#age regressor douma
babyminty · 3 months
Cg Akaza/Little Douma
Please note, in this oneshot, there is a bit of swearing, Akaza is really mean to Douma for most of this, but he is kinder towards the end, and there is also a timeout and a meltdown contained in this oneshot. Please tell me if there are any more warnings I should add.
Douma was so glad that the Upermoon meeting was over. He had been trying not to be small the whole time, but now he was free to be small and hang out with his caregiver, Akaza, or that is what Douma thought. Instead, when he approached Akaza, he got ignored. Douma tried multiple times to get Akaza's attention, only to be ignored.
Douma huffed. "Kaza!" He whined as he continuously poked Akaza in the back. "What?!" Akaza snapped, whirling around to glare at Douma. "I, uh, nothing!" Douma said quickly, not knowing how Akaza would react if he told him that he was regressed. Would he get mad at Douma for wasting his time with this? Douma didn't know, so he didn't mention it.
"If you have nothing to tell me, then don't bother me." Akaza growled at Douma before storming away to who knows where. Douma stood there for a few seconds, bottom lip wobbling. As he finally fully processed what had happened, he ran off to his room before the tears could spill, but as soon as he got to his room and closed the door, tears started to fall down his cheeks.
"Akaza's an asshole." Douma muttered to himself, wiping the tears away harshly, causing his eyes to sting slightly. Douma sat down, curling into himself, biting down on his finger harshly, making it bleed. It healed in a couple of seconds, and he did it again, repeating the process for a while, losing track of time.
He was brought back to reality when he heard his door creaking open. He moved so that now his eyes were just visible above his arms so that he could glare at whoever had entered the room. Seeing that it was AkaA, his eyes widened, and he hid again, ducking his head below his arms. "Douma?" Akaza called, uncertainly evident in his voice.
"What?!" Douma snapped, sitting up properly as he glared at Akaza. "Jeez, what's wrong with you?" Akaza said, not thinking before he spoke. "What the fuck do you think, Akaza?" Douma hissed. Akaza was taken aback. "Don't talk to me like that." Akaza warned.
"Why not?" Douma asked sarcastically. "Because I don't want you to, and I also know that you are regressed." Akaza answered. "What does me being regressed at the moment have anything to do with this?" Douma muttered, crossing his arms and looking away from Akaza, pouting. "You shouldn't be swearing whilst you are little." Akaza replied, matter of factly.
"Sure, shit head." Douma whispered under his breath, but it wasn't quiet enough as Akaza heard him. "That's it. Time out. Get in the corner, now." Akaza told Douma. Douma brought a hand up to his chin, tapping it in faux thought. "Hmm... no." He said.
Akaza stared at Douma for a few seconds before grabbing Douma and dragging him into the corner, dropping him there and turning him around so that all Douma could see was the corner of the room that he was facing. Akaza left the room, leaving Douma there.
Akaza came back after five minutes. "Are you ready to come out and apologize?" He asked. After a minute passed and Douma still hadn't replied, Akaza huffed, walking away again. He once again came back after five minutes to check on Douma, and once again, Douma didn't respond.
Akaza left again, only coming back after ten minutes this time, and Douma still did not respond to him. Akaza was now getting concerned but decided to leave Douma for ten more minutes to cool down, and then hopefully, he would talk to Akaza after being in the corner for thirty minutes in total.
When Akaza returned to the room where Douma was, he saw Douma still sitting silently in the corner. Akaza had a bad feeling, but he brushed it off for the time being. "Douma, you can come out now." Akaza said. Douma just sat there, giving no indication that he had heard Akaza.
Akaza gulped. He wasn't sure what was happening. He was sure that Douma would leave the corner the second that he was given permission, like many of the other littles that Akaza had looked after before, but then again, they also immediately apologized after the first five minutes when Akaza asked them to.
"Douma?" Akaza asked, coming to crouch behind him. Douma still did not reply. "You can come out now." Akaza repeated, taking hold of Douma's shoulder to turn him around.
Douma forcefully shrugged Akaza's hand off, pressing himself further into the corner. This annoyed Akaza, and he lost any concern he had previously had. "Fine, then. Stay in the corner if you want to so much." He snapped at Douma, missing how Douma flinched hard as Akaza had already turned away to walk out of the room and away from Douma once again.
Once Akaza had left, Douma began shaking. He glared at the wall he was facing. "Fuck Akaza." Douma muttered under his breath, over and over. Douma eventually stopped, slumping forward, forehead pressed against the wall.
Douma took a shaking breath in, trying not to let the tears that had been gathering in his eyes fall. His bottom lip wobbled as he felt the tears creating streaks down his face as he heard the door open once again, recognizing Akaza's footsteps entering the room.
This time, Akaza noticed as Douma stiffened up when he heard Akaza come back, and Akaza felt guilty. It was his fault that Douma was now wary of him.
If he had only noticed that Douma was regressed when he had first approached him, this could have all been avoided and Douma could have had a nice time in headspace instead of this, and now he didn't even know how Douma would react if he got closer to him, so instead Akaza went over to the couch that was in the room, taking a seat.
He wasn't going to approach Douma or say anything to him as he had decided to let Douma decide when he was ready to come out, but Akaza also didn't think it was a good idea to just leave Douma in the room alone any more.
Some time passed, and Douma suddenly curled into himself, starting to wail. Startled, Akaza sat bolt upright, wide eyes fixing on Douma. Akaza was quick to act after that. He couldn't just sit there and let this happen, so he got up off the couch and moved over to Douma, crouching down so that he was kind of next to Douma but not quite as Douma pushed himself further into the corner.
Hesitantly, he placed a hand on Douma's back, starting to run it up and down in an attempt to calm Douma. Surprisingly, Douma leaned into the touch, and a while later, with the repetitive soothing motion from Akaza, Douma eventually started to calm down, though he was still shaking slightly.
"Are you okay?" Akaza asked, his voice giving away his concern. "No." Douma said, turning around to face Akaza whilst wiping away his tears. "That's okay." Akaza assured. "M sorry. Was shitty." Douma apologized. "No, you did nothing wrong. I was mean for no reason, I should be the one apologizing." Akaza told Douma, ignoring the swearing.
Douma cocked his head to the side, looking at Akaza in confusion. "Why?" He asked, voice quiet. "Because," Akaza started, "you were upset because of something I had done, and I just made it worse." Akaza explained. "Mhm. Kaza was meanie." Douma agreed. Yeah, I'm sorry." Akaza apologized again. "I don't forgive you, but I can forget for now." Douma said, smiling.
Akaza just stood there for a few seconds before nodding in understanding. "Okay, that's fine. What can I do to make it up to you right now?" Akaza questioned. "Hmm..." Douma thought, tapping his chin with a finger. "Cuddles!" He decided, holding the finger up in the air.
"Okay." Akaza agreed. He led Douma over to the couch, pulling Douma into his arms as they lay down, beginning the cuddle session. "Kaza?" Douma called. "Yes?" Akaza answered. "Don't be shitty again." Douma told him. "I won't." Akaza promised, deciding that it was okay to let Douma swear, as long as he didn't overdo it, and it didn't hurt anyone.
This is the longest thing I have written so far, and it is incredibly self-indulgent. I projected onto Douma the whole time. I wrote this because I think people should become more aware that some littles do swear whilst regressed, and also for people to realize that for some littles, when they are punished, they won't immediately forgive you, and they can be mad with you and hold a grudge. (Me)
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kerfufflecricket · 10 months
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Look at this adorable commission I got from @regressionworldz !! I love these two sm and they have turned into my comfort characters! Be sure to check out Kiki her art is lovely! And please consider commissioning them!! ^^
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kny-agere · 1 month
Hii!! It's me again! I absolutely love your fics and I've been re-reading your fics on Ao3 for the past few day!! And I was wondering if you could possibly do another Cg Douma and Little Akaza drabble?
Akaza is cranky and small and douma trys to figure out what's wrong, he isn't sure what it is until akaza ends up having an accident and starts absolutely sobbing! Douma of course starts to comfort him and reassures him while he gets him clean up! (And getting him changed into a diap too but I'll let you decide on that part in case you don't feel comfortable!!) and they spend the rest of the time cuddling together ;^;
These two are my comfort boys so this be would be really cute!! ^^ but as always 0 pressure! I won't mind if you don't want to write this one! <333
I focused a little more on the set up but I hope it’s still to your liking! Sorry I have been mia lately I have been doing poorly. Making Rengoku’s cake was exciting but then my siblings ate the rest without me (´;.;`)
“What’s wrong?” Akaza had been writhing and complaining all afternoon. Douma had tried asking the question a few times throughout the day but never gotten a proper answer. Instead the little resorted to more groaning. It had put a slight damper on their afternoon together but Douma was used to dealing with a grumpy Akaza.
“C’mon sweetheart you can talk to me!” He tries bouncing the boy on his lap only to get another loud groan.
With a slight frown Douma pokes Akaza’s cheek. “Is it bed time then?” Usually the weak threat gets a reaction of some sort, a giggle or pout depending on the day. Again the upper moon simply groans and sinks further into his caregivers hold.
“Does your tummy hurt? Was Muzan-sama cruel to you? Did… uh, did Gyokko-san annoy you?” Despite the myriad of questions he receives no answers. It’s true that Akaza may just be in a bad mood but to spend an hour or so with little change was a rare occasion. There’s a strange mix of anger and annoyance and a little bit of something else that Douma doesn’t quite understand.
“Why don’t we eat?” After a bit of food he might cheer up, or be tired enough to go to sleep. Akaza lets himself get picked up easily. He doesn’t wrap his arms back around the caregiver.
At the table they have a weak imitation of a meal, piles of meat piled up properly onto a plate. The young boy picks at his food, dragging his fingers through the mess. It’s another clear sign that he is not feeling well but doesn’t clue Douma as to why.
Halfway through the meal when Douma is already done and Akaza still has only taken two bites the boy switches from despondent sadness to screaming tears. He smashes the plate and kicks himself backwards, falling flat onto the floor. Hands tear lines into the tatami within his reach.
When Douma crosses the room the problem becomes immediately clear. “Oh you poor thing.” He dips to pick up the little one but the demon lashes out and directs a few strong kicks towards his caregivers head. They’re not strong enough to actually interrupt Douma so he moves forwards easily enough and captures the boy in his arms. Ignoring the squirming for now he sighs. “You could’ve told me if you needed some help,” he laments. Akaza’s pants are soaked with urine. He must’ve had to use the restroom for quite awhile if that was the cause of his bad mood.
The smell and sticky cold wetness are hard to ignore so the blonde moves quickly into one or the many grand bathrooms in his household. Of course the bath is already prepared and it only takes a moment to strip the boy. Akaza is still grunting and crying but he grasps onto Douma now and buries his grim face into golden hair.
Douma’s own clothing is much more difficult to remove and while his pants can be undone easily his tight shirt is impossible to take off while there’s another demon clinging to his chest. In the end he has to settle for getting his clothes wet, unwilling to set Akaza down when faced with more tears.
“Why didn’t you tell me you needed some help?” Douma quickly scrubs down Akaza, paying special attention to his tender inner thighs. Now he doesn’t mind the lack of words spoken. That doesn’t stop the blonde from opening his own mouth. “Honestly if you didn’t look so sad I might scold you.” He pokes his nail into the boy’s soft cheek.
Akaza grunts and whines a little more so the upper moon stops his prodding and moves back out of the bath. Douma’s wet shirt clings uncomfortably to his skin so he finally sets the boy down. To his delight the little one is willing to be set down for a few seconds now.
The blonde grabs one of his extravagent robes and ties it loosely around his waist. When he picks Akaza back up small hands pet the silky fabric. “You can match with me once we get you changed!”
Douma prepares himself for the fight that will surely occur if he attempts to diaper Akaza.
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babyminty · 9 months
Cg Shinobu/Little Douma
In this chapter, demons can be in the sun.
Shinobu hated Douma. Everyone knew this. But when she had the chance to end him, why didn't she? Well, he had regressed whilst fighting her, and even though she wasn't too fond of kids and liked him even less, she could not harm him whilst he was defenseless, and there was no one else to look after him, so she took the duty on herself.
So here she was, the little demon clinging onto her arm. He really wanted to be carried, but since she was not strong enough to, he settled for clinging to her side. He was currently with Shinobu in a secluded part of the Butterfly Mansion that was reserved for the Insect hashira alone.
She was currently making Douma a bottle of milk. Once it had been prepared and he was happily drinking it, Shinobu led him out into a garden. The flowers were blooming and bees, birds and butterflies were all fluttering around.
A butterfly landed on Douma, making him squeak in surprise, causing Shinobu to laugh, which surprised the both of them. Shinobu brushed it off, leading Douma to a bush that had lots of different coloured flowers growing on it.
They picked some each, and Shinobu started to teach Douma how to make a flower crown. After one attempt followed by three more attempts, he was finally satisfied with the crown he had made, giving it to Shinobu.
It could do with a bit more work, but she exepted it. This was his first time making them after all. He would get better at them. She gave him the flower crown she had made, and now, both wearing flower crowns, they made their way inside as the sun started to set.
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kny-agere · 8 months
Hello! If at all possible, could you write a drabble about Little Daki and Little Akaza having a playdate together with a Cg Gyutaro and Cg Douma looking after them? I love to imagine that they have little playdates together and get into mischief while little! ^^ I think that it's adorable! (As always 0% pressure!)
-Kerfuffle :3
Hehe this was soooo fun to write, I think Daki definitely gets away with a lot less than Akaza does (Sorry Douma but I think Gyutaro has more experience in this area) and it shows here
“Oh I feel like a grandpa now!” Douma claps his hands cheerfully at the sight of Akaza and Daki… Playing isn’t quite the right word when Daki is just bossing the elder around, but if it’s what suits the duo then it’s an appropriate exchange.
Gyutaro’s frown deepens and he scratches his neck. “How’re you a grandpa? Don’t tell me you’ve gotten anybody pregnant.” His voice is dry and humorless. All of his attention is focused on his sister.
“Hm? Oh well if I turned you into a demon that makes me like you’re papa. And even though Daki’s you’re sister she’s more like your baby too sometimes. That’d make me a proud grandfather right? It’s like we’re a big family!” His tone is a strange mix of real mirth and the faux cheery tone he puts over everything he says. It’s always hard to tell what the man is really think.
“You shouldn’t say dumb sh- stuff like that. Learn to shut your mouth sometimes.”
“Awww, see it’s like you’re going through a rebellious phase!”
Gyutaro huffs but doesn’t have any response other than that. He’s not the easiest to talk to, but Douma generally gets along with him the most compared to anyone else (subtracting his own sister of course).
So in the silence he turns his attention back to the children. They’re playing dolls or something similar. Every few moments Akaza’s eyes dart nervously around. He can barely look at Douma, and ignores Gyutaro completely. The blonde doesn’t understand the embarrassment. It’s not as if the other’s are in a position to judge either.
Regardless the feeling leaves Akaza quieter than usual. He moves the figures around aimlessly. Every few moments he murmurs small little phrases to contribute to the pretend show.
Daki however is much louder. Her bratty and demanding nature remains constant throughout all her forms. She was happy however with her partner’s obedience. Even when the girl had demanded all the “prettiest and bestest” dolls Akaza hadn’t even blinked. All the figures where of fine quality in the end, worth a pretty penny that Douma had gladly paid. The dolls where mostly women with fine dresses and beautiful painted faces. That drove their game of pretend towards princesses and other royals that gossiped amongst each other.
“Oh lady akane, my husband is still fighting in the war! I miss him so much.” Daki moves her doll around as she creates the narrative.
Akaza smiles, fingers hanging in between his lips. His own figure stays mostly silent as he does. Instead he just hums as he manipulates the head of the doll.
Daki pauses her movements. “And now pretend that, pretend you’re actually in love with me and you’ll confess your feelings!” She giggles at the idea of it.
Still intent on keeping his mouth shut Akaza simply bobbles the head around and presses its face against the one in Daki’s hand. Both demons laugh at the imitation of a kiss.
“Lemme see yours!” She swipes the doll from his hand before Akaza can object. He doesn’t try to steal it back, but a frown graces his features.
Before anyone in the room can even react Daki places the two figures in a lewd position. She squeals with loud joy before Gyutaro snatches the toys from her hands.
“We don’t play like that.” His voice is commanding as he towers over the girl.
Douma is quick to approach the scene too. He scoops up his boy, who had partially covered his face at the realization of what Daki was trying to portray. “It was a little funny!” Gyutaro’s grimace deepens as he shoots the elder a threatening look. “Oh but I suppose not very appropriate. Perhaps it’s best we go our separate ways for now.”
“Yea yea, sounds great.” Gyutaro holds his sister, who is pleading to keep playing.
“Please Nii-chan I won’t do it again! I’m sorry ok.” Her hands tug at his hair as she tries to slip out of his grasp. “I was just de-depict-ting a proper narratorive.” Daki pauses her begging to carefully pronounce the words.
“You can be sorry at home.”
“Nooo! I wanna keep playing.”
Their conversation fades to background noise as Douma travels further down the hallway. “Did you have fun sweet boy?” He lightly bounces the demon in his arms.
Akaza giggles softly and wraps himself tighter around Douma. “Uh-huh.”
“Good, how about we set up another playdate? Maybe after Daki has learned her lesson.”
“Are you listening baby?”
A finger pops out of Akaza’s mouth. “Yes! I wanna play again.”
“Alright, you can lay you head back down. I know you must be tired.”
Soft pink hair tickles Douma’s neck as the boy searches for a more comfortable position. He’s sure by the time they get home Akaza will be fast asleep.
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kerfufflecricket · 10 months
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I LOVE baby Akaza sm!!! I was reading an adorable drabble of him and I just had to make a sketch of him being baby! I think he'd really like those sensory cubes/balls that crinkle and jingle and have a bunch of different textures on them :DD
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kny-agere · 8 months
Hii!! I saw your headcanon for little douma and thought it was so adorable!! (I so headcanon douma being a flip, he can be so caring sometimes but also just needs to be cared for too ;^;) I was wondering if you could do a moodboard/headcanon of him being a Cg too? If you don't want to than that's fine lol, I'm not picky with colors either ^^
-Kerfuffle (p.s ur post reminded me I need to make some little douma content too lol, probably gonna draw him later lmao ^^)
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Cg! Douma
- He’s very lax in a lot of ways
- The type of guy to raise spoiled children (see Daki lmao)
- But he’s also very good on picking up on emotions
- Has trouble identifying/expressing them himself but with other’s he’s learned their little quirks
- And because he’s done it his whole life Douma is actually quite good at making people happy
- W/ more serious demons he’d definitely struggle more because they can’t be distracted w/ simple things
- But ultimately he’s not going to give up until he makes them cheer up
- Plus he really does have a lot to offer in terms of material goods
- Has a big soft bed with lots of pillows and comfortable clothes and whatever else a little one could want
- I said he enjoys playing dress up in the little hcs but he definitely enjoys dressing up others too haha
- Plus he’d get all his followers to compliment his little
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kerfufflecricket · 11 months
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I like you, have some baby akaza sketches :3
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kny-agere · 6 months
Hi, may I please request cg Akaza and little Douma where Akaza gets mad at Douma, and Douma ends up regressing, and Akaza didn't know Douma was a little?
I feel like this one isn’t my best work ;-; idk why but I really struggled with it sorry! I might try it again someday idk :p
“Are you mad at me?” There’s a surprising hint of emotion in the question but Akaza can’t even focus on that. He can only focus on the question because it’s a stupid one. He’s always mad at Douma. Unless he’s not thinking about the man in which case he’s mad at something else. There’s rarely a reprieve from his anger.
But when he turns around to yell a little more or maybe decapitate the man he’s met with eyes that are a little too honest. As if he’s completely unaware of the situation he’s in (though technically it’s true the Akaza couldn’t harm Douma in any meaningful way) the blond keeps opening his mouth. “How come you’re mad at me?”
“Ha! Don’t ask as if the answer isn’t already clear.” He moves to walk away, there’s no reason to entertain such a foolish man anymore.
After his first step a hand grabs onto the back of his vest. It’s not a particularly strong grip, he could easily shake it off and continue on his way.
So he does.
With a simple movement and a quick foot shooting backwards he knocks Douma flat on his ass and continues forward. He has better things to do than entertain a madman.
Some part of Akaza expects the man to run back to his side or come back with a hard punch, but silence echoes throughout the slim hallway. He should be happy that Douma has left him alone for once (and he is), but there’s an odd sense of curiosity that tugs on the back of his head. He takes a step forward, pauses, takes another few steps, and turns around.
It’s a ridiculous site, Douma crouched and curled into himself. He’s a large man and even tucked inwards like this he can’t hide his huge stature.
“What are you doing?”
The blond doesn’t even look up at him. “I’m sad.”
Akaza scoffs. “No you’re not.”
Douma flops backwards onto the floor. “I am! I just try to get along with you and you’re so mean to me.” Again he sounds pouty, a little sniffle punctuating his sentences. “I dunno why you’re always so mad.” The words are quiet enough that a normal human wouldn’t be able to hear him.
“Don’t act like you’re not trying to annoy me.”
“I’m not!” The younger man slaps his hands on the ground. Wet tears grow in the corners of his eyes.
“And don’t act like you don’t know why I’m angry when you act so fucking weak all the time. It’s shameful.” Akaza steps forward to nudge Douma’s side.
The demon is quiet. He endures a few more gentle kicks before lashing out again. “Stop it!” His voice grows shrill. The wetness glazed over his eyes spills down his cheeks. “Stop bein’ mean I didn’t do anything!” His hands lash out again.
For all of Douma’s odd behaviors this is the weirdest one. He continues to lie quivering on the ground like a helpless child-
Akaza drops down to his side. “Hey can I take you back to your uh- house, commune or whatever? Can someone take care of you there?” His voice isn’t exactly gentle but he attempts to soften it.
“Hey c’mon, what do you want?”
“You hate me!” Douma’s words have no bite to them now.
It’s hard to deny the words when they’re not exactly false. Akaza doesn’t like to lie. “Well you’re being nice and… quietish right now. That’s good! I like it more when you’re calm like this.”
Though it’s not really a compliment the blond does sit up. “Really?!” His rainbow eyes shine.
“Don’t get riled up. We’re not gonna play or anything. I’m just gonna take you back to your domain.”
With lightning speed Douma threw himself towards Akaza, clinging onto the older demon. He looks ridiculous trying to wrap himself around the man’s shoulders but he finds a decent perch. “You carry me home?”
“Ack! I didn’t say you could do that.” It was too late to try and throw the blond off, his strong legs wrapped firmly around Akaza’s chest. “Maybe I do hate you.”
His harsh words didn’t manage to reach Douma’s ears this time. He was already too happy, hands pulling at short pink locks. “ ‘kaza’s takin’ me home!” He laughed gleefully.
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kny-agere · 9 months
Hi hi!!! me again lol, I was gonna wait a while to request these 2 again (since I figured you didn't want to write for the same characters again so soon lmao) buuut I can't help but keep re-reading that drabble you did for me!! so I figured I'd request now and let you get around to it on your own time! ^^ I was wondering if I could request one more little akaza and cg douma drabble? with douma comforting akaza after he has a bad nightmare. (and as always absolutely 0 pressure to write this!!! I just like reading about my comfort characters lmao) -Kerfuffle :3 (p.s keep up the good work!!!)
Douma is trying his best but he’s still getting the hang of it ;-;
It was rare when Akaza got the chance to spend time alone with Douma. Fraternizing with other demons was looked down upon by the master, even among the upper moons. They could only find moments like this every dozen or so years.
Akaza slept when he got like this, or did whatever was closest to sleeping for demons. The blond couldn’t fathom shutting himself off from the world in such a way. Even as a child sleeping was just a brief intermission between one day and the next. His little one had a face that slowly twitched and shifted as dreams flowed through his head. Akaza was tight lipped about what happened within these visions. Douma tried his best to observe his reactions to the imaginings.
While he knew better than to wake up the older demon, currently the idea seemed rather appealing. Akaza wore a very ugly look, lips twisted downwards accompanied by a knitted brow. Douma was unsure of what to do in a situation like this. His beloved had seemed so peaceful mere moments before.
“Akaza-kun!” The blond called softly. He drew the child into his arms. He was less careful than usual, hoping something would wake Akaza. When he remained asleep Douma tried blowing on his face. Regularly he was regarded as a nuisance. It should’ve been easy to wake the man.
It took quite a bit of shaking and slapping around for the man to wake up. Douma felt bad when he burst awake. Akaza seemed startled, unaware of the situation. Only a few minutes ago he has seemed rather comfortable within the sea of blankets.
“What were you dreaming about?” It was meant to be a simple jab. When the older demons face crumpled into a worse expression his heart crumpled too. “Hey! I didn’t mean that. You don’t have to tell me ok? We can just cuddle or something.”
Douma tried a few different ways of soothing him, but Akaza only got more upset. Tears rolled down his face in big fat globs. Little gasps and sobs fell from his lips. It wasn’t uncommon for him to throw fits. This however was a bit extreme. He was cradled in Douma’s lap for now, but unresponsive to his promptings.
It took a few minutes of cradling and cooing, but eventually Akaza calmed down slightly. “Come on my sweet boy. What’s upsetting you so much?” Douma continued to run his hand through the pink locks. The front of his shirt was covered with tears and a little snot which was gross but he tried not to mind.
Akaza just blubbered a bit. It was hard to tell if he was answering the question or just continuing to air out his fears.
“Hey, you’re here with me baby. We’re sitting in my bed, isn’t it so soft? I got the pillows from some traveling saleswoman and she tasted- oh! I mean, isn’t the silk nice on your skin?”
“Stop it!” He let out a strangled scream afterwards and aims for Douma’s head. There’s real strength behind the action.
All the blond can do is keep trying to soothe the boy. His attacks don’t do any real harm but make it harder to keep his hold tight. “I’m sorry baby. It’s ok. I didn’t meet to upset you.” He wraps his arms tight around Akaza.
It takes a few more minutes of coddling. This time when Akaza calms down he stays that way. His eyes are tinged with red. Normally that would go away after a few seconds but the demon must’ve really tired himself out.
“Does my sweetheart feel better? Daddy’s happy to have you here with him.”
“I dunno.”
“Say yes.”
“That’s ok baby I know you’re just being silly. I love you the most!”
“…love you too.”
At that Douma can’t help but laugh and pepper Akaza with dozens of kisses. His tired expression has softened again as he leans into the soft touch around him. One day Douma will know exactly what words to use to coax out the boy’s thoughts but for now he’s happy when Akaza’s hands slowly sink into his shirt and hug him back.
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kny-agere · 6 months
I was wondering if you could do a little douma & Cg kotoha drabble?
Where douma had a more stressful day than usual and unconsciously seeks kotoha out and with just a bit of prompting and encouragement from her he ends up regressing and wants nothing more than to cuddle and be held ;^; (and if it's alright, I was wonderful of you could maybe add him breastfeeding? I saw your headcanons for it and thought it was so sweet. But i don't mind not having it if you feel uncomfortable ^^)
No pressure of course ^^
meow meow I got carried away bc this is soooo fun to write!! I’d want a mama to take care of me so I definitely enjoyed writing a fem cg <3
Douma often paid close attention to the mothers of paradise faith. He found them strange, the way they constantly crowded around their own children. Douma’s own mother had often passed him off to a nanny, only holding him to display herself as someone who had given birth to such a spectacular baby. She was his creator, not his mother.
So even after centuries of observing how other women treated their babies he still didn’t quite understand it.
Even worse was how the children acted. They’d cling to the legs of their mothers and cry whenever separated. The women were weak, it’s not as if they could protect the smaller humans.
Kotoha was just the newest addition to his collection of followers. She carried her child, Inosuke, in her arms at nearly all times. He was a strange thing, wide eyed and already shaping up to look like his mother.
Most of the other children at the commune were a few years old now. Purposefully or not they tended to be born in batches. In a few months a few women might grow pregnant again, but for now Inosuke was the only infant present.
That was not the sole reason Douma paid special attention to Kotoha. The woman was also beautiful and kind and made him feel strange. Though she praised him in the way the rest of his followers did, she also spoke without thinking. Sometimes her hand would even dart out to rustle his hair or poke his side. Most of the time the woman was too distracted to realize she had done something in the first place. The few times she realized how familiar she was acting with Douma the girl would blush and murmur a shy apology.
“It’s alright dear!” And he’d mirror her motion. Though his attempts were less authentic than the human’s. Somehow he couldn’t replicate the earnest and loving feeling that she forced out of hiding.
Douma called for Kotoha often. He’d find excuses, ask for her to play music or mend some of his clothing. Sometimes he wouldn’t even make up a reason, just asking her to keep him company. Though the woman never refused his summons she still seemed surprised any time he brought her in.
“Ah is Ino-kun not joining us today?” It was rare to not see the baby attached to her back or cradled in her arms.
“He’s sleeping! And Ai-chan is watching him while he sleeps. She’s so sweet.”
“That’s good. He’s so annoying crying and babbling all the time.” Kotoha laughed though Douma wasn’t exactly joking. Her eyes shined with happiness however, so he wasn’t inclined to spoil the fun.
“What did you want me for gracious founder? Should I play some music for you today?” She lowered herself to rest by his side.
“You can lie down if you’d like.” They’re surrounded by plush pillows and silk blankets. It’s not quite a bed they rest in, more like a nest. Douma has no need for sleep but having some place comfortable to kill time in is always nice.
Kotoha is still a little stiff, shy in the presence of the man. She lounges backwards, parallel to Douma. He’s quick to sling an arm around her waist and pull her close. She makes a surprised noise but quickly adjusts. Her hands brush through his hair, Douma’s head lacking the crown-like hat he wears. Her soft stomach, still holding onto some of the weight from pregnancy. The comfort and gentle combing of her fingers quickly lull him into a state somewhere near sleep. He can’t quite rest but the edges of his consciousness grow fuzzy.
“Excuse me gracious founder!” Kotoha sits up, throwing the man off of her. The woman’s hands cup her chest.
“Hmm?” Douma looks ridiculous, his hair messy and eyes still half-lidded. “What’s wrong dear?”
Her cheeks turn a pretty pink color. “Ah I’ve just leaked a little. It just happens on occasion.” Wet stains are hidden under her palms.
He tilts his head. “I don’t mind. I was just getting comfortable y’know.” Douma attempts to bury his head back in her hold.
Kotoha lets out a little gasp. “I’m not sure if the problem will fix itself. I should go check on Inosuke.”
The man isn’t happy that their alone time might end so soon. He wraps his hands into the soft fabric of her kimono and frowns. “Don’t you trust me to take care of your problems?” He actually doesn’t have anything in mind but he’s not ready to be left alone yet.
“Are you sure you’d help me out with this?” She’s implying something that Douma can’t quite figure out. He nods anyways, eager to cling onto her presence.
It takes a bit of time for Kotoha to get into a comfortable position. She stacks a few pillows so she can sit up properly. The blond still doesn’t know what he’s gotten himself into but he follows along. Douma is dragged into her lap where he attempts to fit despite being twice her size.
When she loosens her obi and slides down the shoulders the plan becomes obvious. One of her breasts slips out, milk already dripping from her.
The man opens his mouth, but has a surprisingly hard time latching on. In all his time as a demon he’d never tried this as before. Douma tries to tap into his memories as a child but it doesn’t do him much good.
Kotoha cradled his head much in the way she did Inosuke’s. Eventually he does manage to get his lips wrapped around her properly, pulling out more of her milk. It’s a weird balance of sweet and bitter, flowing smoothly over his tongue.
Douma felt strange. He had hips lips wrapped around the flesh of a pretty girl, and yet felt no need to bite down. The sensation of gently suckling her chest was satisfying enough. More than that Kotoha was running her fingers through his hair. Her other hand stretched around him to cradle his back, despite the fact that he needed no help to support himself. The man’s cloak was removed only to be wrapped back around his frame like a blanket. Douma wondered what it’d be like to get properly swaddled. Didn’t babies ever get claustrophobic?
That train of through leads nowhere as he happily gulps down more milk. The stream is strong and steady. It stays that way for a few long minutes, before slowly tapering off. Douma gulps down harder, greedy for more.
When the flow finally ends he moves to paw at her other breast. Kotoha’s hand quickly captures his, interlacing her fingers with his.
“C’mon we gotta leave some for the baby.” She bends over to press a tender kiss to his forehead before pulling him back. Douma looks a little shocked, letting out a sad mewl. His tongue is painted a milky white before the blond swallows the last remnants of the nectar.
In the absence of more breast milk Douma goes back to hiding his face within her stomach. This time he’s allowed to sit there as the woman readjusts herself. He still can’t quite sleep, but it’s the closest he’s come in a long time.
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kny-agere · 7 months
Hi, if possible, could I request Little Douma and Daki with Cg Gyutaro? If possible, could it be a scenario where Daki and Gyutaro don't know that Douma regresses, but Douma ends up regressing whilst trying to help Gyutaro look after Daki whilst she was regressed, and he also ends up regressing? Sorry if this was too specific, and of course, you do not have to write this if you do not want to.
Ok I hope this meets ur needs!! It’s less of a “omg he regresses??” and more so a natural evolution because I think Gyutaro wouldn’t be too surprised if he’s already familiar with Daki + I think ot suits Douma’s personality lol
“You’re supposed to be helping watch her, not making messes too!” Gyutaro has always been a bit of a stickler for the rules. His rules at least. The man is happy to let Daki break whatever rules he sees as useless but the moment she crosses some arbitrary line he reins her in.
Douma never cared for much of that. He has little constraint as it is, when he’s allowed to indulge he does so happily. Currently he’s helping Daki spread paint over the walls.
“It’s a lot more funner like this though! And I think Daki-chan would agree right?”
“Yea! He lets me do whatever I want instead.”
The two laugh in unison. Douma draws a very squiggly figure with sharp teeth and messy hair that’s probably meant to be Gyutaro.
His snarl deepens. “Ah but now you’ve gotten her nice kimono all dirty, and it’s hard to get paint out.” With Gyutaro it’s always hard to tell if he’s being spiteful or genuine. Most of the time it’s a strange combination of both.
Pausing the girl looks down at the delicate silk over her front. There’s smears over the folds and where the sleeves sometimes slip over her hands. The paint is a bold green against the purple fabric. Almost immediately tears well up in her eyes. Like a tsunami her sadness engulfs the room immediately. “Douma-sama! Why would you d-do that. This was my, my favorite one an’ now it’s all ruined!” Her voice goes up three octaves as sobs bubble up between her words.
For all his faults the blond does look genuinely sorry. He tries to soothe Daki, offering to buy her new clothes, but she’s decided that this one is irreplaceable. Though there’s likely a dozen other that look nearly identical sitting in her large dresser her mind is hyper-focused on the now.
It’s easy for Gyutaro to soothe her. He makes soft promises until she’s no longer screaming. “This is why we gotta listen to the rules ok? Next time are you gonna listen?”
Daki still sounds rather sullen as she delivers a quiet, “yes.”
“Why don’t we change our clothes and then we can have a nap.”
He picks the girl up, turning around to find Douma. When the man isn’t immediately in sight he frowns. After circling the room he places his sister back down. “Wait here for a second.” Before she can complain he’s already stepping away.
Climbing upwards he pushes his way into the attic. It’s the most obvious spot unless Douma wants to be accosted by hordes of curious women. (Which on second thought it does sound like something he’d enjoy.) The blond os spread out in the corner. His face is almost melting into the rough wood flooring.
With little care Gyutaro nudges the man’s side with his foot. In return he receives a very petulant, “go away.”
“Stop whining, you were the one making a mess.”
“I was jus’ having fun!” When Douma sits up his face is an usual splotchy red. It’s unusual for him at least, Daki often sports the look shortly before any of her tantrums. “I don’t see why you always have to make me look bad.” His tone lacks any of its typical cheeriness.
“We can have fun but that doesn’t mean we can break rules either.” Gyutaro crouches down to get on the man’s level. “And if you wanna keep coming over you gotta listen too.”
Grateful for his demonic strength the younger man scoops Douma into his arms. Immediately his mood brightens. “Oh I’ve never been carried before! Well, once ‘kaza-dono did, but that was only so he could throw me after. But this is much nicer-”
“And you gotta be quiet too because I’m gonna make Daki nap.”
In a poorly hushed tone he continues. “You didn’t say me though! So I get to keep playing right? I’ll even follow the rules, well most of them anyways.”
“All of them,” Gyutaro insists. There’s no room for argument in his voice but Douma attempts anyways.
“I’ll try! I’m not very good at ‘membering things though. And technically I’m still higher ranked than you so if I wanted to I could-“
“Stop raising your voice!”
When they enter the room again Daki has changed (not into pajamas, instead haphazardly putting on another kimono that isn’t tied well) and is eagerly waiting their arrival. “I don’t wanna go to bed anymore! If you guys are playing then I am too.”
Before Gyutaro can shut down the idea Douma is suggesting dozens of games and the two are all riled up. He’s not sure if he’ll survive the night.
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kny-agere · 8 months
Sorry for the double douma asks but I can't help but keeping thinking about little douma! I was wondering if you could possibly do a little douma drabble with cg kotoha? I was thinking it could be about the first time douma really regresses around her and kotoha being a complete mama bear at heart takes it all in stride! This has been going around in mind for a bit and I think that it's adorable! ^^ (as always 0 pressure to do this!!)
-Kerfuffle :3
Nooo worries!! Tbh as long as it’s not everyday I think it’d be hard to bother me with asks :p gives me an excuse to take breaks in between my main blog projects
“I don’t understand why you care for him so much, he can’t even do anything.” Douma prodded Inosuke with a sharp finger. The baby simply giggled when his cheek was poked, a horrible survival instinct. Trying to grab the offending object Inosuke missed several times. When he finally caught the finger Douma quickly pulled it away.
Despite the harsh display Kotoha just laughed. “He’s precious to me. I have to be there precisely because he needs me.” She bends over to scoop up the boy. Once she settles back his chubby little feet dangle right above Douma’s head.
“Aren’t I precious to you too?” He’s not sure why he asks. Douma is the most precious man within the building. Kotoha touches him gently like he’s crafted from gold.
“Of course you are.” Her eyes soften. Fingers run through his hair again. She traces the edge of the insignia on his head. “How come I can’t have two nice boys to care for?”
The man’s eyes slip closed. “I don’t like to share.” He scoots back as Inosuke attempts to kick him. “Can’t you just be my mama?” Douma doesn’t know why he phrases it that way. He supposes if he is to stand in opposition of the baby then Kotoha must be in the position of mother for the both of them. It just makes sense that way.
“Oh come here.” She scoops his head into her free hand and places a kiss upon his forehead. Inosuke happily babbles nonsense and tugs on the blonde strands of hair that scatter over his face.
Her honest response was strange, wasn’t this all just a joke? He’d play along for now. Kotoha’s hand brushing along his face was nice. Usually his followers wouldn’t be this close to him save for sex.
“I suppose Ino could go down for a nap, if it really bothers you.” A little frown forms on her lips. It’s not entirely sad, playful in a pouty sort of way. “But I’d love if my two favorite people could get along. Like little twins!”
“Tell him to stop touching me then”
“Don’t be overdramatic, he’s just curious. I think he still gets overwhelmed with all the people here.”
Douma doesn’t want to talk about the child anymore. He decides he’s fine with the chubby little fingers that poke his scalp. “Do you get overwhelmed at all?”
“Hm, I think I’ve gotten used to it now. It helps that all the girls here are so nice! And of course I have a lot to thank you for gracious founder.”
“You can call me Douma if it would please you.” His other moniker was simply given to him one day and it caught on like wildfire. Though sometimes it does feel nice to be addressed in such a grandiose way.
“Douma… It feels funny to call you that.” She giggles again, inspiring her baby to coo as well. “Thank you for having me, in general I mean, but also now. You’re so generous.”
“I am aren’t I?” He burrows closer into her lap. Of course he supplied Kotoha with a new wardrobe upon her arrival, which was mostly light cotton or soft silk. It feels nice against his shut eyes.
She takes the bait in stride. “Such a good boy, you do a good job taking care of me.” The woman attempts to wiggle out from beneath him. “Can I get into a more comfortable position?”
Grabbing tight onto her kimono for a brief moment Douma pulls in before he ultimately parts. It’s hard for Kotoha to move around on his plush mattress. She has to push through layers of pillows in all different sizes.
Instead of crossing her legs she pushes them straight out. Instead of holding her child she positions him against her side. Cushioning him with a few more pillows so he sits properly the woman frees her other arm. Stretching them out she motions for the man to fall back into her lap. He crawls over to tuck his head underneath her stomach once more. The thick layers of her obi are a little uncomfortable. He paws at the stiff fabric. When she doesn’t take the hint Douma tugs at it more stubbornly.
“Stop that, I’m not going to take my tie off.” Her words don’t hold any malice. Kotoha simply guides his hands back towards himself.
Douma turns his face into her lap. Her hands start combing through his hair again but the man isn’t quite as pleased this time.
“Don’t be sour. I’ll wear something more comfortable next time and we can cuddle. We’ll have a pajama party.” She makes a mighty attempt to push his face to the side so she can peer at his eyes again. With Douma’s inhuman strength he keeps himself rooted in place.
With a faux sad tone the woman moves past him. “Oh well, I guess Ino will get some cuddles all by himself.” The moment she reaches for her baby Douma’s hand reaches out to intertwine their fingers.
He slowly reveals her face, lips puckered and ready for a kiss. She aims for his forehead instead, fingers lightly dropping down to his cheeks. “There we go! Such a good listener.” Kotoha leans back again, other arm scooping down to cradle him.
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kny-agere · 8 months
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Little! Douma
- I like to think that Kotoha is the first person who inspires him to age regress
- Rather than being in love with him she acts more like a mother figure
- He gets jealous when baby Inosuke gets more attention than him
- So Kotoha laughs and pets his hair a little and it’s oddly soothing in a way he doesn’t recognize
- It’s really hard for Douma at first because he doesn’t want to be vulnerable and he doesn’t understand why he feels this way
- He likes listening to soft lullabies and all kinds of instruments
- He could probably only regress around one person, here I describe Kotoha but if he chose another cg then they’d be the only one to see him that way
- Enjoys playing dress up (and getting compliments of course)
- Causes trouble both purposefully and accidentally but hatttttees it when someone tries to punish or even just talk to him
- He’s not used to being told no lol
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babyminty · 9 months
Cg Douma/Little Akaza
It had been quite a few weeks since Akaza had last regressed, and though that mostly made sense as there wasn't much time for him to regress, but the times he could, he avoided it. He even went as far as to avoid Douma during those times as Douma was his caregiver, and Akaza knew that Douma would insist on him regressing, especially since Akaza had started to slip up and partially regress when there was no time to.
Another week went by, and the Upermoons once again had some free time, and this time, Douma did not let Akaza slip away. "Akaza!" Douma called out to the pink haird demon. Akaza let out a deep breath, knowing that he wasn't going to get away this time as he turned around to face Douma. "What is it?" Akaza snapped, lacing his words with as much venom as he could as a last attempt to make Douma go away.
However, Douma did not seem affected by Akaza's words anyway. "I know you haven't regressed at all recently, and I think it would do you well to." Douma said. "No, I'm fine, just leave me alone and go bother someone else." Akaza retorted. "Akaza, please let me help you regress." Douma pleaded, making puppy dog eyes towards Akaza. Akaza looked away, angrily muttering to himself before looking back at Douma. "Fine." He agreed and was a little surprised when Douma started to dance happily on the spot.
"Come along then." Douma said as he took Akaza's hand, leading him into one of the rooms. It already had a blanket laid out on the ground, sourpunded by lots of different toys, paper, and stationery. Akaza took it all in before turning back to Douma. "So, how long have you been planning this?" Akaza asked. Douma looked away sheepishly, but then looked back just as quickly, and lead Akaza to sit down on the blanket, completely ignoring the question, and Akaza decided it wasn't important enough to ask again.
They got settled on the blanket, and Douma encouraged Akaza to play with some of the toys, stating that even though Akaza wasn't regressed yet, playing with them would help him slip. Akaza reluctantly agreed, picking up a toy from the collection and started to play. Despite Akaza's hesitance to begin with, he quickly began having fun, and now fully regressed, he put down the toys and asked Douma to play tag with him, and of course Douma agreed.
After many rounds of tag, Akaza flipped back down on the blanket, shortly followed by Douma who brought a drink and snacks for the regressed little, and Akaza took them gratefully, before starting to eat the snacks whilst he git some paper and crayons to start drawing, and after each picture was done, he would proudly show it to Douma, and Douma would always tell him how good it was and ask to keep it, to which Akaza would happily nod, handing the drawing to Douma before going off to draw another one.
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kny-agere · 6 months
Little! Douma & Cg! Kotoha
Breastfeeding headcanons
Putting this disclaimer at the top to remind everyone that this is completely nonsexual! I’ll be keeping a close eye on this post so don’t try anything gross. I wanna try and get comfortable writing stuff like this so I hope it goes well :)
- Ok well obviously Kotoha has a baby Inosuke that she has to take care of
- Not that Douma isn’t aware of breastfeeding before this but since he has specific interest in Kotoha he pays more attention than before
- Kotoha is really patient w/ all his questions even though most of them are really stupid
- “Doesn’t that hurt you?”
- (She’d say no but Inosuke is definitely a biter </3)
- In a commune like that she’d be pretty comfortable breastfeeding openly but they have plenty of random side rooms to sit in too
- She’s not really shy about doing in front of Douma either
- I’d imagine he actually gets close by noticing her massaging her sore chest while trying to fix a clogged milk duct
- At first he probably thinks it’ll lead to something else
- But Kotoha doesn’t really think about that because she’s so set on doing this properly
- She’d cradle his head and have him kinda sit in her lap even though she’s half his size
- Douma is really careful about his teeth but even thinking abt it makes me scared ;-;
- Still before he can even think of doing anything the man is caught up in the gentle rhythm of suckling and the strange taste of breastmilk
- (His own mother had a nanny take care of him, meaning that even as a baby he wasn’t breastfeed)
- Kotoha hums a song for him while rocking gently
- She’s just so used to doing this with Inosuke that her brain doesn’t quite register the difference in the sitation
- Douma doesn’t need to sleep but he often does anyways
- But this is the first time he’s felt actually tired
- He’s happy to curl up in Kotoha’s hold and drift off with his lips still wrapped around her breast
- Douma probably gets a bit of milk on his chin without realizing lol >_<
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