#adrasteia flint
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“Oh, Merlin, tell me, does THE DARK KNIGHT get what he deserves?” He is in THE DEATH EATERS & is CLOSED to finding out. 
— he walks through the world as ;
name → rabstan lestrange pronouns → he/him identification → cis male year of birth → september 1957 - september 1958 face claim → dylan o’brien blood status → pure-blood sexual orientation → up to applicant occupation → socialite amongst high society in wizarding london future information → n/a
— he is best described as ;
BROODING & MYSTERIOUS he is the swirling RAGEFUL WATERS presented as a CALM & QUIET STREAM. He encaptures what’s WRONG with SOCIETY, another PREETY FACE with a TWISTED MOUTH breathing CURSES under their BREATH. He is UNPREDICTABLE & DANGEROUS, a pale SNAKE slithering through the upper-classes, BEAUTIFUL, UNIQUE and ready to strike with their DEADLY venom at whoever dares to TOUCH their skin.
— his story starts with ;
The youngest of two boys, Rabstan and his older brother RODOLPHUS LESTRANGE [sibling], were born in Lestrange Manor in Gloucestershire to their doing parents Marlie and Thiebuat Lestrange. From a long lineage of French and British sorcerers, their family commanded respect from the wizarding community, as key figures in their community. Marie Lestranged adored him and his brother unlike any other and his childhood was nothing less than romantic. Although told to them in indylic setting, Rabstan and his brother knew that their family legacy was incredibly important and that his parents had done a great deal to protect it, a job which would one day pass to him and Rodolphus. Raised as perfect gentlemen, on the arm of his mother, Rabastan attended glittering balls and parties held by his parents and their families, watching as they all vied for attention from his parents and the Black’s. Rabastan’s eyes were always carefully trained on those around him, watching every quirk and quiver. His quiet disposition helped with that. It was clear that even amongst The Twenty-Eight, there was a very clear hierarchy. 
As such, Rabastan made it a priority to befriend the younger Black sisters. ANDROMEDA BLACK [friend] was in his year at school and when he was sorted into Slytherin alongside her. Other names made the list of great importance, including ADRASTEIA GREENGRASS [friend], ROSALIE FLINT [friend], XERXES ZABINI [best friend], CAIUS BURKE [close friend] and KERVENS BORGIN [close friend]. To the surprise of those who had known him in childhood, Rabastan gained a bit of a reputation as a bully whilst at Hogwarts, slyly letting his opinions on Muggle-Borns, Half-Blood and creatures be known, He was intelligent, making sure that when he targeted the likes of EDWARD TONKS [adversary] and his band of blood traitors like AMELIA BONES [victim/former adversary], it was in a way that had no merit for him to be turned in. Amongst the safety of his friendship group he would remark that he had much rather gone to Durmstrang, much to the enthusiasm of some of his friends, including AURELIA ROOKWOOD [close friend/potential romantic laison] and the silent disgust of others like LUCINDA TALKALOT [former friend/acquaintence]. 
Overhearing his opinions whilst at school, Rodolphus was always careful to pull his brother aside and speak with him. Although they were raised purists, his mother and father had worked very hard to maintain a neutral public facing image due to his father’s political career, that he wanted for Rabastan and Rodolphus. The idea of staying silent about their beliefs was a difficult one for Rabastan, who watched his brother’s friends BELLATRIX BLACK [close friend/mentor] and EVAN ROSIER [close friend] speak their minds and publicly humiliate those who dared to speak out of turn. That was when the rage started. Despite their lineage and their influence they were made to attend muggle studies, pretend that people with pure-blood were as brilliant as them, it was almost too much to stomach some days for Rabastan. Bellatrix took notice of this, approaching him with an important task. A wizard known only to her as THE DARK LORD [leader] had tasked her with spreading his message and gathering followers. It was the calling Rabastan had waited for and slowly he began selecting people to spread his message to, starting with his best friend Xerxes and his close friend Walden.
 Rabastan became quite closed off in his later years and friends would remark that he had now become irritable and someone they no longer recognised. Upon graduating, Rabastan declined his father’s offer to help him get a job at the Ministry. Though he couldn’t tell him his plans, he needed to be out in society making connections and told his parents it was under the guise of finding him a partner to marry. Having previusly dated ROSALINE DAVIS [former partner] which ended swiftly after school ended, he was encouraged to court NARCISSA BLACK [close friend] when she had entered society, she was close friend of his. Rabastan wondered if a man of his aspirations would be enough for a woman who longed to be adored. To society, he played the role of a quiet eligible bachelor, always attending the best parties with the most attractive people and knowing he would be photographed. Then through the back he would slip away, down the alley to The White Wyvern where he, Bellatrix and Evan would be deep in conversation about The Dark Lord’s plans. Years of devotion to Bellartrix and the cause had paid off who had risen through the ranks to become Bellatrix’s right hand man.
The Dark Lord’s plan to turn sorcerers and creatures against one another to strengthen their ranks was of great importance, but Rabastan’s temper and enthusiasm for the cause have marked him in the ranks as someone who is a bit of a loose cannon. It was his idea to recruit werewolf SILAS CRUMP [adversary] without doing some stricter background checks that would have found he’d never abandon his partner and child. Him losing his temper at BOOKER BAGNOLD [victim] at Halloween on 1982, was not part of their overarching plan, but even he was impressed at how he and Bellatrix managed to frame Silas for Booker’s murder, playing off to The Dark Lord it had been their plan all along to create mass panic. Rabastan’s issue however, was that as the Booker Bagnold incident was not pre-planned, it left a lot of holes for people to catch him out, with the pressure mounting as people began to suspect Silas’ innocence. Amelia Bones was a constant pain in Rabastan’s side, a nosey little witch he’d hated since school who refused to let the events of Halloween go.
When she finally accused him at The Summer Solstice ball in 1983, Rabastan knew her time had come. JAE MULICBER [friend] turning into CLAUDETTE TREMBLAY [person of interest] to kill her was the best way it could have ended, but even Rabastan was ashamed he had let the anger get the better of him. When Rodolphus cornered him about his involvment in her death, he didn’t have the heart to lie. Despite not liking the pressure it put his brother under, Rabastan was relieved to have him in corner- watching him actively throwing the case of Silas Crump and getting him sent to Azkaban for the killing of Booker and he and REGULUS BLACK [friend] frame MASON TREMBLAY [person of interest] for the death of Amelia. Seemingly having gotten away with his violence, Rabastan has been trying to lie low and has prove to Bellatrix he can keep his anger in check. Ready to be entrusted with the next mission, Rabastan is ready to move on with his life, conscious that his brother might make an excellent addition to their enterprise and a trained eye out for anyone who might begin to suspect Rodolphus has already made a leap to the dark side.
— he is a LEVEL 6 WIZARD & readied for war ;
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time-duchess · 5 years
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“'Cause you know that I always needed saving“
Rachel Brosnahan as Adrasteia Kyra Flint
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chaoswillfallrpg · 4 years
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ROSALIE FLINT is TWENTY-SIX YEARS OLD and a SOCIALITE amongst  THE SACRED TWENTY-EIGHT in LONDON. She looks remarkably like VICTORIA PEDRETTI and considers herself NEUTRAL. She is currently OPEN.
tw: death, murder 
Rosalie Flint had lived a charmed life. Born on the sprawling and beautiful Flint estate in Berkshire Rosalie was the only daughter of DIONYSUS FLINT and LOTTE KRAUSE and the jewel in the crown of the Flint family. From a long line of Pure-Blood sorcerers, the Flint family held their name in high regard, only marrying those they believed to be of equal standing in society. The Flint family were influential and intelligent leaders who were highly respected amongst the wizarding world and it was his wish that Rosalie and her older brother DECIUS continue this excellent reputation. When her brother was of schooling age, he was taken from their family home and cast to the far corners of the east wing where he would learn to survive without the love and affection of the family unit. The separation confused Rosalie who spent her time playing in the gardens or taking tea with her mother, sometimes passing her brother when she snuck into his wing and leaving hurt and confused when one of the elves caught her and told her to leave. Rosalie could see how much it hurt her mother being separated from her son and often heard her parents arguing about it and the change that it had made to her son. Rosalie hadn’t known her brother any differently to the way he was, but found him cold and detached, a smaller version of their father almost with impeccable manners and intellect beyond his years. 
The change her mother had seen in her brother made Rosalie think she would be spared the same cruel separation from her mother and father, but she was wrong. When Rosalie was six she was taken and placed in the same wing as Decius with little contact with her parents to harden her up. The time spent with her mother was replaced by tutors and finishing teachers. Rosalie found it difficult. Tears running down her face as she was taught to balance a book on her head and when she said answers incorrectly. But at least for a short while she had her brother. Decius fought for his sister, teaching her things she didn’t quite grasp and drying her tears when she cried. Decius had been a stranger to Rosalie but then he became her best friend. The two forged an unbreakable bond in the halls of their home. When Decius left for Hogwarts it all but broke her heart. But Rosalie knew it wouldn’t do her well to dwell on her sadness. Rosalie was a Flint. Their family didn’t cry, they didn’t crack, they were strong. Alone in Berkshire, Rosalie worked hard to better herself into someone she knew her family could be proud of, working hard each day to learn the history of Hogwarts and do all of the set reading so she would take to being at school like a duck to water. When Rosalie arrived at Hogwarts she felt herself flourish. 
Sorted into Slytherin with her cousin LYRA BRUKE the girls quickly became friends with a few of the students sharing their dorm ANDROMEDA BLACK and ADRASTEIA GREENGRASS and AALIYAH GOSFORTH forging a little gang of Slytherins she felt happy to be around. Her friends brought out a more rebellious streak in her, creating the circles of people she would be in to work including her cousin CAIUS and Decius. Rosalie was naturally more of a wallflower than the rest of her family, though she pulled on her inner Flint strength to work a room and make friends, knowing it was what her family would want from her. An intelligent witch, upon graduation Rosalie dabbled with the idea of taking up a job in the Ministry to make more use of her intellect. She enjoyed research and reading, but over the years had found something she liked more which her family money allowed her to indulge in. Singing. A beautiful songstress with a voice as captivating as a siren’s, after a few rounds of fire whiskey she was the centre of attention at every party, her voice drifting round parties and bars as people listened to her in awe. It was the beauty of her voice that caught the attention of CHRISTIANO PARKINSON, the co-owner of The Grave Affair bar in Knockturn Alley which Rosalie frequented with her friends and family.
Knowing she had a habit of being thrust upon to a stage in the local bars, Christiano heard her singing one night in The Hopping Pot and approached her about a position singing at the club. Naturally, she refused, knowing her family wouldn’t think too favourably about her singing for money in a local bar. Rosalie agreed to sing once a week in The Grave Affair for free, purely due to her love of singing to which Christiano and his sister and fellow co-owner ANDRESSA PARKINSON agreed. Although being the centre of attention wasn’t natural to her, Rosalie enjoyed the feeling that being on stage gave her. When she sang it was simply her, the lights and her voice. Her family and friends cheering from their table was simply an added bonus as was her brother beaming with pride. But it wasn’t just Rosalie’s inner circle who had been watching her closely. JONATHAN REEVES had been in her brother’s year at Hogwarts, a fellow Slytherin that Rosalie had sometimes seen in the common room who she’d seen around Decius and his friends sometimes. A Half-Blood, with a Pure-Blood father who’d fallen in love with a Muggle which he hoped his friends would forget. In Rosalie’s memory Jonathan had been like Decius and his friends, a well groomed party boy but all that suddenly changed and Rosalie stopped seeing him. Then one night he appeared in The Grave Affair, with long hair and a beard but Rosalie recognised him instantly.
Jonathan became a puzzle she wanted to solve, what time he gave her was precious and although he disappeared every so often without a trace it didn’t stop her waiting for him after his shifts and trying to learn as much about him as she could. Whilst potential suitors she’d encountered had appeared peacockish and narcissistic, he was the opposite and what was a blossoming friendship quickly became a hidden romance with Rosalie falling in and out of bars with him behind the back of her family. Jonathan would never be accepted by them due to his blood status, but when Rosalie learned the true reason for his disappearances she knew their romance would be the death of her. The love of her life was a werewolf, registered and living in FENRIR GREYBACK’s pack of wolves who’d taken him in when his parents had kicked him out. Rosalie’s heart bled for him and as much as she loved her family and longed for the approval of her parents, high society slowly faded away in her mind as she fell deeper in love with him. The last few months of her life had been stressful. Hiding her romance from her closest friends and her brother as she tried to juggle the people she loved most in her life whilst trying to remain authentic. Events were the most difficult, where she and Jonathan stole kisses from one another in corridors and exchanged wantan glances and The Yule Ball was no different.
There she had stood, wrapped in the arms of the person she loved, only to be confronted by HARRISON BAGNOLD, a wicked look in his eye as he pointed his wand at Jonathan. Instinctively, Rosalie dived in front of him, not quick enough to pull out her wand and took the hit of the curse. Her body went cold and as she felt the light leave her eyes, the only thing in her heart was love and the painful knowledge she’d never see Jonathan again. When Rosalie opened her eyes she was lying in dirt and staring up at the sky. She must have fallen asleep in the woods close to the party. Confused, she stood up, brushed the dirt from her dress and went looking for Jonathan but found the ball was long since over. Both Decius and her friends were nowhere to be found. Returning home she went to bed and slept for what felt like an age, with vivid dreams filling her mind of Harrison, Jonathan, the bright flash of green. When she awoke her brother cried. Wrapping his arms around her shouting about how glad he was she was home. Showing her the paper her eyes widened in horror. Rosalie Flint had been missing for just over two weeks before she’d stepped down for breakfast that morning. Trying to live her life as normal things keep happening she finds difficult to ignore. Her skin is cold to the touch and time skips whilst she’s sleeping sometimes as if lost in a memory. Knowing it has something to do with the night of the ball, Rosalie is quietly trying to find answers about what happened, starting with the whereabouts of the last two faces she saw before she was hit with that curse.
Blood Status → Banshee
Pronouns: She/Her
Identification: Cis Female
Sexuality  → Sexually Fluid
Relationship Status → In a Relationship with Jonathan Reeves
Previous Education →  Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry (Slytherin)
Societies → Pura Sorores
Family → Eelis Burke (uncle), Kratista Burke (aunt), Caius Burke (cousin), Lyra Burke (cousin), Elijah Yaxley (uncle), Ismena Yaxley (aunt), Eleanor Yaxley (cousin), Victor Yaxley (cousin)
Connections  → Jonathan Reeves (boyfriend), Adrasteia Greengrass (best friend), Andromeda Black (best friend), Walden MacNair (close friend), Aaliyah Gosforth (close friend), Erik Borgin (friend) Anastasia DuPont (friend), Narcissa Black (friend), Andressa Parkinson (casual boss/friend), Christiano Parkinson (casual boss/friend), Alecto Carrow (colleague), Amycus Carrow (colleague), Silas Crump (unknown adversary), Harrison Bagnold (unknown adversary), Regulus Black (unknown adversary)
Future Information → N/A
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lyraburke · 4 years
Where: The Flint family home, Rosalie’s room
{ status: closed starter for @foolgraves​ }
Extremely worried about her cousin and not liking the sign of all of her owls being returned un-opened Lyra decided to take matters in to her own hands. Collecting together an assortment of Rosalie’s favourite snacks she bundled them all in to a bag along with face masks, the most recent witch weekly and a book on beauty spells that Adrasteia had given her that she had yet to try out. 
Flooing to the the Flint manor she stormed up the stairs in haste, knowing the twisting hallways like the back of her own hand. Arriving at the girls door she paused and thought about how best to go about it, thinking about the phrase ‘you catch more flies with honey than vinegar’ she thought she aught to act as though it was any other girls night in for them in the hopes Rose would feel comfortable enough to share what she had gone through at the Yule ball. 
Opening the door in to darkness she cast a silent Lumos and noted the large pile of bedding on the bed, clearly Rose was beneath it all and Lyra was adamant to get the girl to enjoy the evening. Pulling the curtains open to get some natural light brought the top of Rosalie’s head out of the duvet just enough for her to see who was in her room. As Lyra locked eyes with her cousin she placed a warm and inviting smile across her face and spoke in a soothing manor “Hey, I’ve brought snacks and face masks if you want to come out of your hibernation and hang with me?” 
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protego-maxima-rpg · 4 years
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chaoswillfallpromo · 4 years
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CHRISTIANO PARKINSON is TWENTY-SEVEN YEARS OLD and the MANAGER of THE GRAVE AFFAIR in KNOCKTURN ALLEY. He looks remarkably like HENRY ZAGA and considers himself aligned with THE DEATH EATERS. He is currently OPEN.
[Read more at chaoswillfallrpg]
Blood Status → Pure-Blood
Sexual Orientation → Up to Roleplayer
Relationship Status → In a relationship with Camille Rowle
Previous Education → Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry (Slytherin)
Family → Andressa Parkinson (sister), Isolde Travers (cousin/best friend), Evora Travers (cousin)
Connections  → Camille Rowle (girlfriend), Thorfinn Rowle (best friend), Bellatrix Black (object of affection), Marshall Fawley (best friend), Decius Flint (best friend), Lucius Malfoy (best friend), Anastasia Dupont (friend), Genieve Avery (friend), Florence Jones (friend), Alecto Carrow (close friend/employee), Amycus Carrow (close friend/employee), Adrasteia Greengrass (employee), Eleanor Yaxley (employee), Rosalie Flint (employee), Georgine Faribault (business associate)
Future Information → Father of Pansy Parkinson, Husband of Lavander Bulstrode  
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“Oh, Merlin, tell me, does THE SCALES get what she deserves?” She is NEUTRAL & CLOSED to finding out.“
— she walks through the world as ;
name → andromeda black pronouns → she/her identification → cis female year of birth →  september 1957 - september 1958 face claim → emma mackey blood status → pure-blood  sexual orientation → graysexual occupation → defence barrister at the department of magical law enforcement at the ministry of magic future information → member of the order of the phoenix, wife of edward tonks, mother of nymphadora tonks
— she is best described as ;
A GOOD BOOK you curl up with on a RAINY DAY. She is a FAMILIAR FACE in a large crowd & the GENTLE SQUEEZE from a SATIN GLOVED HAND. She is as SOFT as a FUR SHAWL & as GRACEFUL as a SWAN. Her voice is filled with WISDOM & MONEY, her body has experienced LUXURY, yet her eyes sting with the INJUSTICE she longs to fight.
— her story starts with ;
tw: death
A kind hearted woman Andromeda Black is considered by those who know her well to have a pure soul, though many people outside her circle are often too overwhelmed by the idea of her very famous family to even give her a chance to show it. The middle daughter of CYGNUS BLACK [father] and his wife DRUELLA BLACK [mother], Andromeda was raised at Brideswater Manor in the Hertfordshire countryside, cloaked by magic and woodland to shield them from the eyes of muggles. The house always felt somewhat empty to Andromeda, though filled with heirlooms and trinkets she could hear their voices echo. Her mother had never felt like a natural one to Andromeda, who always seemed as though she’d rather have had dolls rather than children she had to attempt to control. Her eldest sister BELLATRIX BLACK [sibling] was wild and the majority of her childhood felt like raised voices across the dining room as Bellatrix desperately tried to impress their father with grand statements and facts about their world, whilst their mother rolled her eyes and once again reminded her of her manners. With this great power struggle going on, Andromeda was able to fly under the radar, content with a book and to do as she was told much to the delight of her mother. 
Dutiful and quiet, she only caused her mother headaches when she reached her years beyond school, but in her earlier years she was her hand. Able to plait the long silver hair of her youngest sister NARCISSA BLACK [sibling] and entertain her older sister or the children they invited round their home with conversation she didn’t much care for but did to keep the volume down at parties. She spoke when she was spoken to and rarely had an opinion that passed her lips, just the way Druella wanted it. But what Andromeda did instead was listen, whilst Naricssa longed to impress people with her beauty and Bellatrix with her mind, Andromeda sat and watched. Noticed the things people commended and the things that wrinkled their noses. People in her world of The Sacred Twenty-Eight were only interested in hearing their own opinions repeated back to them, whilst her father’s friends at The Ministry of Magic, had grand ideas about building a more equal world, she watched her parents smile and nod about when she knew they couldn’t think of anything more awful, but unlike her elder sister, the pair had a very good poker face. 
Arriving at school after Bellatrix and her cousin EVAN ROSIER [cousin] were leaving, Andromeda was given a place in Slytherin. She liked to believe it was her intelligence and determination that had gained her a spot in Slytherin, but her sorting seemed to be both a blessing and a curse, as the people she’d known her whole life embraced her, and new faces didn’t want to get to know her. Although her family had quite strict ideas regarding blood purity, which Bellatrix had very publicly aired, Andromeda had never truly felt convinced.The idea her family was any better than any other magical families due to their lack of muggle blood. She was of the opinion that blood and money meant nothing and it was one's mind and desire to embrace and make a change that truly made the measure of a person. Andromeda believed that deep down her family were those sorts of people. Her mother was a beautiful and kind witch that was truly loved by their community, whilst her father had a brilliant mind and had done such good in his work at Wizengamot. Andromeda told herself their opinions were outdated and signified the time they were born into rather than the world today, and that a lot of the people she associated with were simply symptoms of that very issue. 
It was her duty and her wish to slowly change their mind and she did it by surrounding herself with people she thought she could potentially have common ground with. ADRASTEIA GREENGRASS [best friend/housemate] was from a similar background to Andromeda, from a Sacred Twenty-Eight family and with a mother who worked in Wizengamot with Andromeda’s father. She was the only person in Andromeda’s world that she felt comfortable chatting theories and speaking about law with who knew what it was like to be from the social standing that everyone hated. Her friends ROSALIE FLINT [close friend] was also from The Sacred Twenty-Eight and had designs on great love and being married whatever that meant, whilst LUCINDA TALKALOT [close friend] was not from a Sacred Twenty-Eight family, but a long established and respected one, who had dreams of becoming Quidditch Captain and living independently where her parents could no longer control her. There they were, the rebellious Slytherin girls hiding in plain sight where no one could notice them and their grand plans. But it was hard to show any rebellion in front of Narcissa and her friends, so relationships like her friendship with muggle-born EDWARD TONKS [close friend/potential love interest] had to be kept a secret, something which AMELIA BONES [person of interest/former rival], was more than too happy to point out. 
Graduating a prefect, a member of slug club and narrowly missing out on Head Girl, Andromeda was focused on what she would throw her weight behind. Despite her mother’s complaints that yet another daughter would not be joining the marriage market, Andromeda accepted a position in Wizengamot as an associate of defence barrister RODOLPHUS LESTRANGE [close friend/potential love interest]. Andromeda at first found him a cold man, who more than likely thought she had gotten her job through nepotism rather than having deserved it, but the more cases she worked on the more Andromeda proved her worth and the two formed a bond. She felt like his right hand and by the time they had taken the SILAS CRUMP [former client] case, she’d become his right hand. Losing his case was gutting to Andromeda; she had longed to see him walk free and had always been determined he was innocent of the slaying of BOOKER BAGNOLD [person of interest]. Her suspicions were further heightened when MASON TREMBLAY [person of interest] was convicted of the murder of Amelia Bones and was plastered in the press as Silas’ lover, which Andromeda knew to be false as he had a wife and child. 
Something felt wrong to Andromeda and she was determined to figure out what it was. Between cases Andromeda began travelling Europe in search of his wife KAMALI SKANDER [person of interest] or his daughter CORIN HALE [person of interest] in the hope she could at the very least disprove The Daily Prophet article and clear his name. To her surprise, Rodolphus did not seem to be as interested in challenging their client’s verdict as she was, something that was certainly uncommon as Rodolphus had always played to win. Andromeda knew that Rodolphus knew he was innocent and after graduating from his services and becoming a barrister in her own right, she began looking into Silas’ case without mentioning it to her former boss. Although Andromeda would love to focus on Silas, another case has become her focus. A young werewolf named JONATHAN REEVES [client] has sought Andromeda out to help build his defence after the disappearance of Andromeda’s close friend Rosalie. Although a cold case, Andromeda has noticed mentions of Rosalie as the three year mark comes closer. Wanting the case to be taken seriously by the Aurors, Jonathan is willing to work with them to find the person who hurt Rosalie, but is concious that when a young witch goes missing, the first finger pointed is always at the boyfriend.
— she is a LEVEL 6 WITCH & readied for war ;
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“Oh, Merlin, tell me, does THE COQUETTE get what she deserves?” She is in THE DEATH EATERS & OPEN to finding out.“
— she walks through the world as ;
name → aurelia rookwood pronouns → she/her identification → cis-female year of birth → september 1957 - september 1958 face claim → naomi scott blood status → half-blood sexual orientation → up to applicant occupation → contributing editor for witch weekly future information → n/a
— she is best described as ;
Manicure SHARP enough to KILL a MAN, she will RIP out your EGO with her fresh nails. She’s the LINGERING stare at a PARTY, the GRIP on your ARM she holds tightly through your SUIT. Berry LIPS slightly parted, she is the words that all HANG on to DESPERATELY. She’s pure SEDUCTION, she’s HELL on HEELS, with a mind just as DEADLY to achieve her every whim and want.
— her story starts with ;
Aurelia Rookwood is the kind of witch who has always known her worth, an attribute that has gained her many admirers, but twice as many enemies. The only daughter of Sarika and Francis Rookwood, Aurelia was born of two affluent families who adored her dearly. Her mother Sarika had worked for the Indian Council of Magic as an Unspeakable and had been stationed in London where she had met her father, a high society wizard who was looking to be intellectually challenged. The two were silent but devoted followers of Gellert Grindelwald, sucked into his rhetoric that they pushed onto Aurelia and her older brother AUGUSTUS ROOKWOOD [sibling]. Living in solitude by the seaside in Cornwall, their family home perched on top of a cliff, Aurelia and her brother lived a charmed life of reading by the coast, outside of their very rigid lessons. Half-bloods due to their trace of veela blood on their father’s side, Aurelia and her brother learned from a very early age that life would be very diffiuclt and despite their wealth and beauty, they would not be afforded the same respect as others who associated with them. 
Their parents instead tried to ready their minds, insisting they learn all there was to know about British and Indian Wizarding politics, who was important throughout history and how to control the magic that raged away inside of them. As a result Aurelia considered herself to be more disciplined than the average child. Despite the bullying from fellow children and the snide comments from parents, Aurelia was proud of her heritage. She had something that wizards for generations had attempted to bottle and sell- she and her brother were so beautiful, that despite the matter of their blood, Aurelia knew they would never truly struggle and that was what she told herself. Her resillance was rewarded by her parents, proud of the young woman she was becoming, and aged eleven she was packed away to Hogwarts with three trunks full of made to measure dresses by Madam Malkin herself she had earned due to her intelligence, her wit and cunning. Sorted into Ravenclaw, Aurelia had assumed she’d be a better fit for Slytherin, but as the hat debated back and forth before finally placing her with her fellow eagles, she knew it had made the right choice. 
Aurelia disliked people who were stuck up, though she knew everyone with power in their society was incredibly invested in themselves. She needed to be in a house where she could feel at her most dominant and strong arming a bunch of nerds into doing what she wanted was pleasing to her. Unpacking her trunk, Aurelia proudly collected up all of ELIZABETH BRAITHWATE’s [rival] clothing and dumped them on the floor to allow Aurelia more space for her outfits. Extension charms in wardrobes did tend to create a crease. Then she threw DANAE ALTON [rival] off her own bed becuse it had better light and ended the evening telling KERVENS BORGIN [best friend/potential romantic liaison] to move out of her chair at dinner, sparking a friendship between the pair. Aurelia had always gotten along better with boys, possibly because of her beauty, maybe because of her manners, but Kervens really tried to fight her corner when it came to the group of friends they’d established. She knew ROSALIE FLINT [acquaintance], ADRASTEIA GREENGRASS [acquaintance], ANDROMEDA BLACK [acquaintance] and LUCINDA TALKALOT [acquaintance] merely tolorated her. Never asking her to come and get ready before parties, or out for a cigarette during the evening. 
At one point, it did bother her- after all she was only human. But her mother educated her on the ways of teenage girls much later in life, and by the time she had turned eighteen- Aurelia was truly ready to own the thing that made her different. What Aurelia had always wanted in life was power, but enjoyed sitting on the sidelines, taking joy in puppeteering those to do her bidding for her. Becoming friends weith Kervens, RABASTAN LESTRANGE [close friend/potential romantic laison], XERXES ZABINI [close friend], and dating CAIUS BURKE [close friend/former partner/potential romantic liaison/] really helped with these plans. Despite being a half-blood girl, not from a sacred Twenty-Eight family, Aurelia had established herself as the most popular girl in her year. Famous for taking your boyfriend and making you cry in the toilets, everyoned feared her or wanted her and that was how she liked it. Upon leaving school, Aurelia flirted her way into a job at WItch Weekly- though it really didn’t take a lot. One look at her face and she was booked for modelling, her face appearing on the covers of the magazine, walking runways for Madam Malkin and Twillfit and Tattlings.
The occasional trip over to Paris to model and speak with Enchantée for a contributing editor job, became her leverage WItch Weekly. Forcing them into giving her the same deal. As a contributing editor she decided who was on the cover, who was hot and who was not and whose wedding got photographed, it was power like no other and even those who hated her when she was on the way up, how had to kiss the ring or risk being on the way down. It also meant she made friends in incredibly high places including ANDRESSA PARKINSON [friend] and her boyfriend LUCIUS MALFOY [friend]. It was after seeing them go public to distract from a scandal that Aurelia saw the benefit in being in a power couple and what that could mean. Her brother had connections due to his work, but no heavy hitters. She needed a man on the inside and she’d already spotted him. Aurelia had noticed AJAX DAVIS [partner] staring at her for seven years at school, but now he had a purpose. His family owned Moribund’s, his sister ROSALINE DAVIS [acquaintance] was dating the minister’s son HARRISON BAGNOLD [acquaintance] and he had a very high paying job in The British and Irish Quidditch Leauge, which everyone knew had more to do with politics that anyone else cared to admit. 
Dating a Twenty-Eight in this climate was almost out of the question but in current society Ajax was the next best thing and she enjoyed luring him away from his pitiful girlfriend Adrasteia. Ajax would do anything to please her, even take a blind eye to her constant romantic laisons and flirtation which are on the up since she’s found her latest calling. Whispers of THE DARK LORD [leader] had long echoed the streets, but when her brother became a follower he confirmed to Aurelia they were real and their time was truly here. Confident she may now no longer have to ride on the coatails of Ajax to be respected, Aurelia will do anything to ensure that in The Dark Lord’s new society she will have a seat at the table. The taste for power is sweet and as she is relatively new to the movement, it has meant sucking up to her former friends from school who now have fairly influential positions. Back to her old flirtatious ways, Aurelia spends long nights at secret meetings, drinking with her school friends and setting her eyes on who could possibly advance her career, namely Rabastan, who, if judging by her eye seems to have the ear of their new leader.
— she is a LEVEL 6 WITCH & readied for war ;
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chaoswillfallrpg · 4 years
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LYRA BURKE is TWENTY-FIVE YEARS OLD and an UNSPEAKABLE in THE LOVE CHAMBER at THE MINISTRY OF MAGIC. She looks remarkably like MADISON ISEMAN and considers herself NEUTRAL. She is currently TAKEN.  
Wealthy and advanced are two words that KRATISTA FLINT would want to eventually use to describe her daughter, and Lyra herself would also want to use those words, but sadly not in the same way. The youngest child of Kratista and EELIS BURKE Lyra was the apple of her fathers eye and the perfect pawn for her mothers schemes. Once a Flint her mother had aspirations for the Burke name to hold the same weight as that of her maiden one and to her the way to do it was through advantageous marriages for both Lyra and her older brother CAIUS. By the age of six Lyra was fluent in French and Latin, knew how to play both the piano and the harp and had a collection of custom designs so large she needed a separate room in their Bloomsbury townhouse to house them all. Although Lyra was happy to better herself and understood her privilege well and accepted it she felt as though she was born for the sole purpose of advancing the family name, almost like a pig for slaughter, the slaughterhouse being the alter with a Pure-Blood prince. Much to her mothers dismay Lyra had an infinity for the Burke side of the family over the Flint side, and although Lyra did want to better the Burke name she saw the path to do so through hard work and excellent job prospects rather than marriage. Kratista blamed this element of her otherwise perfect daughter's personality on her husband's father CARATACUS BURKE. When Lyra and Caius are not having a multitude of lessons they spend their time with their grandfather in his shop, a weird and dark place Borgin and Burkes would frighten most children but the pair loved spending hours amongst the dark artifacts the shop contained, asking their grandfather about each one and the stories behind them. 
It was at Borgin and Burkes the siblings first met ERIK BORGIN, the great nephew of the shop's co-owner CALLISTHENES BORGIN and an intriguing boy the same age as Caius. The trio quickly became inseparable, gawking over each new piece brought in to the shop and Lyra found another older brother in Erik, however, much to her dismay the pair headed off to school together leaving her behind with her mother and her schemes. After Caius and Erik had left for Hogwarts Kratista’s plans for Lyra’s life started to fall in to place when they began visiting the Black family as often as they were invited. Karista’s determination to move up in the world once again meant that she had her sights set on a marriage between Lyra and a member of the most noble house of Black, so much so that she had actually named Lyra after a constellation, as was the Black tradition, in the hopes it would give her a leg up in the race for their hand. Although Karista initially had planned for REGULUS, the jewel in the Black family crown, as Lyra’s name was in fact Burke rather than Flint she was instead offered the hand of SIRIUS BLACK who was the eldest Black brother but had alas already been marked as the black sheep of the family. On these visits the once friendly boy would keep his distance, Sirius would often escape to his room or fly on his broom in the garden of his townhouse. Thinking that Sirius was avoiding her because he thought he was too good to marry a lowly Burke, Lyra would instead spend her time with Regulus, teaching him French or listening intently to the stories he had read much to her mothers delight. Kratista thought she was rubbing off on her youngest child and that Lyra was in fact setting her sights on the more sought after Black, which of course was not the case. 
Leaving for Hogwarts was one of the happiest days of Lyra’s life, no more did she have to keep her mother happy and could instead explore her own interests. Finding her cousin ROSALIE FLINT on the train the pair clung to one another for support and only hoped that they would follow in the family tradition and be sorted into Slytherin together. Watching Rosalie get sorted immediately into the correct house had Lyra nervous for her turn and correctly so, the hat took what felt like hours choosing between Slytherin and Ravenclaw but ended up deciding her determination to prove her mother wrong was a very Slytherin trait to possess. Dorming with Rosalie the pair fell into a friendship group with their roommates ANDROMEDA BLACK, ADRASTEIA GREENGRASS and AALIYAH GOSFORTH and found a home with them for the next seven years. Determined to explore all she could of life whilst away from her mother Lyra threw herself into her school work, her curiosity often getting the better of her the girl would spend hours after curfew reading and researching in order to get answers. Lyra particularly shone in Herbology and Potions, spending a lot of her free time in the greenhouses and potions classrooms creating concoctions well beyond the capabilities of a normal student in her year. Her intellect being a well known fact amongst her house led to her brother's friend RABASTAN LESTRANGE asking for help in subjects he struggled in and Lyra being as kind as she were, potentially too kind for her house, agreed happily. Rabastan was far more clever than he believed and if only he spent half as much time studying than he did having mood swings he would be top of his class which Lyra openly told him. Rabastan helped Lyra as much as she helped him, he brought out a more humorous and adventurous side to her that she was happy to see, instead of tutoring him in the library or common room instead he would persuade the girl out after curfew to study by the lake or astronomy tower. 
Spending a lot of time with Rabastan opened her eyes to lots of new things, one being the world of Quidditch which she enjoyed immensely. He taught her the rules and how to play and soon enough she tried out for the position of Keeper and was accepted, making new friends in her teammates such as LUCINDA TALKALOT, EMMA VANITY and her own cousin DECIUS FLINT. Also amongst her teammates was Regulus, reigniting their friendship from childhood she spent a lot of her time with him and his friend SEVERUS SNAPE who shared her passion for potions. On the occasions where she would have the unfortunate luck to bump into Regulus when he was with his other close friend, NARCISSA BLACK Lyra would quickly end the meeting. A girl who clearly didn't have the time of day for Lyra although she couldn't for the life of you say why Narcissa served as a reminder of all the things she hated about what her mother wanted her to become so wasn't that interested in befriending the girl anyway. Her later years of Hogwarts saw Lyra’s more fun and playful side come into view, already being established as an academic and an excellent Quidditch player it was also time to assert herself into the funner side of life and she had the perfect friendship group to help her. On many occasions you would find the group of Slytherin girls sneaking in the Marauders parties in the Gryffindor tower and partying with all sorts of students. It was at these parties that Lyra started to hold a candle for her ex-betrothed Sirius, who had indeed been the black sheep and defied his family. Now with the freedom it allowed Lyra noticed how Sirous had come into himself and decided to admire him from afar, never being brave enough to approach him as she would only serve as a reminder of the life he left behind. 
Using her academic success in potions to hers and other peoples advantage Lyra teamed up with Adrasteia who was also gifted in the subject to create concoctions perfect for these Gryffindor parties. Being personal favourites of the Potions master PROFESSOR SLUGHORN allowed the girls to use the potions labs whenever they wanted and so spent much of their free time creating drinks that could do almost anything. They made butterbeers that could sober you up, cocktails that gave you the courage to dance to the songs being played and even dabbled with shots that could get you to the right level of drunk in one gulp. It was however with this very drink that one of Lyra’s worst memories had been made, she had entered one of the many parties with a first draft of the shot in hand when she offered one to Rabastan - at his own risk - and had one to herself. The shot worked perfectly for her, and seemingly worked for him too, the pair having enough dutch courage in them to actually share a kiss. However it all turned south when the shot must have reacted to something Rabastan had already drank and he became so drunk he couldn't stand, the next day she apologised profusely and it became quite obvious, much to her dismay that the boy didn't remember anything from the night before. Hiding her new found feelings for the boy in the same place within her heart as she did with those for Sirius Lyra graduated Hogwarts at the top of many of her classes and was flooded with Job offers. 
Deciding that a job as an Unspeakable in the love chamber was an excellent way to show her mother advancing did not necessarily mean marriage and to also fix the wounds of unrequited feelings Lyra moved away from her mothers clutches and in to a flat in Carkitt Market above the Hopping Pot with Andromeda and Adrasteia. Being extremely proud of her job Lyra spent a lot of time there, becoming close with ANNABETH PEBWORTH who was a Muggle-Born witch with the same kind-heartedness Lyra herself possessed. The pair got on swimmingly at work despite the difference in blood status, Annabeth never once expecting Lyra to be cruel for her blood and Lyra never once expecting Annabeth to be below her for hers. With blood status becoming increasingly more apparent in their society Lyra is becoming more and more aware of the people around her to all intents and purposes choosing sides. Not yet ready to admit that she will likely have to choose herself, she has buried her head in the sand looking for anything to distract her. The perfect opportunity came along however in the most terrible way, her cousin Rosalie went missing at the Yule ball just gone and popped up again two weeks later with no recollection of what happened. Caring wholeheartedly for Rosalie and not wanting to see her like this Lyra has made it her mission to use her researching skills to their advantage and is working with Rosalie to figure out what has happened to her. 
Blood Status → Pure-Blood
Pronouns  → She/Her
Identification  → Cis Female
Sexuality  → Up To Roleplayer
Relationship Status → Single
Previous Education →  Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry (Slytherin)
Societies → Pura Sorores
Family →  Eelis Burke (father), Kratista Burke (mother), Lyra Burke (sister), Caratacus Burke (grandfather/boss), Dionysus Flint (uncle), Lotte Flint (aunt), Decius Flint (cousin), Rosalie Flint (cousin), Elijah Yaxley (uncle), Ismena Yaxley (aunt), Eleanor Yaxley (cousin), Victor Yaxley (cousin)
Connections  → Andromeda Black (housemate/best friend), Adrasteia Greengrass (housemate/best friend), Aaliyah Gosforth (best friend), Regulus Black (close friend), Rabastan Lestrange (close friend/potential love interest), Erik Borgin (close friend), Annabeth Pebworth (colleague/close friend), Sirius Black (friend/potential love interest), Lucinda Talkalot (friend), Emma Vanity (friend), Severus Snape (friend), Narcissa Black (advesary)
Future Information → N/A
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chaoswillfallrpg · 4 years
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tw: death, murder
A kind hearted woman with a pure soul, Andromeda Black is considered a joy by all who know her well, though many people are often too overwhelmed by the idea of her very famous family to even give her a chance. The middle daughter of CYGNUS and DRUELLA BLACK, Andromeda has spent her life in the shadow of her family name which although she loathes, is something she has come to accept. Raised on the spralling Black family estate in Hertfordshire, cloaked by magic and woodland to shield them from the eyes of Muggles. Brideswater Manor, had been in the family for centuries and would become the first institution Andromeda would recognise. Her family home was never one of true happiness and often felt empty to her as a child, busy only with servant staff and the shrill voice of her mother as she attempted to tame her eldest sister BELLATRIX. Druella had never seemed a natural mother to Andromeda, but rather a woman who was told it was imperative to have children to continue the lineage of The Noble and Most Ancient House of Black. It also became clear to Andromeda as she got older, the pair had kept trying for a male successor but had given up by the time they had reached NARCISSA as her mother couldn’t bear the thought of having any more children who further destroyed her figure with every pregnancy. 
An ideal daughter, Andromeda was dutiful, quiet and the easiest to raise of her siblings. She spoke when she was spoken to and rarely had an opinion that passed her lips. From a strict family with traditional values who upheld the belief that their blood status made them more important than other people in the wizarding world, Andromeda learned from any early age the only opinion her parents wanted to hear was the one they had given them repeated back. Her eldest sister was happy to oblige, discussing at length her disgust of Muggles and loathing of Muggle-Born witches and wizards which made their father beam with pride and their mother fan herself vigorously. A practical witch who hated vulgarity, her mother was always the fondest of her younger sister Narcissa, who shared her love of beautiful things and desire for perfection. Despite being the perfect child, Andromeda was the decidedly unspecial child to both of her parents they could rely on for good behaviour. Their middle child was the trustworthy daughter they could introduce easily to other members of notable families without family affairs ending in the tears of the other children. 
Arriving at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry just as her sister was leaving, Andromeda’s reputation had already preceded her due to the wild antics of her eldest sister, meaning making friends outside of the Black family pre-approved list was fairly out of the question. Given a place in Slytherin, Andromeda liked to believe it was her intelligence and determination that had gained her a position in the house rather than her surname, but found her house was both a blessing and a curse. Although she made firmer friends with a few people she had known since childhood, it also meant people had already formed a presumption about her character which was made worse by her house having a reputation for stringent beliefs. Although her family had quite strict ideas regarding blood purity, Andromeda had never truly felt convinced by the idea her family were any better than any other magical families due to their lack of Muggle blood, which intensified during her time at school. Faced with very talented students from different backgrounds, Andromeda’s earlier suspicions were confirmed that blood had nothing to do with magical ability. Slowly she began to cast her social circle wider and associate beyond those who were raised within The Sacred Twenty-Eight. 
It was becoming a prefect in her fifth year that she was first introduced to someone who would later become a very close friend to her. EDWARD TONKS, was a Muggle-Born student who truly changed Andromeda’s outlook on blood purity for the better. A fun and friendly student with an aptitude for subjects such as Charms and Herbology that outshone even Andromeda’s own, she became quite taken with the young wizard who she formed a close but secret friendship with. Although Andromeda was becoming more confident in her own worldview, people were still cruel toward her, Ted’s best friend AMELIA BONES, who has always been distrustful of Andromeda for not separating herself from her family, especially after her cousin SIRIUS renounced their family. After Sirius was burned off the wall of 12 Grimmauld Place, it became even more apparent to Andromeda their family would never change their outlook, but now making her opinions known meant she had something to lose. Her views were different, but the intense love she felt for her family was what bound her to them. Though she disliked the comparison between herself and her sisters Andromeda knew she could never leave them, an internal conflict of interest that resulted in her becoming closer to her boss RODOLPHUS LESTRANGE.
A friend of her sister’s from school, and the mentee of her father’s Rodolphus had always been in Andromeda’s life to some extent since she was a teenager. When her father had taken him on as a trainee she recalled him spending many evenings at their home, working silently with her father in his study or attempting to exchange polite conversation with her family which was often impossible when her older sister was in the house. After graduating from Hogwarts, Andromeda had expressed an interest in her father’s work at the Ministry and knowing he was about to be taking a position as Judge, requested to be able to shadow Rodolphus for a few weeks to learn more closely how their job functioned which turned into him offering her a job as his trainee. At first Rodolphus was quite cold toward Andromeda, keeping their relationship strictly professional, seemingly enjoying to watch her run around after him and sacrificing what was left of her personal life as he piled research work upon her for the cases they dealt with. It had taken a few years of working in close proximity with one another as his assistant before the two became friendly, with Andromeda spending most evenings at his home than she did with her own family or later with her friends after she moved out. Despite his exterior, Andromeda enjoyed his company as someone who expressed a desire to bring her own within her career despite her family name which she’d tried to seperate herself from her entire life. 
Presently the two have begun working on a very difficult case which has changed from their usual clients. SILAS CRUMP, is an unregistered werewolf wrongly accused of killing a witch in Fleet Street, with an odd story that Andromeda found too striking to turn down. Supposedly found by a witch and wizard he can’t recall the names of, Silas was put under the Imperius Curse and given a false memory both Andromeda and Rodolphus can’t seem to be able to break through. The pair have been trying to find other cases of other magical creatures with similar stories, as werewolf and vampire related crimes have recently been on the rise. Eager to win the case, Andromeda has been attempeting to pick the brains of Ted who works at The Daily Prophet and follow up on any leads that may result in getting Silas off without a trip to Azkaban. Andromeda felt as though she was making headway with the case until the body of the Minister’s son BOOKER BAGNOLD was found floating in the Ministry fountain on Halloween. With Silas attached to the killing though he swears he is innocent, Andromeda will stop at nothing to ensure he walks free and set an example for other magical creatures who have been falsely improvised for crimes they did not commit. Though her thinking goes against that of her family, Andromeda is passionate about making a difference in the world which secretly allows her to bury her head in her work rather than focus on the negative effect her own family is having on a society she is attempting to better. 
Blood Status → Pure-Blood
Pronouns → She/Her
Identification → Cis Female 
Sexuality  → Demisexual
Relationship Status → Single 
Previous Education → Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry (Slytherin)
Societies → Pura Sorores
Family → Cygnus Black (father), Druella Black (mother), Bellatrix Black (sister), Narcissa Black (sister) Orion Black (uncle), Walburga Black (aunt), Sirius Black (cousin), Regulus Black (cousin/colleauge), Axel Rosier (deceased uncle), Adèle Rosier (aunt), Evan Rosier (cousin), Alexandra Rosier (cousin)
Connections  → Lyra Burke (best friend/housemate), Adrasteia Greengrass (best friend/housemate), Rosalie Flint (best friend), Aaliyah Gosforth (best friend), Edward Tonks (close friend/potential love interest), Rodolphus Lestrange (close friend/boss/potential love interest), Amelia Bones (adversary/colleague), Silas Crump (client) 
Future Information → Eventual Member of The Order of The Phoenix, Wife of Edward Tonks, Mother of Nymphadora Tonks 
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chaoswillfallrpg · 4 years
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CHRISTIANO PARKINSON is TWENTY-SEVEN YEARS OLD and the MANAGER of THE GRAVE AFFAIR in KNOCKTURN ALLEY. He looks remarkably like HENRY ZAGA and considers himself aligned with THE DEATH EATERS. He is currently TAKEN.
tw: death, alcoholism, depression, anxiety
The life and soul of an affair, Christiano Parkinson is always the last to leave any party and always ensures whoever is also left to leave comes with him. The youngest child of ANTONIA and CLAUDIO PARKINSON, Christiano is four and a half minutes younger than his older twin sister ANDRESSA and although he has always appeared the more confident of the pair he has always been content with letting his sister take the lead in their relationship. Christiano was their only boy which in the Parkinson family carried a lot of weight as it did with most Pure-Blood families set on having their children produce heirs and maintaining a strong bloodline. Some of Christiano’s earliest memories were being preached to about the importance of blood purity, walking up and down the halls of their family’s specialist room at Parkinson House where all their family was detailed. Dating back to the first members of their family who were great witches and wizards residing in Brazil, the Parkinson family were proud of their family history and their heritage, forging strong bonds with other families to ensure their bloodline remained pure. One such family were the Travers of which his cousins ISOLDE and EVORA TRAVERS were born into. 
A close knit family, Christiano was close with his cousins growing up, easily led by their mischievous ways which differed greatly from his and his sister’s day to day lives. Though their mothers were sisters, Christanio and Andressa were raised the Parkinson way, stiff upper lip and conscious of continuing into the future rather than how they should make their mark on it. One day Parkinson House would belong to him but until it was safely in his hands he could not disappoint the family who would sooner pass it to Andressa than see their family disgraced. His sister had always acted as his protector growing up, parenting him and shaping him until all of the quirks his cousins brought out of him were hidden away to avoid scolds from their parents. To his mother and father Christiano and his sister were the perfect children and the ideal candidates to represent and carry forward their family name and legacy. Receiving his letter to study at Hogwarts alongside his sister Christiano was surprised to find them parted for the first time in his life. Andressa in Slytherin and Christiano in Hufflepuff which differed from their family enormously. A handsome and outwardly confident boy, members of his house were on the fence about Christiano for a while due to his family history. 
Christiano did believe in his heart his birth made him better than other people and his blood type moreso, the matters of blood purity and prejudice were not something he cared to concern himself with whilst he was at school. Hogwarts to him was time to have fun outside the confounds of his family home and the watchful eyes of his sister and that was exactly what he would do. Quickly befriending fellow Hufflepuff THORFINN ROWLE, the pair made a splash at school and were known for throwing parties, getting into trouble and helping Hufflepuff’s Quidditch team regain any sort of glory they had lost after AMOS DIGGORY had graduated. Alongside Thorfinn and their friends LUCIUS MALFOY, DECIUS FLINT and MARSHALL FAWLEY they ruled their year group alongside his sister and her group of friends who never said no to a party. Due to Christiano’s charismatic nature he had his fair share of love affairs but nothing could quite hold a candle to the one he shared with CAMILLE ROWLE. The sister of his best friend and his sister’s best friend, there were a million reasons Christiano should have kept away from Camille, but the danger of getting caught in the beginning of their relationship and the fact they shouldn’t have been entertaining it in the first place made it more fun. Andressa wasn’t happy of course and although he didn’t actually want to hurt Thorfinn, he blamed Camille anyway so he was well and truly in the clear. 
Despite displaying a front of happiness to the world, Christiano wasn’t always happy. On those days he had Camille and despite the world thinking she was made of porcelain due to her coldness, he saw a different side to her. Everything was going well in Christiano’s life until he turned twenty-one years old. He had been out partying with his friends, attending balls with his girlfriend and rubbing shoulders with the wizarding world’s elite. Despite his youth he felt ready to propose to his girlfriend and take on the Parkinson name in full, but then his mother died suddenly. A rare blood curse had run in his mother’s side of the family. At first it was something they simply talked about, then his mother began wasting away in front of them before passing just after the twins birthday very suddenly. His sister appeared fairly emotionless about the whole thing, though he did hear her cry at night sometimes when she thought no one was listening. Christiano had never been very close with his mother but her sudden death wounded him greatly and turned his world upside down. He found himself having panic attacks outside bars, drinking till he fell asleep without nightmares and cried in the shower so the sound of the running water drowned out the sounds. 
The one good thing in his life was his girlfriend, but with her starting a promising career in fashion and him an emotional wreck he didn’t want to bother her with his issues, tucked his mother’s ring back in the vault in their family room and carried on drinking. It was after Andressa found him sleeping outside her apartment one night crying in the street she’d decided she’d had enough. Despite earlier lectures about the Parkinson name their father was nowhere to be seen when Christiano, burying his head in the dirt after the passing of his wife. Moving into Andressa’s guest bedroom and out of Parkinson House he felt himself brighten somewhat. His sister kept a close eye on him, monitoring him closely and trying to draw out of him what he’d only cry about to himself when he was intoxicated. Christiano needed purpose, but before his sister could buy The Grave Affair and offer him a distraction someone else found one for him. Sneaking away from his sister while she went to visit friends an evening in The White Wyvern saw him introduced to BELLATRIX BLACK. Instantly he was captivated by her. Bellatrix saw something in him beyond the money and the fake confidence- she saw the hurt, something his own girlfriend couldn’t see. 
But in the hurt she saw potential and the more he got to know her the more became sucked into her rhetoric. Bellatrix belonged to a movement she sold him with seductive words and slight touches. She wanted to empower Christiano to take the Parkinson name and make his mother proud not by simply marrying another of their kind but shaping a new world order which saw them sitting atop of it where they should be. Christinao’s blood prejudice had never really run that deep but his mother’s death changed all that, Bellatrix changed all that. The manager of The Grave Affair which is now under Parkinson rule and ran mostly by his sister, Christiano spends his time looking for new people to recruit to the movement all under the nose of Andressa and his girlfriend Camille. A popular drinking hot spot for the wizarding elite and beautiful creatures who frequent the venue, Christiano is putting the feelers out to bring more people on board including fellow bar staff ALECTO and AMYCUS CARROW who are looking to climb back to the top after their family lost their fortune. He has also been given the important task of keeping an eye on previous owner GEORGINE FARIBAULT who they fear may not be as trustworthy as she has sold herself out to be. 
Blood Status → Pure-Blood
Sexual Orientation → Up to Roleplayer
Relationship Status → In a Relationship with Camille Rowle 
Previous Education → Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry (Hufflepuff) 
Societies → N/A
Family → Claudio Parkinson (father), Antonia Parkinson (deceased mother), Andressa Parkinson (sister), Ilar Travers (uncle), Vivenne Travers (aunt), Isolde Travers (cousin/best friend), Evora Travers (cousin) 
Connections  → Camille Rowle (girlfriend), Thorfinn Rowle (best friend), Bellatrix Black (object of affection), Marshall Fawley (best friend), Decius Flint (best friend), Lucius Malfoy (best friend), Anastasia DuPont (friend), Genieve Avery (friend), Florence Jones (friend), Alecto Carrow (close friend/employee), Amycus Carrow (close friend/employee), Adrasteia Greengrass (employee), Eleanor Yaxley (employee), Rosalie Flint (casual employee/friend), Georgine Faribault (business associate)
Future Information → Father of Pansy Parkinson, Husband of Lavander Bulstrode (subject to change)
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chaoswillfallrpg · 4 years
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CAIUS BURKE is TWENTY-SEVEN YEARS OLD and a SHOP ASSISTANT at BORGIN AND BURKE’S in KNOCKTURN ALLEY. He looks remarkably like GREGG SULKIN and considers himself aligned with THE DEATH EATERS. He is currently UNPLAYABLE.
Always the life and soul of the room, Caius Burke is from a long line of sorcerers who know that simply to be liked is a very undervalued power. The eldest son of KRATISTA FLINT and EELIS BURKE, Caius was born into a family of great privilege and thus in the best possible position to ascend amongst the wizarding elite residing in London. From the incredibly wealthy and noble house of Flint, his mother Kratista was not overly thrilled at the prospect of becoming a Burke. A woman raised with finery on a sprawling estate which held large dinners and lavish parties, moving into the Burke residence in Bloomsbury was a dark and dismal downgrade. The townhouse stood tall over four floors surrounded by beautiful gardens, but for Kratista it was less than enviable. Whilst Caius’ uncle had kept his mother’s family home to raise his children, his aunt married into the Yaxley family and moved to their estate. His cousins were often said by his mother to have a similar upbringing to that of her own, taking tea and scones in great glasshouses and hosting other families for long weekends. Meanwhile she had been landed with his father whose assets were tied up in a shop in Knockturn Alley she had no love for and was owned by Caius’ grandfather CARATACUS BURKE who refused to sell it or bump out his partner CALLISTHENES BORGIN and thus prevented his mother from living her dream life in the Home Counties.
For Kratistia Burke, Borgin and Burke’s was the chain around her neck she’d been burned with but had taken it on to ensure she was married and children to someone within The Twenty-Eight. But to Caius and his younger sister LYRA, Borgin and Burke’s was their entire world. Whilst most children shied away from things they found strange, he had a fondness for dark objects and odd things just as his grandfather did. Caius liked the grandeur of Borgin and Burke’s. His family were in possession of centuries worth of strange and wonderful pieces of history, each with its own backstory. Whilst his father worked for Borgin and Burke’s in a travelling capacity, scouring the county for new artefacts to bring home to the shop, his mother was doing the rounds of various tea rooms, restaurants and houses rubbing shoulders with important families to ensure her children would make good marriages. It was because of this, Caius and Lyra were often left in the care of their grandfather. Their days were spent on the shop floor and making up scary stories about the things they found there and never failing to get chills when Caratacus and Callisthenes told them the real history behind them. There he and his sister would be each day, their eyes wide and beaming smiles on their faces as they explored the wonders of the shop, marvelling over each new addition and pouting when ones were removed.
It was the time spent in Borgin and Burke’s that ignited a deep love of magical history within Caius and a respect for those that had come before them. His mother had certainly raised him a traditionalist and Caius was incredibly proud and honoured to come from two incredibly important families. Social status certainly mattered to him and from an early age he began to understand the importance of presentation, being well liked and that intelligence, charisma and good connections meant a lot within the circles their family moved. Caius was proud of Borgin and Burke’s and of his grandfather’s achievements, but he had a feeling their family could do more with what they had. Unlike his mother, Caius had little interest in ousting the Borgin family from their shop, it was an important part of Borgin and Burke’s history and with such big dreams and ideas he knew that having help was certainly important. Thankfully, his best friend understood that too. ERIK BORGIN was the great nephew of Callisthenes Borgin and the only person who could continue to run the shop from their family after he passed away. The same age as Caius, the two quickly became close. Erik was like Caius and Lyra. He was strange. He wasn’t frightened by darkness; he was curious about it and had enough charisma to convince other people they should be too.
The three of them fit together perfectly, the next generation of Borgin and Burke’s laughing about the future and concocting great plans as they watched Knocturn Alley bustle below from the windows. Caius knew his and Erik’s talents lied with running the shop. His sister, however was destined for better. Lyra dreamed of adventure and distance between the restrictive arms of their mother, she had always known her own mind and Caius admired her persistence in trying to forge the life she wanted. Whilst Caius was happy for his mother to speak on his behalf and arrange marriage contracts for them both, Lyra despised it. Love meant something more to her than it did for him and Erik. For them their life would be the shop, marriage would be for security and status but Lyra didn’t want that. She was his very best friend and the only person he would willingly face his mother’s wrath for. Leaving Lyra to go to Hogwarts hurt him, but at least he had Erik and they were determined to ensure their presence was known at Hogwarts and amongst the rest of the young members of the wizarding elite. Sorted into Slytherin, Caius felt at home with fellow intelligent folk and natural born leaders. He was every inch the Slytherin, sure of himself willing to do and say anything to win the opinions and favour of others and attracting friendships with incredibly influential figures, LAVENDER BULSTRODE and CORNELIUS CRABBE.
Though he was the head of his small group of Slytherin students, Caius was part of a much wider group he shared with Erik. ANYA ROOKWOOD, LACHLAN MCTAVISH, Caius, Erik, Lavender and Cornelius owned the halls of Hogwarts, garnering a reputation amongst their fellow students of being elitist and pureist. Caius himself, was neither of these things. Erik was a ¼ veela and not from The Sacred Twenty-Eight, though Caius had never viewed him any differently. He didn’t think blood made you better than anyone else, but that was the society they lived in. Caius wanted to be somebody and was he was willing to play the role life had handed him in order to get there. Graduating from Hogwarts a member of The Slug Club, with brilliant grades and important friends, Caius returned home to Borgin and Burke’s to begin his education with his grandfather. For the first few years he lived a double life, spending his days learning about how to identify objects, studying their history and dealing with cursed items, travelling with his father and searching for objects before he was trusted to take the occasional one himself. The other side of his life was rubbing shoulders with the elite under the instruction of his mother. Kratista had big plans for her son and had entered him into a marriage contract with ALECTO CARROW some years ago before her family had lost their fortune.
Now she had designs on someone else she firmly believed was a better match for him. ADRASTIEA GREENGRASS, was a beautiful witch from a very powerful and wealthy family. Though his mother liked the idea of Caius and NARCISSA BLACK, which Caius liked as well, Kratista thought Adrasteia was a good match for him. Adrasteia was certainly beautiful and a handful, which Caius liked, but as a natural flirt with a fondness for forbidden fruit, a certain redhead still held his attention. Alecto Carrow would never bring him any happiness only trouble. But for a young wizard who liked to dance with danger, trouble was exactly what he wanted. It was this same love of darkness and dangerous situations that have resulted in Caius ending up in the midst of a war he has little interest in the cause for. Convinced to start speaking with BELLATRIX BLACK through his close friend RABASTAN LESTRANGE, the pair quickly had their services called upon. Given a list of artefacts including Salazar Slytherin’s Locket, The Sword of Godric Gryffindor, Helga Hufflepuff’s Cup and Merlin’s Book, the boys have been doing their best to track down the objects but have increasingly felt out of their depth. After his cousin ROSALIE FLINT went missing after The Yule Ball, Caius considered the worst and has been doing his best not to put a foot out of line ever since, even if there is an ever growing voice in his head telling him to run for the hills and take Alecto with him.
Blood Status → Pure-Blood
Pronouns → He/Him
Identification → Cis Male
Sexuality  → Up to Roleplayer
Relationship Status → Single
Previous Education →  Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry (Slytherin)
Societies → N/A
Family → Eelis Burke (father), Kratista Burke (mother), Lyra Burke (sister), Caratacus Burke (grandfather/boss), Dionysus Flint (uncle), Lotte Flint (aunt), Decius Flint (cousin), Rosalie Flint (cousin), Elijah Yaxley (uncle), Ismena Yaxley (aunt), Eleanor Yaxley (cousin), Victor Yaxley (cousin)
Connections  → Erik Borgin (best friend/colleague), Lavender Bulstrode (best friend), Cornelius Crabbe (best friend), Anya Rookwood (close friend), Lachlan McTavish (close friend), Rabastan Lestrange (close friend), Walden MacNair (close friend), Christiano Parkinson (close friend), Adrasteia Greengass (friend/potential love interest), Alecto Carrow (friend/potential love interest), Jonathan Reeves (friend), Bellatrix Black (boss)
Future Information → N/A
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chaoswillfallrpg · 4 years
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ANDRESSA PARKINSON is TWENTY-SEVEN YEARS OLD and the OWNER of THE GRAVE AFFAIR in KNOCKTURN ALLEY. She looks remarkably like CAMILA MENDES and considers herself NEUTRAL. She is currently TAKEN.
tw: death, alcoholism 
The textbook definition of glamour and intelligence, Andressa Parkinson was raised in the knowledge the best people in life may be for free but everything else is paid for in cold hard galleons. The eldest child of ANTONIA and CLAUDIO PARKINSON, she is four and a half minutes older than her younger brother CHRISTIANO and assumed creative control of their relationship at a very early age. Raised on the beauty of the Parkinson estate in Windsor, Andressa and her brother enjoyed a charmed life of tea parties, family dinners and lavish balls to celebrate the most minute achievements. A staple of the Sacred Twenty-Eight, the Parkinson family prided themselves on their clean and traceable bloodline which was detailed on the walls of their private family room, privy only to members of the Parkinson bloodline and those who married into it. Andressa’s family had always been an intense one, long before her and her brother had been born and had ties with only select families they would marry into. Andressa’s mother Antonia was a Pure-Blood Brazilian witch who had worked at the Ministry as a diplomat before marrying Andressa’s father. The Parkinson family had migrated from Brazil many years ago before building their grand estate in Windsor and were incredibly proud of their heritage. 
Like the other members of her family Andressa strove for perfection, self-producing herself even as a child to be the best possible version of herself. Whilst other children fought with one another or disobeyed their parents on occasion there was never a peep to be heard from either Andressa or Christiano. They were the perfect children, miniature versions of their parents, copying their every move and only speaking when spoken to. Andressa tended to busy herself growing up with making herself look beautiful and learning to achieve perfect balance as she walked the halls of the ballroom with a book balanced on her head. Although Andressa loved her parents she saw very little of them, both Andressa and her brother were mostly left in the care of a governess who trained them in etiquette and how to control the magic they had slowly begun to develop to avoid unpleasant accidents. When Andressa did have contact with her parents, or quite often her grandmother it was always in a positive framing, calling her the true beauty in their family who would marry well and make them proud. Silently Andressa wondered if there would ever be anything more to her life than marriage and children, concerned it would not make her happy, though being young and inexperienced with the world as she told herself, said nothing. 
When her letter to study at Hogwarts arrived she was saddened to be leaving home but excited to make her mark on the world. Sitting across from her father in his study she remembered two rules. Always take the Parkinson name into consideration and do not disappoint him. Sorted into Slytherin, she was often top of her classes, a member of Slug Club and Choir. She narrowly missed out on being made a prefect due to PROFESSOR SLUGHORN’S favouritism of her best friend ANASTASIA DUPONT, but she did become Head Girl due to her academic brilliance and wore her badge with pride. Andressa found she received a bit of a reputation for being cold which was the image she portrayed to the world. It was away at school she noticed her and her brother develop distinctive personalities, no longer appearing the mirror image of one another. Christiano was the party animal, the playboy who flashed around their material wealth and flirted with Pure-Bloods witches and snogged them in corridors in the hopes of getting caught. With her brother everything was a game and he prided himself on shock value, even going as far as to begin dating one of her best friends CAMILLE ROWLE in an attempt to get a rise out of both Andressa. In many ways she was embarrassed of her brother, but in others she was envious. Christinao, although annoying, was very sure of himself, whereas Andressa found herself trying on different personalities to see which one fit. 
The perfect daughter for her parents, the model student for Slughorn, the protective sister for her brother. All of the personalities belonged to her but they clung to her uncomfortably in a way that made them feel ill fitting. Becoming romantically involved with THORFINN ROWLE was an attempt to lean into the person her family wanted her to be. From a good family that was pre-approved by her own, he was handsome and wanted a family- though Andressa knew he couldn’t possibly challenge her intellectually and was happy to let him slowly fade away and play the part of a wounded dove to her mother and father when he did. The passing of Andressa’s mother when she was twenty-one was both the making and breaking of her. Though Antonia had been unwell a long time before she passed away it had still come as a shock to Andressa and her brother, though she found she dealt with it far better than her brother did. The longer she looked at her brother she worked out who truly lurked beyond the confident facade. Christiano was emotionally dependent on others and craved the love and intimacy they had barley received from their own parents. He needed validation and often got it from his friends and girlfriend, though he demanded it tenfold after their mother passed, crumbling away in front of Andressa’s eyes. 
LUCIUS MALFOY came into her life at the exact right point. Another of her brother’s friends, she hadn’t wanted to entertain the idea of a romantic relationship to only grow tired of him as she had Thorfinn, but Lucius wasn’t like any man she had encountered before. An intelligent wizard with a tongue as cruel as her own when she was angry, Lucius wanted all of the things her family wanted for her, though he was just troublesome enough to keep what would possibly be a domestic life interesting. Lucius wasn’t particularly good at caring for her brother in his darkest points, but he supported Andressa well, picking her up and taking her to dinner to lift her spirits and offering to keep an eye on Cristiano who often danced and drank till he dropped most nights while Lucius was in his company. Something was wrong with her brother, more than simply the death of their mother and with her father refusing to acknowledge the problem Andressa took matters into her own hands. A frequent visitor of The Grave Affair, when GEORGINE FARIBAULT put the bar on the market, Andressa demanded the money from her father to buy the bar and run it with her brother. Though it was arguably not the best idea to go into the bar business with someone who likes to drink a lot, Andressa knew she needed to keep her brother occupied and keep a closer eye on him. 
Enjoying the aesthetic of the bar Andressa updates certain elements of the bar including employing ADRASTIEA GREENGRASS, ALECTO and AMYCUS CARROW to help run the bar and hiring ELEANOR YAXLEY and ROSALIE FLINT to sing and entertain guests. The Grave Affair suddenly sprang from being a seedy bar in Knockturn Alley to one of the most high end bars in wizarding London, thanks in part to her boyfriend who enjoyed bringing important members of the Ministry to enjoy a good time. With marriage on the cards for her and Lucius and her business booming her father mostly left her alone allowing Andressa to finally find herself. Andressa was a business woman. Running her bar with an iron fist she was diligent with her finances, a damn good hostess, though she wasn’t afraid to show her wand and deal with troublesome partygoers. With her brother starting to steadily improve, Andressa is the happiest she has been in a long time, though a nagging suspicion in the back of her head had begun to gnaw away at her. Though Christiano appears back to his old self she has noticed him acting strangely, disappearing for hours on end and lying about his whereabouts. At first she thought he was possibly drinking again but with Lucius now doing the same also something doesn’t quite sit with her and she is determined to find out what it is. 
Blood Status → Pure-Blood
Pronouns → She/Her
Identification → Cis Female 
Sexual Orientation → Up to Roleplayer
Relationship Status → In a relationship with Lucius Malfoy
Previous Education → Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry (Slytherin) 
Societies → Pura Sorores 
Family → Claudio Parkinson (father), Antonia Parkinson (deceased mother), Christiano Parkinson (brother), Ilar Travers (uncle), Vivienne Travers (aunt), Isolde Travers (cousin), Evora Travers (cousin) 
Connections  → Lucius Malfoy (boyfriend), Anastasia DuPont (best friend), Camille Rowle (best friend), Genevieve Avery (best friend), Florence Jones (best friend), Alecto Carrow (close friend/employee), Amycus Carrow (close friend/employee), Adrasteia Greengrass (close friend/employee), Thorfinn Rowle (friend/ex-boyfriend), Marshall Fawley (friend), Decius Flint (friend), Lavender Bulstrode (friend), Eleanor Yaxley (casual employee), Rosalie Flint (casual employee/friend) Georgine Faribault (business associate)
Future Information → Aunt of Pansy Parkinson 
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