#adios icons
snoozebin · 8 months
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🎼 ^ goodbye, au revoir, adios.
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See you later, 다 필요 없어
| e:u ?!
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damnchinese · 5 months
"El amor tiene como pilar básico el respeto y desde que no me lo diste mi subconsciente no quiso dar nada más. Yo sé que debía irme desde el primer día pero mi corazón no me lo permitio"
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danwithouttheplan · 2 years
I think I'm going to do a twitch stream soon where I draw myself another shitty icon in ms paint. Would anybody watch that?
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grapecaseschoices · 10 months
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Which quote and which song if you don't mind my asking?? :) (also while I'm in your inbox I'll just say again that Andy is so so handsome oh my goodness)
Haha. He is! His fc is Can Yaman. Though I am considering changing it to Byeon Woo Seok.
Quote: Why does tragedy exist? Because you are full of rage. Why are you full of rage? Because you are full of grief. - Anne Carson, Grief Lessons: Four Plays by Euripides [As I am nothing but predictable and og Andy is nothing but a cliche. What a better quote for a murder man who lost his family twice over?] This isn't a FAVE for him but I like this one too.
Glitter and Gold is the song.
[He is! He knows it too. But thank you <3 :-D What I love more is the way the artist captured his ... energy. Is that a good word for it? The lean, the way his hand is up like in contemplation but also like about to give an order, the sharp ease of it.]
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profutured · 2 years
sighs. it's happening again.
who is that other dog, and where did he come from ????
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pvmpkinghoul · 2 years
After having the same icon for 5 years. I finally changed it
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ciircex · 6 months
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@r-adio questioned "ღ" || attraction meme!
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Romantic attraction: none | very low | low | medium | high | very high | extreme Sexual attraction: none | very low | low | medium | high | very high | extreme Aesthetic attraction: none | very low | low | medium | high | very high | extreme Sensual attraction: none | very low | low | medium | high | very high | extreme
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knavera · 1 year
when i see really aesthetic blogs i get so inspired to redo my blog but then settle with the fact that im Stupid and cannot
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Being Sick but Dean Winchester’s your BF Headcanons ✨
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✨ Dean Winchester x Reader ✨
Minors! Go away! Don’t interact! I don’t have a witty joke but I still don’t want you here! ¡Adios!
A/N: okay now that they’re gone… I’m sick! Some sort of nasty cold shit. Also I have the fucking la la land piano riff stuck in my head. So, more headcanons!!! (As opposed to a “proper” fic. For Dean ofc. It’s okay, it’ll come eventually)
Icons by me, all notes-especially commentary- are extremely appreciated!!
Content Warnings: if you’ve read the others it’s along the same vein, cute but still spicy enough to warrant that 18+ rating. Reader’s GN but AFAB.
( ˘ ³˘)♥︎ ♥︎ ♥︎ ♥︎ ♥︎ ♥︎ ♥︎ ♥︎ ♥︎ ♥︎ ♥︎ ♥︎ ♥︎ ♥︎ ♥︎ ♥︎
-okay so first of all, being sick sucks. Whether it’s a runny nose, a headache, throat pain (get your mind out of the gutter), stomach aches, whatever- it fucking sucks.
-but it sucks a little less when you have Dean Winchester taking care of you
-this man knows how to take care of any common virus or cold. Years of taking care of his little brother meant that he could never be sick and that if he was it had to go fast, because he believed he always needed to be able to take care of Sammy first and foremost.
-once he sees you sniffling he’ll bench you from whatever job you guys are working. Immediately. No ifs, ors, ands, buts or coconuts about it.
-once the job is over he’ll come home. If you’re up and moving he’ll sling you over his shoulder or pick you up bridal style, and throw you (in a loving way) down on the couch or bed, depending on where you want to lay.
-he’ll snuggle you a little, and then take a quick shower so as not to get whatever it is you have. He’ll give you whatever blankets and drinks you want, and then head off to the kitchen
-his go-to is to make a vat of chicken noodle soup, extra lemony for vitamin c. He’ll usually either add some chilis to the soup or put some in a salad for you to help clean your system out. And it will always be better than fine dining.
-of course he cooks shirtless, and he’ll come back into the room with a big bowl of soup and your salad ready, cookies still in the oven. He’ll be wearing sweatpants and a ‘kiss the cook’ apron with nothing under it. And if you weren’t sick, you’d definitely do what the apron asked.
-he’ll help you sit up so you can eat it, putting a pillow on your lap so that the bowl doesn’t burn you and wiping your hair out of your face. If your hot he brings a bandana that he dunked in ice water and ties it around your head, if your cold he brings more blankets
-he hates that he can’t touch you or hug you when your miserable like this, but he does his best.
-while you’re eating he’ll talk about the hunt, keeping it as light and funny as possible- probably whatever he and Sam bickered about, the sights he saw, the food, etc
-and he’ll put on whatever you’d like him to. Preferably Gilmore Girls, but he ain’t gonna influence you
-when you’re done he’ll take the empty bowls to the kitchen, leaving them in the sink for Sammy to do them when he gets back to the bunker.
-he’ll grab the cookies, and bring a little plate of them over, and then sit on the sofa in the Dean cave so that your calves are draped over his thighs. If you’re in bed he’ll just lay on the opposite side, occasionally stroking your back comfortingly
-he checks your temperature from time to time, and always adapts according to your sickness. If it’s stomach bug he’s got a trash can beside the bed/couch and is ready to hold your hair. If it’s strep throat he’s gone honey. If it’s literally anything he’s probably got some kind of temporary remedy
-now (you know what time it is 🌶️)
-if you get a little hot n bothered while your sick
-and no I don’t mean hot from the fever
-but like the other kind
-and he can tell
-well, there’s a home remedy for that too 😏
-and you’ll warn him against it, not wanting to get him sick, but he’ll shush you, kissing your belly and pulling your sleep shorts and underwear down in one go
-he’ll kiss all up your legs, making you wish so, so much that you could make out with him
-but he won’t tease. Not when his sweetheart isn’t feeling well.
-so he’ll get as close to your dripping heat as he can, not making you move at all, because he knows you’re comfy on your little bed of pillows and his blankets
-and then he’ll nudge his nose against your clit, the only teasing he’ll do before diving in
-he’s gentle though. Not dissimilar to how he is in the mornings (Shameless plug, sorry not sorry haha)
-he’ll go nice and slow, adding his fingers as he goes, one at a time
-he uses one to gather your wetness and spread it over your poor bud
-and then adds another to scissor into your heat, massaging your spongey walls
-and by the third finger slowly yet deliberately filling you up, along with his mouth on your clit, he’ll have you coming, feeling so much better in one regard
-he’ll lap it all up, careful not to overstimulate you before pressing a sweet kiss to your belly, just as he did before he went down
-he’ll then get up and draw you a bath, helping you pee and then get into the tub
-he’ll dry your hair and then help you into a fresher set of pjs, and lay with you until you fall asleep, then turn off the tv and any lights before getting back in bed.
-and even though he has to sleep a little away from you he can’t help but hold you hand while you sleep, even if it means risking getting sick too
-and if you wake up in the middle of the night, he will too, ready to do whatever you need him to
-he loves you, and it’s he loves knowing that you love him too and would also take care of him if he were in your shoes
-so yeah
-sweet cutie pie caretaker ass with the greener-than-pines eyes gah
-I rest my case
If you have any ideas for headcanons and/or fics my ask box is always open!!
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riptidewaters · 1 year
Nate Archibald x Fem! Reader! (NAMED)
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“UGH! Get me the new Alexander Mcqueen Bag Dorota!” Blair Screeched at her loyal servant, the latter muttering a meek ‘Yes, Miss Blair’ and hurrying away. Blair Waldorf, the “mean girl” of Constance and self-proclaimed Queen of the Upper East Side was, according to her throwing the “hottest party” in the whole year. ‘Hey B!’ Serena Van der Woodsen, the “it girl” of New York waved to her best friend, running forward and hugging her tightly, ‘I am so happy that you came back from Europe!’ she declared. Blair scoffed while striking names off the invite list, ‘Well, after Chuck ditched me at the airport I decided to take a girl's trip and travel around Europe anyway!’, She put the list down and walked over to the massive tables full of entreès and delicately put one in her mouth, Serena following her, Blair continued, ‘Anyways, enough about my broken love life, what's the gossip I’ve been hearing on you and Nate?”. Serena looked panicked, “There’s absolutely nothing going on between us! I haven’t dated anyone the entire summer!’ She said proudly, Blair paused and looked at Serena, ‘Wait- S, are you telling me you’ve gotten zero action for the ENTIRE Summer?!’. Serena shrugged, ‘Maybe, well there was that one hot lifeguard-’, Blair looked excited, ‘And....?’, ‘I rejected him’. Blair’s face fell, ‘Seriously S?, I’m gone for one summer and-’. Serena shook her head, ‘Wait! Before you launch into one of your speeches, I've got a surprise for you!’, She sang happily, Blair raised her eyebrows, ‘And what might that be May I ask?’. Serena grinningly thrust a letter into her hand, ‘Read it!’ She said. Blair rolled her eyes,
Dear Serena,
I wasn’t sure if you would remember me, but it’s Charlotte, from junior year. I hope you do! Anyways I’m coming back to Constance this year! I could not be more excited to meet you all again! Maybe we could meet up a few days before school starts? Let me where you are. Well Adios for now! Do tell Blair, Nate and Chuck I said hi!(especially Nate)
Blair’s eyes widened, ‘Charlotte, the Charlotte is coming back?’ She questioned excitedly, Serena nodded grinning brightly. ‘I already sent her the invite to your party, if that's cool with you? She said that she’ll come.’ Blair smiled, ‘Definitely!’ ‘Wait! Should we tell Nate?’. She asked Serena looking at the letter, ‘Maybe it should be a surprise.’ Blair nodded, starting a conversation about party favours.
‘I’ve been waiting for this all day.’ Nate muttered, biting her lip, ‘You sure Serena’s okay with covering for you? She was a little cold.’ Catherine said rubbing herself against Nate, ‘Oh she’s totally fine.’ he said closing his eyes and leaning in, ‘But you haven’t told her anything?’ Cathrine questioned pulling Nate for a chaste kiss, He shook his head, ‘All she knows is I’m seeing someone new...I’m not ready to introduce to anyone yet.’ She pulled away, pushing Nate behind and looking at him with a stern look in her eyes, ‘Or ever.’ He finished. ‘Look, she needed time to decompress from her breakup anyway,’ Nate kissed her, ‘Covering for me works for her too.’ A car whizzed by the one they were in, Catherine looked alarmed, ‘Let’s go back to my place before anyone spots us.’ Nate raised his eyebrows, ‘Your House?’ She grinned, nodding, ‘I thought we couldn’t.’ She smiled at him, ‘There’s always the guest house’. Nate chuckled pulling her in for another kiss.
‘Okay, how do I look?!’ Blair asked twirling around for Serena to see, She smiled ‘Gorgeous as always B.’ She remarked Blair turned around adjusting her iconic bejewelled headband, ‘How do you think She looks now?’ She asked Serena, ‘I don’t think she might have changed too much,’ Serena shrugged. ‘Probably’ Blair agreed. Looking in the mirror, ‘Excuse me?’ She asked a random saleswoman, ‘Can I get this in white?’, The woman nodded and walked towards the display to get it off the mannequin. ‘This dress is perfect for my party!’ She squealed excitedly clapping her hands. Serena smiled, ‘Now that you’re done can we go look for my dress?’, Blair grinned ‘I’m sure I can take out a few minutes of my valuable time to go look for your dress.’ She said, Serena laughed and grabbed Blair by her shoulders, ‘We are getting out now!’. With that the two girls walked out laughing.
The day of the white party was a complete disaster..... at least it was according to a certain Charles Bass, famously known as Chuck Bass. Blair had asked him if he loved her the day he had met James, Blair’s seemingly “perfect” boyfriend and he had stupidly kept his big mouth shut and made her cry. Showing up to the White party had been a pain in his arse, especially when he saw Blair making out with her new boyfriend who had supposedly gone to “Georgetown”. And then something worth the attention of Chuck Bass happened, He saw Charlotte Jackson, also known as the one who disappeared after Junior year, staring at Serena Van der Woodsen having a spit-swapping session with Nate Archibald. Chuck grabbed a glass of white wine off a tray smirking, ‘Well, that’s going to be fun...’ with that he sauntered off towards an awestruck Charlotte.
Part 2 is now out!
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horsesarecreatures · 8 months
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As the American registering authority for the World Arabian Horse Organization (WAHO), the Purebred Arabian Trust (PAT) is proud to announce that it has awarded the 2024 WAHO Trophy to the purebred Arabian mare and endurance racing icon, Treasured Moments. The fourteen-year-old mare by legendary race sire, DA Adios+ and out of Hidden Treasure, was bred by the Alan Kirshner and Deborah Mihaloff’s notable Cre Run Farm in Doswell, Virginia, and is proudly owned by Heather and Jeremy Reynolds of Dunnellon, Florida.
“Treasure,” as she is referred to in the barn, began her career in 2014 on the racetrack wearing the recognizable colors of Cre Run, one of the world’s most prominent breeding programs for Arabian racehorses. (Cre Run is the only program in the world to have bred a horse that has won three million-dollar races in the span of one calendar year, as an example.) Treasure ran seven times as a four-year-old, with one first and three seconds and earnings of $11,315.
In November 2014, she caught the professional eye of Heather and Jeremy Reynolds, avid endurance riders at the top levels of the sport, and Treasure exchanged her racetrack life for the world of endurance.
Since then, the celebrated pair have recorded over 3,000 competition miles and countless wins together, including two Tevis Cups, one Haggin Cup, and the 2021 Italian Championships, which marked the first time an American horse has won overseas since the 90s. Treasured Moments is also a recipient of the Robie Cup, a medallion that is issued to horses upon the completion of five Tevis Cups. The medallion’s equine figurehead is Wendell Robie’s mare, a paternal great grand dam to Treasured Moments.
Additionally, Jeremy and Treasure incorporated a new dynamic in 2023 – competing bridleless. In fact, the two won the 2023 Tevis Cup in an incredible 15 hours and 14 minutes, and they did it minus a bridle. It was a poignant image that spoke to their profound partnership.
The WAHO Trophy program was initiated in 2005. Each worldwide registering authority of WAHO is granted the ability to choose its respected trophy recipients. Trophies are not necessarily awarded annually and are given out at the discretion of each country. Requirements for trophy recipients include:
- The horse must be living, not deceased.
- The horse must be bred and still registered as a purebred Arabian in the country of its designated authority.
- The horse must have reached a significant level of achievement as deemed by its designated authority.
- The horse must, in some way, have achieved excellence as a breed ambassador or, in the case of older horses, achieved the same through its immediate progeny.
Only five WAHO Trophies have been awarded in the United States prior to Treasure Moments. One of those five recipients is her sire, Darley Horse of the Year, DA Adios+ – also bred by Cre Run Farm.
“We are so proud that Treasured Moments is being given this award,” said Deborah Mihaloff of Cre Run Farm. “Treasured Moments is only the sixth horse to receive this award in the United States. To think that one of the six is her sire, DA Adios+ (that we raised and raced) makes it extra special. Treasure could not have achieved the levels she did had it not been for her owner, rider, and partner, Jeremy Reynolds. They are truly one. She could not be loved more. And that is a breeder’s only wish.”
Bob Fauls, chairman of the Purebred Arabian Trust, concurs.
“The PAT is supportive of all disciplines associated with the purebred Arabian horse,” he said. “South America, the Middle East, Europe…. We’ve had the tremendous opportunity to travel the world and see endurance horses perform. Of all the disciplines, the Arabian horse is king in endurance, and yet it often receives so little recognition. Because of that, it was a great honor for us to be able to recognize this particular horse and its owners. Treasured Moments is one of the most recognizable endurance competitors in the world, both inside and outside the endurance community. The fact that she now joins her sire, DA Adios+, as one of the few recipients of the WAHO Trophy, makes it additionally sweet. The board of the Purebred Arabian Trust heartily extends its congratulations to Treasured Moments and her team from birth to present on this most deserving award.”
“Treasure never ceases to amaze us,” said Jeremy Reynolds. “The first time I met her, it was love at first sight. She loves competing. I feel honored to have such a horse in my life. I wish everyone could have an Arabian Treasure like her.”
Treasured Moments and Jeremy Reynolds were presented with the 2024 WAHO Trophy by Bob Fauls and PAT Vice President, Howard Pike, on January 7, 2024, at the Reynolds’ Florida home. The horse-and-rider pair continue to actively compete and are pointing their efforts to the 2024 FEI Endurance World Championship this September in Monpazier, France.
Purebred Arabian Trust
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jizzlords · 7 months
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# JIZZLORDS : // independent and selective roleplay blog for 𝐀𝐒𝐌𝐎𝐃𝐄𝐔𝐒 from 𝑯𝑬𝑳𝑳𝑼𝑽𝑨 𝑩𝑶𝑺𝑺. canon-complicit. post-canon portrayal by default, including headcanons. original characters and multi's welcome. 𝐍𝐒𝐅𝐖 ─ NO MINORS. exclusively +18. ─ 𝐇𝐄𝐋𝐕𝐄𝐓𝐈𝐂𝐀, 26, he/him.
𝐂𝐀𝐑𝐑𝐃 ── 𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐌𝐎 ── 𝐀𝐒𝐊 ── 𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐑𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐒 ── 𝐌𝐄𝐓𝐀(𝐒) pinned art ── header art ── @meandtheyeehaws & saucymist ( artists for select ozzie icons tytyty💋 )
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gctchell, videoaux, clwngasm, k7tt1, @fizzarollitm, gluttonybound, r-adio, pardiselost, zestials, hellshoard, chthonicrage, ciircex, @blitzbuckz, @helluvahotelx
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damnchinese · 5 months
"Yo entiendo que puedes amar pero claramente yo no era la persona con la que deseabas hacerlo."
- Damnchinese
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r-adio · 7 months
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#R-ADIO , independent & semi - selective 𝐀𝐋𝐀𝐒𝐓𝐎𝐑 from the series 𝐇𝐀𝐙𝐁𝐈𝐍 𝐇𝐎𝐓𝐄𝐋 / 𝐇𝐄𝐋𝐋𝐔𝐕𝐀 𝐁𝐎𝐒𝐒. headcanon - based, canon divergent as i see fit. written by JACK , 24 ( he / him )
this blog will have 𝐀𝐃𝐔𝐋𝐓 𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐌𝐄𝐒 , not limited to sexual jokes, blood & gore. because of this, this blog is for those who are over the age of EIGHTEEN ONLY. no minors will be allowed to follow ! please respect this rule. CARRD. INTEREST CHECKER.
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heavily affiliated with @m-atchmaker , @fizzroll , @l-ucitiel , @vihrago , @ciircex , @xluciifer , @zestials , @pardiselost , @videoaux , @bittcnneck , @rradiio , @gamblost , @spiderslvts , @lilitophidian , @origiinis , @jizzlords , @rockange , @ang3lb1t , @laznivec / @vlstarie , @stolsas , @polardestiny , @k1zty
MUTUALS ONLY, meaning that i will only interact with those who i follow & they follow me in return. others are permitted to follow the blog & send in memes, but i may not answer them.
there will be uncomfortable themes on this blog, and i expect them to be taken responsibly.
please be sure to have your AGE somewhere on your blog, as well as a penname, otherwise i will not follow back.
i DO NOT PARTAKE IN DRAMA. i am not interested in anything other than writing. please do not come to me about anyone that you have an issue with. they are not my business.
you MUST cut threads, i don't like having long posts of replies on my dash. if you don't know how to do it, there is a tool called xKIT and it's very helpful for tumblr rp! if you need any assistance learning how to use it, i would be happy to tell you!
do NOT rush for replies, i will write at my own pace. i have a job & a life outside of writing. i PROMISE i am not ignoring anyone. i believe in communication. it's alright to ask about whether or not a thread has been dropped or not, but i tend to be very open about this. if something is not replied to, it is in my drafts. \
please do not send me any anonymous messages of sexual nature. i will not answer them.
i am ship exclusive with @l-ucitiel 's version of LUCIFER. though all other characters are fair game. i will not be exclusive with any one else's version of a character. the only reason that this is in place is because this version of the character is written by my girlfriend.
graphics were commissioned from @/theircurse
icon credit goes to here
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infernal-general · 6 months
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Okay! With finally getting my mind in order, time to do the same with my blog(s) as well.
First of all, my Discord is
You might want to add me there as I'm blog jumping like crazy and might not see your message.
Secondly I somehow manage the feat of being semi-active on 4 (will be 5-) blogs. If you're interested in more of the Véghváry madness/lore the other relatives are: @lightningdamned (sideblog to @phoenixduelist), @deathshadowed & @phoenixborn . Each fits into the Hazbin/Helluva verse; pls follow me there if you want to ♡´・ᴗ・`♡
Also the blog hopping completely destroyed my following page so dash commentary is/will be very hard for me to do as the timeline is beyond messed up on mobile.
Now, the To Do list:
Throw myself back into people's messages to plot out starters. @arachnaemboss & @r-adio I'm so sorry for the wait I swear I'm still alive
Actually spit out said starters.
Schedule posts. I don't use queue because I'm too dyscalculiac to fully understand that.
Start the multiple story arc rolling with @infernal-feminae
Throw @ashortdropandasuddenstop into the very depths of this family.
Finish the Walking Dead sideblog's Carrd + make Eva Green icons as live action Rozy
I have 23 drafts on @phoenixborn ?? Finish majority of them and of course start new ones. Love my cosmic rocker pls
Give more attention to Raia @lightningdamned and Karma @deathshadowed .
Finish secret fifth blog carrd and tags🤫
Write out missing verse information on ALL BLOGS (ha that's going to be a good one.)
Find more writing partners/friends
Sleep sometime I guess??
Declare VWU (Véghváry Writing Universe) official
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ugh-yoongi · 8 months
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for the pals who don't know many ggs: a playlist ★
these are just some of my personal favorite girl group songs to use as a jumping point for those who may not listen to a ton of girl groups! i tried to limit myself to one per group and didn't include solo work.
01. fifty fifty - lovin' me // 02. blackpink - forever young // 03. stayc - so bad // 04. le sserafim - impurities // 05. wjsn - save me, save you // 06. dreamcatcher - red sun // 07. billlie - mcguffins ~ who's the joker? // 08. twice - cry for me // 09. loona - ptt (paint the town) // 10. exid - fire // 11. weeekly - after school // 12. iz*one - ayayaya // 13. ichillin' - la luna // 14. clc - hobgoblin // 15. bvndit - venom // 16. gfriend - labyrinth // 17. hot issue - icons // 18. favorite - loca // 19. (g)-idle - hwaa // 20. itzy - 365 // 21. lapillus - hit ya! // 22. nature - limbo! // 23. woo!ah! - i don't miss u // 24. purple kiss - autopilot // 25. aespa - illusion // 26. everglow - adios // 27. pixy - bewitched // 28. nmixx - cool (your rainbow) // 29. ive - love dive // 30. kep1er - back to the city // 31. mamamoo - my star // 32. oh my girl - nonstop // 33. viviz - bop bop! // 34. got the beat - stamp on it // 35. red velvet - peekaboo // 36. momoland - baam // 37. triples - generation // 38. kiss of life - bad news // 39. apink - dilemma // 40. 2ne1 - come back home // 41. newjeans - gods // 42. weki meki - picky picky // 43. rocket punch - ring ring // 44. aoa - like a cat // 45. f(x) - all mine
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