#agent 4 supremacy
fuzzyoctoplushie · 8 months
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Agent 4 icons/pics for the soul (requested by anon)
None of these are mine!
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You’ve met Agent 4?
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“She’s nice, though! Always has some funny story about the Captain or Eight to tell.”
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snailvibes · 2 years
Pearl and marina would take the agents to the mall to go to their version of build a bear called “create a crustacean “ and after get them ice cream
YES YES YES YES!!!! I love the idea that pearl and marina act like the other agent’s (besides 8 Cus that’s their daughter) cool aunts who spoil them extra Cus theyre rich lmao. Them going to create a crustacean omfg I might steal that idea for a fic 😭 Four and Three would get an actual stuffed animal and have fun doing the usual build a bear routine and Neo 3 would drag Eight into making a stupid looking outfit for both of theirs and also giving them a stupid name. Marina’s like “guys are you sure you wanna name it that-“ and then Pearl’s like “yeah you gotta name it something funnier like lint flavored poptarts”. Also neo 3 and lil buddy pick out an outfit for him since the clothes fit them.
They all have an amazing time getting icecream after off the hook loves watching over the agents and Marina and Pearl are already planning what they’re doing next with them when they’re all asleep in the car after eating icecream
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galacticv · 1 year
Book 3 spoilers: The Agency
This was annoying
If you don’t know what I am referring to. It’s the becoming an Agent
I genuinely thought that the option of no. Was a genuine one… but no. We had to accept.
No matter what we picked. We had to become one
Once again the illusion of choice
I feel like this is why some agents and units don’t like us.
We get handed everything.
We’ve been there what? A few months? Barely a year probably
I get that we are incredible and amazing and unique
Wow cool
But… I’m sure the agency has meant people like that before. If they were just forming when A joined. It’s been nearly 1000 years.
They have bound to have found someone as skilled as the detective
Not only that, it’s obvious they are very secretive and strict. Like Rebecca using DMB against Murphy.
So tell me why the Agency just said “Yeah here you go”
Plus the Chamber? I feel like that was too soon in the series. Maybe mentioning them, but not meeting them.
I feel like meeting them should be end of book 4 or middle of book 5. When we have been there longer
As for becoming an agent? Book 5-6 maybe middle of book 5 we meet the chamber and at the end get the offer of an agent and we accept at the end. Gives us book 6-7 to get some Agent MC. You know? When I feel like they’ve earned it.
The fact that we are no longer a detective… it feels wrong
Especially with the obvious connection with Rook and the leader of the rouge supernaturals.
She obviously sees us as a copy of Rook. The Rook she was always meant to have
So why not keep the parallels? By keeping us the detective as Rook was. Maybe later becoming an Agent. LIKE ROOK.
So much wasted potential I’m sorry I’m crying from a person who also has an agency in her Ocs world.
But in all honesty. I felt like the Agency is too friendly and giving to the detective
Or well the “Agent” which makes things even more confusing. We refer to our MCs as the detective. They are the detective and always will be in my heart
Sorry about my rant this book just wasn’t my fav. I really enjoyed it but
Book two supremacy
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beardedmrbean · 8 months
The constitutional standoff between Texas Governor Greg Abbott and the Biden administration over the Texas-Mexico border will "very likely" be decided by the Supreme Court, according to prominent legal experts, with one predicting it could "side with the state in its quest to usurp the federal government's authority."
On January 22 the Supreme Court decided in a 5-4 verdict to overturn an injunction from the Fifth Circuit court that blocked the Biden administration from ordering federal agents to remove razor wire from the Texas-Mexico border, which was placed there to discourage migrants from crossing on the orders of Governor Abbott.
At Abbott's instruction the Texas National Guard also took control of Shelby Park in Eagle Pass, a frequently used migrant arrival point, and refused to allow federal Customs Border and Protection officials access to the site.
Abbott reacted with fury to the Supreme Court judgment, saying he was invoking "Texas's constitutional authority to defend and protect itself." He argued that, under the Constitution, this is "the supreme law of the land and supersedes any federal statutes to the contrary." He received a joint statement from 25 other Republican governors offering "solidarity."
In an article published by politics site Public Notice, which describes its purpose as "explaining what's happening on the American right for a largely progressive audience," attorney Lisa Needham said it is "almost inevitable" that the dispute will come back to the Supreme Court where based on the January 22 ruling "at least four justices already agree with Texas."
Despite the January 22 ruling going against Abbott, she suggested if the Supreme Court decides to examine the case in full it could allow the governor's border controls to remain, with Chief Justice John Roberts and Justice Amy Coney Barrett likely to be the key swing voters.
Needham wrote: "The Supreme Court has already weighed in, but that was only on Texas's request that the federal government be enjoined, on an emergency basis, from cutting the razor wire. No court has yet ruled on the substance of the matter, meaning there has been no complete review of all the facts and law in the case.
"The full case still needs to make its way through the lower courts, and it is almost inevitable that it will then be back up at the Supreme Court again, where it seems that at least four justices already agree with Texas."
She added: "Simply because the Supreme Court vote to vacate the injunction was a 5-4 split in favor of the federal government doesn't mean an ultimate ruling on the case would come out the same.
"Roberts and Barrett may have only believed that Texas was wrong to ask for an emergency injunction, but they could eventually side with the state in its quest to usurp the federal government's authority."
Speaking to Newsweek Neama Rahmani, president of West Coast Trial Lawyers, agreed the issue will "very likely end up before the Supreme Court" as it is "exactly the type of case the justices are meant to resolve."
He argued the justices could end up supporting Texas, despite the Constitution's supremacy clause that gives primacy to federal over state laws, saying: "The previous ruling was limited to whether Texas can prevent Border Patrol agents from removing or cutting the barbed wire. There are potentially bigger issues at play here though, and the conservative justices haven't been shy to craft broad rulings to reverse years of precedent.
"Immigration has historically been exclusively a federal issue, but I wouldn't be surprised if the Supreme Court finds a creative way to allow for state action to enforce our nation's immigration laws notwithstanding the supremacy clause and pre-emption doctrine. Justices Roberts or Barrett are far from locks to support the Biden administration, so all eyes will be on them."
V. James DeSimone, a Los Angeles-based civil rights attorney, accused Texan authorities of "causing death and injury to vulnerable families in the name of protecting property rights" in an interview with Newsweek, adding: "If this isn't a case for the United States Supreme Court to resolve then nothing is."
If this does happen DeSimone said the Biden administration has a "solid legal basis for its position" due to the supremacy clause, adding: "A justice who would change his or her vote to side with Texas in this dispute would be on shaky ground."
If the case reaches the Supreme Court, DeSimone said judges "should side with the Biden administration in this dispute, even if it's a narrow majority of justices." He added: "The 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals gave short shrift to the Supremacy Clause of the Constitution when it sided with Texas. Instead, the appeals court said the principle of sovereign immunity provided no justification for the Border Patrol to cut down razor wire that had been installed by the Texas National Guard."
DeSimone argued Supreme Court justices likely considered the supremacy clause in their judgment of January 22, suggesting it would be a big call for them to reverse course if they end up ruling on the case again.
Needham concluded her article by arguing the dispute is now a win-win for Abbott, commenting: "Either way, Abbott gets what he wants.
"He now has the full-throated support of conservative elected officials who don't believe the federal government should have any authority if Democrats are in power, and he has private citizens willing to show the same eager violence as those who supported Trump's insurrection. There's just no way in which this ends well."
Newsweek contacted Abbott's office by telephone, voicemail and online contact form at 5:50 a.m. ET on Wednesday. This article will be updated if they wish to provide a comment.
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cult-of-4 · 7 months
Mod will correct Nintendos wrongs and also 4's the main character in this not 8 agent 4 supremacy!!!!! Anyways once not eepy yall shall see- @cuttlefish-cabin
so true, as a writer myself I also have plans to give 4 the spot light
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pesterloglog · 9 months
Latula Pyrope, Meenah Peixes, Kankri Vantas, Porrim Maryam, Aradiabot, Vriska Serket, Sollux Captor, Aradia Megido, Equius Zahhak, Mituna Captor, Kurloz Makara, Cronus Ampora, Feferi Peixes, Meulin Leijon, Nepeta Leijon, Eridan Ampora, Rufioh Nitram, Damara Megido, Horuss Zahhak, Karkat Vantas, Tavros Nitram, Gamzee Makara, Terezi Pyrope
Act 6, page 5427
LATULA: wooooo, 4w y34h grlz, h34rd you w3r3 st4rt1ng 4 p4rty ov3r h3r3??? >XD
MEENAH: no its not a party its...
KANKRI: Hm. I see s9me9ne has ch9sen t9 dress as a pirate f9r this party, in spite 9f the negative ass9ciati9ns that the 9ld marauding classes have with vi9lent a6use, 9ppressi9n, n9t even t9 mention
LATULA: yo porr1m! n1c3 costum3! w4y to ch4ng3 1nto someth1ng on such short not1ce. H1 F1V3!!!!
PORRIM: What? No+, this isn't a co+stume. It's just what I was wearing. I came o+ver here to+ see what all the co+mmo+ti+n was about.
LATULA: d4mn grl you just look1ng f1n3 for th3 h3ll of 1t th3n! GRL POW3R!!!
PORRIM: Uh... sure. So+ this is a party? So+unds like fun!
MEENAH: no its not a party gfd 38(
ARADIABOT: lets annihilate them
ARADIABOT: yes lets. i am in the m00d t0 ruin s0meb0dy
VRISKA: Right on! I knew I could count on you crazy metal 8roads for some mayhem.
SOLLUX: hey aradia, uh... y0ur rob0 clones l0ok like they're ab0ut to flip the fuck 0ut. they're making me nervous, eheheh. can you try talking s0me sense into them?
ARADIA: sorry sollux my robotic duplicates have always been free agents totally exempt from my influence and better judgement
ARADIA: equius do you think you can calm them down?
EQUIUS: D --> They are pernickety devices
EQUIUS: D --> Often sweat seeps into their circuitry and causes them to behave more erratically
EQUIUS: D --> Which unfortunately only causes me to sweat even more profusely, I am afraid
ARADIA: equius weve never talked about it but im not sure how comfortable i am with you um... courting such a great plurality of my mechanical doubles
EQUIUS: D --> On a scale of 1 to 100, how depraved would you say you find my behavior?
EQUIUS: D --> (please be 100, please be 100...)
ARADIA: i never should have kissed you that time it was such a mistake :(
MITUNA: 000H WH04 N1C3 C057UM3 8UDDY
CRONUS: (be quiet. by saying anything youre really making a horrible impression on people we should be trying to impress here.)
CRONUS: (ill forgivwe you, but this is the last time i evwer do. im at my vwits end with you.)
MITUNA: 1M 50RRY PL3453 PL3453 F04G1V3 M3 4G4IN
FEFERI: GLUB! (whoops, i mean glub. oh gosh, it's my ancestor!)
FEFERI: (i'm so nervous, i can't let her notice me. she's so unbubbleivably cool! *swoonami*)
MEENAH: (ah snap its my ancestor. wish i didnt notice her)
MEENAH: (must... suppress... urge... to murder her for royal supremacy omg)
MEULIN: (^·ω·^) < 333333333!!!!!!!!!
NEPETA: :33 < 333333333!!!!!!!!!
MEULIN: (^·o·^)/ < 333333333!!!!!!!!!
NEPETA: :33 < 333333333!!!!!!!!!
MEULIN: (=^ω^=) < 333333333!!!!!!!!!
ERIDAN: wwhoa man could you maybe stop bumpin me wwith your codpiece
CRONUS: sorry chief, honest misake. so are you doing anything later?
ERIDAN: wwait are you actually seriously hittin on me
ERIDAN: wwoww dude evven i think youre trash
CRONUS: im a cool enough cat if you get to know me. you didnt ansvwer the question.
ERIDAN: sigh fine lets go out on a date i guess. flippin amazin this tragic scenarios wwhat i been reduced to
MEENAH: H-EY! everyone stay on the right goddamn sides. cronus im lookin at you
VRISKA: Yeah! Nepeta, 8ack in line. You people need to start taking this 8rawl more seriously.
RUFIOH: yo my gangstas! d1d 1 hear you were go1ng off to f1ght a ghost k1ll1ng demon...
RUFIOH: m1nd 1f 1 tag along... 1've been hop1ng for a chance to put an end to my cruel joke of an ex1stence... haha... bangarang.
VRISKA: Hell yes! On this team I have a MAJOR need for expenda8le people.
MEENAH: no no it really is a catfight. or i mean a regular fight... urrgh
KANKRI: Meulin, it w9uld 6e great if y9u didn't use this party as a platf9rm t9 engage in suicide shaming. I think Rufi9h is triggered en9ugh as it is having t9 live with the hein9us 69dy 9f a metal h9rse.
DAMARA: これは何? ハロウィーンの乱交? [What is this? A Halloween orgy?]
VRISKA: Are you fuckers deaf???????? This 8n't a party!
MEULIN: (^._.^) ...
PORRIM: Ho+rrus, yo+ur o+utfit lo+o+ks nice, but so+rry to+ say it was a false alarm. It's no+t a co+ stume party.
HORUSS: 8=D < This isn't a costume. I am literally a majestic stallion, and my appearance refle% this noble reality.
PORRIM: Ah. Go+tcha. Hey guys, can I be o+n the o+ther team?
MEENAH: no!!!!!!!!!!
GAMZEE: honk.
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saiyanprincefiregod · 7 months
How I would reboot MegaMan (Classic), MegaMan Zero, and MegaMan X pt. 4. Mega Man X Reboot X7-X9
Here is Part 4 ready for more? With Sigma gone for good in X8 Lumine and the Sigma Children will serve as the new main antagonist of the MegaMan X Series. [credits of MegaMan X9 go to @ultimatemaverickx-blog and ultimatemaverickx on Deviantart (https://www.deviantart.com/ultimatemaverickx)
MegaMan X7: Two Years after the events of the Nightmare Incident, Earth
 has recovered from the Earth Crisis. However, X steps back from the front lines of the Hunters, wishing to seek peaceful solutions to Mavericks aside from combat. To fill this power vacuum, an illegal syndicate called Red Alert starts hunting Mavericks too, led by the vigilante Red. After a certain job with his mysterious protégé, Axl, Red begins meeting with a shady individual called "the Professor." Soon after, Axl grows uncomfortable with Red Alert and leaves the group. Red Alert sends agents to bring him back, causing chaos in the city that attracts the attention of Zero. He works with Axl to stop the pursuers, then arrests him and brings him to Hunter Base. Red contacts the Hunters to demand Axl's return, initiating a duel between the organizations to determine his custody. X refuses to engage in the violence, but Axl jumps at the chance to work with the Maverick Hunters, so Zero lets him tag along. As they fight the eight leaders of Red Alert, Axl reveals to Zero that he left the group because they suddenly started targeting innocent Reploids for DNA, and Axl felt his copy ability was being misused. As the fight rages on, X realizes he is needed on the front lines and comes out of retirement. X, Zero, and Axl infiltrate Red Alert's Crimson Palace and defeat Red, who resigns himself to perish in a self-destruct. This leads the Hunters to discover that Sigma was manipulating Red Alert as "the Professor" to use Axl's DNA abilities. The three defeat him, and Axl deals the final blow. Afterwards, X is still reluctant to make Axl an official Maverick Hunter, forcing him to prove himself first. Meanwhile, Zero has a nightmare of X, or a similar individual, on a murderous rampage.
MegaMan X8: One year after MegaMan X7, The humans start the Jakob Project, building an orbital elevator to colonize the moon and escape the Maverick Wars. To help, a new generation of Reploid comes into production, each with a copy chip that gives them complete control over their own DNA (it is revealed Axl was a prototype of these Reploids), granting total immunity to the Sigma Virus. X witnesses an accident at the Jakob Elevator, and is shocked to see the new generation workers copy Sigma's body to survive. Lumine, director of the Jakob Project, assures him there is no risk of them going Maverick. X, Zero, and Axl are on a mission near the Jakob Elevator when they run into Vile V, who has kidnapped Lumine. This event marks a worldwide rebellion amongst the new generation Reploids. Two new navigators, Layer and Pallette, are brought on to assist against the rebellion. As the Maverick Hunters fight, Alia hypothesizes that the new generation Reploids are being influenced by the Sigma DNA in their copy chips. Upon defeating all eight Mavericks, Sigma himself contacts the Hunters to challenge them in Jakob. The three Hunters traverse Jakob, facing Sigma in the space station Gateway. However, defeating him reveals it is merely a new generation Reploid copying him. On the moon, they destroy Vile V and find the real Sigma, who he claims that the new generation Reploids are loyal to him like children. The Hunters destroy Sigma. However, Lumine reveals that the new generation Reploids merely took advantage of Sigma's leadership to advance their own supremacy, becoming his Maverick army of their own free will. He declares that X, Zero, and Axl are obsolete and must be destroyed, but they defeat him. As he dies, a tentacle lashes out of his chest and strikes Axl in the forehead, planting a small object in his helmet. X and Zero destroy Lumine's body, then return to the Earth with Axl's unconscious body.
MegaMan X9: One Month after the events of MegaMan X8, X and Zero reported the incident of Lumine and the new generation reploids going Maverick to the high authority. This cause production of the new generation reploids bearing copy chips of old reploids DNA to be halted. However the incicent was kept classified so it won't spread fear to humans. Axl, having no signs of recovery was admitted on the New generation reploids research facility to be investigated. Dr. Craig Sid is the main scientist to lead the investigation on Axl's current state. He introduces himself to X and Zero as the new reploid to act as the director of the Jakob elevator. Humans growing more weary of the Mavericks, they have created a settlement from different places on earth. However, new mavericks causes havoc on the human settlements. Showing sympathy over the humans affected by the attacks, Dr. Sid provided a settlement meant only for humans for their peace and security. It was dubbed "The Sanctuary", it's a place near the Jakob Elevator. However,the humans didn't know that someone is wickedly plotting to destroy the Elevator and crash it down on the sanctuary. But that motive is just part of the plan. Just as X and Zero heard that, they look suspiciously to Dr. Sid. However, Dr. Sid says that he felt regret that the New generation reploids have gone maverick. He knows Lumine very well but had arguments before he goes maverick. He already had a hint that he is going maverick but was unable to stop him. He assures X and Zero that he will try his best to investigate what had happen to their comrade Axl.  When X is about to speak to Dr. Sid, X receives a transmission from Alia. A berserk mechaniloid is rampaging near the Jakob elevator. X and Zero rushed to the scene. As they have defeated the Mechaniloid, X and Zero see a city near the place. They check it out but no one was inside although it seems not abandoned because it is obviously newly built. They find it peculiar. They look up and saw a post entitling the “The Sanctuary”. X and Zero heads back to the headquarters. They discuss to their colleagues about the vacant city they saw near the recent mission. Unfortunately, when Alia researches about it, there is no information available yet. It is possibly because it was a newly built structure. Then, they mention Dr. Craig Sid as the main scientist to investigate Axl and the new director in charge of the elevator. They get suspicious if they could trust him because he is one of the reploids who proposes that new generation reploids should bear copy chips containing old generation reploids DNA. Although it could be possible he did not know that adding Sigma’s data on copy chips would cause them to go maverick. Suddenly, the navigators got a transmission!8 new mavericks are detected from various locations. The mavericks are an old generation reploids causing havoc near the human settlements.
(After the defeat of 1st Maverick)Dr. Craig Sid makes a worldwide announcement to the humans affected on the present maverick attacks. He expresses sympathy over the humans harmed by the Old generation Reploid mavericks. Showing a kind heart, he offers a newly built human settlement near the Jakob elevator. The settlement will only be for humans to secure them from another maverick attacks. He welcomes any humans who wanted to reside to that place. It was dubbed by Dr. Craig Sid, “The Sanctuary”. Humans are pleased with the announcement. Many humans immediately go to the sanctuary Dr. Sid proposes but some stayed to their places because they don’t trust the reploids anymore. Hearing this, Dr. Sid gained the trust of X and Zero. The hunters realizes that it was Dr. Sid who created the Sanctuary. (After the defeat of 2nd Maverick) The Headquarters receives a transmission for X and Zero from Dr. Sid. He had uncovered the cause of comatose of Axl.  It was a parasite implanted by Lumine.  In that case, the parasite wants to gain control over its host Axl. Luckily, the parasite can fully gain control of Axl by 2 months. Good thing the hunters brought Axl to them earlier or else they might lose him. Dr. Sid assures X and Zero that he will provide immediate medication to exterminate the parasite that would dominate his body. X and Zero along with their comrades were shocked on Axl’s state. They converse that it is possibly a new type of virus functioning like a parasite. However X and Zero can’t go to the research facility to check on Axl due to their mission to destroy present Mavericks.  (After the defeat of 3rd Maverick), Many Humans gathers on “The Sanctuary” Dr. Sid proposes. They were joyful of the accommodation they have received. Dr. Sid welcomes them to The Sanctuary as an eternal human settlement for peace. The Sanctuary is a well-structured place as if it is a paradise meant for humans. It is well abundant with resources necessary for living. It has many housing structure to accommodate more humans. It was like a prosperous city.  Dr. Sid had exceeded the humans expectations about the settlement.  The place is near the Jakob Elevator and the Elevator is a beautiful sight to humans. They’re amazed how New Generation reploids created a structure reaching space. Because of the Sanctuary Dr. Sid provided, humans is starting to like the new generation reploids. (After the defeat 4th Maverick), On Alia’s analysis, she finds it odd that the maverick signs only involve Old generation reploids. So far the information they have gathered was that the mavericks only wanted to attack the humans settlements. Probably to drove them away. She wonders if those mavericks have a leader. Attacks are seemed to be planned. On Layers analysis, she acquires information about Dr. Craig Sid. On the data, Dr. Sid is a colleague of Lumine. Lumine does have a copy chip but without Old generation reploids DNA. Lumine mentions to Dr. Sid about his plan to create a structure reaching space, the Jakob Elevator for space development.  In order for plans to have higher success rate, Dr. Sid proposes to Lumine that his copy chip should contain old generation reploids DNA as well as the new generation reploids that is involve on developing the project. Because of the copy chips with Old generation reploids DNA, the new generation reploids with the direction of Lumine was able to create the Jakob Elevator easily by copying necessary form to create the elevator. But somehow, Dr. Sid notices that Lumine is acting strange ever since he applied old generation reploids DNA to his copy chip. There’s one time Lumine talks about the new world and asked Dr. Sid to join him. However, Sid declines without a reason.
 (After the defeat of 5th Maverick) Headquarters receives another transmission especially for X and Zero. It is an update about Axl’s current state. Dr. Sid informs them about a bizarre case on Axl’s condition. He shows pictures of physical changes on Axl, mainly his armor color. There are white spots appearing from the different parts of his body. Dr. Sid explains that it was the parasite's effect on Axl’s body. Fortunately, Dr. Craig Sid have made a special medication process so that he could get rid of the parasite from his body. He is placed on a Capsule especially made for removing the parasite on Axl’s body.  (After the defeat of 6th Maverick) X and Zero notices that there’s an instance that the Mavericks don’t seem to be aware of what they’re doing. Somehow, they thought they are just being manipulated and was ordered to attack humans. Especially all of the present Mavericks causes havoc only on human settlements. They had a bad feeling about it. Few days later after the 8 maverick detection. More Humans have gathered at the sanctuary because it is well spread to humans worldwide as new human utopia for everlasting peace and security. The Sanctuary’s population has reached an estimate of 200,000 people and still growing. (After the defeat 7th Maverick) The Scientists involved on the medication of Axl were terribly shocked that Axl’s body fully changes its color. It mostly turned white and his hair changes color into purple. The scientist realizes that the capsule he was placed for is to speed up the parasites growing progress. They all realize that Dr. Craig Sid was not planning to exterminate the parasite but to help it overcome its host. When Dr. Craig Sid realizes that the scientists he worked with notice his ulterior action. He walked into the capsule with the attention of everyone in the facility. Dr. Sid picks up Axl on the capsule, carries him and pointed his fist to a scientist.  His arm changes into a buster and massacred everyone on the facility. Dr. Sid leaves the facility to the place unknown. (After the defeat the 8th Maverick) Surprisingly, a Maverick they have defeated has gone through the Headquarters. Having a destroyed body, the Maverick still manages to get into the headquarters functioning. X and Zero head to the Maverick reploid. Strangely, the Maverick talks to them as if he isn’t Maverick anymore. He says he wanted to say something very important to them but the Maverick suddenly collapses. X and Zero take him to the headquarters under custody. They believe what he’ll be saying might be important. Alia receive another Maverick signal. It is on the Jakob Elevator. X and Zero rushes to the scene. X and Zero got to the Jakob elevator.  Suddenly, the elevator automatically functions and goes up. A guarder showed up and transforms into Sigma and instantaneously attacks them without warning. When the Maverick they got into custody gains consciousness. He shouted to everyone that “HE IS THE MAVERICK, NOT US! HE IS THE MAVERICK, NOT US! “ . The headquarters guards goes to the maverick to calm him but Signas stops them to let him speak first. The Maverick says “he turns us to be a Maverick to attack the human settlement so that they would go to the place he reserved for them.”  THE SANCTUARY!  IT IS THE HUMAN’S DOOM! IT IS THEIR GRAVEYARD! He is planning to destroy the Jakob elevator and crash it to the settlement!
Just as the reploid reveals that Craig Sid is wickedly plotting something against the humans. Alia said to X that Craig Sid is planning to destroy the Elevator and crash it to the Sanctuary. X and Zero were surprised and think it is unbelievable. They have detected no signs of explosives. Right now, they are battling with a guard who transfroms into a Copy of Sigma. Getting uneasy, Signas orders them to stop Sid’s plans of destroying the elevator. When X and Zero had defeated Copy Sigma. He laughs sinisterly and says “it is all according to plan”. Sigma seems to be expanding as if he is going to explode. X and Zero realized that he was going to self-destruct. They fled to the place but unfortunately the explosion was very strong and it dealt a very great damage.  The humans on the sanctuary heard of this explosion and saw a part of the Jakob Elevator high up in the sky explode. X and Zero lose consciousness due to the explosion. They were badly damaged. X gains his consciousness. They find themselves falling. Seeing Zero is still unconscious, X tries to reach and save Zero at all cost. He manages to save Zero but it costs him everything. X had managed to decrease damage from the fall but still, X lay down severely damage. Because of X, Zero didn’t receive great damage from the fall. A moment later, Zero wakes up and sees X lying unconsciously. Zero asks Alia to transfer them to the base but Alia can’t be reached. The signal is jammed. Zero just carries X to the Base. As they get away, Zero hears a very loud cracking sound. The Jakob Elevator is about to collapse. When the Humans from the Sanctuary notices it they panic and run for their lives but for just a few moments, Big fragmented structures of Jakob elevator crashes to The Sanctuary!  Almost all humans died instantly… Very few have survived… This incident was dubbed “The Jakobs Incident”. Signas sent a few personnel to go to the New generation research facility to arrest Sid and get Axl. When the personnel got to the place. They were all hysterical because all they see was a worn out facility filled with massacred reploids.  Axl is nowhere to be found. It is evident that Sid had taken Axl with him.
Zero arrives with X in the entrance of the headquarters. Just as they are about to enter the Headquarters. A group of humans arrests X and Zero claiming it is because of the casualties they have caused in the Jakob’s incident. However, Zero does not surrender. Because Zero resists taking them into custody, humans forcefully capture them. Zero is also badly damaged from the explosion, he hasn't managed to fight and defend for themselves, especially the humans who arrest them. Because they were badly damaged, they were easily knocked unconscious with an electric shock. They were taken to a place where the survivors of the Jakob’s incident stayed. They were handcuffed and put on a stage in front of the humans who survived. X gains consciousness and sees humans looking at them with contempt. Sid suddenly appears before them and says to everyone.  “It is very unfortunate that such a grave incident has happened. Do you know who these two reploids are! They were the reploids who caused this incident to happen.” They were the reploids responsible for the destruction of the Jakob elevator and the destruction of The Sanctuary! These Old Generation Reploids! The humans gets very furious!  without much explanation, they shouted, MAVERICK! MAVERICK! MAVERICK! X is terribly shocked from what he is hearing. He is unable to speak and defend for themselves. What are we supposed to do with these Mavericks!? Sid said. EXTERMINATE THEM! EXTERMINATE THEM! The humans replied. Sid walks slowly to X and points his arm buster on X’s head. X is in a state of shock as he realizes that Sid is the enemy. Few seconds later…*BUSTER SHOT SOUND* When Sid was about to shoot X, a loud buster sound struck everyone. Signas shoot Sid with a buster rifle! Humans panic. The three navigators take advantage of it and retrieve X and Zero. However Sid didn’t die and managed to escape. X and Zero were brought to the headquarters and got repairs from Douglas. A day later, X and Zero were in full recovery. Signas tells to them that Sid is the mastermind behind the maverick attacks and the Jakob’s incident. Sid had taken Axl for his other antic. The record they got from the destroyed facility tells that Sid is trying to speed up the parasites progress to overcome its host. The hunters are tracing where Sid took Axl.X and Zero found Sid’s hideout. It was the basement of the Jakob Elevator! They were able to know the location by extracting the former maverick’s data.
As they go deeper into the Jakob’s basement, they meet Dr. Craig Sid. He reveals to X and Zero about his ulterior motive.When I first heard of Axl being damaged by Lumine, I immediately sign up as the main researcher on the case of Axl. I want to gain your trust by offering the sanctuary as a human settlement and acting as if I was trying to heal Axl.  All of the things that happen are according to my plan. I wanted the humans to be obliterated by crashing the elevator on the sanctuary. It’s actually my main goal but then when I found out about your comrades condition. I have another goal. Unfortunately, not all of my plans were a success. I was not able to exterminate both of you. But now I have the chance to destroy both of you and then resurrect him, and the key to resurrecting him is through your comrade Axl. Sid said. You! MAVERICK! X said. Hmph! Maverick!? Does that label apply to me? Watch your words, Hunters Agency. You are speaking to your gods. Sid said. Gods? Creator? Could it be possible you are a human!? Zero said. Sid did not reply. He calls Axl to show himself to them. X and Zero were struck because Axl’s color changes into something like Lumine’s. His eyes dull and his disposition like a puppet. What have you done to him! X said. As I have mentioned, Lumine implanted in him a parasite necessary to overcome its host. I am just speeding up the process. I have no intention to exterminate the parasite on his body. After all, Lumine is one of my colleagues. It is only right to help an ally. Sid said. Sid laughs sinisterly. Axl, get rid of these two! It’s necessary for these Old generation reploids to join the scrap heap when I create the new world! They were the greatest hindrance of my plan. Sid said. No! X said. It’s no use! Axl has been manipulated. Zero said. Axl follow Sids orders and points his gun on them. X and Zero engage Axl in combat.
( After the defeat Axl.) Axl seems like he is resisting the parasite. However, the parasite grows even stronger due to the possibility that his body gets weak in battle. Surprisingly, He transforms and turns into Axl-Lumine. Lumine!? X said. Axl-Lumine laughs. I finally have overtaken this body. I see you’ve been a great help to me Sid. I owe you one. Axl-Lumine said. Sid just grins…After the had defeated me on the moon’s palace. I have provided necessary actions to revive myself through the prototype. Luckily before I malfunctioned, I implanted a parasite to Axl’s body. In this case, in a course of time, I can be able to manipulate and use his body. That parasite can only be effective on new generation reploids, those who possess copy chips. Now I have finally overtaken this body, I can freely move and think consciously as if reborn again. Now! It’s time to do what I should have done before. To exterminate both of you!  Axl-Lumine said.
(After the defeat of Axl-Lumine.) Axl-Lumine drops on his knees. This isn’t happening again! Lumine Said. Sid laughs! It is all going according to plan! Sid Said! What!? Lumine said! You were the one responsible for her loss. Don’t blame me for applying old generation reploids DNA to your copy chip. I am certain New generation reploids can’t go maverick, but unfortunately you became because you chose to be. I refuse to join to your new world. Even though you have same ideals, I rather choose him to be the ruler of our new world. A world only for new generation reploids… That is why I am resurrecting him. As you can see, my plan is to let you battle against the Hunters. Once you have dominated his body, I want you to get weak. In this case, He will finally be resurrected! You knew well that the new generation reploids copy chips bears data of the old generation reploids. Have you ever thought Axl is a prototype and he isn’t immune to viruses unlike the new generation reploids? You are using his body! That just means that you don’t have total immunity to viruses. You are the stepping stone for my plans to succeed. Especially if you chose to be a Maverick, the maverick data embedded on the copy chips gets active. I can feel it! The Maverick virus easily dominates your body! The data embedded on the new generation reploids copy chips! The data of Lumine! Sid  said. X and Zero just watch the scene in shock. Lumine looks at Sid with contempt as he is feeling the virus in him. The maverick virus had overcome his body causing him to transform into Lumine! Hehehehe! Hahahaha! At last I’ve been resurrected again! You’re such a brilliant scientist Dr. Sid! Even though this is not my actual body, my consciousness is still intact! It’s still exactly ME! Lumine! Hahahahaha! Hahahahah! Lumine said. Sid felt proud as his plan of resurrecting Lumine was successful. Axl… It can’t be! X said. No, he isn’t Axl anymore but we can still bring him back. If only we could remove Lumine’s data out of him. Zero said. Stay away from here Dr. Sid. I’m going all out. Lumine said. Dr. Sid goes away. Hahaha! X and Zero. It’s you and me again! It will be my ultimate joy to see you lifeless! Bring it on! Lumine said.
(After they've defeated Lumine)
X! Don’t shoot! If you do, your comrade will die! Lumine said. X is hesitant to shoot him but Zero walks to Lumine preparing to strike. He stops in front of the defeated Lumine and anticipates to slash him. Lumine got hysterical as Zero doesn’t show any sign of hesitation when he is about to strike. Lumine goes off to Axl’s body in a form of a virus.  Just as Zero is about to strike, he closes his saber beam to prevent Axl being hurt. Axl turns to his normal appearance at last but lays down seriously damaged. Dr. Sid was aware of the situation. He asks Lumine to use the body he had reserved for him in case he loses. It was a gigantic version of Lumine’s body. Magnificent! Dr. Sid! I can finish these two once and for all! Lumine said. Lumine gained control of the unfinished body reserved for him. Zero moves Axl away from them so he won’t be affected on the battle. Dr. Sid is aware of the brute force it possesses. He leaves the place immediately and has no more idea of what could happen. We have finally retrieve Axl! Now I’m going to fight you without hesitation! Lumine! X said! Hmph… Just like me before! Using me for your antics! You’re going to pay for what you did to him. Zero said! X points his buster on the gigantic Lumine arising from the ground! X and Zero don’t seem to be intimidated. They stand tall as they see the daunting gigantic form of Lumine!
(FINAL BATTLE)(After the defeat Lumine 2nd from) Hehehe, even if I’m using an advanced body far better than you possess. I still can’t defeat both of you. But someday! Someday! I will see you doomed with my own hands! Even if I die here! I will still live inside the new generation reploids! My legacy continues in them along with Sigma’s will! HAHAHAHA HAHAHAHAHAH! Lumine said as he is about to explode. X along with Zero carrying Axl rushes to get to the ground. The explosion of Lumine causes the foundation of Jakob’s basement to get weak.  As they get to the ground, the Jakob’s basement crashed. 
Three days later, Dr. Sid is in his new base along with the new generation reploids. He is in his personal room when suddenly, Lumine enters the room. Dr. Sid was overjoyed because he thought that X and Zero had defeated him. Hehehe, I have to get rid of those two Hunters from that Agency! Lumine said. Lumine! It’s a pleasure to see you! I thought you lost to them! Sid said. Because of your capabilities you have created magnificent battle armor. Although it was destroyed from the crash of Jakob’s basement, I managed to survive by using the prototype’s body of Axl. Hehehe! Lumine said. My pleasure! Sid said. So, May I hear the plans and the process you did in order for your plans to be successful. It will be my joy to hear how a genius like you had achieved your motives. Lumine said. My only motive is to annihilate humans who live in the sanctuary but when I realize about the parasite on the prototype, resurrecting you becomes one of my goals as well. When I heard that the prototype was damaged by you, Lumine. I immediately responded to investigate it. As one of the reploids who proposes that copy chips should bear the old generation reploids DNA, I suspect that the maverick hunters won’t trust me so I have to gain it first. I acted as a scientist trying to exterminate the parasite that Lumine implanted to their comrade Axl. But in actuality, I am helping the parasite to overcome his body. I made new generation reploids turn into maverick with Sigma DNA  to cause riots in human settlements. Then, I provided the Sanctuary I built before and offered it to humans affected by the recent maverick attacks.  For this reason, the hunter would think I’m a good guy! Since humans are part of the old generation. I have decided their fate is annihilation. How? by destroying and crashing the Jakob elevator to the sanctuary. Humans have no place to our new world and besides I have a personal grudge against them! But of course I have set it up that the cause of the Jakob project’s destruction is the battle between the Copy of Sigma and the hunters. Humans would absolutely judge the two hunters as Mavericks because of the hate filled in their heart. I can see that X is deeply shocked hearing himself labeled as a maverick in front of the mob. This is how I wanted to get rid of these two. By letting the humans judge them as mavericks and provoking them to exterminate those two. Unfortunately those filthy hunter’s comrades foiled my plan. One even shot me. But of course, I won’t die easily. I suppose the only thing I should focus on is to resurrect you and it was a success.  Impressive Sid! Now if you excuse me, I have something to do. Lumine Said! As you wish. Sid said. Lumine goes out from Sid’s base and transforms into Axl, holding a small video recorder in his hands. Not any longer did the headquarters acquire the recorded footage. Signas makes it worldwide news showing the recorded footage to humans and reploids. Humans get very furious that the real enemy was actually Sid whom they thought was a hero. When Dr. Sid sees this, he gets extremely angry. He realizes that it wasn’t Lumine he was talking to a moment ago but the Prototype Axl.
As X and Zero watches the recorded footage they realize that it was Axl’s doing. X and Zero rushed to the Main HQ room where Axl was. As they enter the room. They saw Axl standing along with Signas, Douglas and the navigators. Axl looked to X and Zero. I heard everything from Signas and everyone. In return for saving me, I think it’s my job to clean your reputations! And… uhm…Signas taps Axl’s back. Don’t be shy. Thank you for everything! Without the two of you, I might be gone! Axl said. X and Zero smiles as they see their friend Axl in full recovery! Because of the recorded footage. The survivors of the Jakob incident have justified that X and Zero were innocent and not a maverick. The real maverick was Dr. Craig Sid. Because of the Jakob incident, Humans gets more certain that they shouldn’t trust the reploids anymore. Humans demand the arrest of Sid. He was marked as a great threat to humans and reploids. The battle of old generation reploids and the new generation reploids with Sigma’s DNA had begun.
That MegaMan X Reboot MegaMan X7-X9. Next will be the series I am writing and developing MegaMan X: Code Genesis and a story based on JKB Games MegaMan X: Corrupted
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ausetkmt · 7 months
The "Negro Fort" massacre | libcom.org
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This article is an excerpt of Wasserman's A People's History of Florida.
The Patriots War, the War of 1812, the Creek War, and the Seminole War were all closely interrelated conflicts, revolving around Indian Removal and slavery. The fighting in the U.S. Southeast during the second decade of the 19th century defined Manifest Destiny, which was underlined by a disposition to expand slavery and white supremacy. Manifest Destiny was the self-declared right of the United States to violate national sovereignty to eliminate any perceived threat of an encroaching foreign colonial power in its vicinity. This policy also intended to seize Spanish colonial possessions and annex them in order so the South could procure additional slave states. Indian Removal and slavery were combined with Manifest Destiny in the war of 1812 as British agents utilized disaffected native tribes and fugitive slaves to form a Southern front against the United States.
The wars in the Southeastern United States were all characterized by the same predisposition of U.S. expansionism – which itself was characterized by attempts to expand and protect slavery. The reigning U.S. doctrines of the early 19th century came about in opposition to the threat that slave and native sanctuaries like Florida posed to the Southern states. As the policies of Indian Removal and Manifest Destiny became more defined in the Southern theater of war, the free black and native settlements found themselves in a constant conflict with the slave-raiding, land-grabbing white settlers of Georgia.
After their defeat at Horseshoe Bend in the Creek War, the Red Stick Creeks fled into Florida to avoid Jackson’s draconian terms of surrender. Jackson’s military intervention in Florida partially focused on further destroying the anti-white Red Sticks Creeks that were incorporated into the Seminole and black settlements. As with the fugitive blacks, they grew to hold considerable power in the Seminole tribe, eventually enveloping the old chiefs.
In the war of 1812, the British used Florida as their base of operations to create a Southern front against the U.S. military. Florida was a diversion from the war in a North. British agents promised thousands of natives and fugitive blacks land, freedom, and protection as long as they fought on the British side in the war. The Seminoles, Miccosukees, Red Stick Creeks, and blacks established closer ties in these frontier operations, with the further understanding that they all shared a mutual interest to fend off the encroaching white settlers.
In 1814, British military official Col. Nichols ordered his Red Stick Creek allies to construct a fort on the Appalachicola River. The British retreated from their position at Pensacola after Andrew Jackson’s invasion. They were joined by their Red Stick Creek allies and several hundred slaves belonging to the residents of that town. 1 Nichols furnished the fort with artillery and munitions. The fort was located fifteen miles above the mouth of the river, manned with three hundred British soldiers and an immediate flow of refugee Seminoles and runaway slaves from Southern states who sought the protection of the British military and arms to defend their lands from white settlers. 2 The purpose of the fort was to assemble an army of disaffected indigenous people and runaway slaves to attack the white settlements on the southern Georgia/Alabama borders. By December 1814, over 1,400 warriors gathered at the fort – a coalition of refugee Red Stick Creeks, Seminoles, blacks, and numerous tribes indigenous to Florida. 3 General Gaines estimated 900 warriors and 450 armed blacks inhabited the fort. 4 The runaway slaves were given the opportunity to either leave for the British colonies to receive land as free settlers or fight under the British military. 5 By the early summer of 1815, Nichols left the Appalachicola for England accompanied by a handful of Red Stick Creek chiefs. He intended on making their cause known to the British Crown in hopes for protection against the Americans. The Red Stick Creeks and Seminole warriors who remained behind abandoned the fort soon afterwards. 6
Before Nichols had even left, the blacks had already taken possession of the fort. An additional 300 to 400 runaways were estimated to have fled to the fort for protection. 7
A letter from General Gaines on May 14th declared: “Certain Negroes and outlaws have taken possession of a Fort on the Appalachicola River in the territory of Florida.” 8
The Seminoles “were kept in awe” at the hundreds of armed blacks in the vicinity. “For a period,” William H. Simmons claimed, the Seminoles “were placed in the worst of all political conditions, being under a dulocracy or government of slaves.” 9
Nichols left behind a large supply of arms, artillery, and ammunition to protect the inhabitants from slave raiders and to commission raids on Southern plantations. They were supplied with 2,500 stands of musketry, 500 carbines, 500 steel scabbard swords, four cases containing 200 pistols, 300 quarter casks of rifle powder, 162 barrels of cannon powder, and a large count of military stores. On the walls of the fort were mounted four long twenty-four pounder cannon, four long six-pounder cannon, a four-pound field pierce, and a five and a half inch howitzer. 10
The fort grew from a strategically defensive base to a flourishing free black community around the banks of the Appalachicola. The blacks cultivated fields and plantations extending fifty miles up the river. Many of the black Seminoles were descendents of West Africans. They inherited generations of knowledge of African agricultural techniques. The community surrounding the fort was attractive for its defensible position and cultivatable lands. Runaway slaves were pouring in on a daily basis. The community grew to about 1,000 blacks in the fields surrounding the fort. 11
A total 300 black men, women, and children were in possession of the fort, accompanied by about twenty Choctaws and a number of Seminoles. 12
Joshua Giddings vividly depicted the “Negro Fort”:
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“Their plantations extended along the river several miles, above and below the fort. Many of them possessed large herds of cattle and horses, which roamed in the forests, gathering their food, both in summer and winter, without expense or trouble to their owners. The Pioneer Exiles from South Carolina had settled here long before the Colony of Georgia existed. Several generations had lived to manhood and died in those forest-homes. To their descendants it had become consecrated by “many an oft told tale” of early adventure, of hardship and suffering; the recollection of which had been retained in tradition, told in story, and sung in their rude lays. Here were graves of their ancestors, around whose memories were clustered the fondest recollections of the human mind. The climate was genial. They were surrounded by extensive forests, and far removed from the habitations of those enemies of freedom who sought to enslave them; and they regarded themselves as secure in the enjoyment of liberty. Shutout from the cares and strifes of civilized men, they were happy in their own social solitude. So far from seeking to injure the people of the United States, they were only anxious to be exempt, and entirely free from all contact with our population or government; while they faithfully maintained their allegiance to the Spanish crown.” 13
Colonel Patterson wrote about the Appalachicola Fort:
“The force of the negroes was daily increasing; and they felt themselves so strong and secure that they had commenced several plantations on the fertile banks of the Appalachicola, which would have yielded them every article of sustenance, and which would, consequently, in a short time have rendered their establishment quite formidable and highly injurious to the neighboring States.” 14
The fort was becoming a growing threat to slavery itself. The existence of an autonomous free black community was intolerable alone, but it became a rallying point for runaway slaves fleeing from other Southern states. The blacks were less concerned about “committing depredations” as was depicted by U.S. military officials than they were about protecting their freedom.
As Giddings described, they were “happy in their own social solitude,” finally free and safe after decades of harassment and terror. They had the means for sufficient provisions with no reason to attack the frontier settlers. As much as the expansionists wished to depict them as outlaws they could not attribute them to even one instance of murder or theft. The crime they were guilty for was to “inveigle negroes from the citizens of Georgia, as well as from the Creek and Cherokee nations of Indians.” 15
Col. Patterson commended its elimination:“The service rendered by the destruction of the fort, and the band of negroes who held it, and the country in its vicinity, is of great and manifest importance to the United States, and particularly those States bordering on the Creek nation, as it had become the general rendezvous for runaway slaves and disaffected Indians; and asylum where they were assured of being received; a stronghold where they found arms and ammunition to protect themselves against their owners and the Government.” 16
As the blacks peacefully flourished in their isolated community on the Appalachicola, military officials and slaveholders planned its destruction. On May 21, a British “gentleman of respectability” from Bermuda wrote a memorandum disapproving Col Nichols for having “espoused the cause of the slaves.” He wrote of the “Negro Fort”: “No time ought to be lost in recommending the adoption of speedy, energetic measures for the destruction of a thing held so likely to become dangerous to the state of Georgia.” 17
On March 15, 1816 the Secretary of War ordered General Andrew Jackson to call attention to the governor of Pensacola to the fort. If the Spanish governor refused to “put an end to an evil of so serious nature,” the U.S. government would promptly take measures to reduce it. If the Spanish government was too weak to destroy it, then the U.S. was more than willing to take it into its own hands.
On April 23, Jackson transmitted the demands of Secretary Crawford, ordering the Spanish governor to “destroy or remove from out frontier this banditti, put an end to an evil of so serious a nature, and return to our citizens and friendly Indians inhabiting our territory those negroes now in said fort, and which have been stolen and enticed from them.”
The blacks at the Appalachicola Fort were supposedly “enticed from the service of their masters.” 18
Of course the runaways couldn’t have possibly been dissatisfied with a life of servitude. Jackson knew that the slaves were not actually stolen away.
They were runaways from slaveholders who sought refuge at the fort with the promise of abundance and freedom under the protection of the free blacks. Most of the black warriors and families had been free for generations.
Their ancestors had fled from their masters to Spanish Florida many decades before. Plus Jackson’s request to the Spanish governor only gave a façade of legitimacy to the inevitable designs of the U.S. government. On April 8, two weeks before Jackson wrote the Spanish governor, he ordered General Gaines to destroy the “Negro Fort” regardless of its location on Spanish territory:
“I have little doubt of the fact, that this fort has been established by some villains for rapine and plunder, and that it ought to be blown up, regardless of the land on which it stands; and if your mind shall have formed the same conclusion, destroy it and return the stolen Negroes and property to their rightful owners.” 19
General Gaines carefully prepared for the operation. He himself believed that the fort would “produce much evil among the blacks of Georgia, and the eastern part of the Mississippi territory.” 20
Obviously this terrible evil meant to leave their lifetime of bondage for a state of freedom. Lt. Col. Duncan Lamont Clinch was assigned to destroy the fort. Clinch had his own interests when it came to the fort, being among the most prosperous slaveholders of Florida. He undoubtedly felt that his profit interests were threatened by its continued existence. Gaines ordered him to speedily establish a fort near the junction of the Flint and Chattahoochee rivers, where they joined to form the Appalachicola, to intimidate the “Negro Fort.”
Clinch was to meet the convoy of supplies from New Orleans with fifty soldiers once he was informed that they had arrived at the river. The convoy was detached with two gunboats. From that point, Gaines ordered him to proceed to the “Negro Fort” where if he was to “meet with opposition” then “arrangements will immediately be made for its destruction.” Gaines wished to provoke an attack to justify the destruction of the fort. For this purpose, Clinch was supplied with two eighteen-pound cannons and one howitzer. 21
On July 10, the supply convoy reached the mouth of the Appalachicola where they received a dispatch from Col. Clinch ordering them to hold their position until he could arrive with troops to escort them up the river. On July 17, a party of five men from the supply vessels was sent to gather fresh water.
Once the party entered the river, they discovered a black man on the shore, near one of the plantations along the Appalachicola. As soon as they touched down on the shore, about forty blacks and Seminoles fired a volley of shots from their hidden position in the bushes. The black man on the beach served as a decoy to lure the small party into the ambush. Three of the men were immediately killed, one dove into the water and made it back to the convoy, and the other was captured. 22
On that same day, Col. Clinch commenced to the “Negro Fort.” He left with about 116 soldiers and incidentally met a party of slave-hunting Creeks led by Chief McIntosh. The Coweta Creeks numbered about 150. They had been hired by General Jackson to capture slaves in the Appalachicola - offered fifty dollars for every slave they seized and returned to their owner.
A council was held where the Creeks agreed to keep parties in advance and capture every black that they discovered. On the 19th, they caught a black Seminole in the vicinity heading to the Seminole chiefs with the scalp of one of the members of the party they ambushed. The blacks were attempting to garner the assistance of their Seminole allies.
The prisoner communicated the story of the ambush. On the 20th, Clinch proceeded with the Creek force over to the fort and came within gunshot range. It was impossible to destroy the fort without artillery.
They were forced to wait until the gunboats from the supply vessel arrived. McIntosh was ordered to surround the fort with a third of his force and maintain an irregular fire. The blacks fired artillery back but to no avail. On the 23rd, the Creeks demanded that the blacks surrender but they responded defiantly. The black commander Garcon told the deputation of Creeks “he would sink any American vessels that should attempt to pass it; and he would blow up the fort if he could not defend it.” 23
The blacks then hoisted the English Union Jack accompanied with the red flag over the fort. The blacks knew that surrender would only mean slavery so they would be no compromise. For the next several days the blacks opened fire whenever any troops appeared in their view.
On July 27, the gunboats approached the fort. The blacks opened fire when they entered into gunshot range. The gunboats fired back with some cold shots to get an idea of their real distance. The gunboats then fired “the first hot one,” made red-hot in the cook’s galley, which went screaming over the wall and into the fort’s magazine full of gunpowder. The fort completely exploded. Col. Clinch reported the horrific destruction:
“The explosion was awful, and the scene horrible beyond description. Our first care, on arriving at the scene of the destruction, was to rescue and relieve the unfortunate beings who survived the explosion. The war yells of the Indians, the cries and lamentations of the wounded, compelled the soldier to pause in the midst of victory, to drop a tear for the sufferings of his fellow beings, and to acknowledge that the great Ruler of the Universe must have used us as his instruments in chastising the blood-thirsty and murderous wretches that defended the fort.” 24
He gave a “divine justification” for the massacre in the official report. But he also wrote a far more descriptive alternative account of the event without involving God:
"The explosion was awful, and the scene horrible beyond description. You cannot conceive, nor I describe the horrors of the scene. In an instant lifeless bodies were stretched upon the plain, buried in sand and rubbish, or suspended from the tops of the surrounding pines. Here lay an innocent babe, there a helpless mother; on the one side a sturdy warrior, on the other a bleeding squaw. Piles of bodies, large heaps of sand, broken guns, accoutrements, etc, covered the site of the fort. The brave soldier was disarmed of his resentment and checked his victorious career, to drop a tear on the distressing scene." 25
The terrible explosion instantly killed 270 black men, women, and children within the fort, the rest being mortally wounded out of the total 330 residents. Only a few survived. The black commander Garson and the Choctaw chief somehow managed to survive the explosion. The Creeks sentenced them to death for the murder of the four U.S. soldiers. They learned that the blacks had tarred and feathered the captured soldier.
The Creeks immediately executed them afterwards. Some six of the blacks were captured and immediately returned to their speculated masters - that is if they were ever held in bondage at all. The large number of runaway slaves on the fields that surrounded the river scattered about to safety. Some fled to the protection of the blacks and Seminoles at the Suwannee and others left to the growing free black community just south of Tampa Bay.
The elimination of the fort was not the end of the black Seminole social structure in Florida. Several other black communities remained largely intact. But it was far from the end of the terror inflicted on the black Seminoles by the Federal government. It was far from the end of their resistance either. They would strive to avenge the loss of their family members and loved ones. 26
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hiv-live-laugh-love · 3 months
the way louis' pimp hat features in both his relationship to armand and lestat is so fucked up but also so very different
like with lestat, louis pulling a knife on his beloved brother was the thing that 1st drew lestat to him. like its that unpredictability, willingness to do violence, and hunger for respect/reputation that interest lestat. however, louis plays the role of housewife in a lot of his interactions with lestat.
my theory is that lestat specifically enjoys the fact that louis has a pimp hat in his back pocket. like he loves that he "tamed the wild stallion." this is also why when louis discards his submission and swims across the river to kick lestat's affair partner out of her house, lestat is delighted and aroused - cause louis is showing that still has that pimp hat in his back pocket and thus is still wild enough to make his "taming" a noteworthy feat. it might plays a role in why lestat indulges louis when he continues stay intimately connected to the human world by running his brothel and jostling with white politicians and businessmen who clearly despise louis. its part of why, imo, lestat interprets louis killing that 1 racist politician as louis acting as the crazy and violent chaos agent he fell in love with rather than a reasonable reaction to experiencing antiblackness since the moment of birth.
i'd argue that armand is attracted to the elements of indomitability and authority of the pimp hat. like at the start of their romance, louis sets himself apart from the other vampires by flaunting armand's authority. we see it when he constantly refuses to join the coven. when he disregards armands laws by rushing over to santiago with supernatural speed after being mocked. when he fucking leaves after threatening santiago while armand angrily hisses at him to stay. we can be more certain that armand finds this refusal to be controlled attractive by the fact that lestat did the exact same thing before entering a commited relationship with armand. and finally, we get to armand and louis committing to each other at the end of ep 4. it is here that armand voices his panic over his waning control over the coven. louis, referring to his past as a pimp, responds by saying "i used to be real good at running things" and providing a game plan for how to regain control over the coven. he is essentially promising armand that he will be able to take charge and allow armand to rest. it is only after this display of authority and leadership that armand says to louis "i want you more than anything in the world" and calls louis maitre - french for master.
we also see that armand is a FAR more powerful vampire than louis. and, as we see with armand withholding/delaying care and torturing daniel in front of louis in ep 5, he has no intention of letting go of that power. he want to play submissive serving his dominant maitre. he still wants the power and control to dictate what that refusal to submit looks like.
i think this difference between submission and power starts to really come into full view when we see what happens while louis is recovering from his suicide attempt in ep 5. louis ability to play dom is frankly not there. he's bed ridden and in too much pain to do anything other than beg armand to provide carework and to stop torturing daniel. it is only when louis is able to drag himself to his feet and speak with authority in his voice that he's able to convince armand to not eat daniel. yet throughout that entire scene, armand still holds all the real power. in a sense louis actions in that moment r effectively him screaming "i can still play my role! we can still do our established dynamic!"
and both of these relationships have some deeply fucked up racial implications with the way white supremacy construes black manhood as violent, aggressive, dominant, and hyper-masculine. like i've been saying pimp hat and wild stallion and dom this entire time but lets not act like the ways black men get fetishized don't lend themselves well to making black men be seen as "wild stallions" to be tamed or as aggressive tops who fuck and dominate at snap of a nonblack sub's fingers.
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fuzzyoctoplushie · 8 months
Be as biased as you want
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askvectorprime · 2 years
Dear Vector Prime, Can you explain the six stages of the Infiltration Protocol? It seems that even many of the Decepticons following the protocol were fuzzy on the details of phases three through five.
Dear Protocol Peerer,
Phase 1—Infiltrate: The first step, when Decepticons invade a world, is to build covert bases, locate useful technologies or threats, and determine what flashpoints they can leverage in Phase 2. At this stage, you'd be hard pressed to tell there were Decepticons on your world at all.
Phase 2—Agitate: By exploiting existing global instability through false-flag attacks and misinformation, the Decepticons orchestrate wars, terrorist strikes, and other crises that exhaust resources and set the invaded world's forces at each other’s necks.
Phase 3—Escalate: The Decepticons ramp up their influence, even revealing themselves to select agents. Before the passing of the Tyrest Accord, this often involved distributing Cybertronian weaponry to amplify hostilities, until the entire world is locked in a state of war, desperate for the Decepticons' aid to wipe out their enemies.
Phase 4—Penetrate: To secure their hold on the local population, the Decepticons engender complete dependency. They offer Cybertronian technology, which can be disabled at the push of a button. Using the same technology that allows them to create facsimile constructs (and often the same raw materials) they offer food to the organics—who take it, with the planet's arable land and industry already having been given over to battlefields and arms manufacture.
Phase 5—Dominate: At this stage, the natives cannot reject the Decepticons without bringing about total societal collapse. The useful population is enslaved, put to work extracting what resources the world has left, while the rest are slaughtered. If any meaningful resistance remains, Siege Mode is initiated, and an impregnable fortress is built as a symbol of total Decepticon supremacy.
Phase 6—Devastate: Once the remaining population's usefulness is at an end, Megatron removes any possibility that their descendants may one day rise up to take revenge, and the planet is slated for destruction. Against a people without weapons, without food, and without hope, he deploys an elite class of soldier, engineered to be unstoppable. At least, unless the Autobots can stop them.
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darkshrimpemotions · 1 year
so, having watched the first 6 seasons… what did you think of riverdale? did you like it? i'm interested in hearing your thoughts on the show :))
I genuinely cannot believe a show with the premise of "edgy grimdark take on Archie comics" is so fucking good. It has no business being this good. No business whatsoever.
Season 1? A murder mystery in a small town full of odd characters and secrets, family issues and generational traumas. Pretty standard CW fare, but with an added element of class commentary that was surprisingly thoughtful. Every character is so interesting and well fleshed out. Every episode feels so intentional. Fantastic balance of plot and character development with an ending I TRULY did not see coming. 10/10
Season 2 is more of a thriller, or a slasher even. Funnily enough though the plot got more sensational, the characters felt more grounded. The story felt very character focused and driven. Every insane detail made perfect sense in the context of what the characters were dealing with. They also really built on the class commentary from season 1 and fleshed out the world of Riverdale. Iconic Jughead moments in every episode. 11/10
Season 3 focused far more on plot, sometimes to the direct detriment of characters in ways that frustrated me. But the plot was interesting enough to keep me from being too bitter about that, especially as the season went on and the character-driven storytelling started to reassert itself. Overall I preferred seasons 1 and 2, but season 3 is iconic in its own way for sure. Betty supremacy this season! 9.5/10
Season 4 was a welcome return to what I genuinely consider to be the central theme of Riverdale as a whole: class struggle and the wicked excesses and abuses of the capitalist elites. I loved the return to more grounded, character-focused storytelling, and the boarding school mystery is a classic trope. It was also nice seeing the characters less siloed into separate stories and more in pairs or groups. There were definitely storylines I cared about more than others (Veronica's endless cycle with her dad began to grate after three seasons of the same shit over and over; I wanted to see her win!). But overall it was a fantastic season that made incredible use of its non-linear storytelling device. Also? Cooper-Jones family absolutely owned this season for me. 12/10
Season 5 was hard for me at first. I balked at the state of everyone after the time jump, especially Veronica ans Jughead. But eventually I realized that the thing that made me balk so hard was how heartbreakingly realistic it was. Once I got past that, I was able to truly enjoy this extremely grounded small town political drama. Archie and Veronica really shone this season, though I continued to be frustrated by Ronnie and Hiram's storyline. This was definitely the season where Archie came into his own, though, and in my opinion Veronica's true victory over her father as well. Toni had a much more central story as well, given how deeply entwined with Riverdale and the Serpents she is, which I loved. This felt like a more adult take on seasons 1 and 2, with the characters now adults who are fully responsible for how their community turns out, rather than kids just trying to survive it. 10/10
Season 6 was pure unfiltered wackadoo in the best way possible. The writers have never adhered to genre conventions, but in this season they took genre as a concept, ran it through a crosscut paper shredder, burned the scraps, and scattered the ashes. The addition of magic made an odd kind of sense given Riverdale exists in the same universe as Greendale, and the Rivervale episodes had me riveted and horrified. The fact that magic in Riverdale is grounded in pre-existing worldbuilding and character development certainly helps. Like of course Betty can see threatening auras and Pop's is the final battleground between good and evil! Of course the devil is a businessman and angels are comrades! Of course the police are corrupt agents of violent control! Riverdale really said the ultimate battle between good and evil is fought with unions, mutual aid, and class solidarity. Chef's kiss. 27/10
I cannot wait to see how it all ends. Though I'll be sad that it's over.
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snailvibes · 2 years
When the agents get picked up by oth Pearl would pull up and go :get in squidoos we’re going turfing
CANON she always pulls up in the coolest car she owns too too be extra flashy with her daughter + daughters in law
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quoteablebooks · 8 months
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Genre: Non-Fiction, Adult, True Crime
Rating: 4 out of 5
Content Warning: Murder, Racism, Death, Gun violence
From the #1 New York Times best-selling author of The Lost City of Z, a twisting, haunting true-life murder mystery about one of the most monstrous crimes in American history
In the 1920s, the richest people per capita in the world were members of the Osage Nation in Oklahoma. After oil was discovered beneath their land, the Osage rode in chauffeured automobiles, built mansions, and sent their children to study in Europe.
Then, one by one, the Osage began to be killed off. The family of an Osage woman, Mollie Burkhart, became a prime target. One of her relatives was shot. Another was poisoned. And it was just the beginning, as more and more Osage were dying under mysterious circumstances, and many of those who dared to investigate the killings were themselves murdered.
As the death toll rose, the newly created FBI took up the case, and the young director, J. Edgar Hoover, turned to a former Texas Ranger named Tom White to try to unravel the mystery. White put together an undercover team, including a Native American agent who infiltrated the region, and together with the Osage began to expose one of the most chilling conspiracies in American history.
Has this book been on my TBR for years? Yes. Am I only reading it because I saw the trailer for the adaptation coming out? Also yes. I will say that the trailer “spoiled” some of the mystery of this book, but as it is a non-fiction book about crimes that happened almost 100 years ago, I can’t really be mad about that. Still, there were parts of this book that I was actually anxious that these deaths would never be solved due to corruption and racism that was rampant during this time period. While the Osage Nation will never get the justice and peace they deserve for what was done to them, at least more people are now aware of the injustice that they suffered at the hands of greedy white settlers. 
The first and most pressing thing I have to say is that this novel is absolutely rage-inducing to read. I am not getting into a whole rant about the sanitization of teaching history and the way that white Americans have always been the type to kill everything and anything that stood in their way, but the way that the government just let it happen is truly unreal. The way that the Osage people were treated as unintelligent and unable to have any sort of self-determination, even though they had been smart enough to make the government give them the mineral rights to the land they were forced onto is so obviously idiotic that it is hard to fathom. Grann multiple times indicates that many people in the country did not see the Osage people as people, but a subrace of people, and didn’t see their deaths as murders. I am not perfect by any means, I am a product of a racist society after all, but if you read this story and are not enraged I would seriously consider looking into yourself and your morals very closely. The white supremacy that allowed the Reign of Terror and all the other deaths connected to white greed can still be seen today, just as insidious and just as accepted by those in power. 
The last non-fiction I read had a style much closer to a textbook than a narrative so I was surprised about how fast-paced and closer to the setup of a novel this book was. There are a number of pictures interspersed with the text, that not only break up the text, but also make the individuals that are being discussed real and not just names on a page. I will say that at times the narrative jumped around a little too much, feeling as if I was being dropped into different areas of the story and hoping it would all make more sense as I read. I think the third part of the novel, where Grann was talking about his research and all the murders that were never investigated, felt the most cohesive. I think that is my biggest complaint about this novel, the choppy nature of the narrative in the middle section. 
While the sections about the FBI were interesting, especially the complex picture that was provided of J Edgar Hoover, what really kept me reading was the hope that the Osage people would eventually get justice. While the end to this story is not considered justice, in my opinion, it was nice to see that at a time when tribes were treated as an obstacle to the desires of white settlers, at least a conviction was reached. The scar that these events left on the Osage people is also well captured at the end of the story. I suggest that anyone with a vague interest in the forgotten history of the United States, including all the horrors, should give this book a try, even if you aren’t interested in true crime. 4 star read.  
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cherryistired · 1 year
my opinions on your favorite splatoon gear brand
nobody asked for this but i have OPINIONS
squidforce -the brand is basic, but if you tell me that's your all time favorite brand? I have to respect that level of authenticity. there are better brands for basic tees and shoes but don't let me stop you. live your truth
zink - BEST SHOES IN THE GAME. not the best sportswear brand but i have massive respect for your taste in shoes
krak-on - you've got good taste. i'd be surprised if you wore krak-on exclusively tho (and dissapointed. i hate brand loyalties)
rockenberg - one of the few popular brands i actually like! if you wear all rockenberg tho stop doing that (unless you're doing cowboy shit. then good for you howdy hat supremacy)
zekko - i was about to say zekko was mid but then i remembered they have the varsity jacket. you're on thin ice tho
forge - yeah forge does have the best headgear in the game. can't even argue about you with that
firefin - mid. what even is the appeal here. this just looks like a generic splatoon brand
skalop - best graphic tees in the game hands down. kinda mid otherwise tho
splash mob - why??? is it the hats??? the hats are cool ig but like. why
inkline - it's fine. definitely more of a cohesive style to this brand than some others, i can see why you'd like it
tentatek - kinda mid. it's sportswear which is fun, but like. there are better brands for that
annaki - poser. point and laugh
enperry - you only like this brand bc it has 1 piece of gear you like don't you
toni kensa - i hate this brand. you're not fashionable because you only wear black and white. get some real style and then we'll talk
z+f - the "new brand" hype has died down. why are you still stanning this collab. granted the crocs are cool but still. it's not fresh anymore, move on
barazushi - it's kind of a worse inkline. i'm right sorry
emberz - never met an emberz fan that wasn't cool
grizzco - now, i could make a capitalism joke here, but i won't, bc grizzco gear unironically slaps. go get those scales girl
cuttlegear - yes, i also miss agent 4's gear and the new octoling armor. they're not in the game. move on
amiibo - there are 2 type of ammibo gear wearers: people who bought amiibos, and people who are cool. if amiibo is your favorite brand you're the first type of person
any brand that isn't in splatoon 3 - the newest game is the best in the series, you're literally just blinded by nostalgia. move on alreadyyyyyyyy
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