#again personnal
enaelyork · 10 months
Me as a moodboard
Thx @starlady66
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Okay, it's maybe a hyperfixation moodboard but... ^^"
I tag @obsessed2fics, @lady-of-imladris, @elisabethvanroseblood, @fenharel-enaste
I use canva
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maddiesbookshelves · 3 months
Once again reorganizing my bookshelves, getting rid of books I'll never read, books I'll never finish and the ones I just didn't like. Also making it so it's easier for me to see my TBR because every time I pull out a book, I see the one behind and I'm suddenly reminded of its existence like "ah shit, I forgot that was here"
I'm also putting my Asian fantasy books together because they're pretty and I like them all in one place
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kimodraw · 7 months
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sammy sunday is a state of mind. a monday can be sammy sunday
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taintedandviolent · 15 days
Il n'y a pas d'amour éternel meme dans les livres il n'y en a pas.
Just realized I put together an all-floral outfit
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atomgecko · 1 year
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I need him carnally
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liledgyacrobat · 11 months
Mdr j'ai pas ouvert Tumblr depuis deux mois parce que c'est la course ici j'ai l'impression de jamais m'arrêter, dans ma tête on est pas encore en juillet (d'où on est le VINGT SIX en fait) *mais* je suis en pleine crise existentielle, je remets tous mes choix en question so guess what I'm back
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mllenugget · 11 months
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"Il est belle, il est beau décrié"
Have I ever told you about those two OCs I have where they're both queer as hell but one of them has homophobic parents in a shitty marriage
I don't know what my teenage self was trying to express but- Nah who am I kidding
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neondiamond · 1 year
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picnokinesis · 1 year
Hello, how were your holidays? How did you spend Christmas?
I mean, I accidentally ripped a whole in the fabric of our dimensional brane by tripping over a stocking, but other than that it was chill.
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macaronitoutgarni · 2 years
After several months of being colleagues, hanging out outside of work with other colleagues, waiting for eachother to walk home while smoking after work, having him come at my birthday, my partner's, a small gathering at my apartment, having my cat smell his feet, I came to the conclusion that I have made a friend that actually appreciates me and wants to hang out???
I'm extremely terrible at understanding that people perceive me and usually assume I'm on a acquaintance but today I was like omg I'm my friend's FRIEND?????
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kishimotomasashi · 2 years
You know it is kind of fucking interesting that in someways, Indra and his incarnates did more for humanity than Ashura and his transmigrants. Indra invented jutsu (think of how the number of non-violent uses jutsu could have!), Madara wanted to make everyone happy with the IT (good if you are a peasant who is regularly worked to the bone to feed shinobi), and Sasuke wanted to destroy the shinobi system and thereby the other social structures that are reliant upon it (inherently a good thing)
I don't really agree with this bc while I love Madara (he is my babygirl, my silly rabbit, my everything) I can't spin the infinite tsukuyomi plan into anything positive or worthwhile while being entirely serious about it. I do not think you can hate humanity into making it better, lol.
And I also love Sasuke, and I agree that wanting to destroy the shinobi system is a good thing, but I can't say that just wanting the #system overturned is any real contribution on his part bc he didn't really contribute anything on that end. He was talked out of his endgame plan (which is fine bc the plan sucked) and then after there is no more talk from him about wanting to end the shinobi world as it is (which is more unfortunate). He is protecting the world from aliens now though I guess while Naruto works at his desk job so like... I guess you could count that as a contribution?
I don't think of Indra as a person at all bc I do not care about him or his brother.
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thjslove · 1 year
lmfao i cant believe im catching up on ncis los angeles only to randomly find out it’s cancelled and there wont be a s15
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sainamoonshine · 2 years
None of the characters in my WIP is neurotypical except for Iris, and this happened entirely on accident, a compilation.
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bngurngheart · 8 months
I had the longest day at work and I still have stuff to do from home tonight.
November is the worst month when you work in youth mental health services.
It just won’t stop
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I really hate that loss of purpose you feel when something you've been expecting for a while is over
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rowesam · 1 year
all that said im heading up to paris in abt 3 days to party so hard i collapse with homosexuals and transsexuals before actually working in animation for a month so sammy baby im sorry but this shit isn't coming out for ur birthday.
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