#advertiser friendly
toastling · 5 months
You know sometimes I think we forget that all these 'advertiser friendly' marketing standards we have that are ruining our internet don't just exist in a void. It's not as if these things are inherently unadvertiseable and that's why the internet is becoming increasingly sanitized; it's cultural, not corporate. It's always been cultural.
American society is founded on puritanical values and incredibly warped views of sex and violence. Personally I don't understand how in movies stuff like torture porn is completely okay and accepted but an unsimulated sex scene is somehow this big controversy everybody talks about for months that often gets censored down on release. It's as if violence and pain are considered to be better and more family friendly than love and pleasure. Which, you know, looking at a lot of Christian families...
Anyway, while it is definitely not good that the internet's being shaped by corporate interests to the tune of selling as much to as many as possible, its standards are just a reflection of our society's own. Dismantling capitalism is important, but only half the battle. You gotta change the culture, too. We've done it before. 20 years ago almost nobody dared advertise to us queers, now look at where we are, we're just as exploitable to them as anybody else. We shifted the cultural standard.
I think we might actually make faster progress on protecting the internet by focusing on culture and capitalism rather than just the latter.
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mesaprotector · 9 months
It would be truly fantastic if the supreme court could just decide one day that "advertiser friendliness" is a first amendment violation
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trans-cuchulainn · 2 months
as an aroace person with limited sexual experience, no interest in watching porn, and poor sex ed as a teen, there IS something simultaneously funny and vaguely tragic about being 28 adult years old and realising how extremely tiny your frame of reference is for genitalia and deciding you should expand this to better understand bodies (yours and others). and then you're just there like "okay so what the fuck do I even google right now, anyway"
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goshyesvintageads · 1 month
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United Airlines Inc, 1988
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isdalinarhot · 4 months
I would send Dalinar a box of assorted chocolates for Valentine’s Day but unfortunately he is a Vorin man so instead I will give him flamin hot cheetos in a heart shaped Tupperware container
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queenofthequillandink · 2 months
Controversial opinion about the Watcher streaming service, apparently: This was a really exciting announcement that everyone was so excited to shit on that y'all may end up killing Watcher altogether.
I'm going to try to be really clear about this, because I don't want to dismiss valid concerns, so here we go.
Watcher came to us and they said, "We want to make our best content for you. We don't want you to be the product we have to sell to advertisers, we want you to be an audience that we can take on the coolest journey we can make. But that takes money that we can't get from YouTube revenue." And I honestly thought this was a perfectly logical and reasonable direction to take the company so Watcher could continue to exist in its best possible form.
Are there things they could have stated more clearly? Yeah, especially that their YouTube library would still be available and what would happen to people who were already patrons of the channel.
Do I understand why people would be upset about potentially losing access to Watcher? Of course. It's an amazing company making amazing content, and not everyone can afford a streaming service. They did openly encourage password sharing, which I happen to think is very cool of them, but some people would still lose access and that sucks.
But I truly don't understand how "We want to make amazing content and keep our amazing team, and that needs a budget that YouTube just can't give us" turned into "Wahhhh give us your money, we want it all" to some people. I think it's worth remembering that Watcher is a small company with a small team, not a streaming giant looking for one more way to milk an extra cashflow opportunity.
I truly hope that Watcher making everything free on YouTube on a delay because people yelled loud enough doesn't shoot them in the foot. Because I think they make great content and I think they deserve to be paid fairly for it and pay their staff fairly for it. Content creators aren't factories; they don't have to churn free content out for you forever. If Watcher becomes untenable because Ryan, Shane, and Steven can't make good content and make enough money to live off of at the same time, it will simply vanish. And I'm sure some of the same people yelling about the streaming service will yell about that too, if it ever happens.
I don't know, I just didn't think, "We're trying to make the best possible content for you," deserved this much of an outcry.
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nellasbookplanet · 4 months
The funniest kind of critical role "critique" is always going to be the 'they present themselves as if they aren’t rich/a company no I will not give any examples' crowd. Like what does this even mean. They start literally every single episode with informing you they are professional voice actors. They have clearly advertised sponsors. They have an entire line of merch and an animated show. The production value of the set is bonkers. They run a charity foundation. Do you want them to start every episode with a blaring siren and a warning saying 'beware! company run content! we make money!!' Are you just angry that they are friends having fun as they make a living. Do you have any understanding of how money works.
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laniemae · 2 months
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arikihalloween · 5 months
Sharm interacting with moots ocs !! ( + Lil ad )
Haziel belongs to @/wawoyal on twitter and Tokki belongs to @/tokkiwakfu on twitter too
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Now did u know, I recently joined this very cool server with lots of wakfu fans :D
It's super chill and friendly, we talk about theories and ocs there !!
If you wanna get into the serie or games or mangas and talk about it with friends, that's the best place to look !
I'm advertising cause I'm also there and I've been having such a great time !
Have also some outfits and concept art !
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littlegoldfinchh · 1 month
i hate the girlbossification of periods like no one swims and runs and jumps over a burning pit of mutant crocodiles when they're on their period?? Like it's okay to show girls being in pain on the couch or bed you can still advertise your pads but come on
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no-psi-nan · 8 months
Just a reminder that when it comes to ship headcanons, fics, art, etc, it can be sexual, if you want it to be. Sex is a morally neutral activity. A relationship is not "less wholesome" if the characters have sex. The addition of sex does not reduce the depth of love or emotion characters can have for each other, it's just a different way to bond.
Reminder that some ace and aro people have sex as well, for various reasons! There's nothing wrong with that either, just as there's nothing wrong with Never having sex. Again, it's just a thing people can choose to do, or not!
You shouldn't feel ashamed or obligated to either add or remove sexual content from your art - create what YOU want to create, however it resonates with you! As long as you tag and warn appropriately, the world is your oyster....
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kitkat1003 · 2 months
Frankly to the Watcher fans being mean as fuck to Ryan and Shane for this decision and calling them greedy mfers, you are uninformed, mean, and frankly I'm happy to see you go
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copper-skulls · 3 months
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she means well. she means Incredibly well. but the '[N] genders' transphobic joke I've seen a million times is mixing feelings with the inherent hilarity of someone genuinely trying thinking there's a Definitive List Of All Genders (Comprehensive)
I apparently will be one of her first genderqueer clients.
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goshyesvintageads · 5 months
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Socony-Vacuum Oil Company Inc, 1938
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lupismaris · 15 hours
Happy Baltimore Pride, the parade starts in 3 and a half hours and I'm already exhausted
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everymadara · 1 year
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Chapter 560
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