#aenar targaryen oc
captain-of-misery · 4 months
Baneath the Silent Stars
Chapter 1: Mystery Knight
Summary: A mystery knight won the tourney, only to reveal himself as the most unexpected visitor. Prince Aenar Targaryen, youngest brother of King Viserys and Prince Daemon. And the man who crowned Alicent Hightower the Queen of Love and Beauty.
Warnings: violence, mentions of sex, Aenar being a bad dancer
Aemma lives, btw.
Words: 6.1k
Tourneys were never Alicent’s favorite. In fact, she found them quite boring and also disturbing at times. The men behaved like brutes, hungry for a fight and she wanted to run away and hide whenever there was as much as one drop of blood being shed. But she had to be there. As a member of King Viserys’ court and Princess Rhaenyra’s closest confidant, she didn’t just have to be there, but she got a front row seat in the royal box. A blessing and a curse. 
But this time, there was one man who stood out. He sat on a dark stallion, wore a grim, black armor decorated with red. And the cape on his right shoulder, like a cloth dipped in blood, was carried by the wind whenever he lunged forward and clashed with his fellow knights. He was as silent as the night and as unyielding as its darkest hour. 
“A mystery knight?” Rhaenyra asked. Unlike Alicent, the Princess quite enjoyed watching all those brave men fight. 
“It appears so,” Lady Alicent answered. “He calls himself the ‘Knight of Silent Stars,’ but you would know that if you weren’t late. Again.” 
“Not like I care. You sound just like my mother when she scolds me,” The Princess Rhaenyra said and as she spoke, the mystery knight unhorsed his opponent. “Seems like he has quite a talent.”
“That’s the fourth knight he has unhorsed so far.” 
“I wonder who he might be. Maybe he is rather handsome under all that armor,” Rhaenyra giggled, causing Alicent to release a sigh in response. And there was the reason Rhaenyra enjoyed tourneys far more than her friend.
“That armor has the colors of House Targaryen,” The Lady Alicent stated her observation. “Do you know him? Could that be Prince Daemon?” 
“Targaryen?” Rhaenyra leaned forward in her seat, taking a good look at the knight. “He does not look like Daemon, his armor is different too. I have no idea who else that might be.” 
“I suppose we shall see then.” 
The tourney went on. The crowd cheered as the knights continued to compete against each other. By the commands of King Viserys, First of His Name, it was a grand affair with many great houses and noteworthy representatives present. Still, an event that Alicent would have much preferred to avoid.
But despite her lack of enthusiasm for such unnecessary violence, Alicent watched one man with growing interest. The Knight of Silent Stars. What a curious name. Somehow, Alicent always found mystery knights a bit intriguing. She couldn’t help the wonder that washed over about who he might be. The son of a lord, maybe? Or maybe he is a commoner, that’s why he didn’t dare show his face. 
The Knight of Silent Stars unhorsed opponent after opponent and Alicent found herself more and more in awe. He really was silent, true to his name. He never said a word, just kept fighting with grace and honor. No, he was certainly not a commoner. There was something to him, he held himself almost like royalty. 
At some point, Alicent began to hope he would win. Finally, there was a knight who fought with honor and respect, truly a rare sight. But there was one more opponent left: Prince Daemon himself. Well, at least now it was certain that the mystery knight and Daemon were not the same person. 
Alicent felt a sense of worry. Daemon was never known for playing fair. As the Prince and the knight readied themselves for the clash of horses and lances, Rhaenyra reached for Alicent’s hand, reminding her to stop picking the skin around her fingernails. She hadn’t even noticed that she was doing it. 
“The Knight of Silent Stars?” Prince Daemon scoffed, trying to intimidate the mystery knight. “That’s the stupidest name I’ve ever heard.” 
But there was no answer from the other side and before Daemon could have said more insults, the joust began. Alicent held her breath, her fingers trembling as she watched. 
The two men lowered their lances, aiming them at each other before they clashed and Alicent had to close her eyes. She heard the sound of metal slamming against the ground and hundreds, possibly thousands of gasps. 
When Alicent finally dared to look, she saw Prince Daemon lying on the ground, cursing to himself in High Valyrian, and the Knight of Silent Stars still seated on his horse. Alicent expected a more violent reaction from Daemon, but it didn’t happen. Perhaps the Prince knew something.
The crowd cheered, congratulating the mystery knight on his victory. Yet, he remained quiet. His first action was to gallop to the royal box on his horse and give the King, his family, and the important lords and ladies a bow. How honorable of him. 
And then a wreath of beautiful flowers was placed on the tip of the knight’s lance. He won and now he was to choose his Queen of Love and Beauty, it was within his right as the tourney champion. From behind his helmet, Alicent could barely make out a pair of eyes. First, his gaze landed on Queen Aemma. She would have been a fine and polite choice, but then he looked at Rhaenyra, another respectable choice. He stared for a moment, his gaze shifting for a moment and Alicent could swear she saw his eyes widen. 
Oh no. Not me. Please, not me. Choose Rhaenyra or anyone else, but not me. 
He raised his lance almost agonizingly slowly, as if he was purposefully torturing all the ladies present, and dropped the wreath on the lap of Lady Alicent Hightower. 
Alicent stared at the flowers on her thighs, her mouth and eyes open in shock. It was flattering, really, no one had ever chosen her as their Queen of Love and Beauty. The mystery knight’s attention was a welcomed one and Alicent almost wanted to giggle. However, she knew that everyone else was looking too, her own father included and Alicent didn’t like that. 
“Seems like someone has a fan,” Rhaenyra giggled, grasping her friend’s arm affectionately and Alicent’s blush only deepened. She could hear someone from behind saying that the knight made a fine choice. Hopefully, her father wouldn’t be too bothered by it. 
Alicent reached for the wreath on her lap, her quivering and bloody fingertips brushing against the flower petals. She finally looked at her mystery knight who was staring right up at her. She opened her mouth to speak, but her lips were trembling. “Thank you,” She mumbled under her breath and it was a miracle if the knight could hear her at all. Still, he offered her a deep bow. 
Finally, King Viserys stood from his seat, addressing the mystery knight.  “You have fought bravely and earned your victory, Ser. Might we know who you are?” 
For a moment, the knight stayed silent, remaining true to his fashion. “I am no Ser,” He said, his smooth, raspy voice certainly causing a shiver to run down every lady’s spine. Alicent’s included. She watched with keen interest, eager to learn the identity of this knight. He crowned her his Queen of Love and Beauty, so of course she wished to know who he was. 
The Knight of Silent stars reached for his helmet, his armored fingers attempting to take it off. Thick locks of silver hair poured down to his shoulders and his gaze went immediately to the royal box. He glanced at a beautiful lady of auburn hair and sparkling brown eyes for a moment longer than he should have before finally gracing the King with his attention. “I am a prince.” 
The King stared at the knight with his mouth hanging open, his expression quickly turning from shock to joy as he recognized the young dashing man. “Aenar! Brother!”
The King’s brother. The youngest one, not Daemon. Alicent had heard of Prince Aenar before. A few years ago, when the King and Rhaenyra had an argument, the Princess went to the Dragonpit and flew to Dragonstone on Syrax’s back. There her youngest uncle welcomed her with open arms and he made sure she returned shortly and safely, for which Alicent was very grateful. After that, Rhaenyra spent all day talking about him and Alicent almost believed that her friend had a crush on her uncle. Other than that, not much else was known about the young Targaryen prince. No scandals, no rumors, and no nothing. Sometimes Alicent wondered if he existed at all or Rhaenyra made him up to mess with her friend. 
It was said that they grew up together, Rhaenyra and Aenar. Of course, Aenar was a few years older than her, but wherever little Rhaenyra went, Prince Aenar followed to make sure she wouldn’t get into too much trouble. The Princess often described her youngest uncle as the sweetest man in the Realm with a slight twist of Targaryen cheekiness. 
But how could Alicent know that? 
Certainly, she was intrigued by the mysterious Prince, especially after he made her his Queen of Love and Beauty. It didn’t help that he looked into her eyes earlier at the tourney. Gods, even recalling the memory caused her heart to skip a beat. Even from the field, his gaze was as piercing as a dragon’s fire.
Naturally, as it was common during King Viserys’ reign, a feast followed the jousting. A wave of nervousness washed over the young Hightower when she glanced at the empty seat next to her. On her other side was Rhaenyra, who was sitting next to Queen Aemma, followed by the King in the middle, then her father, the Lord Hand, and the other members of the small council. 
Perhaps Prince Aenar wouldn't come at all. Maybe he left. Maybe he was currently somewhere else, doing whatever men do after a day of jousting. Men liked to do their own thing and Targaryen men were even worse, Alicent knew that. Prince Aenar was probably roaming the Street of Silk, doing only the Gods know what men are up to there. Alicent didn’t know what that was exactly, only that it was no place for a delicate young maiden like her. She had asked her father about it once, but was met with only a cold, disapproving stare, like the ones he gives her whenever she spends too much time around Rhaenyra or mentions Prince Daemon by accident. Alicent knew better than to ask again. 
“My favorite niece!” Alicent heard an unfamiliar voice from behind and her heart was suddenly beating three times faster than it normally would. She watched as Rhaenyra turned to take a look toward the source.
“Uncle Aenar!” The Princess stood from her seat to greet her uncle. “I am your only niece.” 
In the meantime, Alicent also stood up, but she kept her gaze off of the Prince. A man with such fighting prowess must be intimidating and fearsome, not someone Alicent would want to anger. But why didn’t he enter through the main doors? Maybe he just didn’t like attention, Alicent would understand that. She didn’t like using the main doors either. Too many eyes, too much attention.
“Well, that is exactly why you are my favorite,” The Prince continued and Alicent could hear the cheerfulness in his tone, still not having the courage to actually look at him. “If I had another niece, I fear your position as my favorite would be under great threat.” He pulled Rhaenyra into an embrace and pressed a kiss against her forehead. “I only jest, dear. The world wouldn’t survive another girl like you.” This time, his voice was softer, lighter, filled with a strange warmth that made Alicent’s stomach flutter. 
“And who is this lovely lady?” Aenar asked as he turned to Alicent. Despite what the Prince did at the end of the tourney, this was their first time speaking to each other. Alicent couldn’t recall ever meeting him before.
“My name is Alicent Hightower, Your Grace.” There was a deep blush on her face as she answered, a clear indication of her nervousness around him. She bowed to him, her gaze still fixed on the floor. 
“Lady Alicent,” The Prince said and when Alicent dared to look at his face, she saw that he was smiling at her. And oh, his eyes were mesmerizing. Like jade, green with a hint of brown. Alicent almost didn’t notice when he reached for her hand, his touch almost as delicate as a feather. He brought her hand to his lips and pressed a small kiss against it while looking into her eyes. By this point, Alicent thought she would faint. Her heart hammered in her chest and her face was redder than the wine they served at the feast. 
“It is a pleasure to meet you, my Lady. I hope I didn’t disrespect you today,” He continued with a sweet, charming smile on his face and gently let go of her hand. Alicent wanted to answer, but never in her wildest dreams did she expect to be in a situation like this. First, a handsome young prince wins the tourney and crowns her Queen of Love and Beauty. And if that wasn’t already something out of a fairy tale, he was now talking to her. Gods . He even kissed her hand. She really hoped that her father wasn’t watching. She would certainly receive a lecture after the feast about the importance of resisting the charms of handsome men. 
And Prince Aenar was certainly charming.
However, he must have noticed Alicent’s unease. His smile disappeared for a moment, almost as if he was desperately trying to come up with something before he continued. “I am pleased to know that Rhaenyra had someone to look after her in my absence. Tell me, has she given you much trouble? I’m quite sure she has.” In the meantime, they all took their seats with Rhaenyra and Aenar on each side of the young and frightened Alicent Hightower.
“She is a troublemaker indeed,” Alicent said with a polite smile, doing her best to not create an unpleasant atmosphere. But, Gods, she hoped he would not attempt anything dishonorable with her. Targaryen princes are not exactly known for being honorable.
“Did you two form an alliance against me or something?” Rhaenyra whined from Alicent’s other side. 
The Prince chuckled in response. “We don’t need to. You brought this upon herself. I remember when Viserys was still a prince and we all lived on Dragonstone. If it wasn’t for me, the dragons would have eaten you.” 
“Imagine explaining that to my father. But then he became king, you went to Driftmark, and I needed someone else to drag into trouble. That’s when Alicent came and took over your job.” 
“She gets into a lot of trouble, my prince. Some days I can’t keep her out of it. The other day, she was late from a small council meeting because she much prefers to ride her dragon.” Alicent giggled and then she turned to Aenar. She gazed into his eyes and for a moment, she found herself breathless by the sight of those two jade orbs. Again. The smile he gave her was like honey. Sweet enough to charm any lady and Alicent had a feeling that Aenar’s presence would become the cause of much trouble in the future.
“Then thank the Gods for giving us Lady Alicent,” The Prince chuckled again and Alicent could feel her cheeks heat up. “What would my little niece do without you?” 
Alicent had no time to answer, not like she knew what to say, but they were approached by the son of some distant lord. “Princess Rhaenyra, might I have this dance?” 
The Princess turned to Alicent, giving her an annoyed look before she looked at the man asking her to dance again. “Of course.” And with that, Rhaenyra rose from her seat and made her way to the dance floor. 
Anxiety rose in Alicent’s stomach as she was left alone with Prince Aenar. For a minute, neither of them spoke and the awkwardness in the air was so thick they could have cut it with a knife. The silence between them was deafening.
Both Alicent and Aenar returned to their plates, taking a few bites and sipping wine before the Prince cleared his throat and took a deep breath, addressing the young woman next to him. “Do you like to dance, Lady Alicent?” 
Alicent’s eyes widened slightly at the Aenar’s question, a part of her hoping that he wouldn’t ask her and another that he would. Her eyes were still fixed on her plate as she answered his question. “I do, my prince.”
“I don’t,” Aenar said and then raised his cup to take a sip of his wine. If he doesn’t like to dance, then why did he bother to ask? “I wouldn’t ask a lady to dance with me unless I was really interested in her. Sadly, I can already sense some eagerness from a few ladies at this dreadful feast.” 
“Dreadful? You dislike feasts?” Alicent couldn’t say that she had a liking for feasts either. At least Rhaenyra made them feel tolerable. Well, when she wasn’t busy dancing with some lord. 
“Never was much interested in them. While I quite like music, it is too loud. And there are far too many people for my liking. I only came for the food,” Aenar admitted, causing Alicent to chuckle. Maybe he wasn’t so bad, after all. 
“The food certainly makes it more tolerable, Your Grace. And it is quite honorable that you would not dance with a lady unless you had a genuine interest in her. Not everyone shares the same sentiment.” 
“It is unfortunate, really,” The Prince turned his gaze from Alicent and his eyes searched the room. There were many lords, ladies, and knights present. He took a good look at each of them, taking note of how some of the guests present were staring back at him. He knew why. A Targaryen prince, a man grown. He won a joust and he was handsome. The lords of the Realm are eager to wed their daughters and granddaughters to him for the sake of political advantage. “People in King’s Landing can be so…shallow. I have forgotten what it’s like.” 
“When was the last time you were here?” Alicent asked him. “I don’t remember ever seeing you.” 
He smiled at her, but there was a hint of sadness in his expression. “Well, I was here when my brother got crowned and before that, when my father died and yours became Hand.” 
Alicent immediately regretted her question. And speaking of Hands, Otto Hightower suddenly appeared in front of them, looking quite displeased. “Your Grace,” He greeted the Prince in his usual stern, gloomy voice. “I see you and my daughter have become acquainted.” 
“Oh, yes, Lord Otto. I was just telling your lovely daughter about how a follower of the Seven would remain true to their faith in and outside of the Sept,” Aenar said with a broad smile and Alicent couldn’t help the blush that deepened her already red cheeks. Well, this Aenar Targaryen seemed like quite a bold man. She didn’t even pay much attention to what he was saying because only the word ‘lovely’ kept repeating itself in her mind. Right in front of her father. 
“You see, my lady,” Aenar turned his attention back to Alicent with newfound interest while Otto Hightower watched and listened. What was the Prince trying to achieve with this? “Many go to the Sept often, some every day, but as soon as they come outside, they go back to sin and dishonor. If they actually believed in the Gods, they would not need to spend half of their lives praying on their knees, begging for forgiveness because of whatever they committed. They would simply live by the teachings of the Seven and behave with honor and diligence.” 
Alicent felt something beneath her feet. She quickly glanced under the table and saw that it was Prince Aenor bouncing his leg up and down. By the Gods, the Prince was nervous! Alicent almost chuckled. This was quite endearing and Alicent felt a sense of understanding wash over her. She had her own nervous habit and seeing that such a strong, brave, and handsome prince was trembling beneath the table made her feel a little less alone and a little more normal. But what was making him so nervous? 
Otto raised an eyebrow and Alicent couldn’t yet tell if her father was amused or currently trying to make Aenar stay away from her. “I must say, Prince Aenar, you are quite right. However, do you go to the Sept often?”
“Sometimes,” Aenar answered. “As I said, I don’t need to spend my entire day praying.” 
“And why is that, my prince?” 
“I often see people asking the Gods for help. Instead of working for what they want, they think that the Gods will give it to them if they pray often enough. The only times I go to the Sept are when I want to show gratitude.” 
“So you would rather work than beg the Seven for a blessing?” The Hand asked and the Prince only nodded in response. Lord Otto maintained a neutral expression, but Alicent could tell he was impressed by what Aenar said. He was simply too proud to admit it. “We go to the Grand Sept quite often. Perhaps Prince Aenar would like to join us?” 
The Prince remained silent, quite obviously uninterested in joining Otto, for which Alicent really couldn’t blame him. But perhaps he would like to join Alicent. The lady was sweet, perhaps a little nervous, but Aenar didn’t mind that. The other ladies stared at him as if he was a prey during a hunt, so Alicent’s more reserved nature was like a cooling breeze during summer. And she was quite comely as well. He was yet to take a good look at her, but Alicent’s doe eyes made his heart beat a little faster whenever she gathered enough courage to stare directly into his. 
So it was either both or neither. 
Gods damn it, Aenar. You brought this upon yourself.
Aenar smiled, most likely out of politeness and finally gave the Hand the answer he desired. “Of course, Lord Otto. I would be delighted to join you.” 
“You honor me, Your Grace. Well, then I’ll leave you two. Enjoy the feast.”
Alicent released a sigh of relief as soon as her father was at a far enough distance. However, she couldn’t help but ask Aenar a small question. “How did you know he is religious? My father, I mean.” 
“From my brother,” He admitted. “Daemon has told me much about him.” 
Alicent couldn’t say she was delighted to hear that, but then, from the corner of her eye, she saw Princess Rhaenyra motioning for her. “F-forgive me, I think Rhaenyra wants something.” 
Prince Aenar gave her a nod and Alicent left to join her friend. While the Prince remained in his seat and was about to happily indulge himself in the contents of his place, he felt a hand touch his shoulder. 
“Little brother,” King Viserys said, a warm smile gracing his features. He sat down on Alicent’s chair, giving Aenar his full attention. Being called little brother brought a strange warmth to Aenar’s heart. He missed his family dearly. “You fill my chest with pride. Good job at the tourney today.”
Aenar would be lying if he said he didn’t like his brother’s praise. “Thank you, brother. I was hoping to make you proud.” 
“Your return to King’s Landing has been well-received,” Viserys informed his youngest brother. “If you wish to stay, we would be more than happy to have you.” 
Aenar nodded, pleased by the idea of remaining in King’s Landing, at least for a while. “I would like that. We have been apart for too long. I wish to stay by your side, brother, and aid you in any way I can.” 
“Good,” Viserys said with a smile, delighted by Aenar’s response. He didn’t expect anything less from the prince, knowing he was more dutiful than Daemon ever was. “I could always use more people I can trust. You should accompany me to the small council meetings and then we’ll see if there are any tasks for you.” 
“That sounds wonderful, thank you.” 
Then there were some giggles, catching the attention of both the Prince and the King. Aenar was met with several pairs of eyes gazing at him, all of them belonging to a group of gossipping women. Aenar couldn’t help but feel uneasy from the attention, but then Viserys turned back to his brother, now with something cheeky in his expression. “It seems like you have caught the ladies’ attention.” 
Aenar rolled his eyes, visibly unhappy by the attention. “Yeah, I certainly have.” 
Viserys laughed in return, leaning closer to his brother. “Aenar, this is every man’s dream!” It was almost every man’s dream, Aenar thought to himself. Certainly not his. 
Aenar never liked whores. Daemon brought him to a pleasure house as soon as he was old enough and he already decided that he would avoid the Street of Silk for the rest of his life. Of course, he was no saint, he had his conquests. Not as many as some people thought he had, but still, Aenar had known a few women in his life, as was expected of a prince.
He liked to work for the ladies and had little respect for those who simply threw themselves at his feet. Of course, he understood why they did it. But the harder he worked for a lady, the sweeter she was. 
And Aenar loved sweet women. He’s just never met any worthy of his affections.
“Yours, perhaps. Quite honestly, brother, I would much prefer to take a lady wife,” The young prince admitted and he could see the shock and then the joy on his brother’s face. 
“You do? Well, that is a pleasant surprise! Finally, a brother who wishes to do his duty. If you’d like, I could arrange a potential match for you. Or is there anyone who has caught your eye, little brother?” 
Aenor’s eyes widened in horror. His brother made it sound like he would wed Aenar to the first suitable lady in a fortnight. “Hold your horses, Viserys, I’ve only just returned. I will keep my eyes open and let you know if there is anyone. I am not in a rush.” 
Pursing his lips, Viserys nodded. “Of course. But do let me know if you have found yourself a bride and remember that you are a prince of the Seven Kingdoms. Your lady wife must be of high birth. A maiden befitting your station.” 
“I understand. I wouldn’t have it any other way.” 
“Good,” Viserys stood and patted his brother on the back. “Now enjoy yourself, Aenar. You deserve it.” The King returned to his seat and Aenar was left alone once again.
The Prince went back to his plate with the hopes of no one disturbing him. He really was just here for the food and, so far, he barely managed to get a few bites. After a minute or two, he reached for his cup and raised it to his lips, taking a sip of his wine. 
As Aenar drank, he saw two figures from the corner of his eye. When he put the cup down and looked, he noticed that Lord Jason Lannister was talking to Lady Alicent Hightower, the very woman he crowned as his Queen of Love and Beauty. 
Well, shit. 
Now Aenar really had a chance to look at her and what a beauty she was. Had he known that Viserys had such beautiful ladies at his court, he would have returned to King’s Landing sooner. 
From what Aenar could tell, Alicent was undeniably the most comely girl at court. She had a sweet smile and eyes with a light in them that could melt even the coldest hearts. When he first saw her during the tourney, he almost called the Maesters because his knees started bending on their own.
With or without Aenar crowning her, Alicent was desirable. She was a highborn lady with looks unmatched and as the Prince watched Jason Lannister talk to her, he couldn’t help but feel jealous.
Perhaps he shouldn’t have crowned her. He didn’t think of it when it happened, but now Aenar realized that it would only attract more suitors for Alicent. If a prince of House Targaryen thought she was good enough, then she was good enough for every other man as well. 
Of course, it all made sense now. The young maiden seemed visibly uncomfortable by Lord Lannister’s presence and Aenar saw that she was fidgeting with her fingers. 
Aenar did like her. Of course, she didn’t know her well yet. But, so far, she was the most promising lady in all of King’s Landing. He couldn’t deny that he was pretty and her nervousness around him was quite endearing. Aenar could also sense some playfulness from her, which only made her more appealing to him.
Tonight, if Aenar had to dance with anyone, it would be Alicent. 
He glanced down at his food with a twinge of sadness, then he sighed and stood from the table. He might regret this later.
Aenar walked past the long table and he could swear he saw Viserys and Aemma giving each other a knowing look as he walked to where Alicent and the Lannister man were standing. 
The lady was certainly trying to be polite, but Lord Jason had her cornered. Aenar had the displeasure of knowing him, so he really couldn’t blame Alicent for not wanting to be anywhere near him, but the man had a habit of bothering the fair maidens. 
Aenar smiled to himself. Now he would become her knight in shining armor, her Prince Charming. For some odd reason, he quite liked the idea. 
“And then there was this diamond necklace I had made for my mother-” As he approached, Aenar cleared his throat, cutting off the Lannister Lord mid-sentence. 
“Lady Alicent,” Aenar said with a smile and nodded to the young lady. 
“Yes, my prince?” Alicent sounded almost relieved to see him. If she had to choose between Prince Aenar and Lord Jason, he wouldn’t hesitate to run to Aenar’s arms. Maybe the Prince was a little grumpy and he was…unique, to say the least, but at least he was respectful and definitely more pleasant than Jason Lannister. 
Aenar cleared his throat again. In fact, he cleared his throat so well that he ended up having to cough. 
“Your Grace, are you unwell?” Jason Lannister turned to Aenar and asked, his voice having a slight mocking tone to it. 
“No, no, Lord Jason. I assure you, I am alright.” Aenar gave the Lannister lord a small, forced smile before finally turning to Alicent, completely ignoring the man standing beside him. “Lady Alicent. Would you honor me with a dance?” 
Alicent’s eyes widened in surprise. But…didn’t the Prince say that he disliked dancing? That he would only dance with a woman if he was really interested in her? “I-” She tried to find the right words, but she was too stunned. Did this mean that he had some interest in her? Or was he just trying to help her escape from the grasps of Jason Lannister? Either way, Aenar was her way out. “Yes!” Alicent said with more enthusiasm than she intended and she quickly regained her composure, giving the Prince a proper answer. “Of course, my Prince. I would be honored to dance with you.” 
With a smile, Aenar extended a strong hand for her and Alicent gladly took it, leaving Jason Lannister all by himself. Prince Aenar led her to the dance floor and Alicent couldn’t help but once again feel surprised by the tenderness of his touch. As they came to a stop and turned toward each other, Alicent noticed how tall and strong Aenar was for the first time. A man like him could protect her from any harm. The thought was giving her butterflies in the stomach.
Aenar gulped as he put one hand on Alicent’s waist and held hers with the other. Gods, he wasn’t exactly the most graceful dancer. He was tense and nervous, and he did take dance lessons when he was younger, but he found it difficult to feel at ease and truly enjoy himself. 
He looked down and saw that Alicent was smiling at him. Strangely, it made him feel a little less tense. The song began and so did their dance. Aenar was clumsy at first, while Alicent moved swiftly and lightly, each of her movements confirming that she was, indeed, a true lady. He tried to match her elegance and, to his surprise, quickly got the hang of it. He silently thanked the Seven for making him a fast learner. 
However, the silence between them was slightly unpleasant and Aenar never liked awkward silences, so he began to talk. “I apologize, my Lady. I couldn’t allow Lord Lannister to bore you with…well, himself. The man can be quite egoistical.” 
Alicent smiled at his comment, finding it quite amusing. If there was one thing certain about life, it was that Jason Lannister bragged about anything and everything regarding himself. “He certainly is. I don’t know what I would have done if I had to listen to a story about another one of his grand purchases.”
“Pay him no mind. He is not worthy of your attention.” Oh? But perhaps the Prince was?
Her cheeks flushed and she suddenly felt herself becoming a little nervous too upon noticing how close they were to each other. Prince Aenar’s body radiated warmth and strength and even Alicent couldn’t stay immune to it. She wondered how many of the other ladies were watching them, envious of her current position. “Thank you for coming to my rescue, Your Grace. You really didn’t have to do it, I know you don’t like to dance.” She felt grateful for what he had done for her and she felt touched by the gesture. 
“Well, you were in trouble. I would be a terrible knight if I ignored a lady in distress.” 
“Was I? Lord Jason and I were just talking. I would hardly call that trouble or distress.” 
“You mean, he was talking and you were listening and smiling along.” His comment made both of them laugh and Aenar felt his breath get caught in his throat. It was as if he listened to the sound of all seven heavens at once. “Your laugh…and your smile...” 
She looked at him, with that same, beautiful smile. Aenar had never seen such light, such magic in his life. “What of them, Your Grace?”
He instantly regretted it. He wanted to say something nice, to compliment her, to make her feel good, but he simply couldn’t bring himself to say it. “Nothing.” As Aenar spoke, the song and the dance came to an end. He could see the slight disappointment in Alicent’s eyes. He knew that he had made some awkward mistakes tonight and he didn’t know why, but he wanted to make up for them. “My Lady.” His cheeks were already flushed and he found it difficult to maintain eye contact with Alicent, partly because he was anxious, but mainly because he felt captivated by her. 
“Yes, my Prince?” My Prince . Now that he thought of it, Aenar quite liked hearing it from her lips. 
“I just wanted you to know that,” He paused for a moment, looked away and then back to Alicent. “I did see that you were uncomfortable in Lord Lannister’s presence, for which I cannot blame you, but…I-I wanted to dance with you.” 
“Oh,” Alicent made a small sound. It was…surprising, to say the least. While Alicent knew she was fortunate enough to come from a good family, she didn’t feel like she was worthy enough of the attention of a prince. “I…Thank you. I am flattered, Your Grace.” 
“Perhaps, you would honor me with another dance?” He offered his hand to her again, his smile warm and charming. “I promise I won’t step on your toes.”
She laughed and reached for his hand once more. “I would like that very much.” 
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alienoryva · 4 months
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Rhaella Targaryen (Eldest) - Aenar Targaryen゚⁠+
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Daemion Targaryen - Daenys Targaryen (twins) ゚⁠+
Aegon iii & Jaehaera Targaryen Children (AU) !
(face claim) —⁠☆
Rhaella : Angelique de sance ( Angelique 2013)
Aenar : Tristan (Tristan & Isolde)
Daemion : Romeo Montague (Romeo & Juliet 2013)
Daenys : Lucrezia borgia (los borgias 2006)
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22 notes · View notes
You are my Home
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pairing: Fanon!Aegon Targaryen x Female OC
summary: Aegon and Saera finally reach Dranstone but will everything be as it used to?
Word count: 3,8K
Warnings: Angst, incest, Fluff, Childbirth, Mourning
Saera was finally able to breathe freely as The Cannibal landed on the bridge of Dragonstone. She slid down feeling slightly numb from the ride here along with the cold weather. Sunfyre had landed with only a few feet between him and The Cannibal who did not stay around for long and flew away happy to be back in his home again. Saera's smile did not reach her eyes though and Aegon saw that even atop Sunfyre.
He wrapped an arm around Aenar although he was already strapped to his body, and got down the saddle. Sunfyre immediately followed after The Cannibal curious about the island they were on now having never been here so freely. Saera watched the two dragons fly around screeching to one another.
"Darling" Aegon greeted with a chaste kiss to her red cheeks. She turned to face him with her cute red nose, it was cold no shock there really.
"Muña, where are we?" Aenar questioned holding tightly to his father's tunic. Aegon's eyes trailed to the palace behind them, he did not feel very safe here despite everything, his brother was killed here after all, Daemon captured Aemond in Harrenhal and brought him to receive his punishment for killing Luce and having a hand in usurping Rhaenyra's throne.
"Our new home" Saera answered. She looked at the palace she lived in for some years before her marriage to Aegon and felt some familiarity but this was still not home to her.
"We should go inside before īlva byka zaldrīzes gets sick" Our little dragon. Saera turned to look at her son to see him burying his nose in his father's neck shivering slightly. Saera linked her arm with Aegon's and led the way into the palace. To her surprise the place was flooding with servants preparing for their arrival. Her mother was not heartless she knew that but she still hasn't forgiven her and Aegon fully but in the end she has not heard the full story just yet.
"Pretty" Aenar interrupted their walk through the corridors. Saera looked at what her son was pointing at to find a window, she raised an eyebrow confused at the plain sight that greeted her.
"Oh gods" Aegon gulped as a familiar dragon emerged through the skies roaring loudly. Saera felt her knees weaken beneath her as Vermithor gave a small show.
"I did not know he was still here" Saera admitted. She has never seen him before but everyone knew who he was besides he was an old dragon after all and she thought he retired somewhere calmer than Westeros especially with the war that has happened a while back between sister and brother, mother and daughter.
"I am shocked he left his cave" Aenar wiggled out of his father's hold and the strap and walked over to the window forgetting the fact that he was short and could not reach the ledge.
"Do you reckon...?" Saera trailed off eyes never leaving her son's jumping frame. Aegon shuddered a little at the thought, Aenar was still too young especially for a dragon like Vermithor.
"I suppose..." Aegon walked over to Aenar and held him up so he could stand on the edge of the window but held him around the middle tightly, he was his only child and he would rather die than see him hurt, even a small scratch broke his heart.
"My boy will ride a dragon in due time" Saera wrapped an arm around Aegon's waist and the other trailed to Aenar's head to push back some of his hair.
"He is so pretty! Can I go see him?" Aenar asked bouncing a little. Aegon pulled him away from the ledge sensing danger with his movement. Aenar huffed annoyed a little.
"Not now, maybe another time" Saera trailed off. Her eyes looked down the corridor, she could hear an echo, maybe it was real and maybe it was her imagination.
"Wait here a second" She did not look at Aegon and Aenar as she walked off looking like she was in a daze of sorts. Aegon was confused as he watched his wife walk off. He turned to the maid that usually cared for Aenar and placed him in her arms before following after Saera quietly.
She did not notice him following and resumed walking deeper and deeper into the palace holding her breath as the sounds grew louder. Her hand hovered over the handle of the door for a second before pushing it open praying that this was real and that the entire war was merely a dream, no a nightmare. There was no one in the room, no Jace pointing to lands on the glowing table and no Luce trying to distract her from their brother's lessons.
Jace had taken it upon himself to teach them what he learned from his maester since they were younger and had some time before having to study the map of Westeros and eventually the rest of the world. He would stand to the side and watch as Saera would try and identify the area he had pointed at. He would laugh when she would mess up the names of the lands, he found it hilarious when she called Lannisport, Lannisfart when she was merely five of age one time when they were visiting before they moved here for an extended amount of time after Luce took Aemond's eye.
Her fingers felt numb as she traced the design on the table. Her tears rolled down her cheeks as Jace's laugh echoed in her head again and again and again. She felt like her mother was punishing her by sending her here to Dragonstone, that was not true of course, Rhaenyra loved Saera and would never intentionally hurt her, she forgave the usurper of her throne for her daughter after all.
Saera felt her knees give out under her with a small cry. She leaned her forehead on the table wanting nothing but for this fake reality to be real. She wanted Jace and Luce to meet her baby boy, Aenar. Luce was gone before Aenar was even born and Jace was furious and instead of a congratulations he sent her an angry letter saying he no longer had a sister, saying he hated her for giving birth to the child of the usurper and the nephew of the man that killed their brother. She knew he did not mean it, he was mourning Luce. She knows that if he were to be alive now he would welcome her with open arms, he would still be wary of Aegon but he would welcome her and Aenar because blood was thicker than water. She missed his warm embrace, the comfort he gave her when she needed it most.
"My darling" Aegon kneeled down beside her and pulled her into his arms. His embrace was nothing like Jace's but it was more than welcomed. She loved Aegon's hugs but they did not have the brotherly love she longed to feel, his embrace was filled with a different kind of love.
"Shhh, do not cry" He rocked her back and forth. He has always been there for her during her darkest of times. He was there when she received the letter from Jace and cried for hours and held her. He was there when she panicked over Aenar who refused to stop crying or when she fought with his mother for weeks over having a wet nurse but Saera refused saying he is her son and her responsibility.
"I miss them so much" She sobbed clutching his tunic like Aenar did earlier. Aegon pressed a loving kiss to her forehead. His muscles complained from the weight and movement but he did not utter a word, no her pain was greater than anything he felt in his body.
Aegon's own turmoil was playing in his head. He could not help but imagine the screams of Aemond, he did not know if Daemon had tortured him first or just killed him immediately seeking justice. He did not know if it was a smooth death or if he had suffered and he did not plan on asking, he feared the answer. He did not want to torture himself and Saera with the answer. Saera grew to love Aemond as she did Jace and Luce that is until he had taken the life of Luce in Storm's End.
"I miss him too" Aegon whispered closing his eyes. He wanted to block the screams from his head but it felt impossible. Saera looked up at him catching sight of the tear rolling down his eye. She raised her hand and wiped it away, she hated seeing him cry, it reminded her of his coronation, how miserable he was but he still went through it fearing his grandfather's threat from becoming true, fearing that the discreet press of a knife in his wife's back would plunge itself into her if he refused, he feared the knife would move to his son's small neck after it had killed his mother.
"They're with the dragons now" Saera wanted to comfort him but it was hard when she was just as broken. Aegon opened his eyes to look down at her, she looked like a mess, her hair was sticking in all direction from the flight here and she had dark circles under her eyes making the tear streaks more visible and her cheeks were puffy from the crying but she looked nothing less than a goddess.
"Will we ever move forward?" He questioned tilting his head to the side. Saera looked down for a second before making up her mind and took his hands into her own.
"We have to, for Aenar" She was determined to never see her son on the end of a knife ever again, she wanted to protect him, she did not want him to have the same childhood as her and Aegon ever.
"For Aenar" Aegon nodded in agreement. For their son they will move on from their trauma, for their son they will get better, for their son they will build their lives again and smile more, all for Aenar.
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"This used to be my room" Saera smiled as she stepped into the room. Aenar held on to her neck looking around in wander, he has never seen a room like this before. She had sent word first saying that she wanted her son's nursery to be in her old room and it was done to perfection before they came to Dragonstone.
"This room is very big" Aenar gasped in shock. His wide eyes moved around the room taking the bed in the right corner against the wall with pillows on the other side in case he ever fell off of it. Beside the bed there was a small library filled with books too small to be filled with adult stories. There were a lot of toys in the room and the second he saw a dragon figure big enough for him to ride he wiggled out of Saera arms and ran to it now ignoring the rest of the room but Aegon still looked around the room wanting to see where his wife grew up.
"What is that?" He questioned eyes pausing on something. Saera followed his gaze to the area just beside the window. She smiled when she looked at the cradle sitting there.
"Why is it there? Have they forgotten to take it out?" Aegon questioned. Saera wanted to laugh at his question, it seems it did not accure to him that she lived in the room when she was much older than a baby that fits in the cradle and she had no use of it back then.
"We will be needing it soon" She answered. Aegon's head snapped in her direction shocked. She placed a hand on her belly to make it easier for him to understand in case he was daft enough not to.
"Another?" Aegon whispered eyes filling up with tears. Saera nodded her head with a smile. He wasted no time to pull her into his arm and that is when it accrued to Saera that home was not a place but a person and Aegon was her home along with Aenar and their new baby. A new purpose to get better, a new person to live for.
"No" Aenar whined running over to his parents to seperate them from each other's embrace, a new trait of his, not wanting his parents near other, he was jealous.
"Oh my darling boy" Aegon picked Aenar up who had a small pout on his lips.
"You are going to make the best big brother" Saera giggled kissing her son's cheek. Aenar's eyes grew in surprise at his mother's words.
"Is that why Vermithor came? To bring me a sibling?" He questioned. Aegon regretted telling him that babies came from dragons now.
"No, Vermithor came for you dear zaldrīzes, your sibling will have a different dragon" Dragon. Aegon answered. Aenar giggled happy to hear that now he had his own dragon although he still has not bonded with Vermithor but the older dragon has been circling the palace none stop since they came.
"How about your father takes you to meet Vermithor?" Saera questioned. Aegon looked up at her shocked and a little afraid, he did not want to go near the ancient dragon. Aenar on the other hand shouted in glee and pulled himself out of his father's arms to start pulling him out of the door.
"Come on Kepa"
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"You're doing so good my love" Rhaenyra assured dapping a soaked cloth to Saera's forehead. Saera huffed closing her eyes to take a small break before another contraction hit her again. Rhaenyra insisted on being there and basically moved to Dragonstone the last couple of weeks to be by Saera's side in case she went into labour.
"Aegon! I want Aegon" Saera demanded eyes glaring daggers at the maester between her legs. He shuddered and went back to check on her from below.
"He is on the way Dōna riña" Rhaenyra assured. She had sent Daemon to retrieve Aegon who was visiting the caves with Aenar to see Vermithor. Aenar who had turned four during those nine moons kept insisting to visit Vermithor every other day after bonding with him.
"I am not pushing until he is here" Saera huffed closing her legs. The master pulled away just in time so her knees won't smash his head from both sides.
"Princess you must, we all believe you can do it" The midwife spoke sweetly from the side as she handed warm towels to the maesters.
"I know you cunt! I've done it before" Saera screamed feeling a new stabbing pain in her abdomen. The midwife chuckled not taking the heir's words to heart knowing the pains of childbirth. Rhaenyra gave her an apologetic look and received a nod back. The doors to Saera and Aegon's shared chamber burst open to show Aegon panting, sweating and shaking.
"Aegon!" Saera held her free hand to her husband. She opened her legs as he sat down beside. He did not even flinch at her strong grip and leaned down to kiss her sweaty forehead.
"Ñuha kostōba riña" My strong girl. Aegon leaned his forehead on her shoulder. She rested her head on his taking a deep breath to calm her nerves.
"Tis time, princess" The maester announced to her. She looked at her mother who smiled at her and nodded her head encouragingly. Rhaenyra watched her brother move to sit behind Saera so she could hold onto his thighs to squeeze while his hands kept her hair out of her face. She could hear Daemon pacing outside the doors with Aenar throwing question after question his way.
"Hold me" Saera begged eyes watering. Aegon did not hesitate to wrap his arms around her as she pushed, face scrunching up in pain and concentration. Aegon looked pained hearing her trying to conceal her screams so their son won't hear them and get scared.
"Perfect, keep going princess" The maester praised. Saera wanted to call him a cunt for being so enthusiastic while she was in so much pain but did not have time.
"Get out!" She screamed throwing her head back. She loved the little bean to death but she just wanted him or her out of her to end the pain physically and the her penitence was wearing thin, she wanted to meet her child.
"My brave girl, you are doing amazing" Aegon complimented in her ear. She smiled a little and pushed harder. Rhaenyra knew their love was great and she was glad, her Saera deserved the world. She was happy to hear of her pregnancy although she was still mourning her sons.
"That's it" The maester's voice was joyful. Saera relaxed back feeling the pressure release after a couple more pushes. The loud cry of a newborn filled the room.
"Oh my baby" Saera burst out crying seeing the baby being wrapped in a blanket by the midwife.
"A healthy girl, your grace" The midwife announced placing the bundle in Saera's awaiting arms. The baby's cries quietened as Saera rocked her a little. Aegon leaned his chin on Saera's shoulder to get a better glimpse of his baby girl. Tears build up in his eyes faster than ever at the sight of his daughter's eyes that were still closed but were slowly peeling open to show the identical violet as his own. This was his daughter and he could not believe it.
"May I?" Aegon asked. He moved to stand beside the bed letting Saera lean back against the cushions. She smiled up at him with a nod. She placed a kiss to her baby's forehead before placing the baby in her father's arms. Aegon did not even care that he was crying in front of so many people in the room as he held his princess for the first time ever. Her white-blonde hair was already showing on the top of her head identical to the shade of her brother's hair, their hair was somewhere in between their parents' slightly different hair. Aegon's hair was a shade or two darker than Saera's hair and their children's were a mix of both.
"What should we name her?" Saera asked breaking the silence that was only filled with the movement of the maids, midwives and the maester cleaning up the mess.
Rhaenyra hesitated to sit down on the bed now that the labour was over, she feared Saera would move away from her embrace again. She placed a hand on Saera's shoulder sighing in relief when she was not shrugged off. Saera turned to look at her mother with a huge smile on her face. The birth gave her a sense of peace and she wanted to keep it this way. She leaned into her mother missing her embrace and Rhaenyra did not hesitate to hug her as well. They both turned to look at the baby huffing a little in her father's arms sounding tired as if she did all the work.
"You birthed her, you bled for her, you name her" Aegon answered. The exact same answer he gave her when Aenar was born. Her eyes filled with tears at the memory.
"Visaera in honor of grandsire" Saera spoke. She was very close to her grandsire especially after she moved back to the Red Keep when she married Aegon at only ten and five, she was by his side during his sickness. Sometimes he mistook her for her mother but she did not mind. She would read books of Old Valyria to him when he was confined to his bed and he listened intently. When her belly swelled with Aenar he seemed to have been even more happy than her and Aegon but he passed before he could meet his grandchild/great-grandchild.
"A beautiful name for a beautiful girl" Rhaenyra's eyes welled up with tears but she wiped them away. The doors opened giving Saera a good view of her stepfather/great-uncle standing outside with Aenar in his arms awaiting news. Aenar gasped in wander, seeing his father with a bundle and his mother in bed made him curious.
Daemon walked into the room slowly trying not to make much noise. He stopped beside Aegon so Aenar could see his newborn sibling. He felt relieved seeing the mother and daughter holding onto each other like old times.
"Congratulations, nephew se tala" Aegon nodded back. His focus was on Aenar leaning over in Daemon's arms to take a look at his sister.
"You did good, tala" Daughter. He has not called her that in a long time. She grinned missing having a father figure in her life.
"Thank you, Kepa, Visaera was not an easy birth like Aenar" Father. She has not called anyone that since Laenor passed away, even when Daemon married her mother she refused to call him that not wanting to offend Laenor's memory.
"A girl?" He questioned also turning to look at the baby. She whined burying her face in Aegon's chest making even more tears well up in his eyes, his little girl was already seeking comfort in him. It was unintentional of course, she did not know who was holding her but it still brought out a new emotion seeing her seek his protection.
"Sister" Aenar grinned reaching over to touch her cheek. Aegon was ready to correct his son but seeing him being so gentle with the baby he saw no need, Aenar was a good boy he would never hurt anyone intentionally.
"Would you like to hold her?" Aegon asked seeing Daemon eyeing the baby. He was scared but he still took the first step. He did not want to interact with the man that killed his brother but for Saera he would do anything.
"Can I?" Daemon asked looking between Saera and Aegon wanting to be respectful although he was itching to hold her.
"Of course" Saera nodded her head. Daemon placed Aenar in his mother's embrace before turning to look at Aegon. Aegon slowly and carefully placed his little girl in Daemon's awaiting arms. She let out a small yawn and began drifting off lazily.
"She trusts her grandsire" Saera giggled hugging Aenar close. Rhaenyra reached over to carefully hold her grandson's hand. He giggled and started playing with her rings. Daemon laughed a little rocking Visaera from side to side guiding her towards dreamland where she could ride dragons until she had her own dragon and was big enough to ride him or her. Saera watched as Aegon looked at their daughter, he could not tear his eyes away from their princess just as he could not tear his eyes away from Aenar when he was first born and knew she had found her home in him.
"Aegon" Saera called earning is attention. She opened her arms inviting him into them. He sat on the bed beside her guiding Aenar into his lap as she wrapped her arms around his shoulder to hold him close.
"You are my home" She whispered in his ear. He turned his head in her direction to place a kiss on her lip.
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kingsroad · 2 years
do you think you could tell us about vhaena and viserys' kids, what theyre like, what they do in the dance etc? there r a lot of them so if u just wanna tell us about your favorites that works too!
thank you so much for this! i can't tell you how delighted i am to know that people are interested in their many, many children. this... got pretty long because i’m so excited to talk about them, lmfao. this is so fucking long and so fucking sad, i’m sorry.
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alyssa lannister is the eldest by only a few minutes. she, along with her brother aenar, were born on dragonstone in 97 AC, six years before viserys became king. the people were concerned when they heard that she’d begun her labors, considering she’d only been married for seven months and they worried about how early the babes seemed to be coming.
they were both healthy and remained so for all of their relatively short lives. where alyssa was an enthusiastic horseman & dragonrider like her mother, aenar was a lush, eager to spend his days lounging around at court with a pretty girl or boy around to listen to him tell tall tales.
viserys hoped to wed them, but both he and his wife knew that the lannisters would never allow it, so by the time they were both fifteen, they were betrothed to loyal houses to be married in the interim.
rhaelys came third in 100 AC -- born with silver hair and one milky eye. he was a clumsy child, which is something he never truly grew out of. but he was also incredibly smart and loved learning about the history of the seven kingdoms rather than clinging to the subject of old valyria like so many targaryens before him.
he was a gem at court, even though his brother sought to outshine him at every corner. the older men and women of houses both failing and flourishing, the scholars brought to the capital from every corner of the known world, the maesters both ancient and fresh from oldtown — they all loved him for his interest in their stories.
the first of their children to truly distance themselves from the life they had to offer her was daenys. born in 101 AC, she was a quiet, sullen child almost from birth. the fact  that she rarely cried made both vhaena and viserys dote on her, worrying for their daughter’s health after the strange matter of rhaelys’s defect.
she was healthy, for the most part, but simply quiet. not shy, not simple, but quiet. with age, that quietness flourished into a frank and observant nature that often got her into a great deal of trouble. that said, while viserys refused to name any of their children as his favorite, daenys was the one he spent most of his time with.
maeron was the last of vhaena’s children born under the guise of lannister blood, though none of them were anything but viserys’s. he came about in 104 AC, just before the tourney celebrating viserys’s accession to king. he was a hearty child, always bloodying his knees in the courtyard or pushing around boys twice his size and sometimes managing to get the upper hand.
the kingsguard called him little fang due to his biting nature and the way he gnashed his teeth while training. he hated the nickname.
vhaena and viserys did not have another child until 108 AC, once vhaena returned from two years abroad following her divorce from jason lannister. this time, she did not take a husband. she was not named as viserys’s mistress, either, and was notoriously vague about the parentage of her final three children.
elayna targaryen was the child born in 108 AC, and she was raised alongside helaena almost like a sister. they were not overly similar in terms of personality, but their close ages kept them in step with each other. they were cousins, after all.
while daenys was quiet and observant, elayna was merely observant. her intelligence sparkled, as did her charisma. bards wrote songs about the delicate little knife she was said to carry around with her, the hilt inlaid with pearls as her mother often wore. if any of their children was meant for dark work, it was the sweet-faced elayna, what with her obvious talent for deception.
but where elayna was a dagger, alora was a warhammer. even from a young age, the girl showed her interest in combat as openly as she could, and as she shot up taller than both rhaenyra and alicent’s children to the same six feet as her mother, she proved that she could handle anything they threw at her.
it was no surprise when alora ended up spawning a vicious rivalry between herself and aegon targaryen, who loathed being so routinely bested by a girl. she was brazen and bold -- exactly the maiden her mother wished she could have been. or, rather, the maiden vhaena was beyond closed doors, with those she trusted.
the last of their children was a son — aenys. he was born late in 110 AC, one of two children that vhaena carried to term and thought to be healthy.  but where one of them was indeed a strong babe, the other was stillborn, and the birth was extremely difficult on vhaena. the maester warned her that she should not risk having more children, and after the events that stole aemma from him, viserys agreed that this would be their last.
aenys was her sweetheart, and for once, a doting mother did not develop an ignorant or annoying son. the boy was impossibly kind and loved animals from an early age, though his dragon’s egg never hatched. he brought to the family an almost endless amount of optimism and light, and all of his siblings loved him.
events of the dance of the dragons.
aenar was the first to come to trouble following aegon’s crowning, as he had remained in king’s landing even when his mother and siblings fled to dragonstone. not only did he feel — foolishly — that alicent would not consider him a threat, but life at court was his raison d'être. being without it felt like cutting off a limb.
he was thrown into the dungeon in the belly of the red keep and left to rot, barely kept alive with water and scraps for the better part of a year.
but while aenar was the first to come to trouble, alyssa was the first of viserys and vhaena’s eight children to die. desperate to have her brother back with them, she took it upon herself to return to king’s landing.
after all, she was not noticeably targaryen like her other siblings with her dirty blonde hair. she dressed herself in rags and covered her face and used every trick she’d ever learned to get into the dungeon. not that those tricks  were enough to keep her alive when guards set upon her with swords. she was run through and left behind for the rats, thought to be no more than a cutpurse.
aenar died some months later, when the existence of viserys targaryen’s firstborn son was all but forgotten in the midst of all the chaos. the glittering gem of the realm died of dehydration, mere meters from where his sister had been killed, unknown to him.
with one brother jailed and one sister missing, the six remaining siblings remained relatively well and alive for years. maeron became one of daemon’s closely kept secrets, along with his she-dragon — ironhide — who was said to breathe black fire, like his father’s balerion. little fang proved to have a nasty bite, and he is part of the reason the castellan of harrenhal bent the knee to daemon and joined the blacks.
while elayna and daenys joined their cousins and other members of the blacks in the efforts towards bringing more lords to their cause, rhaelys remained at dragonstone, keeping aenar and alyssa’s dragons healthy, though he still did not have one of his own. it was alora who took to aenar’s dragon, tyrhai, and proved a terror for it.
after years bonded to the rather ineffectual aenar, tyrhai relished the opportunity to be ridden by someone with blood on the mind.
the next to die was daenys.
while traveling through the riverlands, she lingered for the night in claypool to rest after a long flight with her young dragon, still unnamed even after so many years and only referred to as darling by daenys herself. it was there that she found herself at odds with aemond and his men.
she truly had no chance, even with darling close at hand. the dragon was easily done away with -- a net thrown over its slender body and its throat slit by soldiers, and the soft-spoken princess was killed as unceremoniously with a sword through her belly.
ser criston cole found her body amongst other corpses just outside of claypool, sat up against the blackened belly of an apple tree in her bloodied silver dress. darling’s corpse was curled around the tree’s trunk and its head was placed carefully into her lap, as if daenys was hoping to comfort her even after death.
sometime between daenys’s death and the next of her family, elayna was taken hostage and brought to oldtown for questioning.
maeron fell shortly after, but not in the way anyone would have expected such a valiant fighter to perish.
a month before the events at tumbleton, he caught rhaelys slipping something into their mother’s cup. his elder brother had long-since taken care of vhaena, given how torn up with grief and mourning the woman was at the loss of her love and  her children. she had not cried in some time, however. not spoken. it was that night when maeron discovered why.
rhaelys was using medicine as a way to keep her docile, using the methods she’d so often used to help their father with his pain. the ones rhaelys used on her, however, were dangerous things, often mixed into poisons in greater amounts.
when maeron attacked him, rhaelys did all he could to survive the encounter. rather than fighting back, he grasped a handful of powdered greycap and shoved it into his brother’s mouth, using his superior size to pin his younger brother to the ground and force him to swallow enough to kill him.
then, ashamed of himself and his desperation to survive, rhaelys fled dragonstone.
alora returned to the island following a letter from her mother. she was needed, vhaena said, grief-stricken still and recovering from the sudden throes of detoxification from years of being nursed small doses of poison by her son. “bring my strong girl back home.”
there, vhaena kept alora and aenys for as long as she could, until the rage inside of her furious daughter broke free, and she took to the sky with tyrhai again, this time turning her attention towards aemond at harrenhal. she hated leaving her mother, but at the same time, she needed to fight. her blood sang for it.
so, with only aenys left to her, vhaena remained at dragonstone... for  only a month more.
when aegon ii and lord larys turned their sights towards dragonstone and the remaining targaryens, vhaena could no longer stay. she knew that she could no longer stay. day and night for nearly a week, she scoured the castle looking for aenys. she cried out to him for hours and hours, until her throat was bloody and raw, and she never found him.
the morning she took goldenlyre and left dragonstone was also the morning vhaena died. not to aegon and sunfyre, not to his soldiers, not to larys, but to the cannibal, knocked from the air and devoured for breakfast.
aenys survived because he hid. he survived everything because he was a slip of a thing and afraid, no matter how much his mother’s fearful howling for him broke his heart.
thankfully, alora never learned of how her mother died or how her brother hid like a coward until he could run someplace safe. she was killed before the ravens could reach her -- shot down from tyrhai’s back just over the god’s eye. while her dragon survived, she did not. there was no surviving that fall.
it was said that elayna laughed when news finally reached her, with tears like pearls in her eyes. much was said about all of them that didn’t turn out to be true, but that most of all. she did not laugh when she heard the news, nor did she cry.
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arleniansdoodles · 1 month
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This is for a little art challenge on Instagram where we draw a bastard OC from a canon (or otherwise) pairing in Game of Thrones! I ended up going for a Targaryen born before the fall of Old Valyria - meet Haera, bastard daughter of Aenar Targaryen and half-sister to Daenys the Dreamer!
The man she's with in the first painting is the Volantene sellsword hired to guard her; they both manage to escape Valyria on her dragon and witness the full devastation from a safe distance :''')
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Princess Baela Targaryen, daughter of Aenar Targaryen and her first love Lady Hazel Sunglass
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numiolaes · 2 months
also pulling this from my targaryen ocs lore but i firmly believe there are more targaryens than just the royal line. when they flee valyria it's said that aenar took his "wives, siblings, children and kin". kin when you're talking about what are effectively clans can cover a LOT of people since it includes cousins and then you add in the polygamy thing Welp. Literally look at the freys to see how big ONE house can be.
I firmly believe when the doom happened there were a couple hundred targaryens in westeros. which would have expanded in the 100 years between then and aegon and again between aegon and the dance. it's just likely that especially around the dance a LOT of the cadet branches take loses, then later you get the rebellions, add in how that targs are Kinda Fucking Cursed and boom, you're down to the smattering we see in the 5 kings era.
like, that's realistically how things like houses work. i get why grrm doesn't write about all that because that's a lot of fucking people to work into the fucking timeline but then you shouldn't have made the valyrians polygamous and imply that aenar took basically his whole house over to dragonstone.
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iamthenerdqueen · 1 year
His Star - Part 1
Aemond Targaryen x Targaryen!OC, GOT AU, HOTD AU
CW: Death, Targcest, Obsessive Behavior, not proof read 
~ Prologue ~
There was not a time Prince Aemond Targaryen could remember without his cousin and closest companion, Valaena. From the moment she was placed beside him on the night of her birth, the two had not gone a say without the other. Sharing a wet nurse, and learning to walk side by side the two were more attached to one another than to anyone in the Keep, the young Prince would even choose a moment with Valaena over the comfort of his mother. 
He refused to believe there would ever come a time when the two would be parted. It was his entire belief that the gods had sent him to be with her if nothing more than an act of mercy for taking both her parents at her birth. According to Prince Aemond, it was his divine mission to protect her, guide her, and be with her always. 
The celebration of the Lady Valaena Targaryen’s tenth named day came as an unwelcome slight upon Prince Aemond's belief. 
The Red Keep was still dark, the sun was just beginning to crest the horizon when Valaena felt a cool hand shaking her dream from her. Still, Valaena hoped that if she was still and pretended to still be sleeping the hands shaking her shoulders would cease. 
She did not respond to his call, but the exasperated sigh that left her dearest friend almost made her façade crack as a grin began to form on her lips. 
“Valaenaaaaaa! I know you are awake, stop ignoring me!” Aemond whined as he threw himself back fist on top of her, resolved to make her get up and spend the early hours of the morning together. 
“Aemond. The sun is not yet out, I do not want to wake this early,” the pouting tone of the girl was clear to him even though he could not yet see her face, “it is my name day after all, Aemond.”
“Exactly, Valaena! This is why you must get up now, there is a tourney today in your honor. We will not be able to spend time together and read once your ladies' maids arrive to start readying you.”
With his pleading the girl slipped from underneath his body weight and dawned her housecoat before grabbing the large volume of text settled on her desk. It took her friend only seconds to join her, opening the entrance to the hidden passage he had used to enter her chambers. 
The pair knew the passageway like the back of their hand, not only did it connect their chambers but several specific turns would lead to the constant vigil held for the skull of the Black Dread. Often the Speta would find them here, reading late into the night or having fallen asleep with a book nestled between the two of them. It was their routine and on a day as special as this the two always read the same story. 
Sitting side by side, their shoulder nestling against one another Prince Aemond began to read the story, “in 114 BC, Lord Aenar Targaryen sold his holdings in the Freehold of Valyrian heeding the word of his daughter Daenys. Daenys Targaryen, known also as Daenys the Dreamer had…”
As Aemond continued with the tale, Valaena could not help but turn her eyes to his face, she was not blind nor was she deaf. She knew that her dearest friend was often ridiculed in the whispers of court, compared to his elder brother and nephews. Maybe it was her youth, but she could not understand how others could not see the beauty of the boy to her left. The light reflected on his freckled cheeks, the flickers of the flames dancing in his lilac eyes. To her, he was the best of them not only in beauty but none of her cousins – Rhaenyra’s sons included –  could contend how devoted Aemond was to his role within their family. His every day was spent trying to meet the expectations of his father, mother, grandfather, and the realm. 
His only reprieve, when he could truly act like a boy of ten summers was in his time alone with Valaena who expected nothing of him. She wanted nothing more from him than exactly who he was, her dearest friend. 
This was how the Septa found them a little more than an hour and a half later, Valaena’s head resting upon his shoulder as he read aloud to the girl for her name day. 
“My Prince,” the Septa curtsied before turning to Valaena doing the same. “My lady, we must ready you for today's festivities. Your aunt, the Princess Rhaenys awaits in your chambers to break your fast together.”
Scrambling to her feet, Valaena made her way to the Septa. She grasped the hand extended to her before turning to start their hurried return to her chambers, forced to take the long way as to keep her and Aemond’s passage a sworn secret. 
Just as the woman and girl were making their way to the hall beyond the chamber, the Prince called out once more, 
“Happy name day, Lady Valaena. We will sit together at the tourney, yes?” 
Glancing over her shoulder, Valaena called back to him, “Thank you, my Aemond, and of course we will sit together! How else am I expected to make it through the spectacle?” 
Her quiet giggling and hurried steps faded the further away she got, but all the prince could think of was how he had been dubbed her Aemond. The grin set upon his face would not leave for hours to come. 
The Princess Rhaenys could not hide the smile on her face when her charming niece finally arrived to break their fast together. Sweeping the girl into her arms, the princess for a moment let her thoughts return to her sister who had now been gone for ten years. She did all she could to keep her mind from Princess Daenys, but seeing her niece she could not stop the reminders of her little sister. 
“Oh, my little starling! How I have missed you,” The Princess spoke before placing a kiss on the girl's hair.
“Happy name day Valaena, I can hardly believe you are now ten years.” 
The two gathered at the table where the maids had served a meal befitting of the occasion
“Will you be staying for the tourney, Aunt Rhaenys? I have missed you,” the young girl spoke in between mouth fulls of bread. The sight of the girl's ravenous hunger brought a laugh to the Princess' lips. 
“I wish I could stay, unfortunately, I must return to Driftmark after we finish our meal. My lord husband has yet to return from our trip to Pentos to visit Laena and her girls.”
“Did you fly Meleys? To Pentos and then all the way to see me this day?” The girl could hardly contain her excitement at the thought of the Red Queen and her command of the sky. 
“I did! Lord Corlys may have the fastest ships on the seas, but it is nothing compared to dragon back!” 
“Can you take me flying? Just a quick flight around the Red Keep? As my name day gift?” the excited girl was practically buzzing in her seat for she did not have a dragon of her own, due to the unfortunate nature of her birth an egg was never chosen for her crib. 
“I would love to take you flying, but I fear the wrath of the Queen should I make you late for a tourney held in your honor. Fear not my dear girl, one day we will fly together.” The older Targaryen smiled reassuringly at the young girl. 
“I know that one day you will fly with me on your own stead, one as great as my Meleys, but since we cannot fly today I have something else to gift you for your name day.”
The Princess made a motion to the maid who waited in the room, gesturing for her to being a small box to her. Rhaenys took the lid from the box to show the young lady of house Targaryen what lay inside. 
“This necklace was one your mother had commissioned just before she passed. She never got to see it finished, so I found it fitting that you should be given this necklace when you are presented at the tourney.”
Rhaenys stood from her chair walking behind her niece before draping the silver strand of pearls around the girl's throat. Three larger gems sat between pearl drops now adorning her collarbone. 
“Now you have something of your mother and me. Never forget, that even if we are worlds apart you are part of my soul,” the princess moved to hold her niece's face in her palms, “I love you as if you were mine own daughter, and as long as I have my dragon, I will always come back to you.”
The two held each other in their arms, not knowing that the Stranger’s gaze rarely waivered from the young girl and his was a jealous stare. Rhaenys vow upon her dragon would come to haunt the girl in later years. 
That very same chain of pearls sat on the throat of Lady Valaena Targaryen when she sat beside her dearest friend at the tourney. The two were lost in their own little world as they whispered to each other while the rest of their family moved about in the royal box before the official start of the jousts. 
“I do hope no one gets hurts today, it would seem like terrible luck for a night to succumb to a lance on mine own name day.” Valaena spoke softly to Aemond who grinned back to her. 
“No one would dare sully your name day with blood, do not worry. Besides they would face my wrath if they should ruin anything about today-”
The pair were cut off by the slurring voice of Aegon who had fallen into the chair directly behind Aemond. 
“The dragonless Prince’s wrath, Ha. Yes, what a thing to fear indeed,”  Aegon snorted into his challenge full of wine
Aemond’s face began to turn red with anger and humiliation at his brother's drunken words
“Try not to soil yourself this time, cousin. Your mother was utterly repulsed with you when you became so frightened at the last tourney you could not make it to a chamber pot in time.” 
Valaena did not even turn to Prince Aegon as she reminded him of his drunken faults at the last tourney they had attended, instead, she grabbed Aemonds hand bringing it to rest between both of hers in her lap. 
In the next moments, something unexpected happened. As the first knights prepared for their joust, a lesser cousin of house Manderly approached the royal box. 
The man who could be no younger than Twenty and six years called out, “I wish you the happiest of name days, Lady Valaena. I have no doubt that I will be victorious if I were to have the favor of the Realms Star.”
Shock filled Valaena, as she had not been expecting to be asked for her favor this early in the tourney – if at all. She turned quickly to look at Queen Alicent for direction or safety, only to see the queen motion for the girl to stand and deliver the favor to the knight. 
In an almost shy way, Valaena approached the knight before tossing her favor of silver and red flowers onto his lance. 
“I wish you all the luck, good Ser. May you find victory on this day.” Her words escaped her in a shaking voice and she nodded her head to the man sixteen years her senior before returning to her seat. 
Whispers soon filled the box, scattered conversations of what a fine match it would be for the Lady Targaryen they were here to celebrate. Even the Queen herself spoke of matchmaking for the young girl to her sworn shield near the back of the box. 
At that moment, Prince Aemond felt the urge to scream at every whispering voice, more so after he saw the horrified look on his Valaena’s face. There was no better match for her than him. The gods had destined the two of them to be by one another’s side since birth, of this he was sure. The Manderly knight would never have her. 
And indeed the knight would not have anything more of hers than the ring of flowers upon his lace, the Stranger saw to this. Offended by the knight for even speaking to the girl under his cloak, a splinter from the second lance of his opponent lodged itself in between the gap of his helmet, straight through his tear duct and deep into his brain. 
None would forget from then on out that the Lady Targaryen’s favor was not to be asked for.     
AN: another one :) Let me know if yall like this or want to be added to a tag list or something. Also if I made this long form would yall read it on another platform??? and I made a playlist so let me know if you want me to drop a link or something. Feed back is more than welcome, also what do you guys think of Aemond being a smol wonder struck boy????
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darkestspring · 2 years
[ immortal baelon ii - reborn argella au ]
𝐁𝐀𝐄𝐋𝐎𝐍 𝐈𝐈 𝐓𝐀𝐑𝐆𝐀𝐑𝐘𝐄𝐍 didn’t want to allow other strangers on his travels with Argella who had only turned three recently. Carnifex roamed freely in the dark skies above them while the immortal watched the little girl sleep near the fire he just made before sundown. He also just fed her fruits and mutton, his dragon hunts fresh meat for two of them, that was carefully chopped small pieces as well.
Until two strangers had the bravery to stumble their camp. Dressed in dark cloaks with
Baelon’s first instinct was to grabbed Argella, who barely woken from her heavy slumber, in his arm and kept the other hand on his sword handle to protect his little girl.
“State your names and intentions!” He growls at them.
“Easy there.” A woman says in a deadpanned tone but calmly raised both hands up to show neither are a threat to them. “You don’t want to wake her up and deal with the crankiness later, do you?”
“I’ve had eight children before and I’m sure I can handle a little crying for rest of the night.” Baelon snapped. It’s true, he’s gotten used to it after the twins and Aella were born.
A sighed only left her lips and pulled the hood off her head. Black hair kept in a braid with strands on the side of her pale face with the darkest purple eyes he’d ever seen.
“Very well. My name is Taessa Galyreos, my house had fallen alongside with Old Valyria which makes me the only survivor of my house.” She answers to him curtly with those dark purple eyes staring into his. “You’re not the only unfortunate immortal wandering in Westeros, Baelon.”
How did she- never mind! I’ll find out some other time.
And wait, what? This shouldn’t be possible— But of course Baelon II Targaryen is still alive and remained with his youthfulness for the past century. Anything shouldn’t be impossible anymore.
“Who’s that?” Baelon nodded towards the other stranger while slightly easing his hold on Argella, who soundlessly sleeps on his shoulder, and Midnyght that remains sheathed.
“This is Aenar Targaryen, one of the four children of Gaemon and Daenys Targaryen.” He lifted his hood off to reveal short haired silver-blonde hair, slim and tall, man with lilac eyes just wordlessly bowed his head at Baelon. “We’re here to help you and the little princess because what other purpose do we have?” Well, this should get interesting.
[ yes, I’ve introduced a couple OCs of my own because they’re always miraculously born out of nowhere- ]
- 💜 Anon.
Ooooh interesting. Baelon will probably remain suspicious of them and won't trust them with argella at all. They might be accompanying him on this journey bur he is not their friend or partner, he makes it very clear that he doesn't trust them and carnifex feels that distrust which makes him cautious.
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captain-of-misery · 1 month
Beneath The Silent Stars
Chapter 3: Aenar The Sweet
Summary: Aenar sulks in his chambers (aka he's depressed) then Aemma comes to visit him. She wants Aenar to take on new duties.
Warnings: mentions of pregnancy losses, grief, depression
Words: 2.2K
When he was a boy, they called him “Aenar the Sweet.” Little Aenar Targaryen was a shy boy, always hiding and preferring to stay in the shadows. He observed, he didn’t speak much, and he was absolutely terrified of strangers. Aenar wasn’t a problematic child per se, the young prince was too anxious to cause any real trouble, he was simply timid and had a difficult time around people. 
And yet, he had the sweetest smile in the entire Seven Kingdoms. He would hide behind his good-sister, Aemma, whenever someone he didn’t know visited them at Dragonstone. And there was a sweet, endearing smile on his adorable little face, dimples and a pink flush on his cheeks. The ladies would always swoon when they saw him and he fluttered his eyelashes in return. 
The nickname was fitting. For a while at least.
Where did that sweetness go? Aenar wondered as he laid on his bed, his expression blank and emotionless. He clutched a blanket to his chest, holding onto it as if he was a little boy again. His hair was tousled from sleeping, his chambers dim due to the curtains being closed. It was already midday. 
The Prince didn’t think himself a bad man. On the contrary, he was aware that he was better than most. But he was a man grown now, no longer sweet, but instead someone who was often cold and bitter. Miserable. Lonely. 
Yet, he didn’t want to change it. There were now new whispers about Aenar, people calling him the “Brooding Prince.” The name was well-deserved, he knew it, but it somehow bothered him. At times, when he was in the solitude of his chambers with nothing but his thoughts to keep him company, he still felt like Aenar the Sweet. Not the charming, but the scared child who hid himself from the world and dreamt with dragons. 
And then, there was a knock on his door and a gentle, feminine voice called out. “Aenar? Are you in there?” The woman asked and Aenar took a soft inhale. Aemma. He knew that she would not leave him alone even if he turned her away. 
“Come in, sister,” the Prince called out, still in bed, clutching his blanket. 
The door opened and the Queen of the Seven Kingdoms stepped inside. Aemma furrowed her brows and blinked a few times, her eyes adjusting to the darkness in Aenar’s chambers. Her gaze searched for her good-brother and the Queen’s expression became one of concern when she found Aenar still in bed, in a position of vulnerability. 
“What in the Seven Hells are you sulking about this time?” Aemma asked as she stepped closer to Aenar’s bed and sat down at the edge. Her voice carried no bite, but she was clearly worried about the younger man, who was always so good to her. “You haven’t left your chambers since yesterday, little brother. Not even to train or to join us for supper and the maids said you haven’t broken your fast yet.” 
Aenar closed his eyes for a moment, his breathing quiet and even. In this moment, he seemed years younger. “It’s nothing,” he told her quietly. “I’m just resting, that is all.” It made him feel guilty, but a part of Aenar hoped that his good-sister would notice that he wasn’t telling the truth. 
Sighing, Aemma shook her head in disapproval. “Aenar, I have known you since you were a boy, you cannot hide anything from me,” she told him and then shifted a bit on the bed. The Queen reached out and with a gentle hand, brushed the hair away from Aenar’s face with her fingers. She then touched his forehead, to see if he was ill by any chance, but his body temperature seemed normal. “What is it that has you sulking in the darkness, little brother? Did something happen?” She asked, her tone gentle and kind. 
Aenar’s expression softened a little when Aemma brushed the hair out of his face and touched his forehead. Many times, it was the Prince who comforted the Queen, so it felt strange to be on the receiving end of such affection, but he welcomed the tenderness. “Nothing happened. I don’t know why I’m like this, I simply woke up feeling down and I didn’t have the energy to leave my bed.”
“Well, you must get up, little brother. There is much for us to discuss and you need to eat. I will ask the servants to bring lunch here, you are dining with me.”
The chambers of Prince Aenar were now properly lit and even his hair looked neat. With his good-sister, Aenar sat and ate at the dining table.
Who was he to refuse the Queen of the Seven Kingdoms?
While he chewed on the food that Aemma had the servants brought to his chambers, a part of Aenar felt guilty. Surely, the Queen had more important duties than dealing with the Prince’s childish behavior. He felt like a waste of time, a burden, and it clawed at his often unfeeling heart.
On the other hand, it felt good to be taken care of. To know that he was loved and that his good-sister, for whom he has always had a soft spot ever since he was a child. Aenar was only two years old, living at Dragonstone with his father and his two brothers when Aemma wedded Viserys at the age of eleven. 
Aenar didn’t understand the wrongness of it for many years, he was too young, too innocent to wrap his head around it. His good-sister would often play with him, read him bedtime stories, and protect the little Prince when he was scared.
And when Aemma lost her pregnancies, it pained the boy to see her so sad, so broken. She would stay in her chambers and weep, mourning both the loss of her babes and the childhood she was robbed of.
Little Aenar would sneak into her chambers at night, the floors of Dragonstone cold against his feet, but he was determined to offer her the only comfort he could. So the boy would climb into his good-sister’s bed, he would cuddle her and kiss cheek, play with her hair, telling her how he loved her. And it helped, more than Aenar could ever tell or more than his child mind could understand.
It was a sweet gesture, one that Aemma appreciated and very much needed. She knew it shouldn’t have been Aenar’s responsibility to help her fight through the losses, but at least he was there, and his love was genuine. He cared more about her well-being than male heirs, unlike Viserys. 
“You know, we have all missed you,” Aemma said after she took a sip of her wine, breaking the silence between them. “The Red Keep has been missing a certain warmth. It didn’t entirely feel like a home without you in it.” 
“Warmth?” Aenar asked, a soft smile on his lips while he cut a slice of meat on his plate. Warmth, she said. The idea seemed ridiculous. “Are you sure you are talking about me, Aemma?”
“No, I meant your brother Daemon.” She rolled her eyes, slightly annoyed by his question. The Prince was too blind, too oblivious to see how much he meant to his family. “Of course I’m talking about you, Aenar. You can be a bit of a fool sometimes, but you are still our sweet prince. You should have left Driftmark years ago, I don’t even understand what kept you there,” Aemma said and Aenar was just about to protest, but she wouldn’t let him. “Don’t say a word, Aenar Targaryen. We want you here, with us, with your family. You are staying.” 
Aenar opened his mouth then closed it. He released a small huff, but a smile was tugging at the corners of his lips. “Fine. But be careful what you wish for. Now if you ever want me to leave, you will have to kick me out and I will not go down without a fight.”
Queen Aemma chuckled and shook her head, not at all surprised by the Prince’s remark. “You are a fool if you think we would ever want to kick you out. Besides, we have plans for you.” 
At that, Aenar raised an eyebrow while taking a sip of his wine. “Plans, you say? What kind, sister? Some diplomatic mission? Or am I to take on some new duties?” 
“Ahh, new duties, yes,” Aemma began, smirking, and Aenar immediately knew that this would be more than he bargained for. “The duties of a husband.” 
At that, Aenar almost choked on the piece of vegetable he was chewing on. “Husband?” He repeated. The word husband took the Prince completely by surprise and he was sure he had misheard his good-sister. 
But Aemma smiled and nodded, confirming that Aenar didn’t mishear what she said. “Yes, you heard me correctly, little brother. I have been searching for a match for you. You are one and twenty, Aenar. Most men of your age are already married and have sired at least one child. You, on the other hand, have been too busy feeling up the wenches at Driftmark.”
“That’s not-” 
“Don’t, Aenar, don’t try to deny it. Your cousin, Rhaenys, has told me everything. It is time you settled down, took a wife, and had some children, adorable nephews and nieces for me to spoil. I want little Aenars running around the Red Keep, screaming with their books and swords in their hands.” 
The Prince placed down his knife and fork, his eyes fixed on the plate in front of him. The cogs in his brain were turning, but he didn’t know what to say. Marriage. It was something that has crossed his mind a thousand times before and he knew it would happen someday. He was a prince, a Targaryen. A political asset, not a person. It was his fate to marry, there was no way to avoid it. He used to dream of a love match, but Aenar knew it was just a childish fantasy, that in reality, his marriage would be an arranged one. It was a harsh truth that he had come to accept. Yet, the idea of taking a wife was not an unpleasant one. Unless the lady was not to his liking, which was always a risk with arranged marriages. 
While he pondered, Aemma placed a hand on Aenar’s, her touch gentle, light, but warm as always. “Aenar… You have been unhappy, I know it. But it needn’t be this way. A wife would do you good, a kind, sweet wife, someone who would balance you out and bring out your strengths.” 
Aenar looked at Aemma’s hand on his, keeping his silence for a moment longer before he asked, “Who? Who do you have in mind for me?”
The Queen’s eyes lit up and she gave Aenar’s hand a small squeeze. “Alicent Hightower. She is a sweet girl, Aenar. Alicent is kind, genuine, and intelligent. She has a good head, a good heart, and a spine too. A proper lady, someone who would match your wit and your caring nature. House Hightower is a powerful one, this match would benefit both you and the realm. And you have seen her, Aenar, you know she is a beauty.” 
For a moment, Aenar pursed his lips together. It was a good match, he knew that too and he could clearly see the benefits of marrying the girl. When he spoke to Alicent, she was just the way Aemma described her, and Aenar would be lying if he said that the mention of Alicent’s name didn’t fill him with excitement. And he also trusted his good-sister. If she said that Alicent would be good for him, then Aenar knew that was the truth. But there was one slight issue. “She is the daughter of the Lord Hand.”
Aemma couldn’t help but chuckle at the Prince’s remark. “You are marrying the girl, not her father. Unless you wish to whisper sweet nothings into Otto Hightower’s ear on your wedding night.” 
“Perhaps I could make him blush,” Aenar said with a soft smile, his mood lightening a little. 
“Leave the blushing to Alicent, my darling Aenar.” Aemma patted his hand gently, her expression one of fondness. “So, what do you think? Will you consider Alicent as your bride? She is also Rhaenyra’s best friend, so that ought to help a little. Besides, you crowned her Queen of Love and Beauty at the tourney. That was quite the display of affection and don’t think that I don’t know about your little visit to the Royal Sept together. Word travels fast in King’s Landing.”
A sigh escaped Aenar’s lips. Marriage was not a decision he would make lightly, but Aemma wasn’t asking him to drag Alicent to the Sept immediately, just to consider her as a potential bride. Finally, the young prince nodded. “I will, sister. I will consider marrying Lady Alicent.” 
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alienoryva · 5 months
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Rhaella was the first child of king Aegon III and Queen Jaehaera Targaryen.
Born in 138 AC. She had a brother (Prince Aenar) who died at the age of three, her mother who was pregnant with twins was severely depressed and fell ill until her miscarriage. Two months later that same year (143 AC) Queen Jaehaera passed away when Princess Rhaella was 5 years old.
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modern au of my targ ocs.
gonna draw El with the man she SHOULD be with later.
but. y'know. for now
tw, Targcest/Incest. I don't condone it, or enjoy it. they suck together.
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they're celebs. Aenar is an actor, Elaena is a musician. He kinda makes her dress/sing a certain way. This bitch would be country emo if she could be.
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A Lover's Revenge
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pairing: Fanon!Aegon Targaryen x Female OC
summary: Blacks win and are holding Aegon hostage while his wife Saera and their son Aenar were confined in their chambers according to Saera's mother's orders, Queen Rhaenyra Targaryen.
Word count: 4,6K
Warnings: Angst, poisoning, heartbreak, imprisonment, incest
"Open the door" Saera demanded banging her fists against the wooden door. Her voice was hoarse from all the screaming and her hands were red from hitting the wood so hard for so long.
"Mommy?" Aenar's sweet voice made her pause. She took a deep breathe trying to compose herself. She wiped away the tears streaming down her face and turned to face her son laying on her bed. His little fists were rubbing the sleep away as he sat up on the bed.
"Issa byka jorrāelagon" My little love, Saera's nickname for her son. She walked over to the bed and sat on the edge and picked the three years old to place him on her lap with shaky hands. She rested his head on her chest and rubbed her back guiding him back to the world of the living, Aenar has always had trouble waking up and usually it took him a little over ten minutes to focus on the world around him.
"Where is, Kepa?" he questioned raising his violet eyes up to look at his mother. Like any other child he was asking for his father having been separated from him for many days now. Saera's eyes filled with tears at the mention of her beloved husband, so wronged and imprisoned for crimes he was forced to commit for her and their child's sake.
"He will be here soon, issa byka jorrāelagon" Saera whispered against his hair. She swayed from side to side as the minutes ticked by. She heard footsteps approach the room which caused panic to rise inside of her. Was it her mother here to take Aenar to kill as revenge for Luce? no she could not possibly, he was her grandson.
"Shhh" Saera whispered calming the squirming three years old. She pushed herself up from the bed and moved to the corner leaning against it, she had no weapon to protect her child and herself with. They had taken her valyrion steel dagger that Aegon gifted her the night before their wedding. There was not even a cup to hurl on the attackers if they came too close.
The doors unlocked and Rhaenyra walked in with her golden crown on her head. She searched the room for her daughter and her heart broke at the sight of her leaning against a corner while holding her son tightly in her embrace.
"You are not afraid of me are you?" Rhaenyra asked taking a step closer to Saera. The latter tensed up making the Queen halt her movement. Rhaenyra gulped and looked at the babe in her daughter's arms making her heart melt, her daughter was a mother now, only if Aegon was not the father.
"What do you want? To take Aenar from me like you took Aegon?" Saera's words were laced with poison. The Queen flinched at the coldness of her daughter.
"He usurped my throne" Rhaenyra defended herself. Aenar whimpered hearing the loud voice of a woman he did not know. He was born just after Luce's death and with the war happening there was no way of communication between mother and daughter.
"He did not want, he tried smuggling us out but we got caught" Saera yelled back. Aenar hid his face in his mother's neck feeling the tension raise in the room.
"He shall be punished for his crimes" Rhaenyra did not back up. Saera felt like someone threw a bucket of ice cold water on her. Her arms trembled as she slowly settled her son down on the floor on his own little feet and he buried his face in her skirts afraid of the woman yelling at his mother.
"What are you going to do to him?" Saera asked. Rhaenyra noticed the shakiness in her daughter's voice which made her even more angry, how can her daughter fall for the man who stole her mother's throne. Tears gathered in Saera's eyes but she refused to show them to her mother, she was not a child anymore and she had Aenar to protect now.
"He shall be beheaded for usurping my crown" Rhaenyra answered. Her head held high to show her authority. Saera removed Aenar's small fists from her gown and moved a step closer to her mother hiding her son behind her.
"If you inflict a simple scratch on him you will loose me forever" Saera threatened. She was no idiot and knew her mother had the same weakness as her, her children were the most precious treasures to her.
"What are you saying?" Rhaenyra asked. Her strong demeanour fell as her eyes widened in surprise. Saera turned around picked up her child and held him close to her body feeling every muscle in her body tremble and shake in fear but she will not show it in front of the woman that birthed her and raised her.
"What I am saying is that if you hurt Aegon I will disinherit you as my mother and as Aenar's grandmother" Saera responded. Rhaenyra felt weak under her daughter's threat so she just turned around and left the room feeling weak in the knees, she already lost Visenya before she could even see the world and Luce, Jace was still so young and handsome, she cannot handle another lose.
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Saera paced around the room wanting nothing but for Aegon to step into the room and hold her into his arms, to comfort her like he did when she suffered a miscarriage a couple of months ago. She wanted to hear his sweet and encouraging words whispered into her ear.
Her head snapped in the direction of the window when she heard yelling and screaming. She hurried over as quietly as possible to not wake Aenar after she was finally able to convince him to go down for a nap after it got interrupted earlier.
She leaned down and watched as people from the common folk yell and scream. Her eyes widened and her heart stopped at the sight of two guards dragging Aegon in chains out of the doors and towards what looked like another guard ready to behead him. Her eyes trailed to the stage where she saw her mother stand with the new members of the small council watching.
"No" Saera stepped away from the window unable to watch. She turned to look at Aenar, he was too young to be orphaned. She gulped and sat down beside him on the bed knowing this was the end. There was no other way.
She reached under the pillow and pulled out a small vial filled with clear liquid but it was no water. She pulled it open, if Aegon dies so does she, that was the promise they made to one another on their wedding night. Their marriage was unique, it was out of love after Saera helped Aegon out of his miserable life Alicent Hightower and Viserys Targaryen inflicted on him and his siblings.
She took a deep breath before downing the content of the vial. She closer her eyes as the bitter taste filled her mouth and forced herself not to throw up. She leaned down and pressed a kiss to her son's head before cuddling up to him wanted her last moments to be with him.
She head the doors to her room open but she was too far gone to raise her head and look. She heard muffled sounds but her eyes closed before she could look and see who was interrupting her death. She felt Aenar squirm against her hold and soon escape it with a little muffled cry from his lips before her world ended existing.
From Rhaenyra's reaction to seeing Aenar Saera was sure that her mother will take care of her son and he will face no harm no matter how old he will grow to be and no matter who his father was, Rhaenyra viewed him as her grandson and not the son of the enemy.
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Daemon smirked at the guards stationed in front of his step-daughter's bedchambers. She was the only on of Rhaenyra's children with platinum blonde hair however her brown eyes showed her true heritage. The guards bowed to the prince consort and opened the doors with no question.
Daemon had to admit that his heart softened at the mother and son cuddled up together in their sleep. He remembered Aegon his son and Viserys who were in their nursery with their wet nurses. He had arranged for Aenar to stay with them being close in age as soon as Saera calmed down and remembered that her loyalties lie with Rhaenyra the true Queen and not Aegon.
"Saera, come there is a matter you are needed for" Daemon called. He frowned a little when he noticed Saera open her eyes that looked dazed and out of focus.
"Saera, wake up" The Prince consort demanded. Saera merely glanced at him before her eyes began to close. Aenar woke up from the sound of his voice and wiggled out of his mother's arms.
"Muña" Aenar called. Seeing the stranger in the room her grabbed his mother's shoulders and began shaking her but she did not wake up.
Daemon grew concerned and made his way over to the bed. Little Aenar let out a small scream seeing the stranger approach. The doors opened again and the guards burst into the room with their swords out and ready to intervene.
"Take him to the nursery" Daemon ordered. He reached to touch Saera's hair only for a tiny hand to grab his much larger hand and push it away. Aenar threw himself on top of his mother covering her head with his small body and sobbed into her hair trying to protect her from the stranger in their room.
"Come, my prince" one of the guards wrapped an arm around Aenar and pulled him off Saera. Aenar screamed and kicked his small legs trying to push the guard away but he was too small and weak to do any damage other than some scratches on the guard's hands.
"Saera" Daemon threaded his fingers through her hair and pushed it out of her face since it covered it through Aenar's tantrum. Daemon's heart started beating faster with fear when he received no answer, she was not his blood daughter but he loved her as such.
"Wake up, my dear" He pushed her on her back. A small clinking sound caught his attention. He looked down to see a small vial rolling on the floor and deadly.
"Someone call a maester!" Daemon yelled. The remaining guard ran without a second thought. Daemon moved Saera on her back and her head over the pillows. He reached to touch her neck feeling a weak pulse but that did not make him any calmer, he was scared for the young girl of nineteen, still young and having a lot to explore. He eyed the window and made the decision this was the fastest way. He ran over and looked down to find Rhaenyra already looking up expecting the screams of her daughter at hearing the news of her summoning to the execution of her husband, Rhaenyra wanted to show the people that Saera was on her side. The Queen's eyes filled with confusion when she saw her husband peak out of the window.
"Poison, she drank poison" Daemon yelled for her to hear. The Queen's heart sank at the news and she felt like time stopped for a couple of second. What broke her out of her trance was a scream tearing from Aegon's throat as he fell to his knees with the two guards still holding his arms that were in chains.
"Bring him" Rhaenyra demanded. She made her off the stage and ran back into the castle. She would rather die than outlive yet another one of her children. The guards pulled Aegon back on his feet and moved to follow the Queen.
Rhaenyra burst into the room of her only daughter freezing at the sight of her so pale with a maester above her trying to shove something down her throat. Daemon did not hesitate to wrap an arm around his wife and pull her close. She wrapped her arms around his waist and buried her face into his chest.
"Let me go" Aegon demanded as he stepped into the room. He was fighting the guards and cuffs on his wrists. His eyes were filled with tears. Rhaenyra waved a hand giving a silent command. The guards undid the cuffs and let Aegon go.
He scrambled on the unoccupied side of the bed and took a hold of Saera's hand clutching it to his chest as if his life depended on it. He remembered the time her hand almost crush his in this position as she birthed their son, Aenar. Aenar! Where was he?
"Where is our son?" Aegon's head snapped in Daemon's direction. The prince consort was not shocked at the outburst from Aegon, during his stay in the dungeon he asked about his wife and son more times than he can count on his hands.
"Safe with the other children" Daemon answered. Aegon nodded satisfied with the answer and turned to his wife. She moaned in pain, no matter how much it hurt Aegon to see her like this it filled him with relief to see her still reacting and alive.
"Give me a bowl" The maester ordered the guards now standing at the door with no purpose. One of them reached towards a fruit bowl and dumped the fruits on the table before walking over to the maester handing it to him. The maester placed it beside Saera's head just in time for her head to turn and vomit to come gushing out of her mouth.
"What is happening?" Rhaenyra asked worriedly. She stalked over to the bed and watched her daughter throw up. Aegon was quick with his movement and pulled Saera's hair back like he used to do when she had morning sickness at the beginning of her pregnancy.
"Her body is disposing of the poison, I gave her a medicine for that purpose" The maester answered his Queen. Saera coughed a couple of times before leaning back against the pillows. Her eyes immediately met those of Aegon who had a small smile on his face not wanting to worry her anymore.
"Aegon?" She questioned. She tightened her grip on his hand wanting to make sure he was real and not a figment of her imagination.
"I am here, Issa jorrāelagon" Aegon pulled up their intertwined hands up to his face and placed a delicate kiss to her knuckles. Saera let out a disbelieved laugh and pulled him down to hug him.
"Shhh, Issa jorrāelagon, I am here" Aegon whispered comfortingly in her ear. Rhaenyra and Daemon watched he interaction between the two feeling conflicted on what should be done now. Rhaenyra knew now that her daughter's threat was not empty and she would truly deprive her of her last living daughter.
"I was so scared when I saw them taking you to be beheaded" Saera whispered. Aegon pulled away and looked down at her face with teary eyes. He did not want to die knowing she would follow him one way or another.
"I missed you, Issa jorrāelagon" Aegon whispered wanting to take her mind off his execution. He imagined that Rhaenyra would go forth with it once Saera looked away for a second.
"So did I and īlva byka zaldrīzes-" Saera answered. Our little dragon, where was he? her head snapped around the room noticing her son was no where to be found.
"Where is he?" Saera asked or more like demanded. She pushed herself up into a sitting position ignoring the maester's cries and demands for her to lie back down.
"He is alright" Aegon whispered. Only then did Saera relax, he was the only person she trusted in that room and Daemon saw that.
"Bring prince Aenar" Daemon ordered the useless guards. They bowed and left to do as commanded.
"Why did you do it?" Rhaenyra finally asked. Saera turned to look at her mother with zero emotions on her face but the Queen noticed the deadly grip Saera had on Aegon's hand. He raised their hands and placed another kiss there to calm his furious wife.
"You already know the answer" Saera responded. Rhaenyra sighed and sat down on the bed. She took Saera's hand into her own, her daughter tried pulling away but Rhaenyra only held on harder.
"Forgive me" Rhaenyra's words shocked everyone in the room, even Daemon. Saera turned to look at her mother to find her teary eyes and her lower lip trembling.
"I will not forgive you until you leave me and my family alone" Saera hissed pulling her hand out of her mother's grip. She leaned her head on Aegon's shoulder feeling her body weaken even more. Aegon wrapped an arm around her shoulders keeping her close and his other hand kept a hold on hers. He leaned down and placed a kiss on the crown of her head, he closed his eyes trying to remember her smell for when they execute him it would be the last thing he imagines.
"Kepa! Muña!" Aenar’s sweet voice broke the silence. Aegon's head snapped in his son's direction feeling relief fill his body seeing him healthy and alright after the many days they spent apart. Aegon pulled away from Saera and let the guard place his son in his arms.
"My darling boy" Aegon hugged Aenar close to his body. He finally let his tears fall down his cheeks as he hugged his son tightly. Rhaenyra's heart clenched at the sight, she wished that was her and her lost children but at the same time she was glad at least someone was able to have this reunion.
"Kepa, I missed you so much" Aenar giggled pulling away from his father. He placed his small hands on Aegon's face. His little brow furrowed at the sight of the tears on his father's cheeks. Aegon chuckled at his son along with Saera who had a hand on Aegon's shoulder rubbing it lightly trying to comfort him.
"Really? How much?" Aegon asked teasingly. Saera let out a small giggle as her free hand attempted to wipe the tears off Aegon's face,
"This much" Aenar held open his arms as much as he could almost hitting Saera in the face. Aegon laughed lightly and pulled his son in for another hug. He looked up at his half sister awaiting her to command the guards to take him back to yard for his execution.
"Tell the people there will be no beheading today and lock Prince Aegon here" Rhaenyra ordered. Daemon was about to protest but she silenced him with a singular glare. She glanced one last time at her daughter who had a grateful look on her face. The guards bowed to their Queen and left the room.
"Rest now, Dōna hāedar" Rhaenyra reached over to push some of Saera's hair behind her ear. Saera nodded her head and turned to look at her husband and son. Sweet girl, she has not heard that nickname in many years now. Rhaenyra stood up from the bed and made her way towards the door.
"Your grace" She paused by door at the sound of her brother's voice. She turned around to find him looking at her, all the hatred she once saw was all gone and replaced with happiness.
"Thank you, your grace for showing mercy. I swear to you and the seven it was not my intention" Aegon stood up from the bed and walked over to his sister. She reached up to touch his cheek noticing the small flinch when she raised her hand and she felt a new wave of hate fill her towards Alicent.
"I admit I did it for my daughter but how can you steal a throne with no intentions?" Rhaenyra's question hit the couple hard. Saera pulled Aenar close to her body and hugged him.
"That is a story for another time" Aegon nodded as a hint for her in Aenar's direction. Rhaenyra gave a weak smile and patted his cheek before leaving the room.
"Issa jorrāelagon, come" Saera called. Aegon's heart soared at the sound of her voice. He walked back over to the bed and laid down beside his wife who had a soft smile on her face.
"Muña, I am tired" Aenar whined leaning his head on his mother's chest.
"Do you do anything other than sleep, sweet boy?" Saera teased giggling. Aegon kissed her cheek trying to enjoy these moments when the future was so mysterious to them now.
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"I need you to be strong, Saera" Aegon mumbled against her hair. Saera gulped and looked at him through the mirror, hating the defeated look in his eyes. Rhaenyra has summoned the both of them to the throne room along with Aenar.
"I made you a promise-" Saera began turning around to face him. Aegon stopped her speech by placing a finger to her lips when they became face to face. His other hand grabbed her cheek softly.
"I know and I forgive you if you break it but we cannot leave Aenar parentless, he is too young to be alone" Aegon whispered. He leaned his forehead on her own. Saera had to push down the sob that threatened to fall from her lips. She closed her eyes and tried to enjoy what she imagined would be their last moments together. Silent tears rolled down her red cheeks and Aegon was quick to wipe them.
"Muña, are you ready?" Aenar's sweet voice broke the two apart. Saera plastered a fake smile on her face as Aenar ran into his father's arms. Aegon placed him on his hip and one of his arms secured him on it. His other extended for Saera to grab his hand.
They walked down the hallways hand in hand while Aenar held onto his father's neck giggling in his ear. Aegon was glad that the last thing he would hear would be his son's giggles if Rhaenyra decided to behead him. Aegon squeezed Saera's hand as they stepped into the room, Rhaenyra was sitting on the iron throne with Daemon by her side along with Cregan Stark, Jace's closest companion, as her new hand despite his young age.
"Be strong" Aegon whispered to Saera. She swallowed the lump in her throat watching her mother's every move. Aenar gave Daemon a shy smile before burying his head in his father's neck.
"Seeing as my daughter has healed I deemed it time for you to answer to your crimes, Prince Aegon" Rhaenyra's voice boomed around the room showing her authority. Saera closed her eyes wanting nothing but for the ground to swallow her whole. Her eyes snapped open at the sound of a loud roar, it was Cannibal's roar, he was not chained in the dragonpit as she had imagined they would do to her dragon and that made hope fill her being. Her eyes met those of Daemon who broke his ice cold expression to give her a small smile before turning to Rhaenyra, it was no secret that Daemon wanted Aegon dead and if he could he would kill him now with Dark sister.
"I will accept whatever punishment you deem worthy for my crimes, your grace" Aegon turned around and handed Aenar to Saera which forced them to break their intertwined hands in the process. Aenar hugged his mother tightly still not knowing what was happening around him. Aegon placed a quick kiss on his son's forehead before his eyes met those of Saera.
"Be strong" He repeated in a mumble. He placed a kiss on her forehead before turning to his sister.
"But please do not do it in front of my wife and son" Aegon begged. Rhaenyra turned to look at Daemon who flashed her his famous smirk.
"Very well" Rhaenyra waved her hand. Daemon approached Saera and Aenar with his face void of any emotions again. He wrapped an arm around her shoulders and guided her out of the room. Saera paused in front of the door to look one last time at Aegon who was already facing her with a sad smile on his face.
"Will she kill him?" Saera questioned as the doors closed. Daemon paused his walking.
"I do not know" Daemon lied. Saera moved to sit on a bench beside the doors. Daemon turned to face her shocked, he never imagined she would want to see her husband's dead body.
"What are you doing?" Daemon asked. He moved to stand in front of her. Saera looked up at him as she settled Aenar in her lap who was distracted by playing with her hair.
"Waiting for my husband" Saera answered. She turned her attention to her son.
"Saera, please return to your room" Daemon pleaded. He crouched so they would be face to face.
"No, I will wait for Aegon here along with Aenar" Saera snapped. Her eyes were filled with anger, the same anger she had when she looked at him the day of her poisoning.
"Saera, your mother only wants what is best for you and Aenar" Daemon tried justifying. Saera glared down at him refusing to look away as if this was a staring contest.
"Is that by making me a widow and Aenar an orphan?" Saera sarcastically asked. Aenar's head snapped up at the mention of his name.
"What is an orphan?" Aenar questioned. Saera's eyes moved to look at her son. She did not know what to answer but she did not have to since Aenar had another question, a more heartbreaking question, "Where is Kepa? Why did he not come with us?"
"He has some business, Aenar" Daemon responded. Aenar knew now that this was his step-grandfather, he still did not understand how they were related but at the same time not related at all.
"What business? When will he be back?" Aenar questioned. He twisted in Saera's lap to face Daemon and placed his small hands on Daemon's face to keep his focus on him. Before Daemon could answer the doors to the throne room opened making Saera snap her head in that direction expecting to see guards dragging Aegon's corpse but was shocked to see him walking out on his own two feet and with a smile on his face.
"Aegon" Saera stood up feeling like she was dreaming. Aegon's smile grew in size and he stalked over. Daemon stood up straight again and moved to the side to give the family their space. Aegon immediately took Aenar from Saera and hugged him tightly.
"She pardoned me, we will be leaving for Dragonstone, Issa jorrāelagon" Aegon spoke. Saera sighed in relief and leaned her head on his shoulder which was not occupied by Aenar. Aegon wrapped his free arm around her and placed a soft kiss on her forehead.
"Let us hope you will not usurp Saera's throne next" Daemon hissed glaring at his nephew. Saera's head snapped up to look at Daemon shocked, she knew that Joffery will not inherit the throne because he was not pureblooded and sickly but there was still Aegon her brother, and Viserys.
"Me?" Saera questioned confused.
"Queen's orders" Daemon shrugged his shoulders. Saera turned to look at Aegon fearing what consequences will this decision bring with it.
"Be strong" Aegon whispered for the third time that day. Saera nodded and pulled him down for a kiss missing his lips during the time he spent inside the throne room. She was relieved that her mother showed them mercy and had a feeling that this act was the first step to bringing the family back together and rekindling with one another.
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seventhwinterwolf · 2 years
Will Dany be a POV?
Maybe, though she would be a secondary or tertiary focus - possibly even rarer than that. Daenerys will be a part of the fanfic, but since she is isolated in Essos there's not really a way for Rosalind to interact with her or have a reason to.
I did (lowkey still am) consider having more Targaryen OCs for fun. I might add some other siblings for her since Rhaegar and Viserys die, though I am not completely set on this nor if it would be sisters or brothers. The three-headed dragon symbolism/imagery is always neat to add. I would keep their initials away from D, V, or R and try to avoid ending the name in 's' since there are already two of those.
If Dany has sisters they could be Aerea, Baelora, Gael, Jaehaera, Helaena, or Shiera
If Dany has brothers they could be Aenar, Aerion, Lucerion, etc
Could even name a brother Aldwyn Targaryen, just for the gool 'ole Skyrim reference since GRRM named four Tullys after Muppets.
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kingsroad · 2 years
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The eight children of Viserys Targaryen and Vhaena Targaryen. Each of them were born between the years 97 AC to 110 AC. Only Rhaelys, Elayna, and Aenys survived the Dance of the Dragons that threatened to wipe out every one of Vhaena’s beloved children — one by being a kinslayer, one by betraying them all, and one by turning craven.
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