#might delete this later idk it depends
Small personal rant thing about how the vore community can be about preds sometimes don’t mind me. 
I’m just....gosh I’ve been thinking about this for a while but I think I finally figured out why I’ve never been a fan of a lot of the preds in a lot of little vore posts and maybe why I was so hesitant to relate to the pred side of things in general. It’s that preds don’t tend to be treated as people by the community. Now please don’t get me wrong I’m not accusing anyone of anything or saying everyone does this but like, I very seldom see pred stuff where they’re more than ‘oh boy I sure do like eating people’ or ‘oh no I have eating people instincts and my friends look tasty’, and other similar things. While these aren’t inherently bad tropes by any means, they tend to be the only defining thing about pred characters. Perhaps they have hopes and dreams, but their personality itself is reduced to how often they eat people and how much they like it. You’re either a willing pred or a nervous pred or a protective pred who eats absolutely everyone in sight all the time always, and it feels...de-humanizing almost? Like, I’m not sure how to put it in words, but I see it the most when I post about ‘pred’ OCs. People just wanna know how many folks they can eat at once or what their favorite kind of prey is. And yeah that’s fun information I get it! But....outside of that people don’t care much. I see more stuff about the personality of prey characters and how they go about their day to day lives in whatever setting than I do about preds (though there’s still some issues with how prey are often portrayed as well I think). I’ll make a new oc and people instantly assume pred or prey based on how they generally look or behave. Oh, this guy is a little more shy? Must be a prey! And like okay I get it, but sometimes it feels a little disheartening you know? Especially since I would consider myself on the pred leaning side of things. 
Even in the fandom content I create I don’t feel like I can post much about the extensive aus I have because, while vore is a part of them, it often isn’t actually the real focal point! But if the pred isn’t eating someone or thinking about eating someone at all times then whats the point right? Plus, ima be honest, a lot of the descriptions of how it feels to eat someone I see on here are just...weird? Maybe it’s just me because I am a little less sappy than most people lol, but I feel like it goes beyond sappy and gets. Weird. Very easily. And that weirdness comes mostly from the pred side of things from what I’ve seen personally. 
Honestly idk what I’m really trying to say, but I just needed to say something you know? Again I’m not like, trying to call anyone out or point fingers or anything! A lot of the tropes I mentioned are even things I enjoy! I’ve just seen too many characters be reduced to just eating people and I felt like I wanted to say something about it. 
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ragnarlothcat · 5 months
I know I’m a chronic overthinker but I’ve been in the same fandom for three years or so now and I was reflecting that writing seemed so much easier when I first started out. Just looking at my output since 2021 shows a clear trend: I’ve been writing much less and it’s been taking me way longer.
I figured that I’d gotten a little burned out and that three years is a long time to focus solely on the same two guys making out and that there’s a limit to the number of situations I can put them in before I start to get bored. But I don’t think that’s quite my problem because even now, a million years later, I have ideas for dozens of fics and AUs that would be interesting to explore or funny to write.
No, it’s that I’ve let the larger fandom overwhelm me and it’s left me constantly second-guessing my writing. And I don’t mean that I’ve gotten nasty comments or asks, because I haven’t! All the other fans have been consistently wonderful and fun people with really valuable insights. And it’s not that I’ve been obsessing over stats or comments or worrying about going against popular headcanons. I mean, I’m just as excited as anyone else to see an AO3 email in my inbox but I’m also perfectly happy posting niche fics for an audience of me and my three weirdest friends.
It’s more that after so long engaging with other fans and other fics and the general meta, I’ve ended up writing too self-consciously. I’ve read so many interpretations of canon events, analyses of characterization and comparisons between fiction and real-world politics over the years, and I’ve enjoyed them because I genuinely care about these stories and these characters! I like seeing what everyone else thinks and then considering their points of view, no matter how bewildering they might seem at first.
But now it feels like I’m writing almost defensively, like I have to justify every choice I’m making based on this enormous and contradictory body of information. Three years ago I’d have written a scene in a few thousand words and moved on to the next plot point with my momentum intact. Now I’m constantly wringing my hands over things like physical details (I guess he’s not exactly a redhead) or broader social implications (is this trope misogynistic?) or finicky logistics (these locations are too far apart for this scene to make sense) or controversial character nuance (does writing this guy as a kind, doting husband make me an abuse apologist???) and the result is that I’m paralyzed with indecision and a ridiculous need to support everything I write with a lot of context that isn’t especially fun to write or, I suspect, especially fun to read.
I’m aware that this problem is entirely in my own head and that no one has asked me for any of this. And it’s not that all those questions aren’t interesting and important things to contemplate. But I miss the days of sitting down at my laptop and going “wouldn’t it be funny if these dorks played a video game together?” and then writing exactly that.
I don’t know. Were my fics better three years ago? I kind of doubt it. I’ve looked back at some of them and if nothing else I now have a better grasp of what tense I’m supposed to be using. But I definitely had more fun writing those older stories, which maybe feels more important.
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punchratt · 8 months
Durge and the tadgang having a very “llamas with hats” dynamic is everything to me. Like, just imagine-
The gang stands around a horrifically mutilated corpse, all looking disappointedly at a blood covered Durge.
Gale: why would you think any of this was a good idea?
Durge: probably because I am a dangerous sociopath with a long history of violence.
The Gang, all looking around a bit awkwardly: oh..
Durge: I don’t understand how you all keep forgetting that.
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cishetlessfashion · 7 months
Ok so uh this is kind of embarrassing for me but I'm questioning being objectum... I've always been posic (Perception of Object Sentience, Individuality, and Consciousness) bc I become very attached to objects, especially plushies and toys, consider them friends and family, etc I had strong crushes and toys when I was a kid/tween, that faded as I became a teenager and I didn't experience it again until I was an adult, so I just figured it was a phase and didn't think much of it again... Until I got that Gloomy Bear plush backpack I showed on here, Salmon, I uhhhhhh think I might have a crush on him lmao, maybe even be sexually attracted to him, but I have kind of a mental blockage from trauma/low sex drive/probably grey asexual so that's more complicated for me to figure out I have a boyfriend of 5 years and Idk how I would bring this up or explain it to him, we're polyam, and Salmon is just a plushie, so I could just not disclose this to him at all, but I love him and would like to involve him in my personal life, so if Salmon ended up becoming my partner I'd ideally like to let him know about that... Honestly idk why this is so embarrassing for me to discuss with friends and loved ones, I already told them I'm into monsters, generally identify as non human, have xenogenders, and a bunch of other weird shit going on, but idk having to admit I'm questioning my sexuality over a backpack just seems so ridiculous rvuneisfjudifisjjsjfoaz Idk I guess for now I'll just enjoy Salmon's company and try not to worry about it
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mysticalcats · 19 days
ok fellas this post is really different from my other stuff so i'm putting it under the cut for people who don't care and also because i'm slightly embarrassed
ok so. is it unusual for a girl to want to have a deep voice and a flat chest and a more square face and also feel slightly jealous of men and want to sound like them and look like them
and also is it unusual to want to be all that, but also simultaneously not be very bothered very much by how you look right now or by being referred to with she/her except for sometimes when you think about it too much. because i usually don't think about it except for sometimes where i suddenly just get really sad about being a girl or i'll always have this faint feeling that i am just unhappy about it
and also is it unusual to try to ignore it and go about your life being unbothered by it even though deep down it does kinda bother you but you can't really. like. say anything to anyone because your family won't react well and neither will your friends because they'll think it's weird and uncomfortable. i feel afraid to ever feel this way because i know the people in my life won't react well to it
so like. genuine question please lmk wtf is goin on because i'm unsure if it's normal and i've felt like this for a long time and it's confusing me and i don't even know what i'm going to do with the information once i know i'm just sort of lost LMAO
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elitadream · 10 months
Body swap au but Mario and Peach switch bodies. Cue learning about how they feel for each other in the other's form 😳❤️
Oh my.
I feel like there's only so many ways this could remain gen-rated, lol. 👀😂
But I can see both hilarious and sweet potential for it! 🤭💕 Each being beyond flustered and deeply apologetic about the dreadful invasion of privacy, but also feeling ultimately very grateful and endeared by the other's elaborate attempts to be as respectful and proper to their respective bodies as possible.^^
The way I see it, how each of them feels would follow their spirit and thus transpose itself in the other's form, resulting in "Mario" demurely linking his hands together and sighing in smitten contemplation, whereas "Peach" would pace around restlessly and reflexively reach up to nervously run a hand through his hair every few seconds, being quite startled everytime to feel soft and silky golden strands beneath his fingers instead of his unruly brown locks. x3
It would be an extremely embarrassing and uncomfortable experience for both in the moment, I'm sure, but one that they would also look back on with self-deprecating hilarity and have a good laugh about later! 😆
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molloytheboy · 8 months
"where once you found only the easy cleft of my mortality" He would not fucking say that
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onismdaydream · 4 months
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im actually so cute and everyone should tell me !!!
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sherrymagic · 7 days
morning so bad you get back home, grab your nutella, a spoon, and open photoshop
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therantingsage · 2 months
uh oh. I was trying to sate my ISAT hyperfixation by just reading fics and looking at art and NOT coming up with a story to write myself and it was working because I had no ideas that felt compelling AND unique but I just came up with one. no. oh no plz not when I have other things to write I can't keep doing this no plz-
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chibishortdeath · 2 months
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Great googley moogley it’s all going to shit! Every day becomes exponentially more terrifying!
And all perfectly timed to just right at the start of what’s supposed to be my adult life where I get my shit together and be useful and productive!
#we’re cooked#we’re doomed#idk the end is nigh or whatever god damn#I just wanna be able to live in my own house and draw a guy sometimes without the ever present threat of the horrors is that too much#apparently yeah cause houses aren’t achievable anymore but man#m a n#especially if you didn’t/couldn’t go to college and aren’t capable of working most jobs#doesn’t help there’s the chance some part of my existence might be suddenly illegal or extremely dangerous yippie!#the options are literally 1. people die 2. people die what the hell do you even do man#how the fuck is this the election I’m gonna get forced to be a part of we’re living in hell#and nobody around me believes it’ll get bad yay great oh so wonderful#I can’t wait to lose rights and cause millions of deaths regardless of who gets chosen#I think one of these days I’m literally just gonna die of stress#it’ll either be a stroke or a heart attack or cancer or uh well ya know#we’re fucked#we’re screwed#I wanna have some kind of an actually visible break down but ive suppressed everything so much that I don’t outwardly emote much anymore :)#and the constantly dissociating thing too I guess#if you ever think ‘oh yeah I can just think of guy in a situation that’s so cool’ don’t it’s a trap—#although tbh this would be significantly worse without it so uh law of equivalent exchange I guess#fuck fuck fuck anyway#not putting this in the main tags#definitely deleting this later#if anyone in my house got any hints that I may or may not have different opinions than them well uh I’m financially dependent on them so um#literally wouldn’t have anywhere to go if anything happened#oh we’re really in it now Simon#hell world#there’s like what 7 genocides going on too I hate everything I hate everything I hate everything#I can’t do anything to help anyone either cause I don’t have a job and I could get kicked out or treated badly at home for it#not that anyone thinks very highly of me at home anyway I am kinda family disappointment number 2 I pretty sure
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aromanticasterisms · 3 months
oh man no wonder i'm missing my little guys recently. we haven't seen kaeya in almost a year
#personal stuff#delete later#a month from now marks one year since his hangout....#head in hands.... kaeya come back i miss you#yes i Know he has a hangout i can replay at any time that also has his brother in it. not the same#diluc showed up back in march with his normalguysona and kaeya sent a letter but it's just not the same...#i miss the ragbros insanity that 2.8 and 3.1 inflicted upon me. i miss bouncing off the walls thinking about them and their new lore#can they come back and do something that makes me relive that sometime soon. please. for me#not sure who's going to be in the summer event this year. probably not going to be either of them but can it be Someone i care abt#for the most part they have been? like 1.6 was THE found family slash siblings vacation#2.8 was my girlie fischl and also hidden strife#then 3.8 was kaeya and klee and collei and kokomi#come on let's keep up this energy. this will be THE mondstadt update TRUST#like come onn venti and lisa both told us to come back to mondstadt before setting off for somewhere new......#like at this point i have very little hope for mondstadt character story quest 2. i used to hope for it w every update but now it's like#who fucking knows. we'll wait until snezhnaya i guess. that's when venti and diluc will probably be relevant again#jean miiight get a second one after natlan depending on what happens to varka's expedition? since her mom is there i think#manifesting a second razor quest then too. we know what the rifthounds are now + varka coming back would be a good setup#and klee might get one whenever we meet alice. i have my thoughts but idk when Exactly that'll be#but lisa's thing probably won't be relevant for a while either considering its connection to the abyss order#and kaeya and albedo... yeah.#but like. i'd love to see amber go to liyue and find her grandpa or something :(#and like. fuck it i would love to see a second xiangling quest too.
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blaithnne · 10 months
Oh btw depending on how season 3 goes there MIGHT be a hiatus in Plenism, in case I have to do rewrites lol
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starrsarchive · 3 months
omg sometimes i draw!?!?!? (not really)
anyway this was supposed to be a lil (intentionally messy) face sketch of david from aom but he kinda looks like tyler from fight club so it's up to interpretation😭
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playingmyselfafiddle · 9 months
send me your anonymous soccer confessions please🙏
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renxmaiden · 1 year
Every now and then I feel kinda lonely for being the only active renmei shipper in the western fandom. But then I remember about the current state of fandoms today and honestly I think it’s best for SK to remain niche cuz imagine if the fandom blew up and became big…. Puritan 🐜 would be even more 100000x annoying about renmei so uh. No thanks I’m also fine with everything being small and niche 🥲
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