#aftg as forms of art
rspaos · 2 days
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Contributing to the fem andreil
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emry-stars-art · 1 year
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I still need practice, but digital coloring is getting a little easier 💕
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mac-monsters · 20 days
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A vampire, a demon, and a werewolf walk into a bar
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adriancatrin · 1 year
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just realized i didn’t have a tumblr back when i painted this. andrew minyard as i imagine him from aftg
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aftg-paranormal · 5 months
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Do you love AFTG? Do you love the paranormal? Then this is the fest for you!
The AFTG Paranormal Fest aims to inspire fanfics and artwork based on all things supernatural.
You can sign up as a writer, an artist or both! Express your interest by filling out this form now! Sign-ups begin May 1st.
Please reblog to spread!
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What content is allowed?
Anything and everything paranormal, supernatural and AFTG. All we ask is that it is tagged correctly when posted.
All transformative works will be accepted. All relationships, tropes and ratings are accepted. There are no limits, other than the paranormal!
You may use themes such as, but not limited to:
Witches / Magic
Ghosts / spirits
Superpowers and/or abilities
Reality shifting
Mermaids / Sirens
Demons / Angels / Devils
Time Travel
Seers / precognition
Faeries / Fae
And more! If it is supernatural, it counts!
If you have any questions. do not hesitate to reach out through our inbox, asks or discord!
Q: Am I allowed to sign up as both an author and an artist? A: Absolutely!
Q: Can I finish my WIP for this event? A: Absolutely, as long as it is completely unpublished (i.e. is not already up on AO3).
Q: Can I write a sequel? A: You can write sequels to already-existing fic! However, it must also be possible to read as a standalone. If you are writing a sequel of someone else's fic, you must have their permission.
Q: What kind of art is accepted? A: Everything! Drawings, paintings, fan videos, podfic, edits, everything in between!
Q: Can my friend and I sign up as a pair? A: You absolutely can! Can't wait to see your collaborative efforts.
Q: Are crossovers or fusions allowed? A: Yes, as long as AFTG is the main focus.
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Bookshelf Tours All for the Game
I had to rearrange my shelves recently - my CD collection was lined up on top of my laundry bin, but it just got too big, and needed a full shelf. It was the perfect opportunity to make an "All for the Game" shelf, and finally have them all lined up together!
1. This is the Italian version, and it's a gorgeous hardback omnibus edition! It's the only hardback edition I've found (so far - I can't wait for the Rainbow Crate editions!) and it's also the only omnibus edition I've seen.
2. These are the French editions. The covers are really cool, and the titles translate to "Well Hidden Secrets", "Never Give Up", and "A Reason to Live". Honestly, I love that. Such cool titles!
3. The "Pipe Dream" fanzine by @llstarcasterll is so, so cool! It's full of the most gorgeous artwork, so is totally worth buying if you can get your hands on it. If I was flush with cash, I'd buy like, six of them, so I could pull them apart and put the pictures on my wall, in my diary, in my scrapbook.
4. The Spanish covers use the same artwork as the French ones, so I probably didn't need both, but I'm obsessive. These ones have the advantage of having really awesome chapter heading art.
5. These are the Russian editions. The artwork is, I believe, by @kiiakostet. This is some of my absolute favourite AFTG artwork, and I wish they were available as dustjackets for the English editions.
6. And speaking of dustjackets: These replacement jackets are by @llstarcasterll. They're beautiful, and I love how the spines look! I'm really looking forward to getting the "Raven Cycle" and "The Sunshine Court" jackets by the same artist. No idea where they'll go, though, the shelf is full!
7. And these are the @ouijacine jackets! I also have the prints of the artwork framed on my "All for the Game" art wall, so with this book facing outwards, it just looks like I'm super obsessed with this particular artwork. Oh wait. I am.
8. The originals. The ugly, terribly designed English language originals. I love them so much. These copies are messy and well-thumbed, and stuffed to bursting with colour co-ordinated page tabs. They are more annotation than book, at this point.
9. Ok. Technically, this isn't AFTG. But these copies of "The Raven Cycle" get a space on the shelf because the jackets are also designed by @ouijacine. Also, it makes the book stack sit at the exact perfect height.
10a. Special mention for the shelves above and below. The shelf above is my "Leigh Bardugo" collection, including some collector's editions, those gorgeous Illumicrate editions of the Nikolai duology, several beautiful copies of the Alex Stern books, and "The Familiar", which I still haven't read.
10b. The shelf below is the reason for the rearrange. I needed a long shelf, and a ridiculously tall one. These are my BTS albums. Yeah, I'm that person now. I actually still have a fair few to get, so there's a chance I'm going to overfill this shelf too. You can just see a couple of my boys peeping out over the top of the CDs, in flip photo form. I want to get one for each of the members, but weverse shipping is fucking extortionate.
At the moment, these all fit perfectly on this shelf, but with the many editions of the TSC duology I'm going to be buying, and the Rainbow Crate hardback editions? Yeah, I'm gonna need a bigger shelf.
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aftgsecretsnowflake · 4 months
AFTG Secret Snowflake
Hi! Welcome to the AFTG secret snowflake, a fandom event that would run throughout the fall and start posting in December
Essentially if there’s enough interest for the event people would fill out a form that signs them up to give and receive a piece of fan work. Participants will fill out what they are willing to create for and what they want to receive (pairings, themes, tropes, fic, art, playlists, edits, etc) and being assigned someone to create for and be assigned to someone who will create something for them
Secret snowflakes are to be kept a secret until posting would start sometime in December. Participants are encouraged to have anon on and to engage with their secret snowflake through anon asks, getting to know them and also utilizing it to refine what they are creating for their partner if they choose to do so.
Sign ups would likely start in early fall with the period to create these works being October-November and posting occurring throughout the month of December
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allforthegore · 4 months
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I'm trying to host a gore themed AFTG event for June 2024! If people participate, I'll reblog things here
Rules ! 1. Will be accepting art/writing/cosplay or other forms you might want to participate with 2. Do try to keep things well tagged 3. OCs and crossover accepted 4. Please no character/ship hate, we're all just smashing barbie dolls together and none of this is real 5. Please use the tag #allforthegore so I can see!
Text prompt list below the cut
Broken Bones
Self Inflicted
Candy/Neon Gore
Plant/Flower Gore
Free Space
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hi erm i dont know why im asking but what is all for the game? like ive seen alot about it and i really want to consume this piece of media but i also do not know what it is at all?? pls help
ah jeez. aftg is complicated yet the best thing that’s ever happened to me fandom-wise. worst thing to happen to me productivity-wise. first books called the foxhole court, then the Raven king, then the ravens men. there’s physical copies of the books, but i haven’t ever seen it sold at any bookstore ever, only off of Amazon, but the kindle prices are real cheap and you can find almost any book online free via questionable websites.
all for the game is a book trilogy centred around a runaway w loads of trauma, but he’s running away from his kinda mob boss dad—gasp— which may be off putting but it’s like you don’t think of it as a mafia book it’s just a book that has bad guys who happen to be the mafia. i don’t think that’s a spoiler.
it’s also centered around made up sport, but it doesn’t feel like it’s centered around to but it totally is. it also doesn’t feel made up? like it’s not fantasy it’s just not real.
its gay, which you probably know if you’ve seen any fan art, but it’s not really sweet gays it’s kinda course and gritty but absolutely lovely and heartwarming. but also I have hazy memory bc I read the trilogy in a week but im pretty sure that only gets started midway through the series, so it’s not the WHOLE plot but it’s like a portion of it. their relationship isn’t really problematic, it’s basically the opposite, and all the angst is in the plot and characters themselves rather than how they interact w each other.
speaking of, this trilogy covers A LOT of heavy heavy topics, I’d say what was most off putting for me was the past rape and pedophilia which is touched on pretty briefly but at the same time very largely, but im sure somewhere there’s a list of tws somewhere if youre at all concerned about that.
it’s a fun read! it’s not at all too long (i mean, you read the goldfinch, not at all on the same level as that regarding word count im pretty sure) and i hear it reads like a fanfic, which might be why i consumed it so fast. it has no fantasy or sci fi, its basically a novel or slice of life I guess. i don’t really know the proper terms. there’s action that comes in the form of some violence, but i think most action is really on the exy (made up sport) court. oh also im pretty sure there’s an on page bj and the like. but no sex.
if I knew you in physical life I wouldn’t rec you this bc a) u might read it and hate it and it would ruin me and embarrass me b) u might read it and find it mediocre and it would ruin me and embarrass me c) you don’t read it and I feel annoying and finally d) u love it and it ruins you.
anywho, I hope u have a fun day/night, idk your time zone, and happy reading/non reading/watching. Thank you for giving me a reason to rant about my little obsession on this random monday evening! hope this helped/was what you were looking for
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karouvas · 4 months
book recs? My fav books are trc, aftg, soc, shadowhunters/riordanverse etc and the likes (so basically the most basic literature taste known to man) thanks!
well I enjoy all of those and trc is my fav series so will give you a couple of my main fantasy recs along those lines or not dissimilar and throw in one of my fav thrillers which is very gay and explores dark themes for aftg adjacent rep, and then another suspense book i love. I sort of went with books i could draw some type of lines of comparison to at least one of the books you mentioned.
•The Diviners series by Libba Bray — this is my go to ya fantasy rec these days, it’s historical urban fantasy with some horror and mystery elements. It’s set in 1920’s New York, book one opens focusing mainly on Evie and a specific case of a ghost serial killer but introduces other chars, after the first book it becomes more about an ensemble cast of Diviners who have different supernatural powers and their dynamics, also the main antagonist is bigotry and hate which I’m aware is a concept that can be done poorly in fantasy and I won’t pretend every beat of it is flawless but it is my favorite example of a fantasy series take on that concept that I’ve read. More importantly stunning character work I especially adore the female chars among the diviners Evie Theta and Ling, Ling is one of the most special characters ever and these books should be worth reading because of her INTP canon ace lesbian with autistic swag realness alone. 
I definitely would recommend it to TID/TLH fans for the historical setting and atmosphere as well as some of the playing with man vs machine + to TRC/TDT fans for the characterization and also the second book is largely about Henry and Ling learning about their dream powers and developing a friendship through this and also Ling has a narrative foil in dreamspace she’s gay with just think some of those idea would resonate with trcers + to SoC fans for the ensemble dynamics. 
•The Gemma Doyle trilogy by Libba Bray
This is one I used to describe to people as The Gangsey all girls au set in Victorian London and that’s not fully accurate but it works enough to be a pitch, but basically it’s about this group of four girls who go to a boarding school together and discover a sort of parallel world where they can bee free and realize their ambitions detached from society, but in the real world they’ve awakened horrors they must deal with too. I need to reread this one but it was deeply formative, if you love messy complicated female friendship dynamics and paranormal/mystical plots that are just creepy enough this is for you. Also my favorite character in it is a gay blonde mean girl character who is ambitious and wants autonomy above all else but does also love her friends fiercely Felicity Worthington you will always be famous <3 if you enjoy Jessamine Lovelace and Grace Blackthorn from TSC she has strong parallels to both those chars imo and is better written/handled arc wise. But I will tell you that the other wlw char in the book who is her love interest dies there is byg, just so you no one gets mad at me for that. But still very worth the read imo. 
•The Daughter of Smoke and Bone trilogy by Laini Taylor
this series is a mix of urban fantasy and high fantasy, the first book is set mainly in Prague but large parts of the other books take place in a fantasy world called Eretz so there is a fun parallel worlds element. But it’s about Karou who is one of theee protagonists of the 2010s yet got paid dust justice for my girl, and she’s an art student in Prague who was raised by a family of monsters (chimeara), her surrogate father is Brimstone and he has a business of selling wishes for teeth that Karou sometimes helps with but is frustrated that she isn’t allowed to know why or what they’re for. Karou’s dynamics with the chimearas and with her best friends Zuzana who is also a wonderful character and inspo for my letterboxd url rabidfairy09, are really lovely and the prose is so beautiful… but the story really takes off when the love interest Akiva is introduced I won’t go into details about that because spoilers, but they have one of my absolute favorite romances in the genre that does subvert and play with those paranormal forbidden star crossed romance tropes in ways I think are quite fascinating. Books 2 and 3 are more complicated to describe there is an essential conflict between chimeras or devils vs angels in this world so there’s your modern tsc connection, and very lyrical prose although I find Lainis even lusher and more elegant than trc prose. 
• Sawkill Girls by Clara Legrand 
Ya horror book that I remember reading over the summer in high school and I think it’s a good summer read tonally, part of the plot is one of those stranded on an island survival stories but it’s less intense than like Yellowjackets (no cannibalism), I don’t actually have much to sell about the plot I just enjoyed the vibes and also there are lesbians one of whom is an ambitious driven abuse survivor who had an arc I remember really liking.
•Wild Beauty by Anna-Marie Mclemore I actually really love all the books by her I’ve read but I think this is a great one to start with. Basically there are multiple generations of women who are all witches living together (300 fox way vibes), and Estella has several cousins and she and them are all in love with the same woman who is the daughter of the man who owns the estate, and there’s a thing where boys and this family keep disappearing and then one of them shows up and resulting drama. The main romance is m/f but like all the female chars being bi, it is a good romance from my memory but the main event is the familial dynamics, the main character Estella’s arc around dealing with her internalized self hatred and a lot of anti colonial themes those anti colonial themes and themes of multigenerational trauma are very relevant in all the Mclemore I’ve read so yes, very much would read her starting with this book. Also very gorgeous prose as is in all her magical realism stuff. 
•this one is already quite popular on tumblr so you may have read it but The Folk of the Air series by Holly Black, if you enjoy the cutthroat gang in SoC and that high fantasy world I think you would enjoy it I also get some Zoya vibes as well as Kaz vibes from Jude the main heroine. Won’t bother with detailed description because again, very popular books. 
•Wayward Children series by Seanan McGuire
basically a series of portal fantasies or fairytales for adults, they are all novellas and it’s an ongoing series following several different chars not all of whom appear in each book. But I enjoy them and I think if you like Riordanverse this is like an adult fantasy take on similar concepts in a way, even though it’s not directly mythology based.
•The Locked Tomb series by Tamsyn Muir
This is the other tumblr popular series on the list and has a good amount of overlap with trc/aftg/soc fans so will only give the brief pitch that it’s adult sci fantasy and about lesbian necromancers in space. You will be very confused at least some of the time but it is worth it, trust me. 
•Black Iris by Leah Raeder 
new adult psychological thriller with a sapphic romance that slaps so hard. Delaney Keatings is one of my favorite unreliable narrators and also just an A+ character, there’s not a lot I can say about the actual plot because a lot of it is psychological but will give one other plot hint: vigilantes. Definitely look up trigger warnings before reading this there’s a lot about homophobia and also references to sexual violence, drug use a lot more it’s very in line with Aftg in terms of like, grittiness in that regard. Do highly recommend. 
•Dare Me by Megan Abbott 
like with Mclemore I love this author in general and would recommend everything I’ve read by her but this was my first book of hers so it’s a good introduction, and also a lot of it is about girls on a cheer team having homoerotic psychosexual dynamics as well as the murder, so it’s also in line with aftg thematically in that way. gay sports media. 
There are a lot of others but I don’t want to make this list ridiculously long so… here are some recs <3 thank you so much anon for letting me ramble and I hope you like them!
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capcavan · 4 months
whats ur ranking of the aftg characters? like ur faves? I know riko and Renee are up there, but who else?
tier riko: Riko tier 1: Renee Jeremy Nathan tier "i have mommy issues" abby tier "I am not obsessed but they are still my dolls": pretty much everyone if you want me to tell you how i feel abt specific character you gotta be specific, yes this tier includes Stuart and Tetsuji tier ""my dolls but in the same way sid from toy story was treating his toys": Allison Ichirou Marry I want horrible things to happen to them, it is form of therapy for me and i fidn the bad things that happen to them to be much more interesting than having them girlboss mansplan through life tier "I don't give a fuck (does not mean i would not draw them or headcannon about them but i just don't care at all what other people think about them)": kevin's mom, aarons GF, erik, Kengo, bee tier "I had not finished TSC yet" - i like cody based on few fan arts i already saw of them - grayson somehow manages to be worse person than riko that boy really can't be 1# in anything can he - im curious if i will like cat or laila more lmao tier"i forget they are part of this narrative and do not care to remember": prust, lola , whoever else worked with nathan
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fortheloveofexy · 2 years
commissions: ❌ closed (all slots full) commissions information & request form
🏷 Tag Directory:
previous asks
all aftg posts
🔎 Find me elsewhere:
⚠️ Reposting policy:
do not reupload my art or fics without my permission.
do not use my art in edits without permission
reposting everything else is fine with credit.
Other Stuff
Regarding transformative works inspired by my writing/art: I am okay with fanart and podfics. For translations and fanfics, please ask for permission in advance.
Please don't put my work on Goodreads
do NOT feed any of my art or fics into generative AI software.
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svetalmeow · 7 months
introduction post ig
it's my kingdom of being silly if you know me personally no you do not.
my name is lumo or lmeow or.. any other form of this that you can come up with honestly
i'm really poor excuse of an artist
the most important thing for this account to be a safe space for me so don't be mad with me I'm just a (wo)man~
#art - you can see my art
friendly reminder to CREDIT THE ARTISTS
#[shp] - you can see my shitpost (pls don't)
fandoms i have interest in:
- musicals: epic, hamilton, heathers etc
- percy jackson(all of it)
- haikyuu
- cult of the lamb
- dungeon meshi
- DND, bg3, critical role(cr1 mostly for now...)
- genshin impact + honkai: star rail + hi3 + zzz
- a few Chinese novels (tgcf, qqgk, svsss, mdzs, modu, golden stage, liu yao, the little mushroom) + omniscient reader's viewpoint
- a lot of other stuff: harry potter(marauders), voltron, ace attorney, sekai, ronpa, sk8, hades, aftg, r1999 etc
mutuals: yes(but not everyone..)
commissions: yes(message me?)
any stuff: probably yes
can do pfps with credits
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aftg-paranormal · 4 months
Hey there! Love the idea, this is such a fun concept for a fest! =D
I do have a question though; the FAQ states that essentially anything goes and there's no limits, but going through the asks it seems that's not entirely the case. Eg. the 2k requirement for writers (which tbf is explained in the sign up form) or incest not being allowed (the sign up form actually contradicts this one).
Is there anything else we should keep in mind? Any topics or tropes that might not be allowed or requirements for the artists and such?
Pretty much anything is allowed as long as it is properly tagged when posted. Incest ships are an absolute no because I do not want to facilitate that (it makes me very uncomfortable as admin). But gore, death etc. are all allowed.
AFTG has very sensitive subject matters so my only request as admin is to be mindful of that and to tag your works appropriately.
The word count has been set and made clear from the beginning and is one of the only strict rules.
For art, the parameters are a bit different. I'm not an artist and I don't feel I can decide what level of art equates to the word count. I would assume that the art should be atleast a refined sketch.
I hope that helps to clear it up! Let me know if you have any more questions. This is my first time running an event so I will undoubtedly make mistakes. Just let me know! I'm happy to discuss things and correct myself.
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aymmidumps · 1 year
dunno if u noticed but i just looked through all ur AFTG art (i put some of em in queue) and i just need u to know that even tho it's been a minute, ur art literally gives me life. love ur character designs (namely curly haired andrew) and ur fun silly little comics are sustenance in art form. i thank u and applaud u for ur talent 👏👏
waahh thank you! It's been a minute indeed! Even since I updated this blog, but it makes me really happy when people go through my art still <3 i see you all and i send you a little kissy
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thegreenerartist · 2 years
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HELLO ALL!! shout out to saw for making me the most motivated to draw in a long time , and shout out to @romanromulus for making me even more motivated to draw w/ their amazing fic (BTWS THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THIS FIC I HOPE YOU KNOW YOU CHANGED THE TRAJECTORY OF MY LIFE /pos)
let me just insert the ABSOLUTE BEAUTY that is this fic in the form of the little snippet i used as a reference for this art
"Hoffman is leaning forward now, all the way. His forehead touches Strahm’s knee. His eyes are shut. He looks like someone deep in prayer. For a moment he rests there and then he lifts his head a little and briefly, as though embarrassed to be doing it but helpless to resist, he brushes his mouth against Strahm's knee.
Strahm feels like he’s caught someone in the middle of some awful, private grief. There’s a stunned time-stopping agony in it.
The crack in his heart swells, spreads, and for a moment it’s so all-encompassing it seems like the basement itself is cracking open, he feels like he almost has a handle on some great realization, like the world is about to split in two and Strahm will finally see what’s behind everything—he’ll see a way out, he’ll see what’s happening here, between them, a thousand threads converging on him at once, like throwing a deck of cards into the air and seeing little glimpses of each one as they fall past him"
-"Strahm Dies At The End" by unstuckintime
it's night rn so my brain functions aren't functioning anymore but MORE SAW ART SOON!! this is the strongest fixation i've ever had in a while (aftg being the last) so expect more!! it's Sunday rn so maybe near next weekend you guys will see more saw stuff but yipee!!
nice way to end the weekend, with my two middle aged homosexual dilf babygirls suffering
(praying rn that tumblr doesn't fuck the quality of the piece huhuhu)
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