#adrichat stans salt
marikocent · 1 year
a (white) male character gets treated absolutely dirty by the writers, his character development is in question mark, he doesn't even TRY
fandom: How dare they???....they hate him so bad I love him even MORE now!
a female character gets treated dirty even for simply doing her best by the writers
fandom: Oh lmao who cares we appreciate the white boy here! *proceeds to write hate essay about her instead*
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mystic-myrtille · 10 months
I'm in a salt mode so lets get into this
One of the biggest problems people had with the L//S is how poorly developed it's been and how less effort it has been put into it, And don't get me started how Adrichat and Maribug barely interact basically making the ship have 0 chemistry.
But then when ships like Lukanette and Adrigami came along, then there's some Toxic L//S stans who bash the characters (and doxx lukanette and adrigami shippers), with their only excuse being "ThEy R iN tHe Way of adr///ette/L//s (Mainly because they're insecure that Lukanette/Adrigami has Chemistry, proper development and effort and their ship doesn't)
I'm so sick and tired of the hate that Lukanette/Adrigami gets.
I'm so sick and tired of the hate that Luka/Kagami gets.
I'm so sick and tired of toxic L//S stans projecting their ship on every. single. damn. thing
I'm so sick and tired of seeing Lukanette/Adrigami shippers get d0xxed, threatened and bullied just because they don't ship the L//S or Adr//ette
Yikes, people doxxed each other because of ships?? For some reason I'm not entirely surprised. I've seen fandoms with super toxic people and the ml fandom sure can be toxic as hell. If you (general) get so worked up about people's opinions about characters from a kids show, you should be denied access to the internet and instead have access to tons grass to touch. But yeah, even just "normal hate" can be frustrating and discouraging, so it's best to just block those people. I completely understand your frustration.
Luka//nette isn't good because they were half canon, it's good because they have a meaningful bond and the root for drama is always outside circumstances and not the fact that they fundementally don't work together. If Mari wasn't Ladybug, they probably wouldn't have split up. That's why I love this ship so much. Besides, they never got in the way of anything. Realistically, no ship can get in the way of a confirmed endgame ship bc, well, it's endgame. So this argument is kind of falls flat (honestly most arguments against Luka//nette I've heard were either not really important or kind of a very outlandish interpretation of their relationship, I don't care about either.)
Heck, even if Luka//nette wasn't the rival ship but just friends in canon who interacted twice, who cares? Shipping isn't supposed to be serious, it's exploring different dynamics between characters and having fun putting them in different scenarios and have them have 6176310278 different first kisses. There's no rule that you have to be on board with the canon ship.
Now speaking of L//S developement (bc now I'm also in a salty mood and I have thoughts)
I and many others have already talked about how s1-4 didn't really do much with them. But I find it funny when people say that s5 did a great job developing they're relationship because... bitch where? I've watched season 5 (I have no self respect) and everything was confusing and over the place and I think that's bc the writers can't make up their minds about which problems the L//S might face actually matter and how they can be solved.
The season starts with Mari making a big deal about how loving Adrien is dangerous because hero stuff. Oh but actually it doesn’t matter, she likes CN now, problem solved! Oh wait no Chat friendzoned her and Adrien is pushing real hard for Adr//nette so they give up their fucking miraculous (in times of crisis I might add), problem solved! No wait, actually the new heroes suck so they take them back, but that’s okay bc being in love and being a superhero at the same time is actually no longer a problem for some reason! The actual problem is that Mari is incapable of expressing herself because she has trauma. And THAT’S the real shit because fucking everybody gets so invested they organize literal dates for them and watch from a distance until they smooch instead of, oh idk, letting them do things their own way. But actually that also doesn't matter anymore bc Zoe just confessed and Mari was so inspired she immediately ran to Adrien. Oh but Adrien is a senti without free will and he goes to england soon whoopsie. Also Gabriel and Tomoe are now Adri//gami shippers because of course we need an arranged marriage deal type of plot. Oh yeah there's also something about Monarch apparently having all the miraculouses but who cares amirite
See what I mean? There's no structure, no actually overcoming problems, it's just random shit happening without any connection to the previous random shit. The characters don't develop in a meaningful way. Mari's only life goal is making one cohesive sentence in front of Adrien and he's kind of just there. I mean he could maybe feel inspired by Marinette's passion for arts and crafts and try out some stuff or he could continue to have no direction in life. Yes, as a teen it's hard knowing what you want to do later in life, but Adrien doesn't even really have actual hobbies he can define himself through. The writers fail not only to develop the relationship as a whole but also the characters involved as people. They could as easily be a situationship where they meed every two days to make out and it wouldn't change anyting. It's just fan service here and there combined with shallow and forgettable dialogue (I think, there wasn't a conversation that stick with me at least) and idk this maybe works as a first love that maybe lasts for a year before they have a dramatic break up and then move on with their lives, But the show tries to sell this idea that the square will actually stay together forever (or have a constant toxic on-off thing bc that's the vibe I'm getting. Plus Bunnyx sort of implied that).
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theerurishipper · 11 months
Of course this is said from someone who has never seen the show. God forbid folks favorite character, is THE SECOND MAIN CHARACTER AND IN THE TITLE OF THE SHOW.
God forbid abuse survivors find Adrichat’s story relatable and react negatively to people who salt on him for, checks notes, being a rich white boy? Because being rich and white protects you from abuse lol okay
Someone go tell Kesha that the horrific abuse she endured for years doesn’t count because she’s rich and white.
Someone go tell Britney Spears and Amanda Bynes that they deserve their conservatorships because they’re too volitile and emotional and need someone else to control their entire lives. Also they’re rich and white so they should be thankful for their privilege.
Also as a fandom veteran, I’m also baffled that this anon says they’ve never seen fandom go this feral over a white boy so I guess the whole Superwholock thing doesn’t exist in this person’s universe. I’m getting war flashbacks…
I really hope this doesn't come off as rude, but I just have a small request for any anons in the future: if y'all want me to comment on someone else's post, please send it in a separate ask. I just don't want to post someone else's post and start an argument or something.
That being said, I do agree. My detailed thoughts under the cut.
"Adrien stans are white people who get unhinged over a white boy," say the Marinette stans and Marinette stan observers, not realizing that they espouse disgusting abuse apologism on a daily basis and victim blame a character who is a victim of abuse for being traumatized all because he made a few decisions that weren't about Marinette and her well-being alone.
This is ridiculous on so many levels. First the assumption that all Adrien stans are white people. Second, the assumption that we must be Adrien stans because he's a white boy and we don't care about POC characters as much as we do the white ones. Which is actually quite insulting to me.
Maybe these people should actually read what Adrien stans have to say. Maybe they should actually understand why we love Adrien so much. Maybe they should understand why we get so heated over him.
Know what? I'll tell you why. It's because Adrien is despite the writers' best efforts to undermine him an interesting and likeable character. He is a canonical abuse victim, and he struggles with his self-worth and his identity, which is a relatable story to many people. He's an entertaining and interesting character. He's the deuteragonist of the damn show. People are bound to love him. There's more to him than being a white boy and it's very insulting to imply that people obsess over him because he's white or because his fans are white.
And about how Adrien stans get "unhinged" about Adrien and not about other characters... we're literally Adrien stans. Which means Adrien is our favorite character. Naturally, we're going to talk more about him. This is basic common sense. I don't understand the problem here with liking Adrien more than other characters. Are we not allowed to have faves anymore?
And you know why Adrien stans get "unhinged" over him? Because the show treats him badly! Why shouldn't we get mad that a character whom we love is being treated poorly by the writers? Why can't we get heated about that? Marinette stans get heated about their fave being victimized by the narrative all the time, so why is it a crime if Adrien stans get upset if Adrien gets the same treatment? Adrien's story in the show ended with him being reduced to an object and a prop for his girlfriend so that she could side with his abuser and start controlling him instead. Why can't we get angry at that?
Marinette stans will talk about how both Adrien and Marinette are written badly but only Marinette gets criticized and how that's racist and shit, and will ignore the fact that our criticism has nothing to do with race and everything to do with Marinette siding with Gabriel to lie to an abuse victim, and how the show frames this as correct. We criticize Marinette because she's making an awful mistake and doing bad things! This is like, the worst strawman I have ever seen. At some point, it really feels like they are being willfully ignorant.
And about how Adrien stans treat other characters, riddle me this. Who has a proper tag dedicated to bashing them on AO3? Who was the character who was salted on so much when Syren aired? Who was the character being raked over the coals when Chameleon aired? Who was the character who was salted on in Season 4 for breaking a damn fucking chimney? Who was the character whose struggles in Season 4 were overlooked by Marinette stans who criticized him for "being entitled to Ladybug?" Who was the character who was relentlessly salted on whenever he did anything that didn't completely attend to Marinette's needs? Who is the character who was labelled a "sexual harasser?" Who is the character on whom these "fans" rain down their victim blaming and abuse apologia? Who is the character who has the longest history of being salted and bashed by the Marinette stans?
And I will laugh at the audacity of Marinette stans to argue in favor of POC characters and blame Adrien stans for "obsessing over a white boy while not giving the same treatment to characters of color" while their legacy includes salting Alya for not being Marinette's perfect emotional support BFF. Who has their own salt tag apart from Adrien on AO3? Alya does. It's laughable to me that Marinette stans harp on about how Adrien stans prefer the white boy over the POC characters when they spent the better part of the last few years bashing Alya and even devolved into outright racism against her. To say nothing of how they treated Kagami after Frozer dropped.
And these people accuse Adrien stans of showing preferential treatment to white characters? Marinette stans have no leg to stand on when it comes to calling out other people's treatment of POC characters. And I'm not saying that the anon or OP of the post are racist or that they personally contributed to this. But if they are going to make sweeping statements about Adrien stans accusing all of us of going unhinged over a white boy and treating POC characters unfairly, they should maybe take a look inwards at their own community.
Marinette stans have spent years bashing every other character for the smallest perceived slight. Marinette stans created a whole new genre of Miraculous fanfiction dedicated to propping up Marinette like their personal goddess and punishing other characters for not being her devoted slaves. Marinette stans have contributed greatly to the racism in this fandom. Look at all this and tell me: who really seems unhinged here?
So yeah. Ice cold take imo. Also, obligatory disclaimer: Not all Marinette stans are like this! Most of them are nice and sweet, but there are also plenty of bad apples who have been responsible for a lot of toxicity in this fandom.
Thank you for your ask!
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jacquesthepigeon · 1 year
Like it’s really fucking transparent when someone stans adrichat but consistently and constantly salts on marinette
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miraculouscontent · 2 years
On the topic of "Maribug never apologizes/admits fault" and "MLB Youtube is full of Adrien and LoveSquare stans" I just have to say...
i used to think "come on, it can't be that bad" because i always thought mlb reddit and twitter were so much worse on that regard.
but that wasn't until i came across this Kuro Neko rant video that my opinion really started to change:
"SHOW VS TELL | A Miraculous Kuro Neko Rant"
it honestly just showed me that even a channel that has nuanced takes and isn't a ride-or-die LoatheSquare and Thomas fan would still be riding the "Adrien did nothing wrong!!!" and "Marinette is terrible!!!" train.... -_-
which sucks because i actually like watching this person's MLB videos. She does have good points such as the terrible writing and how it forced it was when it came to characters like Lila and Zoe, and even the general problems with the Miracuclass...
But her Kuro Neko video? Ugggh...bad takes. I watched it to the end (and it was a struggle) but it's like she missed the point on some of them...such as:
Her problem with Plagg wasn't that he was shilling so hard for Adrien and blaming Maribug for it despite how he's usually not afraid to call him out, but instead that his goofy cheese metaphors made it hard for Ladybug to get his point and that Plagg agreed that Ladybug was only doing her job as a guardian (like that's a "bad" thing?)
This entire quote: "I don't want this to come off as disliking the episode because I hate Marinette. I think Marinette is dealing with a lot and that is being reflected with her actions. But part of growing up is making mistakes and accepting that they were mistakes, but when it comes to being a guardian, Ladybug never admits fault." IM SORRY? WHAT?? And then she cites "Ephmeral" as an example of Ladybug "never admitting fault" because Su Hann apologizes to her?
And then there's near the end, where she thinks of Chat Noir as the "victim" here because he's the one being """neglected""" and has a problem with the fact he's the one apologizing, and says "not a single apology is given by Ladybug in this entire episode" and calls Ladybug reassuring him as a blanket statement.
welp, there goes another MLB Youtube channel that I like watching that turns out to be an unapologetic AdriChat stan. i guess MLB Youtube really is the place to go for Marinette salt and Adrien sugar overdose:/
...then again, in some of her S4 episode reviews, she's said how she's always loved Adrien angst so that should've been a sign...
yup, i think i'm sticking here on Tumblr for a good while. because even if there's still the adrien/loversquare stans, at least the salt can coexist in this site.
i guess to end off this ask, i'm just gonna rebut against a few more quotes from the end of that video because ugh im still pissed 😂
"And not a single apology was given by Ladybug in this entire episode. Not one. Just a blanket statement that she'll need him even if it's only when Ladybug asks for it, screw his feelings right?"
YUP. Screw his feelings. Glad we agree on that~ 😊
"And heck, Cat Walker confirmed it wasn't Ladybug's fault because Guardians don't have to care for their partner's feelings..."
Because she's not obligated to, lol
"And with Ladybug finally showing some remorse and admitting to her faults in the finale..."
what do you mean "finally"? What about Maribug's many apologies and "mistakes" throughout the show? This is ironic especially considering you had an entire retrospective video on Miraculous that spanned across Seasons 1-3. did you just gloss over those??
anyyyway, that's all i had to get off my chest. your blog's amazing and i'm gonna binge-watch your kuro neko videos because i need the catharsis that this kuro neko video (and the entirely of mlb yt) doesn't give. 💖
Firstly, thank you for the compliment!
But secondly, wth with that video, I just--
Like, even just going off of the quotes--?
“when it comes to being a guardian, Ladybug never admits fault”
She literally calls herself “the worst guardian ever” when she’s talking to Catwalker...
And then she cites "Ephemeral" as an example of Ladybug "never admitting fault" because Su Han apologizes to her?
This one’s hilarious because that episode was a Chat shilling one and she was actively defending Chat Noir as a competent hero (which--do we need another montage video on that because I will absolutely do it out of sheer spite).
"And not a single apology was given by Ladybug in this entire episode. Not one.”
This is literally, completely, an entire lie. As I’ve stated before, Ladybug apologizes thrice: once to Plagg, once to Kuro Neko (who she thinks is Chat at the time), and once to Cat Walker.
If they have a problem with her not apologizing to Chat at the end of the episode, then maybe they should refer back to what they already complained about, which is when Cat Walker told Ladybug that it wasn’t her fault.
"And with Ladybug finally showing some remorse and admitting to her faults in the finale..."
I’ve already done a one-minute video composed only of Maribug saying “sorry,” so we all already know this is false.
Also, for the record, Maribug has said some variation of “This is my fault!” (variations of only that, by the way) a total of eight times in the span of the four seasons, and that’s based on actual fact rather than just what sounds good in an attempted roast.
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iwasbored777 · 2 years
Chloe Stans : Just because you hate Chloe doesn't mean you have to make hate content about her! you can just ignore her! It's not that hard!
Also Chloe Stans : *Continusly salt on maribug/Adrichat/Zoe/sabrina for saying one bad thing to Chloe*
Not just with Chloé - it's like this with every character. Why do people have to attack you personally and make fun of if you salt on a character they like and call you dumb and anything? Remember when Chloé stans spread rumours that I sent them death threats and there was this anon who didn't stop sending me hate asks and insulting me and I wanted to leave Tumblr? I keep having problems with this. I wrote in my biography literally every opinion I have so if you don't like me block me, that's why I did it, so you'd know what you're dealing with and all you gotta do is read. You don't have to interact with me, I no longer answer to negative asks/messages/comments/reblogs. Just let it be. I just block people who bother me. It's easier. You don't have to see something you hate and they can't harass you cuz you won't let them. One problem less. And if this is anonymous like usually when it comes to my blog, just ignore the asks and they'll stop eventually.
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adrichatrash · 3 years
Tumblr media
Hey Adrichat stans! Happy Adrichat one-year anniversary! For the occasion, we would like to officially announce Adrichat Week: Spin the Bottle! (Special thank you to @wachel for creating the calendar! <3)
Adrichat Week: Spin the Bottle will be on Tues, Jun 1 - Tues, June 8, in which each day will be dedicated to each side of the Adrichat polygon! You may submit any fanfiction, fanart, etc. for Adrichat Week, whether it be based on the prompts given or just general Adrichat things.
Please tag this blog @adrichatrash to submit your Adrichat works. We also track the tag #adrichatspinthebottle.
Rules for this event.
Absolutely no character/ship salt/hate. Any posts of the like will not be reblogged.
This event is SFW, so we encourage content that is SFW. We are okay with NSFW content, as long any explicit content is under a Keep reading cut. Otherwise, it will not be reblogged.
We would like this event to center around Adrichat and its sides of the love polygon. It is okay to have side characters/ships, but just make sure that the main focus of your work is Adrichat.
If your submissions have season 4 spoilers, please tag it as spoilers!
Thank you and have fun! If you have any questions or concerns, don’t be afraid to reach out and send us an ask!
Below the cut is the list of prompts:
Day 1 (Tues, Jun 1) - Adrien / Chat Blanc
Day 2 (Wed, Jun 2) - Chat Noir / Mister Bug
Day 3 (Thurs, Jun 3) - Chat Blanc / Chat Noir
Day 4 (Fri, Jun 4) - Adrien / Mister Bug
Day 5 (Sat, Jun 5) - Adrien / Bananoir
Day 6 (Sun, Jun 6) - Bananoir / Chat Blanc
Day 7 (Mon, Jun 7) - Chat Blanc / Mister Bug
Day 8 (Tues, Jun 8) - Adrien / Chat Noir
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I am not really Adrien salting here just making a prediction.
I hate to say it but with Gabriel breaking a tablet and tensions getting higher I think the show may just end up having AdriChat becoming unstable...
And honestly I think AdriStans should be a bit more concerned about this. Yes they are allowed to feel bad for Adrien but Adrien becoming unstable is something to worry about and can lead to problems regardless of how sad and angry AdriChat is.
i think you'd be correct there, anon. like. oof. it's immensely clear that Gabriel's got some huge anger issues, Adrien's inherited those anger issues (either by environment or genetics, idk how it works 100%), and neither of those dudes are getting help or even considering it.
We started really seeing hints of Adrien being...less than stable in probably Frozer? but with the way s4 is going damn. we're really, really seeing this instability.
Also uhhh Adrichat being so sad and angry is absolutely part of the problem. Like i know a thing or two about anger issues and depression (having both myself and a whole family tree of it - yay colonisation 🤪🙄) and being that distressed, that prone to dangerous outbursts, and having the literal power of destruction in the palm of his hand, is a recipe for disaster.
and to make matters worse is the fact that Adrien stans are just drooling over this behaviour because it's ~hawt~ and Sad TM.
I don't see this ending well. At all. The creators refuse to acknowledge Adrien being...unstable in the slightest and with endgame love square I am fully expecting disaster and the most unhealthy relationship ever.
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miraculouscontent · 3 years
Anonymous asked:
I think she-who-shall-not-be-named is targeting you again w/o actually using your name. She's defending the Adrigami moment in Kuro Neko and calling the individual in question "a toxic lukanette shipper". I could be wrong but she's obsessed with you so I doubt it.
Anonymous asked:
you: *in the tags of a post that she shouldn't be able to see bc 1 she should just have the salt tags blocked if she hates it so much and 2 bc you definitely have her blocked*
you: i wish they'd let kagami move on from adrigami interactions and do something else since they aren't going to follow through and are just teasing us
you: let her move on
p@@b!tb: toxic lukanette shippers who say anything about the adrigami moment in kuro neko should get bent
me: how did you even see that post ? why do you always got something to say when someone privately post a properly tagged adrichat salt post
Adrien stans in general are obsessed with me from what I’ve heard? It’d be adorable that they “admire me” so much if it wasn’t so sad, lol. Not to mention getting my age wrong earlier just to do literally anything to try and insult me. I’m sorry, I thought I already made myself look soooo bad that you wouldn’t have to add on outright lies?
And, like--imagine someone whose opinions make you rage blocking you, and instead of making the logical conclusion of, “this is good, I can now take the healthy path and not have to worry about seeing their content ever again,” (never mind that, as the above anon stated, they should have the tag blocked) you continue to link their posts/vague/rage about them anyway. Imagine spending so much time getting mad about actual, real life people who don’t affect you at all rather than the fictional characters (who you can hate as much as you want because they literally don’t exist so you can just have fun) in a TV show watched by impressionable children.
My problem with the “Adrigami” moment (which is already wrong because it’s Chat and Ryuko so they’re misnaming the ship) is that they had Kagami aggressively end her relationship with Adrien (good for her) and then the show has had her defend him in “Optigami” (which got her shot) and now be the first to wave to Chat in “Kuro Neko.” I know she doesn’t know that Adrien is Chat but I just think it’s messed up because Adrien has done literally nothing for Kagami in this past season outside of offering her a drink - which she didn’t even look amused by - but the writing keeps throwing moments like that in and there’s no way it’s not intentional.
Not that I’m surprised that the writers and Adrien stans just happily let the rich white blond boy get off scot-free as much as possible and also don’t care about Kagami unless she’s catering to Adrien, but still. I merely think it’s funny that they call me “toxic” and then happily let themselves be “poisoned” by reading my posts and watching my videos. Like--this becomes SO MUCH FUNNIER when you imagine all the time they must have wasted away reading my salt posts. All the hours they must’ve spent!!
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miraculouscontent · 3 years
Didn’t Need Burrow (January 25th-March 10th)
Anonymous asked:
Don't Need a Burrow: Marinette is akumatized into Princess Justice after Chloe/Lila/Gabriel's "slander" presents Chat Noir as "reckless, incompetent idiot" and goes "Justice for Chat Noir" (bonus points if narrative don't even try to hide that Chloe/Lila/Gabriel is just blatant stand-in for Chat Noir salters) ( additional bonus points if Adriens stans claim that this episode "makes all Chat Noir salt invalid" )
And of course she’ll be deakumatized because Chat Noir is “just that amazing.”
Anonymous asked:
Didn't Need Burrow: Marinette's neurodivergency will be further 'soft confirmed' by implying that it's the reason why the Lucky Charm gives her such random items.  The way it worked for Adrien as Mister Bug is how it's actually *meant* to work, providing exactly what the user wants.  But since Marinette is 'wired differently', the magic responds differently... and what could originally be interpreted as a testament to her creativity becomes yet another implicit 'problem' with her.
wow, it’s amazing how much I hate that
“Wired differently” is probably exactly how they word it to. Maybe Tikki will suggest that Marinette’s brain works on a “different level” compared to “normal” people/ladybugs.
Anonymous asked:
Don't Need a Burrow: "Strikeback" (part 2 of season 4 finale) will have "Ladybug gives out Miraculous to all temporary Holders, just so Strikeback can 'borrow' them (Miraculer-style) and become more dangerous" type Contrived Coincidence (bonus points if it turns out that Dog!Felix was only temporary Holder actually needed to defeat Strikeback)
oh of course
gotta get all those powers in there
I s2g if Chat Cataclysming it ends up being the solution (i.e: it learns Cataclysm and then they use its Cataclysm against it), I’ll riot.
soap-lady asked:
Didn't Need Burrow: Amelie becomes the new Hawkmoth. Felix makes Gabriel mad enough to wipe Felix from existence and a grieving Amelie beats the crap outta Gabe and steals his miraculous. She vows to destroy Paris because her son perished there. She uses Duusuu to make a new Felix and he becomes her Mayura. On the plus side, Nooroo and Duusuu are treated a lot better. (Am I giving the writers too much credit?)
don’t do that
don’t give me hope
(just a fun not-gonna-happen DNB that’s not going on the chart lol)
Anonymous asked:
Didn't Need Burrow: the season 4 finale will involve resetting the timeline. Bunnyx will still not be introduced here.
Bonus if Felix doesn’t even take the rabbit so Marinette could still go back to fix her mistake but doesn’t. Something something no the timeline will be damaged we totally have so many established rules.
Anonymous asked:
Didn't Need Burrow: AdriChat finds out he's a sentimonster, and Maribug/Luka have to reassure and comfort him on it.
Well, obviously. Emilie’s not around so his substitute mother girlfriend has to do it.
Anonymous asked:
Didn't Need Burrow: Kagami will not be brought up in the season 4 finale besides a brief mention or two.
She’s been popping in just for love square fuel and it’s so depressing.
Anonymous asked:
Didn't Need Burrow: In the season 4 finale, Felix will make off with the Dog and either the Butterfly or the Peacock Miraculous, making Ladybug the one at fault for trusting who she thought was "Adrien" with the Dog Miraculous, as "Adrien" has now betrayed Ladybug. Bonus if this is another excuse for reverse lovesquare to start.
“It was a mistake to give Adrien the miraculous!”
“Well, I certainly agree out of context, but not in a way where Marinette is to blame.”
Anonymous asked:
(Sneaking this in before Strikeback) DNB: In season 4 finale, something happens (like a bad person getting a miraculous) that is completely and totally blamed on Maribug (bonus if she didn't even do anything. (Ik this'll happen, but needed to be sure this was a DNB).
lol isn’t that always how it goes? “We know it’ll happen but better get the DNBs in anyway.”
Anonymous asked:
DNB: They're gonna lose/barely win in the season finale bc of Marinette's “mistake” in getting Felix instead of Adrien. Oh, and reveal that Adrien was feather boy all along will occur in this episode (and that's what LB is crying about).
I doubt that we’ll get a sentimonster reveal, but that said... I wouldn’t put it past them to make Marinette "”“make another mistake”““ by falling out of her crush on Adrien because he’s a sentimonster, then is demonized for it.
Probably like, “oh, he’s perfect because he’s a sentimonster,” and then she’ll be blamed for “never seeing his flaws,” or if she goes, “I don’t trust sentimonsters because they’re evil,” then she’ll be blamed for hurting Adrien’s feelings.
Anonymous asked:
DNB: Nathalie tattles to Hawkie about LB's crush on Adrien. This will be her downfall because crushes are only meant to bring you down in the end (that is, if you're a kid of color and the subject is blonde (hello, Marinette, Kagami, Kim)).
The idea that they’re really going to present the idea that it was all worth it in the end because she got the guy as her endgame.
Anonymous asked:
Don't Need a Burrow: Ladybug "makes up for her mistake" (giving Dog Miraculous to Felix) by scrapping concept of Temporary Holders altogether
Gotta make sure Chat gets more screentime.
Can’t do that if other people are hogging the time that “””rightfully””” belongs to him.
Anonymous asked:
Didn't Need Burrow: Astruc was pissed people didn't hate Felix after "Felix" so he made him cool in "Gabriel Agreste" in a blatant attempt to get the audience's hopes up only to dash them by forcing LB to give him the Dog Miraculous as her big "mistake" to make us hate him. Kind of like Chloe but with less of a build-up.
Oh. Oh.
That--that makes sense actually.
Anonymous asked:
Don't Need a Burrow: "Strikeback" will have a ret-con, because Felix's plan would fail without it.
I mean, yeah, probably.
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miraculouscontent · 3 years
Anonymous asked:
People making fics about Adrien quitting and blaming Marinette are unaware of how bad Syren looked for him. You could say he couldn't do anything, but that doesn't explain the action of claiming he'll let Paris drown.
tbh the funny part about Adrien threatening to quit because he feels ignored and like things aren’t equal is that going through with it would’ve just made him be “ignored” more because Ladybug literally wouldn’t know who he is, and he’d get replaced because heroism won’t wait for you to feel validated, Adrien.
Anonymous asked:
Wait Anti AdriChat Salt Fics started after "Syren"?
The episode AdriChat took off his ring and threatened to let people die if Plagg didn't tell AdriChat a secret that wasn't even Plagg's to tell.
And remember only the Akumatized person forgets what happened not the rest of Paris. So they remember drowning/burning/being frozen alive or whatever awful way they suffered.
So you're telling me that AdriChat Stans did realize how fucked up that was and just decided to excuse it?
I'll admit I always thought they were just to stupid to realize that.
Now I know that they're worse then I originally thought.
I used “Syren” because I vividly remember fics back then blaming Ladybug for keeping secrets and forcing an identity reveal (I think it was like--Chat quit because he felt devalued and then Ladybug revealed afterwards) so Adrien could feel better about himself. It was the big “yikes” timeframe that I remember.
I don’t even know how intense Adrien salt was back then but those fics were probably more sugar on Adrien and salt on Marinette/Ladybug/the writing than people seeing Adrien salt and trying to counter it.
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miraculouscontent · 3 years
Anonymous asked:
Hate anons are so hilarious
Right??? What a mooooood.
Anonymous asked:
,,, how did the anti-salters even find you ??? you don't even tag in the character tag ? and i doubt you'd be the first thing to show up when searching adrichat's name ... do they just have nothing better to do then wait for ppl to post salt/anti and go bother them ???
I have no idea??? Honestly, if anything you’d think at this point that the Adrien stans (or stans for the show in general) would have a masterlist of all the “““heavy salters”““ in the fandom for blacklisting/blocking purposes, and we’d just never hear from them.
Like, bruh, we’re not salting for you. If you want attention that badly you just need to ask?? Trying to rile someone up for it instead just makes you look desperate.
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