#after studying for a year so hard on jee
rinkiyakimummy · 1 year
the urge to study english lit and leaving this JEE culture is so overwhleming
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eshtaresht · 1 year
oh damn oh jees I'm so normal sooo sooooo normal rn ahaha! emotionally, I'm feeling sorta ZGBZFDHZV HV ZDH DZVVZDS ZD ZZV LZV. like, it's trigun, I expected it to hit hard BUT I DIDN'T EXPECT IT TO HIT SO HARD spoilers for ep 10 under the cut as usual
tbh I'm mostly shaking about the next ep and impending season finale, but this one was still pretty brutal
firstly, the goofs. vash fucking SNEESING and getting ruthlessly bullied by wolfwood is pretty much in spirit of their relationship in 98' anime and I'd love to see more of it (pls I hope there'll be a season 2)
scar reveal! I was afraid they're gonna give him a glow up and yeah, some scars are barely visible, but the other ones look awful. so, everything I hoped for, good to see he's in pain /j. also nico tried so hard not to stare at shirtless vash... he's looking away respectfully
vash is such a wet cat pathetic paperbag of a guy... just let that guy take a shot, barely flinched, took the bullet 'cause he thinks he deserved it. didn't even think of attending the wound until wolfwood said so. and, mind you, vash doesn't have any superhuman abilities so that must've hurt like hell
nico's job is so funny because to keep vash safe he has to get into mega epic fights, but also remind that idiot to eat and take care of wounds. again, vashwood duo feels more like the original now, after the sandsteamer. I think nico actualy started caring about vash since he saved the orphanage, it's great to see him conflicted with his mission
also policemen from ep 1 and the guy who shot vash are like... second best side characters in stampede and this is not a compliment. the best ones are nomads who ate worms btw
oh meryl, she's gonna girlboss so hard now... woe to all the haters and naysayers, she's getting character development and faces the same conflict as vash and nico thus gaining more narrative significance!! don't get me wrong, manga and 98' anime meryl was a crucial character, but she's getting much more freedom in stampede to develop and get into action
the moment where she gets up during wolfwood voiceover is when we start to see the "iron lady" and I'm so here for it! now we just have to wait for her designated therapy dog girlfriend to appear and when I can be at peace
tbh I don't really care about roberto. no hate, just neutral, rip drunckle grumps
everybody just dumped zazie... so rude, meryl didn't even answer their question >:(
elendira is..... not bad, but disappointing in comparison to the manga's gorgeously evil and hilariour girlboss who was also explicitly trans! oh look, she's a child experiment plant hybrid now, yay... meh
TESLA CONFIRMED omg I'm SOO exited for the next episode we're gonna be in SO MUCH PAIN
knives yeeting vash into the pit got a giggle out of me, but also... damn he actually was preparing all these years, crafting a perfect trap. and all the plants... he couldn't fix them and boy oh boy, I'm pretty sure he gathered them not for safekeeping... HE'S GONNA DO A LAST RUN ON THEM TO "FIX" VASH!! that was probably what elendira was refering to when she started crying
I am the normallest about this. these twins are such hyppocrites I wanna study and dissect them. knives doing the most cruel thing to his sisters so he can get rid of everything that makes vash human in hopes that if they were on the same footage they would finally stay together.......
and the words that he says to vash hurt so much more because it's true. he does love humans, but the main thing driving him is guilt. in stampede, more than ever, vash blames himself for pretty much all human suffering, because he helped the great fall happen. no wonder he's so depressed and not nearly as goofy! homeboy doesn't just protect the lives rem saved, his pacifistic quest is penance for all the people he (thinks he) killed
july is going to destroy him.
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chefeader · 4 months
life update:
hi y'all,
honestly i haven't been posting because im so caught up in studying for the back to back mocks, i have 2 in a week, yesterdays mock i scored so less, way less than my expectation , and way less than what i worked for, i had 3 days and trust me despite putting my everything and feeling confident i got nothing ( the fruit of hardwork) despite having such bad period cramps and wanting to rest i went to extreme 12 hours of study, and its disappointing that it did not pay back atleast in the form of a good score but rather a very low score.
i cried yesterday after coming home, if people are able to score 500-600 above why am i not,honeslty the thought of suici*e came to my mind too, but im not a loser, i cant give up after wasting so much of my dads money and putting in sm effort, then had to restart studying for the next mock, it aint full syllabus, its just some chapters compiled, im going to focus more on question practice.
i want to reach out to this ex bestfriend of mine whom i hold as close in my heart and as my elder sis, but idk if she feels the same and the last convo we had she clearly didn't want me in her life, but i feel mixed reaction from her recently when we spoke through an anonymous platform. but reaching out to her can make someone close to me upset and angry with me. i think im just on my period mood swings and feeling lonely , having no one to believe in me and motivate and love me.
take care everyone, good luck to all neet aspirants, may we pass with flying colors and get selected ! <3
my senior advised that they purposely make such hard papers , neet is easier than this, if you're able to solve pyqs and past papers then you're good. also i saw a video where a girl was in the top 20 the whole year and she got 603 or less in real neet cus she stopped focusing on ncert and went to jee adv level q for neet, and a girl who used to get 400s went to 700 in real neet by focusing on ncert so anything can happen, a miracle or a bad thing too , so dont stop believing in god and yourself.
Thankyou for reading if you did.
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houseofbreadpakoda · 7 months
Rant ahead
My dad has always and continues to tear me down every chance he gets. And however hard I try to cut him off, cause i know his opinions are worthless, I just can't. I got into a college out of my league, after trying so freaking hard, he told me i would've gotten into the jee batch had I worked hard. I try recording a song, he tells me I should study instead of doing "random bullshit". I finally instill some academic confidence in myself after crying about it everyday for months, he straight up tells me I'm a failure. I dress masculine, he has a problem, I dress up feminine, he judges me so motherfucking hard. I live my life in peace, he dumps me into hell. Hell, he won't even let me cry in peace. I'm too privileged to have any problems in my life, and it is my stupidity that I'm not making any use of my opportunities. Every two seconds of my life, he'll bring up how smart 7 year old me was, not realising that how he chose to educate me is the reason I have such a horrible relationship with studies. My mom does support me, and asks me to cut off toxic people like him from my life. And I want to. But it's horribly hard when life isn't all flowers and you have this one man who can only focus on the fucking thorns. So much so that even flowers look like thorns to him. As rude as this may sound, I will never be able to accept myself as his daughter. I cannot. It's something he's made me feel from years, and I'm still only 17. His words have made me want to kill myself, and I'm scared that if I stay around him longer, the thoughts might return.
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ramayantika · 1 year
I am moving out from here on 14th April. My brother has his jee on 13th after which we will head back home to Durgapur. I have lived here in odisha, my native state for three years now. As a child, we never visited other tourist places much. We only got time to visit our grandparents and cousins. My cousins lived where I live now: Nalco, Angul. I wanted to live here when I was a kid just to stay with my cousins and play with them until I was forced to stay in odisha instead of completely my high school in kolkata like we were supposed too and then living here in Angul was suggested by chacha chachi, so we did, with hopes of getting something good out of it.
I am here only for nine more days. I had arrived here on 15th August where the physics sir had told us to quickly study S block and give a test in two hours. I remember how I felt like crying. We had just reached this place, barely opened our luggage, and I was hearing this neet jee for an hour and then a test. I wanted to sleep, but somehow I studied and I had scored really bad. Like I do often, I ended up crying in the car. I was like mummy dance class band kar dete hai abhi padhai pe hi dhyan dungi. For someone who loves dance a lot, I have told my mother to cancel dance classes because I thought that I wasn't good enough to do both because I was lacking in my studies, and as for every middle class person, job and money comes first and then your dreams until your job money dream everything lies in one single thing.
Well, my dance class continued, I gave my dance exam online, completed learning a few items too, wrote stories and studied hard. I have wasted time too by crying or by simply procrastinating or sometimes I would engage myself in dance or writing for a much longer time than scheduled. And now all of this will end. I will wrap my things again and go home. Now I have lived in durgapur for only a month. I loved it so I am looking forward to it now.
It feels surreal. I wanted to move out of this place so badly in the initial months. I still want too. But now looking back, this experience has made me feel grateful and wiser about so many things. My school friends from kolkata still complain that why I had to go to odisha and stay there, but I am happy I did. As a tenth grader, I lived in my own world and had a pink dream idea of being with my friends, wearing fashionable clothes, attending parties and fests and studying ofc, nothing much.
Over here each and every expectation, every dream was broken. Like they say, to find yourself one needs to lose themselves too, which I did. That was a really dark phase. Alone, with no one and no idea how and why is this happening to you. But some time later I rediscovered myself again. It was art, poetry, stories and dance. It was me connecting back to God, whom I had forgotten in the glitz and glamour of big cities. I read the same ramayana mahabharata and folk tales, but I had begun finding learning lessons from them which as a child I was only enamoured by the story, the drama and visuals.
The things 13year old samridhi enjoyed, I no longer enjoy them anymore. The clothing, the music, the lifestyle everything has taken a 360 degree turn. Once I enjoyed parties and loud music, we used to have some in kolkata sometimes and I loved it. Now, I don't think I can. I want to have friends and make memories and enjoy, but no longer with music drinks and stuff. Somewhere simple and meaningful.
I know that in the upcoming months there are going to be many changes, but these experiences shall stay with me and remind me to be humble and rooted to the ground. I have seen the rich, sparkles and exciting rush and also the slow life, muddy roads, farms and simple people simple towns. There is still more to see in the near future, but to live through all this is a big thing for an 18 year old.
And if it were not sambalpur and angul, I wouldn't have known how strangers can be loving, how certain people hold such a great mark over you and your story, and how colourful life can be.
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letsdotarot · 2 years
Hii I just am like wanting time and some battery in my phone to write that long feedback for the reading. Damn daddy issues has so long story 🤦‍♀️ and it was so resonating. Well I read your rules rn and I wanted to ask on this. Please tell me if this or any of my question does not fit in your rules. So my question is - What will happen if I take a drop this year for JEE Adv?
Thank you so much. Sending you lots of love🌹🌹Take care.
9 of Swords, Queen of Wands Rx, final outcome – 6 of Cups Rx, Bottom of the deck – Strength Rx
It’s not gonna be smooth sail, but in the end, it does look like things will turn out for the best. 9oS indicates feelings of unhappiness, stress, being overwhelmed, and burdened. Feeling so anxious that you lie awake in the middle of the night worrying about your future. It could literally be indicating you lying awake at night to study as well, and fearing the worse. However, this card also says that things are not always as they seem, and although you will spend your time imaging the worst, in reality it is not that bad. It says that you should wait until the situation unfolds so that you can learn more. Followed by QoW Rx which represents low self-esteem and being exhausted. There might be a lack of fulfillment in your general demeanor if you do not see value in your career. There is a probability that you will encounter obstacles that will hamper your progress. After 9oS, this card is a reminder to adhere to your rational side - to balance your sometimes chaotic energy with clear though, and you will be more successful.
With all of the above said, the final outcome card 6oC Rx is very interesting. Although on one hand it can indicate boredom and stagnation, BUT it also stands for moving on, freedom from obligation and being ready to cut the ties that were holding you back. This makes me think that if you take a year off to prepare for JEE, although it might be hard, but in the end you’ll end up in a better position than JEE. It’s like maybe you end up cracking a foreign university, OR, you come to the realization that this is not what you wanna do and in fact end up discovering where your passion lies. Or maybe right now your brain in fixated on IITs but you end up finding and getting selected into other university which suits your professional aspirations even better. In all honesty, it could be representing cracking JEE as well, but I strongly feel it is indicating something else. Because this card is preceded by QoW Rx (which can represent discovering what you stand for you and not being moved by the opinions of others), so I feel that it is representing something else that is even better for you – which right now either you aren’t able to see or are too afraid to take that step.
I also feel the above because the basis of this entire reading is Strength Rx which says that you may constantly second-guess yourself, letting your anxiety and self-doubt take control and prevent you from making the choices that can propel your career forward. If you actually took a closer look at yourself, you would find that you are more capable than you actually believe. It says to trust in your own abilities, and others will trust you as well. That’ll be all for this reading. Hope it has been of some help. All the very best and good luck to you!
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pracbe · 1 month
JEE preparation with the 12th board exams
JEE preparation along with studying for the class curriculum is one of the hardest things to execute among the aspirants. Having a perfect balance of preparation for JEE and board exam is the mantra in clearing the JEE.
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Out of 24 hours in a day one-third of the time goes to school. While the other remaining time is being spent taking coaching classes which leaves the students with very little time to recollect the study done within a day and when it comes to spending some personal time it is a luxury for students while preparing.
With competition for places increasing day by day and clearing the paper becoming difficult we can see very few getting seats in their first attempt.
So, most of the aspirants go for a second attempt or drop a year with the sole purpose to prepare for the JEE exam.
The second approach helps many to clear the examination at the expense of losing a year but the ultimate aim being IIT matters the least.
There is a trend or a pattern that the top rankers of this exam are students who are fresher acing JEE in their first attempt alongside board exams.
There will always be exceptional cases amongst aspirants who clear JEE in the first attempt which shows the sheer genius of these students but people shouldn’t overlook their hard work and efforts.
To balance studying for 12th board while simultaneously preparing for JEE here are a few advises
NCERT as primary books is a must. It is basically your bible for two years. It helps you get your basics right. People will suggest other sources for preparing but trust me without acing NCERT running after secondary sources are worthless. NCERT is also a factor for the mass exodus of students from other boards to CBSE after class 10.
Try to finish up your NCERT books as quickly as possible.NCERT only helps you clear up your basic concepts and help you solve the numerical aspects. The thorough study of NCERT would help you solve the numerical because once the basics get clear due to practice and revision you will be able to do the numerical more efficiently. Remember one important motto while preparing for JEE; try to avoid utilizing your time in clearing up your theoretical concept and focus on numerical concepts as much as possible. JEE paper is totally based on your ability to solve the conceptual numerical. The paper does not test your theoretical ability as much. So no need to be cent per cent perfect.
Solving of previous year question(PYQ) must be a priority as it gives you a rough idea about the type of question asked and can be asked in future. It not only helps you in preparing for JEE but also helps you for the board exam. Solving PVQ is the easiest and fastest way to test your ability and learn quicker. Students should emphasize more on JEE than the board examination. At the end of the day, what will you prefer to get into IIT with fewer marks on the 12th board on the 1st attempt or good marks and no IIT? Many students go for open schools to prioritize JEE over boards. This method gives ample time for preparing JEE and boards simultaneously.
Hoping this article helps the upcoming aspirant to get an insight on how to balance preparing for class 12 boards and JEE.
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3 & 5 for the fic ask game!
Hi Ali 😊💙
3: Do you have any upcoming WIPs? How far along are you with them?
I have a lot of wips but the one I most excited about are in the start stage where I have only plot and some scenes, but nothing close to be good looking. and I doubt I can get them done till the end of may as I have hard uni times now. The wips are: fratboys au, one night stand for Bucktommy
5: Share a snippet that you’re proud of from an upcoming fic/chapter.
I don't have anything coming soon and I don't have time to even try tho think about writing because then i will not study hoe I should, but here is one of my fav parts of this fic
I want to dance with you tonight (and for the rest of my life)
“Ok, Jee,” Maddie kneels in front of her daughter and Buck again close to his tears just thinking how so many years ago he was walking Maddie down the aisle to the man he hated with all his gut, but wanted to believe Maddie will be happy, only to be proven wrong in the worst way possible. And now here she is with her perfect little girl getting ready to marry the man Buck absolutely trusts with not just his life, but with more importantly the lives of Maddie and Jee. Chim is perfect for his sister and he’s honored Maddie again, even though this time their dad is at the wedding, asked him to walk her down the aisle with just one phrase ‘no one else could possibly be the one who should do it except you’. “Remember how papa and I taught you how to scatter the petals down the aisle for mama?” Jee nods and Buck smiles from how adorable it is. “Good,” Maddie smiles. “You will do it while you walk with Linda to papa and I will be just behind you with uncle Buck, ok?” Jee nods again.
“Mama, you look like a princess,” Jee says, petting Maddie’s dress and Buck absolutely melts like everyone else who’s still in the room: so only him, Josh, Linda and his girls. 
“Thank you, baby,” Maddie kisses Jee’s cheek and Jee does the same. “But I’m pretty sure you look like the princess too, don’t you think so Buck?”
Jee sends her attention to him with her look that everyone calls “Uncle Buck look”, but it’s just her big brown eyes looking at him as if he’s the best person ever.
“You’re the most beautiful princess I’ve ever seen, Jee,” he kneels to kiss his niece on her cheek, loving the way she preens under his attention, “and I agree that your mama looks like a princess too. Beautiful princess,” he smiles at his sister who he sees so close to tears, and gets up to kiss her cheek, whispering so only she can hear, “I’m so proud of you, you can’t even imagine and I think I’ve never seen you so beautiful and glowing,” he hugs her to his chest carefully not to crease her dress, kissing her forehead, “I can’t wait to walk you down the aisle for the last time to your best life.”
Maddie nods on it knowing what he means but then hits his chest with playful, “stop making me cry before Chim will read his vow to me,” but after that she kisses his cheek too, whispering, “Thank you. And the second time will be golden. It already is.”
He nods with a smile, bending his arm at the elbow and letting Maddie hug his bicep with her hand. Some seconds later she laughs really loud again and now everyone looks at her strangely.
“Last time he did it, he was barely taller than me, with his biceps smaller than mine, and now he’s on the whole head bigger and his biceps the size of my head,” Maddie explains, playfully squeezing his muscles, making them all laugh now too.
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gitanjali2002 · 2 months
The Best Coaching Classes for JEE Advanced in Bhubaneswar | FIITJEE
FIITJEE Institute is the best coaching class for JEE advanced in Bhubaneswar, ensuring that students excel in JEE advanced preparation while also performing well in board exams. FIITJEE works to help every student achieve their goal of ranking first in engineering entrance exams. Our most senior and experienced faculty members deliver regular classroom programmes to help students develop their basic understanding, knowledge, and problem-solving skills by the latest JEE advanced pattern and level. At FIITJEE Bhubaneswar, they provide a welcoming environment for studies and ensure that students have access to the best resources possible so that they can achieve their long-term goals. The FIITJEE Bhubaneswar team has achieved personal growth in terms of achievements and progress through their dedication and commitment, with growing results year after year in response to time and demand. The institute's tradition of hard work, integrity, and devotion brings about impressive outcomes.
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wanderingsoul2005 · 10 months
Date -16/08/2023
Day - 1
Place- India
I am a 17 year old girl soon to be 18 . I am a jee aspirant and student of class 12 . I don't know how many of you are interested in me but I am really excited to share my story with you all . I am not very good at writing so please bear with me. I have too much of an inside person . I don't share with everyone because nobody wants to listen . Yeah I don't have friends that are totally my fault because I never keep up with them nor do I try to make friends because I don't know . I pretend to be busy all the time but I am a phone addict . I don't have any control over my mind . I want to study I do have goals but never try to achieve them . I always think of working hard but that doesn't materialise. I don't know how to overcome this I have tried a zillion times to take control of myself but I can't today after blogging I am going to try again I don't know what will happen . But from now all I have decided to do whatever I have done I will come on blog and write it down because I think nobody will judge me here .
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bvkgroup · 10 months
JEE Preparation Guide for Droppers and Repeaters
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Although delayed by 1 or 2 years in getting admission, JEE droppers can immediately grab multinational placements after passing out from good engineering colleges. Accepting failure and working on its reasons is the best strategy for JEE droppers and everyone to conduct their life successfully.
Are you also a JEE dropper and repeater and looking forward to attaining success in the drop year? Give yourself a second chance but with proper planning and strategies so you can 100% reach your goal.
Focus on all Topics: All topics are essential for the JEE exam, so skipping any topic because you find it easy could be a vulnerable situation for you in an exam. Some topics carry more weight, and you can give more time to get command over them. Devote more to conceptual understanding of the topics. This can improve your chances of securing a good rank in JEE exam.
Know your Weaker Areas: As a JEE dropper, you know your weak areas and weak topics well. Make a list of all the topics you are lagging on and attempt as many related questions as possible to clear your doubt from the core. JEE droppers get the opportunity to conquer all the obstacles they faced on their first attempt and convert their weaknesses into strengths.
Revision is the Key: You need to work hard and focus on revisions as much as possible. Never skip your revision cycle! Could you ensure that after completing the new topic, you revise the same the next day and schedule a day to revise all old topics?
Right Mentorship: JEE droppers and long-time JEE exam aspirants often lose hope and motivation to pursue JEE exam preparation for the next year. Fear of failing overwhelms them, and consequently, it affects their mental and physical health. For the JEE droppers, the key to success is to remain optimistic throughout the JEE preparation.
Adopt a Healthy Study Habit: JEE exam syllabus is vast and demands longer hours of study; however, sacrificing your sleep can cause risk to your body and hamper your concentration. Adopt productive study habits rather than spending long hours of unfocused study. Take 6-7 hours daily for a good sleep to refresh your body and mind. Keep yourself healthy and hydrated.
Wrapping UP: JEE preparation as a dropper or a repeater requires much hard work and commitment. Failure teaches a valuable lesson! You can recognize your weakness and put in more effort to conquer your weakness and shortcomings. A comprehensive JEE dropper strategy, time management, and revision cycles can land you in your dream engineering college.
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aim4neetcoaching · 11 months
Mastering Speed and Accuracy: Essential Tips for NEET/JEE Entrance Exams
NEET (National Eligibility cum Entrance Test) and JEE (Joint Entrance Examination) are highly competitive exams that determine the fate of aspiring medical and engineering students in India. To secure a seat in a top-tier institute, one must not only be well-prepared but also excel in speed and accuracy during the exams. In this blog, we'll share invaluable tips from AIM4 Institute to help NEET/JEE aspirants enhance their performance, ensuring they maximize their potential on the crucial exam day.
Understand the Syllabus and Exam Pattern: Begin by thoroughly understanding the NEET/JEE syllabus and exam pattern. Having a clear understanding of the topics and their weightage will help you prioritize your study plan and allocate time accordingly. Aim4 Institute provides comprehensive study materials that highlight the important topics, enabling you to focus on what matters most.
Regular Practice with Time Constraints: Regular practice under timed conditions is key to improving speed and accuracy. Allocate dedicated time slots for solving practice papers, sample questions, and previous year papers. As you progress, set stricter time limits to simulate the exam environment, gradually pushing yourself to solve questions more efficiently.
Develop Shortcut Techniques: Explore and develop shortcut techniques for complex problem-solving. Techniques like approximation, elimination, and unit digit methods can save crucial time during the exams. The experienced faculty at AIM4 Institute can guide you in mastering these shortcuts and applying them effectively.
Work on Mental Mathematics: Sharpen your mental mathematics skills to perform quick calculations in your head. Practice mental math exercises daily to build confidence in handling numerical questions faster and with greater accuracy.
Optimize Reading Comprehension: For exams like NEET, which include extensive reading comprehension, it's essential to enhance your reading speed and comprehension. Practice reading articles, passages, and scientific texts regularly to improve your ability to grasp information swiftly.
Mock Tests - Your Best Friends: Mock tests are the holy grail of exam preparation. Participate in AIM4 Institute's regular mock tests to assess your progress and identify weak areas. Analyze your performance after each test and work on improving your speed and accuracy based on the feedback.
Focus on Time Allocation per Section: During the actual exam, divide the time available for each section wisely. Allocate more time to sections with your strengths and save extra minutes for challenging areas. Time management within each section will help you attempt more questions accurately.
Avoid Overthinking and Guess Wisely: Overthinking can lead to unnecessary time wastage and mistakes. If you are unsure about an answer, take an educated guess based on your knowledge and instincts. AIM4 Institute provides tips for intelligent guessing to maximize your chances of getting the answer right.
Stay Calm and Composed: Nervousness can hinder your performance. Practice meditation and deep breathing techniques to stay calm during the exam. A composed mind improves decision-making, helping you make accurate choices in less time.
Mastering speed and accuracy is a gradual process that requires consistent practice, perseverance, and a well-planned approach. By following the tips provided by AIM4 Institute, you can significantly enhance your performance in NEET/JEE entrance exams. Remember, success comes to those who not only work hard but also smartly manage their time and effort during the crucial examination moments. So, stay focused, stay determined, and let your preparation with AIM4 Institute guide you towards a successful future in the field of medicine or engineering. Good luck!
Top 10 NEET Coaching in Jaipur
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bhavnayadav609 · 1 year
Best Institutes for Gate Coaching in Chandigarh
Nowadays most students are appearing for the GATE examination.  If you are also looking forward to appearing for the GATE examination and you are searching for the best Gate coaching institutes in Chandigarh then you have a lot to know in this article. The GATE examination is known as the graduate aptitude test in engineering and is considered one of the most competitive examinations that are conducted in a year for this examination with different intentions. Chandigarh is the capital city of Punjab and Haryana. This place is also close to Himachal which means there is a large group of students who want to pursue GATE coaching classes in a reputed coaching institution that is present in Chandigarh. The graduate aptitude test in engineering is not only one of the highest competitive examinations but is also one of the highly reputed because this is recognized by the top International institutions.
There are a large number of coaching institutes present in Chandigarh that prepare candidates for the GATE examination. Out of all the coaching Institutions, it is essential to choose the best to help the candidates to the best GATE coaching institute in Chandigarh. We are here with the list of some reputed coaching institutions along with the fee structure, address contact number as well as all the required details.
What is GATE exam used for?
GATE (Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering) is an examination that tests students' aptitude and subject knowledge of undergraduate engineering subjects. This exam's primary purpose is to select candidates for admissions into M. E, M. Tech, and Ph. D. programs at IITs (Indian Institute of Technology), NITs (National Institute of Technology), IIITs (Indian Institutes of Information Technology), and other top engineering colleges across India. Additionally, GATE scores are also used by government organizations like PSUs (Public Sector Undertakings) to shortlist candidates for positions related to engineering services. The validity of the scorecard lasts three years after publication, which allows candidates enough time to apply for various postgraduate courses or jobs. Thus, cracking the GATE exam can open up a plethora of opportunities in terms of higher education or career prospects within the field of engineering.
Is GATE tougher than IIT?
Many students often wonder if cracking the GATE exam is tougher than getting into an IIT. It's important to understand that both exams are different in nature and purpose, so it's not really fair to compare them. The GATE exam primarily tests a student’s understanding of engineering concepts and their ability to apply them in practical situations. On the other hand, cracking IIT requires a deep understanding of subjects like Maths, Physics, Chemistry, etc. While both exams require extensive preparation and dedication from students, GATE mainly focuses on testing a candidate's technical knowledge. However, this doesn't mean that clearing the exam is any easier than getting into an IIT. In fact, many candidates who have cleared JEE (Mains) or Advanced may still find it challenging to crack GATE without proper preparation because of its specialized focus on engineering concepts. Ultimately, whether one finds GATE tougher than IIT depends entirely on their individual strengths and weaknesses as well as their level of preparation for each respective exam.
GATE exam is one of the most competitive exams in India and it requires a lot of hard work, dedication, and preparation to crack. Without proper guidance and coaching, cracking this exam can be challenging for even the brightest students. This is where GATE coaching comes into play. A good coaching institute provides you with expert guidance and support throughout your preparation journey. They help you understand the exam pattern, identify your strengths and weaknesses, develop effective study strategies, and provide you with access to quality resources such as mock tests, study material etc. Moreover, attending regular classes also helps you stay motivated and focused on your goals. It gives you an opportunity to interact with like-minded individuals who share similar aspirations as yours. In addition to that, experienced faculty members at coaching institutes also provide personalized attention to each student which helps them clear their doubts instantly. This not only saves time but also boosts confidence levels. GATE Coaching plays a crucial role in shaping up a student's future by providing them with comprehensive knowledge about various subjects along with requisite skills needed for clearing the exam successfully.
Taking GATE coaching has many benefits that can help candidates effectively prepare for the exam. Firstly, it provides a structured approach to learning by breaking down complex topics into manageable segments, thereby ensuring that students cover all the essential concepts in a systematic and organized manner. Secondly, GATE coaching institutes offer regular mock tests that simulate the actual exam environment. This helps candidates assess their strengths and weaknesses, identify areas of improvement and track their progress over time. Thirdly, GATE coaching classes provide access to experienced faculty who have years of experience teaching GATE aspirants. They can provide invaluable guidance on how to tackle difficult questions, suggest shortcuts and tips for solving problems quickly. Fourthly, attending GATE coaching classes also allows students to interact with peers who are preparing for the same exam. This can be helpful in exchanging ideas and strategies for approaching different types of questions. Most reputed GATE coaching institutes have comprehensive study materials such as books, lectures notes and online resources that supplement classroom learning and homework assignments. These resources can be incredibly useful in reinforcing key concepts learned during class hours. Taking Gate Coaching provides a competitive edge over other candidates appearing independently for the examination.
Choosing the best GATE coaching institute in Chandigarh can be a daunting task as there are numerous options available. It is crucial to select a coaching center that caters to your specific needs and requirements. The first step is research. Look up various institutes, their course structure, faculty, success rate and reviews from former students. Shortlist institutes that have positive feedback and high success rates. Next, visit the shortlisted institutes personally. Interact with faculty members, take demo classes and enquire about their teaching methodology. Evaluate if the environment suits you and if you feel comfortable studying there. Affordability should also be considered while selecting an institute as some centers may charge exorbitant fees for similar courses offered elsewhere at reasonable prices. Check whether the institute provides adequate study material such as books, notes etc., which will enhance your preparation process. Selecting the right GATE coaching institute in Chandigarh will not only boost your chances of success but also make your preparation journey smooth and hassle-free.
GATEFORUM is considered the best institute for GATE coaching in Chandigarh due to its top-quality education and experienced faculty members. The institute provides comprehensive study material and conducts regular tests to help students assess their progress. The faculty at GATEFORUM has a wealth of knowledge and experience that they impart to their students, ensuring that they not only crack the exam but also understand the concepts thoroughly. They also provide personalized attention to each student, allowing them to clear doubts and queries easily. Apart from classroom teaching, GATEFORUM offers online courses for those who cannot attend classes physically. These courses allow students from all over India to benefit from their expertise. Moreover, GATEFORUM provides excellent placement assistance after completion of the course. Many companies visit this institute for recruitment drives every year, giving students a chance to land their dream job. If you're looking for an excellent institute with experienced faculty members, quality study materials, regular assessments, flexible learning options and placement support in Chandigarh for your GATE preparation journey then look no further than GATEFORUM!
Choosing the best institute for GATE coaching in Chandigarh can be a daunting task, but with careful research and consideration of factors such as teaching methodology, faculty experience, and course curriculum, you can arrive at an informed decision. GATEFORUM has established itself as a leading institute for GATE coaching in Chandigarh. With experienced faculties who are experts in their respective fields and comprehensive study material that covers every aspect of the exam syllabus, GATEFORUM provides its students with the knowledge and skills they need to ace the exam. In addition to this, GATEFORUM offers regular mock tests that simulate actual exam conditions so that students can get a feel of what it is like to take the GATE before they actually appear for it. The institute also provides doubt clearing sessions where students can clarify their doubts with teachers on any topic related to their coursework. With all these benefits, it's no wonder why thousands of aspirants choose GATEFORUM each year for their preparation needs. If you're serious about cracking the GATE and securing admission into your dream institution or job opportunity then choosing Gateforum would be definitely worth considering!
 Read More Info - https://supercoachinghub.com/best-gate-coaching-in-chandigarh/
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ruchit-digital · 1 year
This digital entrepreneur story will give goosebumps to you: Check out the Free Training on You tube
In every few years, the career trend changes and for now, the trend is entrepreneurship. One may or may not know how to spell it, but they want to know how to make it happen.
Being an entrepreneur requires a different mindset and adaptation of different skills. It is a lot more than just a trendy thing to follow.
An entrepreneur should  -
Have a Passion for Entrepreneurship
Have a Solid Business Plan
Have a Support System
Have a Financing Plan
Have Good Communication Skills
One can gain knowledge and develop these skills by understanding the fundamentals of business and marketing through Free Teaching on YouTube.
The Story of Alok Badatia - Digital Entrepreneur -
Alok Badatia is a Digital Marketing expert, an entrepreneur, a youtuber and marketing consultant with 14+ years of experience.
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Years back he too was confused about what to pursue as his career like us now and tried different things. He was not always clear about becoming a digital marketer.
After failing in the 12th board, he started doing a diploma course. After studying hard, he got rewarded with JEE-state rank 105th and got admission to the most prestigious college in Orissa.
He was still suffering from financial crises and so with the help of Google Search, he discovered a career in SEO, Content writing, and Blogging.
He started to explore SEO, Content writing and Blogging but it was tough to find valuable videos and quality articles that will exactly give the roadmap to make money using these skills.
He struggled a lot to learn these skills on his own and after exploring and talking to his teachers in college, his teacher suggested a person who can help him to learn these skills.
Lack of internet usability caused him a problem in finding a mentor, but after his constant efforts, he found a mentor who was ready to teach him.
Hard work pays off. The journey to learn digital marketing was not easy for him but he gained and became an expert in his skills.
With the passage of time, he got jobs in various companies and after spending years in different companies he gained a lot of experience, and making money was not a big task for him.
He is now the Co-founder of Digital 365, a Digital Marketing Mentor and Consultant, helping the students to make their dreams come true. 
His mission and vision is to spread free knowledge about digital marketing so that every student can learn digital marketing easily without any difficulty. Many students are learning and getting tremendous value, including me.
In conclusion, in today’s era, it is very easy to access information and to learn everything that you want. But if you get guidance from the right mentor, you can achieve your goal in less time.
Alok Batadia sir is the best person to follow and learn from. To make learning easy for students, he is providing Free Teaching on YouTube. Check out his YouTube channel.
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tutoroot · 2 years
Things to Remember while Selecting Science Stream after 10th
The students who have completed schooling often end up choosing the science stream to get into the best careers in the future; as a result, the number of students opting for the science stream is increasing every year. Are you the same one who wants to end up in engineering or medicine after your 12th? Or if you are wondering what or how to choose a stream after the 10th? Here are certain things you must keep in mind if you plan to join the science stream or other streams, let’s get into details. 
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Important Aspects to Consider before joining the Science Stream
Proper Research
Before enrolling in the science stream, the student, as well as parents, need to research to understand the different types of careers that a candidate can access by choosing this stream. Based on the career your child is aspiring you can make a plan. If you are not very thorough, your children might end up in careers they are not interested in. 
Personal Interests
Many parents often make career decisions for their children, which is something they should avoid. Mainly because each student has their own interest and career option, parents choosing on behalf of their children will lead them to end up in a job or a course they are not happy or satisfied with. This is why we suggest the parents sit along with their children and help them make their career choice of whether to choose the science stream or not after the 10th class. 
Aptitude Levels
Every student has different aptitude levels, which they might not be aware of. As this might affect their ability to study a certain subject or course after the 10th. So, parents need to find out their children’s aptitude levels and help them make decisions based on the results. For example, if the student has low aptitude levels, then he/she might have a hard time trying to understand the complex topics or subjects in the science stream. So, for these candidates, the science stream might not be the best choice. Apart from this, you should also consider the strengths and weaknesses of your children. 
However, as you can guess the most popular combination of science stream subjects that are compulsory is Math’s Physics Chemistry (MPC) and Biology Physics Chemistry (BPC). These two streams enable students to join engineering degrees and medical courses respectively. Besides, there is also an extra option for students who are confused about choosing BPC or MPC, which is the BMPC combination. Under this option, the students will learn all the important subjects and have access to a wide range of engineering/medical options after the 12th. 
In the above article, we have provided a comprehensive description of how to choose a stream after the 10th, what things one should keep in mind while selecting a science stream, etc. As you know, the students should prepare for the future ahead whether they have chosen the MPC Stream or BPC stream during the 11th and 12th. Because after completing the 12th, students have to attend the entrance exams, such as NEET and IIT JEE, to get into the career options mentioned above.  
However, qualifying for these entrance exams is not easy, which is why you might need to start your preparation as soon as possible and study very hard. And joining an Online Coaching is better, where you can get access to the best educational materials, and certified staff, at budget-friendly prices, which will help you get amazing ranks and scores in the respective entrance exams. If you are interested in the features, please visit the Tutoroot platform to learn more about these online classes. 
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cgichandigarh · 2 years
SSC CGL Coaching in Chandigarh
If you are looking for the best SSC CGL coaching institute in Chandigarh ,then we provide excellent teaching and guidance in a very systematic way. We have been serving the students of our nation since long .
SSC CGL Coaching in Chandigarh
Competition guru is a leading SSC CGL Coaching institute in Chandigarh. Our expert faculty will help you to learn shortcuts and strategies to master your quantitative aptitude skills.
Our team has been working hard for last 15 years, providing quality education to students of all ages, who wish to compete in various competitive exams like SSC CGL .
To get the best results in SSC CGL exam, it is very important that you are well prepared for the exam and if you want help then our faculty will be able to provide all sort of assistance that will make your preparation easier.
We at Competition Guru have been providing quality education since years so we know exactly how it feels like when someone teaches something new to someone who hasn't studied them before which makes us different from other coaching centres around Chandigarh because our faculty has years of experience in teaching students for competitive exams like SSC CGL.
Competition Guru is a leading SSC CGL Coaching institute in Chandigarh that helps students to crack their challenging exams. With the help of our expert faculty, you can learn shortcuts and strategies to master your quantitative aptitude skills.
Competition guru provides you with an opportunity to learn from experienced professionals who have been teaching for many years. Here, we will provide you with practical examples on how we can use these concepts in real life situations so that they become second nature for everyone at every point throughout their careers.We provide study material,mock tests,test series and much more.
best SSC CGL Coaching in Chandigarh with Competition Guru
We at Competition Guru provide you with the best SSC CGL Coaching in Chandigarh. Our institute is one of the most reputed and trusted institute for providing online and offline SSC CGL coaching in Chandigarh. With us, you can easily get through your exams as well as other competitive exams like JEE, NEET & GATE etc..We have an experienced faculty who will guide you right through your entire preparation process by providing them with all possible support they need so that they can easily understand each topic properly and crack their respective competitive examinations.
Our SSC CGL coaching classes are designed keeping students' convenience in mind so that they do not feel any stress while attending our classes regularly throughout their academic year.
top SSC CGL Coaching institute in Chandigarh
Competition Guru is the best SSC CGL coaching institute in Chandigarh. We provide excellent teaching and guidance in a very systematic way. Our faculty members have rich experience of more than 15 years in this field and are highly qualified to provide you with the best education for your exam. They will guide you on how to prepare for the exam, what type of questions would be asked during it, which topics should be covered before appearing for SSC CGL and other related issues that may arise while preparing for it.
We provide excellent teaching and guidance in a very systematic way. Our faculty members are well-trained and know their subjects very well. They will help you in every aspect of your preparation. You can also register for the exam after taking our classes which will give you an edge over other candidates who have not taken our classes
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