#agents of shield season 7 spoilers
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7x05. She just called him dad
This show is doing the fucking impossible
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hiddenvioletsgrow · 9 months
And as I sleep on the other side of the country
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I wonder how it feels to be safe in the palm of your hand
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And I just want to go home
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I just want to go home
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multifandumbmeg · 1 year
SPOILERS SPOILERS SPOILERS even though the show ended years ago.
Top 5 Agents of Shield moments that somehow make me cry every fucking time:
5. Fitz' death
4. Framework Hope disappearing from Mack and Yoyo's arms.
3. The ending. When they all sign off the call.
2. Radcliffe's death in the Framework.
1. The Spy's Goodbye.
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thejuliettecai · 11 months
agents of shield has everything (out of context/vague spoilers)
man who's come back from the dead definitely over three times (once as a tv head)
flaming skull man who takes over multiple people
book with a corrupting influence
robot who creates another dimension kind of
scientists who get thrown into the bottom of an ocean, one gets lost in another planet in space, one will do anything to find the other planet
people who turn into stone cocoons
grandson of the two scientists come back from the future to the present then to the past which becomes his present
women dates man from ~70 years in the past who comes to her future
two spies who are dating but not really for 7 seasons
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screentime-princess · 11 months
I don't think there are spoilers in this but Spoiler Warning ig
Watching Secret Invasion, got me thinking about Agents of Shield and if it's really canon in the MCU or not. (I think it is) Because all of us are like literally clowning rn wanting to see Daisy or Coulson or literally anyone from AOS in the MCU like, actually in the MCU!
And I was thinking about it, since I know, show creators or Kevin mby said that it isn't cannon in the MCU, I don't remember really but it got me thinking: why wouldn't it be cannon? Because everything that happens is actually possible in the MCU (like time travel etc) and also it was really closely connected with the first few seasons (it was a spinoff from The Avengers c'mon). So like where in the show would it go away from being connected/canon in the MCU?!?! For me it only make sense maybe like around season 5 when Fitz died. Maybe, because that changed the entire thing in the show, like changed the future that they came from in 2049 was it, I don't remember I watched the show long ago so I don't remember everything really well.
If it is Fitz dying that would make it not canon, wouldn't the TVA then you know, do something about it?!
And we know from Loki that TVA does something when not canon stuff happens. So seasons 6 and 7 are what is suppossed to happen. Idk but I'm still clowning about seeing Daisy or Coulson or anyone actually in Secret Invasion because I want to see them again on my screen, like, I really wanna see them again and I know I can rewatch the show. Okay. I know, but it's a long show. So I'm not going to do it right now. I have exams.
So just like tell me your opinion, do you think it's possible to see Daisy or whoever in SI and in you opinion is AOS canon in the MCU or not? Idk
Also if you wanna talk about AoS or Secret Invasion I'm here :p
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typosandtea · 2 months
@rad-roche NOIR TIME! Turning my assignment in very late.
Agent Phil Coulson may not be a dame, but he does have a lot or weirdly specific things in common with Nick Valentine!
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Your tutorial post on pulp covers was wonderful! But this was so many kilometres out of my stylistic comfort zone that the entire time was like agh! what the hell am I doing?.?? (And why it’s taken over a week). I found a lovely cover for reference “The Deadly September” on the archive you have linked in the tutorial.
Below is things I had to adapt to achieve a similar effect in Procreate, the reference images I used and, the worlds’s most convoluted speed-paint. (Learning new things is messy!)
Also I’ve listed some of the weirdly specific similarities between Coulson and Nick! so SPOILERS for Agents of Shield seasons 1-6 (I haven’t gotten around to watching 7 yet, and agents of shield isn’t MCU canon anymore anyway) and Nick’s story / far harbour in Fallout 4! (Spoilers below the speed-paint)
Procreate edits:
Totally used the back button more than I should have. I think I changed brush at least 3 times and edited the texture layers way more before it got to a point I was even remotely happy with. The brush I ended up settling with was procreate’s “Tarraleah” in the ‘artistic’ category, unaltered.
Procreate does have screen layers so was able to use that as in the tutorial, I set my chosen grunge at 90% opacity after inversion.
The contrast / brightness layer was tricker since that’s not a feature in procreate (??????), after lots of messing around I found that filling a layer with black and setting it to “soft light” mode and 85% opacity brings the paper texture I used away from the overly white tones without messing with the colour too much.
Since procreate doesn’t support per layer colour dropper, I had all of the texture layers in a folder so it can be hidden with one click, though personally I tend to guess the colour I need on the wheel rather than use colour dropper, so hiding the texture wasn’t an issue for me so much.
The colour check layer was also a black filled layer but this was set to colour mode as in the tutorial.
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Good people at heart
Multiple life shattering, personality altering crisis each.
Experimented on against their will by a group with highly advanced technology resulting in their unethical resurrection. Institute for Nick and Fury’s project TAHITI / Guest Host for Coulson.
Consciousness placed into a Synth / Life Model Decoy after their death against their will (LMDs are marvel’s version of synths with all the ‘is it a person’ and ‘the infiltrators are ruining our organisation’ that come with that) both are in highly modified unique Synth/LMD hardware
Both have killed an enemy they have been hunting for years for nothing but revenge, Eddie Winter for Nick and Ward for Coulson. (Though nobody stays dead in agents of shield)
Part of the plot requires entering a simulation with other peoples memories. DiMA’s memories for Nick and the Framework for the shield crew.
A partner that they can’t see because one of them was murdered as collateral damage. Jenny for Nick, and Coulson is the dead one for Audrey (the cellist)
Betrayed at a great personal cost by the organisation they were upholding when the org. Is revealed to be corrupt/evil. Police being in on Winter’s scheme for Nick and shield being hydra for Coulson.
Key Mission requires strapping them into a memory machine and poking around their brains/memories. Nick with kellogg’s memories and Raina’s need of Coulson’s memories from after he died in New York (though Coulson’s is a lot more traumatic on account of him being human at the time and marvel’s memory machine being painful)
Intentional memory loss forced on them by a third party. Nick’s institute knowledge and Coulson’s unawareness of his resurrection by Fury.
So much trauma, they can’t catch a break.
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madhare0512 · 4 months
A Comprehensive List of Spideyfist Interactions (pt.7)
Hello and welcome back to: reasons Spideyfist is canon. A series where I take you through each episode of The Ultimate Spiderman and show you why I believe that Peter Parker and Danny Rand are dating in canon, or at least that they are each other’s favorites- and also give you commentary on the show itself as I do
Warnings for: episode spoilers, season spoilers, action/injury description, unsolicited commentary, probable cussing, violence, caps lock
this part features episodes 14 through 20 of season 2
S2E14 The Incredible Spider-Hulk
- No notable interactions
- Fuck SHIELD and their bullshit Hulkbusters
S2E15 Ultimate Deadpool
- I'm not gonna lie to you, in the process of making this post, Tumblr glitched and I lost a lot of progress, this episode and the entire episode above. I'm not rewriting it, so the gist of the first 2 minutes is: I don't like that Deadpool just stole the show and the audience from Peter because Peter is "boring." I also don't like how Fury has set up the team against Peter.
- taking deep, calming breaths Shooting your ally/trainee in the back is akin to telling them that you cannot be trusted or relied on. Fuck Coulson.
- "Not impressed." Yeah, well, you shot your trainee in the back with zero warning or previous experience. Fuck you.
- Also, you can only hear Sam and Ava laughing in the laugh track, so honorable spideypowerfist mentions. Also counts to spideyfist
- You're showing your fucking favoritism you asshole. Do fucking better
- You are spraying it RIGHT IN HIS FACE
- "Somone explain. Now." Nova goes to explain "NOT Nova" Reason number whatever why I don't ship them
- If Peter replaced Deadpool in the show does that mean that Deadpool was the leader before Peter?
- Listen, I fucking love Deadpool in the movies and the comics, from what I've heard, are fucking superb. In this iteration? No. No, I hate him. I hate Deadpool and SHIELD in this show
- There is WAY too much emphasis on this alleged agent for me to believe a word Deadpool says.
- Peter is being singled out for training and it's disGUSTING
- There are no snitches among the Ultimates. Not today anyhow
- Deadpool is a liar and master of manipulation
- My poor dumb boy
- Okay, the more I rewatch, the more it becomes clear to me that Deadpool and Peter are supposed to be parallels or mirrors
- "I'll give you 1000 bucks for your brain!"
- "Sleep them with the fishes"
- "Nice of you to finally visit my school" Forshadowing~~~
- Okay I hate him but he's funny
- SEE? SEE???
- Deadpool is scary when he's actually trying
- "How about telling me the truth?"
- Deadpool's origin story is so wack
S2E16 Venom Bomb
~ Is this the-? looks at the episode number Oh, no. Not yet, I think.
- Saving the teammates like a boss!
- The nightmares Peter must have every time he faces the Goblin
- In the fight, Danny strikes after Peter, which counts
- Danny and Peter are standing RIGHT next to each other after a battle againnnn
- Peter WANTS to be able to take the win, but he knows his adversaries too damn well for that
- Hey, they're standing right next to each other again!
- Peter doing his best with Harry when he's Spiderman
- Ock just gets weirder and weirder looking the more time goes on
- They're gonna study the fucking symbiote but not try to find a cure for Osbourn?
- Infectious Venom disease!
- Goblin being absolutely AWFUL to Venom
- Where's the team in all this??
- One of the worst things you can do to Doc Ock's character is pretend he's evil for fun. This show doesn't do that, but the fact still stands
- And again I say, people forget that Peter is an accomplished chemist just the same as he's a wonderful hero
- Because you're Spiderman and Spiderman is a hero and you're a wonderful, selfless, brave person, Peter Parker
- Peter and Ock working together lmao
- Peter’s a goof, I love him
- At least Peter gets his damn props
S2E17 Guardians of the Galaxy
- Oh!! This episode indirectly has big evidence!!
- Peter using his abilities to shove garbage into the can
- Okay, so remember how in The Journey of Iron Fist, Peter follows Danny to his home country to find out what's going on and get Danny back? That's not exactly what's happening here. Peter was accidentally abducted in this one
- Peter was so fucking respectful and kind when regarding Danny’s home country and turf, but when it's Sam, he's snarky and complains the whole damn time
- Rocket is just so fucking casual about this
- See, even under attack, Peter is complaining about Sam getting him in trouble!
- Peter demands answers from Sam, he didn't do that with Danny, he was very calm and respectful when asking for answers with Danny
- Peter doesn't listen to a WORD Sam says ever, he's oblivious and not a good listener, reason number whatever why I ship what I ship
- It's literally only after he figures out Earth is a target that Peter decides to work with the Guardians
- Peter gives these "Ki-ya!" shouts that sound almost exactly like Danny’s
- This episode and The Jouney to K'un L'un are literally parallels
- Even if he doesn't LIKE Sam, Peter still considers Sam a friend, still loves Sam as a brother
- Peter didn't accept Danny going back to K'un L'un for a single second, but when Nova says he wants to stay with the Guardians, Peter accepts it without hesitation
- And then once Sam's back on Earth, Peter's right back to fucking with him like nothing ever happened
S2E18 The Parent Trap
- No notable interactions
-One of my favorite things that Luke does is he just fucking throws people for funzies. That's his whole thing, he THROWS people when he's fighting and needs to team up
- We're going through the team's backstories this season, which I think it's fun, and it's actually kinda funny
-Yes, Peter, 'parents' parents
-They're so fucking biased against Peter and it pisses me off
-I love the way these guys protect and look after each other, it's super cute and lovely
-See this is what happens when you start harping on your teenage heroes. They start ignoring you and don't listen when you try to offer important information
-Luke wanting a perfect reunion is so fucking relatable
-Spiderman only calls his friends by name on missions when it's important or in an emergency, the team members who know his identity don't call Peter by name unless off mission
S2E19 Stan By Me
-No notable interactions
S2E20 Game Over
-Danny talks about how fun the LMDs are and Peter immediately starts going into detail.
-I love that the team gets to go all out here
-Danny wants to retreat, Peter says "looks like we're gonna have to 'assess' with our fists" which I count because Peter's not the kind of guy to retreat even if it's deadly and he talks like he was going to agree
-Annd we're in a slow zoom (in the ready room lol) and Peter and Danny are sitting right next to each other
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cogentranting · 10 months
I think that the idea of the found family splitting up at the end is an idea that can work but there are some specific things that make it work.
First of all, the time frame has to be right. If the story that brought them together is too short, it doesn't work. If they came together, did one thing, and then split apart, then the idea that they became a family doesn't hold weight. So typically if the story is one movie or one book, splitting the family doesn't work. But if it's a series (tv show, multiple movies, multiple books) then you can have them together for quite a while. They didn't just come together for a task and then split up once they didn't need each other anymore. They were together for a while and chose to be around each other repeatedly.
Secondly, the splitting up has to be of the GROUP but not the FAMILY. It can be that they may never all live or work together again, but done right the idea becomes that they were a team/group first and that brought them together and they became a family but then the need for the group passed, but they remained a family. It's tricky to give a proper sense of this because typically the splitting up comes at the end of whatever story, and this focuses on the idea of what comes after. But when it's achieved it becomes a mimicking of certain family patterns-- you're raised together, you grow up as family, but then as you get older life leads you in different directions. People move to different houses (or cities or countries), people get married and form new connections, things arise that put that distance between you. But in a healthy family situation, that connection remains and you still are in each others lives.
Third, there has to be some sort of natural reason for the parting. It can't just be 'well we're done so I guess I'm going to go because there's no reason to stay'.
A couple examples:
(Spoilers for each within their section) Agents of Shield-- 1. Time frame- the team in some iteration or other has been around for 7 years (give or take) by the end. During that time they've lived together and repeatedly have chosen to come back together if they've been separated, and there hasn't been one specific thing they all need to accomplish that forces them together. Its all been choice. 2. Finality- Two things put this slightly into question with AOS. One there's a sort of prophecy spoken midway through the final season that the entire team will never be all in one place again after this mission. Two, the final get together scene indicates they don't do that often and their meet up only lasts a few minutes. However, the impression I get from the finale is that all of the team members are still in frequent contact even if the group is big enough and doing diverse enough things that its hard to get everyone in the same room very often. But they clearly still care about each other, they clearly still know the details of each others lives. They're still family. They've just spread out. (and as for the prophecy the specific inclusion of Deke who has to make the sacrifice of staying behind in another timeline means that there is the allowance of everyone BUT Deke getting together at various points in their future). 3. Purpose- Leaving the Shield team feels natural. Fitz and Simmons are retiring to raise their daughter. May is moving into a new position. Coulson needs to go find himself. And then we split Mack and Yoyo from Daisy and her new part of the family (Kora and Daniel) to form two new teams (like two siblings who get married and form their own households).
Guardians of the Galaxy-- 1. Time Frame- The Guardians actively live together in close quarters from 2014 to 2025/2026. That's 6 or 7 years for the majority of the team (minus 5 for the blip) and 11 or 12 for Nebula and Rocket. The adventures we see in the movies that bring them together are each of the span of maybe two weeks at the MOST. The rest of those years is just daily lives and daily adventures together. 2. Finality- Peter and Mantis leave in the most real way and neither of them expresses it necessarily as permanent. Even though it doesn't seem they intend to rejoin the Guardians down the road, they probably will eventually return to Knowhere. In the meantime, Nebula and Drax have left the team but Knowhere still likely will be the home base (or at least a frequent stop) for the new Guardians team, so Rocket and Groot will still see them regularly. And with the ease of travel for these characters, there's nothing to suggest that they won't talk frequently, and visit each other whenever they can. They aren't all Guardians anymore but that doesn't mean they aren't family still. 3. Purpose- All of the endings fit for the characters. Nebula and Drax have clear new roles on Knowhere, Peter has family responsibilities he has to face, Mantis has to go make her own choices. And, much like Shield, Rocket's formation of a new team mirrors a family member moving out and forming a new household of their own, raising their own kids.
Six of Crows/Crooked Kingdom-- This one doesn't totally work for me. It only works in part. Specifically, Inej, Jesper, and Kaz feel like a found family by the end, the other three don't. Wylan's connection is mostly to Jesper so he feels more like an in-law. Nina feels close as a friend, but not fully as family. And Matthias is only connected through Nina. 1. Time frame- this is a big part of the reason why I've narrowed to only three. Inej, Jesper, and Kaz have the most history. At the start of the books they have been working together already for some time. So the specific two part adventure of the books doesn't force them together, it just strengthens the bond. The time frame itself is unclear, but it does seem to be multiple years. In contrast, Matthias and Wylan ONLY have the span of a few weeks with the team. (We could give Matthias a break on this because he dies so there isn't the option of sticking around longer, but I think the indication is that while he had some level of bond with the other characters, it was mostly just him and Nina who were close, and they intended to go off on their own at the end if he had survived). Wylan also seems to be the driving force behind Jesper leaving at the end. Nina is a little more complicated since (if I'm remembering the books correctly) she had some level of connection with the team before the start of Six of Crows. 2. Finality- Here we have a sequel to give us a glimpse via the King of Scars duology. Rule of Wolves shows very clearly that Kaz is still in contact with Jesper and Wylan (however, to me, this seems pretty clear that the relationship is between Kaz and Jesper, and that any contact Kaz has with Wylan is incidental.) Contact with Inej is harder (because she's sailing around being awesome, not living in a house across town) but the care and connection is still there. Nina by contrast, seems to have very little contact with any of the team at any point after the end of Crooked Kingdom (and with her, it's not a cameo appearance, she gets a third of those two books). Circumstances are at play since she's a spy and then living under an assumed identity, but even her mentions (both out loud and in her inner monologue) of the others are pretty limited and usually specific to skills she learned from them. Matthias is dead and that's pretty final. 3. Purpose- All of them have pretty good reasons for leaving, none of them just seem to drift away (apart from maybe Wylan).
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lifeofashieldagent · 6 months
Loki spoilers.
Watching the Loki finale and this is reminding me so much of Agents of SHIELD Season 7 Episode 9 "As I Have Always Been"
Which is great, cause I absolutely love this episode so far. But I also wish marvel would acknowledge agents of shield and how amazing that show is.
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azurecanary · 1 year
Alright, since i haven't to hand in anything else for college (yet) I'd figure I'd spend some time developing some fics I've had bubbling in my head for a while. I can't guarantee a length of time that they'll be written and published, but this gives me The responsibility to start working on one or more.
So i thought I'd place a poll of the different fic ideas i have to see which is more popular so i can decide which gets priority. The options are:
1. Agents of SHIELD S5 (and maybe 6&7) rewrite (includes Ben as a mainstay character and defocusing on Fitzsimmons among other changes that I'II happily elaborate if asked)
2. Tyler Lockwood/Josh Rosza fic (basically Tyler sticks around for all of S1 and he and Josh bond and get together, focuses on those two as protags)
3. Post TVD canon wherein Bonnie and Jeremy break away from the MFG and get some more exploration in terms of powers and romance Bonnie explores more uncommon types of magic and meets a female witch, Jeremy learns he can still see Tyler and now has a connection to a deeper afterlife
4. Young Justice Season 5 stories mainly focusing on the Outsiders (Cassie/Wonder Girl, Tim/Robin, Jaime/Blue Beetle, Virgil/Static, Bart/Kid Flash, Ed/ El Dorado, Courtney/Stargirl, Steph/Spoiler, Kara/ Supergirl)
5. Protean City finale in Apocalypse Sonata style tying up all the loose ends and character arcs that the podcast deprived me of (istg, if only one person votes for it I'll still write it, cause let's be real this fandom is basically an endangered species atp) (focuses on Night Owl, Puck, Arcana, Crosswind, Sohcahtoa and Frequency and the assorted ships within)
I can't promise they'll all have a single cohesive story, in fact there's a good chance it'll be anthology style, but I have not written before so this is completely new territory.
And one more reminder, i can't guarantee WHEN these will be made, this is just so i know what people want the most.
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MARVEL'S AGENTS OF SHIELD || s07e06 "Adapt or Die"
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abittersweetraisin · 11 months
Buffy & SHIELD.
I have finally finished watching Agents of SHIELD. 🥳🎉 I need to begin by saying i loved how the show was written. How some things that we saw one season came later and took a different meaning. That last episode in season 6 and then that last episode in season 7. The people in the jumpsuits.... i really wasn't expecting that. I also loved the character's personalities. They were well defined. I LOVED May. She was my top favorite character. Ming-Na Wen did a fantastic acting job. Fitz was adorable. I wanna marry him.
Through the episodes i noticed some parallels with Buffy, the vampire slayer. Little surprise since Joss Whedon created both shows. Here i wanna list some of the things i noticed. Since i started watching the show a good while ago I may have forgotten some things, i hope i'm not exxagerating with some of the things,... we'll see.
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Do not continue reading if you haven't fully watched both series. There will be spoilers.
-The first thing i'll list is very obvious. The father-daughter relationship between Buffy and Giles is the same Coulson had with Daisy. Both men started as mentors but in time became father figures. -The second one may be seen as an exaggeration from me, but... in Shield's season 3, all the people who were inhumans got their powers awakened. That reminded me of Buffy's final season when all the potential slayers received their power. -The use of robots. Aida was supposed to be like Ultron, yet in the beginning she reminded me of robot Buffy and that girl, April. (Warren's "girlfriend".) -The ascension. That was how the major called the ritual to become a pure demon back in Buffy's season 3. But that word was used by Ward back in season 3. And by Izel in season 6.
-Speaking of Izel. She was referred as "the beast". Same 'title' given to Glory in Buffy's season 5. And the similarities in their plans. Glory was after the key (Dawn) to open the gate so she could go back to her dimension. Izel wanted to find the keys (the monoliths) to open the gate for her people to cross over to our world. -Oh, and the fear dimension that the monoliths opened in Shield's season 5, was very similar to the one on that episode in Buffy's season 1 with that boy in comma. -The framework in Shield's season 4, that reminded me of that episode with the alternate universe in Buffy season 3 when Anya granted Cordy that wish. -And what about all those times Buffy and Coulson died? Buffy died... twice for sure and other two times that are debatable. She died in season 1 and season 5. But then she died in that alternate universe in season 3 (the wish) and in season 6 when Willow brought her back after she got shot by Warren. And Coulson, he was killed by Loki, then in season 5. Then he sortof came back in season 6 and died again. And sortof came back again in season 7 and died again. -Finally. In season 5, Buffy suddenly has a sister. Similar thing than when in season 7 Daisy learns she had a sister.
I feel like i'm forgetting something... I'll update this list if i remember something else. Bottom line, both were great series. 😊
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wait you like marvel,,,and agents of shield???
what episode were you/are you watching?
-🍋 (who has watched all 7 seasons,,)
I am on S5:E3 “A Life Spent” currently. I am really enjoying it but I have to take breaks because I struggle to process everything and it goes so fast.
I have watched almost every marvel movie/series (apart from she-hulk, I just didn’t find it that interesting looking, plus there may be more that I’ve missed? I prefer watching the older movies over and over. Oh, and some I haven’t watched because they’re not available on streaming platforms/in the UK, for example some of the Spider-Man movies I haven’t seen).
I love agents of shield so much! I almost didn’t watch it because it’s new and I didn’t know most of the characters but I am super loving it :D
P.S. no spoilers please! (just joking 😄)
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len-psychofr · 2 years
Agents of Shield Season 5 spoilers
Just finished season 5 and when I tell you I AM BROKEN
Not because of Coulson, don't get me wrong, I love him
But FITZ ??? I'M CRYING, my biggest comfort character I-
Usually my comfort characters always end up dying and I had hopes that Fitz would make it alive, I mean, 5 seasons--
I'm gonna need comfort fics, platonic fics, fix it fics I don't care, I'm gonna shift my ass to hug him until his bones pop help please I can't stop crying
I know there's season 6 and 7 and they talked about the fact that he got cryogenized (?) but dude- I just want him back plz
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where-dreamers-go · 3 years
"For Luck" Deke Shaw x Reader
(A/N: Here's as little tiny Drabble I wrote last month using the 'a kiss for luck' prompt I found.)
"Are you sure about this...uh, sir?" You stood off to the side as Deke packed his newest invention into a duffle bag.
"Don't worry. I've tested it and ran all the necessary tests." He caught your look of uncertainty. "Hey. We need this out in the field. It'll work." He slung the strap over his shoulder.
You nodded. "The team should be ready by now."
"Alright." Deke started walking towards the door. "You're on comms today."
Stopping abruptly at your use of his first name, he turned around.
You hurried to his side and pressed a quick kiss to his cheek. "For luck."
A wide grin brightened the room.
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Mack giving Sousa the shovel talk HAHAHAHA omg
“Not just me. This team. And we have technology at S.H.I.E.L.D. that-”
I would LOVE to see more interaction between this duo lol
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