dominoblues · 1 year
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rosalind-hawkins · 7 months
(post-canon by several years, this Mokuba is early 20s)
"What do you want, Joey?" Mokuba's voice was cool and calm; he'd fully recovered from his earlier outburst.
"Pegasus didn't leave the property. I saw your men stop him on his way out."
"I can't allow him to leave or communicate with the outside world until Seto's situation has resolved. It would hurt our company too much, and I know he'll do it just to spite us."
Joey hesitated, then set his jaw, bracing himself.
"Holding Pegasus prisoner isn't going to make up for what he did to you. It won't make you feel better, either."
"I never said I was after retribution or revenge." Mokuba maintained the appearance of calm. "It's a pragmatic decision made to preserve KaibaCorp stocks and our way of life. It's also the only way to keep the story from reaching the media."
Joey studied Mokuba's face, looking only the tiniest bit convinced.
"Where is Pegasus now?"
"He's being held in a place that suits him." Mokuba smiled in a way that made Joey shiver. He looked too much like his brother when he was the same age, too much like he had something to prove and was willing to do anything.
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judgedarts · 1 year
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when in doubt... draw kaibabros
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universestreasures · 5 months
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Mokuba Kaiba (Teenage / Young Adult)
Going into his teenage years and after a huge growth spurt (he is now 5'6 as opposed to him being 4'7), Mokuba decides to fully change up his style other than just a hair cut and wearing a suit at work. With the help of his fashion bestie Suzuha Amanosuzu, he is now embodying the look of a true gamer, the aspect of himself he hones following the events of DSOD / the end of the original anime's storyline. Not only does it feature his signature picture locket, he is also now sporting a purple shoulder cape, blue vest with a golden KC for a button, golden KC earings and light purple eyeshadow, a black and white collared shirt, black gloves, white and black sneakers, and a white belt with a hanging Level 5 capsule.
Art By: My Wonderful Boyfriend @throneofein <3
Coloring / Character Design By: Me.
Note: Please do not reblog or repost this art, or use this design! This design was made by me for my Mokuba specifically for my own use, and this art was posted with permission by the original artist!
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chimerickat · 3 months
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bruxbea · 3 months
Fenris has a preorder plushie up on Sanshee and I am losing my actual mind-
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whats-amata-you · 4 months
Alright y’all hear me out, but I kinda like this interpretation of the Kaiba brothers where they have to deal with the consequences of a very codependent sibling relationship. Not like in the “something happens to Mokuba and Seto has a crisis” kind way, but in the “Mokuba doesn’t know who the hell he is outside the context of being Seto’s little brother” kind of way.
Literally everything Seto ever did from the day Mokuba was born was toward the singular goal of Mokuba’s wellbeing. He sacrificed everything to give Mokuba better opportunities, a more stable home life, a better chance at happiness than Seto ever really had for himself. Seto even gave up huge swaths of who he himself was to work toward that goal. It was all for Mokuba.
But Mokuba was right there with him, the whole time, watching his brother suffer and doing everything in his power to protect him. Mokuba’s whole identity revolves just as much around Seto as Seto’s does around Mokuba.
And that’s fucked up all well and good when Seto’s a teenager and Mokuba hasn’t even hit puberty and only one of them is really taking on any serious adult responsibility. But imagine what that must be like when Mokuba grows up.
Imagine being 20 and as long as you can remember you’ve been worrying about keeping your older brother alive. Maybe he’s in late twenties or early thirties now, and life has finally forced him to either do the work of healing and moving on or else spiraling into self-destruction to the point that not even you can save him anymore. Maybe he’s married off and happy in his own life, or maybe he’s dead or missing and left you behind as his only heir to the family fortune.
And you’re just as completely, utterly lost either way because either way, he doesn’t need you the same way anymore. And on top of that, you realize you don’t really need him the same way anymore.
His routines aren’t yours anymore. His moods don’t set the tone for your whole day anymore. You don’t plan your life around him and his needs anymore.
So. What do you do when you’re suddenly cut loose and left adrift?
I imagine Mokuba floating through life a lot for his twenties, maybe into his thirties. He’s got no sense of direction or purpose without Seto being the center of it all. He realizes he doesn’t have to become a businessman like Seto and help run Kaiba Corporation, but doesn’t know what the hell else he might even want to do. Doesn’t even have a clue. He goes into business anyway because he knows he has to do something, but he doesn’t really enjoy it and it wears on him. He’s popular with women but can’t make a relationship last more than a few weeks; they keep fizzling out because he just doesn’t seem to have any ambition.
It’s super easy for Mokuba to see and acknowledge how Seto was always sort of his dad when they were kids, as well as his brother. Seto actively took up the role and wasn’t shy about saying so outright. But I don’t think either of them realizes quite as easily just how much Mokuba was parentified too, even from a very young age. Seto made Mokuba’s physical health and overall wellbeing his business on purpose, but Mokuba accidentally stumbled into providing a level of emotional support to Seto that no child should ever be responsible for. That kind of relationship would fuck anyone up.
I feel like an interpretation of them Kaiba brothers that had a Mokuba who ended up being rather directionless and having issues with his sense of who the hell he is after Seto’s inevitable Character Development one way or the other is worth exploring. People change over time, and if a fic is set a decade or more post-canon…idk, I just feel like Mokuba’s trauma deserves some serious exploration, too.
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dorodoroart · 4 months
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Mokuba and Noah Kaiba as adults for @chimerickat ❤️ She is cooking something and I'm excited to see it 🥺🙇
I enjoyed this comm IMMENSELY 🥺😭 I wanna put Seto in this but let's just say he's the one behind the cam begrudgingly taking this photo 👀
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littlediscoveredstars · 6 months
Alright I’m on my Yugioh shit, but I think what Pegasus did to Seto Kaiba was waaaay more personal than any other Yugioh villain.
None of my thoughts are organized, but I’ll try to get it out in some kind of way that makes sense.
Let me first start by saying that Seto Kaiba is a minor through the whole series. This is important to his character, almost more than the others, because it is exactly what he’s trying to erase about himself.
Kaiba dresses himself up in outfits that accent his masculine features similar to how an adult will. His shoulder pads make his shoulders seem broader. His coat goes inward to give a very triangular shape to his torso. He’s got belts everywhere (and while yes, this is just the style of Yugioh, I believe it cannot be completely written off as just that).
At the base of it, Kaiba wants to be seen as an adult. He NEEDS to be. He runs a company and is in near constant threat of being taken advantage of by others. We see this many times throughout the show, especially by Pegasus.
Now, to connect things once again. Kaiba is a minor who was thrust into adulthood far too early, yet, he engages in child-like activities. Duel Monsters, while used for their ancient shadow games, is still just a game. A game Kaiba is OBSESSED with, to the point he becomes the face of the Blue Eyes White Dragon.
(Which is his symbol of power and autonomy over others, which further proves why he so badly hates the ancient talk, but that’s another essay)
Pegasus is the created (re-created, technically) of Duel Monsters. He made the paintings, the cards, the rules. He shows in many tournaments (assumed based off episode 2) and given how much Kaiba has won? I’m guessing they met before becoming business partners.
In short, it makes sense that Pegasus would be an important figure to Kaiba. Maybe an idol, an inspiration, or whatever it might be. Kaiba saw Pegasus and saw a man who’s game kept him alive through his years with Gozaburo, who gave him a connection to his own brother.
Pegasus is powerful. Pegasus has full control of his own actions. He is everything Kaiba wants and changed KaibaCorp. to be.
A little ways down the line, Pegasus becomes his business partner. Kaiba gets to work a littler closer with him. We never see what exactly that entailed besides letting Kaiba use the Blue Eyes (and other cards) without copyright issues and Pegasus using the holographic stages, but even that is a significant exchange.
(Makes me wonder if things hadn’t turned out the way they did, would Kaiba and Duke Devlin view him the same way?)
Then, Pegasus starts Duelist Kingdom. He uses Kaibams vulnerability to his advantage and steps in to take over. He kidnaps Mokuba, then takes his soul and shows it off like a trophy.
Pegasus has not just betrayed Kaiba’s trust, but he turned into a real person for Kaiba. It shows him that, just like everyone else, Pegasus is greedy and selfish. He takes what Kaiba worked so hard for, what he loves, just because he can. And he does so with the same smiles and teasing as before.
It’s beyond disappointment. This is heating your favorite person side with your abusers. This is a childhood hero watching you get kicked and laughing as he kicks you alongside them.
So, naturally, Kaiba won’t forgive him. We see in Battle City how bruised Kaiba’s ego is. He’s mad at Yugi, he’s mad at Izushi, no one is saved from his ire. Even Mokuba gets the short stick every so often. He is compensating BIG TIME and it’s directly connected to how things went over last season.
Might I add that Duelist Kingdom takes place less than a year after Kaiba took over KaibaCorp? This is a still pretty fresh CEO with some very big trauma that he simply has not dig into yet.
I think in a world where Pegasus was not so disillusioned by his own desperation to revive Cecelia, he would’ve been a good mentor to Kaiba. They both have a love for games, for the visual experience (painting and holograms) and they’re both very particular. Honestly, their traits would work relatively well, all things considered.
But it didn’t and we see Kaiba go through cycle after cycle of trying to get better and stumbling every step of the way.
Anyway, that’s my TedTalk. As a Pegasus enjoyed and Kaiba analysis, I found this topic very fascinating.
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kintatsujo · 1 year
You know how sometimes I go on "hey guys Seto Kaiba is canonically a child" campaigns
It's because this fandom constantly puts his behavior in the lens of him being an adult
And it's like no of course it would be ridiculous if a 25 year old was doing some of this
... But he's fifteen and it makes perfect sense that he acts like this
Also you can't put an adult lens on his relationship with Mokuba oh my fucking god stop it they are fifteen and ten, ten and five, a literal pair of children trying not to get separated by adults, that is a different fucking relationship from abusive codependency
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dominoblues · 1 year
mokuba being absolutely revolted by anything even remotely resembling ancient egyptian stuff so much that just the mere mention of it makes him want to puke and kill someone.
He will cool down to yugi eventually over time but.. as long as no one will mention 'the other guy'.
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rosalind-hawkins · 1 year
"Go on," Seto said. "I know you want to."
Mokuba's eyes narrowed, and before Jumin could puzzle out the meaning of his words, Mokuba slapped his brother across the face.
Jumin gasped.
Seto worked his jaw for a moment, his hand going up to caress the red skin. It had been harder than he expected.
"Yeah, I deserved that."
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gx-gameon · 4 months
1. Aside from Jesse, who else is going to know about Jaden identity as Prince of Duels?
2. How did they find out?
3. What's their reaction?
I think the first one to find out is actually Chumley.
He works for Pegasus now. His boss brings him along to a business meeting with Kaiba Corp and it’s the summer time and Jaden is hang out in his Oto-san’s office, maybe waiting to go to lunch with his parents when Chumley walks in with Pegasus.
Chumley is shocked and Jaden has no clue how to play this.
Seto just breaks out an Iron clad NDA and has a shocked Chumley sign it.
Chumley argues at first because he doesn’t understand why it’s a secret until he looks at Jaden and sees how his usually bubbly friend has shrunk in on himself like he’s waiting for something bad to happen.
And Chumley asks him if he’s okay and Jaden reveals his anxiety that people will treat him different if they know who he is. “Just think how Crowler would behave.” And Chumley instantly get it.
And then Seto adds on the fact that there have been kidnapping attempts and Chumley’s like ‘ya no Duel Academy is already dangerous enough.’ (This gets him pulled into the ‘who are we firing’ project that Seto and Mokuba have had running since Jaden’s entrance exam. Crowler permanently sits in the line, some days he tips towards fire and others he tilts towards keep only time will tell)
But Chumley promises not to tell anyone, that it’s Jaden’s secret not his. And while he wished he found out because Jaden trusted him, he still wants to be Jaden’s confidant.
It’s nice for Jaden to have a friend who knows even if Jaden didn’t decide to tell him. And Chumley’s left school so he doesn’t really have a lot of communication with anyone but Jaden anyways.
During school breaks the two will get together and talk about duel spirits and Chumley’s job. Once Jaden gets the Neospacians back he actually starts helping Chumley design a few cards.
Jesse is still the first person Jaden Choses to tell. He’s so special. No one else at school knows and beside Chumley no one close to Jaden’s age knows.
The rest of the crew o my find out post graduation. Jaden’s original plan is to tell ever one at graduation. He was kinda looking forward to the drama. But then the dark world happens….
Jaden wants to graduate quietly. He doesn’t want to be the center of attention.
The others don’t find out until post cannon. Maybe at a tournament held that summer?
There are a lot of hurt feelings. Why didn’t Jaden trust them? How could he keep this a secret from them?
Some get over it faster than others (Chazz. He’s mad for a bit but he remembers how much his brothers suck and how supportive Jaden always was, so he wants to repay the favor. Even if the Slifer never trusted him(he did Chazz he was just scared and then traumatized)) the two bond a lot over being rich kids and Jaden just drags Chazz home one day and is like ‘he’s ours now. I’m not giving him back to his family.’
Joey, my home life sucked, wheeler is instantly on board with this.
Seto just looks at Chazz and asks if he wants to do a hostile take over of his brother’s company or if Seto can just buy them out.
Chazz finally has a supportive family. (They are also crazy.)
I think Aster gets a very similar treatment. Jaden just keeps dragging kids home after graduation like ‘they’re my friends’ and no one agrues against the growing collection of you adults who suddenly have rooms at the manor to stay at.
Some people stay mad for way longer. How can Jadne no trust them!!!! (Take your guess who that is)
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universestreasures · 5 months
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Mokuba's Fashion Style (Pre-Teen)
As a pre-teen, the two words to describe Mokuba's fashion sense are: colors and patterns. He is rarely seen wearing anything completely solid, unless it is a supporting piece (like for example blue jeans). He prefers his clothes to be comfortable and lose fitting, and has pieces he can remove if needed (like a jacket for example). He is very much the embodiment of what is known as 'kiddy core', and while he can wear some more 'fancy' or professional clothes, he very much dresses like a regular kid of the 90's and we stan him for that.
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chaoscheebs · 1 year
You know what?  I rambled in the tags of this reblog and I’m a-gonna blather on about something that struck me when typing it.
So we know.  WE KNOW.  Seto Kaiba is a huge bundle of trauma and issues, and we all love the idea of sweet lil’ Yugi reaching out and helping him through it (with a big side of please get therapy Kaiba).  Well.  What about the other way around?
I mean, let’s look at Yugi.  Maybe he had a much, much better family situation, let’s be fuckin’ real.  But, as someone who was bullied (tho’ thankfully not the the degree this kid was), I know how much that will fuck you up in the head.  This kid was getting his ass beat by his peers on (at least) a weekly basis (and sometimes by grown-ass adults!), you better believe he has a tangled mess of issues and bottled anger compressed enough to take out a small city.
Dude has absolutely had to keep anything he thought would be subject of mockery to himself (it’s never enough, tho’) and make himself metaphorically smaller to avoid more bullying (it never works).  How much do you think his actual friends, the people he has literally trusted with his life at this point, know about him as a person, beside “smol, sweet, ride or die”?  For heaven’s sake, Anzu, the one who’s known him the longest, didn’t know if his grandpa was alive or dead in chapter-fucking-ONE of the manga!  His fucking grandpa, who runs the game store in the building where he fucking lives.
So.  Consider.  Seto actually starts to get his shit together somewhat!  Maybe he actually gets persuaded to go to fucking therapy by Mokuba’s insistence after *gestures to everything in canon*.  And maybe he actually... starts reaching out back to Yugi’s offers of friendship.  But Seto’s a sharp man.  He has had the training from hell to learn how to pick out people’s weaknesses, and he starts zeroing in on how Yugi is low-key constantly on the defensive; always offering to help or take care of or listen to others but never saying jack shit about himself or his feelings.
And, welp, he starts realizing it’s his turn to drag Yugi out of his own 500 emotional barriers kicking and screaming instead and Seto kind of hates it!  But he’s gonna.  Because he justifies it as revenge for 5,000,000 “power of friendship/heart of the cards” bullshit speeches.  YOU ARE GETTING BEFRIENDED SO FUCKING HARD IN REVENGE, YUGI; EXPECT HIM.
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kaibacorpintern · 1 year
duelist celebrity autographs
atem: painstakingly writes "WITH LOVE FROM YOUR FRIEND, ATEM" in all caps. he says yes to everyone who asks.
yuugi: always a brief, cheerful message that feels both incredibly generic and deeply personal, resulting in endless variations on "keep chasing your dreams!" or "your dreams are waiting for you!" or "believe in yourself!" he says yes to everyone who asks, unless they have "weird" vibes. then he politely excuses himself and gossips about them to anzu later.
jounouchi: a wild, exuberant, and barely comprehensible JOUNOUCHI KATSUYA, surrounded by stars and maybe a little scapegoat or two (draw cloud, add sleepy face, horns, four little feet, done) if he has time. carries a glittery marker for this express purpose. says yes to everyone who asks, and also people who don't ask.
kaiba: a swift little BEWD he's practiced so many times it takes him approximately 3.2 seconds, plus an extravagant KAIBA SETO. always says yes to children and gets into long conversations with them. adults, on the other hand, must first make it past his entourage of body guards and/or mokuba, who will get over-protective (understatement) over the fact that you're breathing too much of niisama's air.
mai: a beautiful cursive KUJAKU MAI, and then she kisses the autograph and leaves a kiss mark over her name in red lipstick. if she's wearing sunglasses, she'll sign. if she's NOT wearing sunglasses, she won't sign. it's her day off, leave her alone, please!! no one has caught on to this signal, giving her a reputation for being diva-ish and mercurial instead of someone with clear boundaries.
pegasus: carries around a little stack of pale cream thick parchment business cards that are "pre-signed" and embossed on the back with some personal emblem. he will toss one at you without looking at you. he has much more important things to do. kaiba is looking quite calm today and we can't have THAT! ta-ta!!
inspector haga: signs his name. whatever insect or arthropod you want him to draw, he can draw that, too. can someone please ask him for his autograph. please. he can draw so many different insects and arthropods and they're really good. please?
dinosaur ryuzaki: his signature just looks like this: D~~~~~ R~~~~~. again, can someone please ask him?
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