#alicent x male oc
captain-of-misery · 4 months
Baneath the Silent Stars
Chapter 1: Mystery Knight
Summary: A mystery knight won the tourney, only to reveal himself as the most unexpected visitor. Prince Aenar Targaryen, youngest brother of King Viserys and Prince Daemon. And the man who crowned Alicent Hightower the Queen of Love and Beauty.
Warnings: violence, mentions of sex, Aenar being a bad dancer
Aemma lives, btw.
Words: 6.1k
Tourneys were never Alicent’s favorite. In fact, she found them quite boring and also disturbing at times. The men behaved like brutes, hungry for a fight and she wanted to run away and hide whenever there was as much as one drop of blood being shed. But she had to be there. As a member of King Viserys’ court and Princess Rhaenyra’s closest confidant, she didn’t just have to be there, but she got a front row seat in the royal box. A blessing and a curse. 
But this time, there was one man who stood out. He sat on a dark stallion, wore a grim, black armor decorated with red. And the cape on his right shoulder, like a cloth dipped in blood, was carried by the wind whenever he lunged forward and clashed with his fellow knights. He was as silent as the night and as unyielding as its darkest hour. 
“A mystery knight?” Rhaenyra asked. Unlike Alicent, the Princess quite enjoyed watching all those brave men fight. 
“It appears so,” Lady Alicent answered. “He calls himself the ‘Knight of Silent Stars,’ but you would know that if you weren’t late. Again.” 
“Not like I care. You sound just like my mother when she scolds me,” The Princess Rhaenyra said and as she spoke, the mystery knight unhorsed his opponent. “Seems like he has quite a talent.”
“That’s the fourth knight he has unhorsed so far.” 
“I wonder who he might be. Maybe he is rather handsome under all that armor,” Rhaenyra giggled, causing Alicent to release a sigh in response. And there was the reason Rhaenyra enjoyed tourneys far more than her friend.
“That armor has the colors of House Targaryen,” The Lady Alicent stated her observation. “Do you know him? Could that be Prince Daemon?” 
“Targaryen?” Rhaenyra leaned forward in her seat, taking a good look at the knight. “He does not look like Daemon, his armor is different too. I have no idea who else that might be.” 
“I suppose we shall see then.” 
The tourney went on. The crowd cheered as the knights continued to compete against each other. By the commands of King Viserys, First of His Name, it was a grand affair with many great houses and noteworthy representatives present. Still, an event that Alicent would have much preferred to avoid.
But despite her lack of enthusiasm for such unnecessary violence, Alicent watched one man with growing interest. The Knight of Silent Stars. What a curious name. Somehow, Alicent always found mystery knights a bit intriguing. She couldn’t help the wonder that washed over about who he might be. The son of a lord, maybe? Or maybe he is a commoner, that’s why he didn’t dare show his face. 
The Knight of Silent Stars unhorsed opponent after opponent and Alicent found herself more and more in awe. He really was silent, true to his name. He never said a word, just kept fighting with grace and honor. No, he was certainly not a commoner. There was something to him, he held himself almost like royalty. 
At some point, Alicent began to hope he would win. Finally, there was a knight who fought with honor and respect, truly a rare sight. But there was one more opponent left: Prince Daemon himself. Well, at least now it was certain that the mystery knight and Daemon were not the same person. 
Alicent felt a sense of worry. Daemon was never known for playing fair. As the Prince and the knight readied themselves for the clash of horses and lances, Rhaenyra reached for Alicent’s hand, reminding her to stop picking the skin around her fingernails. She hadn’t even noticed that she was doing it. 
“The Knight of Silent Stars?” Prince Daemon scoffed, trying to intimidate the mystery knight. “That’s the stupidest name I’ve ever heard.” 
But there was no answer from the other side and before Daemon could have said more insults, the joust began. Alicent held her breath, her fingers trembling as she watched. 
The two men lowered their lances, aiming them at each other before they clashed and Alicent had to close her eyes. She heard the sound of metal slamming against the ground and hundreds, possibly thousands of gasps. 
When Alicent finally dared to look, she saw Prince Daemon lying on the ground, cursing to himself in High Valyrian, and the Knight of Silent Stars still seated on his horse. Alicent expected a more violent reaction from Daemon, but it didn’t happen. Perhaps the Prince knew something.
The crowd cheered, congratulating the mystery knight on his victory. Yet, he remained quiet. His first action was to gallop to the royal box on his horse and give the King, his family, and the important lords and ladies a bow. How honorable of him. 
And then a wreath of beautiful flowers was placed on the tip of the knight’s lance. He won and now he was to choose his Queen of Love and Beauty, it was within his right as the tourney champion. From behind his helmet, Alicent could barely make out a pair of eyes. First, his gaze landed on Queen Aemma. She would have been a fine and polite choice, but then he looked at Rhaenyra, another respectable choice. He stared for a moment, his gaze shifting for a moment and Alicent could swear she saw his eyes widen. 
Oh no. Not me. Please, not me. Choose Rhaenyra or anyone else, but not me. 
He raised his lance almost agonizingly slowly, as if he was purposefully torturing all the ladies present, and dropped the wreath on the lap of Lady Alicent Hightower. 
Alicent stared at the flowers on her thighs, her mouth and eyes open in shock. It was flattering, really, no one had ever chosen her as their Queen of Love and Beauty. The mystery knight’s attention was a welcomed one and Alicent almost wanted to giggle. However, she knew that everyone else was looking too, her own father included and Alicent didn’t like that. 
“Seems like someone has a fan,” Rhaenyra giggled, grasping her friend’s arm affectionately and Alicent’s blush only deepened. She could hear someone from behind saying that the knight made a fine choice. Hopefully, her father wouldn’t be too bothered by it. 
Alicent reached for the wreath on her lap, her quivering and bloody fingertips brushing against the flower petals. She finally looked at her mystery knight who was staring right up at her. She opened her mouth to speak, but her lips were trembling. “Thank you,” She mumbled under her breath and it was a miracle if the knight could hear her at all. Still, he offered her a deep bow. 
Finally, King Viserys stood from his seat, addressing the mystery knight.  “You have fought bravely and earned your victory, Ser. Might we know who you are?” 
For a moment, the knight stayed silent, remaining true to his fashion. “I am no Ser,” He said, his smooth, raspy voice certainly causing a shiver to run down every lady’s spine. Alicent’s included. She watched with keen interest, eager to learn the identity of this knight. He crowned her his Queen of Love and Beauty, so of course she wished to know who he was. 
The Knight of Silent stars reached for his helmet, his armored fingers attempting to take it off. Thick locks of silver hair poured down to his shoulders and his gaze went immediately to the royal box. He glanced at a beautiful lady of auburn hair and sparkling brown eyes for a moment longer than he should have before finally gracing the King with his attention. “I am a prince.” 
The King stared at the knight with his mouth hanging open, his expression quickly turning from shock to joy as he recognized the young dashing man. “Aenar! Brother!”
The King’s brother. The youngest one, not Daemon. Alicent had heard of Prince Aenar before. A few years ago, when the King and Rhaenyra had an argument, the Princess went to the Dragonpit and flew to Dragonstone on Syrax’s back. There her youngest uncle welcomed her with open arms and he made sure she returned shortly and safely, for which Alicent was very grateful. After that, Rhaenyra spent all day talking about him and Alicent almost believed that her friend had a crush on her uncle. Other than that, not much else was known about the young Targaryen prince. No scandals, no rumors, and no nothing. Sometimes Alicent wondered if he existed at all or Rhaenyra made him up to mess with her friend. 
It was said that they grew up together, Rhaenyra and Aenar. Of course, Aenar was a few years older than her, but wherever little Rhaenyra went, Prince Aenar followed to make sure she wouldn’t get into too much trouble. The Princess often described her youngest uncle as the sweetest man in the Realm with a slight twist of Targaryen cheekiness. 
But how could Alicent know that? 
Certainly, she was intrigued by the mysterious Prince, especially after he made her his Queen of Love and Beauty. It didn’t help that he looked into her eyes earlier at the tourney. Gods, even recalling the memory caused her heart to skip a beat. Even from the field, his gaze was as piercing as a dragon’s fire.
Naturally, as it was common during King Viserys’ reign, a feast followed the jousting. A wave of nervousness washed over the young Hightower when she glanced at the empty seat next to her. On her other side was Rhaenyra, who was sitting next to Queen Aemma, followed by the King in the middle, then her father, the Lord Hand, and the other members of the small council. 
Perhaps Prince Aenar wouldn't come at all. Maybe he left. Maybe he was currently somewhere else, doing whatever men do after a day of jousting. Men liked to do their own thing and Targaryen men were even worse, Alicent knew that. Prince Aenar was probably roaming the Street of Silk, doing only the Gods know what men are up to there. Alicent didn’t know what that was exactly, only that it was no place for a delicate young maiden like her. She had asked her father about it once, but was met with only a cold, disapproving stare, like the ones he gives her whenever she spends too much time around Rhaenyra or mentions Prince Daemon by accident. Alicent knew better than to ask again. 
“My favorite niece!” Alicent heard an unfamiliar voice from behind and her heart was suddenly beating three times faster than it normally would. She watched as Rhaenyra turned to take a look toward the source.
“Uncle Aenar!” The Princess stood from her seat to greet her uncle. “I am your only niece.” 
In the meantime, Alicent also stood up, but she kept her gaze off of the Prince. A man with such fighting prowess must be intimidating and fearsome, not someone Alicent would want to anger. But why didn’t he enter through the main doors? Maybe he just didn’t like attention, Alicent would understand that. She didn’t like using the main doors either. Too many eyes, too much attention.
“Well, that is exactly why you are my favorite,” The Prince continued and Alicent could hear the cheerfulness in his tone, still not having the courage to actually look at him. “If I had another niece, I fear your position as my favorite would be under great threat.” He pulled Rhaenyra into an embrace and pressed a kiss against her forehead. “I only jest, dear. The world wouldn’t survive another girl like you.” This time, his voice was softer, lighter, filled with a strange warmth that made Alicent’s stomach flutter. 
“And who is this lovely lady?” Aenar asked as he turned to Alicent. Despite what the Prince did at the end of the tourney, this was their first time speaking to each other. Alicent couldn’t recall ever meeting him before.
“My name is Alicent Hightower, Your Grace.” There was a deep blush on her face as she answered, a clear indication of her nervousness around him. She bowed to him, her gaze still fixed on the floor. 
“Lady Alicent,” The Prince said and when Alicent dared to look at his face, she saw that he was smiling at her. And oh, his eyes were mesmerizing. Like jade, green with a hint of brown. Alicent almost didn’t notice when he reached for her hand, his touch almost as delicate as a feather. He brought her hand to his lips and pressed a small kiss against it while looking into her eyes. By this point, Alicent thought she would faint. Her heart hammered in her chest and her face was redder than the wine they served at the feast. 
“It is a pleasure to meet you, my Lady. I hope I didn’t disrespect you today,” He continued with a sweet, charming smile on his face and gently let go of her hand. Alicent wanted to answer, but never in her wildest dreams did she expect to be in a situation like this. First, a handsome young prince wins the tourney and crowns her Queen of Love and Beauty. And if that wasn’t already something out of a fairy tale, he was now talking to her. Gods . He even kissed her hand. She really hoped that her father wasn’t watching. She would certainly receive a lecture after the feast about the importance of resisting the charms of handsome men. 
And Prince Aenar was certainly charming.
However, he must have noticed Alicent’s unease. His smile disappeared for a moment, almost as if he was desperately trying to come up with something before he continued. “I am pleased to know that Rhaenyra had someone to look after her in my absence. Tell me, has she given you much trouble? I’m quite sure she has.” In the meantime, they all took their seats with Rhaenyra and Aenar on each side of the young and frightened Alicent Hightower.
“She is a troublemaker indeed,” Alicent said with a polite smile, doing her best to not create an unpleasant atmosphere. But, Gods, she hoped he would not attempt anything dishonorable with her. Targaryen princes are not exactly known for being honorable.
“Did you two form an alliance against me or something?” Rhaenyra whined from Alicent’s other side. 
The Prince chuckled in response. “We don’t need to. You brought this upon herself. I remember when Viserys was still a prince and we all lived on Dragonstone. If it wasn’t for me, the dragons would have eaten you.” 
“Imagine explaining that to my father. But then he became king, you went to Driftmark, and I needed someone else to drag into trouble. That’s when Alicent came and took over your job.” 
“She gets into a lot of trouble, my prince. Some days I can’t keep her out of it. The other day, she was late from a small council meeting because she much prefers to ride her dragon.” Alicent giggled and then she turned to Aenar. She gazed into his eyes and for a moment, she found herself breathless by the sight of those two jade orbs. Again. The smile he gave her was like honey. Sweet enough to charm any lady and Alicent had a feeling that Aenar’s presence would become the cause of much trouble in the future.
“Then thank the Gods for giving us Lady Alicent,” The Prince chuckled again and Alicent could feel her cheeks heat up. “What would my little niece do without you?” 
Alicent had no time to answer, not like she knew what to say, but they were approached by the son of some distant lord. “Princess Rhaenyra, might I have this dance?” 
The Princess turned to Alicent, giving her an annoyed look before she looked at the man asking her to dance again. “Of course.” And with that, Rhaenyra rose from her seat and made her way to the dance floor. 
Anxiety rose in Alicent’s stomach as she was left alone with Prince Aenar. For a minute, neither of them spoke and the awkwardness in the air was so thick they could have cut it with a knife. The silence between them was deafening.
Both Alicent and Aenar returned to their plates, taking a few bites and sipping wine before the Prince cleared his throat and took a deep breath, addressing the young woman next to him. “Do you like to dance, Lady Alicent?” 
Alicent’s eyes widened slightly at the Aenar’s question, a part of her hoping that he wouldn’t ask her and another that he would. Her eyes were still fixed on her plate as she answered his question. “I do, my prince.”
“I don’t,” Aenar said and then raised his cup to take a sip of his wine. If he doesn’t like to dance, then why did he bother to ask? “I wouldn’t ask a lady to dance with me unless I was really interested in her. Sadly, I can already sense some eagerness from a few ladies at this dreadful feast.” 
“Dreadful? You dislike feasts?” Alicent couldn’t say that she had a liking for feasts either. At least Rhaenyra made them feel tolerable. Well, when she wasn’t busy dancing with some lord. 
“Never was much interested in them. While I quite like music, it is too loud. And there are far too many people for my liking. I only came for the food,” Aenar admitted, causing Alicent to chuckle. Maybe he wasn’t so bad, after all. 
“The food certainly makes it more tolerable, Your Grace. And it is quite honorable that you would not dance with a lady unless you had a genuine interest in her. Not everyone shares the same sentiment.” 
“It is unfortunate, really,” The Prince turned his gaze from Alicent and his eyes searched the room. There were many lords, ladies, and knights present. He took a good look at each of them, taking note of how some of the guests present were staring back at him. He knew why. A Targaryen prince, a man grown. He won a joust and he was handsome. The lords of the Realm are eager to wed their daughters and granddaughters to him for the sake of political advantage. “People in King’s Landing can be so…shallow. I have forgotten what it’s like.” 
“When was the last time you were here?” Alicent asked him. “I don’t remember ever seeing you.” 
He smiled at her, but there was a hint of sadness in his expression. “Well, I was here when my brother got crowned and before that, when my father died and yours became Hand.” 
Alicent immediately regretted her question. And speaking of Hands, Otto Hightower suddenly appeared in front of them, looking quite displeased. “Your Grace,” He greeted the Prince in his usual stern, gloomy voice. “I see you and my daughter have become acquainted.” 
“Oh, yes, Lord Otto. I was just telling your lovely daughter about how a follower of the Seven would remain true to their faith in and outside of the Sept,” Aenar said with a broad smile and Alicent couldn’t help the blush that deepened her already red cheeks. Well, this Aenar Targaryen seemed like quite a bold man. She didn’t even pay much attention to what he was saying because only the word ‘lovely’ kept repeating itself in her mind. Right in front of her father. 
“You see, my lady,” Aenar turned his attention back to Alicent with newfound interest while Otto Hightower watched and listened. What was the Prince trying to achieve with this? “Many go to the Sept often, some every day, but as soon as they come outside, they go back to sin and dishonor. If they actually believed in the Gods, they would not need to spend half of their lives praying on their knees, begging for forgiveness because of whatever they committed. They would simply live by the teachings of the Seven and behave with honor and diligence.” 
Alicent felt something beneath her feet. She quickly glanced under the table and saw that it was Prince Aenor bouncing his leg up and down. By the Gods, the Prince was nervous! Alicent almost chuckled. This was quite endearing and Alicent felt a sense of understanding wash over her. She had her own nervous habit and seeing that such a strong, brave, and handsome prince was trembling beneath the table made her feel a little less alone and a little more normal. But what was making him so nervous? 
Otto raised an eyebrow and Alicent couldn’t yet tell if her father was amused or currently trying to make Aenar stay away from her. “I must say, Prince Aenar, you are quite right. However, do you go to the Sept often?”
“Sometimes,” Aenar answered. “As I said, I don’t need to spend my entire day praying.” 
“And why is that, my prince?” 
“I often see people asking the Gods for help. Instead of working for what they want, they think that the Gods will give it to them if they pray often enough. The only times I go to the Sept are when I want to show gratitude.” 
“So you would rather work than beg the Seven for a blessing?” The Hand asked and the Prince only nodded in response. Lord Otto maintained a neutral expression, but Alicent could tell he was impressed by what Aenar said. He was simply too proud to admit it. “We go to the Grand Sept quite often. Perhaps Prince Aenar would like to join us?” 
The Prince remained silent, quite obviously uninterested in joining Otto, for which Alicent really couldn’t blame him. But perhaps he would like to join Alicent. The lady was sweet, perhaps a little nervous, but Aenar didn’t mind that. The other ladies stared at him as if he was a prey during a hunt, so Alicent’s more reserved nature was like a cooling breeze during summer. And she was quite comely as well. He was yet to take a good look at her, but Alicent’s doe eyes made his heart beat a little faster whenever she gathered enough courage to stare directly into his. 
So it was either both or neither. 
Gods damn it, Aenar. You brought this upon yourself.
Aenar smiled, most likely out of politeness and finally gave the Hand the answer he desired. “Of course, Lord Otto. I would be delighted to join you.” 
“You honor me, Your Grace. Well, then I’ll leave you two. Enjoy the feast.”
Alicent released a sigh of relief as soon as her father was at a far enough distance. However, she couldn’t help but ask Aenar a small question. “How did you know he is religious? My father, I mean.” 
“From my brother,” He admitted. “Daemon has told me much about him.” 
Alicent couldn’t say she was delighted to hear that, but then, from the corner of her eye, she saw Princess Rhaenyra motioning for her. “F-forgive me, I think Rhaenyra wants something.” 
Prince Aenar gave her a nod and Alicent left to join her friend. While the Prince remained in his seat and was about to happily indulge himself in the contents of his place, he felt a hand touch his shoulder. 
“Little brother,” King Viserys said, a warm smile gracing his features. He sat down on Alicent’s chair, giving Aenar his full attention. Being called little brother brought a strange warmth to Aenar’s heart. He missed his family dearly. “You fill my chest with pride. Good job at the tourney today.”
Aenar would be lying if he said he didn’t like his brother’s praise. “Thank you, brother. I was hoping to make you proud.” 
“Your return to King’s Landing has been well-received,” Viserys informed his youngest brother. “If you wish to stay, we would be more than happy to have you.” 
Aenar nodded, pleased by the idea of remaining in King’s Landing, at least for a while. “I would like that. We have been apart for too long. I wish to stay by your side, brother, and aid you in any way I can.” 
“Good,” Viserys said with a smile, delighted by Aenar’s response. He didn’t expect anything less from the prince, knowing he was more dutiful than Daemon ever was. “I could always use more people I can trust. You should accompany me to the small council meetings and then we’ll see if there are any tasks for you.” 
“That sounds wonderful, thank you.” 
Then there were some giggles, catching the attention of both the Prince and the King. Aenar was met with several pairs of eyes gazing at him, all of them belonging to a group of gossipping women. Aenar couldn’t help but feel uneasy from the attention, but then Viserys turned back to his brother, now with something cheeky in his expression. “It seems like you have caught the ladies’ attention.” 
Aenar rolled his eyes, visibly unhappy by the attention. “Yeah, I certainly have.” 
Viserys laughed in return, leaning closer to his brother. “Aenar, this is every man’s dream!” It was almost every man’s dream, Aenar thought to himself. Certainly not his. 
Aenar never liked whores. Daemon brought him to a pleasure house as soon as he was old enough and he already decided that he would avoid the Street of Silk for the rest of his life. Of course, he was no saint, he had his conquests. Not as many as some people thought he had, but still, Aenar had known a few women in his life, as was expected of a prince.
He liked to work for the ladies and had little respect for those who simply threw themselves at his feet. Of course, he understood why they did it. But the harder he worked for a lady, the sweeter she was. 
And Aenar loved sweet women. He’s just never met any worthy of his affections.
“Yours, perhaps. Quite honestly, brother, I would much prefer to take a lady wife,” The young prince admitted and he could see the shock and then the joy on his brother’s face. 
“You do? Well, that is a pleasant surprise! Finally, a brother who wishes to do his duty. If you’d like, I could arrange a potential match for you. Or is there anyone who has caught your eye, little brother?” 
Aenor’s eyes widened in horror. His brother made it sound like he would wed Aenar to the first suitable lady in a fortnight. “Hold your horses, Viserys, I’ve only just returned. I will keep my eyes open and let you know if there is anyone. I am not in a rush.” 
Pursing his lips, Viserys nodded. “Of course. But do let me know if you have found yourself a bride and remember that you are a prince of the Seven Kingdoms. Your lady wife must be of high birth. A maiden befitting your station.” 
“I understand. I wouldn’t have it any other way.” 
“Good,” Viserys stood and patted his brother on the back. “Now enjoy yourself, Aenar. You deserve it.” The King returned to his seat and Aenar was left alone once again.
The Prince went back to his plate with the hopes of no one disturbing him. He really was just here for the food and, so far, he barely managed to get a few bites. After a minute or two, he reached for his cup and raised it to his lips, taking a sip of his wine. 
As Aenar drank, he saw two figures from the corner of his eye. When he put the cup down and looked, he noticed that Lord Jason Lannister was talking to Lady Alicent Hightower, the very woman he crowned as his Queen of Love and Beauty. 
Well, shit. 
Now Aenar really had a chance to look at her and what a beauty she was. Had he known that Viserys had such beautiful ladies at his court, he would have returned to King’s Landing sooner. 
From what Aenar could tell, Alicent was undeniably the most comely girl at court. She had a sweet smile and eyes with a light in them that could melt even the coldest hearts. When he first saw her during the tourney, he almost called the Maesters because his knees started bending on their own.
With or without Aenar crowning her, Alicent was desirable. She was a highborn lady with looks unmatched and as the Prince watched Jason Lannister talk to her, he couldn’t help but feel jealous.
Perhaps he shouldn’t have crowned her. He didn’t think of it when it happened, but now Aenar realized that it would only attract more suitors for Alicent. If a prince of House Targaryen thought she was good enough, then she was good enough for every other man as well. 
Of course, it all made sense now. The young maiden seemed visibly uncomfortable by Lord Lannister’s presence and Aenar saw that she was fidgeting with her fingers. 
Aenar did like her. Of course, she didn’t know her well yet. But, so far, she was the most promising lady in all of King’s Landing. He couldn’t deny that he was pretty and her nervousness around him was quite endearing. Aenar could also sense some playfulness from her, which only made her more appealing to him.
Tonight, if Aenar had to dance with anyone, it would be Alicent. 
He glanced down at his food with a twinge of sadness, then he sighed and stood from the table. He might regret this later.
Aenar walked past the long table and he could swear he saw Viserys and Aemma giving each other a knowing look as he walked to where Alicent and the Lannister man were standing. 
The lady was certainly trying to be polite, but Lord Jason had her cornered. Aenar had the displeasure of knowing him, so he really couldn’t blame Alicent for not wanting to be anywhere near him, but the man had a habit of bothering the fair maidens. 
Aenar smiled to himself. Now he would become her knight in shining armor, her Prince Charming. For some odd reason, he quite liked the idea. 
“And then there was this diamond necklace I had made for my mother-” As he approached, Aenar cleared his throat, cutting off the Lannister Lord mid-sentence. 
“Lady Alicent,” Aenar said with a smile and nodded to the young lady. 
“Yes, my prince?” Alicent sounded almost relieved to see him. If she had to choose between Prince Aenar and Lord Jason, he wouldn’t hesitate to run to Aenar’s arms. Maybe the Prince was a little grumpy and he was…unique, to say the least, but at least he was respectful and definitely more pleasant than Jason Lannister. 
Aenar cleared his throat again. In fact, he cleared his throat so well that he ended up having to cough. 
“Your Grace, are you unwell?” Jason Lannister turned to Aenar and asked, his voice having a slight mocking tone to it. 
“No, no, Lord Jason. I assure you, I am alright.” Aenar gave the Lannister lord a small, forced smile before finally turning to Alicent, completely ignoring the man standing beside him. “Lady Alicent. Would you honor me with a dance?” 
Alicent’s eyes widened in surprise. But…didn’t the Prince say that he disliked dancing? That he would only dance with a woman if he was really interested in her? “I-” She tried to find the right words, but she was too stunned. Did this mean that he had some interest in her? Or was he just trying to help her escape from the grasps of Jason Lannister? Either way, Aenar was her way out. “Yes!” Alicent said with more enthusiasm than she intended and she quickly regained her composure, giving the Prince a proper answer. “Of course, my Prince. I would be honored to dance with you.” 
With a smile, Aenar extended a strong hand for her and Alicent gladly took it, leaving Jason Lannister all by himself. Prince Aenar led her to the dance floor and Alicent couldn’t help but once again feel surprised by the tenderness of his touch. As they came to a stop and turned toward each other, Alicent noticed how tall and strong Aenar was for the first time. A man like him could protect her from any harm. The thought was giving her butterflies in the stomach.
Aenar gulped as he put one hand on Alicent’s waist and held hers with the other. Gods, he wasn’t exactly the most graceful dancer. He was tense and nervous, and he did take dance lessons when he was younger, but he found it difficult to feel at ease and truly enjoy himself. 
He looked down and saw that Alicent was smiling at him. Strangely, it made him feel a little less tense. The song began and so did their dance. Aenar was clumsy at first, while Alicent moved swiftly and lightly, each of her movements confirming that she was, indeed, a true lady. He tried to match her elegance and, to his surprise, quickly got the hang of it. He silently thanked the Seven for making him a fast learner. 
However, the silence between them was slightly unpleasant and Aenar never liked awkward silences, so he began to talk. “I apologize, my Lady. I couldn’t allow Lord Lannister to bore you with…well, himself. The man can be quite egoistical.” 
Alicent smiled at his comment, finding it quite amusing. If there was one thing certain about life, it was that Jason Lannister bragged about anything and everything regarding himself. “He certainly is. I don’t know what I would have done if I had to listen to a story about another one of his grand purchases.”
“Pay him no mind. He is not worthy of your attention.” Oh? But perhaps the Prince was?
Her cheeks flushed and she suddenly felt herself becoming a little nervous too upon noticing how close they were to each other. Prince Aenar’s body radiated warmth and strength and even Alicent couldn’t stay immune to it. She wondered how many of the other ladies were watching them, envious of her current position. “Thank you for coming to my rescue, Your Grace. You really didn’t have to do it, I know you don’t like to dance.” She felt grateful for what he had done for her and she felt touched by the gesture. 
“Well, you were in trouble. I would be a terrible knight if I ignored a lady in distress.” 
“Was I? Lord Jason and I were just talking. I would hardly call that trouble or distress.” 
“You mean, he was talking and you were listening and smiling along.” His comment made both of them laugh and Aenar felt his breath get caught in his throat. It was as if he listened to the sound of all seven heavens at once. “Your laugh…and your smile...” 
She looked at him, with that same, beautiful smile. Aenar had never seen such light, such magic in his life. “What of them, Your Grace?”
He instantly regretted it. He wanted to say something nice, to compliment her, to make her feel good, but he simply couldn’t bring himself to say it. “Nothing.” As Aenar spoke, the song and the dance came to an end. He could see the slight disappointment in Alicent’s eyes. He knew that he had made some awkward mistakes tonight and he didn’t know why, but he wanted to make up for them. “My Lady.” His cheeks were already flushed and he found it difficult to maintain eye contact with Alicent, partly because he was anxious, but mainly because he felt captivated by her. 
“Yes, my Prince?” My Prince . Now that he thought of it, Aenar quite liked hearing it from her lips. 
“I just wanted you to know that,” He paused for a moment, looked away and then back to Alicent. “I did see that you were uncomfortable in Lord Lannister’s presence, for which I cannot blame you, but…I-I wanted to dance with you.” 
“Oh,” Alicent made a small sound. It was…surprising, to say the least. While Alicent knew she was fortunate enough to come from a good family, she didn’t feel like she was worthy enough of the attention of a prince. “I…Thank you. I am flattered, Your Grace.” 
“Perhaps, you would honor me with another dance?” He offered his hand to her again, his smile warm and charming. “I promise I won’t step on your toes.”
She laughed and reached for his hand once more. “I would like that very much.” 
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asykriel · 4 months
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Love is the Death of Duty in a summary.
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livingdreams97 · 9 months
Rhaenyra Targaryen -"The Personal Guard." (Part 6)
Rhaenyra Targaryen x Male reader/oc
Summary: The barely known third son of Lord Lyonel Strong, surprisingly ends up becoming the personal guard of none other than the Targaryen princess, after an incident in the forest.
Words: 3.690
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Rhaenyra POV
I was more than nervous. I never thought I would feel nervous on my wedding day, I always imagined this day as a dark day full of misfortune. But it was the opposite of what I imagined.
I had barely been able to close my eyes for more than half an hour, being awakened by the excitement and nerves of the day.
Today would be the day I would officially and publicly join Y/n Strong. Today I would become his betrothed officially and he would be mine, today we would unite as one in front of the gods and I couldn't be more excited.
The preparations for the wedding had been quick. Just two weeks ago I was arguing with my father about the unfounded rumors of his former hand and fighting not to be forced to marry Ser Leanor Velaryon.
And after two hectic weeks, due to the organization of the wedding, the banquet, the dress and everything that goes into the preparations for the big day. The big day had arrived.
In these two weeks my father put another personal guard on me and I hadn't been able to see Y/n more than passingly during this time. But today I would finally see him, I would see him walking towards me and at the end of the day I will be in his arms again.
Although I can't help a bitter feeling, when I am aware that I will experience one of the happiest days of my life and that my mother will not be with me on such an important day.
I would like to be able to live this with her, listen to her talk about how happy she is for me and telling me that she was right; like I did when I was a girl.
I would like to know that you are proud of me, for having left behind the negative idea of getting married and having chosen the best man in all the kingdoms. I would like to have her by my side to calm my nerves, hug me and whisper to me that everything will be fine.
But even though she is not by my side, I know that she watches me from the heavens and that she is happy for me.
Nora: Are you nervous, princess? - my trusted servant asks me, getting me out of my head.
Rhaenyra: Terrified.- I admit with a nervous laugh.
Nora: Don't worry, everything will be fine.- she assures me, placing her hands on my shoulders and leaving a reassuring squeeze.
Nora has been my personal servant since I can remember, always by my side and taking care of me. She was something of a mother figure, especially after my mother's death and Alicent's betrayal.
Rhaenyra: I know.- I nod, taking a deep breath. -But I can't help but feel nervous.- I admit, biting my lip, seeing my reflection in the mirror and realizing that I'm completely ready.
Nora: Nerves are good.- she assures me with a smile. -That means you care.- she explains to me without removing the smile from her face and I return the gesture.
We both remain silent, while Nora helps me with the last details of my hair and a doubt invades my head.
Rhaenyra: Am I doing the right thing? - I let the question hang in the air without stopping to look at my reflection in the mirror.
Nora: Do you want to marry Lord Strong? - she asks me back after a few seconds of silence.
I remain silent at her question. My mind immediately searches for every existing memory of every conversation, every touch, every word, every gesture, every interaction, every sensation and every detail of Y/n Strong towards me.
The fact that with a mere smile from him my day becomes happier, how with each of his gestures towards me they make me feel protected and loved, just like the feeling of his worked hands leave a path of softness. and delicate all over my body. About how every tiny thing he does for and for me makes my heart race in an exorbitant way.
Rhaenyra: With all my soul.- I respond bluntly with total sincerity and with a smile completely flooding my face.
Nora: Then you're doing the right thing.- she assures me, placing the last ruby in my hair and taking a step back. -You're ready, princess.- she informs me with a slight smile.
Rhaenyra: How do I look? - I ask her, turning towards her and biting my lip with some insecurity.
Nora: Perfect.- she answers me with a smile full of sincerity.
Rhaenyra: Do you think Y/n is going to think the same? - I ask, feeling my body vibrate in anticipation of her response.
Nora: No.- she answers and my shoulders fall at it. -He won't be able to think of what to say to you with how dazzled you are going to leave him.- she finishes answering me, making my spirits rise and a warm sensation settle in my chest.
Rhaenyra: Okay.- I whisper, trying to calm myself down.
Nora: Ready for the first day of seven? - she asks me calmly.
Rhaenyra: I'm ready.- I assure with a sincere smile.
My feet walk calmly but with a certain nervousness through the castle, feeling the bustle of the people closer with every step I take and the moment of seeing my betrothed becomes more and more imminent.
My steps resonate in my ears and add to a symphony with my heart. Each heartbeat is accompanied by a step and an echoing sound every time my foot hits the ground.
The symphony of my steps along with the beating of my heart stop when I land in front of the entrance to the dining room and the place is full of people for the celebration.
This time it is my breathing, along with the racing heartbeat and bustle of the people that create a symphony of different sounds. But the symphony ends when I hear my name announced to the room.
With a nervous smile, I begin to descend the stairs at the entrance and watch as everyone gets up from their seats to greet me and congratulate me on the imminent event.
I just smiled at them in response and walked as quickly as possible towards the table at the end of the room, where I can see my father standing and giving me a big smile.
Viserys: You look beautiful, daughter.- he says, grabbing my hands when I reach his side.
Rhaenyra: Thank you, father.- I thank him with a shy smile.
Viserys: I'm sure Lord Y/n Strong will be enthralled as soon as he sees you. - He assures me, leaving a loving squeeze on my hands and helping me to what will be my chair during the celebration.
I sit on my father's left side, watching the big houses being announced as they enter the dining room and how the heads of said houses congratulate me on the nuptials as well as my father.
But holding back my smile and holding my tongue against any cruel comment becomes very difficult when Lord Jason Lannister makes an appearance.
But thank the gods, I don't have to endure it for long and it's thanks to the announcement I was most looking forward to.
Ser Harrold: Lord Lyonel Strong, lord of Harrenhal, former councilor of buildings and current hand of the king. - begins to announce. -His first son Ser Harwin Strong, city guard and future lord of Harrenhal. And his youngest son, Ser Y/n Strong, the future king consort.- finishes announcing, causing a wave of applause in their presence and I get up from my chair quickly.
I smile as i see my future husband walk towards me, appreciating every detail of his clothes and face as best as I can given our distance.
I swallow heavily, trying to calm my nerves and appear as composed as possible. But it is very difficult for me to see the princess looking at me and the sincere smile she gives me.
Everything falls silent, as my father and brother bow before the king and I do the same when it is my turn.
When I stand up, the princess turns and begins to circle the table. I look at my father and he gives me a sign that I can move towards her. Which I do immediately, walking towards where the princess is and holding one of her hands delicately when we are facing each other.
Rhaenyra: Betrothed .- she greets me with a smile full of life and a certain point of fun.
Y/n: Betrothed .- I greeted, without taking my eyes off of hers and leaving a kiss on her soft hand.
The entire room erupts in applause again, but my attention is only on the woman in front of me and her incredible beauty.
Rhaenyra gently pulls at our hands to follow her and places us in front of the chairs we will occupy at the banquet. My father greets the king and takes his place on the right side of the table, occupying his seat as a hand. While my brother Harwin stands next to me and Larys in the corner.
Once the family is in front of their seats, we all begin to sit down and I lean slightly towards my betrothed's ear.
Y/n: You look like a goddess.- I whisper affectionately, noticing how her smile widened and how her cheeks took on a more pinkish color.
She turns her face to answer me, but her words remain in her mouth as everything falls silent at the sudden presence of her uncle, Prince Daemon.
But as soon as he sits down at the table, the place fills again with conversations and the clatter of dishes.
The king rises to give a speech about the union of our houses, but the room falls silent again due to a new presence in the room. But this time it is none other than the queen who enters and dressed in green.
I look at my brother, remembering something he once told me about the Hightowers and that is that when they rise to war the color green is the color they use to summon their bannermen.
But no one but the Hightowers themselves stand up to applaud their presence and color of clothing. The rest remain silent as they walk and approach the royal table. She congratulates us with an evidently forced smile and sits down in the seat to the king's right.
Once seated, the king begins his speech again and congratulates us on the union of our houses, as well as my union with his daughter as king consort. With the speech finished, the music begins to play and the laughter of the people fills the room.
Rhaenyra: Do you want to dance? - she asks me excitedly.
Y/n: Umm I don't know, will you step on me during the dance? - I ask her amused.
Rhaenyra: Maybe.- she answers me with some malice.
Y/n: Then I'll have to take that risk.- i smile, lifting me up and stretching my hand towards her.
She accepts my gesture and with my help gets up from her seat. We walk hand in hand to the center of the room, where there is a space for dancing, and we start dancing.
As soon as we finish the first dance, more people join the floor and start us dancing a new one.
Y/n: Are you happy? - I ask her when we are close enough.
Rhaenyra: With you? Or with the wedding? - she asks me back with a smile.
Y/n: With the wedding.- I respond amused. -I hope she's happy with me, because otherwise I don't know what we're doing here.- I say and she laughs at my comment.
Rhaenyra: You're right, with you you don't need to ask me.- she assures me. -But I would be happier if the wedding was more intimate and quick.- she answers with a grimace.
Y/n: Does seven days seem like a lot to you? - I ask, feigning surprise. -And here I was thinking it was a short wait.- I joke earning a laugh from her.
Rhaenyra: Seven days are too many to be able to call me your wife.- she admits with a smile and I return it.
Y/n: What's seven days with the rest of our lives.- I whisper with a smile before moving on to a new partner.
I continue with the dance, but some screams and a brawl at the end of the room cause everything to stop. I look everywhere, trying to find my betrothed and get her away from any possible danger.
Y/n: Harwin!- I call my brother when I see him among the people. -I can't find Rhaenyra!- I shout nervously, pushing people and trying to find a silver hair.
Harwin: Look to the left and I'll look to the right! - he shouts in response, pushing each person in his path and looking for my betrothed.
Rhaenyra: Y/n! Y/n!- I hear her calling me and look to my left. -Y/n!- I listen again and see her on the floor against one of the chairs.
Y/n: Rhaenyra! - I shout, pushing anyone who gets in front of me. -Are you okay?- I ask, bending down and holding her face in my hands.
Rhaenyra: Get me out of here, please.- she begs me with fear in her eyes.
I place a delicate kiss on her forehead, before helping her up and hugging her against my body.
Y/n: Harwin! Harwin, help! - I shout and it doesn't take more than a few seconds before my older brother is in front of us. -Help me take her to the king.- I ask and he nods.
Harwin: Stick to my back.- he orders me, turning around and I do what he tells me.
I place Rhaenyra between them for her safety. My brother leads the way and I make sure no one touches her in any way.
The king quickly hugs her when we get to the table and she is safe from whatever is happening.
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I walk at a fast pace through the corridors of the castle, greeting all the nobles I meet along the way and trying to get to our room as soon as possible.
I was training with my brother, when one of the servants told me that Rhaenyra needed me right now and that it was urgent.
So I had started to run through the castle and try to get to my wife as soon as possible.
Y/n: Rhaenyra!- I exclaimed when I entered our chambers. -What happened? Are you okey? Is the baby okay? - I ask quickly, kneeling on the floor in front of the sofa where she is and I look at her worried.
Rhaenyra: No, calm down.- she tells me with a smile, placing her hand on my head and moving a strand of my hair behind my ear. -You have to cut your hair.- she comments calmly and I look at her confused.
Y/n: I don't understand anything.- I confusedly whisper. -The servant told me that you needed me urgently, I had thought that something had happened to you or the baby.- I commented trying to catch my breath.
Rhaenyra: The baby is fine and so am I.- she assures me, grabbing my hand and placing it on her swollen belly.
Y/n: So, why the urgency? - I ask, relaxing my body.
Rhaenyra: This is why.- she whispers and moves my hand from the center of her belly to one of her sides.
I look at her confused, but when she puts light pressure on her belly with our joined hands, something moves and I open my eyes in surprise. I stare at my wife's belly, completely surprised and excited.
I bring my face closer to the belly, placing one cheek on the fabric of the dress and gently pressing the belly again.
I can feel the movement of our baby again and I can't stop a tear from falling from my eyes.
Rhaenyra: Was it urgent? - she asks with some amusement in her voice.
Y/n: Very urgent.- I whisper still, without separating myself from her belly and feeling how her hands go into my hair.
Rhaenyra: As soon as I noticed it, I asked them to call you.- she whispers, stroking my hair.
Y/n: Thank you.- I whisper gratefully, separating myself from her belly and staring into her eyes.
Rhaenyra: For what? - she asks me confused, taking her hands out of my hair and caressing my cheeks gently.
Y/n: For everything.- I respond with a sigh. -For loving me, for being braver than me to the point of almost forcing me to marry you and for giving me an heir even with your reasonable fear of giving birth.- I list, making her laugh at the comment about the wedding and causing her to grimace at the end.
Rhaenyra: With you I'm not afraid of giving birth.- she assures me with a slight smile.
Y/n: Why? - I asked curiously, raising my other hand to her belly and leaving soft caresses on the spot over her dress.
Rhaenyra: Because I trusted you and I know that you will never do to me what my father did to my mother. - She answers me with a certain pain shining in her beautiful lilac eyes. -Because I know that you love me like I do and that you would put my life before even your own.- she assures me and a tear falls from her beautiful eyes.
Y/n: Rhae.- I murmur, touched by her response getting up from the ground and sitting on the couch next to her.
Rhaenyra: Stupid hormones.- she growls when followed by the first tear, the others come out after her and she begins to cry.
Y/n: Hey no.- I deny when she abruptly wipes away her tears. -You're going to hurt yourself, Ñuho glaeso hūrus (Moon of my life).- I tell her, putting her hands aside and gently removing the tears from her face.
Rhaenyra: I hate these mood swings.- she growls, crossing her arms and looking completely cute.
Y/n: I love them.- I whisper against her forehead, leaving a kiss on the spot and then descending my kisses all over her face.
Rhaenyra: You love them because you can laugh at my expense. - she hits my side and I can't help but grunt from the pain. -What's the matter? I haven't hit you that hard.- she asks me, frowning and with some concern.
Y/n: Nothing's wrong with me, it's just that Harwin has been faster than me in training and has had his fun with me. - I explain with a slight amused grimace.
She looks at me seriously, before reaching her hands towards my black training shirt and starting to take it off. Once the fabric is off my body, she looks at my ribs where a reddish area with small purple parts is located.
Rhaenyra: I'm going to have to talk seriously to your brother.- she comments, caressing the area delicately.
Y/n: Leave it, I hit his butt quite hard. - I comment with amusement, removing all traces of tears from her face and looking at the movement of her eyes.
Rhaenyra: Of course. - She rolls her eyes, letting out a small laugh, before returning her attention to my body.
Y/n: Better? - I asked quietly with a hoarse tone, noticing how my wife's eyes and hand ran over my entire torso.
Rhaenyra: Much better.- she assures me, biting her lip and unconsciously leaning towards my body.
I place my hand on the back of her neck, leaving a caress in the area before pulling her towards me and joining our lips. It doesn't take Nyra more than three seconds to deepen the kiss and moan against my mouth.
Y/n: This is why I love your mood swings. - I comment with amusement, separating myself from the kiss, feeling her hands run over my body and my hands over her.
Rhaenyra: Pervert.- she murmurs against my lips, putting her hands inside my pants and trying to take them off.
Y/n: That's what the person who tries to undress me says.- I laugh, standing up a little to help her undress me.
Rhaenyra: Shut up and take off my clothes.- she growls at me before kissing me hungrily.
I undress her as best I can, trying to do it in a way where our lips don't have to separate and where it is comfortable. But in the end the kiss is interrupted when I manage to release the dress and take it off over her head.
She gets up from the couch, taking off her underwear as best she can and walking naked towards our bed.
Rhaenyra: Are you coming or not? - she asks me maliciously, biting her index finger and looking at me innocently.
I don't respond verbally, but I jump off the couch as best I can and pick her up in my arms quickly, making her laugh. I lay her on the bed, placing myself on top of her and starting to kiss her entire body.
Y/n: I hope little Jacaerys or little Aemma prepare for what's coming. - I comment amused, leaving a kiss on my wife's belly and earning me a slap on the head from her.
Rhaenyra: Don't say that! - She exclaims with amusement and horror at the reference to our future baby.
I just laugh, leaning towards her face and staying a few centimeters away from her.
Y/n: Avy jorrāelan (I love you)- I whisper against her lips, knowing how much she likes me speaking to her in Valyrian.
Rhaenyra: Avy jorrāelan (I love you).- she whispers before hugging me by the shoulders and joining our lips for the third time in a very, very long afternoon full of something more than kisses.
Because maybe the beginning of our relationship was not the most orthodox or the most common. And our wedding may not have been the most pleasant for many, thanks to the death of a close friend of the Velaryon family at the hands of Ser Criston.
But to me, everything about Rhaenyra is perfect and natural. Our relationship arose from sincere feelings and although the wedding was brought forward 7 days due to a misfortune, I only look at the positive side of that day; marrying the love of my life.
Because from that day forward, my entire life is dedicated to my wife Rhaenyra Targaryen and the family we are creating.
Because even now after all the time that has passed since the day we met, just looking at her or feeling her hand touch mine makes my heart beat wildly just like the first day.
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The budding flower of Hearts
Descendants x male Oc (you can read it as a self-insert if you want)
Next Chapter
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An: This will be a teaser to a fanfic I'm planning to start. It’ll be a descendants fanfic with a male oc who is the child of the queen of hearts (yes i saw descendants 4, i think i won’t like it nor use it. I’ll centre more on descendants 1, 2, & 3). This won’t be beta read, I'll be the one who’ll mostly check for mistakes but if you do see some, maybe comment and I'll try my best to edit! Hope you like it!
1.5k words. No Trigger warnings that I know off.
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“And who might you be dear?” The lady in a metallic blue dress asked; She was Fairy Godmother. The school’s mere environment with all its beautiful architecture, clear blue skies, greenery which was a far cry from the deserted land me and the others came from; just a few minutes ago.
“Eli” I muttered, lost in the new environment. Taking in the beautiful clear sky that looked so polluted and clouded back then, It was this beautiful blue now.
I was pulled back to focus when I felt a bump by Carlos, I was asked again. “Eli?”
“Ah! Sorry, my name; it's Eli des Lamproca Van Der Heart.” I tried to push through with how long my name was. “Please just call me Eli!” with a greeting of a low nod and a smile. My heart painted lips curving. They were staring at our alien appearance compared to them.
“Eli, a lovely name.” The Fairy gleefully said with her high pitched voice, doing her best to greet the weird kids who just showed up. “Welcome to Auradon prep! I'm Fairy Godmother, headmistress.”
Mal then quickened “The fairy godmother? As in, "Bibbidi-bobbidi-boo"?”. “Bibbidi-bobbidi. You know it.” The Fairy replied with a smile.
Everything else was forgettable, for I was annoyed that Jay was eying a random girl next to the Fairy. He was skittish and all that nonsense while loudly chewing the gum he had in the limo. I sighed as I continued looking around and noticed Carlos was still trying to fix his clothes with chocolate still in his lips.
I was then brought back to the conversation when the man spoke. “It's so good to finally meet you all! I'm Ben.” I then slanted my head wondering who this ‘Ben’ was. I saw his gaze go to mine.
“Prince! Benjamin. Soon to be king.” The girl next to him followed up quickly, so he was the reason we’re here. 
“You had me at prince. My mom's a queen, which makes me a princess.” Evie walked forward towards him, spinning around a bit and showing him her hand.
The girl then shook her head “The evil queen has no royal status here” Then i saw it “And neither do you.” her smile widened. She had this look in her eyes, gleeful to say the next line putting Evie in her place.
I pulled Evie back a bit next to me. Ben then awkwardly laughed and introduced this girl “This is Aubrey….”
“Princess! Aubrey.” she said while pointing her finger. She was reminding him, she was also royalty. “His. girlfriend.” she was wearing this fake smile. While Ben continued to look at her awkwardly. He isn’t fond of her. It seems so. “Right benny-boo~?” Ben was feeling uncomfortable while she wrapped her hand towards his.
Mal and I smiled back at them. I truly didn’t care for the next gibber gabber of the Fairy with all that talk about some library in the end. 
Ben was behind her and I noticed Aubrey trying to take his hand once but he harshly took it back not wanting to be all touchy in front of us it seems. After the fairy walked away, He stepped forward and offered his hand towards Jay to shake.
 “It is so, so, so good to finally me-meet you all.” Jay, that idiot. He pushed him away. But smiled back at him, He didn’t want to shake his hand while he shook his head. He continued to Mal and shook her hand then stared a bit…
“This is a momentous occasion,” he continued while Mal then shakes her hand like it had been infected “and one that I hope will go down in history. Is that chocolate?” What a mess; Carlos with his already messy face had chocolate covered hands; But then the prince licked his finger clean, and gave me a look. Weird. “As the day our two peoples began to heal.” He shook Evie’s Hand while Aubrey behind him eyed her as she stared at him.
He finally reached me, “What was that pause earlier with Mal?” I asked him while we shook hands and he stared at me and smiled brightly “Ah. nothing! It wa-was nothing. Eli right? Beautiful name”. Weird. 
Aubrey was getting a bit annoyed at him staring at us, but now more so at me. “Hey! You're the mad queen’s son right?” she directed towards me while I nodded with a fake smile; with Ben still staring at me but still wasn’t letting go of my hand. What exactly is going through his mind? “Yeah, you know what? I totally don’t believe the rumours, you’re not that insane!” 
What a bitch. 
Ben then was back to reality when he saw my smile fade a bit and realizing the situation while finally letting go of my hand. I just said nothing since if I did I might have slapped her. He was now looking towards Aubrey and seemed to be thinking of something.
“And you! You’re Maleficent's daughter, aren't you?” She then directed at Mal and stepped a bit closer to her. “Yeah, you know what? I totally do not blame you for your mother trying to kill my parents and stuff.” she rambled.
“Oh! my mom's Aurora. Sleeping~” She proclaimed, faking dumb; she stared at Mal insuating for her to continue. “Beauty!” Mal continued the atmosphere now being awkward.
“Yeah, I've heard the name. You know, and I totally do not blame your grandparents for inviting everyone in the whole world but my mother to their stupid christening.” They smiled back at each other. “Water under the bridge” Aubrey replied smiling. “Totes!” Mal wasn’t backing down. 
What plastics honestly.
Ben grabbed Aubrey away from us and continued while defusing the situation “Okay! So, how about a tour?” We all were silent. So was I. I was just observing really. “Yeah?” He showed us forward and we walked behind him. Evie continued to walk beside me and linked our arms; while Mal was in front of us behind Ben and Aubrey. With Jay and Carlos messing around with each other behind us.
“Auradon prep, originally built over 300 years ago and converted into a high school by my father wh-” 
The yapping of Ben faded as Evie gave me a look of concern. She began “Do yo- Do you think other royals will hate us?”. It was a genuine concern, both me and her were of true royal blood. “Do you think your father will hate you?” I asked her, she was a child of not only the 'Evil Queen' but also the King. She and Snow White were half-siblings.
“I haven’t really met him, I’ve never had…” She continues on. She asked me “Do you think your aunt will hate you?”. The White Queen, the sister of my mother. The one who sentenced her to the wastelands for unity with the other nations.
“Mother said she would have loved me. Though, we haven’t met either” I was going to continue but then we all came to a stop. Ben saw Carlos.
“Carlos.” He said. Carlos was behind Jay’s back, now terrified of the bronze? Statue that was earlier a man now a beast. Carlos must be afraid since it looked like a dog. “It's okay.” He was trying to reassure him to not be that fearful.
“My father wanted his statue to morph from beast to man to remind us that anything is possible.” His father. The king of this united land. I heard of his father’s tale with the beauty that is belle. “Do you resent the witch who cursed your father?” I remembered the beginning of the tale.
“Do you even know the witch? I never heard of them just of their curse towards him”
He laughed again before answering, but now it wasn’t a forced one like earlier with Aubrey. “For the first question, no. I don’t resent them. For the second. I think… even my father doesn’t know them?” He started to scratch his chin while thinking back. Aubrey asked back “Why ask Eli? Why so curious about curses?”
It was clear my curiosity was for him and the witch itself, not the curse. She was clearing trying to put words in my mouth. I laughed a bit at her question, I replied with a smile. “Why not? Scared of my madness?”
“So you guys have a lot of magic here in Auradon?” Mal asked changing the topic while we continued walking inside the school, clearly ignoring the conflict while also using it as a time to gain some information. “Like wands and things like that?”
Ben stole a glance at me before answering Mal’s question. At first it was Mal he was staring at, now me? “Yeah, it exists of course, but It's pretty much retired.” he smiled a bit. “Most of us here are just ordinary mortals.” He nodded with us now being inside the school and at the center of a grand hall with large staircases leading to places we haven’t seen yet.
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im sorry if you wanted more and etc. but i just wanted to show just this and i might even change some more stuff in the future just in case too.
If its bad just tell me so I can delete this since I am just generally shy since its my first time posting stuff like this
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fyrewcters · 2 years
a series of desirable events - alicent hightower x targaryen!male!oc
summary: Aegon Targaryen, second of his name, heir to the iron throne, eldest child of king viserys targaryen and late-queen aemma arryn, twin of princess daenerys and elder brother to rhaenyra targaryen, is offered comfort from the daughter of the kings hand.
pairings: alicent hightower x male!targaryen!oc
warnings: none, except for the unfortunate errors in my writing. I do not allow anyone to repost or translate my work onto any other platforms.
Ample copper-colored curls bounced as the Lady Alicent Hightower approached her Lord fathers chambers upon his call. She entered to find him faced towards a piece of quill and parchment placed upon his desk. At the sound of the approaching footsteps he turned towards his daughter.
“My lady,” the Maester who had busied himself with the Hand’s letter excused himself.
He greeted his daughter with a hug after having noticed her trembling lips. “My darling.”
“How is Rhaenyra?” He asked as he pulled away to look upon her young face.
“She lost her mother,” she merely reminded.
“The Queen was well-loved by all,” he nodded. “I found myself thinking of your own mother today.”
“How is his grace? And the twins?” She asked after showing some hesitation.
“Very low, all of them. Which is why I sent for you,” he admitted his true motives as he sat upon a placed cushion behind his bureau.
“I thought you might go to him, the Prince, that is, offer him comfort.” He commanded more than he suggested.
“In his chamber?” She asked in a small voice at the prospect of visiting the prince. He was a man grown and there had been talk amongst the court of his visits to the Street of Silk. She began chewing upon her bloodied and ruined cuticles once the idea of a visit to him began to sink in. “I wouldn’t know what to say.”
“Stop that,” he demanded. She dropped her arms at her sides at his command. “He’ll be glad of a visitor.”
“You might wear one of your mothers dresses,” He once again demanded as he busied himself with a fresh new sheet of parchment.
Alicent merely nodded and walked out her fathers chambers.
Prince Aegon was in the midst of taking another swing of the goblet containing only the richest of wines, as his uncle Daemon had described it when he had gifted it to him, when a member of the Kingsguard knocked upon his chamber door and made himself known.
“What is it?” He asked with a hint of a slur, slightly twisted but not fully drunk to the point of a headache upon the morrow.
“The Lady Alicent Hightower, my Prince.” He announced as Alicent walked in with a book in her grasp. The kingsguard closed the door behind him as he left the two alone.
“What is it, Alicent?” Aegon asked as he sat lazily upon a cushioned chair facing the open balcony.
“I brought a book,” she managed to get out. She inwardly scolded herself at the shy and nervous nature she was displaying towards the Prince, a man she had known since a young age considering he was only a few years older than her.
“Yes, I can see that,” he amused himself as he nodded his head towards the large book held within her grasp. He twisted his fingers around the rim of the goblet humming to himself.
Alicent had recognized the tune, it had been a lullaby often sung by the Queen to her children as a piece of comfort, and sometimes it was even sung to her. Alicent’s throat closed up and saddened tears brimmed at her eyes at the memory of the woman who had often treated her as her own daughter.
“Yes, I thought I might come to look in on you, my Prince.” She explained with a gulp, hoping he hadn’t noticed her nervousness.
“That’s very kind of you,” he mumbled to a point where she could hardly hear him, whilst twisting around a ring made out of pure valyrian steel. It was known that the Princess Daenerys had an exact replica of the ring amongst her own fingers, a gift for the twins from their uncle upon his return from Volantis a few years ago. “Have you seen my sister?”
She was confused at the sudden mention of his sister and assumed he had meant Rhaenyra due to her close relationship with the younger Princess. “No, I’ve not been to see the princess since nightfall.”
“I meant Daenerys. She keeps to herself most days, keeping herself from even me and Rhaenyra.” He explained with a small hint of frustration and hurt at his twin who had avoided everyone, including him.
“No, my Prince, I’m afraid I’ve not seen her.” She admitted with partial guilt.
She had often witnessed the close bond the Targaryen twins held. They were always together, one never straying far behind the other. Daenerys had hardly been seen by anyone since the death of her mother, hardly leaving her chambers and she knew this hurt Aegon, that his sister, his twin, his closest confidant, hadn’t sought him out during their joint feelings of grief and despair.
She had even overheard talk from kitchen maids and ladies-in-waiting of the Princess’s refusal to eat and inability to sleep as of late and how she had changed significantly in appearance. She was said to quite literally look like a thin and sickly pale ghost, like a walking corpse.
“Shame,” he sighed. He kept his eyes trained on the carpeted floors while an awkward silence over took them.
“I am so sorry, my Prince,” Alicent suddenly breathed out as she looked at with nothing but grief and remorse. He looked at her hesitantly whilst licking his dried lips and shaking his head in confusion.
“What is there for you to be sorry for, Alicent?” He asked in a broken whisper as his shaking hands shook his pale silver-like hair out of his violet colored eyes. She sympathized with how much sadness was held within his seemingly aged eyes, aged through his loss and sadness.
“When my mother died, all I ever wanted was for someone to tell me that they were sorry for what happened to me. So, I am very sorry.” She dishearteningly explained as she graced him a small downcasted smile.
“Thank you, Alicent.” He thanked her sincerely. “And I am also very sorry for what happened to you. I now understand the pain from the loss of a mother and am sorry for your loss.”
With a burst of confidence, she sat on the cushioned bench beside him and grabbed his hand. She smiled at him and received a small appreciative smile in return as they remained sat in silence for what felt like hours.
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awkwardchaosposts · 1 year
Shit, it's you again
Part ?
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Chishiya x Ex!reader [male!reader]
TW!: Nsfw themes,swearing
You were nervous. Ofcourse you were. It's your first time going on in a date in years.
Maybe watching an episode of Dateline before going out wasn't the best idea.
Dammit you should've cleared your browser history. It's all too late now,than again-
"Hey" a familiar voice brought you out of your own head.
You nearly had a heart attack when you saw him. He was blonde now and he's grown out his hair,but you'd recognise that face. After all that is the face of the person that ripped out your heart and stomped on it.
"Yeah?" maybe he should've been more compassionate but that never was his strong suit.
"What the fuck are you doing here?"
He tilted his head,almost watching you out of amusement. He wants to say sorry but his pride won't let him. So instead his defense consisting of mockery and sarcasm was up. "I'm on a date"
"Oh yeah? well I'm on a date too so scram,Luscious Malfoy!"
"I know you're on a date. That's why I'm here"
This confused you. That's why he's here? the fuck did he mean?
"Are you stalking me?"
He tried his best to hold back his laugh and at least appear serious right now. "No. Here maybe this might help"
He held up his phone, showcasing the messages you've been exchanging. Turns out your mystery guy wasn't so mysterious after all but instead it was... Chishiya. Your ex.
Was this some kind of sick joke?
"Are you trying to humiliate me or something?"
He was a bit confused by your assumption but shook his head. "No. I'm not. I actually-"
"I don't want to hear it"
This only further confused him. If you didn't want to hear it then why did you ask him in the first place?
You stood up abruptly. "You know what? you're just as selfish as you've always been"
"And you're just as childish"
"Oh fuck off!" you grabbed your bag,accidentally knocking over the coffee you've ordered in the process.
"Shit" You try to help clean up but pause when you see Chishiya stifling a laugh.
"Oh you think this is funny?"
You've forgotten how brutally honest he can be sometimes.
"Yeah well...You suck in bed!" Is the only insult you could think about.
Chishiya watched you storm out with a confused expression. For someone who thought he sucked in bed you sure did 'agree' with him a lot all those years ago.
You were beyond furious so why? Why on earth did you text him that night?
Honestly you don't know.
Chishiya was busy at home doing research in a particular abnormal case that one of his patients had.
He picked up his phone upon hearing that 'ding!'
You sent him a message? Well how about that.
<Wanna come over?>
His lips twitched up into something that resembles a smile when he read your text
<I don't know. I'm kind of busy being bad in bed right now>
You sighed at his teasing,quick to respond. <Shut up and just come over>
<Why should I?>
He grinned upon reading your text before answering rather quickly. <I'm already on my way>
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welkinsky · 2 years
Chishiya X Reader | Too Good At Goodbyes
WARNING: Spoilers, curse words & mention of weapons, death!
Author's Note: Thank you so much for your support and reblogs, as always! I see and appreciate each one of you! This is a PART OF A SERIES so people who are just reading this one post for the first time might not understand the context please read the parts linked below.
Part 1 | ... | Part 9 | Part 10 | Part 11 (Coming Soon!)
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"You're not that bad of a person you know. I don't know what picture you've painted of yourself in your head but I'll blank the canvas and paint a beautiful one. The true one." you said as you hugged him.
You were not aware of this but he had tears in his eyes. Even he was surprised to feel this emotion again. To be heard and understood.
----------------------------Time Skip-----------------------
You found yourself running for your life. King of Spade found you. This time you were alone in a general store with only one exit where he stood waiting for you.
How did you end up alone? What happened to Chishiya? HOW DID YOU END UP BEING THE TARGET OF THE FUCKING KING OF SPADES?
Well, let me enlighten you.
After hiding from the King you and chishiya decided that it was better to clear as many games as possible. Because of course, this is a collective game so all the survivors have to work together on this.
Silly of you to think that they were all going to think the same way and act like a team.
You knew that even if you were smart, your specialty lies in the physical games so you went in the Jack of spade game and Chishiya went to Jack Of Diamonds. You two stayed away from heart games and even if you were forced to enter, you agreed that you two won't play it together.
You two decided that you'll meet at the Shibuya Crossing once you two were done.
His game took unexpectedly long (because then he went to Kind Of Diamonds on his way back) so you decided to get something to eat where you met another very anxious player and you didn't like anxious people in borderlands because they were not reliable. So you kept your guard up. What's the worst that can happen?
You saw King of Spades Blimp and he was crossing from right in front of your store. He hasn't noticed you both yet. You looked over to the guy he was about to through a fit and was shaking like crazy. But you sneaked up to him as quietly as you can and covered his mouth and took control of his limbs. You were visible to the King's range of view the only thing between you two was a thin glass window.
Luckily he still hasn't noticed the both of you. So you slowly started pulling the guy back as he was trying hard to get out of your grip and was making too much movement. But to your relief King almost passed from your window, JUST ALMOST.
When this dumbass took out a very tiny useless gun and tried shooting the king. One missed shot and king started shooting in your direction. You fell back behind the shelf but the guy couldn't make it and now it was just king and you in this TINY ROOM.
You knew Chishiya was going to come soon too. You cannot just run away you have to warn him.
You started shifting towards the door as the king entered more into the room. You knew you were not going to get out of here without being injured or killed if you just bolted, you HAD to make a distraction.
Chishiya's bomb came into your mind. You were planning what should you do when the King Of Dimond Blimp blew up, it was Chishiya. King looked at it and you bolted but not before throwing Chishiya's bomb in King's feet. So before he can turn and shoot you the bomb created another distraction.
Maaaan you've never run faster than this in your entire life. You knew that you cannot run faster than the bullets so you took to a low alley and started moving in the Crossing's direction so that you can warn Chishiya once he come there.
But on the way, you met up with Arisu and Usagi. You were so happy to see both of them! Finally some familiar faces. You explained the situation and they came with you.
Usagi was a bit hurt and King of spades' blimp was nowhere to be seen so you two went into a general store to get the supplies and that is when you heard a gunshot.
You two came rushing out and on your way as you heard a couple of more rounds being shot. You were sure that it wasn't King because the sounds of all of them were different.
As you entered the crossing your eyes landed on Chishiya who was hiding behind a car. When you looked closely & he looked hurt and then you saw blood. Everything blurred out and all you managed to say silently was, "Chishiya" as you ran towards him.
Then you spotted Niragi who was intently looking at you as he pulled up his gun and said, "Oh yeah, I almost forgot about you two." and started shooting in your direction.
You made it behind the car in time but Usagi couldn't because of her injury and that is when he shot his last bullet at her.
It was all in a blur and slow motion. You were asking her to come to you but she couldn't. Then you saw Chishiya run over to her. You heard two shots.
As your eyes land on Chishiya, his white jacket had two huge blood stains. He saved her. You ran with all your will and stopped him from dropping directly on the floor as you called out his name loudly.
"Why would you do that?" Usagi said as she came along with Arisu. "I wanted to do something that was a bit out of Character," he said his eye glued on you.
More than him being hurt he was worried about you. He was trying to cheer you up. He knew that this was a bit selfish of him because he promised you that you two will get out of here. Now he did this but it was important for him. His eyes were constantly glued on yours and as you start to tear up he put a hand on yours as he said...
"I know it is thanks to people I know here. To Kyuzuryu, Arisu, and You." he looked back at you. Arisu cut in, "Hey, before what were you gonna say?" Chishiya looked at Arisu and let out a weak chuckle that sounded more like a grunt. His heavy breathing and weak voice were breaking you down slowly. You didn't know how to stop this. For the first time, you felt helpless here.
Then he looked back at you not leaving a chance to soak your face in his memories, "Oh yeah." His eyes went back to Arisu and Usagi, "Honest people always seemed stupid to me. I've always loved messing with people who try too hard at life." Then he looked back at you and continued, "I hated selflessness. It's probably because I'm jealous. They all had something I didn't. It was like they could always see what a pathetic and small-minded person I really was." He squeezed your hand, "I was always scared."
Now tears were running like a river you didn't want to stop them. You could hear Arisu and Niragi talking in the background when you pressed your forehead against Chishiya's, "I hope you're not considering this lame speech as your goodbye." as you both chuckle. You could feel Usagi's eyes on you two with curiosity but you couldn't care less.
"Don't bail on me," you said softly as you lift your forehead away from him. He was too weak to answer and before he can gather the courage, the King Of Spades' Blimp came around. You looked back at Chishiya who said, "Don't even think about it." 
"No, I'm staying. I won't leave you." You could hear shooting in the background and people started pouring from the streets. Chishiya took his hand out of his hold and ask you to go. "No! Shut up I'm not leaving!" You said now shouting at him for the fact that he is even suggesting this. "Let's hide them under the cars," Arisu said.
"Are you nuts? This is not going to work. I'm not leaving him here." you said clearly intimidating Arisu. You never raised your voice ever since they knew you.
"Go. I promise I'll be okay. We'll meet again. You have a better chance at saving me if you kill the king" you hated that he was right. So you helped Arisu in shifting them under the cars but not before giving Chishiya a lingering kiss.
You started running into an alley and reunited with Kuina and Ann. As you were running King got close, PRETTY CLOSE, and got a hand of Ann. All of you saved her with team efforts when a guy ran into the king with a car.
Part 1 | ... | Part 9 | Part 10 | Part 11 (Coming Soon!)
Thanks For Reading and for all the support! Have an amazing week <3
Alice In Borderland Materlist
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A-Z Headcanon
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roxineedstosleep · 2 years
Make me blind, but at least not kill me with your back.
This is for my adorable and loveable @iucemond!
I hope you enjoy this honey!
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"We knew the resentment was strong.... but to have a mistress in his room when his betrothed is on the other side? Even Lannister whores have more shame and stay in candlelight as their only way to be seen by others."
Alicent could hear that from one of the maids, apparently she had been charged with cleaning the room of her second son, Aemond, in the morning. Over the years, she herself had given up trying to buy and control what the palace servants and retainers said.
With Aegon she tried to make amends and keep things quiet, but that only made all the rumours get  bigger abd bigger until they runned over her husband faster; he could only look her in the eye in utter disappointment and get all the servants concerned dismissed with large compensations. New ones were hired, of course, but they were no longer in charge of her or the chief servants. They were in charge of her husband, who spent a few hours a day with all of them to find out the situation. It was clear that the servants, new as they were, were still loyal to Viserys; a failure on his list.
Failure with Aegon, Haelena had gone "delicate", Daeron was no longer in his care... the only thing left on her list of victories was her son Aemond.
But clearly no more. Not after this.
Even if she tried, that words of clearly betrayal would travel to her husbands ears at the end of the day.
She knew her son was unhappy about his future marriage to Lucerys, she herself (even drawing out all the hatred and resentment in her heart) noted that both boys were uncomfortable about the prospect of having to marry. So when her husband argued that it would be the perfect way to unite their family... she asked for reconsideration.
"The scar has healed, husband," she begged, "but your hearts have not healed," she pleaded on her knees in front of the court. Don't let them bleed to death, please."
But they were pleas to deaf ears. Even Rhaenyra, her old friend, asked for reconsideration and then a rejection of her father's proposal... but it was all deaf ears for the King.
And so, before the entire kingdom and adjacent kingdoms, his son's marriage to his grandson was made official.
Lucerys, the boy she once hated more than anyone else in the world, cried his eyes dry, cried as his robes turned from red and black or blue to a greenish-black hue.
All the noble and the ladys of all around the globe could notice the clear and unfair desition that the king had made... even the Stark tried to put one of his sons to oppose the proposal; Cregan? is she might no been forgetfull, shout and cry, infront of everyone, about how Lucerys and him had been bethroted since the tenth springs of the Velarion boy’s existence. Aegon (Aegon! from all of the people) proclame in a sober tone that was a mistake.
Even Aemond try to scape, but couldn’t.
But her husband, her stupid and blind husband wouldn’t see it.
After that Lucerys moved to Kingslangind to be close to his future husband. But since the first day he was miserable.
He locked himself in his chambers and refused to even look at his grandfather... who seemed to die a little more in the face of his grandson's clear depression. But wouldn't he react like that? Lucerys had tried everything to at least befriend his son, but to no avail.
Moons and a few year passed of attempts, but even her son remained fervent in his refusal. He was not explicit in his rejection of the whole proposal, and began to associate more with Ser Cole, who took him (to everyone's surprise) to tourney after tourney in order to postpone the wedding as long as possible.
And she couldn't help, with that loneliness that distressed her, to get fond of the poor, sweet child. (Sweet son, sweet child, now she understands why her old friend called her middle child that; he was a sweetness).
She and her daughter, Haelena, tell him all the positive anecdotes of their Aemond, in order to soothe some of their sorrows for the poor child. They tell him how brave he is, how determined, how strong, how clever, how careful Aemond is; how good he is to his nephews, how kind he is to the servants, how devoted he is to old Vhagar, how careful he is to her and his sister.
They tell him lovely anecdotes, to show Lucerys that, when Aemond returns and agrees to try a friendship with him, their future together may be peaceful. That not everything will be black or painful.
The one thing she is grateful to the Seven for is that Lucerys will not be forced to have offspring with Aemond, no. Things would be worse then. She herself admits that it hurt her to love her children, she had to learn to love and care for them... she sees Lucerys, and the more she gets to know him the more she realises that he and his son could not cope with the weight of a baby and its upbringing.
Where would they get a baby for them anyway, both being men? The only blessed thing about their engagement and future marriage. A baby, let alone a baby that didn't belong to either of them, would be a curse.
It would end up embittering Aemond, and it wouldn't be long before it would tear his grandson apart.
And, to lla's calm during the first few months, Lucerys began to calm and soothe with his union with Aemond.
The more anecdotes she and her daughter told, the more Lucerys seemed to come out of his depressed state and returned to being the sweet, cheerful child who would not hesitate to ask Aegon for a game of chess or ride with Arrax through the skies until lunchtime.
Aemond, the little time he spent in the palace, was haunted by the boy, who did not hesitate to ask him about his adventures, celebrate his victories and encourage him in his defeats. Of course, his son would not yell at Lucerys for shouting barbarities when he lost... but even a servant with impaired eyes would notice the displeasure of his son's eye nate his betrothed.
Aemond would speak to his betrothed in short, dry words and in the event of a normal conversation, it would be only if it was about improving Vhagar's care or Lucerys' wooden swords. Lucerys would perk up a bit when the young man looked her way...but no more than that.
Not soothing or kind words. Not approach during dinners or light conversation...nothing.
Viserys seemed to notice nothing...or was simply blind to the very misfortune he himself had created.
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And now as she enters her second son's room, and sees an older woman naked on those sheets... she feels her daughter's words of dancing dragons begin to draw clearly in her memory.
She can't even say anything or throw that woman out of her son's room by the head, because Lucerys (now also her sweet boy) comes animatedly into the room and sees the mess of sheets and fluids that Aemond and the other woman have made the night before.
(She would later learn that it was the same maid from before who tried to stop Lucerys from going to Aemond's room, but the boy would have outrun her when he learned that his uncle was back in the palace).
To say that things regressed and got worse was an understatement.
Viserys nearly set the whole place on fire when he learned of his second son's gall...and nearly burned the mistress when she, within the gall she had, tried to justify Aemond from breaking his oath. Alys, as she would learn during the confrotation that her name was, to everyone's irony, She was also a bastard from the house of Lucerys' biological father.
Lucerys, only asked one thing, the boy's voice was small, tiny in comparison to the cries of her husband within the entire noble court room.
"THE union was nonsense" was Alys's impudence, the one who spoke, her foolish son seemed comfortable letting his lover speak, as if he had no fear that the whole court was about to fall into chaos because of his idiocy "You can't even give offspring to the prince; not like me that I am already waiting for the-"
Alicent doesn't know how or at what moment, but his body moved on its own.
She doesn't know if it was the rage, if it was the sadness she felt for herself for another failure added to her list of failures, if it was the presence of the woman's lack of sitting and the audacity to show the world the rotten seed she was carrying, or if it was the newly acquired affection for Lucerys that made her body move.
She really doesn't know.
But it had to be her husband, her sick and weak husband, who pulled her out of the slut's lap. Who had to stop her, again, from pulling the knife from the belt of the king's robe, to plunge it into the bastard's neck. It was Aegon, who for the first time was sober enough (he does not know if by the fright of his father's screams or by the surprise of his younger brother's actions) who had to restrain Lucerys who fell shattered on the floor without being able to wake up.
After that, and having to sedate her and her grandson with poppy milk. That everything fell into a tailspin of was destroyed.
In short, neither Lucerys nor she was the same after that day.
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And for that very reason, Viserys himself decided to give in to blindness again... but this time for her act.
She herself noticed how Lucerys lost her joy and the desire to live.
She herself demanded the maids to take all the rejected letters that Lucerys wrote to her family trying to defend his betrothed. Oh, the poor child, even in her agonizing grief, at the clear stain he had lived through her future husband's infidelity.
Her grandson was trying with all the little strength and dignity he had left to fight for his fool of a son.
Son who, to her pain, to the pain of the boy and of all the witnesses, strolled quietly with his mistress through the corridors of the palace. Even Aegon, in his worst moments, had never had the audacity to walk any of his whores through the corridors of the palace.
So, with her newfound freedom, and with the secret support of her old friend, she began her plans.
She could not escape a loveless marriage... but he could.
The only thing that she can even be proud of on all this hell situation was that, Aemodn posponed evrything. Lucerys still having a chance to scape.
And she, as a “Forgive me” gift for Lucerys and her Nyra, would make it happend.
As the woman's belly grew, Alicent took care of many things.
She appointed the best maids to Lucerys' care, she sent the two best soldiers to the care of her son's betrothed (even when Viserys tried to cut off the betrothal the boy had refused thinking that everything could still change), only the best of the best.
Sure, her son would still have the servants at his disposal...but that didn't ensure that his things would move slightly and things wouldn't be complete in time. That she did punish him, slightly, when she found out. It seemed that even the servants had been enraged at the shameless act of their once best prince. it only happened on a couple of occasions, so it couldn't be corrected properly, it stopped after the first scolding.
But, the best part (the only one that made his heart feel alive again and sweetened when he noticed the sweet boy's smile), was when the “secrets” letters began to arrived. Or at least when she noticed them after a quite time.
Aemond already have a mistress, and sadly, a future baby onboard. Why could Lucerys find his own special someone to be able to be free with?
She had ensured herself, with a bit of Aegon's surprisingly great ideas, to bring a promising knight onto the palace grounds. Probably, in terms of her son and her daughter, having a new friend would make the boy recover a little bit of his smile and not be depressed... That al least could work until she can think a way to make Lucerys happy again.
He was a truly promising young man. He was strong and had good references from all his coaches and colleagues who were preparing to be knights of the royal guard.
Faithful, devoted, sweet, and charitable…everything good she ever believed Aemond to be. A little older, a few years older than her son Aegon, but with such curiosity that more than an adult he seemed like a child playing with swords and with dreams of being a real knight. Elric, without a surname as he is a commoner (chosen by Ser Cole himself, this being one of her new students).
So much joy packed, Lucerys could really benefit from that young man. So she put them together. She herself arranged for the young prince Velaryon to be trained in the sword by Elric.
And so it was, they spent days and entire afternoons training, first in silence, then with animated words and euphoric shouts. A couple of months passed, when she noticed during a visit to Lucerys' chambers, that the young man had some letters hidden there.
The handwriting was clearly a little crooked, as if the writer wasn't used to having a quill or charcoal in her hands, but the few things she could read were sweet and cheerful. And, something inside her, she couldn't help but feel pain and longing.
"I wish I could see those sunsets. You always say that lemon cakes are delicious... I can ask one of the cooks to give us some. We would take them up the hill and train there."
That paragraph reminded him of the best days of hers with Rhaenyra, it reminded him of the best of times... Was Elric learning to write from his grandson? That close were they getting?
So, she simply pretended not to notice the letters, or Lucerys' flushed faces when he returned from training or suspicious escapades with Elric.
She pretended not to notice how Elric would become more and more attached to Lucerys' escort, or how both young men would tell inside jokes and stay talking for hours after each training session. Or like Elric's handwriting, in the letters that were badly hidden, they began to straighten out and become a little more daring.
And when there were only a couple of moons left for Aemond's baby and that woman to be born, it was Aegon who spoke to him, one afternoon when he remained sober and they both watched the training of the knights inside the castle courtyard.
"You know, when I was young Ser Cole would go on and on about beautiful farmlands to the west of our capital" his son commented, sipping the tea she had ordered for both of them "He said those lands were so fertile that all kinds of plants and fruits would grow regardless of the situation of the entire kingdom or the climate the Seven decided to put on us."
"What are you getting at with this?" she asked him, noticing how Aegon was about to eat the cupcakes she had reserved on her own plate.
"Well, they are lands so fertile that they need young knights and protectors for those lands," he said, staring at her, but glancing back at Elric, who was shredding his second or third doll of hay. "I'm concerned for the safety of those hard-working people, mother. And it seems that Lucerys has returned to being that cheerful child of always... I think he doesn't need as much support as before; they will be fine on their own, we can handle the situation from here."
The proposal was clear. Elric's services were no longer needed... But that did not mean that everything had to end in such a sad way. Even more so when she could see her son, that she passed in front of Elric, going in the direction of her lover who was with her belly quite extended.
"There are dragons that dance better with beautiful lambs, they run through the rivers and forests in search of flax and hot stones" mentioned Haelena, her precious daughter "Dragons no longer dance together, that's why jewels don't rot."
So she allowed it.
She called Elric that same night to her chambers, and gave him a mission to go to that faraway valley to take care of those hardworking people. It was a permanent mission.
The young man left her room, with an upset face... and she only stopped to pray and pray that the insinuations of her eldest son and the new words of her daughter were true.
Then, when the scream of the maids the next morning, screams coming from Lucerys' room, reached her ears. Screams of the disappearance of the young prince... she could only cry in joy.
Elric hadn't been found either, but no one could say much about the promising knight, since he had departed after his assigned mission.
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After a few months, after her old friend arrived enraged in Kingslanding with her husband and all her worried offspring (who later returned calm and calm after a talk with her and everyone who took care of Lucerys)... she got a message. .
The paper was clearly poor, easily wrinkled, stained and quite brittle compared to the good parchment used in the capital. The handwriting, still clumsy but careful, was written in a dark charcoal and left several smudges.
Elric had written to him.
He wrote to her about the progress of the mission, about the care he gave to that town, about how he took care of each one of the inhabitants with courage and always talking about her goodness towards her people. But, everything the young gentleman described was in the plural... and that ended up calming his heart.
At the end of the letter, with a much finer and more delicate handwriting, he could see how someone left him another message.
"Thank you".
And that soothed his heart and he crossed off all her mistakes from his list of failures. They were so calm and serene that she did not blink an eye the next day, when one of the maesters told her that the baby of her son's lover had been born dead. 
The only burial allowed by her, the court and her husband for the deceased born was an unmarked grave. Aemond protested, but even her husband fell for it, claiming that the disappearance of her fiancée had more importance than the death of a bastard with no shared blood in her veins. After that, Alys was banished and Aemond was forced into an endless search for her missing fiancée. Fiancée that neverwas to be found after a all year of exhausting search.
Or when Viserys told her that she was sending secret guards to the same area that Elric had gone to fulfill her mission, when he noticed that the fruit was from there, or when no one wondered why the Targaryen heiress never calcined the palace after the disappearance of her son. dear of her.
Or when after a years, another letter arrived, inside an oranges box, but this time with the carbon footprint of a tiny baby's foot all over it. Signed by Elric, wishing for the queen’s blessing t he baby and his future.
The only thing that the people knew, like all the servants of the palace, was that she calmed her son Aemond down after the death of his eldest son letting him know where the grave of his bastard was, that she bought more fruits from the valleys far from the capital and that she always kept hidden in them a chest of threadbare papers that occasionally arrived with orders for fruit.
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If after a decade, when Rhaenyra took the throne, and the whole kingdom entered into peace, a little boy with curly brown hair and purple eyes came to the palace, asking to be trained to be a knight... she said nothing. He didn't refuse anything.
The other servants only watched as she, along with the new queen, pampered the child, filling him with lemon cakes and giving him the best swords and trainers anyone could have ever asked for. If her son Aemond refused to be in the presence of the little one, she would not reproach him.
The End.
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cupofcappuccino · 2 years
hoping theres more m!readers fanfics for s2
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captain-of-misery · 1 month
Beneath The Silent Stars
Chapter 3: Aenar The Sweet
Summary: Aenar sulks in his chambers (aka he's depressed) then Aemma comes to visit him. She wants Aenar to take on new duties.
Warnings: mentions of pregnancy losses, grief, depression
Words: 2.2K
When he was a boy, they called him “Aenar the Sweet.” Little Aenar Targaryen was a shy boy, always hiding and preferring to stay in the shadows. He observed, he didn’t speak much, and he was absolutely terrified of strangers. Aenar wasn’t a problematic child per se, the young prince was too anxious to cause any real trouble, he was simply timid and had a difficult time around people. 
And yet, he had the sweetest smile in the entire Seven Kingdoms. He would hide behind his good-sister, Aemma, whenever someone he didn’t know visited them at Dragonstone. And there was a sweet, endearing smile on his adorable little face, dimples and a pink flush on his cheeks. The ladies would always swoon when they saw him and he fluttered his eyelashes in return. 
The nickname was fitting. For a while at least.
Where did that sweetness go? Aenar wondered as he laid on his bed, his expression blank and emotionless. He clutched a blanket to his chest, holding onto it as if he was a little boy again. His hair was tousled from sleeping, his chambers dim due to the curtains being closed. It was already midday. 
The Prince didn’t think himself a bad man. On the contrary, he was aware that he was better than most. But he was a man grown now, no longer sweet, but instead someone who was often cold and bitter. Miserable. Lonely. 
Yet, he didn’t want to change it. There were now new whispers about Aenar, people calling him the “Brooding Prince.” The name was well-deserved, he knew it, but it somehow bothered him. At times, when he was in the solitude of his chambers with nothing but his thoughts to keep him company, he still felt like Aenar the Sweet. Not the charming, but the scared child who hid himself from the world and dreamt with dragons. 
And then, there was a knock on his door and a gentle, feminine voice called out. “Aenar? Are you in there?” The woman asked and Aenar took a soft inhale. Aemma. He knew that she would not leave him alone even if he turned her away. 
“Come in, sister,” the Prince called out, still in bed, clutching his blanket. 
The door opened and the Queen of the Seven Kingdoms stepped inside. Aemma furrowed her brows and blinked a few times, her eyes adjusting to the darkness in Aenar’s chambers. Her gaze searched for her good-brother and the Queen’s expression became one of concern when she found Aenar still in bed, in a position of vulnerability. 
“What in the Seven Hells are you sulking about this time?” Aemma asked as she stepped closer to Aenar’s bed and sat down at the edge. Her voice carried no bite, but she was clearly worried about the younger man, who was always so good to her. “You haven’t left your chambers since yesterday, little brother. Not even to train or to join us for supper and the maids said you haven’t broken your fast yet.” 
Aenar closed his eyes for a moment, his breathing quiet and even. In this moment, he seemed years younger. “It’s nothing,” he told her quietly. “I’m just resting, that is all.” It made him feel guilty, but a part of Aenar hoped that his good-sister would notice that he wasn’t telling the truth. 
Sighing, Aemma shook her head in disapproval. “Aenar, I have known you since you were a boy, you cannot hide anything from me,” she told him and then shifted a bit on the bed. The Queen reached out and with a gentle hand, brushed the hair away from Aenar’s face with her fingers. She then touched his forehead, to see if he was ill by any chance, but his body temperature seemed normal. “What is it that has you sulking in the darkness, little brother? Did something happen?” She asked, her tone gentle and kind. 
Aenar’s expression softened a little when Aemma brushed the hair out of his face and touched his forehead. Many times, it was the Prince who comforted the Queen, so it felt strange to be on the receiving end of such affection, but he welcomed the tenderness. “Nothing happened. I don’t know why I’m like this, I simply woke up feeling down and I didn’t have the energy to leave my bed.”
“Well, you must get up, little brother. There is much for us to discuss and you need to eat. I will ask the servants to bring lunch here, you are dining with me.”
The chambers of Prince Aenar were now properly lit and even his hair looked neat. With his good-sister, Aenar sat and ate at the dining table.
Who was he to refuse the Queen of the Seven Kingdoms?
While he chewed on the food that Aemma had the servants brought to his chambers, a part of Aenar felt guilty. Surely, the Queen had more important duties than dealing with the Prince’s childish behavior. He felt like a waste of time, a burden, and it clawed at his often unfeeling heart.
On the other hand, it felt good to be taken care of. To know that he was loved and that his good-sister, for whom he has always had a soft spot ever since he was a child. Aenar was only two years old, living at Dragonstone with his father and his two brothers when Aemma wedded Viserys at the age of eleven. 
Aenar didn’t understand the wrongness of it for many years, he was too young, too innocent to wrap his head around it. His good-sister would often play with him, read him bedtime stories, and protect the little Prince when he was scared.
And when Aemma lost her pregnancies, it pained the boy to see her so sad, so broken. She would stay in her chambers and weep, mourning both the loss of her babes and the childhood she was robbed of.
Little Aenar would sneak into her chambers at night, the floors of Dragonstone cold against his feet, but he was determined to offer her the only comfort he could. So the boy would climb into his good-sister’s bed, he would cuddle her and kiss cheek, play with her hair, telling her how he loved her. And it helped, more than Aenar could ever tell or more than his child mind could understand.
It was a sweet gesture, one that Aemma appreciated and very much needed. She knew it shouldn’t have been Aenar’s responsibility to help her fight through the losses, but at least he was there, and his love was genuine. He cared more about her well-being than male heirs, unlike Viserys. 
“You know, we have all missed you,” Aemma said after she took a sip of her wine, breaking the silence between them. “The Red Keep has been missing a certain warmth. It didn’t entirely feel like a home without you in it.” 
“Warmth?” Aenar asked, a soft smile on his lips while he cut a slice of meat on his plate. Warmth, she said. The idea seemed ridiculous. “Are you sure you are talking about me, Aemma?”
“No, I meant your brother Daemon.” She rolled her eyes, slightly annoyed by his question. The Prince was too blind, too oblivious to see how much he meant to his family. “Of course I’m talking about you, Aenar. You can be a bit of a fool sometimes, but you are still our sweet prince. You should have left Driftmark years ago, I don’t even understand what kept you there,” Aemma said and Aenar was just about to protest, but she wouldn’t let him. “Don’t say a word, Aenar Targaryen. We want you here, with us, with your family. You are staying.” 
Aenar opened his mouth then closed it. He released a small huff, but a smile was tugging at the corners of his lips. “Fine. But be careful what you wish for. Now if you ever want me to leave, you will have to kick me out and I will not go down without a fight.”
Queen Aemma chuckled and shook her head, not at all surprised by the Prince’s remark. “You are a fool if you think we would ever want to kick you out. Besides, we have plans for you.” 
At that, Aenar raised an eyebrow while taking a sip of his wine. “Plans, you say? What kind, sister? Some diplomatic mission? Or am I to take on some new duties?” 
“Ahh, new duties, yes,” Aemma began, smirking, and Aenar immediately knew that this would be more than he bargained for. “The duties of a husband.” 
At that, Aenar almost choked on the piece of vegetable he was chewing on. “Husband?” He repeated. The word husband took the Prince completely by surprise and he was sure he had misheard his good-sister. 
But Aemma smiled and nodded, confirming that Aenar didn’t mishear what she said. “Yes, you heard me correctly, little brother. I have been searching for a match for you. You are one and twenty, Aenar. Most men of your age are already married and have sired at least one child. You, on the other hand, have been too busy feeling up the wenches at Driftmark.”
“That’s not-” 
“Don’t, Aenar, don’t try to deny it. Your cousin, Rhaenys, has told me everything. It is time you settled down, took a wife, and had some children, adorable nephews and nieces for me to spoil. I want little Aenars running around the Red Keep, screaming with their books and swords in their hands.” 
The Prince placed down his knife and fork, his eyes fixed on the plate in front of him. The cogs in his brain were turning, but he didn’t know what to say. Marriage. It was something that has crossed his mind a thousand times before and he knew it would happen someday. He was a prince, a Targaryen. A political asset, not a person. It was his fate to marry, there was no way to avoid it. He used to dream of a love match, but Aenar knew it was just a childish fantasy, that in reality, his marriage would be an arranged one. It was a harsh truth that he had come to accept. Yet, the idea of taking a wife was not an unpleasant one. Unless the lady was not to his liking, which was always a risk with arranged marriages. 
While he pondered, Aemma placed a hand on Aenar’s, her touch gentle, light, but warm as always. “Aenar… You have been unhappy, I know it. But it needn’t be this way. A wife would do you good, a kind, sweet wife, someone who would balance you out and bring out your strengths.” 
Aenar looked at Aemma’s hand on his, keeping his silence for a moment longer before he asked, “Who? Who do you have in mind for me?”
The Queen’s eyes lit up and she gave Aenar’s hand a small squeeze. “Alicent Hightower. She is a sweet girl, Aenar. Alicent is kind, genuine, and intelligent. She has a good head, a good heart, and a spine too. A proper lady, someone who would match your wit and your caring nature. House Hightower is a powerful one, this match would benefit both you and the realm. And you have seen her, Aenar, you know she is a beauty.” 
For a moment, Aenar pursed his lips together. It was a good match, he knew that too and he could clearly see the benefits of marrying the girl. When he spoke to Alicent, she was just the way Aemma described her, and Aenar would be lying if he said that the mention of Alicent’s name didn’t fill him with excitement. And he also trusted his good-sister. If she said that Alicent would be good for him, then Aenar knew that was the truth. But there was one slight issue. “She is the daughter of the Lord Hand.”
Aemma couldn’t help but chuckle at the Prince’s remark. “You are marrying the girl, not her father. Unless you wish to whisper sweet nothings into Otto Hightower’s ear on your wedding night.” 
“Perhaps I could make him blush,” Aenar said with a soft smile, his mood lightening a little. 
“Leave the blushing to Alicent, my darling Aenar.” Aemma patted his hand gently, her expression one of fondness. “So, what do you think? Will you consider Alicent as your bride? She is also Rhaenyra’s best friend, so that ought to help a little. Besides, you crowned her Queen of Love and Beauty at the tourney. That was quite the display of affection and don’t think that I don’t know about your little visit to the Royal Sept together. Word travels fast in King’s Landing.”
A sigh escaped Aenar’s lips. Marriage was not a decision he would make lightly, but Aemma wasn’t asking him to drag Alicent to the Sept immediately, just to consider her as a potential bride. Finally, the young prince nodded. “I will, sister. I will consider marrying Lady Alicent.” 
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asykriel · 8 months
Love is the Death of Duty - IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT
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Hello fellow Targ simps, just dropping by to let you know that I will no longer be updating LITDOD on Tumblr due to time limitations.
Instead, I will continue to update it only on AO3 and WATTPAD, as I have until now.
So no worries, the story isn't getting abandoned.
From now on, the only written works I will post on Tumblr will be: short stories / one shots / AUs / headcanons
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☆ TW for: Sexual content, explicit violence, dark themes, targcest, typical ASOIAF R rated situations etc.
☆ Masterlist ☆ ||  ☆ Spotify Playlist ☆
☆ AO3 ☆ || ☆ Wattpad
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livingdreams97 · 1 year
Rhaenyra Targaryen -"The Personal Guard." (Part 5)
Rhaenyra Targaryen x Male reader/oc
Summary: The barely known third son of Lord Lyonel Strong, surprisingly ends up becoming the personal guard of none other than the Targaryen princess, after an incident in the forest.
Words: 4.927
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I wake up thanks to the intensity of the light in the room and the background noise of the city. I shift a little in bed, feeling a weight on my chest and I open my eyes scared. But I immediately relax when I see platinum hair and know who it is.
So I relax back against the mattress, closing my eyes and enjoying the quiet of the morning.
But my relaxation is short-lived, when I realize that it is already daylight and that Rhaenyra is still in my bed. I open my eyes again scared and start to move the princess.
Y/n: Rhae wake up.- I ask a little fast, scared that somehow someone will find out what happened last night.
Rhaenyra: Five more minutes.- she murmurs, snuggling closer to my chest.
Y/n: We don't have five minutes.- I whisper stressed. -It's daylight and people are already awake.- I tell her, pushing her aside and getting up quickly from the bed. -They can't see you leave my bedroom, especially at this time of the morning and with the clothes you were wearing last night.- I assure her nervously, putting on my clothes in an fast and clumsy way.
Rhaenyra: Y/n calm down.- I hear her from my back and I turn to see her surprised.
Y/n: That I calm down? - I ask surprised. -Don't you understand that if someone sees you leave my room, they will be suspicious? - I ask her a little scared.
If someone sees or thinks they see the princess leaving my room so early in the morning and wearing the page clothes from last night, people will be suspicious and start talking. And that can lead to many more than negative consequences.
Rhaenyra: Y/n.- she calls me calmly, pulling the sheets aside from her body and getting up completely naked from the bed. -No one is going to see me leave your room, okay.- she assures me walking towards me at a calm pace.
I am only able to look at her with my mouth slightly open and detail every part of her skin. I can also see the amusement in her lilac eyes at its effect on me and how much she enjoys it.
Rhaenyra: Just trust me, okay? - she asks me running her hands over my chest until they reach the back of my neck.
Y/n: You know that i trust you.- I assure her caressing her waist.
Rhaenyra: Then calm down and kiss me good morning.- she whispers with an amused smile, before pulling my neck and joining our lips in a calm kiss.
We kiss quietly for a few minutes, before we break apart and Rhae puts her clothes back on from last night.
While she gets dressed, I put on clean clothes and my armor like every day. Once we're both ready, Rhae starts walking towards a wall in my room, where there's a drawing and once there she starts playing everywhere.
Y/n: What are you doing? - I ask confused approaching her.
Rhaenyra: My uncle explained to me yesterday that each room in this castle has a door to a secret passage and that these passages are usually hidden behind drawings like these.- she explains and I look at her confused.
Y/n: And if your uncle told you that as a joke? - I ask, looking carefully at the drawing.
Rhaenyra: And how do you think I escaped from the castle yesterday without being seen? - she asks me with a raised eyebrow and a smile full of superiority. -I just have to find the lever that activates it. Bingo.- she says and touches something causing the wall to move a few centimeters.
Y/n: Don't even think about it. - I deny avoiding her accusatory look and full of pride for being right.
Rhaenyra: I told you.- she gloats with a smile full of superiority.
Y/n: Whatever.- I downplay its importance by pushing the door and feeling a current of cold air hit my body. -Are you sure that this is safe? - I ask a little unsure.
Rhaenyra: Yes, no one knows of the existence of these corridors except Daemon, you and me.- she assures me pulling my hand to get me out of the corridor. -Now you leave your room and walk to mine as you do every morning.- she orders me and I shake my head in amusement.
Y/n: Whatever Her Majesty says.- I say with amusement and take two steps back to leave, but her hand on my wrist stops me.
Rhaenyra: I think you're leaving without something important.- she assures me with amusement in her voice. -My kiss.- she says with her lips pouting and I shake my head, leaning in to leave a light kiss on her lips.
Y/n: See you shortly.- I whisper against her soft lips before pulling away and seeing how she disappears behind the wall.
I just look at the wall with a smile, before turning around and finishing putting on the rest of my armor.
Once fully prepared, I leave my room and walk towards the princess's with all the calm in the world. I don't want to walk too fast and raise any kind of suspicion.
So as I walk, my head can't help but go back to the night before and remember everything that happened.
But my moment is interrupted, when a royal guard of the king walks towards me and stops just a meter away.
Rhaenyra's POV
I get to my bedroom as quickly as possible, taking off my page clothes and putting on my nightgown. I hide the used clothes in the hallway and quickly close the door.
I run to my bed, completely undoing it and trying to make it look like I slept in it tonight.
Once I'm happy with the result, I walk to the door to tell the guard to call my service so I can start my morning.
Once my service enters my room, they begin to make the bed and prepare a hot bath for me. As quickly as the bath was ready, I got into the tub and let the water run all over my body.
Before leaving my bedroom, they had taken out the clothes that I would choose today and placed them on my bed.
Once I'm ready for the day, I comb my hair and wait for Y/n to show up at my bedroom door. The weird thing is, it had been a while since we'd parted ways in his room and it was taking a long time. Or at least that's how it seemed to me.
My attention goes from my reflection in the mirror to my bedroom door, when someone knocks softly on the door, waiting for a response from me.
Rhaenyra: I'm dressed Nora.- I say thinking it's one of the girls from my service.
So I continue combing my hair, while I hear the door open and the noise of metal moving. That makes me know that it´s not my servant and I look towards the door quickly.
An immediate smile appears on my face, when I see Y/n walk through the open doors of my room and take a few steps towards me.
Rhaenyra: You've taken a long time.- I comment with a smile, but it disappears quickly when I see his attitude and the way he avoids my gaze.
Y/n: Princess.- He greets looking at the floor, I come out from behind the divider that is between my bed and the rest of the bedroom, and I look at him with a small smile.
Rhaenyra: Come closer.- I ask, making a gesture with my hand.
He hesitates for a moment, before looking at the open door and making sure no one is there. He walks to where I am with a calm step and I can tell that something is wrong by his frown.
Y/n: Princess, I have a message from the queen.- he tells me with obvious concern and my smile disappears again.
Rhaenyra: What message? - I ask a little scared, taking a few steps towards him and from his attitude I know it's not good.
Y/n: She wants to meet you immediately next to the tree of the gods.- he answers me with some insecurity.
Rhaenyra: And what is it about?- I ask confused and worried about her attitude.
He looks at me for a few seconds, then looks at the door and back at me. He quickly walks towards the door, closes it as quietly as possible and runs towards me.
Y/n: On my way here, one of the king's guards stopped me and informed me of the queen's message.- he begins to tell me in a hasty manner. -When I asked him why, he told me that early in the morning the king met with his hand and apparently he brought worrying rumors about you.- he tells me and I open my eyes wide.
Rhaenyra: What rumors? - I ask quickly, getting closer to him and holding his hand to try to reassure me.
Y/n: He hasn't told me.- He shakes his head. -What he has told me is what he has heard, but not in detail and apparently it is something big.- he admits with some fear in his eyes.
Rhaenyra: Calm down.- I whisper raising my hands to his cheeks and caressing them delicately. -I'm sure it's nothing important.- I try to reassure him.
Y/n: It's important.- he assures me with fear.
Rhaenyra: Most likely, she wants to talk about my failed tour to find a husband.- I say, bringing his face closer to mine. -Don't worry, I'll take care of everything.- I assure him standing on tiptoe and leaving a small kiss on his lips.
Y/n: But what if it's not like that? - he asks me with concern. -And if someone discovered you last night with your uncle, or with me? - he asks nervous and scared.
Rhaenyra: No one has discovered nothing, yes?- I assure him with a slight smile. -Everything's fine.-  I assure him calmly, watching him nod in agreement and take a deep breath. -Now help me with my hair, so I can go see the queen as soon as possible.- I ask, leaving one last kiss on his lips.
I break away from him, grabbing his hand and pulling him over to where my mirror is. With some difficulty, he helps me gather my hair into a low braid, and in less than ten minutes we find ourselves walking the halls of the castle.
We walk in silence through the corridors, greeting the people who cross my path and trying to be as friendly as possible.
Once in front of the garden gates, I take one last look at Y/n and take a deep breath before opening the gates.
I go out into the garden, seeing Alicent under the tree of the gods and with a calm step I approach her.
Alicent: What happened last night? - she asks me with a shaky voice, as soon as I'm close to her and I stop immediately.
Rhaenyra: Why do you say so? - I ask feigning innocence and realizing that Y/n was right; someone had saw me last night.
Alicent: My father has made terrible accusations about you.- she answers with a certain anger on her face and I remain silent. - Were you with your uncle? - she asks me, although it seems more like a statement and that's when I realize what she means.
Rhaenyra: I...ah...hadn't seen him for years, we were having fun.- I count without really knowing how to start.
Alicent: Tell me the truth, Rhaenyra.- she says aggressively, walking towards me in a somewhat threatening way and with her face reflecting anger.
Rhaenyra: Your father accuses me of something? - I ask trying to maintain an impassive and confused posture, so as not to discover myself. -About what? From drinking wine? Going out at night? - I ask with some sarcasm.
Alicent: From fucking Daemon in a brothel.- she responds directly with anger and a certain disgust in her voice.
I stay silent, processing what my old best friend just said and thinking about how to get out of this situation. Because even if nothing happened with my uncle last night except an unwanted kiss, I did sleep with someone and no one can know that.
Rhaenyra: But what? What a vile accusation.- I defend myself contracting my face in offense.
Alice: Really? The Targaryens have strange customs.- she spits at me with poison. -And Daemon knows no limits.- she points out and I know that in the latter she is right.
Rhaenyra: Alicent, your highness, sister, you know that I would never...never do it, it's just gossip.- I plead with a slightly broken voice, approaching her with some concern and trying to earn her compassion.
Alicent: My father is not a gossip.- she immediately denies in defense of her father.
Rhaenyra: Well, they will have deceived him.- I answer quickly. -He couldn't see such a thing.- I deny seriously.
Alicent: Why not? - she asks in the form of an attack.
Rhaenyra: Because it didn't happen.- I deny honestly, knowing that nothing happened with my uncle and that it's impossible for someone to see such a thing.
Alicent: They told him they saw you.- she comments quickly and that sets off my alarms.
Rhaenyra: How?- I ask confused. -Who accused me before your father?- I ask her with interest and confusion.
She remains silent, not knowing what to answer for a few seconds. When she tries to answer, she just opens her mouth and stops not knowing how or what to answer me.
Rhaenyra: I am the princess and questioning my virtue is an act of treason.- I remember her surrounding her and stopping in front of her back.
Alicent: I don't know for sure.- she answers turning around and with a softer tone of voice.
Rhaenyra: Hasn't your father told you?- I ask curiously.
Alicent: He has told the king.- she answers through her teeth, using an angry tone again. -I heard them.- she admits and I look at her with treason.
Rhaenyra: So you're accusing me of some slander you've heard.- I comment with pain for her attitude.
Since my father was promised our relationship disappeared, I no longer saw her as my best friend who was almost like a sister. But for her to accuse me like this for something she has heard hurts me.
Alicent: I just want to help you Rhaenyra.- she defends herself by taking a couple of steps towards me.
Rhaenyra: Okay.- I admit deciding to be partially honest. -We drank in a tavern, in several taverns. It was getting late and I wanted to go back, but Daemon wanted to continue and being my escort I had no choice. - I start telling her trying to sound honest and not see the lie.
Alicent: Continue... in a brothel? - she asks in a broken way and looking at me with pain.
Rhaenyra: We saw a play... and I was just watching. I didn't do anything.- I defend myself immediately seeing how she turns her back on me. -But Daemon drank too much and abandoned me for some whore.- I tell her trying to sound convincing. -I should have imagined it.- I whisper with false pain.
Alicent: So you didn´t...?- she leaves the question in the air without wanting to finish it.
Rhaenyra: Do I really have to deny it? - I ask her a little offended seeing how she shows me her face again. -Daemon has never touched me.- I say with all the sincerity in the world. - I swear to you, Alicecent. In the memory of my mother.- I beg hr to believe me, because my uncle has not touched me and I do not want anyone to think otherwise.
Alicent: It was foolish of you to risk that they could question your virtue.- she assures me, letting go of my hands. -The king has endeavored to find you a consort. Me too.- she comments seriously. -If that gentleman believed that you have been... sullied, he would spoil everything.- she reproached me angrily.
Rhaenyra: I know, Your Highness.- I agree with her. -I'm sorry.- I apologize immediately.
We remain silent for a few more moments, before ending the conversation and each one embarking on a different path.
I go back through the door through which I had gone out into the garden, meeting a nervous and restless Y/n on the other side of the door.
Y/n: What did he tell you? - he asks me in an accelerated way as soon as he realizes my presence
Rhaenyra: Nothing that I couldn't solve.- I try to reassure him.
Y/n: But what did she wanted to talk to you about? - he still asks with some concern, approaching me and stopping a few centimeters from me.
Rhaenyra: She wanted to talk about ..- I start but I'm interrupted by my previous personal guard.
Ser Criston: Princess, the king needs your presence in his chambers.- He speaks reaching out to us and causing Y/n to distance himself from me.
Rhaenyra: Now?- I ask a little exasperated by everything that is happening this morning.
Ser Criston nods and waits for us to move. I look at my personal guard and nod to let him know that we are going to get moving.
He nods me very subtly and the three of us head towards my father's bedroom.
After the conversation I've had with Alicent, I know that most likely he's going to ask me the same questions and the conversation won't be as "calm" as it has been with the queen.
Because although Alicent was clearly angry and has shown it in more than one moment, I can assure you that she has ended up believing me.
So if she has believed me, talking about it with my father will be noisier and unlike with Alicent it will be easier.
I have always been my father's blind spot and he has always spoiled me. So I don't think the conversation ends badly. I just hope we're done soon and I can stop running from one side of the castle to the other because someone wants to talk to me.
When we reach the doors of my parents' room, the guards who guard their doors open them and let me into the bedroom.
I take one last look at Y/n, before taking five steps inside and hearing the doors close behind me.
I look at the place, seeing the replica of the old Valyria under construction and next to it a dagger inside a burning brazier. I move closer to the brazier, watching the dagger and the way the fire caresses the edge.
I reach my hand towards the handle of the dagger, but before my fingers touch the object a voice sounds in the place and they startle me.
Viserys: That dagger belonged to Aegon the conqueror.- he informed me coming out of the shadows. -And before him to Aenar, and before Aenar... it's hard to know.- he says walking towards where I am.
Rhaenyra: Wow.- I murmured surprised.
Viserys: Before Aegon's death, the last Valyrian pyromancers hid their song in steel.- he tells taking the knife out of the fire, revealing a writing on the edge and offers me the dagger in stealth.
Rhaenyra: "From my blood the prince who was promised will be born and his will be the song of Ice and Fire."- I read what it says on the red-hot knife and I look at my father.
Viserys: The responsibility... that I have bequeathed to you, and what I have transmitted to you matter more than the throne, than the king and much more than you, and your desires.- he says with venom and reproach in the last part. -Jaehaerys would have disinherited you.- he assures me, keeping the dagger.
Rhaenyra: For lying? - I ask confused and a little curious about what he has to tell me. -You still haven't asked me what really happened.- I defend myself when my father starts to walk away.
Viserys: The truth is not what matters, but appearances.- he reproached me with some annoyance. -You have exposed yourself with your actions and we will both suffer the consequences.- he informed me approaching me.
Rhaenyra: If I had been born a boy, I could sleep with whoever I wanted.- I reproach him with a bit of anger. -Having a dozen bastards and no one in court would be unmoved.- I point out the reality of this whole situation.
Viserys: Right. But you were born a woman.- he reproaches me through his teeth.
Rhaenyra: That's why you will strip me of my titles and name Aegon as your heir.- I reproach him, knowing that it is what many in court and especially in his closest circle want.
Viserys: I should! - he yells at me angrily. -But I must keep the kingdom united, not show more discord.- he makes it clear. -There will be no more courtships, you will marry Ser Leanor Velaryon and you are going to do them without any protest.- He considers the conversation closed and I look at him scared.
Rhaenyra: The son of the sea serpent? - I ask with venom. -Now I am the solution to your political problems.- I reproach him through my teeth.
Viserys: You are my political problem! - he exclaims even more annoyed and then surrounds me. -Your marriage to Ser Leanor Velaryon will unite the two most powerful houses in the kingdom. Joining the strength of our dragons to their fleets, no one will dare to challenge us.- he explains from my back. -The house of the Dragon will remain united for another generation.- he assures causing me to turn to see him.
Rhaenyra: I'm not going to marry Ser Leanor Velaryon.- I seriously deny.
I'm not going to marry anyone other than Y/n Strong, much less after what happened last night. I will not accept being my father's bargaining chip and pay for what he did to reject Laena Velaryon a few years ago.
Viserys: You will marry whoever I tell you to and this discussion ends here.- he orders angrily.
Rhaenyra: No.- I deny, staring at him for sure, I'm not going to give in.
Viserys: Rhaenyra.- he growls annoyed. -You will do what you are told, because until now you have had all the options in the world and you have wasted them. You have not been able to choose, so I have already chosen for you and you will do what you are told.- he says emphatically.
Rhaenyra: You promised that I would choose and I have done it.- I throw into his face with fury.
Viserys: No, you haven't.- He denies annoyed. -We prepared a tour of several moons so that you could choose and not only did you not choose a suitor, but you ended the tour prematurely.- he reminds me with venom.
Rhaenyra: But that's not true.- I deny in my defense.
Viserys: What part of everything I've said isn't true?- he asks me sarcastically. -That you ended the tour early, that you came back without choosing a consort or the headaches that you are causing me? - he asks, getting more and more angry.
Rhaenyra: The one that i haven't chosen a consort.- I answer honestly. -Yes, I've chosen it, but you haven't given me time to tell you and you're already marrying me to a Velaryon to fix what you messed up by refusing Laena's hand!-  I exclaimed angrily at him.
Viserys: I don't care. You will marry Leanor Velaryon and that is my last word.- he says, ending the conversation.
Rhaenyra: If you make me marry Leanor, I plan to get on Syrax and you will never see me again.- I assure him with all the honesty in the world.
Viserys: Don't threaten me, because I'll make them lock you in your bedroom until we have to go to Driftmark and until your wedding day.- He threatens me, pointing his finger at me.
Rhaenyra: It's not a threat, father, I'm being honest and I plan to comply with it.- I assure you. -And even if you lock me in my room, I plan to escape somehow and I assure you that you will not see me again.- I insist with sincerity and security.
Because locking myself in my room won't prevent me from leaving, since now I know the secret passages and escaping will be easy.
Viserys: You're not going to talk to me like that, young lady.- He threatens me with his finger.
Rhaenyra: It's not a threat, it's a choice.- I clarified with a calmer tone. -I'm giving you the choice between allowing me to marry whoever I want, or forcing myself to marry Laenor Velaryon and never seen me again.- I explained the options, seeing his pensive face.
He stays silent for a few minutes, processing the information I've given him and deciding what to do.
I just hope you take my ultimatum seriously, because I'm completely serious and as much as it hurts, I won't last to run away.
Viserys: Who? - he asks tiredly after a while in silence.
Rhaenyra: Who what?- I ask confused.
Viserys: Who is the consort you have chosen?- he asks letting out an exhausted sigh.
Rhaenyra: Lord Y/n Strong.- I respond with a certain amount of nervousness, because of how his reaction will be and what he will say.
Viserys: Your personal guard? - he asks, opening his eyes in surprise.
Rhaenyra: Yes.- I answer with a nod.
Viserys: Why him? - he asks with obvious fatigue from the whole situation and the conversation we are having.
Rhaenyra: Because he's kind, he cares about me and not just because it's his job, he's interested in what I like, he treats me like any other person and not like the heir to the throne, because he's intelligent and among other things because he likes me. He makes me feel loved, cared for and protected when he is around.- I enumerate as honestly as possible, seeing how the muscles in my father's face relax and take on a softer gesture.
Viserys: I guess a promise is a promise and I have to keep it.- he sighs, scratching his forehead. -I suppose that not having sent a scroll to the Velaryons yet is something positive.- he comments and I look at him with a shy smile.
Rhaenyra: Does that mean I won't have to marry Leanor Velaryon and I will marry Y/n Strong? - I ask trying to stay calm.
Viserys: Yes.- he nods causing me to let out an excited cry.
Rhaenyra: Thank you, thank you, thank you.- I thanked running towards my father and hugging him carefully.
Viserys: You don't have to thank me for anything.- he whispers against the top of my head, hugging me back. -But the wedding will take place as soon as possible and in my own way.- he assures me and I nod effusively.
Rhaenyra: As long as I marry Y/n I don't care about the form or the date.- I admit with a huge smile. -But I have a doubt.- I comment separating myself from him and making a serious gesture.
Viserys: What is your question, daughter? - he asks me a little more relaxed than when we started the conversation.
Rhaenyra: What do you plan to do with the vulture that perches on your throne? - I ask, referring to his hand and father of his wife.
Viserys: What vulture? - he asks confused.
Rhaenyra: Your hand.- I answer caressing one of the buildings on his old Valyria model.
Viserys: Otto Hightower has served two kings with loyalty and fidelity. - He defends him immediately.
Rhaenyra: He wants you to name Aegon as heir, and he's willing to do anything to get it. Even to spy on me to get me out of the way.- I assure him and i don't have to see anything other than how fast he has come out with rumors about me. -You tell me about the vision of the Conqueror and the need to strengthen and unite the entire kingdom. But how will you achieve your goal if your hand only watches over its interest? - I ask him with sincere concern.
Viserys: Any lord or lady who asks for an audience with me, my current and previous councils, all look out for their interest. It is something inevitable- he tells me without giving much importance to being used.
Rhaenyra: I disagree.- I shake my head. - I will do my duty and marry Lord Y/n. But fulfill yours as king.- I say to end the conversation.
After one last look at my father, I walk towards the doors of his bedroom and open them to leave his room.
I just hope he listens to me and gets rid of Otto Hightower, because all he wants is to come to power somehow no matter what the price.
And if I've learned anything in this life, it's that a person as ambitious as he is dangerous.
It is always said that you have to keep your friends close and your enemies even closer. But in this case, the enemy is Otto Hightower and it is best to have him as far away as possible, and without any kind of power or influence in the castle.
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Prologue 2 : Childhood Memories Of a Young Heart
Descendants x male Oc (you can read it as a self-insert if you want).
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TW: None Word Count : 2.7k
A/N: WELCOME, THE DAY HAS FINALLY COME. Sorry not sorry but like life just came and made me inactive sorry <3. Now here is the next prologue, the next chapter will be the start! In this story Eli and the other VKs are still kids and this is how they all met, and some foreshadowing in the group dynamics. HOPE YALL ENJOY!
AGAIN, NOT PROOF READ. if there is any mistakes or like just things that are confusing. Please forgive me for this is just my early days of writing, also if you notice a like change of past or just vibes at the ending parts. That is because thats when i came back to continue this chapter. ANYWAYS JUST ENJOY PLZ.
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“Do you know who your father is, Eli?” A boy with white hair and black roots asked Eli. Carlos was his name, ever since Eli could remember he was with him. Being neighbors did make them closer than the other kids in the alley. 
Today was a gloomy day at the isle, it wasn’t that different from most days; and like any other day Eli dragged Carlos with him to find something to do in the isle. There they passed countless people laying in the streets with just mere boxes and metal sheets sheltering them, going under the hazardly built complex of the buildings in the isle and passing the people who worked almost everyday.
“Why ask?” Eli replied and looked back at him. 
our voices were so high pitched back then. We both were in our daily garments with patches of fabrics that covered out past activities that left holes, in the isle it was rare to have multiple sets of clothing.
“I was wondering since..” Carlos continued while he walked closer to Eli “I asked my mom who my dad was last night!” He whispered only loud enough for them to hear
“Who is he?” Eli whispered back, they both now stood blocking the middle of the walkway.
Carlos gave Eli a frown in return. He looked at the ground before answering him with another whisper “Mom just told me to stop asking and to never ask the same question ever again. and made me sleep early...”.
“So you don’t know?” 
“well..” Eli was trying to think of a way to cheer him up a bit, then a memory came to mind. It was when he tried asking my mom the same thing. “Well my dad is a monster! So it's fine if you don’t know yours...”
The old nanny that came with mom to the isle told me this story. I tried asking mom and she just looked terrified when I did. The nanny then grabbed me and left my mom in the room and told me the story of how my mother was kidnaped by an evil monster alone and then left her with me by her side. It wasn’t until I grew older that I was finally told the truth, again making sure my mom was out of sight when the nanny told me the truth.
“A monster?” Carlos looked at Eli with a confused look. “Yeah!”
“So your…your half monster?” Carlos asked with a confused smirk 
“I think? Is that how it works?” 
It was laughable how little we knew back then; still kids. In a place we didn’t even know was that bad since we didn’t even know any other place than the isle.
He started to laugh, Eli cheered him up with his cluelessness. They would then continue exploring the isle, looking  through crevices they found with fungi growing in them, Abandoned buildings that collapsed in itself, and the bustling space of merchants. 
As they strolled down the streets they saw two girls. One had jet black hair like the roots of Carlos the other had navy blue hair. They seemed to be arguing over something.
“Mal I think we’re lost…” The bluenette said to the ravenette. “Relax, Eve! I know the way back.”
Even as kids, Mal was always so stubborn; yet was still with Evie. Those two even back then were inseparable. Be it for better or worse. Huh.. I just noticed that nickname Mal gives her, Eve. Didn’t know that even back then she called her that.
“A-are you sure? It's getting dark soon…” Evie asked Mal, they were holding hands the entire time. With Evie now tugging at her to make Mal look at her.
“I-...I’m sure Eve..I-” Before the ravenette can continue Carlos interjected and asked them. “Are you both lost?”
The bluenette noticed the boy and was thankful that someone was there, that might even be able to help them. “Yes, please help us. We-". "No we’re not.” said the raven haired girl that now has an unpleasant face.
“It's obvious you are.” Eli said, finally showing his presence and walking to stand next to Carlos. “We can help you, I’m Carlos by the way, I'm Cruella's Son! We're used to these parts of the isle so we can help you easily!”
“You can? Oh what a lucky princess I am! Two brave knights came to save us Mal!” The bluenette was filled with joy with the response from Carlos. Mal was still there being stubborn and not even facing both Eli and Carlos.
“You’re a Princess?!” Carlos was in awe, but it's not like it was new to him. Eli was also royalty in his eyes. “Oh I am! I am Evie, Daughter of the Evil Queen!” She introduced herself. Evie now looked at the ravenette and nudged her elbow a bit, but she wasn’t budging. “This is Mal. She’s a close friend of mine and the daughter of the great Maleficent!”
“And you are?” Mal then asked in a still annoyed tone, she was aiming the question to Eli. “Eli. Son of the Mad Queen of Hearts.” Evie gasped, “You’re royalty too?!”
“Hmmm I think?” Eli responded. He thought more deeply into this. “Carlos, am I a prince?”
Both Evie and Carlos answered with a loud yeah.
Mal, now getting more irritated, made a grunt for attention “Are you going to start helping us or not?”. “Where are you both heading then?” Carlos asked Evie so they could help them.
Now that I think about it. I think Mal got irritated about how close Me, Carlos, and Evie were starting to get. She was always so protective of her. I think she also got more irritated because of how close Evie was getting to Me. Which was stupid to be honest.
After a while of going through the alleyways and pathways towards their way home, Carlos and Eli were able to guide Mal and Evie back. Carlos himself was actually seemingly wanting to get closer to Evie, but Mal would always be a barrier between the two.
The entire time they were walking home, it was getting darker and closer to dusk. The sun was already down low in the horizon but they didn’t even notice that for the heart of the isle was filled with claustrophobic building complexes. They only noticed how it was getting darker and darker signaling the time of night.
However Mal was still apprehensive with the two, she was more irritated by Carlos and him trying to get closer with Evie but was suspicious of Eli’s quiet observing nature; he was behind them when walking back but didn’t talk much other than joining in a bit of conversations. She didn’t like how quiet he was.
“I’d forever be grateful for this! And I’m even more glad that I got to meet another royal!” Evie said with her high pitched voice while giving Eli a smile, even when it was now getting night time and was visibly looking tired; she still kept up her imagined image of a princess. 
“It was nothing really…” Carlos blabbered with a blush on his face visible, he clearly has a crush on her. “It was nice making new friends.” Eli stated back.
It's so weird looking back and seeing Carlos having a crush on Evie, now they’re relationship is nothing more than brother and sister. I bet if I ever tell Evie that Carlos had a crush on her back then, he would be so embarrassed and ashamed. Bet Mal never forgot though, I wonder how she feels about Carlos now.
The lights were dimming, soon they would find themselves below the stars. “It's time for us to go Carlos.” Eli told him. Mal would then scout Carlos towards Eli and away from Evie as she did she said “It's night now at this point. You two should head back home.”. “O-Oh…I didn’t notice it was this late now…” Carlos looked up at the fog polluted skies. “Come on Carlos.” Eli grabbed him and started heading back home.
“Ah- WAIT.” Carlos tried to stop Eli from dragging him a bit. “GOODBYE EVIE! BYE MAL!” he screamed since he wanted to say farewell but couldn’t stop Eli from making him go. “GOODBYE SHINING KNIGHTS!” Evie waved back towards Carlos and Eli who were about to turn into an alleyway where they would last see them for the night. Mal on the other hand was thankful they left, sure they helped her. But they also irritated her a lot.
The streets were dark and littered with men and women, some were drinking, some were talking, most were smoking. It wasn’t really a child friendly place to be in, but by some miracle. Eli and Carlos were able to get home safely.
Albeit with a long scolding by Eli’s mom Mary. Carlos was supposed to go to his home but Cruella, his mom, wasn’t home yet. She would work day by day sewing and tailoring for the people of the isle. It was the only way she could earn a living and raise her only child, both her and Mary would sometimes switch responsibilities in taking care of the children when the old nanny wasn’t around.
After the punishment of kneeling on the floor for a long period of time given to them, Eli and Carlos got to bed. They shared a room in cases like this. Eli would sleep on his bed while Carlos would sleep on the spare mattress, if Cruella was taking care of them. It would be vice versa but in Carlos' room.
Carlos asked Eli while looking at the ceiling thinking back to the girls they met. “Do you think they're cute? Evie and Mal I mean…” There was a period of silence. Eli was contemplating about his answer
“I don’t have much of an interest in them if i'm being honest…They’re nice, well Evie seems to be. But nothing much of note rather than Evie being a princess like me.” Eli answered back now looking towards Carlos from his bed.
“Ever since we met, you never thought of girls as being cute…why?” Carlos asked him not maliciously but just curiously, Eli chuckled. “It’s simple, I don’t see them as that. I find other boys to be much more appealing!”. 
Now this was a big lie, in fact. When I was younger, I never found any other boy to be appealing. The taller more mature men though, now that was what I found appealing even at that age.
“Huh... .Am I cute?” Carlos asked him.
“In a scared little kitty way, yeah!” Eli answered him with a smile while cuddled up with his pillow and blanket.
“...” Carlos looked away from him and remained silent.
“Carlos?” Eli called.
That was the first ever time I got the silent treatment from him. He may be soft and just little back then, but he took such pride in being a ‘man’ as he would say back then. Even when I grow older like now, I still find that stupid.
It was early in the morning, the moon hadn't even set yet. However Eli and him being a light sleeper woke up to noise coming from the kitchen. He looked over at his side and saw Carlos wasn’t there now. Cruella must have brought him home after she came back from her job.
He heard it again, more noise from the kitchen. It sounded like falling metal things, like the pots and pans used for cooking. It was attached to some doors at the kitchen cabinets so he wondered if it fell because it was recklessly opened.
He got out of bed to check what was happening downstairs, was it his mother?
When he got there, he found a tan skinned boy going through the cabins of the kitchen with food wrappings scattered at the floor alongside the crumbs. Some notable silverware was gone missing and supposedly now in the boy’s pockets.
“When robbing someone, shouldn’t it be done quietly?” Eli was able to grab the burglar’s attention. The balancing act he was doing while going through the cabin vanished for he was startled, causing him to fall into the floor.
“Wow…” Eli was surprised how clumsy this boy was.
The boy had dark brunette hair that was reaching his shoulders while wearing red, even as he laid on the floor Eli could tell he was taller than him. It was silent after that. The boy eyed him, he couldn’t think of what to do now.
As protection, Eli bent down to grab one of the cooking pans that fell. Even as his burglar seemed clumsy and a meat head, he wanted to have a way to protect himself.
“..Why aren’t you screaming…” The boy asked him as he sat up from the floor looking up at him.
“‘Cause you're a kid.” Eli answered simply, he pointed the pan at the boy’s face and continued “If you were an adult I wouldn’t have even spoken and ran to my mom.”
“..Are you not scared of me?” He asked.
“No. You’re a child, not much to fear than your idiocy.” He told him. Food crumbs were still visible on the boy’s mouth. “If you were hungry my mom would have fed you out of pity. Now while I’m still merciful, give back those things you stole. Now.”
“..Fine…..” The boy stood up and grabbed all the spoons and such from his pockets and dumped them to the sink. “I said back to where you stole them. Not. The. Sink.” Eli was ready to strike the boy’s face with the pan, even as the boy stood a few inches taller than him.
As the boy fled and grabbed all of it and placed it back to their rightful place Eli was noticing him more. With a more muscular form than normal, tanned skin, scruffy attire. He guessed he was from the morning merchants area not far from here. Maybe he was a laborer, some unfortunate kids in the isle are forced and made to work for whatever reason the adults had. Maybe financial aid, familial businesses, or so on.
He wasn’t that bad, “What's your name?” Eli asked him when he finished. “...are you not going to tell on me?” the boy asked him, he was worried since he was caught if he was gonna be punished. “I’m a merciful kid. Now, what is your name child?” Eli questioned him back with a condescending smirk and his cooking pan now resting on his shoulder.
“Jay. Call me Jay.” He answered back. “Well nice to meet you Jay, quite the first impression huh?” Eli showed his free hand to shake. 
“What's yours?” Jay asked him. He seemed less shaken and worried now by his voice, he grabbed Eli’s hand.
Eli shook his hand and smiled at him “Eli. You can call me Eli.”
Jay had a blush when hearing the name, Eli didn’t seem to notice. “Are we friends then?” he asked
“Maybe. You have to prove to me you’re worthy though, the first impression of you being a burglar isn’t exactly helping you.” Jay smiled for it was his first time gaining a friend, one he thought was as cute as Eli.
It wasn’t that surprising that Jay and I dated once we got older, now looking back at it. That day seems more crazy as it was the first time I met other kids that I like other than Carlos. My first time meeting Mal and Evie, alongside Jay. Now look at us, we’re on our way out of the isle, going to this school we haven’t heard off since just this morning.
Mal and Evie are still quite close together, but with Mal tolerating us more. Carlos was still like a little brother to me, but now he wasn’t as quiet and shy as back then. Then there is Jay, possibly the one that knows me the best out of everyone.
It was nice when we dated, even when it hurt to break it off. Becoming and then staying friends with him was the right choice, though I am happy that I got to experience what I was like to be with him at the time. I’m sure he does too, his one of the best mistakes I ever made. Now, he is one of my closest friends.
As I stare out of this Car window, I can see the clear blue skies outside. We’ve reached Auradon and have left the isle. It's beautiful, I hate it.
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An : Did you guys like it? So I tried doing a mix of 2nd and 3rd person, if you can’t tell. The initialization of paragraphs like here in the end, this is all Eli’s Monologue. Also just in case Y'all also didn’t get it, the entire chapter is just Eli reminiscing about the first time he met every other VKs! PLEASE LIKE IT, IM SORRY I’VE BEEN GONE I HOPE YALL ENJOY THIS.
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lazypinkpig · 2 years
Preview Prologue Intro!Chapter 1
A River of Blood - Prologue :The Begining of Greatness
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Rhealla knows what she wants, and she knows how to get it. She's willing to do anything to get it.
With King Jaehaerys declining health. All eyes have been towards both Princess Rheanys, the King's oldest daughter, and Prince Viserys, the King's grandchild from his son Baelon. And everyone knows that, this kingdom would rather burn to the ground than let a woman sit on the iron throne.
Even with Princess Rheanys desperate fight of trying to put the young Leanor Velaryon on the throne, it was no use. So it was inevitable and predictable that the dying king choose Prince Viserys as heir.
Princess Rhealla's Bedroom
The princesses room was full of lavish and expensive objects, yet it gives the people a homely feeling. With warm feeling and comforts in mind.
Princess Rhealla can be seen near the window, sitting in a big and fluffy chair, stitching what seems to be a beautiful Oleander.
"Poor Rheanys, she must be heartbroken ." Rhealla said with such a soft voice that had you not been looking at her mocking face , you will believe she cares. "And now my dear Viserys is going to be king." She said with a smirk. Finishing her stitching
"But what about Princess Aemma?" Said her sworn sword, Ser Redel Sanfranks, a former Braavosi sell-sword later becoming the princess loyal guard nicknamed ' the black mamba'.
He was given this nickname by Princess Rhealla not only because of his knowledge in poison, which only the princess knows, but also because of his strength, speed and flexibility with any weapon.
"Hmmm our sweet dear Aemma, she does need to be taken care of. But given that she's carrying my niece in her womb, we'll have to postpone it for a little bit." Rhealla said, as she stood up and walked towards the window overlooking the whole of King's Landing.
"Is it ready?" She asked. "Yes, It has been delivered." Ser Redel answered.
She then slowly place her hand on top of her stomach, caressing it gently.
" One day the child that I carry will rule the Realm."
(it is kinda short , so sorry I guess,. I'm not really that knowledgeable about asoiaf I only know general knowledge, and I'm not a great writer, so if there is some mistake , any kind of mistakes, please do tell me. 🥺)
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the-chained-queen · 2 months
hello hello asoiaf fans! with season 2 of hotd almost over, i'm seeking some rp partners! i myself am 18+, and for what i'm seeking i do ask that you are also 18+. sorry minors!
i am seeking someone to write any male character against my Alicent Hightower! i may even accept a female character. i am primarily seeking a rp with a heavy smut ratio, because i just enjoy writing it. however, i do also enjoy plot! i love getting to write Alicent in her turmoil and scheming, so i do enjoy including that too.
however, i will say that i do have a preference for plotting and developing more of a plot with a Criston Cole! i'm really enjoying their dynamic. but if we just want more smut ratio, then i will pretty much accept anyone apart from Larys Strong. sorry!
i do not have many triggers at all, not much really bothers me. i would prefer to use either here or discord.
so if you want to write against an Alicent, drop me a pm, and let's see how this goes! thank you!
edit: forgot to say i am oc friendly!
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welkinsky · 2 years
Chishiya X Reader | Come Here
WARNING: Spoilers, curse words & mention of weapons, death!
Author's Note: Thank you so much for your support and reblogs, as always! I see and appreciate each one of you! This is a PART OF A SERIES so people who are just reading this one post for the first time might not understand the context please read the parts linked below.
Part 1 | ... | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9
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But before you two can cross even one hallway, you were faced by shooters who were now pointing at you two and started shooting like crazy. You suddenly felt pain in the right side of your abdomen.
This was the last thing you thought before it all went black.
But as it turned out you were not dead, Tatta just pulled you to the nearest hallway and you kinda just overreacted. It sure was embarrassing when you woke up and had to explain to them why you were out.
Nonetheless, you were conscious and were up and ready to help them. The main goal in mind was to catch Arisu but Chishiya's face would pop up in your head from time to time making it difficult to focus.
You finally found Arisu not before having to fight off a few shooters with your bare hands as Usagi went and let Arisu loose. Once this was done all of you went to Anugi. 
Even though you had this unspoken bond between you and Anugi you knew that he was not himself ever since Hatter was gone. Anugi you knew would never let this massacre happen.
You still maintained your distance as Arisu was beaten up by Anugi again and again. That is when you saw Kuina enter the room, she was hurt. You speed walked over to her, "Are you alright? What happened?" you helped her sit down.
"Last Boss freak happened," she said as she took your help but never made any eye contact with you, which you obviously noticed. As the entire drama enrolled Ann told everyone that the girl killed herself she was the witch. You looked over to Kuina surprised as she nodded, she finally looked at you. It was very clear to her how your guilt was consuming you. She felt bad.
"It's alright," she said holding your hand and smiling, reassuring you that it was fine. Before you can say anything she said, "Chishiya." Following her line of vision, you saw Chishiya on the first floor overlooking all the drama. Then he looked in both of your directions and walked away. He was coming down to the hallway behind you two and she followed him.
Not knowing if you were all on the same terms anymore or not, you decided that it was better to stay back. He did look back to see if you were coming or not. You weren't, so he just smiled and went ahead without you.
Once the game was over everyone went out because someone apparently set the mansion on fire. You knew the game didn't end just there. You went back to see if the card appeared there or not. You assumed that Aguni must still have the cards so it'll be good leverage since you'll have the last card. You can take his help for as long as you want.
That is when you saw Chishiya and Kuina there already. "I knew you'll come," he said still facing away from you looking at the card. "I was starting to think collecting these cards was pointless." he continued taking the ten hearts in his hand.
"What do you think now?" you said walking closer to them. "I'm thinking that we still haven't seen any face cards. So what is it that the game controllers want us to see?" that is when one of the pillars collapsed.
"Time to go," Kuina said as both of them walked to the right exit. You were confused if you should join them or not. Guilt was heavy. Especially with Chishiya. "Come on," he said turning towards you.
You smiled and jogged over them like a happy puppy. 
A few days have passed and no game has appeared yet. You have started to lose hope to be able to leave the borderlands now. 
Even though you all were back to normal with those two but Chishiya always maintained his distance from you. Never sat next to you or was too close physically. As much as you craved it, you understood that this was natural after you doubted him. Why would he want to do all this again you never really pushed him either.
One night you were going over all the memories with him. The day you first met. How you two caught onto the room that could be the one in the apartment complex game. And when you two went to check in on the tagger together. Wait... the tagger. You got a slip from her pocket. What and where was it? 
You looked around, Kuina was fast asleep and Chishiya was nowhere to be found. So you started looking for him and found him sitting on the rooftop. "Hey remember when we first met in the apartment complex game?" you said being restless. "How can I forget," he said calmly. Then he realized he said it out loud and regained his senses.
You asked him hesitantly, "Do you have that slip? The one we found from the tagger? I think I left mine back at the beach" you said now sitting next to him. He pulled it out from his hoodie and handed it over. You looked at it intently and then said, "I've been thinking about it and the only conclusion that came to my mind was the subway station." He raised his eyebrows in surprise because even he was not able to crack this.
You were new to the city and were using maps most of the time. By now the subway map was freshly imprinted in your memory and this resembled a lot like it.
The next day you all went to check it. You were right, this was some sort of facility that sure as hell was not by the subway system. Not to mention that there were so many dead bodies who have been shot. As you all went deeper into the place you heard some voices from outside. All of you were on your toes. But as you went closer to investigate it was Arisu and Usagi.
Before you all could talk any further the screens lit up and there she was. Mira. So she was the one who was controlling the beach during the last game. She talked about how the next phase is going to be "exciting" but what got your attention was "Let's play together."
You and Chishiya looked at each other at the same time. This was going to be bad. But at least you all knew what was happening.
As you all were coming out of the subway, there were fireworks just like the day when you first entered the game. You all were talking outside when a lot of cars pulled up, they were among the few who survived the beach.
They said that they saw the blimps and hence decided to follow it. Before they can say anything further, a guy was shot dead, then the girl next to him, and then another guy. "A refile. Get moving" Chishiya said to everyone as you all started running. You thought it was better to hide behind the car when he took your hand and pulled away, "That thing's an anti-tank riffle." then a guy was shot dead inside the car, "So I'd forget hiding behind the car." and pulled you away as you both started running as well.
You ran as fast as you can only focusing on finding a good hiding spot. You could hear people being shot but if you looked you knew you'll freeze. So you only paid attention to finding a hiding spot. You found a concrete subway gate and signaled everyone to come there. And then the gun changed "This is an assault rifle I used it back at the beach." you recognized the voice.
"Without any rules, this is a massacre!" Arisu said as he continued, "There could be more than one shooter. They are coming closer!" as they shot a few people nearby you.
"Okay, we have to move. But everyone, make sure to change your position so that they cannot make you the target. Keep changing your direction and lower your head & body randomly. They are shooting from that direction so make sure that if you hide, hide according to that." You guided everyone. Everyone listened intently and then nodded. Your eyes met Chishiya who was smiling EVEN NOW, "Aguni taught you well."
"Now is not the time Chishiya," you said with worry-filled in your voice. You knew Kuina was good in physical games but were not that confident in Chishiya so you decided that you'll stay right behind him to make sure that he is doing all the things right.
You all started running and the shooter always missed by inches. Thanks to your technique all of you made it far enough to take a break behind a few cars. You were with Kuina and Chishiya. Arisu and Usagi were on the other side. 
Which is when the King Of Spade pulled up in the sky.
"Take this, a good luck charm," Chishiya said as he handed you & Kuina a bomb that he made himself. He looked proud of it. Arisu and Usagi finally decided to make it back to you three when they saw someone who was half dead.
Then you saw a figure with a black cloak walking towards all of you. As he started shooting you realized it would be the King of Spades. Arisu confirmed it by saying it out loud. 
You started standing up a little to see him properly but Chishiya pulled you back down. The look on his face scared you, this was the first time you saw him worried. THIS MADE YOU WORRIED. Out of instinct, you held his hand. If eyes could talk then yours were screaming at him that you will make it out alive. Which must have helped since he smiled back but then pulled back his hand as well which you hated.
But you all had a bigger problem at hand. Out of nowhere like a fucking angel a car came and Tatta and Ann were it in. They told you all to get it. You were the last one to get in, as Chishiya was coming you both saw a grenade being dropped right in front of you. "Go on!" you both said at the same time as Tatta started driving as the bomb blasted behind you.
Without giving it any second thought you jumped out of the moving car to be with Chishiya. You knew Kuina would make it since they were all together plus now Ann was with her too.
You met with Chishiya who was hiding behind the car. "What the," he said surprised before you cut him off "We don't have time. RUN!" you took his hand and went into one of the buildings. This one had many levels and there were a lot of people still on the street so King won't come to kill the two of you so for now you two were safe. 
"I'd say I taught you well too," he said for your quick thinking as you two were clear of the danger. You smiled back. Even though there was a huge danger being with him calmed you down.
Before you can look around to check for any supplies, Chishiya took your hand, pulled you in by your back, and brought both of your lips close...
Part 1 | ... | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9
Read these chapters before everyone else here. I update them there before posting them anywhere else on the internet.
Thanks For Reading and for all the support! Have an amazing week <3
Alice In Borderland Materlist
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A-Z Headcanon
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