#add another tag
purfxctx · 1 year
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smilesession · 8 months
Go ahead, put anything.
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charliedrawsbiteof87 · 8 months
Just some more fnaf art yall!!
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feltcaverns · 6 months
did you misspell "GA?Y?Y?Y?Y??"? there is a lot of that on plushrump.com. all sorts of stuff for your wild and twisted mind i think
oh! no, i think i understand. due to activities we are not offering plushrump.com services to the state of georgia :) fuck you very much!
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thegildedcentury · 6 months
Hey, I did a thing!
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Greetings. I really should be proud to announce that a short story I've written has been accepted and published in the Spring 2024 issue of the BlazeVOX literary journal and not currently fixating on everything that could possibly be wrong with it, yet here we are. As one last, desperate act of token rebellion against my overwhelming self-doubt, I am forcing myself to be pleased to present it here to you, my dear followers, and by proxy any of your own followers you opt to share this post with.
I offer you my solemn assurance that BlazeVOX is an actual, legitimate publishing entity that's been around since the year 2000 and has its own Wikipedia page and everything. BlazeVOX is not some fly-by-night literary organization that will take your deeply personal poem about your first intimate sexual experience and sell it for fentanyl; not even the good kind of fentanyl, rather some stuff that's been stepped on so many times it won't even kill you no matter how much you take.
No! BlazeVOX is the real deal, an organization run by passionate lovers of all kinds of literature ranging from non-fiction to poetry to short fiction such as my own story, which I am just now realizing I should probably tell you the name of.
My story is The Balcony Over The Sea. It is a short (Only 5,837 words! That's shorter than the average tweet thread about how giving Princess Peach her own video game is destroying Western Civilization!) retelling of the events of Homer's Odyssey from the perspective of Odysseys' son Telemachus but despite that I swear it is actually good, full of sex and violence and romance and conflict, not to mention tantalizingly graphic depictions of both thoughts and feelings in all their lewd glory. Please take a look at it if you are interested in melancholy romantic fantasy or acting out of pity, both are acceptable. The name I write under is E.W.H. Thornton, which is just my real name but dramatically shortened in order to save the reader precious seconds that could be better spent viewing pornography. Please consider reblogging this post if you like the story, or are darkly amused by clogging up your followers' feeds with random crap. Thank you, and good night.
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everydaygremlin · 6 months
Go ahead, put anything
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should i stop giving up on everything i'm not instantly good at
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star--anon · 1 year
Go ahead, put anything.
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Go ahead, put anything.
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bakubabe-chlorine-p · 2 months
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My bakusona
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coolritofacts · 2 months
been shittin
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ramblesbiab · 1 year
Go ahead, put anything.
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disneys-fast-play · 1 year
Go ahead, put anything.
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bryce-711 · 3 months
stuff ive been holding for like a bajillion years
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those ar all my digital ones i did. i have like, a lot of stuff in my notebooks. (like, A LOT more.)
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favoritesticle · 1 year
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im having thoughts maybe i have to write a dj-coded weighty drabble of sorts. Who knows. we need some debauchery in the oven
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