbelief must show through her voice because Rachel hmphs and says, “I’m glad to hear from you too.”
“I am! Glad, I mean. I just wasn’t expecting you to ever wanna talk to me again.”
Maddie can hear Rachel roll her eyes. “Honey, it’s gonna take more than that to get rid of me.”
“I’m sorry for tying you to a chair. And borrowing your car.”
“See, that’s part of why I called you. It came back?”
“Huh,” Maddie says, trying to feign surprise. Tom had mentioned getting Rachel’s car back to her, and Maddie had seen the boys struggling with a couple rings just a few days prior. Evidently it had worked. “Well, that’s good, right?”
“Maddie,” Rachel says sternly.
“There is an explanation,” Maddie admits. “But I can’t tell you over the phone.”
“Is this about that -“
“Sh! I’ll explain later, I promise.”
“Oh, you better,” Rachel says.
“I will, I promise. But I gotta go, we’re still doing some house renovations.”
“ Renovations? Maddie, what happened to -“
Maddie hangs up mid word and collapses against the sofa.
“Was that Rachel?” Tom asks from out of nowhere. Maddie sits up straight. She hadn’t heard him come in.
Nodding, she sighs. “She’s freaked out about the car.”
“Did it not get back?”
“No, it did, which is why she freaked out.”
“Oh,” Tom says, rubbing the back of his neck. “Right.”
At least he has the decency to look ashamed. Maddie sighs, leaning her head back against the couch. “How am I supposed to explain any of this to her? She reacted badly enough to me getting married, I can’t imagine how she’ll respond to us adopting an alien.”
Tom sits down on the couch, leaving just enough space for Maddie to decide if she wants to lean against him. She does.
“We’ll figure it out, like we always do,” Tom says, taking her hand in his. “Maybe Sonic will let us borrow a couple rings, and we could go and explore things in person?”
“Not a bad idea,” Maddie admits. “But if she says anything to hurt him…”
“If anything bad happens, we’ll leave immediately.” Tom leans down, kissing her on the cheek. “Hey. It’s gonna be okay.”
“I know. I just don’t want him getting hurt. He’s already been through enough.”
“When we get there, maybe you can talk to Rachel first and then we can let her actually meet him? I mean, she already got through the ‘scream and pass out’ phase, but we don’t know what her reaction to him staying will be.”
“Interesting how I’m apparently the only person who managed to actually stay calm meeting him. No screaming, no passing out, no tranquilizers…”
“I’m never gonna live that down, am I?”
“Absolutely not.”
Tom rolls his eyes. “Jojo didn’t freak out either,” he reminds her. “They seemed to get along pretty well, from what I saw. More reason to visit, maybe?”
Maddie nods. She kept catching Sonic marveling at his shoes, and it wasn’t a stretch to think he’d like to see the girl who gave them to him again.
That had been the first gift he’d ever received, another little thing he’d tossed out casually that made Maddie’s heart ache to think about.
She leans her head against Tom’s shoulder. “We’ll ask him what he thinks first -“
“Ask me what?”
She looks up to see Sonic’s face barely a foot from her own, starling her enough that she flinches, accidentally smacking her head into Tom’s face.
“ Ow, ” Tom says, at the same time Sonic stutters out a quick “Sorry!” Maddie snorts, leaning forward to ruffle his quills before he can skitter away.
“Maybe a little warning next time,” she suggests, gently pulling him closer. He gives in quick enough, trying to mirror her and Tom and leaning his head against her shoulder. “We were thinking about going to see Rachel.”
“Your sister? The one you tied up?” His ears flatten.
“She called me asking about the car. It got back safe, by the way,” she adds, and his ears perk back up. “I wanted to tell her about you in person, just so everyone’s on the same page.”
His feet tap against the couch. “Is Jojo gonna be there?”
“She should be.” Sonic’s face breaks into a grin.
“Let’s go right now!” He launches himself off the couch, poised to run to San Francisco all alone any second.
“Slow down,” Tom says. Sonic pouts. “You’re not going there on your own. Don’t want any fish on your head, right?” Sonic is still pouting, but he sits back down. “We wanted to know if it’d be okay to use a couple rings?”
Sonic nods, feet tapping again. “Can we go today?”
“Maybe not today, kiddo. How’s tomorrow sound?”
At least he’s cute when he’s pouting. Maddie reaches over and pats his head, scratching the base of his ear. “This way we can plan things out. Maybe grab some gifts?”
That seems to cheer him up. There’s a rush of wind and Sonic’s gone, rushing up the stairs too fast for Maddie to see. A millisecond later and he’s back, carrying a giant cowboy hat she remembers taking from his cave.
“You wanna give that to Jojo?” Maddie asks. Sonic nods, fast enough that it blurs. “We’ll make sure to bring it with us, then. Wanna put it by the door in the meantime?”
Another rush of air, presumably Sonic doing exactly that, and then he’s back on the couch.
“Thank you,” Maddie says. Sonic always beams when she says that, delighted by the slightest praise. She turns to Tom. “Should we tell Rachel we’re coming?”
“She’ll think we’re crazy, but yeah.”
Maddie shoots off a quick text - We’re gonna come over tomorrow, and I’ll explain everything - and then turns off her phone.
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mustangshelby04 · 4 years
Boston Boy - Marriage Advice
This is just me being a little catty towards a certain ex while giving you guys more looks at our favorite couple’s married life.
Kate played another round of peek-a-boo with her and Chris’ nine-month-old daughter.  They were in LA for the premiere of Gifted, Chris’ movie that he had been filming when he and Kate met.  He had been super nostalgic over this press tour.  When he had filmed Ellen the day before, he had actually opened up to her about what it was like being a newlywed and new father to their daughter.  It had made Kate tear up.
Her excitement was through the roof for today, though.  After the premiere, she and Chris were taking Madison over to Twitch and Allison’s house for dinner.  Twitch had remembered their talk from the year before and had invited them as soon as they had walked into the studio.
“Kate, we need to get you dressed and finished, babe.” Jenn said, walking over to Kate and making faces at Madison.
“Ok.” Her hair was up in rollers, but her makeup had been done already. “Mom!”
“On it!” Helena came in and took Kate’s seat while her daughter kissed Madison’s cheek and went back to the master bedroom.
Chris was working on tying his tie and Kate nodded appreciatively. “That suit is going to look so good on you, baby.” She said.
“Not half as good as you will in that dress.” He winked and she grinned.  Jenn made a gagging sound as she grinned at the couple and got to work on Kate’s hair. “Seriously, Jenn, this dress is gorgeous.” Chris ran a hand over the forest green fabric of the A-line, deep V-neck dress with a beautiful train and a high slit.
“I thought it would accentuate her hourglass figure and show off her amazing shoulders and legs.” Jenn said. “Seriously, Kate, you have amazing shoulders and legs.”
“Thank you.” Kate said, blushing. “What shoes did you choose?”
“The nude Filamenta strappy Louboutin sandals.” 
“I love you.”
“You get to keep them.”
“Oh my god, marry me?”
Jenn laughed as Chris whipped around. “Um….” He held his hands out in a clear what-the-fuck motion.
“Look, it doesn’t have to be a legal marriage, but Jenn and I are going to have the ceremony.  I need to lock her down for life.”
“I’d be honored, babe.” Jenn said.
“Six months in and she’s already moving on to a second marriage.” Chris muttered playfully.
“Ok, go finish getting dressed out there so I can finish getting your wife ready.”
Thirty minutes later, Kate walked out looking like an old Hollywood goddess.  She had added some baby-lights to her hair recently to make it a tad bit blonder at Jenn’s insistence.  She had been right, of course.  The baby-lights looked really good with her porcelain skin and it really popped with the long beach waves that Jenn had done with her hair tonight.  
Chris let out a long, low whistle when he saw her.  He was holding Madison and looked at the baby with a grin. “Your mom looks gorgeous, huh?”
“I can agree with that assessment.” Helena said, situating her daughter’s train. “But I’ve always thought that.”
Megan walked into the room from Chris’ office. “Good.  We need to get moving.  We’re going to be running late if we don’t leave now.”
“That was my fault.” Kate said. “I wanted to feed Maddie before we left.”
“It’s ok.” Megan made a beeline for the door.
“We’ll be fine here.” Helena said, taking Madison from Chris. “I’ll see you later.  Have fun.”
The premiere for Gifted wasn’t nearly as large as the Civil War premiere.  It was much more chill in comparison.  Kate felt a lot more at ease and she and Chris posed happily together.  The press asked Chris questions about his marriage and baby, even directing questions at Kate herself.  Megan was great at helping Kate navigate the press.  They stood together while Chris took pictures with the cast and director.
“Is that Jenny Slate?” Kate asked Megan.
“In the floral dress, yeah.” Megan confirmed.
“I’m not a jealous person by nature, but I don’t like how she’s pawing or looking at my husband.” Megan looked a little nervous. “Meg?”
“Before Chris met you, he and Jenny were very flirtatious.”
“What ‘huh’?”
“Just…. Huh.” Kate never let her smile waver.  She knew the cameras were always watching.
“She’s married.”
“So is he, but that’s not stopping her from trying to flirt with him.”
“She’s not doing anymore press for the movie with him after this.  He’s strictly with McKenna and Octavia.”
Megan grinned at Kate and Kate laughed slightly.  Chris came over and took Kate’s hand.  They finished walking the press line and headed into the theatre. “What were you and Megan talking about?”
“You and Jenny Slate.”
“She said you two were really flirty before we met.”
“Oh.  I mean, I guess, but she’s married.  I wouldn’t ever….”
“I know you wouldn’t.”
“What does that mean?”
“Come on, Chris.  Are you completely blind?  That woman was all over you.”
“For pictures.” Kate rolled her eyes at her husband. “Kat, seriously…. She’s a nice person.”
“I love you, but you are such a dude!”
“Chris!” McKenna Grace came bouncing up and tugged on Chris’ arm. “Is this her?” The little girl’s eyes looked up at Kate excitedly.
“Yeah, McKenna, this is Kate.” Chris said with a big smile. “Kate, this is McKenna.”
“I’m so excited to finally meet you!” McKenna wrapped her arms around Kate’s waist. “Chris came back to set and he just couldn’t stop talking about you.  You really are the prettiest!”
Kate laughed. “Thank you!  He told me a lot about you, too.  I’m really excited to see you in the movie.”
“You are?!”
“I am!  Chris couldn’t say enough good things about you.”
“Chris!” McKenna giggled shyly which made Chris laugh. “Kate, you look really pretty.  I love your dress.”
“Thank you so much.  I love your dress, too.  The sparkles are really cool.”
“Thank you!” McKenna’s mother called her over. “I have to go to my mom.  I hope you like the movie.”
“I’m sure I will.  It was lovely to meet you.” McKenna hugged Kate again before running off. “She is just the sweetest thing.”
“So, I’m such a dude?” Chris asked, steering the conversation back to before McKenna came over.
“Yes.  Right now, it means that you’re completely oblivious to the fact that someone is hitting on you.”
“I swear she’s not….”
“She totally was.” Megan said, coming over.
“You’re ganging up on me?”
“Of course we are.  Seriously, Chris, watch out for Jenny.  She’ll get you in trouble.” Chris threw his arms up in defeat. “Ok, let’s head into the theatre.  They’re going to do introductions after the movie.”
As they headed for their assigned seats, Chris looked down at Kate. “I wouldn’t ever pursue her.”
“I know.” Kate said, squeezing his hand. “It’s not you I’m worried about.”
“Do you want me to say something to her?”
“Are you sure?”
Chris helped Kate situate her dress as she sat down before he sat beside her. “Are you planning something?”
Kate chuckled and leaned over to kiss her husband, running her fingers along his neck in the way she knew he liked.  He shuddered in pleasure and she grinned against his lips.  When they broke apart, Kate directed her gaze right at Jenny as she made her way to the seats behind Chris and Kate.  She gave Kate a tight grin before sitting down.
“That suit really does look amazing on you.” Kate said, adjusting Chris’ tie as she crossed her legs, using the slit to expose one of them from mid-thigh down.
Chris didn’t miss the bare leg.  He reached out and ran his hand along her knee and thigh. “I really love this dress.”
“Me too, but it’s a rental.”
“Can I buy it for you so you can just wear it around the house?”
Kate laughed. “I love you, you big dork.”
“I love you, too.” He leaned over and kissed her again.
Kate stood with Chris at the afterparty.  McKenna wasn’t there, but the rest of the cast and crew were.  Chris had proudly introduced her to everyone.  Octavia had given Kate the warmest hug and then Kate had promptly expressed her admiration for the actress.  The two women had talked about growing up in the South and even picked on Chris for being a ‘damn Yankee.  He jokingly took offense to that and corrected them by saying he’s a “diehard Red-Sox fan and don’t forget it.”
Chris looked down at his watch. “We need to leave soon if we’re going to make it home to pick up Maddie and head over to Twitch and Allison’s house.”
“Ok.” Kate took a sip of her champagne and set it down on a nearby table. “I need to pee.”
He chuckled. “I’ll be waiting right here.”
When Kate walked out of the bathroom, she rolled her eyes.  Jenny hadn’t come near her or Chris since the movie had ended.  She’d had to watch the couple make doe eyes at each other throughout the film.  Chris had kissed Kate’s hand or temple constantly and wrapped her in his arms when she had cried.  Now Jenny had slunk over when Kate hadn’t been near Chris.
Poor Chris looked super uncomfortable and his eyes brightened when he spotted his wife walking up behind Jenny.  Kate purposely slid between Jenny and her husband, kissing Chris for good measure, and then smiling brightly when he wrapped his arm tightly around her.  She finally turned and acknowledged Jenny.
“Hi, we haven’t met.  I’m Kate Evans, Chris’ wife and the mother of his daughter.” Kate said, not offering her hand.
“I heard you got married, Chris.” Jenny squawked. 
“I did.  We got married in October.”
“I bet you looked so handsome.”
“He did.” Kate snapped.
“My wife looked so much better than I ever could.” Chris said.
“Our daughter kind of stole the show, though.” 
“She did!  That little dress you chose was too cute on her.”
“Thank you, baby.” Kate kissed him quickly. “We need to get going.”
He looked at his watch.“Oh shit!  We do.  I’ll grab Megan and let her know we need the car pulled around.”
“Ok.” Kate watched Chris rush off and she looked at Jenny. “Look, if you’re not happy in your marriage, leave it.  But stay away from my husband.  He’s quite happy in his marriage.”
“I….” Jenny started.
“Save it.  I know about the flirtatious banter before Chris and I met.  I don’t care about that.  I care about you flirting with him now.  I care about you putting your hands on my husband where they don’t belong.”
“Babe!” Chris called, waving her over.
“If you’re not happy, find a way to get happy.  Talk to your husband and stay away from mine.  Have a nice life.” Kate gave Jenny a sarcastic smile as she walked to catch up with Chris.
“What did you say?” Chris asked, wrapping his arm around her waist and glancing at Jenny’s stunned face.
“Oh, I was just giving her some marriage advice.” Kate smiled up at Chris. “I think we’re doing well enough that I can dole some out.” 
He eyed her for a moment, but relented when she kept her smile at him. “I love you.”
“I love you, too, baby.  Now let’s go get our baby and hang out with some new friends!” Kate kissed him as they walked through the exit doors together.
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sugarcrash · 5 years
Clumsy // Ethan Dolan
 (A/N: So, I’m taking up writing again, now that I’ve gotten the swing of things in the new school year! Feel free to request! Also, ya’ll better be grateful, this took a long time to write and it’s 4,396 words lol)
Summary: When Y/N gets clumsy, she ends up making a mess - on Ethan Dolan. So how will it go down when they meet again?
Warnings: Swearing, quite a long intro (lol sorry)
“Ugh.” Y/N groaned at her phone. The alarm had been going off for the past minute, blasting the same annoying tune into her ears. Rolling over, she hit the “stop” button on the glowing screen.
The girl turned to snuggle back into her sheets when the door opened, revealing her mother, who was still in her pajamas.
“Y/N, you’ve really got to stop setting that thing so loud.” she complained. “It’s woken your brother up twice this week, and I honestly can’t handle it anymore.”
The young lady smirked into her pillow. Her 10 year old brother, Tyson, was a crazy creature when woken up early. She heard his tinny little voice singing the obnoxious Pokemon theme song, and it was clear he was seeking attention.
“Ty!” her mom stalked to the little boy. Y/N listened in silence as she heard her mother scold him for almost waking up their cranky father.
Just as she was checking the time on her iPhone, her older brother, Asher, appeared at her doorway. “Hey nerd, gonna get up or what?” he raised an eyebrow. 
Y/N let out a sigh and shifted her head to meet his eyes. “Just because I wear glasses doesn’t mean I’m a nerd, y’know.”
Asher rolled his pupils to the ceiling. “Well, the glasses and the fact that you’ve never gotten a grade lower than a straight B.” he knew she couldn’t argue with that.
“Whatever. Now leave so I can get dressed.” he did so, shutting the door behind him.
Y/N lugged herself out of bed and stared at her body in the full length mirror next to her dresser. She rubbed her tired eyes before glancing at the digital clock on her wall, which read 5:30 am.
“Why does school have to start so early?” she whined to herself as she bent over to her drawers, shifting through them before finding some simple black leggings and a pale yellow sweatshirt, one of her favorite outfits.
Before Y/N threw them on her body, though, she gave herself a quick sniff. Sure, she’d taken a shower last night, she smelled fine, but the bra she had been wearing for the past two weeks did not. She quickly changed her bra and panties before noticing there was a red splotch on her underwear.
“No, no no! Shit! You’re not supposed to be here for another week!” Y/N grumbled. Thankfully, she never put her tampons in the bathroom. Not only is it farther away from her room, so she’d have to run in bloody panties, but Asher and Tyson would probably find them.
She reached to her secret stash in her nightstand, pulling out the familiar blue-wrapped tube.
After she put in the tampon, she shoved on her clothes and rushed to brush her teeth. While she was doing so, Y/N received a text from her best friend, Lola.
L: Hey babes!
L: How ya doing?
Y/N: Not good, Aunt Flo decided to visit
L: Aww u poor thing! Cramps start yet?
Y/N: Nope, just waiting in agony. I hate having to walk around school with a little box of tampons
L: U can do it! For women everywhere!
Y/N: Cheers, bitch
Y/N spit the foamy toothpaste down the drain, watching it swirl as she got lost in her thoughts. Wasn’t that math quiz today? No, that was tomorrow. Would she see her crush, Alex? Would he acknowledge her?
“C’mon, dork, if you want a ride, get a move on!” Asher announced, walking down the hallway. Y/N grabbed her laptop and phone from her desk, brushing her hair as she made her way down the stairs. She grabbed her backpack from the coat rack, shoving her electronics and hairbrush inside before checking to make sure her tampon box was ready to go.
In the little flimsy plastic pouch she had found in a tampon kit for this very reason, there were three orange paper tubes. With a sigh, she stuffed them in her low side pocket on her leggings, throwing on some random socks and her Adidas tennis shoes.
Y/N checked the time again. 5:45. School started in around 20 minutes, and it was 15 or so minutes away from the house. ‘We’re gonna make it’ Y/N decided as she pulled her hair into a quick ponytail.
With her backpack over her shoulder, she wen to the kitchen to look for breakfast when Asher shouted “Think fast!” Before she knew it, Y/N was hit in the face with a breakfast bar.
She leaned over, face twisting into a mad expression when she saw what it was. She picked it up, then complain loudly to her 18-year-old brother. “Asher, you idiot!”
“Keep it down! Dad’s trying to sleep!” her sleepy mother came downstairs, Tyson weaving in between her legs.
“Mommy said that’s a potty word!” he announced, making Y/N roll her eyes. She needed to escape this mess, so with her breakfast bar in hand, she turned the handle and stepped out the front door. 
She hopped into Asher’s worn-down pickup truck, a gift from their grandfather on his 16th birthday. Y/N’s older brother soon appeared in the driver’s seat, using the key to start the car. Y/N pulled some headphones over her ears and let the music consume her.
A few minutes later, Asher pulled his car into the school parking lot with an abrupt stop, as to get Y/N’s attention. He lunged forward a bit, her headphones slipping off her ears.
“We’re here, sis.”
“Well, duh, I know.” the 15-year-old grumped.
“Alright, then get out.”
Y/N huffed and opened the car door, stepping out and taking a deep breath before starting toward the doors.
She looked down at her phone, and the time read 6:10. She had exactly five minutes before classes started and she was in trouble.
Y/N practically ran to the front doors, almost falling twice before reaching them and yanking the metal handles, revealing a main area full of students, most groggy.
She rushed to her locker, twirling the familiar lock to the right combo when Lola appeared next to her. 
“Hey, hon.” she chirped. Lola had always been a morning person, whereas Y/N was not.
“Hey.” the girl’s locker swung open, the small mirror reflecting her face. She gave a little smile to it before stuffing her backpack inside the cold metal space, grabbing the materials for her first class, language and literature.
“Aren’t you so glad that we have lang and lit this hour? Poor Maddie, having to go to math first.”
Y/N nodded her head just as the warning bell sounded, demanding that students get themselves ti their classes before they needed a  late pass. “Better start walking. We don’t need Mrs. Cooper getting mad at us again.” she nudged Lola, teasing her for yesterday’s mistake.
“Okay, okay, shut up.” she groaned at the memory. “Don’t look now, but someone’s right there!” her voice dropped to a singsong-ish whisper, and Y/N blushed, knowing just who she was speaking of. 
She glanced and caught his eye as they passed. His.
Alex Kallio’s.
The brown-haired boy had been Y/N’s crush since eighth grade, but he never noticed her. He fit in with the popular crowd. She did not. It only actually worked in movies.
“Y’know, Hayden was over there, too.” the girl told her friend. Her cheeks instantly flushed, and Y/N smiled. “You can’t deny it anymore.”
“I don’t have a crush on him! God!” her face was adorned with playful annoyance as the young lady next to her rolled her eyes, showing that her little love was all too obvious.
“Sure, whatever you say.”
“Stop it!” Lola whined. They pretended to be mad at one another before looking at one another, bursting into laughter.
They then reached the door. “Wanna know something?” Lola asked Y/N, who nodded. “I think one of the Dolans was totally looking at you.”
“No way. They’re, like, the most popular sophomores. And so handsome.”
“Looks like someone has two new crushes. Move over Alex, here come Ethan and Grayson.” the two giggled and took their seats just as the teacher walked in.
“Good morning, class.” Mrs. Cooper spoke, her voice filling the room.
“Good morning, Mrs. Cooper.” the class groaned back.
There was a click from the door and in waltzed the Dolan twins, goofy smiles on their faces. “Sorry.” they apologized together, but it was clear that the word meant nothing.
“Boys! We’ve talked about this before, you can’t continue to be late to class every day!” Mrs. Cooper scolded the teens.
Y/N raised her eyebrows and closed her eyes, her ears soon filling with the daily lecture on how it’s important to be a good student, and blah, blah, blah.
The twins sort of just stood there, secretly stealing looks and rolling their eyes at their friends, showing that it was clearly not a care. Then Ethan caught Y/N’s glance for a split second, and that’s when she realized she’d been staring.
“Lola!” she hissed at her friend. “How long was I looking?”
The girl let out a giggle. “The whole damn time.”
Y/N groaned and hid her face in her hands at Lola’s response, lifting it up only to see that class was starting.
*Time Skip*
Finally, 4th period. Lunch. Y/N could finally hang out with all her friends at once, rather than having to pass along notes and retell stories over and over again.
Y/N subconsciously walked into the cafeteria, lost in her thoughts. She found herself heading over to the lunch line, thinking about her love life.
“Do I really want Alex? What about Ethan? Or Grayson? I suppose there’s always that one kid, Adam, who’s always been nice to me.” she thought to herself, grabbing a tray from the stack.
As she made her way down the line, she noticed that the kids at the popular table somehow got a hold on a small foam football. She shook her head, getting a focus back on reality, rather than daydreaming and watching.
Y/N waited patiently as the long line got shorter, until she was next to get food. A school cook scooped some spaghetti onto her little tray, along with some salad.  Just as she had gotten out of line, she turned to her usual table, where all her friends were placed. 
Y/N began to fast walk toward them, not looking at her surroundings. Neither was Ethan Dolan, who, at the moment, was making an attempt to catch the small football before it hit the ground. He caught the ball in a jump and settled on the ground
Y/N was walking forward, but her head turned when she looked across the room, getting back to her thinking. She headed straight toward Ethan and, BAM! They collided.
Y/N spaghetti flew out of her hands , landing on her favorite sweatshirt with a thump, probably leaving a stain. She fell backwards onto her butt, the small tampon pack in her leggings flinging out, unclasping and sending the products all over the floor. 
Ethan had barely flinched at the contact.
He took a look at who had crashed into him, before realizing what a mess the girl was in. He immediately ran to go get napkins for her, as she got herself up and tried to gather everything.
People started to laugh as they noticed what had happened, and Y/N felt hot tears begin to prick at her eyes. “I’m so stupid, so clumsy.” she thought.
Ethan came back while she was still attempting to clean, though it was hard. She sat on her knees for a moment, resting her hands on her sides before feeling around.
Her tampon box was gone. Y/N started to mentally freak out, now frantically looking before someone found them and she got even more embarrassed. But it was hard to search, seeing that her eyes were blurry with tears.
“Hey, are you okay?” Ethan asked. Y/N only nodded her head. “Are you looking for something?”
She was about to nod again, stopping herself and realizing that, if she told him, he’d want to help, and he’d have to know what it was. She decided against his help, responding with a short “No.”
“Well, it looks like you are. Here, I’ll help.”
Y/N panicked as he looked on the floor, trying to find something that he didn’t even know what it is was, before his eyes settled on the bright orange tampon wrappers, along with the little blue box. Y/N was doomed.
The muscular boy picked them up and smiled, proud of himself that he did something right, but then Ethan realized what they were.
Both sophomore’s faces flushed with embarrassment as people realized their predicament, roaring with laughter around them.
“A-Are these yours?” Ethan asked sheepishly.
Y/N snatched them out of his hand, touching it for only a second, but long enough for something to spark. She looked into his eyes, then tore her gaze away, sprinting out of reach and into the empty hallway.
Once alone in the girl’s bathroom, Y/N broke down, tears running down her cheeks. Her favorite sweatshirt was ruined, she embarrassed herself and a popular kid in front of the whole school, and her crush would probably never look at her again.
The door burst open with a bang, hitting the wall behind it, and in came her friends Lola, Maddie, and Zoe.
“Oh my god, are you okay?” Maddie asked. 
“We saw the whole thing!” Zoe exclaimed.
Lola sat down next to Y/N, and the two other followed. They gave her a huge group hug and let her cry.
After Y/N was finished, Lola suggested that she get a new shirt. The girl agreed, and the four went to the office to look for something in the lost and found.
“Well, honey, why don’t you go look in the bin? There should be a shirt or two in there.” the secretary told the girls.
They sifted through the large blue bucket and found two shirts, an old white one that smelled awful and was looking a little yellow, and a stupid Lego Batman shirt that was in pretty good condition, but smelled as if someone mixed too much cologne and sweat together.
“No doubt, these are from the boy’s locker room.” Zoe pinched her nose with her left hand as she used the right one to hold the shirt far away from her while she examined it.
“Whatever. At least it’s better than the one I’m wearing now.” Y/N grabbed the dangling shirt and sighed before marching to the bathroom.
A few minutes later, Y/N came back into the office. The shirt fit her perfectly, giving a sign that it was probably from some nerdy kid with no build whatsoever.
“Oh, good, sweetie, you found something. Now, you kids better get back to class before your teachers get mad.” the secretary instructed. The four girls nodded and headed out.
Once alone in the hallway, Maddie spoke up. “Okay, like, I know this whole thing was traumatizing for you, Y/N, but can we just talk about how cute you and Ethan would be?”
Zoe and Lola laughed, but Y/N quickly clamped a hand down on Maddie’s mouth. “Don’t! Someone could hear!”
“Yeah, but it’s not like it’s a false statement.” Zoe giggled.
Lola smirked. “Totally. I ship.” 
Y/N covered her ears, playfully getting annoyed at her friends and running ahead of them, making the girls chase after her. They reached the sophomore hallway, laughing as they rushed to their lockers as to not be later than they already were.
Y/N collected her binder, pencil case, and laptop before turning to her friends. “Bye guys, see you after class.”
“Bye.” they called in unison.
The rest of the day went on painfully slow, and Y/N was called out several times during the day, getting comments on how she was clumsy or embarrassing. But there were always a few nice kids who asked her if she was okay.
By the time the bell rang at the end of the day, the girl was exhausted. Sh had been assigned at least 5 pages of homework, and probably an essay or two. But she couldn’t really say, because she hadn’t been paying that much attention.
To top of all the bad luck of the day, Ethan hadn’t looked at her again. No matter how many times Y/N attempted to catch his eye, he’d purposely turn his head the other way. They both knew what he was doing.
“Fine then.” Y/N thought to herself. “Save your ego. Can’t have anyone catching you look at me.”
She then blushed, realizing she was getting mad at him like he was her friend. They had barely ever interacted, why was she feeling and acting this way?
Y/N met Asher outside of the school, in the student parking lot. He was already in the car, obviously annoyed that his little sister had taken so long.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry!” she babbled apologies as she clambered into the car and buckled up. Though she would never admit it, she tried to impress her brother and stay on his good side. He was in with the popular crowd at school, and she took every chance she got to look cool to him.
“Yeah, whatever. Listen, I heard what happened to you today.” Y/N’s face flushed red when he brought up the memory. “I know you had a bad day, so I’m gonna give you a deal. It’s a one time thing, though, okay?”
He turned to look at Y/N, and she nodded. 
“If you want, you can come to this party with me tonight. I’m hearing that some of the sophomores will be there, too, so it’s not like you’ll be alone. You wanna go?”
“Oh, yeah. That sounds like fun.”
“Okay. We’re leaving at 8:30. If mom or dad asks, we’re going to the movies with a few friends. I will not have my night ruined by some kid who can’t keep her mouth shut.”
His sister pursed her lips, showing that her lips were sealed. He put his key into the ignition and started it, driving back to the house.
Once they arrived from the ten minute drive, Y/N raced straight up to her room, taking no time in saying hello to the rest of her family. Really, though, it was only her mom, because her dad was at work and Tyson was still at school.
Y/N immediately texted her friends about the party.
Y/N: Guysss!!!
L: Wat
Z: What is it??
Y/N: I’m going to a party 2nite!
M: R u serious? How?
Y/N: Asher
L: Ah, that makes more sense
Z: What r u gonna wear?
Y/N: idk
M: Well, when r u leaving?
Y/N: 8:30, why?
M: U guys r so overdramatic
Y/N: Agreed. Will text when I have perfect outfit.
Y/N set her phone gently on the bed before turning it off, going over to her dresser and rooting through it to find the perfect combination of an outfit.
She pulled out various dresses, skirts, pants, and shirts, sifting through each one carefully and pairing together different items that may look good together. Y/N tried on each option before settling on the perfect ensemble, one that was casual but cool at the same time. “Coolsual”, she called it.
Y/N flopped onto her bed and flipped open her laptop, going to YouTube to entertain her for a few hours before she showed her friends what she’d be wearing. 
Eventually, time passed (though Y/N would admit quite slowly because of how excited she was to go to this party)
She threw on her outfit, a skin-tight black off-the-shoulder top that adorned long sleeves, paired with a pretty black and white plaid skirt with a small chain hanging off the hip and connecting to one of the belt loops. Y/N also had on knee-high black socks, and finished off with a slight coat of make-up.
The girl stood in the mirror, snapping a picture before sending it to her awaiting girlfriends, who responded with “omg!”s and “love it!”s.
Y/N smiled at her phone, knowing they would’ve said the same thing if she staples herself in a trash bag, even if she knew they were lying. 
“Are you coming or not?” Asher yelled from the bottom of the stairs up to her room. Y/N hadn’t realized the time and yelled back in response, grabbing her purse and heading downstairs.
She pulled on some quick tennis shoes, not wanting to be bothered with the burden of having heels on, even if they weren’t that tall.
“Finally, you slowpoke, I texted you only a million times!” her older brother complained.
“Girls take longer!” she complained, but the both of them knew that she was just lazy in getting ready.
Asher chuckled and shook his head at the younger girl. “Whatever. Let’s go.”
They started out the door and into the driveway, entering the car. The senior put his key into the ignition and they drove the 5 minutes in silence to his friend’s house.
Once they arrived, Y/N noticed that there were so many more people than anticipated. She could already tell that this wasn’t going to be as fun as she expected, and she recognized no one out on the lawn.
“Whatever.” Y/N thought to herself. “I’ll just hang out by the cooler the entire time. No big deal.”
But she was lying to herself, and she knew it. It was a big deal, seeing as she was never one to be so involved with large crowds of people. She had her group of friends, and that was all she needed. Nevertheless, she snapped out of her thoughts and brought herself to push open the car door. 
The minute they stepped out of the vehicle, Asher was swooped away by his friends, no surprise there. Y/N, left to fend for herself, went to the food. It was in the corner by some chairs anyways, so it was a nicer place to be alone rather than out in the sea of bodies that were dancing, some quite inappropriately, she may add.
Suddenly, the girl felt someone sit next to her. Y/N turned her head to find Amber, a girl that she sometimes talked to in her math class. They were getting to know each other pretty well, finding things in common when they had the time.
“Hi.” the brunette spoke, a bit quietly. It could’ve just been the loud music, but Amber was a known introvert, so it was a surprise to see her in a place like this.
“Hey. What are you doing here? I wouldn’t expect to see you at a party, no offence.” Y/N responded.
“None taken, and I could say the same for you. My friend Samantha dragged me here. I don’t know why though, because she knows I don’t go to these things.”
“Ah. My brother offered to take me, since I had a pretty bad day, but I realize it’s definitely not my scene.”
Amber hummed in response, and the two girls people-watched for a few minutes, until Y/N noticed a certain someone in the crowd.
Ethan Dolan.
He stood next to his twin, Grayson, talking animatedly to a few of his friends. Y/N hadn’t noticed she was staring until Amber poked at her side for the second time.
“Y/N! Earth to Y/N!” she called, before noticing who she was looking at. “Ooh, you like him?”
“Yeah.” the girl called absentmindedly, unaware that Amber had even asked a question, let alone what the topic was.
Amber squealed. “Oh my god! It’s gonna be hard to get to him, though, he practically has a line of girls waiting for him.”
“What?” Y/N turned to Amber. “Please explain, I have no idea what you just said.”
As Amber talked to the sophomore next to her, unbeknown that she was being watched.
From across the room, Ethan was looking directly at her, watching as she talked to a girl that was probably in the grade, but never bothered to learn who she was.
Y/N and Ethan had only ever crossed paths a few times, seeing as she was obviously less popular than he. But after today, he felt butterflies dashing around in his stomach, and he wasn’t sure if it was from embarrassment or having a crush.
Little did he know, Y/N felt the same way.
Whatever the feeling, the muscular boy decided to suck it up and go talk to her. On the other side of the room, Y/N was oblivious to his attempts to get her attention.
After a few minutes, her gaze eventually shifted to him, and Y/N grinned at Ethan when they made eye contact. He ended his conversation and sauntered over to the sitting girl.
“Hey.” he spoke, causing Y/N to blush a little bit. She couldn’t believe it, a popular kid, talking to her. Willingly.
“Hi.” she quietly spoke, afraid that she would mess something up. The two sophomores looked at each other for a minute, small grins on both of their faces.
“So,” Ethan broke the ice. “How are you doing after today? Y’know, with the whole cafeteria thing...”
Y/N silently thanked him for asking “I’m doing good. Unfortunately, my favorite sweatshirt was ruined, but it’s okay.”
“Oh, I’m sorry, I should’ve been watching where I was.”
“No, no, it’s my fault.”
The taller boy breathed out of his nose before speaking again. “So, see you around?”
“For sure.”
With that, Ethan left Y/N to go find his friends once more. What they didn’t know is that both of them felt the same feeling of butterflies invading their bodies, jittery and nervous.
Alex Kallio who?
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6 Secret Santa / Gifts
Secret Santa Switch
The ever important Secret Santa game was back. It'd been skipped last year but was now back with a vengeance.
Anything could top buck's first here where he'd been given socks with condoms in them. Jenkins had said it was to keep him warm and safe that holiday season.
Buck just hoped he got someone he had a good idea about this year. Even if he didn't he'd do his best to find insight and snatch them a great gift.
This year he'd gotten Davis. He knew a little about them but not as much as the others they was closer too. From what Cooper said they liked fishing yeah but also they'd taken up gardening with their spouse recently.
It was a no brainer to get them a nice new lure that was an imitation of a flowering plant Buck saw in the picture he'd been shown.
He hoped whoever got him put in the same effort but either way he'd still be sure to thank them. No one didn't try really nowadays.
It came to the night and Buck sat next to Eddie after they'd had dinner.
For a second he'd hoped Eddie was his Secret Santa but unless he'd asked buck for help as a way of misdirecting he was thinking it was Hen or Bobby that Eddie had gotten from what he asked him.
He'd looked up from watching Eddie to see Davis gaping at the lure. It filled him with pride to see how happy they were.
"Who was it?" They'd asked picking it up and spinning it around to look at it from every angle.
Maddie sitting beside Athena called it out since Buck took too long. She was writing down who declared having gotten what but some wanted to remain anonymous.
"It was Buck. I guess you like it?" She asked with a smile.
"It's perfect Buck. Can't wait to test it out first chance I get. Thank you"
There was a murmured "why do they get to be one of the lucky ones this year." From one of the others but before buck can look over to see who said it Eddie's bumping him softly causing buck to look over and see him smiling and nodding.
"Buck you're up next." Athena said checking the list for who'd still needed to open theirs.
Buck's box was kinda big and a little heavy. Whatever was inside of it was moving while he picked it up.
Upon unwrapping and opening it he was greeted by-
"Rocks?" Buck asked frowning at his gift. No wait they were-
"Whoever gave this boy coal, I'm watching you." Athena warned as Buck closed his gift.
Maddie's smile faltered.
"Umm. Who's next?" Buck tried laughing while wanting to get this over with.
Eddie looked sympathetic as Buck lowered the box.
"Eddie its you then Sam." Athena announced.
Eddie picked up his and quickly unwrapped it not once but twice make that three times.
It was some drink mixes and liquors? Huh?
Hen came over from getting a drink refill with Karen and Chim.
"Eddie why are you opening Buck's gift?" She asked while looking at what she'd gotten him in Eddie's hands.
"What?" Eddie saw Buck lean down to pick up the tag.
"You got me too?" He asked Hen while showing Eddie that it read Buck's Secret Santa.
"What do you mean too?" Karen asked with her arm around Hen.
Buck pulled out his big box and showed them.
"Hold on a minute. So no one got Eddie but two people got buck?" Athena asked as Bobby got up and walked over.
"How did that happen?" He asked looking around.
"Ha. Did you like it buck?" Chimney asked looking at the box.
"You!? You got me coal?" Buck asked confused.
"Well yeah." Chimney said earning a gasp from Maddie. so she didn't know then?
Athena offered an "excuse you" as Bobby looked skeptical of things.
"Not just that. So you didn't look at the bottom then. Huh?" Chimney asked coming over.
"Sure you can be a pain in the butt once in a while, so can all of us buddy. I only meant it as a joke. We wouldn't have you any other way. Merry Christmas Buck."
Buck rummaged under the coal bits to find a large black envelope with another white one inside.
"Tickets to a game?" Buck smiled.
"The team you keep talking about watching. The way you look while you talk about game night I knew it'd be a good gift." Chimney said smiling as Buck blushed.
"Uh. Thanks Chimney. It'll be cool going in person." With Eddie and Christopher he didn't say. "Sorry I thought it was just the coal."
"Nah. I wouldn't do that to my old roomie." Chimney shrugged.
"My gift was more so I could see those hidden skills you had as a bartender. Only this time you'd be drinking with us at your place instead of sneaking it on the clock. if you did that back then." Hen said taking another sip of her drink.
"Now I feel bad for Eddie." Bobby said looking at the team.
"Should I tell them?" Eddie asked looking at Buck.
"Chim I'm glad you got the tickets but the team I keep talking about is Eddie's favorite not mine." Buck laughed.
"Oh!" Chimney said thinking about it that made more sense than buck abandoning his old favorite. He was nothing if not loyal. "I was thinking of Maddie and the two of us but Christopher and you two could go." Chimney guessed as Maddie smiled at the turn of events.
"So someone did get Eddie a gift. Even if it was unintentional." Bobby noted while putting a hand on Eddie's shoulder.
"Chimney you're lucky that wasn't all you gave." Athena said coming over to bat at his arm.
"What'd I miss?" He asked rubbing his arm in fake hurt.
"She sort of threatened whoever gave buck coal but that was before we knew about the actual gift." Maddie explained.
As everyone was cleaning before leaving Eddie came over to Buck who was throwing trash into a garbage bag.
"Need some help?"
"No. Don't worry. You can head out Eds."
He was already grabbing what few drinks and dessert plates were around. It wasn't that much.
"I'm glad you didn't get left out." Buck said tying the bag off and putting it in a corner for a second.
"Well I look forward to seeing your sweet bartending skills. Might need to bring some more supplies for you to make on New Year's though." Eddie laughed while buck came to stare at him.
"So about the game. Uh. Has Christopher ever gone to one?" Buck rubbed the back of his neck.
"I think so. But this will be the first with his Buck. I'm sure he'll find it fun at least until near very end. We can leave early and get something for him." Eddie suggested.
"It's a date. I mean-" buck said.
"I don't want to wait till next year for a date if that's okay with you." Eddie pulled buck away from where the others still there could see.
"Uh. I'd be okay with doing anything as long as it's with you." Buck leaned in but stopped.
Eddie closed the distance between them to kiss buck so slow and soft, like he was trying to draw it out enjoying every second.
"Don't you gotta pick up Chris already?"
"Yeah. Wanna come over with me. I'm sure he'll love hearing about you going to a game with us next year."
"I wouldn't miss it for the world. Count me in." Buck said picking up the trash.
Eddie waited for buck to follow him downstairs.
Neither of them noticed the pair of eyes watching them hold hands as they went to go outside.
"About time." They said.
Buck was in Eddie's passenger seat now as they went to pick up Chris.
"I still don't get how I was in the hat twice."
Eddie laughed.
"Wait it was you?"
"I wrote your name instead of mine but when I saw a gift under my seat I thought someone fixed it. Turns out I still got a gift even if I already would have had what I wanted either way."
"You didn't have to do that."
"I wanted to. You deserve all the gifts you could want. Plus I've still got something up my sleeve."
"What's that?" Buck asked leaning to look Eddie in the eyes at a red light.
"You'll have to wait and find out." Eddie said smiling.
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sweetprincing-blog · 5 years
        ❝         can the world buy such a jewel         ?         ❞
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( joshua castille, cis male, he/him ) ❝ hey that's CLAUDIO FLORIAN from auradon, they’re the THIRD child of BELLE & ADAM FLORIAN. they're TWENTY FOUR years old and always seem to remind me of FRESH SHEETS, STRAY GLITTER ON THE SKIN, BALLET SCORES, HONEYSUCKLES, AND A FULL BOOKSHELF. you’ll notice that they're CHILDISH but also pretty SUPPORTIVE too. with all that’s going on, i heard they DON'T think the villain kids are responsible.
hello !! i’m holly, 21, from australia. more importantly, this is my soft garbage boy, claudio !! come love us, pls n ty
tw: depression, anxiety
NAME / claudio pierre florian NICKNAMES / claude D.O.B. / june 23 STAR SIGN / cancer ORIENTATION / homosexual, homoromantic HABITS / wringing hands, blushing, downcast eyes, standing on toes POSITIVE TRAITS / supportive, intelligent, forgiving, romantic, proactive NEGATIVE TRAITS / childish, blunt, whiny, foolish, reclusive BUILD / thin; about five foot two. SCARS & BIRTHMARKS / a smattering of faded freckles across shoulders
cowardly     ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ● ○ ○      brave energetic    ○ ○ ● ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○     lethargic forgiving    ● ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○      vengeful charitable    ● ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○     selfish authentic     ● ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○      deceitful chaste     ○ ○ ○ ● ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○      lustful humble   ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ● ○ ○ ○     boastful naive     ○ ● ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○      experienced cautious     ○ ○ ○ ● ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○       daring restrained     ○ ● ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○      bold trusting     ○ ○ ○ ● ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○      suspicious
1 / he is born number three of four children and the world around him is exceptionally quiet. it’s not as if he notices, however. what he does notice is getting in trouble far more than his siblings, finding himself yelled at more than them, sent to bed without supper more than them, but he can’t work out why. in fact, he only starts to notice something is wrong when he’s taken to a doctor at four years old. there’s too many tests and his little ears hurt afterwards but they realise he’s deaf. he’s not a rude little boy at all -- he just can’t hear them.
2 / as a little prince growing up, claudio lives a relatively peaceful life. he’s a big lover of stories, just like his mother, which leads him to books. loving to tell stories leads him to a life of dance. he’s an excellent little ballet dancer, actually, which takes his whole family by surprise. terribly ungraceful in his real life, claudio is effortless whilst dancing, even when he’s little. it’s a gift that transfers into other areas -- movement is a skill that allows him to speak. he picks up signing and invests his time in the deaf community.
3 / he has a special teacher to tutor him on deaf culture on top of his regular education, he dances six times a week, he fences, he reads, he tells stories to children at deaf schools. despite the pressure on him from his parents and the kingdom and himself, he is doing his part as a good and noble prince. he is doing good and it feels good. unfortunately for claudio, sweet as he is, he is incredibly naive and easily wrapped up -- he loves to tell romance stories, love stories, sickly sweet disgusting stories, and so when a slightly older man comes into the picture, claudio cannot help but get swept up in the rush of it all.
4 / when it ends, as inevitably it does, he completely breaks claude’s heart. his entire world falls apart, really, and it takes him a long time to put himself back together. he loses all interest in dance and books and speaking ( relying purely on sign, with no interest in speaking english at all ), and instead spends all his time curled up in his room suffering. he’s a big romantic and so a broken heart really hurts him. as time passes, he slowly emerges out of his room and back into the world, still naive but much more wary about love this time.
5 / now twenty four, claude is trying his best to keep his life together and to stop himself from falling apart. his mental health is trying to get the better of him, but here he is, studying law, getting back into dance, returning to telling stories to deaf schools and pushing for more accessibility. princely things. good things. and god, god -- he wants to be good. he needs to be good, because being passable isn’t enough. being okay isn’t enough. he is the son of belle and adam and he is a prince and he has to be good. he just hopes the pressure isn’t becoming too much.
EX BOYFRIEND, 26-29. ANY MALE OR MALE-ALIGNED NB FC. this guy was claudio’s whole world. may or may not be able to sign. where claude was completely and utterly in love, this guy was in it for the clout, wealth, and material gifts. he completely and utterly broke claude’s heart. they dated for four years ( claude was 18-22 ) and it ended two years ago. 
( suggested fcs: rahul kohli, sean teale*, austin p. mckenzie, andy mientus*, kiowa gordon, bob morley, henry golding* )
CHILDHOOD BEST FRIEND, 23-27. ANY FC. this person has been claude’s rock for their entire lives, as he’s been theirs. the two of them are seldom seen apart, even now, and are able to communicate by just looking at each other. it’s that kind of friendship. basically claude’s sibling outside of his siblings. likely a child of royalty. 
( fionn whitehead*, geraldine viswanathan*, jordan fisher, lana condor, luke newberry, reina hardesty*, daniel durant, lauren ridloff*, shamir bailey*, ali stroker )
CURRENT LOVE INTEREST, 25-29. ANY MALE OR MALE-ALIGNED NB FC. this guy wasn’t in claude’s life during his last relationship, and so is mostly unaware of what has gone on, aside from gossip they might have heard. i would,,, love him to be the bad boy type to contrast claude’s preppiness. it would be cool if they were a villain’s child! 
( suggested fcs: charles melton*, tommy martinez, rome flynn, dacre montgomery, avan jogia, diego tinoco*, alex aiono* )
BAD INFLUENCE, 26-28. ANY FEMALE OR FEMALE-ALIGNED NB. a bad influence friend. claude’s way too uptight for his own good and needs a little loosening -- also, considering his quietly growing interest in feminine clothes and things, he needs someone to help him explore his femininity as well as break the rules. could be villain or hero child. 
( suggested fcs: elizabeth gillies, jessica vu, kelly gale*, lyrica okano, emma mackey, hayley kiyoko, emeraude toubia, maddison brown* )
EX FRIENDS, 22-27. ANY FC. people who claude was friends with before and during his relationship that his ex drew him away from. they didn’t know much about the ex boyfriend, but they knew he was bad news. claude desperately wants to reconnect with them. likely to be children of royalty. can be any number of muses! 
( suggested fcs: naomi scott, chella man*, anthony ramos, nico tortorella, iman meskini*, maddie baillio*, maxence danet-fauvel, maia cotton, marlon langeland*, shannon purser, herman tommeraas, ingrid nilson*, cengiz al*, courtney eaton*  )
BRAND NEW FRIENDS, 22-29. ANY FCS. literally just give this boy some friends. we can discuss how and where and why they met and what their dynamics are, he just needs some pals, honestly. could be villain or hero child.
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