#additives for sustainability
thestudentfarmer · 1 month
Anyone else enjoy thrifting and thrift shopping?
It's one of my favorite ways of keeping stuff out of the garbage heap.
And Sometimes you just need something. Sometimes, it might be cheap pants, shirts, "new" cookware or eating utensils, ridiculous decorative stuff. A ton can be found through thrifting and i don't necessarily have to feel guilty in buying some stuff I might not have gotten otherwise (or needed). Mostly because while it's already had 1 life, why not another while it's still functional and keep it out of the dump longer? 🌱💚 🌱 no need for new for everything if it's already made and here :)
I haven't been able to for a long time as I like to carpool or have donations to bring with, was able to recently go with some friends and wanted to share some of the neat buys I found.
I don't usually get lucky with pretty homemade quilts being available when thrifting, but I found this one and am pretty excited about it, (this was my top find this time)
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To me, it looks hand stitched entirely, there's a few small tears that will need minimal repair and a few spots that will need some reinforcement as theres a bit of thinning. Otherwise it's quite beautiful and I know it must have taken the maker a bit of time to do. Also i must admit, im kind of inspired to get my hands back to quilting again soon from this beauty.
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A sweet deal on this embroidery floss and tool(?)
To be quite honest I'm not really sure what the tool being pointed at is, if anyone knows please share your knowledge! I'll likely use the floss on some hat projects for gifts this year.
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Also, I found a bag with all these bobbins and thread. I've been looking for more bobbin containers cause I like to have a full one for the common colors I use when I'm sewing. These colors I'll probably use for binding smaller quilts (dog, cat, baby, and lap quilt sized) or for attempts at making clothing if fabrics are similar colored.
I also found
A set of ceramic measuring cups with handles,
kitchen knife,
2 crocheted blankets, lap/single sized,
2 nice new picture frames (still wrapped),
A book (fun reading material),
And what I thought was a ceramic pancake 🥞 or tortilla holder/warmer for breakfast, but I think it is actually for something else? I'm using it to store fresh ginger tubers at the moment (later, mayby garlic bulbs)
I was hoping for some nice fabric to try my hands at skirt making and some interesting quilting fabric, but nothing in the selection really caught my eye this round. Lots of pretty kitchen ware and nicknacks, though. Unfortunately, there no time to even look at the clothes before we had to head off, no big loss though.
That's it for now,
🌱🌻Happy Homesteading and sustainability efforts!🌻🌱
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lesbiancolumbo · 1 month
always a crazy whiplash when someone you know who you assumed was in the same tax bracket as you just casually drops that she got her wedding written about in the vows section of the fucking. new york times.
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bogappreciation · 4 months
the more I read about current efforts to restore biodiversity the more I believe that north america should be eating primarily bison and elk/deer meat. While conservation herds and wild bison are important, the vast majority of plains bison (420,000 as opposed to 20,500) are in commercial herds.
If we are going to get that number even close to what it used to be (millions!), it is going to be because of an increased demand for bison meat. An increase on our reliance for bison would likely see more effort put into bison genetics, which would serve conservation efforts.
Eat bison.
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anticapitalist-dokja · 9 months
post epilogue headcanon where yoohankim are well into their late 30s and early 40s and somehow han sooyoung managed to convince kim dokja and yoo joonghyuk to have a movie adaptation of their late 20s journey to save the world
“dokja-ssi, ahn hyoseop is a bit …”
“yeah, it would be inaccurate to cast him as dokja-ssi.”
“it’s inaccurate because dokja-hyung is more handsome than that actor anyways!”
“ahjussi, maybe you can just play yourself?”
nonplussed, dokja turned and pointed his finger at yoo joonghyuk. “and you think lee minho is a good actor to play this sunfish bastard?”
“that’s true. his filmography has mostly been male leads with a particular personality. although personality wise i can see some resemblance with yoo joonghyuk-ssi being rather … like that sometimes.”
“yoo sangah, it’s okay you can say it. he is a tsundere.”
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getosugurusbangs · 8 months
every time i go to draw geto, it takes every fiber in my being to resist the urge to give him a million piercings
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Made it through Ginnungagap floor 3 in EO2U and I cannot believe how NASTY the Axolotls were!! I killed one (1), saw a message along the lines of "The party's force has disappeared!" and thought "oh the force guages probably just emptied right" NO. They meant disappeared disappeared. Gone. Vamoosed right the hell outta there.
Axolotls are nasty and deceitful and I no longer trust them. They wear the face of angels yet pull such devilish tricks. Just terrible
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autistic-shaiapouf · 24 days
Fuck it, we're joyblogging now, went to the beach for a few hours and swam for the first time in literal years, walked along the shore a bunch, and now I'm gonna make Japanese curry for dinner with some vegetables I pre-chopped + some chicken, and might watch some eva while I have my curry
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ruslangazizov · 6 months
domi being SO SAD that he couldn't put home alone 2 in first is so incredibly me coded i adore him
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chamerionwrites · 2 years
Things I can smell today:
-the iris part of my iris-and-mineral soap, notable because the floral is not typically the dominant bit of that scent
-rosemary (faintly) but NONE of my other herb plants including the mint
-that burning crumbs toaster smell for the first time in three days
-vinegar but only that sort of dry/bitter component of the scent without the sour/fruity ones? which is frankly pretty unpleasant on its own
-banana if I hold it RIGHT up to my nose
Believe it or not this is an improvement and I'm choosing to consider it a positive sign
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dragqueenpentheus · 2 years
i love having a brain that goes into meltdown mode for seventeen hours with no evidence so i just have to dangle car keys and distracting youtube and shiny things in front of it like a toddler
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thestudentfarmer · 10 months
Quick reply to a few questions I saw on the last post~
@tinyshe I've heard of this before, but haven't really seen that in the flocks we've kept. I do keep a few wooden eggs in the nest box daily and switch them out for ceramic ones if I notice any potential signs of purposeful egg eaters in the flock.
If that doesn't work, ive had luck with a combo of the ceramic eggs and some cooked scrambled eggs or other protien source (bugs, scrap meats, leftovers) given to them for a few days tends to eliminate the issue. The wild birds around here tend to get all the protien crumbles or pellets. 🤦‍♀️the hens just ignore it when I put it out.
Great additives for eggshell use! I think i may need to see about finding or making a little eggshell spot for the local parrots I keep hoping to attract as visitors!
@themightyfoo I like to bake them just to be sure I don't accidentally spread potential germs or general yuckiness (like salmonella) when im moving stuff around. Baking the shells before giving to the chickens specifically, it's to deter egg eaters in the flock.
I usually use a bit of bone meal and a lil Epsom salt in the hole when I plant tomatoes and peppers. But I didn't think of using eggshell, instead of bonemeal.
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datastate · 2 years
do people truly not understand that being tied, by blood, to asunaro is like. one of the worst fates someone can have. it’s intrinsically a tragedy; and writing this out doesn’t immediately intend to inspire sympathy...
#mama mia...#jestersvaguely#yttdposting#i have my own view of hiyori and it's not an especially kind one but you Have to understand the affect asunaro has. it's an expansive#organization and is deeply controlling of its agents...#a lot of the respect you earn is through the devotion/loyalty you display. that's why kai was condemned to be executed#and probably why hinako and hiyori - at least in part - act like That. for their respective fields within the organization#they excel not only for that validation but for their survival and to sustain the curiosity toward morbid subjects#that asunaro intentionally gears itself to...#hiyori is fucked up. he's abusive. he's manipulative. he disregards life for his own curiosity as a researcher.#whereas michiru acts only when she knows the recipient is a lost cause; hiyori admires life as its captured moment by moment#and he intends to test its ability in the worst ways possible. but that's what asunaro WANTS. that's what asunaro IS#kai is NOT part of asunaro. not consciously. not anymore. he is an outlier - but hiyori and gashu arguably embody what asunaro is meant to#be better than ANYONE else; michiru and emiri are recent additions while hiyori and gashu have seniority#emiri is a victim. she was manipulated into joining them bc she had lost her ties to the world she wanted.#michiru's situation wasn't as severe#but she's still retains a much more vulnerable demeanor than is expected of asu-agents; she's more kind than she should be#beyond the order that gashu gave that the participants deserve hospitality... she's doing so much more.#ranger was intentionally unfinished. all that remains are three core agents of asunaro. of course they're fucked up. they're meant to#represent asunaro in all of its aspects. one as the master (meister) the researcher who offered his very life and the one who was raised#within asunaro to EMBODY asunaro. it's so. auuughh#like. to be frank. i hate hiyori. he's not my type of character and he makes me uncomfortable.#but you HAVE to acknowledge asunaro's whole deal before you can write it off as 'they're fucked up' without anything#beyond that to indicate WHY. why has asunaro gone this direction. why is it hereditary (with raising children#for its purposes from a young age; with even sara beginning to realize that ranger was perhaps an heir in kai's stead)#what is gashu and meister's dynamic if meister is indeed mr.c and he purposefully chose to move kai's impending execution to a few years#later and actually give kai a PURPOSE before he died - the simplest mercy that. by all means. kai didn't deserve#IT'S SO. AUGH. there's so much there. and i get the appeal of wanting to just explore fucked up shit but#you can't say 'i want to know why! i want nankidai to elaborate!' without acknowledging that this is inherently going to tie into#manipulation and abuse of the children like kai. did we not see the yts events. good lird
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pampermama · 1 year
From 3D Printing to Bioprinting: The Future of Manufacturing
In recent years, the world of manufacturing has experienced significant transformations, with 3D printing and bioprinting technologies emerging as key drivers of change. These advanced manufacturing methods have the potential to revolutionize how products are created, impacting various industries and potentially reshaping the global supply chain. In this article, we will delve into the world of…
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timlncomic · 2 years
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its been a hard day. please take care of yourselves
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carpathxanridge · 2 years
just realized i had a fully vegetarian day of eating without trying, which i’ve probably done before but this is the first time i feel like i actually got enough protein too without being like intentional about it. im pretty excited even though it wasn’t all vegan, one meal was and the other wouldve been easily veganize-able if i had vegan cheese. and like as someone who used to be such a picky eater i had a list of foods i’d have to introduce into my diet before being able to even THINK about eating vegan, it’s exciting to see i’ve done enough of that introduction that i can have a day of low-effort eating that’s unintentionally vegan-approaching. like i forget how limited my diet used to be until i actually examine what my current diet looks like and go whoa i wouldn’t have eaten like 2/3rd of this even just a year ago lol. and tbh i dont know if i ever intend on going fully vegan but my goal is to limit myself to maybe cooking with meat and/or dairy only once or twice a week, and the only animal product to keep a staple would be eggs (i want to have my own chickens.)
#unfortunately it’s too easy for me to fall into an orthorexic mindset and trigger unhealthy restriction and binging#and i know vegans say ‘veganism isnt a diet it’s a lifestyle’ but#it’s really not lmao it quite literally is about what you eat and ‘diet’ doesn’t mean ‘fad diet’ or ‘weight loss diet’#it’s just what you eat and unfortunately changing it drastically can b triggering#which is why for now i’m focused on slow#sustainable dietary changes#and an additive mindset of trying new vegan dishes#or introducing ingredients that ive been picky about that are vegan staples#rather than eliminating meat or dairy#maybe once i have a larger repertoire of vegan meals and find it easy enough to meet my protein needs#then i can start deliberately limiting my animal product intake#but also i think about i forget who on radblr has this stance but basically#the idea that veganism shouldnt be encouraged to women because so many of us already have iron deficiency and are more prone to it from#our periods and as women are also more likely to have histories of disordered eating#and are more prone than men to a feeling of individual moral responsibility and guilt#which i think is an interesting argument i do kind of agree and it’s why i dont feel the immediate pressure to go vegan even as some#of my vegan friends guilt me lol#like im sorry im gonna prioritize my health#but i do agree that ULTIMATELY a diet LOW in animal protein is most supportive of physical health even with the above considerations about#anemia and women’s protein needs on their periods#like yes those are good reasons to be critical of some of the popular high carb unsustainable vegan influencer diets#but a diet of mostly plant based protein sources with minimal animal based protein where iron absorptionis a concern is ultimately going to#be more supportive of ur general health than a diet high as high in red meat as the standard american diet#anyways those r my thoughts lol idk where i was going in these tags
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ghostzzy · 1 year
i’m fully aware that it’s my hormones making me insane but like. does it ever seem like everyone else is allowed to get better and you’re not.
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