#addison kin
reincarnival · 2 years
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Blue Addison Moodboard for anon!!
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brightgoat · 1 year
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JJBA x my addisons, because it's simply too obvious
Link and Interlinked Co belong to @/PUKESEVEN
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lovedtogekiss-art · 2 years
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read the palette name and immediately thought kin thoughts again. heres the pink addison in "my wife fucking left me", palette by @m-chromatic
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torchsart · 2 years
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*hits my sona with addisonification beam* hi
inspired by @tolabia's post abt what color addi you would be and what would you sell!! firewall was technically born that day... nd then i made her cooler by giving her an aux cord tail
sprite edit closeups and more info under the cut :D
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i see that everyone makes small and big versions for stuff like this so. me too
Note i am not good at pixles
OK SO first off, the name firewall is entirely unrelated to anything abt them, its just a play on the fact that i go by Torch and Firewalls are a computer thing
multiple design elements are borrowed from my main sona! the hair shape, her eyes being light/dark + 3rd color, and the fact she has sharp teeth and a mask & tail
makes you accept terms and conditions before buying her $1 thought, which legally lets her follow you around until you pay her or she somehow runs out of things to talk abt
carries the speaker everywhere, keeps it in her inventory outside of work hours
the voice that comes out of the speaker is theirs! but changes based on what theyre thinking abt. for example if they have a certain song stuck in their head, youll just hear whatever part theyre thinking abt
her tail is compatible with anything an aux cord can be plugged into!! the broadcast wont stop unless she gets unplugged, the device itself is turned off or muted, or she somehow manages to just Stop Thinking
the Shut Up price varies, but its never below $100 unless you reeaallyy beg for it, she might have mercy on you. youll hear her exact thought process as she decides whether or not to give you a discount
in more personal settings, they talk normally so they can plan their words better. in situations where itd be difficult for them to say something out loud, theyll use the speaker instead
feels more vulnerable without the mask than literally broadcasting their every thought
However. has absolutely embarrassed themself by leaving the speaker on in certain situations. like noting that someone cute walked by only for that person to hear it
extra fluffy under the uniform :3
undecided if other addisons can have tails too or if she gets to be my specialest girl..
theres no real reason she cant keep up the Customer Service face, its just too tiring for her and the facade breaks more often than not. shes better at keeping up the smile so she only wears a masquerade mask
personality wise, theyre just sort of bubbly! gets rlly passionate abt the things they like and are eager to ramble to anyone wholl listen! does try to be genuinely polite and friendly but the addison nature of needing to sell can get in the way at times
im stealing the glowy addisons hc and also addis purring so Yeah firewall does that too. they glow a lot when theyre excited and they also make chirps and trills ^^
can also get Quite Anxious and overthink a lot. if the speaker is on, itll be easy to catch and talk her out of it with some reassurance :)
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gay-ghostwriter · 8 months
So the zombies are black coded, the werewolves are native american coded, and the aliens are immigrants (you could argue they're asian coded, but I don't wanna get into an argument over this movie)
My question to you, tumblr, is: If Z-O-M-B-I-E-S had more sequels, what kind of insensitive racial coding would the vampires and merpeople have?
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lovedtogekiss · 11 months
im holding every single spamton kinnie's hands btw. we're going to a junkyard and finding abandoned tvs and phones to hit with hammers together <3
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dear-fictionkin · 1 year
my dear group,
hello again, loves. i'm sorry i haven't sent anything to you all, heh. my grief and guilt overcame me.
i have wonderful news, dears, did you know? i found him. i finally found him. or rather, he found me! oh, loves, all my life looks rosy, with this turn of events
i hope that you all are soon to follow. this joy... it's overwhelming, darlings.
my survey, my vivi, my netty (yellow, blue, and orange addison for tagging)... come home soon, alright? then we can all go to the grill together <3
love, cammy (pink addison, deltarune)
[postage date: May. 11]
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eyzoa · 2 years
hello! could i request some names and neopronouns for the blue addison from deltarune? :)
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Azul (Blue)
Volt (Electricity)
Cerano (Thunder)
Circut (Electricity)
Damini (Spark, Lightning)
Euclid (Famous)
Doli (Bluebird)
Raicho (Thunderbird)
Krit (Famous)
Toril (Thunder)
Marilee (Blue, Star)
Zeru (Blue)
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Blue Addison from Deltarune chapter 2 timeline questions
💙x1.) Did you know Spamtom? If so, how?
💙x2.) Ever meet Kris and the gang?
💙x3.) Did you like your job or was it more of an obligation?
💙x4.) Did you specialize in selling a specific thing?
💙x5.) Did you get along with any of the other Addisons, if there was more than just you?
💙x6.) How'd you feel about the other inhabitants of Cyber World?
💙x7.) Did you ever visit the amusement parks in Cyber City?
💙x8.) Was Queen your, well, queen or was it someone else?
💙x9.) What was your favorite thing to sell, if you had a favorite?
💙x10.) Did you ever get to travel to the other realms?
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kincalling · 1 year
I'm Blue Addison from Deltarune and I'm trying to find either my Rouxls or my Spamton.. I remember that in my universe we found Spamton again after moving to Castle Town, and that me and Rouxls were very good friends. I'm a minor, so keep that in mind, but any sfw interactions are alright.
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reincarnival · 2 years
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Red Addison Care kit for @citizenoftmrrwlnd!
Floppy Disc notebook / Red tangle / Windows sticker pack / Carnival Night candle / Shimmer bath dust / Desk Lamp / Computer Shaker charm / Addison keychains
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findinyourkin · 2 years
hello. i am the pink addison, from deltarune. im looking for spamton, seam, and the other addisons. possibly lancer too. i was from a snowgrave timeline; in cyber city, i was dating spamton, and post-snowgrave, i teamed up with king spade to bring about the roaring. please interact if this sounds familiar
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alucard-von-schweetz · 11 months
what are your thoughts/headcanons/etc for lil pastor spam (if you wanna share any)
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So This version of Spamton is inspired mainly by my oc and the game Faith the Unholy Trinity... maybe some Moral Orel... I like the idea he became a pastor cause he once cared about his faith but started doing it for his ego... then gained a god complex and everything went downhill from there... I mainly made this though cause I kin him HARD
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The other Addisons I plan on keeping somewhat the same... I only think spamton should be different in this au type of idea idk... I'm also working on planning his talking situation.... he would probably randomly quote verses but I'm not too sure yet how to do it...
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gosh, there's a lot a lot I can say... but for now, I'll give yall that... but I can tell you now I'm gonna draw a lot of story and art for this idea...
Probably a lot of Angst content... I just think this idea is really cool and I don't see it often with spamton...
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marineflamez · 1 year
Your interpretation of Spamton is really interesting, do you have any specific thoughts about each section of his life??? ( like addison, big shot, puppet)
warning, this is a huge autism rant LOL
addison era: i havent headcanoned much about his addison self tbh... the most ive got is hes transmasc and is very bird-like with feathers.....also cat-like too. i think the addisons in general act like that. another headcanon i have is that the addisons are naturally social creatures! they stick together and get depressed when alone, which is sad to think about considering the CircumstancesTM
big shot era: i think spamton during this era was at his highest career wise, and his lowest mental health wise (aside from his current mental health state). my headcanon is hed have a super inflated ego and lash out at people, but only to hide the deep rooted insecurity from knowing he only became successful from a phone. i imagine hed also feel paranoid and constantly anxious at the thought of losing it all, which ended up happening. the social nature of being an addison prolly also contributed to his decline since the addisons left him. so hed stick by the phone not only for advice, knowledge, etc... but for some type of social contact, albeit incomprehensible.
if you wanna see my headcanon for his character In ActionTM, i made a video on his big shot era here: https://youtu.be/OWeStag3dJk
puppet era: this is the most confusing one for me. i still to this day do not know how he became a puppet, if the addisons are puppets, when he became a puppet, etc... its such a confusing thing to wrap my head around. im a big fan of the acid theory and that it kinda melted him away ! however, i dont think it made him shorter bc he states he was always small in the qna, i believe... another theory that could be plausible is the force behind the phone slowly turned him into a puppet as like a "you get success, but only if i get to control you" type curse. idk! its a confusing timeline. regardless, i love his current form the most, aside from sneo. i think hes ageless, but still has the energy and features of a late 40-early 50 year old dude. i draw him with a receding hairline and damage to his puppet body. still transmasc also!
a huge thing i adore about his character is how unapologetically evil he is. he doesnt hide it, he admits hes evil and/or uses you for evil (in snowgrave). and the thing that fucks me up the most is, he had that thornring planned REGARDLESS OF THE ROUTE which is so scary. like if you beat his ass, hes like "whoa there dude! at least buy my ring! fuck you!" and runs off. that and the fact he kept trying to get that neo body. he is so desperate that he has multiple plans to get that body for god knows what.
also the trans allegories for him!!!!!!! love it!!!! like him really hating his puppet body and wanting to be bigger.... or like when u put the emptydisk in the mannequin with the dress, only for it to not wanna go in. like yeah it could be a interpreted as him wanting to go into sneo and not the mannequin, but given his connection to mettaton, who has some heavy trans allegories, i think it has more meaning than just "this isnt sneo!!!!" .,,, also the fact he gets such intense euphoria from being sneo. godddd i love trans spamton allegories!!!!!
spamton neo: my second favorite (almost first favorite) form of spamton. incomprehensible armor, but still killin it with those heeled boots!!!!! girlboss honestly
post sneo fight, i always found it interesting how his ark ends in a less hopeful, and more existentially dreadful manner. it almost feels unnecessarily cruel, but i think that the sad ending to his story is essential to get that hopeless "your choices dont matter" theme across. it also just shows how his hubris fucked him over in the end no matter what he did. ALSO HE DID NOT DIE!!!! people keep saying he died. he didnt. he literally has dialogue if u fill your inventory where hes like "bro???" so like. i think he just kinda gave up and turned into an item on his own accord, like jevil.
however, my favorite iteration of sneo is snowgrave. it really shows how genuinely fucking evil spamton is. he literally tries to stop you from being evil so HE can be evil, its so fucking awesome KJDJGSNKJSDNG
but like. fuck man, the dialogue is crazy good??? just peaking into his actual thoughts and insecurities and absolute self hate... muah. and getting that info from him self projecting onto kris? MUAH!!!!! i think its such a perfect battle for sneo because of how he tries to evade responsibility and hatred toward himself, or at least tries to make it sting less, by self projecting it onto kris. he hates kris, yeah, but its mostly just hatred toward himself, what hes become, and how far hes fallen from grace. and him trying to claw his way back to being successful- no BEYOND successful- and into world domination, is fucking harrowing. he is a fucking force of nature in the form of a YTP puppet.
i adore everything about the buildup to snowgrave sneo, the environmental storytelling, everything!!! it was only recently that i realized the scribbly lines around the mansion were his glitched advertisements.
also another thing that fucks me up: he killed his ex friend by proxy. absolute insane behavior its so. ohhmygod. i also love the connections to noelle and her being an angel. an angel sent to help him reach heaven... godddddd i love this shit
another thing i find so fascinating: his glitched speak in his sneo form is not as incomprehensible? its so eerie. hes like... he can better communicate his thoughts better and more coherently, which is genuinely so freaky because youre just so used to his nonsensical bullshit so its like. whoa. he was There Mentally all along, he just couldnt say it because of how fucked up and glitchy he was.
yes, i do believe he is like Completely There Mentally throughout the entire game. hes crazy as fuck, but he hasnt lost grasp on reality like jevil has. spamton has multiple plans concocted to get what he wants. hes smart! he knows what hes doing, and thats fucking Horrifying.
im tired of people saying he isnt evil or that hes just misunderstood. like yeah his circumstances are so unbelievably sad, but hes not some precious little creature who deserves to be protected... he is evil!!!!! he is evil and uses people to kill, or straight up tries to kill you himself! whether it be for freedom or his own demented plans of world domination!!!! and he outright says hes evil!!! he knows hes evil and doesnt give a shit, fuck, or damn!!!!
ok autism rant over :3 sorry if you read all that and were confused the entire time, spamton is my babygirl
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dear-fictionkin · 1 year
Dear Rouxls
The chances of my Rouxls seeing this are a million to one (although you absolutely would use tumblr... )
I jus t wanted to tell you thank you, for being my friend for so long, and that I miss you. I miss your dumb smile and your voice when you weren't using that stupid accent. I miss helping with your shop and making you pasta and telling you about cyber world.
From your dumb best friend, Blue Addison
[postage date: Mar. 25]
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farfromstrange · 8 months
10 Characters • 10 Fandoms • 10 Tags
Thank you @fettuccin-e @yarrystyleeza @shouldbestudying41 and @hailey-murdock for the tags!
1. Matt Murdock – Daredevil (The character that got me back into writing after a 2 year break. He’s my husband. I love him with all my heart. He owns me. I’m never leaving. Also, he made me discover Charlie.)
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2. Spencer Reid – Criminal Minds (Boy genius. Cinnamon role. He’s been through far too much. He’s so adorable. I want to put him in my pocket. He was the first ever character I wrote fanfic for years ago. The show also got me interested in criminal psychology.)
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3. Michael Kinsella – Kin (Now he is daddy. He’s my hot mafia husband who just needs a hug and someone to take care of him. Also, I hate his family. I just want to take him far away from that. I’d make a great stepmom for Anna, I think. They both deserve some peace. Kin got me hooked after I started watching it for Charlie only.)
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4. Eddie Munson – Stranger Things (He’s the age-appropriate choice. I’m not usually into metal heads but there’s something about him that got me hooked when I first saw him. Also had too little screen time, but I still have hope he’ll appear in Season 5)
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5. Frank Castle – Punisher (There is something so attractive about men covered in blood. He’s morally grey but, like, in a cool way. So what if he kills people?)
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6. Addison Montgomery – Grey’s Anatomy (Mommy. That’s all I’ve got to say. I love her so much. I want her to adopt me. I want to be her child.)
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7. Loki – Loki, Avengers, etc. (Does he count? I feel like he should count. Because I am so in love with Loki, it drives me crazy. Maybe it’s the Tom Hiddleston obsession, or maybe it’s because I like my anti-heroes with dark hair.)
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8. Peter Parker – The Amazing Spider-Man (I’m talking Andrew’s Spidey. He’s my favorite Spidey. Because I grew up with him, and I love Andrew. I just want to give him a hug. The thing with Gwen BROKE me, and also her back.)
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9. Fleabag – Fleabag (Does anyone know her real name? I don’t know, but the show was so real, and SHE was so real, I will forever love her)
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10. Phoebe Buffay – Friends (She’s me. I am her. Phoebe is so crazy, it’s almost endearing. The crazy part reminds me a lot of myself. I can’t help but love her)
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No pressure tags (I’m sorry if you’ve already been tagged): @blackshadowswriter @linamarr @mattmurdocksscars @itwasthereaminuteago @pastafossa
(And whoever else wants to join)
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