#adult suppliments
health-2point · 5 months
ProNail Complex: A Look at the Nail Care Supplement.
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ProNail Complex is a dietary supplement marketed towards improving overall nail health. It promises to address common nail concerns like weakness, brittleness, and discoloration.
What Does ProNail Complex Offer?
The product highlights its ability to strengthen nails, promote healthy growth, and improve appearance. Additionally, some sources claim it can benefit foot health by targeting toenail fungus and keeping skin hydrated.
How Does ProNail Complex Work?
The information available about the formula is limited. It appears to be a liquid solution, possibly containing ingredients like flaxseed oil, aloe vera, and essential oils. However, there's a lack of transparency regarding the full list of ingredients and their dosages.
Effectiveness and Credibility
There's limited scientific evidence to support the claims made by ProNail Complex. While some user reviews boast positive experiences, others report minimal to no improvement. Additionally, the manufacturer's website and marketing materials lack transparency about ingredients and clinical trials.
Before You Buy ProNail Complex
If you're considering ProNail Complex, it's wise to consult a dermatologist or healthcare professional. They can advise on the best course of action for your specific nail concerns. Additionally, researching alternative nail care solutions and established topical treatments for fungal infections might be helpful.
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funsize-cenobites · 2 years
Personal Headcanon thingy,
Sniper is Australian just as much as Superman was American.
His folks raised him as an Aussie, loved him as one, taught him as one and he never knew anything else. Hes from New Zealand sure but no one knew him there, no one cared for him there, and he never knew. I don't think that qualifies him as a Kiwi past point of origin and even then when defining origin do you think he would think of a place he only went once to meet parents who were utter strangers and had been willing to let him and everyone else go just to sit in space? Or do you think he thinks of the parents he very clearly loves and values the opinions of even when they arent aligned with him?
I was reading an older lore post of @blubushie (irl Sniper fr fr) earlier about Australium and the Piss joke and deeper lore connotations and honestly? I fucking love this. I mean, obviously anything is possible in such a wacky irreverent fictional world- Australium exists AT ALL- but setting that aside for just a moment.. not every Aussie could be a Saxton Hale and on the flip-side its at least heavily (hehe) implied that even Non-Aussies can become like him through the stuff (Classic Heavy).
People vary wildly, genetics and physiology make this stuff so much fun to think about. Im willing to bet Sniper was just 'A sickly child' to doctors and adults in his life. He was just one of the semi-rare extreme cases of a "disorder" that afflicted some Australians, making it harder for their bodies to process or know what to do with excess unprocessed Australium. Kinda like Gluten and Lactose intolerances etc.
Some have to watch their levels to ensure their body has enough time to take it in and some don't absorb enough naturally and take suppliments. Sniper wasn't, as far as I remember, ever really properly accused of not being Australian, just different. [EDIT: I'm a fool, I forgot about the MOUSTACHES. I'm not removing any of this but know going forward I'm aware of it. Check the reblogs, it was really cool!] Im sure thats not uncommon, especially when one of the pinnacles is the likes of Hale. And as far as we know its not like Mr and Mrs Mundy were like... poisoning their kid. Its not like "True Blood Aussies" are the only people who can handle it. They were just raising him as their own and that means making sure he had access to it, in whatever form he could have it.
So even then I don't see Sniper as having 'Missed out' on being Australian or that hes clearly not one because he doesn't look like Hale or punch things. I don't really like that idea. Sniper's parents are old and look fine (aside from the being dead part) but they look like... normal old people. I headcanon that Australium effects people in the specific ways of boosting certain physical and mental aspects such as, Promoting longevity (Obviously) but could also manifest in other ways too like maybe:
A slightly faster than normal healing rate.
Various minor but notable resistances to naturally occurring hazards. (venoms and and extreme heat/cold the like)
Promoting the growth of muscle and the reduction of its atrophy.
Reduced need for sleep.
Quicker mental recall.
Markedly better vision/ Hand-eye-coordination.
You get what I mean.
I don't mean these are all extremely noticeable but they are noticeable at all.
Basically, I headcanon that it doesn't actually automatically make you into this buff beat-em-up brawler who only lives to punch people because thats a bit boring and also Saxton Hale is an impressively unreliable narrator who happens to be really into punching people and anything else that breathes.
Instead I headcanon that Australia truly flourished early under the influence of Australium because of increased lifespans and abilities which allowed for a lot of wiggle room and dedication to anything a particular person might be interested in. I headcanon that they place a lot of cultural worth on Trying Stuff Till Something Sticks and finding something you Love to Do/Study.
Theres a lot of stuff and cultural norms that have become stereotypes due to how a lot of outside views shaped their self-image upon learning about Australium (Like how in America its super super common to have cishet normative ideals for ones future even in childhood) but when you're not a mean little kid anymore and you find Your Thing (or Things) it doesnt usually matter all that much what it is. Usually in adulthood the weirdest thing you can be is probably 'Not Being Into Anything' like anything at all. "You cant even tell me about one book you read that you really liked? What?"
Sniper, is a crack shot, one of the best in the business. Because its what he got good at. Because hes Australian. And they're all good at something eventually.
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bishiglomper · 11 months
I need to rant
But omfg. The niece. The niece is going to finally drive us off the deep end.
She wants to keep the baby if it belongs to current, 3 week old boyfriend.
He's got priors, went to jail for something drug related I think. And he's on the registry. Which we dont even get to know the situation because niece refuses to ask.
Now so far as a person, I dont have any bad feelings about him. He's nice and polite, he can function, he can read, unlike her fiance.. He says he can cook. Has expressed sentiments like getting niece new shoes because hers are falling apart. No sign of anger issues yet like the last 2. I think she said hes got like 2 kids out there
And i dont know what color flag this is, but he once told the niece he chopped off his beloved hair to see her reaction. He wanted her to blow up but she was just like "its your body." Then she reiterated that she expected the same respect. Like if she got a piercing he may disagree with. Shes still gonna do it.
Who knows where pregnancy stands on that line.
Oh and by the way, she still hasnt even said "i love you" back yet. But she'll have his child??
But this bitch is in no fucking means ready for a child.
She's a good caretaker, I would trust her to babysit for a few hours just fine but thats it.
For one, she neglected her rats to death.
She told me with no shame that she absolutely doesnt touch a litterbox, and that she starved her cat.
The woman doesnt even take care of herself. She barely eats and she keeps losing weight. Shes like 5"2 and in childrens jeans. And even though she kept passing out and was told ahe has super low B12, she refused too take suppliments. Even if i handed them directly to her.
If that keeps up shes just going to end up having a miscarriage or a premie with medical problems.
And i dont know what smoking weed during pregnancy does. But its worth looking into.
She does have her own apartment, but does she stay there? No. Only when she has someone over to do things together.
My sister and her son already sleep on the floor in the living room. Niece sleeps on the chaise
You think we have room to help raise a baby, even if we wanted to? Hell to the fuckin no.
Speaking if which. I can already see the dynamic that will be
She'll want us to watch the baby while she continues to work at applebees, where she'll be stuck forever now instead of getting back to college eventually. But she'll have strong weird opinions on how shes going to raise her child.
i just know shes going to be like her bff and teach her toddler to say "mommys a bitch!"
Because i was thinking if there were a smaller child around we could probably get nephew to cut it out. But nah, she would encourage it because its funny.
By the way, we're hiding this from the nephew. It was almost ww3. Sissy doesnt want him to know. And niece is offended because its her brother, he can understsnd the concept of abortion and ahw doesnt like to keep things from him.
Also not telling the aunt. Niece doesn't give a fuck and may do so out of spite
We still havent recovered that relationship enough to have dinner together. And aunt said something like "since (mom) isn't saving your souls, I'm going to have to do it"
So if she finds out, its just going to get really, really annoying. And drive more wedge between us all.
Niece asked her mom if she was gonna be mad at her if she kept it. Sissy told me she was mad either way. There will be no winning.
My mother and sister are being way super gentle and calm about it all to her. She does not deserve it. She needs to sit there like an adult and listen to our concerns before she makes a decision just because it's current boyfriend's DNA in there. She never wanted her own children. And if she wants to suddenly play adult, she needs to make some adult fucking decisions.
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uberfluss · 2 years
medical complexity beginning in childhood is such a bitch. I had to have my gallbladder taken out at 11 because of biliary diskynesia and, like, as far as my shit goes, that seems minor. As an 11 year old you don't grasp the long term impacts of these kinds of things and adults don't tell you. As time goes on, the adults forget, and suddenly you're a wholeass adult learning that the reason you've had such a horrible stomach your whole life is because there's a lovely chronic consequence called bile acid diarrhea, and you've been living with that for a decade not knowing why or that it could be managed, or that half of your dietary restrictions could be helped significantly by taking a fucking ox bile suppliment and could have been the whole time.
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woxbirdie · 2 years
2, 11, and 20 on the book asks?
2. top 5 books
let me quickly whip out my Personality (Minutiae) document...
in no particular order, Good Omens, The House In The Cerulean Sea, A Psalm For The Wild-built, and then a bunch of question marks. Glancing at my book shelf, I guess I'll suppliment it with uhhh Cinder and The Bird King, maybe
11. non-fiction?
I do like non-fiction but i struggle to finish it because most of the non-fiction I like are textbooks or how to books. i read and liked A Brief History Of Time as a teen (and then couldn't get through a reread as an adult). I'm a big fan of the Dangerous Book For Boys and the Daring Book For Girls (gendered stuff aside). I recall enjoying Dawn French's autobiography? i do genuinely enjoy reading science and math textbooks, it just takes a lot of brain to do so. otherwise, idk, i have a lot of knitting pattern books that I'm a fan of
20 answered previously!
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Why You Need a Vitamin Suppliment?
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Vitamin supplements are not always necessary for everyone. However, there are certain situations and conditions where they can be beneficial. Here are a few reasons why someone might consider taking a vitamin supplement:
Nutrient deficiencies: If you have a nutrient deficiency, such as low levels of vitamin D, iron, vitamin B12, or others, your doctor may recommend a supplement to help address the deficiency. Deficiencies can occur due to inadequate dietary intake, certain medical conditions, or specific dietary restrictions.
Poor dietary habits: If your diet is consistently lacking in a variety of essential nutrients, a multivitamin or specific vitamin supplement can help bridge the nutritional gap. This is particularly relevant for individuals with restrictive diets, such as vegetarians or vegans, who may have difficulty obtaining certain nutrients from plant-based sources alone.
Increased nutrient needs: There are situations where an individual may require higher levels of certain vitamins. For example, pregnant and breastfeeding women often need additional folic acid, iron, and calcium. Additionally, older adults may have decreased nutrient absorption or increased nutrient requirements, making a supplement beneficial.
Medical conditions and medications: Some medical conditions or medications can interfere with nutrient absorption, metabolism, or utilization. In such cases, supplementation may be necessary to ensure adequate nutrient levels. However, it's important to consult with a healthcare professional before starting any supplements to avoid potential interactions or adverse effects.
Convenience and assurance: For individuals who have busy lifestyles or difficulty maintaining a balanced diet, taking a daily multivitamin or specific vitamin supplement can provide convenience and peace of mind that they are meeting their nutrient needs.
It's worth noting that while supplements can be helpful in certain situations, they should not be considered a substitute for a healthy and balanced diet. Eating a variety of nutrient-dense foods is generally the best way to obtain the necessary vitamins and minerals your body needs. If you have concerns about your nutrient intake or think you may benefit from a supplement, it's always recommended to consult with a healthcare professional who can assess your specific needs and provide appropriate guidance.
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sanjeevannetralaya · 1 year
What can I do to help myself as I have Macular Degeneration?
Macular Degeneration or Age Related Macular Degeneration (AMD) is a condition that blurs central vision. This happens when the macula, which is the portion of the eye responsible for clear & sharp vision gets damaged due to aging or other factors.
AMD is a common & leading cause of vision impairment in older adults. Although it may not cause blindness, it can affect your ability to read, see faces, drive, and do work like cooking or fixing things around your house.
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The speed of degeneration varies & can occur very slowly in some people, and much faster in others. Early AMD may not cause vision loss. It is important to have regular eye examinations to determine if you have AMD.
Eat Cleaner. Be healthier. More plant based diet/ Mediterranean-type diet. A lot of dark green leafy vegetable, including spinach, kale, romaine, and collard greens.
Work out, swim, run, ride a bike and do whatever you can to improve the circulation in your body.
If you smoke, quit immediately
Speak to your doctor to take necessary vitamins and suppliments
Get routine check ups
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gennie123 · 1 year
Bestsellers Of Health And Personal Care Products Upto 42% OFF On Sabezy.com
Bestsellers of health and personal care, oral hygiene, health suppliments, skin care products for babies and adults of popular brands like auric, Boheco, fashion colour, Jivisa, DHI, Kapiva, maha herbals and more….
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isa-ah · 6 years
no one bothered to register the sick hours i did all the proper paperwork for before the pay period rolled over so im missing half my check 😬
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sweater-equestrian · 3 years
hey can any experienced leo gecko owners weigh in on something? I feed my girl live dubia or crickets about x10 a week- but as a spoonie (disabled) woman I find going to the pet store for crickets hard, and my dubia don't produce enough young (yet! my colony is hovering at around 80 dubia, mostly sub adult with three adults. they're... slow producers lol). I was wondering if supplimenting with gut loaded canned food would be a good idea? her diet would still be mostly live foods, but I feel like she could use a back up snack food for when she needs food but I'm low spoons, or if the store is out of bugs she likes (side bar: she hates mealworms. I already tried that as my alternative and she refused to eat them).
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drferox · 5 years
@sapphirescript said: (I tried to double check the FAQ but it doesn't work on mobile? And no searches came up but I'm sorry!!)   🐢Do any store bought dog suppliments work?my coworker told me her dogs are doing great on a brand and told me which ones to get. One is Slippery Elm and the other is Bovine colostrum. I just don't understand what actually works and/or is useful for a dog that is picky. How do I ask my vet what she needs/what tests could be used?
Just ask your vet what is relevant for your dog.
Whether supplements work or not depends on what you��re trying to use them for. Slippery elm may, possibly, be helpful for stool quality.
Colostrum is really just expensive protein if you feed it to a mammal more than 48 hours old. The immunoglobulins are not absorbed by adult animals at all, just digested. You could do everything it claims to do with any old pro-biotic, though it’s not going to harm the dog as such.
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colitisandme · 5 years
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I didn’t understand this concept until after I experienced the burn out. I thought If I conquered my body then I could forget about my mind. I thought I could reprimand it and send it to the naughty step like an unco-operative child, until it fell into line. I thought once I had my body under control by throwing medicines and drugs down my throat, then the brain would obediently follow. It did not, because I was not ‘fixing’ either one. Just covering up a gaping wound with a plaster, is not going to heal anything.
I had Glandular Fever as a teen. It happened whilst I was performing in a play. I was very, very ill. I looked like a ghost during that play and it clung on to me for years. It destroyed my young adult hood. I always thought that it was the play that caused the chaos, unhappiness and upheaval that followed, but now, since trying to become friends with my mind, I realise my poor addled-brain was pretty battered and bruised before I got to this step. Because before my health turned completely on it’s head, I was pretty sad. I was very badly bullied because I didn’t fit in. My imagination, my brain, my desire to learn about everything, my creativity and my sideways thinking did not make friends or influence people. It was not met with hugs, puppies, pockets full of dreams, hi-fives and cake, My unique ‘me-ness’ was met with cruel words, crueler deeds, and there was a select group who would either avoid me like I had the proverbial plague, or they would turn into a lord of the flies esque tribe, deliberately seeking me out for torment and misery. All this ‘anti me ness’ started in Primary School where I thought my weirdness and happy, whimsical, care free, sunny attitude would be celebrated. It was not. It wasn’t even tolerated. School was not a safe place for me. It was not fun.
I got to Secondary school not knowing who the hell I was, let alone who I should be, with expectations from the school that I was going to be the best thing since chocolate cake was invented. They would watch me greedily like a child with their face pressed up against a sweet shop window. I think it’s safe to say I disappointed them. Their ‘hot ticket’ gave them nothing but grief. The bullying of course continued, then after a few years of desperately feeling like I was running on a treadmill but going nowhere, I got glandular fever, which pleased the school immensely. They were overjoyed I had an invisible illness that couldn’t be diagnosed for a year. They were very understanding when I used to shake so hard I used to drop everything and my writing used to look like it had been produced by a vibrating jelly pen. At no point did they make mean comments, and of course they were incredibly helpful when I told them I was being taunted by other children who would seek me out for cruel and unusual punishment, and certainly didn’t put their fingers in their ears going ‘la la la la la la la I’m not listening, I’m not listening’ when I tried to point out that I couldn’t complete written exams because I couldn’t write. Truly they were a joy to deal with. But I have to be honest and say I didn’t help myself. I didn’t want to go to school and felt ill so I stayed home, so I didn’t build up skills to interact with my peers successfully, and so I would become more ill, or use my illness as a way to stay off school so I didn’t have to go in and face the arsehats who made my life hell, which made the bullying worse, and round and round the cycle went. The more infections I got, the more antibiotics I would shovel in, the worse my immune system got, the lower I felt, the more isolated I got, the more I would get ill and not want to go to school. I wonder now if I took care of my internal tumble dryer of emotions, then maybe I wouldn’t have become quite so ill for quite so long and learnt the skills I needed to cease becoming a social piranha.
Because the Glandular fever made my immune system as weak as a newborn kitten, I was very susceptible to viruses, infections and general goo all through my teen, young adult and adult life. Because I had been shovelling in antibiotics like they were gummy bears, certain antibiotics didn’t have an effect, so illness would take longer to leave my body. And because I had been an idiot and avoided human interaction as a young teen, and the majority of interactions I had experienced during my childhood and mid-adult years, had been neither positive or successful (definitely made some rubbish decisions, met some horrible people, and I am no saint,) I felt low, anxious and not very comfortable in my own skin. I have been battling my body and brain for years. They have not been friends. At times it felt like I was in a Gladiatorial arena; One battering the second one with a pudral stick whilst the other one shouted insults, threw around colourful language, kicked up sand in their eyes and tried to bite the first. One followed the other like participants in a horrible conga dance, repetitive and maddening. Usually at my most poorly I have been depressed. And usually when I was depressed or stressed, I used to get really run down. Both my body and mind were screaming at me to listen and to change my behaviours, my thought process and my lifestyle, but they might as well have been speaking German. I couldn’t understand them.
So moving forward to last years burnout where I emotionally and physically imploded. My brain and body had decided unanimously that they were on strike. After screaming at me until they were both hoarse, begging me to change, displaying huge temper tantrums, throwing situations my way to facilitate that change (which I now realised I ignored, sat on and refused to confront), they both decided enough was enough, organised an intervention, powered down, picked up their plaquards and started a deafening chant of ‘we shall not be moved.” They both catorgorically refused to work again until I took my rose tinted glasses off and took a very hard look at myself warts and all. I had always fixed bits of my life whenever feelings bubbled up to the surface, and I I must admit I have had a few “Okay, enough is enough. Things really must change now” conversations with myself. I have undertaken hypnotherapy, I have changed jobs, I have doubled my efforts with positive mindset, I tried to be everything to everyone, I lived by making others happy and failed to make myself happy in the process. My life was exhausting. I couldn’t fix myself so I tried my utmost to help others and when I couldn’t help change lives, I felt out of control. I couldn’t get a grip. It felt like I was wading through jam in high heels. So when I couldn’t reprise any of my ‘go to fallbacks’ when my physical and mental health imploded, it was completely alien. I didn’t know how I was going to function. It was scary. It was overwhelming. I had to step back, strip back my life and pretty much build my life up from the ground up. I realise now that this was my body and mind’s way of saving my life. They knew I was burning through both my body and mind at a staggering rate of knotts and if my mind suddenly went poof, I would have no reserves left to protect my body. They both ‘went to lunch’ at the same time, leaving me no choice but to take my ear muffs off, completely surrender and pay sodding attention. And finally I did.
When I became really ill and IBD took hold of my body, although completely terrified I knew I had to start listening to my body and mind. I meditated, I practiced mindfulness, I looked into Reiki. I started a massage course as it’s something I have always wanted to do. I rested, I surrendered and listened to what my body was telling me. When the system failed me, I spoke to my family, who did incredible research on IBD and leaky gut and sent me wonderful books such as ‘Frazzled’ by Ruby Wax, ‘mindfulness and mental health’ and a book on colitis by Greg Williams. My Mum tore through books and beavered through articles online on IBD and Wellness, sent me a happiness journal to complete, found ‘gut therapy’ soundtracks, ‘hypnotherapy for the gut’ which I would listen to whilst trying to move myself away from the horrendous pain I was experiencing. She also posted me boxes of vitamins and suppliments to support my poorly body. I made appointments with a Homeopath who nourished my soul and built up my body with natural remedies. She helped me see that my body and my mind were screaming out for help and not to ignore it. She helped me untangle the webs of my past in order to focus on the present, and weaken the hold of the traumatic experiences I had experienced throughout different parts of my life, in order to soothe, cuddle nourish and replenish my inner child. She instructed me to be mindful in the joyous moments that I was completely bypassing. She has opened my eyes to new possibilities and happiness just by being me. I am not going to lie. It is brutal, exhausting and incredibly painful going through this journey. Whoever said healing is easy, is a bloody liar.
I didn’t want to take conventional medicines, I wanted to try and make myself happier and as healthy as I could from my roots up. I feared my body would react pretty violently if I gobbled up conventional drugs and although I certainly don’t dispute their uses or the fact they help lots of people struggling with IBD I am wary of them. I didn’t want to go down that route again. I wanted to nourish my soul and my mind naturally. I had to. I had no choice.
After a huge amount of mistakes, stubbornness, frustration and crazy brain behaviours. I finally gave in. It clicked. I completely understand the link between mind and body. One cannot flourish without the other being healthy, and wellness requires both a healthy body and mind to exist harmoniously. I still battle my IBD on a daily basis, and the holistic methods I have chosen, may not suit everyone, and that’s okay. Everyone has their own journey to treat this disease and treat Mental Health illness, and whatever path they choose, will be best for them. I guess my journey means I may not have won the battle with my body quite yet, IBD is really tricky to navigate, and although my mind still performs like a flailing armed drunk at times- highly uncooperative and imbalanced, I know that I am so much further ahead than I was. And so with a little bit of patience, self kindness, self support and self knowledge I hope to encourage my body and mind to set down the whomping stick and just get a long - Well most of the time anyway.
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thenixkat · 6 years
Andalite thoughts
Homeworld is called Andal (was suggested to me, also sounds neat)
-Named after the plains that take up over half of the livable landmass on the planet
-the plains are surrounded by mountains and high plateaus that moderate the weather out on the plains.
-the mountains and plateaus are ringed by forests, with more forests on the wetter side of the mountains.
-home to 4 fully sapient races: andalites, orilites, torulites, sipilites
Andalites- plains dwellers
-patriarchal; noticeably sexually dimorphic; proud noble warrior race
-Second smallest of the Andal races
-only Andal race that is entirely mute
-most scientifically advanced of the races on Andal
-Bad relations with the rest of the races and have tried to wipe out the orilites and sipilites with biological warfare. 
-the farther heard live from the edges of the plains the less the average citizen knows about the other races
-have tightly regulated breeding due to oper population issues since they wiped out every species that could prey on them or compete with them in the plains
Orilites- forest/jungle dwellers
-matriarchal; noticeably sexually dimorphic; males are generally a third larger than females have and have longer tail blades. Both have spotted/dappled coats, dagger/sword-like tail blades, and strong arms.
----both sexes are larger on average than andalites do to their more energy-rich diets, being more horse sized than the small deer sized andalites. Males from well-off clans also tend to be chunky/chubby.
----females are expected to be hunters/foragers, scouts, and spies who regularly travel far from their clan’s hearth-meadow. Males are expected to be caretakers of the hearth-meadow, children, elderly and injured.
----Females who seek to start their own clans pay the doweries (generally the male’s body weight in valuable goods) of unrelated males to marry and have multiple husbands. Bolder females will try to steal males from other clans with the help of a sister or a few close friends. Clans near the plains will also integrate andalite vecols and other outcasts into new clans.
-Omnivorous; diet consists of mosses, leaves, bark, fruit, fungi, small animals, invertebrates, fish, birds, eggs, carrion from larger animals, fermented tree sap. 
----The only Andal race that actually regularly cooks. Have a preference for stews and split roasted fruit and meats.
----Also, practice funerary cannibalism, which... did not endear them to the plains dwellers.
----During times of famine, adult males ritually fast and give their food shares to the clan’s children.
-In modern times have taken to occasionally sending young females (generally wearing makeup to blend in better) nearby andalites/learn in andalite schools and steal technology.
----Orilites are big fans of morphing tech. Mostly for the healing capabilities.
-Orilite settlements expand vertically before they expand horizontally.
----Males maintain platforms, bridges, and stairs made from wood and living vines. Ground level tunnels to the hearth-meadow are generally only about the with of two males standing flank to flank to keep the worst potential predators out.
----Females being considerably lighter than their male counterparts are responsible for maintaining the platforms at the highest limbs of the trees
---- Cooking, food storage and general socialization areas are at ground level. Adults sleep in shifts on raised platforms and hammocks while children sleep inside hollowed trunks and branches.
- Have a generally decent relationship with the other races aside from the majority of andalites. Generally, consider andalites to be cowards and fools, torulites to be devine, and sipilites to be dangerous and worthy of respect.
-Outside of their hearth-meadows tend to wear herbs to mask their scent and coat their tail blades with poison for both hunting and self-defense.
Torulites- mountain/plateau dwellers
-generally asocial; only noticeable difference between sexes is longer eyestalks on males.
----social groups consist mostly of siblings of the same sex who share resources and territory and defend it together from strangers. 
----females have small settled territories. They share food stores and spend the most time together when calving as calves are birthed and raised in a cave until they reach a certain size. Females take turns bringing food to the calves.
----males have large territories overlapping with multiple female territories and do not help raise the calves. 
- Herbivorus, but will gladly suppliment their diets with carrion and insect larva.
-The largest and most powerful of the Andal races. As well as the race with the longest lifespan, easily living three or four times as long as andalites if they aren’t killed in childhood or adolescence.
----Have functionall mouthes on their hands as well as their hooves as well as immensely strong arms that they use to enlarge the caves they prefer to sleep and calve in.
----Have ankylosaur-like clubs at the ends of their tail that assist in digging and self-defense
----Can retract their secondary eyes in order to use their eyestalks like horns in territorial disputes and to gore would be predators of their young.
-Torulites are generally unconcerned in the affairs of the other races and their fancy technology. 
-Torulites have to deal with the harshest weather changes and tend to grow winter coats and put on weight for the leaner times of the year.
Sipilites- ocean dwellers
-Nonsexually dimorphic; live in effectively gender-equal societies; extraordinarily playful and social
-Obligate carnivores; feed mostly on fish, invertebrates, and birds. Would happily devour their land-based cousins if the opportunity arose.
-mostly found in the Andal equivalent of kelp forests near the coast
----cultivate the local water plants to have shelter and traps to catch food.
----live symbiotically with eel-like fish that act as guard dogs as long as the sipilites share their food and don’t eat the eels’ fry
-Their tails are entirely only used for locomotion, with flattened blades like rudders. Their hooves and hands are built the same and used for killing prey.
----have very short, nearly nonexistent eyestalks to increase their streamlined shape 
-On land, they walk on all sixes and not very quickly 
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icpure · 2 years
Buy Best Alkaline Water Ionizer | ICPURE India
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ICPURE Alkaline Water Ionizers are developed with the State of Art technology in collaboration with CSIR-IICT, Ministry of Science & Technology, Govt. of India
➡ A Make in India Product ➡ Certified Health Benefits ➡ Approved by Govt. of India
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ICPURE Machine gives you 5 different pH levels of water having their own specific utilities in day to day life. Scroll through the different pH levels produced by ICPURE Alkaline Water Ionizer and understand their daily life utilities.
India’s first Immunity Booster Water. Certified by CSIR-IICT, Ministry of Science & Technology, Govt. of India
pH 7.5
Neutral water pH 7.5 from ICPURE Alkaline Water Ionizer machine is neither Acidic nor Alkaline in nature, here are the following uses of pH 7.5 Neutral water.
Baby Drinking: pH 7.5 water is recommended for children upto 8–9 years of age. Medicine Intake: We recommend you to take all your medicines & suppliments from pH 7.5 water.
pH 8.5
LOW ALKALINE WATER Low Alkaline Water having a 8.5 pH value is recommended for daily drinking purposes for adults and children more than 8 years of age. This water is also commonly known as ICPURE Water.
*You can even serve ICPURE water to your pets.
pH 9.5
MEDIUM ALKALINE WATER pH 9.5 water from ICPURE Alkaline Water Ionizer is broadly used for cooking.
Tea & Coffee: , ICPURE water controls the acidity levels and you get enriched aroma & flavour even with lesser quantity. Cooking: Preparing food with pH 9.5 water from ICPURE machine draws out the flavor of ingredients so they get tender and juicy.
pH 10.5
HIGH ALKALINE WATER Suffering from Acidity & Gastritis? One glass of ICPURE Water pH 10.5 will be enough to give you instant relief.
Cleaning: This water will remove all the stubborn stains with ease. Washing Veggies: Remove germs, pesticides and any kind of adulteration from your fruits, vegetables & pulses by washing them for 10–12 minutes.
pH 5.5
ICPURE pH 5.5 Water is acidic in nature and is also often known as Beauty/ Cosmetic Water.
Face Wash: When you use pH 5.5 water for washing your face, you’ll get even face tone without requiring bleach, facial or DeTan.  Pets: Spray your pet with this water and brush afterwards to obtain soft and shiny fur
MAKE IN INDIA ICPURE is pioneer in India to develop Alkaline Water Ionizers in technical collaboration with CSIR-IICT, Ministry of Science & Technology, Govt. of India.
INTELLIGENCE INSIDE In India, the water conditions are very different and ever changing. ICPURE introducing Alkaline Water Ionizers with Intelligence inside. These machine adjust themselves according to your water conditions.
Three miracle properties of ICPURE Water generated via passing mild current through Solid Titanium plates coated with 99.99% Platinum
ICPURE is pioneer in India to develop Alkaline Water Ionizers in technical collaboration with CSIR-IICT,
ICPURE is pioneer in India to develop Alkaline Water Ionizers in technical collaboration with CSIR-IICT,
India’s first Immunity Booster Water. Certified by CSIR-IICT, Ministry of Science & Technology, Govt. of India
Continue Reading : Buy Best Alkaline Water Ionizer | ICPURE India
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virge-of-death · 6 years
Who has back, stomach, dairy, and people issues along with a sun deficiency so bad, that i need to start takeing vitamin C/D suppliments.... Guys I only just finished 8th grade today. I haven’t been a highschooler for 12 hours and im already having adult problems. Oh! And i was born with a vagina but i havn’t started my period whilest my mother started two years before my age now. If i dont start by my nex check up, they are gonna have to scan me. Im actually kinda scared.
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ramona-the-pogona · 6 years
Hey um, do you know anything about calcium supplimenting in bearded dragons? I have had my beardie for around three months and I havent dobe it, I have however been feeding her regularly a good mix of veggies and bugs but she hasn't shed since a few weeks after I first got her though and im getting a bit worried.
Heya, how old is your beardie? Its quite normal for an adult beardie (older than 1 year) not to shed for 3 months, but a baby should really be shedding every couple of weeks. I'm not sure that lack of calcium would cause that though?Calcium supplementing is actually crucial to a dragon as it keeps their bones formed and prevents Metabolic Bone Disease. MBD is an irreversible condition where lack of calcium causes the dragon's bones to soften and deform. It can be managed but not reversed.The general recommendation for calcium is to dust bugs 3 times per week with calcium with D3 in it (powder, liquid calcium is usually for special cases).Also, make sure your dragon is getting the right uvb - they need uvb to absorb the calcium! A 12% T8 or T5 uvb tube with reflector is ideal (reptisun 10.0 or arcadia 12% are my recommendations). Make sure the reflector doesn't have a plastic cover in front of the light, and there's no mesh between the light and the dragon - mesh blocks more than 50% of the rays. Natural sunlight is also great :) Hope that helps!! Good luck!
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