bbutterflies · 1 month
im going to combine our respective favorite things ever. emoverse adrino.
I will do u one better
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coffeebanana · 2 months
ninette in a post-hawkmoth world where adrien flees the city after everything comes out about his father. where nino and marinette don't know where adrien's gone and are sick with worry so they start spending time with each other. and then they keep spending time together
eventually adrien feels okay enough to reach out. to say he's not quite ready to come back yet but he doesn't want his friends to worry. and now nino and marinette don't really have as much of an excuse to see each other, because yes they're still trying to track adrien down but after so long they've kind of lost hope of doing that. at least now they know he's okay
but the nights feel oddly quiet when they're both alone. so they keep coming up with excuses to see each other--new leads to try or things they need help with or a dozen other things until they're finally able to admit the truth. they just want each other's company
ninette where it's post-reveal and nino's like i can't fall for my best friend's girl and marinette's like i can't fall for adrien's best friend but they accidentally became each other's rocks and spent so many late nights concocting crazy plans and it all just sort of happened without them even realizing
and they finally find the courage to confess their feelings. to get together
then adrien comes home
(do you see the vision?)
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princess-of-the-corner · 11 months
Actually now that I know more about Good Omens, I know that one ML salt crossover (A "Truly, you didn't think this through?" kind of stupid.) is not only out of character for the classmates (especially Alya) but also all the Good Omens characters. I will give them credit for the Adrininette though, that was cute.
I still haven't gotten into good omens but from what I remember of that fic and what i've seen clips of yeah it's funky.
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saemi-the-writer · 8 months
Ninette for ship bingo (if non-canonical ships are allowed ofc)
Sure, I'm perfectly fine with non-canon ships :D
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I don't have much to say because I'm neutral about them being paired up. I like them as much as a platonic or a romantic/passionate pairing. I would be more interested in trouples like Adrininette, Ninukanette or Ninalyanette though <3
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seasonofthegeek · 4 years
The Last Piece
This drabble was requested by @ladyserendipitous for Marinette/Nino/Adrien and thank you so much because you know this ship has my heart <3
“He’s so pretty; I think I’m gonna pass out,” Adrien whispered, cheeks going pink. “How in the world did he get even more handsome?”
“You’re one to talk,” Marinette teased, poking his side. “You’re not kidding though. I never imagined him with facial hair but it’s really working for him.”
“It really is. I want to rub my cheek against his beard.”
“Silly kitty, of course you do.”
“You saying you don’t?”
Marinette giggled and covered her mouth. “Stop! We can’t be talking like this. He’ll spot us soon and we’re going to be too flustered to even speak to him.”
Adrien leaned closer and kissed his partner’s cheek, pulling back with a mischievous grin. “Mmm, it’s nice seeing you flustered like this again. Been a while. Guess I just don’t bring it out in you anymore.”
“Oh, hush. You know that’s not true.” She bit her lip as she watched their old school friend look around for them. “But maybe it was a mistake to admit we both had a crush on him in school. It’s just making this all feel awkward.”
At that moment, golden brown eyes met theirs and Nino grinned widely as he made his way through the crowded bar to the table they were at. He was already reaching out his arms for a hug even as they both stood.
“Ah, it’s good to see you guys,” he beamed as he pulled back from Marinette and reached for Adrien. “I can’t believe it’s been so long.”
“Us either. I’m loving this, by the way.” Adrien ran his thumb along the short, prickly hair covering Nino’s jaw as they half held each other. “A little jealous, actually.”
Nino ducked his head, barely hiding his blush, “Still can’t grow any facial hair, huh, dude?”
“My curse.”
“Baby soft as ever,” he said with a teasing grin as he returned the favor of stroking a finger along Adrien’s jaw. He coughed and stepped back to sit across the table.
Marinette pursed her lips as she looked at the pink tinting both men’s cheeks before she cleared her throat to get their attention. “We haven’t ordered anything yet. We didn’t know if you wanted to eat here or go somewhere quieter.”
It should’ve been off-putting to see her long-time partner so obviously enamored with someone else, but it wasn’t. Maybe it was because it was Nino and until a few years ago, he’d always been around and it felt natural for him to be back in the picture. Maybe it was because she already knew Adrien had a crush on him so it wasn’t surprising. Or maybe it had something to do with the fact that she was harboring on her own feelings for the other man. Whatever it was, it didn’t bother her when she had to repeat herself to get an answer from them.
“Sorry,” Nino laughed sheepishly, rolling his bottom lip under his teeth. “Can you say that one more time?”
“Yeah, it’s really loud in here,” Adrien agreed with a slight air of embarrassment.
Marinette shared a smirk for both of them. “Mmhmm.”
“Please, Mari. I’m sorry we were rude.” 
Nino looks so earnest that Marinette almost wants to reassure him that it didn’t actually bother her but she narrowed her eyes instead. “If you’re actually going to listen this time.”
He reached across the table to cover her hands with his large, warm ones. “I promise I’m all ears. And please don’t joke about the size of them; I’m still sensitive about that.”
She laughed and slipped one of her hands out of his grasp so she could put it on top of his. “I would never. I love your ears; they’re cute.”
The tips of said ears were darkening. “Ah, I don’t know about that.”
“You know Marinette always tells the truth about the things she likes.” Adrien put his hand over hers and lifted it while keeping a hold of it as he pulled their joined hands closer to their side of the table. “How long are you going to be in town? We’ve really missed seeing you.”
“I’ve missed you guys too. That’s actually what I’m trying to decide.” Nino grabbed a napkin from the holder and started to tear the corner into little shreds. “I came back for a job interview and they offered me the position so now I have to decide if I want to move back or not.”
“Wow, that’s great!” Pure joy filled Adrien’s face. “Why wouldn’t you come back?”
“Uh, well...” Nino tore more at the napkin. “I’ve kinda been seeing someone but it’s not really...I don’t know. I guess I’m just trying to figure out if it’s worth sticking it out or not. We’ve been through a lot together.”
Marinette could feel Adrien deflate beside her and could commiserate the feeling. “That’s understandable.”
“I guess. She’s, uh...I don’t know. We don’t really work, but...” He trailed off with a small frown before pasting on a smile as he looked at them. “But look at you guys! You look just as happy as you did years ago. I’ve been wondering when I was going to get a wedding invite.”
“You and everyone else,” Adrien replied with a playful elbow in Marinette’s side.
“We get that a lot,” she agreed. ��And we’ll probably get married soonish but there’s no rush.”
“And we’ll probably be even worse at hiding it when we’re playing heroes.”
“That too.”
Nino shook his head. “I can’t believe you guys are still doing that. It’s awesome but you must be exhausted.”
“Some days.”
“Most days.”
“Seeing old friends helps though.” Marinette looked around the full bar. “Would you be interested in reliving the old days and coming back to our place and ordering in? It’s getting really crowded in here. I’m sure Wayzz would like to see you.”
“I’d love that.”
Adrien hugged Marinette to him, pressing a kiss to her temple. “We’d love it too. We can regale you with some of our horrible failures at protecting the other Miraculous.”
Marinette covered her face with her hands and groaned. “It’s been a learning process.”
“I have no doubt there have been plenty of successes too.” 
They stood together and Adrien offered Nino Marinette’s arm as they moved around each other. “Why don’t you and Marinette go wait out front and I’ll settle up.”
Nino covered Marinette’s hand resting on his arm with his own and patted it. “I’d be honored to escort such a lovely lady.”
There was no telling what the future held, but as Marinette eventually slipped into the backseat of the towncar with Adrien on one side and Nino on the other, something clicked into place. It wasn’t that what she and Adrien had was missing anything, but it was almost as if Nino being around again added that extra special warmth that was too wonderful to ignore. Whether he remained their friend or became something more, neither of them could ever deny that Nino would always be theirs.
Prompt List
Buy me a cherry coke?
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megatraven · 6 years
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Some ninette, alyanette, and adrininette for @jattendschaton, part 2 of their gift for the Valentine’s Day Exchange hosted by the @mlshipfleet discord server!
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Commision for @lahiffed ! This was fun and I think I’m happy with how it came out :D
And in case you’re wondering, yes, I did plan out the flavors. They are not just random colors, I was sobbing the whole time. There is no ice cream in my house.
Anyway, so, you might notice I don’t actually have a new comissions page up, I’ll be making one (I’m just really picky about how it looks) but comissions are open! So, if you want something, don’t hesitate to message me! I have different art and fic options, you can talk to me just to discuss them, you don’t have to have an actual commission to ask :3
Since I don’t have to post with examples up yet, you can check out my art tag and ao3 (I have a fic tag but I haven’t posted everything here yet oops)
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jattendschaton · 7 years
This is a friendly reminder that @seasonofthegeek is a wonderful human being and I love her dearly. She suggested Adrininette--which is an amazing and beautiful ship--and I am absolutely thrilled to write some. Thank you so much for sending in a suggestion!
Also: The power went out in my home! Great! So, who knows what my posting is going to be like in the next few days. Sometimes living in the northeast sucks. Still, if anyone has any rarepair suggestions for drabbles, I’d be honored to write them! They’re so fun :)
Adrininette: Teamwork
Adrien wobbled on the rolling chair, holding his breath to keep his body steady.
The door to his new apartment opened, squeaking and hitting into the wall with a bang.
He let out a grunt, but with his hand on the door frame, he managed to stay upright even as the chair beneath his feet twisted and rolled enough to slightly throw off his balance. “Oh my god, Adrien, what are you doing?” his girlfriend called, rushing over to him and grabbing his legs to keep him steady. “Are you insane? Why are you standing on chair with wheels by yourself?” “You said you weren’t getting home until later, Mari!”
“That completely did not answer a single question I asked.” Adrien groaned, but didn’t climb down. “I’ve almost got it, give me one more second.” Marinette huffed, but there was no anger behind it. She hugged his leg tighter, pressing her cheek against it and widening her legs to strengthen her stance. “Fine, but there’s no way in hell you’re falling on my watch.”
Adrien stretched, placing the final pushpin into the wall before releasing a deep breath and patting his girlfriend’s head, letting her know he was ready to get down.
She offered him her hand which he gratefully took and whisked him off the chair gracefully.
“Alright, pretty boy. Let’s hear that explanation.”
“You said you weren’t coming home until later, so I was trying to get everything started,” Adrien said, wiping invisible dust off of his pants. “And It’s not like I’m by myself, Nino’s home.”
“Nino’s home?” she asked skeptically.
Adrien grimaced. “Okay, Nino was home. But he only ran out to get some spices from the place down the street. He’ll be back any minute.”
“And he let you climb on top of a rolly chair while he was leaving? You’re telling me our very protective and constantly-concerned-with-our-safety boyfriend was totally cool with you hopping up on a chair—even though you routinely fall down the stairs, mind you—and leaving you to decorate while he went out for spices?”
Adrien winced, fingers delving into his hair anxiously. “So maybe I wasn’t on the chair when he left. And maybe I didn’t tell him I planned on doing that. And maybe I assumed I would finish before he got home.”
Marinette laughed, leaning in to kiss his cheek. “Maybe you’re too cute for us to be mad at you anyway.”
Adrien winked at her, grabbing her hand and twirling her elegantly. “My dashing good looks have never let me down before.”
“Oh, hush,” she  said, playfully hitting into his chest.
“I’d have to agree with that,” a deep voice startled them.
Marinette sharply inhaled. “Shit, Nino, you scared me.”
“How is it that I’m the cat and yet you’re the one who moves without making a noise?”
Nino dropped the plastic bag he was holding on the kitchen counter and made his way towards his partners, kissing each of them on the cheek. “Well, one of you—I’m assuming Marinette” he shot her a look of fake annoyance “—left the door open, so it wasn’t that difficult to sneak up on you.”
“Adrien was being an idiot, so I had to rush in and save him before he fell and broke his skull. There was no time to care about doors, this was a life or death situation.”
“Gosh, you’re so dramatic.” Adrien crossed his arms over his chest. “I was fine. Just putting up some decorations since Marinette said she was going to be at work until five, and you’re cooking all the food, and the party’s at six, and it has to go well—“
Marinette snuck behind him and wrapped her arms around his waist, pressing her cheek into his shoulder blades.
“The party’s gonna be perfect, chaton,” she reassured him with a gentle squeeze.
Nino stepped closer to him, placing a hand on Adrien’s chin and tilting it up in a soft kiss before snuggling into him from the front, arms circling both him and Marinette.
“Everyone’s gonna have a great time, no matter what,” Nino said quietly. “Even if we had no decorations, and the food was terrible—“
“Bite your tongue,” Adrien teased.
“—everyone would still love it. ‘Cause we’re the life of every party.”
“All our friends are coming to celebrate our new home,” Marinette continued “and we’re what makes this place a home.”
They silently stood huddled together, letting Marinette’s words ring out into their new apartment, bouncing off the walls and seeping into the carpet.
Adrien’s eyelashes fluttered, keeping the tears from falling. “Then let’s do this.”
Hours later, after everyone had left the party, and the kitchen area and living room were left in disarray, Nino collapsed on the couch, a groggy Marinette tucked under his arm.
Adrien followed, placing a glass of water on the coffee table in front them.
He sat down next to them, grabbing Marinette’s legs and placing them over his lap, stroking her calves mindlessly. “Man, you two smell awful.”
“S’not my fault,” Marinette cried into Nino’s bicep. “I cleaned up sooo much baaarf.” Kim had boasted about how many shots he could do in a minute, and Max handily beat his record. Twenty minutes later, when Kim had gone for a rematch no one had asked for, he vomited all over the kitchen floor.
“Aw, I’m sorry, Mari,” Nino crooned.
“At least he did it on tile instead of the carpet,” Adrien mused.
“I’d say that we’re never inviting him to a party again, but he and Alix were so funny with that dancing competition—“
“That I won, by the way,” Nino interrupted
“Pff, Alya and Chloé were gonna cream you if Juleka hadn’t accidentally bumped into them and spilled her drink on Chloé’s skirt,” Marinette cut him off.
“It doesn’t matter how I won, it just matters I won,” Nino flicked her nose.
Adrien squeezed Marinette’s knee. “The important thing is everyone had a great time.”
“That they did,” Nino agreed.
Adrien smiled. “And it was all because of us.”
“What can I say, we make a great team,” Marinette smiled, snuggling into her boyfriends, eyes closed and shoulders relaxing.
“The best.”
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j-esbian · 7 years
speaking of “the wiki doesn’t lie”
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checkmate nerds
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ladyserendipitous · 7 years
What about "Person A always sleeps in the middle because they are the smallest but that also means that sometimes they end up like a whole half of the way down the bed by morning and more than once now we’ve both been terrified we accidentally suffocated them in the night" with AdriNinette with Adrien being the smallest?
The Friday night sleep overs at the Agreste Manor was such a regular occurrence that Nathalie just assumed they would be happening every week, which was a bonus for Adrien. At first they would claim to have a big project or a major test that needed completing, and they really would do a few hours of homework, but by now Adrien didn’t need to bother. His datemates were a permanent fixture in his life and when Father finally noticed it was be very difficult for Gabriel to change how things were.
So without anything scheduled until Saturday afternoon at the earliest Adrien was able to enjoy the evening with his boyfriend and girlfriend, snuggled up on the couch between them. It wasn’t always the case, but Adrien was usually in the middle, relaxing in the absent minded touches and more mindful snuggling and kissing.
While he might not have been always in the middle during the waking hours, when they turned off the movie and all wandered over to his large bed, Adrien was always in the middle. He felt safe, secure, loved, and it was always the best sleep he had for the week if he didn’t sneak over to one of their houses midweek for a cat nap or a midnight make-out session.
It was just as well, Marinette was a restless sleeper and would likely accidentally kick one of them if she slept in the middle, and Nino ran hot and usually was kicking off half his blankets in the middle of the night.
Chaste kisses, because they were all tired, they all snuggled in for a good nights sleep. If Adrien could he would purr. In fact there was evidence he would, but they tried not to sleep while transformed. It was always disorienting upon waking.
Which sometimes even not being transformed didn’t help. “Oh my god! Where is he? Did he turn into a pancake! Kitty?!”
“Mar…?” Nino squinted at his girlfriend who was leaning up. He started to wake when her head left his chest, but then her frantic rambling woke him faster. Wait, why was Marinette sleeping on his chest? “Wait? Where’s Adrien?”
“I don’t know! Maybe a vortex opened up in the middle of the night, or we flattened him? He could be hurt or dead!” Marinette was waving her arms around now.
Nino looked at Marinnette with concern and dawning horror as each of her scenarios played out in his head, not nearly awake enough to realize how fanciful they were.
“What if… what if…,” and Marinett’s waving hand smacked down onto the blankets further down on the bed, where a lump had formed. The lump moved. “He could be hurt and need our help and…”
Nino watched at Marinette’s hand slapped the blanket lump again and this time it not only moved, but made a grunting sound. Reaching over Nino grabbed her hand and kissed it. “I think you’re the only one hurting him.” And to prove his point Nino poked at the lump.
The lump wiggled and Nino then felt a hand on his leg as a blond mop of hair dug it’s way up to the opening of the blankets.
“Kitty!” Marinette exclaimed as she wrapped her arms around his neck in joy as though he had been lost to them. Nino would adbmately denied he wrapped his arms around Adrien, sandwiching him between them as the boy in the middle tried to figure out what he woke up to.
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Adrininette (Adrien Nino Marinette) word: Junk
Adrien grew up with so little things of sentimental value, he protests for hours before throwing anything out. Sometimes he’ll go and bring it back, assuming that the other two don’t know it.
Nino and Marinette understand what it means to him, of course they do. They love that their boyfriend is so passionate he doesn’t want to throw out anything they’ve even looked at. 
But some things are junk. Some things should not be kept in a house where the occupants get distracted and forget to watch their surroundings. 
Nino constantly trips over Marinette’s old cat pillow. Marinette has cut herself too many times with the cracks in the glasses the three of them first bought together. 
But there are night when Adrien will remember a story that has to do with the most random of objects, his voice so heavy with emotion, that Nino and Marinette find the pain they endure worth it. 
This is one of the few decisions Adrien has made. They’re not about to take it away from him when he’s so happy. 
Plus, their boyfriend is really cute when he laughs at their accidents. 
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bbutterflies · 1 month
yeah. I think more throuple adrininette emoverse is incoming. they r STUCK in my brain
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alya-bug · 7 years
Any headcanons for Adrian/Marinette/Nino?? I know it may not be a widely thought of ship but I think it would be A-FREAKING-DORABLE!! Thanks so much if you answer this and btw you are one of my favorite blogs along with @seasonofthegeek !!! Hope you have a awesome day, week, month, year, life and eternity and may your drabbles be passed on from generation to generation!!💝🐞🐱🌸🌛
That is a very good ship. I love polyships, as you may have noticed. Haha. And thank you so much! You are so sweet! :D
Cuddles. Adrien loves cuddles, of course, and Nino is an expert cuddler. Marinette loves being sandwiched between both of her cuddle boys. 
They are really comfortable with each other. Like, the bathroom door is never closed kind of comfortable. 
Their video game nights get intense. Marinette and Adrien usually leave poor Nino in the dust and he sometimes has to make the games end before they kill each other with their competitiveness. 
Adrien is a morning person and the other two are total night owls. This causes some when Nino and Marinette are up late working on some project. Adrien doesn’t drink coffee but he knows to always make a bunch of it when he wakes up because his partners drink it like water.
When they argue, it has a tendency to involve a lot of sulking. They have had to learn to overcome their instinct to mop/be dramatic and actually talk about their feelings with their words. 
Marinette never used to be that into designing men’s fashion but how could she resist when she has two super hot guys to inspire her? She now has a very successful line of casual men’s fashion. 
Marinette and Nino were very supportive of Adrien’s decision to quit modeling and try to find his own way in the world. It has been difficult and he has been feeling a little lost, but he has such a strong support to fall back on that he feels safe trying to figure out what his dreams are. Also, his trust fund doesn’t hurt.
Nino is regularly in awe of how amazing Marinette and Adrien are, both as superhero’s and people. He is so proud of them, every day. And having romantic evenings on top of the Eiffel Tower is a definite plus. 
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queerinette · 7 years
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whatever the frick frack you would like
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046: "I caught the bouquet" Can I have Adrininette?
Absolutely! Hope you enjoy! :)
“This was a mistake.”
Marinette looked down at Adrien whose head was currently resting on her shoulder. “What makes you say that?”
“I’m bored and tired of smiling at people I don’t know,” he murmured into the sleeve of her dress.
“But this is your cousin’s wedding,” she reminded him as she reached up to run her fingers through his hair.
“I know.”
Nino plopped down in the seat beside them. “Okay, good news or bad news first?”
Adrien barely managed a glance in Nino’s direction. “Bad news.”
“Well, bad news is they took away the chocolate fountain.”
Marinette groaned. “I didn’t even get a chance to try it.”
“It wasn’t good chocolate anyway,” Adrien said, blindly reaching to pat the back of her head and nearly ruining her hair in the process. “That’s hardly bad news.”
“Okay, then. Good news is the bouquet toss is in five minutes, which means it’s almost time for cake.” Nino grinned. “And we know the cake is gonna be amazing.”
“Really?” Adrien sat up, his expression immediately brightening. “That cake is about 90% of the reason I’m still here.”
Marinette chuckled. “Trust me. It’s worth every awkward smile and then some.”
Nino nodded. “She’s right. I got to taste test-”
“Still bitter about that, by the way,” Adrien grumbled.
“And it was delicious,” Nino finished with a sly smile.
Marinette frowned. “If you keep bragging about it, I’m not letting you try any next time. Just because Adrien was out of the country-”
“Working,” Adrien reminded them both.
“Yes, working. It doesn’t mean-”
“Alright, ladies!” A loud voice sounded over the noise of the crowd. “Time for the bouquet toss! You know what that means!”
Marinette grimaced. “That’s my cue. Wish me luck.”
Adrien chuckled. “Here I thought you were the lucky one in the relationship, milady.”
“Well, I am dating the two hottest guys in the room,” she teased as she stood.
“Yeah, you do have a point there.” Nino stood beside her and slipped his arm in hers. “But, I’m dating two heroes, so I think I have you beat.”
Adrien jumped to his feet and slid his arm in Marinette’s free arm. “Yeah.” He smirked and pressed a kiss to her cheek. “I guess you’re both pretty lucky.”
She rolled her eyes as they led her to the group of women congregating in front of the bride. Adrien and Nino lingered behind them while Marinette joined the crowd.
“Is everyone ready?” the DJ called out.
“Yes!” Marinette shouted right along with the others around her.
“Let’s see who’s getting married next!”
The bride turned around and aimed, then tossed the bouquet over her shoulder. Marinette dodged out of the way of a stray elbow while the women around her giggled and shrieked, grabbing for the bouquet soaring over their heads. Unfortunately for them, the bride threw a little stronger than she meant to, and the bouquet landed somewhere else entirely.
Nino stared down at the flowers in his hands. “Um… Looks like I caught the bouquet.”
Marinette looked over at Adrien and laughed. “Sounds like we need to go ring shopping.”
From this prompt list!
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seasonofthegeek · 5 years
Miraculous Holidays: Fireplace
Written for @wearemiraculous
This drabble was requested by amazing @jattendschaton for Marinette, Nino, and Adrien. 
Days 1, 2, 3:
Nino laughed as he closed the door to the loft. “It’s good to know you two have the priorities in order when it comes to unpacking. Do we even know where our clothes are yet?” He dropped his shopping bags by the door and wove between the stacks of boxes and furniture to get to his partners. 
Marinette was standing on the tips of her toes as she hung ornaments on their Christmas Tree and Adrien was frowning at the mantle as he tried to situate garland around the stockings already hanging there.
“We had to make it look Christmasy! By the time we get everything unpacked, we might not be able to enjoy it if we wait, and Adrien found this perfect tree while we were out earlier.” Marinette squeaked when Nino tickled her side and he pulled her back against him so she wouldn’t lean against the tree after he threw off her balance. 
“Is that so?” he teased. 
“It is.” She tilted her head back for a kiss and he happily obliged.
“And what are you working on so hard over here?” Nino released Marinette and they both turned to Adrien who dropped the heap of garland to the floor.
“Not that anymore,” he replied with a wry smile. “But I was thinking we should give the fireplace a spin tonight. It’s supposed to get cold and since we haven’t put the bed frame together yet, I thought we could all sleep in here.”
“Cuddling by the fire to stay warm out of necessity. I wonder if that was planned,” Nino mused. 
“Well, you’re the one who said he would put the bed together and hasn’t.”
“Ah, so I am. I guess I’m the deviant then.”
Marinette laughed and picked up the bundle of sparkling red garland. “Do you want me to show you how to do this?”
Adrien beamed at her. “I think I’d like it even more if you just did it.”
“Fine, fine. You two get stuff ready to make the fire and I’ll have this mantle Christmasified in a jiffy.”
“We have complete faith in you, Princess.”
“And you’re in charge of dinner too.”
“That’s fair.”
“And making the bed.”
Nino and Adrien exchanged glances but Marinette pointedly ignored them, humming a Christmas carol as she turned back to her work.
“Mmm, this is nice,” Marinette sighed, her mouth pulled into a content and sleepy smile. “It’s so warm and pretty.”
Adrien watched the flames dance inside the fireplace. “Maybe we should just put the bed in here. What do we need a living room for anyway?”
“Don’t tempt me,” Nino murmured. He cuddled down in the blankets and buried his face against Adrien’s back as he slid his arm around his middle. “This is heaven.”
“We have our own place now. I always hoped we would.” Marinette rolled over to give her back to the fire. “It almost doesn’t feel real.” Her heavy eyes slid shut and she blinked a few times, fighting sleep. “It’s wonderful, isn’t it?”
Adrien kissed her forehead and pulled her closer, Nino’s arm around him reaching out to touch her too. “It’s perfect,” he agreed. 
Buy me a cherry coke?
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