#admin doesn't know chinese!
thekingsavatar-fan · 9 months
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Happy New Year!
Ye Xiu wishes everyone in the new year for your dreams to come true and good luck!
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georgegraphys · 3 months
hi! Can you explain a little bit further what do you mean with Mercedes needing to hold back their horses and the admins snapping? Did I miss something? 👀
So the recent drama (i bring i bring all the DRAMAMAMA /j) is that the demonic sect are salty that a) mercedes is following grussell sprouts b) they're blocking people who send LH in the red donkey team race suit pics c) Merc admin respond to a comment under their 'first trophy of the season' post saying the Chinese Sprint P2 was just a medal and plaque not trophy
Okay as someone who once worked as a social media admin, THESE PEOPLE ARE DAMN ANNOYING and I do think after years, Merc admin finally snapped or smthn. Look, I might be their opps when it comes to their contents but for this? I can't fully blame them. I would be sick as well dealing with all these clowns. Post L pics? Those idiots will say "now they regret L left HAHAHA!" "they don't even like G!". Post G pics? Those idiots will say "SABOTAGE! MISTREATMENT! UNGRATEFUL!". They're stuck in that hellish paradox of stupidity.
I don't know what's behind the blocking. I find it justified btw because why would you put those pics under the comment section lmfao? Besides, no other team would like another team's name/pics/association to be attached to them. It's either the account's SOP for dealing with those things or the admins are pissed. But I just wish they would not do it all at once? Especially responding to that "But L got his sprint P2" comment. I just wish they'd hold back on that part for once or just make a non-ambiguous caption like "George's first trophy of the season!" Or "First race trophy of the season!". Because if they do these things... Who would get the backlash? George 😭 After the other party couldn't stop fueling the "sabotage" narratives to the fans and media, he doesn't need this shit anymore. Seriously.
It is understandable and I don't blame them for snapping but I just wish they do these things cleanly. Not the messy way it is rn 💀
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mvsicinthedvrk · 1 year
a friendly psa about (some) asian names ✌️
this is not me coming to you as an admin (though this message has been admin-team-approved), this is me coming at you as an ollie, who is tired. and i am going to attempt to kindly educate, because i have been playing wei wuxian for three years, and there are still occasionally people who call him 'wei.' pls believe that i know it's not intentional and that it's definitely not meant maliciously, but it's still tiring. so!! i wrote this nice little guide to (some) asian names, and i am hoping you will read it, and potentially learn something about a different culture, if this is new to you 💕
east asian names are usually (not always! but usually!) structured as surname + given name. (aka family name first, then first name). so for example, my chinese character who is named mo xi, he's from the mo family, and his given name is xi. i mention this bc i have seen so many starter calls, etc, where people request from my characters using their last names, and i would love for this to stop. for my character named feng yu, his family name is feng, yu is his given name. that's why feng yu's brother is feng xin. they have the same surname, and that surname comes first 👍
**however!! this structure is not a broad-strokes rule; it doesn't necessarily apply to all asian characters or all characters from asian countries/fandoms. a lot of people still submit their apps for asian characters and prefer to list them on the taken/ooc pages with "given name + surname" in that order, so it's best not to make general assumptions. for example, sunny is listed on the ooc as playing an anime/manga character named madoka kaname. in this case, the character's given name is 'madoka' with the last name 'kaname.' how can you tell? if you look on the character's wiki page or on sunny's blog, either place will tell you that she does in fact go by 'madoka.' (so: you wouldn't want to assume that it's flip-flopped just because it looks like an asian name).
therefore, when writing with someone and trying to figure out how to write an asian name appropriately, generally the best thing to do is ask yourself: how is the other person structuring this character's name in their replies and starter calls? and can i look on the character's wiki page to figure it out if i'm unsure? finally, if neither of those help you, you can always just ask your writing partner. personally, i know my dm's are open and i'd rather someone come to me and say 'hey i was wondering how should i write X character's name' rather than see someone call them the wrong name, which makes me sad :((
finally, a note specifically for CHINESE names!!
with chinese names specifically, in mandarin you usually do call someone by their full name, even if it's someone you've known for a while. so whether i was longtime friends with wei wuxian or whether we just became friends recently, i would still call him 'wei wuxian.' this may seem overly formal, but i promise it's not.
now, it is acceptable to call someone by only their given name as long as their given name has more than a single character (syllable). so if i wanted to could call him just 'wuxian' it would be technically fine-- especially if we're talking/writing in english, that's fine. 👍 wen kexing can be called 'kexing.' chu wanning can technically be called 'wanning,' etc. it is odd for strangers, but if you know the person or especially if you're friends/close, it's definitely alright. (there's actually a lot of rules about nicknames/ closeness/ seniority and things like that, but without getting too complicated, you can assume this is generally fine.)
HOWEVER, if someone's chinese given name is one character (usually written with one syllable in pinyin/english), you really shouldn't call them just by that name. it's not technically rude, exactly, but it's awkward and off-putting at the very least. that's not what you call them. xie lian is 谢怜, with both names as one character each, so 'xie lian' can't just be called 'lian.' he can either be 'xie lian' (full name) or something like 'a-lian' if you really want to give him a nickname. likewise, pei ming cannot be called 'ming' even though that's his given name. he needs to be called 'pei ming' all together. mo xi is always called mo xi (never 'xi'), qi yan is always called qi yan (not just 'yan') etc. if you're not sure at a glance whether a chinese muse's given name is one-character or not, simply call them by their full name to be safe.
again, this might sound like a lot of work, but if you just look at my tag for xie lian or read whatever reply of mine you're working off of, you'll see me call him 'xie lian' in the narration, and you can just follow along with that. and once you figure it out one time, then ur good for any later interactions as well.
and that's it !! if you have questions, feel free to ask and i'll try my best to explain! don't feel bad if you've misnamed characters in the past, but i would really appreciate if people keep this in mind moving forward, because it will make my life so much more peaceful and relaxing. thanks for reading; i appreciate your time!!
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old-lorarri · 1 year
Oh my God, again congratulations on the 3k!
─ paper rings . . . ❨ send me a description of yourself + a fandom and gender preference, and i’ll ship you with a character. ❩
I am curious as to whom you'd see fitting me. I am a university master student in economics/ social media management at a uni in austria and am from austria with spanish roots. i speak english, german, french and spanish as well as tads of chinese.
i basically grew up watching the motorsports world and i absolutely love f1, f2 and motogp. besides that i love to read romance novels and looking at sunsets, i don't know there's just something calming about them.
my love language would probably be acts of service and touch as well as a tad of words of affirmation. with my job later on i want to try to get more into motorsports since i already did an internship in that range.
will 100% support you though uni
and will def ask for you opinion about social media management
you speak spanish to each other all the time
but carlos get mesmerised by you when you speak other languages (that he doesn't know)
takes you to as many gps as possible
will read romance books with you on his yacht and then will hold you while the sun sets
cuddles! cuddles! cuddles!
and words of kindness always along with small things to cheer the other up if they are not having such a good day
helps you get an internship at ferrari social media (as an admin)
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raharaco · 7 months
Questions for Twin OCs - Irwin-Lynley Edition
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Meet Irwin (left, the boy) and Lynley (right, the girl)!
They are twin siblings of another OC couple of mine, Rurik and Manami, who are an archdemon (highest demon rank in my OCverse) and a sea spirit respectively. This makes them half-demon and half-sea spirits, or as how I'd like to think of them, sea demons. You'll find out more about them below the cut.
Archiving these threads from Twitter and adding a few extra stuff here for easier access. Questions are made by the admins on OCsbase, Twitter. Original thread (in Indonesian) on my Twitter, dated 5th February 2024.
1. "Let's introduce them first!"
Irwin and Lynley are a pair of sailor twins who often explore around the sea in the Underworld (and possibly the Overworld as well) along with Yorino, a bakeneko and close friend of theirs. As sea demons, Irwin has a water-based power, however Lynley has an electric-based power instead. About their age, they're probably around 13~15 in human age.
Until now, they are minor characters in Heaven Prequel of Salvation with no roles in the story YET. They are usually in the same group as the other lovechilds.
2. "Are they identical twins or fraternal?"
Fraternal! Even though they look identical (forcefully)
Though, I have a headcanon that since Lynley looks up to Irwin so much, she intentionally matches her own looks like the way Irwin dresses and how he stylizes his hairstyle 😂
3. "Who's the older sibling? Who's the younger sibling?"
Irwin is the big brother, and Lynley is the little sister. They probably only differ by 1~2 minute tho
4. "Who was created first by the author?"
Irwin of course! Lynley was created, like, a year ago because I suddenly had an impulse to create a jellyfish-themed oc 😂
5. "Are they close?"
So-so. I like to think they often bicker over unnecessary things, even if Lynley adores Irwin lmao
6. "What are their dynamics like?"
Irwin is quiet (to the point he is often mistaken for being mute) but can be very sarcastic and cynical once he speaks, while Lynley is calm and elegant but can become infuriated if something doesn't go her way. Kinda makes me think that their Chinese Zodiac would be Horse if they were born in the human world (for Lynley, at least)
Kinda wanna make them the Brother-Sister Team trope tho (because of the water-electric combo) 🤔 and then Irwin would be the brawn and Lynley the brains.
Their dynamic (along with Higan, their eldest brother) is love triangle, which can be interpreted as either platonic or romantic (I myself prefer platonic for Lynley and romantic for Irwin) however you want it but the point is like this
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7. "Are they happy to be twins?"
8. "Will they tell everyone that they have a twin? Or that everyone doesn't have to know that they have a twin?"
Irwin is the type to answer if asked and would admit that he has a twin sister, while Lynley who's the Big Brother Worship type (not to Higan tho) maybe will say it proudly but only to her or their closest friends because Irwin himself doesn't like getting the attention? Idk
9. "Do they have other sibling(s) beside their twin?"
Yes, they do! Their older brother, Higan. Their ages are far apart, at least 10 years. Unfortunately, the brother rarely comes home because of daddy issues, so the three of them rarely see each other 😔
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Their relationship is pretty comedic to me with the love triangle thingy. Irwin wants Higan to notice him (implied big brother attraction?), but Higan responds by ignoring his achievements and whatsoever. Meanwhile, Higan wants to dote on Lynley and make her coo up to him (because his true ideal little sibling is a GIRL), but Lynley in turn ignores her eldest brother the way he ignores her slightly older brother as revenge.
10. "What are their similarities? For identical twins, apart from their physique."
??? They have ahoges, the same clothing style (sailor uniforms), the same hairstyle (bangs parted from the middle)... and they both are sea demons...
11. "What makes them different physically? If they're fraternal twins, tell us what's unique about them."
The point is that Lynley's unique characteristic is she looks like a jellyfish if seen from the back or based on her silhouette... and Irwin is the tallest one out of his siblings...??
Oh, and Irwin only has one ahoge pointing upwards, while Lynley has two ahoges pointing downwards. Irwin's genderbend (female) self also has long hair, but not wavy like Lynley and is slightly messy.
12. "What differentiates them from their personality?"
I guess Irwin has more self-restraint than Lynley...
13. "Who is most often compared to their twin?"
Maybe Irwin because there's a slight favoritism from their father (to Lynley) 😭
But I think both of them are equally smart, Rurik just needs a reason to nag at his SON because his true ideal child is a GIRL
14. "Do they have the same type of partner? Would they switch their partners if told to? Hehe"
I actually haven't decided but based on which character I ship them with, it seems that both of them are attracted to older partners hmmm.....
Though, I think maybe Lynley would have preferred a golden retriever partner or someone who could let her relax and play around for once. cough Yorino cough
15. "Lastly, how do they view and feel towards their twin?"
Overall, Irwin doesn't seem to mind Lynley looking up to and admiring him, even though it annoys him sometimes when she gets too far or talks too much. However, I don't think Irwin can actually get angry at Lynley, cuz she's his little sister after all and she went through the same abuse from their father (although Lynley had it a bit easier), so he still has that big brother instinct in him. And besides, he's not the type to overthink what others think of him. Though if he could, he would be the type to act like nothing happened the next day.
While for Lynley to Irwin, it's been said or implied plenty that she adores her big brother to the point of idolizing him (but not too extreme like ACTUALLY worshipping him). Though, she doesn't look like the type to constantly pester Irwin every second with girly "kyaa"s and "sugoi desuwa oniisama!", and besides, she's aware that even her adored big brother has his own flaws. Quick note that she only adores Irwin as her "older brother in shining scales" (because he's a sea dragon) and (possibly) only views him in a platonic way.
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beardedmrbean · 3 years
There's something I don't understand about world politics. How can the CCP stand for so long ? Usually totalitarian states that kill their citizens on purpose tend to run out or tire out pretty quickly, except for one.
The way I see it, the only reason the USSR survived is because A. They had no shortage of countries they invaded and that they could import citizens from, and B. They selectively killed the ones who were "less soviet", and made sure to send educators from the party everywhere in order to create an extremely strong cultural identity so the people were less likely to collapse under the pressure of all the mass murders.
However, China doesn't have any of that. They do invade a lot of places they shouldn't, looking at you Tibet, but those places don't have a huge population, and what they already have (1+ billion people), they're actively trying to bring down with things like the one child policy. As for cultural identity, it seems like wealthy chinese citizens worship money more than the party and a lot of them are gladly leaving their country behind to go live somewhere else. As a matter of fact, the emigration rate among highly educated citizens is five times higher than the overall rate.
Yet not only China is surviving as a country, they're on their way to becoming the biggest superpower in the world, if not already there, and they're even able to support other dictatorships like North Korea !
So how the fuck is China's population not collapsing and/or revolting ?
Population is collapsing, they're feeling the sting from their one child policy with something like 25 million more males than females.
As for the people, if you look at the history of china going back thousands of years it's just one empire/dynasty after another coming in and killing everyone then setting up shop possibly fending off some upstarts somewhere in the middle so I'm thinking the peasantry (for lack of a better word) has just adopted a wait and see attitude as part of their culture, kind of a 'let's keep our heads down and maybe the next warlord won't raze our village' I can't honestly say though the culture of the rural Chinese person isn't something I have any kind of grasp on.
Example from a different part of the world, western people in Afghanistan pointing out that winter was coming and that they might want to start getting some firewood stacked and some warmer clothes ready, the response they got was 'why it's not cold yet' which seems absolutely bonkers to me and most people with a western mindset but it's how they roll over there and have for a long time.
As for why they haven't revolted.
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Tiananmen Square 1988, don't use google use bing and turn safe search off if you want to know, it's not pretty and I hope you have a strong stomach if you look at the victims.
As for a lot of the rest, they get their money from us thanks to Nixon bringing down the bamboo curtain.
We got cheap electronics they got our money.
Gonna go ahead and give the Biden admin some credit here, they're spending 20 billion on getting some chip manufacturers set up in Ohio so we can be less dependent on the foreign market, it never should have gotten as bad as it has here from a supply standpoint for anything.
We have the people, we have the resources, and we have the land, we should be making as much of our own products locally as we can.
at a minimum we shouldn't be dependent on a country that had the destruction of our way of life in it's charter
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maleyanderecafe · 3 years
Have you read "Kiss the Abyss"? The plot's pretty good and it centers around the relationship between the main character and the yandere!
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As of writing this, Kiss the Abyss has 94 chapters which means you owe me some teeth, but also, how did you know I was in love with the killing game genre? I was actually a bit worried first going into it since a lot of Chinese webtoons are pretty hit or miss for me, but this one was for sure a hit. It's a really good read for people who are into stories like Danganronpa, Your Turn to Die, Worldend: Debugger and Squid Game as it shows how contestants of the game survive and use their strengths and weaknesses. The yandere in question is Abyss, though he's more of a protective yandere considering the events that happen within the story.
I'll be summarizing everything like a nerd, so prepare for very long boxes of summary before reaching analysis.
The story is about Wang Zi, or Prince, an indie developer, the creator of a game about escaping a killer named Abyss and self proclaimed virgin. The story starts out with his manager yelling at Prince for making the game too difficult and not understanding Abyss's backstory. Prince doesn't seem to bothered by it and sees the game only as code before going home. Before he's able to, he is suddenly killed by who appears to be his character Abyss. Prince wakes up, and sees that he's trapped in a time loop where he gets killed every time he leaves the building. He's killed over and over again until he is able to defend himself and ask why Abyss is doing this. Abyss answers that if he's able to kill his own creator, then he'll be able to finally disappear. He wakes up after being killed once more and instead of appearing in his office, appears in what seems like a fancy hall. There, he spots a younger Abyss waiting before being interrupted by an program that gives him more information on the situation he's in. The only way he can go home is to help Abyss clear the game and like in SAO if he gets killed he gets killed in real life and has to prevent him from reaching full derogation level. We're introduced to the admin of the game, a strange lady named bunny and she tells the rules: whoever can survive all 5 stages will be able to win 10 billion dollars. Prince quickly recalls how he created the first stage, with the objective to be halving all the contestants through violence. He remembers that he created "safe spots" within the room and tries to find them so he can hide while Abyss slaughters anyone who gets close. He's pretty shocked that Abyss allows him to live and thinks about how he wrote his backstory, how Abyss was made in a lab and how he was forced into the game, causing him to become a killer at the end. The game finally ends after the contestants are halved, Bunny throws a bunch of credit cards for the remaining contestants to get and spend money in a convivence store. Prince buys a cream roll while Abyss buys expensive raw meat, leaving them both rather poor. Abyss tries to eat the raw meat, which forces Princes to trade it with him so he can eat properly (in which he continues to eat the packaging and has to teach Abyss how to eat properly.) They use the rest of the money to buy a shoddy place to rest in.
The two go to sleep and Prince is suddenly transported back to his office. He quickly checks the game only to find that it has been changed because of actions, and tries to delete the game, only to stop, as he wants to help Abyss. He goes home to make a nice meal, but is transported suddenly back to the game world and feeds Abyss some of his rice. He later learns that he is transported back at "rest points" where the story's plot isn't advancing and that he's able to bring back some food from his world. In the next challenge, the game has already changed because of Prince and he doesn't recognize the next game, with four rounded boxes, a fish tank and a very eager pig. Bunny comes out to explain the rules: that one card she chooses will be the "safe door" and the rest will cause fire to rain inside them, something that is demonstrated by the pig which becomes fried bacon. Abyss quickly jumps into one of the boxes because of the fried pig and is unable to leave, while Prince freaks out on what he should do. He is able to understand what to do once he hears a girl ask about where the fire would come from (the sides of the box), jumps into the water tank and jumps into the same box as Abyss, pushing him to the corner. The fire comes from the sides but because Prince jumped into the water, he doesn't get burnt and the two survive. Abyss has a flashback about how he was created and how he had very little human contact and would often kill people accidentally because of his strength.
After surviving, there is a separate smaller game where the contestants need to steal tags from really hungry and aggressive wolves to get money, where Prince meets a clumsy girl named Yuanyuan and meets the girl who saved her last time, named MingYue, and her boyfriend who is currently fighting wolves. Abyss is very easily able to get tags because of his strength and the two head to the convivence store to buy a ton of food. They are shopping they see MingYue and her boyfriend buying things as well. He tries to buy some shoes for Abyss, but realizes that if he did, they wouldn't have enough to rent a room. MingYue comes to ask if they would like split the pay for a room with her and her boyfriend and he accepts. In the new room, MingYue and Prince learn about each other's motives, in which Prince declares he's doing it for money, while MingYue is doing it to pay back her boyfriend's debts to loansharks, something she does out of love for her boyfriend. While sleeping, Prince is transported back, while Abyss has dreams of his other life of where Prince didn't exist, playing out the backstory of the original game. He freaks out when he sees Prince disappear and when Prince comes back, ends up almost attacking him. Seeing that Abyss's degradation has risen to 40%, he is able to calm him down by telling Abyss where he disappeared to. Abyss becomes fascinated by Prince's world and wishes that he could go there.
The next game starts with each person splitting into pairs. A lone person is chosen as an example to show what the game is about: a board game where if you step on the wrong tile, you get executed. Each player will roll for their partner, though as MingYue soon learns, simply dropping the dice is considered a roll. The twist comes when the colored tiles indicating which is danger and safe are removed, forcing the players to remember or guess. Prince has a photographic memory and begins helping Abyss and MingYue get along safely. An old lady whose husband gets killed by Abyss starts to try to execute Abyss with special cards that can be received and others try to join in. To prevent Abyss from getting killed, Prince reveals that he remembers all of the tiles and promises to get everyone into safety if they don't hurt Abyss. This works for a bit until the old lady is able to rally against him again, causing Prince to threaten everyone with an execute card, something that kills all players. He and the rest of the people are able to survive, except near the end where YuanYuan's partner tricks her and almost sends to her death. To maintain his promise, he brings Abyss to safety and swaps with YuanYuan to save her, causing hallucination gas to spill out and knock out Prince. Here, he hallucinates about his family: how he was in a rich family until his dad committed suicide due to a bunch of debt he had, forcing Prince to work to support his sick mom. He quickly learns that his mom is in the last stages of cancer and sorrowfully has to deal with her loss. Prince wakes up safely as Abyss literally walked across the board to save him, thus allowing him to survive.
There is a in between session about gambling, where you can gamble to earn money. Abyss gets jealous when YuanYuan approaches Prince, something that Prince mistakenly thinks that Abyss wants to be with YuanYuan. Because of Princes previous job working at a casino, he’s able to gain more money, and along side Abyss’s lucky win at a a lot machine are able to buy even more food. Prince is returned to his world briefly while Abyss dreams more about his previous life: he ends up saving YuanYuan in hopes of gaining some sympathy from her, but she ends up calling him a monster, causing his hatred for humanity to grow. Once they wake up, each person finds themselves in a a different room and introduced to the game of Werewolf, where each player must randomly choose a role and whenever either all the werewolves or villagers are executed will win. Prince chooses the Seer card, that allows him to check on one person's role per night. The next day the game begins, killing off villagers and outing werewolves. Prince eventually meets up with Abyss and learns that his card is the "guard" card, which allows him to protect a single room per night. Loop holing one of the rules, Prince and Abyss stay in the same room which allows Abyss to protect both of them. Prince eventually reveals to Abyss that he is his creator and about his degradation status, which has been rising quickly as the game goes on. Abyss seems upset, not because he found out that Prince was his creator (and made him go through his originally bad backstory) but that he kept secrets from him and that he's afraid he might end up killing Prince. The game continues until there is only Abyss, Prince, MingYue and her boyfriend, of which, there is still one more werewolf. To decide what to do, MingYue and Prince ask questions to one another, starting out with intellectual questions, however, Prince then asks MingYue to give 10 moments where she was happy with her boyfriend. MingYue is only able to think of two moments before she remembers her boyfriend constantly asking her for money. This is because Prince wrote the story for Abyss's sake, and thus only memories relevant for moving the story along are important. MingYue votes for herself, asking Abyss and Prince to do the same. The boyfriend freaks out, not because her girlfriend is about to die, but because without her, he wouldn't be able to survive. Crying, MingYue uses her role, the Hunter card to kill her boyfriend with her, allowing Prince and Abyss to move onto the next trial.
The last trial is a bunch of different rooms with traps, something Prince and Abyss are able to move through relatively easily. They reach the last room which fills up with gas that makes contestants more aggressive. Only one person is able to leave the room and gain the money. Abyss begs Prince to kill him, and Prince looks around the room to find an antidote. He injects the antidote onto Abyss, allowing him to live and the door to open.
I will say I really like the two main characters in this story and I think they balance each other out really well, with Prince being the brains and Abyss being the brawn. Usually in BL stories (this is more specifically in Yaoi since Shonen Ai treats its characters better), there's usually a huge power imbalance, either in something like motive where one character drags the plot around, or one of them just is sort of "better" than the other at anything, which I'm not a really big fan of. I'm not saying that you can't have power imbalances but in a lot of yaois, it feels like the seme is usually the one who has all of the power, with the uke having pretty much nothing (which I guess is the point, but story wise its pretty boring/standard). I really do think that they are able to help each other on a more emotional level as well, since Abyss becomes Prince's child (in a sense) helping him create a more familiar bond while Prince teaches Abyss what it means to be cared for, as he was never really was loved. Because I love killing games, I loved watching Prince find out how to solve each game and find loopholes to help with surviving, such as learning about how to survive the flame boxes or saving everyone during the board game and Abyss brute forcing some of the challenge and scaring anyone that gets close to Abyss. I also am a big fan of MingYue's character, since she's serious and just as smart as Prince. I really felt horrible for her during the werewolf game since I honestly thought we would have a moment with her boyfriend to really see why they loved her so much, since although their relationship is close , we have basically nothing on their actual relationship. It was really devastating to not only see that MingYue only had one good memory of her boyfriend before seeing the rest of her memories relating to the loansharks and asking for money, since pretty much her whole character was protecting her boyfriend. That and her boyfriend STILL ended up backstabbing her AND in the original backstory of Abyss she ends up destroying the antidote as revenge for Abyss killing her boyfriend. It was just really sad to see. Abyss and Prince's love have a sort of slow burn and I'd argue that Prince still doesn't really see Abyss in a romantic light (though it is getting there) while as Abyss has a really big crush on him. I think it was also really cool that the way Prince writes the story affects the characters, like not writing backstories for characters actually does affect them, or how he created each trial to be solved best through intellect.
In terms of yandere behavior, it's a bit... light, which is sort of surprising considering they're in a killing game of all things, but it does make sense as Prince is the one preventing Abyss from killing people left and right (for the most part at least). He's really protective over Prince, not letting anyone come close to him when he's injured and being extremely jealous over him when YuanYuan gets close to him. He also is always trying to make him happy or proud of him and even hides his personality for a bit so that Prince will like him more (pretending to be a like a child). He's also really afraid when Prince leaves him and is so scared of hurting him that he begs Prince to kill him in the second room. I wonder if Prince is actually dead from the last room, that he might go out and slaughter people.
Nevertheless, I really enjoyed reading this and I would recommend this to people, especially if you like the killing game genre.
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shandian-go · 3 years
Re: Minidoll Wangxian dolls
There's been some buzz over the product quality of these dolls based on a few Weibo posts from Chinese fans that have received their dolls. The ones they received were likely from very early releases and so far, the orders that I've placed have not been released by the store yet.
Minidoll has not yet made an announcement addressing quality issues and it doesn't seem like many of the dolls have been released yet, so I've decided to hold off on making a decision about this GO until more info is available.
I do understand that it's disappointing when pre-orders fall short of expectations, but it's also not uncommon for prototypes to undergo design changes during the manufacturing process. It doesn't excuse poor quality of course, and I also know how frustrating Minidoll's delays have been (and tbh dealing with them has been extremely aggravating) so I do get it and will try my best to help.
A few people have asked about refunds and as mentioned in the guide + FAQ, I normally don't offer refunds. The main reason is because this is a group order, not a personalized service, so any changes to one person's order will have an impact on everyone else's order, which wouldn't be fair.
Additionally, this was a fairly large group order and I don't think it'll be possible to get every joiner to agree on one course of action, so the admin time for me to process different options would be pretty significant (which is another reason why I don't want to rush into things based on a few Weibo posts).
I'll make another announcement if there are updates but just wanted to make a post because I've had a number of people ask about it.
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genshinconfessions · 3 years
Okay before I even start talking: pls I'm not here to start shit I'm just genuinely curious about people's takes on this! I don't give a damn what anyone ships or doesn't this is just something I've been wondering about!!
Anyways, the thing:
We all know there's this debate on whether Kaeluc is bad or not on account of them being brothers (sworn brothers or adoptive brothers depending on translation).
So, in the chinese version, they are sworn brothers, which, as I understand it (only from getting it explained to me), isn't strictly a familial relationship. Please do correct me of I'm wrong or add more info if you'd like, I just don't wanna give false info on this which is why I don't wanna try to explain it myself.
Now, my question is: do you think we should interpret their relationship from a Chinese cultural standpoint, since the creators are Chinese and the original version is Chinese, or should we look at it from a more western point, since the nation the two of them live in is heavily inspired by Germany, where the cultural context would be very different?
I'm German. We don't really have the same concept of Sworn siblings, or at least not that I know of. For most other German people I know, a sibling is a sibling, blood relative or no. The way Kaeya was taken in and raised by Diluc's father would make them something like adoptive brothers, whether Kaeya is officially adopted or not.
Again, I wanna mention I'm NOT saying that the German viewpoint is necessarily correct, I'd just like to know what other people think, since Chinese culture is where the story was made, but the place the story takes place in is pretty obviously German. I'm not even quite sure what I think on the subject, since both interpretations could be argued for.
I mean, in the end, there isn't really a "right" interpretation of you ask me, since everyone can (and should!!) have their own, but I really wanna hear someone else's thoughts on this!
PS: it's Venti Jesus Anon again (I have returned!) (Less chaotic as last time) (Sorry for any mistakes, English is (unsurprisingly) not my first language)
venti jesus anon!!!!
NOTE: PLEASE respect venti jesus anon and the admins and DO NOT make this another war on these characters.
now that we've gotten that out of the way, what are your thoughts?
i personally think it's very important to realize that the company is chinese, regardless of whether or not mondstadt is based on germany. this is due to the fact that chinese developers will ofc be more well-versed in their own culture, so even if they don't mean it, they may accidentally or unconsciously put something in that's very clear in chinese culture but more ambiguous in other cultures.
or (and this is what i've noticed most) the chinese text makes total sense but the translations aren't as good. see: allogenes vs 原神 (yuan shen/genshin) [it's off-topic but if anyone's interested, just send in an ask].
as for sworn siblinghood, it depends a lot on, well, the sworn siblings' relationship. for some ppl, it's just the same as family and you'd do the same for them as a blood sibling, but for others (and this is especially relevant in the danmei/BL genre), there can be some avoidance of traditional sibling boundaries.
granted, please take this with a grain of salt as i am not well-versed in this topic, and the tradition itself is old as fuck and not done much nowadays (to my incomplete knowledge ofc).
now the phrase they use is 义兄 (yi-xiong), for which the definition is this: 义兄指两个人之间没有血源关系,但是兴趣相投,或者是志向相同,或者在江湖上两人彼此讲义气,守信用,虽不同路,但相互怜惜便结拜为兄弟。(trans: yi-xiong refers to two people without blood relations but with similar interests or goals, or are loyal and trustworthy to each other in the world. though they are on different paths/lead different lives, they appreciate each other and swear to be brothers.)
with this definition, it is usually more commonly seen when both parties are older and making their way in the world. now, there COULD also be another 'definition' for it, that being 名义上的兄弟, or 'brothers in name'. in other words, they are brothers in name ONLY. this is, uh, admittedly mostly used when real siblings have a falling-out and cut off contact; technically they're still siblings, but they are not siblings in any aspect other than name.
these are just some of my personal thoughts, and we encourage everyone to share your own thoughts.
but once again:
if you are absolutely hellbent on bashing anyone or anything, DO NOT do it on our blog >:( move it to your own blog. we're NOT responsible for anything on your personal blogs.
- katheryne from liyue
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thekingsavatar-fan · 1 year
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Best wishes to everyone who has entrance exams from TKA weibo.
The National College Entrance Examination (NCEE), commonly known as Gaokao (高考; gāokǎo; ‘High[er Education] Exam’), is an academic examination held annually in the People’s Republic of China. Generally, the modern College Entrance Examination takes place from 7 to 8 June every year, though in some provinces it can last for an extra day. [wikipedia]
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Dig a Grave to Dig Out a Ghost - Chapter 29
Original Title: 挖坟挖出鬼
Genres: Drama, Horror, Mystery, Supernatural, Yaoi
This translation is based on multiple MTLs and my own limited knowledge of Chinese characters. If I have made any egregious mistakes, please let me know.
Chapter Index
Chapter 29 - Recent Updates
When they returned to the city to find a hospital, it was already dark. A-Yan’s injuries weren't serious. The 10-centimetre-long knife wound on his arm was stitched closed. After he gave him a tetanus shot, the doctor kept staring at the strange group of boys. While he gave him the shot, he criticized the young boys for doing nothing but fight all day. Lin Yan and Yin Zhou were covered in mud from rolling around on the mountainside. They weren't sure how to explain it, so they just obediently promised to stop.
When the results of the blood test came back, the doctor said that A-Yan's prolonged exertion had led to severe anemia and low blood sugar. He needed to stay in the hospital to recover and shouldn't do anything physically demanding. Lin Yan went through all the admin stuff for the little Daoist priest and went to the room after he paid the hospital fees. A-Yan shrank into the bed sheepishly, pulling the covers up until only his eyes were exposed. When Lin Yan came in, he blushed and apologized.
"I was anxious b-back there. Master said that once the ritual starts, it can't be interrupted, otherwise, it'd be easy for an evil ghost to overwhelm you. There weren't many people on the mountain. I was worried that something would go wrong and I wouldn't be able to finish. . ." A-Yan smiled nervously. "I didn't expect you to have such a strange reaction. L-Lin Yan, if you decided to start studying this, you would definitely be more talented than me."
"I've never seen you talk so much before. When you got angry, A-Zhou and I were shocked." Lin Yan carefully moved his injured arm under the blanket. He pointed at Xiao Yu and told A-Yan: "Focus on getting better. I'll leave and get him cleaned up for you."
The little Daoist's face flushed red again. Lin Yan clasped his fingers. He thought back to the bone-chilling cold he felt on the mountain and couldn't help but shiver. Seeing that there was no one in the hospital beds on either side of him, he figured they all went to grab some dinner, so he asked him in a low voice: "What the hell happened today?"
"I don’t know. Spiritual invocation is one of the simplest Daoist practices. With the corpse bones and a picture, and your pure Yin destiny, it should've been easy. I didn’t expect to find Second Immortal Gu’s ghost but I couldn’t bring her forward. It seemed like it was being held back by something. When I'm started to rush, I just. . . just. . ."
Lin Yan frowned: "Held back? Is it hard to find the path to reincarnation?"
The little Daoist's expression grew serious: "N-No, the fact that I found it means that it hasn't reincarnated yet. The reason people rarely escape their body when they are alive is that their soul uses it as a vessel. After death, that vessel fails. A simple ritual could have brought it here, but what happened today seems to indicate that it found another vessel. It may be attached to someone else like Zhou Jintian, or it may be imprisoned somewhere and can't come."
"I,-I think the latter possibility is more likely. I wanted to try and accumulate the yin energy in the graveyard onto you to draw out the ghost of Immortal Gu. To ordinary people, that kind of yin energy doesn't do anything, but your yang energy was too strong. I couldn't suppress it. . . I almost..." The little Daoist bowed his head and murmured an apology, and then laughed to himself: "I don't blame that thing for being angry. I was too reckless."
Lin Yan shook his head and said that it was fine. He sat on the bedside and peeled an orange for him. The ward smelled vaguely of disinfectant. Outside the window, the streetlights had turned on. The pavement glowed like a long orange strip because of the passing traffic and the streetlights. Lin Yan's heart felt like a heavy rock. Everyone who had been around him recently had been put in danger. First Second Immortal Gu, then Yin Zhou, and now A-Yan. The most annoying thing was that he didn't even realize it until now. It was like he was walking at night blindfolded; he knew that danger was looming but he didn't what to watch out for.
No matter what moves he made, it wasn't good enough.
"The hospital fees have been paid. Try to rest and call me if you need anything." Lin Yan said. "I'll see you tomorrow."
Behind him, a pair of hands wrapped around his neck comfortingly. The tip of his nose rubbed gently against the nape of his neck. Lin Yan unfurled Xiao Yu's burnt palms, placing a heartfelt kiss on his lips. Looking at the little Daoist again, he involuntarily put some distance in between them.
"A-Yan, don't call him an evil beast." Lin Yan said. "He has a name. His name is Xiao Yu."
A-Yan looked at the emptiness behind Lin Yan, frozen, and nodded gently.
Lin Yan threw the blood-stained clothes into the washing machine. He picked an outfit from the pile of ready-to-wear clothes he bought at the antique market yesterday and placed it on a small stool in the bathroom. He leaned on the sink and went through the first aid kit, picking some things out. What kind of medicine was he supposed to use to treat an injury from Daoist magic? He wasn't Harry Potter.
The bathroom was filled with steam. Lin Yan had just finished taking a shower. He pulled on his slippers and picked out some Yunnan Baiyao* from the medicine box. The black and white plastic curtain next to him was torn open with a sneer. The ghost propped himself up on the edge of the bathtub, staring at Lin Yan. He was getting impatient watching him fiddle with the medicine bottle for a while. He tapped his knuckles against the ceramic bathtub and softly called out to Lin Yan.
*(T/N: 云南白药 - literally Yunnan White Drug. A type of traditional Chinese medicine that's supposed to prevent bleeding/act as a painkiller)
The ghost looked surprisingly beautiful in the steam-filled room. His collarbones were deep and his well-defined features looked straight out of a painting. His chin was resting on his arm, and the hand hanging outside the bathtub showed scorched black scabs around his fingertips. Lin Yan squeezed out some ointment and held Xiao Yu's palm out flat, examining it carefully. It was strange - the burn marks were much lighter than they were earlier in the day. The blisters had disappeared, and the not-as-serious burns at the base of his palm even looked normal again.
"There's no point." Xiao Yu glanced at the ointment in Lin Yan's hand and shook his head. "It'll heal on its own."
Lin Yan bristled and tossed the burn ointment to the side.
"You broke the rules. I told you you couldn't touch my friends. If A-Yan hadn't dodged, you would have killed him." Lin Yan let go of Xiao Yu's hand. He held the showerhead up to rinse his hair: "I'll forgive you this one time because you got hurt pretty badly. You won't get a second chance, though."
"Does it hurt? Hold your hand up. Don't touch the water." Lin Yan carefully turned the water down. "I've never even taken care of a hamster before. Now I have to deal with a ghost. I don't know what to do if you get hurt. Behave next time. Don't fight with the weird thing in A-Yan's bag."
Lin Yan felt like he was nagging, but the person next to him didn't see to mind, squinting his eyes with a look of enjoyment.
"He almost killed you." Xiao Yu said slowly. "Stay away from him."
Lin Yan burst out laughing and ruffled Xiao Yu's hair: "Spoken as if you want me to live as long as possible."
Compared with his initial hoarseness and slowness, the ghost’s speech was gradually becoming smoother, like a human outcast who had lived alone in the mountains for many years and was slowly reintegrating himself back into society. Maybe one day they could really eat fruit together, nestled on the sofa watching TV, Lin Yan thought, if he stopped his mission to take his life.
"It's true that I was a bit cold today." Lin Yan smiled bitterly: "A-Yan didn't do it on purpose. That little Daoist was brainwashed by his master before he went off on his own. I'm the one who keeps finding ghosts lately."
Lin Yan forced himself not to look at Xiao Yu. His gaze slid over his chest to stare at the tiles behind him. He sighed: "Seriously, too many things have been going on recently. People I know have died and gotten hurt, but I don’t even know who’s messing with me. I can't stand it."
The bathroom was hot and stuffy, and Lin Yan was a little dizzy. After rinsing Xiao Yu’s hair, he sat on the sofa alone to get some air. He wasn't sure why he was always so tired nowadays. He wasn't really doing anything, but he was getting tired earlier and waking up later and later. Lin Yan casually picked a book from a stack of ancient books on the table and skimmed through it. He bought it from an online second-hand bookstore to learn more about curses. The traditional vertical Chinese characters were difficult to read. The more he read, the more tired he got. His eyes grew hazy and his brain was slowly turning off.
The book was obscure and difficult to understand. He had never heard of many of these terms, but he skimmed to read some places that still caught his attention. Lin Yan flipped through page after page and found a section about manipulating spirits. It's said that when ghosts have the same grievances as living people, the living could find several outlets to let out their grievances, but ghosts could only find peace through transcendence or through murder. They couldn't be reincarnated. If they couldn't reincarnate for a long period of time, new grievances would form. Over time, they would become a major problem, turning into what's known as a "climate"*. Lin Yan put a pillow behind his back and lay on the sofa, letting out a huge yawn.
*(T/N: 成气候 - To become a climate means turning into someone that has a goal/something they want to achieve or accomplish. So that means a ghost that becomes a climate is a ghost with a mission)
Many types of black magic conveniently use these ghosts as weapons. In order to stimulate the resentment of those spirits, they used extreme insidious methods, such as digging up the newly-deceased from their graves, putting it in a box, and sealing it, roasting it, covering it with poisonous insects, then placing it in an area dense with yin energy to stimulate its killing intent. The ghost was then controlled by the dark magic and wouldn't stop until it had achieved its goal. Among these rituals, the body of a child was also discovered. . .
Exhaustion hit him like a tidal wave. His eyelids were fighting to stay open as though they were made of lead.
Sure enough, when you get old, you can't move around like a 17 or 18-year old anymore. In order to avoid the morning rush hour, they set off to the countryside at around five o’clock. The two of them took turns carrying the young Daoist priest to the hospital before it got dark. His mind was buzzing, his hearing fading to static. The book in Lin Yan's hand fell to the floor with a muffled thud...
He could take a quick nap. Xiao Yu would wake him up when he was done. . . His eyes drooped, his vision wavering slightly with the flutter of his eyelashes. The world started to fade away around him.
Rustle, rustle.
There was a steady rustling noise somewhere in the apartment but it wasn't the sound of water coming from the bathroom. Lin Yan forced himself to open his eyes, confused. Where was Xiao Yu? How long does it take him to have a bath?
Rustle, rustle.
It sounds like someone scribbled roughly on a piece of paper. Who was it? Lin Yan sat up on the sofa and followed the sound. The whole room was dark and dreary. The dim ceiling light only illuminating the small area underneath it. Dust danced in the air, looking like an old movie from the 1960s. Amid the scattered clutter, a girl in a red coat was lying on the floor with her back to him, scribbling hard.
Why was a child here? Was it his neighbour's kid?
Lin Yan rubbed his temples and drowsily walked over, only to see that the girl was wearing a dirty old cotton jacket with her pale waist exposed in the back. She was holding a crayon, scribbling. The rustling sound he had heard was the crayon tip scratching across the paper. On the white paper, a "man" was drawn in a twisted position, with his limbs folded at a weird angle. the face is painted as a black ball, The face was drawn as a black ball, but the two eyes were left blank, and the corners of the mouth were grinning stiffly as if pulled into a big smile. Two rows of wide teeth were coloured bright red. The whole head drooped down drastically to the right like there was nothing other than a shoulder to support it.
The girl was focused on her drawing, completely unaware of the movement behind her.
"What are you drawing?" Lin Yan asked softly.
The little girl turned her head and smiled at Lin Yan, her dull eyes like two black holes: "Hehe, it's me."
"Brother, brother." The little girl sucked her thumb in her mouth, pointed at Lin Yan and laughed: "Brother."
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Entry #357 - Him
Wen Junhui's Entry
"Should we post this?..."
"Jun wanted this posted for his sake, no matter what... It's the least we can do for him,"
"Well, it was scheduled for today, and Jun stated he wanted it to be so... Alright. Have it posted."
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I don't know why I'm writing this... Perhaps for closure on my mind? Most likely. But, perhaps, it's also to record thoughts and feelings that I might forget sometimes, needing a reminder later on. But, today was the day I received a gift. A proper goodbye, and a story that brought me to tears and to dream of things I'm not sure I'll ever get to have with him. But, it's nice to see that it could have been an option one day. To move in together, loving and cherishing each other... But, I guess I can only dream of it now since I'm not sure he'll come back. Or, if any of them will come back.
But, it happened when I was with Minghao and Jeonghan hyung. We were eating and talking together, just like usually. Minghao and I were talking in Chinese, while Jeonghan just smiled, now and then checking his phone to check on the members. Then, Jeonghan hyung looked at me with wide eyes, but then he smiled so bright at me. It astonished Minghao and I, both of us wanting to know what it was. Then he said: "Jun should have the benefit of seeing his gift someone has sent him,"
Of course, I smiled and laughed, wondering who would send me a gift. At first, I thought it was a specific, sweet and kind-hearted empress we had came close with, who checked in us whenever she could. Or maybe it was the kind and gentle koala, Felix, wanting to ensure I was fine. But when Jeonghan hyung handed me his phone and I saw what it was, and especially who it came from, I gave him back the phone, covered my hand over my mouth, then removed it, saying, "Are you playing a prank on me? Tell me right now." And, of course, Jeonghan hyung chuckled and shook his head, confirming that it was real. No hallucinations, none of the boys wouldn't dare to do a thing to me, and that it was from them despite him not reading it. So, I read it. And I read his last message to me.
You wouldn't believe the amount of tears I cried. Even thinking back has me shakily writing and crying. But it doesn't hurt like it used to. Not like when I used to cry every night, wondering what to do, how he was, and questioning countless things that made me so scared to get up. But after receiving it, being able to get his last message to me and receive the closure I desperately needed, I can finally accept it. I can accept that it wasn't me who drove him away, or, whatever bizzare thoughts had been created in this corrupted brain of mine.
However, it makes me reminisce about what we did together and what we had said. I remember, a memory that's becoming slightly foggy, when him and the boys came to assist us when the system had been breached. I remember how he came with everyone to help us, getting us all back together despite the gruesome fight that followed. But I remember how he soothed me, talking softly with him when my episode had occurred. I remember him hugging me, comforting me, and us laughing despite the situation when I had came up with the idea of us being awkwardly weird buddies. And after that, I wondered about him: What was he like? What was his story? His dreams? His likings and dislikes? What did he see in me? . . . What was that tight feeling in my chest whenever I thought about him?
Then, the more we talked, him and I, the tight pressure in my chest grew, but it wasn't unbearable. It wasn't uncomfortable. Almost, pleasant? My heart would race, and my cheeks would hurt because I would smile so much when he was around. But, I slowly tried to withdrawal back when he had grown attraction for someone else. I remember that. I was scared, and I didn't understand why it made me sad when I saw his post. The boys didn't notice me, and I don't blame them because I played it off and wished the best for him. I encouraged him, trying to cheer him up. Even though I didn't understand my own feelings, I knew that was in some sort of pain. But, I hoped, despite that pain, that his feelings would be reciprocated. But, in the end, later, I found out that he no longer had those feelings, and both were just friends.
But after that, I didn't look at him the same way. And, perhaps I never did after the incident at the base. However, I understood that I favored him from the others. Not like a mother who favored one child over the other, but, someone who adored him more, but still cared for the others equally. I recall the time I came into Jeonghan and Joshua hyungs' room, almost having a break down because I didn't understand. But, they comforted me and talked with me for hours until they made it clear: I liked Jeon Wonwoo. But I could never tell him that. Not that I didn't want to, but I wanted to get to know him more than I already did. Then, the rebrand happened. He was still the same person we knew, but, there was more to him now, and I didn't want to make things complicated because he had Hanahaki... A ghastly disease I've heard one too many times.
So, I waited for an opportunity when it was right and he had the time he needed, but, I couldn't. I remember how I'd sit there, staring at nothing as I questioned everything: Would he be okay to love a person who was psychotic, a mafia member whose killed dozens? Would he be frightened by me when my episodes started? What if I hurt him by accident? What if I was too late? He barely comes out, so maybe he doesn't or never will see me the same way as I do. And, most importantly, can I even provide him everything he'll ever need and want? Especially love? Will I be enough for him? I was slowly shattering myself with doubt, even when the others found out and encouraged me, but reminded me of other possibilities. And then I thought maybe I shouldn't try because her find someone better than me. Someone pure and healthy, both physically and mentally, sweet and kind. Someone who could offer more. Someone who wasn't me...
Then the entire thing happened. We talked about my crush situation, and I was running around screaming my head off as the boys came after me. But all I wanted to do was just fall somewhere when running, and just lay there, wondering what in the world I was doing. What was he thinking when he found out?... I remember that look on his face when they exposed me, just stern, looking at me and wanting to know who it was. I wasn't entirely sure why he'd suddenly drop his previous attitude. But, now and even after it, I knew why. But what followed afterward had terrified me. I wasn't told about it until I saw the post, but Wonwoo was having it. Hanahaki. And when I saw that it was black cosmos, I was stunned. I didn't know that much about Hanahaki, so, at first, I nearly started to despise the flowers because it was the very flower blossoming inside him. But I still wished him the best, and then... It happened. He confessed, catching me off guard. I remember bawling, the boys comforting me as I responded and told him I felt the same. And at that moment, I had never been more happier in my life when it was me he liked.
After that, we went on a date that was memorable, and I hope to never forget, not even a single detail of it. We had gone out to eat together, and it was the first time he saw my state. I was twitching, and because I was nervous, it increased it, making it hard for me to even eat and I nearly felt embarrassed, wondering if I was making it uncomfortable for him. Yet, he reassured me and helped me. Not once was he bothered by it. He was okay, and I was glad he was. It made me overjoyed that he was okay with me. From there, it was absolutely amazing for me. We went together, stole a cart and raced off to the playground nearby. And there, that became one of my favorite spots although it makes me anxious whenever I'm near a place that's meant for children, being that I'm not trusted to be around kids. But that day was not only labeled the greatest day of my life, and my first date, but also the day I had my first kiss with someone I loved above all things.
And it was the same day he gave me the moon bracelet, something I haven't taken off for ages since I got it... A beautiful white bracelet with a beautiful white stone, while he was the other, a beautiful dark blue that's nearly black. It's something I've treasured ever since, and something I will never lose despite me being clumsy time from time.
It's things like this that I look back towards, and sometimes, I wonder if I could have done more for him and me. But, I'm happy. I'm happy we at least got these opportunities with each other, and cherished each other for so long and even after he's left with the boys. Even though it hurt so much, so very much when he left without a word, I understood. It had to be done for their sake, especially their Admin, but I wish I could've done more. But, I can finally let it calm the storm inside me. I don't know if there will be a day he may return, but I do hope there is even though he told me not to hope too much. But if he ever does come back, all of them, I will never let go, and I promise that I'll do more, continuing my promise to love and cherish him forever. And even if he doesn't come back, I know he loves me dearly, as much as I love him. And that's enough for me. He's enough for me.
- Wen Junhui
💕// @ghoulxbaekhyun (Seok's love) @seventeen-chatbot Wonwoo (Jun's love)
Closest friends// @empress-jiaqi @kpop-shelter @yourlocal-babybear @yourlocal-babybear2 @julia-oc @shinhaneul-oc
💎// @singledad-coups @minghaostitch @decade-wonwoo @god-vernon @xdevilmingyuxx @princexjunhui @leejihoon-cb @van-gogh-minghao @/seventeen-chatbot
🥀// @aikihades @sophie-svt-13 @waitingwhispers60 @yangomangos @m00n-nim96 @moonlit-jaemin @time-for-confession @xash-axx @vampiremomo @mafia-chaeyoung @split-jiu @artsydahyun @princess-yeji @werewolf-sehun @incubuswooyoung @twiceland-saga @amazingspiderhan @mafia-choa @la-soleilmafia-cb @mafia-arin @floristluda @werebaek [DM for +/-]
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twolonesomestars · 4 years
I just read translations of the Weibo admin and XZ Studio posts in twitter today (200714) (presumably about the bad behavior of antis and fan cliques). I have to say I'm confused. What exactly is the relationship of XZ Studio to Xiao Zhan, and why is there this perception that he/the studio needs to control fans/antis? He has a contract with Wajijiwa--where do/should they step in? (This is coming from a US fan who doesn't speak much Mandarin or have a huge amount of info about Chinese culture.)
Translation for the post here
My knowledge about these contracts is pretty limited as well, but I’ll explain what I do know. If anything is wrong, please feel free to correct me.
XZ Studio was created by Wajijiwa, but XZ is completely in charge of running it. (XZ actually had a court battle with his company in 2019 since he was so neglected by them. The result of it was XZ Studio being created.)
XZ’s contract with Wajijiwa is still valid, but it’s mostly for X NINE activities. Everything else to do with XZ (from getting auditions to making statements) is fulfilled by XZ Studio. Wajijiwa won’t speak up about these issues separately because it’s more of a partnership between XZ Studio and Wajijiwa rather than XZ Studio being under Wajijiwa (even though XZ Studio was created by Wajijiwa). To sum it up, Wajijiwa isn’t in charge of XZ anymore, unless it’s something related to X NINE activities.
As for the perception that he or his studio need to control his fans/ the antis...
A lot of it is because of the nature of the situation. This all started because his solo fans became angry over a fandom issue, but it quickly rerouted into a gov issue. (Quick summary: XFXs got angry over how XZ was portrayed in a fanfic that was uploaded onto AO3. The gov was planning on removing the website access in the country for a while now; unfortunately, with the timing of everything, they were able to use XZ as a scapegoat so people would get mad at him and not the gov for removing the website.) Even more, this all occurred right at the beginning of quarantine so people (antis) blamed XZ for taking away attention from the pandemic. XZ Studio apologizing is him taking responsibility for the fact that his name is on these issues.
Another part of it is simply how celebrities and their fans are viewed in the industry. There’s a sense of mirror reflection: what the celebrity does represents the fans and what the fans do represent the celebrity. In a country where character is very valued and important (and where XZ represents good values perfectly), it’s actually quite important that XZ Studio apologized for “misguiding” fans (even though he didn’t). The media expects influential figures take responsibility of others’ actions in these cases, unfortunately.
Of course the whole situation is a lot more complicated; this is only a small glimpse into the reasoning behind some of the actions XZ Studio takes.
I hope it makes a bit more sense now. Let me know if there’s anything I can clarify.
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tiktokpersoncent · 5 years
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This was Yibo’s lips before. It’s smooth. Clean. Can be used to advertise lip balm. 
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BUT THEN-- suddenly there’s a very CLEAR lip bite... why??? Why is it there? Who put it there? Don’t tell me that he was the one who did that... hmmm....
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Their rooms were right next to each other COUGHdeluluingCOUGH
Lips reading by: 可愛停靠站 #博君一肖 :
XZ: When will you going back?
YB: 29
XZ: 29? Then what are you doing on 28?
YB: Isn’t today 28? Stupid *teasing gg *
Link: https://twitter.com/xztuzi/status/1210882971986620416?s=20
Doesn’t that conversation kind of sound something along the lines of “Are you free tonight?” WHO KNOWS-- PROBS DELULUING 
Last night the XFX (XZ’s solo fans) were watching XZ’s car leave, but wondered why there was another car following it. They thought it was a sasaeng, but Yibo’s solo stans corrected them by saying that it was Yibo’s car and not a sasaeng.
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If you haven’t noticed, gege’s airport outfits (outfits he chose himself mind you) used to be very fashionable. Long coats, dress shoes, scarves, turtlenecks and the like (his art ho era)-- HOWEVER he had suddenly started dressing like a certain SOMEONE even though he said he wouldn’t try.
Extra: Yibo said he sent his clothes and shoes “home”-- ur parents must really like wearing hip hop fashion then, Yibo. 
YB Link: https://www.instagram.com/p/B6ptkOngk3-/?igshid=12vgc7xk7wv3a
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According to the time it was posted (15:18), in kadien the translation is: “I-WANT-YI-BO.”
The caption was even: “Simple happiness”. It could be just though that he was happy to eat the bread lmao-- OR it’s been a long time he had breakfast with his didi... why did I say breakfast with his didi? 
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That morning Yibo was wearing this extremely bright pink hoodie (he must’ve been in a good mood if he was okay letting himself wear it lmao he doesn’t like these things--).
typhoon gonna effect eastern hainan with rain
-haikou is capital of hainan and during the lip reading they were chatting about what dates they're leaving / the typhoon
wyb was reluctant to wear that pink apron on 天天向上so the op is basically saying he's dressed for the weather upon leaving due to someone's reminder (xz) and he must have given him that hoodie bc wyb doesn't like pink -- Translation by a member of the International BJYX GC
So how is the hoodie relevant? 
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Chinese fans noticed a slight pink reflection here and they said it might be DD’s pink hoodie... seems like a stretch??? LET’S SATURATE IT IN HD TO SEE CLOSER-- 
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IS IT CLEAR NOW--- lmao anyways, yeah.
Anyways, hopefully gege and didi had quality time together. I hope you enjoyed your “delulu” for the day! 
Are you a BJYX looking for a safe group where you can communicate with other BJYX? Hello, my name is Argus! I'm an Admin for the BJYX International GC! Just PM me and you will receive the link to the groupchat located in the phone app (also has a PC version) Telegram. As of now, we have 163 members! Will you be 164th?
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multiocblog · 4 years
Greetings~! Welcome to my blog!
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Just a little introduction, and some rules along with it~! ^^
Hello~! My name is Brianna but you may call me Bree~ I like to write stories, and create my own characters and such- It's what makes me happy~! And I love when I get to act like my OCs and interact with people! So, I created this blog~! (Sorry this post is quite long so be ready to read-)
To start out this blog, I have 7 OCs I will be making introductions for, so you can find out some about them, and interact with asks!
I have 2 OCs from Black Butler, 3 OCs from Diabolik Lovers, and 2 OCs from My Hero Academia! (I have many many more OCs soon to be added to this blog once I get consistent and completely settled in!)
Theres a brief intro to each at the bottom of the page!
((I write better than what I did there I swear-))
In the meantime, here are the
No NSFW asks PLEASE! They make me very uncomfortable, and any asks I think might be dirty in any way, I will not answer.
Please make sure you put the OCs name in parenthesis or brackets so I am aware of which OC you are talking too! Ex." [To Arabella] I love your outfit! "
Please be kind! I will not accept hate comments or anything of the sort towards a subject, opinion, or an OC!
PLEASE "tag" or label accordingly to anything, slightly, definitely, or mildly triggering, even if you're not sure! I just want to make sure that everyone can scroll through my blog without having to be weary! Ex. [TW death]
Please do not flood the askbox or get mad that I don't answer right away! I can't always be online for I have a life to live outside of social media. This is purely for fun! ^^
Please no asks about r*ape, inc*st, pe*dophilia, or anything of the sort! Talk of those subjects will not be tolerated on this blog!
I am the admin to this account, therefore, I am allowed to reject or ignore ANY ask if need be.
((Rules will be updated, should the need arise.))
Bye for now~!
((OC info under read more!!))
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Kyoko Komori (DL) ((OC based off the anime. Though I've heard plenty about the games, I have not yet played them, so if I get some things wrong I apologize in advance.))With Kyoko everything is the same. Yui has Cordelias heart and such and was supposed to be sent to the brothers. However, in this universe, Yui has an older sister, one year apart, whom has also been adopted, except she knows it. When she overhears something about her younger sister, her only sister, being sent away to vampires, she decides to take her place. To protect her.
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Alyssa Freeman (MHA) ((I have not watched the entirety of MHA yet, and really I don't plan too anytime soon. So if I get anything wrong please correct me, and spoilers to the anime for me are welcomed. Let's just act like I've seen it all-)) Alyssa hates villains. And heros for that matter. All of them. When her apartment was destroyed from a casualty in a battle, Alyassa labeled heros as reckless and careless of the people around them. Herself and her little brother where heading back to the apartment, when she saw it crumbling down. Her parents and grandparents still inside, along with her best friend who was going to surprise Alyssa with a visit. Now she lives on the streets, doing whatever she can to provide for herself and her little brother.
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Ongaku Yamada Aizawa (MHA) ((Again, haven't seen it, let's just pretend I have. Also this OC is in result of a ship. I don't really ship it, but I thought both their powers together would be cool so I thought, why not?)) When Ongaku was young, she was always bullied in 1st and 2nd grade for having two dads. One time, she got in trouble for heavily injuring a student with her voice quirk. You can insult her all you want, but not her dads. So, in 3rd grade, she kept a lie she created, that she only has one dad, Erasure Head Shota Aizawa, and that her mother died when she was born. Turns out the lie worked pretty well, people loved her and she was seen as an icon for having a prohero as a father. Shes was usually a quiet person, kept to herself, no friends, only spoke when spoken too. It was just her, her drawings and her music in her headphones. To this day, she keeps the lie, and keeps her distance, even at her new school, in U.A. (She also develops a major crush on Tenya Iida while there.👀)
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Lilly and Lila Sakamaki (DL) ((Just thought I'd make one description for both bc they're twin sisters. This is also result of a ship. Ayato x Yui.)) Lilly and Lila are polar opposites despite their similar looks. Lila loves the cutesy, pink, flower stuff, and Lilly is all "tough" and "all that" (When shes really insecure-) Lilly is extremely protective over her sister, and possive too. She doesn't let any man even glance in her general direction. Basically if a man wants to ask Lila out, hes gonna have to go through some interrogation. Lila loves her sister deeply, and is basically like her sisters personal therapist. Lilly will only vent and show emotion around Lila. Lila tries to get her sister Lilly into pink, but with no prevail. Typically, you'll find Lilly hanging out with "Uncle Reiji", for she has a secret interest in his experiments and such. She'll also cuddle with Uncle Shu whenever she has time. And Lila loves hanging out with Uncle Kanato and Uncle Laito. She'll have tea partys with Kanato all the time. Lilly always tries to get Lila away from Laito. She says he's "demented" and "weird". But, Lila doesn't listen and hangs out with him anyway. Laito and Kanatos typical nickname for Lila is, Lilac or Little Flower. Both twins are vampires. Yui always teaches them about God and how to be selfless and kind, while Ayato plays sports with Lilly and cute video games (like Animal Crossing) with Lila.
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Arabella Phantomhive (BB) ((This OC is placed in the future, and based off a ship, Ciel X Lizzy. Please be aware that, even though my OC speaks multiple languages, I do NOT. So, as bad as it sounds, I'll probably use Google Translate if I must use another language-😅 ) When Ciel and Lizzy are older and married, they have a little girl. Half human. Half demon. Arabella was taught how to be a lady, ballet, and sword fighting by her mother. And she was taught chess, ballroom dancing and more sword fighting by her father. Instead of going to a school, little Ara was homeschooled, by Sebastian, the Phantomhive Butler. He taught her multiple languages, such as Russian, Chinese, Japanese, Spanish, and her personal favorite, French. Time skip to the age of 10, she saw her mother murdered before her, and her father taken by some strange light beings. Having been raised by Sebastian since then, now she's 17, running the Funtom company, and determined to avenge her mother and find her father. :)
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Robert Trancy (BB) ((This OC correlates with the Arabella OC, and is in the same storyline.)) Robert J. Trancy was his sweet Arabellas betrothed since birth. Even though it is set to be an arranged marriage, Robert always had a crush on his Arabella, and was awaiting the day to marry his beloved. Robert is a sensitive and kind boy, but sarcastic and joking all the same having been raised by Alois Trancy. He has no idea of whom his mother is, and was always told she died when he was born. At the age of 6, it was at a party when he saw his father dead on the floor of the long corridor. He didn't exactly see his fathers death, but he heard it, and knew exactly who did it. Ciel Phantomhive. He was determined to make his revenge. Having made a contract with Claude, his fathers old butler, he now lives alone in the manor, sending all the old servants away, except Claude. He makes frequent visits to his sweet Blue Rose however. He's a very insecure boy, full of anger, bitterness, jealousy, and sadness, but hides it well behind humor and love for his bride-to-be.
That was very long- and for that I apologize-
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campdnpamerica · 5 years
meet the smarties tent!!
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hi! i’m brook, im 15, i go by she/her, im pan, i’m queerdaniel on tumblr, and i’m the leader of the smarties tent 🤓! i’m also known as g8er boi when i sport my gay sk8er boi dress and some jean shorts bc confidence! im a hufflepuff, a band nerd, and an aspiring intellectual who’s in way too deep. i’ve been in the phandom for almost 3 years now, and i’ve been a campdnp admin multiple times and am the queen of tent wars, so you all better get ready, because i (and my tent of snorting candy) am ready to have FUN!
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Hi!! My name is Layla. My pronouns are she/her or they/them. I'm bi (or smth honestly who knows at this point) and my tumblr handle is monachopism. I'm 17, from Boston, and I'm a makeup artist and musician. I play 5 instruments: Guitar, ukulele, bass, piano, and voice. I've been following Dan and Phil for about 7 years now. I fell out of touch with them for about 2 years until Dan uploaded his coming out video and I fell in love again. I love learning new things and meeting new people. I have a lot of passions; it can be kind of intimidating, but I promise I don't bite. I also have pretty bad ADHD and executive functioning issues so sometimes I won't do stuff/won't reply to things as often as I should, but that doesn't mean I'm not invested or interested!! Anyway, so so excited for this week. I can't wait to get to know everyone!
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Hi! I’m Adriana, 19, knows how to read (barely), my pronouns are she/her and i’m bi. I’m from portugal. I’m serpensortiaxx on tumblr and I’m a potterhead (slytherin of course), adirectioner (yes, still) and a few more fandoms, besides phandom. Oh i also love marvel! I’m a math major in college and I love reading, in the moment i’m reading “They both die at the end”. I wear too much black (and I always do this pose taking pictures, I just realise when I was choosing the pic, oops). I have been watching dnp both for a few years now, they are two of my favourites youtubers! (Others are safiya, simsupply and cristine). It’s nice to meet y’all!
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hey everyone! i’m hadley (they/she) and my url is starboydjh. beyond writing, dan and phil, playing video games and reading, im a big fan of all things nerdy, like Game of Thrones, The Walking Dead, Dexter and Star Wars. it works out that im in the smarties tent i guess! I’ve been watching Dan and Phil since 2008 when I found Phil on a weird sketchy Buffy server (that got deleted a month after I made my account lol) I’m a college student studying for my MFA in graphic design at the honors level and my BFA in marketing. I was a competitive irish dancer for 15 years and I’m also a proud vegan! hit me up if you want to talk about true crime, game of thrones discourse, or if you just want a nerdy friend to talk about stuff with
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Hi! I'm Inês, my pronouns are she/her, I'm 19 from Portugal. My tumblr is confused-pumpkin.
I love to read, play videogames, listen to music and my dog! In fact, I like him so much that I chose a picture of him instead of myself, but I promise I'm a real person and not a 40 year old man. I'm very hyped for this camp (maybe the sugar on the candy is contributing for this) so let's have fun!!
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yooo whaddup my name’s Ming Way :D she/her. i’m 18, i’m from Malaysia and i’m chinese. i’m formlessphan on tumblr. i like drawing and i also read a lot of fan fiction from whatever fandom im currently hyperfixating on. i’m currently in that limbo between college and uni, figuring out which uni to go to and having loads of free time which is hhhhHh Stressful but yay free time. gotta make my asian parents proud yknow sksksks. i’ve been in the phandom for about 4 years since 2015, so i skipped the really really bad stuff but yknow i caught up on cold tea🐸🍵 i went to singapore ii which was the best time of my life and i cried when they sang the ii song cuz i’m a nerd. i play piano, drums and a little guitar(like barely). i’m a big mcu fan and you can catch me crying about endgame any time of the day. nice to meet ya’ll!! <3
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Hey you can call me Fin they/them but I don't really care. I'm ace and my Tumblr is @beanfish05 I like to draw, write and read. I can barely play the ukulele and guitar. I was in Hong Kong when dnp were in America and in America when they were in Hong Kong. and I don't know what else to put
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I’m Rachel. She/her. I’m 26 from New York. I don’t remember exactly when I started watching Dan and Phil, but I think it was around 2011/2012. I love to read and write. Oh I forgot to add my tumblr is completelyuncreative2.
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Hey nerds! My name’s Helen and I’m super stoked to be part of this! This is my second campdnp thing this year and the last one was... chaotic (shoutout to the Fijis), but super fun! I’m 17, I use she/her pronouns, and I’m a proud Hufflepuff. My tumblr url is panicatthechuckecheese (yes, it’s wild, I’m aware). Catch me on there spamming your dash with whatever my current special interest/hyperfixation is. I’ve been a fan of Dan and Phil since late 2014 and I’ve been to both their tours. I’m a massive space and math geek and I’m hoping to work in artificial intelligence some day and potentially become a programmer or astronaut at NASA. Can’t wait to participate in the rest of this week’s events!
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