#after l!fe aitachi
hunn1e-bunn1e · 9 months
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Team Mane ➳
Ghilley ➳
Ell ➳
Jamie ➳
Licht ➳
Team Die ➳
Theo ➳
Louis ➳
Ethan ➳
June ➳
Team Hesperide ➳
Cyrille ➳
Noah ➳
Sian ➳
Kati ➳
Team Noctu ➳
Aitachi ➳
Kirr ➳
Nine ➳
Day ➳ (20yrs)
Calm & Supportive Boyfriend (hc) ♂️❔
Team Diluculo ➳
Verine ➳
Quincy ➳
Mori ➳
Youseff ➳
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tsumugisdoll · 4 years
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AFTER L!FE ☆ quincy, kati, sian, jamie, ghilley, aitachi, theo, nine & verine icons
.  .  .  requested by anon <3
© psds by pockybub & peachcoloring
like or reblog if used⌇please don’t repost ,,
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gaetoeinhaler · 4 years
includes ; female reader, nine, kirr, aitachi, day
scenario ;
    putting two and two together, you could make out what was happening. what you thought you had escaped from in your life as a human, has followed you over into your after life.
        soon, there's a knock at your door. trying to at least change into a new set of underwear and pants, the door opens and reveals the person from the other side.
Aitachi :
• surprisingly, he knows what it is.
• will tell you how in his tribe, when a girl started her period, the tribe celebrates because then she could reproduce.
• "Aitachi, that's great and all, but i dont need a celebration for this....."
• does a mini celebration. just for tradition. but its only the two of you.
• follows you like a little duckling to the human world, asking questions as to why you needed tampons/pads and what they were.
• "what do you mean it helps with the blood?" "in my tribe, our girls walked around without those.... things." "they're call pads/tampons, aitachi, and its okay to say them." "weird pillow plush things"
• still wants to pull a whole celebration
• "So, who are you going to breed with?" "what?" "after girls in my tribe start their period, they get devoted to one of our men in the tribe and have kids!" "i don't think it's necessary for me to uh... reproduce."
• still questions the pillow plush things. he opened one of them up and eyed it suspiciously before running to you to ask more about it.
Kirr :
• things you got fucking assassinated.
• "who was it?" "Kirr, calm down please-" "was it the reapers from the 14th department?" "put your bear traps away-"
• have to explain to this man and he'll remember like the old man he is
• i headcannon he's from the flat out 1400-1500s and you cant tell me otherwise
• another little duckling
• questions pads/tampons but never out loud. keeps those questions inside his mind, and doesnt dare say them out loud
• probably wants to see how the blood works, legs spread open as he watches the blood, but he wont admit that
• like Aitachi, still confused about the pads/tampons but doesnt question it that much, though it still haunts him about the fact that you place them on your underwear/stick it up there
• not big with affection but if you need it, he'll be willing to comply
Nine :
• notices immediately
• has learned about it, school and after school
• knows a few things that'll help with your pain
• he'll make you his cookies, knowing of the craving for sweets during it
• he'll comfort you during your cramps
• he'll ask and borrow some medication from verine, with the bribe/lie of returning it. the man keeps ahold of it.
• pretty calm about it, not much to worry about since it's practically human and normal
• knows how to get certain things from places we shouldnt question
Day :
• someone please explain what a period is to this man child.
• will automatically think you're going to die, even though you're already dead.
• extremely worried, even after you tell him what's happening.
• "day, please. it's okay, i'm no-" "WE NEED TO GET YOU TO THE HOSPITAL, BOSS! YOURE GOING TO DIE!"
• will try to carry and/or drag you to a hospital, but doesn't make it far after you told him to stop and put you down.
• as worried as he is, he will still listen. after trying to get his brain to process that you are not full on dying, and just suffering through shark week, he will sort of understand. not fully, but he's trying. :(
• is by your side 24/7, making sure you feel okay. when you say you need to go to the human world to get tampons/pads, he automatically wants to be the first person to go with you.
• may or may not build a tower out of the tampon/pad boxes as he waits for you to finish shopping.
• if you're craving for any sort of sweets, he will be more then happy to follow you to a stop, cafe, etc... to get it. and may convince you to get him something along the way.
• is extremely supportive during the whole time. got cramps? he'll carry you to your room or wherever you're trying to get to.
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after-l1fe · 4 years
All the characters as cats
The sweetest cat ever (perhaps a bit too much, won’t even kill a fly), he will bring you his favorite toys when you are sad to see if that makes you feel better and if you let him out not only will he definitely come back he will bring with him a flower or a cool thing he found.
Will never scratch you or your couch, also will always use his bathroom. When he’s hungry hell just place his paw on your hand and look at you.
He seems like a lazy cat but he’s actually just slow and takes his time with things, he doesn’t do much, but he seems to always be watching the backyard and the plants that grow in there as if meditating.
Loves catnip, please give him some…
You could swear he’s asleep in your bed when you walk out of your room but just as you look outside and into the hallway there he is looking directly at you. The times you’ve gotten scared due to suddenly hearing a really loud ‘MEOOOWWWW’ behind you are countless.
You tried placing a collar with a little bell on it on his neck, he hated it and was able to take it off no matter how much you secured it.
He doesn’t ask you for food at all and most of the times he waits a longggg time till he eats.
Likes to hide his toys and he’s sometimes appeared at the top of really high places, how he got there you have no idea…
OMG don’t let this cat out, he goes running to every female cat he sees luckily he’s sterilized
He brings you lots of stuff from when you do let him out as a present.
He can’t be away from you for too long, he’ll start crying if you leave the house and you’ve gotten complains about the ‘dying cat’ when its actually him just really needy and in NEED cuddles and the only way he knows how to get them is by screaming.
Hates when you invite people to the house and will scratch them when you aren’t looking. If he sees you with a lot of people he’ll start scratching the couch and curtains, so you HAVE to go to him and stop his bad behavior.
Always sits on your lap to ‘stop’ you from going anywhere and staying with him. He follows you around all the time and panics (by throwing stuff from the shelves) if you don’t arrive at the time you always do.
Can’t stop cleaning himself and does so more than once a day, LOVES baths and if you leave the door open he’ll just get in the shower with you.
ALWAYS running around, he seems to never get tired…
Loves going outside and exploring every little thing he finds, if its cool he’ll bring it to you, and you MUST take it home and secretly throw it away or he will cry all night because he lost his cool looking rock ☹
Loves to sit down and watch movies with you.
Another cat that can’t help but clean himself daily, he likes to take baths and when you comb his fur.
Cries when you take his little toy mirror away, you got it in a cereal box and forgot to throw it out and now it seems like you cant or at least you shouldn’t if you don’t wanna make him cry.
Sits on top of whatever you are using so that you put attention to him.
Super serious cat that never leaves your side, he once protected you from the attack of a butterfly, he was fearless and fought with great courage.
Great memory, he never gets lost outside.
Acts more like a dog sometimes, he stands by you like he’s ready to jump at any enemy that may appear like another butterfly or worse a MOTH
He seems to like meowing randomly but if you REALLY put attention to it, it kinda sounds like a song
He looks like a miniature grumpy cat 24/7 but is actually always wanting to cuddle you, careful tho if you pet him too much he’ll try to bite you, if he does it not even hard like its more of a way of telling you he’s had enough (if you look at him tho it looks like he’s lonely and wants more but he’ll never ask for it).
Super fast runner!
Really lazy cat he seems to be awful at sports and you’ve never seen him run.
Really curious cat, everything you bring in from outside MUST be inspected by him AT LEAST once, if he goes outside it’ll be a trouble to get him back in because he just can’t stop touching and sniffing stuff.
He NEEDS attention, if you don’t give it to him prepare for a screaming cat, stuff on the floor and an awful looking couch and curtains. If you try to catch him hell just run away for you to play with him even if just for a bit of time.
Runs super fast when he gets scared and he WILL bite you hard if you pull (or even touch) his tail, don’t do it you’ll regret it, even if you get to see his angry cute face… seriously… don’t… even if he looks so cute when mad…
Super terrified of dogs, even just hearing their barks from far away makes him jump a Little.
Pretty calm cat if you didn’t know the date he was born you’d say he’s a very old cat and you could count the times he’s meowed.
The most beautiful cat you’ve EVER seen, yet he hates to get pet too much and to stop you he’ll place his paw on top of your hand.
Is calm most of the time and doesn’t seem to like using too much strength.
Cries when the lights are all off, storms also make him scared because most of the time they mean no light for a while…☹
Very active during the day, he can’t stop running around, when night comes he just likes to lay down next to you and finally sleep.
He couldn’t live without you; he loves you too much.
Loves to hunt butterflies and sometimes bigger more scary things like grasshoppers :o
He’s a very serious cat and he seems to always be there for you, once you screamed due to a spider, he was there instantly and killed it, to make you even happier he was sure to show you his success by bringing the spiders dead body to your bed, such a sweetheart right?!!
Loves eating! Even more if meat is in the menu.
Another meat lover, but this one is way cuter and more playful even if he seems to try to act serious all the time.
Hates water, don’t try to make him take a bath… YOU.WILL. REGRET.IT.
He loves to just sit by the window and watch as the people go by, kinda like meditating.
He is always there for you and if you feel sad he seems to know even before you do and starts cuddling up to you.
Shhhh you didn’t hear this from me but, normally he tries to keep his distance just a bit BUT give him catnip and he will be stuck to you like magic, he wont leave you alone or stop purring when you pet him.
You found out he had a routine of asking you for food, leaving the house, and then going house by house to get some food always acting like a stray cat so people had pity on him and they fed him…
He hates cold climate and he loves to get under the covers of your bed with you before going to sleep.
He can be super mean to the strangers (strangers to him) you bring to your house, most of the times this means trying to trip them by walking between their legs meanwhile they’re walking.
He hates any sort of insect or reptile so every time he sees one he just freaks out and runs to you for help in killing the scary fluffy moth, you shouldn’t count on him to kill any spiders or flies that are in the house.
This cat always seems to be sneezing, you thought maybe the house was too cold, so you tried heating it up a bit… it didn’t work, perhaps too hot?... that has been going on for a while now and you honestly don’t know what it is, you’ve just given up at this point…
You once got ‘attacked’ by a fly in the house, he was brave and killed the fly for you only for him to faint shortly afterwards.
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yeetmeintothe-abyss · 4 years
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I GOT HIM! My very first SSR!
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The Night Team Is Bad At Road Trips (Oneshot) (Fanfiction)
You can read it here on AO3.  I know that there's no "Hour 4" section. It's because I was too lazy to write it, and I figured the early hours when Nine drove, it was so peaceful that nothing interesting happened!
The Night Team Is Bad At Road Trips
When the 14th Department Annual Retreat rolls around, the Manager, Nyang Lead Manager, and Sei Housemaster decide to turn the eight-hour drive to the retreat location into a road trip competition to encourage all Soul Reapers' attendance. The prize? No cleaning duties for a month.
And there is no way Nine is letting any of the other teams get even a glimpse at a prize that wonderous.
As the Night Team travels to the retreat location, he begins to realize ... maybe he is the only one is his team with a braincell.
Then again, maybe not.
Just some Noctu bonding.
Slice of Life, Humor, Attempt at Humor, Fluff, Fluff and Humor
Word Count:
Hour 0
Our story begins inside the Noctu Team Dorm, in the bedroom of Nine and Day, where the human puppy of the two Soul Reapers ransacked the room in search of the last few belongings that he needed to pack for him and his team’s trip to the Purification Plains for the 14th Department Annual Retreat. 
The 14th Department Annual Retreat was a favorite of Nyang Lead Manager’s, as the destination point—the Purification Plains—was a place where all Soul Reapers could rest and relax and take time to remind themselves of the true meaning of Purifying vengeful spirits (of course, many suspected that the lake brimming with fish was actually the real allure for the fussy feline).  
He, Sei Housemaster, and the Manager had already gone ahead two days earlier to get things set up for the rest of the 14th Department, and, to encourage the Soul Reapers to attend the retreat as soon as possible, had set up the days prior to the actual event as a competition to see which Reaper Team could travel the eight hours to the Purification Plains the fastest.  The winning team was exempt from all Soul Reaper cleaning duties for an entire month. 
And oh, how Nine craved that one month of complete freedom.
Yet, he could feel a muscle in his left eye twitch, as he watched his roommate (who had decided that five minutes before their departure was the most opportune time to pack) scramble around the room for his remaining shirts and pants and hair ties and candy and snacks and pretty rocks and shiny beetles and mini elephant figurines and all manner of fidget toys to play with.  
Noctu was, by some stroke of misfortune, the last team to leave for the day (even Mane—who had Jamie, the supposed slowest Soul Reaper in all of existence—had left before them), and Nine could slowly feel his grip on the prospect of a month free from all cleaning duties slip away.
Day’s side of the room had always been a mess, and Nine loathed the day when Theo would get a glance at it, but he never bothered the lumbering Soul Reaper about it, because firstly, it was too much trouble, and secondly, even in all the chaos, Day seemed to know where everything was. 
Or so it had appeared.
“Nine-Nine, Nine-Nine, I can’t find my favorite jacket!”
“I believe it’s on top of your chair, Mr. Day.”
“Nine-Nine!  My hair ties are all gone!  Tachi-Tachi made them for me!  What am I going to do?”
“Are not the hair ties Aitachi gave you the ones on your wrist, Mr. Day?”
“Wow!  Can I show you the really sparkly flower I found under my bed, Nine-Nine?”
“Mr. Day, I promise I’ll look at it after you finish packing.”
And so it went for another five minutes before Day declared himself “ready for adventure.”  Nine breathed a sigh of relief as he and his roommate grabbed their respective luggage (although Day had offered to carry Nine’s seventeen suitcases for him because he only had one and was “stronger than Nine-Nine!”) and walked into the common space of the Noctu Team Dorm.  He prayed that he would find the tribesmen duo of Aitachi and Kirr, all packed and waiting for them, but unfortunately, that was too much to ask for, as the pair were nowhere in sight.
Before Nine could send Day to go out looking for them, however, out lumbered both Kirr and Aitachi from their bedroom, each with not a single suitcase in sight, but rather, massive messenger bags slung across their shoulders, Kirr’s made of leather, and Aitachi’s, merino.  
Kirr smiled at the two from across the dorm.  “Day, Nine, do not fear: Aitachi and I have packed emergency provisions enough for the both of you.”
“Brother Kirr is right,” replied Aitachi, nodding, and patting his bag.  “We will stave off our mighty foe, ‘Malnutrition,’ with all the food that we have!”
Nine shoved down the need to facepalm at the duo and in a composed voice, asked, “Do you two happen to have any clothes packed with all the emergency rations you have in your bags?”
Aitachi and Kirr exchanged confused glances, before the older of the two asked, “Why would we bring a change of clothes if we plan to wash and dry the ones we’re wearing right now in rivers as we blaze our trail to the Plains of Purification?”
“Kirr-Kirr, Tachi-Tachi, that’s so smart!” exclaimed Day, as he made motions to throw out from his own suitcase all his clothes, too.
Nine held a hand out to stop him and swallowed a sigh.  “Mr. Kirr, Aitachi, I think it would be greatly beneficial if you two brought several days change of clothes along with all this, as we won’t be doing trailblazing of any sort to the Purification Plains.”
“Oh, that’s right,” realized Day, sadly.  “Manager said that everyone is taking a ‘road trip’ there, and we’re supposed to be driving the car that the Department left for us.”
Nine wanted to laugh at the we’re supposed to be driving the car remark, because, due to the fact that he wanted to go on living, there was no way that he was going to let any of the other members of the Night Team drive their Department-sanctioned car.
It wasn’t that he liked driving or even particularly wanted to, but he was one hundred percent certain that up in the cold alpine regions that he had grown up in, the only thing that Kirr had ever driven was a pack of sled dogs; Aitachi was only fourteen and up until yesterday, had assumed that the entire party was to travel by way of horseback; and Day, who he treasured greatly, was … Day.  Nine was sure that in the entire time Day had been in the Otherworld, he had yet to pass his driver’s license test and was still patiently nursing his permit. 
But he didn’t have the heart to correct the well-meaning Soul Reaper and nodded.  “Mr. Day is right.  Our trip shouldn’t take us more than eight hours if we take the car, so you don’t have to worry about washing and drying your clothes on the way there, but you will definitely need a change of outfits when we get to the Retreat, unless … you want Mr. Theo and the other Soul Reapers to keep a twenty-mile radius from you.”
(Was it terrible of him to think that that wasn’t so horrible of a prospect?)
Aitachi valiantly declared, “Mr. Theo’s actions will have no effect on me!” but turned around to his room to pack some clothes, anyway, while Kirr slunk off after him, muttering under his breath, “How inconvenient.”
Nine groaned softly as he and Day followed the pair, because frankly, while Aitachi—who liked to sew his own clothes—had something that resembled style, Kirr believed clothes were simply a troublesome necessity; he didn’t even own anything nicely colored or patterned (“In the forest, it is best for a hunter to wear dark, solid colors to blend in with their surroundings”) and had absolutely no fashion sense at all.  And as Nine, who had an appreciation for beauty, refused to let one of his teammates be the bane of anyone with eyes, he felt it his obligation to now ensure that Kirr did not pack everything in the realm of beiges, blacks, and whites for the Retreat.
After several minutes of sorting through Kirr’s clothes and wondering how every item managed to smell so strongly of pine and bramble, Nine deemed the Night Team ready to take on the open road of the Otherworld.  
He herded the group outside of the Department building and toward a clunky black minivan that looked nearly five hundred and thirty-seven SRE years old (he knew the 14th Department was cheap, but really?).  
Nine bit back a laugh when he saw Day carefully arranging his lanky arms and legs into the driver’s seat.
“Mr. Day, I believe it would be best if I did all the driving.”
Day looked surprised.  “Nine-Nine, that’s not fair to you.  We need to take turns!”
“Brother Day is right!  As warriors, we must all learn to share the burden,” said Aitachi.
Kirr nodded gravely.  “It’s not possible for one hunter to take up all the shifts in a single season and succeed.”
Nine didn’t know what to say to that, but as he definitely wasn’t going to let the rest of the team drive, he decided to politely allay their concerns by saying, “In the Otherworld, you need to have a license to drive.”
This seemed to satisfy both Kirr and Aitachi—although he suspected that that was because neither of them was familiar with what driver’s licenses were—but Day surprised him by pulling out a glistening card from his pocket.  “Ta-da!  Look, I have a license, too!  Manager went with me to go get it last week!”
He felt his stomach sink as he slunk toward the front passenger seat and said, “Ah, excellent work, Mr. Day.  Let’s you and I take two-hour shifts, then.”
Nine sighed as Day revved up the engine and cheered, “Yay!  Let’s go, Night Team!”  
He was going to die for a second time, wasn’t he?
Hour 1
“Nine-Nine, Tachi-Tachi, Kirr-Kirr!  Do you guys mind if I play some music?” asked Day, who, although had proven in the past fifteen minutes to be a moderately competent driver (He had only almost crashed three times!  A new low record!), was now completely turned around to address the two of his team members that were seated in the back passenger seats.
Kirr looked mildly concerned because as a hunter, he was used to and greatly appreciated the silence, and had regarded the quietness of the group in the strange vehicle known as “a car” as a kind of comfort.  However, he assented with a stoic “No,” when he noticed the disconcerted expression that Day, who enjoyed silence as much as any exuberant puppy, wore.  
“I have no objection!” assured Aitachi, who was curious as to how Brother Day intended to play a musical instrument when he was busy using both of his hands to operate the “car” machine that they were currently in.
It wasn’t that Nine didn’t appreciate Day’s choice of music—it was just that he knew that all the songs on the tall Soul Reaper’s Otherworldify travel playlist were either super sweet bubblegum pop or some kind of holy music in another language with lots and lots of sitar.  As it turned out, he, like Kirr, was a slave to Day’s melancholy expression and was forced to suffer with a “That’s fine, Mr. Day.” 
Day brightened instantly—it was so gloomy when it was silent—and, taking his eyes off of the road for a few seconds, reached for his cellphone to blast his travel playlist on the car’s speakers.
Nine cringed almost imperceptibly, and Kirr and Aitachi exchanged astonished glances because where was the music coming from (Kirr also privately wondered if the flamboyantly peppy lyrics of the female singer even could be considered music)?!
“It must be the work of spirits,” concluded Aitachi, nodding.  “Brother Day must have employed them to make these noises!”
“Waaaaah, Tachi-Tachi, it’s not noise—it’s music!” said Day, whose eyes had grown to the size of saucers at the comment.  “And hehe, nope, no spirits—the music is coming from these speakers!”  He gestured toward their various locations in the car, leaving exactly zero of his fingers on the steering wheel.
Nine nodded and took this opportunity to lower the volume as he elaborated, “Speakers amplify the sounds that pass through them.”
“What an amazing contraption!” cried Aitachi.  He turned toward his companion on the right.  “Don’t you think so, Brother Kirr?”
Kirr was silent for a few moments before measuredly answering, “It is indeed extraordinary … but will the music not distract you from your task, Day?”
“Don’t worry, Kirr-Kirr!” promised Day, who secretly had to admit that his focus from the road was wavering as he tried to sing along to the songs, but he wasn’t sure if he could stand the silence, again.  “I’ll try to stay alert!”
Nine was struck with an idea.  “Mr. Day, you have been asking to hear my personal compositions for a long time.  Would you like to listen to one now?  The classical music will help fill the long silence ahead of us but will allow you to keep your focus.”
Day beamed at the compromise.  “Yay!  We get to listen to Nine-Nine’s music!”
“Yes, play it, Brother Nine!  It is always good to listen to the music of a fellow warrior!” said Aitachi, as Nine opened his own Otherworldify account and began to play an instrumental soft piano melody.  
The group listened for a few moments before Kirr reached forward to lightly press a hand on Nine’s shoulder.  His eyes gleamed with praise as he said, “You have true talent, Nine.”
“Yeah, Nine-Nine is the best!” agreed Day, as he felt calm overcome him with the music.
“Brother Nine is a prodigy!” Aitachi said.
Nine smiled softly at the encouragement as he closed his eyes and leaned back in his seat as he, along with the rest of the Night Team, listened to the masterful notes of the first movement of Beethoven’s Piano Sonata Number 14.
While he loved Noctu dearly, he wasn’t sure if he was ready to show his fellow members his own personal compositions.
Hour 2
As it turned out, the car that the 14th Department had given them was a gas guzzler, and at the beginning of the final hour of Day’s shift, Nine had the wits to peep at the fuel gauge—as the driver forgot to—and noticed that they were in dire need of gas, ASAP.
“It looks like we’ll need to refuel,” Nine announced.
Kirr immediately reached into his messenger bag and pulled out a short rope of jerky, handing it to him.
Nine shook his head.  “Not that kind of fuel, Mr. Kirr,” he said.  He took out his phone and searched for the nearest gas station.  “I meant fuel for the car.”
“It can share our jerky if it wants!” assured Aitachi, looking confused.  He wished he had remembered to bring carrots or hay, as that was the kind of food he had fed his horse, Tata, in the past, and he assumed this “car” would be more than obliged to consume the same fare, as well.
“I think Nine-Nine means gasoline,” Day said.  “That’s what gives cars their energy.”
Kirr grimaced.  “I’m afraid Aitachi and I failed to bring that kind of food.”  He lowered his head.  “We take full responsibility.”
As Aitachi bowed in tandem, Nine’s eyes widened when they both reached for their weapons.  “Mr. Kirr, Aitachi, it’s not your fault, truly.”  He gestured for them to lower their bows and knives, worrying that it was some kind of custom of both the Cicady and Atiyah tribes to self-mutilate as penance for an offense.  “Don’t hurt yourselves, please.”
“Hurt ourselves?  No, Brother Nine—Brother Kirr and I were only going to go hunt food for the car, as we didn’t think to bring any 'gasoline' for it!” said Aitachi.
Nine couldn’t hold back his laugh at the pair’s earnestness.  “There’s no need.  If Mr. Day will take a left here,” he nodded at the driver, who took an uncoordinated turn as instructed, “we’ll arrive at a station  where we can fill up our car with gas ad libitum, provided we have the money.”
“Which we do!”  Day pat his pockets in satisfaction, but upon remembering that he no longer was a wealthy human being, but rather a penniless Soul Reaper, he turned to Nine and blushed.  “Hehe, or I think Nine-Nine does.”
As the car rolled into the gas station, Nine smiled.  “That I do, Mr. Day.”
Hour 3
“Night Team, will you be with me as I wage war on Mane?” asked Aitachi abruptly as he rummaged through his messenger bag, his face a shade of red that matched the beads in his hair.  
Nine looked at the youngest of the group through the rearview mirror in concern, as Kirr instantly answered, “We will battle your enemies together, Aitachi.”  Nine was driving now, but that didn’t mean he wasn’t the main (read: sole) disciplinarian and voice of reason of his team. “Did something happen?”
“Yes, something did happen, Brother Nine!”  Aitachi pouted.  “It is a most grievous insult!”  He pulled out from his bag an enormous straw sunhat.  Around it was a sky-blue ribbon with the words “Aitachi: Cutest Warrior Ever!” embroidered on it.  
Day turned from his seat in the front to survey the commotion.  “Tachi-Tachi, that’s so cute!”
“That Mr. Licht snuck it into my bag, I’m sure!”  Aitachi shook the large headgear effusively.  “He's the only one who would do such a thing!”
Kirr nodded.  “We must seek the restitution of Aitachi’s honor against the Morning Team for this affront.”  
“Oh, I don’t know if that’s such a good idea …” mumbled Day, who loathed conflict of any kind.  “Brother Licht will just apologize if you ask him.”
“Mr. Day is right,” said Nine.  “No waging war of any kind, okay?”  He strained his ears to hear the muted mutters of assent from Aitachi and Kirr.  “I said, okay?”  He nodded when the pair agreed louder this time.  “Good.”  
He looked at the clock, wondering how far the other teams were ahead of them.  Surely no one must’ve reached the Purification Plains yet, else the Manager would’ve made a post (or the team itself) on SNS.  He peered in the rearview mirror to see Aitachi unwinding the straw of his new hat in frustration.  “How about in order to avenge Aitachi, we do it by beating all the other teams—including Mane—to the retreat?”
Aitachi brightened at the prospect.  “What a good idea!”  He raised a fist determinedly.  “Death to the Morning Team!  Drive as fast as you can, Brother Nine!”
“Yay!  Let’s win this race, everyone!” cheered Day.  
Kirr bobbed his head.  “To the winners go the spoils.”
Nine grinned as he pressed his foot down on the gas pedal.  It was nice to see the Night Team come together like this, and for once, despite their extremely late start, Nine believed that they had a chance of winning.
Hour 5
First a nervous smile.
And then a frown.
Another nervous smile.
Another frown.
And then … something that resembled a mixture of both?
These were the expressions that consecutively passed on Day’s face in the two minutes that Nine had watched him out of the corner of his eye.
“Is something the matter, Mr. Day?” he finally had to ask.
Day stuttered, “I—um, no!”
“Brother Day, do not feel as if you need to hide your feelings from us!” said Aitachi.  “We are all warriors of equal caliber and can speak freely to one another.”
Kirr echoed the thought by saying, “Aitachi is right.  There are no secrets between us.”
Day’s face absolutely melted at the kind words.  “It’s just that,” he blubbered, “I really have to go to the bathroom and I know we’re on a tight schedule now and I don’t want to be a bother, and, and, and—”
“Mr. Day, there is no shame in needing to relieve yourself.”  Nine looked out the window and saw that a rest stop was coming up.  “We could all use a break, and look over there—there’s a resting place ahead, so we won’t even have to go out of our way.”
“Th—thanks for saying that, Nine-Nine,” sniffled Day, rubbing his watery eyes, as he pulled the car into the shelter that Nine had pointed out.
As soon as the vehicle came to a sudden stop (à la Day’s masterful parking skills), the party mosied out of the confining space of the car and into the open expanse of the rest stop.
Day sprinted to the bathroom shelter upon their arrival and Kirr began to stretch his muscles, much to the excitement of the flock of girls who stared nearby.
Nine followed Aitachi, who had smelled water and had grabbed Licht’s hat with every intention of throwing it into whatever body of water larger than a puddle that appeared.  
The younger boy saw Nine shadowing him and, as he came upon the lake which he had sensed, turned to the older Reaper and said quietly, “Brother Nine, you probably think I am being wasteful by casting such a finely-crafted piece of apparel away.”  He sighed and held the hat over the water.  “But I am a warrior and worked hard to be recognized as one in my tribe—it's disheartening to know that many in the 14th Department don’t see me as one simply because of my appearance.”
Nine shook his head.  “I don’t think that way at all.”  He himself loathed his own beauty and the other Reapers’ constant mention of it.  In that moment, he felt a kind of kinship with Aitachi, for they both hated what they saw in the mirror.  He pulled the younger Soul Reaper closer to the lake until they both could see their reflections in it.  “You are more than your appearance, Aitachi.  Us on the Night Team know that, but if the Reapers on the other teams need a reminder, we will make sure they get one.”
With that, he guided Aitachi’s hands farther above the water and gestured for him to let the hat go.  They both released a cathartic sigh as the ripples in the wake of its tumble down to the depths of the lake marred their reflections in the water.
Hour 6
“Is that the Evening Team?” asked Kirr as Day’s haphazard driving sped them past a field of fruit trees.  He was sure that his keen eyes had spotted Noah, Sian, Kati, and Cyrille lounging under several boughs, each munching lazily on an armful of apples.  
He watched—mildly amused—that upon noticing that the car that blazed past them was indeed of 14th Department and belonged to the Night Team (whose car had a vanity license plate that read “NOCTU”), no less, Hesperide dropped all the fruit they had been eating and looked at the passing faces of Day and Aitachi—who were sitting in the seats by the windows facing them—in shock.  
Nine smiled.  “That is the Evening Team.  And if I’m remembering correctly, they were the first  to leave?”  
“Yep, yep!” said Day.  “I remember because Little One was in a mood and told me to go away because I offered to get a suitcase that was too high for him to reach!  He told me my height wouldn’t matter in the end because Hesperide was going to leave first, and by Brother Cyrille’s calculations, that means they would get there first, too!”
Aitachi clapped his hands eagerly.  “They must have thought that their leaving early meant they could take long breaks.  A true warrior knows never to be so unguarded!”
“It looks like they’re already on our tails, nevertheless,” observed Kirr, who was still peering behind them at the Evening Team.  “They are fast like rabbits.”
“They’re already in their car?” asked Nine wearily.  Hadn’t they just seen them maybe two minutes ago?  Could they already be following them on the road?  He peeked into the rearview mirror in confusion.  There were no cars behind them for several yards—just how good was Kirr’s eyesight?
Kirr squinted, but he could still definitely make out Sian’s pink hair and Kati’s angry fist at least one mile behind them.  “They have not mounted their vehicle, yet.  They’re putting all their apples into some kind of compartment in the rear.”  As a hunter, he could gauge the distance and time it would take for them to catch up to the Night Team car in an instant.  “I have an idea.”
“What is it, Brother Kirr?” Aitachi asked eagerly.
Kirr looked at his companions.  “Let us set a trap for Hesperide to throw them off their course—and any other team that follows this path.”
“That is,” said Nine, “an excellent idea, Mr. Kirr.  Do you have any plans on what to do?”
“Normally I would suggest setting several snares to capture our prey, but as I believe Manager would be angry if the Evening Team was killed, I advise we set up a distraction that the other teams cannot refuse.”  He peered ahead with his sharp eyes and discerned a road marker that read:
Route 14 — Keep Right
Route 24 — Straight Ahead
If he was remembering the extremely long lectures Nine had given the group regarding the many winding roads of the Otherworld and how keeping on Route 14 would lead them straight to the Purification Plains, going on a different route would surely set one astray.  “Perhaps we should change the directions on that sign up ahead.” 
“Waaaaah, Kirr-Kirr, I don’t see any signs!” complained Day as he and the rest of the Night Team failed to see ahead what was so clear to the eagle-eyed hunter.  
“There is one,” he assured them.  “If Day were to move this vehicle with great speed, then we would be able to make it to the sign two minutes before the Evening Team.  In that time, we must rewrite the directions on it.  At present, it reads, ‘Route Fourteen, keep right, and Route Twenty-Four, straight ahead.”
“We will write ‘Route Fourteen, straight ahead, and Route Twenty-Four, keep right’ instead, then!” realized Aitachi.  Out from his messenger bag, he pulled several sticks of colored wax and lumps of coal, which he sometimes used to color pictures with—even though he insisted they were for the purpose of marking trees so one wouldn’t get lost in the woods.  “We can use these to rewrite the sign.”
And so that’s what they did.
Kirr’s estimation in how much time they would have to alter the road sign was correct, and the short time span caused their work to be rather shoddy, even though Nine’s beautiful calligraphy remedied it a little.
As they drove off, Nine bit his lip and said, “They won’t expect sabotage, so I hope they think that the mistakes in the sign were simply due to an error on the signmaker’s part.”
“‘Sabotage’ doesn’t sound very good, Nine-Nine,” said Day, who looked a tad bit queasy at the prospect.
Nine smiled benignly.  “Surely Manager expects a little healthy competitiveness in this contest.”
Hour 7
“Hm-♪-hm-♪, doesn’t everyone else think it’s funny that the only team we’ve seen in the past six hours is Hesperide?” mused Day, tapping absentmindedly at the windowsill.  “If what Little One said about the Evening Team leaving first is true, shouldn’t we have seen all the others in between?”
Aitachi pursed his lips.  “Maybe the other teams also sped past Hesperide when they were grazing, and they didn’t notice and so couldn’t take action?”
“Maybe,” said Nine, whose brow had begun to furrow,  “but I don’t think Noah would be that lax.  Especially since there aren’t that many cars on this road and all of the 14th Department ones have very obvious vanity license plates.”
“Diluculo and Mane up ahead,” announced Kirr, as if on cue.
The other Reapers’ eyebrows shot up.
“Both of the teams?” asked Nine, needing clarification because what were the chances?
Kirr nodded, looking ahead.  “All eight members are outside of their vehicles.”
“I see them, now!” exclaimed Day, whose jaw dropped open at the sight.  “Nine-Nine!  Nine-Nine—slow down!  Let’s see why they’re stopped!”
Nine, who didn’t necessarily want to waste time in oogling at the other teams, obeyed nonetheless and rolled down his window as the Noctu car stopped, with the engine running, in front of the field where the Dawn and Morning Teams were meandering about.
Quincy did not look happy to see them.  “Oh, great—it’s Doggo and his band of Night Team weirdos!”
Ell’s reception was much more welcoming.  “It’s great to see you guys—achoo!”
Day and Aitachi wriggled their way to Nine’s open window and poked their heads outside.
“Hey, everyone!  Why are you all stopped?” asked Day.
Aitachi, who had been surveying the area, pointed to Jamie, who was standing a few feet away with Non-Non, chanting, “Come on, lil’ feller, you can do it!” 
“I think, Brother Day, that Mr. Jamie is trying to get Non-Non to relieve himself!” 
“You brought Non-Non with you?” asked Nine incredulously.
Ell blushed.  “Mr. Jamie wouldn’t leave without him.”
Kirr also peeked out from Nine’s window.  “I too, would not leave without Non-Non if I were him.”  The tone he said this was so menacing that even Non-Non could feel a shiver down his spine.  
“Waaaaah, so that solves Mane, but what about you guys, Diluculo!”  Day looked a yard in front of him where Verine was pacing with some kind of inhaler at his nose.  “Oh no, is Bambi sick?”
“The Whelp is always sick, Doggo,” spat Quincy.  “And if he doesn’t get out of the car every hour for thirty minutes to get his stupid fresh air, then he gets even sicker!”
Youssef cleared his throat apologetically.  “What Quincy is trying to say is that Verine can’t stay cooped up in the car for very long so we’ve had to take a lot of breaks.  It’s only by chance that we met the Morning Team here.”
“If you’ve needed to make so many stops, how come you’re already only an hour away from the Purification Plains?” Nine had to ask.
The eldest Soul Reaper flushed and looked away.  “Mori … may have found that even though Route Fifteen doesn’t lead to the retreat location, it does merge into Route Fourteen quite aways down and in that span, manages to complete the same distance in only half the time.”
“Yeah, but Route Fifteen is shady as hell, so because of him,” Quincy whirled around to point a finger at Mori, who looked unperturbed at the accusation, “we almost got robbed seventeen times when we were taking the Whelp on his walks!”  He kicked the ground.  “And it doesn’t help that the dumb Morning Team decided to stop exactly where we did!”
“Speaking of the Morning Team,” Aitachi said, curling his fists angrily.  “Where are Mr. Licht and Mr. Ghilley?  I have many things I want to say to Mr. Licht for giving me that demeaning hat!”
“They’re both in the car, I think,” admitted Ell.  “And I’m sorry about Mr. Licht—he means well—achoo!”
Nine realized that unlike Diluculo, who had come through a different path, Mane must have stayed on Route Fourteen, and considering that they were ahead of Hesperide, must have found a way to avoid the Evening Team’s detection when they rested in the fruit trees.
“How were you able to get past Hesperide?” asked Nine.  “Surely if you went past them, they would have seen your car and drove ahead.”
Jamie, who was still trying to coax Non-Non into taking a bathroom break, called over, “Aw, Ghilley said that we should cover our license plates to confuse y’all.”
“Waaaaaaaah, isn’t that illegal?” asked Day, who didn’t realize that his team had no right to question Mane’s actions, as they themselves had done some unsavory things in order to win.
Ell’s blush deepened.  “O—oh, is it?  We had no idea—achoo!  Achoo!”
“While it is entertaining to hear of your exploits,” cut in Kirr, though not unkindly, “we of the Night Team must get moving, for we still have an hour yet to travel.”
Aitachi nodded.  “Brother Kirr is right!  We wish Diluculo the best of luck!”  He pointedly left out wishing well to Mane because dishonor!
“Bye-bye!” chirped Day, as Nine bade farewell to the other two teams and rolled the window back up.  
“That means the only team we have yet to meet is Die,” concluded Nine as they continued their drive down Route Fourteen.  
Day gulped.  “And scary King Ethan is on that team!”
“Brother Day, do not be afraid of Mr. Ethan!  We will most certainly beat him and the rest of Die!” assured Aitachi, although, he, along with the rest of the Night Team, could hardly fathom a scenario where the pretentious, but diligent Soul Reaper didn’t demand an absolute victory from his team.
Hour 8
“We’re almost there!” sang Day.  While he was busy playing Pictionary with Aitachi in the fog that formed from his breath on the window, he had still been keeping track of the time that had passed.
“And we’ve still seen no sign of the intrepid Day Team,” Kirr said.
Aitachi looked away from his and Day’s game to nervously offer, “What if they’re already at the Plains?”
“They can’t be,” affirmed Nine, tightening his grip on the steering wheel.  He was not going to give up a month free from cleaning shifts to someone as snobby as Ethan.
Kirr looked calm as he said, “Do not worry, Aitachi.  The members of Team Die are sneaky, but fast and strong, like foxes—and you remember how much fun we had the last time we hunted foxes.”
“Kirr-Kirr and Tachi-Tachi hunted foxes?  That’s so cool!”  Day exclaimed.  “Next time, take me too, please!”  He looked ahead and brightened.  “Hey, hey, that sign says ‘Welcome to the Purification Plains!’”
Suddenly, they heard an engine revving behind them and everyone besides Nine, who was driving, whirled around to see who the new car was.
Aitachi’s jaw dropped.  “Is that the Day Team?”  
The license plate on the front of the car proved it plainly, for it indeed, had “DIE” written on it, and the words were becoming clearer and clearer as the vehicle whizzed toward them at speeds that none of the decrepit 14th Department cars could even dream of moving at.  
Nine made the connection when he saw the plume of smoke and flames that the Day Team car left in its wake.  “Mr. June’s using his fireballs and blowing through all their fuel at once to move the car as fast as possible!”
“They were tailing us—” realized Kirr, running a hand through his hair in desperation, “waiting for the right moment in which to launch their true speed!  How could I have been so foolish as to not see this coming?  Ethan is a crafty foe, indeed.”
Aitachi tried to keep the panic out of his voice to console his friend by saying, “Do not think it your fault, Brother Kirr.  I’m sure Mr. Ethan purposely kept his car far enough that you couldn’t see what he was doing, but so that he could see us.”
“He probably saw us switch the signs on Hesperide, too,” recognized Nine.  However, he couldn’t dwell on that now, as the Day Team’s car was now right up next to them and was speeding past.  
Suddenly, Day was struck with an idea as he watched the golden smoke that depicted June’s handiwork from the tailpipe of Die's car.  “I have an idea!”
“Say it, Brother Day!  We’ll take anything!” exclaimed Aitachi, watching Die race closer and closer to the entrance to the Purification Plains.  
Day nodded.  “Let’s all draw our weapons and throw them at the car’s wheels on my count!”
Aitachi and Kirr bobbed their heads in agreement, but Nine stared at Day carefully.  “Are you sure about this, Mr. Day?  This is rather underhanded for you.”
“I’ll do anything to protect Tachi-Tachi’s honor,” assured Day, with not even a slight waver in his voice.  He drew his weapon and signaled for the others to do the same.  “On my mark, ready … set … go!”  He exclaimed the last syllable when he saw that the Day Team was fifteen feet in front of the entrance.
All of Noctu rolled down their windows and released their weapons at the word and every one of them hit true on the mark of one of the other car’s wheels.  As the Day Team’s tires blew out, the Night Team’s car sped past Ethan’s enraged face, but they had gotten no more than five feet before one of their own tires popped.
“Oh, no, King Ethan retaliated!” cried Day, referring to the lone sword that had pierced their car’s wheels.
However, Ethan’s sword did not have the slowing effect that he had intended, for as soon as Kirr and Aitachi felt the tell-tale loosening of pressure from one of their tires, their instincts and fleetfootedness, honed from years of hunting nimble hares and deer in the forest, took over, and they kicked open the car doors.  Before anyone could blink, the pair raced toward the Purification Plains’ entrance. 
“Come, Mr. Day, let’s follow them,” ushered Nine the instant the two sprinted out, offering his hand to the tall Soul Reaper.    
Day took it and grinned.  “Aye-aye, Nine!”
Ethan, along with the rest of Die, arrived at the entrance just as the last two members of Noctu did.  
“We did it!” cheered Day, huddling all the members of the Night Team into a group hug.  “We won!”  
“You didn’t win,” began Ethan, his eye twitching in irritation.  “You can’t win if your vehicle didn’t cross the entry point.”  He grit his teeth.  “Now since neither of ours can make it across, the winners will either be Mane, Hesperide, or Diluculo.”
“That’s not necessarily the case,” said the Manager, who seemed to materialize from out of nowhere.  She beamed at the two teams.  “The rules were that whichever team arrives at the Purification Plains first would win.  And since Kirr and Aitachi are both of the Night Team, Noctu wins!”
Ethan’s frown—which had momentarily disappeared at the sight of the Manager—deepened.  “But ma’am—they played unfairly.”
The Manager bit her lips.  “Technically, Sei Housemaster, Nyang Lead Manager, and I never said that there were parameters on what you could and couldn’t do to win, so while I don’t condone their actions—and yours, too, Ethan, I saw you throw your sword at their tire, as well—I think in terms of this competition, it’s okay.”  She turned to look sternly at the members of the Night Team.  “But I expect you four to pay for the damages you caused to the Day Team’s car.”  She cleared her throat.  “And to the sign.”
Day’s eyes widened.�� “You know about that, Manager?”
The Manager only laughed and took out from her pocket four pink slips of paper and handed them to the members of Noctu.  “I award these coupons, which serve as passes from cleaning shifts for one month, to the Night Team!”
The group of four held their tickets up to the sky and cheered, and Nine had to admit, although his motivation for this road trip initially had been for these passes alone, he now considered them just a sweet, sweet bonus for the time he had spent bonding with his teammates.  
And on their drive home after the 14th Department Annual Retreat, he scrounged up his courage and poised a finger on the “play” button on the car speaker to share with the rest of Noctu his most prized, secret music composition.
He had hesitated before to show this part of himself.
But after this trip, he was finally ready.
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incorrectafterlife · 4 years
My friend guesses reaper names
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windows0zerosblog · 4 years
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tokiyaichi · 4 years
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merakiui · 4 years
i don’t remember actually sending a request, sorry about that- anyway, how about the noctu team realizing they’re crushing on the manager? make it like a puppy crush for aiyachi bc the baby is only 14
(Here are the hcs! Please forgive me. I don’t know why they took so long to post. :< But I’m happy with the result! I hope you’ll like it too. Thank you for requesting! These are really cute to think about.)
Noctu Team With a Crush HCs (Aitachi, Kirr, Nine, and Day)
🎯 Aitachi 🎯
Aitachi looks up to a lot of people. He’s not bothered by the fact that most of them might be older and taller. That just means they’ve got more years under their belt and plenty of wisdom to share with him.
He’s so used to being around adults that your presence doesn’t faze him in the slightest.
Intimidation? He knows no such thing! Aitaichi hardly considers fear when you treat him with the same respect as everyone else.
Just don’t baby him. Aitachi may be the smallest and youngest out of the group, but that doesn’t mean he’s a child. He’s a mature Reaper with the courage and strength of a true, pure-hearted warrior!
That’s why he’s always willing to put his life on the line if you’re ever in danger, which is extreme and illogical considering he’s already died once and is now immortal.
He means well, but you’ll still clarify that he doesn’t need to go to such lengths to ensure your safety.
“I’ll be fine,” you told him after a vengeful spirit tried to attack you. “You don’t have to worry so much. As long as no one’s hurt, we can continue with our work, right?”
The very next morning you find a talisman on your desk, along with a small note telling you to keep it close whenever you’re in danger.
Since then, you’ve kept it as a good luck charm, knowing that as long as you’re careful you won’t fall prey to any wandering spirits.
Aitachi takes up the role as your unofficial errand boy ever since he discovered the special spot on your desk for the doll he made. He insists on bringing you every important document because it’s a warrior’s duty to provide for those in need.
His fellow Noctu Reapers think it’s quite charming that he does this, especially Day, who makes all sorts of comments doting on how his “little brother” is so helpful and sweet.
You’re grateful that Aitachi’s so willing to lend a hand without a single complaint, and you make sure he knows just how thankful you are.
Even if the gesture is reserved for that of a child, you still pat him on the head. Aitachi pouted about it at first, saying that head pats aren’t suited for warriors.
Now he just blushes at the contact, proud to have gotten your recognition.
He’s almost like Day in a sense, unintentionally following you around like a lost hound.
It’s quite obvious that he’s got a case of young puppy love.
He’s making another talisman doll for you when he comes to the realization of his wholesome feelings.
Are warriors even supposed to feel this way?
He’s stuck thinking about it the whole day, and he’ll probably be less confident to admit to it.
In the meantime, though, he’ll continue helping you to the best of his ability, secretly doing everything he can to be considered your number one. Almost like a teacher’s pet, but in this case it’s manager’s pet.
All of those talisman dolls are starting to pile up on your desk, as well as his innocent adoration for his hard-working manager.
🏹 Kirr 🏹
Having a crush is such a foreign concept to Kirr.
When he first heard the word, he took it quite literally, wondering why anyone would want to crush another person. That should only happen in a survival scenario where life and death is at stake and you’re facing an enemy with negative intentions.
Yet as he learns more about what it means in a romantic sense, it gives him more confusion. So a crush is a strong sense of admiration for another person?
In that case, wouldn’t it be his manager who he holds in high esteem?
He doesn’t really know how to bring this topic up with the others, so he’s debating it internally. It’s definitely a struggle for poor Kirr, who can’t seem to figure out whether or not what he’s feeling is a crush or just simple respect for his colleague.
So he ends up watching how the Reapers act around you. They’re so kind and sociable. And he acts the same, albeit at a serious level where most jokes go over his head.
Kirr is so busy troubling himself with these inner debates that he doesn’t even register when someone’s trying to talk to him, and it’s a bit concerning.
One afternoon he’s sharpening the arrowheads on the ends of his arrows when he sees you crossing the field. And you look serene as you walk, not paying any mind to the wind that rustles your clothes.
He’s shared plenty of conversations with you before, but during those times he never had a chance to appreciate you in all your astounding form.
It’s almost too much for him, and a slew of feelings catch his heart in a vice.
Maybe he does have a crush after all.
But where are all these emotions coming from? Based off of what he’s heard from the Department, Kirr knows that a crush is normal for everyone of all ages. It’s a sign that you’ve taken romantic interest in someone.
He wonders what one does with feelings like these. Obviously he could confess or get to know you more, but something’s holding him back. Suddenly, he’s become indecisive.
Normally, when he’s hunting, it’s easy to rely on logic and instincts. Now he’s not so sure which will help him out in this situation.
When you catch his staring and wave, a smile on your face, Kirr holds up his arm, returning the gesture. You really are a great person; your personality glimmers underneath the glare of the sun, and he’s glad that someone so amazing is his manager.
Logic might fail in this case, and instincts won’t get him anywhere as he has no idea where to begin. So maybe he’ll settle on his heart, following it like it’s a searchlight in the blurry haze of confusion that’s overtaken his reasoning.
Kirr’s definitely going to gravitate towards you more as he tries to navigate his newfound feelings. He’s doing his best, so please encourage him.
🎼 Nine 🎼
He catches you slacking off one day, absorbed in the videos on your mobile device.
Nine isn’t one to snoop, but he does happen to catch the swish of a colorful pen against a sheet of unwrinkled paper. He knows what it is at once.
You’re watching calligraphy videos.
“Do you enjoy that, Manager?” he’ll ask, awaiting your answer.
Once you confirm that you do like it, Nine’ll be happy to know that his manager shares similar interests with him.
Since then, the two of you have bonded over calligraphy, and Nine’s even showed you what his skillful hands can do. Just give him a pretty pen and some paper and he’ll be scribbling all sorts of gorgeous words.
He finds that the best word to write is your name, which is a tad confusing, but you seem honored.
Before he can even register the extent of your relationship, you’re already inviting him to places. Whether it’s in your office talking over paperwork or rendezvousing in the human world during a successful mission, Nine enjoys your presence.
Nine realizes that every day spent in your company is fun, albeit a dangerous erosion to his heart, which is beginning to wear at its foundation.
He manages to stay composed, but there’s something strange in how he hopes of eventually surpassing the border known as friendship.
He’s not used to getting so close to others; usually he keeps his distance, only upholding a conversation when needed. But now he feels as though he’ll lose you if he doesn’t stick around, and the idea of that is crushing.
You’re already such a ray of sunshine, a soothing force against the hectic work days, so he wants to ensure that you’re also content.
He’s writing down the remnants of a composition he recalls, testing his memory of his distant past life, when everything starts to click into place. The stars align as he writes in the final notes, reviewing the completed composition with tranquil eyes.
If he’s right, it should be played slow and steady, transitioning between notes of melancholic hope and satisfied bitterness. Quite a tragic piece, if he’s being honest, but maybe that was his intention. Or his memory might be faulty. Either way, he’s certain that this composition describes his inner turmoil perfectly. Bittersweet like chocolate and uncertain like his intuition.
Nine can’t remember the name to this particular composition, so he writes the first thing that comes to his mind.
The moment he finishes writing your name is definitive proof of what he’s feeling.
Some would say it’s a crush, and others would say it’s unfiltered endearment. Regardless of what it is, it holds the same implications.
Nine’s in love.
Though his previous life was cut short and he refuses to sort through his cracked past, he has all the time in the world to start anew. And that’s all he needs to act upon these feelings that have blossomed.
It’ll take time, but he knows that he’ll be able to confess when he’s certain that his love isn’t completely one-sided.
In the 14th Department, Nine seems to wear his smile purposefully, and there’s a bright shine in his gaze.
🍦 Day 🍦
He’s with you 24/7. At least, that’s what it feels like to you.
Realistically, it’s because of your role as manager. But at some point he just starts to forget that that’s your job and he begins to consider you a friend.
He’s in your office all the time, sitting on a swivel chair or trying to lounge on your desk while you’re writing up reports.
In the beginning, you would always kick him out, lightly advising him that work hours are not play hours—even if there aren’t any ongoing missions.
But Day is so loyal, constantly flitting around you like a butterfly. He seems to smile even brighter when you address him, and despite his carefree demeanor he wants to provide as much help as he can.
“Let me carry that, Manager!” or “Hey, hey! We should get ice cream to celebrate your hard work. I want to take you to the best place. You have to try the new flavors with me!”
You give up pushing him away and start to welcome him into your office.
The other Reapers begin to suspect something’s up, especially those who are more perceptive than the others. Day’s own team members can’t help but wonder what’s got him so fascinated with you.
He claims he can never be bored when he’s around you, which proves to be true because this man can talk about anything and everything.
All it takes is for you to mention that you’re in the mood for something sweet, and he’ll be on that topic faster than a moth to a light.
Without meaning to, he memorizes all of the information he learns about you, accidentally mentioning some facts during a conversation.
It makes you realize just how close he pays attention to you.
Even Nyang Lead Manager has noticed his attachment, but he’s uninterested for the most part. As long as Day doesn’t let himself get distracted from work, he’s not bothered.
But it makes things harder for you. Your focus diminishes whenever he’s near, so much so that you begin to take in different aspects of his actions.
He rarely blushes, but when he does it’s usually whenever you do something that warrants bashfulness. And he’s started to compliment you a lot now, always recognizing changes to your fashion.
Day happens to be relaxing in his dorm, reading an ancient tome about magic and its connection to the heart, when it finally makes sense.
Wait. Hold on.
He peers at the symbols with undeterred intensity, recalling memories of you and him. Eerily, his feelings fit the exact description in the book.
He really does spend a lot of time with you, and you’ve been occupying his thoughts day and night since he first got to know you. Some would say it’s too much, but you can never have enough of something you love.
Love. That’s the word he was looking for.
He’s in love. True, real, authentic love.
Day pops up from his sitting position so fast it almost throws him off balance. The other Noctu members look at him in confusion, but he’s too busy to even give them an explanation.
Now wired with too much excitement to feel worried, he rushes through the 14th Department, completely shirtless and in a hurry to get to your office so he can give you a rambling soapbox speech about his inner thoughts and feelings.
Someone give him a shirt before he gets himself in trouble with Nyang.
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Sleeping Noctu team
Because yeah, I started playing and got hooked on the game literally the day before the shutdown notice.
So... anyway, practiced some watersoluble graphite on them. I’m still trying to master how to draw hair im this technique as nothing that I used on dry media works in wet techniques lol
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lennmonn · 4 years
Did he
Did he call Youssef old? hAHAHAHHAHAHSHAHAHHAHQHA lmao i didn't notice
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haru-luo · 4 years
SPOILER !!! Adult Aitachi >////< (Event : Notice that I became an adult overnight)
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SHDFSGJB AITACHI ?!?! TF my son grew up ohno 
So this is in korean server rn omg ToT 
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miryawrites · 4 years
|| Requested by: @fire82light
—Fluff headcanons: Noctu—
–He's a rather mature guy despite being the youngest out of the reapers, with that said you're in totally good hands because he will take care of you.
–Cold? "Here's a cloak for you."
–Sad? He'll try his best to cheer you up, perhaps with words of encouragement or try to be cute for your sake.
–He might just be the type to help you with simple things, like carrying paperwork for you or helping you search for something that's missing.
–He may make something for you, a fluffy scarf perhaps to make you feel better.
–He loves you so much he can't sometimes process it, bless his fourteen year old heart. He's too cute for his own good.
–He isn't clingy, not very clingy at least. So there's always space for you if he sees you're overwhelmed. He's already grown up enough to know to distance himself if situations warrant it.
–I doubt you'd even be sad with this overgrown human puppy around.
–You need a hug? He'll be right at you the second he feels that you're sad.
–Your happiness is his happiness, so he would try to cheer you up by giving you more snuggles and compliments.
–He likes to be around you in general, making you happy and everything. It gets too overwhelming that sometimes you tell him to slow down, and you can't turn down that cute pleading face he has when you do.
–He will actually listen to you and be considerate enough to give you space, but that won't stop him from smiling brightly at you to the point where your problems are yeeted into Theo's trashcan.
–He likes sharing Nine's cookies with you, he loves you and everyone too much to not share.
–Someone help this poor man.
–He's too stiff for his own good it will probably make you laugh at some point.
–He takes things seriously, and one of those things is your happiness and wellbeing.
–You will never ever get sick or something with this dude around.
–Sad or angry? He'd probably take you out on a hunt or something to vent your frustrations into.
–He may be stiff as a board but he cares for you, periodt.
–He loves you, and he takes that very seriously. Although it may be awkward at first, he gets better at showing his affections for you over time.
–He's the type to chase out that nasty cockroach that somehow ended up under your desk with a sword.
–Love him as he is. Please.
–This big hunter has more than enough to protect you at all costs, it gets silly at times due to his seriousness, but you'd learn to appreciate it over time.
–Oh you want some peace and quiet? Nine would be more than happy to give you that, although he still makes his presence known, he's never rude to you.
–It will take a while to get this guy attached to you, and when he does get attached? He's loyal, and wouldn't even mind you complimenting his appearance anymore.
–Possibly the type to lay your head on his lap when he's thinking, it may be rare due to schedule and his personality, but he relishes it.
–He likes being alone, either with himself or with you.
–He can't deny you, and he's always there for your emotional health or breakdowns.
–He will help you with simple things, like cooking or washing dishes or even taking care of extra paperwork you got from a recent business trip.
–He loves you, and it shows.
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after-l1fe · 4 years
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Nice I got lucky.
After a while it’s weird to see any new card :_v
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yukihime03 · 4 years
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Five stars.
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