#I’m going to skim the hell out of these videos
Hmm I think it’s kind of bullshit that my job wants me to do 10+ “contact hours” without paying me or at least compensating me in any other way for my wasted time
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san8ny · 5 months
CamGirl! Ellie
“How...” You trail off as you view the poll in disbelief, setting the brightness of your monitor up in an effort to re-read the winners of your next collaboration,
Ellie Williams had won by a landslide over Abby Anderson.
How was that even fuckin’ possible, i mean, it was practically unheard of in the field of camming; a rookie like Williams beating a veteran like Anderson out.
You prop a fuzzy sock-clad foot on your desk as you lean back in your streaming chair, the viewers going absolutely insane at the chance of a collab with Ellie Williams now becoming a reality. You simply couldn’t help the amusement that began to simmer in your manner.
“Well..I did promise you all, didn’t I?” You flash a pearly smile, looking back at your camera as the thousands of comments roll in,
@Ilovesluts1: LETS GOOOOO!
@Abbys3xual: made like a bajillion accounts to vote for abby smh :/
@EWismyreligion: bro sm1 tag me when its starts next week
@AbbyAnderson: aw, dont seem so down, ill get em next time
@FuckSuckGo: ░PUSSY░IN░BIO░
Skimming through them, you slightly tilt your head at the viewer count, “Mm, we’re past our usual viewership number, are you all that excited to see me get fucked?” Your laugh coming out a bit airy as you slowly begin to unzip the large hoodie you had on, top set of teeth brushing against your bottom lip, “Now that you’ve got something fun to look forward to, let’s get back on our usual schedule.”
Meanwhile, Ellie was laying in bed, laptop propped up on her thighs as she watches your stream in antcipation on her alt. Poor girl had practically chewed her nailbeds down to nothing as she hears you talk about her for the first time in that sultry voice you had; Ellie practically worshipped the ground you walked on- hell, you were the one to even get into her camming.
She first came across your sfw gaming account, thinking you were a fresh breath of air. You had good humor, seemed down to earth and you were beautiful as hell.
Couple of weeks later, you mention in a ‘StarDew Valley’ stream how your other account got flagged for the influx of subscribers you were obtaining, the streaming platform mistaking them for bots. You were just that good, and Ellie didn’t need any further convincing before finding the paywalled account and sprinting to her coat, fishing out the credit card.
Safe to say she quickly became one of your top donators in just a couple of days, the comments talking amongst themselves of just who ‘User1009’ could be, and the hefty amount of money being sent in a single sitting; you didn’t really bat an eye all that much as you were pretty use to it, but upon reading the comments, you smiled; “Guess i’m well liked?”
shortly after, the system text-to-speech alert sounds:
@User1009 has sent a donation of 3000USD with a note attached:- More than you know :)
Ellie was ensnared in your trap. She worked a regular 9-5, she wasn’t under a hot-shot label like you when she cammed in the little to no free time she had, instead, opting to freelance with little 5 minute amateur videos.
Though, it’s her toned body and music-like moans that gets her quickly climbing in the ranks, the platform practically becoming infatuated with the quick strokes of Ellie’s wrist when she’s pumping a sleek toy inside of her, or the risk of her being caught in the very public areas she performes said acts in. She was a thrill, and had everyone tuned in.
Even you, as you probe your mouse around her offical account in your dim-lit room, trying to see just who would be bending you over.
“She’s cute..” You mutter as you click on one of the more clearer videos, heat quickly consuming you as her slicked pussy comes into camera-view, long slender olive-toned fingers pistoning in and out of her swollen cunt aggressively as she chases an orgasm, before slowly removing them and demonstrating how her cum webs inbetween digits, some cascading down her wrist before the video cuts.
And for the first time in some weeks, you catch yourself actually feeling excited as you rub your thighs together.
Not just for the clicks and money either..but for some girl on the internet.
Hey, i dont rlly know if you’d be okay with this but..r u down for a vid tgtr? my fans rlly like u but ik u dont do collabs lol (sent at 11:36pm)
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hazelfoureyes · 7 months
before i never really interacted with blogs(cuz anxiety and very toxic friends had my tumblr, who ive gotten rid of now) but now i literally interact with every post bc of you, you are god and i will worship you, your smut is poetic af and has my legs SHAKING(.literally.)
also, alastor and his rivals(vox or lucifer) x reader smut? like i know alastor would be petty asf and have them watch as he fucks the living out of their beloved, im curious, do you have any ideas regarding that?(cuz your ideas are delicious and im hungry for that)
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You’ve left me speechless which is quite the accomplishment, Darling. I am just a little goblin! Or like the tooth fairy, but instead of teeth I take praise and instead of money I leave filthy smut 🥺 I am so glad you removed the toxic friends and are interacting more. 💖 you deserve better and your interactions are a joy. Thank you for brightening my day! I am so far away and yet you’ve got me blushing like a fool.
oooh yes okay so! Here’s some ideas 👀
Energy for me is Lucifer: Here to please. Alastor: Here to win. I imagine Luci brings you to the hotel for Charlie’s Birthday party, already having a precious casual fling once or twice before. All the guests are there, everyone is dancing and drinking and having a good time. Alastor notices how you call him Luci, how Lucifer cant keep his cool when you lean closer to him when you speak. Naturally, Alastor sees an opportunity to fuck with Lucifer so he asks for a dance. He is uncharacteristically sweet and loving, willing to do anything to get under the king of hell’s skin. He changes the music to something slow, holding you close he whispers in your ear during your dance, “How can any man maintain composure around you? I feel my manners slipping through my fingers every time you look my way.” When you leave the party to cool down, Alastor follows, finding you in an empty room trying to decompress. “Would you hate me if I kissed you? Be forewarned, once I start, I’m not sure I’ll be able to stop…”
Lucifer walks in to see you absolutely melting under Alastor, lipstick smeared and face flushed. But Luci adores you, your pleasure is his pleasure and he’s compelled to stay and watch, even as Alastor makes you moan and scream his name. “Who do you belong to, sweetheart?” “Whose cock are you made for?” You’re reduced to incoherent babbling by the time Alastor is finished toying with Lucifer. Lucifer can’t take it anymore and finds himself crawling onto the bed to swallow your moans and shower you in praise.
I can see Vox bringing his beloved personal assistant to an overlord meeting for note taking, and Alastor notices your glances to him. Vox adores you, and is always on his best behavior around you to impress you. Alastor waits for you outside of Vee Tower that night for a “chance run in”. “What luck! Allow me to buy you a drink, as a welcome to hell.” Charms you as any good southern boy could, and suggests you both go back to your office for privacy. Knowing full well Vox has cameras all over the office, Alastor fucks Vox’s assistant on his desk while maintaining eye contact with the massive collection of screens there. Vox catches sight of this while skimming through the feeds but can’t break away from the video. Alastor keeps your back to the displays while bouncing you on his cock, smirking at Vox the entire time as he leans back on his desk chair. Vox is seething and finally rushes to his office to find Alastor gone and you lying on your back, still out of breath and cum dripping onto the desk.
Vox keeps you, but gets rid of the desk. He can’t let Alastor have the satisfaction of making him lose his prized employee. For weeks after, while zoning out in board meetings, his screen flashes images of Alastor smirking from over your shoulder as you ride him. He’s entirely unaware that it’s happening and everyone is too scared to tell him.
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harlowsbby · 8 months
Shopping Chronicles 💘
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Requested, shopping sprees with Jack or just shopping with him in general.
“How many more stores baby? We’ve been shopping all day I didn’t even know you could shop this much.” He sighed and huffed but nonetheless followed behind you.
Jack decided to take you on a little shopping spree before the two of you left the house you told him that the only rule for today was that he couldn’t complain but he still managed to break that rule.
“Are you complaining? And what did you expect you said you were taking me on a shopping spree so obviously ima get things that I need.” You told him.
“And things you don’t need like do you really need more skims? and more makeup? You have so much already!” He complained. You glared at him and rolled your eyes.
“We just need to stop at target and then we can get some food because I’m getting hungry.” Jack picked up a bit at the mention of target.
“Let’s get going then I think we stopped at every store in the mall.” He said and the two of you made your way outside to the car.
Luckily Target was only a few feet away from the mall so you both made it there within five minutes you took a shopping cart while Jack took the lead.
“What are we getting from here?” He asked you. “Let me pull out my list.” He went to roll his eyes but stopped when he saw you looking at him.
“Is there an issue Harlow?” You said with squinted eyes. He raised his hands in defense. “Nope I don’t have an issue not at all baby, so what’s on your list?”
“We need toilet paper, bleach, we need to restock on some snacks and I think that’s about it.” You told him and you started to push the cart to the cleaning section.
As you were looking through all of the cleaning products Jack wandered off and ended up getting a shopping cart of his own, he figured if you were going to get what you wanted he was going to get what he wanted too.
“I think that’s all and I sticked to everything that was on the list.” You spoke to Jack but when he didn’t answer you looked up and that’s when you noticed he wasn’t there.
“What the hell.” You mumbled and went to find Jack. You tried calling him but he wasn’t answering.
“Jack!” You called out for him which earned you a few stares from other customers that were shopping.
“Jack! Where are you?!” You yelled out. “Over here!” He yelled back.
“What is he doing.” You mumbled and took your cart and followed where the sound of his voice came from. When you eventually made your way around the corner you had to pause at the sight In front of you.
There stood Jack at the register with a cart filled with a bunch of random things. “What the? What is all of this junk.” You asked him.
You walked to his cart and started moving things around all you saw was sweat pants and candies and chips and video games and a new Apple headphone set.
“My things.” He proudly stated with his chest puffed out the cashier that was ringing everything up chuckled at his response to you.
“And who said you can get all of this? I thought we came here to get what we needed.” Your hands were now on your hips if Jack wanted a challenge he was going to get one.
“Uh I did if you can go around all day buying whatever you want I can do the same thing baby.” You smacked your lips.
“Whatever Harlow you’re so childish sometimes.” He laughed. “I know you are but what am I.” He sassed back.
You rolled your eyes and went to the self checkout lane to check out everything you had gotten on your own.
After Target you both headed over to Pets Smart Jack needed to get a few things for Molly (fake dog name since he don’t wanna give up his actual dogs name.)
You coo’d at Molly has she fell asleep in your lap. “If I was a dog would you still love me?” You asked Jack.
“Hmm I don’t know I mean if you turned into a dog what would I even do with you? You’d be useless.” He covered his mouth with his hand to stop himself from laughing.
“Are you serious?” You stated. “That’s insane you know that if you were a dog I’d play with you and still love on you wouldn’t you want my love still if you turned into a dog?” You watched him intensely as if you were dating him to say the wrong answer.
“I get my love from Detroit like Skilla Baby so why would I need your love?” Your jaw flew open and Jack couldn’t help but to double over in laughter.
“I’m just joking baby I promise it’s a joke a little joke.” He chuckled as you rolled your eyes. “Whatever just hurry up and get the stuff for Molly because I’m hungry.”
When Jack was finally finished the two of you made your way over to McDonald’s it wasn’t the ideal meal but it put something in your stomach.
“You know I actually enjoyed today didn’t you?” You asked Jack and he nodded his head.
“Well my bank account might need to take a break for two or three days maybe even a month but I did have fun with you baby.” He joked and you shoved him.
“Thank you though I appreciated today.” You smiled and leaned over your seat to press a kiss to his cheek.
“You’re welcome baby, I love you.” “I love you too Jack.”
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sp-by-april · 1 month
age gap with kenny!!
He’s the neighbor who helps with yard work since we live with our grandma, and he sees fem reader sitting on the porch reading while he mows the lawn
so they both fuck on the porch when the coast is clear!!!
I love the scenarios you guys are coming up with for these age-gap fics omg!! Also, I was imagining the video for Call Me Maybe as I wrote this lol. Kenny parkours around the town as Mysterion all night, I just know his body is 🤤🤤🤤🤤
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Kenny x F!Reader
[Submit a prompt!] [Kenny McCormick Master List]
I live with my Grandma for a lot of reasons that I won’t bore you with. Regardless, she needs a lot of help around the house; I can’t do everything and keep up with high school at the same time.
So she hired Kenny.
I really liked him. It didn’t hurt that he was cute as hell.
I was sitting on our porch swing and reading one of my favorite books while he mowed our lawn. We had a little bit of land, so it took some time. I watched the sweat gleam off his muscles in the sun and I had this weird urge to just fucking lick his bicep.
I did my best to reel in my thirst, but every time I glanced up at him, I felt a wet warmth between my legs.
When he finished mowing he stepped on the porch, “Hey, will you tell your grandma that I’m done for the day?”
He pulled off his wife beater and used it to pat his face dry.
He even had perfect fucking abs, I couldn’t stop staring. It took everything inside of me not to lean over and run my tongue over them.
I absent mindedly fanned myself with my book as I stood, “I’ll let her know,”
“Thanks,” He looked me over, “You okay? You should go inside if you’re too hot,”
“You’re fucking hot,” I blurted out.
“Oh, yeah?” He chuckled at me.
I broke the seal. It was now or never.
I stepped forward and pushed my chest up against him, “Yeah,”
“Whoa, Kid,” He put his hands on my shoulders, “What are you doing?”
I sucked a quick, uneven breath, “I want you. I do think you’re hot. I was watching you sweat and all I could think about was putting my tongue on you,”
“...Fuck,” He shook his head, “You’re too young, we really shouldn’t–“
I kissed him and soon he slid his tongue in my mouth. I set my hand on his chest and slowly skimmed it down over his wet, rippling skin.
Our tongues continued to roll over each other as I unbuttoned and unzipped him. I pushed his pants down to his thighs and was mesmerized. His cock looked amazing. I almost dropped to my knees right there. He was painfully thick and leaking so much precum. I wanted to suck and lap at the mess.
I didn’t get a chance.
He grabbed my hips, turned me 90 degrees and bent me over the porch railing. He reached up my skirt and yanked my panties down to my knees.
I almost asked him why he was in such a rush, until I remembered my grandmother could catch us at any time.
He rubbed the tip of his manhood along my wet, anticipating slit, picking up and spreading around my desire for him.
I gasped sharply as he pushed into me and buried himself completely in the very back of my core, testing the limits of my silky walls.
When his hips started to shift into me, I couldn’t believe how much pleasure he was driving into me. Hell, he felt like heaven.
I began to moan shamelessly as his hands reached around and massaged my breasts. His thumbs swept over my nipples and he gave them both a small pinch and I whimpered pathetically.
I was glad we didn’t have any neighbors nearby.
One of his hands slid up my throat and under my chin. He tipped my head all the way back so that I looked into his eyes as he leaned completely over me. God, the eye contact was so intense, I’m wet just thinking about it.
He kissed me hungrily as he began to really thrust into me hard. Harder. Harder.
Kenny fucking me was so consuming and overwhelming that when he pushed me over the edge, I nearly screamed.
My eyes rolled back as my every muscle seized up more than I ever thought possible. My legs started to shake and I prayed that my knees wouldn’t buckle. Every bit of the bliss he had been driving into me swelled, crested, and crashed into me like a tidal wave. As it washed me away completely, a loud, quivering moan poured from my lips and my soft, warm walls fastened up around Kenny, and gripped his cock like a vise.
He groaned deeply, almost as loud as I was, and I felt a thick pain as his hips abruptly bucked up into me. His hands squeezed my throat and breast, while his cock pulsed and pumped me full of his hot, wet seed. It was so intense that it felt like he was stretching me out more and more with each sticky spurt.
He panted over me and ran his hands down my body as he came down from his climax.
He felt so good and was so much fun that I wanted to ask him if we could do it again.
As soon as I opened my mouth, the front door opened.
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shybunnie20 · 11 months
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Eddie Munson x Alt!Fem!Reader
★Teaser ★My Masterlist
Summary: Eddie seeks Steve's assistance in wooing you, but it doesn’t go the way he planned.
Author's Note: This was so fun to write! I don’t think it turned out particularly angsty tbh. There's a little bit of Halloween in it, 'tis the season.
Proofread to an extent. 90s AU with no Upside Down. No use of Y/N. Reader is vaguely depicted: wears black, has tattoos and piercings (no amount or locations indicated for either), enjoys spooky movies, and likes metal music. Happy ending!
Word Count: 4.7k
Warnings: brief mention of alcohol consumption, includes more swearing than usual
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The sun hangs low, blowing kisses of dusk through the streaky panes of Family Video. Inside the store, the sporadic popping of kernels sets the tone for the evening shift.
When it comes to this job, unboxing shipments of snacks is the one task that manages to hold Eddie’s fleeting attention, simply because it gives him an excuse to wield a box cutter. Alas, today is not one where a shipment has been delivered. He’s more or less getting paid to hang out and he wouldn’t have it any other way.
Leaning beside the register, Eddie lazily flips through a dated issue of Rolling Stone magazine. He’s not even reading the articles, just skimming the pictures.
In the documentary section, Steve is busy restocking the shelves. “I heard Keith’s giving out a plaque for 'Least Productive Employee' this year. If ya ask me, I think you’ve got Robin beat.”
“That’s debatable,” Eddie licks the pad of his finger and flips the page. “You’ve got it handled, don’t you?”
“Yeah, but there’s plenty of stuff that needs to get done before we get slammed tonight.”
“I’m doing my part,” Eddie raises his head and a smirk slowly overtakes his bored expression. “Someone’s gotta keep the front counter company. It gets lonely.”
“Aw, how touching. Of all things, you’ve found true love with a piece of furniture,” Steve scoops up the bucket of go-backs and sidesteps to the neighboring genre. “That’s gotta be the closest thing you’ve ever had to a relationship.”
Burn, but an accurate one. Eddie isn’t a Casanova but there’s nothing wrong with that, not at all. He’s got his hobbies and friends, what point is there in trying to convince the town that he’s up for a little romance? Besides, the absence of encounters means that flirting isn’t in his wheelhouse.
Eddie looks down at the face of his Casio, reading that it’s nearing seven o’clock. “Hey, do we still have a copy of Beetlejuice around?”
“I doubt it. All of the spooky shit has been going like hotcakes since Halloween is right around the corner.”
As customers trickle through the door, Eddie shifts to the computer system and types hurriedly on the keyboard. “Fuck, it’s gotta be here,” He abandons the register and searches the store.
Steve opens a case and snaps it closed, entirely oblivious to the commotion until Eddie whizzes by in his peripheral vision. “Okay, this is a whole new level of obnoxious,” Steve huffs. “Why are you so hell-bent on finding that specific movie?”
“Because she’s probably gonna wanna rent it, and if we don’t have it…” Eddie trails off as he flies by on the other side of the store.
“Cool your jets, turbo,” Steve notices that more people are coming into the store so he waves Eddie over. The last thing they need is a lawsuit because an old lady got plowed down. “Seriously, what gives?”
Wheezing at the end of the aisle, Eddie hunches over and bows his head. He grips his knees for dear life while he tries to catch his breath. “There’s this girl.”
Steve’s feathered brows mirror the nosey tone of his voice. “Who is it? Do I know her?”
“I doubt it,” Eddie coughs. “But she stops in every Friday night.”
“News flash, butthead. It’s the busiest day of the week, that’s not exactly narrowing it down,” Steve feels a creeping presence over his shoulder. Speaking of old ladies; he peeks, just to find an elderly woman encroaching on his personal space to view the titles that he’s blocking. “Sorry,” he says halfheartedly before directing his coworker toward the register with a toss of his head. “Is it Tara P.?”
“Nope,” Eddie follows and plops on the stool furthest from the computer. “She wears a lot of black, has tattoos, piercings-”
Steve shakes his index finger. “Okay, yeah, I know who you’re talking about now. She’s always dressed for a funeral,” He snorts.
“I know, isn’t it hot?” Eddie sighs dreamily while he tugs at his green coil key ring, stretching it as far as it’ll go.
“I mean, if you’re into that kinda thing,” Steve shudders dramatically. “Gives me the heebie-jeebies.”
“I’m definitely into that,” Eddie gnaws on the soft pink flesh of his lips as he pauses. “There’s this aura around her, y’know? Not just her looks either, it’s her energy too.”
“Dark and brooding, huh? That’s what gets ya going?” Steve switches to his customer service voice as he checks out the elderly woman with minimal back and forth.
“Yeah, whenever she’s around my hands get all sweaty,” Eddie looks down at his large palms that are growing slick from discussing you. “She hangs out at the bar where I play. God, just seeing her makes my heart sing.”
He loses himself in thinking about seeing you at Wraith. You’re the only one that he strives to impress but he has yet to. You dance to other bands but not Eddie’s. Sometimes you nod your head to the beat, though it’s never enough for you to acknowledge his existence.
“Pass me a barf bag,” Steve gags. “Makes your heart sing?”
“Whatever, dude. It’s not like you’re gettin’ any action with your Harrington charm.”
“Excuse you,” Steve looks at Eddie pointedly. “I almost got that girl’s number on Monday, thank you very much. She was totally digging me.”
“Was she, though? ‘Cause she left without giving you her digits,” Eddie chuckles mockingly and tilts his head. “How many more times do you have to strike out before you finally throw in the towel?”
“That’s rich coming from the guy who canoodles furniture,” Steve scoffs. “Don’t come for my manhood. At least I have the balls to make a move.”
“So many moves, and yet, so few takers!” Eddie throws his head back and laughs boisterously.
“Put a sock in it,” Steve groans.
Speak of the devil. Eddie spots you walking into the store, just as you always do at this time. “Oh god,” He gulps and his joints lock, freezing time and space simultaneously. His mouth is slightly agape as the world comes to a standstill. His vision narrows to a tunnel, rendering him deaf and mute.
Steve snaps his fingers in front of Eddie’s face. “Jesus, man. Try to act somewhat normal,” he rolls his eyes. “If you even know how.”
Eddie does not know how especially not after being literally snapped out of his trance. His palms are clammy, his breathing is rigid, and he’s dizzy as all hell. “Look at her,” He whispers. Christ, you look so fucking pretty today.
“Are you trying to catch flies, dude?”
“No,” Eddie scowls, promptly tightening his lax jaw. “Fuck off.”
Steve takes notice of your figure moving down the aisle and turning in their direction. “Duun dun,” he begins to imitate the Jaws shark theme. “Duuun dun,” As you approach from the other end of the store, Steve gets progressively louder. “Dun dun dun dun dun-”
“Quit!” Eddie barks through gritted teeth and kicks Steve’s calf. “Don’t be an ass.”
“Ow, that was uncalled for,” Steve bends over to rub his leg in an attempt to soothe the ache. 
“Jesus Christ! She’s coming over here,” Eddie paces in the cramped area, nearly colliding with Steve when he pivots. “What the fuck do I do? I don’t know how to be Mr. Cool Guy.”
With your chosen film in hand, you are in fact approaching the register. Steve’s voice becomes discernible as you get nearer. “...if you keep acting like such a wuss. Grow a pair and just-”
“Shut up! Shut it,” Eddie makes it appear as though he’s doing something productive to the snack display, but he’s really just shifting the packets of Skittles around.
“Just this,” you confirm by setting down the tape and digging into your purse. The atmosphere feels tense, to say the least. You’ve clearly interrupted something. It’s plain to see on the other employee’s tomato-red face.
Steve offers a straight-lipped smile and scans your membership card. “Find everything alright?”
You hum in response. While he carries on with the transaction, you notice how peculiarly still the other guy is. “Hello,” you greet him softly, hoping to ease the atmosphere.
Eddie’s hands come to a halt and he looks up at you with wide eyes. “Heh,” He meant to say “hey” but only the first letter made it out alive. As you pay for your purchase, his mouth is still moving and he doesn’t know why. “That’s a good one,” he gestures to the movie.
You startle inwardly, not having anticipated an actual conversation to start. He seems nice enough. “You’re a fan of scary movies too, I take it?”
Eddie nods timidly. He flexes his fingers to combat the overwhelming numbness that’s plaguing his hands. His heart is beating so goddamn hard that it’s on the verge of bursting through his chest and landing wetly at his feet. “Yeah, I like them. They’re good. Really good.”
“Agreed,” While you tuck your wallet away, a polite smile rests on your face. “I was actually in the mood for Beetlejuice but it doesn’t look like you have it,” Your smile falls ever so slightly.
The sight causes Eddie’s pounding heart to twist and plummet to his ass. He’d give you every copy on the planet if he could.
Steve listens in over the sound of your receipt printing. His brows arch in genuine surprise that Eddie knew you’d want that movie tonight. Creepy, but impressive nonetheless. “Sorry about that,” Steve tears the paper from the machine and hands it to you. “Maybe next time.”
“Maybe,” you nod, accept the receipt, and pick up the tape. “Have a good night,” you say to both of them and head out.
Once you’re through the doors, Eddie clutches Steve’s forearm to ground himself in reality.
“Ugh!” Steve yanks his arm away to escape the muggy grasp. “That’s gnarly, man.” 
“Do you believe me now?” Eddie wipes his sopping palms on his jeans.
“Oh, I believe you, especially after witnessing that. I’m pretty sure Henderson has more game than you.”
Eddie returns to the stool with a plop. “Just kill me already,” he rubs his face, sighing. “Put me out of my fucking misery.”
“Don't threaten me with a good time,” Steve laughs to himself. “Anyway, back to Little Miss Dead Inside. What’ve you tried?”
“Nothing,” Eddie drops his hands and slouches in defeat. “I don’t think she even knows my name.”
“You gotta give her a reason to,” Steve continues conversing from over his shoulder while he checks out another customer. “What about notes? Y’know, old-fashioned love notes.”
Eddie scrunches his nose. “I dunno about that.”
“It’s right up your alley, Shakespeare. Besides, the ladies love melodramatic shit like that.”
Eddie suddenly perks up. “Wait, I could be totally anonymous! She could figure it out on her own. That way she comes to me and I don’t even have to approach her.” 
“That’s not what I said at all.”
“This could totally work,” Eddie motions to Steve’s head. “Who woulda thought there’s a few marbles rollin’ around in there.”
“Ha-ha,” Steve continues to slowly but surely shorten the line. “Don’t think I’m helping you.”
“The hell you aren’t,” Eddie hops up on the counter beside the register. He swings his legs with newfound optimism and tears open a package of red vines. “You’re obligated to help since it’s your idea.”
“I absolutely am not, and I have no interest in being inadvertently bitten by some vampire chick. Leave me out of it.”
“C’mon, I’ll owe you big time,” Eddie begs with his mouth full of waxy candy.
“You have to clean the restroom for two weeks,” Steve declares with a smirk.
“No fucking shot,” Eddie points with a half-bitten licorice rope. “Pick something else.”
“Do you want help or not?”
Eddie did indeed want help, so he agreed to the bullshit terms and conditions. He can scrub a toilet, no problemo. Honestly, he’d polish a hundred of them with a toothbrush if that meant you’d step into his life. You’re worth cleaning toilets for.
After closing up shop for the night, Eddie sits at his desk in his bedroom until the early hours. He writes draft after draft, struggling to find words that are forward and inviting without coming on too strong right off the bat.
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Upon your arrival the following week, Eddie is shaking like a leaf. He listens to your interaction with Steve while being partially concealed behind a tall cardboard cut-out. Despite not being able to see you, he can see your lips forming the words in his mind. Your voice alone is making him weak in the knees. Eddie’s certain that if you don’t hightail it out of here soon, they’ll buckle and his cover will be blown.
Once he’s certain you’ve left, Eddie releases the breath he’s been holding since you walked in. “How’d it go? She didn’t see you put the note in there, right?”
“Why are you even asking? You eavesdropped the whole time. Yeah, it went fine, she didn’t notice.” Steve grumbles.
“Okay, cool,” Eddie chews on his thumbnail. “Shit, what if she thinks it’s creepy? What if she thinks it’s the lamest thing ever? Fuck, what if-”
“Dude,” Steve closes his eyes and holds his hands out. “You’ve gotta stop.”
In the comfort of your home, you plop down in front of the VCR and open the case that holds the reels of this evening’s entertainment; a movie you’ve rented a few times before, but not enough that you could quote it. Instead of a hard plastic shell, your fingertips find wrinkled notebook paper. Your brows furrow as you inspect it, shredded pieces dangling from where it was yanked from the spiral binding.
You unfold it three times. 
In the aisles of the video store, I've found a treasure unsurpassed. Not on the shelves, but in your eyes, I fell so fast.
It’s a prank, whatever the fuck this is. 
Never in your life have you ever thought about Steve, like, at all. You’re aware of his reputation, that he apparently has the tendency to be douchey and arrogant. But the more you think about it, he’s nothing like that when you interact at Family Video. Maybe he’s not that judgmental and he sees past your midnight exterior. This note is stupidly genuine and endearing. Who would’ve thought he had it in him? Certainly not you.
That’s the thing, though. Steve isn’t your type and you’re certainly not his. But you can’t recall a time when he’s ever looked at you like you’re some kind of freak. Most guys do, that’s something you’ve grown used to over the years and learned to ignore. This poem basks him in a new light, and you’re not quite sure how to process it.
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Like clockwork, you’re back again but this time your chest is thrumming. The note could’ve been a fluke or maybe it was meant for someone else, you’re not entirely sure. You’d be lying if you said you didn’t want to be the intended recipient. Right now, it would be ideal to appear composed but you’re already wearing an unusual expression—a pleasant one—while you make your way to the drama section.
Tonight, it’s Robin and Eddie holding down the fort. As your combat boots scuff across the forest-colored carpet, Eddie can feel your arrival in his bones. He’s immediately seeking you out and when he locates you, he just about faints. Admiring from afar while manning the register, his mind races. Kissing is what’s on the curiosity menu tonight. Eddie wonders what flavor of toothpaste you prefer. If he could just get a little taste…
You meander your way around the shelving and through the dotting of customers. Eddie snaps his head in the opposite direction to avoid being caught staring. The sudden motion causes a pinch in his neck and he winces.
Lost in his own little world for a minute or two, Eddie’s attention is violently brought forward when you place a tape down in front of him. He buffers, noticing how you look subtly disappointed all of a sudden. He can’t imagine why, but he hates it with every cell in his body. Eddie fails to greet you and instead, he stares at your wine-painted fingernails as they tap the surface of the case.
“Is he not here?” You glance around with a lack of determination.
“Steve? Er, no. He called in sick,” He clears his throat harshly, all of the moisture drying up in his mouth by the millisecond.
“Oh, okay,” Over your other shoulder, you admire the new promotional display that was put out during the week.
Eddie seizes the opportunity to slip the second note into the case. His hands viscously tremble despite his best efforts to steady them. “Not to worry though, I can check you out way better than that walking hairdo,” Stop while you’re ahead, man. “Ring you up, I mean. I can ring you up better… than him.” Jesus fucking Christ.
“You’ve got quite the mane yourself,” A smile blooms as you look into the chocolate pools he has for irises. “I like your curls,” You can’t help but softly giggle at how bug-eyed he goes at your compliment.
“Uh, thanks,” Eddie bites back the cheek-splitter of a smile threatening to form. His trembling hands tingle unbearably from being able to make you laugh, despite not knowing what he did to earn it. He grabs a packet of M&Ms from the rack and slides it across the counter to you. “Here, free of charge.”
Your tightly sewn brow is accompanied by a slight pout. “You don’t have to do that.”
“Nonsense,” Eddie insists. “Everything’s on the house.”
“Is this some loyalty reward thing you guys do now?”
“Right on the money,” Eddie winks.
“Sweet,” you chirp. It’s as though your spirit has been replenished by saving a few bucks. “Do I get one of those little punch cards? I love those things.”
With the way your eyes are shimmering over a stupid piece of paper; Eddie would build you a house made of punch cards if that’s what you wanted. “Yeah,” he searches aimlessly. “But, uh, we haven’t gotten them yet.”
Your gaze finds his name tag and then returns to his flushed face. The corner of your mouth quirks as you notice the faint freckles dotted across his cheeks and nose. “Okay, well, thank you, Eddie.”
“No need to thank me, I should be thanking you! You’re a valued customer,” he exclaims. “My favorite of them all!”
“If you say so,” you exhale with amusement and turn to leave. “See you around.”
Eddie holds his palm open as a farewell gesture until you’re out of sight. He then brings his hand directly to his forehead in a ruthless smack. “You’re my favorite customer,” He mocks himself in a nasally voice.
With the press of a button, the register drawer launches open with a thunk. He nonchalantly retrieves his wallet, plucks out a five-dollar bill, and tucks it under the stainless steel clip to pay for your “free” movie and candy. Eddie finds Robin staring at him with a knowing look on her face. “Not a fucking word, Buckley. Not a word,” he glares, to which she throws her hands up in defense.
You couldn’t possibly wait until you got home to see if there would be another note. As you hop into the driver's seat of your car in the parking lot, you find an identical piece of folded paper. Your heart pitter-patters with the assumption that Eddie is in on it and he did Steve the favor of delivering this one for him.
With your illuminating smile, Baby Ghoul, you're the moonlight in my darkest night.
This note takes you by surprise for a different reason. It feels far more personal to be bestowed with the cutest goddamn nickname you’ve ever been given; ghouls are so metal. You obsessively reread it through the duration of your movie, while you brush your teeth, and as you lay in bed. You’re swooning over each messily penned letter, memorizing the spots where the ink drags and smudges.
It’s a bit difficult to imagine Steve saying this to you, but your insides are lurching at the thought. You hold the note to your chest and squeal.
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The following visits are heavenly. Eddie loves seeing you bounce around on the balls of your feet like you’re on cloud nine. It’s becoming damn near impossible to fight the urge to smile because he knows that you’re looking forward to his imminent written affection.
Note after note, confidence simmers in his belly from seeing how the expression of his feelings is affecting you. To know that he’s the reason you’re glowing like this is turning his brain to pudding. Not tapioca, though. Ew.
With wide puppy dog eyes and a glossy lower lip, you present your past-due rental to Steve. He sucks his teeth, crosses his arms, and scolds you playfully. You successfully get out of paying the fee by simply batting your lashes at him.
Steve is eating this shit up. While you might not be his flavor of choice, he’s suddenly feeling open to sampling the femme fatale vibe. You’re beautiful, he wouldn’t waste his breath denying that. Not to mention, you’ve got a great sense of humor, considering you’re laughing at his awful jokes. That’s something he will admit—they’re bad.
Eddie doesn’t have to hear the conversation to know what’s unfolding. He feels like he’s gonna hurl when Steve leans down to shorten the distance between the two of you. He's supposed to be the middleman, not stealing Eddie’s thunder. In hindsight, there haven’t been any hints at his identity and Eddie’s been too chicken shit to give them to you except for the other day when he had no choice.
To put it simply, he’s torn. Eddie wants to scream that he’s your admirer, that he’s the one who dreams of you, but he can’t bring himself to do it. He can’t possibly reveal that it isn’t dashing Harrington who’s pining for you, but instead, it’s the dork. That would be a world-crushing level of disappointment.
This deal turned out to be a massive ego boost for Steve. The conversation is easygoing and it quickly progresses past small talk. The best part is that you haven’t even mentioned the notes. You think he’s some poet when in reality, he doesn’t even have a clue of what they say. You’re smitten without him having to bend over backward to impress you. He’d be nuts not to take advantage of it.
During closing time, Eddie stomps around while collecting the flimsy trash bags full of receipts and candy wrappers. For the past hour, he’s been pondering ways to “take care” of Steve. Sadly, it would be tricky to avoid raising suspicion if he suddenly disappeared, but hey, a guy can dream.
After dishing the silent treatment all night, Eddie finally speaks up. “You think you’re pretty clever, huh?”
“What?” Steve briefly looks up from counting the cash drawer.
“Cut the crap. You know exactly what I’m talking about,” Eddie drags a clunky vacuum out of the cramped utility closet and unwraps the lengthy cord.
“It’s not that serious. Look, it’s not my fault that she’s into me.”
“Is all that hairspray finally soaking into your brain? She’s not into you,” Eddie growls, throwing the canary-colored cord to the carpet. “She likes the person who’s writing to her. Last I checked, that’s me.”
“Yeah, but she thinks it’s me,” Steve shrugs. “She’s happy, I’m happy. I don’t see a problem here.”
“The problem is that you know how I feel about her,” Eddie retorts while staring daggers. “The shit you’re pulling is really fucking unfair.”
“Life’s not fair, buddy. It’s not like you’re gonna do anything about it.”
“We’ll see about that,” Eddie mutters, clenching his jaw as he turns around to plug in the vacuum.
“Will we?” Steve snickers. “I don’t think I’ll live to see the day.”
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It’s Saturday night and Eddie’s praying to every conceivable higher power that you’ll be here. You don’t come to Wraith every weekend, but when you do show, he’s nothing short of a nervous wreck.
He peeks out from behind the velvety black curtain of the concrete stage. Eddie’s heart stops when he finds you in your usual booth. You look hot, so so hot. It’s already hard enough to perform in front of you but when you look like this? Oh, brother.
Every year, you look forward to coming here on Halloween. Your friends have gone all out with their costumes and the hours you spent getting ready were well worth it. The typical dark and dingy ambiance is heightened by the plastic skulls and bones strung from the ceiling. Your drinks emit wisps of dry ice fog and each table has a bowl of candy.
Seated at the end of the booth, your eyes drift from your drink to the floor. There you find a pair of dirty white Reeboks. Your gaze travels up the lanky figure shrouded in navy coveralls.
Eddie twists his ring around the base of his finger and the glide is effortless, thanks to the premature perspiration. “Hey.”
“Uh, hi,” your expression reflects a mix of hesitance and confusion, though you maintain a kind demeanor. “Eddie, right?”
“Yeah,” She remembered my name. Eddie motions to your getup. “I like your costume. Elvira, right?”
While you may not be sporting a ceiling-high black wig, your costume is unmistakable. “Right on the money,” you flash a pert grin, quoting him from the other day. “And you’re a…”
“Supposed to be Michael Meyers,” he clarifies, pulling a plastic knife from his oversized back pocket. “The mask was too hot to wear so, I guess I’m a killer repairman?” Max’s borrowed mask was indeed suffocating.
“Or a plumber who secretly dreams of being a professional chef,” you shrug, your irises glistening with humor.
Okay, so far so good. Talking to himself in the mirror for an hour is really paying off because he’s not a bumbling idiot for once. He could be imagining things, but it looks like you’re leaning closer. Maybe you’re just trying to hear him better over the music. He shouldn’t be overanalyzing your body language but it's the only thing keeping him vertical.
Eddie wants to prove Steve wrong but most of all, he wants to tell you how incredible you are. He’s not sure that you’ll want to talk to him after this. You might be hurt when you realize that you’ve been misled and he’s not the one you want. There’s only one way to find out.
The sound of his band getting set up beckons him. “Show time,” Eddie shakes jazz hands with the toy knife still in his grip. Of course, he just had to make it weird.
While he’s playing through the usual set with Corroded Coffin, you don’t pay them any mind, per usual. Their final song is a new one. Eddie may lack the confidence to confess, but he’s gonna sing this with all of the moxy he’s got.
In this world of shadows, what else is there to do
Wanna explore life’s cemetery with you
Your haunting beauty tells no lie
The one thing I cannot defy
The familiarity of the lyrics floods your head. You look up and find his dark, gleaming eyes locked onto you. Your heart leaps in your throat as he repeats the verses. Eddie leaves no room for uncertainty, confirming that the lyrics are pulled from the notes you’ve received. The tone of his voice is raw and passionate as he sends his affection across the room.
As soon as he steps off stage, you’re on a mission to find him. He feels a tap on his shoulder and turns to find you beaming at him. Eddie finally allows himself to do the same, all the while blushing with exhaustion and anticipation.
“Hey, again,” you stare down at your shoes and scuff them against the floor. “You sounded great up there.”
“Yeah?” he swallows hard. “You liked it?”
Your eyes snap back up to his. “All of it, every single word.”
“I’ve got like half a notebook’s worth of stuff like that,” Eddie chuckles and rubs the back of his neck. “Is that weird?”
“Far from it,” you tilt your head toward the bar. “I’d love to hear what else you’ve got to say.”
Eddie hovers his hand over the small of your back to guide you through the crowd. “I’ll sweet talk you until the sun comes up, Baby Ghoul. Anything for you.”
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Reblogs are greatly encouraged and appreciated! ♡
Consider reading From Bar to Billboard, I worked really fucking hard on it 🖤
★My Masterlist
★Tip Jar
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winonaparadise · 1 year
short story 💯
wrote a very quick story about a class i took in college. if you like my writing in my videos you may like this
Five years ago today I was clawing through state university. I had switched majors in an effort to come away with something more material from my college experience – but I was also trying to earn as many credits with as few courses to keep my schooling short and cheap.
I took a heavy weighted class in “media law.” A subject notoriously as intricate as it is absolutely fucking stupid. Anything you could learn, Disney will change tommorrow. The professor was an adjunct, splitting his time between the humble basement where boys with Pulp Fiction posters in their dorms fiddled with cameras and the actual law school where he was employed some miles down the road. I have never seen Pulp Fiction, but I’ve fiddled with enough cameras and enough of the boys who own them to have reviewed it twice. This is not a problem to me now.
Then I was stupid. Twenty. And basically friendless. I spent all my time trying to make something the same way the universe spent billions of years pouring hot soup into holes and hoping life would bubble out. I studied Japanese during quiet matches of PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds. I never got a win, and I never got an “A” in Japanese.
Weeks of school went by as I skimmed textbooks, got high, and thought about talking to literally anyone. Academic words danced around the edges of my brain like sand. I wrote essays on the same autopilot I write today. Feverish. Flowing. Fantasizing about what it would be like to go out with someone instead of texting a girl who now lived in Japan and making ramen noodles while listening for footsteps in a digital warzone.
I did all my work. I submitted it on something called “canvas” that the muscle memory in my fingers still types in search bars to this day. I never checked my grades. I knew they were bad.
Classes dragged me through the week on a bungee cord. I lived a block away from the bulk of them and found myself drifting in halls of buildings I’d never attended just to keep myself from meandering back home to draw a bad comic about a girl who lived in hell. 
I knew nobody. I went nowhere. I struggled to do classwork alone on outdoor benches dreaming of someone speaking to me. I needed to live in hell instead.
My media law professor was late the weekend after our first term essays were due. I don’t know what mode of transportation he took to get from one school to the other but today the Carolina sun had drenched him sweaty. We were chilly waiting for him to begin.
“Just about every single one of you failed.” He spat and chugged coffee through the entire period. “While I first was grading I thought I was the one who failed.”
He didn’t let the moment of respite last. “But I also did something I’ve never done before.” He paced like my father did when a restaurant was closed early. “I gave out my first perfect score. Which prevents me from grading on a curve.”
He huffed, he assigned a new reading, and he rushed out like he had lit dynamite. “Do better!” “What an asshole.” The girl who sat next to me in every class spoke as if she had been holding her breath. “Fuck him and fuck whoever got that hundred.”
“I know right!” I launched in on her anger, feeling it too. Back and forth we complained. We walked off campus together. She had long blonde hair and towered over me. I had felt ugly and mousey next to her, but today I felt like her equal. It felt good to bitch.
“I got a fucking 50. What about you?”
“It wasn’t pretty.” I recalled how I stayed up the night before the assignment was due. I milked bullshit into a puree. I got a rush of adrenaline from killing someone with a shotgun through a door in an abandoned house on the outskirts of Pochinki. I was probably close to being expelled. “This class is too fucking hard,” she smoked and shook her head by a bus stop on Tate Street. “I’m not about to lose my freetime over it.”
“Right.” I imagined her at parties. Black silhouettes against colored lights and deafening music. Like The Social Network. “We should be partners for the next assignment,” she got out her phone and passed it to me for my number. I typed it in. I waved her off on the bus. We did the assignment together. We texted each other about our studies. We joked about finding the guy who got the perfect score and beating him senseless. I thought about talking to her about my art or what we were making in other classes, but never did.
Towards the end of the semester I had to plan the next. A whirlpool churned in my stomach as I clicked on “grades” on my campus’ online portal. I had an A+ in a single course. 
Media Law.
My friend from class texted me that she was dreading the final. I texted her that if we failed I would kill Mr. Perfect Score. She texted “lol.”
She passed the course. I got my degree so I assume I did too. We stopped texting.
That professor emailed me asking me to take a course at the law school down the road. He said he would let me sit in and see if I wanted to change majors a third time. I never replied.
A law degree would just make Mr. Perfect Score a hundred times more punchable.
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lxmelle · 6 months
Just going to share some random thoughts about the promo and the afterlife in jjk here.
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I was so confused about this promo release at first, but now that I’ve had a skim of the scenes and what it portrays, I’m left with a sense of sadness - and the bittersweet scene of the empty chairs at the airport...
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…just - sigh.
I felt like it was a good way to promote the release of the latest jjk manga as a way to also commemorate Gojo’s life. I struggle to put my emotions into words at the moment, but will say that I hope they find peace after all they have been through. Each one of them.
Of course the debate continues about whether they all went together, where they headed, etc. I’m not here to insist upon any one belief, really. I, too, wonder what the afterlife means in jjk.
In my previous post about the cover of volume 26, I touched on what Shinto Buddhism has to say about it. It may be that there is a realm between nothingness (enlightenment) and the human world (rebirth = more suffering) that they reside in now.
Other Buddhist beliefs talk about pure land and nirvana. There’s the more recent interpretation by Larue and Miguel about heaven and hell — so, really, who knows?
We also don’t know what North and South actually mean. So far, speculations are around becoming someone new or going back. But in what way, exactly?
Someone on Twitter/now X had an interesting theory which focused on Geto having a domain (link: https://x.com/kostivedae/status/1775185991818465599?s=12&t=fRFF_o0I99NKUvzHwQHykA) and expanded on why, how it links to Gojo based on a deeper appreciation for the symbolism in mandalas drawn by Gege and those in Tibetan (?) Buddhism, and how they might still be hanging around or trapped.
It’s a really interesting read, but the main takeaway for me to bring this up here is that this individual speculates that the four are talking in a cursed realm. Which Kenjaku is referring to here:
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Now, I never understood this part much. Was it ever expanded upon? Can someone enlighten me in the comments?
I don’t know if it does relate to the Shinto belief about existing “somewhere” and they are cursed, therefore unable to reach “nothingness” (enlightenment) and have no choice but to exist in some land somewhere between that and the human realm. Not that it may be a bad thing? Depends on whether they want to keep living or end their suffering by becoming one with nothingness?
My personal interpretation was that as sorcerers they are like Dewas (higher beings) and therefore get judged differently in death. So it’s similar to a Shinto belief or in certain Buddhist sections, they can move into a Pure land based on the Buddha they follow (this is based on 5 Buddhas/directions).
But my understanding is basic, at best.
So going back to the video and linking it to what the OP on twitter/now X is speculating… if the plane indeed took off and Gege gave animators the “go ahead” to do this, does that mean that the theory about the cursed realm is debunked?
Honestly I’m not sure I like the idea that Geto’s soul is still around and participating in the culling games alongside Kenjaku. This is bizarre to me, but I’ll withhold judgement since it’s a theory. I will say that I did not interpret his behaviour at the airport as shady at all.
I guess we wait and find out if Gege ever expands on this and how the series unfolds.
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jujumin-translates · 8 months
Tsuzuru Minagi | [SR] Reminiscence of Blooming | Veludo Town Oshi Spot! ~Video: Tsuzuru~ - Part 1
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Taichi: Aagh, I’m so hungry. What’s for dinner today?
Tsuzuru: Yeah, Director’s the one in charge of it today so you can bet on it being curry.
Tsuzuru: Huh, Kinozaki-san?
Rento: Ooh, well if it ain’t Tsuzuru and Taichi. What’re you two up to?
Taichi: We’re on our way home from uni!
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Tsuzuru: What are you doing, Kinozaki-san?
Rento: I came here to get some of my favorite melon pan. There’s a place around here that I like.
Tsuzuru: Ah, are you talking about that “Bakery Theato” on the corner there?
Rento: Wait, you know about that place too, Tsuzuru!?
Tsuzuru: Yeah, Masumi buys curry bread there sometimes.
Rento: Ah, so it’s ‘cause of Masumi, huh? Well, I’ve bought things for Director-san from there before too.
Rento: Ah, I’d better get goin’. Later~.
Taichi: Rento-san sure ran off fast… He really wants that melon pan, huh?
Tsuzuru: He said that it’s his favorite, so that’s probably why. Anyway, let’s head home.
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Tsuzuru: (I’m thirsty. I think I had something in the fridge from the other day…)
Tsuzuru: Ah, Director. Are you preparing dinner?
Izumi: Yeah, I am. Did you just get back, Tsuzuru? Welcome home.
Tsuzuru: I’m home.
Tsuzuru: (Just as I thought, looks like today’s dinner is curry.)
Izumi: Ah!
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Tsuzuru: Huh, what’s wrong?
Izumi: Actually, I have to call the theater company I’m helping out at, but I totally forgot about it.
Izumi: Things are a bit complicated, so I have to call them as soon as possible, but if I don’t skim off the scum now, the curry won’t be good…
Tsuzuru: Then leave skimming off the scum to me and go make your call.
Izumi: Huh, are you sure? You’ll really do that?
Tsuzuru: Of course.
Izumi: Thank you! Once the scum is removed, you can leave it to simmer on low heat.
Tsuzuru: Gotcha.
Tsuzuru: (Well, now that I’ve accepted the challenge, I’ve gotta do it right. The Director is very particular about how the curry is made…)
Masumi: Director.
Masumi: …You’re not her. What the hell, Tsuzuru? I thought the Director was in charge of dinner today…
Tsuzuru: Sorry for being me, I guess. Welcome home to you too, Masumi.
Masumi: I’m home. …Haah, I can’t even give her this curry bread.
Tsuzuru: Huh, that bag…! You went to “Bakery Theato” today too?
Masumi: Yeah.
Tsuzuru: You didn’t happen to run into Kinozaki-san there then, did you?
Masumi: Rento? I didn’t see him.
Tsuzuru: Ah, well, figures. Your schedules kinda conflict, so I guess that makes sense…
Masumi: What are you talking about?
Tsuzuru: It’s nothing. Anyway, you were looking for the Director because you got curry bread?
Masumi: Yeah. Where is she?
Tsuzuru: She went to her room for a work call just a bit ago. It seemed like it was gonna take a while, so I don’t think she’s finished yet.
Masumi: Okay.
Masumi: Right. Here… for you.
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Tsuzuru: Oh, thanks. Did you get some for everyone in Spring Troupe too?
Masumi: Well, I figured why not… besides, it’ll make them all happy.
Masumi: Well, I’m going to our room.
Tsuzuru: Huh… because it’ll make them all happy, huh? He really has grown.
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Tsuzuru: (I’m kinda hungry now. Guess I’ll eat the curry bread Masumi gave me.)
Tsuzuru: …Awmph.
Tsuzuru: (“Theato’s” bread is delicious as always. I wonder if there would be a good place to do an introduction video on.)
*Door opens*
Homare: Oho, you seem to be eating something that seems quite delicious. Could that be curry bread?
Tsuzuru: It is. Masumi got it for me, but I like all the bread from that shop because it’s really good.
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Homare: I would love to try some too!
Tsuzuru: Well then, I’m going to film my introduction video at that bakery, so how about you eat some with me there?
Homare: Ooh, what a splendid idea! I look forward to it.
[ Next Part ⇢ ]
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michaelsfavgirl · 5 months
"Remember that recorded phone convo where Mike was saying how Joe had called him beggin for money? To call your son, who you abused and scarred mentally, for money because you were financially irresponsible at a grown ass age is just so shameless." - the kicker is, this wasn't the first time he did it either. The fandom really needs to discuss the absolute hell Michael went through at the hands of that man. And how the family would use Katherine as a pawn to get money out of Michael,since she was the only one he actively checked for. And how both Joe and Katherine were trying to convince Michael to do a tour with his brothers.........while he was doing This Is It. All because the brothers wanted money and they knew Michael's presence would increase profits.
Even now,the brothers and their families are still living off of Michael. Hayvenhurst? Paid for with Michael's money. The Calabasas house? Same thing. Man was actively supporting his brothers' baby mama, his nephews and cousins at one point too. There's a reason why 3T acts like he's their dad, because he practically was.
(Also, Latoya's not seeing heaven either for the shit she allowed to go down in her presence. I haven't forgotten that allegedly her and her ex-fiancé pretty much robbed Michael's home the day he passed. In fact, the same ex-fiancé actually got hemmed up just last year or so by the estate and the police for attempting to auction off three of Michael's laptops,which allegedly contained hundreds,if not thousands of hours of home videos he made per laptop. He sold Michael's passport too,if I remember correctly.
I'll see if I can find the article about it,because the situation is absolutely insane and is just further proof of how his own family didn't see him as a human being. Is it any wonder why he clung to his mom and kids?)
I wonder if they’re going to make the family look better than they actually were in the upcoming biopic? (Probably) I’m glad that the family’s involved but at the same time I don’t want what happened to bohemian rhapsody to happen to Michael. The involvement of the band made the movie more bland and skimmed over very important events in Freddie’s life. Let’s pray our biopic will be decent. 🤞🏻
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b-sidemisfit · 2 years
Can’t Get You Out of My Head
Eddie Munson x reader
~ 4.4k words
Warnings: 18+(please no minors), drinking/alcohol, drugs (mentioned once), I think that’s all but please let me know if I missed anything
Hey guys! This is my first ever fic, so I’m really hoping you enjoy it! It kind of turned out longer than i thought it would and it for sure seems like it’s turning into a multiple part fic if readers like it. Let me know your thoughts! Thank you!
“Okay, okay, I’m coming!” you told your friend Robin as you quickly finished putting on your lipgloss in the rear view mirror of your car. Tapping her foot on the ground, she waited for you with crossed arms as you clambered out and shut the door. She had been pestering you for weeks to check out the Hideout with her and after a bit of persuasion, she was actually able to get you to come out for once.
“Took you long enough. Come on, Steve’s probably already inside saving us a table” she said grabbing hold of your arm, linking hers with it. You rolled your eyes as you walked beside her, almost tripping over your converse as she tugged you through the door of the bar. You guys made your way further into the establishment, robin spotting Steve at a table close to the stage. He waved over at you both as he saw you get closer, a smile on his face. You had met Steve one other time before tonight, at Family Video when you went to go pick up Robin after her shift. He seemed like a really nice guy based on that encounter and what robin had told you about him, the good parts at least.
Once you got to the table, you took a seat next to robin as she sat down next to Steve.
“Hey guys! Y/n, it’s good to see you finally came out” Steve said, chuckling to himself as you smiled at him and gave a shrug, “I kinda had no choice with Robin’s constant whining, something about me wasting my youth blah, blah, blah…” you said giggling as Robin scoffed and shoved you in the shoulder with hers.
“It’s true though, all you do is stay in every night but what’s the fun in that? Come on, you have to live a little. Y’know, broaden your horizons” she said to you, wrapping her arm around you while gliding her hand across the air in front of you, looking out into the distance with wonderment in her eyes. You laughed at her theatrics as you were tucked into her side, pulling away when she was done speaking.
She had a point, you really did need to get out more. All you pretty much did in your free time was stay at home, either reading your evenings away or watching the hoards of movies you always rented from the video store thanks to Robin’s sweet discount. You hadn’t really had many friends, both in high school and since you graduated. Robin was the only constant friend in your life and she was trying to do more with you which you really appreciated.
“Well I’m glad you guys are here finally so I don’t look lame just sitting here by myself. I’m going to go to the bar, What do you want to drink?” Steve asked as he got up. You and Robin told him your order and you sat and chatted with Robin about her latest date with Vickie while you waited for Steve to get back. You were so happy that they were finally getting to know each other, having been only on a couple of dates in the past few weeks. As you continued talking to her, your eyes skimmed over the front of the bar where the stage was. You saw a few workers setting up a drum kit and microphone, testing the sound on the instruments to make sure that the whole venue would be able to hear.
You were excited to see some live music tonight as you hadn’t been out to a concert in ages. You loved concerts but you usually had no one to go with and there was no way in hell you would go by yourself to one.
You looked back at Robin as she continued talking about all the things she loved about Vickie. You smiled at her as you watched her talk about her crush, thinking about how her excitement was adorable. Interrupting the end of her sentence, Steve came back to the table with three beers in his hand, balancing 2 in one of his palms. You graciously took one of them, saying thank you to him as you announced the next round was on you.
“So, who’s playing tonight?” You asked as you took another look at the stage. You couldn’t quite make out the band name on the front of the drum set, squinting your eyes to try and read it from your table.
“Corroded Coffin, you remember…from high school?” Robin asked you, looking over at you while taking a quick swig from her bottle. Your eyebrows scrunched up as you tried to remember. They did sound familiar but you were also a recluse in high school, barely keeping up with what things were happening your 4 years at Hawkins High.
“Sort of?” You said, shrugging your shoulders in a way to signal you didn’t fully remember, “they sound familiar but I barely remember things from high school, other than the things you’ve told me” you said, wincing a bit at how lame you sounded. You should definitely start doing more things out of the house with Robin.
“Do you remember Eddie? Eddie Munson?” Steve added, trying to coax your memory. His name sounded familiar too, you thought. You slowly mulled the name over in your head for a few seconds and then it dawned on you. Hellfire club. You remembered he was their leader, always meeting in the drama room on Friday’s for their club meetings. You never knew what their club was about really, but you ran into them a few times when you were leaving after helping out the rehearsals of the drama productions the school put on. You hated doing it but you had to get your credits to graduate, opting doing something hidden from the prying eyes of the student body.
“Ohhh, yeah, I remember now. He was in that hellfire club that hung out in the drama room” you told them, looking at both Robin and Steve.
Steve nodded his head, as Robin chimed in “Yeah, exactly. Anyways, they play here almost every week and Steve and I are friends with Eddie so we come here pretty often” she said, smiling lightly and looking over at Steve.
“That’s so cool, I didn’t realize they would still be playing even after graduating” you replied, taking a look around the bar and noticing how crowded it had become since you arrived not that long ago. If they were still playing after all this time, that means they probably had a pretty decent local fan base by now. Before you three could continue your conversation, a man, who you guessed was the owner of the bar, stepped onto the stage, walking over to the microphone.
“Hello everyone! Thanks for coming out tonight. For your entertainment this evening, we have a local band playing for you guys. Please welcome, ‘Corroded Coffin’!” He finished announcing, clapping his hands as he walked off the stage. The crowd erupted with clapping, including your table, and a few cheers from Robin and Steve.
You watched as the band came on stage, your eyes quickly found the member you were looking for instantly. Seeing him again quickly shot you back into the past, thinking about high school. Even though you were quite solitary and didn’t give much attention to the other students, Eddie was different. There was something about him that always caught your attention whether it was his outfit, his dramatic demeanour when talking to his friends while walking down the hallway, or his chocolate brown eyes and amazing hair. You had to admit, you did form a bit of a crush on him in high school, it was hard not to. He was just so different from all the other guys in the school, he seemed genuine and unapologetically himself. It was a breath of fresh air to you, different from the jocks and other peers in school.
You hid this all away however, mainly because you didn’t spend much time at school if you could help it. That’s why Robin didn’t know about your past crush and really, you had completely forgotten about it since graduating 6 months ago.
Bringing you back to the present, the strum of a guitar and a beat from the drum signalled the start of the first song of their set for tonight.
Your eyes were on Eddie, studying him as you watched him play his guitar to the song. You bobbed your head to the beat, swaying your body a little as you took in your view of him. He looked the same as he did in high school, maybe a bit more polished. His hair and clothing was exactly the same but you had no problem with that. You always liked his style, wearing the same ripped black jeans, band T-shirt, and instead of his usual white Reeboks, he wore black boots on the stage. You watched as he played a riff, his fingers moving meticulously across the strings of the guitar. Your eyes glanced above his hand, watching as his forearm muscles flexed due to the movement of his fingers. Damn, did his arms look good. You felt a flush of heat through your chest, the same feeling you had whenever you saw him at school. Your little crush seemed to be coming back and now you weren’t holding back on taking a good look at him.
You quickly glanced to your side to see Steve and Robin jamming along to the music, Robin looking over at you as she felt your eyes on her.
“They’re really good aren’t they?” She asked with a higher volume so you could hear her over the music.
“Yeah, they really are” you replied back with the same volume, turning your head back to the stage.
At this point, you really only had eyes for Eddie as you watched them play their set, clapping and cheering after each song was finished. You couldn’t help but give him your full attention during each song, watching as he played his heart out on the stage, his cheeks flushed and face sweaty from his guitar playing, some strands of his hair sticking to his neck.
Halfway through the set, he opted to put a bandana over the top of his head to keep his bangs and hair from sticking to his forehead or getting into his eyes. You watched as he took a swig of water from a water bottle as he scanned the crowd. Your heart raced in your chest as his eyes continued across the crowd until he spotted Steve and Robin. You looked over to see them smiling, Steve giving him a thumbs up and Robin waving like a wild woman. You laughed at her gesture before looking back at Eddie, seeing him take the bottle away from his lips and a huge smile spreading across his face. Your heart melted at how happy he looked seeing his friends in the crowd. You found yourself mimicking his smile as you watched him, and then his eyes flicked to you. You were still smiling but your eyes shifted quickly away from his as you felt yourself shy away, feeling your cheeks flush as you were caught staring at him. After a quick second of recoiling, you looked back up to see he had gone to grab his guitar again, but he still had a soft smile on his lips as he did so.
You enjoyed the rest of their set, offering to go get the next round you promised them earlier as the band left the stage. You were waiting for the 3 beers from the bartender when you turned around and saw Eddie had approached your table, talking to Steve and Robin. You quickly diverted your eyes as you felt him start to look in your direction. A thought crossed your mind and you asked for another beer as the bartender came back with the three you asked for earlier, handing you a fourth as you gave him the cash you owed him, telling him to keep the change.
You walked back to the table, a little nervous as you approached your friends, 2 beers in each hand, your fingers wrapped around the neck of the bottles. Dropping two beers in between Steve and Robin, you kept your eyes down to the table, trying not to look at Eddie. You could smell him from across the table as you settled the two other bottles on the table in front of you, taking your seat. The cologne he wore smelled so good, mixed with what smelt like weed and the sweat he accumulated from the set he just played. It was intoxicating as you looked up from the table, peering over at him. He was still talking animatedly to them even when they both said thank you to you for their drinks. If you thought he looked good on stage, he looked even better up close. He had taken off his bandana, his hair still a bit damp with sweat but you could tell he had ruffled it out a bit so it looked somewhat normal. His big brown eyes were so bright as he was telling his story, a smile on his mouth as his lips moved a mile a minute. His arms looked heavenly, his muscles rippling as he moved his arms around, the movement adding to his story. He looked so good and you mentally slapped yourself for forgetting about your crush on him.
2 seconds later, after you took your seat at the table, he finished what he was saying and looked over at you.
“Oh Eddie, this is y/n, you remember her from high school right? She graduated in the summer with us” Robin introduced you, looking at you and then back at him.
“I think so, yeah. Hi y/n, it’s nice to see you again. I don’t think we officially met in high school but it’s nice to meet you, and thanks so much for coming out to see my band” Eddie said enthusiastically as he smiled big at you, extending his hand out for you to shake. You quickly took his hand in yours, feeling how big and warm it was in your own. You blushed a bit as you looked him in the eyes and shyly smiled at him, “it’s nice to meet you too. You guys were awesome up there” you slipped your hand out of his and instantly missed the feeling of it. Shaking away that feeling, you quickly grabbed the extra bottle of beer you bought and handed it to him.
“Here, for your hard work on stage” you said as he grabbed it from your hand, your fingers grazing each other a bit. The feeling of his fingers touching yours sent electricity down your spine. You could not believe the effect he was having on you. He smiled sheepishly at you as he accepted the beer, “thank you so much, you didn’t have to do that.”
“It’s no big deal, I’m sure you’re thirsty after your set” you replied shyly. You were doing better than you thought, interacting with him with the little experience you had talking to new people, well, and the crush you harboured for him when you were in high school. Steve began having a conversation with him as you all enjoyed your beers, Robin nudging you and giving you a smirk as she noticed how you were acting earlier when giving Eddie the beer.
“That was awfully nice of you y/n” she said to you, low enough for only you to hear, as she wiggled her eyebrow at you in a teasing way. You playfully shoved her away from you, not enough to draw the boys attention to you both as you couldn’t hide the smile on your face.
“Stop it, leave me alone” you said, “I’m only trying to be friendly” you told her as she gave you a ‘yeah right’ look.
“Uh huh…” she said, eyes narrowing as she looked at you, “that’s as convincing as Steve saying that when he’s chatting with a pretty customer at work.”
She looked over at the boys chatting and then back at you before getting up from her chair, grabbing your hand in the process, and announcing that you and her were going to the bathroom. As you were leaving the table, you made eye contact again with Eddie, your breath hitched at his beautiful eyes looking at yours as Robin tugged you away from the table. You were thankful Eddie didn’t notice the blush that formed on your cheeks as you were pulled through the aisles in-between tables, to the bathroom.
Once she pulled you into the bathroom, she looked through the stalls to make sure they were empty before she started in on you.
“You like Eddie, don’t you?” She asked, a hint of teasing in her voice. She was looking at you, her gaze prodding you to tell her she was right.
“What?? Pshhh… no” you let out too quickly, trying to sound convincing in your lie.
“Yeah, right” she said, rolling her eyes and crossing her arms, not buying your sad excuse at lying.
You slumped your shoulders as you could feel her unrelenting stare aimed at you, not being able to stand it anymore, “Okay, fine! I do. I’ve had a crush on him since high school but we had never actually met or spoke until tonight and I guess the feelings I was trying to forget about came back and, yeah.” You ended your rant and blew out some air out of frustration, not really knowing why you felt frustrated. Maybe it was because you never meant to really relive your crush and ‘meeting’ him for the first time on your first night out in a while was draining your social battery a bit too quickly.
You looked up at her through your eyelashes, taking a look at her after your rant and saw a huge smile on her face, her eyes looking straight ahead of her.
Her eyes flickered back to you as she saw you looking at her. She clapped her hands together and then grabbed your shoulders, moving them as she spoke.
“Oh my god, this is perfect then!” She exclaimed way too loudly for your liking. Not that anyone would hear her anyways, right?
“What are you talking about?” You asked her, confused by her words.
“We’ll I’m just saying, it was kind of perfect I got you to come out tonight is all I’m saying,” she told you, taking her hands off of you, “and now you’ve officially met him so now you can ask him out!” She squealed a bit, finishing her sentence while bouncing on the balls of her feet. You cringed a bit by how loud she was still talking, this wasn’t something you wanted a ‘specific someone’ to overhear.
She was still clapping as you grabbed her hands, stopping her in her tracks of her happy dance. “Yeah, yeah, except…I don’t think i will be asking him out,” you told her taking your hands and stuffing them into the pockets of your jeans, she gave you a pleading but also questioning look. Before she could protest your words, you continued, “I’m just so awkward and we barely know each other and I doubt he would say yes anyways, i mean, I’m nothing special…” you trailed off, looking down at the floor awkwardly.
“Hey, none of that is true at all, you are so awesome and he would be lucky to get to know you and go on a date with you” Robin encouraged as she grabbed your had, giving it a squeeze to get you to look at her. Your gaze fell onto her reassuring smile and supportive eyes.
“Thanks Robin, but I just don’t think I’m ready for that yet” you sighed, trying to get her to drop the subject. She got the hint as she gave your hand another squeeze, starting towards the door so you both could go back to the table and finish off your night out.
You both made your way back to the table, noticing that Eddie was no longer having a conversation with Steve. You deflated a little bit, disappointed to see he wasn’t there. Steve greeted you both when you got back, asking Robin a question that you didn’t really pay attention to as you sat down, looking around the bar to see if you could find Eddie. Sighing quietly, you picked up your drink, downing the remaining mouthful.
Your night quickly wrapped up, as there wasn’t much else to do but drink and since both you and Steve were driving, that was out of the question. You were just putting your jacket on as you heard someone over the hum of the bar yelling at you guys to wait. You looked up toward the voice, a rush of adrenaline running through you body as your heart started racing, watching as Eddie half-jogged towards your group. Steve and Robin finished putting their jackets on as Eddie stopped in front of the 3 of you, breath slightly coming out a bit heavier due to his rushing.
“Hey guys, you heading out?” He asked, looking at your group. You saw his eyes quickly look at you, snapping back towards Steve and Robin as to not get caught. Unfortunately you had already been staring at his face since he caught up to you three. You blushed a little bit at the thought he might be interested in you but you quickly shook that thought away and brought yourself back to the conversation.
“Yeah, I have an early shift at the store tomorrow and I’m sure the girls wouldn’t want to stay here without me since I’m the fun one of the group” Steve teased as Robin shoved him in the shoulder and called him a dingus for his not so funny ‘joke’.
You laughed along with Eddie as you watched the two interact. His laugh made you look at him, admiring the laugh lines creasing around his eyes and seeing how big his grin was. He was so adorable when he laughed, and the sound he made reminded you of high school again. You had missed that sound and pretty much everything else about him. Even though you knew you were never going to make a move, you still kept a portion of your attention at school just for him, excited to see him everyday. It was probably not the best idea, to pine over someone you literally had never talked to or that you never were going to spend time with, but you couldn’t help it.
“Well, thanks again for coming guys, y’know I always appreciate it,” Eddie said to both Steve and Robin, and then his eyes were on you, “same to you, thanks for coming to support the band, and it was really nice to finally meet you” he finished, smiling a bit shyly at you, looking a bit bashful. You couldn’t help but blush again, this time feeling it settle deep across your face as you gave him a shy smile back.
“No problem, your band is really great…” you said earnestly. Being a little bold, you continued, “maybe I could come see you guys again, soon.”
His smile grew as he replied “yeah, no yeah that would be really cool actually. I think we’ll be playing again next week but I will have to double check that with the owner, but yeah, it would be awesome if you could make it again” he rambled, tripping over his words a bit as they rushed out. You held back a giggle at how cute he was, his nervousness surprising you a bit as he always seemed to be cool and laid back when talking with someone.
Steve and Robin then said their goodbyes to Eddie, both of them giving him a quick hug before heading towards the door. You expected him to just shake your hand again as your goodbye but he took you in his long arms and gave you a hug as well. Letting out a surprised ‘oh’, your face squished a bit into his chest and you got a big whiff of how good he smelled. You melted a bit into the hug, having his warm body wrapped around you felt right and sent a feeling of longing into your heart. Just as quickly as the hug started, it was finished and you pulled away from him, giving a happy smile to him as you said goodbye, following your friends out the door. The smile he gave you as you left had imprinted in your brain as you stepped out into the chilly night air, walking over to you car behind your friends. Steve gave both you and Robin a hug as you got to your car door. Saying goodnight, you both got in, slamming your doors shut to keep out the cold wind picking up outside.
“Okay, so what was that back there with Eddie?” Robin asked excitedly as you put your key into the ignition to start the vehicle.
“Nothing, I just said I would maybe want to see his band play again” you said nonchalantly, messing with the heater knobs so the car would warm up a bit.
“Oh come on,” Robin said as she looked at you with an ‘I see right through you’ shake of her head, “you were flirting with him! And he was definitely getting flustered by it!”
“Really? You think so?” You looked at her hopefully, quickly letting your fake demeanour drop.
“Oh yeah, definitely, he seemed real interested in you coming back to see the band. You should definitely go next week, and if you need me to be there, I can just pawn my closing shift off to Steve” Robin told you, reassuring you.
“Okay, yeah, I’ll think about it and let you know” you replied as you backed out, leaving the parking lot and taking Robin home.
Maybe you would go out again next week.
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inu-jiru · 2 years
HB Episode Thoughts...
Since I’ve made a few posts about Helluva Boss now, I figure I’d get my thoughts out now that I’ve seen the episode. Sorry if I echo points others have made, I’ve skimmed through the critical blogs after watching the episode to see if they caught things my goofy ass might’ve missed lol
When I initially watched the episode, I was kinda impressed because it wasn’t a pile of shit like Seeing Stars or The Circus, at least at first. I admit, I’m biased because I like Moxxie as a character, so I might be softer on this episode than I should, but make no mistake, this episode is goofy with a capital G.
First of all, and I know this is my fault for speculating because I give Vivzie way too much credit when it comes to episode plots, but I really thought there was going to be some kind of solo adventure with Moxxie and Chaz and it would be a more high stakes thing than “Hey Moxxie we’re gonna force you to marry someone even though ur married so you can inherit his money that we didn’t check to see if he actually had” (real trusting mafia btw smh). But again, that’s my fault, fool me once shame on you and all that shit.
Second, I’ve read Adam’s little Tweet about Moxxie’s MOM being from Wrath instead of Moxxie himself which is like, sure, whatever, but I just love how this has become a trend for the crew to have to write cliffnotes to make up for their fuck ups lol, like before the reveal of Crim’s mansion I was thinking, “Oh so maybe they just have a business in Greed right” but again that’s my fault for thinking too hard (and I didn’t watch the con videos entirely cuz I wanted to be surprised)
Third, one thing that I found odd was Blitzo’s casual nature about everything, like I know he’s just forgotten everything from the previous episodes but surely if he cares about Moxxie like he claims to, he’d be on the immediate offense like Millie, he’s got no qualms about taking people out so the episode could’ve been over just like that. AND SPEAKING OF-
Four, Millie being OP like that ruined any tension for me smh my head like girlpower gaslight gatekeep whatever but they could’ve killed the whole mob and left honestly, and yeah, it’s goofy that Millie can do all that but get taken down by a glass bottle. I bet some goofy bitch on Twitter is gonna say “Oh well time passed so she had more time to train” shut the fuck up and get out of my face with that shit
Fifth, this is probably goofy of me because I know animation takes a while and Vivzie kept replacing/overworking animators but part of me gets a vibe that Chaz was made purely to spite anyone who thinks Angel Dust and Stolas are too sexual. Then again, that would imply Vivzie doesn’t find that shit the funniest shit since sliced bread so probably not. He was so fucking annoying too, and his plot made no fucking sense because all someone needed to do was look in his fucking trunk and they’d see he was full of shit. Goofy.
Sixth, Crim, what the fuck was that plan? So like, is he low on money? Is that why ne needs Chaz to be married in? You know you could just make him an associate right? And on the topic of mob shit, why is Crim a mob leader and not, idk, in charge of a crew that answers to higher powers? I mean MAYBE that’s the case because of Mammon, but again, I shouldn’t really try to speculate because some completely out of left field shit might happen again. Is Crim Moxxie’s only blood family as well, like where the fuck are the other imps? Why is it only a dad and his kid (and MAYBE a mom) for all these families? I know it’s not important to the episode but there’s a reason why people say the show feels empty because there’s no one but the main cast and the antagonists.
Seventh, uh, idk, the animation was decent. I’ve seen talk about directing and camera work and Idk shit about that but I do know that episode 2 looked wonky as hell and this episode is an improvement, nothing too special except for that camera angle with Moxxie
Eight omg why couldn’t this episode’s ending be swapped with HMF? Why could Millie not take out the threat at her home and Moxxie not take out the threat at his??? Idk
Okay, I think that’s about it because I’ll be here all night, I’m done bi bi
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Now I’m in the last of us
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A young woman wakes up in the last of us not knowing what will happen after she only watched two episodes. How will she survive the apocalypse? And will she find Joel and Elli?
AU of the last of us.
read on wattpad
Chapter 1.
When I got home from a full day of work, I cooked myself a nice plate of pasta having the recipes from one of the TikTok videos I watched the day before. After that doing my full-face routine so that it wouldn't matter if I would make it to bed or just crash on the couch as it happened more often than I would like to admit.
I was now pretty invested in the series even though I still didn't know what was happening. But I wanted to know what was happening. At the end of the second episode, I was pretty tired but still wanted to know how it would go on. Letting the auto-play let run through so that the next episode would start. Ellie and Joel were just making their way to frank and bills house when I noticed my eyes getting heavier and heavier.
When I woke up, I noticed immediately that something wasn't right. The first thing I noticed was the smell in my apartment. I turned on my couch and had to sneeze. When my eyes opened everything was full of dust. The paint peels off the walls and my bowels with my snacks smelled awful. I still had my skims on and was clean like the day before but everything else around me looked like it wasn't touched in decades. It was weird and I was thinking that this must be a dream, or I was turning crazy.
Maybe I did work too much? Or my brain was just exhausted? I don't know but whatever I just have to find out what's happening. I walk over to my window looking out to the street where it also looked like in the series. What the hell? It can't be possible that I was actually transported into the series like it often happens in fanfiction where a crazy person writes that some random person is transported into their favorite series just to fall in love with their favorite character.
I mean, first of all, I don't know what's happening in that series and second of all I don't have a favorite character. So please someone explain to me what's happening.
But there's no one here. Not a single person is in that got dam building. I tried looking for my neighbors but every apartment on my floor was abandoned.
My own apartment still looked the same as it did only hours before only full of dust and like it wasn't touched in the last 20 years. I still had all my gadgets like my MacBook my iPhone and all the other stuff it just didn't work anymore. The weirdest thing is that the apartments of my neighbors look like from the beginning of the 2000s. which is especially weird because I myself am only 23 so seeing things that I grew up with is super strange.
I am sitting on my bed holding my legs to my chest crying not knowing what the hell I am supposed to do. The whole day just went over with me sitting on my bed looking out of the window now and then. When evening came, I just laid there till sleep or exhaustion came I'm not sure which it was. I only hoped that my mind was playing games with me, and I would wake up again and everything would be the same as it was before.
When I woke up again this new reality was still around me. I screamed. Ugly tears were running down my face. It felt like I didn't even go to sleep. I didn't drink or eaten anything the day before and the crying most likely didn't help my condition. I went to the kitchen hoping that I had something to eat. Right at that moment I deeply regretted not buying any cans of food like I did when I was a student but no. Two days before I got to this new reality being healthy and doing sports being a fucking stick was the goal not just for me but for a lot of women so yes, I tried to eat as little as possible so that I wouldn't have so much fat on me. I'm not skinny per se but also wouldn't say I'm thick or anything just your normal body type but fortunate enough to have good genes so I was well proportioned. But yes, society still made me try to get skinnier and skinnier. But I often failed. I'm one of the people that wouldn't easily lose pounds but if I only breath around a cake I would gain a few pounds. Thinking about that now seems super ridiculous.
If I really am in the last of us that is. I still haven't seen one of the zombies or whatever they are called. The most I know about them is from the two episodes I watched and the walking dead. But what I could gather from the few episodes is that those two fandoms are completely different and that the zombies from the last of us are way worse and much more dangerous. Well, congratulations to me, I guess.
I found one can of beans being grateful that I still had something. After eating that I tried the sink I was astound that it actually still worked so I had a glass of water to hydrate myself. Afterwards I tried gathering things so that I would even have a chance of survival. Deciding that I couldn't stay here in my apartment forever.
I found out that apparently one of my neighbors was preparing for the end of the world they had a bag and all the things that you would need to survive this hell.
I never thought that after covid I would actually have to be prepared for the end of the world only thinking that the end was quarantine which didn't prepare me for things like that. In quarantine being lonely was the only thing that was hard. But I have to say even then I didn't feel as lonely as I do now. Back then there were still people around me now there was no one.
I gathered all that I could find having a few rations of food for the trip. Even though I still didn't know where to go but I thought it would probably be safer outside of the city than not being able to see what was lurking around the next corner. I also found a knife, a backpack, a lighter which was almost empty, and a gun which I found behind the back wall of a closet. I never in my life used a gun but every guy in apocalypse movies or series had one so I would probably have to use one too. But for now, I didn't actually want to use it, being that it is more likely that I would harm myself rather than the person or zombie I would try to use it on. Maybe I could use it as a threat to people if it ever came to this situation. They wouldn't have to know that I don't know how to use it. Now the only difficulty would be to actually get out of the city. Searching my closet for some clothing that I could use was also a thing. I decided to do some good old fashion layering. Putting on a black sports bra from VS, a black cropped t-shirt from Chanel, an oversized hoodie from harry styles merch, some black cargo pants from Lv, my black buffaloes and I still had my gold jewelry on that I got from my grandma. I know that these clothes might not be the best for the end of the world, but they were the only things I had. After I started working and actually working my way up the job ladder, I had enough money being able to buy designer clothing. Which as you can tell I really did.
Next, I got two water bottles for the way. I started my descent from my apartment. I lived on the 10th floor. I tried to be as quiet as I could be, not knowing what will wait for me when I'm outside. Getting to the ground floor I open the double doors that just a few days ago were always opened by the friendly portier Freddy. He was a lovely older man that was like a grandfather always asking how I was and if I need anything and actually meaning it which made it easy for me to really love him in a paternal way. But now he wasn't here anymore, and I made my way outside. I walked down the street making my way outside of the city. I was fascinated by the different plants that were able to make their way through the tarmac. Maybe that wasn't the most intelligent way though it was beautiful I quickly realized that I really had to watch where I'm going. Just a few centimeters before me there was this trail of cordyceps like I had seen in the series where Joel tolled Ellie to watch out it also was already dead, but it also could have been still alive.
When I turned onto the last street that would lead me to the outskirts of the city, I saw the first person since I got to this god-forsaken reality. I ran to this person; I didn't think in that moment just being happy to see another person but as I made my way nearer and nearer, I realized that this human wasn't human at all. They turned in my direction making me able to see into their face. I got slower and slower till I finally came to a stop. I didn't know what I should do now, but they came nearer and nearer and at a speed that I never would have thought a zombie could move. I tried to get my knife out of my pocket at the side of my pants really panicking now that I wasn't able to do it as fast as I would like to. I had the knife in my hand, but it was still protected which was good because I didn't know how to use it but at this moment, I just wanted to use it as fast as possible. The zombie jumped onto me making me lose the knife on the ground while the both of us also fell. I was able to keep their face far away from my body while also searching with the other hand for the knife. My fingertips were able to make contact with the knife, but I wasn't really able to get to it. The zombie was getting more aggressive when I finally got the knife in my hand. Trying to gather all of my strength I punched the knife through the skull of the zombie using full force. Luckily it stopped moving but now the full weight was laying on me. Making my way from out below the zombie I was glad that my survival instincts kicked in. I didn't really get how I survived this, but I was glad that I was now still breathing even if it was very heavy.
After a break trying to catch my breath again, I walked on and found a brick on the side of the road. After finding some fuel and short-circuiting it (I once saw a video on TikTok on how to do this) I was able to make my way much quicker through the city and over to the suburbs of Lincoln, Massachusetts.
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anomaly-hivemind · 1 year
The Gaymer Chair
Warning(s): why did i write this, porn without plot, masturbation, mildly dub-con, inanimate object porn, original non-binary character, dry humping, grinding, porn watching, internal monologue, crack treated seriously, vaginal fingering, toys, knotting dildos?, edging, android, oral(everyone?) overstimulation, dacryphilia if you squint, vaginal sex, praise kink,orgasm denial, orgasam control, brat, brat tamer
Summary: When a simple night to herself derails in a way she wouldn't have expected, she can't help that this turn of events is turning her on even more.
Part One
Credit to CafeKitsune for the banners!
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Wjian sat at her desk, the purple led lights illuminating her pale skin. She was on discord playing league of legends with some others on her server and was about to log off for the night.
“Okay, guys, I should really be getting to bed now, but I’ll totally talk to you later; bye-bye!” Wjian said before logging out of the server. She let out a tired huff leaning back into her pastel chair. Wjian’s hands traveled up to her head, her soft, dainty hands wrapped around her pink cat-ear headphones.
“Owie,” Wjian exclaimed as she stopped pulling the headphones. A lock of her long blonde hair was caught in the adjusters of the headphones.
As Wjian gently tugged at the strand of hair a cold chill ran up her back making her arched slightly.
“It’s kinda cold in here, I wonder if mom will let me turn the A/C up?” Wjian said to herself, clutching her sweatshirt closer to her small figure.
“WJIAN!” Her mother called in her valley girl accent.
“Yes?” Wjian said, poking her head out her door.
“You’re dad finally came back with the milk so we’re going out to dinner since it’s date night. Be careful and don’t forget to lock up before you go to bed okay? Okay, love you, bye bye girlie!”
Welp I’m home alone Wjian, thought to herself. She leaned back into the chair, contemplating on what she would do next.
Sitting back up she looked down into her lap to see her hair untangled from her headphones. She didn’t think much of it and grabbed her phone at the sound of the personalized text tone of her best friend, Dio Brando. Who had sent her a tiktok. She opened up the app and watched a video about a man who had railed his poor girlfriend to a truly god awful song to have sex to.
“I wonder if you could actually get off to that?”
She let the tiktok play on loop as she thought about if she could get off to the terrible song that echoed in her eardrums. After listening to the sound for the longer version she came to the conclusion that she just didn't want to put herself through the song any longer.
But she did however want to tickle her inverted pickle now that she had thought about the idea of doing the activity. She was in the mindset now; standing up to grab her toy of good times from the sock drawer and sitting back in the soft pastel chair.
She opened up tumblr to look through random smut and find a Kakashi x reader with some tags she liked. She started playing an asmr for Kakashi on youtube and opened back up the tumblr tab. As her eyes scanned over the paragraph her body began to heat up, her pale skin flushed with color as a blush. She lifted up her top and threw it onto her bed behind and continued to scroll down the page.
She trailed a hand up to her chest fondling her supple breasts. She flick the bud of her nipples and short, quiet sighs. She skimmed through the fiction until a new line caught her sight.
Her warm cunt ached for attention as she pinched and rolled her nipples around between her fingers.
The last time she watched porn she had seen a few videos of girls grinding and humping against different objects: tables, chairs, washing machines. Hell, she had even seen videos of women riding car hitches and the shift gear.
She could feel the wetness collecting in her shorts just thinking about it. It may have been slightly strange , but she thought it was kinda hot. So she shimmed out of them. She hadn’t been wearing underwear that day so the soft cotton polyester blend of her large and very expensive flower seat cushion slightly tickled her bare skin.
Her mind drifted back to her previous thoughts of humping porn she had watched in the past.
Maybe I should try it, but it might hurt a little. Maybe I should put some underwear on, or put my shorts back on? No no! What if I squirt or something then it’ll just run down my legs and make a mess. A towel maybe? Yeah! I’ll put a towel over it. Wjian thought before walking over to grab a towel.
Chaise Pov
I stand in the room I was built in, staring at the screens of the computers. I sit in the short silence of the woman that assembled me into being. She stared at the blinding blue lights. This woman never seems to be away from this desk area. Her pale fingers pushed at the keys as I struggled to hold in a sigh. She was going to be sitting on me for hours to come.
She took a towel and placed it over one of my arms before she took a few steps to stand over it. What was she about to do? She lowered her body onto my arm and I could feel the pulsing of her cunt through the towel. I could feel heat in my cushions, which is a bit strange since I didn’t have seat warmers but whatever.
Wjian ground her hips against my arm and let out soft moans.
“F-fuck,” she whispered.
Damn, she seems to be enjoying herself, but what actually is she doing? I thought about moving but she might slip cause she’s pretty clumsy; I’ve watched her trip in nothing but air, which I admit sounds a bit creepy but hey, I’m a chair.
“Wjian what are you doing?” I asked. Wjian jumped back, hitting her lower back against her desk.
“Owchie that hurt!” Wjian said, rubbing where she had hit the desk.
“Who said what? A peeper? A perv?! A peeping perv!” Wjian said looking around wildly while she used her arm to cover herself which was mostly unsuccessful as she only covered her nipples and vagina.
“Sorry to breaking it to you but if anyone’s a perv it’s you Wjian, you were just rubbing your coochie on my arm,”
She looked at both of her sides to see if anyone was watching her and trying to play a prank on her.
“Has all that time in front of a pc made you blind or something? I’m right in front of you l'amour.”
“A ghost!?” Wjian exclaimed, her eyes wide in surprise
“No, I’m the chair you were just rubbing on like a little slut.”
“B-but you’re a chair!”
“Yeah I just said that dumbass,”
“I don't know actually.” The chair swayed slightly.
Silence filled the room for a moment as she pondered what to say next.
“Could you feel what I was doing?”
“Well yeah, it's my arm.”
“Oh, well um…sorry about that.” she began to rise from my arm before stopping to speak again.
“What does it feel like for you?”
“Sorry, I said what?
“You said you could feel me, so what does it feel like?”
“I don’t know, it just… feels,”
“Wow, very descriptive, you got a name I can call you?” Wjian shifts with her thin towel looking down.
“You can call me Chaise.”
Third person.
Wjian placed a foot on the seat cushioning as she leaned forward. Letting the towel fall from her and back on the arm of the gaming chair. Making them lean back a few inches.
“Chaise huh, so… I’m not quite sure what to say, how long have you been… um… sentient?”
“Since you assembled me,”
“Does that make me your mom or something?”
“No, why would you even ask me that! And you never answered my question from before,”
“What question?”
“When you were sliding your pussy across my arm like a bitch in heat I asked what you were doing?
“I was just trying to make myself feel good,”
“That’s what your fingers are for, slut,”
Wjian clenched her thighs together, wetness dripped down her legs. She had never been talked to like that before but she kinda liked it.
“So do you have private parts?” Wjian asked, her pale skin flushed with color as she nervously rubbed her thighs together.
“I dunno,”
“Can I… can I find them for you?”
“What? Speak up,”
“I said can I find them for you?”
“Can you what?
“I said can I find them for you!” her body heated up as her ears burned from the embarrassment that she had just said something like that to a sentient chair.
“Oui, why don't you see if you can find something, I'm sure with your whore expertise you'll find what you're looking for,”
She nodded slightly and ran her flushed hands across the patted material slowly. She had no idea what she was doing right now and she didn't even know if it was working with the lack of reaction. She grabbed onto the armrest and pushed her knees on to the seat. Pushing the back of the chair down until she was basically laying bare on top of her sentient piece of furniture.
Chaise shifted under Wjian’s weight, a shiver of excitement ran through their padding as Wjian’s ample breasts pressed against them.
She took one of her hands and grabbed the underside of the chair and she heard a subtle sign come from the chair. She grabbed the lever for the height and held it with a firm grasp.
“T-That's definitely doing something for me.” Chaise’s rolled back.
“Really!” She put more pressure into her grip and got a short hum.
Wjian changed positions so that she was sitting down. She then placed one of her hands between her thighs. She moved her fingers in slow motions on her clit. Wjian let out a moan as she leaned back on Chaise.
Right as put a finger into herself, the chair abruptly spinned her around facing away from the desk. She was now facing her bed in slight shock.
“This is a great view.”
“How do you see stuff?”
“I think I could compare it to an out of body experience in a way.”
Wjian let out a hum as she contemplated what Chaise said. She leaned out of the chair to grab something from her secret compartment that she had forgotten.
Her colorful red and blue dildo she had bought at her local Spencer's. She held it in her hand and brushed it between her opening. Coating it in her liquids and she grabbed the armrest for support as she inserted her toy into herself.
Wjian let out a loud moan as the toy stretched her walls. She wiggled in her spot rubbing her ass against the cushions.
“You really are panting like a dog, aren't you,” Chaise speaking to her in their low, thick, accented voice made Wjian shiver.
“If you keep talking to me like that I-i might cum on the spot,” she pushed the toy deeper into her.
“That's the goal is it not.” Chaise the chair shook back and forth as they told Wjian.
“I just got an idea…” Wjian took out her Dildo and stood up with wobbling legs.
She pulled the seat pillow and tossed it onto her bed and plopped the suction cup end on the chair. Then she crouched on the chair, hovering over her toy.
“Oh I see, so the slut wants to act like she's riding me.”
Wjian slowly lowered her hips on to the red and blue dildo until she was halfway down. She lifted up before going deeper and repeating the process. Her juices dripped down in viscous droplets.
“You sure are making a mess of me,” Chaise groaned.
A loud moan filled the room as Wjian fully sank into the seat, covering the silicone slong. Wjian’s legs began to shake and she tilted her head back. Drool threatened to pool out of her mouth and down her chin.
Her titties bounced, as she hopped on her toy. Her skin glowed in the colorful lighting of her gamer setup. Wjian moved her hand to her exposed pearl.
In tandem to Wjian’s movement, Chaise rocked back and forth sending the colorful dildo deeper and deeper into her juicy cunt. Every movement pressed the thick dildo onto her sweet spot.
“S-hit this feels so good!” Wjian said, saliva dribbling down her face. Recalling earlier occurrences she snaked her hands down to the underside of Chaise’s seat and wrapped her soft hands around the lever. Chaise let out a low groan making the seat vibrate a little. Her hips ground into the seat she used her hand to stroke and jiggle Chaise’s lever.
Wjian could feel pressure building in her core and she sped up readily waiting for what was a glorious orgasm to come.
“You sound so angelic right now.”
Waves of euphoric relief washed over Wjian, her wetness gushed over the seat and she cursed as she rode out her orgasmic high.
“Don’t slow down now that you’ve got what you wanted, keep going!”
Wjian vigorously slid her hands over the lever and grasped it firmly.
“F-fuck, I’m so close,” Chaise choked out, as the rocked the dildo steadily pressed into Wjians warm muff sending her into overstimulation.
“How does this even work?!”
“I don't know but, be a good little whore and keep at it,”
“Yes, if I’m good, will you praise me?”
“That all depends,”
Wjian continued working towards Chaise’s release and soon enough Chaise was sent shaking with pleasure. The back was sent flying back into a full recline and they shook with ecstasy.
Wjian yelped in surprise and grabbed on to Chaise's arms for support.
“I feel kinda strange!”
“What do you mean?”
“W-WHoa, what the hell is this?!”
“Calm down, what are you talking about?”
“I mean I know I said my vision was an out of body experience but now i’m actually out of body!”
Wjian felt a coldness in her forehead then her eyes widened in surprise at the sight before her.
“Chaise, is that you?”
“I guess so”
Before Wjian, stood or rather levitated an androgynous person; translucent with their dark skin and muted hair,lacking much life.
“Huh, so I was right, you are a ghost.” A smile on her.
“You think you’re so smart, you dirty little slut,”
“Hah- fuck me again!”
Chaise smiled to themselves at the sight of the blushing girl.
“Well you are a cutie, even if you are a slutty bimbo,”
“So is that round two I’m hearing?”
“Sure mi vida,”
“ooh you’re speaking my mother tongue”
“…Wait, so you aren’t White?”
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Salutations, Darling Worker Bees! This was part one of one our original stories! We hope you loved it and that you’ll support us by reblogging and sharing this with all your sexual deviant friends. Part Two will be posted next week, Sept. 12th , at 12 pm EST. and there will be more stories like this coming. The Hive has a lot of plans in the works.
Lastly I just want to say a big thank you to CafeKitsune for allowing us to use these gorgeous banners, we’re literally so grateful and everyone please show your support to CafeKitsune for all the amazing work they do to make tumblr posts looks so pretty.
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redd956 · 2 years
I’m not sure if you’re taking reqs on the world building stuff 💪 as well as I can’t tell if you’ve done this it’s. Late at night and I skimmed it briefly but would it be possible to do something with a magic system?
I hope your day/week is going good!
Of course!
I've thought several times about doing a piece on magic systems, but I haven't done one yet because magic systems are the one thing I've never been confident of.
(I tend to overcomplicate them and make them only something I can decipher)(it works, I love it, and I'll never trade it out of my main story, but still)
I'll be sure to do an advice page, and a worldbuilding questions page, and when I'm done I'll put the links on here too
But I might as well as give some little pointers as I answer this
Decide whether soft or hard magic systems is for your world (it's just like the difference between soft and hard worldbuilding)
I believe you're likely looking or thinking of a hard magic system, and my advice there don't just think about what magic is capable of but what the magic ISN'T capable
Think about how magic is viewed in the world, especially it's rarity. I see a lot of stories where magic is supposed to be everywhere in life, but magic is still treated as if a secrecy thing, so remember consistency
The limits! Always remember the limits! Think about why characters can't cast crazy spells, or do insane stunts with their magic. And rarely ever introduce something that removes the limits, or give a character a limitless ability. Trust me it opens a fiery can of worms
And how do people develop or learn about magic?
Get creative do anything! Get inspired from anything in life
Here's also some great youtube videos about magic system
Daniel Greene's
Tale Foundry's
Hello Future Me: Hard Magic System
Hell Future Me: Soft Magic System
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satinelibra · 6 months
‘We need to talk about your behavior at the store yesterday and your future at my company.  My house.  12:30.’
She gulped as she looked at the text from her boss and wondered what the hell could be wrong.  Her mind went right to Mike.  Maybe he’d blabbed about what he’d been getting her to do for him at work.  Yes, she agreed, but… She was going to kill Mike anyway.  Her dad would go ballistic if she got fired.
So, she got dressed in warm clothes for an uncharacteristically hot day and made her way to the Newton house on the dot.  She was chewing a hole in her lower lip as she nervously approached the front door and knocked.
Mr. Newton was taller and more built than his son.  Fully matured.  He was very outdoorsy and active and it showed.  But now, he just looked intimidating with a perfect poker face as he held the door open and told her to come in.
“I have something very disturbing to talk to you about, Miss,” he said seriously. 
“Wh—what is it, Mr. Newton?” She stammered.
“Come with me,” he said, jerking his head to the hallway.  She followed him into the kitchen.  His computer was open on the island counter.  He led her to it.  “It seems you and my son have been fooling around on company time.”
Bella’s whole face turned red.  “N-no, it’s not like—”
“And forgot about the new 360 security cameras,” he finished, spinning his laptop screen around to show her the black and white footage of her giving Mike a handjob in the back of the store yesterday.  “Obviously, you can see the problem with this.  I imagine your father would to.”
Her eyes immediately welled with tears as she prepared to beg Mr. Newton not to tell her father.  “Please don’t—”
“This is grounds for immediate dismissal from your job,” he said sternly.  “Which I don’t think the your father would like.  Nor do I think he would like having to book you for indecent exposure.”
Tears started to track down her face.  “Please!  It’ll never happen again!  Just don’t tell my dad!”
Mr. Newton gave a dark chuckle.  “I guess it’s time to turn this footage into the authorities.  Unless…”
She gulped as she noticed his eyes trained on her like a predator.  “Unless, Sir?”
“Sir, I like that,” he murmured darkly.  Then his hand was suddenly on her chest, feeling up her breasts through her thin white shirt.
She let out a squeak and began to back away.  But he spun her around and pulled her back to his chest.  Then his wide hand was skimming down the front of her shorts and pressing into her center.  It felt salacious and wrong.  Her stomach sunk.
“Mr. Newton!” She shrieked.  “You’re my boss – I’m your son’s friend.”
“Doesn’t look like that on the footage,” he hissed in her ear.  “It looks like you’re his whore.  I just want a taste.  Of course, if you’d rather I turn this into your dad and have you fired and charged—”
“No,” She whimpered helplessly.
Mr. Newton smiled evilly and grabbed her by the arm, pulling her into the living room and tossing her unceremoniously onto the couch.  “Then you’ll be a good little worker for me today, won’t you?”
She whimpered in fear as he launched his body onto hers.  His mouth smashed onto hers as he forced his tongue into her mouth.  She made herself not bite and fight him.  Her body was frozen in fear and indecision.  Was this really happening?  Could she let him do this to her just to keep her dad from finding that video?
Mr. Newton sat up and started haphazardly undoing the buttons of her shirt.  She thought she heard the fabric tear as he pulled her to pull the garment off.  Her arms came to cover her breasts in her modest white bra.  But Mr. Newton gave a grunt and yanked her hands away, pinning them above her head.
“Don’t hide from me now, whore,” he said tauntingly.  “Not unless you want Daddy to see that video.”
She shut her eyes in shame as she felt the older man pull her bra and start kneading at her bare breasts with the eagerness of a starving man at the sight of food.  His teeth came down to close on one of her nipples and the sharp pain had her crying out.  But her comfort was no never mind to the old man molesting her.
With a dark grunt, he reared up and kicked her knees apart.  He pressed his jean clad erection into her covered center and started to harshly dry hump her.  It was pleasurable at all with the rough jean material on her most sensitive region.
“Ngh…” she whimpered in pain and clenched her eyes shut.
“Such a good little slut,” Mr. Newton hissed.  “I love them when they’re young.  I bet you’re fucking tight.  I bet you’re a fucking virgin.  That just makes it sweeter.  I can’t wait to get in that pussy.”
She flinched.  She was a virgin, more or less.  Nothing but fingers.
Suddenly, Mr. Newton’s weight was gone.  For a tiny moment, she had hope that it was over.  But she opened her eyes when she felt his hands on her hips, repositioning her to sit up on the couch and face out to the room with her ass hanging off the end.  His grubby mitts were undoing her shorts and yanking the denim and her underwear off of her with an angry red welt on her thighs from the friction.
She let out a cry, “Ah!” as he did so.  Then he was spreading her thighs apart.  With an uncomfortable burn from the stretching of her limbs.  It also uncomfortably displayed her bare pussy to his lecherous gaze.  Now she knew where Mike got those expressions from.
She instinctively tried to close her legs.  But he only forced them apart wider until she cried out in pain again.
“You keep those legs open so I can get to that pussy, whore,” he ordered.  His eyes were zeroed in on her pink flesh.  “Mmmm, perfect.  You shave.”
Her whole face turned red.
He leaned in close and took a big sniff.  “Smells like a virgin to me.  Just kidding – I can tell you are just by looking at you.  God – it’s gonna feel so good on my cock.  I’m already hard as a fucking rock for it.”
She shut her eyes again.  She jolted when she heard him spit and felt something wet and cold on her pussy.  Her eyes went down to see his saliva dripping down her naked slit.
He finally let go of one of her legs with his hand that went to her pussy like a magnet.  He spread his spit up and down her labia and teased her clit.  It made her hips twitch and she fought the reaction.  He reared his head back to spit on her pussy again and use that to get his fingers inside her and tease her entrance.
Mr. Newton let out a depraved groan.  “I can’t wait anymore.”  He stood above her, looming oppressively, as he undressed himself from top to bottom.  He was muscled and strong and scary looking.  And his cock was sticking straight out, hard and throbbing, and looked like it would split her in half.
She seized up and tried to get off the couch, but Mr. Newton was quick to hold her down.
“Nuh uh uh, little girl,” he crooned.  “Stay right where you are.”
She gulped at the dark look in his eyes as he stared at her.  She felt tiny and weak.  She really had no choice.
Mr. Newton only let go of her with his one hand to guide his cock against her entrance.  She shut her eyes, trying to shut out the pain, as he started thrusting it inside her virgin cunt.
“Ah!” she cried out, a few tears leaking out of her eyes.  She felt some added wetness down there and knew it must be blood from her broken hymen.
“Don’t wanna look at me, huh?” Mr. Newton asked with crude humor.  “Fine.”
His cock pulled out of her and she already felt sore.  This time, thought, she knew better than to hope brief respite meant it was over.  His hands were on her and picking her up, turning her around, and throwing her front first on the couch length wise.  Her face slammed into the arm of the couch and she tried to push herself up, but his weight pushed back down on her.
He oppressively pinned her down and thrust into her.
“AH!” she screamed.
This felt so much deeper and she was not at all prepared enough to take his whole cock.  But he forced it into her anyway, not matter how she flailed and whispered in fear and pain.
“No!” she whined.  “It hurts!  It’s too big!”
He laughed, showing no remorse.  “Say it again, baby.  Take it all in that tight pussy.  I knew you’d be tight, but fuck – not this tight.  Fucking delicious piece of teen cunt.”
She cried into the couch’s arm, hating the fact that her pussy was feeling wetter and knowing it wasn’t blood this time.  Just her body.
“AHH!” she screamed at the top of her lungs.
With a sharp thrust, Mr. Newton shoved her head down.  He grabbed her white shirt and wrapped it around her mouth, her head, using it as a handle of sorts to pull her body back on his cock while he pounded into her from behind.  Her arms were trapped behind her back and her whole body was compressed and pinned by him as he ravaged her.
It was endless torture.  Silence filled only by the sound of her pain and their slapping bodies.  It carried on for what felt like hours until he suddenly stopped, flush with her ass, balls deep inside of her.
“I think it’s time I got a video with you,” he said.  He wrapped his arm around her torso and pulled her up with him as he stood.  He was still lodged deep inside her as he walked from the living room to the master bedroom down the hall.  Through her tears, she noticed a suspect teddy bear on the dresser across from the bed.
Without dislodging her from his cock, he dumped her on the bed and immediately started pummeling into her pussy from behind like a rapid dog.  Her body bounced on the bed spread, her hair whipped into her face and stuck to her wet cheeks.
She tried to hold on for dear life and hope it really was over soon.  How long could he last, anyway?
Mr. Newton grabbed her ass cheeks and held on as he thrust into her hard and stopped there with a choked groan.
She was horrified when she felt something warm spilling inside of her.  Was he cumming inside her?  No, he couldn’t do that!  She wasn’t on birth control!  She tried to wiggle away but he pinned her down again and flopped against her entrance until he finished with a sigh and pulled all the way away from her.  She could feel some overflow cum spill from her thoroughly abused cunt.
She sobbed into the bedspread as Mr. Newton checked on the teddy bear cam.
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