#again! not trying to start anything so please! don’t start causing drama! I don’t want it!
Small personal rant thing about how the vore community can be about preds sometimes don’t mind me. 
I’m just....gosh I’ve been thinking about this for a while but I think I finally figured out why I’ve never been a fan of a lot of the preds in a lot of little vore posts and maybe why I was so hesitant to relate to the pred side of things in general. It’s that preds don’t tend to be treated as people by the community. Now please don’t get me wrong I’m not accusing anyone of anything or saying everyone does this but like, I very seldom see pred stuff where they’re more than ‘oh boy I sure do like eating people’ or ‘oh no I have eating people instincts and my friends look tasty’, and other similar things. While these aren’t inherently bad tropes by any means, they tend to be the only defining thing about pred characters. Perhaps they have hopes and dreams, but their personality itself is reduced to how often they eat people and how much they like it. You’re either a willing pred or a nervous pred or a protective pred who eats absolutely everyone in sight all the time always, and it feels...de-humanizing almost? Like, I’m not sure how to put it in words, but I see it the most when I post about ‘pred’ OCs. People just wanna know how many folks they can eat at once or what their favorite kind of prey is. And yeah that’s fun information I get it! But....outside of that people don’t care much. I see more stuff about the personality of prey characters and how they go about their day to day lives in whatever setting than I do about preds (though there’s still some issues with how prey are often portrayed as well I think). I’ll make a new oc and people instantly assume pred or prey based on how they generally look or behave. Oh, this guy is a little more shy? Must be a prey! And like okay I get it, but sometimes it feels a little disheartening you know? Especially since I would consider myself on the pred leaning side of things. 
Even in the fandom content I create I don’t feel like I can post much about the extensive aus I have because, while vore is a part of them, it often isn’t actually the real focal point! But if the pred isn’t eating someone or thinking about eating someone at all times then whats the point right? Plus, ima be honest, a lot of the descriptions of how it feels to eat someone I see on here are just...weird? Maybe it’s just me because I am a little less sappy than most people lol, but I feel like it goes beyond sappy and gets. Weird. Very easily. And that weirdness comes mostly from the pred side of things from what I’ve seen personally. 
Honestly idk what I’m really trying to say, but I just needed to say something you know? Again I’m not like, trying to call anyone out or point fingers or anything! A lot of the tropes I mentioned are even things I enjoy! I’ve just seen too many characters be reduced to just eating people and I felt like I wanted to say something about it. 
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igotanidea · 2 months
Stretching time: Dick Grayson x reader
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Request: I can't stop thinking about how would be Dick's girlfriend with all the batboys, specially Damian, maybe reader and Damian would be like best friends and he's always at Dick's apartment to see her. I would love to see how do you think this would be <3
“I swear this is like he doesn’t have a Manor to live in” Dick sighed theatrically, taking a sip of his drink, which happened to be the most colorful one on the menu.
“I suppose we are talking about Damian today?” Wally, on the other hand, seemed completely unfazed, casually popping chips into his mouth.
“He’s just always at our place! And Y/N—” Dick shook his head, unable to finish the sentence. Y/N. His wonderful, beautiful, smart girlfriend with a heart of gold, making friends wherever she went. Too good for his world, stubborn and consistent in breaking Damian’s defenses. And while at first, Dick even encouraged her in her attempts, treating it like a dare, knowing she’ll never succeed, now he was getting angry because she actually reached her objective. Becoming bffs with Damian Wayne. Well – as much as an assassin and a vigilante’s girlfriend can be.
“Please don’t tell me you are jealous of a 12 year old, Grayson!” Wally laughed so hard she choked on his snack.
“You crazy? Jealous? Me? Never!”
“Yeah, right. Never-” the speedster laughed again, silently calling Dick off on the bullshit he was trying to feed him with.
“Look man, it’s not like you have an entire family that steals your girlfriend away from you!”
“Well, I wouldn’t let them in the first place—”
“You’re not helping!”
“Would it help If I point out how much of a hypocrite you are, Dick?”
“No! Wait- what? A hypocrite?” Dick raised his head from the table where he previously laid it to accentuate the drama of the situation. And then frowned. And then tilted his head to the side. “Hypocrite, seriously, Wally?”
“You keep talking how Y/N has too soft heart while you are the proverbial older brother always trying to please his siblings-“
“That’s not true!” Dick’s objection was almost immediately cut by Wally’s mocking gaze, almost threatening to use all the examples of the thesis he had in store “Okay, fine! Fine! But those are my brothers, what am I supposed to do?!”
“For starters, maybe you shouldn’t run away to the bar every time Damian comes around?”
“Get freaking involved! Your girlfriend is having a good relationship with your siblings. That’s terrible news, truly, I pity you.” Wally mocked, rolling his eyes.
“You just don’t seem to understand! Let me tell you the whole story again—”
“Oh, no, please, spare me going through it all over—”
“It all started a week ago-“
“From what I remember one week ago she went to some kind of reading with Jason?”
“Yes! And from then everyone just started to drive her away!”
“You’re overreacting-“
“Overreacting?! Do you want to listen how she keeps on working with Tim and –”
“Let me tell you then-“
“Whoa! Stop! You know what I think, Dick? I think you should go home and actually talk to her, instead of me.”
“So now you’re abandoning me too?!”
“Abandoning? Oh no, no, no. I’ll be even as kind as to drop you home.”
“What are you- NO!”
He really hated traveling with speedsters. There was never any comfortable position for that, and after he always felt like throwing up.
But there was no denying that it was the fastest way home, even if climbing up the stars turned into a little bit of a challenge for the Nightwing.
Obviously, Damian was there with her.
Not really doing anything, just sitting on the couch, staring into space, having one of his moments of vulnerability that took the form of keeping complete silence.
And that silence was not Dick’s ally cause it made them both hear him coming inside.
“I thought you were out with Wally?” Y/N smiled and raised from the spot to place a gentle kiss on his cheek.
“West?” Damian turned his head in curiosity
“Well hello to you too, Damian. What brings you here today?” Dick hissed, before biting his tongue, earning a little pat on the back of the head from Y/N.”
“Ouch! That hurt. More my feelings than my head, but still.”
“Good. Dami is our guest and—”
“He’s becoming more of a permanent fixture…”
“Should we take this conversation private?” she muttered, frowning and putting hands on her hips. “Or can you go back to being the Dick Grayson I know? The one who can keep his heart and mind open? Please?” She gave him a soft look and a pretty smile. “Come on, it will be fun…”
How could he say no to those eyes…
An hour later he started to think that maybe Wally was right. And that maybe his girlfriend was a sorceress.
Otherwise, how else could anyone explain the sudden Damian’s transition from an assassin into a 12 year old almost kid?
He was just talking to her about everything. His school, his friends, his latest picture. Not the emotions, it was not that advanced kind of magic, but just watching those two, feeling so at ease with each other was something supernatural.
And at some point, Damian just gave Y/N a look and she immediately knew what it meant, turning to Dick who was observing them both from a safe distance, amused by the little bubble Damian and Y/N seemed to create around themselves and a little scared to disrupt their peace.
“Hey, dick? Can you leave us for a moment? We got something to discuss with Damian.”
“And I have to go?”
Damian scoffed under his nose as if it wasn’t obvious that he wasn’t going to talk about anything personal with his brother around.  
“Pretty please?” Y/N smiled at her boyfriend, leaving Dick no choice but to retrieve to the bedroom.
“So, what’s been eating my favorite bat up?”
“Y/n…’ Damian sighed, allowing himself a little bit of emotionality “do you think I could ever have what you and Dick do?”
“Hm? What do you mean?”
“You know what I mean, don’t push it.”
“If you are talking about girls—” she started and her words were disrupted by a hiss from the boy, who was clearly dissatisfied she actually dared to say it out loud “you’re only 12 Damian. And as much as you hate to let it show, people can tell that you care. In your own twisted way, but if someone watches close enough it’s clear. So I don’t think there’s any reason for you to get uptight about it.”
“I’m not uptight!” he crossed arms over his chest defensively.
“Look, I know your mother and Bruce may have showed you only one way to look at the world but –”
“You are not my parents to raise me, Y/L/N.”
“Thank god! I wouldn’t know how to handle you if you were my kid!” she laughed “But you know what, that’s even better. Cause you can freely twist my words and adjust whatever I say to your own perception. And I have no way to discipline or punish you.”
“So you won’t be leaving me if I don’t live up to the standard?” he asked quietly.
“What? Leaving you? No way!” If it was anyone else she would probably hug him then, but considering it was still Damian Wayne a little playful hair ruffle had to suffice. “Haven’t I told you you’re my favorite? Don’t tell Dick but – “ she made a dramatic pause and raised her voice to make sure her boyfriend heard “I THINK I LIKE YOU MORE THAN DICK!”
“I heard that!” something hit the wall separating bedroom and living room, causing both Damian and Y/N to chuckle.
“You make sure to remember it too, Grayson!”
“I hate you both!” Dick yelled from the wall, but it was obvious he was playing around, acting all goofy to make his girl and brother laugh.
And it seemed like a lot of weight was taken from Damian’s shoulders just because of hearing he wasn;t going to end up alone just because he wasn’t perfect sometimes.  
“I should probably get going. Father will –”
“Stay.” Y/N cut him off. “I’ll take care of Bruce. God forbid that man let you have a little rest.”
Damian fell asleep on the couch after two servings of ice cream and a multiple rounds of Man don’t get upset. At some point Dick joined them and the evening turned into one giant bonding exercise, interrupted by threats of murder with particular cruelty against Grayson if he ever let off steam about Damian's softer side.
But then, he was dozing off like a little lamb, looking completely harmless and innocent, while Y/N made sure to cover him with a blanket.
“Y/N, can’t you see what that little prick is doing?” Dick appeared behind her, out of nowhere, dragging her to the kitchen to have a little conversation.
“Planning world domination?” She tease with a hint of a smile.
“Yeah, that probably too.” Dick shook his head in amusement “but in this case, he’s taking all of your time and I have to live on scraps of attention.” He wrapped his arms around her waist. “I don’t like it…”
“I’m training you for the time when our kids appear in the world.”
“K-kids?” his gaze immediately traveled to her belly, judging whether she was being serious, going a little pale. Was he even ready for that? Why didn’t she tell him sooner, there were so many things to be planned and bought and—
“Hey, hey, relax” Her hands rested on his cheeks, forcing his eyes back on hers. “Not now. And not any time soon. But hopefully one day we will have kids. And then what? You’ll be jealous of them too?”
“This is not the same….”
“Maybe. But you can either learn how to share me or get mad and lose me. Which one would you rather?”
“Neither.” He held her tighter, pulling closer to his chest. “You’re all mine.”
“Still- gotta – breathe” the strained voice coming from her was enough proof he was squeezing her too tight. Like a rubber frog whose eyes pop if you press on the right spot.
Dick sighed and released the grip slightly, trying to say something more, but she didn’t let him.
“I can stretch my time for people that are important. And last time I checked, you were still on top of that list. It’s not going to change because I decided to become a mentor to your brother.”
“More like a psychologist.”
“Richard Grayson!”
“You keep helping people left and right and it’s not like I have tons of your time either. So you are a hypocrite.”
“That's the second time today I’m being called that.”
“I always knew Wally was smarter than people gave him credit for.” She chuckled “now. It’s barely midnight, quite early for us, so would you like to spend some quality time together?”
“If that’s your attempt at stretching the time then yes,  I’d love it.”
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feyreswaterybowels · 8 months
Shadows Dance🐦‍⬛ (#5)
Azriel x Reader
Summary: More of (Y/N) and Jarek’s past is revealed, (Y/N) starts plotting to take Jarek out and makes a discovery.
Word Count: 1.5k
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 ↓
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“Are you still working for the Night Court?” Jarek asks, taking a bite from the food on the stacked plate in front of him.
I quirked an eyebrow at him as I sat my wine glass down. “I thought you were keeping tabs on me all these years?”
Jarek laughs and shakes his head. “I checked in here and there—the last 50 years were quite difficult to keep up with you with all of the Amaranth drama. Plus, with your abilities you disappeared so much it was hard to keep up. What, did you just stay hidden in the shadows during your travels?”
I hummed, thinking for a moment about how honest I wanted to be. On one hand he would see my honesty as trusting him, on the other I didn’t want him to know anything about me. I sighed feigning sadness, laying my fork down, adjusting the napkin in my lap before meeting gray eyes that seemed to be filled with…concern?
“If I’m honest, Jarek,” I watched him shudder at the sound of his name on my lips, “These last decades, when I was out I was looking for Sarah, not working. I stayed hidden within the shadows so often because I was-I was grief stricken, it was hard to be around anyone.”
Jarek nodded his head, reaching for my hand and I let him, trying not to recoil from his touch.
“I am sorry for the pain I caused you, (Y/N). I don’t claim to have done the right thing. I, well, I know I was wrong. No matter how bad I wanted you it wasn’t right. I do apologize for that. Will you forgive me?” Jarek asks, leaning towards me.
The nerve. I wanted to leach out and slap him across the face. To take my fork and stab him right in the throat—in that spot that would drain all of his blood. To-to—I stopped myself, knowing if I kept going I would lose my composure.
I reached out with my other hand laying it on top of his larger two covering mine and I gave him a smile. A real genuine smile that pained me and nodded softly.
“Of course, I forgive you, Jarek,” I nodded, watching his eyes widened and I let myself giggle. “I’ll admit your method was a little unorthodox, and when I saw you again for the first time I was angry to know it was you who had taken my sister. I felt betrayed—but you did too, didn’t you.”
Jareks eyes dropped to the ground and he nodded. I licked my teeth trying not to snarl at him, shaking my head as I pulled one of my hands away, reaching out to touch his face softly, lifting so his eyes met mine.
“Drop the glamor, Jarek,” I breathed, those dull gray eyes meeting mine. He looked hesitant so I stroked his cheek, in the spot I knew he was hiding. “Please? I’ve seen it before, you don’t need to hide from me.”
“Okay,” He breathes out with a nod and the next second the glamor is gone. I give him a smile.
“There’s my Jarek,” I whisper, stroking over the scar again, the one crisscrossing over his cheek, splitting over his left eye and eyebrow. He melts into my touch, eyes falling closed and I’m brought back in time, back when I had loved the man in front of me—loved him deeply and how he attained that scar saving my life.
“Do you remember?” Jarek asks, those eyes opening to meet mine. And I nod.
“Like it was yesterday,” I breathed.
And I do. I remembered how I was taken from my bed in the middle of the night, how Jarek had been the one to find me, to save me. But the price had been the scars that now littered his skin. It was a year later that the mating bond snapped between Azriel and I—I had left Jarek for many other reasons, not even pursuing a relationship with my shadow singer for almost another year after that.
“You know, I thought the scars were part of the reason you left me,” Jarek confesses, pulling away from my touch but leaving his hands on mine, resting in my lap.
My brows furrowed, watching him reach for his wine glass.
“Do you really think me that shallow?” I ask, offended and hurt. “I loved you, Jarek. I left for many reasons, but the scars you suffered saving my life? They weren’t anywhere near the list.”
“I don’t mean to offend you,” he shakes his hair, a strand of dirty blond hair falling onto his forehead. “I am still…insecure about the scars. Losing you still hurts. You were my everything. I was ready to dedicate my entire life to you mating bond or not, though I had hoped it would snap for us one day. But no, no your fated mate was him. That—that Illyrian male.”
The words were spat. Filled with so much hatred I nearly snarled at Jarek. Loathing the way he speaks of my mate.
“You still spit that word as if it’s the worst thing someone could be even though I’m Illyrian as well,” I say softly, that had been one of the reasons on the list of why I left. His hatred for Illyrians and his refusal to acknowledge that part of my heritage even with my wings right in front of him.
Jarek looked at me. A look on his face I couldn’t quite place before nodding at me.
“You’re right,” He acknowledges. “I apologize. For the way I speak of your kind.”
I fight to keep my jaw from hitting the floor.
“I appreciate your apology. Thank you,” I say sweetly.
We pull away from one another then and continue to eat. We have conversations, talking about the past and present. Neither of us speak of Sarah or the child and I avoid mentioning Rhys, Cassian or Azriel by name. Especially Azriel.
He tells me he’s surprised that I’m not fighting him more and I shrug telling him there’s no use fighting. I’m here to spare my sister's life, so that I’ll learn to live here with him. I think he’s still skeptical but he may be desperate enough to believe that I’ll happily stay here so he won’t go have my sister even though I know he’ll never be able to find her tucked away in Velaris.
Once I’ve retired to bed, changed out of the dress and bathed once again I crawl into the large bed and slide under the covers. I sigh as my wings are able to spread out, relaxing into the bed.
I wanted Azriel. I wanted to be with him in our bedroom knowing that our girl was safe in the room right down the hall. Even all of these years when we were physically together we still had the bond—and in some ways that bond was closer than physically being together.
My brows furrowed together in the darkness of the room. I had never heard of any wards that could prevent two mates from being able to contact one another. Maybe on the surface level but deep down? It was a soul connection.
I dug deep, then deeper, and deeper. Further into myself than I’ve ever needed to go. I searched and looked and I nearly gave up, though maybe the words did indeed go that deep. But I felt it. That string that binds us and I yank on it, hard and desperately and the response is immediate. I have to slam a hand over my mouth to stop a sob from escaping.
My love? It’s an echo in my head, deep and anguished.
Oh, my heart, I needed to hear your voice so much. It’s a sob in my head. I reach out yearning to touch him and I’m met with his hands reaching for me in return. It’s the comfort I needed so badly. He—he said there were wards. But I didn’t believe him. I’d never heard of such a wards.
Clearly they aren’t very good wards. Is his answering snarl. Has he harmed you?
No, no, Az he hasn’t. He wants me though. I’m trying to play along, make him think I want to be here…by myself some time. I don’t know what he’ll do if I refuse him…
Kill him. If it comes down to it, you’re stronger than him, you always have been. You kill him and then you get the hell away.
I take a breath. It’s taking a lot of concentration to hold on to the bond, but I can’t let go, not yet, not as he strokes me—caressing every part of my mind.
There’s a girl here, a servant, she says we’re in Autumn.
Sarah told us the same thing, says she got out once a few years ago and was sure she was in the mountains of Autumn.
The mountains of Autumn? What an odd choice.
How is she?
She’s shaken but she’s alright. She had no idea any of this was happening.
I’m getting so tired, Az. Was all I could muster in return.
Let go, my love. I love it’s hard, we’ve never been this deep in the bond before. Just know I’m coming for you, (Y/N). We all are.
I love you, Az.
I love you, sweetheart.
And then our connection was gone. Gone like it was never there and I cried.
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tenkasato · 4 months
could i rrquest some highschool drama with kise ryota? thanks a bunch!
High school drama it is. Please grant me the privilege of being the pettiest, most cliche I could be with this request. Again, sorry for the very long wait. And thank you for sending this request and always being supportive of my work. Enjoy! ^^
Pairing: Kaijo!Kise x reader (implied)
“What did you say?”
Shinohara Tomori looked you straight in the eye as if taunting you. And you were so close, SO CLOSE, to scratching those judgemental eyes out of their sockets and throwing them across the corridor. But you kept your temper at bay and instead waited for this classmate of yours to repeat herself.
“I know you heard me clearly,” Tomori took a step closer and you had to lift your head a bit to keep the eye contact with the taller girl, “Kise-chan doesn’t want to have anything to do with you, so I suggest you stop following him like some lost puppy, because you’re just making a fool out of yourself.”
Seriously? Such a girl existed? You thought you only saw these kinds of scenarios in the movies. 
“First,” you took a step closer, squared your shoulders in an effort to look tough in front of Tomori and her group of (tall) friends, “I don’t follow him around. I’m his tutor and friend. Second, if you’re trying to pull me into a fight and get me to the principal’s office, then you should give up, because I won’t cause a scene.”
A smirk crossed Tomori’s face as her eyes glinted with an almost giddy glee. “You don’t have to pretend. Everybody in this school knows how madly in love you are with Kise-chan. Hate to break it to you, but he’s not interested in someone like you.”
The statement caught you off guard. You bit your lower lip. After graduating from Teiko, you had set your eyes on going to Kaijo for high school. At the same time, Kise was scouted by the Kaijo basketball team. That was a bonus. You were close friends after all. You didn’t follow him here. 
That was the truth, but somehow that wasn’t how others saw it. 
Gathering up your thoughts, you gulped and said calmly, “You know what, you can go and make silly gossips about me. I don’t care. Go and have your fun.”
Pivoting on her heels, you decided to just let them be. You knew the truth to yourself. There was no point in bickering with mindless girls about Kise because in the end, it was up to them to believe in what they wanted to believe in. 
Tomori grabbed your wrist and pulled you back. “Aww, don’t cry. That’s why we’re here, right girls? We’re going to help you move on from your not-so-little crush on Kise-chan.”
“Can you stop calling him that?” you hissed, still struggling to keep your cool, “What are you, close friends or something? I bet Ryouta doesn’t even know who you are—”
You didn’t realize what was happening until you staggered a few steps back after being shoved by Tomori. You weren't given the time to properly recover when the girl started shouting into your face. 
“I’ve dated him several times before, you little bitch!”
One of the girls behind Tomori piped up, “Tomori here is Kise-kun’s type, so stop dreaming for something impossible to happen.”
Please, Kise never dated the same woman twice. There was no way Tomori was telling the truth.
You shrugged. “He doesn’t really pick up girls, just so you know. So I’m not sure where you got the idea that you’re his type.”
That did it. Ohh, boy. Tomori’s face was bright red now—almost as red as her lipstick that you wanted to laugh. She grabbed the front of your shirt forcibly. The rest of the girls were now slowly surrounding you in a circle. 
“Let me get this straight,” Tomori spat hatefully, “You’re just a little bitch who’s hungry for attention. No matter how hard you study, no matter how much you help Kise, he will never look at you the way you want him to. He’s just using you. Wonder why Kise’s never dated you before? Because you’re just a little bitch with a hideous face!”
Despite the situation that you got yourself into, the impending danger you were about to face from these monstrous witches with unimaginably long talons, you found yourself giggling a bit even though you were a breath away from retaliating physically.
“What’s so funny, little bitch?”
You shook your head in amusement. “Is ‘little bitch’ the only insult in your short list of vocabulary?”
“HOW DARE YOU!” came the blood-curdling screech.
You braced yourself from the upcoming blows from the girls. but none came, much to your astonishment. What was even more surprising was the arm that was now wrapped around your shoulders. You raised your head sideways to meet the gaze of a pair of golden irises.
“What’s going on?” 
Shifting your attention from Kise back to Tomori and her band of friends, you noticed how their expressions flickered from smug to surprise and puzzlement just like a light bulb. 
Catching up on the way Kise’s eyes now flaring furiously, you tugged on the sleeves of his shirt and murmured, “Nothing. Let’s go.”
“You can’t just let it slip like that,” he said tiredly, looking back at the girls who were still speechless because of his sudden appearance. 
“It’s okay. Let’s go.”
You wanted to tell him all the mean things they had just said. You wanted so much to see how Kise would put these girls in their place, and Kise would if you told him to, but Kise should not be dragged into this mess.
As you were about to pull him away from the circle, Kise opened his mouth, “I heard everything you told her. I don’t exactly know when we dated, but don’t you ever talk to her that way again.” 
Alarmed, but also slightly please, you started to drag Kise away hastily. This was bad. What if that ruined Kise’s image or something? 
“Go ahead! Run! Nobody wants a stupid model like you when you can’t even pass your exams in—”
Shinohara Tomori wasn't given the chance to finish her sentence and not even Kise was able to react on time despite his quick reflexes, because you had tackled the poor girl to the floor with fist raised.
~ O ~
“Why did you do that?”
You made a noise and chose to ignore him. You sulked on the bench with your favourite cup of milk tea. You looked up and gazed at the setting sun. 
“Hey you, look at me,” Kise urged, sitting down beside you with a worried expression marring his face. “Look what happened to your face. That girl did quite a number on you.”
You chuckled and turned to him, giving him a full view of the length of the now bandaged scratch you had on your cheek. You gave him a conceited smile. “Not as much as I did to her. Didn’t you see her two black-eyes? Also her busted lips and bruised—”
Kise groaned loudly. “Lucky you were just given a warning. If it were someone else, the principal would’ve given a week of suspension.”
Shrug. “Lucky they like me then.”
He scratched his head in frustration. “We were about to walk away, you know? And you just had to.”
“She called you ‘stupid’,” you grumbled, staring at the cup as though it was the most interesting thing in the world. 
Kise watched you play with the straw quietly and waited for you to elaborate. He was only met with silence. This wasn’t the first time you let hell break loose. There was another time in Teiko when you violently kicked a guy in the groin after finding out that he was hurting the basketball players when the referee had not been looking. If Aomine hadn’t pulled you away in time, Kise knew that you would’ve choked the guy to death.
Instead of reprimanding you, Kise placed an arm around you instead, leaning closer. “Don’t go that far for me again, will you? I can handle myself.”
You huffed in response. “Well, tell your girlfriends to stop bothering me then.”
Kise raised his free hand defensively. “Hey, I can’t tell them to unlove me, you know. It’s not my fault they’re obsessed with me.”
“You should really get a ‘real’ girlfriend,” you rolled your eyes and elbowed his ribs gently, “Maybe your fangirls would back off a little.”
His eyes glimmered the slightest at that, but you didn’t see that quick flash as he leaned his head on top of youra. 
“Yeah, I guess I’ll get one soon, and you’ll be the first to meet her.”
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seulgiwifeee · 7 months
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Bad Influence || Yeri
♡ Member: Neighbor*Enemy*Yeri x Femreader
♡ Theme: Drama, chaotic
♡ Warning: Underage smoking/drinking(just a reminder that I don't encourage any of this or anything hectic that goes on in this story, obviously lol, and you’re both in high school but legal adults) lots of cussing, and Yeri’s just a menace
♡ Description: What should've started and continued on as a day of just you and your neighbor, Yeri, babysitting your younger sisters ends up in an absolute chaos and nightmare for you.
Word count: 5.8k (good lord..)
"Again, thank you Mrs. Park for inviting me over and allowing me to babysit the girls again. I promise you that I and Y/N will take great care of them!" Yeri flashes your mom a bright and innocent smile, bowing down honorably.
"Oh, I don't doubt it!" your mom teases with a soft smile and lightly pats Yeri on the shoulder, appreciating the well-mannered girl. You on the other hand can't help but to roll your eyes, not caring one bit to hide your annoyance while you side-eye Yeri as she continues playing out her innocent act.
It physically pains you how oblivious your mom is with Yeri because you can see right through her facade, you know all the types of trouble that girl truly is, yet each time she slips up your mom always turns a blind eye to her and never seems to notice? It's bullshit, honestly.
"Bye, girls! I'll be back later this evening so have fun!" Your mom steps halfway out the door, but peeks her head back inside, eying at you specifically. "Oh, and Y/N, can you ever take that nasty look off your face? Please treat our guest with respect. Try to make her feel welcome here for once."
Yeri snickers from her remark once the door fully closes, turning to face you as she twirls her curls. "Yeah, Y/N,” her tone mocking, “listen to your mother. Learn how to treat me with respect for once, make me feel welcome here because I sure never feel any of it."
Oh, please.
"Oh, shut up," you say between gritted teeth, turning your heel and storming off into the kitchen, not in any mood to deal with her nonsense today. Yeri's not far from you, tagging closely behind and smirkingly menacingly like she's already prepared to cause you a difficult time today. "You know, there's no need to be so hostile."
"Yeri— just.. don't talk to me. Leave me alone! I don’t even want to look at you! Just go be useful and watch my sisters upstairs or something. They'll probably want to play with you anyway since you're obviously their favorite." You sigh heavily as you grab a soda from the fridge and flick it open with a crisp snap.
"Well I mean you are correct about me being their favorite, but.. I don't think I'll be doing that today." Yeri snatches the soda from you and begins to chug it down like it's her own.
Your eye twitches at her, struggling not to lose your cool so soon. "And what do you mean by that?"
Yeri clears her throat from the carbonation and carelessly places the can on the counter, practically throwing it and almost having that sugary sticky nightmare spill all over you. "I mean, that I'm not watching anyone today. I'm leaving. Right now."
You hum confused, cocking an eyebrow once she turns around to exit. "Woah woah there!"
Yeri gasps as you unexpectedly grab onto the back collar of her shirt, forcing her to stop in her tracks. "You're not doing this shit again, I swear—"
Yeri tugs away from you until she's out of your hold, which doesn't take many tries, and rolls her eyes, folding her arms with an unfazed look. "You swear what? That you'll tattletale on me like a baby to your mom? You know, she'll never believe you anyways," Yeri taunts, a mischievous glint sparkling in her eyes.
"Oh, but she will. I won't let you get away with anything this time." You cross your arms, shooting her back a look of determination.
"Oh, and how you do suppose you're gonna do that?" Yeri asks, clearly unimpressed with your attempts at threats and trying to look bigger, tilting her head with a look of challenge as she raises a brow.
"Oh, I don't know," you retort, your voice dripping with sarcasm, "I'll just get pictures and videos of you sneaking out. You know, because she totally wouldn't say anything about it if I showed them to her." You smirk confidently, thinking you finally slapped her with a "gotcha" moment, thinking this would so obviously have her rethink her actions, but your smug expression's wiped away with a confused face once you see her instead laugh at you. "Oh, and how do you think you'll take pictures of me?"
"With my phone, obviously?"
Yeri continues to laugh some more. "With what phone?"
You tilt your head at her, lost by her words and slide your hand into your back pocket only for your eyes to go wide, feeling the now hollow space where your phone once took place in not too long ago. You frantically feel through all of your pockets, making sure you didn't just misplace it, but the ongoing emptiness further confirms that you indeed do not have your phone on you.
You look back up at Yeri, your eyes growing furious once you notice her holding your phone up high in one hand as she silently flips you off with her other, and that stupid.. stupid oh-so-evil smile still displayed widely on her lips.
"How did you even— Give it back!" You reach out at her, clawing out for your phone but she continues to back away from all of your weak attempts, taunting it away from you in the air and behind her.
"You're not getting this back until I come back."
"Like hell!" You furiously lunge at her again, clutching onto her arm forcefully which causes her to lose grip and drop your phone on the kitchen tiling.
You both freeze, suddenly realizing what just happened and continue to stand in this awkward position, staring each other down intensely, making sure to watch each other's every move.
Silently, you two maintain eye contact, slowly backing away from each other,
continuing to maintain eye contact, slowly easing your way downwards,
continuing to maintain eye contact, your eyes burning fiercely into each other's souls..
..until you both quickly reach down to grab the phone!
You're this close to claiming it before Yeri's hand knocks it out of your unstable grip and snatches it up. Almost falling back, she flips you off once again and takes off down the hallway.
You chase her throughout your house, huffing furiously and out of exhaustion at her teasing words, calling you "too slow" or "that's all you got?" if she swerves you. The younger girl is only around a foot smaller than you, probably not even that, but that extra shortness definitely, and unfortunately, is a major benefit for her tiny legs, giving her an unnecessary boost of speed.
"Yeriii!" you shout as you watch her make her escape through the front door. You get ready to follow her out without any second thought, your rage blinding you, but stop yourself at the entrance once you realize your younger sisters are still upstairs in their room.
You can't just leave them in here all alone?!..
you can?..
It’s only going to be for a second!
You bite your lip, hastily going back and forth with yourself until you eventually end up running out the door, making sure to close it behind you just so the girls don't try to get any ideas.
You take a brief scan around the neighborhood, trying to figure out which way Yeri could've gone until you then spot her in her driveway sitting in the driver's seat of one of her parent's cars.
You sprint down the road, making it to her house and run up to the car. "Yeri!" you growl, repeatedly pulling on the door handle and knocking on the window.
Yeri laughs at you, the window silencing her voice, while holding your phone up against the glass teasingly and forms an 'L' with a thumb and pointer finger to her forehead.
You yell out for her more, aggressively pulling on the door handle. "Yeri, I swear! If you don't unlock this door right now.."
Unlike you, Yeri only finds amusement in this situation and your anger, continuing to taunt you for a while until your yelling gradually starts to go from funny to annoying to eventually just unbearable to the ears, and honestly became quite a pathetic sight to look at. She slides the window down not even halfway. "Alright already! Calm down, sheesh! Don't break anything now."
You bang your fists on the window one more time out of spite before crossing your arms. "Yeri, give me my phone right now, this isn't funny!"
She taps her finger on her chin, looking up in thought and humming purposefully loudly as if this was just such a huge decision for her to ponder. "Fine. I'll give you it.. only if you decide to come with me, though."
You scoff, placing your hands on your hips, "Are you crazy? Do you really think I'm going to leave my sisters home all alone just so I can leave with you to do god knows what? Are you trying to get me killed?!" Specifically talking about your mother here, but knowing Yeri, whatever the hell she's trying to do also just might end up killing you first.
"Oh calm down. I've already let your sisters know beforehand all about this and told them to behave while I'm gone and you know.. they always listen to me so if I tell them to not cause any problems, then they won't. And of course, they wouldn't snitch on an amazing person like me, unlike other people.." Yeri mutters the last words, throwing obvious shade towards you.
You huff, knowing Yeri's correct about your sisters only ever listening to her authority even when you'd both be watching over them, but you still aren't convinced in the slightest that this is a good idea. Yes, they love Yeri and they'll mostly always listen to her, but to what extent? Who's to say they still won't end up blabbering everything to your mom even after "promising" to her?
"And how are you so sure they won't end up telling on you, despite that? You know, kids have loud mouths and those gremlins probably have the worst," you remind Yeri, but all she does is shrug you off, bubbling a confident laugh. "Oh trust me, Y/N, they won't say a word."
You bite your cheek, believing her to some degree, but your patience is running thin and you groan in annoyance, not caring much about her reasonings because either way they still don't change the fact that you don't want to go to wherever she's trying to sneak off to. "Come on, dammit! I just want my phone! Give me it!" Yeri rolls her eyes at your continued attempts as you begin to tug at her door handle once again.
"Welp, if you're not coming then I guess you're not getting your phone back." And with that, Yeri rolls up the window, purposefully ignoring your intensified movements with your continued assault on the car. You slam your palms into the glass, death glaring at Yeri's side profile.
You don't know what to do at this point, knowing that you have very few options to choose from, and absolutely none of them are to your liking at all.
You glance back and forth between Yeri and your house, thinking hardly about what you should do. You knock again on the window more calmly this time to grab her attention, and once she turns to you, you aggressively motion your finger downwards, signaling her to lower the window.
Yeri rolls her eyes, reluctantly rolling the window down. "Hm?"
"Where are you even planning to go?"
"It's just a little house party."
You scoff, even more annoyed now that she's being so selfish trying to leave for something as little and unimportant as this.
"Really? You're serious about to leave me all alone for a stupid party? Don't you go to enough of them as it is already?!"
"Not enough, actually," Yeri quips.
"Also.. no need to get so worked up because I already know you wanna come too."
You're suddenly confused. "Huh?"
"Don't look at me all stupid and oblivious. You can try to deny it all you want, but I've read you for a while now and I can see that deep down you want to be active and adventurous just like me; I know that you secretly crave the thrill, always wanting to sneak out of that boring house and live life, wanting to be a rebellious teen and have some fun like me.
Besides, admit it. I add a spark to your life because if you really think about it, your life is literally crickets when I'm not around: lame, so boring. I yawn just thinking about it." Yeri fans her hand over her mouth, exaggerating a forced yawn.
You shake your head firmly, denying all of her words.
"Come onnn," she trails in a teasing voice, "It's like a win-win benefit once you really think about it; you don't get to watch over any annoying kids and you can go enjoy yourself doing your own thing while I do my own once we make it there. We'll be back before your mom comes home, and if she tries to check up on the girls while we're still out then your sisters got us covered. I already taught them a plan for dealing with situations like that so they'll just alert me, me and them will do our thing and you won't have to worry about anything.
And also, just live a little for once, god. I promise it'll be worth it. Just give in to what you know your heart really desires.”
You stare at her blankly, groaning internally because as badly as you don't want to admit it, she's right. She's spot-on about every which way you're feeling and boy does that make you annoyed. Like ugh, why does she have to know you so well?.. And why is her convincing actually starting to work on you?
You turn to your house, glancing at it for a quick second before turning back to Yeri, throwing your head back with an exasperated groan. "Stay right here." You sprint down the road to your house again.
You open the door, peeking your head in and briefly look around the silent house before stepping back out, carefully closing the door and locking it.
You run back over to Yeri and knock on the window again. She turns to face you and rolls the window all the way down this time without saying a word, letting her knowing smirk speak for her.
You take in a deep breath, clutching your fists.
"You better not make me regret this."
One of your biggest mistakes this day was trusting Yeri to drive. The music blasting through her car speaker was deafening, she was speeding down the roads although she tried to convince you she was "right at the speed limit," there aren't even enough fingers on your hand to count how many times she almost drove a red light and when she did stop at one of them she unbuckled her seatbelt and casually just started to strip her clothes, revealing the crop top and shorts she was wearing underneath..
She had to have been insane.
After a twenty-minute drive of what felt never-ending, you and Yeri finally pulled up to a grim neighborhood; all the houses barricaded with wildly grown trees, years' worth of uncut grass, busted windows, worn-out furniture thrown out on the lawns and gained nothing but eery vibes.. Where in the world had Yeri taken you?
"Yeri.." you mumble, feeling uneasy as she pulls up into the driveway of the least flattering house, of course.
Yeri giggles, haphazardly parking the car and swings her head to face you with a devilish smile. "We're here!"
You stare at her, silently spamming the lock button and shake your head. "And where the hell is "here?!" A secret location for serial killers to hide bodies?"
Yeri snorts, "Dramatic much?" She pulls down the driver's mirror and neatens up her hair. "This is where me and my friends meet up all the time, so as someone very experienced around this area, I can assure you that nothing dangerous goes on."
She steps out of the car and walks around to your side, swinging open the door. "Come on!"
You fold your arms, looking past Yeri and analyze all the naked trees, the beyond dead grass and the grayness of the sky only adding more to the bleakness of this neighborhood. Yeah, this place isn't promising in the slightest.
"Where's my phone?" you demand, choosing to stay put.
Yeri crosses her arms. "I'll give it back to you when we go inside."
"No! You only said that if I come with you then you'll give me back my phone. I came with you, and now we're here so give it!"
Yeri takes a step back, tilting her head. "Well, I changed my mind then."
You groan into your palms, leaning your head back and drag your fingers down your face, pulling down roughly on your skin. "Why are you like this?"
Yeri only laughs in response and walks away from you while you continue to whine and complain until you eventually bring yourself to step out of the car.
Yeri gets ready to approach the front door but turns back around. "Oh wait!" She skims over to the trunk and lifts it open, casually pulling out a mini dress moments later. "Put this on!"
You scrunch your eyebrows as she throws it so confidently and carelessly in your arms.
"And why do you expect me to wear this?"
"Because I don't need my friends to think I hang out with lame people. Since you don't have the right personality then maybe you at least can get the looks.”
You stare at her with your mouth fallen ajar, not knowing how to even respond to that insult.
"Now, go change in the backseat.”
"Fine," you huff, opening the door to the backseat and slip inside, "Don't look."
"Oh, I promise you I didn't plan on doing so." Yeri turns her back to you once you slam the door and covers her eyes. Quickly, you change from your sweats to the dress and slide out of the seat. "Done," you announce to her dryly.
Yeri flips herself around to face you, instantly smiling widely. "Woah! You already look tens times better than whatever you had on before.."
Her quips are going to be the death of you. "Oh, shut it."
Yeri goes on and makes her way back over to the front door.
Right after ringing the doorbell the door almost immediately opens for her, and she's about to walk inside until she realizes you're not with her. She turns around. "Hurry up! We don't have all day, Y/N!"
You let out your final groan of the day and approach the strange house, tentatively walking inside after Yeri.
The second you step in your nose is whacked with the strong odor of weeks worth of stale cigarettes, musk, must and other.. questionable things you don't want to figure out. You look around seeing a dark, empty living room with only the accompany of empty boxes piled on each other.
You fall into a coughing fit from all the dust particles, promptly covering your nose from the dank smell and glance over to Yeri confused and grossed out.
"Don't worry, we're going downstairs." Yeri doesn't waste any time waiting for you and walks off down the narrow hallway.
You follow close behind her through this maze of a house until you two finally make it to another door leading to what you assume is the basement. She forces it open and walks down the stairs with ease, disappearing into the darkness. You warily follow behind her, quickly catching up with her steps so you're not too distanced from each other.
The stairs dreadfully creak with each step you two make, fear continuing to eat at you as the squeaking gets so loud that it makes you believe this had to have been the first time in decades someone had been down here.
Fortunately, it doesn't take long for you two to make it to the bottom, and you continue to follow her through the darkness until you approach a closed door.
With a gentle turn of the knob, Yeri opens the door and instantly you two are greeted with low music, dim red lighting and the cheers of Yeri's friends calling out her name.
"Hey guys! Sorry that I couldn't arrive sooner, I had to deal with a few things earlier, but I'm good now. Also, this is Y/N"
The scattered people speak out in many "wassup"s and "hey"s while some wave at you. You quietly wave back, not able to see anyone clearly in this lighting.
"Okay, I'm gonna go do my own thing now. You can go do whatever.. or something. I don't know. Just don't do anything embarrassing." Yeri takes a few steps forward but turns back to you. "Oh, and here's this."
You look down seeing your phone finally being given back to you. About time. You narrow your eyes at her, biting back a remark before silently accepting your phone.
Yeri walks off to a random corner, so now you're left standing here all awkward and alone, looking around, trying to focus on anything that's going on. From the looks of this place, it just looks like an average bedroom, just way bigger. Hopefully, no one actually lives down here, though. It smells a little better down here too.. but it also reeks of weed, beer, and tryhards.
But hey! At least it doesn't smell like literal death like upstairs.
Not knowing what to do after standing here for a while, you follow the direction Yeri had gone before until you spot her and a few other people sitting crisscross on the ground with a half drunken bottle of soju comfortingly sitting in her hand. She places the bottle to her lips as she turns to look at you, sighing and patting the space next to her. You look side to side awkwardly, but comply, squatting down until you shiver from touching the cold floor.
After a few seconds of sitting silently to yourself, you avert your eyes low beside you, noticing a tattooed hand held firmly around Yeri's waist and trail your eyes up until you're left locking your eyes on the figure of a large man sitting on the other side of her. A man looking old enough for this gesture to seem very scandalous.
You choose to ignore it, though. You know, because that’s absolutely none of your business and you don’t want to make it yours so you just continue to sit in a longer silence.
As Yeri’s talking with her friends, she notices you in the corner of her eye, seeing how bored you look scrolling away on your phone. She turns over to you and taps your shoulder to steal your attention while offering her other hand out to you.
“Want some?"
You look down seeing Yeri holding out the soju.
You narrow your eyes at her.
Yeri narrows her eyes back at you.
“Hey! I’m just trying to be nice, so don’t look at me like that, trying to act all innocent 'n shit. I know.. you know you like to drink and you can't even try to deny it! Don't think I don't remember you and your little friend at homecoming that one time—"
You roll your eyes and place two fingers over her lips to shut her up from talking any further. Okay yes, you can admit, you might sip on alcohol from time to time if it's present at a function, but you have to go home right after this. There won't be any time to get rid of the smell and who knows how you'll act if you get too drunk? "But what if my mom notices or finds out I drank?"
"Who cares about your mom?" Yeri snaps.
"You're here right now and that's all that should matter or be on your mind. So just relax and let loose. A sip won't hurt you." Yeri teases the bottle closer to your nose, luring you in with the intoxicating peachy musk.
You know you shouldn't be doing this, you really know you shouldn't be, but before you can realize it, you're already chugging the remaining of the bottle. Her friends around you cheer you on as you down the last swig of that peachy goodness and soon before you know it you're already on your next bottle.
Quickly, your nerves are cooled and you start to warm up around Yeri's little friend group, doing nothing much but talk, sing along to music and drink.
You're not much of a lightweight so you can feel yourself gradually getting drunker as the hours roll on, but not drunk enough to where you're easily about to let Yeri slide you a cigarette.
"Woah woah— I don't want that! I've never even smoked before!" you say, pushing Yeri's hand away. Her sensitive body slumps back into the wall from your light push and she groans, slurring out incoherent nothings under her breath. "Come on, Y/N!" Don't be lame! There's always a first time for everything!"
You hesitate at her words, slowly reaching your hand back out and taking it. Well.. you've already come this far, right? How much could a little nicotine hurt you?
Yeah, your faded mind at the moment doesn't realize how horrible that sentence actually sounds.
On your first try you completely fuck up, inhaling the hot smoke way too quickly and immediately get attacked with violent coughs. You reject Yeri's offer on giving the cigarette another try, but you eventually give in and follow her lead this time.
Soon, you pick up the steps, catching on quickly and you're now a natural like Yeri, so you continue on the rest of the afternoon getting wasted and smoking more of your brain cells and dignity away.
After hanging out with everyone and getting to know more about Yeri you start to consider that maybe.. Yeri isn't as annoying as you thought she was? She’s honestly really chill so maybe..
..Just maybe.. you two could actually become friends?
                              {Hours later}
You groan, feeling a sharp pain in your neck as you sit up from the wooden ground.
You rub your eyes with a sigh, realizing you must've passed out and look down at your watch, adjusting the blurriness of your eyes as you try to make out where the hands are pointing.
"9:05 p.m..." you mumble drowsily to yourself, resting your wrist back down and lean your head against the wall. It takes but a few seconds later for your clouded mind to realize what you’d just said, immediately sobering up and force your sore body up once more, glancing around the room in a panic. "Holy fu— oh my god, Yeri! It's past nine! We need to go, like now!"
You crawl over to the knocked-out Yeri and violently shake her until she shoots her eyes awake in a blurry panic. "Wha— what?!"
"Yeri, it's NINE. P.M... You said we were already supposed to be back home way earlier than this!
We need to leave before my mom finds out!" You seize hold of her wrist and quickly drag her up to her feet, not considering beforehand on how feeble and weakened her body state is from all the earlier intoxications. She inches closer to you in a staggering walk, struggling to catch her own feet. "Calm down," Yeri slurs, "I doubt she's even—"
Her reassurance is interrupted by the repeated buzzes of your phone vibrating on the ground. You quickly reach down to grab it and once you turn the screen over to check what’s causing it your eyes are sunken to a look of horror.
30 missed calls. 25 message notifications. 2 voicemails. All from 'Mom.'
Your face goes ghostly pale, your heart beats irregular patterns as your legs jitter beneath you.
It's already too late.
"What?.." Yeri mumbles cautiously once she notices your sudden change of face.
"My.. My mom.." you respond with a shaky voice.
"I'm fucking dead."
The two of you anxiously walk up to the door, you being more of a nervous wreck, and hesitantly lift your fist to knock.
You place your hand back down out of fear but it doesn't save you from the anticipated confrontation once the door suddenly swings open, a pissed mom immediately coming into view. It's like she was summoned.
You don't dare to look at her, keeping your head down in shame as you drag your feet inside, Yeri promptly following behind you.
When lifting your head slightly, you can spot your sisters sitting on the couch, all looking directly at you with mischievous grins.
You knew it! You just knew they were going to rat you and Yeri out to your mom!
At least this time Yeri can finally get her long overdue karma, even if it costs you getting punished too..
You and Yeri stand side by side, looking down with guilty faces as you wait for someone.. anyone to say anything! The tension is palpable, the atmosphere so thick you could probably cut it with a knife, the room sits quieter and it seems as if you can feel your mom's fiery stare boring into your soul.
"You two better get to explaining. Right now."
You open your mouth to try defending yourself, to muster anything, but nothing comes out, no matter how hard you try to form a sentence.
You turn to Yeri, your eyes seeking her out for any assistance to help calm this mess down. She looks at you with fear in her eyes, but nods understandingly and turns back to your mom.
For a few seconds, you finally feel relieved, but your short-lived happiness is ripped into tiny shreds once your heart sinks, the next words coming out of her mouth leaving you speechless.
"I'm so sorry, Mrs. Park! I didn't want to leave, I promise, but Y/N kept egging me on and pressuring me to go out, she even stole my phone and kept it until I was given no choice but to sneak out with her to this weird house party in some odd neighborhood!"
"—Yeah. Y/N told us that she was sneaking off to a party and didn't want us to tell anyonee!" one of your sisters suddenly decide to add in.
"What?!" you gasp, looking around in confusion, like you were suddenly taken into a different universe.
You mean, you have to have been, right?..
Because there's no way in hell you're actually being put to blame for all of Yeri's actions right now..
"She got me into smoking and drinking with her even though I've never done a thing like that a day in my life! I wanted to call you and tell you about this sooner, but she was acting insane and didn’t allow me to! At some point she somehow convinced me that none of it was a big deal, stole my phone again and made us stay at that place for hours and hours! I was so nervous and scared!.." Yeri feigns a sob, a singular tear rolling down her cheek as she looks at your mom with pleading eyes.
You can't believe your ears.
Your mouth is fallen in shock, looking at Yeri in disbelief. Not only is she flipping this whole story on you, but she’s adding more things that she herself didn’t even do to you and exaggerating these things and the things she actually did to the point that it makes you look like an actual monster!
Your mom turns to you, absolute fury embedded in those squinted eyes. You can try saying she's "disappointed" in you, but nothing can downplay the anger boiling deep inside her. You can practically see steam fuming out of her ears. "I can't believe you, Y/N."
She can't believe you? You can't believe her! Your mom is really falling for Yeri's lies.
"What? No! Yeri's lying right out of her ass! She did all of these things, from taking my phone when I was the one trying to call and let you know that she was sneaking out, to persuading me to smoke and drink with her!
Look, we both know I’ve never been the most perfect daughter, but even you know that I would never do such horrible things like that to anyone.. so why are you believing her so easily?" Your voice cracks, struggling to hold in the tears of betrayal and anger.
"Yeri's the devil! She's a good-for-nothing bitch who does nothing but always try to make me look like the villain! I've done nothing!"
Your mom struts over to you, taking a hold of your wrist and storms off with you toward the stairs.
"I'm beyond sick of this disrespect, Y/N!" her grip on you tightens, "You lie on Yeri for your wrongdoings, you're trying to teach your younger sisters to lie for you, you're sneaking out and leaving your sisters at home all alone for hours, you've been smoking and drinking behind my back so now you're trying to bring Yeri down to your level so that you don't have to be the only one at fault?
How can someone be such a bad influence?"
Your mom throws you into your room. "Give me all of your electronics because you're grounded. And you can forget about going to any more school events for the rest of the year too."
You burst into tears, pleading and insisting to her that you didn't commit any of these actions, but she just won't open her ears. It's insane how she's more in favor of believing this brat who she's known for barely a year rather than her own daughter.
Your bleary eyes look through the space between your mom and the door, noticing Yeri standing at the bottom of the stairs eavesdropping on you. You two make eye contact for only a second, but that short period doesn't stop you from seeing that devilish glint in her heartless eyes and that devious smirk on her lips, full with the intent of nothing but evil. Not an ounce of sympathy to be found.
You zone out for the remainder of your mom's fuss, your face gradually contorting into a glower, thinking deeply about how tricked you feel.. how betrayed.
You always knew Yeri was a troublemaker, a menace, but never did you think she'd go this far with you, especially right as you thought the two of you were finally getting along.
But it's okay because now you understand that you've been too easy with her..
letting her get away with ruining too much stuff..
so as of now, this has become war.
A war of revenge.
And you're going to do everything and anything you can to let karma bite her back in the ass so painfully that she'll never want to mess with you again.
— Seulgiwifee ໒꒰ྀི♡˵ᴗ͈ . ᴗ͈ ꒱ྀི১
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novasolstarr · 22 days
Hello and Welcome to NovaSolStarr’s blog!
Come in come in, take a seat!! I don’t bite here {:
Welcome to my blog! Apologies for this lengthy post but I just wanna get down a few rules and regulations here before you venture any further friend!
This is not a required read but it may provide some helpful insight to you {;
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Let’s get it started
My name is NovaSolStarr, feel free to call me Nova or Dusty!
I go by They / Them and It / It’s but feel free to also use bun / buns and fae / fier {:
I’m a digital artist and traditional doodler, you’re gonna see a mixed batch of content from me!
My fandom interests vary greatly and you’re likely to see some jarring switch ups to say the least
I do primarily Fandom and personal OC content, but you are likely to see other things!
Art Trades are 🔒Closed to the public, friends can ask but I am busy
Commissions are 🔒Closed
Art request are 🔐Tentative, see more in “Ask Rules”
I make a variety of content, though all SFW please know that I may also;
Make fairly suggestive content
Curse a lot, I mean a lot [I promise I’m not an aggressive user
Make blood and gore related content
Make some horror related content
May touch on more sensitive topics [Drugs, Abuse, Alcohol, etc.]
I usually try to censor that which needs it but sometimes I forget to properly tag things, please be aware of this!!
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This is a VERY important section and I want you all to listen!!
Please be kind and respectful here
I try to keep my space drama free, and yes this will apply to real world happenings as well. I’m sorry if this disappoints anyone but I want to keep things stress free here.
So if you have drama please take it somewhere else, maybe to an account that’s more attuned for that, this is not the space and will result in a block.
Also please do not be weird towards me, I have a wife, I love my wife, @cyanide-cafe you are my silliest :3
This is a safe space for most people, although there’s exceptions, which leads me to
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Let’s get things cleared up right now
I welcome most anyone regardless of ethnicity, region, religion, political views, or whatever, however I will NOT tolerate;
Bigots of any form or fashion
Transphobia, Homophobia, LGBTQA+phobia in general
Body shaming of ANY kinda
Proshippers [People who romanticizes problematic or harmful things]
If more needs to be added I will, but so long as you are not one of these people I don’t care.
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I had a smaller post related to this but I’ll go ahead and squeeze it into here as well!
My ask blog is completely open for any and all!! With that though here’s some rules to keep it fun for everyone!
Do Not post anything NSFW or explicit in there, this will result in a block
Do Not be asking personal information questions or otherwise potentially harmful things
Do Not be spamming it unnecessarily, I’m fine with lots of questions in one go but if you’re spamming the same thing or generally the same thing over and over I’m not gonna be happy
Do Not put anything hateful or cruel, again this will result in a block, I don’t put up with that shit and I will not feed it
Now we have that covered, let’s talk about what IS okay and what is acceptable {:
Questions related to OCs or AUs of canon characters, I have a lot of fun with it [:
Art requests between OCs and Canon, although I might use my own design for this so be warned! This interaction could be familiar, an introduction, angsty, shipping or whatever! So long as it’s SFW I don’t mind
Art requests of canon characters! Always happy to give new characters a spin
Questions related to me or any comments you might have, do note I might not always respond to comments cause sometimes I just..dunno how to outside of “WAAH THANK YOU {: >”
And that about wraps it all up!
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That’s all I have for today! Please just be kind, respectful, and over all have fun here!! I like having a space for people to enjoy and have fun with {:
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twyftwyt · 10 months
Chapter 4 (TEASER)
…you have more pieces of me than the desert has sand
and i have less pieces of you than i can hold in my hand…
warnings: SMUT (18+)
authors note: we’ll slowly get into the drama and angst and unresolved traumas but i just wanted to give these two a few last moments of physical intimacy
(also listen to this while reading, I promise it’s good and it’s important for the storyline)
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Noah’s POV
“My therapist will hear about this” was not really the first thing I expected to see when I grabbed my phone and opened X, this morning, but here we were. I looked over to the naked body sleeping next to me and felt my stomach twist a little. I wanted to throw up. Something I haven’t felt in a while. Not when it came to women and relationships whatsoever. I knew what I did was wrong and stupid. I knew I could’ve just gone home to think it through but there was something about her. Something I couldn’t figure out yet. And it kept me coming back time and time again. I’ve spoken to my therapist about her a few times but never really gotten that deep into the whole subject. It seems like she will have to hear about this after all, cause I was lost.
I looked at her again and traced my finger through her hair. She shifted a little in her sleep. “Beautiful. Fucking beautiful.” I thought. The sheet wasn’t covering much of her body and my eyes peered over the arch in her back. Her left foot was curled next to mine and her skin was exuding so much warmth. The outline of her breast and the way her arm was curled up under the pillow made my dick twitch and I felt the need to touch her.
“No.” was my immediate thought. Not after last night. Not after what I did. So I decided to do the best thing I could come up with, the most rational thing any man in my position would do. I got up and started looking for my clothes. Yes, I was going to leave before she wakes up. Was that an even bigger dick move? Yes. Was I gonna regret this later? Probably not. Cause I was already regretting it.
“Mmh… No..Noahh..”
My head snapped back so fast I felt my neck crack and was almost certain that I wasn’t going to be able to look straight for a few minutes. She looked like she was still sleeping. I went over to her side to take a double look. The sheet was barely covering anything but her ankles at this point and her naked body was fully exposed to me. And god, was it a sight to see.
Yes, that’s me. I’m here. And I look fucking stupid with my hard on, my bare ass and my socks in my hands. Her body shifted a little and I realized that she was taking in her sleep. I thought I’d give anything to be in her head right now, in this very moment.
“Y..yes, plea… please, No.. NOAH.”
My eyes were glued to her face and her own snapped open after that last scream. If I’ve never felt like a creep before, now was my time to shine.
“What the…” she was more shocked then me, for sure.
“That was a nice dream you were having, I reckon.”
I smiled at her, sitting down on her side of the bed. I saw the red creep up her cheeks and she covered herself swiftly with the sheet, still trying to wake up from whatever she was dreaming about.
“It’s nothing I haven’t seen already, babe. Plus I was enjoying the view. And the acoustics with it.”
I could feel the heat radiating from her and I knew I had to stop, but she was so cute when she was embarrassed.
“I, uhm.. I don’t know..”
“I mean, I take it as a compliment. I’m sleeping right next to you and you’re dreaming about me.”
“Don’t. Stop.”
“Well, it was more of a “yes, please, Noahh”, but “don’t stop” works just fine as well, I guess.” I shrugged and smirked at her.
Her hand flew so fast and the next thing I felt was a slap across my naked chest.
“Shut up. What are you doing up?”
Yeah, go explain now, dumbass. “Oh, nothing, just sneaking out, you know. Something every single respectable man, out there, would do.” I didn’t know what to say, so I just stared at her.
“Noah? Earth to Noah?!”
“Yeah, sorry. I was just about to go retrieve our clothes from.. all over the house, I guess. If your roommate hasn’t already found them.”
“Oh… yeah. You’re right. Fuck. Well, won’t be the first time.” she shrugged and let the sheet fall off her shoulders
I knew I wasn’t in a position to even try and touch her. I felt guilty in my core and all I wanted to do was apologize, but I never knew how. All I knew was running. I always ran when things got too serious, too deep, too complicated. I guess what they say about living in a burning house and thinking everything is on fire all the time, is really true after all.
I was so lost in thought that I didn’t notice her body moving close to mine and jumped when her lips touched my left cheek and traced a wet line to my ear.
“Maybe we don’t have to get our clothes just yet.”
Fuck. Her breath was hot against my neck and all the hairs on my body stood on ends. It was almost pathetic how much my body responded to her every touch. I really was weak for her and she didn’t even know it. Not fully. Not really. She probably didn’t believe me either. I was always manipulating every situation after all.
“Y/N, I’ve to go. I have a meeting with the management in 2 hours.”
Not entirely true. It was in 4 hours. I had plenty of time to give her a couple of orgasms and get a coffee on the way home, but I didn’t want to exploit the situation.
“Mmh..no. Stay. A quickie. You’re halfway there anyway.”
She was looking down at my junk. And she was right. I didn’t need much. I had everything I wanted in front of me. Naked. And fucking divine.
“I know we didn’t talk things through. I know what’s going through your mind. Stop overthinking it. Stop overthinking us. It’s always a dead end. And I don’t wanna talk about it for now. I just want you. I want to feel you inside again.”
Her fingers traced mine and she started dragging my fingers up her thigh. She was warm and smooth and soft. So soft. She was putty in my hands. She was mine. I didn’t need to power play things. She gave in. Always. No one could take her from me. And she didn’t even need to tell me. I knew the power I held over her. She was water. And she was flowing through every single part of my being.
“Feel what you do to me.” she placed my hand right at the center “And feel it again.” and then guided one of my fingers between her folds “And again.” then added a second one “And then feel it again until you can’t feel it anymore.”
No, she wasn’t water in my hands. I was water. And she was the moon. And I shifted according her plan and energy. I moved at her speed. I was under her control and spell. She had me, not the other way around. I was hers entirely. And so I gave her what she wanted. I buried my fingers so deep inside of her, I felt her whole badly shake under my weight.
The world could wait.
“Lay down and spread your legs for me.”
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ewanmitchelll · 9 months
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Imagine Taylor Swift’s songs (I): Cruel Summer.
Imagine it’s a modern world and you, such a good girl, fall in love with Aemond Targaryen. But worst is… he’s already taken.
Warnings: fluff; drama, light smut. Rom-Com vibes.
You are Helaena’s best friend since college when you took a few of biology’s classes for your course. A bound that now surpasses times, you are often seen around at the Targaryen’s household, an inheritance of Helaena’s father to her, which she shares with Aemond and Aegon, her brothers.
Initially, Aegon had taken a like of you, but by then you were in a relationship, so nothing came to it. However, now you are single again and trying not to get yourself involved in further relationships when cupid seems to play with you again.
How could you know, but an opportunity to travel with Helaena and Aemond came up.
“It’s summer”, Laena is telling you as you have just arrived for Aegon’s party. House is full and you are dressed elegantly for the occasion, but you two are outside because your friend is not very fond of noisy people. “We should travel to countryside. Do you want to come with us?”
“Us who, Laena?”, you tilt your head, sipping your champagne. “And when do you plan to go?”
“Me and Aemond. We don’t like these parties Aegon throw, you know. So we want to get away as soon as we can”, she gives you a mischievous smirk.
You raise your eyebrows. Aemond is the one with a bad boy fame, socially awkward, and whom you rarely had seen these years. Nonetheless, like Helaena, he doesn’t strike your as the type of not fond of partying.
“He’s just busy working with his PhD in Humanities”, she tells you when seeing your puzzled look. “So why don’t we take a break, eh? It’s not as if Aegon will get hurt if we do.”
“Okay… but when do you want to go?”, you’d think this is typical of Aegon to party hard and have his siblings out for the weekend.
“How soon? I didn’t bring my clothes, I am not prepared to do a long trip”, you protest.
Laena, also enjoying her champagne more than she’d like to admit, waves her hand dismissively.
“It’s no big deal. We are sisters. What is mine is yours.”
Little surprised you are that she has such an influence over you. When have you ever denied her anything?
Knowing this, Laena beams and hugs you.
“You are the best!”
Dressed in dark green robes, walking unaffectedly, Aemond spots you and Laena giggling. He sighs, wondering why on earth he’d agree with his sister’s plans on getting away of Aegon’s party.
But then again, he loves a great escape, doesn’t he? Often the dramatic, as their mother likes to snort about.
When seeing you, he cannot help but noticing your curves, taking some time in admiring your cleavage. Then something comes to his mind and Aemond is forced to look away, although he captures a blush painting your cheeks which pleases him very much.
“Well, ladies? Y/N, nice to see you again.” He nods at you.
You feel so suddenly disconcerted that all you can do is nod back. Helaena, not noticing what had just happened, jumps in his arms, thanking him many times for this adventure the three of you are about to have.
You are still processing his gaze, noticing his alluring presence, when he takes you to his very fancy car. As you slide to the back seat, behind Helaena’s, you seem to forget how to breath.
Bad, bad boy. Shiny toy with a price(…) Devils roll the dices, angels roll their eyes.
As soon as he starts driving, every sound dies when Helaena starts to snore. Aemond sees through the rear view that you are uncomfortable so he decides to break the ice.
“Is everything well there?”
You spot a smirk dancing in those lips. And you blame on the alcohol for picturing yourself on his lap and kissing him fervently.
You clear your throat so you focus. Aemond is slightly amused by your awkwardness.
“I… Yes, yes, it is. I was just overthinking. A bad tendency of mine, I suppose.”
“What is it that you are overthinking about?”, he inquires you, possibly aware of the cause of it and instigating you to speak it…
“It’s a silly reason. I don’t often take chances like this, traveling out of the blue, completely unprepared.”
If Aemond is disappointed with the answer, he doesn’t let it show. But he chuckles, though.
“There’s nothing wrong with planning if you don’t forget how to live your life.”
You tilt your head, detesting how easily you lock eyes with him.
“What’s living your life for you in this aspect?”
Aemond side smirks at you.
“For once, not letting others bossy me around.”
You laugh quietly.
“I don’t think you are easily bossed, Aemond.”
He raises his eyebrows.
“What exactly are your thoughts about me, Miss Y/N?”
“I see you so little that I couldn’t form my judgement of you, Aemond”, you smile at him. “Though I don’t think I can judge anyone at all.”
“Not even if they do bad things?”
“What bad things have you done?”
He seems to stay quiet for a while, watching regret rise to your eyes as you don’t like this silence that hangs between you two so suddenly.
“Some things are better left unsaid”, Aemond sort of justifies. “Look, we are here.”
As he carefully wakes Helaena and takes her inside, you struggle with balance as you leave the car. It’s three in the morning, and you wait as some lights are turned on by Aemond, watching as he carries his sister inside.
The house is a typical lake house, or so you think, comfortable and made of wood. The walls are painted in a light shade of green and you can tell that everywhere else is larger: there are trees surrounding you, a firepit, and boats. Yeah, definitely it’s a lake house.
“Are you staying there?”, you hear a voice calling you out.
Coming to the car to pack small bags is Aemond. You notice his hair is short.
“Did you cut your hair?”, you ask him.
He gives you an amused glance before helping leading you inside—since you are still under effect of alcohol.
“Yeah I did. Did you like it?”, he smiles at you when seeing you blush.
“Maybe”, you whisper, hoping he doesn’t listen.
But he does. Aemond finds you adorable.
“Thanks, princess. So…Here you are. You can stay at my mother’s room and use her clothes. Or I could get some of Laena’s for you.”
“Thank you for being so kind. Are you sure it’s okay if I wear something…?”
“Yeah. She likes you all right, she wouldn’t mind.” He could have added that Mrs Alicent hates his girlfriend, for example, but he doesn’t share this detail yet.
You nod, not realizing Aemond’s been studying you.
“Thank you once again”, you raise your eyes to smile at him.
Aemond’s taken aback by the innocence stamped in your features. No reason why you are friends with Laena, he thought.
“Anytime.” He nods his head and leaves, wishing to ignore that so suddenly a spark came uninvited.
You watch him go, disappointed. But turning to close the door, you move to the comfortable bed and drop asleep. All else is briefly forgotten.
For now.
What doesn’t kill me makes me want you more.
For a strange reason you are the first to wake up the next day. You look for a swim suit since the morning is apparently hot—no more a prelude to summer, but it in itself—, decided to have a go at the lake.
It’s a beautiful sight from Mrs Alicent’s quarters: when pulling away the curtains, you are in awe at the dark blue lake that runs deep, cut by houses that stand from two sides of the land. There are already boats on, children having fun and adults too. You smile as you hear the birds singing, it’s all so peaceful and inviting.
After washing your face and brushing your teeth, you opt for making yourself coffee when to your surprise Aemond is already preparing it.
“Up so early?!”, you cannot help yourself.
Aemond is shirtless this morning, only wearing pants. You struggle to keep yourself composed as your eyes scan his well build muscles.
Oh Lord.
It’s what you think, detesting to feel some ache in your feminine parts. But thankfully you are able to repress your impressions as he looks at you with an amused smirk displayed on his lips.
“Yes. A bad habit. I’m surprised you are up early. It’s not even nine o’clock yet”, with a move of his head he invites you to sit at the table that is behind him.
As you do so, you reply:
“I couldn’t set myself to sleep properly. I suppose it’s because I am not used to new beds.”
As he finishes cooking some eggs and preparing coffee, Aemond serves you breakfast.
“I can imagine. We did all so suddenly. But in honesty it’s for the best. Aegon’s parties are too much for us”, he tells you. “We only show up to greet guests and that’s it. After a couple of drinks he doesn’t notice us anymore.”
You frown at that.
“I’m sorry to hear that”, you say as you drink coffee.
Black coffee. The way you like it. You smile in content, a sight most pleasant to see. Aemond smiles back.
“Do you like black coffee too, uh? It’s perfect for me as well. But don’t be sorry. It is what it is. What about you? You are familiar with our dysfunctional family, but I know nothing of yours.”
You’d never think Aemond could be talkative if he so wanted. Turns out, however, you are the one who, when encouraged, speaks a lot. But he actually listens when you tell him about your divorced parents, how you ended up living with your grandparents, your profession, everything.
“I think I overshared, didn’t I?”, you think out loud, embarrassed.
“I don’t think you did”, he smiles at you, locking eyes with you again, giving you that same aching you feel obliged to repress. “I’m protective to Helaena and I lament I had no opportunity to get to know her best friend better.”
You tilt your head with a gentle smile on your face.
“So am I a suitable companion for her?”
He is still watching you intently when he says:
“Of course you are, Y/N. Now let’s get you to the lake.”
How the hell are you on his back and holding him tight like a monkey? You don’t know how easily he convinced you doing that, but here you are. Holding your legs, Aemond runs to the lake and…
You are both under the cold water. But you are still holding onto him as you laugh out loud.
“You are crazy!”
He turns his head lightly so he can match your gaze. A smile is on his lips when he says:
“Am I?”
“The lake seems too deep for me!”, you justify for remaining locked onto his back.
Aemond raises an eyebrow, not minding at all that you are there—he knows he should, but he likes to feel your warmth against him, his fingertips still caressing your thighs.
“It’s completely safe though”, says he, unwilling to let go of you. “Hold on tight, monkey. I’ll take you to the other side of the lake.”
It’s a fun morning for both of you. Staying like this so close, only reluctantly you part to dive in these blue waters, ignoring his lustful gaze at your curves, he hates how easily such thoughts occur him.
And worst. It’s not only about carnal, but when you two speak, it is as if everything is connected. A sentiment, he perceives, so evident in your y/c eyes.
But the moment is briefly gone when Helaena shows up at the window and yells:
“How naughty of you for not waiting for me!”
These first days end up in a first week. Every morning you and Aemond leave your beds early to swim together. Every morning, a new intimacy seems to flow.
But it’s only when sun rises slowly in the first hours that you two can spend some time together by yourselves…or when Helaena is the first to retire after a long day.
In late nights, you two watch movies, share a beer and thoughts. But when it becomes too unbearable to keep away this tension between one another. Something happens.
A bell rings.
“Can you open the door, please?”, Aemond asks you as he’s preparing your favorite breakfast. He’s all smiley today, completely forgetful of the consequence of his getaway.
“Of course”, you smile too, sensing his eyes on you as you are dressing shorts today a blue bikini on top.
But when you open the door, you don’t find Aegon or any Targaryen relative on the other side. Instead a taller, dark-haired sensual woman looks you up and down, making you feel embarrassed of yourself.
“H-Hello”, you try not to forget your manners. “Good morning. May I help him?”
“Is Aemond Targaryen here?”, she asks you cooly.
You try to act in a nonchalant manner as you are under those judging eyes.
“He is. I’m sorry, but who are you?”
“Oh”, the older woman seems pleased to find you in ignorance. “He hasn’t had the grace to tell you about me? I’m Alys Rivers, his girlfriend.”
So cut the headlights, summer’s a knife. (…) It’s blue, the feeling I’ve got.
You are sitting in front of the firepit eating your marshmallow as you consider the last events. In a matter of thirty days, your mind has been fed with what you now realize to be an illusion.
You fell for his smile, desired his body, admired his wit. You felt heard and seen for the first time in your life. You thought that he encouraged you in holding him tight, smelling his scent when you dived in together… or when you danced after getting drunk with a couple of beers.
Now these memories are poisoned with the fact he fooled you. How cruel. But you should know better, bad boys don’t like good girls.
Tears raise to your eyes, but you swallow them. You don’t see Helaena coming to your side. The two of you stay silent until she breaks it.
“I’m sorry, Y/Nickname.”
“Why are you feeling sorry for, my dear?”, you ask her, confused.
“Because I didn’t tell you he’s been taken. But honestly I was surprised he accepted my crazy idea of spending some weeks of this summer break without his girlfriend. No one likes her, really. She’s crazy.”
You smile at her attempts to cheer you up.
“It’s okay. I understand, truthfully.”
“You’d be a better girlfriend, though”, she smiles back, giggling when seeing a weak blush painting your cheeks. “It’s true. Mama loves you, and no one else is diplomatic like you.”
You scoff at her. A different aching has your heart breaking.
“Helaena, my honey. Don’t get yourself delusional. It does us little good. But I appreciate it though. Truthfully.”
Though your words aim to a self protection, you need a comfortable embrace and Helaena, knowing you, promptly gives it to you. You two stay like this for a while until she says:
“There is a party going on at the neighbor’s.”
You look up at her and say:
“I thought you didn’t like these kind of parties.”
“Aegon’s parties”, she corrects you, pleased to make you smile. “Come on. It can be fun.”
You wish you had an arguments to say no, but seeing Helaena is actually excited to go to the neighbor’s party, you decide to join her. After changing clothes—you dress a white top and a black skirt with red high heels; and Laena is dressing a short dress—you finally go to the party, pleased that at least with Aemond and Alys gone, you’d not have to see them again.
I’m drunk in the back of the car. And I cried like a baby coming home from the bar. Said “I’m fine”, but it wasn’t true.
When seeing Laena having a great time with the said neighbor, a handsome lad named Jacaerys, you raise your eyebrows at her insistence in going there. You laugh to yourself, letting her having her fun all the while you look for yours.
You grab one and then another beer. Losing track of time, you prefer to dance like crazy at the gardens. All of this and you don’t see him crossing the limits that separate Jacaerys’s gardens to the Targaryens’s ones. You don’t see him rushing after you, face carefully in check.
You don’t know his desperate thoughts. Couldn’t even think he’s realized a little too late that you captured his heart, taking as he is, never indulging in his bad boy fame or expecting him to be better.
And here he is. Aware he has your heart broken, by never being honest with you about his connection with that woman that is now his ex, he comes to pursuit you.
“Y/Nickname”, his husky voice comes at you.
And you freeze as you turn around only to watch him standing in front of you.
“Aemond”, you avoid his gaze.
“There are so many things to be said. I should have told you I was in a relationship”, he says urgently, trying to take your hands but he is hurt when you give a step back. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean it. I was trying to run from her and…”
But you are not listening. You take a long sip of the beer and decide to go back home. Aemond, however, is not a quitter.
“Y/N!” He then holds your arm, making you look at him. “I’m sorry. What can I do to earn your forgiveness?”
I don’t wanna keep secrets to keep you. (…) And I screamed for whatever it’s worth “I love you”. Ain’t that the worst thing you ever heard?
“I hate you”, and for the very first time you burst in tears. “Leave me alone.”
“No. I won’t”, he is firm on that. “I love you.”
“It’s a little too late for that”, you suddenly realize you two have snuck in the gardens of Aemond’s parents’ summer household.
But he’s too close to you now. Aemond’s eyes are so expressive and when you find his blue ones…
“You don’t love me”, you accuse him, heart racing.
“I do. I fucking love you, Y/N Y/LN. I left everything to be with you, to fix my damned mistakes”, he cups your face and you spot some tears in his eyes. “In losing me, I found you.”
You know he’s being sincere. He is the devil and you are the angel. But then what? You love him regardless.
His lips taste so good, his tongue sliding into your mouth makes you shiver. There is drunkness and sobriety in one kiss, mixed all the way. But neither seems to mind.
You are now at the couch, hands quickly removing his shirt, your nails ensuring to leave your mark in his skin.
“Goodness me, woman!”, he groans, aroused. “Never took you as a possessive one.”
You smirk at him, but there is little time to answer as his mouth dives into your neck, pulling gently your hair as his hand slides to your sides. Finally he parts, breathlessly so, as he lifts your shirt and helps removing your skirt.
The way he watches you makes you dripping wet.
“You are so mine”, says Aemond in the kind of authority voice that accepts no otherwise.
“That I am, sir”, you kiss his lips passionately, your hands going to his pants and there working out with his rigid manhood. “As much as you are mine.”
Your mind, however, goes blank the moment he begins to play with your breasts. You moan hotly in his ear, trying to focus, but damn it’s so difficult.
“My dear Y/N”, he moans your name in such a way.
It’s been a cruel summer, indeed, when every teasing has not prepared for its consummation. And now he has you under his command, lifting your legs to stay in between, playing with your feminine parts as his mouth takes a long time in each nipple, making you moan louder and louder.
“So wet for me”, he groans against your skin, pleased to be responsible for your yearnings. “Fuck!”
He lifts his face to contemplate yours all the whilst preparing to slide his manhood into you. Locking your hands above your head, he smirks down at you.
“I corrupted you, my sweet angel”, Aemond bites down your lips. He now spots some bruises showing on your skin.
“I redeem you”, you say softly.
He smiles at you.
“My savior”, he leans to kiss you slowly. “I love you.”
“I love you too.”
And thus the night is the only witness of how one surrenders to the other in endless making love.
It’s that family barbecue. Aemond watches as you interact with his relatives, a proud side smirk on his display.
“Finally you got rid of that woman”, he listens to Alicent’s pleased sigh. “I always knew Y/N was the right one for the family.”
“For me, mother. For me”, the silver haired male corrects her arrogantly. “She’s my future wife.”
Alicent beams at his son.
“Does she know?”
Unconsciously you turn your head and flash him a big smile. You love his family, but you love him more. Aemond doesn’t resist staying away from you. He just winks at his mother before going at you.
Snaking his arms around your waist, he rests his chin over your shoulder and side eyes at you.
“What?”, you tell him in between giggles as you sense his stare.
“Be my wife”, he blurts out.
Your jaw drops, not really expecting that. But there’s no need to think twice.
“Yes, of course.”
And then you two live happily ever after.
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Common Grounds / Chapter 11
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Pairing: Marcus Pike x f!reader
Rating: E (explicit smut, 18+ only)
Word Count: 4k
Warnings: Derrick the Asshole Ex (needs his own warning), case stuff (any inaccuracies about how the FBI works is my own lack of research), two GODDAMN ADORABLE IDIOTS in love, unprotected PIV sex, feelings feelings FEELINGS FEELINGS FEELIGNSGS
Summary: Derrick does his damndest to ruin your night, but it turns out that one asshole can't stand in the way of....... love.
A/N: IDK it's 10:30 and I'm sleepy thanks everyone for encouraging me to finish this goofball of a fic but especially @littlebirdsbookshelf who is the loveliest of humans and beta read *most* of this chapter before I yeeted it out LOL. There will be an epilogue to follow!!! Thank you everyone for reading!
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“This is quite the change for you,” your ex says condescendingly, looking around the gallery with an expression of disdain. “How the hell did you go from shilling your crap online to booking the nicest event space in the area?”
“Derrick, stop—”
“Oh, wait—I think I’ve figured it out,” the man sneers. “I like to do my research on who my ex-fiancée thinks she should fuck. Special Agent Pike, was it? Art Crimes, right? What a coincidence!”
Your heart seems to stop beating. Marcus’s head snaps toward the two of you, his eyes dark and full of warning.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” you tell Derrick icily.
“She’s using you, you know,” Derrick continues, looking at your boyfriend with a glint in his eye. “It’s what she does. She can’t make it on her own, so she picks men who will bankroll her little hobby and then leaves them in the dust after she bleeds you dry.”
“That’s not true,” you say through clenched teeth. “You don’t know anything about me. Or him. Or us.”
“Don’t I?” he retorts. “What if I were to, say, make a scene right now? Start yelling that this entire place is swarming with cops? Would that be a problem?”
You panic, eyes shooting to Marcus in horror. It looks as though he’s about to say something, but he pauses, blinking rapidly a few times—listening intently. Shit.
Derrick laughs. “Oh, isn’t that rich? You’re perfect for each other. You’re using him to get a leg up, and he’s using you for his little sting operation.”
Your ex’s volume is getting louder and louder. Heads are starting to turn. You scan the gallery frantically—a large number of waitstaff is starting to converge on the same area off to your right. Marcus looks conflicted. Desperately, his eyes flick between you and Derrick, even as he takes a few halting steps away from you. Maybe Derrick was right—but maybe it’s you who needs to cause a scene. Time seems to slow down; suddenly, everything seems crystal clear. You give Marcus a small, reassuring smile before turning your back on him and starting down your ex.
“You can’t just come here and try to ruin the life I’ve built!” you exclaim, speaking loud enough for the surrounding patrons to hear. As predicted, most people’s attention is now turned to the unfolding drama rather than the quick footsteps of Marcus, surrounded by several waiters, heading toward the back of the gallery.
“It’s over, Derrick! You can try to goad me all you want, but the truth is, I’ve found all I need without you. And you’re wrong—I’m not using him at all. I love him!”
The last words are damn-near shouted. They seem to echo in the crowded gallery.
Marcus stops in his tracks, whirling around on the spot to stare at you, open-mouthed.
“I love him!” you call out, looking right at Marcus as you say it again. “I love him.”
Even from across the room, you can see his lower lip tremble. But then—he turns away, looking as though doing so causes him unimaginable pain.
Attention starts to turn to Marcus, rather than the apparent row between two ex-lovers. Shit. You need to escalate this, and fast.
“Anyway, you couldn’t please a woman if you tried!” you hurl the out-of-the-blue accusation at Derrick, who looks murderous. “Like, even if your dick wasn’t that small, the real problem is that you don’t seem to have any idea how to use it!”
The crowd titters, and you keep going, feeling emboldened.
“Yeah, turns out orgasms are the one thing you can’t buy,” you quip. “Or at least, you can’t. I can buy them just fine—got myself a vibrator the day I walked out and left that awful engagement ring on the counter.”
A large, meaty hand lands on your shoulder, and you startle slightly. Agent Bear, as you’ve begun calling him in your head, who looks rather comical in his waiter’s tuxedo, leans down the foot and a half it takes for him to murmur in your ear.
“That’s enough. C’mon.”
“I—I was trying to—”
“I know exactly what you were trying to do. You did good, kid. Boss wants you out of the building for this next part.”
You let the behemoth of a man escort you through the kitchen and out through the dock entrance, leaving Derrick, sputtering and red-faced, behind you.
“I can’t believe I just yelled about my ex’s dick size at my first art exhibition,” you murmur to yourself as you follow the man toward the surveillance van around the corner.
“As distractions go, it was certainly creative,” the agent offers placatingly.
“What’s going on?” you ask when you reach the SUV. “Is Marcus okay? Is the guy in custody?”
“Everything is going as expected,” the agent tells you, which isn’t the most detailed explanation, and you sigh in frustration.
“So why am I being escorted out of the building?”
“This was always the plan,” he explains. “Marcus didn’t want you anywhere near the op until the building was cleared again, safe or not.”
The large man gives you a funny look. “I thought you knew.”
“Knew what?”
He purses his lips thoughtfully, as though trying to find a way to choose his next words carefully. “I haven’t known the boss for that long, mind you, but I know this—he’s stubborn, loyal, and goddamn fucking protective about the people he cares about. And he spared no expense once you agreed to come on board—bought a bunch’a new equipment because he couldn’t run the risk of any blip in communication. Hell, he’s been putting the whole fucking team through dry runs at the venue for the past month and keeping us late at the shooting range to make sure we were all sharp. This whole damn thing has been planned out to the letter, and he made it pretty fucking clear what would happen if a single hair on your head even came close to being harmed. I dunno what your feelings are for the man, but I thought you had to know already—he’s head over heels crazy for you.”
“You yelling you loved him across the damn room—that wasn’t part of your little scene-stealing strategy?”
You shake your head solemnly. “Of course not.”
“Good.” The agent nods, his jaw set. “Good. That’s good.”
“What happens to the show?” you ask quietly. “Is it just… over now? Everyone goes home?”
He shakes his head. “Nah, you can go back in once the team clears out. Pike didn’t want this to cause too much disruption. Said this was your first exhibition, that right?”
You nod. “Yup.”
“He didn’t want to sell you short. Made sure that the event would be able to continue after all the Feds leave,” the agent says with a wry grin.
“Is it safe?” you ask warily.
“Oh yeah,” he nods. “But I’m your assigned security detail for the rest of the night anyway.”
You huff out a quiet laugh. “Sorry you have to play babysitter to the boss’s girlfriend.”
“Nah, my pleasure. It’s because of you we were able to put this whole thing on in the first place.” He pauses, looking off to the side and nodding imperceptibly. When he speaks again, it’s clear he’s not addressing you anymore. “Copy. I’ll take her back in.” Standing, he holds out one giant palm to help you up. “Your time to shine, kid.”
“Is Marcus okay?” you ask again.
The agent snorts. “‘Course he’s fine. Suspect is under arrest and the team is headed back to HQ to finish up and get the perp booked. Said he’d come back as soon as he could.”
You nod, walking back through the now-empty kitchen. Guess you had to get here early if you wanted snacks, you think with a wry smile. There are fewer patrons milling around now, but that only means you can have longer, more meaningful conversations about your pieces with people who are genuinely interested. Checking your phone for any messages from Marcus, you realize you have hundreds of new notifications on your Instagram page, and a handful of online sales. It really was a success. Staged or not, maybe this exhibition is going to be the break you need.
The gallery finally starts to empty as the hour draws late. Pretty soon, the lights are being turned off and the doors locked—and Marcus still isn’t here.
“I can drive you home,” your security detail suggests. “Pike can meet you there, instead.”
“He said he’d be here,” you say in a small voice.
The man holds up his hands. “Up to you.”
You wait.
And wait.
And wait.
Finally, you hear quick footsteps echoing in the large hall, and you look up from the not-so-rousing game of Solitaire on your phone—which you insisted on playing, even with your battery at 20%.
You jump to your feet, heart in your throat. Agent Bear mumbles a goodbye and exits out one of the side doors, but you hardly notice. You can only stare at the man at the other side of the room.
He stares back.
Both of you seem to move at the same time. Marcus crosses the gallery in several long strides and you rush forward to meet him. You collide in the middle, lips bruising and hands gripping hard. He crushes your body against his, one hand around your back to press you closer and the other holding your jaw firm as he kisses you—deep and passionate and so full of emotion you feel as though you might burst.
When the heat subsides and the movement of your lips naturally begins to change–slowing, gentling–Marcus’s breath is shaky on your face as he carefully brings both hands up to cradle your cheeks. His eyes bright and shining full of moisture, his thumbs gently trace the curve of your cheekbones.
“I love you, too,” he whispers ardently. “I love you, I love you, I love you.”
“I love you,” you repeat back. A tear slips down your cheek; Marcus catches it with his thumb.
“I love you,” he says again. “Baby, that might have been the hardest thing I’ve ever had to do—turn my back on you like that.” “I’m sorry. I just—I couldn’t hold it in anymore, not when Derrick was saying all those awful things. I just needed you to know that none of it was true.”
“Couldn’t hold it in anymore?” Marcus repeats, searching your face with a growing smile.
“ I—I’ve never felt this was about anyone. I can’t help but think it whenever I look at you.”
Marcus brings his mouth to yours in another passionate, electrifying kiss. Your cheeks are damp, and you can’t tell whether the cause is you or him. You’re hardly able to take notice anyway, the way his kiss consumes you. It’s everything; he’s everything, and you love each other, and everything is finally going to be okay.
“I love you,” he whispers again. “You were amazing tonight; I was so proud of you.”
“It went really well,” you say, smiling. “I got more sales than I expected, plus a ton of hits online. And I got to say some really cathartic shit to Derrick as a bonus.”
Marcus chuckles. “Wish I could have seen that.”
“I told basically the entire gallery that he couldn’t please a woman.”
“That’s my girl.” He smiles, fondly, and presses one last kiss to your forehead. “I’m sorry I’m so late coming back. Are you ready to go?”
You thread your hands together and nod. “Yeah, let’s go home.”
“Yours or mine?”
“Doesn’t matter, just want to be in private as soon as possible.”
Marcus’s eyes darken; his smile turns mischievous. “In that case, my place is closer.”
“That settles it.”
Despite the proximity of Marcus’s apartment, he might have broken at least five traffic laws on the way in his haste to get you alone. You nearly run down the hall to get to his door, and when it bangs open, you’re both reaching for each other with similar fervor.
Your back hits the wall with a soft thunk as Marcus pushes you backward, not so much kissing you as devouring you. Your hands thread into his hair in an attempt to ground yourself, nails scraping against his scalp until he groans brokenly. 
“Fuck, I love you,” he rasps. His hands are hasty in their actions–getting access to as much of your skin as possible in as little time–and you both moan together as he roughly pulls your blouse from being tucked neatly into your slacks and his warm palms slide up the bare skin of your sides.
You frantically join him, fingers fumbling at the buckle of his belt and trying to pull his pants down without actually undoing them.
Marcus laughs giddily without breaking the kiss, trying to unbutton them at the same time you’re already shoving them down his hips. He finally manages to kick them off, along with his underwear, with his lips still stubbornly fused to yours. Your pants receive the same treatment, both of you too lost in the moment to be methodical in your actions as fabric is shoved haphazardly out of the way. 
When your legs are likewise bare, one leg automatically hooks around Marcus’s hip in an attempt to get him closer, closer, closer, and he obliges enthusiastically–pressing into your core with a soft grunt. 
It’s not enough, not nearly enough, you need him in you, and he must feel the same, because with a little growl of frustration, he reaches around to pull your other leg around him as he lifts you off of the floor and presses you up against the wall to finally be able to sheathe himself within you in one fluid motion.
Your head thunks against the wall as you draw a ragged gasp of breath into your lungs. Marcus’s lips automatically attach to your bared neck, his teeth scraping gently against your skin as he starts to frantically pound you into the wall. The sound is obscene–the slap of your bodies, the frantic, blissed-out noises of pleasure you’re both making, and the loud, rhythmic thunk of your bodies as they hit the wall over and over and over…
…You hope, for Marcus’s neighbors’ sake, that this is an outside wall.
He drills into you–deep, impossibly deep and your back arches to meet his thrusts, but each movement causes your spine to rub painfully into the wall, your core is already burning as you try to stay in place, and despite how fucking good he’s fucking you right now, your orgasm remains elusive.
Marcus suddenly lets out a rather undignified noise, his face contorting into discomfort rather than pleasure, and before you know it, the mood has changed and the two of you are laughing yourselves breathless at the awkwardness of the position.
“F-Fuck, my back,” he manages to gasp out in between giggles. You tip your head back as your chest heaves with peals of laughter, and you feel yourself sliding slowly down the wall as Marcus’s strength gives out and the two of you collapse into a still-laughing, undignified heap on his entryway floor.
“Always looks so hot in videos,” you say, voice still wavering with mirth.
“Bit harder in real life,” Marcus chuckles, finding your lips again and giving you several soft, smiling kisses.
“Got a better idea,” you murmur against his lips. 
“Too far,” you argue. “Sit up. I’m gonna–”
Marcus scrambles into a seated position against the wall, and you follow him immediately–climbing onto his lap and sinking down onto his cock with a soft whimper at the stretch of him.
“Baby,” he whispers, soothing the little wrinkle of discomfort on your forehead with his thumb as his eyes flick over your face, cataloging your reactions. 
“‘S’okay,” you reassure him breathlessly. “I’m okay.”
When you start to rock your hips, grinding yourself on Marcus’s cock, your mouth falls open with overwhelming pleasure.
“Fucking love you,” you murmur, and he responds by trying to pull you closer even though there hardly seems to be any space between you already.
“Never gonna get tired of hearing you say that,” Marcus says, voice rough with pleasure or emotion–you aren’t sure which.
“I love you,” you tell him again, and his eyes slip closed with what could either be agony or euphoria. And perhaps it’s both, really. You’d understand. The emotion burns so strongly within you that the reality of it almost hurts. Your heart aches with it. 
Your movements increase in intensity as you chase the feeling building deep inside you. It’s not simply arousal, and really, it never has been with Marcus. It’s a deep sense of joy, satisfaction, and safety. Maybe you’ve always known it–Marcus is it for you. The realization almost makes you lose track of the moment–you’re not with your body, you’re elsewhere, looking down on the two of you, desperately entwined on the floor not two feet from the front door.
“Wanna feel you come for me,” Marcus murmurs, one hand leaving your hip to rub little circles on your clit. “Baby, please.”
The action causes arousal to surge within you; you feel yourself getting even wetter, and Marcus can feel it too, because he makes a low noise in his throat as he watches you ride him.
“Never gonna get tired of this either,” he rasps. “The way you look when you’re about to come undone–fucking divine. That look you get, like you can’t believe you can feel this good… fuck, the fact that it’s me that makes you look like that–” He cuts off with a broken sound, his grip on your hip bruising as he loses himself in the moment.
“It’s you,” you say shakily, nodding frantically as you chase your release. “Only you. You’re the only one who could ever make me feel like this.”
You don’t just mean the waves of pleasure building within you, and Marcus seems to understand, because his eyebrows turn upward in awe, his lips parting as he gazes up at you with nothing short of reverence. 
“Show me,” he says quietly, his lips barely moving. “Let go. Come for me.”
A few more halting, violent rocks of your hips is all it takes before you slump onto Marcus’s chest, unable to hold yourself upright as the feeling sweeps throughout your entire body. He holds you close, taking over the motions and fucking up into you as you convulse with aftershocks. You’re hardly aware of how loud you’re being, crying out and whimpering and sobbing into his shoulder as he fucks you through it, but as you come down, you can hear his soft, lilting voice in your ear.
“So good for me, honey–fuck, you feel so good. Look so beautiful when you come, my pretty girl. So fucking beautiful all the time, I can hardly believe you’re mine.”
You whimper softly and tighten your hold around him as you nod into his shoulder. “I need–” you start, not entirely sure where the sentence was going, but Marcus nods anyway.
“I know, baby, I know.”
He surges forward, gently depositing you on your back on the floor before covering your body with his and fucking into you with abandon.
“F-fuck, mine,” he rasps. “Mine.”
“Yes,” you gasp–each thrust punching the air out of your lungs as Marcus chases his release. “Yes, yes, yes, yes–”
It doesn’t take long before he stills, burying himself deep inside you with a low groan of your name. For a few moments, the only sound is your labored breathing as you both come back to yourselves. Marcus gently touches his forehead to yours, his soft exhales shaky and wavering against your cheeks.
The air is thick with something–emotion, tension, or maybe the opposite: relief. The moment itself feels like an exhale, like your shoulder muscles can start to ease downward. Like if you needed support–or anything–you know there's someone you can depend on. 
And he, you. 
“...Are you?” Marcus asks–quietly and hesitantly, as though he’s ashamed to say the words out loud. “Are you mine?”
You bring your palm to his cheek and watch his eyelashes flutter at the soft touch. 
"Depends… are you mine as well?"
He pulls back, pure sincerity in his gaze as he looks in your eyes. 
"I think I was waiting for you this whole time," he intones quietly. "I'm yours. Of course I’m yours. Completely, and unequivocally."
You smile and bring his face back down towards yours for a kiss.
“How’s the back?”
“Wanna get off the floor?”
Marcus looks sheepish. “I didn’t want to say anything, but… yeah, oh my God, I need to lie down.” 
You giggle–breath hitching in the middle as his softening cock slips from you. With twin smiles, the two of you gingerly get up, grabbing your discarded layers of clothing and heading toward Marcus’s bedroom. He collapses on the bed with a loud sigh and scrubs his hands over his face.
“I think I aged five years during this op,” he grumbles as you plop down beside him.
“I thought everything went according to plan,” you offer, frowning in confusion.
“Oh, it did. I haven’t had any single mission in my career go better, but… Fuck, there’s a reason for that. I’ve been running the whole damn team ragged for a month, doing drills and–”
“–keeping them late at the shooting range?” 
Marcus frowns. “How did you know that?”
“My security detail told me about the pains you took to keep me safe. Or rather, how you ‘made it pretty fucking clear what would happen if a single hair on my head even came close to being harmed.’”
“I–I can explain–”
“He said you were ‘head over heels crazy’ for me,” you say, raising one eyebrow coyly.
“Well,” Marcus drops his gaze and grins widely, showing his teeth. “That’s certainly accurate.”
“Why did you ask for my help, if you spent the last month stressed out of your mind?”
He bites his lip as he seemingly gathers his thoughts. “To be completely honest, I said what I said that first time in the moment, without really thinking about it,” he explains. “But once Pandora’s box was opened, so to speak, it was hard to just… put it all away. The more I thought about it, the more it was perfect. Not only does the team get an ideal setup to catch a long-time art thief, but you get an opportunity that precious few artists are ever awarded. I couldn’t… it couldn’t not be you.”
You frown slightly as disparate, confused thoughts swirl around your brain. “I never asked to be a charity case–”
“No,” Marcus interrupts. “Oh, God, no–it was just—Well, we had to ask someone to put on a fake art show, and all things being equal, I wanted it to be you.”
Marcus’s gaze softens. “Because I love you, silly. Head over heels, remember? You’ve given me so much, and I just wanted to give you this.”
Your breath hitches at the devotion in his words. His eyes are so full of love, you don’t even know what to say. In the past, you’ve been so used to “gifts” being double-sided and deceitful. You don’t know what to do with Marcus, who simply… gives you things. Because he wants to. 
“Thank you,” you finally whisper. 
He smiles slowly, eyes brimming with emotion. “I was so proud of you. You know that, right? Every time I would turn and look at you, I just–” he cuts off, shaking his head and looking down. “Baby, I was in awe of you. I just need you to know that.”
“I know that.”
You risk a glance at the clock, and wince. 
“Oh, my God. It’s two am.”
Marcus grimaces. “Guess we get to sleep in tomorrow.”
“I’ve got an opening shift.”
“Fuck. Fuck. Of course you do,” he groans.
“I’ll be quiet,” you promise.
“Don’t you dare. I’ll get up and make you coffee.”
“You… you don’t have to do that,” you tell him hesitantly.
“I want to,” Marcus corrects. “I’m here with you. We’re doing this–everything–together, right?”
You reach over to turn off the bedside lamp, and then settle back against his warm side.
111 notes · View notes
f1goat · 2 years
The sister + Lando Norris - part eight
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In which your the little sister of Max Verstappen and you meet Lando Norris, who quickly turns in to one of your best friends. But there's a thin line between friends & lovers.
part one / part two / part three / part four / part five / part six / part seven
You haven’t heard anything from Lando since your “fight”. It’s slowly driving you insane. You have asked Max multiple times if he delivered your letter to Lando, which he says he did every time you ask. Of course you believe your brother, but sometimes it’s a nicer thought that Lando didn’t see your letter. Mainly because you can’t understand Lando. If he did read the letter, why didn’t he reach out? 
“He’s an idiot,” Kelly tells you once again. You didn’t even say anything to her. She just knows what you’re thinking about. Not that it’s that hard to guess the last days. “So now it’s time for my plan,” she continues. You feel stressed, normally her plans only cause more drama. “You are going to show him what he’s missing,” she explains. 
“How?” You ask Kelly. 
“I told you about George right?” Kelly asks you, “I might have made a little deal with him…” 
“You did what?” 
“Just let me explain,” Kelly says with a smile, “it’s going to be good.”
You nod, waiting for her to explain her idea. It can’t be good that George’s is involved. You don’t want to fuck things up further with Lando, but on the other hand what’s there to lose? He isn’t talking to you anymore, he has blocked you on the most of his socials - or better said, on any social you checked. If he sees you in public he’s always walking away from you. He’s even acting cold towards your brother. 
You still understand that he’s mad. You didn’t treat him right. But, is it that wrong to hope that he’d understand? 
“You and George are going on a date,” Kelly says, “and I will make sure Lando knows of it.”
“I don’t think he cares about that,” you tell Kelly.
“Just believe me, he cares very much about that.”
Days pass quickly. Every day you try to talk to Lando. Hoping that there will be a day he’s not leaving a room when you walk in it. Today is no exception. You just want to know if Lando read your letter. If he did and he’s still mad, it’s a sign for you to move on. But if he didn’t, then you still need to explain to Lando. He deserves an explanation and you deserve a chance to make things alright with him. 
You notice Lando walking away, this time you decide to follow him. You can’t wait forever. With a hurried tempo you start following Lando. You want to call him out, hoping that he will wait. But you don’t dare it yet. Not wanting any attention from media. You see how Lando is getting in the elevator. You drop all your shame and run towards the elevator, hoping you can still catch it. 
It worked. You were quick enough. But now you and Lando are standing awkwardly in the same elevator. Fuck. He doesn’t even look at you. You can’t stop looking at him. Lando looks bad. His skin is reddish around multiple areas in his face, his eyes are a bit more closed than normal and he seems tired. Or sad? You know for sure that you look the same, or even worse. 
“Please talk to me,” you beg Lando.
“Why would I? It’s not like you took the time to talk to me,” Lando quickly shots back. 
You sigh. This is hopeless. It even seems like he hates you. 
“I’m sorry I didn’t explain myself properly,” you tell Lando once again, “but please believe me that I had my reasons.”
Lando ignores you. Giving you no other option then to talk further. You don’t have a lot of time before he’s going to walk away from you once again. 
“Did you read my letter?” You ask Lando. 
He shakes his head, you sigh, “Why would I take the time to read something that isn’t going to change anything?” He asks you bitterly. 
“Please Lando,” you beg, “read the letter.”
You touch Lando his arm, trying to make your desperate words even more clear. 
“Don’t touch me,” Lando says softly. You remove your hand from his arm, shaking it in your hair. This is hopeless. Things are never getting right again between the two of you. All because of you. You bit on your lip. When is this elevator ride over? 
“You really do hate me, don’t you?” You ask Lando with a sad tone. You feel tears coming up. This elevator ride needs to be over soon, you don’t want to cry in front of Lando. This time it Lando who touches you, he softly pushes you against the walls of the elevator. Towering over you, finally making eye contact with you. 
“Don’t ever say that again,” he groans. 
“But you do hate me. You don’t want me to explain things, you walk out of every room I enter and you have blocked me on everything,” you sigh. You can’t help a tear from falling down your cheek. 
Lando puts his hand on your cheek, wiping away the tears that are running down on it. He sighs softly. 
“You don’t understand Y/N,” he says softly. 
“Then explain me.”
“I wish I could hate you,” he tells you, “but it’s fucking impossible to hate someone like you.”
“Someone like me? What do you mean?”
The elevator stops, Lando quickly gets out. Leaving you standing all confused in the elevator by your own. He leaves without any form of explanation. You can only sigh. Why is he so fucking confusing? You pull out your phone, searching for your text messages with Kelly. 
Let’s do it. Arrange the things with George asap. And tell me exactly what to do.
Lando almost runs until he’s inside off his hotel room again. He feels so miserable. Why did he tell you so much? Last days have been terrible for him. He can’t help himself. All of his days pass slowly, he contacts no one and does nothing expect for the things he needs to do for McLaren. It’s making him crazy. Of course he wants to make things all right with you, but he doesn’t dare. He knows for sure that you don’t return his feelings for you, so why throw himself in to a friendship that will only hurt him in the end? 
Your letter is still laying on his night stand. He didn’t read it. His first idea was to throw it away, but he didn’t manage it. Maybe he should read it? It seemed important for you. 
He sighs softly before getting the letter from his night stand. Opening the envelope. He scans the letter, quickly reading it now he has finally opened it. He reads your hand written words. After reading it he can only hate himself. How the fuck did he miss this? Why didn’t he think about this? Fuck. He really fucked everything up. This is fucking terrible. 
222 notes · View notes
martinys-world · 1 year
the girl (7)
chapters: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
I made a post before this on. talking about the discord server that i have made. Since no one seen it or cared enough. I going to talk about it here. I was thinking my character was over powered in this chapter. so I made a post and was saying how I posted chapter 7 there and wanted some feedback. I posted on July 15th. a good 5 days before this one. So I left the chapter the way it is.
So if you want to join the discord comment: the robot you like. I will send you the link for the story
I went back to my bag and began to dig. After I found my Nokia 1011 phone, a car door open sound filled the car. 
“Good hold this.”
 I handed him my phone and continued digging. When I felt the plastic case. I yank it out. so, I can grab the leopard glass and a security bandage with the four diamonds likes symbol. The same diamond as my pencil case.   I was beginning to put on the glasses
“Sliver what you are doing.” 
“don’t worry about it.”
“Why you are complaining, she looks good.”
“I will tell you this since it won’t go against Kris promise. when you see the things, I seen. You learn how to make your paths easier. I can't tell you anymore than that.”
I saw a yellow beam when, we were beginning to drive. it must have been that energy surge. Arcee was talking about.  Grabbing my phone from Noah.
“Noah please hold this,” I traded Noah the phone for the badge after I toss my bag in the back.  
“I must make a phone call. Mirage, please take control so I can concentrate.”
I quickly dial a number that I know by heart. The ringers didn’t even go to the second ring when he picked up. 
I pulled the phone away from my ear when he began to screaming.  mirage was laughing for some reason and begin to say drama and sing song like voice. 
“k plea- “
I heard another one of mirages smart ass remarks. It was the ‘uh oh someone is in trouble.’
“K I don’t know what’s going myself.” I lied. 
“I know your lying.”
“Dam it!” I said in frustration. “I will explain the best I can later. We got at least 15 minutes until I arrive and cause mayhem.”
“Not until I get at least something.” k can be very stubborn when it comes to someone he cares about. There only one sentence I know that can make just go along with whatever I say. 
“I am trying to help a family get home.”
“Wait like human home or us home.”
“Us. this is there only way right now.”
“Wait until I get there.”
“There is no time. I need you on that computer that’s 2 ft to your left.” I heard him growl, but he I hear a chair roll. 
“Fine. I want a story when its safe.”
“I promise. I need you. get to Ac and Sc files and find anyone that would still be there.”
Are ten minutes from arriving the campus 
“You mean the ones still on campus?”
“You got it. get T. and V. to help. I need you to make them leave.”
“All right got all 900 people. Starting to send messages. Hey t and v get to your computers and start typing. Boss says so.”
I heard some shuffling in the back. 
“Good, have them say there loved one is in hospital or Their place is on fire. if you need to get someone to pull the fire alarm. Get someone to pull the fire alarm.  Anything to get them to leave. Hell, if need used the symbol on anyone who there I don’t care just get them gone.”
“Okay. the messages are starting to send, is there anything else?”
“Is Jason v. Armstrong. working at all tonight?”
“You are right, he should be at the security booth.” 
“Call him and get him to let-
I looked at the badge Noah was holding
“Sarah J. Kelly though.”
I leaned back in the driver seat. acting like I was driving once again.
“Okay I will call him after.  it won’t be any problem.”
We were down to 5 minutes
“Do you want me to see Cam to hack the security cameras.”
“Good call. Give it an hour before they come back up.”
I hear more shuffling in the back. 
“T. said that he can't get a hold of Elena Wallace. She will be in the college. The same place that energy spike is at.” 
“Alright If I see, I will do what I can. Keep trying to reach her.”
“k I hear talking in the background. speak to me.” 
“Got it I will call after.”
“You better women or so help me, I will drag you back by the skin of my teeth if I must.  You will have stuck her until we are old grey.”
“I know you will. Friends forever.”
“We never surrender.”
I hang up and tosses the phone next to my bag. 
“You, young lady is amazing.” Said mirage. 
“Sliver what was that?”
“My way in making sure no one gets hurt friends.”
No other questions were asked. We began to pull up to the security booth and as soon as I showed him the badge. He didn’t look twice. He opened the gate and began to pack up around his desk. we just roll in like we own the place. Once he stopped in a random parking spot. I jump out began walking to the doors. 
“Sliver wait.” He was a good few steps behind me. I pushed the door open and began going up.”
“Sliver, wait I want to talk.” Noah grabs my hand. pulling me to a stop. “Please at least explain how you did all that.”
“I can't tell you that. if I do, you will be drag into something that is far too dangerous even for me. I promised your brother I will keep you safe and keeping my mouth shut is a must, then so be it.”
“Then why help them.”
“I will tell you what, I told Optimus. I know what it’s like trying to get home.”
I began to run up the stair. Just trying to outrun him so he doesn’t go farther down the rabbit hole Like Alice did with the white rabbit. I am trying to my promise. I will not drag you into the life I have. once I saw the door. I busted it open without a second thought. 
 When I was in the same daydream land again. 
I was in a middle of a forest. the same forest that Apeling was in. the same surface of grass and tree like statues around me. 
“how did I get here?”
Really how did I go from opening a door inside a building on earth to a planet I only saw once. I heard movement to my right. when looking at the sound there was a dull orange blob coming at me. the closer it came the more it began to take shape.  It was a Cheetah, but not the ones on earth. This one was larger than the ones on earth. They had more of an orange coat, then its classic yellow. Also, Its eyes where a very bright green. Aren’t cheetahs supposed to have yellow eyes? 
 what really caught my attention was where he was heading. Right for me. I went into fetal position. I don’t know why I did that, but I did. I was never flattening like a pancake. I felt a chill in my spine.  The feeling I had with Apeling. I became a full human when I saw the cat was becoming a wobbly blob again. 
 I felt a breeze pass me; a grey rhino was following the cat.its seems like no one is noticing me.i might not be able to get hurt in this dream like land. Wait, am I a ghost. My thoughts where interrupt when the sound of rustling trees filled my ears. I look up and saw Apeling, but it wasn’t really Apeling. The ape looked a lot smaller and more childish. Then a bird was following closely behind the primate. The birdie looked like a raven but completely metal and with a beautiful tint of blue. 
A “I can do this.” Sound was coming from where the other animals where coming form
Was coming behind me. a very dark navy-blue blob was coming closer and closer. She had an outline of a wolf. The navy coat had a dot of yellow dots, mad her fur look like a night sky, with little stars at night. there was a fire is in her eyes. Nothing was going to stop her. the more she said the line the faster she was becoming. the walking night sky was passing each animal one by one. the more living beings she passed the more confident she gotten.  Before anyone knows it, she was in second place. The dog and cat were neck to neck.  Both determine to not let the other pass.
“Come on Midnight. You can't pass me. so, stop while you can.
“I not giving up that easily.” The finished line was feet in front their face was nearby. 
While the cheetah kept trying to decrease the dog confidence. Mr. Kitty Cat didn’t notice the little pebble in the path.  didn’t notice a little pebble. With him focusing on the wolf. His paw stumble on It. the stumble gave the wolf a better chance to jump ahead. Giving midnight the win.  She was holding the stick in her mouth.  Once she dropped it.
“Who the fastest now?”
“I let you win.”
“Keep telling yourself that.” While the canine was rubbing the win in the cheetah face. The others came through. Rhino was 3rd.  bird was 4th and the ape was 5th.
“See sis, I told you can do it.” said the rhino.
“You were right Rhinox. I had to just believe in myself.” 
“I let her win.” Said the cheetah. 
“Keep telling yourself that.” said the bird. 
“As much as this was fun, me and Star have to go.” said the ape. 
While both party wave goodbye to each other. I stayed with the other 3. 
“I did let her win; I just didn’t want to see her cry.”
“I appreciate your concern for my sister, but everyone say you stumble.”
“I didn’t stumble.” said the frustrated cheetah.  When no one was going to believe his lies. he spit out ‘I going to hang with rattrap.’ Then began to run again.    
When the last two left saw the orange furball was far enough. The bird saw her opportunity.
“Rhinox, can I ask you are personal question?” 
“Go ahead Air-razor.”
“How do you feel about their feelings for your sister?”
“it’s complicated. As a big brother, they both don’t deserve her. she can do so much better than those two. But as their friend I have seen them grow over the years. They aren’t full mature, but they are better then Tigerhawk and Inferno. I learned I can't choose who she likes but if she is happy. That all that matters.”
After he finished his sentence. Everything was twisted. It twisted into a new scene. I was back with Midnight and the little ape.”
“So, what do you think Apeling wants to tell us.” midnight asked
“Something about a key.”
“Why would we need to know?”
“I don’t know.  we might want to know everything we can right now before we become leaders.”
“You mean you will be.”
“We both have the chance.”
“No, you are Optimus Primal. You are the best person to lead. You lead all the group actives.” 
“you are right about that, but you are the one that has all the ideas. I do apprentice the confidence boost, but don’t put yourself down.”
“I’m ju- “
Before they could continue their conversation. They walk into a cave. Where the real Apeling was standing. He was staring over the land. Kind of like Simba and Mufasa in lion king. When Mufasa says ‘everything that touches the light is your’ scene. 
“Hello young ones.”
“Hello.”  The little ones say. 
“Today lesson is going to be special one.”
“Is it about the key?”  ask Optimus.
“You are right. the key also comes with a legend. That precedes the dawn of our civilization. there is a vile god so large and so powerful, he has to consumed entire planets for fuel. That god is name Unicron.”
“isn’t that myth. We don’t need to worry about this god.” Said the Primal.
“It Could be a myth, but we aren’t for sure. It could be real for all we know.” said the wolf. 
“Star is right.  if he is real, he will be after this.” Apeling gotten up and walked inside the cave. Around a pedestal with a floating diamond thing. “If Unicron gets his hands on transwarp key. there is no way to stop him. “ 
“What is a trans-swap key?”
“Transwarp key. have been among our kind for generations. it allows us to go from universe to another.” 
“So, if Unicron gets a hold of the key. he could open a portal. To eat other worlds?” Ask Optimus.
“Yes. There will be nothing in his way.” 
“But isn’t there a way.”
“What do you mean.”
“In the records before the great war. They were saying something about a sister.”
“You mean brother and yes. Him and his twin brother (Primus) would fight for centuries. Unicron himself wanted to consume the universe. Getting rid of the good. So, there is nothing left but a void of torment.  Primus had other ideas; he saw that there was good in freedom. He fought his brother time and time again. trying to keep the balance to the two sides. The legend says that Primus defeated Unicron each time. he was toss in a void to never be seen again. Said Apeling.
“Shouldn’t Primus have this instead of us.”
“That is a mystery that could not be solve.” 
“Why is that?” Primal finally spoke up.
“We lost contact with Cybertron eons ago. with time information gets lost. Data pads get lost or destroy. without proof, all we know is that Primus and Unicron are myth.”
“That’s why they are myths? Ask Midnight . 
“Yes. That is why if there even is a chance that Unicron is real. We need to guard the key from him and whoever is under his command.” Said Apeling. 
“We promise to protect the key with our lives.” Said Both or the younger Maximal.
That when the vision started to change back to the museum room. rubbing my eyes trying to get eye site back. I was facing the window that lead outside for some reason.  I heard chatter in the back. a girl voice said something about stealing museum property. I couldn’t fully make out the conversation.  Once my vision was clear and I can see everthign like before. I saw three bots. The other 2 where unknown but when my eyes landed on the centered being. was Scrouge. Same one form Apeling vision. Nothing about seeing him said safe. I saw his hand turn into a canon, that’s when I knew we were in trouble.  Seeing that it was powering up and aiming at us I turn. 
“Elena and Noah get down.”
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remremsies · 3 months
Gang I’ve been gone for a while again I’m so sorry😔
I decided to come back and show y’all my OC who I’ll use while playing Our life now&forever!
Soo first I should warn you that there will be mild mentions of mental health issues and SH‼️ If these things trigger you, please skip my STEP 2 text or do not read this at all. It isn’t anything big, but I don’t want anyone to feel anxious while reading this🫶
Here it starts (I apologize for any grammar mistakes, English is not my first language)
Her name is Rosemary Salmonbay and some might say her surname is silly, but it’s a literal translation of my own surname! I love it, hehe. So, Rosemary is heavily inspired of my own life and almost just me. I made Rosemary a long time ago to make little stories that were inspired of my life and just as a way to cope. But she’s not 100% me either, because that would make me feel uncomfortable lmao.
I used picrew‼️ This is Toon Me!
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Rosemary is an awkward, shy and silly kid. An outcast, kind of. She’s very into anime, games and drawing. At first not very talkative and finds new people scary, but once you get closer to her she becomes very loud and energetic.
Rosemary enjoys playing outside with dolls, especially Monster High dolls and even dressing up as these characters. She likes drawing them a lot and making new outfits for them. Usually her doll plays are enspired by the games and animes she enjoyed.
She liked games that many other kids didn’t back then, such as Ib. Animes she watched were Ouran High School Host Club and Death Note.
As you can notice from the picture, she didn’t have much fashion sense because she just wore whatever felt comfortable and looked cool. Shirts with Mickey Mouse, Youtube merch and galaxy print.
Rosemary has tried many sports to have at least one hobbie, but nothing really fit her. Football was her favorite though. Rosemary was more into videogames and YouTube.
Moving to a new place made her very nervous but hopeful that she would make friends who wouldn’t judge her too much.
Rosemary gets called Rose, Rosie, Roses, etc. So many different nicknames and sometimes it annoys her, but doesn’t really stop anyone. She’s a bit bigger than other kids, which always made her feel embarrassed. A bit taller than most kids and didn’t like her tummy:(
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These years were the hardest for Rosemary, because she was very lost, didn’t know who was her true friends and even has some issues with her mother. But mostly Rosemary battles with herself during this time.
Now, Rosemary tries her best to stay away from any spotlight and has only few close friends. She doesn’t want any conflicts, so she has a hard time choosing sides whenever a classmates would have drama.
Rosemary’s escape is music and dancing now. She’s very into K-pop and J-pop during this time and has kind of dropped her old gamer and anime loving self. Though, she still misses those times when it was okay for her to be ”cringe”.
Her mental health declines rather harshly, even making her harm herself in certain ways to relieve overwhelming emotions. She usually regrets doing it afterwards, because it’s hard to hide and it makes her vulnerable.
Even though Rosemary says that she isn’t trying to fit in and is genuinely herself, it’s most likely a lie. She indeed is just trying to somehow fit in and make others happy. Rosemary starts wearing clothes that show off her body more in hopes of making herself like the cool girls and tries to learn makeup.
Rosemary gets more into studying herself and understand that maybe, just maybe this isn’t truly her. So, in subtle ways she tries to show her true self (such as jewelry). Rosemary accepted herself as pansexual/romantic already when she was 12, but for a long while she questions her gender. Being a girl feels right but also empty, being a boy is too much for her and nonbinary isn’t right either. But, she tries to ignore it.
She’s still rather chubby and hates it. It causes her to wear more ’boring’ clothes, because she thinks they won’t show others her bigger body. Rosemary only accepts Rose nickname during this time.
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Everything kind of starts making sense now. Rosemary is gaining confidence and got professional help for her problems. She accepts her actual style and doesn’t wear ’boring’ clothes anymore.
She’s still awkward and kind of anti-social, but tries her best and is more laid-back now. Rosemary only goes with her kind of people now and won’t force herself to fit in.
They also got back into gaming, anime and even started cosplaying sometimes! They still sometimes listen to K-pop and J-pop but more for nostalgia and during rough times. They’re also into makeup and fashion now, especially fashion styles from Japan.
Did you notice how I used they pronoun for Rosemary? Well, they finally realized and accepted themself as a demigirl! Rosemary prefers she/they pronouns but doesn’t really care if anyone uses he.
Rosemary isn’t entirely happy with her body still and also feels kind of lost, but is slowly and surely getting better. She’s trying to live healthy now, not working out to lose weight but to love her body no matter how chubby she was.
A bit more confident in themself, but still has ways to go and a lot to learn. They aren’t 100% certain what they want to do in the future, but ha some ideas.
That was all I have for her now! I haven’t made one for Step 4 yet, but I’ll work on it. I’ll probably post more about her as well and maybe change some things. This is kind of like a first draft, but I doubt I’ll change anything drastically.
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wisegirl-1618 · 29 days
ooc : hi i just wanna say some things about the anon that @pjosideblog got yesterday. I wanna preface this by saying i don’t want to cause any drama or anything, i just want to talk about it
first of all i completely agree with everything the anon was saying, whitewashing characters is always harmful and always racist
I think it’s especially important to hazels character as well, her grandmother was a slave in the south of america, it’s not like her ethnicity is completely irrelevant to who hazel is, i think if you’re making a character white, so she is more relatable to you, or that’s how you interpret it, then you are interpreting the character entirely wrong. of course there is no right way to see a character, but you cannot erase certain parts of them without essentially making an oc or just making the character a self insert, if you don’t want to rp a black character because it’s not relatable to you, then don’t, the pjo universe has plenty of white characters. there are fewer black characters in the series and then by whitewashing them you make it even fewer.
the entire reason i’m making this post is because i believe that you didn’t actually respond to the anon in a good way, i don’t believe you listened properly to the reasons they were critiquing you which in my opinion are all completely valid, you changed the picture of how you saw hazel to appease someone rather than listening to what they were saying.
please reflect on this more, because as the anon said, whitewashing is always racist
again not trying to start any drama
also would like to say the reason i’m portraying annabeth as white rather than a poc even though i could is because, as a white person i wouldn’t want to do it wrong and offend people, of course i’d be willing to take criticism, but i just want to have fun in a rp and not consider these things and that why my portrayal of her is as a white girl :)
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x3rrorx · 9 months
Look, I’m not gonna keep doing this stupid ass shit cause these mentally ill grown ass adults have fucking problems… So here is your official message.
You made a new Twitter and someone sent it to me so I blocked you. You tweeted that I had found your new twitter and stalked you and whatever else you said. Why it was such an issue that I blocked you in beyond me.
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So answer me this Carol…. Because I blocked you… how did you know? Unless you tried to go to my page and noticed you couldn’t see shit.
Babe, you had like 3 tweets and I blocked you. I told my private group si they could do the same.
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I didn’t publicly talk about your Twitter. I didn’t say anything about it or you outside of my private fucking circle, that “apparently” you have a spy in… so truly what was your issue with me knowing about your account if all I did was block it? How would you have even known if YOU weren’t the one trying to snoop my shit? Huh. 🤔
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You then claim that you made the new Twitter so that you didn’t have to be private anymore and be away from me and my group…. Okay so why was it an issue that I blocked you then? Why wouldn’t you just block me and my group of people first before we even knew?
Also if that’s the case, why are you non stop tweeting about me and indirectly at me… 🤔 you sure seem to not know how to keep your story straight girly.
You also somehow took what I said as a threat because that’s what y’all do best. Anything to be a victim. 🥺 poor babies. It wasn’t a fucking threat dude, it was a statement that you guys just keep making account after account and there’s always someone who tells me so that I’m able to fucking block. Like your IG you made the other month… I was well aware of it. You didn’t see me talking about it. But girl you do you, you want to take it as a threat for your little police report that’s never been sent to me… you do you babe.
“I don't have to hide and isolate myself to avoid upsetting grown women with an unhealthy obsession with someone I had an involvement with.”… yeah… we are the ones with an unhealthy obsession with your ex… that’s why you became friends with some of his fans and made a tumblr and discord to talk about your life with him and you are now besties with someone who is in love with your ex… yeah you’re right. We’re the ones with the unhealthy obsession. 🥴
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You then tweet saying you have someone in my close friend group that sends you screenshots. So… again, contradicting to what you said before about how you wanted out of all this drama and yatta yatta whatever else bullshit you’ve tweeted.
So you don’t want the drama but have sent someone to squeeze their way into my friend group and play friendly… but you aren’t the issue? Why would you need someone in my server or my friend group if you wanted it all to be done and out of it all?
Please make fucking sense once in your life.🥴
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I blocked Carolina and then I get send her tweet bothered about it… so how am I bothering you guys when it was Carolina who even made it an issue. So fucking what that I blocked her? WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU GUY WANT ME TO DO.
How do you not see you guys are the ones who started this? So mad cause I knew about your public fucking social media Twitter account and that I blocked her… what do you want. Truly. Cause I didn’t cause this fucking issue. Who fucking cares that I blocked Carolina. 🥴 what the absolute fuck dude.
You also didn’t “try” anything. You messaged me treating to sue and then said you wanted to talk like adults 😂
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Momo here is your little call out,
The last time you messaged me you said you haven’t talked about me and that I just keep randomly bringing you up… yet I see that you’re STILL talking about me on your Twitter.
Maybe if you didn’t want to be dragged back up then keep your fucking mouth shut. You are all so mentally fucking stupid and it’s so apparent to EVERYONE.
You’re all hypocritical lying cvnts and that’s truly all you guys have been since the beginning. As always, I provide the fucking receipts. Where are yours?
You’re still insulting and trying to laugh at and insult me. It’s hilarious to me that the most messed up and mentally unstable people are the ones throwing those shots. Stop deflecting your issues onto others. You guys sure love to talk about my mother too. Is that also issues you guys have and are deflecting into me? Do y’all not having loving mommies? Maybe start fixing your own issues rather than deflecting them into me 😂
So… all in all,
If you all truly wanna be done, let’s be fucking done. All of you. You want your private Twitter away from my group of people then that’s yours to have. Block everyone on my list. Get out of my fucking servers. Get out of my friend group. Stop being fucking weird ass cvnts. You want shit to stop then why put someone in MY discord server? I promise you, everyone is seeing that you are the issue and getting more and more fed up. You maybe have your little group but there’s more people fed up with you and all of this than there are people on your side. Grow the fuck up. You’re all hitting fucking 30 acting like high school bullies and it’s truly fucking sad.
Block me cause I’ll be officially block you all.
(I never cared that y’all saw my shit cause that’s just y’all waiting your own time)
Block my list of friends and you won’t have to deal with them either.
Don’t talk shit about me I won’t have shit to talk about regarding you.
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arecaceae175 · 1 year
Can you explain the LU drama on the discord is? Because I first saw you listing off peoples names tk block then I saw another person I follow post the most HEINOUS fanart of hw link mpreg that genuinely disturbed me and I didn’t even get a good look at it and what it going onnnnn 😭
(Edit 07/09: read my reblog for updated information)
Hi! I will try to make this as comprehensive as I can.
First of all, I want to say to everyone: don’t send hate to people who are not immediately associated with this situation. I got another ask and I’m not going to share that one because it will spur more hate.
So. Here we go. @/alasse-earfalas made a post and tagged it with the main linked universe tags inviting people to join a “conservative Christian LU discord server” as she called it. That, by itself, is fine! Legend of Zelda does have religious themes so it’s reasonable and valid to want a safe space to discuss those. (I believe the post is still up, but if not I have screenshots for proof)
The issue is that one of their rules states that the server does not support the pride movement. They called the pride movement “predatory and overtly sexual.” Those things are not true. That is the ideology legislators are using to take away queer people’s rights in the United States right now. It is a serious, bigoted viewpoint of the queer community and it is false. It is just hatred toward us because we are not the same as them.
They also started that they wanted a space away from their favorite characters being “queered into oblivion.” It is up to you to choose which posts you interact with (not you, the asker of this question. I mean everyone). Religious posts and pride posts should both have a place in our community.
I made a list of people who interacted with that post and joined the server because I wanted to block them to protect my health and safety. I made the situation worse by not checking the intentions of everyone in the discord. Some people were there to snoop like I was. I take full responsibility for the hurt I caused by my actions, and once again I apologize.
However, I stand by my more recent post of people I chose to block. Bigotry of any kind will not be tolerated on my page.
HOWEVER, that includes Christianity. The server was a Christian server, but that does not mean all Christians in this fandom were involved with it. Queer Christians have been hurt most by this situation and they deserve to feel safe in the LU community, the pride community, and the Christian community.
Please do not send any hate towards other Christian’s on this app if they were not involved in the situation.
This account is a safe space. I apologize if anything I did spurred hate towards anyone involved with this situation.
I am part of the queer community and I stand by that proudly. We are not predatory, we are not overtly sexual. We just want to be proud of who we are.
I don’t know what art you’re talking about. I don’t believe it is associated with this situation at all.
I hope this doesn’t sound hostile. I am not mad at you at all, I promise! I am frustrated with the situation and that people I thought were my friends are so hatefully against my identity.
Once again, there is no space for any kind of bigotry in this fandom. As long as you don’t disrespect anyone else’s existence, you deserve a place here.
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the-hoely-bleach · 2 years
I don’t normally post about lore cause no thoughts but fuck it, I’m seeing way too many bad faith takes here. Please assume that I am talking about the rp characters unless otherwise specified.
Do I think certain things could have been worded slightly better? Yes. Do I think that Dream suddenly showing a hint of remorse was weird and that it only happened for sake of drama? Yes. Do I think. That Punz could’ve been removed from that last scene and it would’ve changed nothing?? Yes, though it was funny to imagine him just standing there on his phone while discduo had there heart to heart. However,
I do not think it was cc!Tommy’s intention to have his character sympathize with his abuser. Mainly because that fully does not make sense for Tommy as a person /or/ as a character.
In that last scene, we see Tommy, who knows he only has a few minutes left to live, desperately trying to make sense of what has happened to him. Why, why would someone do what Dream to him? He has to hash this out now because he knows he’ll never get the chance again. He decides, “fuck it. I’ve got nothing left lose so why don’t I just ask”.
And then he gets his answer. And he finally understands. Tommy and Tubbo have spent this entire four part finale reminiscing about the good old days. Back when things were simple. Before the wars and the politics and the baggage, before everyone hated each other. And in limbo he sees that deep down, Dream wants the same thing, he’s just gone about it in completely the wrong way.
The beauty in Tommy’s character, to me, is that he is so loud and annoying and rude and when he’s bored he will pick fights just to see what’ll happen. But beneath all that, there’s a quiet kindness that people like Dream have never gotten to see. And in his final moments he extends that kindness to Dream, not because all is forgiven, but because we’re both about to die so we may as well make our peace. “Fuck you for what you did to me, and I’m sorry that I have to kill you.”
(Just want to say before this next paragraph that I am in no way saying that Dream’s actions, especially exile and beyond, are excusable, nor do I think Tommy deserved what he went through, nor do I think he(Dream) deserved any kind of redemption/reconciliation arc. Redemption=death was the only option for him if they wanted to go that route.)
And in the new world? With wiped memories and a clean slate? They’re friendly with each other because they have no reason not to be. They don’t know each other. Because the whole point of this ending is that their dynamic started mostly through circumstance. Dream may have been a control freak from the beginning, but he was not an evil abusive master manipulator. He thought Tommy was a little shit(and let’s be honest with ourselves, he was kind of a menace in the early days), and then they were on opposite sides of a war. First it was just politics, and then Tommy was easy scapegoat to push his own agenda, then it snowballed from there. Dream was not sick and twisted from the start, he became that monster over time through a series of bad decisions and poorly managed obsessions.
The point of the ending was to explore a what-if  scenario. “What if Tommy and Dream met for the first time, without all the emotional and political and personal baggage? Will they still end up hating each other in the end, or will they find common ground? Will they end up just not having anything to do with each other? Who knows, we’ll have to wait and see!”
It’s a clean slate. And things are simple.
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