#agent mantis
ballpitbee · 20 days
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Random Streetlamp shenanigans <3
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inklinefan · 1 year
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(read Left to Right!)
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malfunctioning-mantis · 7 months
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yippee its feefee
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shyficwriter · 11 months
Temporary Home : Chapter 26
Guardians of the Galaxy fanfic | Reader x Guardians (With Yondu and Kraglin!)
Summary: When your order for spider repellent finally comes you have to go into town to get it, but what happens when your solo trip turns into you bringing not one, but three, of the Guardians with you into town?
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Author’s Note: For my records this chapter ends on day 76 of the Guardians living with reader. Enjoy!
Word Count: 6,992
There was only just enough time for you to register the color blue in the dim light before your would-be punching victim grabbed your wrist to block the blow and in one fluid motion had you spun facing away from them with your arm pinned behind your back. Soon followed the same gruff voice, which you now realized to be Yondu's, saying, "Alright, easy now-"
The two of you stood there for a moment with him pinning your arm firmly behind your back, your breath coming in quick bursts as your heart threatened to launch itself from your chest.
He spoke again. "For yer benefit I'm gonna assume that ya didn't mean that," he was clearly referring to you nearly sucker punching him, "-which is the only reason you're still standing. Now, if I let you go are ya gonna behave?"
Wordlessly, you nod.
"Alright then. I'm gonna let you go and you can explain yourself."
He released your arm and you slowly turn to face him, your gaze not quite meeting his. "Sorry." you say quietly. Then, slightly more loudly, "Did you need something?"
"Well, I was a little curious as to why ya just ran out the house like that, but now I kinda wanna know why ya just tried to knock my block off."
Your face began to grow hot. You had been in such a hurry you hadn't noticed anyone else on your way out. Then again, you hadn't been looking too hard either. Furthermore, what could you say? That you were running away from some spiders? You didn't think you could bring yourself to admit it.
"I- um," your gaze fell to the ground, "Did anyone else see?" you asked, declining to answer why you just swung at him. Again, what would even say?
Yondu let a short laugh out his nose. "Nah, pretty sure I was the only one. Surprised you didn't see me, I was right there in the hall." After a beat he spoke again, "Now come on. Out with it."
Unsure if he still meant why you ran out, or why you about hit him, you reply, "Nothing. What do you care for?" Crossing your arms over your chest, you continue to look anywhere but towards him.
"Just curious. People usually don't run out of a place like that unless something's wrong. Thought I'd investigate to make sure you weren't chasing after something or need backup. Then I find ya hiding behind the shed and ya just tried to knock my block off and so now I figure something must be goin' on with ya."
"I don't want to talk about it," you say sullenly, your face growing hotter.
"Why? It can't be any worse than any of what you've already told me."
Finally meeting his gaze you offer nothing more than a glare.
He rolled his eyes with a smirk. "Alright. Don't tell me then. I also won't tell you about that spider crawling in your hair either."
It had just been a joke- just some good-natured ribbing- but it didn't take long to he realized he fucked up.
No sooner than those words left his lips you reacted very badly, jumping out of your skin and immediately batting at your hair to get the alleged spider off of you. Then you half-collapse onto the wall of the shed and begin quietly sobbing.
He simply stared at you a moment, too stunned to speak. Something was very wrong. It was finally clear you weren't just being moody- but fuck- what should he do?
"Um, hey now..." he said awkwardly, eyes wide.
You didn't respond. Just continued to sob, unable to stop, your cries muffled behind your hands.
"Come on now- I didn't mean anythin' by it," Yondu tried again.
Still, you didn't acknowledge him.
He debated if he should try and nudge you or something, or if that might result in you swinging at him again. Damn. He hated seeing people cry. He needed it to stop. But what should he do? Walk away? Shake some sense into you?
Eventually he rolled his eyes and sighed before saying, "Aw hell, come here-" as he grabbed you and pulled you into a tight bear hug.
Apparently it worked. The shock of it all- combined with the fact he practically knocked the wind out of you- startled you into silence mid-sob.
"What... are you doing?" you asked after several moments, confusion evident in your voice.
"Had to make ya stop somehow, and slapping ya just seemed kinda mean seein' as ya were already crying." There was an edge of humor to his voice that almost made you crack a smile yourself. He spoke up again after a moment. "So, ya done now?"
You sniff and nodded your head the best you could despite being squished up against his chest.
"Alright. I'm gonna let ya go... again... and then I want ya to tell me what this is all about."
He could feel you slump in defeat, but let you go anyway.
Once free, you took a step back and looked at the ground, wrapping your arms around yourself.
"It's- I don't... I mean- ugh." You covered your face with your hands. You just didn't know how to say it, so eventually you settled for. "It was just a rough day."
"Just 'a rough day,' huh?"
You nod, still not looking at him.
Yondu frowned, but said, "Well, it ain't gonna get any better standing out here in the cold. Ya ain't even got any shoes on. Come on." He gestured you back in the house.
You finally look up at him, but instead of following, you stiffened.
Yondu furrowed his brow. "What?"
You again looked down in shame. "I-... I can't." you said quietly.
He raised an eyebrow and looked towards the house in confusion before turning back to you. "What do ya mean ya 'can't??'"
With a groan you look toward the sky. "If I tell you, you have to promise not to say a word to anyone else." Returning your gaze back to Yondu you finish with a, "Understand?"
Yondu chuckles shortly. "Sure, whatever ya say." Finally- maybe you'd finally tell him what this all was about.
It takes you a few moments, but you finally manage to get out a quiet, "There are spiders in my bed."
He raised an eyebrow, his face a mixture of confusion and amusement. "That's it? Ya found a spider in yer bed, and it sent ya runnin' for the hills?"
You frown at him, then mutter that there were, in fact, two spiders in your bed.
"Ah, two spiders. I see."
From the sound of his voice it was clear he was holding back a laugh, and you frown at him.
Yondu crossed his arms. "Well you'd oughtta know that I'd find that at least a little funny, considering..."
A sigh left your nose. Of course you knew he was referring to the fake spider you had hid in Peter's bed awhile back, and that Yondu had confiscated in an attempt to stop you and Peter from pranking each other. The irony wasn't lost on you either. Didn't make you any happier about your situation, though. "Not helping."
"Are ya asking?"
"What?" You raise an eyebrow.
"Are ya asking?" He says again, almost grinning. "Are ya asking me to help ya with yer little problem."
You stammered a bit, unsure what to say. Of course you weren't! Were you? Should you? Absolutely not- you weren't a child... and yet...
With a short laugh Yondu claps a hand on your shoulder and pushes you toward the house. "Understood. Ya need someone to come squish some creepy crawlies for ya."
You pull away. "No- No I never said that."
"Didn't need to." Yondu said with a grin. "It's all over yer face. Don't worry, I won't tell nobody... long as ya make it worth it."
You narrow your eyes at him. "What do you mean?"
"Oh, nuttin much... Let's just say you'll owe me a favor and we'll call it even."
"What... kind of favor?" you ask, hesitantly.
"Well that's for me to know when the time comes. Do ya want my help or not?"
By now most of your adrenaline was wearing off and you were starting to feel the cold. He was right, you couldn't just stay out here all night- especially without any shoes or jacket. However, at the same time you knew you couldn't go back inside to your bed if those spiders were still in it. Damn it. You knew you were going to have to take his offer.
"Fine. Just... don't make it obvious. Please." Eyes squinting, you search him for any signs that he intended to trick or embarrass you, but you couldn't quite read him.
He didn't answer you either, just motioned you towards the house with that half-grin.
Letting out a silent breath, you finally start to make your way back toward the house, hoping to get it over with a soon as possible.
Once inside it was quiet. It appeared that no one noticed at all that you had even left the house let alone what transpired outside. You didn't peek inside the sitting room door as you approached the staircase, but it seemed the TV had been shut off and you heard someone utter the words "draw four," which told you the others were possibly wrapped in game of cards, which at least let you know they were otherwise occupied.
Yondu and you quietly made your way upstairs to your room, and once there, you hesitated at the door. Yondu simply grinned and shook his head, but entered first anyway, you slowly following behind him after a quick glance around to make sure you were alone upstairs.
Once you were both in the room Yondu glanced over your slightly disheveled bed before nodding, seeing that two spiders were indeed still in your bed. Quietly, but not in a whisper, he says, "These here, I take it?"
You nod.
Shaking his head with an amused grin he got down to business. A sharp whistle pierced the air, summoning his arrow and spearing both of the giant feckers in one go before catching the weapon in his fist. He stood there, admiring his kill stuck upon his arrow.
"They bite?" he asked, curious as to why you harbored such animosity towards these little critters in particular.
You shake your head. "Not really," you answer. They could, but you knew they rarely did. Even if they did they weren't poisonous, for that matter.
"Then why is it ya hate them so bad for?"
You frown at him. You knew it was irrational, but that didn't matter. What mattered now is that they were gone.
Yondu didn't mind your lack of answer, and didn't have time to press the matter further as the sound of footsteps could be heard making their way quickly to the stairs from below before Peter could then be heard somewhat apprehensively calling up from the bottom.
"Um Yondu..." he called, letting a pause linger after as if he were unsure. "We heard a whistle- Like a really familiar whistle... I really hope no one's being threatened with an arrow up there... We noticed that it's just you and the Agent that aren't accounted for..."
"Quit yer worryin,' boy! I was just getting some target practice!" Yondu hollered back down.
"That doesn't exactly inspire confidence about what I just asked!" Peter called back up, sounding a little more worried now.
"Everything's fine," you think to answer back, forcing a laugh into your voice. "Looks like he just took out some spiders."
"Ok..." Peter responds. "If that changes let us know..."
"Come on now!" Yondu scolded, seemingly jokingly. "I'm insulted. Thinkin' I'd just go whippin' out my arrow and be terrorizin' a lady for no reason!"
"Don't give me that!" Peter called up. "I've seen what you do when you're bored!"
Yondu actually looked genuinely offended by that, and with another whistle his arrow took off again and it was seconds before Peter could be heard screaming like a little girl, quickly followed by him scolding Yondu that he 'could have at least cleaned the spider guts off it first!'
Admittedly you had to fight a grin, and Yondu was pleased to see it as he called back his arrow, Peter seemingly having retreated back to the sitting room to rejoin the others after yelling back a final, "Dickhead!" He either ignored, or had been given too much a fright to notice, that the arrow had come out of your bedroom.
The spiders were now gone off the tip of his arrow, but you chose to ignore it as he went to holster it. You could deal with the corpses later- you didn't mind so much if they were dead and you had a dustpan.
Yondu happened to glance over at the bed once his arrow was in its place and noticed he had sliced a clean cut in your bedsheets when he speared the spiders. He gestured to it and said with a half-apologetic chuckle, "Looks like we got a casualty."
You shook your head and told him not to worry about it, but stopped him just as he was turning to leave.
"Um, thank you," you mutter awkwardly, rubbing the back of your head.
He simply grinned back at you cockily and replied, "Just a simple transaction is all. Pleasure to be doing business." With that, he turned and left.
His footsteps sounded down the stairs and you turned to look at your bed before carefully reaching to gingerly pull back your blanket, momentarily wondering if you should have asked him to stay longer just in case you found more, but ultimately knowing you would have felt like even more of a child if you had.
Luckily you found no more, but you did completely strip your bed of it's sheets and remade it with fresh ones, throwing the ones the spiders had spoiled with their presence in your hamper to be washed in the morning. Again, you knew it was irrational, but there was no way you'd be able to bring yourself to sleep in that bed with sheets you knew recently had spiders crawling in them.
This also meant you now needed to go upstairs to the attic to fetch a spare blanket, seeing as yours was also now in the hamper to be washed.
Climbing the attic stairs you couldn't help but also wonder what exactly Yondu would call in for his favor, and if you might come to regret this "transaction," or not. To late for that now, you supposed. All you knew know was that as soon as you retrieved a blanket you were hitting the showers and going straight to bed. Hopefully tomorrow would be better.
* * *
Luckily, the next few days were relatively smooth sailing.
Nearly the first thing you did when you woke up the next morning was to think to order some spider repellent online. Fast shipping of course.
All you had to do in the meantime was wait. Fortunately the spiders seemed to be giving you a break for now. What you didn't know, however, was that the reason for this was largely due to Yondu quietly running any he saw through with his arrow under the guise of target practice and boredom if anyone else noticed. Of course he never mentioned it to you. In fact, he'd barely seen you since that night aside from when you'd come up to him when no one else was around to ask him about that favor you now owed him, only for him to flippantly tell you that he'd figure it out later.
Groot might have possibly eaten a couple spiders as well when he was able to evade Rocket's eye. But that was less for your benefit and more because he wanted a snack.
When the morning came that you got the notification that your spider spray was waiting for you at the post office you quickly readied yourself to go back into town.
Your intent was to slip out quietly, but you were surprised by Mantis speaking up from behind you as you were slipping on your jacket.
"Are you leaving?"
You jolt, not expecting to hear her, and turned only to be surprised to see her wearing a pout. Raising an eyebrow, you answer, "Um, yeah. Just gotta run to the post real quick. Did you need something?"
"I want to see the Terran town! Can I go? Pleeease?"
"Oh-" You blinked, puzzled. She had never expressed interest in going before, at least not that you had noticed? Come to think of it, would that really even be the best idea? People would definitely start staring at her completely black eyes and those antennae...
Wincing slightly, you notice Peter and Gamora walking into the hall, and speak up so they might hear. "You're wanting to go into town, Mantis?" You weren't sure what they'd do, but you hoped they might see the impending bad idea and talk her out of it instead.
"Yes!" She gestured over to Peter, who had now stopped to exchange glances with Gamora upon hearing you. "Peter and Kraglin have gotten to go into town so many times! I want to see too!" She now dropped her pout in favor of excitement, and you were now worried she had mistook your question for an offer.
"Did I hear my name?" Kraglin asked, entering the hall from the kitchen.
Mantis nodded. "Yes! You and Peter got to go with the Agent into town many times. I'm going this time!"
Gamora meets your gaze and she seems to be on the same page as you. "Um, Mantis... I'm not sure-"
Kraglin interrupts, clueless. "Ya better hope the Agent has a hat to cover your feelers there, Mant."
Mantis looks confused, but then Peter chimes in before her feelings even have a chance to be hurt. "Yeah, gotta remember we're undercover."
Now Mantis grins wide and turns back to you excitedly. "Do you have a hat!?"
You just stood there a minute. Blinking. Part of you was annoyed they had seemingly made the decision without you. The other part was surprised that you hadn't thought of covering her with a hat in the first place- after all, you had made Peter wear sunglasses the first time he went into town with you, which wouldn't be too bad an idea in this case too now that you thought of it... Wait- what were you saying? You couldn't take her into town! You've seen how easily distracted she can be-
But damn it- that face! You knew you couldn't say no now. Begrudgingly you reply, "I think I might have something in the attic."
Mantis squealed excitedly as you glide your gaze over to Gamora and Peter. For a moment you wondered why she was looking at Peter that way before she met your gaze again somewhat apologetically and you immediately knew what she was about to say next despite you narrowing your eyes warningly.
"Perhaps Peter should go too?" She glanced back at Peter. "Give Agent a break while she runs her errands?"
You continue to glare at her as Peter shrugs and says he won't argue with a chance to get out of here for a bit. Damn it. You knew she likely just wanted some space again and found an out to get some. You attempted to curb your annoyance with the silver lining that this was further proof that she truly hadn't taken Rocket's words to heart when he pulled that stunt of trying to convince her you were gonna steal Peter.
Then, on cue, Yondu walks through from the sitting room towards the kitchen, only to clap Kraglin on the shoulder and say, "Ya should probably go with 'em too then, Krags. Quill may be watching Bug for the Agent, but who's gonna watch him?"
Yondu laughed as Peter protested the insult, and as you turned your glare to him he threw you a wink right before disappearing into the kitchen. Clearly he had heard the previous conversion happening and simply wished to stir the pot. Bastard.
Taking a deep breath, you state you're going to check the attic real quick for a hat that might work for Mantis. Maybe you'd take your time, figure out how a trip alone turned into you now bringing three people with you. You tell the others to get ready to leave while you look as you turn to head upstairs.
It didn't take you too long to find a hat. There had happened to be one hanging on an old coat rack near the top of the attic stairs. Only thing was it wasn't exactly... subtle. It was an old wide-brimmed sunhat that you think might have belonged to your mother, but you weren't sure. All you know is that you had never even bothered to wear it to play dress-up as a kid, which is probably the only reason it was still in decent condition with as old as it'd have to be.
Without bothering to look around for anything a little less... noticeable... you grabbed the hat, beat off the dust, and headed back downstairs. The faster you'd get all this over with the better. You were just going to pop in and grab your package after all. How much trouble could they possibly get into?
You return downstairs and find that Gamora had left, leaving Peter, Kraglin, and Mantis waiting for you in the hall. She was already wearing the sunglasses and beaming excitedly over how she'd finally get a turn to leave the house. Someone, likely Peter, had already managed to locate them and gave them to her. However, unlike Peter who had put on his jacket and Kraglin who was currently slipping his poncho over his head, Mantis didn't appear to have anything of the sort. When you questioned this, as it wasn't very warm out, she informed you that she didn't have one.
You frowned and handed over the hat, which she put on gleefully. "Wait here a minute. I'll grab you something." And back up the stairs you went, knowing that you had a cardigan or two in your dresser. You pulled out a brown one and went back downstairs to hand it to her. "Ok, now is everyone ready?"
Mantis nodded excitedly as the other two shrugged their affirmatives. They, of course, were happy to get out of the house for a change, but they were no where near as excited as Mantis.
With a sigh, you motion them out the door and off you went.
* * *
Mantis was a chatterbox the whole way into town. She gushed over the trees as you drove past, and pointed out every animal she spotted- mostly livestock- and asked what they were from the back seat.
Admittedly it was a little endearing, her innocent excitement. She didn't even ask "Are we there yet?" throughout the long ride, too enamored with the scenery to care.
Mantis gasped when you finally approached the town, right before she joyously squealed that she was finally getting to see a Terran town. You couldn't help but grin at her enthusiasm as you pulled into a parking spot at the post office.
Rightfully assuming she'd want to come inside to ogle the post office interior, you didn't even bother asking if the others wanted to come inside or stay in the car. Hell, Mantis had practically jumped out before you even parked.
...And started off down the street.
"Mantis!" you yell, causing her to immediately turn around, nearly losing her hat as she done so. "Don't run off, I don't want you getting lost."
"Oh-" Mantis said, before nodding her head with a smile and coming back to rejoin the group and following you into the building.
There was no line today, which you took as a blessing. Wouldn't have to worry about too many people gawking at your housemates as Mantis busied herself ooh-ing and ahh-ing over the postcards in her out of season sunhat and sunglasses getup while Peter and Kraglin watched over her fondly as they glanced over some old magazines, waiting on you to retrieve your package.
Within a few minutes the woman behind the counter handed you over the box with your spider repellent and you thanked her before turning back to the others and gesturing them to follow you out.
The second the four of you were out Mantis piped up asking excitedly where you'd all be going next.
Truthfully, you had only planned to grab your package and head back home, but something about the excitement on her face made you preemptively feel bad to disappoint her. Before you could decide what to do, Mantis announced she spotted some flowers in a window box and then promptly stepped into the street, right in front of an oncoming car.
Luckily Peter was quicker than you in that moment and snatched her back before anything bad could happen, though the driver of the car did yell some choice words at her as he drove by. Mantis wasn't even phased, though Peter did scold her for walking out in front of a car. Perhaps it was good he and Kraglin came after all…
With a stern look you tell Mantis and the others to get in the car before someone actually did get run over.
Sensing that you were displeased with what just happened, Mantis didn't argue, but that didn't stop her from asking again what they could see next.
You thought for a moment... what could it really hurt to stay in town for just a little longer?
"Say, what do you guys think about bringing pizza back for dinner?"
"I mean, I'm game," Peter replies for the other two, "but the cheese might be a problem..."
"Ah shit, right. I forgot about Yondu." you say, frowning, but then a light bulb goes off in your brain. "Oh wait- I can't believe I didn't think of this before! There's medicine for lactose intolerance. We can pick it up right from the shop."
Kraglin raised an eyebrow. "Lactose intolerance? I thought it was that 'dairy' stuff he couldn't have? The hell is 'lactose?'"
"Yes- I mean, lactose intolerance is just what they call it when you can't have dairy. Look-" you shake your head as if waving off the conversation, "If you guys want to try pizza we can pick him up some of that medicine so he can have it too, or we can not do that. Your choice."
Mantis and Kraglin look at Peter for his opinion as he would presumably know if this 'pizza' was worth trying, and so he shrugs and nods. "Sure," he says, the other two deciding to nod with him, Mantis smiling wide- obviously excited to try some new Terran food.
"Alright. We'll stop by the shop first and pick up the medicine. There's this one pizza shop nearby that should be good for carry out."
With no arguments from anyone, you set off for the shop.
Mantis behaved liked an excited toddler. She ran off no fewer than 4 times in what was supposed to be a short visit to just grab some over the counter lactose intolerance medication. Sure, it was still a little endearing to see someone clearly so happy and excited to see so many new things, but also a little exhausting since Peter and Kraglin didn't seemed too concerned with her running all over the place. Some help they were.
You finally check out - with a few extra items like soda and napkins alone with the medicine - and get everyone rounded back up in the car to head off towards the pizza shop.
When you get there you figured three large pizzas would be more than enough to feed everyone, and let the other's look at the menu to decide what they wanted to try and what they thought the others would eat.
In the end the order wound up being one pepperoni and peppers (mostly to have a safe choice), one vegetation with peppers, tomato, mushrooms, and onions, with pineapple and sweet corn on half (Mantis insisted she wanted to try that, and you supposed she could pick them off when she realized that wasn't a great idea), and one loaded up with meats like pepperoni, sausage, ham, bacon, and even chicken (they figured that would be more enjoyed by Rocket, and probably also easiest to be filling for Drax.)
The place wasn't very busy at the moment, but it still would take a little bit for them to make the pizzas, so you decide to take the others outside to walk about while you wait.
Just like with the post office and the grocery shop, Mantis was amazed with everything, even though you personally didn't see anything particularly special about most of it. Then again, you were used to all of it. To her this was a completely new place. Again, endearing, but increasingly exhausting trying to keep up with her.
Exhausting to the point that you took a moments pause and looked over at Peter who was just chatting to Kraglin with a blasé attitude. "How do you guys keep up with her?" you ask, a littler perturbed that they weren't help keep track of her as was supposed to be their reason for coming. Well, Peter's anyway. You supposed Kraglin was technically holding up his end since he was staying with Peter, though you knew that whole "If Peter's watching Mantis, who's gonna watch him?" was just Yondu messing around.
Peter shrugged. "We mostly don't. I mean, she's never gotten lost before. She always turns back up sooner or later."
Well that explained why they didn't seem too concerned that she kept running off.
You simply sigh in response and look back in the direction you last saw her, only to see that unlike each time she'd wandered before, this time you had completely lost sight of her.
Eyes wide, you get Peter's attention again. "She's gone."
"Don't worry so much. She'll turn back up. She always does."
You scoff at him and turn to look all around you. You couldn't see her anywhere for a good thirty seconds before finally spotting her by her hat down an alleyway across the street. "Shit. You two stay right here, I'm gonna go grab her."
Not waiting for an answer you took off, quickly avoiding cars as you crossed the street towards Mantis. You were glad it wasn't dark yet, unless you counted the storm clouds that had started moving in on an otherwise overcast day. Last thing you would need was for the sky to open up before you all got back to the pizza shop. But no time for worrying about that now, because you just fully noticed where Mantis was walking.
She was heading toward what appeared to be a white, unmarked van, and you didn't like the looks of it. It was parked at the back of the alley where the alleyway turned, and you could only see the back half, as the front half was obscured by a building.
Rarely does something good ever come from an unmarked van. Especially in an alley. You knew from experience, both from working jobs where you had to find people who used them to kidnap the vulnerable, and from working jobs were you were the one inside the van, tracking those who might do harm. Sure, you might have been the good guy, but what happened to the assholes wasn't exactly nice for them either.
"Mantis!" you call out, picking up the pace, but she doesn't seem to hear you. So, you start jogging as Mantis continued getting closer to the van. You call out her name again, but again, nothing. Damn it. Switching to a full run, you notice the back lights turn on, like someone had just turned the ignition key. If there was someone unsavory in there and they grabbed her they could take off down the rest of the alley and you'd never catch them. What if they were traffickers? What if the people after the Guardians had found them and they were stalking them in that van?
Ok, so maybe you were catastrophizing, but better safe than sorry.
You finally catch up to Mantis and grab her, startling her as you jerked her away from the van. As you start pulling her back in the direction that you came the van pulls away. Perhaps this wasn't 'one of those vans' after all, but still. You had every right to be worried.
"Didn't you hear me call you?"
"No- I'm sorry!" She winced, knowing she messed up. "I didn't mean to run off again- there was just this pretty insect and I didn't want to lose it!"
Whatever the insect had been, it was long gone now, but your anger wasn't. "You just can't keep running off like that. You could have gotten lost. And don't ever go near an unmarked van, do you hear me?" Your tone was harsh, scolding.
"Sorry," Mantis replied, nodding. She looked sad from getting yelled at, but you willed yourself to ignore it.
The two of you were quiet for a moment after, you just focused on getting her back to the others, before Mantis spoke up again. "Agent? Why were you afraid?"
"What? I wasn't afrai-" It was then you realized you were still holding her hand, and you promptly let go of it. "Thought we talked about you not doing that without asking," you scold, irritated.
Mantis apologized again. "I didn't mean to- I promise! You startled me and I just... sort of did it on instinct?"
You toss her a quick glance and see she genuinely just looks so sad to have disappointed you that you can't bring yourself to stay angry. Irritation now softened, you just repeat what you said earlier, "Never go near an unmarked van, 'kay? They're just not safe." You hoped she wouldn't ask why, as you weren't sure you cared to explain just what sort of horrible things you'd seen them be used for in the past.
She didn't. Mantis simply nods and the rest of the short walk back was silent. You considered texting Maria about the van so they could look into it just in case, but if it turned out to be nothing or wasn't even actually 'unmarked' (since you only saw the back half of one side) you didn't want the fallback, so you didn't.
When the two of you reached Peter and Kraglin you suggested that you all head back to the pizza shop to wait. They got the hint that you needed to cool down a little and so didn't speak much on the way back. Even Mantis restrained herself from her former excited antics, walking quietly beside Peter with her head down, and honestly you were starting to feel bad for yelling at her. Yes, she needed to be more careful, but she was just excited.
The pizzas were ready pretty much as soon as you walked through the door, and after paying you and walking to the car you asked Mantis if she wanted to be charged with the task of holding the pizzas on the way home. She seemed to perk up a bit at having been given a job, and you cracked at smile when she remarked how warm they were in her lap.
Mantis was less excited on the way home, and at first you thought she was still sad, but a glance backward made you smile when you realized the reason for her silence was that she had fallen asleep.
You guessed the heat from the pizza boxes combined with the rain that was now coming down around you, was just cozy enough to put her to sleep.
The rain had mostly let up by the time you got home and after Peter woke Mantis and brought the pizza's inside, you placed the pizzas in the oven to heat them back up a bit before eating, as the ride from town to home wasn't exactly short.
While you waited you presented Yondu with the lactose intolerance medicine.
"What's this?" he asked, looking at the bottle.
"It's something to keep you from shitting yourself to death after eating dinner," you reply cheekily.
Yondu narrowed his eyes at you.
"It's up to you though. You can always find something else to eat if you don't trust it."
He could smell the food, and it actually smelled pretty good. He also didn't feel like making something else for himself if there was already food made, so he shrugged his shoulders and took a dose. "This better work," he said, washing it down with some water.
"Yeah, for all our sakes," Peter quipped from behind the two of you, earning a glare from Yondu before exiting the kitchen with Kraglin and Mantis to tell the others you guys brought food back.
Now that it was just the two of you, you thought to ask, "Um, if it does work, I don't suppose this will count towards whatever favor I owe you?"
Yondu just laughed and shook his head before leaving the kitchen.
"I guess I should have expected that..." you say after him in response, slightly cringing at how obvious you were making it that you were nervous about what he might ask for in return for his 'services.' You weren't used to owing other people. It felt weird.
* * *
Dinner went pretty well.
Everyone enjoyed the pizza, even Yondu who'd made the previous complaint that 'Terrans put that 'dairy shit' in everything.' And surprisingly to you, Mantis actually didn't wind up pulling the pineapple or sweet corn off her pizza. Neither did Kraglin, who also had some of that half of the pie. More power to them, you supposed.
On the flip side, unsurprisingly Groot didn't eat much, considering his tiny size. He mostly picked the toppings off one of Rocket's slices. Or was it his own slice? You couldn't tell. All you knew was Rocket put two slices on one plate and sat Groot down with him on the countertop where Groot ate the toppings off the slice Rocket left on the plate and Rocket finished off the slice when Groot had his fill of the toppings.
Also, luckily for everyone, the lactose intolerance medicine worked for Yondu. Well, mostly.
You all weren't run out of the house like the previous incidents, but every so often throughout the evening as you were winding down in your room you could hear Kraglin loudly complaining and Yondu laughing from their bedroom across the hall, each time preceded by fart noises. You couldn't help but laugh and be grateful that the smell didn't waft over to your side of the hall, and that your door was also closed if it did.
Mantis was holding back giggles as well when Kraglin could be heard proclaiming that he was gonna go sleep in Drax and Rocket's room after the third or fourth time. Yondu was only heard laughing in response and making some quip about having the room to himself.
The two of you shared a look and you could tell she no longer thought you were mad at her for running off earlier, and you were glad. It made you feel better knowing she was no longer sad about the situation, but you still took the time then to apologize for yelling at her, and in turn she apologized for running off so many times.
All in all, the day seemed like a success to you. Nothing truly bad happened in town, no one argued at dinner, and you sprayed the house down with the spider repellent that evening so it was very unlikely you'd be finding anymore spiders in your bed anytime soon.
Speaking of spraying the repellent, it seemed Gamora had either convinced the others to tidy up around the house while you were gone, or she had done so herself as perhaps a thank you for agreeing to take Peter into town to give her some space, because you noticed the house definitely seemed cleaner than you left it as you went about spraying in the corners and windows with the repellent. You made a mental note to thank her in the morning.
You were in a pretty good mood, all things considered. Much better than the other day when you nearly punched Yondu in the face.
And with the house already seemingly cleaned, the only thing really left to do was to think about what you wanted to do tomorrow, but now that you thought about it, there wasn't really anything pressing that needed done. You could maybe try and take some time to do an inspection of that tunnel like you had been meaning to? Or you could just take a day to just do nothing? Spend the day outside, taking a walk through the woods while you can before the weather really starts getting colder?
Oh wait- Fury should be coming tomorrow for another check-in and restock. Guess that means both a day-long walk or tunnel inspection are out of the question. You should really be around and available when he shows up- whatever time that could wind up being. One of these times he's probably going to come at midnight just to keep you on your toes.
Although, thinking about it some more, it has been a few days since you played the remote prank on Peter... that should be able to keep you plenty entertained while you wait for Fury and Maria to come and go.
You should see about getting the remote back from Rocket tomorrow.
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oliviersilven · 8 months
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Agent Mantis. Sketch+Cintiq+Photoshop.
Blog: http://oliviersilven.blogspot.com/2023/10/agent-mantis.html TUMBLR: http://oliviersilven.tumblr.com/ All Artwork Copyright Olivier SILVEN
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heabybepponsboy · 1 year
He swung the crab bot against a pine tree whoopsy
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eisbee · 1 year
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Mantis, Oxxid, Taximi, Agent H & Agent B inquest screenshots. Oxxid belongs to @sytiart
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reyyanfromartemisia · 2 years
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Last words before Blip:")
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tacos-and-doodles · 8 months
*A praying mantis appears out of nowhere, then another*
*Then another*
*Until there are millions of praying mantises flooding the room*
*And the building*
[Agent Floor steps back] Oh. So that's what buggy was talking about. How lovely. I'm just gonna... leave them be..[She looks calm but is actually quite frightened. She doesn't like insects with long legs]
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johnmihombre · 2 years
sons of Ego in the mcu
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Two new Magical Robodoki Chapters Just Dropped- the finale of Rift in Time and a ghoulish halloween special!
First off, the finale of me and @weaponsdrawn's crossover series! Thanks for all the patience in chapter uploads lol.
And secondly, all hallows eve is the place where all hallow breaks loose, as the robodoki gang becomes their costumes!
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rassicas · 5 months
my general Side Order thoughts:
I don't have much of anything groundbreaking to say. I haven't publicly said much in relation to side order in the first place, i don't want to build up crazy expectations, and I've seen much of the fanbase making solid theories anyways. also there has been a lot less information compared to ROTM which is great, I don't want to be able to predict the whole story before the game comes out. I'd rather be surprised like i was with octo expansion! here I just want to put out my thoughts real quick so people know where I stand and that yes i am aware of the Hints and Foreshadowing
Marina's quote at the end of her interview in Splatune 3 is relevant of course, gives us a sense of what this whole world of order is. But did she build it this whole digital simulation, or was it something she found? (mix of both perhaps? found it, contributed to parts of it and it went out of her control?)
Mem cakes, agent 8, cerebral theming...very interested where this all goes. love all the references to OE keep em coming
People have been talking about this already, and the foreshadowing was acknowledged back in haikara walker in 2018. the hat logos on dedf1sh and paul gotta be connected to this thing.
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It'd be a huge waste for a more grown-up paul to not show up in s3, either as someone mentioned by Acht or for him to make some sort of musical return post side order.
Glen fiddler has always been interesting to me (in that i anticipated he would become plot relevant somehow) with how he was fully 3d modeled in his sunken scroll. im not 100% on if hes gonna be in side order but the copy machine connections in side order (the fish skeletons in splatoween, also the recent poster?) are sus
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^has to be agent 4. of course. seeing enemy inklings instead of enemy octolings sounds awesome btw
I'm expecting the inkopolis square hub to come back as a thing you can access post-game. pearl and marina splatfest concerts
iso padre please come back to me (maybe in said inkopolis square hub world)
who the fuck are you. not a mantis shrimp, looks too soft to be a crustacean to me. closest thing i can compare this to is a black dragonfish nymph but i kind of doubt it. maybe it is some guy who was created to manage things, like CQ to the deepsea metro?
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normal-horoscopes · 2 years
"nobody could ever have a take that dumb"
I once saw someone argue for hentai but against sex work because hentai was a genetic programming agent created by faeries/mantis space aliens (who are the same thing) to train humans to find weird bug eyed creatures attractive because the mantis aliens homeworld was decimated by space AIDS and they needed to use humans to repopulate their planet.
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malfunctioning-mantis · 7 months
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@the-valiant-valkyrie's chemistry test palette wheeeeeeeeeee
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jimintomystery · 2 months
MST3K's most wanted
I've been organizing my Mystery Science Theater 3000 collection, so I've become preoccupied with the handful of episodes that are not easily available, and the reasons why. In case in anyone else is interested, I thought I'd share what I've learned.
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For our purposes we'll be focusing on the ten seasons that aired on cable, from 1989 to 1999. With the post-2017 episodes, it's trivial to purchase them on home video or streaming. And the pre-cable stuff, from KTMA, is widely available as bootleg footage, which is probably about as good as you're ever going to get. But the episodes from the cable era have been notoriously difficult to re-release, and require special attention.
Of the 176 MST3K episodes that aired on cable, 166 have been released on home video, and 145 are available for streaming/download on the Gizmoplex. As someone who's been trying to collect the whole series since the 1990s, I think that's pretty impressive. But there are 40 episodes that have been particularly tricky. Let's take a look, won't you?
Currently available on the Gizmoplex, but never on home video (1):
913 - Quest of the Delta Knights
As I understand it, nobody was sure who owned the rights to this movie, or how to contact them, for years. The situation has only recently been cleared up, perhaps too late for a DVD release.
Currently available on the Gizmoplex, but out of print on home video (8):
203 - Jungle Goddess
317 - Viking Women and the Sea Serpent
319 - War of the Colossal Beast
510 - The Painted Hills
619 - Red Zone Cuba
806 - The Undead
808 - The She-Creature
912 - The Screaming Skull
It looks like all of these went out of print due to being on a set where a different episode's rights expired. Theoretically Shout Factory could re-release any of them in a "Lost and Found" set, but that may not be cost-effective as people move away from collecting physical media.
Currently available on home video and MST3K's official YouTube, but not on the Gizmoplex (1):
615 - Kitten with a Whip (Vol. 25 DVD, 2012)
Kitten is one of the Universal movies that could only be licensed for physical media. And yet, it's the only one I can find on the official YouTube channel. Beats me why that is.
Currently available on home video, but not on the Gizmoplex (16):
401 - Space Travelers (Vol. 32 DVD, 2015)
522 - Teen-Age Crime Wave (Vol. 33 DVD, 2015)
524 - 12 to the Moon (Vol. 35 DVD, 2016)
601 - Girls Town (Vol. 39 DVD, 2017)
605 - Colossus and the Headhunters (Vol. 38 DVD, 2017)
614 - San Francisco International (Vol. 32 DVD, 2015)
704 - The Incredible Melting Man (Vol. 36 DVD, 2016)
801 - Revenge of the Creature (Vol. 25 DVD, 2012)
802 - The Leech Woman (25th Anniversary Edition DVD, 2013)
803 - The Mole People (Vol. 26 DVD, 2013)
804 - The Deadly Mantis (Vol. 27 DVD, 2013)
805 - The Thing That Couldn't Die (Vol. 29 DVD, 2013)
814 - Riding With Death (Vol. 36 DVD, 2016)
815 - Agent for H.A.R.M (Vol. 33 DVD, 2015)
901 - The Projected Man (Vol. 30 DVD, 2014)
1013 - Diabolik (Vol. 39 DVD, 2017)
I was able to find the DVD sets listed above on Shout Factory's website. As far as I know, they'll remain in print for the foreseeable future, but there's no way to know how long that will last.
The general pattern with these episodes is that the movies are owned by major studios that would only license them for physical media. Columbia owns Teen-Age Crime Wave and 12 to the Moon. MGM owns Girls Town and The Incredible Melting Man. Paramount owns Diabolik. But the big player here is Universal, which controls the rights to Space Travelers, San Francisco International, Revenge of the Creature, Leech Woman, Mole People, Deadly Mantis, Thing That Couldn't Die, Riding With Death, Agent for H.A.R.M., and Projected Man.
The odd man out here is Colossus and the Headhunters; I can't find any info on who owns the rights to this film, which may be part of the problem.
The real hard cases, the stickiest of wickets, are below...
Released on home video, but now out of print (5):
212 - Godzilla vs. Megalon (Vol. 10 DVD, 2006)
309 - The Amazing Colossal Man (VHS, 1996)
910 - The Final Sacrifice (Vol. 17 DVD, 2010)
1001 - Soultaker (Vol. 14 DVD, 2009)
1012 - Squirm (Turkey Day Collection DVD, 2014)
Megalon and Colossal Man were both recalled when rights issues came up after they were released. Oops. These were produced by Rhino, back before Shout Factory took over.
The Final Sacrifice is particularly tough to find, even unofficially, because director Tjardus Greidanus is very aggressive about tracking down download links. I always figured someone was similarly possessive of Soultaker, since it's clearly a passion project, but that's purely my speculation.
The Turkey Day DVD set is still available on Amazon at a reasonable price, so Squirm is still relatively accessible for now.
Never released on home video or streaming (9):
201 - Rocketship X-M
213 - Godzilla vs. the Sea Monster
311 - It Conquered the World
416 - Fire Maidens of Outer Space
418 - Attack of the the Eye Creatures
807 - Terror from the Year 5000
809 - I was a Teenage Werewolf
905 - The Deadly Bees
906 - The Space Children
In 2017, Shout released its final (?) MST3K DVD collection, which included Satellite Dishes, a compilation of host segments from episodes that "may never get a legitimate release." This included the nine listed above, as well as The Amazing Colossal Man and Quest for the Delta Knights. Of course, Delta Knights eventually got a digital-only release, which is cause for a glimmer of hope. But the others are probably tougher nuts to crack.
Wade Williams owned the rights to Rocketship X-M and had a particular sentimental attachment to the film. His death in 2023 may make it easier to negotiate with his estate, but I wouldn't count on that being a swift process.
Godzilla vs. Megalon and Godzilla vs. The Sea Monster are part of a prestigious franchise, and it's remarkable MST3K got away with riffing on Godzilla movies in the first place. I get the impression that Japanese culture doesn't particularly appreciate the sort of mockery MST3K is known for, so the rights to these two movies may be a long, long shot. Then again I used to think there was no hope of for the Gamera episodes too.
Fire Maidens, Deadly Bees, and Space Children are owned by Olive Films, and currently licensed to Paramount. It's possible a deal can be made later on, but not until the current arrangement expires.
The major bugbear for MST3K fandom is Susan Hart, the widow of American International Pictures co-founder James Nicholson. One way or another the AIP catalog was split up and Hart laid claim to several of their films, including Amazing Colossal Man, It Conquered the World, Eye Creatures, Terror from the Year 5000, and Teenage Werewolf. Hart's price for licensing her movies is very high, and it seems Shout has given up negotiating with her. I suppose the situation could change when she passes away, but I'd feel rather silly hoping for an old woman to die just so I can pay 8 bucks to watch robots laugh at a werewolf movie.
In conclusion, I've already purchased all the movies available on the Gizmoplex (I got most of them in a Kickstarter reward package), and the 31 that aren't available there can be obtained by, ahem, other means. So it's a great time to be an MST3K fan, and I'm still amazed how easy it is to watch the show nowadays.
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wtfgaylittlezooid · 2 months
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Been seeing a lot of ship charts for AvA and decided to do a relationship chart instead for the Bug Fables AU! I thought it would be fun since I think about the AU all the time and I don't tend to do a lot of ship content for this fandom. That, and it can act as a quick glance to all the characters and their designs.
A few notes: Some of these designs are placeholders or WIPs, I'll update this as I finish up designs. Sprout is the Piglin Child, Entity is the Lucky Block Entity, Maroon is the Corn Dog Guy.
Herobrine, Sprout, Ochre, Maroon, and Ginger are designed by @tatos-stick-pile
And since mostly everyone is shown here, all the species will be under the cut! :D
Alan: Deadlander Omega Second: Tree Bumblebee Chosen: Bald-Faced Hornet Dark: Black and Red Mason Wasp Victim: Cordyceps fungus in a Locust host
Blue: Blue Ghost Firefly Yellow: Caddisfly Red: Convergent Ladybug Green: Grasshopper
Agent: Dragonfly Ballista: Bombardier Beetle Hazard: Oriental Cockroach Primal: Budwing Mantis
Purple: Mothfly / False Citizen King: Violin Mantis Gold: Mantis Nymph Navy: Hierodulas Mantis Orchid: Orchid Mantis Maroon: Ruby Tiger Moth Ochre: Scalloped Oak Moth Ginger: Ruby Tiger Caterpillar
Herobrine: Golden Orb Weaver Spider Spider: Tarantula Skeleton: Deathstalker Scorpion Endie: Water Strider
Sprout / Piglin Kid: Leafbug Entity / Lucky Block: Haunted Cloak / Watcher Titan Ravagers: Amazonian Giant Centipede Reuben: Chomper
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