#afternoon srb
moxymaxing · 11 months
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If the main pd cast had pjsk kizuna ranks because i could
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late-to-the-party-81 · 4 months
Take a picture [it will last longer]
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AN: This is just filth. There we go. Porn with a smidge of plot. Enjoy!
Beta’d by the wonderful @endlesstwanted
Likes are loved, reblogs are golden
Mood board by me and dividers by @firefly-graphics
Bingo Fills - 
@buckybarnesbingo k3: AU: Artist/Muse
@stuckybingo G1: Kink - Blindfolds
@steverogersbingo C1: Body Pose/Position Protocol
Build a Bucky Bingo by @buckybarnesevents: Jan: Dom Big Dick Bucky Barnes
Master list | BBB Master list | Stucky Bingo Master List | SRB Master list | BaBB Master List
Summary: Bucky was just planning to spend the afternoon helping his sub get his body poses correct, and he wasn’t expecting to be so inspired. But when the muse hits, you have to follow. It’s a good thing his sub is the best boy ever, always wanting to please his dom.
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Relationship: Dom Photographer Bucky Barnes x Sweet Himbo Sub Steve
Chapter word count: 4.2k
CW: Modern AU, D/S relationship, Sir/Boy dynamic, Himbo Twunk Steve, Dom Bucky, an Artist and his Muse, Blindfolds, Collaring, Leash, Submissive Body Positions, brief mention of exhibitionism, brief mention of semi-public sex, brief mention of Pet Play, Explicit Sexual Content, Safe Sane and Consensual, Pre-established relationship, Bucky Barnes POV
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The shutter on his camera clicked as Bucky took a photo, then he shifted to the right, looking at the play of light across his canvas, and took another. This was the best idea he’d had in a few weeks, and now his mental juices were flowing: he could just imagine a book full of the classiest images. 
Not these ones, though. The ones he was taking now would be just for him to look at. If he went ahead with the idea, he’d have to actually set up a proper photoshoot with lighting and make-up, and maybe a few different models. At least, if he did that he wouldn’t be trying to take pictures with his cock trying to fight its way out of his pants.
A small whine broke the relative quiet, significantly louder than the subtle click of his camera, and Bucky lowered it to take in the sight in front of him without it being filtered through a viewfinder.
Steve, his beautiful golden retriever of a boyfriend, and the subbiest twunk he’d ever met, was positioned in front of him in the most delectable manner. A red blindfold was wrapped across his eyes, and other than the matching collar and lease, that was the only item of clothing he wore. He was positioned on his hands and knees - Table pose - back flat, abs tight and his heavy, half chubbed cock hanging towards the floor. And because he was in table pose, Bucky had decided to make use of him like that. Upon his back was a silver tray, which in turn held a flute of champagne. 
Steve had been holding that pose for five minutes now, as Bucky took his shots, but he was strong and Bucky knew he could manage for much longer than that.
When Bucky had decided that Steve needed to practise his poses this afternoon, he hadn’t intended to turn it into an impromptu photography session. But Steve was his muse, and inspiration had struck as soon as the muscular blond had adopted the Kneel pose, sitting back on his knees, back straight, chin up and hands palm down on his thighs. The afternoon light streaming in through the huge floor to ceiling windows had been perfect, casting highlights over Steve’s pale, freckled skin, corn coloured hair and blindfold that Bucky had placed on him.
And his boy was so good, because Bucky hadn’t had to say a word, hadn’t needed to command Steve to stay still and wait, as he’d briefly left the living room to acquire his favourite SLR from his study. Steve didn’t move a muscle, a perfect Sub just waiting for instructions.
After Kneel, Bucky had instructed Steve to adopt the Humble pose, and when he leaned forward, head resting on the back of his arms as he pressed them to the floor, his knees moved apart, showing off his tight hole, heavy balls and thick cock. Despite the fact that Steve must have known he was being photographed, he didn’t say a word. Such a good boy.
When Bucky had taken all the shots he wanted of Steve’s supplication, - the play of light across his muscles was extraordinary - he ordered him back onto his hands and knees, grabbed the end of his lease and had him crawl closer to Bucky’s arm chair. Once the right distance away, with just one word Steve shifted into the Stool position. Bucky sat down and raised his legs, his black, italian leather shoes settling right into the small of Steve’s back.
He carefully angled his camera so that the only part of himself in frame was those shoes. Juxtaposed with just how big Steve actually was, it just highlighted the submissive element of the pictures. Not that Bucky was small by any means, but Steve was a few inches taller and his muscles more defined. Bucky was thicker, a little heavier. Pure Dom. 
The Table pose had come after the Stool. Bucky had lost sense of how long they’d been going, but he knew that Steve was in that beautifully soft headspace, with how his movements between poses became a little more laggy each time as he tried to tune back in to what he was being told. 
He’d explained how it felt to Bucky once, that intoxicating headspace where everything was quiet, stress-free and comfortable, his mind wandering without any thought or desire other than to please his Dom.
However, they were almost done. Just one more pose for Steve to hold and then Bucky’s sweet boy, and Bucky himself, would get their reward. Bucky could hardly wait. They way Steve just gave it all up for him, whenever he asked, was a heady experience. 
When they’d first met, in a dingy gay nightclub in Manhattan, neither man had been looking for a relationship, just a quick hook-up. However, when Bucky had teased Steve back at the blond’s apartment calling him a ‘bad boy’, he’d suddenly looked so upset that Bucky had immediately known the young man had a praise kink as big as Staten Island. And if that didn’t just press Bucky’s buttons!
“Oh, you wanna be a good boy, huh?” he’d purred, with just a hint of derision. Steve had just nodded emphatically, lower lip between his teeth, but Bucky wasn’t having any of that. “Words, sugar.”
“I-I wanna be a g-good boy,” Steve had mumbled. Bucky had combed his fingers into the mess of golden hair, then sharply gripped it and pulled Steve’s head back, making him whine. “W-wanna be your good b-boy. S-Sir.”
Hearing the honorific fall from Steve’s lips had almost made Bucky blow his load in his pants then and there. “And does my good boy have a safe word?” Bucky’s excitement had been off the charts, but he’d tried to keep himself outwardly calm, maintaining his Dom aura.
“Queens,” Steve had stuttered. Bucky had leant forward, lips against Steve’s ear.
“What about a colour?” he’d asked with a nip to the soft lobe.
“Green, Sir. Oh God!”
What had transpired next had been the best sex Bucky had had in a long time. His favourite part had been when Steve had started to cry after the fifth time Bucky had denied him his orgasm while fucking him on his cock. He’d leant forwards and licked the salty tears from Steve’s face as he’d lain on his back, big hands holding his muscular legs bent and spread wide, trembling with need. Bucky swore that was the moment he fell in love. Or at least in deep, deep lust. Bucky had stayed the night, which was very unlike him, and when Steve had tentatively asked for his number the next morning, he’d found he couldn’t deny him that.
He’d spent the rest of the day in an artist’s haze, having taken hold of his camera straight after his shower once he’d returned home. He’d gone out on a walk and ended up taking photos of everything in sight, seeing them now highlighted with a radiance they hadn’t had the day before. Those photos had become the basis for a new series that he’d ended up displaying in the ICP, and also convinced him that maybe being in a proper relationship wouldn’t be so bad.
Now it was nine months later and Steve had moved permanently into Bucky’s penthouse apartment. Despite Bucky’s wealth and prosperity, Steve had insisted on keeping his job at the local gym as a class instructor and personal trainer, much to Bucky’s amusement. He liked that Steve was insistent on still maintaining his independence, and not acquiescing to Bucky’s attempts to make him a kept man. Also, Bucky would feel bad about depriving the world of Steve in tight shorts and spandex. He’d decided one day to surprise his lover and pick him up from his shift, and having arrived early, had snuck in to watch Steve finish off teaching his spin class.
However, the sight of Steve’s muscular thighs barely contained by his short shorts, the way the seat of the spin bike was being almost devoured by that sinful ass, and how his sleeveless tee was stained wet with fresh sweat, had almost destroyed his brain. He didn’t know whether he wanted to photograph Steve - which he knew he wasn’t allowed to do, anyway-, or drag him off the bike and fuck him right there on the floor - also not allowed. Instead, he’d settled for waiting for Steve to finish and then dragging him into the staff locker room, swallowing his cock down and fingering him until he exploded down Bucky’s throat. Steve had babbled incoherently the entire time, and had had to lean on Bucky very suspiciously as they made their way to the car.
Unlike some guys, Bucky wasn’t afraid to let other people see his boyfriend. He was secure in their relationship, knowing that Steve would never take up the blatant offers he regularly received; not only because Steve wasn’t like that, but also, half the time Steve had no idea that he was being flirted with - he just thought people were being nice. Bucky would shake his head and smile to himself.
Also, if Bucky had been jealous about other people seeing Steve, then he wouldn’t be able to indulge his passion for going to the local club. Steve was such a sweet Sub, it would have been heresy not to show him off. His skin was so naturally pale - thanks, Irish genetics - that when it turned it red, whether that was from embarrassment, tears, or a paddle, it just stood out all the more, and Bucky never failed to be struck by the beauty of it.
That was also the crux of it. Steve wasn’t just his lover or his Sub. Steve was also his muse. Whether it was Steve’s body that helped inspire him, or Steve’s delightful, almost naive way of looking at the world forcing him to see the mundane in a new light, Bucky had never been so prolific in his work. Which led them back around to how the current scene had shifted from Bucky’s original idea and gotten his creative juices going. This wasn’t the first time Bucky had photographed Steve during a scene, and he doubted it would be the last. There were already a few tasteful shots printed and framed on the walls of their bedroom.
Bucky set his camera down, lifted the tray from Steve’s back and placed it on their actual coffee table. The mahogany and glass piece of furniture had nowhere near as much beauty as Steve serving the same function. Before instructing Steve into his final and most demanding pose, Bucky picked up the champagne flute and took a mouthful of it - he didn’t want to waste it after all. However, he did decide to test his Sub’s control.
Walking around Steve, who was breathing slowly, his mouth slack, Bucky stopped once again by his ass. He then lifted his arm and tilted his hand, allowing a small amount of the champagne to stream downwards to hit the bottom of Steve’s spine and spill down his crack, over his hole, and drip off of his balls. And Steve, his perfect, perfect boy, didn’t move at all, only letting out a cross between a squeak and a moan as the cold liquid made contact with his warm skin. The sight was so erotic that Bucky didn’t even think of denying himself and just dropped to his knees, poking his tongue into the cleft of Steve’s ass to lick up the fizzing alcohol. Steve squeaked again, and Bucky’s cock twitched in reply. It was just a shame for Steve that he couldn’t see it.
Getting back to his feet, Bucky picked his camera back up and gave Steve the instructions for his final pose. 
“Steve. Wheel.” No further elaboration was required. Bucky began to shoot as soon as Steve started to move. He pushed himself to his knees and then to his feet. He raised his arms over his head and let himself bend backwards until his palms met the floor and his stomach was raised to the ceiling. His legs were spread, shoulder width apart for balance, and his cock dangled temptingly between them. Bucky circled him, still taking pictures, but also listening to Steve’s rhythmical breathing. Getting into this pose was no effort for Steve. The trick, though, would be holding it, and Bucky wouldn’t be the sometimes mean Dom that he was if he didn’t make it just a little trickier.
Bucky picked up the tray and carefully balanced it on Steve toned, flat abs. This time there was a reaction from Steve, albeit a very tiny one. Just the briefest of flinches as the cool metal touched his stomach. Bucky stroked his hand down Steve’s tensed thigh.
“Good boy. You’re doing so well for me. Almost done now.”
Steve whined, making Bucky’s smile broader. He took more pictures, making sure he’d gotten one from every angle, capturing every shaft of light and the way Steve’s leash had slid past his right shoulder to dangle and then coil onto the floor by his head. He zoomed in, capturing the peppering of sweat droplets on Steve’s brow. How one of his freckles was distorted through the salty liquid. There was a small tremor in Steve’s arms and thighs now - Bucky could see the muscles twitching. His boy had had enough. Bucky might be mean sometimes, but he never set Steve up to fail knowing how badly that would affect him. He capped his camera, placing it up on the bookshelf knowing he wouldn’t need it again today, and then removed the tray with its half full glass of champagne still on it. Leaving Steve where he was, he walked through to the kitchen, downed the rest of the alcohol and washed up the flute. Again, he didn’t hurry himself walking back through to the living room, and as he took in the vision that was Steve once more, he felt a rush of emotion. Love. Lust. Protectiveness. Joy. Steve gave him all of these things and accepted them back in return. 
“Steve, Kneel.” 
With a muted sigh, Steve let himself slip to the ground before righting himself and resuming the first position he’d adopted, back straight, his hands on his thighs. Bucky crouched in front of him and slowly removed the blindfold, adoring the way Steve blinked owlishly at him as his glassy eyes were uncovered. He was still fairly deep in subspace, despite the physical demands that had been placed upon him.
Bucky then took hold of the end of Steve’s leash and stood back up. “Heel.”
Steve hurried onto his hands and knees at Bucky’s side, keeping perfect pace as Bucky left the living room and made his way to the bedroom. Every time they did this, it strengthened the idea in his mind that Steve would look even more delectable with a pair of ears and a tail plug. Not just his boy, but his puppy. It would be very cute, and arousing, to see him humping a stuffy. However, that idea would have to wait for another day. For now Bucky needed to give his good boy a reward for all his hard work. 
He stopped by the end of the bed, Steve stopping immediately as well, and let the leash drop. He pulled his sweater over his head, placing it on top of the easy chair, and began to unbutton his shirt. Steve cocked his head to the side, his eyes widening and his cock started to fill out again as Bucky started to reveal his thick chest sprinkled with dark hair. Bucky undressed calmly - not too hurried, but not drawing it out either. Once he was naked, he stepped back close to Steve and cupped his face with his hand. Steve pushed his face against Bucky’s palm and spoke for the first time in over an hour. 
“Sir! I need you. Please.”
Bucky swiped his thumb over Steve’s cheekbone, captivated by the delicate fluttering of his long eyelashes - if he were a poet he’d write sonnets about those eyelashes. “I know, baby. You were so good for me. So very good. Now get up on the bed and present for me, sugar.” 
Steve eagerly obeyed, moving so fast he almost got tangled up in his leash, and assumed the position, face down ass up, holding himself open in record time. Bucky moved leisurely, climbing up onto the bed behind him and just giving himself a moment to just look at Steve. Really look at him.
The swathes of delicate pale skin pulled taut over firm muscles. The smattering of freckles that changed in number over the course of the year, depending on how much Steve’s skin was left uncovered. Steve’s face was turned to the side, his aquiline nose in stark profile against the dark sheets of the bed and his lips were pink and swollen from where he’d had bitten on them in anticipation of what was to come.
In a word, he was perfect.
Bucky reached out his right hand, extending his pointer finger and bringing it to the skin at the back of Steve’s neck, just under his collar, trailing it slowly down his body to swirl it over his dry hole. Steve shuddered and let out another needy whine. Bucky did it again, just to tease him.
“Sir, please!” The sound of Steve’s begging rolled over Bucky, the knowledge that Steve was choosing to put the power of his pleasure in Bucky’s hands making him dizzy. It was time to stop delaying.
He placed a grounding hand on the small of Steve’s back and leant over to open the top drawer, snagging the bottle of lube. “You need it so much, don’t you angel-boy?”
Steve nodded his head into the comforter, knowing the sound of the drawer being opened and sinking deeper into subspace in a Pavolvian response. Bucky flicked the cap open and allowed a generous dollop to fall onto Steve’s exposed hole, enjoying the shudder it elicited. He slid his pointer finger through the viscous liquid, both smearing it around and covering his digit. Happy that everything was well lubed, Bucky started to circle Steve’s ring of muscle, gently pressing on it and urging it to relax under his touch. He slid his free hand down to cup one of Steve’s pert ass cheeks, groping it lewdly.
An expert in Steve’s body by now, Bucky knew when to press his finger a little more firmly, a frisson of lust and power shooting through him as Steve’s ass opened and accepted the intruding digit. He thrust it back and forwards slowly but firmly, still working on getting Steve nice and loose. He let go of his boy’s ass check so he squirt a bit more lube, covering his second finger and tucking that in beside the first. Steve moaned deeply and his knees slid a bit further apart, opening and displaying himself even more.
Bucky curled his fingers and rubbed straight over Steve’s sweet spot, blatantly enjoying the feeling of power when Steve jerked as though zapped by electricity. As he continued to stroke over Steve’s prostate, his boy started to move his hips, fucking himself on Bucky’s fingers, lost in the pleasurable sensation of it all. Bucky swatted him on his ass, not hard enough to hurt, but harshly enough that the sting would pull Steve up a bit to a place where he could hear and follow instructions.
“Don’t come, baby. You come on my fingers, you don’t get my cock. You’ll just have to lie there as I jack off over your ass cheeks. I won’t even let you see.”
“No!” Steve exclaimed, a note of distress in his voice. “I’ll be good. I’ll be your good boy. I won’t come. I swear it.”
Bucky rubbed his free hand over the pale pink mark he’d left on Steve’s buttock, soothing his flesh. “Shh, shh, sweetheart. I know. I know you’re my good boy. I was just reminding you, because sometimes, when you’re deep in your soft place, you get a bit forgetful, yeah? My sweet boy.” Bucky took the opportunity to add a third finger and Steve jolted again.
“Almost ready. Just a little bit longer and then I’ll fill you up. You did so well today. I won’t make you wait too long for your reward. Just got to make sure you’re ready for me. Remember your Sir is big.”
“‘M ready now,” Steve complained with a pout, but Bucky just swatted him again.
“You’re ready when I say you are. You aren’t normally a brat, so don’t start now.”
Steve buried his head into the comforter again, his ears turning pink with shame at Bucky’s words. “I’m a good boy,” he wailed in despair, but Bucky just continued to grin and saw his fingers in and out, nudging Steve’s prostate in a teasing, almost cruel manner. Steve shook and trembled under him, trying not to be too needy or come too soon. Both were apparently proving difficult, from the amount of squirming he was doing. However, Bucky took pity on him soon enough, his three fingers now moving easily. He pulled them from Steve’s body, missing the warm clutch of it but knowing that what was to come would be so much better, and wiped his hand on sheets. He took hold of his cock, adding some lube to it, and jacked himself a few times. He kept his gaze on Steve’s ass, his hands still spreading his cheeks wide and his now slack hole drawing him in.
“Here we go, sugar,” he drawled and he heard Steve draw in a deep breath and then exhale as he felt Bucky push against him. The head of his thick cock popped through the first ring, and Bucky hissed between his teeth as he felt himself consumed. With his hands curled around Steve’s hips, fingertips pressed into his cum gutters, Bucky rocked back and forth inching his way inside. They moaned in sync as he bottomed out and Bucky allowed himself another moment just to feel. This would never not feel like a religious experience and deserved the time to be fully appreciated. He couldn’t wait for long, though, especially when Steve was squeezing around him and letting out mewls of need.
He tightened his grip, part of him hoping to leave bruises that could be photographed beautifully tomorrow, pulled back and then trust back in, enjoying the wail that Steve let out. Bucky was like a man possessed, his brain taken over by the sensations around him. The feel of Steve on his cock. The sound of Steve’s punched out moans. The sight of Steve’s fluttering eyelids, slack mouth and needy hole clinging to him. The taste of his own sweat as it pearled on his upper lip as he drove forward. The smell of sex in the air, heavy and musky.
When Bucky slid his right hand from Steve’s hip to grasp at his cock, Steve’s hips began to buck, fucking into his Dom’s fist and back onto his cock. He was so gone, and Bucky was feasting on it. Photographing Steve earlier had been a form of edging himself, and Bucky was ready to come. Ready to fill up Steve until he was leaking.
He jerked at Steve’s cock, bringing him right to the edge, and then just letting him stay there for a heartbeat. Then for a second.
“Come for me, baby. Come now. Then I’ll fill you up, just the way you like.”
Steve obeyed him like he always did, wailing into the bedclothes - squirting over them too - and spasming around Bucky’s cock, squeezing him, near strangling him. Bucky roared as he followed Steve over the cliff, his balls tightening and his cock spurting out rope after rope of cum into Steve’s warm channel. 
Bucky collapsed over Steve’s back, his hands taking some of his weight, and pressed kisses to the back of Steve’s neck. He really didn’t want to pull out yet, but he should so he could start on the aftercare his boy needed and deserved. With a groan he pushed himself up, but then stopped. Steve, despite the fact that he was lying with his eyes closed, lost in his own little world, was still holding his ass cheeks apart, which gave Bucky an unobstructed view of his puffy rim which was now dribbling with his own spend. In that moment Bucky cursed himself for leaving his camera in the other room as this - this - was a picture perfect moment. However, it couldn’t be helped. 
As Bucky got up from the bed and made his way to the bathroom to clean up and grab a washcloth to do the same for Steve, all he could think was that they’d have to do this again, and next time he would have his camera. His tired dick gave a feeble twitch at the thought, making Bucky snort.
For now, though, he needed to get back to Steve, clean him up, pull him in for cuddles, and start bringing him back to reality. Pictures could wait for another day.
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Tag list: @km-ffluv @wheezy-stucky @christywrites @alexakeyloveloki @doasyoudesireandlive @galactusdevourerofworlds @crayongirl-linz
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orange-coloredsky · 1 year
x6 lore dump bullshit. hello. very long
in whisper's canon, basically x6 was created as a shaun-clone like s9, but rather than as a child he's from like shaun's 30s.
timelines might be a bit fucky. i tried my best to stick to time periods that Made Sense to me. spot the funny chase and faraday mention at the end there too
PROJECT CRONOS (3/19/2266)
With the successful completion of Project Button, we brought into the world the first child synth-- S9-29. Created in the image of the Institute's Father and current Director, this synth has exceeded all project expectations.
We now prepare to send Project Button into its second phase. Since we were effective in replicating a child version of our great Director, we now plan to recreate him at the height of his health and physical fitness.
It is with Project Cronos that we, the Institute, wish to expand our synth production technology to create what humanity has always dreamed of: the best possible versions of ourselves.
With the pristine samples gracefully given to us by our Director, we aim to produce a stronger, more efficient, and more resilient synth. As humanity's last hope for survival, we cannot afford to fail!
ENTRY 1 (8/30/2266)
Father has been pleased with the results from Cronos. The synth looks... strikingly like how i remember Father looking when he first took the directorate position. It's actually quite unnerving. Doesn't help that there was a malfunction with the pigmentation of its eyes... so instead of a normal dark brown, it's got these steely grey irises. I hate when it stares at me.
ENTRY 2 (9/11/2266)
After just a week of experiments and trainings, 'Cronos' has already exceeded all expectations. Its durability, stamina, and perception are all miles ahead of even our best coursers.
Father is quite enamored by it. I think it's strange, how attached he's getting. Is it narcissistic to be constantly thinking of a younger version of yourself? Maybe nostalgic? Either way, he might have a new right hand synth. I almost feel bad for X4, getting its spot taken by such a newbie.
ENTRY 3 (11/14/2266)
'Cronos' completed the courser exam this afternoon and passed. With flying colors, of course. It was given the designation of X6-88, in order to fit in with the others. What a shame-- I always thought Cronos was a neat title.
Good LORD. I always knew coursers were a struggle to work with, but this X6-88 is a royal PAIN IN MY ASS. I have never in my life felt so belittled by a synth. It listens fine, it follows orders to the T, but always has an attitude with me! Always rolling its eyes, speaking in that snarky tone...
I don't know what its deal is, but I'll be damned if I let a machine speak to me the way it does! I wouldn't care if Father himself had given birth to the damn thing, that doesn't give it any right to think it is above me-- a living, breathing human being!
X6-88 received its first emotional regulation software update and a personality matrix recalibration today. We'd been begging Father to authenticate the procedures for a few years now, but he refused every time. He finally gave in after X6 snapped off a bit too hard on a SRB technician.
I get that Father enjoys its company... but he's been a bit too lax with its behavior, in my opinion. Sometimes I think he's starting to lose his mind, as he's aging. 20 years ago, Father would never have even thought of letting a synth in his living quarters. Now, he's getting up in arms about his favorite courser needing a new matrix. What has he come to?
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Filter: [Active Units] | Input Prefix __ | Retention % >85 | Retention % >70 |
Unit: X4-18 (Active, designated 2/15/21)
Objectives Given: 42
Objectives Retained: 38
Retention %: 90.47
Unit: Z2-47 (Active, designated 4/9/33)
Objectives Given: 27
Objectives Retained: 17
Retention %: 62.96
Notes: i'm begging you guys: keep z2 from fucking killing escaped targets. it's a courser, not a damn bounty hunter. we cant afford any more decommissions this year, zimmer's already riding my ass about misplacing a3 and z7.
Unit: X6-88 (Active, designated 11/14/66)
Objectives Given: 43
Objectives Retained: 40
Retention %: 93.02
Unit: Z7-39 (Active, designated 5/4/68)
Objectives Given: 14
Objectives Retained: 12
Retention %: 85.71
Notes: MIA since November 2270, presumed destroyed. Last known location was on the coast, in pursuit of target D2-02 to Mount Desert Island. Due to weather conditions and hostile locals, retrieval/reclamation of body not recommended. Move to Inactive Units.
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vampyrsm · 1 year
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I posted 2,453 times in 2022
That's 2,453 more posts than 2021!
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#bakugou x reader - 57 posts
#icymi - 55 posts
Longest Tag: 125 characters
#it was just about some dudebro trying to tell me what to do in a server i mod for & it didnt sit right with me when i woke up
My Top Posts in 2022:
thinking about katsuki coming home from one of his morning jogs, and it was cold out so he wore a hoodie today & he does that thing where he pulls it up off his head by the collar/hood but the shirt underneath rides up, and it shows off his deep v line, teases some of his abs and that trail of blonde hair that vanishes into his black sweatpants. the band of his designer boxers just peeking past the top of his sweats
hair on his head being ruffled by the hoodie before he’s running a hand through it messily to somehow make it that perfect amount of chaos that’s his signature look and when you look back up at him he’s winking, smirking because he caught you staring.
he definitely does it on purpose knowing he’ll always have your attention the second he’s in the room. he doesn’t even have to say anything smart about you staring, just struts off to your shared bedroom knowing it’ll be approximately 5 seconds before he hears your footsteps following after him
1,777 notes - Posted September 17, 2022
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1,784 notes - Posted October 21, 2022
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1,908 notes - Posted August 10, 2022
Bakugou is very attentive to you and your needs, no matter what he just somehow knows when you want something but refuse to say anything to him.
I imagine one of those situations is when you're stopping at the petrol station with him, the fancy black car purring into a smooth stop and he wastes no time in getting out of the car to fill it up. You'd tagged along with him for the afternoon whilst he ran errands for his agency and his friends, it wasn't overly exciting but you loved to spend time with him regardless.
The sound of the car door opening automatically has you looking over to Bakugou as he leans one arm on the roof of the car, bending his body down enough to peer into the open door to look at you. "You want anythin' from inside?", he watches closely at the way your eyes dart to the side for a moment eyeing a sign for some sort of snack that had been brought out, but still you return his question with a soft 'no thank you' and a shake of your head.
But he saw the pout on your lips, Bakugou closes the door not soon after mumbling about how he's gotta go pay then you both can go back home. You watch his broad back and shoulders in the thin, hardly really something you can count as an item of clothing, tank top that was most definitely more for showing off his thick biceps, and of course, he wore grey sweatpants that are for showing off how hard he works on his ass and thighs from just how tight they were on the man. You sigh a little in longing when he disappears behind the automatic doors of the small petrol station store.
Bakugou doesn't waste much time in the store, always a man who works fast and efficiently. The door opens again, and you settle in for the drive back home when something drops into your lap with a soft thud and then the sound of a door closing. You jump in the seat, looking at whatever your boyfriend had thrown at you on his way into the car only to find it's the snack from the sign that you were looking at when he had asked.
"I said I didn't want anything though," you pout when he does his own seatbelt, hand on the steering wheel when he looks at you for a moment.
"So? Your pout was a different story," he snickers when you protest at the fact you were not pouting—you were—"Shuddup and eat your sugary shit." he says, leaning over enough to lay a delicate kiss on your lips when you turn to look at him in thanks.
Yeah, he's very attentive to you and will always know the best way to keep you happy.
2,558 notes - Posted September 22, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Personally, I think having a relationship with Bakugou wouldn’t quite happen the “traditional” way of someone asking the other person out. but rather, it just.. happens?
Like, one day you just started to hang out more, taking turns on who should cook dinner that night or pick up food on the way home from work. Then it became you hanging out at his place much more often, being given a key one day when he said "You basically fuckin’ live here anyway," and you do. You have your own section of his wardrobe, you have a shelf in the cabinet in the bathroom and a corner of the shower for all your own products.
Then suddenly it’s been two years of this, of course, boundaries have been crossed from a friend to a lover, the words ‘i love you’ have been kissed into one another skins at night when he had spent hours worshipping you and vice versa. It’s just, there’s never really been an anniversary? Never had a date where you both say “Oh we’ve been in a relationship since ___”
Of course, you bring it up one evening, both of you in bed with your head on his chest whilst he has one arm tucked behind his head and the other scrolling through his phone whilst something on the tv is playing. “You know, we never actually started ‘officially’ dating.” and he grunts, glaring down at you because how dare you say that to the man who is most definitely more than a boyfriend at this point.
"Ha? The fuck you mean? We’ve been together since—" and he pauses, the same realisation setting in that you both in fact do not have an anniversary date. It never occurred to him, and clearly not to you either but it wasn't like you both needed it? He loved you, and you loved him and that was plenty for the man. "Y'know what? Doesn't matter."
"Doesn't matter that we don't have an anniversary?" you say, peering up at him to see the frown on his face.
"No." His clean-cut response. His frown cracks for a second when he presses a kiss to your forehead, murmuring a "Basically married now anyway, shouldn't matter when it happened."
3,748 notes - Posted September 24, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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thedialup · 2 years
cael fic srb afternoon babey
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actualbird · 3 years
But it's really funny to imagine if the stuffed rats being the reason for you to stand out compared with others tho 🤣
And also yesh pls take some time to rest bc that Luke smut is just (灬ºωº灬)♡ ITS A REALLY GOOD MEAL, US LUKE LOVERS IS BEING FED SO WELL BY YOU!! ( I forgot to even comment anything after I read it cause my brain is just so full of Hduwiaj horny thoughts )
WAAAHHH, THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!! im 95% sure it was the stuffed rats because the alternative is to assume this company genuinely believes in my skills and capabilities and my self esteem aint built for accepting that ljfdgjkfdbkjk
im glad you enjoyed the smut :DDDDD!!! tis my honor to feed the luke lovers because i too am luke lover so basically im just making waffles for you guys while also taking a good portion of the waffles for myself. everybody wins!!!! horny waffles for all, HAHA.
(and yep, i did rest a bunch today!! and will continue resting til tonight most probably. but...the job offer letter says my latest start day is october 4 and thats in 10 days and //brain whizzing very quickly trying to figure out just how many more tot ao3 things i can bulk write and blitz post before i have a 9 to 5 again....We Shall See....)
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neonun-au · 3 years
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here are some pics of the ocean & the fluffy clouds for u in the meantime!!! my fav pics are the top two, they’re from last week and it was such a beautiful day and i was lucky that no one else was here since it was in the afternoon on a wednesday! my guess was ppl were either at work still or eating out since sadly restaurants have opened for inside dining here :((
also thank you!!! i had a feeling the last part of srb meant reblog but the first letter always confused me hahah
i have been blessed ;-; that landscape is GORGEOUS. the landscape here is really, truly beautiful but there is something very special about the ocean itself...even through pictures. middle of the week is always the best time to do stuff cause there are definitely less people out and about which is nice haha i think we are also open for inside dining now?? maybe?? i know the staff pub at least is open so i think that's the case haha
no problemo! glad to help haha
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ashenberry · 3 years
alright That’s enough srb for one afternoon
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hometownrockstar · 4 years
hmm i want to post art right now but not many ppl r on today i think n i dont know if anyone would see it 😐... i should just re-rb it tomorrow but i havent srbd in forever idk why i feel shy about it now. honestly someday i should just have a srb afternoon where i reblog all my good art from the past, maybe it’ll be easier if its all at once with a tag to block too
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steterreversebang · 5 years
SRB Posting Day 13
Making Marks by @udunie​
Stiles woke to his phone ringing at four in the afternoon, because apparently, he’d never even heard of a healthy sleep schedule before, and also; hated himself.
He blindly found it in the pocket of his jeans thrown haphazardly to the floor, and blinked at it for a few seconds before picking it up.
“‘Sup, Lyds?” he asked, just because he knew she hated the nickname, and she did wake him up.
“I’m killing Jackson,” she announced with unusual honesty. To be fair, any kind of honesty was unusual from her, considering her and Stiles only reconnected recently - and it wasn’t like they were too close in high school either.
Read on AO3 here!
Find the art by @hd-hale​ on Tumblr here and on AO3 here!
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annathescavver · 4 years
What Remains of Us Chapter 4
There was a note on the floor. It was plain, just a slip of paper, and someone had pushed it under the door for her to find. Question was, who?
Rebecca crouched and picked up the paper. Unfolding it, she read the words written on it: I got your message. Meet me in maintenance room 4, just before the cafeteria.
Suddenly mindful of where she was, she stood and backed away from the door. This was Patriot. As long as it could be believed, she had finally made contact with Patriot. Relief mixed with worry in her stomach and she began to pace.
She’d done as Desdemona said. As soon as she’d arrived in the Institute, she had plugged in the Railroad’s communication device and the script had been sent. There had been no response, and she’d wondered if anything would come of it. Or worse, she’d feared being caught. Since nothing had happened in the few days she’d been living in the Institute, she figured she was fine.
And now this.
Patriot wanted to meet with her. They wanted to help. They had risked themselves, and their place inside the Institute, to contact her.
The severity of the situation was not lost on Rebecca. She straightened her spine and tucked the message deep into her pocket, where it wouldn’t be lost. Later, when she found a way to completely destroy it, she would do so.
Shaun wanted to speak with her that afternoon, something about a way she could help the Institute. Until then, she had time to herself. She was supposed to be learning about the Institute, after all. Getting to know the scientists and showing interest in their work - as long as she took care not to look too involved - would be good. Getting to know the person the Railroad codenamed Patriot counted, at least in her book.
So she did so, leaving her room and heading for the rendezvous point. The doors opened to her, these ones unlocked and open to everyone. It seemed like most hallways had doors on either end, as if the Institute was prepared to lock down all areas. Considering their work, it was entirely possible.
There were maintenance rooms scattered around the place, each for a different set of tools or a different department. The one she needed was in a back hallway, far from eavesdropping ears. She kept an eye on her surroundings, hoping to attract little attention as she walked. It seemed like most of the residents paid her little mind. The exception was some of the scientists. One or two stopped her, asking if they could ask her some questions or otherwise gather data about the surface world.
She considered agreeing to some of the scientists’ wishes. It couldn’t hurt to let them run their tests or do whatever it was they needed to do. None of that could compromise her mission, and maybe she could help them realize the surface world wasn’t the scary wasteland they seemed to think it was.
That was for another day, however, and so she evaded them and made her way to the maintenance closet. Checking one last time to make sure she wasn’t followed, she opened the door.
Someone was already there. He was seated on one of the crates, hands folded before him. He had short blonde hair and kind eyes, and his handshake was enthusiastic.
“Hello, you must be Patriot,” Rebecca said quietly.
“Yep, I guess so. I’m not sure where you get the name, though. I got your message the other day, but I hesitated to respond right away. Anyway, the name’s Liam Binet. I work with my father in robotics.” Liam nodded towards the door. “You should probably close that. I know, it’s kinda cramped in here, but we won’t be here long.”
Rebecca did as he suggested. “Okay. You help synths get to the surface, right?”
“That’s right. I try to get synths out of here as often as I can without attracting suspicion. It makes it easier that I work in that department. I can’t help them beyond that, but I know that if they can at least make it to the surface, they have a chance.” Liam sat on the crate again and waved for her to sit as well. “I just always hope that someone gives them some help. I mean, I know they’re not helpless in any way. But the surface is dangerous and if someone can help get them started...”
Rebecca slowly sat down. “Well, a lot of the time, someone does.” She hesitated, spinning the wedding band on her finger. “The Railroad picks up a lot of them.”
Liam gaped at her. “The Railroad?” he echoed. “Holy...I never imagined that I would be working with them. I guess I can rest a little bit easier, knowing that the synths do get help when they get up there. Hmmm….well, I can assume you work with them, too.”
He gave a wry chuckle. “Don’t worry, friend, your secret’s safe with me. Considering you know about me and my actions, I think we can strike a compromise. Now, with you being here, we can make bigger plans.”
“What kind of plans?”
“I mean, we can get more synths out, and faster. We’ll still have to be careful, but I know there’s a lot of them ready to go.”
Though Rebecca liked the idea of getting as many synths out of the Institute as possible, she knew that would draw more attention to the issue than she was prepared for. She was in the Institute to do more than free synths, and she feared getting them all in trouble this early.
“Oh,” she said. “Alright. Let’s hear your plans.”
Liam stood up. “I have a friend among the gen 3’s. We’ve been working together on this whole operation for a few years now. Let’s go talk to him, see just how many synths we have to plan for.” He walked to the door and stopped just before it. “We may want to talk about something else on the way. Just in case any of the others are watching.”
They left the maintenance closet, Liam leading the way towards the robotics wing. Along the way, he asked her about the surface and how things worked up there. Once they were in earshot of others, he audibly invited her to see the work he and the other scientists were working on, and she audibly agreed.
Inside he led her over to his workstation, waving towards the screen. “Pretend you’re interested,” he instructed, voice pitched low. He pulled up a diagram on the screen and started pointing out parts to it. After a minute, he stopped and, without looking up, spoke to the synth working near the desk. “Hey, Z1. This is Rebecca. She’s with the Railroad and she’s here to help us.”
Z1 kept his face impassive as he continued his work. “Can we trust her?”
“I think so. How many synths are there waiting to get out?”
“Thirteen, got it. And there will be more, I’m sure.” Liam thought for a moment, still occasionally gesturing to the screen. “We can get them to the relay, but it won’t be easy. The SRB keeps it locked tight and only certain people can get up there. I can’t get up there too often, myself. But with your help, Rebecca, we can just use the code. How do you feel about getting it for us?”
“I could do that,” Rebecca said. “Where would I find it? I’m not good at hacking things.”
“That’s a fair question. Ayo probably doesn’t keep it written down anywhere. That’d be too risky.” Liam switched to another screen before sitting down and pulling out some kind of prototype from his desk to show her. In between his casual narration, he continued, “See, I’ve tried to hack my way past it, but I need an old-fashioned username and password. If I were you, I’d ask your friends for help. There might be something left behind when the Institute went underground all those years ago. Check the old offices, or even the homes.”
Rebecca wasn’t sure how she was getting to the surface, but she didn’t mention that. “Got it. In the meantime, what will you two do?”
“We have to get the others ready to leave. It’ll take time to do this right, but everyone knows that. The synths have been waiting a long time for a chance to get out of here, and they won’t want to rush things and ruin it.” Liam finally stood upright and turned to Rebecca. “You get that, and we’ll be in business.” Louder, he said, “See? I told you robotics was pretty cool. You should talk to Doctor Navarette. She’s a wizard when it comes to programming stuff.”
“I see. Yes, I’d love to speak with her someday. I’m still trying to wrap my mind around all of this stuff.” Rebecca caught Z1’s eye and gave a slight nod. As Liam walked with her to the door, she said, “Thanks for taking the time to show me. I’ll have to see if the other departments will consider doing the same.”
“Oh, I’m sure. Around here, a lot of us really like talking about our current projects. Give us the chance to go on and on about it, and well, there you go.” With a genuine laugh, Liam turned back towards the lab. “I’ll see you around.”
Back in the main area, Rebecca considered her options. She had to find a way to get to the surface. She couldn’t use the relay without the same password, or attracting attention. She wished she could leave of her own volition, but it seemed Shaun was hesitant to give her the ability to teleport. Of course, that was understandable, but it still grated on her nerves. She had chosen to come here. She was not dragged or fooled.
Well, perhaps fooled. She sometimes felt like she was a fool for even wasting her time trying to get inside the Institute. Though she knew her older self - the one that wanted to find her son and bring him home - didn’t know better, she still wished she had done something else with her time. Sure, making the friends she did was something she’d never trade, but she could have focused on other things.
There was no sense dwelling on it, and again, how could she have known? How could she have known her son was actually the leader of the Institute? A sixty year old man, raised and taught by the same faction that she and her friends sought to fight? It was something that she still hadn’t quite processed, and she knew it would haunt her for a while.
Perhaps if she got on Shaun and the directorate’s side, she’d be given more freedom. Maybe she could request the ability to return to the surface. She knew they’d argue. Why go up there? It’s too dangerous. What do you mean, go home? Your home is here. Lasty, she could hear Shaun’s patronizing tone: You could do so much here, in the Institute.
The words made her skin crawl and she scrubbed her hands up and down her arms. Checking her Pip-Boy, she realized it was time to meet with Shaun. Swallowing back her misgivings, she walked up to his office.
There was another person there, a woman with silvery blonde hair pulled into a bun at the nape of her neck. She seemed to be checking Shaun’s vitals.
“Heartrate’s fine. Blood pressure isn’t too bad.” The woman turned to her bag and put away some of her tools. “Are you taking your medicine?”
“Yes, doctor,” Shaun said tiredly. “I’m taking all my little pills.”
“Great. That will keep your symptoms down and help you feel better.” There was no trace of irritation in the doctor’s tone, but perhaps there was the faintest tightening of her jaw. She looked up and saw Rebecca. “Oh, hello. You must be Rebecca. I’m sorry, I know you two are family, but I do ask that you respect patient privacy.”
Rebecca blinked. “Sure, of course. I’ll come back in a few minutes.”
She went to leave but Shaun spoke up. “No, no. It’s fine, doctor. I’m just an old man getting his check up, it’s nothing to hide.” He offered Rebbeca a smile, one that almost reached his eyes. “Good to see you, Mother.”
“It’s nice to see you, too,” Rebecca said. “You said you wanted to talk to me about something?”
“Right, I did. Doctor?”
“Yes, I’ve done what I need to do. I will be back in a few weeks.”
When the doctor left, Rebecca turned back to Shaun. “Is everything alright?”
“Yes, yes. Like I said, I’m just an old man. Running the Institute will do a number on you, I’m afraid.” He laughed and the sound was strained. “Now, onto what I have to tell you,” he continued, standing up. “You know we have a problem with escaped synths. Without our influence to guide them, rogue synths are a danger to those around them. They must be stopped. We do our best to do so, but we don’t get all of them.”
Rebecca bit her tongue instead of saying what she really wanted to say. Which was: If you’d leave them alone, you’d realize most of them aren’t threats. And they’re escaping the Institute to get away from you and have their own lives.
Shaun seemed to accept her silence. “So, these rogue synths need to be dealt with in some way.”
Rebecca’s stomach twisted and she fought to keep a straight face.
“There is one that has taken over a group of what the Commonwealth calls “raiders” and has been terrorizing the area. I’m assigning a courser to you, and I want you to bring this synth back.” Shaun kept eyeing her and when he detected no reaction, he continued speaking. “I will give you the coordinates and then you should head up to the relay. I will have the doors unlocked for you, like I did when you first arrived. Gather your supplies and if you need anything else, I’ve told the Synth Retention Bureau to lend you a weapon. Do you have any questions?”
“No,” Rebecca said, her voice coming out evenly. Somehow. “Get my supplies, go to the relay, bring back the synth. Well, I do have one question. Why me?”
With a sigh, Shaun straightened his jacket. “The directorate doesn’t quite think you’re ready for what we have planned for you. I am speaking for you, Mother, and they trust my judgment, but I cannot change their minds completely. This is a way for you to prove yourself. I’m sure you’ll be fine. You braved the surface world, remember?”
“Yes, I’ll manage.” She cleared her throat. “Will I meet the courser there, or will they be here?”
“It will be waiting for you. Here are your coordinates.”
There was nothing else to say. She nodded and took the dismissal, leaving the room before she lost her composure.
Bring back an escaped synth.
The horror of that sank in and Rebecca buried her face into her hands. That went against everything she and the Railroad stood for. It made her angry and sick, and yet she knew she had little choice. She had to stay on the Institute's good graces, at least long enough to get information for the Railroad and to free the thirteen synths Liam told her about. One synth, one who had apparently turned into a raider and was hurting other people, was not worth the lives of all of the rest.
The thought brought her little comfort. Squaring her shoulders, she went to her room to prepare.
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late-to-the-party-81 · 5 months
Time spent with you is never wasted
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AN: Here is something completely different to my last little one-shot. Have some sickeningly sweet, domestic supersoldier husbands.
Beta’d by @deafeningkittenking. Moodboard by me and divider by @firefly-graphics
This fic covers the following bingo squares
@buckybarnesbingo: U5 - Snowed In
@stuckybingo: N4 - Domesticity
@steverogersbingo: E2 - Holidays
Master list | BBB Master list | Stucky Bingo Master list | SRB Master list
Join my tag list here
Summary: A little break away, just the two of them. Whatever shall Steve and Bucky do when they get snowed in?
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Relationship: Steve Rogers x Bucky Barnes
Word count: 2.2k
CW: Sickening Fluff, Not Endgame Compliant, Supersoldier Husbands, Domestic Fluff, Flirting, Smut, Top Bucky, Bottom Steve, Ass Eating, Coming untouched, Anal fingering, Anal Sex
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I’m dreaming of a White Christmas,
Just like the ones I used to know…
Bucky scoffed as he listened to the music, causing Steve to chuckle.
“What have you taken umbrage to in this song? We haven’t found one yet that you actually like.”
Bucky smiled and shook his head as he walked away from the window of their holiday cabin and crossed to the small kitchenette. He slotted himself behind Steve, who was standing at the counter measuring ingredients, wearing a Santa Claus apron. Bucky wrapped his arms around Steve’s trim waist and rested his head on his husband’s shoulder, watching as Steve added spoonfuls of sugar to the bowl and the needle on the scales went round.
“First of all,” Bucky muttered into Steve’s navy tee, “the White Christmases I remember were more ice on the inside of the windows and dirty slush in the streets - nothing you’d want to willingly remember, and secondly, if you’re dreaming about the type of White Christmas that’s currently outside this window, you need your head read.”
Bucky reached out and gesticulated out of the huge floor to ceiling windows to the large drifts covering the ground as far as the eye could see, and the current snowfall that was nearer to the word ‘blizzard’ than it was to ‘flurry’. 
There had already been snow on the ground when they’d driven up yesterday afternoon, but it had continued overnight, and when they’d woken up this morning - late for Steve, but a bit early still for Bucky - they’d discovered they’d been snowed in. Luckily though, they’d been planning to be here for a few days anyway, and had organised a suitable food delivery in advance. This was a holiday treat just for them - a private getaway before the hustle and bustle of a full Avengers ‘family’ Christmas.
At least, Bucky thought as he looked out at the snow, Steve wouldn’t try to get up for a run at the crack of dawn, and would need to find another way to work off his excess energy, like he had this morning
“I think it looks nice,” said Steve.
Bucky snorted. “‘Looks’ being the operative word here, pal. It’s a good thing that we’ve got nothing else to do other than relax, eat food and get lucky.” He slid his right hand down from Steve’s waist to lightly grope his cock through his sweatpants. Steve rapped Bucky’s arm with his wooden spoon.
“Hey, hands off the merchandise. At least until after these cookies have been baked,” Steve chastised.
“But I can’t help it if you look sexy with a sprinkle of flour across your cheek, my Domestic God,” Bucky teased, pressing his lips into Steve’s neck and making him squirm, before reluctantly pulling back and turning to lean against the countertop. “And what if instead of cookies I want cake?” He let his eyes blatantly roam over Steve’s ass, just imagining feasting on the plump flesh, Steve trembling and crying beneath him…
“My eyes are up here, Buck.”
Bucky smirked. “I know. Just admiring your other assets.”
Now it was Steve’s turn to smile. “You’re incorrigible, you know that?”
“Just madly in love, and no-one would blame me.”
Steve leant towards Bucky, wooden spoon still in hand, and pressed a kiss to his lips. “Flattery will get you everywhere, Mr Barnes-Rogers, but for now you’ll just have to wait.”
Bucky sighed dramatically, but settled in to do as asked. He watched Steve with a heated look as he finished making the cookie dough, rolled and cut it, then popped it in the oven. Straightening up, Steve met Bucky’s gaze, holding it as he slowly removed his flour-streaked apron and threw it on the counter. 
“I’m going to wash up,” he said, pointedly. “The cookies need ten minutes, then you can take them out, leave to cool on the tray for two minutes then place on the rack.” He sashayed over to Bucky and wrapped his arms around Bucky’s middle. “You can do that for me, can’t you, Buck? I’ll make it worth your while…”
Steve pressed his body in close and kissed Bucky slowly, but deeply, before stepping away and walking towards the bedroom with an exaggerated sway to his hips.
Bucky just gawked, his brain trying to regain control from his dick long enough to remember what it was that Steve had asked him to do. While Steve did pout oh-so-prettily, it wouldn’t be worth it to forget, because Steve was also the biggest grudge holder Bucky had ever known. So, despite the fact that his dick was basically screaming at him to follow Steve into the shower, press him against the tiles and get him all dirty again, Bucky waited. 
He waited until the timer went off, taking the golden brown sugar cookies out as directed. He waited a further two minutes for the cookies to firm up before using a palette knife to transfer them to the wire rack. He then forced himself to walk at a sensible speed to the bedroom, getting there just as Steve walked out of the en-suite, a small white towel wrapped snugly around his hips and another in his hand as he scrubbed at his blond hair.
It was then that Bucky allowed his self control to snap. In a few long strides he reached Steve, pulled the towel from his hand and threw it to the floor. His hands then cupped Steve’s cheeks and he started to kiss him. His tongue teased the seam of Steve’s lips and Steve opened to him, his own arms sliding around Bucky’s neck.
Bucky continued to walk forward, backing Steve up, until Steve’s legs hit the mattress and they both tumbled down onto it. The towel around Steve’s hips came loose almost straight away, meaning there was nothing to impede Bucky’s progress as he palmed at Steve’s cock once again. Encouraged by the movement of Steve’s hips and the little groan that came from his mouth, Bucky slid down Steve’s body, trailing kisses and little nips with his teeth. He took a long, slow detour over Steve’s pecs, sucking on his pert, pink nipples and relishing in the way Steve writhed beneath him. As he descended further, Steve’s hands tangled in his hair and tugged on it deliciously.
A long lick was the only attention Bucky paid to Steve’s cock as he reached it, feeling in the mood to tease his husband a bit. He then forced his thick arms and broad shoulders under Steve’s thighs and tugged him to the edge of the bed. His hands spread his husband wide and Bucky took a moment to look at Steve’s most intimate parts. Blond hair dusted Steve’s upper thighs, darkening around his crotch and ass. He wasn’t stripped bare, like they’d seen in modern pornography, but did keep himself tidy. Not that Bucky would have cared either way. Steve could have a full on jungle down here and Bucky would just declare himself a wilderness scout. 
Steve’s skin was still wet from his shower, and Bucky could smell the combination of Steve’s favourite three in one shower gel along with his own, potent musk. He turned his face into the soft skin of Steve’s inner thigh and breathed in deeply, before taking the delicate flesh between his lips and sucking on it, leaving his mark. Steve whimpered and pulled on Bucky’s hair, trying to direct him to where he wanted him the most, but Bucky wouldn’t be rushed. 
His nose brushed over Steve’s hole as he trailed his lips over more of the sensitive areas surrounding it, humming to himself almost absently as he worshipped his husband. He couldn’t hold back a smile at Steve’s punched out little noises of need and garbled whispers of “Buck… please!”  Eventually though, he capitulated to his own lusts and Steve’s pleas, swiping his tongue straight over the furled muscle nestled between the globes of Steve’s ass.
Steve let out a low, moan, and Bucky was glad they were in an isolated cabin, miles from anyone or anything, because his favourite thing in the world was to hear Steve let go and just feel. It was something they’d never been able to do, back in the day, when they’d had to be covert in their small apartment. Now though, there was nothing Bucky enjoyed more than hearing Steve moan wantonly at the top of his lungs.
Bucky shifted his grip to take handfuls of that luscious ass, unable to resist squeezing and massaging Steve’s flesh as he ran his tongue over Steve’s hole and up his taint to his balls. He continued in this way, making Steve all wet, messy and overwhelmingly needy before moving on. 
Moving his hands to the backs of Steve’s thighs, Bucky spread him even wider. Steve abandoned his hold on Bucky’s hair in order to hold his own legs to his chest, baring himself. A heartbeat later, Bucky was burying his face as far into Steve’s ass as he could, spearing his tongue into his husband’s spit-slick hole. Steve practically wailed.
Bucky ate Steve like a man starved, pushing his tongue in as deep as it would go. His nose now pushed against Steve’s taint, and therefore his prostate, so he rocked with it, fucking Steve with his mouth. God, Steve was glorious when he was like this. All fuck drunk and needy, desperate to cum. 
It was some kind of sixth sense, or maybe just a change to how Steve’s right leg was leaning against him, that let Bucky know that Steve had let go to try and take hold of his cock. Bucky batted Steve’s hand away with a muffled growl and then pulled back, eliciting a disappointed whimper from Steve’s red, bitten lips.
“You come on my tongue, Stevie. I know you can,” Bucky commanded and then dove back in, doubling down on his lewd sucking and slurping, while Steve babbled above him.
“Oh, God! Bucky! Fuck! Gonna come. Gonna…”
Bucky smiled to himself as Steve’s legs trembled and his ass tensed as he spilled all over his own abs. Bucky slowed down his ministrations, swapping to gentle licks of his tongue and soft kisses, as the waves of euphoria slowed their progress through Steve’s body. When they finally subsided, Bucky pulled back, letting out a groan of his own as he took in how debauched Steve looked. 
He dragged his henley off over the back of his head, taking the chance to wipe his spit covered face, then he shucked off his sweats, and without worry of the cooling, sticky mess smeared over Steve’s skin, he covered his husband's frame with his own and kissed him long and deep. Steve was still hard and their dicks brushed against each other as they kissed, Steve shuddering from the sensitivity. It wasn’t long before they were rocking against each other with more vigour, Steve wrapping his legs around Bucky’s waist, keeping him close.
“Buck…”, Steve murmured. “Please…”
Bucky pulled his lips from Steve’s and grinned down at him, brushing a lock of his blond hair from his face. “You need me, doll?”
“Always need you. Every day. Every minute if I could,” came the breathy response.
“Well,” replied Bucky, kissing down Steve’s neck. “I’d better not keep you waiting then.” He grabbed a pillow and pushed it under Steve’s hips before grabbing the bottle of lube from the top of the bedside table. His first finger slid in easily, and Bucky gazed upon Steve, fire in his eyes, as Steve fisted the sheets and moaned. Bucky added a second finger, stretching Steve out and trying not to aim for his prostate too often.
It wasn’t long before Steve half sat up, grabbing at Bucky’s arm and stilling his hand. “I’m ready, sweetheart. Please! Don’t wanna wait anymore”
Bucky chuckled and pulled his fingers free. “Okay, baby. I got you. I got you.” He pushed Steve back down, slicked up his own straining cock, and slotted himself into the V of Steve’s legs. He entwined his right hand with Steve’s left as he guided himself into Steve’s molten heat with his other hand. This was one of his favourite feelings. It was like coming home. Whether it was 1939, 2029, or somewhere in between, being with Steve like this was all he ever wanted or needed. 
He began to roll his hips and gave himself over to the sensations surrounding him. He hovered over Steve, watching his husband’s facial expression from between hooded eyelids as he moved, slowly building the pleasure between them. Steve panted and murmured unintelligible things, his hand tightening on Bucky’s as he was driven higher and higher.
As Bucky felt himself get closer to his own peak, he changed the angle of his hips, so that he could now brush over Steve’s prostate with each thrust. Steve’s fucked out noises changed pitch as his orgasm rapidly approached, his thighs clenched around Bucky’s waist so tightly that, had Bucky not also been a supersoldier, he could easily have been crushed.
“God, love these noises of yours, Stevie,” Bucky muttered. “Love hearing how you sound taking my cock, and you take it so well, doll. Almost there. Almost there.” He didn’t know if Steve was actually listening to him, lost in his pleasure as he was, but it didn’t really matter because Bucky was there, tipping over the precipice and pouring himself into Steve. “Oh, God!” 
Steve grasped his own cock with his free hand, giving himself a rough few jerks so he could follow Bucky off the edge.
A couple of minutes later, when they could both breathe properly again, Bucky propped himself up on his elbows and pressed butterfly kisses to Steve’s smiling, flushed face.
“That’s three times in two days. We should go on holiday and get snowed in more often, if this is what it leads to,” he said between the kisses.
“I have a feeling that this would happen on any holiday, snow or no snow,” Steve teased back.
“Well,” said Bucky, tilting his head to the side and trying not to laugh, “maybe we should test that theory?”
Steve wrapped his arms around Bucky’s neck and pulled him back down for another kiss. “Maybe we should. But in the meantime, wanna make it four times in two days?”
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Tag list: @christywrites, @alexakeyloveloki, @doasyoudesireandlive, @galactusdevourerofworlds, @km-ffluv
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SRB Round Up July 13th 2018
Artist: Beerwolves Author: Jennoasis
Art post tumblr | Art Post AO3
Can one Fall in Love on a Subway Metro? Let's Find Out
AO3 fic link
Rating: Teen and Up AO3 Warnings: No Warnings Apply
Summary: Stiles Stilinski is a hard-working college student who is having the time of his life. His best friend is a werewolf and therefore Stiles is an advocate for werewolf rights in a world that is slowly starting to learn werewolves are real (Hence discrimination popping up everywhere). Derek Hale is CEO of Hale Industries and his company helps a lot of budding werewolf business owners. What might happen, if, you know, by coincidence, a certain CEO, and college student meet on a fateful day on a metro train? Why, a budding romance of course. Also note, there are shenanigans from other characters as well as a lot of playful banter.
7712 words
Warnings: n/a
Tags: Alternate Universe, Alternate Universe - Werewolves Are Known, Alternate Universe - Office, College Student Stiles, CEO Derek Hale, First Meetings, Subway Romance
Artist: rubyredhoodling Author: SnazzyJazzyH
Art post
The Stripper and The Strip Club Owner
AO3 fic link
Rating: Mature AO3 Warnings: No Warnings Apply
Summary: Stiles then spent the rest of his afternoon wandering around Home Depot trying to figure out 1) how someone installs a stripper pole into his home 2) how to buy the supplies without being completely suspicious.
4447 words
Warnings: Stripper!Stiles, Strip Club owner! Derek, Assault (but only lowkey and barely), Insecure, Graceful Stiles
Tags: n/a
Artist: Michicant123 Author: A_Diamond
Art post tumblr | Art post AO3
When Your Back’s Against the Wall
AO3 fic link
Rating: Explicit AO3 Warnings: No Warnings Apply
Summary: Fifteen years ago, the country of Beacon was shaken to its core when three slaves murdered most of the royal Hale family and one of the politically powerful Argents in the course of a single night. Six years ago, Stiles Stilinski was forced to grow up fast and hard when his dying mother, herself a freed slave, left him at the head of an abolitionist revolution. Two months ago, beloved princess-to-be Allison Argent was assassinated; three weeks ago, Stiles was caught and charged with her death. Five hours ago, he was sentenced to serve the remaining Hales — tyrannical King Peter and reclusive Prince Derek — as a slave for the rest of his life. In a palace where the only people who may hate him more than the king are the ever-present family of the woman he’s convicted of murdering, the best he can hope for is that death will only be a few torturous years away.
11976 words
Warnings: Slavery, Slight Torture, Past Character Death
Tags: Alternate Universe, Minor Allison/Scott, Past Derek/Kate, Minor Peter/Kate, Slave Stiles, Prince Derek, BAMF Stiles, Broody Derek, Enemies to Lovers, Top Derek/Bottom Stiles
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kkyaka · 3 years
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World Cup Groups F&E: Matchday 3 opinions
Groups F&E, Matchday 3: I think I'm finally done screaming on the inside at wetf my Deutschland darlings were doing today on the pitch. Did they think the goal was a foot taller? Did I think they would not follow the exact same trajectory of ESP, another team that dominated with its unique brand of football till they ran out of strikers and tried to field ten midfielders in competitive play? Regardless, my football heart cracked a little today, so much so that I took to my bed immediately after the match and refused to watch the afternoon games. Good for BRA beating on SRB (except for Neymar's ridiculous Flopon fl'Oor attempt. What an asshole) and I'm glad CRC got a point even if I am concerned about my SUI favorites. In all honesty, if GER had won today, I imagine I'd have felt like any discerning ARG fan: we didn't deserve to go through but oh boy am I glad we did. I'll try to watch both sets of games today since I can sleep all day Friday, but no promises. I'll definitely be up for ENG-BEL tho!
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abelperkin · 3 years
It's amazing to think that Pippa's fame started with people tweeting about her "fantastic ass" during the wedding.
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Tout indique que le budget du ministre des Finances, Carlos Leitao, devrait aussi confirmer des engagements pour les deux autres projets de transport en commun prioriss par le gouvernement Couillard, soit le prolongement de la ligne bleue du mtro de Montral et la cration du Service rapide par bus (SRB) Qubec.Il n'y aurait toutefois pas de cots associs ces deux projets dans les documents budgtaires, puisqu'ils sont toujours l'tape de la planification et que les cots ne sont pas encore dfinitifs.L'information a fait ragir le chef pquiste, Jean Franois Lise, qui accuse le gouvernement de se traner les pieds dans ces deux dossiers. Il se trane les pieds sur la szemüveg smučarski kombinezon hlače csúszásgátló ligne bleue, il se trane les pieds sur le SRB. Et l, comme on dit en droit, il plaide sa propre turpitude. That's because Tony Jones, theologian in residence at Solomon's Porch in Minneapolis, Minnesota, has developed an application, or "app," that allows iPhone users to experience mock ordinations in more than two dozen faiths. Solomon Porch is a Christian ministry that began as a local church and today calls itself a Christian, missionary, community. App, called Ordain Thyself, doesn't confer any legitimate religious credentials to its users, but it does allow iPhone owners to see what they would look like wearing the religious garb of different clerics, and read a brief and humorous overview of various world religions.. Harrowing new video shows the moment a drug crazed driver. Pippa's copy Kate wedding: There's a fly past, the bride. EXCLUSIVE: Schools urged to 'show sensitivity' to Muslim. It's been a long day. You drove up Mt. Washington in the morning, headed out to Franconia Notch to see the Great Stone Face at lunchtime, shopped all afternoon, and now you're hungry. 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One evening, in the middle of the fall term of my senior year, the young man in question appeared in our newspaper's small offices on the dank, otherwise deserted third floor of the student union. He had in his hand a adidas goalkeeper jersey clipping of my latest article, a profile of an eight year old orphan girl who suffered from a rare skin disease, and who lived in a children's hospice just a few blocks from campus.. Motor utichl. Osazenstvo vystoupilo a v nmm asu pozorovalo mal a tuln kamenn domek, obrostl mechem, kter jim otevral svou, teplou, hejivou nru. Byl to domek jako z pohdky. It's amazing to think that Pippa's fame started with people tweeting about her "fantastic ass" during the wedding. This wasn't exactly hard news yet it caught on and pretty soon all the newspapers around the world were talking about it. But I guess you can't always be talking about the doom and gloom of war or what's happening in politics.. 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