#admin is so stupid lmao hate that they love to waste my time
Hmm I think it’s kind of bullshit that my job wants me to do 10+ “contact hours” without paying me or at least compensating me in any other way for my wasted time
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xeter-group · 1 year
Another vent post man I love this platform
Why the fuck is life so short I spend 40 hours a week at work and then I get home and I have my hobbies to do which are almost all academic and then I have my chores and then on the weekend I have to buy food and get exercise and catch up on sleep I missed and wash my sheets but don't forget I need to do political advocacy too otherwise I'm completely bereft of morals.
And then my internal debate bro starts asking why I'm only advocating for an economic issue not advocating for any other issues. You are queer yet you aren't actively advocating for queer rights? You hate women and poc too? You hate disabled people? You hate refugees? You hate the planet? You hate developing nations? You are a hypocrite. You only pay lip service to your beliefs. You pay taxes to a war crimes committing nation.
You donated a bunch of money to a political organisation, yes, but it wasn't to direct aid. You could afford to donate more. Why did you stop at the tax deduction threshold, huh? But if I directly donated to people it would be a bandaid solution. If I donated to a charity it would go to admin staff only.
You're becoming captured in the political system by joining and donating to a party. But if I reject electoralism then I'm just a theorycrafting leftist who wages war against the peoples front of judea for not being radical enough.
By the way don't forget your existence is 25% consumed, hurry up. Be more productive. Be smarter. Achieve more. Yeah your thesis grades were the highest of anyone you talked to but you HATE YOUR HONOURS THESIS. ITS CLUMSY. ITS NOT NOVEL. YOU WASTED YOUR LAST SEMESTER OF IT. you're toxic and stress people out and make them feel stupid and it was good you left academics.
dont forget to exercise. Did you stretch today? Did you look outside? Your eyes suck. Have you eaten too much meat this week? Savage. Have you spent too much on food this week? privileged. Oh is your stomach too large? Thats not the kilograms of food and water you just had, you're turning into a pot bellied boomer dad. Your BMI is 19 thats basically on the pathway to being overweight.
what happened to learning chinese? No time? Typical uncultured white person. Can't look beyond their own borders. What happened to learning Khmer? Just because you don't talk to your Khmer mother anymore? Why do you only consider asian languages anyways? Yellow fever? Why are your friends all asian anyways? Only ever had one friend group? Isolated. Not social. Awkward. You're basically 100% white because you're not from east asia anyways. Can you even use chopsticks? Oh my god wow your spice tolerance is better than I thought it would be!! You know, because you aren't asian enough. Stop liking kpop. The companies abuse their idols, you can't look at them or hear their music. If you ACTUALLY had morals you'd boycott the industry.
Don't forget to internally reflect on your biases. Don't forget to reflect on your gender. You don't have time to reflect on your gender? You're faking it. You're not that nb/trans. Don't forget to voice train though. Your friend passes way better than you and you need to catch up to them. But don't be jealous either. don't look like you're just copying them. You need to develop a fashion sense. At your age and you can't even shop for your own clothes without feeling perpetually embarassed or awkward or scared or indecisive? Fucking lmao. Subject yourself to the beauty standards. Look at people online more. Judge them. Pick apart what you like and don't like. But don't do that to yourself, its fiiiine, nobody else is looking at what you're wearing. Are you even bisexual? You haven't even dated anyone. Of the two amab people you've ever liked one is now transitioning. The three afab people you've liked aren't. And anyways, if you are aspec its not that, its just because you're awkward.
You don't really need therapy. You don't even want to kill yourself anymore. Most people have dreamt up idle vague plans about suicide before anyways. Its not that bad. You don't have panic attacks like your friend/romantic interest/previously a romantic interest does. You're fine.
You're fine.
Nothing's wrong.
Everything is normal.
I'm too busy for this. I have things to do. I need to wash my hair or I'll look awful at work tomorrow.
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so this morning, while scrolling through my fb feed, i came across an nyt opinion/advice piece from a 27yo (ie basically me lmao) who is obviously lucky, in a sense, to finally land their “dream job using my (their) skills” etc. like obvs i can’t read it bc of the stupid “you get one free article a month if you either don’t have an account or subscription” (my one free article was used up reading an article about adult adhd like last week)….. thing that nyt does.
but anyway. back on topic lol. the crux of the article in both the headline and the quote snippet was that the advice asker was really dissatisfied with the 40 hour work week that came with her “dream job”. with how having this 40hr workweek gave her no time to do her busy chores like house cleaning or laundry or didn’t even give her time to let her have her hobbies/creative pursuits (whatever they were/are).
however, in the comments on the article (and apparently from those who read the article on the comments, the advice/opinion column writer) a good bunch of like gen Xer’s and baby boomers (im assuming) were ganging up on the asker like “suck it up princess, it’s what life is!!! i work 70+ hours a week and LOVE IT and have just resigned myself to the fact that i have NO time left over to do my “chores”! learn to O U T S O U R C E these life admin tasks to someone else!!! everyone MUST LEARN this in america!!! it makes life so much easier ☺️” and such.
of course, there were plenty of the same bs comments that you see on anything about careers or home ownership towards millennials/gen Z’ers about “learn to go WITHOUT and save save save and squander your time so that you NEVER live and HAVE FUN or TIME FOR HOBBIES! my bet is that your parents did that and they survived just fine while also raising your ungrateful spiteful ass (not including any type of health issues they might have picked up from such long hours/shitty working conditions) so why can’t you just L E A R N to do the same you precious spoilt brat!!! because the reality of Real Life™️ is that you can’t have it both ways!!! then you’ll have early retirement guaranteed, hopefully!!! and know that hobbies really are time wasters most of the time ☺️ or at least they were for me!!! and your precious so-called “creative pursuits” most definitely are time wasters. no one needs THOSE.” and so on so forth.
they also had jibes for her bc the asker wanted to start a family at some point apparently… and apparently it’s “much worse” once you have kids. like. thanks geraldine and henry. you’ve just told us how much you’ve resented having your kids/family in one fell swoop. your opinion which you’ve framed as unhelpful, condescending advice is now voided.
like. i don’t know how rhonda or paul or deandra or philip could miss the point so fucking entirely. why the fuck should anyone- nay everyone (bc that’s what they make it sound like)- learn to outsource their busy chores like laundry/house cleaning/grocery shopping or god knows what else- to someone else???? why is that apparently a standard expected to be learnt in the US???
like why the fuck are you so desperate for people not to have free time to do these things (unless of course they live in some of those shitty nyc or other big city apartment blocks that don’t come with individual private laundries in the self-contained flats or a communal laundry on like the bottom floor or w/e for example) frank????
deidre why the hell are you so bitterly hankering about “be grateful that you have it easier than most and learn that hobbies mean jackshit and just sell your soul and time to your boss!!! when will the generation stopping being “me me me!!!” and “work life balance!” and think about the company’s bottom line!! learn that “work life balance” is never important! work like a slave for 50 years and see if your valuable experience is needed then! that’s when you’ll learn that those hours where you were never being lazy, instead of just expecting life to be handed to you, will have paid off!” or whatever other ridiculously toxic capitalist bullshit they were spitting out.
obviously there were FAR MORE people actually supporting the question asker and echoing the idea that the 40hr workweek is now redundant. they were also putting down the opinion/advice piece writer’s advice to the asker….. that was apparently similar to the all the bitter people on the comments saying that the 27yo was just “asking for too much” and had to “learn to suck it up instead of being a petulant and overly selfish dick!!” etc etc etc. we all know the spiel as thoroughly as the macarena now.
because whats so fucking wrong with wanting time to yourself and wanting time to do your busy chores??? why the fuck should i be outsourcing these to other people (unless of course you’re still living at home and your parents are still like “hey what clothes do you need washed i’m doing a load rn” or you have a partner that works from home or has some type of parental leave etc)???? i want to do my own laundry. i want to do my own gardening (ok lawn mowing or tree lopping (if needed) i’d actually outsource bc i can’t lift or push lawn mowers bc they’re heavy af for me or and i obvs can’t use a chainsaw)… but i want to do my own grocery shopping. i want to do my own cooking (although i would consider the meal kit services once i had job that allowed me to afford like $50 a month for one of those meal kits sub services) i want to do my own cleaning.
why, if i lived in the US and not australia, am i just expected to learn to outsource all of these tasks even if i don’t have the money for it??? like why the actual fuck are so many of you so fucking weirdly proud of being absolutely worked into the fucking ground for your “great country” (although this is actually bleeding through to australia too and i hate it); working like literally close to 100 hours a week???
because i wasn’t aware you had to be whatever the fuck his name is from 127 hours and cut your fucking limbs off just to fucking survive a job in either corporate america or just let alone any goddamned job in america….. all so they can supposedly “learn to like working for free and devaluing your worth even more to your employer through overworking yourself and always being available!!! mental health is for those who aren’t built for the Real Adult World™️!!! this person is a prime example of the younger generations being weak and dissatisfied with life so often because of their “oh poor little me!!! care for me!!” act. NO ONE CARES FOR YOU today. stop being so over-expectant/demanding and juvenile!!! only YOU care yourself and you should NEVER expect someone else to pick you up from YOUR bootstraps!!! you’re fucking whiny and conceited babies. the lot of you!!!”
because i honestly don’t know who the fuck would enjoy working 70+ hours week with no time to themselves to do what they enjoy doing…. or enjoy having zilch time to catch up on errands and life admin duties or just general house chores; especially if you’ve moved cities or an entire fucking state/s away from your family and support network. let alone doing the same thing on 40 hours a week.
and on top of everything, let’s not even get started on the time spent commuting to and from work or even commuting for life errands/tasks etc etc- especially if you’re like me and you’re nowhere near the capital city’s centre (ie sydney australia for me) for there to be reliable enough public transport and longer commute times to certain places in those cities (that i’ve bitched about plenty before on other posts on here about work/jobs).
get your head out of your asses warren and viola et al and realise that work life balance is literally NOT ASKING FOR MUCH and is asking employers to just have basic respect for their employees time if they work fulltime. it’s literally detrimental to ones health if they have to sacrifice what feels like (or what is literally like) their entire fucking existence to their employer just for meagre pay and just to fucking survive.
because i read a heart-breaking article last night from huffpost (posted by buzzfeed on fb) about a woman in the US who literally hid her having a second baby from her employer for an entire fucking year (literally the entire pregnancy and birth of the baby and the first 6 months post pushing the baby out) during the pandemic all because she was scared she would get demoted or lose her leading of a project and lose her bs “temp” job which had really turned into full time work although the employer never said anything about it being actually full time hours or whatever…. and plus the lady herself was apparently to scared to ask to be put on the books fulltime too for some weird reason.
like honestly. fuck capitalism. fuck thinking that “work life balance is just too hard for employers to add and regulate. it’s an excuse and ploy for workers to be unprofessional, unproductive and lazy!” or whatever the fuck. everyone deserves time to themselves to pursue their interests/hobbies and busy chores/life admin. no one deserves to waste their entire life working 70+ work weeks for those employers who literally have no respect for their employees personal lives and time.
and particularly during the time that is the pandemic as we’ve seen so many companies having to learn to wholeheartedly embrace working from home and more flexible schedules for their workers. worklife balance is absolutely fucking beneficial for everyone involved.
america fix your bullshit work ethic right now lmao.
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lennoxfraser-blog · 8 years
ooc week: day three
Tea or coffee? tbh lately it’s been coffee bc i’m getting old and need a kick in the ass to get through the day, so. coffee.
Stars or planets? planets.
Sun or moon? moon.
Black or white? black.
The zoo or the aquarium? the zoo!!!!!!!!!
Drama or comedy? kdrama :}
Thriller or adventure? adventure. i can’t watch scary movies bc even though i’m not scared at the time, it tends to stick in my brain and i get zero sleep bc of bad dreams.
Short walks to the fridge or long walks on the beach? short walks to the fridge. [anakin skywalker voice] i hate sand.
Indoors or outdoors? indoors. outdoor has too many variables.
Animals or plants? animals. i used to want to be a veterinarian!!
Time alone or time with others? time alone 100%%%%%
Introvert or extrovert? introvert.
Silence or music? i’m very fine with silence but i love singing badly to music too. i also need music if i’m writing or being creative, so i def couldn’t live without music.
Darkness or light? darkness.
Cats or dogs? i can never decide. i love my cat, and i prefer their independence.
Dancing or being the wallflower? wallflower. i don’t think my self-esteem would allow me to dance in public lol
Right or left? i’m right handed and always take right-optioned choices but i always make my characters lefties.
Werewolves or vampires? ;) honestly.......... vampires. (says me who made a whole rp about werewolves)
Dressing stylishly or dressing comfortably? comfortably omg i don’t change out of pyjamas all day if i don’t have to.
Sunrise or sunset? sunrise. 
Lead or follow? leadership is something i can and will do if i don’t feel satisfied with someone else’s leadership, but i can follow just fine. this is why i admin a roleplay i crave control goodbye
Optimist or pessimist? pessimism is my default.
Staying up late or waking up early? literally both. catch four hours of sleep and do it all over again.
Speaking up or staying silent? i speak up in my head, plan what i would say, and then open my mouth and almost burst into tears lmao i can’t argue to save my life, but i feel like my ideas are good so i’d much rather speak up through text.
White lies or brutal honesty? tbh white lies.
Ask for permission before doing the stupid thing or ask for forgiveness after doing the stupid thing? permission tbh i need peer reviews, ratings, signed permission slips, the WORKS before i do anything ever. catch me texting my friends “do you think i should do this?” or “can we talk about what would happen if i did this” just bc i’d rather be logical and rational than jumping into something too quickly. quintessential ravenclaw trait.
Pet peeves: FEET. IN ALL FORMS. LITERALLY DO NOT SHOW ME YOUR FEET. also something that pisses me off is when i’m told information i already know.... like if someone repeats a story to me, i have zero patience.... or if they rehash information prior to adding new information, i will cut them off, fill it in with a brief explanation to show i understand, before letting them continue. idk why i think just hearing things for the second, third, fourth time always feels like wasting time? i can’t do it. people who cough and sneeze and don’t make an effort to cover their mouth/nose with something other than their damn hands. slow internet. NO INTERNET.
Bad habits: like above, a bad habit is cutting people who off who are rehashing a story or information. i don’t cut them off in general, only in that situation, but i could def work on that lol. chewing my nails. buying shit that i don’t need, especially books. 
Favourite scents (your amortentia!): coconut, vanilla, the smell of clothes when they come out of the dryer. 
Favourite animal: tbh either lions or owls. at a zoo, i’d ideally spend the whole day at the lion enclosure, watching them sleep.
Favourite colour: green!!!!
Favourite place to go (local or otherwise) (photos get bonus points): about five minutes from my house is the beach and a cliff that overlooks the beach. there’s a watch tower there, and beneath the hill is actually these tunnels that they used during WW2 bc they thought Japan was going to invade so they stored weapons and ammo there. anyway, sitting up on the hill and looking out across the water is my favourite place to go to think, and i usually always go there with my mum to talk. i’ll include some pictures at the end!!
Favourite meme: honestly, i love the “tag yourself, i’m ____” meme. whether that’s when people make the photos and poorly spelt options, or even just when someone posts a photo/text post and drags the OP by saying “tag yourself, i’m the ___” 
Do you have any creative or artistic abilities? so i write, and i’m hopefully alright at that. i used to do art, and i’m mediocre at drawing but i don’t do it to create, i usually draw to express story ideas or a character’s look/feel. i can crochet, idk if that’s necessarily creative or artistic. i can play the harmonica parts for “piano man” by billy joel!!! 
Talk about something that made you happy today, yesterday, this week: a few things did!! i went to a bookstore and bought some books, so that made me feel materialistically happy. right after that i got sick at my friend’s house with a cold that came on within a few hours and that wasn’t great but it made me happy that i had a friend who would take care of me lol. also i’ve been very productive this week despite illness, so that made me happy upon reflection!! 
Talk about an experience that made you feel proud or confident: tbh when i feel very bad about my confidence, i remember this one time when i was in high school (so i was 17) and we had mentor groups, which is when the ~smart kids~ are assigned to a teacher and mentored for the year. (the teacher basically just asks how you’re doing lol) ANYWAY we had a mentor day at a camp-like place, where there’s archery and games and shit. being a bigger girl in these kind of places = anxiety in the first place, and there was a zipline thing where you climb a telegraph pole (with no ropes? wtf?), strap into the zipline, and then they push you off and you fly down a rope for a few hundred metres. anyway, all my friends had gone, and time was running out, and i WANTED to do it, but my anxiety was like..... ur literally too big... also if you do, everyone will laugh.... and then i was just like ? fuck it???????? so i climbed the shit out of that terrifying pole, i strapped myself in, and i went down that zipline like Tris from Divergent and like. no one laughed? they were cheering? it was one of the most liberating moments of my life, just bc i realised that a lot of my fears are only in my head and not actually reality, and that if you want something, even if its small, you should go for it. i’m proud of myself for doing it.
Talk about something/someone that makes you feel relaxed: my bed makes me feel relaxed, but also probably talking to my mum - if i have a problem, i know that she’ll listen and help if she can.
Talk about something you’re yet to try for the first time but want to: everything i want to do is simply just so i can write about it better? lmao???? so i’d want to kiss someone so i could write about it more accurately, i’d want to get high so i could write about it better. i can’t drink bc of health reasons, but if i could, i’d like to get drunk to write about it better. mostly everything is just so i can be a better, more rounded writer. 
Who are your role models and why: tbh idk if i have role models. i used to, but the older i get, the more i feel as though i rely less on looking up to people?? i really admire a lot of writers though, like Neil Gaiman and Leigh Bardugo and even J.K Rowling. also even though she’s a youtuber, i admire Zoe Sugg bc she just seems like a good person with a good heart? she’s been very open about mental illness and she’s written books and released a make up line and she’s... just normal? that’s a great role model, esp for younger people, so i’m glad she’s got a huge audience. 
Talk about something you want to do this year: this year!!! this year is going to be organisation central, hopefully. i want to start/restart my book review blog where i write about books because that’s what makes me happy. i also have some RP goals, and they’ll hopefully be fulfilled very soon. i want to write more original fiction this year, and i want to read a lot more widely than i did last year. 
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