amseehafen · 2 years
Vogelbeobachtung Birding Nilgänse Mr & Ms Egyptian Goose Alopochen aegyp...
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suga-ssi · 7 years
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omygod! Hobi and Jiminie!! LOL
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kstorage · 7 years
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jeonghan | 10
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uniqso · 7 years
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#GPRepost #reposter #regram_app @hopiechan via @GPRepostApp for Android ------------------ I'm always so surprised when I see how Vocaloid cosplays are still going strong when we travel to other states! It's such a fun community! 🎶🎶 ••• #vocaloid #vocaloidcosplay #rinkagamine #kagaminerin #rincosplay #cosplay #twinzik #cosplaygirl #cosplayer #peachombre #rockalash #kawaii #selca #selfie #ulzzang #aegyp #vocaloidrin #vocaloids #matryoshka #matryoshkavocaloid #matryoshkarin #potd #instalike
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btsreactionmemes · 6 years
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Cute Namjoon
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aisla229 · 4 years
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Finished the first arc of the tabletop rpg game I’m GMing, I can finally post all the art! More about the worldbuilding under the cut:
Sauris is a white moon who’s visible surface is mostly composed of clouds. It orbeting around a gas giant, Caelophy. Millenias ago one of the pieces of the crust rolled over in the sea, exposing its side to the sunlight above, past the violent chemically active (and colorful) clouds inbetween. Life boomed on the continent, giving birth to complexe lifeforms such as plants and animals. Currently, civilisation is on the verge of an industrialisation, with a wide and diverse range of trades, for the first time spanning the massive and entire continent.
The active Inner Cloud layer, in an event called the Cloud’s Shift, can burst outwards. When it touches the continent it is believed to be the cause of creation of magic, causing all kinds of odds events as well, like making felines walk on two legs, plants change color, or give mysterious abilities to hidden creatures.
Any magic needs to be cast with a magic circle, each categorised by naturally occuring sigils at the centers. There is 13 known sigils, each named and tide to the planets and moons of Sauro. However tides are about to move, with a few wary travellers coming across a 14th unknown sigil, with the only proof of it being a reserved kid and a suspicious necklace.
Dinosaurs are the prominent life form on Sauris, with only a few mammals (mostly rodents and our beloved humanoids), fish in the rivers, and giant insects in the bogs. Here is a world where dinosaurs are found as locomotion, pets, food, and terrifying predators. It being very cold on Sauris, all year round, they also all rock some fluffy feather/proto-feathers coats.
The seasons no Sauris, are divided into two summers and two winters, spending a large portion of the year partially obscured of Sauro by Caelophy. The highest temperature is around 10°C , and the lowest -30°C
Here on the continent:
- The Tower of Almonious: A distant land discovered by a great sorcerer who has constructed a massive tower on top. Not much is known to the common people of Sauris, and stays inaccessible even today.
- Pol Malleo: An Active volcano, that unlike the ones on Earth does not eject lava, but a hot water-like liquid. Said liquid, named Azura, has a bright blue-turquoise color that glows a powerful green when it comes in contact with certain gases. The jets can go as high as 50 km high in the sky, forming a long colorful trail as it floats away.When an eruption occurs during Altieme, the droplets of liquid tend to freeze instantly in contact with the cold air, forming icicles that drop on the land below, often causing great problems as they bullet the surface.
- Tiacus Mire: It is currently the land in which resides the biggest city of Sauris; Aegyp. It also has the biggest lake: Great Ophora. During Primaestas, the majority of its land gets flooded, creating humid bogs, prospice to massive creatures, such as insects, Spinosaurus, and water dwellers like the massive mosasaurus.
- The Isles of Breviq: It probably has the most unique land shapes of the entire Continent. Long, relatively thin pillars of land have slowly come apart from the main land mass over many centuries, resulting in its numerous islands appearing to float between the clouds. The people of Breviq are known for having tamed the difficult beasts of the sky; riding pterosaurs.
- Pol Incus: The tallest mountain of Sauris, and so the tallest point of the entire moon. Its difficult climb has challenged many minds to reach its freezing top where the air grows thin. Temples and even old artefacts lie across the peaks or hidden under it’s rocks, proving the curiosity this mountain has always inspired.
- Thyreophor: The biggest land of Sauris. Thyreophor is most defined by its lush forests with massive trees and year-long colorful plants capable of holding under massive amounts of snow. It still holds the title of largest population in total.
- The Sdomorphia Wild Plains: Long stretches of grass and brush-like plants extend for as far as the eye can see. Sdomorphia is the land of nomads and the biggest of the animal kingdom: the Sauropods. It might not contain many streams or lakes, but it’s vast stretches borrow perfectly for herd hunting.
- The Austro Tundra: Unlike the other more South lands of Sauris, the Austro Tundra’s soil never melts away. Its rock-solid earth and ice makes it difficult to build houses on, but it has not stopped villages from sprouting even on the coldest land.The Austro Tundra is the land of Theropods, having the biggest number of raptors alike, many of which have prized feather coats.
- The Coelorus Coast: It has some of the biggest rate of precipitation of Sauris, standing on the right side of Pol Malleo against the strong air currents brushing the clouds below. Perhaps from the warmth created by Pol Malleo, the snow in Coelorus tends to melt a lot quicker than the other lands, and with the high amount of rivers and streams lining the soils, it also is one of the most fertile places. The steep sides of the volcano create perfect ranges for step agriculture, and primarily corn and rice.
- Cephalia: It currently has the title of the land with the biggest number of farm-land. Cephalia is often defined as the most friendly populace. With its loudest voices being farmers and workers, it has a particular streak of freedom and carelessness attached to its name.
- The Shantung Sway: A land carrying its own ecosphere, the people of Shantung have remained centuries without connection to the rest of Sauris. The current path to its land is extremely recent and trades have yet to be initiated. Apart from a very few explorers that have left Shantung to see the lands, and all described as fairly eccentric, interactions have been minimal so far.Shantung has been described as odd and fairy tale-like. With plants that glow in the dark, upside-down trees that prevent snow from reaching the ground, and weird spiky structured rocks. With bizarre animals, dinosaurs naked without feathers, small floating octopus creatures, and long leg-less organisms that slithered like tree branches.
- The Tenonto Canyon: The great divider between Malleo and Incus, the canyon expands down as far as can see, battered with wild winds and dangerous looking tornadoes beneath the clouds. A single bridge has been built on the closest edges, where the trade route quickly bustled with life, and ultimately created Mer, an unique city split in two across each side, one in the Tiacus Mire and the other in Thyreophor.
I’d like to say a big thank you to the players for being so patient and being so invested in this world i created, I love you guys. And thanks to anyone who actually read this!
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mmmmalo · 5 years
This article meanders a bit, but it goes interesting places. Assmann starts out by shifting his locus from history (in a “what really happened” sense) to what he calls mnemohistory, an evaluation of the forces that influence how people remember/regard the past. What follows is a few examples of biases among historians, leading into a discussion of notions esoteric spheres of knowledge that emerged from Egyptology prior to the successful translation of the hieroglyphs.
Of note to me is was a tangential discussion of confrontation with death as a rite of initiation within esoteric traditions (more fodder for death analogies), and the elevation of the seemingly wordless hieroglyphs into carriers of transcendental truth (compare with the elevation of the non-verbal in Openbound). Assmann also alleges that arguments over the nature hieroglyphs were a foundation of grammatology, which gives me another point of entry for Derrida.
Read if that interests you, but otherwise I just want to share a section that both fascinates me and brings me an enormous sense of dread, thanks in no small part to the sexual dimensions Homestuck associates with Death and Truth:
Schiller treated this topos in his ballad Das verschleierte Bild zu Sais.
Driven by an insatiable thirst of knowledge, a youth, presumably Greek, travels to Sais in Egypt in order to get initiated into the mysteries and to look behind the veil that hides the image of truth or Isis in the innermost sanctuary of the temple. He is guided by a priest who has himself never enjoyed this view nor felt tempted to seek after it. Epopteia, the view of truth, is something reserved for the very very few. The youth, however, cannot master his curiosity. The following night, he enters the temple and removes the veil. In the morning, he is found prostrate on the floor. He was never able to tell of his experience, lost all his good spirits and died soon afterwards.
It is clear that he saw something, but Schiller does not tell us what. From his other writings of that period, one may assume that he was exposed to a confrontation with the sublime. The sublime was defined as the absolutely overpowering experience that defies man’s either physical or intellectual capacities. Kant, in his third critique, distinguished these two expressions of the sublime as the dynamic and the mathematical sublime, Schiller proposed the distinction between the theoretical sublime transcending human imagination and the practical sublime threatening with death the human drive for self-preservation. 
Both Kant and Schiller saw in the veiled image at Sais and its inscription the quintessential expression of the sublime. “There is” wrote Kant in his third critique “no thought more sublime or more sublimely expressed than the famous inscription on the veiled image of Isis, i.e. mother nature, in her temple at Sais: I am all that was, is and will be. No mortal has lifted my veil.”
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sakrum1 · 5 years
Huni war vermut­lich der letzte alt­ägyp­tische König (Pharao) der 3. Dynas­tie (Altes Reich). Er mag gemäß Thomas Schneider zwischen 2690 und 2670 v. Chr. regiert haben. Von der moder­nen For­schung wird Huni als schwer fass­barer Herr­scher ange­sehen, da zwar spätere Quellen über ihn vorlie­gen, jedoch nur sehr wenige zeit­genös­sische Arte­fakte oder Denk­mäler erhal­ten geblie­ben sind. Zudem wider­spre­chen sich spätere Königs­listen und Chroni­ken hin­sicht­lich der Anzahl und Reihen­folge der Könige während der 3. Dynas­tie. Einig­keit herrscht nur dahin­gehend, dass die Königs­listen, die Huni erwäh­nen, ihn stets als Vor­gänger von König Snofru, dem Begrün­der der 4. Dynas­tie, be­schrei­ben. Es ist zudem unklar, unter wel­cher gräzi­sier­ten Namens­form Huni in den be­rühm­ten Aegyp­tiaca des anti­ken Histori­kers Manetho er­scheint.  – Zum Artikel …
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jornalbelem · 5 years
Todas as três doenças causadas pelo Aedes aegypiti registraram aumento no número de casos no estado. Duas mortes por Dengue foram confirmadas. O primeiro Levantamento Rápido de Levantamento Rápido de Índices de Infestação pelo Aedes aegypti (LIRAa) de 2019, que foi divulgado pelo Ministério da Saúde nesta terça-feira (30), apontou que 22 municípios de Alagoas estão com risco de surto para Dengue, Zika e Chikungunya. Essas cidades apresentaram alto índice de infestação do mosquito Aedes aegypiti, ou seja, larvas do mosquito em recipientes com água parada. Todas as três doenças causadas pelo mosquito apresentaram aumento no número de casos em Alagoas, comparando com o mesmo período do ano passado. Os casos prováveis de Dengue aumentaram 270,5%, os de Chikungunya, 188,6% e os de Zika, 66,7%. Além das cidades em situação de risco, o LIRAa identificou 44 municípios alagoanos em alerta, com índice de infestação predial (IIP) entre 1% a 3,9% e municípios com índices satisfatórios, com menos de 1% das residências com larvas do mosquito em recipientes com água parada. De acordo com o Ministério da Saúde, o armazenamento de água no nível do solo (doméstico), como tonel, barril, foi o principal tipo de criadouro no país, seguido dos depósitos móveis, caracterizados por vasos/frascos com água, pratos e garrafas retornáveis. Por último, depósitos encontrados em lixo, como recipientes plásticos, garrafas PET, latas, sucatas e entulhos de construção, sendo passíveis de remoção. O Ministério da Saúde alerta que o sistema de vigilância de estados e municípios e toda a população devem reforçar os cuidados para combater o mosquito. Dengue De 30/12/2018 até 13/04/2019 (Semana Epidemiológica 15), foram registrados 1.923 casos prováveis de Dengue em Alagoas. No mesmo período de 2018, foram 519 casos. O aumento no número de casos foi de 270,5%. Em 2019, até a SE 15, foram confirmados 3 casos de dengue grave e 30 casos de dengue com sinais de alarme. Até o momento (SE 15 de 2019), foram confirmados 2 óbitos por Dengue em Alagoas. Chikungunya Em 2019, até 13 de abril, foram registrados 127 casos prováveis de Chikungunya em Alagoas. No mesmo período de 2018, foram registrados 44 casos prováveis. O aumento no número de casos foi de 188,6%. Zika Em 2019, até 4 de abril, foram registrados 50 casos prováveis de Zika em Alagoas. No mesmo período de 2018, foram registrados 30 casos prováveis. O aumento no número de casos foi de 66,7%. Municípios em risco de surto: Arapiraca Atalaia Campestre Coité do Nóia Coqueiro Seco Craíbas Dois Riachos Estrela de Alagoas Girau do Ponciano Jaramataia Junqueiro Lagoa da Canoa Major Isidoro Maribondo Murici Ouro Branco Paulo Jacinto São José da Tapera Satuba Senador Rui Palmeira Taquarana Teotônio Vilela Municípios em alerta: Água Branca Anadia Barra de Santo Antônio Barra de São Miguel Belém Cacimbinhas Campo Alegre Campo Grande Canapi Capela Colônia Leopoldina Delmiro Gouveia Feira Grande Flexeiras Igaci Igreja Nova Inhapi Limoeiro de Anadia Maceió Maragogi Maravilha Mata Grande Matriz de Camaragibe Messias Minador do Negrão Monteirópolis Novo Lindo Olho D'água do Casado Olivença Palmeira dos Índios Pariconha Penedo Pilar Piranhas Rio Largo Roteiro Santa Luzia do Norte Santana do Ipanema Santana do Mundaú São José da Laje São Luís do Quitunde São Sebastião Tanque D'Arca União dos Palmares Veja mais notícias da região no G1 AlagoasFonte: G1
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Boatos: Exemplo Zika vírus
Os boatos não surgiram, obviamente, com a internet, mas se podemos vê-los como faíscas, então as redes sociais são a gasolina, alimentando e espalhando rapidamente os mais diversos tipos. Conhecidos como Hoax, um termo em inglês que significa embuste ou farsa, as histórias falsas espalhadas na rede possuem diferentes objetivos, desde a simples desinformação, a pegadinhas, transmitir vírus aos usuários, e até com o intuito de manchar a imagem de pessoas e instituições.
Podem ser bastante prejudiciais ao disseminar informações sobre temas relevantes quando ainda recentes e confusos, levando a desinformação em troca de likes e compartilhamentos. Um exemplo, de muitos, foram os diversos boatos que surgiram sobre o vírus Zika, e os vários casos de microcefalia, entre final 2015 e começo de 2016. Com as pesquisas ainda desenvolvimento e sem uma prova definitiva na época para sustenta a relação causa-efeito, a internet espalhou diversos possíveis motivos para a microcefalia, entre os produtos usado no combate ás lavas do Aedes aegypiti a supostas vacinas vencidas aplicadas em gestantes.
A Folha de São Paulo fez um copilado sobre as informações sobre o caso, falando com especialistas da área, os órgãos de saúde e pesquisa sobre dados divulgados nesses boatos. Finaliza a matéria fazendo o comparativo entre as informações dos boatos e os fatos reais. 
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A matéria pode ser acessada neste link:  
O site E-farsas, que iniciou em 2002 seu trabalho de investigamento sobre as histórias da internet, também fez textos sobre o caso. 
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Link: http://www.e-farsas.com/vacina-contra-a-rubeola-foi-a-causa-da-microcefalia.html
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kstorage · 7 years
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dowoon + young k | 10
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