#adult!stan uris imagines
the-angry-pixie · 1 year
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Story time...
This face walked into my eating disorder clinic today. Slightly younger (teenage), but same golden curls. Same slightly blank, haughty expression. Still striking as all get out. Even the same sort of buttoned up fashion style (though my guy was wearing a white turtleneck).
And because Max (the model in the photo) for many years has been the face I think of when I think of young adult Stanley Uris... my imagination couldn't help running away from me.
I'm only on Admin so I didn't really have a chance or a need to look into what this young man was engaging with the clinic for, but if I had to hazard a guess I would say anorexia nervosa.
So now I can't help imagining an alternate universe where Stan's OCD and perfectionism develop into disordered eating (very common for those conditions to go hand in hand with an eating disorder).
What would that look like? Would his friends notice? How long would it take for them to notice if he was just careful with what he wore? Would the first thing they notice actually not be the physical, but more a personality change or a deterioration in cognitive ability because he is starved and can't think straight?
Its sad but fascinating to think about.
Especially since we already have a character who in canon displays a different type of disordered eating (Ben).
Sorry for the ramble, I just wanted to share.
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har-rison-s · 4 years
heaven: 17
never let her go
request/plot: Stan x Reader where they were together back in Derry and kind of forgot about each other after moving away but they always had a void in their lives. And then when Stan is just about to do it after Mikes call his phone rings and it’s you and you’re crying after just getting off the phone with Mike to come to Derry. You both end up going back and seeing each other at the restaurant and you guys just catch up after all these years that passed and old feelings come back.
A/N: Well hell to the low to you guys! I've missed being on here, and I'm so fucking glad that I'm back to writing and I actually have nothing else to do, really, except write. Oh, and fight for justice online, get to packing and moving and go to work. But other than that, I'm free as of right now. I came back to the document for this fic, and turns out I have material enough to post 2 whole chapters in a row. So, let's go. I'm glad you're all still here and I welcome every new-comer with hugs and kisses! So, happy quarantine reading and stay safe! Don't you ever forget - #BlackLivesMatter!
A/N: Also, quick note: if you're uncomfortable with me posting another chapter of Heaven or posting any writings at all, please don't hesitate to let me know. Writing, especially during times like these, and when I don't get any positive income from the real world or social media, writing is what helps me, and I think reading fics means you dive into another world, sometimes a better world, and you can live another life in them and feel better; I also know writing has helped some people fall asleep. That's why I'm posting. Again, if that makes you uncomfortable/you think I'm injust with posting, please let me know!
warnings: shorter than usual, water, over-thinking (lots)
word count: 2.2k
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A/N: Where are my more gifs and pics of Andy Bean rights huh??
gif credit goes to owner, which isn't me!
Oh, is clean water good. Clean, warm, soapy water. Better than sex, she even dares to think. She smiles to herself at the thought. Stanley looks at her, a soft question in his eyes. Not the sex she has with him. She shakes her head, and then rests it against his wet chest. The shower’s water streams down onto them, warm and welcoming, warm and soothing, warm and healing. It collects their hair into dark, thick locks. The shower’s floor shines with water that is now filthy from all the dirt on their bodies. 
Bill collected all their dirty clothing and went to wash it in the hotel’s washing machines. He’d get to shower the last, but he didn’t mind. All of them using water at once wouldn’t be useful, either, but that he’ll leave it to their concern. Mike offered to use his washing machine at the Library, but since he lives quite far from the Derry Inn, they all decided to pass this suggestion.
Y/N’s palms are flat against Stanley’s bare back. It’s littered with birthmarks all over, Y/N discovers when she feels small, almost unnoticeable bumps under her fingers. Stanley, instead, opens the shampoo bottle the hotel offers and squeezes half of it out into his hand. He then runs his shampoo-y hands into Y/N’s hair, against her scalp. She hums. Stanley moves the shampoo into her hair, massaging circles into her scalp. She smiles softly at the gesture.
He does the same to his own hair, and Y/N chuckles at how weird he looks with his hair slicked back. “Reminds me of your Bar Mitzvah hair.” She says and Stanley gives her an airy chuckle in response. He remembers his mom’s effort and frustration into gelling his unbending acorn curls down neatly to his head.
“That was horrible.”
“No, no, that was a statement.” She corrects him and they both laugh. Her arms around him, hands on his back and his arms around her waist, hands interlocked to keep her intact in his embrace, they look up dreamily at each other. The water frustrates their eyes a small bit, making them blink more than usual.
Gazing into each other’s eyes transmits more emotions between them than they could muster to say in the same amount of time. Words really are hard to find to say all that Stanley could say to Y/N, about how much she means to him, about how he can’t breathe without her, how he needs her, how he wants to cherish her and love her for the rest of his life, and how he wishes they never parted. He also wants to say a big thank you for giving his strength, courage and self-belief back simply by talking, by being with him. He could not have gotten into this shower-bathtub, for example, without her help, without her words. Let alone Derry or Neibolt House.
Y/N would like to tell Stanley how grateful she is for his love, and that it is he who loves her. She would want to let him know that he’s the most important person in her life, that he means the most to her, and that she’d do anything to turn back time and relive her—their both’s—life differently, together. Happy.
How happy, how much more happier they’d be if things had turned out differently. And she wants to tell him how grateful she is for him to be here, right now, as well as tell him how privileged she is to love him, and to have him love her back, how privileged it is to hold his hand and look into his eyes.
But to not waste any emotional and physical material, they suffice with a simple—
“I love you.” She tells him in a quiet whisper. It almost drowns with the water in the dark drain of the sewer pipes. She leans up to kiss his lips. She can taste the coffee he drank earlier still, and the water. She smiles, and she kisses him again. And again. She chases his lips with hers, her hands pushing against him slowly, not at once, but slowly, begging. She kisses him, and she almost melts.
Stanley moves her rogue hair strands out of her face, and holds her cheek while looking into her eyes. His orbs move back and forth only the slightest. A corner of his lips raises ever so slightly. “I love you.” He assures her and kisses her again. He then kisses her forehead and pulls her into an embrace against his chest. Even his chest hairs have flattened down from the water, she can barely feel them against her cheek. She closes her eyes, and so does Stanley.
Something about the way he holds her, something about the way he shuts his eyes when he does. Thoughts of what is to come creep into his mind now, despite how badly he wants them not to. What if this is the last time I have her to myself? Selfish to think of her like that, but… She’s the most beautiful angel I’ve met in my life. I want to spend my entire life with her, I want to give her what I did not for the twenty years spent apart. What if, when I go back home, my mind will be changed about her? What if we’ll forget each other again, like last time?
But what if you don’t go home, Stanley? Maybe go to her home, or go home with her. Not your home, but one that would belong to you both. And Patty? What of her? Do I not call her or visit her? Do I just leave her in the dark? I can’t do that to her. After all we’ve been through, after loving one another for so long… After being married, and happily at that, after her trusting me so much…
Do you still love Patty as you did before Mike called you? As you did when she helped you pack clothes and essentials for this trip? How will you tell her you’ve met the love of your life, the love of your childhood again and made love to her in another city, another state? Another place, or void, completely foreign and strange to Patty and her whole life, and how she knows life in general? It will break her. Would it be better if you didn’t tell her at all? No, no, I can’t leave her wondering in the dark.
What if you love them both? What do you do then? Marry Y/N and live together as three married people? That’s complete craziness, Stanley. You can’t do that. But if I can’t choose… If I can’t choose between the two women I love most, what do I do then? Leave them both and live alone? Or should I choose? Which option would be better for everyone involved? Do I choose to be selfish and choose Y/N or Patty for the rest of my life? That’s only fair to me, and I can’t stand by that. But…
Stanley can’t live without Y/N. Maybe it’s just what he thinks now because he’s met her again, but then again—there wouldn’t be these feelings if there wasn’t an old cause for them, old roots grow out of something, not nothing. And they do have roots. Childhood. High school. Before college. The first year of college. Then it faded away… But these feelings are still here, they’re still real, present and true. They’re as intense as before, if not more. It is beyond love and belonging and craving, it is far more than they as mortal humans can understand, can know that they feel. He can only give her the tip of the iceberg that is his whole love, emotions and feelings for him. He can only do so much with his human mind and body.
But Patty… He loves Patty so much. They’ve been married for more than ten years, and found solace in each other. They loved each other even when they could not get children, they loved each other when they’ve woken up to a sour day, they loved each other even when they drive each other nuts (which is rare in their earthly, calm marriage). What fun have they had in these happy, peaceful years… Stanley would not trade it for the world. Ah, then and there, maybe. But here and now...
He doesn’t know. He can’t decide.
But somehow… The marriage ring that lays in the drawer of this hotel room’s nightstand, it feels like an anchor. And it feels old, as well, as strange as it sounds. Old, as if Stanley had lived in a past life with that ring and the person who carries the other ring, the rigs a promise to be man and wife until death do them part.
But it’s not death that will do them part. The happy, peaceful years he lived with Patty were simply years and time that fed on forgetfulness of crucial things such as childhood, and friends, and dreams that little kid Stanley Uris wanted to achieve in life. They were years of tunnel vision, of ignorance, but not his own. His self-consciousness’ ignorance caused by the magical curse IT laid upon Stanley and his friends once they left the town of Derry.
It’s best to think about it on the flight home, not now, about choosing the best option. Shower, heal and spend time with her. Heal together. You’re both still here, so right now you might as well use it selfishly, while you have that. Stanley opens his eyes and looks down at Y/N. The water runs in his eyes a few times. She moves back to look back at him, feeling a slight change in his position. She blinks, because the water gets into her eyes, as well, but she smiles. Stanley does as well, and then he reaches behind her to turn off the shower stream.
Naturally, they both shiver out of loss of warm water, but then hurry out of the bath-shower to wrap themselves in towels. Stanley helps Y/N not fall over on the slippery surface, what with having as many fears as she does. It’s a bath, after all, and he feels they’ll always frighten him a little bit from now on.
They both reach for the towels hanging on the heating pipes, and Y/N hums at the contact with her towel. It’s better than nice, and it’s better than perfect. She feels like falling asleep in this towel. Surprisingly soft for hotel towels.
They dry their hair out as much as they can with single towels, and then wrap the towels around their bodies. Non-verbally, maybe telepathically, they decide to wash their teeth. Stanley uses his own toothbrush and paste, but Y/N uses the tools their hotel provides—in the rush to catch the first flight to Maine she forgot to pack her tooth essentials. How silly and unhygienic of her, you might think. Not in her situation, not this time. Tooth cleaning essentials were really the smallest and most unimportant thing then.
Nor Stanley, nor Y/N speak much. There’s silence between them, tense but peaceful. So many questions nag at both their minds, so many questions they want to ask each other, mostly many uncomfortable questions. Answers to them would be too painful, too frustrating and hard to deal with, in general. Hence the questions are not asked. Many things they’d like to say to each other, but neither of them want to make this a book or movie scene, understand, with confrontation and dramatics. They just… They just really want to be here. They want to live and breathe and move without any complications or heavy-weighing anchors.
Y/N steals a shirt from Stanley, he’s already used it in this trip, and he had folded it to pack into his bag. He snatched his hand after her, but she’d already pulled the shirt over her head and naked breasts and stomach, too late for him to get it back. He looks at her, defeated, and she gives him the tip of her tongue sticking out between her lips. Now he can’t help but smile at her, she never fails to make him smile. With her simple enchanting grace and comedic mannerisms. Sometimes Stanley thinks her funnier than Richie Tozier himself.
Stanley now straightens up in his other button-up and underwear and watches her gracefully waltzing back into the bathroom, only in his shirt and her knickers. He can see wet spots on the shirt’s shoulders and over the breasts and back from her free-falling wet hair strands.
How magnificent is she. Arms like feather wings, legs like intertwining ribbons that dance so easily to their own beat. Hair of a color that reminds him of sunny summer and spring days, as well as dark winter afternoons, autumn mornings. Hands with the pads of cotton, cheeks plump and full of color like bright red roses. Her weight almost non-existent, so light and bird-like she carries herself. Her eyes of eternal kindness, the smile of a thousand little suns. And when you add all that together, it seems unreal, doesn’t it? She does. A fantasy only staying for a few moments until it swims away, to someplace else, to someone else. Stanley sighs.
He cannot let this fantasy go. He cannot let her go.
Permanent tag-list:  @gabiatthedisco​​​​​​​​ @v0idbella​​​ ​​​​​@inlovewithmiddleagedcelebs​​​​​​​​ @works-of-fanfiction​​​​​​​​ @destiel-stucky4ever-loki-queen​​​​​​​​ @stfxlou​​​​​​​​ @ur-gunna-h8-ths​​​​​​​ @betweenloveandfire​​​​​​​​ @but-legendsneverdie​​​​​​​​ @deardeacy​​​​​​​​ @thewinchesterchronicles​​​​​​​​ @mavieesttriste16​​​​​​​​​​​ @langdonzvoid​​​​​​​​ @intrrverted​​​​​​​​ @the-freak-cassie-131​​​​​​​​ @eddie-spaghetti-boi​​​​​​ @anxiousanakin​​​​​ @terratori812 @urban-dreams​​​​​​​​ @beverlyparkerr​​
Stanley Uris tag-list: @nightbu-g​​​​​​​​ @sadhwstudent​​​​​​​​ @shawni-h​​​​​​​​ @gothackedalready​​​​​​​​ @seasidecrowbar​​​​​​​​ @starred-river @raspberryacid​​​​​​​​ @facelessbish @tozierskaspb​​​​​​​​ @plum-duels​​​​​​​​ @whereyoustand​​​ ​​​​​@kimseungminsgf​​​​​​ @stanstan-the-manman​​
Heaven tag-list: @lovvliies​​​​​​ @kaspbrak-uris​​​​​​ @happy-at-home​​​​​​​ @jars-of–jupiter @violetzendaya @veronicapuff​​​​
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19tozier · 4 years
something human (richie tozier)
warnings: fluffy n sweet, 2019!richie x reader, assume this takes place before any events of chapter 2
based on the song something human by muse
[losers&reader are adults in this]
richie plasters a smile on his face, as wide as he absolutely can. the crowd is cheering for him, applauding and hooting and yelling, and it’s a sight that will never fail to make him feel warm. he’s worked his entire life for this, and it always feels good to have it pay off.
for now though, he’s drained, and all he can think about is the call he always looks forward to making when he gets backstage.
as soon as the curtains close, his smile drops, the bone-deep exhaustion making itself known. he goes through the motions of what’s expected of him: he drinks the water bottle thrown at him, he wipes his forehead on a towel he passes to some stagehand, and he only half-listens as his manager blabbers in his ear.
he manages to tune everyone and everything around him out until he’s safely in his dressing room, the door closed and no one to disturb him until he has to leave. it makes something in his chest loosen.
his phone is plugged in exactly where he left it, fully charged in anticipation for his routine. he picks it up and takes it off the charger, smiling at his lock screen.
it’s a picture of you and him from right before he’d left for this tour, sleepy and rumpled on the couch. you’re dressed in one of his sweaters, your cheek pressed into his neck as you smile for the camera. he’s pulling a goofy face, unable to keep serious even for a moment. it was one of the best nights he can remember in a long time.
the picture makes his heart feel three sizes too big, especially when he unlocks his phone to click on your contact. it only rings once before you answer it, breathless.
“hi, rich,” you murmur, your voice warm and bright and so deliriously happy to talk to him.
the tension in all of his muscles melts away at the sound of your voice, a tired but genuine smile creeping across his mouth. “hey there, angel,” he murmurs back, kicking his feet up onto the counter.
“how was your show?” you ask him, the same question you always ask, and you sound so soft and so sweet that richie almost has to scream.
he shakes his head even though you can’t see it. “same old, same old. got a lotta laughs tonight, you know how it is.” he pauses, thinking back to what he just performed. “the joke you wrote was the best part.”
you giggle, slightly breathless. “the one about your weird kink?”
he’s too warm at the sound of your voice to really take offense to your teasing of him, but he plays the part anyways. “yes, the one about my weird kink, asshole.” he rolls his eyes. “i still stand by the fact that just because i accidentally slipped into a voice one time does not mean i have a kink.”
you hum. he can hear the smile when you say, “sure, baby, whatever tickles your pickle.” you giggle to yourself.
he smirks. “well, darlin’, that would actually be you who—”
“richie!” you cut him off, laughing so hard you wheeze.
he can picture you in his mind: you’re probably curled up in the corner of the giant couch in the living room, some crime show paused on the tv. he knows you’re wearing one of his sweaters and some fuzzy socks, because the snapchat you sent him right before the show featured both. the phone is probably jammed against your ear and you’ve probably got a glass of wine sitting on the coffee table.
it sounds so cozy, and he knows it would be even cozier if he was there with you. all of a sudden, there’s a lump in his throat.
“i miss you so much, (y/n),” he rasps before he can stop himself. he usually tries not to break down like this, acutely aware that him being gone is already hard enough on you, but this time he can’t help it.
you’re silent for just a beat too long before you whisper, “i miss you too, rich.” the tears in your voice are painfully obvious. the mood from before has all but disappeared. “i miss you so much.”
richie swallows, trying to keep his composure. “only twenty more shows, doll. twenty-three more days, and then i’m right there with you.”
you sniffle and his heart breaks. “only three more weeks,” you repeat weakly. you sigh, the sound just barely loud enough for him to hear. “i hope they go by quickly.”
he sighs, letting his eyes fall shut. “me too, baby.”
he knows he doesn’t have long before he has to load onto the tour bus, and you’re probably just as exhausted as he is. it’s relatively late for you in LA and he feels bad keeping you up.
“i love you, angel,” he says, a bit desperately. he knows you know, the ring on your finger and the wedding on the horizon proof of that, but he’ll never get tired of telling you.
you make a soft sound, almost awed, and he’s lit up again by the reverent way you whisper, “i love you too, richie. i love you so much.”
he leans back, beginning to tell you some silly story of whatever happened that day. as he hears your giggles, he thinks, i really hope these next three weeks go by quickly.
it’s quiet in the apartment when richie lets himself in.
he’s certain it’s because you’re still asleep. it’s early in the morning after all, and you don’t know he’s home. as far as you’re concerned, his flight lands tonight. he didn’t tell you he’d managed to snag the last seat on a much earlier flight.
it’d been a hard tour, on both of you. this is the longest either of you have been apart, and his crazy schedule meant your phone calls after his shows were sometimes your only communication at all. it hurt to be away from you, but now he’s home, and he’s determined to stay at your side for as long as possible.
he smiles to himself, dropping his bags by the couch and gently placing his keys on the counter. he’ll deal with unpacking later, maybe after some kisses and a nap.
the bedroom door is slightly open when he gets to it, so it’s easy to push open without creating any noise. he quickly shuts it behind himself, not wanting the light from the windows in the hallway to wake you up and ruin his surprise.
he has to suppress his coo at how adorable you are, curled onto his side of the bed with your arms wrapped around his pillow. you’re only wearing one of his shirts and underwear, and it makes heat pool through richie’s veins. later, he tells himself.
quietly, he toes his shoes off and pulls off his jeans and jacket until he’s left only in a t-shirt and his boxers, much like you. only then does he let himself climb into bed beside you.
you don’t wake up immediately. you just scrunch your nose and murmur something unintelligible, rubbing your cheek against the pillow. it’s so adorable richie can’t help but reach out to cup your jaw, and that’s what finally wakes you up.
you blink your eyes open, disoriented, and you don’t really register that it’s richie in front of you for a couple of seconds. when you do, though, you gasp, quickly reaching out to pull him into your arms.
“what’re you doing home?” you breathe against his neck, holding him so tightly his ribs ache. he laughs into your skin. “i thought your flight wasn’t until later!”
he presses his lips to your forehead. “wanted to surprise ya, doll.”
his fingers won’t stop running up and down your back, and you’re so sleep-warm and soft that he feels his exhaustion begin to pull on him. you cuddle yourself even closer, leaning up to kiss him gently.
he hums against your mouth, fitting his hand to the back of your head to keep you there. it doesn’t lead anywhere, both of you too exhausted for much more, but it’s the thing he missed the most on tour. this simple intimacy with you, and the humanity of being in your arms. it’s more powerful than he will ever understand.
“i love you,” he mumbles into the kiss, tightening his hold around your waist. “i love you, i love you, i lo—“
“rich,” you laugh, pulling back to kiss his cheek. you gently take his glasses from his face and put them on the bedside table. the blurred smile on your face makes him more sleepy. “i know. i love you too.”
you snuggle back beneath his chin, your eyes already closing. he presses his mouth to your temple, holding it there as he, too, starts to drift off.
“i’m really glad you’re home,” you whisper into the quiet, your lips moving against his skin.
he smiles, pulling you closer. “me too, angel.”
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in-my-clown-era · 4 years
wait...so richie tozier has his voice named “kinky briefcase” who’s a sexual accountant...mayhaps he needed some accounting work and met a sexy accountant who may or may not have been named stanley uris??? he just changed the way the voice sounded but thinks of the sexy accountant (cough cough, STAN cough) for inspiration 👀👀👀
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I can’t keep my eyes of off you
A/N: this is my secret santa story for @liilaac, I really hope you enjoy it! Let me know what you think! 
Summary: You can’t have a wedding without a ring, is his reasoning behind this, and so the first stop on his; propose to Eddie Kaspbrak and make that man his for the rest of his life- list, is a jeweler store. Or; Richie Tozier has no clue how to propose to Eddie, but that won’t stop him from doing it anyway. Featuring Stanley Uris. 
Read it on AO3 
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dreamdaydreamer · 5 years
27 Years [Adult Stan Uris]
A/n: This is over 2000 words, I got carried away, sorry about that! But anyway, hope you enjoy. Requests are open! :)
Twenty-two years. That’s how long it’d been since you’d last seen Stanley Uris. He left Derry in 1994, just like you, to go to university. You promised to keep in touch, to see each other as often as possible, you were in love after all. But for some reason that had never happened. At first you would call each other as often as possible. Then it slowly became less and less. Until one day you just stopped speaking. Stopped meeting up. Stopped everything.
Soon after you finished your degree, you ended up back in Derry, having to move back there when your father died and deciding to stay. Until then, you’d forgotten all about Stanley Uris, it was only when you had gone back to Derry that you started to remember. Started to remember him, and the days you would spend together, bird watching, playing board games, studying. You had a lot in common with him, at the time you had believed that you were soulmates, but you didn’t believe that anymore. You didn’t even believe in soulmates anymore. 
You’d tried to pursue some sort of happiness in Derry. You dated a few guys, no one special though, no one like Stan. You never fell in love with anyone like you had been when you’d been in love with him. So instead you settled by yourself, opening a little book shop in town, quite popular with the locals. You lead a quiet life, and for the meantime, you were happy with that. You attempted to push Stan to the back of your mind and, although you really did try, it proved very difficult, seeming to be able to relate anything to memories of him.
The autumn season had started to come into its own. The weather cooling down from the blistering summer, breezes whistling through town although it still wasn’t cool enough to wear a coat, orange and gold leaves scattered the path.
It was just a routine day in your simple life, stocking shelves and serving the few people who came in. It wasn’t really the shopping season yet, most of your customers came closer to Christmas, burdened with the rush to buy presents for others. And so today you mainly sat behind the counter, reading a copy of one of your own books, sighing to yourself from time to time when the reading strained your eyes too much and you had to put the book down, boredom overtaking you once again.
Stan made his way through the Derry streets, reminiscing about all the time he’d spent there as a kid. When Mike had first called Stan, memories of Derry had come rushing back to him. Mostly the Losers Club, what they had faced together, as well as the good memories they had made over the years. And then he remembered you. He wondered how he could have ever forgotten about you. You were his first love, his only love. Quite possibly his soulmate, Stan realised this was probably why he had never married over the past twenty-two years. He had tried to settle down, to be in a serious relationship, but he never could. The people he had dated were nice but there was always something that wasn’t quite right, Stan could never put his finger on it. Until now.
Throughout his short time back in Derry, Stan had wondered whether you were here. He knew that you’d gone to university, and he knew that you had bigger dreams outside of Derry, but maybe, just maybe you were here. Maybe he would get to see you again.
Derry hadn’t changed much since the last time Stan had been there. The shops were mostly the same. The antique shop, the pharmacy, the ice cream shop, all stood exactly where they had done twenty-seven years ago. It was like Derry was its own time capsule. History trapped in modernity. The buildings looked more derelict than Stan could remember, but the signs and decorations stayed the same, paint peeled off them now. There was something new though. A bookshop. A bookshop that stood on the corner of the street, the most recent shop to open judging by the appearance of it. The oak wood hadn’t faded, the windows were sparkling clean and the signs hadn’t started to peel off. Stan had to double-take when he saw the name of the shop. Y/n’s Corner. His mind instantly thought of you, you had always loved books. He crossed the road, moving to stand in front of the window, peering in. At first, he couldn’t see anything, and his heart sank. Of course, you wouldn’t be here, you were probably out living your best life, successful, married maybe, a family. The thought chewed Stan like a dog would a bone, sinking its teeth into his flesh. It’s not that Stan wouldn’t be happy for you, he would, he would just wish that it would have been him you had married, him that you’d chosen to settle down with. As he flipped the idea over and over in his mind, he caught a glimpse of someone at the counter of the shop, and with a closer look, he knew it was you. Even though it had been so long since you’d seen each other, he recognised you immediately, you were still the same beauty he had been in love with twenty-two years ago. You disappeared into the back of the shop as Stan entered, the little bell above the door chiming.
“I’ll be out in a minute!” God, Stan thought, even your voice is the same. Lilting, and made Stan’s heartbeat twice as fast. In a few moments, he would be face to face with you, after all this time. What would he say to you? He had too much to say, not sure where to even start. He wanted to apologise for being away for so long, for forgetting, he wanted to tell you that he’d missed you, even if he hadn’t remembered you, there was always a part of him missing, and that it was you, he wanted to tell you how much he loved, loves, you, and how, even now, after all of this time, his heart beats only for you. How when he hears your voice, a smile makes its way onto his face subconsciously, how when he sees your face, he can hear the blood pumping round his body, he becomes light-headed and his knees turn weak, just like they had done when he saw you for the first time. He feels like a teenager again, feelings all jumbled and messy but it’s perfect and he feels liberated for the first time in years. He’s planned a speech in his head of everything he wants to say and how he wants to say it, maybe it will be just him spilling out his thoughts and feelings into one big sentence, the words tumbling out of him before he’s able to pull them back into his mouth. But they’ll be there, out in the open, no matter how they get there, then you’ll know. You’ll know how much he loves you. But how will you react? What if you hate him? What if you resent him because he forgot about you? What if you don’t love him anymore? Stan wouldn’t know what to do. What would be the point in carrying on when all he’s lived for is gone. You’re the reason he forced himself to come back to Derry, to face this clown, the hope that he will finally be able to live the life he’d always wanted too, with you. Even so, he’s ready to tell you all that he feels, no matter the outcome.
But then suddenly you’re stood in front of him. And everything he had planned to say, everything he wanted to tell you, runs away from him so fast that there’s no point chasing after it. Neither of you say anything, there was no reason too. Everything that the both of you wanted to say hung in the air between you, hidden in the irises of your eyes, pushed out in the short breaths. You couldn’t believe that he was there, in front of you, and your face paled, like you were seeing his ghost. He’s looking at you like you’re the most beautiful thing he’s ever seen in his life. And to him, you are. You’re every star in the sky, every pearl in the sea, every flower on the land. You’re every breezy spring day and romantic winter night wrapped up into one, emitting warmth and light and love with every movement. He’s looking at you in awe, he’s making you feel like he used too twenty-two years ago. He’s making you feel loved.
Twenty-two years ago, you had been in love. Twenty-two years later, you were still in love. You wondered whether it was Derry, everything here always stayed the same, maybe that meant the people within it too, maybe the reason why you still loved him was because Derry had frozen you in time. Still ageing, but always the same. But you also wondered whether it was just Stan. Stan. The man you’d loved for so long simply because of who he was. Maybe you were still in love with him because it was too hard to fall out of love with a man like that.
Then he smiles at you shyly, almost like he’s embarrassed, and in that moment, he looks younger, much younger. Like when you first met and he was looking up at you from the floor of the school corridor, after you’d shouted at Henry Bowers for pulling Stan’s Kippah from his curls. Any thought that the man in front of you isn’t Stan, that he’s some kind of imposter, fades away from you as realisation sets in. It is him. For some reason the thought shocks you more than his presence, after believing for so long that you would never see him again, the fact that he’s here, before you, makes you violently shiver and you wrap your arms around yourself as a tear slips down your face. You don’t know why you’re crying; you’re feeling too many emotions at once. Elation, love, relief, but also sadness too, sad that you’d missed out on so much time with him.
Stan doesn’t know why you’re crying either, so he panics, maybe he shouldn’t have come back. Maybe you really do hate him. He’s hurt, of course, but he only wants the best for you, only wants you to be happy.
“I…I’m so sorry. I shouldn’t have come. You must hate me, and I understand, I mean I…” Stan continues to ramble, listing all of the reasons why he should leave, and then he is. He is leaving and you’re pulled out of your trance. You can’t let him leave again. Stan makes his way to the door, but he’s stopped by a small tug on his woolly cardigan, when he turns, he sees you stood there, tears streaming down your face as you continue to cling to him.
“Please don’t leave me again, Stan.” You push yourself into his arms, burying your face into his chest and crying even harder than before. Instinctively, his arms come to wrap around you as he immerses himself in your scent. Your hair still smells heavenly and your scent takes him back to when he was young, warming him from the inside out and sending tingles down his spine, a feeling of safety blooming in his stomach. Stan doesn’t think he’s ever been as happy as he is right now, knowing that you’ve missed him as much as he’s missed you.
The past twenty-two years Stan had been frightened, frightened of his past. And sure, he has good reason, he was traumatised by a child-killing clown. He almost nearly skipped out on returning to Derry altogether, not sure whether he was brave enough to face his fears again, but now he’s glad that he did. Now, Stan’s more motivated than ever to kill IT, so that he can have the life he’d always wanted, with the person he’d dreamt about could never quite remember.
You and Stan spent the next hour catching up in the back room of your shop. It served as a mini kitchen, small but practical, with a little breakfast table pushed up to the wall. You both sat, sipping from your warm mugs, as your hands intertwined on the tabletop, neither one of you wanted to let go now that you had found each other. The way that you both talked, it was like you’d never been apart. Stan tensed up after you asked what he was doing back in Derry.
“It’s…a long story. A story I don’t think you would believe. Hell, I don’t think I believe it myself.” You nodded, in slight disappointment, Stan had never been the type to keep anything from you. “I want to tell you, I do,” Stan rushes out, “I just don’t want you to think I’m crazy!”
“You know I would never think that about you, Stan.” You try to reassure him, but he wouldn’t crack.
“When this is all over,” he starts, unsure that it ever would be over, “I’ll tell you, I promise.” You nod slightly. “I need to go. Duty calls.” A small chuckle escapes the both of you before Stan pulls himself out of the chair, reluctantly slipping his hand out of yours. He reaches the door, but then turns to look at you, a soft smile on his face.
“I’ll come back, if that’s alright with you?”
“Be careful, Stan.” You couldn’t explain it, but somehow you knew that this thing, whatever it was, was serious. Dangerous, even. “Promise me I’ll see you soon?”
Stan’s heart flutters, you did want to see him again. He nods,
“Very soon. I promise.”
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stanthemanstan · 5 years
𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑺𝒌𝒚 𝑰𝒔 𝒂 𝑺𝒂𝒇𝒆 𝑯𝒂𝒗𝒆𝒏 ❧ 𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝑰
A/N: thank you guys for a hundred followers! Sorry about the delay between the uploads, I haven’t been writing a lot lately and I’m still working on the chapter after this. I figured that posting this would be a good way to celebrate a hundred! Hope you enjoy the series, and remember that I’m always open to feedback, questions, etc :)
Word count: 1.4K
Series masterpost
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It was twenty-seven years after your final encounter with It when you were called. It was funny, since, like you were of the passing of time, you were unaware of who was on the other line. It took a minute of recollection to realize what the Derry, ME on the phone screen meant to you, and who this man was saying he was. Then it all began to flood back.
“Is this (Y/N) (L/N)?” you heard on the other line.
“Yes, who is this?”
“It’s Mike. Mike Hanlon, from Derry.”
Derry. The word was so familiar. So strange at the tip of your tongue, yet so… mnemonic. It was the name of your hometown.
“Oh my goodness… Mike, hi, it’s so good to talk to you again.”
It was the place that had seemed to escape your mind for almost twenty years. Where you grew up. Went to school. And, through odd circumstances, formed your strongest relationships and deepest fears. It also wasn’t just the odd place, you thought, that was flitting back into your memories; it was also the people.
“I agree. However, the subject at hand isn’t exactly the most lighthearted.”
It was also the events.
“Hold on… This couldn’t possibly be about—”
The dreaded summer of ’89.
“I hate to say it, but it is. It has returned, (Y/N). You need to come back home.”
The vivid image of that horrid clown pierced your mind for the first time in years. Those were the thoughts that were burned into your brain for the rest of your high school career, only fading when you escaped Derry to attend college.
“I’ll— I’ll make plans to leave as soon as possible, Mike. You’ve called the others? Are they gonna come?”
You remembered your friends, the Losers, the misfits that banded together. There was stuttering Bill Denbrough. Richie “Trashmouth” Tozier. Beverly Marsh. Eddie Kaspbrak the hypochondriac. Ben Hanscom.
“I’ve called almost everyone by now.”
And there was Stanley Uris, the boy who was there for it all.
He was your love and your fear— it was terrifying to realize. While the illusion of the tarantula towering over you was scary enough to your thirteen-year-old self, the thought that came after was much more shattering. The thought of losing him.
“…Do you have Stanley’s number?”
Even though you were deemed too young to have known what love was at the time, you knew that Stanley was too important to you to possibly lose. And that was exactly what you were shown. Being vulnerable, especially after Its assault on him, it was heartbreaking for you to see two of him.
One had begged for you to be okay, telling you that he was there for you, that he would never, ever, ever leave you, that you were everything to him. His voice was hoarse from his previous panicking, screaming, sobbing, and it was ever so desperate when he called out to you. He had blood and sweat and tears staining his face that was bent with fear and worry. He had fresh wounds on the sides of his face from where he was bitten by that horribly warped lady.
The other begged for you to save him, telling you to stop hurting him, that you were killing him, that he would be gone because of you. His voice was hard with disappointment and accusation, sharp enough to pierce your heart and break it permanently. He had blood dried in smears across his face and more of it leaking and sputtering from his lips as he berated you. He had the palest, most lifeless skin, and his eyes were even more so. This impression —Its impression— on your feeble mind was almost emotionally fatal.
The confusion and paranoia lasted a fair amount of time since then.
Completely unwilling to recover and clean up by yourself that day, you accompanied Stan home. You worried that if you weren’t there with him, he would be gone and you would see that deathly vision in his place.
You insisted on helping him disinfect his wounds, even as your hands were trembling, and he eventually had to take care of the matter himself. It was a bit of a predicament for the both of you. You did, however, manage to secure the bandages around his head when he finished. He then cleaned up your scratches for you. It was slightly difficult with one hand, for you were tightly gripping his other one in your own, but he was innovative and concentrated. You just needed to be sure he was beside you.
“Yes, I do. It’s four-oh-four…”
When the oath was made at the Barrens, everyone received a cut on their palm as a token of their promise. You winced as the glass shard pierced your skin, immediately cradling your other hand beneath the cut one. Soon, though, your bloodied hand gripped Stan’s.
You had felt him squeeze your hand, lightly and mindfully enough so that it wouldn’t hurt; a sign of comfort. You gazed at him with such a deep look of admiration in your eyes. The sight of his bandages made your heart ache.
On your right, you held Mike’s hand, and everyone together formed a circle. The eight of you stayed there for a few silent moments before letting your hands fall back to your sides. Your hold on Stan’s was more prolonged.
“Okay, thank you. I’ll see you tomorrow.”
Stan had glanced at you and then looked up at Bill, who was across from him. I gotta go. Your breath hitched and your heart dropped. I hate you, he told Bill. One by one, everyone cracked grins and laughed. Your smile was a weak echo of the others’. You were nervous.
When the laughter died down, Stan caught your eye. I’ll see you later, he said softly. He began walking, setting out towards home, but he also let himself linger a moment or two longer.
Yeah, same. Bye, guys, you said with a wave to the group. While you didn’t want to leave everyone so abruptly, you couldn’t be without Stan after what It had shown you. The Losers parted ways with the two of you.
“Bye, (Y/N). Be seeing you tomorrow. Travel safe.” Mike ended the call.
When you met up with Stan —you had to rush only a little since he had gotten a head start— it was oddly silent at first. You began overthinking. Does he notice how I’m practically following him around like a lost puppy? I’m probably annoying him really badly. Does he know what I saw? Why I’m so afraid?
You looked between your cell phone and the notepad that you had scrawled a cursory phone number onto. Stan’s number. You hadn’t even realized that your heart was throbbing until then.
Stan, I’m sorry, you told him on your walk. I just— I can’t be alone right now, after everything that’s happened. I should probably be going home, but…
With the foreboding weight of your fear on your shoulders and with shaky hands, you began punching in the numbers. Four… zero… four…
It’s okay, he said quietly in return. He didn’t prod or ask for an explanation, but it did seem like he already knew. However, at that moment, you had a tacit agreement not to ask each other what you had seen.
The dial tone sounded, echoing through your head. One ring.
You remembered spending that day at his house, practically locked in his room. Neither of you wanted to talk about what had happened —not then, at least— but it was evident that you both needed comfort and protection from it.
Two rings.
You made small talk as you sat about a foot apart on his neatly made bed. You learned more about each other. That foot was reduced to inches. You confided in each other. Those inches were reduced to closeness. You cried to each other. That closeness became contact— shoulder to shoulder. You consoled each other. That contact became an embrace.
Three rings.
You spent that night in his arms, needing the constant reassurance that he would be there. That he was real. That he was okay. That he still believed in you. There was always a raging mental battle going on— you could never tell if he was there or just another twisted illusion.
The line connected.
Was he there?
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I'd like to thank It Chapter Two for not only scaring the absolute sh*t out of me, but for the burst of popularity and love my only (so far!!! I still write for the LC!!) Losers club imagine, The Tug has gotten suddenly. Glad to see ol' Stan the Man getting some love!
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myriadimagines · 5 years
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[x] // requester: anonymous (edited) // request here
You can sense the apprehension amongst the other Losers to confront Pennywise again, but after receiving the news of Stan’s death, you’re all the more determined to kill It once and for all. Stan was the first person you ever loved, your childhood memories all featuring him, and you want nothing more in the entire world for him to still be alive.
But you know that can’t happen. So, you’ll settle for killing It instead, for taking the boy you once loved away from you.
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randoms-world · 5 years
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Imagine advent day 20=demons (Stanley Uris x oc)
(Warning=abuse mentioned, self harm hinted & suicide mentioned)
Charlotte hated this time of year, its ber dad's birthday and no one but she knows what that man was truly like, it was getting harder and harder each day to keep those emotions in. She was mostly felt guilty for lieing to her friends bill, richie, Eddie, Beverley, ben & mike but mostly she hated never telling stan about it. Oh stan was the first positive thing she had in her life and its because of him she met the amazing friends she could always count on and she couldn't be more thankful for all they've done for her. She turned on the news and what she saw made her freeze "thank god they finally caught that guy" stan says as he sits beside her, she didn't say anything and just had to get up and go for a walk before they listed off the victims. Stan watched and one name came up that almost made him cry "and his final victim, his own daughter Charlotte Jackson" the reporter says and stan just turned the TV off, he was frozen and then all at once his emotional side came threw and he broke down. He called the others and they had all seen it two "we gotta find her" stan says and they all went down her usual walk route and they saw her sitting on the edge of a lake but they could now see her old scars and it broke stan to see her like this. He slowly walked towards her "love?" He says softly as he sits with her "stan I'm sorry I never told you about this, I tried telling teachers at school and nun of then believed me so I didn't think kids would if Adults didn't" she says quietly. Stan held her hand "wanna talk about it?" He asked and she felt that it would help so she did, oh he felt himself get angry hearing the things she had done to her and how she got treated but then the time she had tired to kill herself made a lot more sense now "listen you don't have to face your demons alone anymore" he says and he hugged her letting her cry into his chest.
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19tozier · 4 years
the hands of love (bill denbrough)
warnings: adult bill, stress/anxiety, mentions of canon horror, takes place after events of chp2, it’s not relevant to the plot here but eddie and stan are alive Because I Said So
inspired by the song hands of love by miley cyrus
[losers&reader are adults here]
you aren’t sure what wakes you up at first.
you blink a little stupidly, still caught in the wisps of whatever dream you were having. the room is dark and cool around you. moonlight streams through the gaps in the shutters, turning the air to haze that looks so solid you think you could pass your hand through it. and it’s quiet, the only sound the soft creaking of the ceiling fan above you. bill isn’t even snoring.
bill isn’t even snoring. you frown.
you turn onto your side, reaching onto his side of the bed. you expect for your hand to meet solid flesh, to trail up over his shoulder and splay over his heart, but all you encounter is emptiness. the cold sheets aren’t even rumpled.
you sigh to yourself. it must be one of those nights again.
the lights prove to be too much for your eyes so you leave them off, stumbling to pull on one of bill’s t-shirts over your bare body. you don’t bother with pants, only underwear. if all goes well, you’ll be back to bed in no time.
the rest of the house is just as quiet, all the lights turned off. your footsteps are soft as you pad down the hallway, instinctively turning the corner to get to the last room on the left. there’s no other place he could be.
just as you suspected, there’s a golden glow at the bottom of the door, casting the faintest shadows onto the wall across from it. if you strain your ears you can hear the sounds of his keyboard, and eventually, a stilted groan. resolved, you reach forward and slowly open the door.
it’s mostly dark in bill’s office, only a single lamp on his desk spilling slanted light over the floor. bill’s hunched over his computer, his face screwed up in a grimace behind his reading glasses. he doesn’t hear you walk in, even though you aren’t really trying to be quiet, too focused on whatever it is he’s writing.
he gets like this, sometimes, so into his own head that he can’t differentiate between up or down. he’s so easily stressed, your bill, when he tries to carry the weight of the world on his shoulders. unfortunately, he does that too often, retreating further and further into himself until you have to gently coax him back out.
fortunately, you’ve perfected the best way to love him.
he startles when your hand trails over his arm, brushing up his shoulder as you tuck yourself against his back. his chair is uncomfortable where it digs into your side but it’s worth it to hold him for just a second. like second-nature, his hand comes up to cradle yours, slotting your fingers together.
“what time is it?” he mumbles to you, blinking like he’s suddenly aware of just how tired he is.
you hum, turning your head to kiss just behind his ear. “i’m not sure,” you admit quietly, rubbing your thumb along his collarbone. “but you should come to bed anyways.”
he sighs, leaning back against your chest before he shakes his head. “i need to finish this draft by thursday. i-i can’t s-s-stop now.”
you frown worriedly. his stutter only comes out anymore when he’s stressed beyond belief. if it’s coming out now, when the only thing keeping him up should be the words flowing through his brain, then things are worse than you’d originally thought.
“that’s three whole days from now, love,” you say softly, not giving voice to your worries just yet. “you’re already almost done, you said so this morning. you’ll have time.”
he groans, pulling out of your embrace to slump his head into his hands. you watch, feeling helpless, as his hands fist into his hair. “b-but it’s not perfect, i n-n-need to—t-t-to—fuck—“
your heart clenches. you move from your spot on the arm of his chair to sit on his desk beside his computer, pulling his glasses off and coaxing him forward until his head is pillowed on your lap. he’s so tense he’s trembling, or maybe that’s him trying to keep it together. either way, you’re suddenly terrified.
“what’s going on, bill?” you ask, your voice pitched so low that if he wasn’t so close he wouldn’t be able to hear it. your fingers brush through his hair, soothing where he had pulled on it. “this isn’t about the book, is it?”
he shakes his head, pulling himself closer to you. like this, he reminds you so painfully of the little boy you’ve only ever seen in the few pictures he has of his childhood. he doesn’t seem inclined to speak but you know you just have to give him time. you keep stroking through his hair.
eventually, he sighs, his breath warm against your bare thigh. he squirms a bit, not eager to open up, but he’s always been brave, and your heart swells with pride for him even as he mumbles, “w-what if they h-hate it?”
all at once, you get it.
“oh, baby,” you soothe, bending your head to kiss the back of his neck. he holds onto you tighter, not willing to show you his face yet. “is this about the losers?”
miserably, he nods, his forehead rubbing onto your thigh. he doesn’t say anything else but you don’t really need him to. you understand what he means now, because the book he’s writing—the book all about the childhood trauma he and his friends faced that, even now, you can barely hope to understand—is the most important thing he’s ever done. you know he feels the pressure to get the story right without telling too much, and you know he feels the pressure of telling his friends’s stories without doing it wrong. it’s a lot, and if this were any other book you might even tell him to do away with the idea, but you know that he needs to.
“w-what i-if they h-h-hate it?” he asks again, much quieter this time, the words smeared into your skin. his voice is damp and his shoulders tremble even more. “w-what if i-i f-f-fuck it up a-and—“
“bill,” you interrupt him, gently. you tug at his shoulders until he sits up, looking up at you with his watery blue eyes. you sigh, leaning down to press your foreheads together. “you know they’re not going to hate it.”
he whimpers, just slightly, and your heart breaks. “b-but w-what if—“
“but what if nothing, love.” you thread your fingers into his hair, scratching at his scalp the way you know he likes. “you’ve been talking to them about it the entire time. you haven’t made any decisions about this book without everyone’s approval. you know how much they already love it.”
he’s silent, just staring into your eyes, so you smile softly, bringing one hand to cup his jaw. “if you’re really so worried, call them in the morning and talk to them about it. they might be able to help.”
bill stares at you for a second longer before he blows out a sigh and nods. his shoulders slowly stop trembling, the tension leaking out of him until he slumps against your chest.
“t-thank you, baby,” he mumbles against your collarbone, adorable exhausted now that you’ve managed to get through to him. you grin to yourself, kissing the top of his head.
“come now, billiam,” you say, adopting the tone that richie or eddie or stan might use to make fun of your husband. “it’s time for bed.”
he huffs a weak laugh, pulling back to kiss you gently. “anything for you.”
it’s cheesy but you know he means it. your cheeks flush pink even as you hop down from his desk, twining your hands together to tug him out of the room after you turn off his computer and lamp. he just lets you lead him to your bedroom, his eyes barely staying open now that he’s broken his own trance. even now, after all your years of being together, after everything he’s been through and all that he’s told you of the horrors he faced, the fact that he trusts you so completely still makes your chest burn with your love for him.
your bedroom is just as dark and quiet as you left it and you waste no time climbing back into bed. you don’t bother taking off your clothes, you’re too tired and comfortable anyways, so you just lean against the headboard and watch him strip off his shirt and jeans until he’s left in his boxers.
he climbs into bed beside you, but instead of curling up and nodding off the way you thought he would, he cuddles up beside you, nestling his head on your shoulder and slinging a heavy arm over your hips. his leg nudges between yours and his other arm slides between you and the mattress, effectively trapping you against him. you don’t mind one bit.
“thank you, (y/n),” he says again, sweeter now in the darkness. he’s no stranger to intimacy and he knows exactly how to put his thoughts into words, but sometimes simpler is better. maybe it’s because you and him work together so well that everything becomes simple. no problem is too big with you by his side. “i love you. i d-don't know what i’d do without y-you.”
you press your lips to his forehead. “i love you too, bill.”
you want to wax your own poetry to him, go into all the intricacies of how much you love him and how much you know you are better with him by your side, but your eyes are suddenly too heavy to keep open anymore. he’s soft and warm on top of you, relaxed now as he slips into sleep, and you aren’t far behind him.
that’s alright, you think as your eyes drift closed. you can just tell him in the morning.
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in-my-clown-era · 4 years
drawing eddie with muscles is one of my favorite things in the world like it’s just...so much fun
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Color explosion  (stenbrough x reader)
A/N: This was requested by @stanleyurisgirl​. Thank you so much for the request! I hope you like it! Let me know what you think! Also yes I’m aware the titel sucks 😂
Summary:  If possible could I request a soulmate au where the reader's soulmate's are Stanley Uris and bill Denbrough, could it be where soulmate's are colour blind until they meet their soulmate and can see in color?
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‘Can you fucking watch where you’re going?’ Your loud voice called out angrily to a woman who without even looking around flipped you off. You huffed, adjusting your skirt before continuing on your way. You grumbled the whole way, still wondering why you had said yes to this meeting in the first place. You were a illustrator for a marketing company, and you were on your way to meet the famous Bill Denbrough. You had read a few of his books, and beside the general outrage, you actually really liked the ending to his books, and you had a Knick for reading regardless of who the author was, but that didn’t mean you were all that excited for this project. You were supposed to read Mr. Denbrough’s new book draft, and design a book cover for it, but this was the third time already that you had tried to set up a meeting.
The first time mister Denbrough had cancelled, he said he had some family problems, and he had to go back to his hometown, though he didn’t offer up any other explanation. You had felt a bit annoyed, as you lived for away from Atlanta, where the meeting would take place, and you had already been in a hotel when he had called. Still, you understood that sometimes things could come up without any notice, so you politely said nothing and returned to Ohio, where you lived. You had never met Mr. Denbrough before, and the only reason he had your phone number was because your boss had given it to him. The second time your phone had rang and Bill Denbrough’s name popped up, he had said it was a ‘boyfriend emergency’.
Stanley Uris, you thought his name was. In the  radio interviews you had listened to, solely to prepare yourself for your job you insisted, not because Bill Denbrough seemed like an interesting man, he had talked about how much he loved his boyfriend. Stanley Uris was apparently just as blindingly pretty as Bill himself was. You had never seen either one of them, not seeing the point in that, but your friends had, and they loved to tell you all about them.
They suited each other. They weren’t pretty in the same way, Bill looked like he was a laid-back looking man. He wore a lot of plaid shirts, and he dressed casually, but somehow he made it work. Stanley Uris looked more fancy, he wore a suit and tie, his curls tamed as much as they possibly could, and his posture rigid. Both of them looked like models in their own way, and together, they looked even better. Of course, that wasn’t your perspective, but you did trust the judgment of your friends, so you were excited to finally meet him.
A coworker of yours gossiped that Stan and Bill had another soulmate that they hadn’t found yet, as Bill had once mentioned that he and Stan could only see blue colors, which was unusual to say the least. When people met their soulmates, they found out what colors were. It was a universal given, that everyone had a soulmate, and once you met them, you could finally see what the big fuss about  clothes were, your dad often joked that he wasn’t your mothers soulmate, because she still couldn’t match clothes at all. Your mom would huff lovingly and roll her eyes at that. It was rare to have more than one soulmate, but it did happen, yet it was very rarely talked about.
Having a second soulmate was seen as taboo, so when your coworker had told you Bill Denbrough had admitted to it on live television, you doubted it very much.  When people with more than one soulmate met their first one, they would see only one part of the color scheme, until they met their other soulmate(s). You didn’t know if that was the case with Mr. Denbrough and Stanley Uris, but you weren’t too bothered about it. Being happy is always the most important thing.  
You had also heard that Stanley Uris ended up in the hospital, though you didn’t know for what, so while it made sense that Bill was taking care of him, you felt irritated that you had yet again came to Atlanta for nothing. The hotel your boss made you stay in was comfortable, but it didn’t do anything to make you miss your own home any less. You missed your dog when you went away, even though your dog was content to stay with your parents for a couple of days. You had once more said nothing, instead wishing Mr. Denbrough luck. Afterwards though, you reached out to your boss. You weren’t close to her, but that didn’t stop you from telling her that if Bill Denbrough canceled one more time, you were not going to design his cover any more. Your boss complained, but ultimately agreed, which brought you to Atlanta for a third time, and you swore to your parents up and down that this would be the last time that you would drop your dog, stitch, off at their house.
They didn’t mind, in fact, they loved the fact that you were gone. Your mother told you one time that it might be the time Where you would finally meet your soulmate, which caused you to dismount very quickly. Soulmates were a touchy subject in the family, considering you had still not, found your soulmate. Your mother had often pushed on the issue, saying that your biological clock was ticking,
And that she would love to become a grandmother before she died. She had said it in a joking way, though you knew she meant every word of it. She had been pushing you to find your soulmate since you were only 12 years old, and so many fights in the family between your mom and dad went about you. You didn’t even know if you wanted children, because you refused to bring a child into this world that would have two bickering parents all the time.
Your words ran through your head though, and you had looked around Atlanta thoughtfully, hoping that you would suddenly see color. This was the third time you had been here though, and you still had no luck. You were starting to think that you may not even have a soulmate, that you were destined to live your life in a black and white world, I’m a world where you would never be able to match your clothes, or pick out wall colors. It upset you sometimes, like when your best friend got married and you couldn’t help her pick a dress because you couldn’t see the color it was in, but for the most part you had just accepted this as a part of you, and you were okay with it.
You had finally reached the address Bill had given you, not too far away from the train station which you had used, and took a deep breath before knocking on the door. You’re face lit up with a fake smile right away, because you were a professional, and even though Mr. Denbrough got on your last nerve, you were going to be polite
You were surprised that you had actually gotten an address from Mr. Denbrough, as the previous times you had an appointment, you were supposed to meet in a cafe nearby. It seemed like he know that you were close to quitting and decided that having you come over to his home would mean that you could relax a little more. You knocked, and for a few minutes nothing happened, then the heavy door creaked open and a woman stood in the door opening. She was smiling, and she looked absolutely beautiful, even without you being able to see color. ‘You must be Y/N? I’m Beverly, come in, Bill’s caught up in writing again.’ As she said it she extended her hand and you politely shook hers.
She lead you into the home, past the living room where shouting voices could be heard, ‘eat shit trashmount’, but Bev led you over to another door, opening without hesitation. She turned around motioning for you to get in and smiled once more. ‘Don’t get too caught up in how he looks, I swear he’s a professional’, she winked, before walking back to the living room. You wondered if you looked okay, considering you had no idea which colors you were combining.
You stepped into the room, the first thing you noticed was that it was messy place. There were papers everywhere, cups of coffee on the floor where you were sure you there shouldn’t be, and in the middle of it all sat a man, with his back towards you. In front of him, there was another door, leading into a room you couldn’t see from this angle. The man hadn’t appeared to hear you come in, too busy typing furiously.
You coughed lightly, trying to get his attention. His head shot up, and he turned around. ‘Oh I’m so sorry, I completely forgot you were coming today, you must be’. He cut himself off. You suddenly had a pounding headache, so extreme you stumbled backwards, keeping yourself upright on the door.
You squeezed your eyes shut, breathing deeply in through your noise as you tried to calm down. You heard Bill’s breathing pick up a notch, but you were too busy trying to deal with your own pain. After a few seconds of this, your eyes blinked open, heavy and you squinted against the light coming in through the window. Suddenly, your own breathing picked up.
You could see, what you guessed was the color red. It looked so beautiful, and you nearly cried. It was the color of Bill’s shirt, and a deviant of the color was on the walls, orange or pink, you remembered. When you were a child, your school taught tried to teach you colors, but it was hard when most of the kids hadn’t met their soulmates yet. You barely registered Bill, slowly rising from his chair. You looked down, and saw that you had were wearing a lighter red jacket. With tears in your eyes you looked at Bill, who himself was looking at you with tears in his eyes. ‘Hey, Bill would you like a drink’? Someone called out from inside the other room, his voice like velvet.
A confused frown appeared on your face, didn’t Bill have Stan as a soulmate yet? You looked around the room once more, and noticed that some of the colors still weren’t visible to you. You suddenly remembered what you coworker had told you, that Bill had said that he and Stan still hadn’t found their other soulmate. He was so close to you now, if he took one more step forward, the two of you would be pressed together.
Bill ignored his words, instead calling out a quick, ‘Stan, Stan get in here now please’.
Almost immediately, another man came running into the room. He looked scared, but when his eyes landed on Bill he let out a sigh of relief. Bill glanced at him quickly before turning back to you.  The man followed suit, and the second your eyes met, you felt the same pain once more. Your knees buckled, but Bill acted fast and caught you in his arms. You collapsed against him, but this time you opened your eyes quicker than before. ‘Stan’, Bill breathed, and ‘Stan’ looked up at him. His eyes were open as well, and he looked around the room in wonder, before his eyes settled on you, his mouth dropping open slightly.
You looked up at Bill, who helped you stand up again, but kept his arms encircled around you anyway. His eyes were blue, an amazing ocean blue. A smile took over your features once more, you could see every color now. Dark, light, bright, not so bright. Every single one of the colors were full of life, and you couldn’t get enough from watching them. Your friends were right, both Stan and Bill looked absolutely stunning in their own way. Stan’s curls were a dark color, and you reached up and whipped a curl out of his face.
Stan smiled, his hand cupping yours, grabbing your hand tightly. Bill turned your head, leaned down, and kissed you without thinking twice. You kissed him messily, at first hesitant, but after a few seconds the both of you pushed your nervousness aside, and kissed like your life depended on it.
You felt dazed, so full of happiness. Stan and Bill shared a kiss too, and you felt a bomb of happiness in your heart. You had not one, but two soulmates, how lucky were you?
Stan leaned forward a bit, but instead of kissing you on the lips, he pressed a kiss to your forehead. ‘I’m sorry’, he murmured, ‘I’m not good with germs’. You laughed, reaching your arms around his midsection, shaking you head. ‘Don’t apologize.’
‘I’m Bill, but I think you already knew that’, Bill laughed, his hand reached out for Stan, who immediately took it.
‘I’m Stan’, Stan continued, still leaning close to you.
Still dazed from the amount of love you were feeling, and from all the color attacking your eyes you merely replied with; ‘I have a dog called Stitch.’
The loud laughs both Stan and Bill let out made you laugh too, and you had never felt more at ease than you were now. Thank god for your boss.
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yikestripes · 5 years
Just Believe
Stanley Uris x Reader!
A/N: I always feel like stanfics don’t get enough attention so here’s a super cute one I thought up in the shower! Enjoy! (also, someone find me a man like this DAAAAMN)
OH and they’re aged up in this one; not a specific age, but just older than 13 i guess? so likeee 16-17. alright cool ENJOY!
(y/f/g): your favorite gem (emerald, sapphire, ruby, etc)
“Believe in what your heart is saying, hear the melody that’s playing,” Josh Groban’s deep voice rang out from the tv set, and bounced off the walls in the living room as Stan looked at you with stars in his eyes. You were watching the end credits of your favorite Christmas movie “The Polar Express” so intently, all the while Stan remained focused on you. He grinned at how adorable it was that you were so invested in just the end credit scenes, quietly and subconsciously humming along to “Believe” by Josh Groban playing through the speakers.
Suddenly, Stan reached out and took your hand, breaking you out of your trance. You made a face as he pulled you off the couch and let his hands come to rest on your hips, a small smile playing at his lips. You relaxed at his touch and let your arms come to rest around his neck as you slowly swayed around the room, pausing to giggle at Stan’s goofy grin.
“You know, as many times as I’ve looked into those beautiful eyes of yours, I have never come across someone with quite the same color.” He whispered. You giggled again as a blush rose to your cheeks.
“Oh really? What color do you think they are, then?”
“Some mix between (Y/E/C) and (E/C).” He said, scanning your face with his big brown eyes.
“I’m so in love with you, Stanley Uris.” You whispered back, pressing a light kiss to his cheek as his grin reappeared.
He picked you up and spun you around, before putting you back down and letting his hands return to your hips, still swaying around your living room. You lay your head on his chest, listening to his heart beat so quickly, both afraid it might spring out of his chest.
You stayed like that until the song ended, and as you pulled away to turn off the TV, Stan stopped you. You raised your eyebrows as he picked up the remote and rewound back to the beginning of the song.
“Children sleeping, snow is softly falling.
Dreams are calling, like bells in the distance.
We were dreamers not so long ago.
But one by one we all had to grow up.” Stanley hummed along, and reached out his hand again. You pretended to not want to, and Stan made a shocked face, when you kissed his wide open mouth, causing you both to giggle.
“If you just believe,” You sang quietly, letting your forehead come to rest against Stan’s, a stray curl falling into place.
You got on your tiptoes and gave him a quick kiss on the lips before pulling away to clean up the room before your mother got home, while Stanley watched, still amazed at how he was currently dating the girl he knew for a fact he wanted to marry one day.
Stanely paced the floor of his office for a straight hour. You had dinner plans with your friends that night in the heart of the city, and were due back at any moment. It was the middle of December and you had promised Stan a night together earlier that week, saying you could sit down together and watch a movie like you used to when you were younger.
You were both relatively introverted, quiet people who enjoyed the simple things in life, like spending time with one another and watching movies while cuddling on the couch. It was Stanley’s favorite thing in the world, and you knew that; you always would make special time to sit and watch a movie with him.
Little did you know what Stan really had going on in his head. The ring box sat open on his desk and stared at him as he continued to pace. Suddenly, he heard the front door open and you call out, alerting him that it was time while his heart leapt into his throat.
“Hey Stanny, I’m home!” You called, hanging your coat up in the closet in the foyer.
“I’m in my office, I’ll be out in a second.” Stan said, his voice cracking. He was hoping the shaking in his voice wasn’t too obvious as he negated the thought and shoved the ring box back in his pocket.
“Hi gorgeous,” Stan grinned, joining you in the hallway.
“Heya handsome.” You kissed his lips softly and pulled back, wiping away some lipstick that smeared on the corner of his mouth.
“What movie are we watching tonight?” You asked as you entered the kitchen. Stan grinned wide.
“I was thinking ‘The Polar Express’,” He bit his lip.
“Aw, I haven’t watched that movie in forever!”
“Yeah, you save it for Christmas time every year, babe.”
“Oh, right.” You ran upstairs to change into more comfortable clothes while Stan lit the fire and quickly hung some mistletoe in the living room to mark the spot where he would propose to you, the love of his life.
You returned quickly and popped some popcorn, settling into your spot curled into Stan’s side, preparing for your all-time favorite Christmas movie. Stan could hardly pay attention, he was too busy with a million thoughts running around his head.
What if she says no? Or what if she laughs in my face? What if she was planning on breaking up with me? I can’t do this, it’s too much.
A familiar sound began playing through the surround sound, causing Stan to swallow hard. Whether he liked it or not, now was his perfect chance.
Just as they had been when they were younger, (Y/N) was absolutely entranced by the end credits and the familiar melody and deep voice of Josh Groban.
Stanley cleared his throat, grabbing your attention away from the screen. Stanley gestured up with his eyes to the mistletoe above your heads. As you were busy focused on that, and wondering how he got it up there without your knowledge, your attention returned to Stanley, who had gotten down on one knee. Your eyes widened and your jaw dropped, as the most beautiful (Y/F/G) sparkled at you in the firelight.
“(Y/N), will you please do me the absolute honor of being my bride, my wife, my lifelong love?” Stanley asked, his eyes shining.
“Yes, yes of course, oh my GOD yes!” Stanley barely got up when you slammed your lips onto his, and threw your arms around his neck, wrapping your legs around his waist.
He breathed a sigh of relief as you dismounted to allow him to slip the ring on your finger.
“And do you take this man to be your loftly wedded husband?”
“I do.”
“By the power vested in me by the great state of Georgia, you may now kiss. Congratulations, you two.” Similar to the day Stanley had proposed, and multiple days before and after that, you slammed your lips onto his and found your hairs exploring his curls as cheers exploded around you.
You ran down the aisle, hand in hand, giggling and screaming with excitement, as you ran towards the fountain in front of the museum.
Once you were alone, you turned to face your new husband, and grinned.
“Hi.” You said, slightly out of breath.
“Hi.” Stanley replied.
“Ready to go into the reception as the Uris’s?”
Stan sighed a little bit, then laughed.
“Dammit, I knew I should’ve taken your last name.”
You rolled your eyes but grabbed Stan’s hand anyway, and led him into the ballroom.
“Ladies and Gentlemen, for the first time ever, let me introduce to you, The Urises!” You were met with a deafening cheer from your family and friends, as you caught your mother’s eye, who wiped away a few tears.
She knew you were going to marry Stan from the first moment you’d told her about him. The way you described him, and how your eyes lit up, there was no way you’d ever find someone so perfect for you as Stanley Uris ever was. Boy, was she right.
“Are you ready for your first dance?” You looked back at Stan and he nodded, leading you to the dance floor.
“Children sleeping, snow is softly falling.
Dreams are calling, like bells in the distance.
We were dreamers not so long ago.
But one by one we all had to grow up.”
Tears welled up in your eyes a little bit as you wrapped your arms around Stan’s neck like you had the previous year, and multiple years before then. He smiled down at you with the same goofy grin, and watched as your eyes shone brighter than ever.
“You know, as many times as I’ve looked into those beautiful eyes of yours, I have never come across someone with quite the same color.” Stanley whispered.
“You know, I’ve actually heard that before.” Stanley burst out in laughter, and shook his head, pulling you a bit closer. You swayed around the dance floor for the length of the song, allowing your head to come rest on Stan’s chest. You could hear his heart beat so loud and so fast, that you swore it was going to fly out of his chest.
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somebodytolovesx · 4 years
Believer - Bill Denbrough
Warnings - Almost smut, alluding. I am not sexualising children, this is imagined to be their adult counterparts.
Summary - Bill Denbrough and Y/N Y/L/N have both been scarred and pained.
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Bill Denbrough and Y/N Y/L/N laid in the living room, on the sofa, of the house that she had grown up in as a child in Derry, it had been long abandoned since her parents moved away to Atlanta and took her with them and nobody had dared to live there since a kid named Jerry Springsteen from Y/N’s math class had made the cruel joke that Y/N had died and that’s really why her parents moved away. The joke had caught on like a bad cough and made other kids start to conspire that the house was haunted, even the parents that weren’t gullible enough to believe it started to believe it. How Y/N Y/L/N had found out of the insensitive, hilarious rumour that made her lie on her back for an hour and laugh until she cried was through the monthly letter that Beverly, Ben, Richie, Mike, Eddie, Stan and Bill sent to her from Derry. They had guessed that after what happened during the summer before, everyone started to believe in ghouls and goblins and started to not brush superstitions and ticks of paranoia away with a scoff but instead listen to them, Y/N wrote back saying they had every right too and that the story could have been true if she didn’t have them there with her for that summer.
She still held onto the key for the front door of her abandoned house for a reason that she couldn’t tell herself, she had felt the urge to keep it on her instead of loosing it, it had felt like something had compelled her too. She spent many hours always wondering what the key was for in her late teenage life and throughout her adult life and came to the conclusion that it was a spare for the back or front door or for the garage. But when her feet landed on Derry concrete, her mind knew not quite why - that was still a mystery slowly unraveling - but for what and where like a map on the back of her hand and an answer on a school quiz.
She and Bill Denbrough had come back after so many years to that house where they had spent countless afternoons of their childhood summers running around in the back garden chasing each other with water guns or building boats and castles out of cardboard boxes and now they stood there twenty seven years later, all grown up. Bill with his hair that had a grey streak running through the front of it and more muscles on his arms and Y/N with her shorter hair and the body of a woman instead of a little girl but neither of them had truly changed, they were still the people they were at one time best friends with, only now they worried about insurance taxes and work and getting old when things in their body stopped ticking.
They hadn’t a good reason for coming back to the house but they had.
Y/N had the door unlocked with her key although the doorknob had rusted and wasn’t as agile as it had been when she last unlocked it, she had to rattle the key in there and shove herself against the door for it to open. Some of the furniture had been left behind, the stuff they wanted to get replacements of that would go with the theme her mother wanted each room of their new house to have, the house itself smelt of staleness and mouldy dust. There was cobwebs strung across walls, doorways, in corners and crevices that piled up on top of each other, it was eerily still and quiet. The house seemed to be haunted with bad spirits now yet every step and corner there were good memories made wether it was with her brother, her parents or with her best friends.
Bill walked close to Y/N and followed her footsteps through to her old living room on the right of the hallway, an old part of him had expected Y/N’s parents to be in there watching the television and reading the newspaper with a pack of biscuits open but they were long since gone. When Y/N had told Bill of the unfortunate news of both of her parents passing in the last four years, it had saddened him as much as it saddened Y/N when she remembered them now; they were always an open home to Bill Denbrough and welcomed him as one of their own once they got to know him, some of the best people in town that he knew.
They wondered into the living room as if it was someone else’s house and they had just been invited in, the only things left of when Y/N lived there was the mantelpiece above the fireplace and the tattered, blue sofa with holes in the cushions from lit cigarettes, Y/N’s fingers traced over them and dipped into one.
“This is richie’s, definitely” Y/N laughed. She had remembered when they were all round her house for the afternoon whilst her parents were doing the weekly grocery store shop down on Maine Street one day during the summer break, Y/N’s parents being out of the house had meant that as long as the windows were opened that Richie and Bev could smoke. Bev pulled a cigarette out from the box hidden away in the pocket of her shorts, Richie pulled one out of the box in the top pocket of his Hawaiin tee shirt and had punched Stanley in the shoulder when Stan had told him that stealing from his fathers cigarette stash was not ethicle and would end up with him six foot under whenever he found out. The cigarette dropped from in between Richie’s fingers and sizzled and hissed right through the thin material. At the time it gave Y/N a coronary and she had a go at Richie for it but she laughed now and would have to tell him about it later.
The floarboards beneath creaked now more than ever as Bill moved from the doorway and into the middle of the room. The curtains had been taken down and taken with them to Atlanta and the curtain pole was still fixed into the wall but the windows were too dust covered to see out of and in through, cobwebs stringed over them and the stormy weather darkened the room.
“The amount of time we’d spend in here was horrific” Bill laughed and brushed his fingers along the mantelpiece, collecting a cover of grey dust over the pads of his fingertips. Y/N smiled and took slow steps, taking her time to re-live a part of her dear childhood, towards the doorway of the living room.
She turned the corner at the end of the hallway and walked into the kitchen, the Linoleum on the floor still smelt like the crayons she used to draw with in school and the light that never quite was bright enough when Y/N’s family were having their dinner was still hanging up in the ceiling in all of it’s wonky glory. The countertop with cupboards above it that once were filled with glasses, plates and bowls still lined half of the room and the hidden away stove behind one of the wooden cupboards was still hidden. Y/N always used the hidden stove as a magic trick whenever someone new came round the house as hazardous as it was.
“Oh god, this kitchen” Bill grinned, his eyes were wide with astonishment.
“What?” Y/N laughed and shifted her hands into the front pockets of her jeans.
“Too many times where we’d make stuff and it nearly poisoned us...but it was fun” He said. He had remembered everything in that house, all of the concoctions they made with different foods and juices and spices they found in her parents cupboards and fridges, only a few of the seven of them were stupid - or brave - enough to digest them.
There was a chair in the corner of the room that used to be used for dinner guests to sit at if Y/N’s brother had his friends over, if Y/N had friends over like Bill had been so many times or even Bev or Mike had been, if family were visiting and chosen to stay for dinner. The wicker chair had been dragged over to the middle of the room by the back of it and Bill had sat down on it, he leant back and rubbed his hands along his trousers, taking a deep breath to take all of it in.
“The others should be here” Y/N said not because she hadn’t wanted to be alone with the boy - who is very much now a man - all of the Loser’s Club had idolised everyday but because it was still one of the few places in town that was still theirs twenty-seven years later and it was safe, she wanted them to be safe with her and Bill there.
“Stanley wouldn’t come in, you know it” Bill looked up at her through his eyelashes.
“I don’t think I could blame him for it” Y/N spoke as someone who had known him well, he was the person who toughened Y/N up with his blunt execution and sarcastic default. Who knows? In a parallel universe they could have been lovers and perhaps it would have been more than platonic. Perhaps.
There was a pause of silence where both of them realised they hadn’t spoken about Stanley Uris for a lifetime. The closest Bill had to Stanley Uris being a name on his tongue had been the day he sat down to start outlining an idea for a new novel, the idea was there in front of him and he seized it during the middle of the night when he woke from a bad dream in fear that it would not be there in the morning when he woke again. He was able to build the plot with ease and the ink seemed to flow through his veins, what he wanted to write about had translated to be so raw and terrifying, too real that he had to pause, pause, pause then go back to it. The characters he built were already there in his mind waiting for him, they were all so different in traits and personality but he knew that they would fit on the same page and when he looked back it now, it made sense. The closest Bill Denbrough had been to Stanley Uris since they were children was when he wrote his books.
“All these years and we’re still apart of his circus.” Bill muttered with a matter of frustration, he pushed the hair that had fallen in front of his face back and blew the air from his lungs outwards. Y/N had soon realised they were not talking about Stanley Uris although she wished they had stayed on that conversation for longer.
“We’ll do it this time, Bill.” Y/N reached out and put a hand on his shoulder, it was the only thing that she thought she could say in that exact moment. She prayed on every lucky star that she had spoke the truth and wouldn’t let Big Bill down.
“I thought when I left Derry and started to forget everything that it was getting better, there were no more dreams, I thought all of it had gone, I thought I had grown up and I’m back now... and now, everything is here.” Bill Denbrough had spoken.
Y/N’s hand rubbed up and down his shoulder and down to his forearm then back up again. He looked up and saw her dewy-eyed gaze, it made the Y/E/C colour deeper, Bill Denbrough had begun to swim in them and tried to shamelessly read what they were really telling him: ‘we were too young for all of that to ever happen Big Bill, I miss those days when we were kids’ or maybe that was just how he felt or wanted, hoped Y/N to feel.
Y/N’s eyes had only become more beautiful to Bill, he remembered how he used to worship them with every chance she gave him too and when she wasn’t looking, he would pray that she never looked over at him so he could look at the Y/E/C of them until it was all that he was seeing. Oh, the way Y/N’s eyes gleamed under the sun and the darker parts spiralled around the lighter tones, Bill fell in love with them and wanted to spend the rest of his life with them in his vision. He though they were much better than his green eyes and if they were to grow up and have kids one day once they were out of Derry, they would have the most gorgeous eyes if they were Y/N’s colour and shape. Looking back at so many summers ago, Bill Denbrough worshipped the ground Y/N walked on and wanted to kiss and bring his fingers down, over every part of her sun-kissed skin, he didn’t see it as a waste of his quick-passing time even now and would do anything gladly to be that fourteen year old boy again.
A shudder ran down Y/N’s back - oh how Bill had wanted to kiss all the way down her back from her shoulders so long ago - and a breath came past her lips that trembled. Y/N ran her hand down her thigh, the denim was smoothe but coarse under her fingers, she looked at her hand instead of how Bill was looking up at her, If she had kept her head up she would have forgotten how to function with normality. All of the things that had scared her evaporated and a new fear replaced that one, it bloomed like a flower on a warm day in spring, she hadn’t known what Bill was thinking of but she knew she was thinking about him in a way that she hadn’t since she was fourteen years old, it made all the pain of Derry seem so small and far behind. She enjoyed the fear he was making her feel it was new and different to the fear she had been conditioned to feel ever since a young age and there was such a beauty within it.
He took Y/N’s hand, warm and delicate, from his shoulder and held it in his own, when he stood from the chair there left an inch between them.
“You’re still mine” Bill spoke. He took his fingers over Y/N’s hand and brought them to his stomach, he pressed them against his warm skin and trailed her fingers down to the belt of his jeans. “I need to hear you say it, Y/N”.
She watched him move her hand over his belt from his stomach, her eyes followed the veins on the back of his hand to all the way up his forearm. It was not how she used to imagine Bill but it was more in it’s own way, the Bill that stood at five foot four and’s stutter was out of his control was a different person to the Bill that stood at six foot one and knew what he wanted. Y/N didn’t want to realise how vulnerable she was in front of him, she wanted to be with him in that moment and not think of when they would get another chance to be together as one, she wanted to feel every moment of the chance she had gotten then.
“I’m still yours Bill” Y/N muttered. Her hands grabbed at the buckle of his belt and un-looped it, she pulled it through the denim loops and let it drop onto the linoleum floor.
He stepped out of his jeans and walked Y/N backwards until she was pressed between his body and the countertop, she could feel the warmth of his breath so close on her lips. Bill Denbrough’s hand grabbed at the skin on her thigh and kneaded it, his fingers moved up her to her hip and grabbed it then up to her waist and caressed the skin there, he felt her ribs as he cupped one of her Y/B/S breasts under her blouse.
He had struggled to get her blouse off, tangled his forearms up in the sleeves off it and tore one of the buttons.
He dipped down to kiss Y/N’s lips, she was too focused on him slipping the blouse from her shoulders and onto the floor that what he wanted to show her, he squeezed her jaw and slipped his tongue into her mouth, it was then that she melted into him. She was so sweet and tasted better than the strawberries, raspberries and peaches he had shared with Audra last summer. Audra, his wife, whom he loved so dearly once and after seeing Y/N again could not love again, besides that passing thought, did not stay in his mind, she was so far away.
Y/N was sensitive to every place his lips touched on her, to everywhere his hands wandered over her and Bill Denbrough loved the sincere innocence of it all, it would stay with her until tomorrow morning and the following weeks to come - maybe even months. She felt the bullets ripple straight through her yet did not feel the pain of them and Y/N Y/L/N wanted to cry all at once because she feared that she would only find that in Bill Denbrough.
That afternoon, all of his desires that he carried - unbeknownst- through to adulthood yet that he had only remembered twenty four hours ago had leaped from fiction into a surreal shared moment with the woman whomst he longed for even before he knew it. He had left no part of skin or strand of hair untouched on Y/N Y/L/N and she had kissed him with such tenderness and touched him with so much of a desperation that Bill Denbrough feared his arms wrapped around her were crushing. They stood so close to one another and shared every emotion, thought, subtle notion; they had become the same person in their making of love in the muggy weather that made their bodies stick together.
“I am so much of you as you are of me” Y/N muttered against the crook of Bill’s neck as they laid on the sofa with their bodies naked against one another and arms and legs entangled. They watched the thunderclouds ripen and the lightning strike.
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stanthemanstan · 5 years
𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑺𝒌𝒚 𝑰𝒔 𝒂 𝑺𝒂𝒇𝒆 𝑯𝒂𝒗𝒆𝒏
"It has a place for both of us... For you with the birds, and for me with the stars."
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TSIASH masterpost...
A phone call: a reaching out.
Memories of several forms of fright returned. Moments spent with old friends —moments spent vanquishing the unknown forces of evil that plagued the town— came back to mind. The thoughts of terror that you had managed to bury had resurfaced. You’d have to return. You’d have to face them again.
Another phone call: a final conversation.
Memories of young love returned. Moments spent with someone held impossibly close —moments spent admiring and comforting each other over those other recollections— came back to mind. The thoughts of perpetual affection that was only buried with distance had resurfaced. You thought you’d return to that, but you never faced those anticipations— only with thoughts of grief.
By the time you arrived in Derry again, Stanley Uris was gone.
When you finally meet up with the remaining Losers after all of those years, you realized that there was still danger lurking in the town. As a result, you were tasked with remembrance. Remembering everything, memories from the past, little moments, the good and the bad. And with those memories came new fears to accompany the old.
Links: Chapter I ... Chapter II ... 
Pairings: Stanley Uris x gender neutral reader (as well as platonic!Losers x reader, background Richie x Eddie, Beverly x Ben, and slight Bill x Mike)
Warnings: suicide, trauma, blood, death, entomophobia, arachnophobia, spoilers for both It movies
A/N: takes place mainly in It Chapter 2. Likes, reblogs, and feedback are appreciated!
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