#adm li
thex01011000 · 2 months
Olá! Estou acompanhando essa conta agora e me interessei muito pelos personagens apresentados, mas tenho uma pequena dúvida. Como faço para saber o contexto da cabana? Tipo, eu vejo mencionado, mas não sei exatamente o que é, ou quem são todos os seus integrantes. Pensei em ir atrás de pesquisar sozinha, mas acho que pedir uma orientação não faria mal kksksksks
Espero que não seja muito incômodo! Eu li a história dos personagens The X e o TLS há muito tempo atrás, e agora, depois de anos, me veio a memória dessas narrativas incríveis e me vejo um pouco perdida em meio a um universo que parece ser bem mais extenso do que eu imaginava na época que li pela primeira vez. Devo dizer com todas as palavras que admiro muito, e que levo como inspiração para criar meus próprios personagens!
Enfim, escrevi demais. Peço perdão! Ksksksksksk. Espero que responda, aguardarei alegremente. <3
ADM: Olá chuchu. Peço perdão também pela falta de informações, a gente acaba criando as coisas e esquece de repassar boa parte para o publico IDUSAHJIA. Vou tentar explicar o contexto da cabana o mais simples possível.
Primeiramente, a cabana era parte de uma antiga vila do velho oeste no Canadá, mas depois de muitos e muitos anos como uma "vila fantasma", a natureza foi tomando de volta, deixando apenas destroços e vegetação, os únicos lugares habitáveis que sobraram foram essa cabana -que muito provavelmente era casa de alguma figura importante, já que era a única casa mais "forte" dali- e uma igreja abandonada que não fica muito perto da cabana mas também não muito longe. Tendo isso em mente, podemos começar com os pioneiros: The X (Dimitri), TLS (Shiro), Morcego (Lucas). Cada um deles não tinha mais para onde ir após serem consumidos pelo Operador, e vagavam por aí sem rumo, dormindo em lugares desconfortáveis e tentando sobreviver sozinhos sem serem pegos, tudo isso enquanto ainda trabalhavam para o Operador quando ele precisava, então todos eles precisavam de um lugar para ficar. Então veja bem, a primeira vez que cada um deles fugiu da vida como conheciam, não necessariamente foi ao mesmo tempo que o outro, por exemplo, Shiro foi infectado muito antes do Dimitri e do Lucas, assim como Lucas foi infectado antes de Dimitri mas só conseguiu escapar muito depois, quando Dimitri já estava "sumido". Eles não faziam ideia de que existiam outras pessoas iguais a eles na época. Shiro foi o primeiro deles a chegar no Canadá, porém Treal Mattino (Magda) já estava por lá nos esgotos e em lugares escondidos, ela o ajudou quando ele estava ferido, pode-se dizer que foi graças à ela que ele encontrou a floresta. Quando eles finalmente estavam na mesma floresta para achar esse "abrigo fixo" que era a cabana, eles achavam que o outro era uma ameaça, então os 3 chegaram a quase lutar quando se encontraram pela primeira vez, eventualmente entendendo que eles apenas estavam no mesmo buraco. Então eles foram para a cabana e consertaram um monte de coisa pra deixar o lugar mais habitável, eventualmente um deles (normalmente o Dimitri porque ele era o que mais parecia "normal") tinha que ir para a cidade ou lugares assim para conseguir suprimentos e etc. Eles ficaram morando apenas os três por um bom tempo (até rolou o incidente da mesa kkkkk), até começarem a chegar os outros. A Magda não foi com eles pois ela não é uma proxy, ela vive por conta própria, fugindo do Operador E do Zalgo.
A primeira a chegar ali de foi a M8 (Maethe), ela ainda era menor de idade e havia escapado recentemente do laboratório em que era feita de cobaia. Ela vagou por um tempo sozinha antes de apagar na floresta. Shiro a encontrou inconsciente e a levou para a cabana, ele sabia de alguma forma que ela era uma deles, então ele cuidou dos ferimentos que ela tinha, com muito medo de machucá-la ainda mais, já que a pele dela era bem sensível. Quando ela acordou ela não falava, então foi bem complicado, Dimitri não confiava nela e ficava sempre de olho, enquanto o Shiro fazia o que podia para tentar fazer ela se sentir um pouco melhor e eventualmente se comunicar. A segunda a chegar um ano mais tarde foi a Fox (Gwen), ela basicamente foi largada lá na frente da cabana pelo próprio Operador após tentar tirar sua própria vida, então quando ela chegou ali ela estava ferida e perdendo muito sangue, por sorte Shiro e Dimitri ouviram as estáticas do Operador e foram ver o que estava acontecendo, quando chegaram lá, a entidade havia ido embora mas Gwen estava no chão quase inconsciente. Eles a levaram para dentro também sabendo que ela era uma deles e Shiro performou primeiros socorros. Como eles não esperavam aquilo e parecia um caso urgente, ele teve de pedir ajuda para uma velha amiga, Magda, para que ela cuidasse apropriadamente e suturasse os ferimentos de Gwen.
Quase no fim do mesmo ano, veio a Photography (Nanda). Ela havia acabado de cometer um ataque brutal e estava muito assustada, correndo para dentro da floresta que ficava à frente da casa da vítima. Ela correu por horas e horas, chegando a perder a noção do tempo, mas ela não parou de correr, mesmo que sua pele fosse ferida pelos galhos e folhas na qual ela batia contra para continuar seu caminho, mesmo que lentamente deixasse de sentir os próprios pés. Enfim seu corpo cedeu e ela caiu, sua última visão sendo os pés do Operador em sua frente. A entidade 'Photo' foi quem andou até a cabana o caminho inteiro. Quando Nanda acordou novamente, ela estava na porta da cabana, em pé, sendo interrogada por Dimitri enquanto Shiro parecia tentar acalmar o ruivo para que ele pegasse leve. Nessa época Gwen já havia trago um trailer para próximo da cabana, então Nanda ficou lá com ela já que havia acabado de chegar e não confiava muito em todo mundo. Alguns anos depois, Mr Doomed (Nikolai) encontrou a cabana após vagar por semanas sem rumo, sem dormir ou comer, ele não sabia mais para onde estava indo ou de onde veio. Ele estava sendo jogado de lugar para lugar pelo Operador, a cada passo que dava, tudo a sua volta mudava, em um momento estava nevando, no outro estava em uma floresta queimada, no outro, estava chovendo, e enfim tudo parecia silencioso e calmo demais, vozes ao fundo, fumaça no céu e um cheiro de comida. Obviamente ele seguiu os sons e os cheiros até encontrar a cabana, duas pessoas cuidando de o que parecia ser uma horta e pessoas do lado de dentro, ele conseguia ver pela janela. Ele pensou em se aproximar de forma cautelosa, até sentir uma respiração atrás de si. Era Lucas, parado e encarando, mesmo sem enxergar. Com o susto que ele levou, acabou alertando os outros.
Meses mais tarde, The Pierrot (Logan) foi encontrado vagando pela floresta, arrastando uma perna humana, sem rumo e parecia que não estava controlando o próprio corpo, apesar de usar uma máscara, dava para ver que os olhos estavam totalmente brancos, como se estivessem virados para trás. Ele estava sendo controlado pelo Operador. Dimitri o encontrou primeiro e estava pronto para atacar caso fosse necessário, até que ele percebeu que quando chamou a atenção de Logan, ele simplesmente "acordou", olhando em volta extremamente confuso, gritando tão alto como se fosse uma sirene. Dimitri teve que agarrá-lo a força e tampar a boca dele, pois eles não estavam na área protegida da floresta (a parte protegida pelo Operador), o que poderia ser um risco à localização deles, e arrastá-lo para a segurança e para a cabana. Logan não parou de gritar até chegarem lá, e teve de ser acalmado com uma dose de anestésico que Magda havia deixado com Shiro por precaução. Ele acordou já no porão, e ali se viu mais calmo. Após alguns anos, quando Gwen estava em uma missão, ela acabou trombando com o Slasher (Christopher), que também estava em uma missão própria, como eles não se conheciam e nem sabiam que ambos trabalhavam para a mesma entidade, eles acabaram se desentendendo e começaram a lutar, uma luta quase fatal, diga-se de passagem. Ambos quase tirando a vida um do outro até que Black Cross (Millene) apareceu na cena e impediu que aquilo acontecesse. E assim os três finalmente conversaram civilizadamente e perceberam que estavam no mesmo barco. Christopher e Millene explicaram para Gwen que estavam em uma missão quando sua floresta simplesmente começou a mudar, e como Chris conhecia a floresta como a palma das próprias mãos, ele foi o primeiro a notar que não estavam mais no mesmo lugar. Gwen então levou os dois para a cabana, já que agora eles não tinham mais escolha e não conseguiriam fugir daquela floresta nem se quisessem.
Silence (Edalin), assim como Treal Mattino (Magda), não é uma proxy e não mora na cabana nem convive com o pessoal de lá. Ela conheceu o Shiro após trombar com ele durante uma das missões dele, o que é raro, normalmente ela não encontra outros condenados. Diferente da Magda que foge do Operador, Edalin trabalha para ele de forma diferente dos proxies. Não exatamente uma servidora, mas uma ferramenta. Porém ela não é permitida, pelo próprio Operador, a conviver com eles, sendo assim, ela só aparece para ajudar quando eles necessitam, seja com atendimentos médicos como a Magda, ou para limpar as cenas dos crimes se eles deixaram vestígios para trás - o que acontece com os mais descuidados, como o Lucas, ou os que não ligam, como o Dimitri.
@thelonelysoul-tls | @nonbinairefatale | @yunahimurasakura-blog | @waffles1728 | @ask-sergayvich | @slashercross | @vernichtedanwelt
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saintmeghanmarkle · 1 year
Harry is a dangerous sociopath and it is terrifying.
Posted 11 hours ago by u/owlskye
[This is long, sorry]
I think it’s time we start seriously considering the fact that Harry is a sociopath, and a dangerous one at that. To be honest, he disturbs me quite a lot, more so than his wife. The aura both of them have are drastically different. When I look at Meghan, I feel that she’s a mean girl. When I look at Harry, there’s something darker and more sinister.
I’m going to go over some symptoms of ASPD (aka, sociopathy) and we can discuss it.
1) A Hunger for Power & Dominance
I don’t know if any of you have got this vibe from Harry, but to me, he seems extremely upset he was not born first. Every time he speaks about how the Royal institution should go away or how bad it is, I get a sense he’s not telling the full truth. It’s missing a “because.” That being: “because I can’t be King.” If this were medieval times, he would’ve murdered his brother for the throne. He is also easily threatened, especially when he see’s himself in competition with children. The way he looks at the Wales kids… terrifying.
2) Devious or Deceptive Tendencies
It is my belief that Harry either played an equal role to Meghan in their “spectacle,” or possibly even bigger than we think. I think he is a highly manipulative individual and will do whatever it takes to get what he wants. I also have an odd suspicion that his complete neglect of preparing Meghan for royal life is due to something devious, but I’m not certain. I find it interesting how he frames William and Catherine to be bad people based on uncomfortable situations he had complete control over. It just seems weird, right? He had an opportunity to let Meghan know what that first meeting would be like, and instead he sabotaged it (she ruined it, too, but he’s a senior royal who could’ve said something.) Also – we know Harry lies. A lot. About everything.
3) Ruthlessness in the Pursuit of Their Goals
Harry has proven this time and time again. He attempted to blackmail his family, so they’d pay for his security. That’s absolutely ruthless, right? It seems like his goal has been to take down William, to prove that Harry is the “better son.” He has been aiming at his brother for quite some time and has said some outlandish things to try and get people to hate William.
4) Hostile or Aggressive Towards Others
As we can see, he’s pretty hostile towards his family. Perhaps if he actually had a horrible life, this wouldn’t matter. It’s the fact that he was content on being a parasite for years, and yet the entire time was seething with hatred and anger for those who gave him a free life. Also, he was an infamous bully in school, and there is footage of him becoming violent with paparazzi. He is not a nice person.
5) Easily Angered or Irritated
I used to think Harry was some type of sloth or something. He just seemed to float around, never wanting to be there. I had no idea how sensitive he actually was since he plays the big, strong military man character. This all changed when Spare came out. This “man” becomes furious at even the slightest little thing. He starts freaking out if paparazzi spot him coming out of a club, even though he’s there with multiple other famous people. He still holds a furious grudge over breakfast sausage. I have no idea how it’s possible to be married to this guy. Imagine an argument with him. Sends shivers down my spine.
6) Irresponsible Decision Making
Hey, let’s speed through the same tunnel my mother fatally crashed in. Let’s leave the Royal Family without a plan. Let’s release a book that will absolutely ruin any chance I had at redemption. Let’s marry this overly excitable egotistical low-level actress. Let’s name our daughter Lilibet, people will love that! I’m going to destroy my relationships with my family! Wait, they don’t want to give me money?! They don’t want to talk to me?! Harry smash! (hulk noises)
7) Superficial Charm & Powers of Persuasion
I hate to admit but Harry does have charisma. It’s natural to develop it from his upbringing. The reason we all used to think Harry was the lovable, mischievous Prince was not because we were told to think that – but because he was. He was very charming and funny. Harry has this certain way of speaking that makes you attentive, which is a bad thing for him because now we’re all paying attention to the spoiled and selfish bs that he’s saying. I’m not sure on his powers of persuasion as my mind is drawing a blank, but I know there’s an example of it.
8) Broken Moral Compass or Limited Conscious
Obviously, he does not care who he hurts as displayed by his smear campaign against his family. His moral compass is obviously corrupted as he thinks a foreign country should be responsible to pay millions for his security. Anyone with a shred of morality would think, “I moved here out of my own free will, therefore I am responsible for all that it entails.” He bragged about the people he killed in Afghanistan because he thought it would make him look like a badass. That’s sick.
9) Few Close Bonds or Relationships
This one applies to Harry now. Seems he has nobody left. A lot of you may think, “he had a lot of friends before he met Meghan, though.” That is true; but what is also true is that he had unstable friendships his entire life, and most long-term ones were falling out before he met her. Another thing to understand is it’s easy to have a lot of “friends” when you’re young, immature, and in the party scene. These people aren’t your “real” friends. If they are, then you must grow with them. A lot of his friends had grown older and matured, looking to settle down. Meanwhile, Harry is stuck in a perpetual teenager mindset. You won’t keep many friends being this way.
10) Manipulative Tendencies
I’ve given several examples of this, but he has some manipulative tendencies that I can see straight through. Harry has learned that all he has to do to garner sympathy and forgiveness is say, “Mum died.” It has worked for a long time. He’s not doing this because he actually cares, it’s to evoke a certain reaction – aka, manipulation. He always has to remind you that his mother, Princess Diana, was a saint sent from Heaven who tragically died when he was young. Not only that, but he also uses her name as an excuse for his actions. “My Mum would be proud of us. She’d love Meghan.” This manipulation tactic works sometimes because she cannot speak for herself, and Diana has a reputation for being “against the RF” even though she seemed to be very good at what she did. He’s putting words in a dead woman’s mouth to justify his actions.
11) Entitlement and Impunity
We all know this one is obvious. The guy thinks he deserves everything in the world for winning the “genetic” lottery (or should I say “family” lottery?). He feels entitled to be King because he seriously thinks he’d do a better job at it. He feels entitled to privileges even William and Catherine didn’t have. He literally wanted the RF to wage a war against the press, and then freaked out when “someone” (cough, William) said something super reasonable: “My girlfriend was treated badly, too. Why should you get special treatment?” According to Harry, the answer was simply: “because I am special.” His impunity reeks when he constantly complains about the duties of his job, because why should he have to do it? He's special. If he treated the military anything like he treated being a Royal, then no wonder it didn’t work out.
12) Social Deviance
He cheats on every girlfriend he has and dressed up as Hitler surrounded by Klansmen for Halloween. He hires prostitutes. I don’t know what more to say.
13) Feeling No Guilt
Harry takes zero accountability for anything he’s ever done. He manipulates, and guilt trips if he’s done something wrong. Or he turns it around on the other person. For instance, the Nazi costume. He has absolutely zero remorse for it and literally, somehow, blamed William and Catherine for it because they “laughed.” To me, it seems like they thought he was telling a dark joke and laughed at the ridiculousness of wearing a costume like that. He turns this around as if it’s THEIR fault for giving him permission of some sorts?! He does not care who he hurts and doubles down on it as well. He’s had numerous opportunities to take accountability and apologize, but instead he further escalated.
14) Failure to Fulfill Responsibilities
I personally think Harry is capable of a lot more than he’s done. I don’t think he failed his military tests because he’s stupid – I think he failed them because he’s lazy, didn’t study, and thought being a Prince would entitle him to be able to bend the rules. He complained about having to “endure” Royal Duties even though it provided him a life of luxury that most people cannot even imagine. He’s an absent parent and lives life solely for himself, and him only.
15) Aggression Towards People/Animals
I’ve heard rumors that Harry has beaten prostitutes up in Vegas. I’m not sure if that’s true but given he meets 100% of the criteria needed to be diagnosed as a sociopath – it would make logical sense for him to follow that pattern. I also do not believe his recollection surrounding his and William’s fight. He acts as if he was begging for mercy and William hit him like a maniac. From what I know about Prince William – yeah, right. (eyeroll) From what I know about Harry – he swung first, and William defended himself. Harry is obviously threatened by his older brother and thought he could fight him to prove something. When he lost, he turns into the victim, acting like big bad William is psychotic. We also have seen Meghan’s dog with two broken front legs. This cannot be officially confirmed that Harry did something, but we do have confirmation that Harry abuses horses. He kicks them so hard with the spurs that he essentially stabs them. I have never seen anything like that before. There is something deeply and psychologically wrong with him.
16) Enjoys Hurting People & Causing Discomfort
I talked about this slightly in #2. While we seemingly won’t ever have official confirmation that Harry enjoys negativity (especially if he caused it – gives him a false sense of power), you can see it by reading his body language and analyzing his words. When Harry is recollecting on stories where his family was supposedly being “mean for no reason” towards them, he has a smirk on his face and a glint in his eye. Go back and watch him telling the story of Meghan’s first meeting of William and Catherine. He’s smirking. This smirk is also known as duper’s delight because he feels this negative picture he’s painting of his family is working. You absolutely cannot convince me he didn’t know this was an inappropriate way to introduce your girlfriend to the future King and Queen. He’s smirking as he describes William and Catherine’s discomfort towards Meghan’s behavior – because he absolutely loved it. He had every opportunity in the world to say something and he didn’t. He let her act like a fool and relished in it.
Watching him at the coronation was actually super triggering for me as I have been abused by a sociopath. The way he stared at William… I’ve seen that before. His eyes were black, and you could feel the hatred emanating off of him. His eyes were wide open as well, as if he was trying to use Superman’s laser against William. This stare cannot be accurately classified as a simple aggressive glare. I know this stare. It says, “If we were alone, I would kill you.” He was hoping William would catch a glance and see this. This stare is purposefully done to make the recipient very uncomfortable or even afraid.
I know this man is dangerous. I can feel it. He had to beg to be deployed because he so badly wanted to fight in a war. That is not normal; and then his bragging about the people he killed is even more twisted. He is a highly abusive and predatory individual. He has no shame or guilt for what he’s done. He will never stop trying to destroy his target.
He will not stop bringing up Chelsy Davy in court. The subliminal message that he is sending to her is obvious to people who have experience with this abuse. He states she left him because she couldn’t handle the press. She was with him for 7 years, right? So, obviously she handled the press quite well throughout those 7 years. The truth is: Harry doesn’t love Chelsy Davy. He most likely never did. He is still angry and bitter that she left him. How dare she?! It doesn’t matter that he cheated and deserved it – she left him.
This is a huge blow to the ego for him. He has to be the one to want to break up, he cannot be broken up with because that implies he’s not perfect. This is why Cressida isn’t treated the same; it was mutual. It wouldn’t surprise me one bit if he harassed Chelsy for a long time after she left because he’s still doing it to this day. The subliminal message is: “you will never escape me. You will forever be associated with me. I will tell them that you didn’t love me enough – you were too weak – to deal with this life. It will always be your fault, not mine.”
I don’t like Meghan Markle at all, but I am not soulless. I am very worried for her if she is the one who decides to leave. I feel he has a power over her that we cannot understand and he’s the one calling the shots. People blame Meghan for “Spare,” which I think she definitely had a part in it, but his ghost writer has straight up basically admitted that Harry verbally/emotionally abused him during the process.
When people have nothing left to lose, that is when it becomes most dangerous. This is a special situation for him as it’s his first marriage, they have children together, and he destroyed his ties to the royal family for her. If she leaves and takes the kids, what does he have? Nothing. He has no family to run back to, no friends, no allies, no job. Remember that coronation stare.
A lot of you may hate me for claiming to be worried about Meghan, but I don’t care. Like I said, I cannot stand her, and she’s definitely played her part. I’m not entirely sure what Harry is capable of, but she doesn’t deserve violence or endless stalking/harassment. I seriously am sick to my stomach thinking about how much danger she is in, and I wonder if she even knows it. I hope that if she leaves, she plays it intelligently.
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dayslynthesix · 1 year
Slice | Daniel Ricciardo x tennis player reader | part 2
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liked by redbullracing, maxverstappen1, dannielricciardo, ccaspari, yrossibutton and 455.233 others
laurencaspari time to see my boy doing his big boy shit, thank you redbullracing for the invitation, it was amazing to see 20 cars going vroom vroom for 3 days
danielricciardo im working my ass out for you
laurencaspari i want you to win, who do i have to bribe?
redbullracing good to see you here, lauren!
danielricciardo adm, that's my girl, go get one for yourself
elisebutton that's interesting, daniel brought my wife to the race and didn't tell me
maxverstappen1 take good care of my car, mate, I'll need it next year
user1 so it is true daniel will be driving max's car for the rest of the season?
user2 fast cars for a live
user3 i love how they appear to have 0 brain cells
user4 charles better watch his back because lis is coming for lauren
charles_leclerc im watching my back! but it is very difficult to compete with a wimbledon, rolland garros & etc champion!!!
elisebutton i love yaaaaaa
laurencaspari lis, i think is time for us to get divorced 😫
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liked by redbullracing, landonorris, maxverstappen1, laurencaspari, ccaspari, jensonbutton and 766.877 others
danielricciardo wow wow wow, it felt amazing to drive this car. thank you max for letting me have this one for a few days, thank you RedBull for the amazing work this weekend, thank you to my favorite tennis girl and thank you lis, it was amazing to share the podium with youuu, 1-2 for the bulls, LET'S GOOOOOO 🥇🥈
redbullracing good to have you back, danny ric, it was amazing to see you at the highest spot at the podium.
laurencaspari HAHAHAHAHHAHAHA YOU DID IT!!! (i didn't understand half of what happened but im very proud of you)
laurencaspari wow i date a formula one champ 😍
elisebutton hey max verstappen watch your back, danny ric is coming for ya, well done mate! im very happy to share that podium with you and it was amazing fighting you on track
maxverstappen1 well done, mate, im very happy to see you happy
charles_leclerc owntttt 😍😍
elisebutton 😍😍😍
laurencaspari 😍😍😍 hubbies
landonorris sorry to broke your trophy 🤭
user5 i love how she doesn't know anything anout f1 but every time the camera was on her she was screaming "go daniel"
user6 girl is just like us, if i was dating danny ric i would wear his merch all around
user7 tennis + f1 is what i need
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liked by redbullracing, usopen, cota, danielricciardo, ccaspari, priyacaspari, lewishamilton and 634.777 others
laurencaspari girls trip with my sisters (and lis) + trying to teach the boys how to play tennis & tequila, obviously
charles_leclerc i think I'm ready to the australian open
laurencaspari sure, lets do it!
jensonbutton oh god
laurencaspari hey jenson, hope to see you in austin!
elisebutton i didn't liked the parenthesis 😭 what happened with our marriage??
laurencaspari you're not my sister, you're my wife!
priyacaspari the last few days of break before the season starts, looking forward to see you go to see me in turkey
danielricciardo she already bought one of the team jerseys
danielricciardo i dont feel ready to play the australian open bae 🤨
elisebutton i think you and charles would be amazing pairing each other 🤭
maxverstappen1 what about my invitation?
maxverstappen1 who in 2023 calls people???
user8 so i think we have some new tennis talents on the market, looking forward to see this dude charles leclerc and daniel ricciardo playing the aussie open
user9 i love how max is third wheeling for charles and lis and daniel and lauren, go king!
user10 someone asked lauren who was the most handsome driver at the qatar gp and she didn't even think about it and shouted jenson button so loud that the entire garage looked at her, that's my girl
user11 where's redbullracing adm?
danielricciardo 🤨🤨🤨
redbullracing big boss said im not allowed to crush his girl
user12 lauren is collecting friendship with drivers like pokemons
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liked by redbullracing, maxverstappen1, laurencaspari, landonorris and 766.098 others
danielricciardo finishing the season with a p1 felt amazing, love driving this beast. thank you redbullracing, i missed you a lot, now is just me and my girl (and my girl girls), see ya in march f1
laurencaspari this one i understand what was going on, victories suit you, my love ❤
redbullracing was very good to have you back, danny ric!
elisebutton big congrats, honey badger, you deserved it!
charles_leclerc im never ever again in my life will do a shoey, ill crash my car into the closest bridge before that
danielricciardo sorry, i cant hear you, the phone call is very bad
elisebutton that's because we're on the hospital YOU GAVE MY BOYFRIEND A STOMACH BUG
laurencaspari so that means that the first week of break is just us?
charles_leclerc no, im feeling much better! 🤗
maxverstappen1 i miss fighting you on track, let's see if we can do that next year
laurencaspari ill adulterate that power unit myself just for that
user12 they're so cute, i cant
user13 it took lauren just 4 races to learn everything she could about formula one
jensonbutton she had a great teacher. me. i was her teacher. and trust me, she asked the most suffering questions.
elisebutton dad, now she knows that a f1 car does have a reverse gear
user14 i just know that they break wont be just theirs
danielricciardo yeah, it wont, max already knocking on my dor and lis is on the phone with laure and charles is already with the boat 😬
user15 youre going on a boat trip??? its winter????
danielricciardo were going to brazil!!
user15 on a boat????
jensonbutton i wasn't familiar with that plan
charles_leclerc trust the process 🤗
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malichev · 6 months
Huevitos, I have a question: They told Fit that Ramon's ADM was away because of studies, right? But reading Dapper's report, about Ramon being fired right after Purgatory, I have to ask for your perspective… Does this mean they lied to Fit? That they just fired Ramon for no reason?
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thesmpisonfire · 6 months
Eu não li todo o documento porque são 32 páginas e eu to muito cansada pra isso, mas tipo, claro que a Léa tem todo o direito de está frustrada com a situação mas tbm não justifica a xenofobia contra o Quackity e até o resto da comunidade hispanica/latina
Quackity é mexicano, ok, vc não entende, mas espanhol é a primeira língua dele, ele sabe falar inglês fluentemente mas não significa que ele deve falar inglês toda hora
E a forma de falar dos salários tipo, soa como "pra eles era o bastante, mas pra mim não, porque eles moram em um país mais pobre e eu não", não exatamente assim mas é a melhor que eu consigo expressar, tipo, ok podia só ter falado algo rápido e pronto, como vc disse, não precisava falar de nacionalidade
O ponto é que, pra mim, enquanto eu consigo simpatizar com Léa, porque ela teve todo o direito de se pronunciar sobre o assunto obviamente, meu problema com ela agora tem sido a forma como ela lida com isso, não parece querer ajudar os outros adms as vezes, tipo, só quer reclamar e botar lenha na fogueira invés de querer que a situações melhorem pros outros
Eles ficam brincando falando de sindrome de estocolmo o que, na minha opinão, meio que soa um tanto desmerecedor de toda a situação, e pelo que eu vi um outro anon falando, nem menciona o bbh que tem entrado no servidor ultimamente, mas menciona o Phil, o que chega a ser um tanto hipócrita, o chat até tava falando do Richas, mas ela diz "sim, talvez ele seja parte do problema", ao mesmo tempo que diz que ele tbm é uma vitima, e de novo a coisa da sindrome de estocolmo me deixa meio... meh
Ah, e não é nenhum hate contra o Bad é só meio interessante quando vc olha assim e vc percebe que tem um certo preconceito no julgamento dela, não menciona o bbh no servidor até vai no chat dele e tals, mas meio que parece querer jogar o Ricardão debaixo do onibus e ainda os adms do Chayanne e da Tallulah
Sem contar que, não era tarde só pra quem tava na França quando o Q abriu live pra falar sobre o assunto, eu lembro de ser madrugada quando eu vi a notificação, pelo meu entendimento, ele foi saber o que aconteceu e abriu live o mais cedo que pode, o que acabou sendo tarde, não algo proposital, tipo, eu nem esperaria que alguém levasse esse detalhe com má fé
A parte de falar que não foi justo dele falar espanho ainda me irrita bastante
E tipo, essas coisas pequenas que ela fala acabam fazendo parecer que ela só quer pintar o Q em uma má luz, tipo, detalhes pequenos que eu nem acharia que alguém veria como, sabe, mau. Como querendo manchar a imagem dele com pequenos detalhes, tipo a hora da live, ele falando espanhol, pra ganhar simpatia
Claro que pode não ser o caso, mas olhando assim, ao menos pra mim, é o que acaba parecendo
Claro que eu não estou dizendo que ela deveria está, sei lá, idolatrando o Q, ele errou isso é verdade, mas isso só acaba parecendo que ela quer fazer com que sintam pena dela com coisas que acabam até sendo xenofóbicas, eu entendo falar sobre os problemas na forma como eles foram tratados, ela tem todo o direito e ela deve falar sobre isso, mas esse detalhes chegam a ser meio irrelevantes
Desculpa pela ask longa
bicho sim puta q pariu
a pior parte ta sendo br no twitter caindo no papinho da Lea só pq ta puto. TIPO PORRA MEU FILHO ELA TÁ TE USANDO. ela sendo xenofobica pra porra e br lambendo o cu dela vtnc
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mousemannation · 11 days
kokkinakis' presence in the 2023/24 tennis sphere is sooooo specific. despite not have a particularly good season AND not even being the most popular australian player, he's always around.. lurking.. he shows up in media content more than he probably should, i am always being jumpscared.
subbing in for adm at davis cup wasn't particularly surprising, I mean we only have so many players to pick from; but for laver cup is more interesting to me. I do think they specifically wanted the replacement to also be australian to like keep the spread of team world, so that helps. I saw comments on the instagram post saying it should've been Popyrin, but I'd assume they have backups for all the players chosen way in advance, and Popyrin only really became a viable option after he won montreal and then of course his uso defeat of novak.
But again, Kokkinakis hasn't had a great season. It's not been catastrophic but his love affair with five set matches is disastrous lol. His whole career has been plagued with injuries and he's never really recovered from the loss of momentum that caused. He definitely could be much higher ranked though...
I think the combination of a couple of big (singles) wins over his career + the ao22 doubles slam win (which should never be overlooked!!!) + general proximity to the cannot stay out of drama for the life of him kyrgios has granted kokkinakis a sort of staying power in the tennis space he otherwise would not have.
He's never been a crazy public presence himself, even when the whole Special Ks thing was fucking everywhere at ao22 his shtick was always in contrast to kyrgios' chaos. He's so just a dude??? Honestly even his sort of friendship with tsitsipas is overshadowed by kyrgios' weird on again off again friendship with tsitsipas. Kyrgios is an ever present spectre in kokkinakis' public presence and im so curious how that will evolve when kyrgios (unfortunately) returns to the tour.
Anyways,, i hope any of that made sense siekskks it's just something I've been thinking about for a while, but especially since his subbing in for adm at both Davis cup and laver cup. I'm solidly neutral about him by the way, like this isn't any sort of criticism or whatever on him!!! Just some rumination! Also omg Im pretty sure I haven't like said any lies but do nawt take this as gospel im mostly going off vibes so if any details r wrong I apologise!!!
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beardedmrbean · 4 months
May 30 (UPI) -- The Israeli military said its forces have gained control of Gaza's so-called Philadelphi Corridor, a buffer zone that runs along the eight-mile border between southern Gaza and Egypt that it says served as a Hamas "lifeline."
The operation by the Israel Defense Forces' 162nd armored division as part of its ongoing offensive in Rafah captured 20 tunnels used by Hamas to smuggle weapons into Gaza and dozens of launch pits with loaded rocket launchers used to bombard Israeli territory, IDF Rear Adm. Daniel Hagari said at a Wednesday night news briefing.
"Hamas exploited the Philadelphi Corridor, using it to build this infrastructure just dozens of meters from the border with Egypt so that we would not strike them. This infrastructure was located between 10 and 40 meters from the border, specifically so that Israel would not strike near the fence with Egypt.
"I remind you that in recent weeks, Hamas has fired about 70 rockets and mortars from the Rafah area."
Capturing the corridor means Israel now controls all of Gaza's land borders.
Hagari refused to confirm an off-the-record comment by one of his colleagues stating that the tunnels straddled the border with Egypt.
"I can't say now that all of these tunnels cross into Egypt," he said, explaining that troops were "investigating and neutralizing" the tunnels as they went along and that the intelligence would be shared with Egypt.
Egyptian media quoted sources rejecting the cross-border tunnel claims and accusing Israel of attempting to legitimize its military operation in Rafah and drag out the conflict for domestic "political purposes."
"These lies reflect the magnitude of the crisis facing the Israeli government," the official said.
"Israel continues its attempts to export lies about on-the-ground conditions for its forces in Rafah in order to obscure its military failure and to find an escape for its political crisis."
Egypt has previously said the smuggling of weapons into Gaza was impossible because it had destroyed tunnels connecting to its territory.
The tunnels row erupted as Israel named four soldiers killed in combat operations over the past two nights in the Dahaniya district of Rafah and northern Gaza as Staff Sgt. Amir Galilov; Staff Sgt. Uri Bar Or; Staff. Sgt. Ido Appel; and Staff Sgt. Yedidya Azugi.
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yuraslefttoe · 10 months
hey, it's me again! I came to pester you with questions!! *there should be a scary laugh, but it sounds more like mean giggles*
(by the way, I’m thinking about sending you such long texts with questions (because I have a lot of them!!) once one or two weeks, if you don’t mind. . . . . . .you don't mind..??? (god, I hope you don’t get tired of me..!) I'm so sorry, please, I'm just very interested!! *qwq*)
I’ll remind you once again how much I adore your work (after all, you deserve it!!), and I’ll also say that I specifically shouldn’t talk about posts tagged with the  adm, because I’ve read your tumblr and twitter in its entirety several times, I even have a separate album in my gallery with answers that particularly interested me, there are several hundred screenshots there and I don’t regret anything! (sorry if my hyperfixation may be intimidating!!)
*=^._.^= ∫*
and now the questions!!!! 
1. my wife doesn’t have a tumblr, but her suggestion interested me and can be seen in the first two screenshots(the translation sounds like: “after the release of “red hour” I have an assumption that andrey is more... athletic than misha. either this is because of ferry’s drawing style, or he really has such wide shoulders")so now we are interested to know about the physique of your characters!! maybe some of them are thin, or vice versa, a little overweight. and what about physical training? did you have any headcanons for this??? ( by the way, when I ask about “characters” I mean not only misha and andrey, but also europe and maya, because they are also worthy of attention <зз) 
2. what about the abbreviation "dyusha" for andrey? in russian it is... not used very often, but still, it sounds very cute. so it would be interesting to know how you would feel about this? 3. I also want to hear about the names of the characters!! how did you choose them? I mean........ how did it happen that from ☺europa☺ you switched to 👹MiKhAiL👹?? (I'M SO SORRY, BUT MISHA'S FULL NAME SOUNDS SOMETHING THREATENING. MY UNCLE'S DOG HAS THE SAME NAME EHE- *ᕕ(ಥ▽ಥ)ᕗ*) 
4. and lastly, let's return to my wife for another moment. she suggested that andrey was now also in a time loop. what do you say about that? and also in enigma, she noticed that misha seemed to be addressing the second person in the lines: "and if you wanted to be anything more than just free" and "you’ve seen a hundred lies I see that all the time". is this second person a viewer? or maybe one of the previously mentioned characters??
the last photo, by the way, is one of the sketches that I found so far in my gallery! ^^ 
initially it was planned to attach two sketches, but andrey turned out TOO bad, I’m ashamed to show him. someday I'll redraw it into something normal.... maybe. but! I really like the pic with misha and the wolf(I hope this is the wolf you were talking about lol. google didn’t show me anything else, and I’ve never been to ikea myself, ehe...) 
(and I don’t want to post all this yet, because running a tumblr was certainly not part of my plans, haha)) I registered here solely to read your blog, and not to maintain my own) 
sorry again for possible illiteracy, and also for the chaotic nature of my thoughts, haha, I don’t know how to adequately express them in english.. and also, I’m really REALLY apologize that the text was too long, next time I’ll try to be shorter...
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okay im gonna try and answer everything here in a coherent way so sorry if nothing makes sense
im just fine with lotes of questions :) answering asks and responding to comments is one of my favorite things ever and i brings a verry big smile to my face
on andrei: i consider him to be a skinny little gut but not exactly unathletic, and in addition i think he would have basic combat training and probably be good with firearms. misha is probably a very average bodytype, nothing special, not particularly athletic.
i do not speak russian (though ferry has recently encouraged me to learn so maybe in like four years ill be able to form a sentence) so i dont know anything about the short forms so you can do whatever you want. if you coin it and peoples tart calling him that i will not stop it from happening
i do not name my characters, i usually let me friends name them (i think that the only one i named was europa and his partner). going forward maybe ill try to make it more cohesive
the time loop idea im seeing thrown around alot is really cool and while i havent particularly wrote any of my songs about that in general i see it fitting into the loose narrative i have going on. also in enigma misha is definitely talking to andrei whenever he says the word "you" but it could also be to the listener because the entire theme of enigma is 4th wall breaking and meta shenanigans like that
that sketch is SO CUTE oh my god
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Hello! This is Ms. @adm-starblitzsteel-4305 ! The 6th chapter of Princess of the Monsters will be posted tomorrow!
Don't worry, I only have a few more stories to come! 😊
Why did I wrote this Godzilla fanfic?
It always inspired me about my life. Sometimes life gets hard on your way. For example, as I graduated my senior high school to college/university, I always thought that everything will goes smoothly; until I realized that this sudden changes took almost my wildest inspirations to obstacles. My dream career was to be a science educator, I passed the results and all.
And I am trying to find the RIGHT BALANCE of MYSELF.
There are times that I got myself feeling frustrated and almost got a heated argument with my parents, who are expecting me about what's best for me and the career because their first option was I should be a nurse or an architecture, but I refused, because I do not wish myself to separate my parents to go abroad and find a suitable job since I am afraid of going alone myself. My only option was to be an educator because I love teaching students and motivating themselves to always have hope for their future. I love teaching in secondary schools (high school rather, hopefully I can finish my 4-year level course).
With all those negative auras, I managed to find my true self as I navigated through real-life exposures and positivity, I am able to recover my introvert type to extrovert, though I have my sensitivity of being an introvert because I don't want myself to be hurt again by some nasty things and always avoided it at all cost.
As for the fanfiction I wrote; being a HUGE GODZILLA FAN means getting involved in numerous life. I am extremely tied to Mothzilla stuff and it helps ignited my pure imagination. For years, I created OCs from my childhood until my new adulthood.
The Princess of the Monsters fanfiction is a freshly written story, especially when it comes to family and acceptance, even giving a chance to live amongst their lives and start over a new life. But be warned, for this story will impact over myself or even yourself as I wrote it in order to ease my tensions of something that I truly neglected for
For the two OCs: Mothra Astra and Ma. Celestina...
Mothra Astra is my Mothzilla fanchild and Godzilla's and Mothra's ONLY DAUGHTER before Mothra conceives Leo after their daughter's death. She is another example of my childhood as I described: pure, innocent, full of wonders and joy, being helpful to others and always bring positivity to those around. Her two roles: being the future Queen of the Monsters and Guardian Angel of Stars will help herself navigate through the challenges as an heir to the throne.
Ma. Celestina, however, is a human girl who brought her inquisitive talents (singing, painting, dancing) to spread more love and care and to reminded of whom she is trying to search her long-time discovery after realizing she has wield a Cosmic Power that is equally more powerful yet dangerous when it is not fully trained to master every magic. Her answers lies beneath the tapestry as she travelled across different dimensions before she finally settled in to the MonsterVerse, as a Princess despite her title was already granted on her early childhood.
This story ignited my discovery as I finished writing and feeling myself normal again, I am able to balance my career and hobbies and neither I skipped every last ounce of my skills. Adulthood is something you should normally experienced for especially when you reached that, you will realized that your life - unlike in your childhood to teens - will certainly be tested.
Why I share this to you?
Well, this not a rant, but a lesson that I would never do that in my past again.
Looking at the bright side will help me take a step to my future.
That's all.
~ @adm-starblitzsteel-4305
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damedechance · 2 years
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not a star
Kallias x Viviane | Read on AO3
[Listen to the Playlist]
This year, I had the tremendous pleasure of participating in the @acotargiftexchange and creating a fic for @daevastanner! Izzy, I really hope you enjoy this little moodboard and oneshot. Happy holidays, and please stay safe and warm!
Summary: At the Southern Border of the Winter Court, Viviane spends Solstice battling the growing resentment she feels towards her childhood friend, Kallias, who has mysteriously reappeared in her life after being the one to assign her to the border in the first place. She sets out on a mission to prove to him that he was wrong, which inevitably lands them both in deeper trouble, as the unspoken attraction between them lies just below the surface.
You can read the opening below, but the entire fic is on AO3!
The Southern Forest laid sprawling before her, a great taiga with its towering evergreens that spiraled so far into the sky, their very peaks were obscured behind the wintry fog. The pines were magnificent pillars, their branches full and laden with snow. They stood packed so densely together that nearly every inch of ground was covered. If she climbed down from this turret, she would find the forest nearly impossible to navigate, with its labyrinthine paths and the air thick with icy, suffocating wind.
She’d been to the Northern Border, seen the steep mountains and climbed to their summits. Even for the most seasoned of climbers, the mountains were practically a guaranteed death–either by hypothermia or a horrific fall down the sharp, jutting mountainside.  But Viviane would contend that the forest was far more lethal. That unseen enemies, disorientation, and madness would wear away one’s soul long before the cold wore all the way through their bodies.
It was exactly what made the Southern Border so impenetrable. The forest was a beast all on its own, something few dared to broach. But in these years, even the most calculated of Winter’s enemies were growing heedless. Roaring, desperate soldiers from Hybern that had nothing to lose and everything to gain. Viviane supposed the forest wouldn’t look so ominous to her, either, if she had a ruthless general like Amarantha and nothing waiting for her at home.
And so she stood, high upon the topmost platform of the turret, and braced her gloved hands on the railing in front of her. Eyes rocking over every inch of the vast, unfathomable forest, and carefully scanning for any hint of intrusion or attack.
Such level of scrutiny was hardly necessary. Even on the night of Winter Solstice, the guards were as watchful as ever, and there were many eyes on the taiga tonight. Her guard was a formidable force, keen and powerful. They would have managed tonight’s patrol just fine without her.
In fact, her absence likely would have been more productive, in the long run. As it was, her unusually sharp and caustic demeanor was setting them all on edge. She could feel the anxiety in the air just as biting as the chill in the wind. She was well aware that it was her fault, that this stark contrast to her usual levity and compassion had flipped the dynamic.
Usually, Viviane was kind. She put her guards at ease by offering smiles, or inquiring about their families. On occasion, she had even been known to suggest sledding or group meals in their off-time, just to bolster morale. Viviane cared for the people who were under her authority, but more than that, she fought for the people under her protection.
A fact that at times warped and twisted in on itself. Brought fear and self-doubt instead of warmth and satisfaction. She had to protect them. It was her job. It was all she had.
Viviane’s hands tightened around the railing, and she ignored the way she could feel her knuckles practically splitting the skin that stretched over them as the cold metal bit into her palms. She wouldn’t allow herself to be resentful of the fact that this border guards was the only responsibility she had, now. Not even if that meant admitting that she had been cast aside, that everything else she had once cared about was now under the protection of someone else. Admitting that she couldn’t do more.
A few miles north, there laid a city. One that was just fierce and scrupulous enough to survive out in this taiga. It was where many of the guards went for a drink or a hot meal after their shifts. Where they slept at the inn, after one too many drinks made them far too sluggish to return to their tents at the border. It was lively and bright, a guiding light in this endless blizzard.
A visitor had arrived in that city that very morning, all too painful a reminder of everything Viviane longed for.
Which, perhaps, was exactly what her turbulent mood could be attributed towards.
She took refuge in the wind that slashed across her number cheeks, in the snow that fell over her head, clumped in the fibers of her fur-lined coat. The harsh winter was at least familiar enough that she could find comfort in it, even as the ends of her fingers lost feeling and she constantly had to suppress her shivering.
This was familiar. He was not.
Viviane supposed it might have hurt less, if she had never seen him again.
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muckrock · 3 months
In August 1982, Admiral Grace Hopper gave a lecture on “Future Possibilities: Data, Hardware, Software, and People” at the NSA’s Fort Meade headquarters. This spring, after initially saying they could not find their recording of this landmark lecture, the NSA clarified: they no longer have the ability to view the recording.
MuckRock has a great story up now about the lecture and efforts to get the intelligence agency to make the recording public.
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thex01011000 · 5 months
Eu acho que
"Tomodachi" do yung li/gemaplys
Seria um desabafo do Shiro se ele fosse cantor, a letra me lembra a fdp da Tomoyotrouxa.
ADM: Eu ainda preciso ouvir essa musiquinha
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slashercross · 8 months
Será que um dia sai arte nsfw do Chris e da mi?? Igual teve com o dimi e o shiro🙃
ADM(2): EU LI ERRADO!!! Eu li "arte do Chris com o Dimi" kkkkkjj. Fiquei em choque.
Provavelmente não sai, principalmente porque não teria onde postar.
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I was bored. I wrote this. It’s something. It’s also not the requests sitting in my ask box so sorry once again to those who have left them. 
Essentially we’re in Curse Era but Ace shows up at Nancy’s door injured.
There was panic in Nancy’s voice, the same that always came when she knew Ace was in danger or could possibly be hurt.
Except this time that possibility was very real and right in front of her. The physical proof stood in the entryway, leaning uncomfortably against a dooway and bleeding from a cut above his right eye.
“It’s not as bad as it looks,” Ace promised.
He was still trying to reassure her even as he bleed onto her floor.
“Ace,” she sighed, as an admonishment almost. He was downplaying it because of course he was, it was Ace she was dealing with after all.
He seemed to take it as a critique of his presence there instead, though—like she was at all worried about him bothering her.
“I know. I’m sorry. I thought it would be maybe Carson and, um, or Ryan here.”
“No, just me,” she explained quietly.
Ace looked at her with an expression of unsureness to the point that he almost looked contrite. The wrongness of it echoed throughout her very being. She could feel herself frowning. It was the exact opposite of what they were and she could only really blame herself. It was an awful decision to be made, but in the end it was her who had made it.
He seemed to take her continued silence as an ostracisation rather than a lamentation of circumstance. That was another thing she could probably blame herself for—making him doubt how he understood her, what he saw when he looked through her eyes.
“I—I wouldn’t have come it’s just… I lost my keys at—uh, somewhere. Here was the closest. And there’s just no way I could go to my parents’, you know? Not with my dad right now. Not like this,” he waved his arm gesturing to himself. “And—”
He was more concerned about justifying his presence there than the potentially bruised ribs he was maybe carrying. She knew it was her fault he felt like this but it still pierced her heart like like a shard of glass, and the very fact it was her fault actually made that glass even sharper.
Of course he could come here, come to her, for help.
“Ace,” Nancy said one more time, decisively to cut off his unneeded apology. “Come in. You know your way round. You can stay here tonight but we need to clean you up first.”
She turned, hugging the door so he could pass. And he did—just very slowly. Not a good sign. All she wanted to do was reach out and help him. She settled for supporting his elbow a few steps.
“I’m okay,” Ace lied.
“I promise.”
“I know you, Mr. I’m Okay. I know you’re alright no matter what but that doesn’t mean you always have to be okay.”
She was telling him something about herself.
“C’mon. Kitchen stool’s probably best. I’ll run upstairs and grab the first-aid kit.”
She made her way hastily up the stairs and once she’d pulled the kit out from under the sink she took the briefest of moments to herself. She clutched the basin with her hands and let gravity take the weight of her head if just for a second. Then she drew herself up, wiped her face with her hands and took a deep breath. She made eye contact with herself in the mirror and did her best to muster some semblance of a brave face.
As she glided back down the stairs she saw that Ace had uncomfortably settled on one of the kitchen stools. Without looking at him directly she put the first-aid kit on the kitchen island with a loud thunk and opened it dramatically.
“Quite the extensive first-aid kit,” Ace commented.
Nancy hummed in agreement.
“I was a troublesome child,” she replied.
“I don’t doubt it.”
Her eyes flicked to his then. The look they shared was loaded and utterly unconnected to the words they were saying.
There was a long stretch of silence as Nancy tended to his (visible) wounds. Ace was trying to be stoic but she saw the slightest scrunch of his nose when something stung or hurt. She hated to admit she felt every single thing along with him. Awful thing to have your heart exist outside of your body.
She didn’t like she was adding to his pain either, even if it was helping him. There was some broader metaphor there but she was too emotionally exhausted to pay too much attention to it.
He was right though, it wasn’t as bad as it looked. He had that going for him at least.
“So,” Nancy said eventually, not as a beginning of a sentence but as a full sentence.
Ace only raised his eyebrows in response to her raised eyebrows so she decided to make the conversation, if you could call it that, more productive.
“You going to tell me what happened?” she prompted.
Ace just sighed, considering.
“Had a thing. Dug a bit too deep,” he said. “Some people didn’t like what I found.”
“Ah,” said Nancy. “The Nancy Drew Special.”
She granted him some time away from her probing questions, but they both knew that she wouldn’t drop it forever. He had known that when he said it but he had been asking for some time, a moment, some room to breathe—so she relented.
“You don’t have to do it on your own, you know,” she said after a beat.
“I know, I was going to call but…” he paused. Nancy knew exactly what the ‘but’ was about.
“Right,” she said, pausing. “Well, next time I’d still rather you call.”
Ace nodded.
“Noted,” he replied kindly. “Thanks.”
She gave him a tight smile and went back to work. She felt the weight of his gaze on her as she did.
Once she was done fixing his face up best she could she surveyed him. His face looked much better but he was still sitting awkwardly.
“I need to look at your side.”
“Because I can tell by the way you’re leaning something’s wrong,” Nancy explained. “Can I please just have a look at least, I’ll be gentle.”
Ace gave her a discerning and somewhat disbelieving eye.
“Okay,” she conceded. “As gentle as I can be. Can I?”
She ran her fingers lightly along the hem of his shirt. His face hardened briefly before he quickly schooled his expression and nodded shortly so Nancy pulled up his shirt to see.
She poked around, but gently as she promised. She rode every wince with him, hating it all the way.
She pulled her head back after her examination. But her hands remained where they were. They feathered lightly over his side now, barely touching him and not with enough pressure to hurt. It was almost instinctive and she couldn’t help herself.
She needed to stop.
He blinked quickly and she thought she heard a stutter in his breath.
“I, uh,” Nancy tried, swallowing thickly. She hadn’t fully registered—or allowed herself to register—until just now how close he was and she was beginning to feel unsteady, a little heady.
She could not be distracted.
She would not be distracted.
Her mouth was slightly open now, she was probably going to say something but she had no idea what it would be, if it was anything at all.
Why was he looking at her like that?
She wanted him to stop but, also, she never wanted him to stop.
They both looked down at her fingers still traitorously tracing thoughtless shapes along his skin.
“I don’t think your ribs are bruised or broken,” she said more composed than she felt but barely above a whisper. It was easier now he wasn’t looking directly at her. But only marginally. “You’ll probably have a nasty bruise but there’s, um, not a lot to be done. I can grab you an ice pack or something.”
“Uh-huh,” Ace said, far off. He brought his hand up and grazed it along her wrist, cradling it in.
His fingers were barely touching her skin but she felt goosebumps in their wake. That was to say nothing of what it did to her heart. It felt like it was about to explode even with the most inane of touches.
His head was still bent, silently looking down at his right side—their hands. They were so close she could feel his hair brush gently at her forehead. She didn’t know if she had forgotten how to breath or whether she just unable to in this moment. Ace had stolen that away from her with just an index finger. She felt utterly and overwhelmingly entranced.
She should have left immediately—gone and got an ice pack freezer but instead she continued to stand in in place. Her feet, too, had turned traitors it seemed. What had happened to her will power? But she knew what happened: Ace had eroded it without even really trying.
If they just stayed like this, though, that would be alright. She could look at the nook of Ace’s elbow and want to push her thumb into it. She could think of doing the same to the crease now between his eyebrows. She could think about kissing him until neither of them could breathe, and then just a little bit more. She could do all of that and it would still be alright. No harm done. No fatal curses triggered. But then he had to go and look at her again.
And everything came undone. All her resolve, all the work she had done these past weeks to avoid him, everything. Her ears were ringing and the only sound she could make out now was that of her thundering heartbeat and Ace’s uneven breathing. Or maybe that was her uneven breathing—it was hard to tell.
They had a silent, one-second conversation that lasted a lifetime.
Then she saw the glint in his eye, and she knew the moment he decided he was going to lean forward and cross a threshold that could not be uncrossed.
Something screamed out a warning from deep within her and, suddenly, it was like someone had dumped a bucket of water over her head.
It took everything in her, but she pulled back. For him. Anything, even this. Even hurting him to help him.
She cleared her throat loudly. Ace was startled into refocusing on her abrupt re-routing of the moment. She could see him clock it, recover from it and put it away so he could dissect it later. For just a second she wished they weren’t so similar.
“I need to, uh,” she was quickly forgetting how words worked. She pinched the bridge of her nose. “Ice pack.”
When she came back with a bag of peas (it was all they had), she did her best to be as even and perfunctory as possible.
“I’ll bring a mattress down so you’re more comfortable and you don’t have to go upstairs,” Nancy said. “I can sleep on the couch.”
Ace’s throat bobbled and he looked like he was going to confront her. It was nothing but misplaced hope on her part that made her feel like there was even a possibility of avoiding that. How could she have made such a disastrous misstep? How would she parry this one?
She felt herself subtly pleading at him with her eyes. Desperately trying to reach out from behind the façade she once again had to put up.
She saw his expression change as he looked at her and his mind deviate at the last second. He knew her too well for his own good. She let out the breath she had been holding.
She knew that it was only a stay of execution. They were too much alike for him to be able to drop it entirely. She just hoped it could be delayed for as long as possible until she could figure something else out.
So he chose something else to argue with her about.
“I’m okay on the couch,” he insisted. “I’ve disrupted your night enough already.”
Nancy just shook her head and he relented. Normally he would keep insisting and end up taking the couch but he looked… tired. He probably figured out that she didn’t have the bandwidth to fight him on it either. Not after they had reached some sort of multifaceted truce on confrontation.
She went about setting them up for the night. Ace kept trying to help to the point where she literally had to slap him away at one stage.
“What’s the point of me doing this if you’re just going to hurt yourself more?” she’d said, buried under an armful of blankets and pillows.
“You wouldn’t have to carry so much,” he said simply.
He was telling her something about himself.
“Sit there and drink your tea. It’s some fancy brand Ryan bought and he’d be mad if you wasted it.”
That seemed to finally strike a chord with him and he sat back down.
In all honestly, she could’ve taken one of her dad’s beds but she wanted to be near so she could be sure Ace was okay (that was what she told herself anyway). It hadn’t passed by her notice that he could definitely have picked the locks at his own place but they’d deal with wherever Florence was tomorrow. And the fact Ace probably needed to see a doctor.
They just needed to get through the night.
“Ace,” she whispered into the dark. “If you snore I will kick you out.”
There was a moment that all her anxieties threatened to rush up and fill but then…
“Fair,” he replied sleepily.
It was quiet after that but Nancy knew it would be short lived. She found that, not for the first time, she was somewhat dreading her morning coffee.
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estrelinha-s · 7 months
oii adm, como vc está??? espero que bem, só quis lembrar que vc é super talentosa e boa no que faz, dessa vez não é pedido haha, quem sabe na próxima!!!! 🩵🩵🩵
oii meu amor!! eu tô bem, melhor ainda depois que li sua ask. eu amo sempre que aparece aqui, seja para fazer pedidos, ou me motivar, eu agradeço por isso. você tem um lugarzinho especial no meu coração ͏͏♥︎͏͏♥︎͏͏♥︎
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mariacallous · 1 year
Less than a year after the Biden administration proposed forgiving up to $10,000 in federal student loan debt for most borrowers, the Supreme Court ruled the policy unconstitutional. At the core of the case was whether the HEROES Act of 2003 granted the Secretary of Education the authority to “waive or modify” federal student loan terms, up to and including forgiving those loans. The Court ruled in a 6-3 decision that broad forgiveness was beyond the scope of what Congress intended when passing the HEROES Act, further arguing in the majority decision that policies with such a large economic and political impact should be decided through Congress, and not executive action.
In the wake of that decision, the Biden administration has shifted policy toward improving the borrowing process as well as the repayment process. Political attention has focused on repayment (from the Biden administration’s attempts at loan forgiveness to Republican-sponsored legislation proposing new repayment structures) but must also turn to reforming how students decide whether and how much to borrow to ensure future students do not face unmanageable student loan debt.
Short-term policies around loan repayment
With widespread student loan forgiveness struck down by the Supreme Court, the Department of Education (ED) is moving forward on two repayment-oriented efforts. First, the Department has been implementing targeted student loan forgiveness under existing programs. In one recent move, ED announced they had reviewed old income-driven repayment accounts to ensure borrowers received accurate credit for prior monthly payments — as a result about 800,000 borrowers had the rest of their loans forgiven.
The Department is also working to expand student loan forgiveness for students who attended fraudulent universities. In some cases, the administration has automatically forgiven loans for students attending colleges that misrepresented its graduates’ employment rates or that lied about their program accreditation when recruiting prospective students. The administration is also launching a “borrowers defense” application on July 30 where borrowers can make claims against their colleges engaging in misbehavior and request loan forgiveness.
Second, the Biden administration announced the details of their new income-driven repayment plan, with some elements going into effect prior to when student loan repayments restart later this year. The new Saving on a Valuable Education (‘SAVE”) plan will replace REPAYE (an existing income-driven repayment plan) and will automatically transfer borrowers on REPAYE to the new SAVE terms.
The key short-term changes include exempting a higher threshold of income and limiting interest accrual. Borrowers’ monthly payment is calculated off their discretionary income, which has to-date been any income above 150% of the poverty line. Under SAVE, that will be any income above 225% of the poverty line. For a household of four, that means an additional $22,500 of income is protected against consideration when calculating monthly payments. Further, starting this summer if borrowers’ payments don’t cover the interest accrued that month, that interest won’t be charged. Interest accumulation has been a key driver of why some borrowers owe more on their loans four years after graduation than their original balance. While other elements of the plan, such as reducing the years borrowers have to pay before forgiveness, won’t go into effect until next summer, many have argued the new repayment plan is so generous it amounts to a new loan forgiveness program.
Pre-pandemic, the Congressional Budget Office estimated that ED loses 16.9 cents on the dollar for loans in income-driven repayment plans (as opposed to the 12.8 cents on the dollar they gain from loans repaid in standard plans). In its initial review of the Biden administration’s proposed income-driven repayment plan, CBO estimated the program would cost about $230 billion over the next decade, though will update that estimate as the details of the program get finalized.
Challenges restarting payments
Millions of borrowers have had their student loan payments on pause since March 2020, but a provision in recent debt ceiling negotiations stipulated that the pause must end this year and payments will resume this fall. One analysis estimates about 16% of borrowers could be unprepared to make their student loan payment, recommending ED double-down on enrolling borrowers in existing income-driven repayment plans and calls on states and employers to provide assistance navigating loan repayment.
At the federal level, the Biden administration announced that borrowers would not face any negative credit consequence of non-payment until September 30, 2024 during a repayment “on ramp” period. While this action will help borrowers avoid default, it is incumbent on the administration to clearly communicate to borrowers that interest will still accumulate on their loans, so borrowers aren’t surprised by increasing debt balances.
Widespread loan forgiveness: Negotiated rulemaking
The administration has not stopped pursuing widespread student loan forgiveness. But these actions must be taken through the authority granted to the Secretary of Education under the Higher Education Act (HEA). The administration now turns to a long, complicated process called “negotiated rulemaking,” (commonly abbreviated as “neg reg” or “reg neg”) to advance student loan forgiveness.
This Brookings explainer details the negotiated rulemaking process from 2021 when ED convened a committee around student loan forgiveness rulemaking. At a high level, ED must craft a negotiating committee, which will hold hearings and vote on proposed actions, and then ED will propose rules based on committee consensus. These phases can take a long time — but ED is moving quickly and the 2023-24 negotiated rulemaking process is already underway.
There are two key timing considerations for implementation. ED must propose rules by November 1 for them to go into effect by the following July — meaning the Department will likely announce final rules on student loan forgiveness just days before the November 2024 presidential election, raising the stakes on implementation. A new presidential administration could potentially pause implementation and move to formally rescind a federal rule, as former Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos did in 2019 when she rescinded a “gainful employment” rule regulating career programs’ eligibility for federal financial aid that had been passed under the Obama administration.
There’s another date to consider — the end of 2025. Most types of student loan forgiveness are subject to taxation, but the American Rescue Plan has a provision that federal student loan discharges are not subject to federal taxation through December 31, 2025 (and most, though not all, states have followed suit). This deadline makes it even more pressing for borrowers that neg-reg rules get submitted by November 2024 so they can be implemented in the second half of 2025 before the tax exemption expires.
Legal challenges ahead?
Federal rulemaking is subject to judicial review, and whatever rules emerge from the current neg-reg process will almost certainly face legal challenge. However, based on the Administrative Procedural Act, those challenges will be unlikely to come until late 2024 once there has been “final agency action” (e.g., when the final rule is posted). Of course, a legal challenge to one rule does not preclude another attempt from an agency. When the Obama administration was crafting gainful employment regulations, their first proposal was struck down, after which they changed the metrics they would use to evaluate colleges and proposed a new rule that was upheld against legal challenges. This may be the first of multiple rulemaking processes around student loan forgiveness and how to best structure loan repayment.
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