aeniith · 2 years
I’ll be reposting some of #Lexember over here.
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maggzblair · 4 years
15 for ask game!
Alright, so this took a lot longer than I expected because I hadn’t ever really thought about it before (which I definitely will now, because it helps you know your characters better). This is also going under a cut because it ended up being far too long. 
This is for Children of the Force, my yet to be published Star Wars sequel trilogy rewrite, and I chose my two main characters -- Ben and Rey -- to be analyzed here. Also, this may actually change as I write too, so since I’m just now really starting on it (I have a couple chapters done but nowhere near close to finishing) this is very much subject to change. 
So, we’ll start with Ben. He’s very much an ISFP (Introverted Sensing Feeling Perceiving) for many reasons, a few of which I will list here before moving on.
 1. Ben is very much like his father, a fellow ISFP, and in my head would have been very similar if given the chance. ISFP’s can be charming as well as aloof and detached, the latter definitely applies to Ben while in his “Kylo” persona. 
2. I think that Ben likely learned most of what he did about the Force through experimentation as well as applied learning, most of which likely came after leaving to join Snoke, which speaks to this personality type. I can’t see the boy we see in canon materials before leaving to train to be a Jedi, a child that was very energetic and empathetic, applying himself well in the traditional sense. 
3. While Ben might have lost this a bit, I think he’s very in touch with his senses and the Force when he is permitted to be. I think that it is central to his character as the story progresses because he’s slowly being set free. 
Now, let’s move on to Rey. I see her as an INFP (Introverted Intuitive Feeling Perceiving) for the reasons I will again provide here. 
1. The first thing I ever remember noticing about Rey in The Force Awakens is her sense of wonder, the childlike enthusiasm when experiencing new things. Of course, much of this can be tied to spending her whole life on Jakku and never getting to experience so much that many people took for granted, but it seems to me like it continues in one form or another even as her story progresses. She never just becomes used to anything, everything has its own wonder to it even when it comes with tragedy and heartbreak. 
2. Rey’s sense of compassion for people (perhaps just in my story, but I’ve seen this in canon as well) is another reason why I think she has this personality type since it does seem to be essential. It seems to be very easy for her to want to help people and listen to them, even though you would think she wouldn’t judging by her circumstances. From BB8 to Finn, then Ben later, even the worst deserves some sort of compassion from her. (This, of course, isn’t perfect in the films, but it does seem like an overarching theme) 
3. Finally, the sense of competence and ethical perfection is something that Rey definitely struggles with. Like her teacher, Luke Skywalker, before her, Rey struggles with being a good enough friend, soldier, Jedi for the Resistance and ends up finding that she needs to be herself first. Here is a quote from the source that I used for this: “An INFP friend describes the inner conflict as not good versus bad, but on a grand scale, Good vs. Evil. Luke Skywalker in Star Wars depicts this conflict in his struggle between the two sides of "The Force." Although the dark side must be reckoned with, the INFP believes that good ultimately triumphs.” This is just as true for Rey as it was for Luke. 
Anyway, I hope this was as enlightening for all of you as it was for me. Thanks for the ask! 
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random word: tooth.
My faeries have sharp teeth.
But because they’re, you know, faery sized, getting bitten would feel like getting bitten by the lil needle-teeth of a kitten. Like, yeah kinda painful, but not at all devastating.
Dragon teeth, on the other hand, are sometimes used by elves as daggers.
Give me a random word and I will give you a related fact or excerpt!
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windwardstar · 6 years
Orange, purple, gold?
Orange: How many projects do you usually have going at once?
Well... I tend to only be able to work on one project at a time. Like my brain doesn’t switch gears very well and I tend to just kind of sit there and not get anything done if I don’t have one single project to focus on.
Which is why right now with like 5? 6? possible projects to work on that I’m kind of not working on any of them.
Purple: Which of your characters would become your sworn enemy?
Uh... like any of the villains? Like... I mean... I object pretty strongly to all of them. And it doesn’t help that most of them have been either personality or appearance wise modeled after my abusers.
Although like, if I showed up in their world, I’d probably become a thorn in their side pretty quickly. So yeah, I guess the villains. Name one and I’d piss them off enough they’d want me dead.
Gold: Do your stories usually contain lessons or morals?
Uh... well I mean it’s kind of hard to avoid any of that. Although idk what they are. This is the kind of thing students writing a book report have to answer not me.
After running to Lang for help:
Disabilities don’t make a person any less of a person and that it also just like presents them in the uncensored way they exist.
“There’s always a happy ending somewhere.”
And family is who you choose. 
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bardicbeetle · 6 years
early grey.
6. Earl Grey: Which countries have you visited?
I’ve only been outside the US once and that was to Canada.
Which, as a vermonter, is not saying much.  The border is literally only a couple hours drive away.
I’m too broke for travel, which makes me a little bit sad, but, eventually.
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els-writes · 6 years
20, 25, 30, 31
Thank you!!
Fantasy Ask Meme
20. are there pirates? what role do they play in the story? 
There are no important pirates in Project Lux or Kin Verse (the first because they are rarely near oceans, and the latter because there is an extreme lack of oceans). 
However pirates are in Shoreless! Pirates are unable to sail around the Adress Isles due to the extreme currents around the islands, and so are primarily on the western coast of the Mainland, but mostly working the Merchan streamway. Though we don’t meet any pirates per say, it is the knowledge of a pirate that makes Klaris turn against her destiny and finally follow her own ideals. 
25. what type of food do people eat in your world/region? is there some only few can afford?
In Jorryl, most food is very simple - hunted meat, wheat, vegetables and fruits that farms can grow in the cold. Some more tropical imports - including sugar - are more expensive and usually not affordable by the public. Most sweet things in Jorryl consumed by the public are sweetened using fruit or other natural ingredients. 
Adress is another interesting one for food. Most of the Adressian diet consists of seafood, and meat is incredibly rare and expensive due to the lack of farm animals on their land. They do hunt and eat deer and rabbits, but cows and pigs are rare on the island, and sheep are farmed for wool over meat. 
30. what kind of folklore exists in your world? are there stories people tell their children?
In Clarend, it is said that a black wolf roams the forests and will kill children who sneak out at night. Hunters who kill one of the rare black wolves, which are larger than normal wolves, receive an immediately knighthood. 
In Jorryl, some say that beyond the Bloody Mountains there is a secret utopia where the True Gods have retreated to when they grew tired of watching over the world. 
On the Mainland as a hole, Chaine Island is said to be haunted for it is a former prison island, and that spirits of the dead whip of the ocean to shipwreck any boats that come near it. 
31. are there prisons in your story? any form of a criminal justice system?
In Kin Verse, prisons are few and far between. Most countries have a small holding facility within police stations, and criminals are in court as quickly as possible. With more complex cases that require police investigation before trials, the suspects are held on house arrest or sent to a secure, small holding area if they cannot be trusted to stay in their house. Smaller crimes (selling drugs, theft, or cases where it is believed to have been an accident) typically result in the guilty party getting a choice to go to community service village or exile from the country in which they committed the crime (if it was slightly more severe). If exiled, the party is to receive a tattooed mark on their cheek that is recognisable and detectable under makeup, and often results in many other countries also refusing entry. 
The seven Descodian countries all share one community service village in Olnipheta, where convicts live in an underground village in which most of the prisoners work in the mines. It is something of a gated community, and family members are free to visit and even stay as long as they wish. 
More severe crimes (typically anything that involves harming another living thing on purpose) result in the guilty party being sent to one of the four high security prisons across the world. 
Those who carry a Taint are often unfairly prosecuted and sent to the Abbey of the Seven Orders. On the surface, this claims to be a religious sanctuary built to handle and keep those with uncontrollable Taints (or powers) secure and away from the public. However, it is public knowledge that this is a facade and the Abbey is more of a prison that locks away and tortures Tainted people in the hopes that they lose their powers. 
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3, 5
3. What are some reasons your target audience might be attracted to your work?
listen,,,,i have started my answers for the last two times i answered this with ‘hopefully’ so i’m just gonna,,,,,say i have no fuckin idea man,,,,do i have a target audience?? do i have work????
5. What OCs do YOU love and why?
all of them. i love all my babes so much. but i guess, the idea i have so far for Jake? he’s still a major work in progress though. but i like what he’s becoming!
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deffinitelynobody · 3 years
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druidjournal · 4 years
@aeniith​ asks on Twitter,
“Every time I say a sentence with the structure like this “the woman we saw I don’t think I know where she will go” I desperately want to leave a gap that shouldn’t be there: “the woman we saw I don’t think I know where [ ] will go” Why do I want to do that so badly?!” I spent way too much time thinking about this this morning, and my wife and I had about a twenty-minute discussion. She’s not a syntactician but her intuitions were, I think, spot on. I offer a Chomskyan solution, a Construction Grammar solution, an Optimality Theory solution, and a sentence processing solution that my wife suggested and I think is probably the most insightful.
You can see it as two different ways of constructing the sentence. Start with “[The woman we saw] will go [I don’t know where]”; then there are two options:
A: First move “I don’t know where”, then move “the woman we saw” up as a topic (which requires “she” to be inserted as a spoken trace): 
[1: The woman we saw] will go [2: I don’t know where].  
[2: I don’t know where] [1: The woman we saw] will go [t2].  
[1: The woman we saw], [2: I don’t know where] she[1] will go [t2].  
B: First move “the woman we saw”, leaving an unspoken trace. Then move “I don’t know where” to an intermediate complementizer position:
 [1: The woman we saw] will go [2: I don’t know where].  
[1: The woman we saw], [t1] will go [2: I don’t know where].  
[1: The woman we saw], [2: I don’t know where] [t1] will go [t2].  
Here the uncertainty can be seen as a competition between two alternative constructions:
Topic / comment:  
[topic] [comment] (e.g. “The woman, I know where she will go”) 
[the woman we saw][I don’t know where she will go] 
Regular clause (“I don’t know [where the woman will go]”) plus a fronted relative clause (“The woman we saw”):
[relative clause] + [regular clause] 
[the woman we saw][I don’t know where][will go] 
You can see it as a competition between 
(a) a faithfulness constraint which requires every element in the input semantics to appear exactly once in the output syntax, 
(b) a head-modifier contiguity constraint (HMC) that requires heads and modifiers in the input semantics to be near each other in the output syntax, and 
(c) a “figure first” constraint that requires important elements to appear first in the output. 
In the sentence “the woman… [other material]… will go”, faithfulness and figure first are satisfied, but the HMC is violated because of the material between “the woman” and “will go”. By adding “she” before “will go”, HMC and figure first are both satisfied, but now the faithfulness constraint is violated because “the woman” appears once in the input but twice in the output.
Finally, from a processing point of view, perhaps you start out the utterance thinking that “the woman…” will be the subject of the sentence, rather than the topic of a topic / comment construction. But by the time you reach the end of the long “I don’t think I know where”, the topic-comment construction is “activated” and sets up a competing analysis (which would require a “she”).
So... take your pick of answers! :D
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aeniith · 2 years
Thinking about grammar that I need to add to Ori.
I’m feeling uncreative, so anyone want to give me sentiences to practice translating? I really find it’s the best way to fill in holes in the morphosyntax of a conlang.
Give me your sentences and phrases!!!
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isaacathom · 6 years
aeniith replied to your post: wow my sister watches some garbage fucking memes
honest question: how does one watch a meme? Is it like a video or something that she is watching?
meme compilation vids! sometimes they have tts and sometimes its just a series of screencaps from social media with some royalty free music in the bg. and sometimes, very rarely, they are actually making unique thematic memes. like a lord of the rings meme comp.
they arent great
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A Song for the Stolen (Part One of Two)
(thanks to @floralandrogyny for help with the title)
Jessie Taylor is an ensign on the SS Artaro. She’s bright, bold, and untrusted. After waiting a year and a half, she’s finally taken on an away mission. Her and her two superior officers board an abandoned ship where Jessie discovers what she believes to be the most beautiful and interesting being she’s ever seen…
Arilez is an android built off of a living being. She’s gone rogue and abandoned her owners. She knows she’s not what they wanted her to be, she’s more. She has flesh and blood, albeit not a lot of it, and she breathes and lives just as any other creature does. Arilez knows she’s not a machine to be ordered around, she’s not a weapon.
After Ensign Taylor gets Arilez onto the SS Artaro, she helps the android discover who she really is. They travel through space, uncovering clues about who Arilez is and how she’s connected to the Alliance of Planets.
During this journey, the crew Jessie is a member of comes across an artificial planet, built on technology. The crew decides to dock here, replenishing resources and letting the crew have a break from their normal duties. Jessie and Arilez have a chance to do more investigating while they are on this planet. That is, until the internal system of the planet begins to overheat, threatening everyone on and around it with death.
How will the planet and its inhabitants be saved, and how will this affect Jessie and Arilez?
Tag list under the cut! Let me know if you want to be added/taken off!
@dramaticvoiceover | @eternalspandex-writing | @writevevo | @rain-likes-to-ramble | @writer-on-time | @annereadsstars | @bluewritesbadly | @realashergray | @writing-at-dusk | @the-ichor-of-ruination | @nerocael | @strawberryspaceship | @lady-redshield-writes | @aeniith | @jess---writes | @cometworks | @inherentlywritten| @elizzawrites | @maskedlady | @chraneness | @abalonetea | @rosequills | @serpencina | @that-aro-writer | @dreamsofbooksandmonsters | @the-writers-blocks | @aurumni-writes | @endlesshourglass | @words-from-a-lost-soul | @yetmorestories | @writer-grandma | @lefttowritee | @bexminx | @easternstorms | @chaos-reign | @nora-wrote-a-book | @pocaluzwrites | @chaosrubywriter | @alexis-bellissima | @chinesewaffles2 | @ashesconstellation | @georgiacambrielwritblr | @effects-of-growing-up | @dogsinneedofcoffee | @albarnesauthor | @furryarbiterangel | @deadlyessencewhispers | @omgbrekkerkaz | @silverartistcat | @starspangledbanner27 | @floralandrogyny
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windwardstar · 6 years
Worldbuilding asks?? I can't resist. Ok. 1: are there multiple cultural groups in this world? Are there different nations/countries, if so--what are they? What are your economic systems like? What about government(s)?
Ohhhh my you’re going with the big questions that get really really long answers with just trying to give you the quick rundown basics.
1. Yes, there are... *counts on fingers and runs out of fingers* a lot. Like there are like a dozen large scale ones that more or less map to the large states of the place (with some being in multiple ones). But then of course there are more distinct cultural groups within the large scale groupings.
North - Western Painted, Free Painted, Sun Desert Mages, Sun Desert Villagers (and then there were the past cultures of the Sun Empire and the Coalition of the Sun and some of the cultural groups in what is now the Warring Lands that disappeared),The Northern Clans (which each have their own culture within themselves) with the Deer and Wolf being the most developed worldbuilding wise, The Warring Lands (with of course the inter-region cultural groups), The Imperial Settlements. There’s also the Huethe, but the culture is considered a dead one as they were scattered by a huge natural disaster - they split into the clans of the north and also a lot joined the traders or just settled down into the Sun Lands or the Warring Lands. So yeah, there’s a lot of cultural variety there.
The Middle Ocean- The Imperial Islands, The Dark Island, Plus another dozen or so cultures that have managed to hang on along the coasts of the Northern and Southern Continents past the sinking of the middle continent.
South- The Conquered Lands (which then each have their own cultural groups that have attempted to maintain themselves despite the dominant cultural take over), The Stone Lands (which also have different cultures within the different nations under the Stone Alliance) and of course the Conquered Lands have been conquered by both the Stone Alliance and the Imperial Empire at various points in their history. There’s also the group who lives in the Southern Spire Mountains.
All over the World: There are two “larger” groups of Traders - Sea and Land who consider themselves to be two different cultural groups, but there’s also large differences in culture between the Land Traders of the Northern Continent and those on the Southern Continent, as well as the ones in the Sun Desert Trader Camp. I guess I could throw in River Merchants here since they kind of fall under the “all over the world” thing. They’re a distinct group from the Traders in terms of ethnicity and culture, although at some point they do get pulled under the trader umbrella. These ones tend to kind of be more subcultures of the dominant culture around them, but still separate from them as most people who don’t know the difference between the river merchants and Traders consider them to be something like the Traders.
2. Economic systems. Well, because I 1) have like no head for economic systems and such and b) really like coins, this answer is really simple.
The Dark Island is a socialize economy with the basics provided by the state (think roman empire everyone gets a ration of bread stuff rather than the starve the populace while the rich get everything) and people are free to barter for everything else. They don’t use money.
The Western Lands are a barter based economy (well, for what economy they do have), but generally it’s “we grow this food and share it with everyone and help each other out” because it’s basically just a collection of small villages and farmers.
I haven’t worked enough yet with the Southern Spire group to know what kind of economy they have. But I’m guessing it’s a barter system rather than money based.
The rest of the world more or less is based on coins that hold a certain value relative to each other and are worth the same value regardless of where the person is. This is thanks to the Traders because [input actual economic stuff] and their early rise to world-wide trade and creating tokens for business between places - like credit and banks and “if you give me this, i give you these trader tokens that you can then give to other traders to get stuff from them” . Trader Tokens became then used throughout the world and when states with friendly ties to the Traders did political deals it became “we’ll both agree to accept each others tokens” and then once one place’s stuff were backed by the Traders they were accepted at other places and one thing led to another everyone uses coins.
3. Governments.
The Western Lands: They have basically only local levels of government and it’s basically community decisions on thing. There is The Painted Lady in one place who is basically an elected official (that everyone just kind of said, hey, you led the rebellion, lead us) that kind of handles inter-village disputes and like foreign affairs. Also technically the head of the military.
The Sun Desert: A series of villages ruled by the elders of the village. Every so often the elders from different clans get together and make even more decisions.
City of the Sun: Technically an elected monarch because everyone was like “oh hey, you did the magic thing and started making decisions, make more of them and lead us because we don’t know what we’re doing and the rest of the world has already decided you’re the ruler here so solve all our problems’ and the ruler proceeded to panic and have to learn “ruling a city-state 101″
The Sun Empire-  Was a monarchy with smaller subdivisions, then the kingdom took over other places and became an Empire. Instilled local rulers for the various places it took over, yada yada. Basic fantasy monarchy really.
Huethe: it was rule by the elders of the clans. Elders of each clan worked together to govern everyone. Federation.
The Northern Clans: rule by the elders of each clan, clans don’t have any overarching leadership between them.
The Warring Lands: Your standard monarchy with a matriarchal twist. Rule tends to change with someone else deciding to oust the previous ruler or take over their land rather than any line of genetic succession, but that does happen in peace time.
Riverport: An oligargy of mages rules the city from the magic academy. The Cloth Halls also hold their own power, which is a collection of guilds bound together and they elect their own representatives to deal with the “official” government of the city holding a good deal of sway in the government.
Once the wave of the new religion for the star-bound gods arrives, the Warring Lands and Riverport both also get a religious hand in the government.
The Imperial Empire: It started out as a series of independent villages and village systems that kind of then got taken over by one dominant one through a series of alliances and pressure to join the federation. Then it kind of grew, war happened, and it became the entity that is the Imperial Empire. It’s ruled by the Imperial Family and it runs pretty standard for a monarchy, with significant power belonging to the mages who serve the imperial family. They also have colonies that run like well, colonies with their own local government put in place by the empire.
The Imperial Empire (It’s a Democracy!): It’s a mess and in a state of attempting to give sovereignty to the various factions within it but people are elected via voting and elections. (It’s a work in progress.)
Greenrock: Despite technically being part of the Imperial Empire, it’s ruled by the Traders and is more or less an unofficial plutocracy and the governor from the Empire is just for lip service.
Traders: Technically a representative democractic federation? or something, however it’s got like an elected monarch kind of thing. It’s complicated. Also the dead have a say in Trader politics because like big decisions and thing are made with the Trader Flame and the souls of the dead can interact with them. Like the Trader Flame is the will of the people and yeah. Magic makes democracy weird.
Dark Island: A socialist democratic city-state with elected officials who oversee the day to day civil servant duties.
Stone Lands - Alliance of Stone: Technically a confederation of monarchies, with a dominant monarchy. It’s mostly peaceful though so it’s working for them.
Southern Spire Mountains: ??? Idk. All I know if they herd goats in mountains shrouded by the magic clouds. Also there are things like sky whales living in them.
I’m pretty sure I’ve forgotten or left out a bunch of things, mostly ones that happen prior to or past the timespans I’ve written in but that’s the basic rundown of the Star Verse world.
(Oh and then there’s like the spirit government which is basically a bunch of spirits who have independent domains and who have to then defer to whoever is dominant in a specific area and then there’s the shadows and it’s pretty complicated and I’ve no idea what it is. But once you’re hired, you’re hired forever and you can’t turn the job down.)
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bardicbeetle · 6 years
Orchard, bonfire, cranberry.
orchard - share one thing that you’d like to happen this autumn.
Realistic thing: I would like to move.
Unrealistic thing: I would like to see my Kaylee.
bonfire - describe your dream house.
Ooooh, okay so like, cottage ish?  I adore stone houses or brickwork.  I need a lot of windows because lack of sunlight for me is bad.  Which also means I need curtains, because my human is v light sensitive.
preferably office room that is in itself a comfy reading area.  
A LOT OF COUNTER SPACE, i like to bake, and make soup and applesauce and homemade pasta.  So I need a lot of kitchen.
Also like, ideally I would have like, steppable spots on the side of my lower cabinets or under the countertops, because I’m really short and can’t reach anything.
Also, has to be in the woods.
cranberry - what’s one physical feature that you get complimented on?
I have been told on multiple occasions by a variety of people, that I have very nice legs.
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theemberarchive · 6 years
Original (it does break my heart that this isn’t my original work, but, at least it’s available for anybody)
yes / no:  iai/mele hello: Haya welcome:  Haya-seref goodbye:  Ya'li-Alari good morning: Fylnel Serefa good evening: Ilne'me-Isther Serefa good night:  Isther Serefa excuse me: Inhil please: Ahayel thank you:  Alarith'Serefa l'hay Nanhar no problem: Mele haervi how: Ameri'fin which: Kei'fin what: Eï'fin where: Tir'fin who: Nanrel'fin why: Riah'fin when: Aethael'fin i am: Ailo Nanhir you are: Ailet Nanhar he/she is: Aila Nanhif/Nanhê they are: Ailoth Nanhirth you are:  Aileth Nanharth we are: Ailath Nanheith sell: Erhanim buy: Sarnim trade: Aewirim steal:  work: Kirnim have: Melim give: Waelim say: Nevalim get: Vaelianim make: Laherim help: Kelim know: Etherim take: Lanterim see: Enarim hear: Anerim
father: Ehelif mother: Amirê brother: Illynif sister: Illynê son: Aemirif daughter: Aemirê friend: Illynif enemy: Irstas courage: Ayi'lore fear: Ûmerem hate: Yelthir anger: Thalemâr happy:  Ri'myl-ayasel pride: Ayantheri shame: Eranther love: Sen'heil young: Nyi'llwy old:  large:  Raemill small:  Inle'me beauty: Lederi ugly:  good: Serefa bad: Gerthreb clever: Ätherae stupid: Mifarli strong: Tirianel weak: Därhay
So, here’s me collecting a basic vocabulary for the primary language of the Denashi Confederacy. I’ve never made a language before, and I don’t know shit about it, but, I wanted to gather the words I’m gonna start with somewhere.
Either way, if you have any thoughts in the matter, feel free to share them with me.
(also @aeniith, you are especially welcome to chew my ear off about the subject).
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  also, because i’m obsessed with personality...
omg me
!!!!!!! awesome!!!
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