skyland2703 · 11 months
Javi: all i want to be for halloween is between a witch's thighs *side eyes Amelia* Amelia: You want to be a broom-? 💀 (x)
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zombirps · 4 months
🚢 your thoughts on someone possibly with Prokyn
I'll b 100 percent I actually do not know who would work with Prokyn, the closest would be Lixitu but on principle she would refuse a relationship even if she liked him- she strongly believes that her condition would put undue strain on any relationship she had, and if they're a lowblood it could possibly cripple them emotionally,financially, or physically if they wind up needing to defend her. I'm just gonna be more general with the meme -v-~
do i ship our characters together?: yes | no | not yet but maybe soon
would i like to ship with you?: yes | maybe, i'm willing to try | no
type of relationship i enjoy: childhood or high school sweethearts | exes | engaged | married | long-term relationship | crushes | unrequited love | fling | long distance | online relationship | just dating | new relationship | toxic lovers | friends with benefits
tropes i'd enjoy writing : friends to lovers | enemies to lovers | exes to lovers | fake relationship / dating | forbidden love | grumpy and sunshine | star-crossed lovers | surprise pregnancy | second chance | soulmates | amnesia / mistaken identity | forced proximity | secret relationship | slow burn relationship
would i rather plot first or jump right in and see where it goes?: develop their relationship first | jump right in | something in between ( what specifically? ) |I love plotting ngl
what now?: let's plot something | send me shippy memes | i'll send you shippy memes | write me a random starter | i'll write you a random starter
anything else i want you to know about me / my character / my shipping habits: ( put whatever you want here ) I'm 2million times more productive with my girls, I HAVE guys but generally don't enjoy using them as much/vibe with them as much. It's why i only have two lol
Also as u know I love crazies.
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dramagifs · 3 months
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Joy of Life 2 | 2024
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nataliescatorccio · 2 years
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JOEY BATEY reveals what he did between takes on The Witcher, Season 3
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mazojo · 1 year
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Lily and I get each other in a way none of you can because Misa Amane is very personal to us
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alpinelogy · 3 months
Erika lore of the day is the fact that a while back somehow one of my teachers ended up talking about the Habsburgs and somehow we got on the topic of racing and thats how my whole class learned about the existence of Ferdinand Habsburg, professional racing driver
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ardenrosegarden · 8 months
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chaosinstigator · 6 months
if y’all love and appreciate daniel's input on the team so much... why not repay him in the form of a car he can actually drive
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coldercreation · 1 year
ummmmm so i dragged myself to work today just to find out that my work crush joined the team for a bit asdfghj asdfs ?? 😭😭
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mushr0oms-and-m0ss · 2 years
Snowfall & Shield-surfing
It had been a peaceful day, if you count being attacked by a bunch of lizalfos in a dense forest path peaceful, when a portal opened up beside them. They all collectively decided that going through the portal was a much better outcome than being mauled by giant lizards. One by one, they sprinted through the darkness and found themselves surrounded by piles and piles of snow. It didn't take long for Wild to recognize the mountain paths leading to the cloudy, grey sky, as it was apparently Mt. Hebra.
As soon as they got their bearings straight, they started their way up the freezing mountain. Wild checked their slate and said there were very few potions, not many being heat ones, but they could make more at a friend's house. Twilight had Wind up on his shoulders, despite Wind's protests, Four was up on Wars' shoulders, and was much more obliged to do it. Legend was walking beside Hyrule, trying to talk to him but being interrupted by shivers and sniffles every second. He huffed, giving up to instead look around.
Despite how cold it was, it was oddly beautiful. There were massive, horse-like creatures with horns like erratic branches. There were also bears, and the occasional bird flock. He stopped and stared at these creatures, looking at whatever they were running after, until his chattering teeth reminded him to move.
"Those are called moose." Legend jumped and whipped his head around to see Wild, who was adjusting the feather on their head. "There're a ton of them 'round the mountains, but they are in a couple other places as well." They went on, not looking away from the 'moose'. Legend nodded slightly, rubbing his hands together. Wild looked down at his hands and took out their slate. Legend leaned over to look at what they were grabbing, when a flameblade materialised in their hands.
Legend leaned backwards, away from the blade, before feeling the heat radiating off of it and getting closer to its warmth. It felt amazing, as if he'd been deprived of any warmth for years and years, as Legend got ever so closer to its blade. "Careful, this things burns pretty badly!" Wild said, moving the blade away.
Legend straightened up, but kept his eyes on the flameblade. He noticed the snow around them was melting quickly, and some of the others turned to look at them, when he saw Twilight walking over, with Wind dangling his legs against his wolf hood. "Could've used that earlier." Twilight said. Wild just shrugged, moving the sword closer to them. Wind rested his head atop of Twi's and stretched his hands out, towards the blade. Legend chuckled at Wind's childish face, but then saw something out the corner of his eye. It was a massive flagpole, the flag being torn up by age, the pole rusted and old. Apparently, Four saw it too, because he started yelling, "Hey, there's a flag up there!" Wild tore their gaze from Twilight and looked ahead. They grinned, and gave the flameblade to Twilight with a quick "Don't burn anything." (Legend snorted, how ironic of them.) and ran off towards the hills.
Legend could hear Time, who was up at the very front, yelling questions at them. But Wild ran around a corner and disappeared. Legend sighed, and moved to walk right beside Twilight.
* * *
After that, an awkward silence befell upon the chain, with the only sounds being the faint hums of the flameblade, and Wind kicking against Twi's chest. Legend looked around at the great wall of rock, practically trapping them as they walked. Sky had walked over by now, and was chatting with Wind while holding his hands near the flameblade.
Legend started staring up at the steep, white hills ahead, wondering when Wild was going to come back. It had been around half and hour since they had ran off, and it was getting concerning. {'No,'} Legend thought, {'This is Wild we're talking about. They've been gone for longer for… weirder reasons.'} He sighed, and adjusted his hat, although he didn't need to.
He was talking to Sky about random stuff when they heard a faint, excited laugh. They whipped their heads around towards the sound, when a strange figure came careening down the mountain. It looked like they were riding on a.. shield? Legend leaned forward to try and figure what it was as it got closer, and closer, and-
"Wild?!" Wind was the first to scream. Wild turned their shield and stopped, spraying snow at all of them. Legend shook his head, getting the snow out of his hair. He looked up and chuckled, as Wild was being bombarded with questions by an excited Wind. Twilight was picking the snow out of his own hair, and muttering silently. Legend couldn't help but laugh quietly at how he looked.
"That was awesome!! Can you show me how to do it?" Wind said, bouncing on the spot. They'd all seen them do that before, but just at slower velocities down small hills, certaintly not at whatever pace they were going at.
"I probably could, if I find you a shield your size." Wild said, looking at their own shield before it disappeared from their hands, supposedly in the slate. "Anyways, that's not the point… I found a friend's house, she lives nearby up the mountain." They turned to Time, gesturing to the flag just above them, on a cliff. Time nodded, looking up at it. "Alright, we should get a move on then." He looked around, then continued walking. Eventually, everyone followed suit, as Legend looked up at the mountain top in wonder.
* * *
"Alright, we're here!" Wild opened their arms wide and turned around, smiling at everybody. Legend, however, wasn't in the mood to smile in the slightest. His body ached, he and the others had been walking for what seemed to be forever up the blasted mountain. Looking around, he could see a small house just beside a cave surrounded by ice. {'Odd place to put your house…'}
Time went up to the house to knock, but Wild ran up first and opened the door quickly. Walking inside, the house felt nice and warm, with a fireplace just at the back. A shield was held up above the fire, the flames reflecting off the shiny, golden metal.
"Who're all these people?" A feminine voice came from a corner. Turning his head, a girl who looked to be just a bit older than Wild was standing, arms crossed. "I don't remember you mentioning any family." She turned to Wild, who just chuckled sheepishly. "Well, these are my relatives. I thought I'd bring them up here to meet you!" The girl turned back to the chain, and sighed.
"Well, I don't suppose I mind a few guests, even if there is a ton of ya." She put down her arms and sat on the table behind her. "Although, I'm not sure how you put up with this fella taking you up here. That's a good five hours, at least." Wild chuckled nervously, "It's.. it's a long story."
They then turned to the others, "Anyways, guys, this is my friend Selmie! She's taught me everything I know about shield-surfing, she's the best." Selmie nodded. "I think I've got some extra blankets and things in the back here…" "Oh, let me help." They both went over to a corner, where a bunch of boxes were tucked away in the shadows.
Legend went over to the fire, where Wind and Four were sitting, thick fluffy blankets covering both of them. He sat down, grabbing a blanket and stealing it from Wind, who was too sleepy to realize it.
After a short bit of staring into the fire, Wild and Selmie had given everybody more thick blankets, and were helping set up their sleeping bags. Legend got up and took out his own sleeping bag, laying it down and putting the blanket on it. It was dark now, with the fire dying slowly, its embers the brightest thing in the room.
He got under the covers and laid on his side, looking at the shadowy walls, only hearing soft snores and shuffles. Eventually, he fell asleep listening to the snowfall outside the window.
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theminiartblog · 1 year
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@rainbownightmares @charcoaldaydreams 👊🏽💥 Bang! POW!!
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skaluli · 1 year
guess who finally got to go to a therapist again today after losing their other one
#im so sorry that happened youre really strong#o get through it#afterwards i had to walk back to my mums which was around 20 mins#i just ended up playing fine by lemon demon on repeat to calm me down lmao i didnt have earbuds so i just played it out loud while walking#stayed at her work for the rest of the day helping her and got back home at dark#the appointment went well i think. i fumbled my words to an ungodly amount and couldnt think properly#i barely could keep eye contact and just ending looking all over the room and then just wall. ty wall. was just slumped in the chair adsfgh#it was weird having to tell someone about myself#and whats happened in my life#while i was talking i was just like damn huh that did actually happen to me#i guess ive just repressed a lot of stuff and then having to bring it all back up again and trying to explain it as well was just weird#like when i told her about some of the stuff that happened to me during school she was like etc and it was weird because i dont really see#t but i just feel like she shouldnt be saying that to me. i dont know it just feels weird. i dont see it as anything even though it is some#hing i guess. like when she asked about me self harming i just said how it is because i guess to me its just nothing. even though i know se#f harm is not good to me it kinda doesnt feel like anything. its just yeah i do/did. nothing of it i just yeah. i need to figure out how to#feel again. thinking and understanding as well i suppose.#okay skaluli shut up i dont care stop talking.
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ch2mpion · 1 year
as a none-english speaking person, i never knew david's irish accent was bad until someone told me.
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west1rosi · 1 year
you don't need to reply or post, but i think you miswrote velaryon as valaryon in your starter call <3
tbh i might have. i keep having difficulty with that name even when it's not that difficult. i might change it later, thanks!
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senseibalance · 1 year
me who makes psds on a daily basis: god i hate my psds
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dethtale · 2 years
I'm starting to make base icons of wolf p.ack ep 5 but do people need them?
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